#i may or may not be tagging them just to test the character tag for Amira
animalinvestigator · 1 year
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dark spore kids
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tragedykery · 2 years
this might be a bit disjointed but alright
so. over the course of the series, mai is never shown to be loyal to anyone but herself. she chooses to go with azula simply because she’s bored, not out of obligation or pressure or loyalty to either the fire nation or azula. as shown by the wall sludge quote she refuses to compromise her own values (for lack of better word) even if it conflicts with the loyalty that’s expected of her, or if it means physical harm for her.
ty lee’s loyalty, on the other hand, is a little more complicated. what it boils down to is that it depends on whether you think loyalty through intimidation is still loyalty (not that it matters, because azula can’t tell the difference anyway). up until the boiling rock, ty lee’s only motivation is survival. she chooses to go with azula because she threatened/manipulated her into doing that.
so, at the boiling rock, mai either a) chooses her loyalty to zuko over her (presumed but not actually there) loyalty for azula, or b) chooses her values over her self-preservation again.
and for the first time in the show, ty lee chooses something else over survival: her love and/or loyalty for mai (both of which azula never would have expected). she either 1) breaks her loyalty to azula right there, or 2) shows azula the emptiness of the place where she always assumed ty lee’s loyalty to be (while it was never there to begin with).
I forgot where I was going with this but tbh any of those options are really interesting in the sense of like. change vs continuity. the situation of tbr is both similar to and different from ones they’ve already experienced. mai and ty lee either “break” their presumed loyalty by choosing something different for the first time, or by doing the exact same thing they have already done before while only the situation is different.
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flappingdragon · 7 days
Hcs of all the brothers with an MC who has too much stamina to tire them out and beg the MC to stop?
A/N: Sorry that it’s a “bit” late, but I did manage to get it done! Also, OMFG YES PLEASE. Hopefully I kept within range of your request with the bros. I tried to stay on task! I also depicted the MC to go rough and hard on the brothers so hopefully that's to your taste.
Rating: NSFW
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Warning(s): Gender Neutral MC, no genitalia descriptions for MC but there is mentions of creampies, no pronouns for MC, no description of MC’s body or personality, bottom/sub brothers, top/dom MC
Other Tags: Overstimulation, begging, teasing, rough sex, fucked dumb, GN!MC, creampie, hair pulling, prostate milking, (etc, etc,) may be short or long depending on the character
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Lucifer (Hair pulling, Overstimulation, Prostate milking, Creampie)
The first time you went down on him, he was winded
The way you pull his hair as you fuck him brutally has him whining
He thought he wouldn’t make noise, but you proved him wrong immediately
He can’t even form a simple sentence with how much you’re milking his prostate
The only words that come out of his mouth is flurries of “please”, “fuck”, and “I can’t”
He’s climaxing at least eight times before you’re spent
He’d be filled up so much it practically pouring out of him
He would also be really sore the next morning
You’d be on cleaning duty for a week
Mammon (Teasing, Fucked dumb, Begging, Overstimulation)
He’s all in (this man goes wild for it)
Doesn’t matter the place or time. If you’re in the middle of class and you get horny, he’s at your beck and call
But when you finally go down on him, you start off slow
He hates it and it’s fun teasing him
But when it comes to fucking him dumb, you make sure to go hard
He’s moaning screaming your name while begging for you to go harder
But after his first orgasm and you’re still going, he tends to get more whiny
He’d beg for you to slow down only for you to get faster
And after you’re both finished, he counts the days until the next time it happens again
Leviathan (Overstimulation, Lingerie, Begging, Fucked dumb)
He’s also definitely getting overstimulated
He’s in his demon form when you rail him so he can wrap his tail around your waist to pull you closer to him
He would place your hands on his hips no matter what position you’re in because he loves the feel of the bruising the next morning (he loves that shit)
After his second orgasm he has his tongue out and his eyes are rolled into the back of his head
He’s begging for you to go harder, to go faster, to do more
But when you both finish at the same time, he climaxes with a cry while you bury yourself the deepest you can go inside him
He’s whining and gasping as you clean him up
You’re also the one to put him to bed because you already know he’s going to be passed out
Satan (Cowgirl position, Overstimulation, Begging)
He likes to compete with you
“Who has more stamina” he says, but he knows he’s clocking out first
When this happens, he’s riding you at a brutal pace
You meet his bounces halfway and you always rub his prostate spot on and it makes him drool
Somewhere along the way, he gives up and just lets you ram into him as he sits on you
He makes a mess on your chest the first couple of orgasms
After a while, he gets too overwhelmed and he begs the best he can to get you to slow down and that he “can’t” and he’s going to cum
It takes a while for you to finish, and he feels relieved
But only you expected it when you flipped him over and continued to slam into him faster than before
Asmodeus (Overstimulation, Spanking, Rope bondage, Begging)
This man is a freak when it comes to your high stamina
He’s using it to the best of his ability because he too has a lot of stamina
He likes to test who can last longer
Sometimes it’s him and sometimes it’s you; it all depends if he plays with your kinks and fetishes
If he’s to finish first, you’ll have to tie him up and make him “beg for mercy” as he puts it
You must give him what he wants or else he’ll complain (and most likely ruin the mood)
But once you both finally get into the mood, he DOES beg and he does it so good
His whines and whimpers play like a broken record and it only makes you go faster
You don’t stop until you’re satisfied
Beelzebub (Overstimulation, Gags, Begging (whining))
Beelzebub will need a gag or something for him to bite or he’ll bite through whatever he gets in between his teeth (that could also be you)
He might also make claw marks on whatever surface he’s on
He’s whining through the gag and tears will start to form in his eyes because he’s easily overstimulated. Especially when you’re going so rough
It takes a little extra to make him climax but with the sheer amount of stamina you have, it’s an easy feat
You stroke him in time with your thrusts and he finishes with muffled screams and moans
When you’re done, he’s tuckered out and he needs some cuddling
Pull him into your lap and you’re stuck with him for the rest of the day
Belphegor (Overstimulation, Begging, Dirty talk)
He’s not really active during most days so when it seems like you aren’t going to stop any time soon, he’s hypersensitive
He’s not used to it so he’s struggling to breathe from the overwhelming sensation of you
He’d say “wait” a thousand times and he’d plead to get you to slow down
At one point, you do, but only where he looks like a complete wreck
He’d whine and ask you why you slowed down, but you just wanted to wait a little longer before finishing
When you do finish, you’re whispering dirty promises into his ear as you stroke him to his final dry orgasm
Almost immediately when you start the aftercare process, he almost falls asleep after being physically drained of all his strength
He wouldn’t say he was opposed to it either…
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
Respawn and Relive
@thenightwolf51 who tagged me in this months ago, but I didn't know enough about Respawn to write something. I didn't forget! I just still haven't found much on him, so sorry if I get his character wrong.
They don't give him a name.
It's one of the first things he notices they do to dehumanize him. It's not like they see clones as humans- he's just a science experiment meant to keep the legacy of the League of Assassins alive, even at the cost of his life.
He is just there to be trained to follow commands, and if needed, he is spare parts for the Real Son. He is made from part of the same DNA as the Real Son, but that hardly matters to what should be his mother, as she does not feel anything for his biological father and thus feels nothing for the being created from the two DNAs.
He is the clone created by Slade Wilson- alias Deathstroke- and Talia al Ghul. She may not had a hand in his creation, as that was done by her father, but she had no issues using him.
Torment him. Rip him apart and put it back together just to see what happens.
She looks at him with the same gaze she would a sword. Valuating his worth by how well he can do in training, how healthy his organs are, and how he should be nothing but a loyal dog.
But he isn't. Not really.
If this was all he knew, maybe he would be the weapon they wanted, but he knows more. Remembers more. Yes, he doesn't have all his memories, but he has flashes- glimpses- of the life he had before the Leauge.
They would disapprove of the memories, which makes them all the more precious.
He can still clearly remember his mother- his real mother- a brilliant mind, his father's warm, solid hugs, and his sister's gentle eyes. He can recall his home's layout even if he can not remember the street or how far it was from his school. He can identify his two best friends' faces even if their names slip through his fingers like falling sand.
He also remembers his first name and the initials of his last.
Danny F.
He thinks he died before, waking up as the clone. He remembers standing inside a metallic cave- or a large hole in a machine?- and being electrocuted. He remembers the screams, the flashes of light, the pain, and even a glimpse of his best friends' horrified faces but not much else.
The next clear memory is looking in a mirror to see white hair and green eyes. The same combination he now sports as the Leguage's weapon and spare organ farm.
The memories after that are filled with harsh training, even more, brutal torture, and the reintegration that should his half-brother ever need them, he would give up his organs for the Real Son.
He is, after all, Damian Wayne's gift. He was created to harvest his super healing for the boy's body parts. Danny thinks he hates him, but he's not sure he can remember what hate is supposed to feel like.
He does remember what love is supposed to feel like.
Sometimes, when all he can do is lay in his cell, body aching as they test his healing factor beyond its limits- they cut off his left arm once, just to watch the tissue slowly regrow- he lets himself drown in his old memories, in the few dream-like sequences.
Some make sense, others don't. For some, he's a black-haired blue-eyed boy, and for others, he has white hair and green eyes.
Danny is sitting in class, eagerly taking notes on a topic he has been having trouble with-
-He's playing fetch with a small green dog, throwing snowballs into the air, flying after the excited creature-
-Danny is playing video games with a goth girl and a nerdy boy, laughing so hard he can't see the buttons on the control correctly-
-He's flaying alongside his sister, aiming his outstretched arm at a figure in the sky, shooting a green ray at the same time she does down below in her mechanical armor-
-Danny is helping his mother mix the dough for the cookies. He is swaying his hips to the song she has on the speaker. She's in her teal jumpsuit, having come up from the lab to do mother/son cookies as they do every Thanksgiving-
-He's testing the latest blaster with his father. They wanted to see if the auto-aiming feature was interfering with his flying. He flickers the white bangs out of his eyes as his father cheers from the roof while he takes aim-
Yes, Danny knows what love is supposed to feel like, even if he can't remember all the details, even if his full name evades him. He will escape the Leauage of Assiagins and find that feeling again.
Maybe he'll track down his biological father. Deathstroke does not know a clone was created by him, so maybe he will be willing to take him in.
It takes months, but eventually, they tell him Damian Wayne needs a kidney. Why? They don't say, but Talia knows her Beloved will donate his own, and she won't stand for it. She orders him to fulfill his duty as guards drag him to the operation table.
He grits his teeth as they strap him down and prep for surgery. Thankfully, they don't apply any anesthetics- they don't deem him worthy of a painless operation- so he has a clear head for escape.
The surgery has a thirty-window opening with no guards around. He waits until they are about to begin when he taps into the powers his memories tell him. He makes his limbs intangible, slipping through the restraints with great effort.
The medics only have a few seconds to be shocked before he is upon them. They lay in a pool of blood- not dead. His chest flares up in pain if he kills, so he tries to avoid it as much as his environment allows- as he flies through the walls. He has been planning here, so he knows what to do. Turning invisible, he passes under a helicopter scheduled for a month supply run.
By doing so, he does not appear on any radars using the large cargo as camouflage. Danny drops into the ocean as the alarms go off on that wrenched island, allowing his whole body to turn tangible. This way, the water does not slow him down as he flies deeper and deeper down, praying that they won't be able to track him the further he goes. When he gets to the part where everything is too dark to see- he picks a direction from where he came and hits top speed.
Traveling three hundred miles an hour, Danny escapes the League of Assians with all his organs intact, so take that Damian Wayne.
He has no real destination in mind but maybe, he can find the little town of his memories or maybe he'll find Deathstroke.
Maybe he will discover what the F. in his name stands for.
For now, he'll work under the name Respawn because that's a name he picked out for himself, and he'll do what he wants. He's no one's tool any longer.
(Miles away Tim Drake squints at the small dot darting from Nanda Parbat on his spying map. He's not sure what kind of misle Ra's just shot, but it's traveling fast, and he feels like he needs to phone this in.
"Hey B, we may have an issue." )
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tootiecakes234 · 3 months
Warnings: smut
Character aged up.
BUT the only thing on my mind is you always being courteous and asking Katsuki where he wants to cum and the answer is ALWAYS inside you.
That man’s breeding kink is STRONG!
Also piggybacking off this, when you guys finally decide to have kids, that man get your pregnant in the first week!! Cums in you at least twice a day, no shame.
Comes home from patrols in the middle of the day for a quickie before he has to head back. Slides in you as soon as you slide in bed at night. You have literally been woken up with this man trying to slide your panties to the side.
He also makes such a big deal and walks around with the biggest head after the pregnancy test comes back positive.
From then on, always casually mentions how his “swimmers” are strong just like him.
Swears he’s gonna have enough kids for a soccer team, but you don’t know WHOSE vagina he’s gonna be using for all those bratty ass kids of his.
Another side note, please expect all your kids to look exactly like him. Their eye or hair color may vary but all of them will be born with his face. Again he says his genes are just as strong as he is🙄
He’s so insufferable🫣
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216 @kxtsxkii @liliththeunqualifiedsimp @burgvndy @fluffismystaplefood @yoyolovesdaiki @zaiban2989
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
Oscar Piastri and Lando Norris - It's not Orange, It's Papaya
Welcome to the second instalment of my spinoff series – Besties for the Resties! I really thought that I could maybe have made a single chapter for each driver, BUT I feel like Oscar and reader would be too introverted together and the story would be a bunch of lines about silence and them staring at each other. They really needed Lando to be able to get talking and to banter. 
I myself am very introverted and I freeze up around people that I don’t know. But when I’m with my extroverted friends, I have a completely different side! I don’t explicitly say this but I do base the reader off of myself most of the time. I am a Virgo, I am from Texas, and I just turned 20, so many of the lines I give the reader are things that I have said or would say. That being, do you think that the reader is a bit all over the place or is she a good solid character who acts in very realistic ways?
I hope you enjoy and please don’t forget to comment! I love reading everything that you all have to say about the story! It makes me happy to see that you’re enjoying it! (Also comment if you want to be added to the tag list!) Much love – author! 
Of course the elevator had to be broken, on today of all days. You sludged up the stairs, leaving puddles to follow where you stepped. Once you hauled yourself to the top of the stairs, you stomped over to your apartment door. Why Christian wanted you to come to London for an extra training session during rainiest week of the break, you didn’t know. 
You were supposed to be at Max’s house right now, eating dinner with his family. But noooooo. Max didn’t even have to come either. Something about how your test time was deleted, or something like that. You could barely hear Christian over the ocean when he called you in the middle of a beach day. 
Your hand dug through your pocket, searching for the keys as you approached your door. But, your fingers never came into contact with the smooth metal piece. You flipped your pocket inside out, and all that fell from it was lint. 
“Great. Just perfect,” you muttered as you looked at your door. You turned your head. Maybe Logan was here. You shuffled over and knocked. Tiredly, you rested your head against the nice wood. 
After a few moments, you didn’t hear anything, which brought out another sigh. Of course he wouldn’t be here. He was probably back in the states for the break. 
You were definitely making a statement by dripping all over the floor. Maybe you should lay down, floor time always helped. As you were about to lift your head, the door suddenly opened up. 
You didn’t have enough time to react and found yourself sprawled in between Logan’s flat and the door frame. 
“Logan am I so glad that you’re…You’re not Logan,” you looked up and were met with the sight of none other than Oscar Piastri. 
He looked down at you, “Good to see you too Y/n.” He put out a hand for you to take. You gently placed your hand in his and he hauled you up. There was now a massive you-shaped puddle on the ground. 
You looked down at it, “Sorry for the mess.” Oscar crossed his arms. 
“Why are you knocking on Logan’s door at,” he looked over at the clock on the wall, “5 p.m.?” 
You sheepishly grinned, “Well, I may or may not have forgotten my keys back at Milton.” Your hand scratched your head. 
Oscar just stared at you. You stared back. 
“Why are you here?” you quizzed. You knew that Logan and Oscar were best of friends, but didn’t realize that Oscar had a key to the flat. 
He sighed, “Lando invited me to be in the Quadrant Christmas video and the filming is this week.” He ushered you to come more into the room so that he could close the door. “But Lando graciously forgot that Max Fewtrell only has one extra bed. So Lando took it and I called Logan to see if I could stay here.” 
“Ah,” you nodded and looked down at yourself. 
Oscar suddenly sputtered, “I will go get you a towel and then see if Logan has something in his drawers.” He quickly left, but then turned back around. You raised an eyebrow. 
“Do you know where everything is? I guess you’d be over here more than me.” You gave him a reassuring smile and walked deeper into the house. You had taken your shoes off before stepping on the carpet as to try to not drench everything. 
In the bathroom, you found some towels. “Here,” you handed one to Oscar. “Could you wipe the puddle I left at the front while I change?” He nodded and disappeared down the hallway. You closed the door behind him and peeled of your soaked outfit. 
You took some sweats and a random t-shirt from a drawer and put them on. You bundled your wet clothes and threw them in the wash as you walked towards the living space. It seemed like Oscar had already cleaned everything up since the towel was now hanging on the back on a chair. You ran another towel over your hair, drying it to the best of your abilities. 
Oscar walked back in. The two of you stood in silence before you fished out your phone. You pressed on the uber app, but a notification told you that the roads were flooded and you’d have to wait until the morning. You sighed, which peaked Oscar’s interest. 
“Everything ok?” he asked, Australian accent filled with concern. 
You showed him the screen. “Everything is flooded. I can’t get back to get my keys.” Oscar looked deep in thought. 
“You could always stay here?” It came out more like a question. 
“I don’t want to trouble you,” you fiddled with your fingers. Before now, you had never said more than ten words to the Aussie. Sure, he was Logan’s friend, but he wasn’t your friend. You were about to say something, when a knock resonated in the small entrance. The two of you whipped to look at it. You both waited in silence before another knock sounded. 
You raised an eyebrow and mouthed, “Are you expecting anyone?” Oscar shook his head. He quickly moved you behind him before looking out the peephole. He groaned before opening the door. 
There, standing in the doorway, was a soaked Lando Norris. You wanted to laugh. 
So you did. 
The two boys looked at you while you tried to calm yourself down. Lando brushed past Oscar and made his way into the flat. 
“By all means, welcome in,” Oscar sarcastically said. He locked the door and turned to look at him. You had finally been able to calm yourself down. 
“Hi Lando,” you greeted before turning around to enter the kitchen. 
“Uh, hi?” 
Oscar hit the back of his head, “What happened to you staying at Max’s?” 
Lando shrugged. “His girlfriend was over and I wasn’t about to watch them suck faces.” You snorted. 
“Aha, felt.” The three of you kind of just watched each other. You were the first one to talk. “Lando, do you want a towel?” 
He breathed a sigh of relief before answering, “Yes please.” 
You turned and headed back into the direction of Logan’s bedroom. Thankfully there was one more towel. You also grabbed another pair of sweats and a t-shit. You reemerged from the hallway and handed the items to Lando. 
“Bathroom is down the hallway to the left.” Your head jerked in the direction. Lando went around you and disappeared. You looked back at Oscar. 
“So. Sleepover?” A smirk grew on your face, before your cheeks got hot and you panicked. “Unless you’d rather me go see if I can find the landlord to get another key. I wouldn’t want to make you or Lando uncomfortable?” You continued to ramble until Oscar lightly hit your face. That shut you up. 
He rubbed his face. “No, Y/n it’s fine. Besides it’s getting late and I don’t think Logan would like it if I told you to leave.” You nodded as Lando finally came back, clothes in a heaping wet mess in his arms. You told him to put them next to the washer and that you’d start his clothes when yours were done. 
Lando clapped his hands. “What’s the plan?” 
You went to respond but Oscar beat you to it, “Sleepover.” You watched as Lando’s lips turned upwards. 
“Hold on!” you yelled and watched Oscar and Lando jump in their place. 
The two boys watched as you made your way to the kitchen. You leaned down to look what was in the fridge. “Jackpot. Bless you and you Americanness Logan.” You brought out three dark red cans and handed them to each boy.  
They looked at the cans with the white font. 
“What is this?” Lando asked, popping the can. 
You gawked at them and smacked you head. “You’re telling me. You’ve been friends with Logan and he hasn’t given you Dr. Pepper!” They both shook their heads. “Well, it’s about time you tried it.” Two more pops sounded as you and Oscar opened your cans. 
“Is it alcoholic?” Oscar asked, taking a sip of the sweet drink. 
You looked at the both of them, “Guys, I’m twenty. And where I’m from, you have to be at least 21 to partake in such adultish things such as drinking alcohol.” You took a sip and closed your eyes. You could feel the freedom seep into your veins. 
The boys looked at you strangely before Lando spoke in a childish voice, ‘Aw so you’re just a baby.” 
“Says the one who acts like a 5-year-old,” you quipped. Oscar choked on his drink while Lando stared at you. Oscar quickly wiped his face. “Do you like it?” 
Lando nodded, “It’s very sweet.” 
“That’s the taste of freedom boys.” 
“Y/n, none of us are under communism,” Oscar pointed out. 
“But you both have a monarchy who makes all the decisions.” 
“That’s Parliament,” Lando coughed, a smirk adorning his face. 
“Tomato, tomato.” You waved your hand. “I think Logan has a severe addition to frozen pizzas. I could make one real fast?” Their stomachs answered for them. 
You got to work by preheating the oven. When that was done, you carefully took off the plastic (not wanting to melt it onto the pizza), and placed the circle on a baking sheet. By now, the two McLaren drivers had moved to the couch. After setting the timer, you also joined them, but sat on the floor. 
You looked them up and down at you sipped. “It’s weird seeing the two of you not in orange.” 
Oscar slapped his face. “Here we go.” 
Lando looked like you had insulted him, his whole family, and his cow. He sat up straighter and crossed his legs. 
“It’s not orange, it’s papaya,” he emphasized the syllables. 
“It falls into the orange category of colors,” you bit back. 
“Then it would be called orange then. Oh wait, it’s not.” 
“Aren’t you a sassy little dude,” you peered at him. “It’s giving Scorpio.” Lando lit up like a Christmas tree. Oscar again, face palmed. 
“Please let’s not start this,” Oscar groaned. However, you and Lando didn’t listen to him. The two of you began to discuss star signs and what characteristics came with them. He was surprised when you told him that you were a Virgo. 
“Aren’t they shy?” 
You looked down at your fingers, “I’m shy until I get comfortable. Believe me, when I first saw you guys, I was shaking like a leaf. I still do. And if you put me into a room full of strangers I will find a way out so help me.” 
Lando dramatically brought you into a hug, his face pressed against yours. His hand came up to pat your head as you shot help-me-eyes at Oscar. “It’s ok little introvert, your extrovert is here to protect you.” You shoved him off when you heard the oven beep. The pizza had turned out perfectly. 
Not wanting to do dishes, you three ate off of paper towels. You picked up the remote as you ate a bite. “What movie should we watch? Logan has Disney Plus.” 
Oscar rolled his eyes, “Yeah I know. You two finished Cars without me.” 
“It’s not like we can’t start it over.” You turned to Lando. “Have you seen Cars 2?” 
Lando scoffed, “Of course I’ve seen Cars 2.”  
You held up your hands in mock defeated as you turned the movie on, “You seem uncultured.” You missed the look that Lando gave you. 
Like it always is, Cars 2 was fabulous. Lando was the first one to speak during the movie. His finger was pointed at the large TV. 
“Look its Charles.”
You thought he was pointing at Lightning McQueen, but Francesco. You and Oscar wheezed at the revelation. 
“But Charles is Lightning though,” your hands now pointed at the flashy red car now on screen. 
Oscar took a sip from his Dr. Pepper, “Lando would be the Volkswagen.” 
You gasped, “You’re right. He’s such a Filmore. Logan would be Sarge.” The two boys laughed out loud. 
The three of you screamed as you saw Lewis’s car come up. Lando quickly took a picture and promised to send it him. 
The movie continued before Lando spoke again, “Yeah, Max is definitely Mater.” 
“I know right,” you said, munching on another slice of pizza. “What car is Oscar though, none of them really fit him.” Oscar gave you an offended look. 
“He’d be Axelrod.” 
“I beg your pardon,” Oscar whipped his head around to look at Lando. 
“Well you would. I swear, if you were planning our demise, no one would think it’d be you.” 
You jumped in, “Either him or the Professor.” Oscar grimaced and shook his head. 
“I’ll take Axelrod.” 
“Y/n you’d be McMissile.” You fist pumped. 
“Why does she get to be the cool character?”  
“Because I’m better than you?” That earned you a scoff from the Aussie. 
“Sure. Just because you’re going to be driving a rocket ship doesn’t mean you’re better.” 
“Ladies, ladies, ladies, can we quiet down, the movie is still going on,” the Brit complained. You and Oscar leaned back and continued to watch the movie. You’re pretty sure that Lando was in tears at the end, and you and Oscar couldn’t help but tease. You went to change the movie to another one, when yet another knock sounded on the door. 
The three of you froze and slowly turned to look at the door, as if it would move. The knock sounded again. You and Oscar pushed Lando closer to the entrance. He gave you both a stink eye before looking opening the door wide open. 
“Christian!” you squealed and ran over to the older man. He was smart enough to have brought a rain coat and jacket. 
He held out your keys, “I think you forgot something.” He looked over your shoulder and stared at the two McLaren drivers. “Giving our secrets away Y/n?” 
You looked over a smirked, “As if they could use them properly in their tractor.” The two boys rolled their eyes in sync. Christian bid you goodbye and closed the door behind them. You noticed a sad look on the guys’ faces. 
You shrugged and sank down into the couch once again, a blanket over your lap. You looked at them as they continued to stand. With your eyebrow raised, you questioned, “Why are you two still standing there?” 
They shrugged and joined you. 
Lando looked at you, “I think we thought that you’d want to go to your flat now.” 
“Well boys, I was promised a sleepover. And a sleep over I will get. Now, what movie are we going to watch? I say Spider-man Homecoming. Lando is it true that Tom Holland is going to play you in a movie?” 
“My lips are sealed.” 
“That’s ok. He’s not called the Spoiler King for nothing!”    
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @treehouse-mouse @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @leptitlu @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog
ATTENTION: if you were not tagged, it means that I was not able to add you. I will reply to your comment if I was unable to. Please check your settings and then message me to try again after! Thank you <3
So we have met the tag list maximum of 50 people - does anyone know how I could add more??
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desmond69miles · 7 months
okay so… devil may cry….
dmc boys being overstimulated by a sex toy (vibe? fleshlight? surprise me :D)
this is what I’m SAYING.
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Tags: use of sex toys (vibe/fleshlight), light overstim, a lot of c-u-m, heavy praise, sub dmc men.
Char. included: Dante & Vergil.
Dante [-: Dante loves having sex toys used on him. He'd be open to the conversation that talks about sex toys and is very willing to be your test bunny. He could possibly be a little too willing, wanting to immediately go to sex without the discussion of safe words and boundaries.
[-: I'd think he'd be open to most every sex toys, including toys that go up you or him.
Hips positioned above his face, one of your hands rested on his thigh while the other held a dark red stroker tight around his cock. Dante's tongue flicked around your hole and his hands were tight against your hips, keeping you flush to his mouth. Occasionally you stuttered when he hit a good spot, head hanging low as your hand loosened around the stroker.
"Fuck, baby, don't stop." He'd say as you quickly jerked him off, slowing down sometimes around his tip. He wasn't quiet and you knew it was pointless to get him to try to be quiet, so you could only hope the neighbors had a good pair of headphones. Dante's hips chased after your hand when you pulled off just as he was about to cum, a high and whiny whimper coming from your boyfriend.
"C'mon! I was so close." You giggled at his whining and pushed the stroker back onto his leaking cock. Pumping once, twice slowly just to give Dante a thought of a slow orgasm, only to speed up quickly. Dante's head fell back against the pillows as he groaned and whined, hips roughly snapping to meet your hand. It came on so quickly neither of you really noticed, Dante's cum painting his and your stomach.
A "Fuck.." was drawn slow out of Dante. You both laid in bliss for a little while before he roughly grabbed your hips and pushed you off of him, reversing the positions so now Dante hovered over you, pressing a wet kiss to your lips. "My turn now, babe."
Vergil [-: Vergil's not as open as Dante would be. It would take a lot more convincing to allow him to let you use a toy on him, like thorough begging. Maybe if you allowed him to try them out on you first would he allow you to try them.
[-: When he does allow you to use them on him, he's all quiet whimpers and groans. His fists are tightly balled up in the sheets, hips subconsciously pumping up into your hand.
Your hand is tight around the base of his cock, a small yet powerful bullet vibe pressed harsh against the underside of his tip. His thighs tensed, mind fighting off the urge to bend his knees to stave off the upcoming orgasm. His big hands were gripping the sheet below him tightly and his hips gently jerked up, head tilted way back into the sheets. 'He's gonna bite his lip off if he keeps biting down like that,' you thought. 'Cute, though.'
You knew Vergil wasn't above begging, and if you'd try to push him to the point of begging he'd shut down. So, your hand let go of his cock and the other pushed the vibe so his penis was flush against his lower tummy. Your free hand ran across his thigh, running up towards his hips, trailing up to his chest. You gently raked your nails across his muscles and watched his tummy flex.
"I-I'm going to cum." Vergil says so matter-of-factly, still so in character. "Go ahead, you deserve it. You've been such a good boy for me." You watched his face flex at your praise and you knew at the moment he wanted to shoot back but couldn't as his dick twitched, cum shooting and pooling where his tip was pressed into his stomach. "Good boy. Do you want another one?" You asked sweetly, Vergil's body going limp as he relishes in the waves of a powerful orgasm. Your husband let out a weak breath and a low 'no.' You hummed in response and shut off the vibrator that had been forgotten about. "I'll go get a towel and some water, alright? We can also take a bath if you want." You slid off the bed and put the vibe to the side, leaning over Vergil's head. Your still-lubed fingers brushed a strand of free hair off of his head and your lips gave a warm kiss to his forehead, cheek, and then a chaste one on his lips.
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riddles-fiddles · 10 months
Heartslabyul boys with a pregnant S/O
Synopsis: I'm dealing with terrible baby ferver so I need to get this out of my system. Headcanons to how the boys react to your pregnancy all thorough the months. Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond Tags: SFW, fluff, domestic fluff Notes: AFAB gender neutral reader, cw pregnancy and birth
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⁀➷ Riddle Rosehearts – poor man hasn't had one single good night's rest ever since the pregnancy test came positive. Riddle is over the moon with the news, of course, but stressed just as much; he knows there's a lot going on with your body and a growing baby can seriously wear you off, so he's always checking up on you, and the doctor's appointments turned into a routine. He's worried and delighted all the same, making sure you're comfortable and your needs are always met. He's pampering you rotten and doesn't even mind your mood swings; he learned to be a lot more patient and permissive from them. Regarding weird pregnancy cravings - no, he won't allow you to eat screws with ketchup, but will provide you with a nutritious meal, mapping your weird requests and directing them in healthy and safe foods.
And though he looks stiff and on alert constantly, he immediately relaxes when he lays by your side, head resting on your chest while his arm gently hugs your belly in a protective way. It's also really cute to watch the way he gasps in surprise and his face go alight with sincere affection when the baby kicks, reacting to his words.
Riddle likes to plan beforehand, so he can avoid facing unpleasant surprises, knowing how to act and be dependable like the responsible father he is supposed to be. He hates to be reminded about his neglected childhood, about how his father would barely make appearances during important events of his life and the way his mother was a strict tyrant who only controled him his whole life. He wants to be better, someone much different from both his parental figures - he wants to be perfect, loving, someone who can make you feel safe and comfortable, taking everything to the smallest detail. So when you lift your eyes to face him, he feels a sense of dread as your features slowly changes from relaxed to one of horror. "Riddle... I think my water broke," those words freezes him on the spot, and he's more terrified than you. Shake his nerves off so he can drive you to the hospital, please, or else he's the one giving birth on the spot. Don't worry though, he'll not leave your side for one single moment once you reach the delivery room, massaging your hand and cooing softly against your ear to try and make the process less terrifying.
⁀➷ Trey Clover – he's a lot more busy ever since you gave the good news. Trey has been working a lot more at his parents bakery and even making side jobs to ensure your growing family's comfort; though mama and papa Clover have both been deeply delighted and eager to extend their help in whatever aspect you may need, Trey is determined to be a providing, responsible father. Of course, he will not stop you from working if you wish to, but will talk you in staying home by the last trimesters, and he looks so worried it's convincing enough. He always comes home late at night, exhausted and worn off, but you're always greeted with the sweetest smile of satisfaction and affection when he comes to lay by your side, wrapping you on his arms and planting loving kisses on your face as he's lulled by your voice talking about how was your day.
He's always sending you messages or calling you to know how you're doing between breaks, and always tries to accompany you during doctor's appointment. If for some reason - like being called to work - he can't be present, he'll ask his mother to go to the appointments with you, just to be sure. He hates that most times he will be too busy to do everything by your side, but will find comfort on the fact that everything will pay off at the end. He is a little disappointed to know that you won't be allowed to eat his sweets, but makes adaptations of your favourite desserts - no sugar with fresh and natural ingredients. Maybe they aren't as tasty as before, but somehow it still feels sweets and are enough to sate your cravings. And no matter how weird they are, Trey will be happy to indulge them, as long as you don't request for something dangerous.
Similar to Riddle, Trey is thinking ahead of time. He has reserved two bags with hospital essentials, one for the baby and one for you, just to be ready when time comes. And when you go into labour, he's quick to react and drive you safely to the hospital, staying by your side until everything calms down, cheering on you and providing comfort the whole time.
⁀➷ Cater Diamond – he was... surprised to know about your pregnancy. He wasn't actively looking forward to be a parent, but he quickly warmed to the idea just from looking at how happy you looked. Also, that meant cute baby pics and another excuse to pull you on his arms to take cheesy photos together. Cater keeps on the easy-going, confident demeanor around you to keep you at ease, but he's swirling with anxiety and doubts inside his mind; his idea regarding parenting isn't one of the best, being manipulated all his live by his sisters and even mother, not to mention that his father's absence for the sake of his own job took a toll on any practical exp he could have on the matter. But he still tries, and he tries hard; suddenly, his Magicam feed is flooding with maternity-dedicated influencers and he's diligent enough to write down the most useful and important tips.
He's also looking for fun, cute pregnancy trends to pull you into, something to take your minds off the scary aspects of it all. He tries to act all mysterious on his stories and new posts, giving out hints and it surprisingly explodes in likes and comments - everybody is on their toes for the day Cater finally announces the pregnancy, and when he makes it public, he's documenting everything, first bump, the ultrassounds, the development of the baby. Will send you memes about pregnancy and useful articles to read together. Also, you won't even need to voice out your needs, Cater's senses are heightened over the roof now and he's tending to them before you can even sigh. Need a hug? Already wrapping his arms around you. Want something hearty to eat? He's calling the best restaurant in town to deliver your comfort food.
Going to appointments with him is always fun; that's when he shows off his concerned side the more, questioning everything the doctor says, discussing articles he had previously read and asking about every little aspect to it. And when your due date comes, he's surprisingly quick to pack everything up like it was nothing, but don't expect him to drive you to the hospital. His arms and legs are melting the moment he sits down. While in labour, he will try his best to make his presence on the delivery room, letting you hold his hand and scream at his ears, but the moment he sees blood, he's fainting. Nope, can't take it at all, he 's just too anxious about it.
⁀➷ Ace Trappola – he's speechless about the news and it takes some time to finally dawn on him he's about to be a dad. Ace is a mix of curiosity, eagerness and reluctance; the aspect of raising a family of his own excites him, but is also scary. He's not particularly experienced with children and this is a whole new world for him, something he needs to learn from a blind spot - and damn, he struggles to keep an interest on pregnancy matters. Everything is too confusing or too hard for him, so he's quick to lose interest. Please, make things easy and fun for him so he can collect some good sense on his head. Ace seeks guidance from his father and older brother though, and at least they are a good influence on him; he learns about the delicate aspect of pregnancy and how he can help make things go less hard on you, so enjoy the next nine months - you'll see a new side of Ace, acting all gentlemanly and serious, at least most of the time.
Yes, he's still the mischievous, funny-loving Ace who will joke about something eventually, teasing you about how you can't bend down to get things on the floor, or how you're going nuts from craving weird ass foods, all the while fetching you anything you can't reach or cooking you a nice meal. He's got a reputation to uphold, you know? So don't you dare tell Deuce or Cater how much of a pleasing puppy he has become just to see you all happy and comfy! He'll never ever admit it, much less oblige to your requests in public, but the minute you have stepped foot inside... one "Ace" is all it takes and he's right by your side in one breath, no matter how far from you he is.
By your due date, Ace is a wrecking mess of nerves. He's lost, though he can't keep still; he runs around the house to fetch everything you might need, but he's always going around, just to make sure nothing is left behind. In front of the nurses, he acts all smug and cool, trying to hide how anxious he actually is as you're directed to the delivery room, but his hands betray him, trembling and sweating. If you want him on the room so you can hold his hands, please don't point out how teary eyed he is. ⁀➷ Deuce Spade – HAPPIEST BOY EVER!!!!!! Deuce lifts you off your feet and twirls you around, peppering your face with kisses the moment you reveal your pregnancy. Deuce is too embarrased to admit it, but truth is that he dreams about the day you two can grow a family together ever since your relationship got serious, and now that his dream has come true he can't contain his happiness! "MAMA! MAMA, I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" Deuce is tearing up at the phone as he shares the wonderful news with his mother, and you can hear mama Spade squealing from the other side. Honestly, it's hard to pick out who's the more excited - you, Deuce, or mama Spade. As soon as she hears about the news, she's coming over with a basket of gifts - food, knitted baby socks and even some cream and beauty products she used on her pregnancy, congratulating you and Deuce on a big, tight hug. She's so proud of her babies and is gleamming from the prospect of finally being a grandmother - she can't wait to spoil your child rotten enjoy the glee of raising a child all over again, but only with the fun parts, of course. Mama Spade spends a lot of time around you two, teaching the basics and soothing your nerves. All the while, Deuce is clingier than ever, attentive and much more responsible; ever since the announcement of your pregnancy, he looks more regulated, calm and relaxed, or at least he is when it doesn't affect you.
He did threaten to throw hands with some guys staring at you while walking on the square, and also started a ruckus when you two were left on a waiting line on the supermarket for more than twenty minutes, but besides that... you have never seen him so chill. Just like Ace, Deuce is a pleasing puppy; you just need to mumble his name and he'll be right by your side, ready to get you anything. He rubs your shoulder, feet, hands, everything to make you feel less sore, giving you pillows to lean against and warm blankets, and reserves bigger, fresher portions of food for you. He's the kind of guy to wake up at 3 a.m. to drive you to mcdonals with a smile on his face or just comfort you from a nightmare. When you tell him you're going into labour, Deuce hurries up to the hospital, shouting at everyone to take you as priority, and that's when his delinquent boy spirit shines, scaring all the nurses to take you to the delivery room above all the other patients. He's over the moon as you grip onto his hand like your life depends on it, cheering you through your pushes and groans, and whispering how proud he is of you, and you can be sure he'll be balling his eyes out once he gets to hold the baby.
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hprecipe-recfest · 4 months
🌯Welcome to HP Recipe Rec Fest!🍰
1 whole tried and tested recipe
A handful of any of your favourite Harry Potter characters
1 plot bunny (fresh)
A dash of productivity (double concentrated)
5 sprigs of inspiration
Sign up using the google form or by sending us an ask (here is an accessible log of all the pledged recipes, to avoid many multiple versions of the same dish).
Write your fic/ draw your art. Note: your fic/art must reference or include the dish matching your included recipe; this can be in passing or central to the story.
Ensure your recipe and the method is clearly identified within the fic or attached to the art - this may be at the beginning or end of your fic, or incorporated into the story/art.
Post your art or fic BY MAY 31st ensuring it has been properly tagged. This can be just to tumblr, or ao3, or both! If you would like to add it to the collection, you may do so.
Use the tag HP Recipe Rec Fest 2024 on ao3 so all recipes can be found under one tag.
Tag us on tumblr for a reblog and to have your recipe added to the ‘Masterlist Recipe Book’*
Enjoy your efforts with a cup of tea.
*NB: The Masterlist Recipe Book will be published on June 1st.
Nutritional advice:
All content warnings must be properly tagged. On tumblr posts, tag with #hprrf and #hp recipe rec fest. You should also @ us for a reblog and so we can read/view your work.
We will try to update the sign-ups as quickly as possible but there may be a short delay due to time zones and being working adults.
Chef (author) notes:
- This fest follows SALS, YKINMKATO, DLDR
- We appreciate that recipes may not be of your own creation. Where a recipe has been directly lifted from a book/website, please drop a link/title. If your recipe found in a book/website has been adapted, this is not necessary.
- Ideally, fics will be between 1,000 and 10,000 words (though we don’t want to curb your enthusiasm).
- Please only write E-rated fics if you are over 18. Authors who abuse the rule will not have their works reblogged or endorsed by the fest.
- Multiple recipes and fics by the same author are welcome, but please complete your first before you submit another recipe to the google form
**I would like to give a huge shout out to @eyra and @greyeyedmonster-18 both of whom have written fics (TORFPS; Eyra and Chef’s Kiss; Grey, which is no longer on ao3) about sharing food together/recipes and cooking, and have recipes linked or have shared recipes related to them. Without their works, I wouldn’t have come up with the fest idea - thank you endlessly for sharing these with us <3 Rory**
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lizz-crimson · 10 months
MK Characters Intro Banter With Monster Hunter Reader!
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In this scenario the Reader is a monster hunter from the Monster Hunter game franchise! I love, love, love MH, and I also love, love, love, MK! So why not bring them together!? Reader is gender neutral and is simply called 'hunter' in these.
Tags/warnings: Language, talk of violence (against people and animal-like monsters), Monster Hunter termanology and references, Reader is a funny monster hunting badass!
Characters: Liu Kang, Scorpion, Raiden, Johnny Cage.
Part 2 Part 3
Liu Kang
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You: "Y'know, I hunt dragons for a living."
Lui Kang: "Is that a threat, hunter?"
You: "Just a friendly heads up."
Liu Kang: "What are those blades made of?"
You: "My dual blades? These are made from the parts of Rathalos and Rathian I've hunted."
Liu Kang: "They are pulsing with both flame and poison..."
Liu Kang: "My dragon fire does not effect you nearly as much as others."
You: "These talismans aren't for show, Liu."
Liu Kang: "Let's see if I can't knock them off!"
You: "I'd love to see you get into a kick-off with a Seregios."
Liu Kang: "A Seregios? Another monster of yours?"
You: "Just imagine a golden parrot with knives for feathers. ...They also kick really hard."
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You: "Never thought I'd meet someone as angry as an Odogaron."
Scorpion: "My rage cannot ever be sated."
You: "I can't imagine how hard that is.."
Scorpion: "Have a taste of hellfire!"
You: "Please no, I've already hunted a Magnemalo today.. "
Scorpion: "I will prove a much bigger challenge."
You: "It feels odd fighting you."
Scorpion: "How so, hunter?"
You: "I only ever fight monsters. I feel I may go too hard on you."
Scorpion: "That longsword is impressive."
You: "Thanks! It's made from that Teostra you saw me hunting earlier!"
Scorpion: "You mean to tell me you successfully slayed that creature?!"
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Raiden: "What are these Elder Dragons you speak of?"
You: "They are the scientifically unexplainable monsters that roam my world. I have fought and slain many."
Raiden: "Impressive. We could use your skills in defending Earthrealm."
You: "A Zinogre would be a good companion for you, Raiden."
Raiden: "I have no interest in pets."
You: "Not even a dragon dog with natural thunder abilities?"
Raiden: "I must admit, you are hard to strike with my lightening."
You: "I had to get good at dodging thunder attacks when a Kirin went berserk back home."
Raiden: "Your world has made you versatile indeed."
You: "Raiden, help me test out my new weapon!"
Raiden: "Are you welding an axe or a sword and shield?"
You: "Both, baby!"
Johnny Cage
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Johnny Cage: "Damn, you take hits like a tank!"
You: "Armor and food, Johnny. Armor and food."
Johnny Cage: "What are those cats feeding you!?"
You: "Ready to face the music, Johnny?"
Johnny Cage: "Wait, you mean that's not a hammer?!"
You: "I'm gonna play the Ninja Mime theme while bludgeoning you to the pavement!"
You: "No Johnny, you cannot pet the monster I captured."
Johnny Cage: "Why not? It's just a big turkey!"
You: "A Kulu-Ya-Ku is stronger than it looks!"
Johnny Cage: "You beat that poor thing to death!"
You: "Unfortunately, that Pukei-Pukei became to aggressive near my village. I had no choice."
Johnny Cage: "Well pookie-pookie didn't know what hit her.."
Hope ya liked these! I keep saying I'm gonna post write stuff here but never do lol
Here's the monsters mentioned in these interactions for those curious! I put them in a lil collage in the order that they were mentioned!
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wingwaver · 11 months
A few tips for new Tumblr users wanting to write here
Yo if you're here from Reddit or Twitter or some other site and just wanted to give this a shot you may have seen some blogs that are dedicated to writing headcanons or short fics or even original works for their own OCs and you may be thinking "hey I wanna give that a shot! I like to write!" then I have some tips to make it easier on you and people who see your content.
1. First off, if you're writing a pretty long piece the you should probably put it under a read more, it'll look like this on mobile
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and this on desktop
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or you can write :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter.
2. Now if you're gonna write for a whole bunch of different fandoms and you wanna make a master list then I suggest making an actual list with the fandoms you write for and then making more lists with the actual content as a you go along because you can only have 100 links in one post (I know that sounds like a lot but as someone who has around 300 Transformers things written trust me you fill up a post quicker than you expect, especially if you take requests from other people). The way I typically do it is like this
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The first pic is the MASTER master list that lists everything I write for and when they're underlined like that it means they're links. The second pic is after clicking the G1 link, it's a separate post that has the actual fics and headcanon links. Note the 6/100 in the tags, this is how I keep up with how many things I've added. You can of course just use the numbers options from here
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or just number them manually from your keyboard like I'm doing with this post. Adding links has no barring on what else you add to the post so you can add yourself some fancy header or divider pics if you want.
3. Adding links! Links can look like this https://www.tumblr.com/wingwaver/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons?source=share or like this https://wingwaver.tumblr.com/post/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons depending on whether you're linking from mobile or desktop/browser Just highlight the text you wanna add a link to and a the little chain will move to the end, click it and paste your url you want to link to and press add link, then press post/save draft/save (whatever the blue button says)
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Now you've successfully linked a post to another post!
4. Tagging! To get your fics and headcanons seen to build an audience you usually wanna tag the stuff correctly. If you're posting a fic about Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney then you'll tag it with #Ace Attorney, #Miles Edgeworth, and #Phoenix Wright in the tags area. But it's also a good idea to mention if it's a ship or general fic in the tags too. If so then putting ship names and #Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and #Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright in the tags will help everyone know this is a ship fic. Tagging with characters or fandoms that aren't apart of the fic just clogs the tags for people looking for content of said characters and fandoms so it's very looked down on here and will likely get some of your stuff reported for spam so only use the relevant tags. Also tagging for triggers can be tricky here because of how fucky tumblr is but please don't tag censor tags. Tagging things like #a**** or #a*use or even #abu$e doesn't work here because people who have #abuse blacklisted will be able to see this content because it wasn't tagged properly. Also if you're writing for OCs or reader inserts it's common courtesy to tag those appropriately too. Someone looking for a reader insert may not want to read an OC and vice versa. Also many people filter those out so try to add tags like #x reader, #*fandom name* x reader, and #*character name* x reader for easier filtering. Also people cruise those tags too so it'll help people who fo want to read that content find your stuff!
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Hii, can I request dc x teen male reader? They’re partly part of the batfam, he’s Batman’s second youngest son. And he tags along with Batman to a mission with Superman and Wonder Woman, and guess what, they brought their kids too? I mean not like the already existing kids of them, like they’re original characters? Imagine them just not liking eachother at first but they just become best friends during the mission when they almost die and just laugh it off. They are literally just like Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman trio.
Yup yup, you sure can. I feel like the OG trio would freak out at the similarity. I think I kind of strayed off, but I kind off got hit with inspiration, so I hope you don't mind.
Summary: Kids of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman don't like each other. After a near death experience, they become friends.
Warnings: explosions, cursing, tension between teammates, they like each other after near death experience, injuries, OG trio is worried, OC kids, except for Batman.
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(Y/N) knew that missions with kids his age was going to be a normal thing. He knew it and there wasn't anything he could have done. But to go with Althea Prince and James Kent? There was no such thing that would make Bruce drag him on a mission with them.
The trio hated each other. (Y/N) didn't like how Althea thought that men were beneath her and James is too soft for (Y/N)'s liking. That boy is a personification of a golden retriever and his father was no better too.
Althea and (Y/N) had way more problems than (Y/N) and James had. While James was somewhat okay with the no kill rule, Althea found the rule ridiculous and thought that the evil should be eradicated. No matter what.
That grinded (Y/N)'s gears and it made him want to bash her face against any type of hard surface, but he couldn't. He would be grounded and she wasn't worth it. At all.
But this mission was a test for them. This was going to be their first solo mission without the supervision of their parents. It was just a covert one and intel collecting. Get in and get out.
And that's why they were siting in Justice League HQ, in a dull meeting room. Batman was presenting something that (Y/N) already knew. He has heard it before they left.
" Now, (V/N) will take the lead on this, since it's covert and intel gathering. I don't want to hear any arguments about this. " Batman said, knowing that the trio was going to argue about it.
But lets be honest, if there was anybody who knew how to be stealthy and quiet, it was (Y/N). Well, (V/N) in this case. (Y/N) forced himself to suppress a smile from blooming on his face.
Take that you two. He glanced at the two of them and Althea frowned a bit and James just rolled his eyes. Oh you two sacks of shit.
" Now, (V/N), would you like to take over? " Batman asked, well, demanded. (V/N) nodded and stood up from his chair. Bruce moved over and (Y/N) stood in his place. It felt weird, but you know, it made him feel powerful.
" Right. Like my father said, this is a covert and intel gathering. Which means it's get in and get out quietly. This is a base on a remote island in the Pacific ocean. We have reasons to believe that that's where Vandal the Savage and Deathstroke may have stashed their weapons, however, that is not our primary cause. It's intel that it's kept there. We will probably encounter Deathstroke or Lady Shiva, since those two started working together. " (Y/N) said, pressing a few buttons on the screen keyboard.
" This is how it's supposed to look. It's a pretty classical look for a base, but the security system is very tight and nearly impossible to hack into. However, I saw a small portion of the system and I know that I can hack into it. Now, the problem would be Deathstroke. If you see him, call me through the comms. Don't try to fight him, because he will win. " (Y/N) said and he nearly wanted to smack Althea for rolling her eyes.
" And also, he has experience fighting meta humans, like Wonder Woman and Superman. " (Y/N) said, glancing at the said duo, who nodded in agreement.
" (V/N) is right, he is not to be underestimated. " Wonder Woman said.
Batman stayed quiet, watching as (Y/N) dealt with the two. (Y/N) was growing into a brave and a mature person. And his hero side was no different. He knew that the trio didn't like each other and that was just normal and in life you are going to work with shitheads, as Jason would so kindly put it. And you would have to know how to deal with them.
Again, it's just life.
And Bruce could tell that (Y/N) was dealing with them well. Sure, his way was sarcastic and sometimes it could get ugly, but it was funny and sometimes it was outright murder worthy.
But Bruce loved him none the less.
" We are going first thing tomorrow evening, believe it or not. And that would be it. " (V/N) said and the other two left the room with their parents. Bruce and (Y/N) stayed back and (Y/N) looked at his father.
" You did good. You stayed professional and I could tell you wanted to smack Althea, but you controlled yourself. "
(Y/N) smiled, happy to hear this from Bruce. It wasn't like he never praised his sons, quite the opposite, but when he did, you know that he meant it.
" Lets go back home. Your brothers would like to spend time with you before you go on the mission. " Bruce said and the father son duo left the room, moving to the Zeta tubes.
" I know, but I just want to sleep. I had a tiring day at school. " (Y/N) admitted as they started the teleporting. Once they got into the cave, they both took their cowls off.
(Y/N)'s hair was going in all of different directions and Bruce ruffled his hair even more with a quiet chuckle. (Y/N) whined, trying to push Bruce's hand away.
" You kids grow up so fast. " Bruce admitted to (Y/N) and gave him a quick hug.
" You say that every year. " (Y/N) retorted, chuckling. It was true though. He said it every year when they did good in something.
" Am I wrong though? I would suggest you go up now. Jason called me and told me that if you aren't up in about 20 minutes he will come to get you himself. And you have about 5 minutes to get up there or he will kidnap you. " Bruce warned and (Y/N) ran into the locker room.
Jason would absolutely make that threat a promise and (Y/N) didn't want to fight with any of them. Bruce shook his head fondly at his sons antics.
All of them are going to be with the death of him.
The young trio was in a plane, flying to their location. It was quiet and they had a few hours to kill before landing down at their designated location. (Y/N) put it on autopilot and leaned back. He adjusted his gauntlets on his hands.
It was slightly nerve wrecking for all of them. When on missions they had supervision, they had guidance and they could call the moment something went wrong.
This time is a bit different. Did they have guidance? Yes. Did they have supervision? No.
But the trio knew that their parents were watching. They weren't completely alone in the dark.
" And what do we do know? I'm bored. " James said, crossing his arms.
" And that doesn't sound like my problem. You know you don't have the stamina to fly so long and you can't be weak for this mission. " (Y/N) responded, rubbing his eyes. He heard a tsk and for a split second he thought that Damian was behind him. But no.
" You know Althea, I wouldn't tsk since you can't fly that long either. " (Y/N) snapped back.
" I thought you two are supposed to be strong. Men like to boast about their strength. " Althea said and (Y/N) turned his head to look at her.
" I still can't believe that you are Wonder Woman's daughter. She doesn't hate men and yet you are so far up your own ass that you can't see reality. Is that the result of Amazon upbringing? " (Y/N) asked, sarcasm slipping through into his voice.
There was silence before she huffed, turning her head away. James sighed, shaking his head. They are supposed to be a team and not sworn enemies.
" Well, this mission is going to go well. "James mumbled and (Y/N) closed his eyes, just ready to meditate and get himself mentally ready for the mission.
The landing was quiet and the trio embarked on the shore. They stopped in the bush and (Y/N) zoomed in the view he had. Thank God for built in binoculars within his cowl.
He saw 2 guarding the door.
" Give me a minute and I will disable the security system. I think we will have about 20 minutes to get in and get out. I will take out the 2 in the front and when we get in, we are separating. I know we don't like each other, but we put all of that aside. Now we are teammates. " (Y/N) said and the two nodded in agreement.
" Good. Comms are going to be on the entire time. And if you see Deathstroke, call me. " (Y/N) said, opening up the tiny computer on his gauntlet. He typed a few buttons and the system was officially down.
(Y/N) took a deep breath. It's time to go.
" Lets go. " (Y/N) said and ran towards the two, seemingly out of nowhere. They didn't have a chance with (Y/N). After taking their cards, he swiped it to open the door.
" Now we split. Wonder Girl, you are going left, there is an office there, see if you can find anything there. Superboy, you are going to the right. There are guard's room on the right so if you see some, knock 'em out. I will go straight for the hardware room. And if I find any weapons, I will destroy them. Comms ON. " (Y/N) said and the other two nodded.
And so they separated. Wonder Girl went left, (V/N) went straight ahead and Superboy went to the right. (Y/N) ran in the hall, passing by the grey walls.
There is a certain adrenaline rush you get on certain types of missions. If he is patrolling in the city, it's something normal and usual, almost like a routine. It was nice, but deep down he is an adrenaline addict and he is just looking for some extra adrenaline.
Missions alone with his dad or with others was a bit better in terms of adrenaline. The missions were always out of Gotham city and he was in place were he has never been before. And it always led to him doing some crazy shit that is guaranteed to give Bruce a lot of grey hairs.
But a mission alone, without the supervision of their parents? It brought out a new wave of adrenaline rush that he has never felt before. It made him feel free and way beyond light. When he started being a vigilante, there was this constant fear. But now, there was no fear.
It was just sheer bravery and intent to get his dad proud. Bruce was already proud, but it would mean everything to (Y/N) that he could prove himself. "
" Yes. I checked everything. And you said yes to my proposition. " Bruce said, looking at the two.
" Are you sure about this Batman? " Wonder Woman asked as they were sitting in the conference room, waiting for their children. None of them are able to sleep without their children in their own homes. Bruce more so then others.
" I know that he wouldn't send them straight into fire. Intel and covert, that much they can handle. " Superman said, clearly agreeing with Batman.
" I know and I know that they are more than capable of doing this mission, but I worry. She is my only daughter and I love her to death. (Y/N) and James are my nephews and I love those two death to. " She said, sighing quietly.
" But I worry about them working together. And also, weren't they supposed to report back? A few minutes ago? "
Everyone was silent before running to the second airplane they had. Yeah... Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let them go alone.
The mission kind of went south. Their cover was blown and now they had to fight their way through the guards. Thankfully, there was no Vandal Savage and his kids, but there was Deathstroke.
Turns out, there was no actual intel. This was meant to be a trap for Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Now that ticked (Y/N) off and he couldn't let it happen.
Absolutely not. Nobody threatens his family and just goes on with his business. And he had to settle a score after putting Nightwing out of action for months on end.
And even if he dies and this is the last thing he does, then so be it. Deathstroke didn't have any objections to (Y/N)'s plan. But the plan went tits up when (Y/N) got blown up to the next room. He hissed as he looked down to his stomach.
A shrapnel. A fucking shrapnel. He hissed as he took it out and took a syringe of something similar to the liquid from the Lazarus pit. He pressed the syringe into the wound, allowing the liquid to heal him.
It's a liquid only used in the emergency situations. (Y/N) lunged back at Deathstroke, taking advantage of the surprise. He managed to knock the bastard out. He was huffing at the dull pain, trying to block it out.
" Shit... " (Y/N) cursed, leaning down to rest his hands on his knees. It would all be fine if another bomb exploded, nearly knocking him out cold, but he was dancing on the edge.
He could hear a female and a male voice above him. He was blinking, trying to regain focus. He laughed as he saw their worried faces. They froze, looking at him worried.
" Why are you laughing? " Althea asked, worried beyond belief.
" Because you think a bomb can take me out. " (Y/N) said, laughing even more. When he calmed down, he took a deep breath and looked at the two.
" You two can help me up now. This was a trap for our parents instead. " (Y/N) said and James nodded.
" We know. Comms are always on. " James tried to joke as Althea and him pulled (Y/N) up.
" Our parents are going to kill us. " (Y/N) announced and the other two nodded.
" I don't know about you two, but I'm going to the plane, with or without you. " (Y/N) said and they agreed. The trio ran, just ready to get the hell out of here.
It was nice to see their parents, ready to fight for them. All 3 fussed about them, Bruce more than others. (Y/N) knew that they are going fight about rest when they come home. At one point, the trio started laughing out of nowhere and the OG trio looked worried. Some inwardly, some outwardly.
" What is going on? " Superman asked, looking around for some answers.
Nobody answered him.
After 2 months, they worked together again, but with their parents with them. It was a one completely 180 from their previous communication. The OG trio noticed a lot of similarities.
They were turning into their parents.
" Should we be worried? " Wonder Woman asked once, watching the footage from their last mission. It was just like them.
" I mean... Are we bad role models? " Superman asked out loud and Batman stayed quiet.
" No. But... You know, lets see where this goes. " Superman suggested. Bruce just pinched the bridge of his nose. May God help them.
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sterekunhinged · 26 days
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LET'S GOOOOO Thank you to everyone who participated and became unhinged with me <3
tumblr fic here! by @cantgetoversterek
Worth Fifty Thousand Words by Definitively_Different_Drivel T | 344 words | tags: crack treated seriously, rated T for language/references to porn
Summary: Stiles gaped after Mrs. Brooks. Derek stood beside him, eyebrow raised. Stiles pulled out his phone, searching frantically. "You're not looking that up." Stiles typed away. "Fuck off, do you really think I can just- ignore that possibility?" Derek grimaced, scraping his fingers through the back of his hair. Stiles sputtered beside him. "Holy shit I found it! Oh my god, this was a bad idea, Derek, why didn't you stop me?"
In which Stiles hears some interesting information about his father's past career aspirations and proceeds to makes literally the worst decisions possible.
It kills me to love you by TalesoftheEnchantedForest E | 5958 words | graphic depictions of violence | tags: canon divergence, a hint of dark!Stiles, Pack Alpha Derek Hale but the pack's not in this fic, Getting Together, A bit of stalking, freak4freak, Cum drinking, brief armpit and feet kink, Jealousy, Marking, Bottom Derek Hale/Top Stiles Stilinski ,fucking on corpses, Breeding Kink, Mating Bond, Angst and Porn, Stiles is 17 at the beginning but it's not explicitly stated
Summary: "How did you know?" Derek asks because he didn't mention the date to anyone, and maybe that was a mistake he shouldn't repeat in the future. "I put a tracker on your phone," Stiles says casually, and yeah, that sounds like him. Stiles and Derek's relationship might not be the healthiest, but it works for them, so does it really matter?
Trading Ties by Definitively_Different_Drivel E | 4181 words | tags: Porn With Plot, Kidnapped Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Morally Ambiguous Stiles Stilinski, Accidental Knotting, Manipulative Stiles Stilinski, Dubious Consent, Kanima Venom (Teen Wolf), also acts like viagra because fuck it it's smut, Dubiously Consensual Blow Jobs, spell for instant lube/prep, Topping from the Bottom, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Bondage
Summary: "You're awake." Hazel eyes bore into him as he cursed his luck. Stiles frowned, heaving his head up to rest against the back of the chair. He must be getting sloppy. "So," he eyed the man, took in the classic posture and subtle nostril flaring that lay beneath all that leather and gratuitous muscle. He cracked out a brittle laugh, playing the victim. "big bad wolf thought he could waltz in and steal the weakest link, eh?" The man eyeing him scoffed. "Bullshit. You're the linchpin." In which Laura and Derek return after Scott's pack is well established and they're stupid enough to kidnap Stiles as a test. Little do they realize that the guy they thought was the cowardly human strategist is actually a terrifying magical enigma. He's also disturbingly horny, which may be the key to avoiding Derek's impending demise.
Wolf Kissed by Gia279 E | 69,565 words | 38 chapters | tags: Mates, Mates by Choice, Werewolf Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski Gets Bitten, Original Characters - Freeform, Scarification, Stiles Stilinski-centric, animal consumption, werewolf violence, Werewolf Culture, Gore, Violence, Biting, Full Shift Werewolves, Alternate Universe, Pack Dynamics, Hunters, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Torture, scars are important in werewolf culture, Explicit Sexual Content, Serious Injuries
Summary: Stiles has been smothered under the weight of running his dead mother's tavern for years. When the wolves return from the mountain, when Derek Hale strolls into his tavern and offers him a way out, he leaps at the chance. His abrupt departure fractures his town and turns everyone against his new pack. He's determined to set things to rights after he discovers that the Argents have twisted his choice to leave into something more sinister.
Bring Your Hunger by lanalua M | 2110 words | tags: Magical Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Getting Together, Nemeton Stiles Stilnski
Summary: Derek was used to tragedy. Used to waiting for the other shoe to drop. He was tired. This, he decided to enjoy.
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Royal Flush Haunted Honk - The Updated Bones!
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a Horror Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
It is based on the idea in the post that is linked above.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Also the majority of the brainstorming is happening in the replies if you're so inclined.
Behold! The Update! It's the bare bones intro and the outline! It's 2.5K! Whoops! 😅
Some of this is just straight copy and pasted from the notes and other bits have been lightly reworded or built upon to connect to other bits.
I've gotten some scenes sent to me by @thedragonchilde that I loved and I think will fit in well with what we've got so far for the fic.
If you'd like to link or reblog them please do!
@amplexadversary feel free to message me or reblog with scenes you've thought up or written up! I can't wait to read them!
I think we've set the stage pretty well to start brainstorming the horror and whump! 😃
I'll see y'all in the replies for ideas on new plot points! 🪦💥🌩
This is backstory and general outline only.
It is barely edited. Typos abound.
The dialogue is extremely minimal and it is a framework upon which to build the fic. 💖
I am giving this explanation for the benefit of internet strangers as all parties working on this fic are already familiar.
Hello Internet strangers! 👋
Wherever the tendrils of the Devil Gundam hovered over the earth, and subsequently were destroyed, are places that may have had DG cells distributed through the atmosphere.
Atmospheric DG plumes have lead to DG infection in those areas. There's also likely tendril debris.
Neo-Japan, since the Devil Gundam's destruction,  has been working with Neo and world governments on a cure for DG infection.
At the moment the current treatment involves Kyoji or Schwarz controlling the DG cells of the individual and shutting them down; however, they are making breakthroughs with advancements on a nanocite injection that they're synthesizing with an executable program that shuts the DG cells down.
The biological compatibilities are the hurdle at the moment as evidenced in animal testing.
Kyoji and Domon are traveling to some sites in the USA that were affected by tendrils. Domon is there as a body guard since Schwarz is handling infection cases elsewhere (unspecified).
Chibodee is their escort. America is a Different Beast to Japan even in the future. So they'll need an escort to get through the militant landscape and across the sheer distance of it all.
Rain wanted to come with them, but with the volatility of the current landscape of the US - Especially where they're going - Kyoji didn't want to needlessly risk her safety.
He's assured her that Domon, Chibodee, and Chibodee's team will be watching his back.
Dr. Kasshu will be with them for the first days in New York to help with setup of the mobile lab before heading back to Neo Japan to continue working alongside Rain.
Once they've rested and are ready to head out, Domon, Chibodee, Kyoji, and The Gals will take Neo America's Core Lander and a mobile lab to the TD Site and it should be a fairly straight forward affair since they've gotten permission from the national and state governments, as well as permission from Gunsinto to be in the area.
They shouldn't be more than a few days travel to get there and retrieve samples and data and get back. He should be gone a week at the absolute most.
Kyoji gives rain the contact info to their hotel in New York as well as their sponsored Gunsinto accommodations in the Midwest and lets her know that he'll call once they've arrived palnetside.
He makes good on that promise the next day, letting Rain know that their shuttle landed, Chibodee and the girls picked them up without hassle, and lets them know that they're set to have a great dinner at a favorite restaurant of Chibodee's that evening.
Seeing Chibodee is like a breathe of fresh air that Domon didn't know he needed. Life has been so needlessly complicated lately but after Chibodee releases him from the bear hug given in greeting and throws an arm over Domon's shoulders they fall into step as if they'd never been apart.
Keeping in touch wasn't exactly easy. Domon doesn't respond quite as often as Chibidee would like, but every message Chibodee left was listened to and saved.
Ever since they got wind of this mission it's all either of them has had on their minds for days.
I need some help here with feelings and dialogue and inner thoughts but Basically
They both independently realize with clarity over the days leading up and the time in New York how much they've missed each other and how easy and comfortable it all is - being teamed up again.
Domons semi-recent revelations and feelings fresh on his mind. Chibodees crush ever looming.
Hearts racing. Feeling lighter than they have in God Knows How Long. Chibodee smiling so much his face cramps. Domon feeling so comfortable and nearly zen he loses his permanent frown from constantly thinking and just vibes. Smiling occasionally even!
Chibodee proposes they spar real quick before dinner "To work up an appetite! And C'mon! I wanna see what I'm up against in the upcoming Gundam Fight!" With a grin slamming his left fist into his open right hand. (He's left handed right? Or was that someone else?)
They Spar and there's Feelings
(I have a small scene outline put together for the spar for your consideration. @thedragonchilde has submit 2 scenes that would be great for just after the spar and are an awesome read! I'll include my outline for the spar scene in a reblog)
Then they have dinner together and later part to settle in their hotel rooms for the evening. 
The next day they focus on briefing the expedition and setting up the Mobile Lab that The Gals will be in charge of transporting. 
Once the lab is set up, they see Dr. Kasshu off on his shuttle back to Neo Japan that has been on standby since they arrived.
Kyoji volunteers to ride with The Gals under the excuse of getting a head start on some data processing - to give Domon and Chibodee some time alone together. 
Chibodee is not about to let himself be alone in a Core Lander with Domon for HOURS. He may blurt out something he regrets. He insists that Kyoji ride with them and leave the Gals to themselves.
As they make their way out west, Chibodee starts explaining why they'll want to keep their guard up. 
There's been a lot of unrest recently and especially the last 10 years since Gunsinto bought out the last of their land and displaced so many communities. 
Domon asks occasional questions but Kyoji isn't saying much of anything at all. Opting to rest most of the journey. Domon seems tense, which is understandable considering the events before they left New York. 
Suddenly they hear gunfire and what might be a canon of some kind. 
They expected resistance outside of Gunsinto territory but they didn't expect it after they crossed the border!
Aren't the Greenlords supposed to be patrolling the area???
So they're on the run from a group that blames Domon and Kyoji for all the bullshit post DG Incident. The group is made up of various parties working together to hold Neo Japan responsible for their crimes against humanity since nothing held up in court and Neo Japan is currently in control. Plus near endless bitterness at America's loss of Super Power status for decades and the effect that that has had on their economy and natural resources put under stress from these Big Space Battles. 
Chibodee and The Gals are aware of THIS group of violent individuals… but they're not aware of the OTHER group of violent individuals. (The Clown gangs are kept under wraps by the Greenlords - Gunsinto's private militia similar to to the Pinkertons as going public would be an embarrassment and an open invitation to more trespassers.)
They have a good idea of what weapons they have at their disposal and what their general tactics are. 
They decide to split up and have The Gals create a distraction to lure the majority of the aggressors off before rendezvousing close to the TD Site in this region.
After they split, the core lander has some issues and breaks down in the middle of nowhere. As they break down Kyoji has an awful headache. There's a terrible signal he can feel and he knows it affected the core lander's processors but he's not sure what it is. 
(It's a device that broadcasts a malicious signal that infects the processing units of hovering vehicles - was gonna be an emp but realized that would mess up their gps. It has only a very mild effect on DG cells it seems. Their GPS was made by the Kasshus with DG tech so it's unaffected. - Their communicator was issued by Gunsinto and was not so lucky - it's dead.)
Luckily for them their map data integrated into their GPS shows there should be a former town nearby.
The nearest town is seemingly abandoned. There's simply not enough water here according to Chibodee. 
The only building not completely crumbled is a lone Motel. Chibodee curses his Rotten Fucking Luck. (Clown Music!)
They're exhausted from carrying their emergency supplies through the heat of the day. They're not going any further. This will have to be it. Domon is clearly tense and Chibidee seems about to jump out of his skin but Kyoji doesn't really know why. He could be over sensitive after sitting with their tension in the core lander and then walking with them through the heat. 
Chibodee considers attempting to convince them to camp outside but with the wind picking up as bad as it is, he has no leg to stand on. They'll be sleeping inside. 
Strange though. There's a light on. That's odd.
Meanwhile The Gals have incapacitated the pursuers after radioing in help from the Greenlords who are cooperating on this mission. 
They're of course like “Whaaaaaat? That's Crazyyyyyyyyy.” And don't breathe a word of the Other Issue inside The Fields. Instead electing to simply refuel the mobile lab and send some extra men with The Gals as escort.
The girls start back on their journey to Rendevous with the guys. 
The arrive at the TD Site with no sign of the guys. After waiting 2 hours they decide to try and ping their location. 
There's no result. What they assumed was poor signal is worrying them now.
As they double back in the direction the guys should have been coming from they discover the crashed Core Lander and some prints headed South West.
They check their maps of the area which indicate a former town a few miles south west. They hop in their mobile lab and head that way. 
When they make it to the town, the only standing structure is a Clown Themed Motel that looks like it was pulled straight out of a historical classic horror film. 
They share a look. There's no way Chibodee would be here. They decide to check for other towns and head further south.  Eventually as it starts to get dark the escort advises that they head to the designated accommodations for the evening and the Greenlords will start a search.
Kyoji kept his word to Rain that he and his father would check in when they arrived in New York. When the second day stretches on with no word Rain starts to worry.
Her father has made it home, but she's still heard no word from Kyoji.
On Rain's 5th call in as many hours -at about 2:00 AM- The Gals answer.... it's Bad News.
They've been separated by a roaming militia group hellbent on serving American Justice to these Neo Japan Planet Destroyers. The Gals were supposed to Rendevous with Chibodee and the guys at the TD site but they never showed and they didn't find them on their way to the Gunsinto Accomodations either.
The Gals reassure her that the Greenlords and Gunsinto are starting a search and they should have word soon.
Dread starts to settle in the pit of Rain's stomach.
Meanwhile The Guys walk into the Hotel expecting it to be abandoned. It certainly looks that way from the outside. 
As they walk in though, they meet a rather average looking man smoking a cigar and watching some movies on a TV in the corner of the dark Lobby. 
He looks surprised (he isnt) and quickly stubs out his cigar in the ash tray nearby before walking into the only light in the lobby by the front desk.
He welcomes them with a smile and asks how many guests. Letting them know that unfortunately he's only got one room available and There's Only the One Bed. He asks if that's alright.
Chibodee sputters. Shocked that there's someone here at all. He asks as much and the man says that the Hotel is a side business of the Greenlords’ for “Employee Services” if you catch his drift.
Average guy asks after them as he's never seen them before. Kyoji has a bad feeling and smooths things over by advising that they're there as horticultural graduate students studying genetic modification with their Professor and a few other students. Kyoji tells a tale of how they got separated in the fields and this was the closest area with shelter according to their map data.
The Average guy is surprised to hear that they have a functioning GPS and says that this area has bad signal. It's a blessing they can find their way.
He directs them to their room and leaves back toward the lobby.
Kyoji has a bad feeling. He can sense a ton of corrupted DG cells nearby. Somewhere underground, but isn't sure why or what it means. 
He also keeps getting flashes of screaming men and women in clown costumes….
He relays as much to Domon privately as Chibodee is clearly already on edge and doesn't need any more stress. 
Kyoji asks Domon if Chibodee is alright. Domon informs him that clowns and clown imagery is a problem but there's really nothing they can do about it in this situation. His fists are clenched. Domon i's pissed they have to stay here.
Kyoji takes a moment to let Domon know he'll take the floor and for Chibodee and Domon to take the bed. This throws Domon for a loop, but before he can argue Kyoji insists that out of the 3 of them he can probably take the most stress and that Chibodee looks like he needs someone to sleep next to. 
Kyoji also mentions that he'll be blocking his hearing on a nano level to give them privacy in case they need to talk. Domon is a bit flustered by this but decides to take it in stride and go to Chibodee who is pacing and silently melting down. He looks like he's about to both through the window and back into the fields. 
Domon puts a hand on Chibodee’s shoulder and suggests they go ahead and bunk down for the night. 
He and Domon each take a seat on the end of the bed while Kyoji remains standing and they discuss Watch Rotation.
It'll probably be better to have 2 people awake and 1 person resting at any given time.
None of them trust this guy at the front desk. Especially not Kyoji.
Not sure how to segue from bunking down to the horror bit below gracefully; but I know we need to.
I feel like it's the perfect time for Domon and Chibodee to take Kyoji up on his offer of audible privacy to have a quick heart to heart..... before it's unfortunately and terrifyingly interrupted. 😨
Mostly because I'm mean. 😂
My first thought for 4 is that it probably looks like a normal-ass bed but in the middle of the night when both the guys are like half asleep, a clown hand bursts up from the center of the mattress in a classic zombie style Then an improbable amount slowly crawl out of that same hole as Chibodee drags Domon to the door (Domon for his credit is ready to beat a clown with another clown)
Since the FC does have the lightest touch of Newtype bullshit (mostly seen in the Schwarz/Rain chase scene where Schwarz gets the newtype flash), I'm interested in it being ghosts because the NT thing sometimes goes that way.
Ghosts usually have some kind of backstory as to why they're around, and I think it fits the setting to have a sort of clown culture war going on
so you have gangs like the one that killed Chibodee's mom, and then you get ordinary clowns going vigilante to hunt the ones that do that down for flagrant violation of the clown code
But the problem with vigilantism is you sometimes get the wrong guy, so that eventually happens and another group of clowns goes vigilante to go after the first group because they've gone bad (doesn't matter whether or not this is true for our purposes). And then you get more guys like the original circus terrorists playing themselves off as vigilantes as an excuse to kill people.
So now you have a clown gang war and more clown terrorists than you started with. And with the other problems Earth and the Colonies have it isn't *really* a big enough deal for anyone outside of the business to really care, so you get a sort of uneasy status quo with occasional bursts of clown violence.
The motel in question has a ghost problem because it's a former base of operations of a clown gang, where they would frequently dispose of their clown victims.
Chibodee is not at all aware of this. Or else he never would have agreed to this. He would have had some sort if Military backup. Gunsinto and The Greenlords have kept this under wraps to avoid broadcasting their farm territory as terrorist territory.
The clowns were affected by DG cells pre-murder and with Kyoji nearby they seem to be activating.
Kyoji can affect DG cells in a lof of situations... but can he affect them to his advantage here???
Stay Tuned to Find Out!
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amphitriteswife · 5 months
📓Ror/ SnV characters as teachers/subjects pt2📓
🌸Tag list🌸: @miss-seanymph-pani @viostar2095 @nicasdreamer @vilereign @tinyy-tea-cup @monstertreden
Qin Shi Huang:
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🧧he teaches Chinese (it’s a subject where i live).
🧧He isn’t serious at all and mostly just talks with his students about anything and everything
🧧Chinese is difficult tho so if you need extra help he has no problem giving you some extra lectures
🧧gets along great with most teachers….most.
🧧’where did you go on vacation sir?’ ‘China.’ ‘But you’ve been there like the last 16 years’ ‘yes.’
🧧he teaches his students Chinese curse words. He denies doing it tho, so if you get caught it wasn’t him.
🧧brings moon cakes and usually changes the lesson to a longer lasting lunch break
🧧legit sometimes forget to prepare lessons and just lets everyone go early.
🧧’oh mr. Poseidon gave yall a lot of homework? Don’t worry yall we’ll just watch some movies today.’
🧧 gives homework sometimes, but doesn’t get mad if u don’t make it.
🧧goes to all school events, trips, parties no matter what he’s always present.
🧧probably got in trouble with the principal. Doesn’t care. Why? He’s one of the most loved teachers and would be shame to let him go.
🧧’class i’m tired so imma let yall go early today’
🧧allows eating in his class, as well as phones. Man is addicted to his phone too so he don’t see a problem with it.
🧧good friends with budda and Hades. They usually combine classes for trips n stuff
🧧legit thinks that the school should have trips to China. Bro will have a whole meeting about it and won’t back down
🧧has like those learning posters in his classroom. It’s usually a map of China and some basic words or numbers.
🧧puts on some Chinese drama’s or series for the class to watch, even the mukbangs.
🧧He spends his lunchbreak in a restaurant, might flirt with the waiter tho. It’s a Chinese restaurant too.
🧧if he aint at the restaurant he’s probably buying things or just talking with student or his coworkers.
🧧gives his credit card to the students he trusts and asks them to but him something, yall ofcourse can get something for yourselves too.
🧧’sir, you just 3 lessons in a row. How do you have Starbucks? It’s a 15 minute walk’ ‘I have my ways…’
🧧Every time you see him he’s with another girl, man’s a player ok. He had like idk 4829173927293739 concubines, wives not included.
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🎭 surprisingly teacher literature.
🎭 ‘this text means that children are like monstors, if not, worse’
🎭 is either nice or very creepy. No in between.
🎭 makes a distinguish between students he likes and doesn’t like.
🎭 legit gets bullied by his students. ‘Sir who is Sigyn?’ ‘Oh that’s a very long and delicate story.’ He doesn’t want anyone to know his personal life cause it’s……personal.
🎭 ‘Romeo (Loki) was a fool for believing Juliet (brunhilde) would ever love him.’ The class probably knew about it and laughs at him.
🎭 bro legit ran out the room crying and shoved Hercules aside who was like ‘yo wtf just happend’ and just continued his day. Loki on the other hand was crying in the janitor’s closet about Sigyn.
🎭 Do. Not. Mention . Sigyn. His soul is to delicate to think about her.
🎭Has a picture of Sigyn on his desk and looks at it a lot. But tries not to show it.
🎭 Writes poems about Sigyn, sometimes some art or some flowers.
🎭If you spot some purple flowers on his desk it’s cause they remind him of Sigyn, if you ask he’ll lie about it.
🎭 Gives surprise tests, why? Cause he can. He only gives them to students who don’t do their homework.
🎭 If u like literature he sometimes asks you about your favorite poem and has a conversation about it. May include it in his lesson too.
🎭 ‘Can i use the restroom?’ ‘I don’t know can you?’ Type of teacher, only to students he doesn’t like. If you a good student he’ll let you go to the restroom.
🎭 He spends the entire 1st week after holidays just talking with students and not doing any work.
🎭 hates meetings. He never shows up for then what got him in trouble but he doesn’t care. He thinks that meetings are a waste of time and that all the stuff can be put in an email.
🎭he’s divorced ok. And Sigyn has the kids most of the time. So he is a mood swing, he doesn’t have them he just is one. The other day he all smiley and okay and the other he just depresso
🎭 needs therapy, maybe counseling, and meds. He’s over brunhilde tho, so now he tries to get Sigyn back,
🎭class, if bro is in good terms w his kids n ex wife bro can be the most chillest teacher, like buddha and qin level, but he first needs to be mentally stable.
🎭 one of his kids visited him at school and he started crying, so he spent the whole lesson with his kid and let the class go early
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🪽 She’s the school’s psychologist.
🪽 Students as well as teachers can go to her with their problems.
🪽She has her own office where she talk with ppl
🪽doesn’t get along with the principal (Zeus)
🪽When you have an appointment with her she usually already sends an email to the teacher’s class you originally were supposed to be in so that you wont be marked absent.
🪽She is also present during the teachers’ meetings. She has a list of ppl who visit her and backs up those students.
🪽She also handles suspensions, especially if the student had talked to her before or visits her regularly.
🪽Her office had pictures of her sisters, some are also teachers and some are still students at the school.
🪽 She is happily engaged to Siegfried, who sometimes visits the school and helps out with functions.
🪽 Also tags along, but she usually tags along for amusement parks or museums, cause she doesn’t like being too far away from her sisters.
🪽 Sometimes takes students out of lessons to have a talk with them to make sure they’re alright.
🪽She also talks with ppl who have dyslexia or example autism so that she can make sure the student gets al the time they need
🪽She’s pretty chill actually, she likes hearing about her students doing better in school and is willing to do everything to ensure that.
🪽offers counseling, extra lessons and making sure that her students well beings aren’t neglected.
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✨Note✨: hey yall its me again, i made a new one w other characterss, only i ran out of ideas so i may make some more though also thank yall for Reading this 🩷
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mcyt-drabble-exchange · 2 months
MCYT Drabble Exchange: Overview and Rules
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Do you like writing? Do you like Minecraft youtubers? Do you, perhaps, like writing about Minecraft youtubers? Well, we do too! Only problem is, we often stay up late wagging our fists at a half-finished document, cursing the fact that writing is hard, life is busy and there's just not enough time in the day to sit down and make a good fic. Well, if you’re looking for a quick little block people centered writing challenge, then boy, do we have just the mini-event for you!
Welcome everyone to the 2024 (first ever!) MCYT Drabble Exchange!
TIMELINE: May 6th - sign ups open May 17th - sign ups close May 24th - all assignments sent May 25-26th - posting period May 26th 11:59pm BST - posting period ends [What time is it for me?] May 27th-June 2nd - treating week
SIGN UPS: [closed]
RULES: 1. As per Tumblr and AO3 TOS, you must be over 13 to participate. 2. You agree to create a work of exactly 100 words by the given deadline, or contact a mod on Tumblr for your giftee to be reassigned. 3. You agree to abide by your giftee’s DNW. 4. Your work must focus on at least one requested character, but can include non requested characters. 5. All works must be MCYT-centric. 6. This is a 13+ exchange, there is no NSFW allowed. This applies to sexual content as well as extreme (e-rated) gore. 7. Make your gift in good faith - something that you think your giftee would like. 8. All violent/dark/triggering topics must be tagged appropriately. 9. No AI generated content.
POSTING: You can post your work to Tumblr or AO3, we don’t mind either! We do however require you make a Tumblr post tagging both this blog and your giftee. We have an AO3 Collection! Works posted to the collection might take a while to show up, so please don’t panic if you don't see yours! They need to be manually accepted.
So, what is a drabble?  A drabble is a written work made up of exactly 100 words. Typically viewed as a challenge, drabbles are often meant to test a writer’s skill in brevity, seeing how efficiently they can communicate emotions or ideas through such tight restrictions. For this event, we are using this unique format to bring the joy of MCYT into the world! Think, how would a lighthearted interaction between Tubbo and Tommy play out? How many insults could Grian hurl at Jimmy? How much emotion can you squeeze out of QSMP Jaiden if you’ve only got her in your little writer hands for 100 words? For this event, we encourage you to be creative, try some new things, and most importantly, have fun!   (To get a feel of what you’re working with, keep in mind that the previous paragraph has a word count of 120, twenty words over your limit!)
Are violent/triggering topics allowed? As MCYT content can often include violence, character death, murder games, and other such themes, we do allow them. However those are opt-in - if your giftee hasn’t asked for it, then don’t write it. If you do end up writing about these topics, make sure to tag appropriately! 
What if I can’t finish on time? Contact us on this blog as soon as possible! A pinch hit will be sent out, and your giftee will be reassigned. If you do endup requesting a pinch hit, you will still get your own gift!
How will the matches be made? After the sign ups are done, the event mods will match everyone to ensure everyone gets to write what they signed up for! Once matches are made, you will receive your assignment via Tumblr DMs.
Can I make more than one gift? Of course! As long as it complies with your giftee’s requests you’re welcome to write as many drabbles as your heart desires!
I have a different question? Send us an ask or a DM!
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