#Elrian Lavellan
feralrosie · 10 months
I miss Dragon Age but like... In the very specific, canon-free way I made up in my mind once.
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raymurata · 5 years
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OC kiss month at #Zevraholics Anonymous.
Li Na and Attie ( @apostatetabris ) Alec and Tamaris ( @aubergion ) + drabble Alec adn Elrian ( @dierosenrot ) Alec and Kallian ( @madamsnark ) + drabble  Alec and Tavaris ( @angstofdestiny ) 
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feralrosie · 2 years
you must draw your beautiful mayonnaise siblings
I felt things while drawing, thank you
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feralrosie · 3 years
I updated my oc page so now y’all have to see it
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feralrosie · 4 years
tagged by @hurl-a-can​ thanks dear! Tagging: the same people I just tagged because I’m bullying you  @queerbrujas @narrativefoiltrope  @brightningstar  @m-m-m-myysurana @snarky-warden  @nataliesewll  @strawberryrats  @gothlilly 
(I randomised the ocs because I couldn't choose only one of my children by myself)
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B A S I C S :
Full Name: Elrian Lavellan
Gender: Cis male
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/him
O T H E R :
Family: Eryn Surana (sister), Ellana Lavellan (cousin), Fen’an Lavellan (father) and Athelanna Lavellan (mother)
Birthplace: Free Marches
Job(s): is Inquisitor a job
Phobias: Losing people (opsie), getting lost
Guilty Pleasures: Fashion from Tevinter and Orlais
Hobbies: Reading, playing ocarina, riding
M O R A L S:
Moral alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T :
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved (both because that’s part of his character development)
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
OTP: Eldorado aka Elrian x Dorian
Acceptable ships: Honestly? I’ve never thought about any other ships for him. I guess he wouldn’t mind having some fun with Cullen, tho.
OT3: None
BROTP: Varric, Harding and Ellana 
NOTP: asuhdaisuhd I guess Solas? Just. Because.
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feralrosie · 4 years
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I was tagged by @raymurata and I’m a show-off so here’s my Warden Eryn and my Inquisitor Elrian made with artbreeder. 
Not 100% what I imagine my ocs to be but I can’t edit pics even if just to add some elf ears lol Honestly I’m just glad that they look like siblings and I love them.  Gonna tag @zevranstattoos @imjustasadsong @mrtethras to fool around a lil bit and post any of their ocs too! 💖
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feralrosie · 5 years
Lullabies at Night
Fandom: Dragon Age Relationships: M!Lavellan/Dorian Pavus Rating: General Audiences Tags: Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3
Skyhold was hardly ever quiet, even during the coldest hours of the night and, Maker, it was cold. Dorian woke up with the sound of wind escaping through the door and a chilly shiver running down on his spine. He looked for the blankets, patting the bed around him, but suddenly realized there was more missing. Sitting on the bed in a startle, he found himself alone in the Inquisitor's bed. Took a few seconds of drunken thought, but he quickly stepped out of the bed to change into proper clothing and leave the room, avoiding the looks of occasional guardsmen who were chatting in low voices. There were few torches lit at that time, so Dorian could easily sneak past them while looking around the castle—not that he needed to, but wished to avoid gossips later. Anything related to his relationship with the Inquisitor seemed to be specially tasteful for the tongues of nobles in Skyhold.
He searched everywhere and begun to really worry for his lover. Would he leave the castle all by himself? Or was he back to his bedroom? Where else could he be hiding? The mage looked around once more, standing in the middle of the central courtyard. His gaze fell on the main gate, which led to the longest bridge he'd ever seen in any old castles, and noticed that one of the escape doors was slightly open. Lifting one eyebrow, he followed that lead, taking the road on the bridge to reach the lonely tower that watched over for the rest of the castle, despite not being used by the Inquisition's forces at the moment. As he approached, he thought he heard a soft lullaby playing in distance and every new step confirmed there was indeed music playing on top of the tower. The door was open and the stone staircase was large enough for it not to be claustrophobic, so Dorian got up the tower fast and in silence. On the last level, where the stairs met the battlement's floor, he peaked through, wishing to have a look on what was happening.
His Elven lover was sitting on one of the large crenels between the even larger merlons, hugging his knees with his arms while his hands held an ocarina. He was playing the most lonely lullaby, soft and slow, echoing into the night. His golden curls were loose and seemed like dancing with the cold breeze, following the movements of the green cloak he had wrapped around his shoulders. Dorian had never noticed that cloak, but it looked old and overused, showing up a few tears here and there, but nothing that could not be fixed by skilled hands. The full moon was shining over his pale skin and hair, like his whole body was made of polished marble. It was a delightful sight.
The inquisitor did not seem to notice as the man stood a few centimeters behind him, enjoying the music. Dorian thought it felt like a song a mother would sing to her children after telling them that their father could not come back home and was watching them from the stars. His heart skipped a beat and he let the thought perish.
"I did not know you could play" he said finally in a tender voice. Elrian jumped harshly on a startle, almost letting his ocarina fall off the battlement, but the mage behind him was quick to hold it in the air, chuckling softly. "I am sorry, Amatus. I did not mean to scare you"
"Dorian!" he cried in some sort of relief "Don't creep behind me like this, I could have fallen down"
"A risk that could easily be avoided if you have stayed in bed with me" Dorian approached, leaning down to rest the weight of his body on his arms against the parapet where his lover was seated "What troubles you?" his voice was soft but still packed with concern.
The inquisitor bit his lip, looking away, "I just couldn't sleep. Had a dream and woke up"
"A nightmare? Do you wish to talk about it?"
"Not a nightmare. It was a good dream." he sighed, then continued in a low voice, trying to not sound too sad "I was back at my clan. It was summer and we were celebrating someone's birthday, dancing and feasting. My father was showing tricks to the little children, they loved his magic. And my mother was calling me and trying to put flowers on my hair." he smiled and his eyes glittered as tears came to life.
"I am sorry, Amatus" Dorian reached for the other's hand, but Elrian was quick to turn his palm up to show the glowing anchor underneath his skin.
"I hate this thing." he confessed, "And yet I'm grateful I can do some good to the world because of it. I just wish I could do more." he closed his hand on a tight fist "I wish I could have saved them"
Dorian slid his hand over the elf's wrist and made his way to hold his hand, opening his fist softly to tangle their fingers together, "Your family would be very proud of you, Elrian. Do not think otherwise. Their love did not fade away"
"I… know" he wrapped the cloak more around his body, as if trying to shrink his own size "I just miss them so much"
The Tevinter said nothing, for there was nothing else to be said. He passed his right arm around Elrian's body and held his left hand with his own, spooning him and resting his head on his lover's shoulder, kissing it softly. They stood there for a couple minutes before Dorian begun to shake a bit, still not used to the Ferelden cold.
"Shit, I'm sorry, Vhenan. Get in here" Elrian chuckled, opening the cloak and putting over Dorian's shoulders as well.
"Thank you for acknowledging my presence here" he provoked, joking, and hug the elf underneath their improvised blanket, still standing up on the battlement behind. "I've never seen you wear this one. Where did you get it?"
Elrian smiled, caressing the green fabric along the lines of golden embroidery that formed the pattern of vines. "I was wearing it at the Conclave. My mother gave it to me when I got my vallaslin and it was my only fancy piece back home. It survived that night's events pretty well, I think"  
"It is beautiful." Dorian was also appreciating the details "I take the ocarina was also with you that day?"
"It was. It was my father's. Have I ever told you about them?"
"I don't think so." he tightened the embrace "but I would love to hear"
Elrian smiled tenderly. "My mother was a hunter. She taught me how to fight and survive in the woods if I ever needed to. And my father was the Halla Keeper, First to our clan. I was the Second and therefore had to learn both from him and from our Keeper. He told me how to take care of the Hallas and how they seemed to enjoy the sound of the ocarina, so if one of them got lost I could play and let it come back on its own. I enjoyed it just as much. Once all my friends made fun of me because I spent a whole afternoon playing and by night there were dozens of Hallas around me, sleeping" he laughed to himself "They told me I was so boring that not even the animals could stay awake"
"Oh, how dare them?" Dorian laughed.
"When I turned 16, I was convinced my vallaslin would be Ghilan'nain's, the mother of Hallas" he continued "But it was Mythal's, the great protector. At the time I was reluctant and not sure if I was worth it. From that day on, my free time was consumed by extensive lectures from both my father and the Keeper, since I was bound to assume the clan's guidance someday. I think I was failing, to be honest"
"Why do you think that?"
"I was too soft and insecure. Still am, I guess. My father sent me to the Conclave so I could put all my training to test and deal with it all by myself. And when I was made Inquisitor, he sent me a letter saying he always knew I had the soul of a Keeper and was sure I could assume the responsibility. My mother also wrote this letter and said they were very proud. She also told me to be respectful but not bow my head"
"Excellent advise. In my opinion, you are following it just right." Dorian placed a few more kisses on the Inquisitor's shoulder "Sounds like they were great people, I'd loved to have met them"
"My mother would have loved you. She loved all my friends and boyfriends, as long as they took good care of me"
"And do I?" he mumbled, caressing Elrian with his lips.
"More than you can imagine" the answer came in a low and loving voice, the type that usually accompanied blushing. Dorian didn't need to look at his face to know he had colour on his cheeks.
"What about your father? Would he also have approved us?"
"You're from Tevinter, Vhenan" he chuckled as it was an obvious counterpoint.
"Oh, right" he laughed.
"But eventually he would, yes" Elrian leaned down to steal a kiss from his lover's lips "You'd always be welcome"
"That's good to know, Amatus. I mean it" he whispered against his lips "Not only were you destined to make yourself great, but you were also raised as such" he moved away so their eyes could meet "Do not doubt yourself. Your roots are stronger than you think and I trust my life to your leadership and reason. You may think you're too soft, but a passionate heart is greater than the strongest army"
"Thank you, Vhenan" the elven mage whispered back, smiling, but letting a rogue tear run down his cheek.
"Now, now, don't do that. You know I'm awful with feelings" he wiped the tear out, taking the chance to also caress Elrian's face and hair "Say, why don't we go back to your room and you play to me that boring song that makes cattle sleep? We can put it to test"
Laughing, Elrian got down of the crenel "You're a jerk"
"So I'm told. Also spectacularly handsome"  
Both of the men walked side by side, holding hands in the most soft manner, whispering jokes for one another. Elrian also took his cloak off to cover his lover's shoulders and shield him from the cold, which was accepted without ceremony. Back at the Inquisitor's room, Elrian discovered that stroking Dorian's hair was just as effective to put the man to sleep as that lullaby was for the Hallas.
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feralrosie · 4 years
Fandom: Dragon Age
Relationships: M!Lavellan/Dorian Pavus
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Hurt/Comfort
"What troubles you?" his voice was soft but still packed with concern.
The inquisitor bit his lip, looking away, "I just couldn't sleep. Had a dream and woke up."
"A nightmare? Do you wish to talk about it?"
"Not a nightmare. It was a good dream."
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feralrosie · 5 years
A gift for @angstofdestiny for our discord server's event. Hope you like it, darling ❤️
"Why are we doing this to my hair if yours is just as blond?" Tavaris asked in a slightly anxious mumble, making all sorts of uncomfortable expressions while Eryn applied a homemade conditioner to his locks. 
"Because yours is longer, so if this recipe goes wrong and you suffer from a chemical cut, at least you'll still have some hair left" she joked, reaching for a comb on top of her messy apartment's dinner table.
"I swear to the Gods that I will murder you if something bad happens" the threat came from between his clenched teeth.
It took her several minutes to finish combing the long silky locks, and by the time she was braiding it, their talk was interrupted by a door opening in a hurry and a young man running from one of the rooms. His wrinkled pajamas and a sleepy, desperate, face gave it away that someone overslept.
"Good morning, sunshine" greeted Eryn, still focused on her friend's hair "Late for class?" 
"Yes! Why didn't you wake me-" Elrian cut off when he laid his eyes on the other man, who was staring back at him, from head to toes. He blushed "Hi Tav" 
"Good morning, kid" he smiled, just when Eryn released his hair "Do you want a ride? I can take you to your campus" 
"Oh no, I don't wanna bother" 
"It's ok, it's gonna be a pleasure" he threw the braid over his shoulders, letting it sit on his chest. The younger man nodded and ran back to his room, rushing his morning routine the fastest he could. When he went back to the living room, wearing a perfectly straight blue vest and having his hair nicely tied up in a bun, Tav raised an eyebrow "How do you do that?" 
"Do what?" 
Tavaris shaked his head, letting go off the thought that Elrian was impressive good looking. Eryn, sipping on her coffee by his side, noticed and chuckled. "Let's go" he said, putting on his leather jacket and heading to the door "Thank you again, Eryn" 
"My pleasure, honey" she smiled as he left. Looking at her brother, she winked, trying to say something that Elrian did not understand.
Both men went to Tavaris' motorbike, parked right in front of the building. Tav insisted that Elrian wore his only helmet, and so they rode away. The younger elf was holding the other's waist tightly from behind, and even through the helmet, Elrian could smell the sweet perfume of Tavaris' long hair, leaning a little closer to appreciate it more. In the front, Tav tried to focus on the road, but Elrian's grip around his body was too strong to go unnoticed. Even the feeling of his chest over his back was distracting enough. Still, he wanted to take the longest route, if only the younger wasn't late…
When they arrived at the university campus, Elrian got off the bike and took the helmet off. "Thank you for the ride, Tav" 
"Anytime, Elrian" he answered "I hope your fancy clothes are not too messy now" he joked, running a hand over the other's chest to straighten the wrinkles caused by the wind. Both blushed. 
Shyly, the younger elf handed the helmet back to its owner "I… Can I get you a coffee sometime?" 
Tav smiled in the corner of his lips "Sure, I would love to" 
"Good!" Elrian answered in a rush "Good. See you later, then" trying to not think too much, he leaned closer and placed a kiss on Tav's cheek, feeling the blood running to his own face, colouring it even more. He left before Tav could say anything, entering the university's building. 
Left alone, Tav bit his lips, feeling his cheeks burning red, a little stunned. He heard a group of girls chuckling nearby and, avoiding their eyes, said to himself "Shit" before covered his face with the helmet and riding away again.
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feralrosie · 5 years
For OCs of your choice (gimme all of them lol) 6, 21, 49, 61, 72, 82 °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Yay, lots of numbers! ♥ Thank you, honey! 
100 OC Asks
6. What do they like to wear?
Eryn got used to the Circle robes, so she actually does not enjoy tight pants lol she usually goes with more hippie-boho pants with light fabrics, but what she really enjoy is wearing dresses. Elrian, on the other side, enjoys having a fit silhouette and, given the opportunity, he will have a scarf across his torso. He also loves embroidery and will often steal Dorian’s capes and shirts to look fancier.
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Eryn loves the summer, despite using ice magic regularly. She loves to feel the heat on her skin, specially because her hands and feet are always so cold.Elrian has no preference, but he enjoys when it is cold and sunny, but if he’s going to stay indoors all day, he will really appreciate a thunderstorm.
49. Do they like surprises?
They both do! But they reaction are totally opposite. If it is like, a surprise party and people scare them, Eryn will probably accidentally freeze someone as a defense mechanism while Elrian will hide himself behind a wall of fire. But for other kinds of surprises, like gifts or nice gestures, Elrian will probably just blush and thank you a lot while Eryn will act like a puppy, jumping on spot and hugging whoever was surprising her.
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
like if they’re quarantined? lol  Elrian enjoys drawing and playing the ocarina. He will also ask Dorian to read something to him just because he enjoys the sound of his voice. Eryn would probably try to distract herself by reading lots of books until she gets bored by that as well. Then she will find any garden to take care of, until she also gets bored by that. Then she will go for a walk, until-
72. Are they allergic to anything?
Not that they’re aware of, no
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Back on the Circle, Eryn tried to have a morning routine of exercises by running up and down the stairs, but since she’s out of there, she doesn’t do it on purpose, she’s just really active the whole day, always on movement. Elrian kinda did the opposite, because when he was still with the Lavellan clan, he wouldn’t ever exercise on purpose, but as an Inquisitor he developed the habit of doing so from time to time, even if it’s just to stretch his body with a messy yoga.
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seren-rees · 10 years
The Epilogue
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seren-rees · 10 years
"You are the toughest, wisest, most beautiful person I've ever met Kadan..."
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