#Elvis x Ruby
vintageshanny · 10 months
Play Something For Me - Part 7 - Over the Rainbow
Content: Ruby and Elvis enjoy a sweet and smutty Thanksgiving in 1973 that involves a leather suit with rainbow fringe. 18+
Thank you to @peaceloveelvis for inspiring me with this pic of leather rainbow fringe pants that I didn’t know existed. And eternal gratitude to my lovely friends who’ve cheered me on in writing this series! 😘 @whositmcwhatsit @ellie-24 @be-my-ally @thatbanditqueen @lookingforrainbows @from-memphis-with-love @missmaywemeetagain @powerofelvis @arrolyn1114
If you need to catch up, here’s the series page:
Play Something For Me
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Wednesday, November 21st, 1973
“But mom, I wanna go with you! It’s not fair!” Ella’s chocolate-brown eyes glazed over with tears as she pleaded her case. “Oh, honey, I know. There’s nothing I can do, it’s your father’s turn for Thanksgiving this year. But Elvis was very insistent that we both come for Christmas, so you’ll get to see Graceland then.” Ruby rubbed Ella’s back as she embraced her, soothing away the tears while she tried to hold her own nerves at bay.
After the week Elvis had spent in St. Louis at Halloween, he’d had to go back to Memphis to “take care of some business,” as he put it. The times they’d spent together so far had been in a sort of cocoon of love. Now she’d be entering his home and his normal daily life, whatever that entailed. After his comment about wanting her to move in, she felt a little terrified at how the visit would go.
A car horn honked outside, and Ruby gave Ella one last reassuring squeeze. “I love you, Ella-bella,” she murmured. “I’ll tell you all about Graceland when you come home on Sunday.” “You better,” Ella said with a small smile, trying to will herself into a better mood. “And I love you too.”
With Ella safely picked up, Ruby turned her attention back to her closet so she could finish packing for the long weekend. “What exactly does one wear for Thanksgiving at Graceland?” she muttered under her breath as she surveyed what looked to her like a bunch of frumpy “mom” dresses. “I wonder if I have time to alter anything…” she continued her one-way conversation when the phone interrupted her thoughts with its shrill tone.
“Hey, sweet red Ruby,” the unmistakable timbre sent butterflies swarming through her belly. “Elvis! It’s you!” Ruby squeaked out nervously. “Course it’s me baby, ya got another man callin’ ya?” he asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice. “No, no, sorry, I’m just…nervous about tomorrow,” Ruby admitted. Elvis’ tone softened instantly. “W-w-why ya nervous honey? It’s jus’ me. You ain’t never gotta be nervous or scared ‘round me.” Ruby cleared her throat a little bit. “Yeah, I know, I just hope I fit in there with you, in your home,” she said with an anxious sigh. “Ruby honey, ya ain’t gotta worry ‘bout that. Ya already know we fit together perfectly. In every way,” he added, and Ruby could almost see his cheeky grin right through the phone line as a flush rose on her face and a strained little whimper escaped her lips. Elvis laughed and teased, “Red Ruby, wait til ya get here so I can see the look on your face when ya make those noises.” Then he added more seriously, “I can’t wait ta see ya, honey. I miss ya so much.” Ruby’s heart melted right down and warmed her entire body. “Me too, baby.”
Ruby landed at the airport in Memphis at 11:18 Thursday morning with all the other last-minute Thanksgiving travelers. She bit down on her lip nervously as she looked around for Charlie, who she knew Elvis was sending to pick her up. She’d met Charlie in Las Vegas and he was sweet enough, although maybe a little desperate for Elvis’ approval. She inwardly chuckled, thinking how Elvis’ entourage probably thought the same about her. Charlie was polite but quiet on the drive to Graceland, as if he sensed her nerves and didn’t want to say anything that might escalate them.
Ruby gasped a little bit as they pulled up to the famed music note gate. She’d seen pictures of the house in magazines, but it was even more beautiful in person. She somehow felt Elvis’ aura and energy the moment they started up the driveway, and the nerves and excitement intensified as they parked and headed for the door. “We’ll go in the back ‘cuz he’s probably in the den waitin’ for ya,” Charlie explained. Ruby nodded anxiously and followed.
As she walked through the door and into a room filled with interesting furniture and an actual waterfall along the wall, she only had eyes for her beautiful man, who was sitting in a high-backed chair, holding court with his loyal subjects. He was talking and laughing, and his warm energy called to her. As soon as he laid eyes on her, he jumped to his feet and swooped her up in a big hug. “Ever’one, this is my sweet red Ruby,” he declared proudly, showing her off like a shiny new car. Most of the guys she recognized from Las Vegas, but she was introduced to some girlfriends and wives, plus a couple other employees. “Imma take Ruby on a tour,” Elvis said with a little wink as he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the basement steps. As they walked away, she could swear she heard someone remark, “It’s nice to see someone closer to his age.” Elvis must have heard it too because his grip tightened slightly, but he chose to ignore it for now.
“Will I get to meet Lisa?” Ruby asked as they walked down the stairs and turned right. She could see Elvis’ jaw tighten and his eyes turn stormy. “Naw, baby, Cilla is bein’ a –” Elvis caught himself and blinked slowly, trying to calm down. “Cilla won’t let her come home til Christmas,” he said, his eyes dropping sadly. Ruby wrapped her arms around him in a comforting embrace. “I’m sorry, Elvis,” she said softly. “I know how hard it is to be without your baby at the holidays. I guess the silver lining for us is that we have some time alone right now.” Elvis glanced up at her face quickly, his sad expression turning playful. “And what did ya have in mind for the alone time, Miss Ruby? Hmm?” he questioned teasingly.
“Well,” Ruby murmured with a deep blush, “I did notice the first stop on the tour is this big couch.” She nodded toward the long couch right behind Elvis. “And you’re here looking so sexy like this,” she added as she fully took in his outfit for the first time. Along with his usual assortment of rings and necklaces, he was wearing a brown leather jacket with long rainbow-colored fringe over a green button-down shirt. His leather pants matched the jacket, rainbow fringe and all. “Ya like it? I thought it felt like a Thanksgiving thing,” he said, his crooked grin lighting up his face. Ruby had to hold back a giggle at how cute he was to try to dress on theme for the holiday. “I love it, Elvis, there’s no one quite like you,” Ruby said, letting her hands drop and her fingers run ever so lightly over the soft bulge in his leather pants, causing a shiver to run though him. “I should hope not,” he said, smiling, resting one large hand on her shoulder, his warm fingers gently brushing the bare skin of her neck.
“You look very beautiful yourself, sweet Ruby,” Elvis said as he took her in, his eyelids seeming to grow heavy with lust. Ruby beamed, happy that she had chosen the right thing to wear - a burgundy sweater dress with a short flared skirt and a scoop neckline with a drawstring bow. Elvis’ fingers’ moved a little lower down her neck until they were tracing the neckline of her dress, running gently over her cleavage. The mixture of the warmth of his hand and the cool metal of his rings raised goosebumps on her skin. “This little dress is giving me some thoughts,” he whispered lowly as he gave the drawstring a little tug, the bow coming undone and the fabric gaping open a little bit. Elvis bent down and started pressing wet kisses to the exposed area of her chest, little moans coming from both of them. “Oh, baby, you’re makin’ me weak in the knees,” Elvis chuckled. “Let’s sit down for a minute.”
Sitting was the last thing on either of their minds though as Elvis pulled Ruby onto his lap on the couch and explored her mouth, her ear, her neck, and her chest with his tongue. He pulled the front of her dress and the cup of her lacy bra down a little more until one of her breasts was exposed. As he grazed his teeth lightly over her nipple and then sucked it into his warm mouth, flicking it with his tongue, Ruby couldn’t help but instinctually grind down onto his package that had grown so hard she wasn’t sure how it hadn’t burst right through the leather. She hoped the breathy moans from the two of them weren’t wafting up the stairs, but Elvis didn’t seem worried. “Goddamn, baby, I’ve missed ya,” he moaned out as Ruby leaned in and bit softly on his lower lip, then ran her tongue over it. She reached down between them and rubbed her hand back and forth over his bulge, the friction becoming too much for him to bear. “Oh, damn, Ruby, I-I-I love ya baby,” he said with a shudder as she suddenly felt a damp warmth beneath her hand. “I love you too, Elvis,” Ruby whispered as she laid her hand over his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat trying to return to its normal rhythm.
“EP, it’s almost turkey time!” a voice shouted down from upstairs. “Shoot, what am I gonna do ‘bout my pants?” Elvis muttered, looking down at where a sticky wet spot had soaked right through the leather. “I’ll have ta sneak up and change. Baby, can you go up and tell ever’one to wait for me in the dining room?” “Of course,” Ruby smiled as she stood up and straightened out her dress, re-tying the neckline and leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek before going back upstairs.
Twenty minutes later, everyone had gathered in the dining room for a Thanksgiving feast and Elvis appeared wearing the same jacket but with some black pants. Nancy, one of the cooks who Ruby had been briefly introduced to earlier, brought in a platter of food and looked at Elvis in surprise. “Mr. Elvis, you were so excited about your outfit! Why’d ya change your pants?” Elvis’ face turned red as he stumbled for an answer. Joe started snickering. “I think Elvis needs to know how to get something sticky out of leather. Any tips, Nancy?” Elvis gave Joe a glare that could freeze hell over, but all the guys seemed to have trouble holding back their laughter. Especially when Nancy chimed in with, “You didn’t get syrup on your pants again, did ya?”
Sitting at Elvis’ side, Ruby could feel her face burning red as she realized everyone probably could hear them in the basement. Elvis looked a bit embarrassed too, but Ruby’s presence had a way of lightening his mood. He just leaned in and whispered loudly, “Ignore these assholes Ruby.” Then he dropped his voice so only she could hear. “We’ll go up to my soundproof bedroom later and do whatever you want.” Ruby blushed again and smiled broadly at him as he winked at her. He always made her feel comfortable and protected.
After a delicious dinner, some of the guys went to the basement to play pool, but Elvis sat down and started playing gospel songs on the piano. A few others joined in singing, and Ruby leaned at the edge of the piano, watching Elvis’ passionate face as memories from long ago washed over her. As he started playing “If I Loved You,” he looked up and caught her eye with a big grin, causing her to blush and look away. She knew they were both picturing her kneeling between his legs at the piano bench fifteen years ago. Ruby could feel her pulse quicken at the thought. If only no one else was around, she’d do it all again. She thought about how soft and smooth he felt when she rolled his foreskin up and down, the inviting way his head peeked out when he was fully hard, how sensitive it was when she touched her tongue to it…her chest was starting to heave with all these fantasies racing through her mind, all while staring at this most perfect of faces. As if sensing her desire, Elvis announced they were going to turn in for the night and thanked everyone for celebrating with him. He grabbed Ruby’s hand and showed her the way to the master bedroom.
“I know what you were thinkin’ ‘bout red Ruby,” Elvis teased once they were alone. “You were thinking the same thing!” Ruby protested, swatting at his arm. Elvis smiled so big that his cute dimple flashed at her. “Maybe,” he said. “I was thinkin’ of somethin’ else though, too.” “What’s that?” Ruby asked. “I was thinkin,” Elvis said as he ran his hands down her sides and gently squeezed her waist, “that I wanna lick your pretty little kitty again. I like knowin’ I’m the first man that ever did that to ya.” “You’re the only man,” Ruby corrected as she reached up and stroked his cheek softly. “I have a few firsts with you, but I don’t think you have any with me,” she said, her voice sounding a little bit sad. Elvis looked at her in surprise. He gave her forehead a tender kiss before he spoke.
“Baby, you’re the first woman I’ve been with where I feel like ya want to spend time with me just as much as I do with you. Not spend money or get your name in the papers or any of that, but just spend time with me and and enjoy me and love me for who I am. You’re interested when I talk to ya, you’re affectionate with me all the time, ya never say ya need a break from me, you accept me completely. That’s a first for me, and probably the most important first there is.” Ruby looked up at him, her eyes misty with emotion. “Well, any woman who doesn’t see what a special person you are, even without the money and fame, must be crazy. But that’s okay, because now I get to be the lucky one.”
“You sure do, baby, and let me show ya just how lucky.” Ruby squealed with delight as Elvis tossed her on the bed so he could get to work worshipping her with his tongue.
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aliypop · 8 months
Married In The Morning
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Word Count: 1.872
Writers Note: Figured I never talked about the wedding so @sissylittlefeather here you go
Warning: Fluffy
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: Christmas 1960 2 years after their Christmas Engagement Elvis and Cecelia are finally united in marital bliss.
Tennessee December 25th, 1960
The chapel halls welcomed family and friends to the quaint wedding of Elvis and soon-to-be Cecelia Shanel Presley. Music played through the sanctuary, and members of both parties chattered about what they were about to witness. However, at Graceland, there was a nervous, leg-shaking Elvis. Who was getting ready for his big day? He'd waited long and hard for this day, and here it was. 
"Will you stop moving so much!" Alberta said as Elvis was giddy and in a mood that one could explain as in love. 
"Birdie, I can't!"
"And why is that?" Fixing his bowtie.
"It ain't every day a man gets to marry his best friend." 
"Joe or Red?"
"Very funny,"
"Hey, E!" Billy shouted,
"Hurry up, we're gonna be late!"
In the chapel, Cecelia was pacing around the room, fidgeting with her dress, "Oh, Midge, what if he gets cold feet!" she sighed, "Or Mama, what if he changes his mind." Rosa and Daphane both watched as Denise and Midge sighed, 
"Elvis loves you endlessly. He's not going to freeze." Midge responded, fixing her dress as Denise fixed her hair. They were right. If he hadn't left when they were dating, why would he leave now on their wedding day? Cecelia finally sat down, and she took a deep breath. There was a knock on the door. Midge jumped up to get it. Standing there were Eleanor and Ruby, Delta, Patsy and Dodger.
"Are we late for the traditional gift-giving of the bride?" Ruby asked as she nearly kissed her niece,
"Not at all, ladies." Rosa smiled,
"Good, wouldn't wanna miss indoctrinating the new Mrs. Presley." Patsy said, as she smiled, "You look gorgeous."
"Thank you, Patsy," Cecelia hugged her, as Patsy giggled,
"I don't think I've seen a prettier bride since Gladys," Delta said. Getting teary-eyed.
"Or Denise," Eleanor added as Denise took a deep breath. Her little pumpkin was now grown and getting married. She still couldn't believe it. 
"Alright, I'm not gonna cry, but something borrowed." Rosa looked around as Midge handed her pearl necklace to Rosa to put around Cecelia's neck.
"Something blue!" Daphane smirked, "It's not much, but it's a garter I sewed out of Elvis's old sock!"
"Why do you have that?" Rosa nudged her.
"Why not..."
"It's perfect." Cecelia giggled
The women in the room laughed at the news as they kept with the bridal good luck charms.
"Something new?" Eleanor and Ruby said in unison as they both handed her bracelets. They were dainty and added to her bridal look. Cecelia looked in the mirror as she got emotional. She looked like a princess. 
"All's next is something old," Patsy said as Delta looked at Dodger, then Denise. Denise had placed her old veil on her daughter's head as she kissed her on the cheek. She then went to the side of Dodger to help her up. Dodger was holding a jewelry box with earrings in them. They were pearls with diamonds around them. 
"These were Gladys's earrings. I'd want you to have 'em, dear." Dodger said, presenting them to Cecelia as she picked them up,
"Grammy, I couldn't."
"Gladys would want you to have them," Delta said. As she smiled, which might have been the first time Cecelia saw her do that. 
"She really liked you," Patsy said, helping her put on the earrings. 
"I wish she could've been here." Denise sighed, "Gladys would've loved to have seen her little boy up and married." 
"Elvis, you're shakin like a leaf." Vernon sighed, looking at his son. He wasn't nervous, he was just excited, 
"I know, Pa." Elvis took a deep breath as Alfonso was by his side, "It's just I haven't seen Cece all day. It's driving me crazy." he laughed, both fathers laughing a bit,
"No, don't go gettin no idea's it's bad luck to see the bride." Elvis had a look on his face that said the opposite. Marching out the doors, Elvis made his way to the door that Cecelia was behind. 
"You know. It's just exciting. I'm marrying my best friend and. I'm itching to see him and talk to him." Cecelia said as the women in the room awed at her. Cecelia was really in love, and it showed. 
"I can't wait to see his smile and how he's gonna look in his tux. I can hear his voice saying-"
"Yeah, like that."
"Cecelia, it's me, Elvis!"
"You can't be here, E!" Patsy shouted as Rosa and Daphane stood by the door.
"I ain't inside, Patsy," pushing past everyone was Cecelia, her ear by the door as she got giddy. They were something out of a romance novel. They were the definition of true love.
"Elvis! It's me, Cece." 
"Thank God, I ain't want much but to talk to you," Elvis said as Cecelia giggled,
"I want to talk to you too, handsome."
"I'll be honest. I'm nervous about this wedding thing cause what if I-I-."He took a deep breath, "What if I'm not good at being a husband." 
"Oh, Elvis, you're going to be a great husband. You listen, and you care, and you're gentle and kind. You're an angel." Cecelia smirked, "Well, most times."
"Whadya mean most."
"You know what I mean."
"I do? Oh... Oh." Elvis turned red, but she could hear the smirk on his face arrive. "What about you, Cece? You nervous about anything?"
"A lot of things, really, but when I'm by your side, I know I'll be alright."
 "Hey E, it's time!" 
"Hi, Joe!" Cecelia said from the door.
"Hey, Cece! We'll see you in a few."
The music in the chapel had begun to play, and Elvis and his friends stood there waiting for Cecelia. Rosa, Daphane, Patsy, and Midge. All stood on the left side, waiting patiently for the woman of the hour to arrive.
"I'm walking my little pumpkin down," Alfonso said, growling at his wife,
"No, I am..." Denise rolled her eyes,
"How about you both walk her down." Eleanor groaned, "And stop arguing! Thought you two settled that when y'all got married again." she rolled her eyes, walking into the chapel. Cecelia walked up to her parents as they were taken away, she was wearing her grandmother's dress and wedding shoes, 
"My little pumpkin... Is a woman." Alfonso teared up.
"Daddy, don't cry. It's a joyful day. I'm marrying Elvis, my true love." She hugged him. Her parents locked arms with her as Denise teared up, 
"You look beautiful, sweetheart." Denise sniffled,
Walking down, Cecelia could feel every eye on her, but she didn't care, for her eyes were on Elvis, his tux on as he waved at her and his mouth opened at how she looked,
"Damn, you're lucky," Red whispered,
"Nah, I'm blessed." Elvis teared up. He told himself he wouldn't cry, but an angel had just landed, and she was to be his wife. 
"Who gives this bride to this man." 
"We do." Denise and Alfonso said as Vernon helped her up,
Elvis took her hand as he lifted her veil. "Well, hot damn!" he whispered, "Can I kiss 'er now?!" everyone in the chapel began to laugh as Cecelia giggled, 
"I could ask the same thing, too." She smiled. The ceremony went on, and the two couldn't stop looking at each other. 
"Now, the vows."
"I'll be honest, I didn't write anything. Cause if I did, I'd been dead." Cecelia said as Elvis chuckled, "So I'll talk from my heart." Cecelia took a deep breath as she looked up at him, 
"Elvis Aaron Presley, when you bumped into my life in October 1954, I was hypnotized, not by the star we'd both become, but by your soul. It shook me to my very core." She blushed, "I've never been the same. You've been there for me through thick and thin. You're my best friend, my angel, my lover, my everything, and I pray you continue to be my everything just as I am yours."
Elvis blushed as he kissed her hand,
"Your turn." She winked,
"How am I gonna top that? Oh, like this. " Elvis smiled, holding her hand, "Cecelia, there are many ways I could talk about ya, but I'll start from when I first knew you'd Uh be mine." He laughed as he started to get nervous, " You know, I don't ever think you saw me as Elivs the star. You saw me as the guy who'd, uh eat the fries off yer plate. Or the guy who can make a fool of himself. You saw me, an I felt honored that you did. You didn't care if I talked too much, didn't care about none of it." He got bashful,
"Cece, I love you 'cause you see the imperfect me and still think I'm a swinging guy."
"Cause you are," Cecelia commented as he took her hand, 
"Well, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you as Mr. and Mrs. Presley. You may now-"
Elvis dipped Cecelia as he kissed her passionately and sweetly, taking her hand as Rosa and Daphane dropped the broom at their feet, jumping over it. The new couple had been truly excited about their life together. 
Heading back to Graceland, the two were in bliss, it was cold, and Cecelia was in her winter fur, but she felt warmed by the love radiating off of her Elvis. Carrying her over the threshold Cecelia was filled with laughter and love as was Elvis, they were surrounded by friends and family, and, 
"Elvis look at how gorgeous the cake is..." 
"To think we'll have to cut it, with its strawberry filling in it." 
"It's what..." She cheesed like a kid in a record store, 
"Nothing, doll." Walking her by the cake as she took a taste of the icing, 
"HEY E CATCH!" From the backyard, his cousins and his father-in-law were playing football at the reception, and Elvis couldn't resist. As he looked at his wife, she waved him off to join them. 
"You wanna play around some?"
"Elvis I'm no good at sports."
"Oh come on." He pleaded as she walked over with him, the game was intense Alfonso had passed it to Billy who then passed it to Elvis, but then he fumbled it and Red caught it only for it to land in the hands of 
"RUN!!!" Denise looked over and shook her head, she couldn't believe her daughter was playing football in the Tenessse cold in her wedding gown. Cecelia ran like hell as she kept going until she felt someone tackle her, looking up it was Elvis who planted a kiss on her cheek,
"Thanks, babe I won," he smirked
"Oh no you didn't!" She said getting up, a grass stain on her dress as the two began to laugh. 
"MAMA IT'S JUST A STAIN IT'LL COME OUT!" Cecelia shouted back, as his cousins agreed with her, 
"Spoken like a true Presley..." Elvis said kissing her again,
"And forever may I be." Nuzzling his nose as snow flurries fell,
 "Merry Christmas Cece."
"Merry Christmas El."
Oh, how it felt to be married in the morning.
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voxmortuus · 1 year
I'm back baby! Got another one for you to help keep your flow going, if you would oblige me. ♥ And I have another one for Ben, but I won't put it in the same request.
Austin Butler's Elvis. It's his earlier days when he first started to become popular and his name was getting around. It wasn't unusual for him to keep some company on the road from time to time, and maybe the reader was his company one night. Could be left open to lead to some sort of heartbreak plot follow up, but of course that is always up to you.
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►PAIRING: Austin Butler!Elvis x Fem!Reader
►UNIVERSE: Elvis (2022)
►WORDS: 1.4k
►SONG INSPIRATION: Hound Dog - Shonka Dukureh & Baby, Let's Play House - Austin Butler
►TRIGGER WARNINGS: Pure Smut | One-Night-Stand | Oral [Male Reciving] | Face-slapping | Spitting | Vaginal Penetration | Rough Sex from Behind | Choking | Hair Pulling | Spanking | Oral Ejaculation | Rough Oral | Female Masturbation | Demanding Dominant Elvis | Implied more than one fuck session | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
►NOTE: Sorry if this isn't what you expected, or had envisioned yourself, I apologize. But I hope you enjoyed my vision.
►My Master Masterlist
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It was exciting, it was a rush, and you were like a kid in a candy store. He was someone important, and he was going to be something big. Maybe it was the idea of someone up and coming wanting your company for the evening, maybe you felt like you shared a moment. Little did you realize that to him, you were just someone who was passing his time, an empty night of emotionless, unattached, carnal pleasures.
You decide to get a little risky. Leaving your dress in your car, you're wearing nothing under your black box coat. Your heels echo on the concrete slabs of the motel's walkway. Your hair is perfectly set and placed as always, and ruby red lips, and slightly winged eyeliner, like a cat decorated and made your eyes stand out.
Letting out a slightly shaky breath you walk to his door. Tap, Tap, Tap you knock lightly, but just loud enough for him to hear, not loud enough for you to announce your presence to the entire motel wing. You chew at the bottom corner of your lip. Hearing him come from the back of the room. You feel your heart picking up. Surely it was exciting.
You feel this fluttering in your chest, the fluttering in your gut, sure, emotionless, and meaningless, a hollow night of raw fun, but that didn't mean you weren't excited about it in some way. Your chewing on your lip only grew harder, before you felt this rush of heat wash over you the moment that door opened up.
"Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes. Come on in Darlin'."
There it is, that flutter, all over. You give him a smirk, and you walk in. He knew what you were there for, just like any other that had come to his motel room door at night dressed like that. He knew the signs, and he wanted the company. Didn't like really being alone that one.
Sure, maybe you expected some sort of conversation, maybe a deep-rooted genuine moment, maybe you even were expecting something well-mannered, and even a hint of passion. Sure, he'll call you Baby, tell you how good you look, maybe even kiss you like you're the most important thing in the world, but you're just going to be yesterday's flavor and tomorrow is a new taste. But tonight, that didn't matter to you. Tonight, you were going to be someone special.
Hearing the lock latch behind you, you give a small smirk, chew on your lip, and turn to look at him. Searching his face, shirt half open, you lick your lips and smirk. God damn was this man a fuckin vision in his own unique way.
Wasting no time, you run your hands up his legs, brushing your hand against the front of his pants, feeling that slightly excited cock twitch under the palm of your hand you gaze up at him and smirk. Sliding your hands up a bit more and unbutton his pants, slowly unzipping them and letting them fall to the floor.
"You show me yours Darlin', I'll show you mine." He smirked and licked his own lip after running his hand over his face a moment and he leaned in and took your hand and pulled you a little closer and untied your coat and let it fall open. "Well aren't you a delicious snack."
"Oh, no I think you're the snack, Mr. Presley." You give a soft chuckle.
"Elvis Darlin'. Just Elvis." His accent rolled off his lips, and you ate it the fuck up.
"You're the snack, Elvis... and I'm going to eat you right up." You smirk getting to your knees after letting your coat slip from your shoulders.
Biting your lip you keep your gaze on him as you move your hand up his leg under his white boxers feeling him in your hand, you smirk, and slowly pull his boxers down just enough to watch him spring into attention. You let out a soft breath as you grip him in your warm, delicate hand. and begin to slowly work the flesh-coated hard rod in your hand. Reaching up with your free hand you finish unbuttoning his shirt, he lets it fall to the floor.
Letting out a groan he smirks that signature smirk, drops his head back, and lets out a soft groan. His jaw slacked as your perfectly painted ruby-red lips met the tip of his cock and you started to slide him a little further into your mouth. Flattening your tongue you press it against the underside of his cock and your lips tighten around him. Breathing through your nose you press him deeper.
His hand finds its way to your head, placing it delicately against the back of your head he presses your head down a little more, his hips trusted against your lips. You groan, creating a vibration against his cock as you pick up the pace, your red lips leaving a ring around him as he gets a little rougher.
Taking your mouth off his cock, he looks down at you, giving you a smirk, he taps your cheek a moment. You give him this smirk, a slightly crazy smirk and he knew. His hand slaps your cheek lightly, testing it. He smirks when you do, and then there it was, a strong hand across your face.
Leaving a red mark on your cheek. He grips your face and assists you to stand. Looking into your eyes he smirks as he forces your mouth open with the pinch of his hands against your cheeks, followed by him spitting on your mouth he throws you to the bed, flips you over, slaps your ass with a firm slap, and within a matter of a few blinks, winces and moans he dives his cock deep between your wet, wanting lips.
Gripping the bed sheets in your hands, your breathing hitches and you close your eyes and lets out a heavy moan. His hips move fast against you, thrusting hard, thrusting fast, and pressing deep. Elvis the Pelvis indeed. Your moans bounced off the walls.
His hands slide up your sides and reach for your shoulders and yank you back before he grabs the hair on the back of your head and grips tightly before the other hand wraps around your throat. While he grips your hair and throat tighter his body slaps against yours.
His hand moves from your hair and swats at your ass again, and again, and again, watching the way he slips into you, and watching the way your ass bounces as it slaps against him, and slaps against his hand against your now pinking flesh. It was a beautiful sight in his eyes.
His slapping ceased against your ass as his hand snaked up your spine, and both hands wrapped around your neck, giving it a squeeze as he used you, completely used you, like a living, breathing, naturally lubricating fleshlight. Your moans escaped passed his fingers as they burst through your lips and bounced off the wall and back at the both of you.
Feeling himself getting close to a finish he pulls himself from you, and he brings you to your knees. "Touch yourself." he demands. Nodding your head you stick your hand between your legs and he slips his cock between your lips again. Tasting yourself, tasting him, your fingers move over your bud quickly, and you slip your fingers into your wet hole as he uses your mouth, a grip on the top of your head, your hair gripped firmly.
As he thrusts harder into your mouth, you feel him hit the back of your throat as he slips his cock faster between your lips, thrusting. The rawness of his motions causes you to lose yourself, your fingers move quicker, and you moan against his cock as he himself gets closer to his finish, you are riding yours. Pulling his cock from your mouth he quickly spits in your mouth and shoves his cock back into it as he unleashes hot ribbons of his release between your lips. Feeling it hit the back of your throat.
Your eyes flutter shut, as some slips past your lips, but swallowing the rest, like the good girl position he has placed you in. Feeling some drip onto your chest you run your finger up your chest and place your finger in your mouth as you lick it up. You smile. Tonight was going to be a good night... after all, you just got here.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
like fallin' into a river
summary: time apart can do a lot of things, including help your now husband learn his way around a woman. you'd be more angry if you didn't reap the benefits. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) | elvis presley rating: m pairing: austin!elvis ( 60's variation ) x female reader word count: 1078 ( i know, shocked me too. ) warnings: talk of previous break ups. p in v sex ( unprotected, wrap it before you tap it ). oral ( female receiving ). 60s elvis. squirting. minor bit of praise kink. author's note: so this is the double dip for day eighteen: squirting with austin!elvis. this was going to maybe be 50s elvis ( because @blurredcolour exists to encourage me to write starry-eyed 50s elvis always ) but then ruby bell was like i'm going to post this pic and ruin ally's life. so!!!! 60s elvis, my favorite little ken doll won out. this is the last piece i had left out of everyone, the main and the double dips and i wrote this so fast i'm a little startled with it. seriously i said it in the professor presley piece but i love how everyone received all of my fics for kinktober and truly i am so thankful so many of you liked them especially after it's taken me this long to fully finish. this was a really good writing exercise for me and put me out of my comfort zone a few times but i loved it so much. as always my ask box is open for requests and we all know i've got like 15 different things in my drafts at any given time so yes. thank you guys and i hope you enjoy! also you know the drill, pick your elvis, the prompt called for austin elvis but you can envision either one. also good lord i'm sorry for the amount of fics i may unleash in the next few days. something has come over me and i may actually make a solid dent in my wips.
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There is a part of you that should be offended should be angry at Elvis sleeping around with other people. Yes, you two weren't dating and you were both free people at the time, but there might have been a small part of you- the romantic part of you- that thought that despite the fact that you had called off your engagement all those years ago before he left for the war and then immediately went to start on his assembly line of pictures- that he'd wait. You can't fault him for it though, because you were studying to further your life and in your mother's eyes catch a more suitable husband than Elvis Presley- Elvis the Pelvis- who she figured would have no career when he came back to the states. You've never been so thankful she was wrong though, and while it was a surprise to see Elvis show up on campus you couldn't help but feel flattered by the attention and the fact that he cared enough and you supposed missed you enough to come find you despite you never getting back in contact with him.
There is another part of you, the part of you that's currently spread out on your shared bed with your now husband between your legs licking at your clit with no signs of stopping despite how your fingers have his black locks of hair clenched in between them as you pull ever so softly at them. That part of you? Oh that part of you is so thankful he's slept with other people because you know that've taught him the skills he didn't have before. Skills that have you trying to ride his face while his hands hold down your thighs and hips, preventing much real movement from happening.
"Elvis." His name leaves you lips in a whisper, almost as if that's the loudest you can speak. "Baby- Don't- Want more."
He pulls away his face at don't and want more assuming you meant the words to be put together. You've told him to stop before and not meant it so it never hurts for him to double check where you're at so to speak. "You alright?" He murmurs, looking up at you in between placing a kiss to your inner thigh.
You blink at him once, twice, three times before focusing on his face and answering appearing just a little bashful. "Yeah. Just- Want more than your tongue."
The way his lips curl into a smirk is positively sinful and serves to remind you that once again, the boy you had left behind who you had told to break things off with you had been left behind and was replaced by this rather confident man. He moves off the bed and proceeds to crawl on top of you, his hand moving to pull back his foreskin before entering you, bottoming out as slowly as he could. Your breath leaves your body at the sensation as you allow yourself a kiss to his lips, tasting yourself faintly as you do. His thrusts start to increase as he places kisses down the column of your throat, your head lolling backward to allow him better access. You hear words coming out of his mouth, murmurs about how much he loves you, how much he loves how responsive you are and how he's such a lucky goddamn man to have you. It has your body heating up more than it already was, the praise rushing to your head, filling you with a burning fire that you're hoping he can continue to quench. His hand slides in between the two of you, cupping your pubic mound just for a moment before slipping his fingers next you your clit. You don't need the stimulation, necessarily, usually the brush of his cock against you when he thrusts can do the job but he seems to want to spoil you today. It seems like he wants to wrench every bit of pleasure from you today.
He lets your hips meet his thrusts, somehow keeping his fingers playing ever so teasingly with your clit in a way that has you just dangling on the edge of cumming as you chase that high. Your eyes had fallen shut at one point, too overwhelmed with the sensation of seeing him look at you with love and lust all rolled into one. He grunts something that sounds like "goddamn" and that's what causes you to open your eyes to see his brow furrowed in concentration as he does a particularly rough thrust that has you barreling over the edge. The coil in your abdomen just breaks so suddenly you barely have a chance to warn him your brain only allowing you to say his name over and over like a prayer.
"It's like a goddamn river down here you're so wet. Cumming so damn much." He's muttering to himself but you realize he's not wrong as he's sliding with so much ease and you feel a bit of a wet spot forming underneath you. Oh. He had done it again, wrenched that sort of orgasm out of you that he called squirting. You'd be embarrassed but the way it has him losing his mind, has him thrusting quicker just to find his own release demolishes any ability for you to be embarrassed, especially after he cums, his head falling to your shoulder and biting it lightly with a groan. He stays on top of you for a moment, both of you too fucked out to really care about needing to clean up and realizing neither one of your legs is going to immediately work. When you both have caught your breath and your bearings, Elvis nuzzles at your nose, a small smile gracing his lips. He looks, if you had to guess, pretty pleased with himself. "Ya squirted again. Keep doin' that and 'm gonna get an ego 'bout it."
Your lips purse as you shake your head. "As if you don't already have an ego." You pause. "Keep doing what you've been doing and I'll try and have it happen every time."
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "That a challenge, darlin'?"
The only answer you give him is a shrug before you find yourself being rolled on top of him with a trail of kisses being peppered from your neck to your chest.
And it was a challenge, not that you would ever tell him that.
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blainesebastian · 2 years
mutually assured satisfaction (pt2)
words: 3,429 ship: austin butler x reader summary: reader’s agent approaches her with a PR stunt to date austin butler and promote both their careers. a mapped out plan, an electric relationship–what could possibly go wrong?   notes: once again blown away by the support, thank you! if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please let me know :) previous parts on my masterlist.  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @kittenlittle24, @slowsweetlove, @namoreno, @strokesofstokes, @callthedarknessdown​
Staring at yourself in the mirror, you cannot believe you’re actually fussing over your hair and makeup for an event in which you’re attending with your fake boyfriend. You know it obviously goes a lot deeper than that, always being in the public eye, that constant invisible pressure to look and be a certain way, regardless that you pretend none of that means anything to you. Maybe if it actually didn’t, you wouldn’t have let yourself be talked into doing this.
“Just a few weeks,” You mumble, like a mantra, everything will start to feel normal in… “Just a few weeks.”
Could always be worse, right? At least you’re not paired with some sort of misogynistic Hollywood socialite who can barely hold a conversation. You let yourself do a bit of a deep-dive last night, falling into the YouTube black hole of interviews that Austin’s been in and just…watching them. There are two schools of thought that you have been flipping back and forth in your mind. On the one hand, maybe Austin is as genuine as he appears to be—he presents himself as kind, thoughtful, sweet, humble (about himself, his craft, and the people in his life, whether it’s personal or who he works with). On the other hand, you’ve been in this industry for a long time—you know that some people put on facades, masks, wearing versions of themselves that are very different in front of camera and off.
You’re not quite sure which version of Austin is inherently true…and maybe it doesn’t matter in the long run? Every part of this relationship that you’re building with one another is a lie.
Christina kinda? jokes that there should be some sort of contract drawn up about events set, a timeline, important dates along the way and that you both could sign it. You kinda laugh it off and don’t bring it up again…you and Austin seem to be on the same page that you need something from the other and that there’s intentions to follow it all the way through. You have the same shared goal of reaping the benefits if it works or nothing if it doesn’t.
Not to mention what would happen if someone found out you were faking, if word actually circulated, what that could do to your careers and reputation. Sure, PR stunts happen all the time…but they’re usually not regularly talked about in respected circles. Neither you, nor Austin, want anyone outside your agents to know that you’re doing this—especially your fans. So there’s a comfort in that secret being kept between the two of you,
mutually shared destruction.
You attempt not to pace as you wait for Austin a little down the street from the event you’re going to. The plan is to walk there together, hand in hand, and get caught by the cameras. This is mostly about visuals alone, a picture is worth a thousand words, and you’re hoping to get many tonight of you and Austin together. This is press for Elvis so luckily you’ll be able to avoid most of the questions—Austin will be doing a lot of the talking, no doubt dodging or juggling commentary about you.
Hopefully he can handle it.
You smooth your fingers along the chiffon red dress that you’ve got on, knee length, paired with ruby red heels to match. Your hair is in soft curls, lipstick something fiery to complete the look, and when you turn to see Austin crossing the street, the accent of his pocket square is the same scarlet. A soft smile tugs the corners of your mouth—he’s in a complete black suit and that’s the only splash of color.
You’re doing a very poor job at ignoring the heat in your lower stomach as he approaches you. Taking in a deep breath, you catch scents of his cologne, something sandalwood and distinctly him—it makes your head spin.
“Beautiful,” He comments easily, his eyes traveling along your form. “Wasn’t sure if you were actually gonna go with the red or not.”
A soft laugh leaves your lips and you reach out to touch the top of the pocket square, “Well then this was about to look really silly if I was wearin’ blue.”
Austin grins, his fingers brushing yours as he fixes the square, “It comes out, if needed.”
You smirk, “So prepared,” You shift from one foot to another, a nervous habit as you glance past Austin and then back at his face.
His eyes are fixed on you, taking you in, an almost question in the depth of blue even though no words come out. There’s uneasy energy building in your chest, you almost don’t know how to act around him even though there’s a loud voice between your ears that just says be yourself. You don’t have to pretend or worry that this date somehow won’t be successful because you know it will be, it’s guaranteed, set in stone. It’s ironic, in a way, because Austin gets to see the truest version of yourself and stay put.
Freeing, almost.
“Do you wanna tell me how the night works, or?” You finally say to break the silence and figure that might be best, you’re his date to this event, so.
But instead of answering you, Austin takes a step closer and reaches for a curl near your cheek, moving to brush it behind your ear. There’s a squirming sensation that climbs right up your spine and you take a step back out of instinct,
“What are you doing?”
There’s this amused smile that tugs the corners of Austin’s lips, annoyingly attractive. He lets you have that small, created room between your bodies, but he does lean down a little to speak to you, “If we’re gonna do this thing? You’re gonna have to let me into your space.” He allows that to settle in and for a moment, you just kinda blink at him.
Until oh, shit. He’s right. You’re dating—personal space just isn’t a thing, especially in public where you have to make it look the most real. You run a hand through your hair, attempting to shake off your nerves. You feel like such an idiot that you didn’t put two and two together—but to your credit? Being around Austin is incredibly nerve-wracking in a way you hadn’t expected. He knocks your concentration right over.
“You’re gonna have to let me touch you.”
And as much as you try not to let that phrase alone short circuit your brain, something definitely fizzles away. You scoff lightly, attempting to ground yourself and not show that you’re as rattled as you feel…you refuse to give him that satisfaction. Your hands fall to your hips as you look up at him,
“Fine,” You state. Cool, one word down. “That’s…that’s fine. Totally necessary.”
He smiles, licking his lips as his eyes flicker down. It’s like a strike of heat right between your legs, “So—just to be clear, grabbin’ your ass isn’t necessary.”
You narrow your eyes, “Not unless you want to lose somethin’ else.”
Austin laughs warmly even though he seems to take your threat very seriously, nodding his head. He then takes another step forward, really closing the distance between you and to your credit, you don’t back up. Instead, you tilt your chin up to look at him, his hands gently coming down to rest on your shoulders. Despite feeling tense, the heat of his fingers against your skin begins to unwind you a little,
“Don’t hit me.”
You don’t even have time to react anyways because before you know it, he’s leaning down and kissing you. It is not a quick peck on the lips either, he lingers, his one hand slipping along your jawline while his other arm wraps around your waist to keep you close. For a moment you’re just stunned and then, like a page turning, you relax into the touch. Your eyes flutter closed and you tilt your head to deepen the kiss—just lightly, just enough. There’s a sound of pleasure that leaves Austin’s throat, you don’t think you make that up, it vibrates against your eardrums and reaches down into you, squeezing.
It's over in a few moments when Austin pulls back to breathe, his thumb tracing along your lower lip despite you wearing lipstick. You do not need to look at yourself to understand you probably look a bit wrecked—there’s this clenching like someone has a grip on your stomach and ribcage as your eyes flutter up to see the red makeup along Austin’s cupid-bow lips.
“Figured we could get that out of the way so you’re not thinkin’ about it all night.”
A scoff leaves your lips as Austin runs a hand over the lower half of his face, supposedly to get the crimson evidence left behind off his skin. And yet there’s this thrumming inside of you as you think about him not being able to do that, at going to this event and people connecting the dots about your mouth and his.
You feel your cheeks splotch with pink as he takes your hand and you both begin walking towards the destination. Not thinking about it all night? Fat chance of that happening.
There’s this moment right before you cross the threshold of photographers, security and interviewers that you realize you can back out of this if you really wanted to. No one has seen you two together yet, you can go back to the drawing board, you can come up with a plan to promote your career and film in some other way.
And then one camera turns in your direction and snaps a flash. It’s a domino effect from there, Austin holding onto your hand as security waves you through, a direct line of carpet and backdrop to make it inside the event. There’s this whir of sound and commotion as both of you walk onto the carpet, Austin guiding you to be in front of him, his hand on your hip. Regardless of how many events you’ve been to on your own, the flurry of people recognizing you’re here with Austin is making your head spin a little. You’re grateful for the support, grounding, and even though you know it’s coming…the small pause in front of the cameras with the ELVIS backdrop behind the both of you makes your knees weak.
“Ms. Y/L/N! How long has this been going on?” Someone shouts over the sound and you turn into Austin, his one arm sliding around your waist while you place a hand on his chest.
You completely ignore the question even though a few others keep asking, next calling Austin’s name for the same response. It’s within that chaos that you feel yourself slip into a second skin, smiling up at Austin before turning to pose for some of the cameras. Austin’s hand is pressing against your lower back, keeping you close, leaning down to whisper in your ear and cause a shiver to course down your spine.
The intended reaction, you’re sure, because he smirks afterwards. Well two can play at that game. You press yourself up on your toes and plant a kiss to his cheek, smiling innocently afterwards. The camera shutter noises are endless and there’s the softest of pinks on Austin’s cheekbones, amongst his beauty marks, that you can see up close.
Once both of you pull away from that spot, you work further down the line of interviews and photographers. Most of them stop Austin to ask questions about the film and you hover nearby, watching him. There’s this warmth that exudes from Austin when he talks to people, a seemingly genuine curiosity and humbleness about himself and his work. If you’re being honest, it’s nice to see. So many actors get caught under their own spotlight, burn in it, don’t know how to live without its glare. You’re still getting to know Austin—a handful of talks does not automatically show deepest secrets or intentions.
But…one on one? Here in front of cameras? He seems to know how to talk to people—give just the right smile, hold gazes with those blue eyes of his, lingering conversations and asking questions back to the interviewer. Austin either knows exactly what he’s doing or…this is just who he is. It’s hard to tell.
A few interviewers come up to you while Austin talks about Elvis and asks questions about the film you’re currently starring in—how filming is going, if there’s any tidbits you can give away, and then there’s that one question about your grandmother that you’re surprised that someone asks. Last year you were just getting into the process of auditions for the film you’re starring in, and you almost missed your shot because your grandmother got sick. It’s been touch and go and…honestly sometimes it’s difficult to concentrate but. Your gram wouldn’t want you to miss any opportunities, so you’ve been working on trying to be both an actress and a good granddaughter. Regardless, you’ve never been one for personal questions at an event like this but…when the interviewer asks how your gram is doing, it’s almost nice that they even think of her, so you entertain that with a quick response.
And then of course, the almost hesitant but then bold questions about Austin. How long have you two been together? When did you meet? So were the rumors about the two of you at that bar downtown last year true? How do you feel about Austin’s role in Elvis? How does he feel about your current project? Back and forth, a consistent game of cat and mouse. Giving just enough of answers to keep them interested and asking before moving on.
Hovering near the entrance of the event, you play with the fabric of your dress between your fingers as you wait for Austin to join you. You turn slightly to look up at the doors you’re going to be walking through when a camera shoves its way into your space. You blink, almost confused, because there’s definitely a barrier between cameras, interviewers and the walking carpet. This guy has stepped out behind it,
“Y/N, were you seeing Austin when he was with Vanessa? There were rumors of another woman—were you that other woman?”
Your mouth opens a little at the audacity of the question but honestly, you’re not sure why you’re even surprised at this point that people don’t understand boundaries. Taking a calming breath in, you’re about to tell this guy where he can shove his camera when you feel Austin step in behind you,
“Hey man there's no need to shove the camera in her face.” There’s this air of politeness but also his tone is firm, his hand up creating space between you and the guy asking prodding questions. His arm wraps around your waist, encouraging you to move forward and up the steps towards the doors you’ll need to walk through.
“Y/N are you gonna answer the question?”
You can feel rather than see the annoyance mapping out on Austin’s shoulder blades, turning his head to this guy once again as you both walk past, “Leave her alone.”
And while you know you can stand up for yourself, you don’t need Austin to run an interference? It’s kinda nice having that help, another layer of support that you’re not used to having. You let out a soft breath as you make your way inside with him, seeing some other people from the Elvis film that are mingling with set, crew, writers, and a bunch of other faces you recognize but can’t reach for names right now. There’s this tension that melts away from your back as you hover near the door, Austin’s hand falling from your waist.
“Thanks—you didn’t have to do that. I could have handled it.”
Austin offers a small smile and gently waves you off, “S’fine—I don’t mind the whole interview process but sometimes those guys can be vultures.”
A soft laugh stirs in your chest because it’s quite the accurate interpretation. You wonder if it’s difficult for him, hearing about the breakup with his ex, this assumption and rumor that he was cheating on her while they were together. You definitely want to squash that—not only does it hurt Austin but it smudges your reputation as well. You do not want to be known as ‘the other woman’.
“I could definitely use a drink.”
Austin hums, motioning with his arm to lead the way. “You read my mind.”
Approaching an open bar, you smile and encourage some small talk with anyone that stops by to speak with Austin, offering hellos and exchanges about the night. Your mind keeps wandering back to that interviewer that was in your face about those questions about the beginning of your relationship with Austin, legitimate ones from that standpoint—you’re not gonna be able to avoid those, they’ll pop up again. Maybe in a ‘nicer’ more formal way, but still again.
There are obviously some talking points that are the same; how you met, how long you’ve been together, the movies you both are working on, some family information, and then handfuls of random things that couples should know about one another just in case. Like favorite holidays, restaurants, who sleeps on the right or left side of the bed, that sort of thing. But with these random ‘fact finding’ questions that pop up out of nowhere? You have to be a united front, no gaps, no room for rumors—stifling as many as you can like removing oxygen from a flame, choking it.
Austin turns to look at you, approaching the open bar as there’s finally space. You order glasses of wine, “You know I’ve seen a few of your films and your face out there? You’re a pretty great actress.”
You don’t think it’s supposed to be a backhanded compliment, and yet it kinda feels like one. Your eyebrows draw together as you look up at him, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean,” He hands you a drink, “That you were a ball of nerves when we walked up to the event and the minute you were in front of a camera, you changed. Like…somethin’ switched inside of you.”
There was a lot going on out there between you and Austin, you and the event, you in your own head and thoughts but…you suppose he’s not wrong? That’s more or less what happened. You’ve learned how to present yourself in front of an audience, when a camera is staring you down, when you look into a lens and somehow feel a black hole. You’ve always tried to be genuine but…it’s hard. Hollywood doesn’t care if you’re yourself, sometimes that’s the worst thing you can be. You’ve tried not to change for anyone or anything yet here you are, holding onto Austin’s hand and smiling up at him like he’s personally in charge of the sun rising every morning.
“Well, we’ve all got a persona, right? Something we sometimes show to the camera?”
Austin purses his lips, “Sure—I guess that’s not wrong.”
Why does this man get under your skin as he does? “You’re one to talk anyways—you mean to tell me all this,” You gesture up and down his body, “Is real? The boyish smile, the charm seeping out of your pores, the flirting with the camera?”
“You think I’m charming?” He smiles a little, sipping his wine.
A scoff leaves your lips, shaking your head, “You wish. I’m just highlighting my point.”
“That you’ve been checking me out.”
“That,” You can’t help but laugh softly at his teasing, the back of your neck splotching with blush. Luckily he can’t see it, “neither of us are showing one another who we actually are.”
Austin looks at you for a long moment, licking his lips, as if he’s chewing on the exact words he wants to say. “We’re pretending.” Is what comes out of his mouth but you’re not sure that’s really what he was going to put out there.
You chew on your lower lip, glancing around at people passing them by. “And I’m saying in order to sell this thing? We might have to do more than that.” He should understand that, especially as someone who dove into Elvis’s life for more than two years before he even started acting and voice coaching.
He looks intrigued at the very least – “Well what did you have in mind?”
Thanks for reading :) more to come!
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trulybetty · 11 months
oct' 17 x whispers
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Prompt: apple scent Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Bryony Morgan (OFC) Word Count: 609 Warnings: un-beta'd is the name of the game, playing fast and loose with prompts, dieter being dieter, mostly fluff and maybe one fiona the hippo reference. Summary: what happens in vegas...
x. masterlist
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Amidst the clamor of neon lights and the faint hum of the city's nightlife, whispers passed between Bryony and Dieter as they stood outside the Las Vegas Little White Chapel. Bryony's heart raced, the weight of their spontaneous decision settling in.
“Are we really doing this?” she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and disbelief as they stood beneath the fluorescent glow of the building's neon sign.
Dieter grinned, his eyes twinkling mischievously in the dim light. “Well, we're here, aren't we?” He paused for a moment, looking almost contemplative. “Although, I’m still disappointed that Fiona isn’t ordained,” he added with a playful sigh.
Bryony laughed softly, her nerves eased by Dieter's familiar humor. She looked glowing in her dress, each shimmering bead and sequin reflecting the city lights. The sheer white fabric glowed, with feathered fringes at the sleeves and hem swaying with every subtle movement. Her bouquet of fresh daffodils Dieter had managed to procure, putting confirmation on Vegas being the city where anything was possible, seemed to mirror her radiance.
Dieter, looking equally casually dashing and debonair in his navy velvet suit, wrapped an arm around her. The rich blue of his attire made a striking contrast against her luminous white dress.
“Thought only virgins wore white,” he whispered into her ear, his hand finding hers as he played with the engagement ring that had only graced her finger for all of two months. 
Bryony looked up at Dieter, a wicked smile on her ruby red lips, “What the King doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” 
Dieter squeezed her hand as he laughed, it had been his idea to elope to Vegas. Neither one of them were interested in the formalities of a wedding. But it had been Bryony’s insistence that if they were going to do it, they were going to do it properly and it was going to be Elvis or nothing at all. 
“On a scale of one to ten,” Dieter asked as he pushed open the door of the Chapel, “is your mom going to be mad we eloped?”
Bryony snorted, “She’ll be pissed at me, but shoving KitKats and cups of tea at you while she tells you she loves you.”
It was a slight exaggeration, but Bronwyn’s love for Dieter was well known.
Dieter glanced down at Bryony with a smirk, “I can’t help it if I’m the favourite.”
She nudged him playfully, “Sure, like you don’t love to encourage it.”
The two of them stood in the entrance for a brief moment, the air filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the soft hum of the chapel's air conditioning. They could hear the faint strains of an Elvis song playing from speakers from somewhere further inside.
Bryony sighed contentedly, wrapping her arm through Dieter's. “You know, as impromptu as this all is, it feels... right.”
Dieter pulled her close, his fingers brushing a stray hair from her face. “It's us. A little unpredictable, and maybe a bit mad?”
Bryony laughed, “You sure you’re not talking about you?” she said as she rested her head on his shoulder, taking in the gravity of what they were about to do.
Gathering up some courage, Dieter looked down at her, his voice soft yet earnest. “Are you ready to become Mrs. Bravo, Ms Morgan?”
Bryony nodded as the double doors to the left of them swung open, the doorway framing a tall man in a black rhinestone jumpsuit, guitar swung on his back and what looked like to Bryony his own hair styled in a tremendous quiff. 
“Well, howdy there, lovebirds! Are y'all ready to get all shook up?”
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still-nix-d-goffic · 1 year
10 songs with names in the title challenge.
Thanks, @tinx-methinks for the tag! You can see her post here.
Let me know if you recognize one of these.
In no particular order here goes:
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town- CAKE (original by Kenny Rodgers.)
Donny Darko got the Draco - B Train, Trippy the Kid
(Marie's the Name) His latest Flame - Elvis
Donatella - Lady Gaga
Half Jack - The Dresden Dolls
Bizzy Lizzy - Clann an Drumma
Kathy's Song - Apoptygma Berserk
Boris the Spider - The Who
Bruce Campbell - Psychstick
Christian Says - Tones on Tail
And an honorable mention from my favorite band (and cause I'm not sure aliases count for the challenge lol.)
Pogo the Clown - Dog Fashion Disco
Now for the hard part:
@hare-majesteit-aurelius, @bayousexual, @unwontedfemme, @firearmwitch, @alivewiththe-glory-of-love, @yuki--0nna, @esotericdeath, @x-cxnspxrxcy-x, @peaachyleaf, @thatgirlfromhotelcalifornia
Yeah that's right, I'm gonna make you all sorry for interacting with my posts enough I know your handles, mwa ha.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Sorting my favorite fictional characters into hogwarts houses because I'm board and I have writers block.
If I have the motivation I'll explain why later or you can commit your thoughts and I'll post them.
Grey's anatomy:
Derek shepherd - Ravenclaw
Meredith Grey - Gryffindor
April Kepner - Hufflepuff
Owen hunt - Gryffindor
Callie Torres - Ravenclaw
Miranda Bailey - Gryffindor
Alex Karev - Slytherin
Jackson avery - Ravenclaw
Arizona Robinson - Hufflepuff
Christina Yang - Askaban
Anthony Bridgerton - Slytherin
Benedict Bridgerton - Hufflepuff
Colin Bridgerton - Ravenclaw
Daphne Bridgerton - Gryffindor
Elois Bridgerton - Ravenclaw
Francesca Bridgerton - Hufflepuff
Gregory Bridgerton - Gryffindor
Hyacinth Bridgerton - Hufflepuff
Kate Sharma - Gryffindor
Penelope Fetherington - Ravenclaw
Tony stark - Sylthrin
Steve Rogers - Gryffindor
Clint Barton - Gryffindor
Bruce Banner - Ravenclaw
Thor - Hufflepuff
Natasha Romanoff - Sylthrin
Marc Spector - Gryffindor
Steven Grant - Hufflepuff
Jake Lockly - Slytherin
Scott lang - Hufflepuff
Stephen Strange - Ravenclaw
Wanda Maximoff - Gryffindor
Sam Wilson - Gryffindor
Vision - Ravenclaw
T'challa - Ravenclaw
Bucky Barnes - Sylthrin
Loki - Sylthrin
Scott Summers - Gryffindor
Hank McCoy - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
Charles Xavier - Gryffindor
Logan Howlett - Slytherin
Jean Grey - Slytherin
Erik Lehnsherr - Slytherin
Storm - Gryffindor
Kurt Wagner - Hufflepuff
Rogue - Gryffindor or Slytherin
Bates motel:
Alex Romero - Gryffindor
Norma Bates - Hufflepuff
Norman Bates - Slytherin
Dylan Massett - Gryffindor
Emma Decody - Ravenclaw
Chick Hogan - Slytherin
Dean winchester - Gryffindor
Sam Winchester - Ravenclaw
Castiel - Hufflepuff
Charlie Bradbury - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
Bobby Singer - Ravenclaw
Jack Kline - Hufflepuff
Lucifer - Slytherin
Gabriel - Gryffindor
Jody Mills - Ravenclaw
Clair Novak - Slytherin
Egon Spengler - Ravenclaw
Peter Venkman - Gryffindor
Ray Stantz - Hufflepuff
Winston Zeddemore - Gryffindor
Seeley Booth - Gryffindor
Jack Hodgins - Ravenclaw
Temperance Brennan - Ravenclaw
Lance Sweets - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
James Aubrey - Hufflepuff
Zack Addy - Hufflepuff
Angela Montenegro - Gryffindor
Caroline Julian - Gryffindor
Camille Saroyan - Slytherin
Arastoo Vaziri - Ravenclaw
Vincent Nigel-Murray - Hufflepuff
Finn Abernathy - Gryffindor
Colin Fisher - Slytherin
Wendell Bray - Ravenclaw
Daisy wick she shall not be named here - askaban
Once upon a time in... Hollywood
Cliff Booth - Gryffindor
Rick Dalton - Hufflepuff
Sharon Tate - Hufflepuff
The Outsiders:
Sodapop Curtis - Hufflepuff
Ponyboy Curtis - Ravenclaw
Darry Curtis - Gryffindor
Dally Winston - Slytherin
Steve Randle - Hufflepuff
Johnny Cade - Hufflepuff
Two-bit Mathews - Gryffindor
Carlisle Cullen - Ravenclaw
Esme cullen - Hufflepuff
Edward Cullen - Ravenclaw
Emmett Cullen - Gryffindor
Rosalie Hale - Slytherin
Alice Cullen - Hufflepuff
Jasper Hale - Gryffindor
Eleazar Denali - Ravenclaw
Carmen Denali - Gryffindor
Tayna Denali - Hufflepuff
Kate Denali - Gryffindor
Irina Denali - Sylthrin
Garrett - Sylthrin or Gryffindor
Benjamin - Hufflepuff
The Great Gastby:
Jay Gastby - Hufflepuff
Nick Carway - Gryffindor
Jordan Baker - Ravenclaw
Dasiy Buchanan - Hufflepuff
Tom Buchanan - Askaban
Once upon a time:
David Nolan - Gryffindor
Snow white - Hufflepuff
Robin Hood - Gryffindor
Killian Jones - Slytherin
Emma Swan - Gryffindor
Regina Mills - Slytherin
Henry Mills - Ravenclaw
Mr. Gold - Askaban
Belle French - Ravenclaw
Ruby - Gryffindor
August Booth - Ravenclaw
Archie Hopper - Hufflepuff
Elvis Presley's movie characters:
Vince Everett - Gryffindor
Chadwick Gates - Ravenclaw
Clint Reno - Hufflepuff
Steve Grayson - Ravenclaw
Ross Carpenter - Hufflepuff
Doug Ross - Gryffindor
Mark Greene - Ravenclaw
Susan Lewis - Hufflepuff
Peter Benton - Slytherin
John Carter - Hufflepuff
Ocean's 11:
Danny Ocean - Gryffindor
Rusty Ryan - Slytherin
Linus Caldwell - Hufflepuff
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J2 Main Panel Denvercon 2022
I said this in my post about the Gold panel, I’m gonna say it here as well, the audio quality is not good so if you plan to watch this panel I recommend you do so with headphones and play around with your volume.
Also before we get into the panel sidenote: Rob Benedict shaved and I am just now realizing I have never seen this man without a beard. It’s weird, he looks so different. 
The panels starts off with the boys joking around with Rob about him shaving because he’s flying off for some secret project, and there’s some whispers between the boys.
Question time! When Lucifer got killed with the archangel blade Nick survived so why didn’t they stab Dean when he was possessed by Michael and then just heal Dean?
Neither of them know how to answer because it’s a good point; Jensen jokes that Dean would have woken up and noticed 37 stab wounds and asked if they needed to do it that many times. They both settle on saying don’t pull the thread because it will all unravel just go with it.
Jensen says those are writer questions, those are writer problems that they deal with in the writers' room which is a place he and Jared were not allowed because they ask questions like that. I have thoughts about this that I do not know how to word. 
And then Jared says until the sequel and he and Jensen share a little look. x
If the events in spn were to happen in real life as if Sam and Dean were real which villain would be more likely to succeed in their efforts? Jared says, Ruby. No comment. And somebody in the crowd yells out that they love G and he does a weak ass attempt at acting jealous. 
Jensen says Crowley because he was smart enough to play both sides. He was capable of acting as an ally to the people he was trying to get at, he had a lot of smarts in how to operate both sides of good and evil. Then Jared whispers something to Jensen which makes him say ‘wow’ but they don’t share what was whispered, inquiring minds would like to know. 
Jensen asks the fan who they think would have had the best chance to succeed and the fan replies Amara. To which Jared asks if that means success with Dean, to which Jensen replies “she kind of did succeed with me”. And after listening to it 20 times, it sounds like Jared’s response to that is something like "sexy."  x
Who, alive or dead, would headline their dream concert? Jensen says Stevie Ray Vaughn. 
Jared answers he doesn’t know who would headline his dream concert now but he would have loved to have seen The Beatles and Elvis at the height of their fame and success. x
When they get to Heaven, if they got to play their greatest moments what would they be? 
Jared says he would probably do a better job explaining the scenes of why he ended up in hell instead of heaven but says seven instead which makes him go on a small non-sequiter about how he got confused for Barry Watson, an actor from 7th Heaven, years ago. His girlfriend at the time was flying out to visit him and the person next to her asked her what she was going to Van for and when she replied she was going to visit her boyfriend who was there filming a new show called Supernatural the guy went “no way, is he the short one or the one from 7th Heaven?” So she said 7th Heaven. 
His answer to the question is: the final time anybody called cut on SPN. Because it was a pretty magical experience, and was so otherworldly for those that were there for him especially it was so overwhelming and he was so emotional inside that he almost didn’t save it to his hard drive to put it that way. That he and Jensen have done marathons together, they’ve had marathon days and marathon episodes and marathon seasons, and being a parent, being a spouse, and a friend but when Bob called that’s a wrap that was a feeling like no other so he’d like to re-experience that. 
Jensen says that’s very true, that when they wrap up an ep the director would say ‘that’s an episode wrap on so and so’ and if it was a season wrap they would say ‘that’s a season wrap on Jared’, ‘that’s a season wrap on M’- only one time do they say ‘that’s a series wrap.’
Jensen’s answer is his wedding day, and he says that it’s not just because it’s what should be said but because he thinks it was one of the best parties he can ever remember. Jared goes ‘and he had to pay for it hahahaha’ to which Jensen replies ‘no I didn’t!’ while also fake laughing. Then fake cries and goes ‘but I have two daughters'. That it was a fun, fun, fun day that he would happily relive. Baby your wedding pictures are public and they tell a different story. 
He also mentions the first time their parents went to visit them on the set of spn, and they got to meet everyone and see them working together, and see them lead a show, lead a crew, and a cast. That those were some proud parents and to see that through the parents eyes is a pretty cool thing. x
What foreign destination do they think would be the most fun, and which would be the most challenging, for Sam and Dean to go to for a hunt? Jared jokes Vancouver or Everest. Jensen thinks it would be funny to have them go to somewhere in Eastern Europe that’s really hunted like a castle or something but they don’t speak the language. The language barrier would set up really good material.
Jared says Poland. That he's never been to Poland but he is Polish and apparently he would not stand out in Poland. Jensen remembers a time that during a flight a Polish dude went up to Jared and started talking to him in Polish because he assumed Jared spoke the language, and he and Jared were so confused 😂 Also, Jensen tells this in the most husband way. x
I couldn't understand the following question very well, but it was basically if Baby is an automatic car why is it that when they're coming down in the really fast scenes nobody is shifting gears?
Jensen replies that the motor sounds heard are not what happens in front of the camera those sounds are added in post-production.
Jared says automatic cars still do have gears so if you go from drive or overdrive to first it gives you more torque, if you want to drive it a little bit you can to first, second, third, neutral, reverse, etc. I don't understand a single word this man said because I know nothing about cars yet I would happily listen to him talk car mechanics for hours.
Jensen also points out it had a big 502 block engine and the transitions between gears were not always clean so it may have sounded like a manual car at times. x
If Jared was to cameo on The Boys what type of character would he be? Jared has talked to Kripke and Kripke has mentioned he’d love for Jared to be on The Boys, and Jared would love to be on the show. But his big deal now is that he’s a 40yr male old with a wife and kids he doesn't know if there are enough squats to get him looking back to how he did when he was younger. To which Jensen goes "I did it!" and Jared replies "I know, oh I know. yes you did." Something about the way Jared says that is very "I know😏 ". Jared enjoyed his man having those Soldier Boy muscles.
Jared says if he gets to make it because he is currently really busy, he’d love to be a villain. x
What is their fav thing to do when home with their kids? The fan that asked the question mentioned Legos, and Jared says that Shep had a friend over and G send him a video in the morning of Legos all over the floor from where they were playing. That Tom loves football, Shep loves playing with Legos and Odette loves to sing and have dance parties, and they love to play in the pool....and then he makes the pun. About how he thinks about as they get older he realizes he's gonna have to lego of what he wants. I'm genuinely impressed with how carefully he crafted this, he even looked and sounded contemplative when talking about the kids growing up all so he could make a fucking Lego pun. I can't even be mad, I respect it.
Jensen's answer is Mario Kart and switch. His kids don’t play video games so that's the only one they have but JJ is starting to beat him so usually, the first thing that happens when he gets through the door is her wanting to play and she'll have it set up and she picks who he is she usually picks Shy Guy. He also mentions he's not one of those parents who just lets' the kids win if they wanna win they have to beat him. x
If they could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would they wanna go and why? 
Jensen says space. Jared says if he never sees a beach again he won't be unhappy but if he never sees the mountains again he will be very, very unhappy. He loves going to the mountains. Mentions the summer trip to Italy to the Dolomites and how it was stunning mountains and clean, fresh air.
Jensen asks him if he could vacation in any place in time when would he go? Jared says he's thinking the late 60's with the British invasion, the watches, and the music to put him in 1970 but because he had said British invasion Jensen thought Jared meant the Revolutionary war 😂. Jensen would go 100yrs in the future because he thinks 100yrs is enough time for most of what is present to be either heavily altered or completely changed so he'd like to see what that looks like. x
If they could add an episode anywhere in the show without affecting the plot what would happen? They joke the brothers would go on vacation, in space 100 years from now to a mountain range that doesn’t exist right now.
Jared says something he really liked shooting was the pre-sadness part of the finale with the boys just hanging around the bunker doing nothing was fun and it felt very true.
Jensen says that was the sweet spot, the time between Jack, walking away and the vampires but that it actually wasn't even the vampires it was stupid rebar. Which makes some of the fans bring up that in one of the SPN subscription boxes from culturefly they had a rebar which is kinda messed up, and as the boys were talking to the fans about this the fire alarm went off. Thankfully it wasn't anything serious it was all due to a kid pulling on the alarm. Jared says that was alarming *chuckle*
Even though the alarm was turned off the emergency lights were still flashing so Jensen tells the fans to close their eyes if they have epilepsy. And actually, later on in the panel, a fan had a seizure because of the lights. x
Next is a young fan and basically, they did the math and every ep of spn is 10 days-ish, have they ever spent that much time on something they didn't get paid for?
Jared says yes. Angry birds, words with friends, Mario Kart- there have been apps on his phone that he's had to delete because he couldn't not open them. Jensen and he, and a few friends, have a wordle text thread where they post their results, and if he sets his alarm for 5am to go to work but wakes up at like 3:45am he'll be like 'oh i could go back to bed right now or I could figure out the wordle of the day real quick'.
Jensen says the fan will find many more things in his life that they'll spend many hours on but will not get paid a dime.
Jared asks the fan what's one thing he could spend 10 days on that he doesn't get paid for, the answer is playing video games his fav game right now is Minecraft. Jensen says Halo stole a lot of his life that when it first came out he thinks the neighbors had to check on him to make sure he was still alive. He was living in LA at the time and he and his roommates holed up and played for like a week straight. He hopes whatever the fan decides to spend his time on it at least enrichs his life.
Out of all their time spent on spn, what is the thing they take away most? Jared says that's something he can answer honestly that it doesn't have to be a theoretical question. The last day of spn was sep 10, 2020 or over 2 years ago and he still has friends, he has family some of who he's known for years some he hasn't met yet so beyond the memories the most grateful part of his life since spn has been everything the community that has been built.
Jensen concurs that certainly the people who he has had the privilege of crossing paths with and that he’s gotten to know and have helped enrich his life on a multitude of levels has largely been because of the show and what it has brought into his life but he’ll also add what he learned while shooting spn both on set and off set is largely responsible for the adult he is today. The life lessons, the work ethic, there's so much in what they did in and off screen that has helped shape who they are and that is lifelong. So lifelong friends and lifelong lessons. x
I'm gonna provide a timestamp for this next question but I'm not going to recap it because I spend 10mins listening to it on a loop trying to figure out what the question was and the only part I understood was that they were to choose between Christmas Cottage and another movie, and the boys' answers didn't help me figure it out. x
The next fan doesn't have a question they just wanted to show them what James Patrick who played Leviathan Dick Roman signed on a baseball cap that said, Singer Salvage. He had signed it with 'bullet'. x
What is their biggest pet peeve? Jensen says he has a lot like people that don’t pull out into the intersection when it’s yellow and they’re turning left and people that change lanes and don’t wave when you're letting them in.
Jared says his recent one since the pandemic has been people who pass judgment on the ways that other people react to the existence of the pandemic, For instance, he was somewhere the other day where there were people making fun of those who still choose to wear a mask passing judgment on people they don't know, they don't know the reason that person chooses to still wear a mask. Jensen rightfully points out that people wore masks before covid that it's not a new thing.
Also when saying this Jared mentions that he's had covid twice. Twice! x
What cologne does Jensen wear? Jensen says he switches it up depending on what he’s in the mood for, the one from the day previous he doesn’t know the name of but it's a new one from Tom Ford. x
Last question! If they had gotten to do the series finale where they had ended up in heaven in the roadhouse, what song would Dean make Sam sing? Jared says he would makeDean sing Taylor Swift's Shake It Off. Jensen would make Sam sing some Britney Spears, and when Jared asks which song he replies 'slave' to which Jared replies it's called "I’m a slave 4 you"  and Jensen says exactly. x ACKLEEEEESSS!!!! ACKLEEEEEESSS!!!! SIR! YOU ARE IN PUBLIC 💀 I AM SCREAMING IN TINHAT AND WINCEST SHIPPER
What a way highnote to end the panel on! By the way the panel is full of casual touches 🥰
J2 Main Panel Denvercon 2022
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hellcatinnc · 7 months
Piofiore Men On Spoiling You For Valentine's Day
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, x Fem! Reader, gifts, valentine's day, valentines, vday, chocolates, romance, bubble baths, rose petals, roses, stuffed animals, plushies, truffles, wine, jewelry, making love, dinner, dresses, romantic night, romantic
What these men would do for you to show you that you are loved and cared for. They will show you what its like to be cherished on Valentine's Day.
Box of mixed truffles and chocolates in a velvet heart box
A dozen roses & calla lilies laying across the in a box with a cute note
Candle lit dinner over a glass of wine outside in a gazebo
Wine, wine, and more wine. Yes he is trying to get you drunk however he is a lightweight so soon you will see how cute he can be with his slurs until you shut him up with your lips
Cute kitty stuffy since you both love cats it seemed to fit
Purrrfect together greeting card to tell you he loves you
He got you a book of love poems and marked his favorite ones so you could always have that closeness, and its a 1st edition book
Gives you a little music box that plays the melody when opened its also fully customized to have yours and Dante's name on it
The card that came with the music box just for you:
My Soulmate
Our LOVE is such a precious gift That joins us two together; With laughter, trust, hope, loyalty, and care, We'll share this joy forever. A wonderful reflection of two hearts, forever true, forever yours, Today, tomorrow and always. I will be with you and love you for eternity.
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Pours you a hot bubble bath with scented bubble soap - bath big enough for you both
Glass of champagne, strawberries, and glasses
Will kiss you from head to toe including all your ticklish spots
Pretty box of chocolates and roses
Making love by the fireplace soft lighting and a shag rug
Cute I love you teddy bear
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He bought you a beautiful cross angel necklace to show you your really is saving grace his angel, the love of his life
One single preserved rose in a glass dome so you can look at it anytime you want.
A cute box or preserved roses and chocolate covered strawberries
Sweet card to let you know he cares
He dedicates a song to you he heard on the radio, you have to look it up to listen to it but the gesture is still very sweet
He buys you a shawl to wear to keep you warm when he isn't snuggling you and since pda isn't something you do then it will keep you somewhat warm til you get home.
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He got you a lovely dress, in a beautiful heart box, so he could show you off tonight as you hit some of the nicest elegant restaurants. You will be on his arms every where you go, dancing the night away and then he will help remove that dress later in the night
Box full of gold dipped roses and red roses all fermented so you can keep them forever and they will never die
Gourmet breakfast waiting for you at the dining table when you get up and go down stairs
Dinner romantic setting in the evening on the beach
Wine tasting together
Violins playing while you eat on the beach
He got a beautiful necklace and earring set ruby's, to wear tonight
Your night will end in a beautiful hotel room in a 5 star hotel
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Buys you beautiful dress somewhat revealing so he can have his hands on you any time
He buys you a lingerie to wear under the dress until later in the night he gets to take it all off with his teeth
Cute valentine's day panda and he will be expecting alot of kisses since its what the panda requested
a bottle of red wine he got imported from a client
A box of candy chocolates. They are imported from China and even come in a cute little wooden box this way when the candy is gone you can reuse it for other things.
Lots of sex
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vintageshanny · 1 year
Play Something For Me - Part 5 - Meet Me in St. Louis
It’s the return of Elvis and Ruby! I hope you all enjoy! Thank you to everyone who’s liked, shared, and commented on my writing. It is so encouraging and means so much to me. ❤️
Writing Prompt: Elvis in a car
Content: Fluff, smut, 1973 Elvis, 18+
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October 31, 1973
Ruby let her thoughts wander as she absentmindedly strolled down the sidewalk with her shopping bags.  She had walked to the store to pick up some candy for the trick-or-treaters that would be flooding the neighborhood later.  Ella would be home from school soon and would need help putting the finishing touches on her costume.  As usual when she was alone, she found her mind drifting to Elvis.  To her knowledge, he had not tried to contact her in the almost two months since they had admitted their love for each other in Las Vegas.  She had seen the news stories about his rant against the Hilton on closing night, rumors of a falling out with his manager, and his divorce being finalized at last.  She knew he must be going through a lot of turmoil, and at first she had tried to convince herself that was the reason for his silence, but it was probably time to face the music - she had just been a convenient distraction for him, and now he was back to a life that had no room for a single mother in St. Louis.  As if the weather sensed her melancholy mood, raindrops started to pour down with no warning.  “Dammit,” she muttered to herself, looking up at the sky as if that would stop them somehow.  
“Be careful baby, sugar melts in the rain,” an unmistakable deep voice called out.  Ruby glanced over with surprise, just now noticing the fancy black car that had pulled over to the side of the road.  She saw Elvis’ handsome face gleaming at her from the back window.  Her jaw fell open a little bit as she took a step closer.  “How did you know I have candy?” she asked, unsure of what else to say, looking down at the brown paper bags that were starting to get soggy.  “Now honey, ya know I was talkin’ ‘bout you,” Elvis chuckled.  “Now get in here ‘fore ya float away with your candy.”  The rain soaking through her clothes assured her that this was the only sensible decision.
“Aw, honey, you’re soakin’ wet, you’re gonna catch cold,” Elvis murmured as he pulled Ruby in close and planted a big kiss on her lips, which were still hanging open slightly in shock.  “How are you, I mean, what are you, um, why are you here?” she blurted out awkwardly.  She could see his lopsided smile drop a little bit at her less-than-welcoming reception.  “I mean, I haven’t heard from you, I just thought you didn’t want…” she trailed off, trying to backtrack on her initial hostility.  “I do want, honey,” Elvis said, looking a bit dejected.  “I’ve had a lot goin’ on, and I tried ta call ya a couple times, but ya ain’t got no answerin’ service.”  “Oh,” Ruby said, feeling stupid.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you called.”  She did most of her seamstress work from home, but she supposed he could have called when she was out running errands.  Or, knowing his schedule, maybe when she was sleeping.  “I just figured you didn’t want to see me again.”  Elvis looked up sharply.  “I drove all the way here, baby,” he said.  “Of course I wanted ta see ya.”  Charlie cleared his throat softly from the driver’s seat.  “I guess Charlie wants credit for drivin’ me here,” Elvis said with a hollow chuckle.  
Ruby swallowed and looked down at her hands.  “Elvis, I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered.  “Ya are?” he asked, tilting her chin up toward him.  “Of course,” Ruby admitted.  “I was just feeling worried.  I have all these feelings for you, and then I didn’t hear from you, or I thought I didn’t hear from you, and I’m scared.”  She could feel herself beginning to tear up.  “Oh, Ruby, you ain’t gotta be scared of me.  I told ya I had a lot goin’ on, but I’m here now.  Ya know I wanna be with ya.  There’s a reason we’re back in each other’s lives, and I ain’t throwin’ that away.  Understand, baby?” Elvis gazed at her, waiting for an answer.  Ruby nodded and let him wrap her hand in his own.  “Ya sure are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, his smile reappearing now.  “Really?  I probably look like a drowned rat,” Ruby laughed.  Elvis’ eyes lowered to her chest and his grin grew bigger.  “Naw, baby, ya look really good like this.  Jus’ make sure no one else lays an eye on ya.”  Ruby followed his gaze down and gasped a little bit when she saw how her sopping wet blouse had molded itself to every contour of her breasts, her nipples prominently poking through the fabric.  She could feel her face flushing bright red as Elvis chuckled and pulled her in close to him.  “Mmm my red Ruby, you’re actin’ like I ain’t seen ya naked before,” he whispered in her ear, sending a little shiver down her spine.  “Elvis!” she whispered shyly, her eyes darting toward the front seat.  “Charlie ain’t listenin’ to us, are ya, Charlie?” Elvis called out.  “No, boss,” came the reply from the front.  “Jus’ drive us to Miss Ruby’s house,” Elvis instructed and leaned back toward her.  His hand gently caressed her chest as she succumbed to the pleasure of his soft lips pressing against hers.
Ruby felt like she could go on kissing Elvis for hours, but they pulled up in front of her house in just a few minutes.  Elvis looked out the window and surveyed the sky.  “I guess we should get inside while the rain’s let up.”  Ruby noticed the downpour had disappeared as quickly as it had come.  It was as if it occurred at the perfect time for Elvis to rescue her and woo her back into his arms without a second thought.  Maybe this is all happening for a reason, she mused.  “Uh, what should I do, boss?  Wait here, or…” Charlie trailed off uncertainly.  “Nah, go to the hotel.  I’ll call ya if I need ya,” Elvis responded, grabbing a small suitcase and opening the door.  He hurried around to help Ruby get out with her wet grocery bags.  Ruby glanced around nervously, hoping none of the neighbors were watching.  Elvis wasn’t exactly incognito in a silver jacket with rainbow flames licking the shoulders.  She smiled as she looked him up and down.  He seemed to have gained a little weight since she’d seen him, but she didn’t mind at all.  It actually made her flush as she thought about laying underneath him, his body pressed into hers.  Elvis looked over and smirked as they climbed the steps to the porch.  “You’re gonna make me blush, baby, the way you’re undressin’ me with your eyes like that.”  “I’m sorry,” Ruby murmured.  “I just don’t know how you get more handsome every time I see you.”  She loved the way her compliments always seemed to both embarrass and please him.
Ruby set the bags of candy on the kitchen counter and turned to see Elvis surveying the living room, looking at the framed photos of her and Ella.  “Where’s your girl now?” he asked.  “She should be home from school any minute, actually,” Ruby commented.  “If you’d rather go, I understand,” she said, looking away nervously.  Elvis turned to look at her in surprise.  “Oh, do ya not want me to meet her?”  He looked a little hurt again.  “No, no, you can meet her, I just didn’t know if you’d feel comfortable, or-” she stammered out before Elvis cut her off.  “Ruby, I love ya.  I want to be in your life, but that means ya have to let me in,” he said as he walked closer and took her hands in his, looking directly into her eyes.  She could feel them watering as she nodded and said, “Okay.  I’ll let you in.”  Elvis smiled with relief and held her close to him.  “And Elvis?” she added.  “Yes, baby?”  “I love you too.  I’m so glad you came.”  She could feel his embrace around her tighten.  “Baby, you should get outta these wet clothes,” he murmured into her hair.  “Are you just trying to see me naked again?” she teased.  “Nah, there’ll be plenty of time for that later,” he laughed.  “I can’t get all excited when we won’t have the time for me to take care of ya properly.”  Ruby smiled at this and leaned up to kiss his lips before going into her bedroom to change.  
She returned to the living room to find that Elvis had made himself at home on the couch with some peanut butter cups from one of the grocery bags.  “Elvis!” she swatted at him playfully, “Those are for the trick-or-treaters!”  Elvis looked up at her with a big grin and whistled lowly.  “You look beautiful baby, even if I can’t see those pretty nipples anymore.”  He laughed as Ruby’s face turned scarlet.  “Aw, red Ruby, your face matches your dress now,” he continued to tease as he pulled her onto his lap.  She smoothed out her red dress with rainbow stitching at the waistline.  She was too embarrassed to say that she had picked it out so they would match a little bit with their rainbow colors.  Instead she leaned in and licked the chocolate off Elvis’ lip.  “You’re a messy eater,” she teased him.  “I can think of something really messy I’d like to eat,” he whispered in her ear, his fingers digging into her waist.  “Elvis!” Ruby squealed, shocked but delighted by his naughty innuendo.  Just at that moment, the doorknob turned and Ruby jumped up off his lap.
“Mom!  I’m home!” Ella called out as she walked in the door.  I’m right here sweetie, and we have a guest,” Ruby said nervously.  Ella turned as she walked into the living room and her jaw just about hit the floor.  “You’re - you’re Elvis Presley,” she announced in awe.  Elvis stood up from the couch and reached his hand out.  “You must be Ella.  I’ve heard so much about ya,” he said with a grin.  Ella reached her hand out and shook his, looking like she was in a trance.  “Why are you in our house?” she stared over at her mother in confusion.  “Oh, I’m jus’ an old friend of your mom’s,” he said, smiling down at how her hand was still shaking his.  She dropped his hand then and gasped.  “You did meet in Germany, didn’t you?” she asked accusingly.  “My mom said she only caught a glimpse of you.”  “Well, we may have had a conversation as well,” Ruby said softly, trying to think of how to get herself out of this uncomfortable situation.  “Then when she came to my concert in August, we got a chance to talk again.”  Elvis smiled over at Ruby, trying to help her explain his presence.  “Your concert?” Ella asked in disbelief, looking at Ruby once more.  “You went to Las Vegas while I was gone?”  Then a look of realization came over her face.  “Are you…dating?” she asked.  “Are you dating Elvis Presley and you didn’t tell me?”  Elvis looked at Ruby questioningly also, realizing that she must not have mentioned a thing about him.   Ruby cleared her throat nervously.  “It’s, um, kind of a long story, and I think that’s enough questions for right now.  I can explain it all later, but you need to finish getting your costume ready for tonight.  Trick-or-treat starts in an hour.”  She turned and walked into the kitchen before either of them could question her any further.
Ella went into her bedroom to get ready, and Ruby could hear Elvis’ heavy footsteps walk up behind her while she was pouring the bags of candy out into a big bowl.  “So…ya didn’t even think to mention me huh?” he asked, sounding a bit disappointed.  Ruby turned to find him standing directly behind her, blocking her against the counter.  “Elvis, it’s not that I didn’t think to, I mean, I just didn’t know what to say.  I didn’t know if I’d even see you again.  I didn’t want to get…anyone’s hopes up,” she tried to explain.  Elvis nodded slowly and sighed.  “I understand, baby.  But, I should probably tell ya, my hopes are up.”  He leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.  Ruby stared up into his beautiful face, noticing how his long lashes fanned over his cheeks. “I think I didn’t want to admit it to myself,” she said softly, “but so are mine.”  Elvis leaned down and pressed his lips gently to hers.
Ella cleared her throat behind them and they nervously jumped apart, looking like two kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  “If you two are done playing kissy-face, can you tell me if my costume looks okay?” Ella asked as Elvis and Ruby tried to suppress their smiles.  Ella was wearing a pink dress that Ruby had made and had her hair in braided pigtails with big bows.  “I wanted to be Marcia Brady, but mom made me dress as Cindy instead,” Ella announced with some disappointment in her voice.  “Probably no one will even know who I am because my hair’s too dark to be Cindy.”  “You can dress as a teenager when you are a teenager,” Ruby said.  “I’m practically a teenager,” Ella mumbled.  “Well, I think ya look mighty cute,” Elvis said with a grin.  “Plus ya don’t wanna grow up too fast, people give ya more candy when you’re younger,” he added.  Ella considered that and nodded in agreement.  “I think you’re onto something there, Mr. Presley,” she said, sounding pleased.  “Please jus’ call me Elvis, dear,” he said with a warm smile.  “Okay Elvis dear,” Ella said, making all three of them giggle.
The doorbell rang and Ella grabbed her trick-or-treat bag.  “My friends are here!  I’m going, mom!” she called out as she ran for the door.  “Hold on, give me a hug,” Ruby said as she pulled Ella in close.  “Be careful and stay together.  Don’t forget your overnight bag,” she added.  “Don’t worry, we’ll be careful. And I expect the full long story when I come home,” Ella said sternly. She gave Ruby a quick kiss on the cheek, waved goodbye to Elvis, and rushed out the door.  “Overnight bag?” Elvis asked.  “Oh, yeah, she’s staying over at a friend’s house after trick-or-treating,” Ruby explained.  “Hmm, we have the house to ourselves?” Elvis said, his endearing crooked smile coming out in full force, making Ruby’s heart melt and her core tingle.  “Well, after we give out the candy,” she said with a wink.  As if on cue, the first group of kids rang the doorbell.  “You should stay out of sight so you don’t cause a commotion,” Ruby instructed as she went to grab the bowl of candy.  
Ruby returned to find that Elvis had already opened the door and was signing autographs for a group of starstruck parents while the kids looked on confused, wondering where the candy was.  She thought about scolding him but saw how much he seemed to be enjoying himself and decided to just let him have fun.  Elvis continued to pass out candy with Ruby and sign autographs until the last trick-or-treater had come through.  They sat next to each other on the couch, Elvis’ arm around Ruby’s shoulders.  “I guess we had just enough candy,” Elvis announced, looking at the empty bowl on the coffee table.  “Actually,” Ruby said with a sly smile, “I set aside a bag of peanut butter cups for you since you love them so much.”  Elvis’ face lit up like a little boy’s.  “Aw, that’s sweet of ya honey,” he said, kissing her forehead.  “Do you want me to get them?” Ruby asked.  “Well, I s-s-sorta had a different treat in mind right now,” he murmured, his hand creeping up under the hem of her dress.  Ruby’s heart started racing.  “Mmm, I think I could help you with that,” she whispered.  She stood up from the couch and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the bedroom with her.
As soon as they got to the bed, Ruby pushed his jacket off his shoulders and pulled his shirt off.  “Oh, God, I’ve missed this,” she whispered as she ran her hands lightly over his chest and stomach, feeling the hair tickle her fingertips.  She loved the way Elvis always seemed to tremble slightly when they were intimate with each other.  It reminded her that he was just a human being who got nervous like anyone else.  She smiled as she took in how beautiful he looked.  Elvis smiled back shyly as he unbuttoned his pants and let them drop down to the ground, revealing his bare body to her.  “‘M sorry, honey, he’s not quite ready yet,” he motioned down to his soft cock hanging below the slight swell of his belly.  “No need to be sorry, he probably just needs a little loving,” Ruby said as she pulled her dress over her head and removed her bra and underwear.  Elvis stared at her naked body in admiration as she pushed him onto the bed.  “Let me take care of him,” she whispered lustily.  
Ruby started placing gentle open-mouthed kisses on Elvis’ lower abdomen and thighs, making a circle of wet spots around his cock as she caressed his balls in her hand.  A low moan came from his lips and she moved her mouth closer to his shaft, letting her warm breath tease him.  His moans grew louder and Ruby watched in awe as he started growing hard before her eyes, the head of his cock peeking out from the foreskin.  She leaned in and kissed this most sensitive spot, letting her tongue run over it, and Elvis let out a symphony of moans.  “Oh, Ruby, he’s sure ready now,” Elvis called out.   Ruby gave him one last lick and then laid next to Elvis as he turned to roll on top of her.  He reached down and ran his fingers through her folds, making sure she was wet enough to enter.  “Damn, baby, you’re so wet.  Is that cuz of me?” he asked with a proud grin.  “Of course,” Ruby blushed.  “That’s what happens when I get to lick all over your body and hear you moan my name.”  “Well, there’s plenty more where that came from, sweet red Ruby,” Elvis whispered as he thrusted into her tight little hole, the full weight of his body pressed against hers.  “Oh, Elvis, this is what I’ve been waiting for,” Ruby moaned, the pleasure consuming her immediately. “I know, baby, I know ya needed me to come take care of ya,” Elvis grunted as he continued thrusting deep inside of her.  After two months of waiting for this moment, the ecstasy washed over the two of them with an intensity Ruby could barely take.  She couldn’t stop from calling out Elvis’ name over and over as her orgasm hit so hard her entire body shook with pleasure.  With sweat falling from his forehead, Elvis stuttered up into her with a satisfied groan, filling her up and collapsing down onto her soft body, his head nuzzled against her chest.  
“Oh, wow, Elvis, that was amazing,” Ruby whispered rapturously as she ran her fingers through his sweaty hair.  “It sure was, sweet red Ruby,” Elvis responded.  “Elvis? Y’know how you have that, um, extra layer on your, y’know…” Ruby trailed off, for some reason feeling embarrassed to say the word foreskin. She could feel him tense up slightly as he realized what she was referring to. She quickly blurted out, “Well I love it! When you, um, go inside of me, I can feel it move back and forth a little bit and it feels amazing,” she ended in a whisper, her face turning beet red with this admission. Elvis relaxed and let out a little laugh. “I’m glad you love it, baby, I guess we were made for each other. Cuz he sure loves bein’ in there.” “I think your whole body is just perfect,” Ruby couldn’t stop the compliments as she continued to stroke his hair. He didn’t say anything more, but she could feel him smiling against her chest.  He leaned up and gave her nipple a little lick, laughing at how it sent a shiver through her overstimulated body.  Ruby blushed and smiled down at him.  “Y’know what I could use now, baby?” Elvis asked, looking up into her face, his eyes twinkling.  “Some peanut butter cups.”  Ruby laughed and kissed his sweet lips.
Tag list: @ellie-24 @whositmcwhatsit @thatbanditqueen @be-my-ally @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love @lookingforrainbows @peskybedtime @shakerattlescroll @arrolyn1114
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aliypop · 11 months
Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me: Chapter 4
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Word Count: 2,209
Writers Note: Tis the season well near it, so I decided to get a head start. Also finally let me introduce you to Cecelia's parents! Finally.
Warning: None so far except for language and historic language
Pairing: OC x Elvis
Plot: Christmas is around the corner at the Valmos mansion where there's love and a bit of arguing and the Presleys are here can Elvis and Cecelia spread the holiday cheer?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Taglist: If you wanna be tagged let me know!
Nashville, Tennessee, December 24th,1957
Paradise Record's Official Christmas Party was the highlight of the music world, with the biggest names of the entertainment industry all under one roof. It was an achievement of Denise Camila Valmos. Who she hoped to one day pass off to her daughter. "Midge... the food." Denise sighed, watching her team finish the final touches of decorating the studio. "You need any help?" Alfonso asked as Denise shot him a glare. It was the age-all question that every man tended to ask, knowing when a woman needed help with something. Cheryl, Midge's wife, was outside directing where all the trees should go. The sharp cold of the wind felt like tiny razor blades cutting into her face. The things she did for Midge, 
"You know I think it's gonna snow tonight..."
"Don't say that." Ruby shook her head,
"Why not?"
"When you say the S word... Denise gets touchy." Eleanor chuckled,
"It feels like it's gonna Snow..." Cecelia said. Her rollers were in her hair still as she was bringing in and setting more decorations. 
"I said it felt... not that it would..." Fluffing out the bows her mother made for each chair, 
"Denise, if you hated snow, why'd you move to Nashville..." Alfonso questioned, "Don't say the music."
"Don't start with me..." Denise hissed at him.
Midge had been watching the two bicker as Cecelia and her aunts were still decorating. 
"So Cece, how's the movies going?" Ruby asked as Cecelia humed a tune, putting the flowers in a vase. 
"They're great." she shrugged, "I mean, the latest is with MGM, and it's about this girl. She's a princess, and she falls in love with this rockin' guy, who she thinks is a prince, but really he's a lounge singer." Cecelia giggled, thinking of who would play the love interest.
"Who's the fella you get to kiss," Ruby asked.
"Well... They're banking on Elvis." both her aunts watched her swoon when she said his name. She was all dimples and smiles, 
"Honey, it's 57. I doubt if they get Elvis..." Ruby sighed,
"Well, if they don't, I at least get to kiss him and make love-" Cecelia caught herself as both her aunts glanced at her. 
"Nel, you didn't..." Eleanor gasped as if she'd die and tell God,
"I did... I have a few times, but don't tell my mother!" Cecelia blushed hard, 
"What about saving yourself for marriage?" 
"Have you seen Elvis Aaron Presley..." Cecelia smirked, "And his blue eyes and his lips an-"
"Cecelia, go dressed."
"Yes, Mother," she responded as she went to change for the party, fanning herself from her thoughts.
"E, you got this," Rosa said, walking him into the now super crowded and star-studded studio lobby. Things like this always made him wonder how a boy from Tupelo made his way in places like this. In one corner of the room was BB King, who was talking to Ella Fitzgerald, and in the other corner was Little Richard, who found his way straight to the piano, 
"Rosa, I...I don't think I got this." he sighed,
"Your parents are having a great time over there, and-" she felt Elvis try to leave the building as she pulled him back in, 
"Those are legends in there. There's Louis Armstrong talkin to Dean Martin!" He could feel his stomach flip in knots.
"Okay, and you're Elvis the Pelvis, who can sing the panties off anyone's girl." Rosa shrugged, pushing him into the crowd. Rosa might have been trouble, but she was good trouble. 
"Have you seen Elvis?" Scotty asked as Rosa held his hand, 
"Nope... But, hey, isn't that Johnny Cash!" she waved him down, swooning after him. 
"Wonderful Party again, Denise." Cab Calloway said as he kissed her on the hand. Alfonso had a jealous look on his face watching the woman he loved, no hated, no loved, be charmed by his competition. "It's always nice to see you again, Cab." Denise blushed a little. Her French red satin tule-trained mermaid gown was a snug fit on her body, and it only made Alfonso want to pull her in close and kiss her til the cows came home. 
"Nessa, you look bellissima." Dean was kissing up her Opera glove to the skin of her shoulder.
"Oh, Dean." Denise blushed at the Italian lover, " They'll think we're in love." she joked as Alfonso got even more red in the face. 
"Vernon..." Alfonso sat next to him,
"My advice... tell her how ya feel or damn it, suffer to that." 
"Hey Rich..." 
"Yeah, Cece?"
"Have you seen Elvis by chance?" 
"Nope, been woop baba loo-ing honey." he winked at her and kept playing, 
"Thanks..." she sighed, picking up the hem of her off-white dress, holding onto her white fur shaw. Cecelia had hoped the poor thing didn't get so nervous that he backed out of coming and left her to suffer a night of celebrities who'd ask her the same old questions, 
"So tell me, Mr. Presley, what makes you good enough for our niece," Ruby said as she cornered the young man, Eleanor on the other side, with a glass of champagne.
"Well... A- aside from being Elvis, I-I'm an honest man I try to be." another thing he hated was interviews. He could talk til his face turned blue if you asked him to tell you a story, but an interview heck no, he could barely bear it. 
"What about all those other girls you've had..." Eleanor asked,
"I love, love, but I love..." His eyes caught the prettiest sight he'd ever seen. A cream-colored gown, a white fur shawl, a garnet necklace hanging perfectly between her breasts, her white opera gloves up to nearly her shoulders, and her dark brown hair curled into the style of the infamous poodle.
"You love who..."
"Cece..." He had the face of a man who'd just seen an angel. Cecelia was now talking to Dean Martin, and by talking gawking at him like a little schoolgirl, the two had been discussing Jazz, knowing that Cecelia had the idea of doing at least one album to please her parent's pallet. "I like to think you rollers are crooners, especially that Elvis guy." Dean smirked a little, "I mean, without us Crooners, there's no Rollers." 
"I'd simply agree." Cecelia smiled, "And Elvis, he's such a crooner, charming, sensitive, sweet, and..."
"He's comin this way, kid." 
"Sensational..." black hair with a slightly curled cowlick and those piercing blue eyes like Superman, she was in love as she saw him walk her way with his tuxedo on and his bowtie, a look he didn't too much admire, but for Cecelia, he'd do anything. 
"You look..."
"You go first," Elvis said,
"No, you," Cecelia took his hand,
"Well, you look like a dream." He kissed her hand, 
"You look like my forever." Cecelia blushed at the kiss, "Have you met Dean?" she gestured as he laughed at the two lovebirds. 
"Nice to meet you, sir."
"Please call me Dean," he winked, "Ya know Frankie was supposed to be here, but he got busy." Cecelia gasped at the mention of his name, and Elvis found it quite cute. 
"Well, if it ain't Cece and E."
"Johnny!" the two both greeted Johnny Cash, who had a cigarette in his mouth and a slice of cake on a plate. 
"What'cha two getting up two." 
The room fell silent. All eyes were on them. Cecelia took a deep breath. Elvis grabbed her by the hand, trying to calm her down. Until Midge walked over, 
"You two need to do something..."
"Why us..." Cecelia whispered,
"Well, those are your parents, and Presley's a voice of a generation. Good luck." Cecelia looked around for anything that could be a distraction until she saw the grand piano, 
"Follow my lead..." Cecelia grabbed his hand,
"Godspeed Cece..." Midge smiled,
"Maybe we should just tell everyone the truth..." Denise sighed,
"The truth about-" 
Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek-to-cheek
 Cecelia sang as she sat on the grand piano. Elvis looked up at her like he'd sometimes look at a cheeseburger. Or his beloved sandwich, 
Oh, I love to climb a mountain
And reach the highest peak
But it doesn't thrill me half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek
Elvis winked at Cecelia as they both continued the song. From the corner of her eye, she could see the guests dancing with each other, couples in love, some even humming the song. But the couple she wanted wasn't dancing, they weren't found until she heard. 
Now Mama dance with me
I want my arms about you
That charm about you
Will carry me through
Standing beside her and Elvis were Alfonso and Denise, who were dueting their hit single from back in the 30s. They had looked so in love, like there was only room in the universe for them. When the song had finished, Alfonso and Denise embraced in passionate kisses. The two locked eyes as he got on his knees, took her hand, and said,
 "Denise, I know... I ain't been the best husband or daddy, but I've been one hell of a manager, " he chuckled as Denise blushed, "But that's not what I wanna ask."
"What are you asking me, Alfonso." Denise.
"Will you be my Sapphire and set my soul on fire, marry me again?" he asked. 
"Yes..." Denise blushed as she kissed her husband. There were cheers and claps and singing. It was a romantic affair, but Cecelia needed air. She needed to have a break from it all. Sitting outside, Cecelia had begun to tear up. She thought about how happy her parents seemed. And how happy Gladys and Vernon were dancing along to the singing, all the happy couples that could be together publicly in love. 
"This stair taken..."
"N...No." Cecelia turned her head away from Elvis. Taking off his suit jacket, he put it around her shoulders as he kissed her cheek. 
"Angel, are you cryin'?"
"I'm fine.." 
"Are you sure-" he felt her body press into his chest as he held her. She was going to sob. In which he'd kiss her cheek and listen to her. After all, she'd been there when he needed a good sob. 
"I-I-I wish we could hold hands, kiss how we want to, love how we want to outside those walls outside from our homes, I-" she sniffled, looking into his eyes, 
"I wish the world knew how much I love you." 
"I don't..."
"Whys that..." There was a deep sadness in her eyes as he said that. Elvis had her smaller hands in his as he kissed them, then he had his hands on her cheeks,
"Because the world already knows, and she's the most beautiful world I did ever see." he leaned in to kiss her soft lips. Her skin was cold, but the kiss between them was passionate, sweet, and simple. It said everything the other was trying to say. Suddenly, from the air, snow flurries were falling into their hair. And lashes, and on the ground as he picked her up, their lips never detaching from one another. Her arms were around his neck as he was holding her bridal style.
"Well, shit, finally..." Johnny said, watching the two. 
Later that night, Elvis was in the guest room fiddling with a box he had with him. He knew the next day was Christmas, and it had to be perfect. After all, it wasn't every day a man found the woman of his dreams at 22 years old. Pacing, he'd been practicing his words until he heard. 
Walking down the creaking floor, Elvis heard the fireplace crackle to a low fire as the lights from the Christmas tree. Illuminating the large living room like an annoying leg lamp, presents were under the tree, and a plate of half-eaten sugar cookies and a glass of milk beside it, sitting there with her legs crossed in her nightgown eating cookies. 
"Hmmm?" she looked back at Elvis. Over the fireplace was a picture of her and her parents and more awards, but he only had his eyes on one award, his sweet, beautiful girlfriend with crumbs on her lips that he could taste with his tongue, "Elvis..." her hands pulling at his hair, the two would break for air as they'd find other places to kiss and bite and lick,
 "What's gotten into ya, sugar..."
"Love." He smirked, that smile on his face as he got up from being on top of her. Elvis took her by the hand as he beckoned her with his finger to follow. 
"Where are we going..."
"To unwrap you like a bow."
"What if Santa finds out..."
"What he won't know won't kill him, mama." he kissed her neck again as she shivered, 
"Then I suppose you can have this gift early."
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etmox · 1 year
Hi Ruby, any chance we'll get a behind the scenes book with all your photos (and Hugh's) for Elvis, or maybe a documentary about the process, maybe for EP's 90th birthday?😏🙏
I love seeing how films are made and all the little details.
(Thanks for sharing some of them with us on insta 🥰 )
Hugh and I are both down to do this! X
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5-Barbarian 6-Top Gun: Maverick 7-Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 8-The Menu (2022) 9-Everything, Everywhere All At Once (2022) 10-Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (2022) 11-Scream (2022) 12-X (2022) 13-Pearl (2022) 14-Nope (2022) 15-Turning Red (2022) 16-The Banshees Of Inisherin (2022) 17-Bodies, Bodies, Bodies (2022) 18-The Northman (2022)
19-The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent (2022) 20-Terrifier 2 (2022) 21-Prey (2022) 22-Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers (2022) 23-Avatar: The Way Of Water (2022) 24-Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (2022) 25-Elvis (2022) 26-Violent Night (2022) 27-Smile (2022) 28-Hellraiser (2022) 29-Bones And All (2022) 30-Emily The Criminal (2022) 31-Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022) 32-Marcel: The Shell With Shoes On (2022) 33-The Black Phone (2022) 34-A Christmas Story Christmas (2022) 35-Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (2022) 36-The Bad Guys (2022) 37-Bros (2022) 38-Clerks III (2022) 39-After Yang (2022) 40-Do Revenge (2022) 41-Marry Me (2022) 42-Ambluance (2022) 43-Rescued By Ruby (2022) 44-Hustle (2022) 45-Rosaline (2022) 46-Jackass Forever (2022) 47-Better Nate Than Ever (2022)
48-Black Adam (2022) 49-Thor: Love And Thunder (2022) 50-Causeway 51-Enola Holmes 2 (2022) 52-Orphan: First Kill (2022) 53-Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore (2022) 54-Hotel Translyvania: Transformania (2022) 55-Emergency (2022) 56-I Want You Back (2022) 57-The Bob's Burgers Movie (2022) 58-Crush (2022) 59-The Sea Beast (2022) 60-Funny Pages (2022) 61-Not Okay (2022) 62-Day Shift (2022) 63-The Whale (2022) 64-Spirited (2022) 65-Jurassic World: Dominion (2022) 66-Fire Island (2022) 67-Samaritan (2022) 68-Me Time (2022) 69-Bullet Train (2022) 70-Dog (2022) 71-The Gray Man (2022) 72-Hollywood Stargirl (2022) 73-The Lost City (2022) 74-The Cursed (2022) 75-Blacklight (2022) 76-Kimi (2022) 77-The Adam Project (2022) 78-Lightyear (2022)
79-Babylon 80-DC League Of Super-Pets (2022) 81-Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) 82-Night At The Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again (2022) 83-The Princess (2022) 84-Death On The Nile (2022) 85-Wendell & Wild (2022) 86-Prey For The Devil (2022) 87-Cheaper By The Dozen (2022)
88-Disenchanted (2022) 89-Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody 90-Moonfall (2022) 91-Uncharted (2022) 92-Beast (2022) 93-Men (2022) 94-Spiderhead 95-The Royal Treatment (2022) 96-Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) 97-Moonshot (2022) 98-Minions: The Rise Of Gru (2022) 99-Studio 666 (2022) 100-Sneakerella (2022) 101-Halloween Ends (2022) 102-The School For Good And Evil (2022)
103-Deep Water (2022) 104-Strange World (2022) 105-Three Thousand Years Of Longing (2022) 106-They/Them (2022) 107-Don't Worry Darling (2022)
108-Senior Year (2022) 109-The 355 (2022) 110-Memory (2022) 111-Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2022) 112-The Ice Age Adventures Of Buck Wild (2022) 113-Luck (2022)
114-Paws Of Fury: The Legend Of Hank 115-Morbius 116-The Invitation 117-The Munsters 118-Amsterdam 119-Tall Girl 2 120-Pinocchio (2022)
121-Dashcam 122-365 Days: This Day 123-The Next 365 Days 124-After Ever Happy 125-Jeepers Creepers Reborn
0 notes
p1325 · 2 years
Here's the list of the movies I used: Sneakerella, Encanto, Disenchanted, Bros, Strange World, Turning Red, Lightyear, Hocus Pocus 2, Thor: Love and Thunder, Piggy, Do Revenge, The Lost City, Spirited, The Fabelsman, Zombies 3, Rise, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers, All three versions of Pinocchio, Crush, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Barbarian, Not Okay, Fire Island, Sex Appeal, The Princess, Alien, No Exit, See How They Run, The Valet, Death on the Nile, Brahmāstra: Part One – Shiva, I Want You Back, Violent Night, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, Fresh, Cheap By The Dozen, God's Crooked Lines, Slumberland, Persuasion, Luckiest Girl Alive, The School for Good and Evil, Scrooge: A Christmas Carol, The Noel Diary, Senior Year, Enola Holmes 2, Falling For Christmas, Along for the Ride, Spiderhead, The Adam Project, Incantation, Jaula, Hotel Transylvania 3, Prey for the Devil, Troll, The In Between, Avatar 2, Lou, Rainbow, The Good Nurse, Blackout, The Gray Man, 365:This Day, One Piece Movie, The Privilege, Carter, Hustle, The Weekend, Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again, Athena, A Perfect Pairing, The Swimmers, Brazen, Hello Goodbye and Everything in Between, The Man from Toronto, Mr. Harrigan's Phone, Me Time, Uncharted, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Morbius, Interceptor, Windfall, 20th Century Girl, Code Name: Emperor, The Northman, Medieval, Royalteen, End of the Road, Love Tactics, Love & Gelato, Halloween Ends, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Tall Girl 2, The Takedown, Rescued by Ruby, Wendell & Wild, Through My Window, The Royal Treatment, Home Team, My Father's Dragon, The Sea Beast, Bigbug, Moonage Daydream, The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure, A Madea Homecoming, Off Track, Doctor G, Blonde, The Bubble, In Good Hands, Emancipation, Black Adam, Smile, The Bad Guys, Men, Bullet Train, My Policeman, Nostalgia, Nope, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Beast, Ticket to Paradise, Amsterdam, Samaritan, After Ever Happy, Rubikon, Scream, Goodnight Mommy, Causeway, Where the Crawdads Sing, Redeeming Love, Better Nate Than Ever, Marry Me, Anything's Possible, Matilda the Musical, Dog, Downton Abbey: A New Era, Luck, Good Mourning, My Fake Boyfriend, Trevor: The Musical, Secret Headquarters, Catherine Called Birdy, The Mother, Minions: The Rise of Gru, Moonshot, My Best Friend's Exorcism, Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness, The People We Hate at the Wedding, The Batman, Tad the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet, Gone in the Night, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, DC League of Super-Pets, 1UP, Clerks 3, Meet Cute, The Final Client, Bodies Bodies Bodies, Easter Sunday, Resurrection, Sharp Stick, Warriors of Future, Vengeance, Godfather, Mack & Rita, The Quiet Girl, Happening, Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Till, Girl Picture, Everything Everywhere All at Once, To Leslie, Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie, The Banshees of Inisherin, Jackass Forever, Three Thousand Years of Longing, The Woman King, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Corsage, Bardo, Nanny, The Royal Nanny, We’re All Going to the World’s Fair, Apollo 10 ½: A Space Age Childhood, All Quiet on the Western Front, X, Kimi, In Front of Your Face, Hit the Road, After Yang, Return to Seoul, Bones and All, Living, Women Talking, Saint-Omer, Elvis, Top Gun: Maverick, Triangle of Sadness, The Eternal Daughter, Benediction, EO, Crimes of the Future, RRR, Decision to Leave, The Fabelmans, Aftersun, TÁR, Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe, Official Competition, Sissy, The Black Phone, Hatching, Belle, Lingui The Sacred Bonds, Utama, A Love Song, Decision To Leave, Broker, Paris 13th District, Gagarine, The Woman King, Emily The Criminal, Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, Holy Spider, Brian and Charles, The Eternal Daughter, Everything Went Fine, Benediction, Corsage, Empire of Light, You Won’t Be Alone, The Wonder, Memoria, Funny Pages, Fear, Hollywood Stargirl, Bed Rest, Firestarter, Emergency, The Bob's Burgers Movie, Last Journey of Paul W.R, Jurassic World Dominion, Look Both Ways, Cop Secret, Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank, Collide, Ali & Ava, The Menu, Inu-oh, My Favorite Girlfriend, Glimpse, Medusa, Cosmic Dawn, Purple Hearts, Father of the Bride, Cha Cha Real Smooth, Good Luck to You Leo Grande, Jerry & Marge Go Large, Escape the Field, Mr. Malcolm's List, Orphan: First Kill, Press Play, Flux Gourmet, Don’t Make Me Go, I Love My Dad, Day Shift, I'm Charlie Walker, The Lost Girls, The Phantom of the Open, Pearl, Close, Dinner in America 
All rights go to AndyWuMusicLand 
Universal Pictures/Music Group Hulu/Fox/Disney+/Marvel Amazon Prime Warner Music Group/Warner Bros/HBO
1 note · View note
asshlyyyy · 2 years
Elvis (Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Chapter 5
So, we did a whole vote what I post next. The Austin Butler Request won, and that is currently in the works. I wanted to get Chapter/ Part 5 for Elvis though because I love writing for this. I apologize if it isn’t the best. It went in a different direction then intended. Obviously, I had to split it into two different parts now.
It is quite a lengthy chapter, and it would’ve been longer if I continued. That being said, there is no song for this chapter. There will be three for the next one. I hope you guys are enjoying this serious just as much as I am!
Paring: Austin!Elvis x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, sexual themes, some spelling mistakes? Maybe some grammatical errors. I can only reread so many times.
Word Count: 6.1 k 
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"Hey momma, can I ask ya something real quick?" You looked over at your mother, who was in the kitchen making some lunch. You stood knew the island in the middle. Your fingers nervously tapped against the laminate topping.
"You can ask me anything. What's up?" She asked, turning her head to give your her attention.
"Um well... Elvis asked me to go with him on a little trip. He is going to be performing on the Louisiana Hayride. I just wanted to ask you... if it was okay?" You asked her, an obvious hint of nervousness in your voice.
"That's okay," she nodded, "I trust Elvis, and I trust he will keep you safe. Just be responsible, and call me okay?" She agreed to let you go.
"It's in Louisiana..." You pointed out, shocked at her answer.
"I know, and I still stay true to my word. You can go." She smiled. She wasn't one to hold you back. Hell, you were basically eighteen at this point. She couldn't and wouldn't hold you back from anything you wanted to do.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you." Ruby chuckled at your response as you rushed over to her. You pulled her into a loving hug.
"Okay honey, I love ya." She returned your hug.
"I love you too. I have to go call Elvis!" You pulled away and rushed up to your room. You heard your mom laugh from downstairs as you reached your room. You went over to your phone and quickly typed in his number.
"Hello?" A soft voice spoke from the other end. It was by no means Elvis's voice...
"Hi, I was hoping I could possibly talk to Elvis by chance?" You asked the nice lady.
"May I ask who is calling?" She asked.
"Oh! Of course, I'm sorry. I'm Haylo Blakely, Elvis and I recently recorded a song together." You introduced yourself.
"Oh? So you're the Haylo my boy has been talking about?" She asked with a hint of happiness.
"I would hope so," you chuckled lightly. "Is he around?"
"If I'm not mistaken, he is currently on his way to pick you up." She brought it up. You looked out past your curtains in confusion. Elvis didn't mention anything about seeing each other today.
"Huh... okay, I suppose that will work as well. Thank you for your help."
"Anytime sweetie... oh! And it was nice hearing from your again." Before you could answer you heard the click of the phone line and it went silent. What did she mean by that? You don't recall meeting Elvis' parents at all.
And as if it was all perfectly planned, you saw Elvis pull into your driveway. You placed the receiver back onto the base and made your way downstairs. You headed towards the front door and found Elvis as he was about to knock. You pulled open the door and Elvis' eyes went wide.
"Oh- he-hey," Elvis chuckled. You smiled softly, letting out a light giggle from his reaction.
"Hi, Elvis. Come in," you moved out of the way to give way. He nodded and walked through the threshold. You closed the door behind him.
"What do I owe the honor for this visit?" You asked him. He turned to face you, cheeks a bit red from earlier.
"Huh well... I wanted to come and... check on you... After last night," he said as his eyes trailed your body, looking for any marks or bruises. You weren't exactly dressed up in your usual clothes that he was used to seeing you in. You wore a simple pair of shorts with a floral button-up shirt.
"Oh... I'm okay," You smiled sheepishly and rubbed your neck where your step-douche choked you. His eyes watched your hand. He stepped closer and looked closely at you. Your face redden from how close he was. He truly was only a couple of centimeters away.
He grabbed onto the hand that you were rubbing your neck with and moved it out of the way. He took a long look at your neck. He was quick to notice the bright red marks on your neck. He just shook his head. He had no words for what he saw. He felt angry at himself for not being there. He should've gone in with you. He should've made sure you were okay.
"I- I can explain-"
"You shouldn't be here if he's going to go ahead and choke you, or worse strangle you to death." He rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just tell your mom?" "It-" you let out a breath and grabbed his hand. You pulled him up the stairs and into your room. You didn't want your mom to accidentally hear in on your conversation.
"Listen Elvis..." you wrapped your arms around yourself. "It's not as easy as telling my momma... He's the mayor... He has more power than your average middle-aged white male... He threatened to shut down my career... He would kick me out and never let me see my mom again." You took a deep breath and you felt your eyes water up.
"He threatened to destroy my father's grave..." You said quietly out. You remember the amount of money your family had to pay for that grave... it was the only indication of where he laid and- Elvis grabbed your hands in his.
"Come with me now. You don't have to worry about seeing William. You can come and stay with my family. We'll then hit the road tomorrow." He suggested. You let out a breath and looked away from his eyes. It was a smart idea. Get away before your mother could tell William... or even when you would try to leave with luggage tomorrow... You could leave right now and he would never know.
"Okay," you said gently and nodded, "yeah, let me pack." Elvis smiled at your answer and kissed the top of your head.
"'m gonna talk to your momma. Come meet me when ya ready." You nodded and watched as he left. You knew he wouldn't tell her. You trusted him.
You turned towards your closet and went for your luggage. You didn't want to pack too heavily. You were only going to be away for a few days anyways. Four... five days max. So, you started to plan your outfits. Which didn't take too long. You pretty much used the same bottoms. You decided to pack one dress just in case. You grabbed your guitar and songbook and made your way downstairs. You heard Elvis and your momma laughing in the kitchen.
"I honestly thought it was quite cute," Elvis commented, a hand to his chest as he laughed.
"I told her that it was fine. She's just all embarrassed about the whole thing." Your mother fed into him. You took your things to the front door and walked back over to the kitchen.
"She shouldn' be. It just wasn't the right moment according to the universe."
"That's one way to think about it." Ruby smiled. She really liked Elvis and you were glad about that. Your mother was very picky when it came to boys. She just wanted you to be happy and to be safe and sound.
"Oh, but I will say. You should've seen her afterwards. She was stuttering, covering her face. Honestly, the cutest thing I've eva seen." Elvis spoke. You cleared your throat to announce your entrance.
"Aw, my baby darling." Your mother chooed and walked over to you. She pulled you in a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you."
"I'll miss you too, momma. I'll call you every day." You promised her. She nodded and pulled away.
"You better missy, or you'll be in big trouble." She wiggled her finger at you. You let out a chuckle and shook your head.
"Well, I guess that's our cue to head out of here." Elvis walked up next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"You kids be safe now. I don't want to hear any bad news."
"Now that I can' promise," Elvis joked. You jabbed your elbow into his side and he let out a yelp.
"All right now, get out of my house. Shoo both of you." Your mother waved you both out. You chuckled and went to the front door. You picked up your things and Elvis got your luggage.
You two reached his car and you got in. You looked out towards your mother who held a proud smile on her face. You blew her a kiss and mother 'I love you' as Elvis started the car. You watched as she waved goodbye as the car drove away. You let out a breath and leaned back. 
"I talked to your mother earlier." You spoke up after you two have been on the road for a bit.
"Did ya now?"
"Mhm, she says you've been talking about me. All good things I hope?" You smirked gently.
"Always, darlin'." He sent you a wink. You rolled your eyes playfully.
"I can't wait to meet her. She seemed so nice. Weird at one point, but nice."
"Weird?" Elvis questioned, a bit hurt that you would think that of his momma.
"Mhm, towards the end of the call she said it was nice to hear from me again." You shrugged. You didn't know what to think of it.
"Huh? That is weird... Maybe she just heard you from the radio?" Elvis suggested, his blue eyes finding your own.
"Maybe," you shrugged.
"Now, we don't live in a big house like ya do," Elvis warned you. It was like he was nervous you would judge where he lived.
"Elvis, I grew up in small places. My sister lives in the same housing unit I grew up in." You tell him. You reached over and rubbed his shoulder gently. "Remember, I'm just as poor as you are."
"Right right," he nodded. He was nervous. You could easily tell that. You didn't know if it was because you were meeting his family... or if it was something else.
"What's wrong Elvis? You seem nervous." You asked.
"I- I don't know... I guess that the show is just creepin' up on me 'is all." You tilted your head listening to him. You knew there had to be more than just that, but you also knew that he was telling the truth.
"Hey, you're going to kick ass. You're gonna turn a crowd, and if not... I'll be cheering you on in the front row, or on the sidelines. Either way, I'll be cheering you on." He smiled and looked over at you before turning back to the front.
"I'll be listenin' out for your voice then."
The ride wasn’t too much longer until Elvis pulled out towards the front of his housing building. It looked quaint and cute. You smiled and got out gathering a few of your things. You followed Elvis as he lead you up to his unit. The hallways were simple, but people still put out welcome mats to make it their own.
“I’m back! Got someone I want ya to meet,” Elvis announced as he opened the door. You closed the door behind you and walked in. Gladys came around the corner and saw you and broke out into a smile.
“Oh my, you’re so beautiful.” She complimented as she held her hands out for you to take. You smiled and walked closer to her, taking her hands.
“Thank you, Mrs. Presley.” You nodded your head in a respectful matter.
“Please, call me Gladys.” She said and looked around, most likely looking for her husband. 
“Vernon! Come meet the girl Elvis has been talking about.” Gladys called out.
“Allllriggghttt, I’m going to put your things in my room,” Elvis said to you. 
“Thank you, Elvis,” you nodded his way. A guy soon appeared where Elvis had just disappeared. You could only imagine that this was Vernon.
“Oh wow, aren’t you as cute as a button.” He commented and held his hand out to you. “Ya definitely stand out there.” He motioned towards your outfit.
“That’s the point, sir. Father always said if you were going to do somethin', go above and beyond.” you took his hand and shook it.
“Oh! I have pictures I absolutely must show you.” Gladys suddenly remembered, and as it was like clockwork Elvis rushed out.
“I-uh- I was actually going to show, Haylo, ‘round the neighborhood. Come back around dinner.” Elvis tried to stop his mother. She just waved him off and continued to look for that album. Elvis rushed over to you and grabbed your hand.
“Let’s get out of here before this turns into a showing of my baby pictures,” Elvis muttered towards your ear. You chuckled and nodded. As much as you would've loved to see some early pictures of Elvis, you knew you would be sitting there for hours. 
“We’ll be back before dinner ma! I promise!” Elvis called out and pulled me out in a rushed manner before his mother could respond. You let out a light laugh and shook your head.
"You scared I'll uncover your deepest darkest secrets?" You teased lightly.
"Oh heavens, I'm an open book."
"Oh really? I highly doubt that. Elvis has to be hiding something he doesn't want anyone to know." You pointed out.
"Test me. Ask me anything and I'll answer." He held his free hand up.
"Hmm okay..." You thought about it for a bit. That's when you thought of it. 
"What's your size?" Elvis looked at you confused, but he knew from the smirk you wore on your face what you were asking.
"Well, depends really. Sometimes it's a child's small... other times it's a men's large." He smirked back, playing along with your game.
"No! You know what I meant." 
"Hm... but I answered." You let out a light groan and looked around to make sure no one was around.
"What's your dick size?" You turned him to face you.
"Whoa," Elvis chuckled lightly, "why?"
"Said you were an opened book. Said I'd prove otherwise." You smirked gently, knowing you had got him.
"Well, if your dying to know its-"
"No! I don't actually want you to tell me!" Your eyes widened. Frankly, you didn't exactly expect him to tell you.
"You asked!" Elvis started to laugh.
"I didn't expect you to answer!" Your face turned red in embarrassment. Elvis chuckled at your reaction and pulled you into his side.
"Don' ask questions you don' want the answer to then." He gave your shoulder a squeeze before the two of you continued to move. 
You generally were so embarrassed. Sure, you have nothing to be embarrassed of, but the fact that he would answer a question just like that? He really was an open book. Well, maybe to you at least. He wouldn't just go around telling people his size. He would probably end up being thrown into jail for that. 
"You thinkin' 'bout it now?"
"Hmm?" You looked over at Elvis confused.
"You haven' spoken in a bit. Figured you were imagining it,"
"Oh my god, gross." You pushed him away from you. You rolled your eyes and folded your arms against your chest. He let out a laugh and shook his head.
"I'm just messing, darlin'." You stuck your tongue out at him. 
The two of you eventually made it out of the building after much- avoidance of furthering that conversation. In fact, you didn't even want to remember that conversation. Though... part of you wanted to know. Elvis was... well... he's extremely attractive, you could only guess what he was packing. Was that wrong? To think of such things about your friend? I mean- everyone had to do it... right?
"So, what are you thinkin' about?" Elvis asked as you both walked down the street.
"I'm not having this conversation anymore," you chuckled.
"So... you are thinkin' about it?!" He chuckled and shook his head. "I can tell ya if you want,"
"I don't want to know."
"Yes, you do,"
"That red face says otherwise," he poked your cheeks lightly.
"Oh fuck off," you rolled your green eyes.
"Let me get ya a milkshake. Make it up to you." He swooped up your hand.
"A milkshake isn't going to make everything disappear." You pointed out with an annoyed sigh.
"How 'bout some fries with it?" He tried to butter it up more.
"Fine..." You couldn't resist some free fries and milkshakes.
Elvis smiled and pulled you along. He pointed out his favorite spots in the neighborhood. You listened to everything he had to say. Where he would sing with his friends. Where he and his band performed. How he got declined from two tryouts. It was all very interesting. He even told you how he went to sun records to record a double-sided vinyl for his mother's birthday. It was cute, and you were totally going to do that with your own mom. Every second he spoke, you took in all the information, making sure to memorize everything.
When you got to the diner, it didn't end there. You both ended up just sharing the fries and shake, you didn't mind. You laughed a lot, you smiled a lot, and you blushed a lot. Your cheeks were in pain from all the smiling you were doing. You truly felt like a little girl who had a crush. You remember him purposely kicking your ankles to start an all-out war with you. It was truly the best time you ever had. You weren't even sure if it was a date, but if it was... you never wanted it to end.
In fact, you guys were there for a couple of hours. You two only left because Elvis promised his momma he would be home for dinner. So, after being stuffed with two milkshakes and three baskets of fries, the two of you started the walk back to his place. Where you were sure... you would get questioned... it was scary. You weren't even in a relationship with Elvis, but you felt like this was the moment to impress both his parents. Especially his momma. 
"You're scared... what for?" Elvis noticed. You looked at him. How did he know you were scared?
"I-I'm not scared." You shook your head. Elvis shook his head in return, not believing you for a moment.
"Your hand is sweatin', darlin'. I can feel it." He held up your hand that was in his.
"I-" you had no words. He caught you red-handed in a lie. 
"Yeah... I guess I am."
"How come?" He asked as the two of you appeared back at his housing unit. You let out a breath and stopped on the sidewalk. You removed your hand from Elvis and wiped them on your shorts. Elvis looked down at you, curious to hear your reasoning. 
"I guess... I don't know. I guess it's your parents. Sure I've already met them... but I'm about to sit down and have dinner with them. This is where usually parents interrogate... it's at least what my dad did with my sister's now husband. I'm just nervous I'll say something wrong and... I'll mess everything up," You frowned gently. Elvis reached his thumb under your chin and forced you to look at him.
"Darlin', my parents already adore you. You could say anything and they'll still love ya." He reassured you. You smiled gently.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous." You chuckled lightly. "It's not like we're in a relationship or anything. It's just-"
"You don' have to explain it, darlin', I understand." He moved his thumb up to your cheek. You leaned against his touch as he caressed your cheek. "Come on, don' wanna give my momma a heart attack now," You chuckled lightly and nodded.
"Last one there is a rotten egg!" You rushed off towards the building.
"Hey!" Elvis ran after you. You laughed and pulled open the door and rushed towards the stairs. Before you could turn the corner Elvis caught your hips and pulled your back against him. Your laughed-filled Elvis' ears. It was like the sound of angels to him. He let out a chuckle as you laid your head back against his chest. You weren't even close to Elvis's unit and yet he already caught you.
"Let me go, Elvis," you laughed.
"I don' think I will," Elvis said back. So, there you stood in his arms... and you didn't want to leave them. You were at peace when his arms were around you.
"We should get up there. Your momma is probably worried." You pointed out and pulled yourself away. Your heart dropped at the loss feeling of his arms.
"Right, yeah," he nodded. Elvis felt a similar feeling of loss. He had taken such a liking to you the past few days, he just always wanted you in his arm. 
The two of you got up to his unit a little bit later and you were all sitting at the table. Delicious food placed all around you. You didn't eat much with your family. Mostly because of William. You longed for these moments again. To have your mother and father next to each other. Their hands interlocked together. Your sister sat next to you as she tried to fork away your food. You felt a hand on your thigh and looked over at Elvis. He sent you a reassuring smile and gave your thigh a quick squeeze.
"So, how are your parents, Haylo?" Gladys asked.
"Oh, well my mom is doing great. She's happy which is important." You answered, a small smile on your face.
"And your father?" She then asked.
"Oh, well... I bet he's happy. Sad... but happy." You tried your best to answer.
"Oh?" Gladys looked confused. You didn't blame her. She didn't know.
"Her father died a couple of years back," Elvis spoke up.
"Oh my! I am so sorry I didn't know. That is such a shame. Kenneth was such a great father." She said apologetically. You were taken back lightly. How did she know your father?
"I'm sorry... You knew him?" You asked confused.
"Of course I did. Don't you remember? You and El-" Vernon cleared his throat and raised his glass.
"How 'bout a toast to our boy? Performing at the Louisiana Hayride in a few days." Vernon changed the topic, which you were thankful for. You raised up your glass and nodded.
"For my bewbie," Gladys raised his glass. You smiled and looked over at Elvis. 
"To the king," you said gently and you all tapped your glasses together. You and Elvis had opted for water instead of alcohol tonight. Elvis was going to be driving, and you were going to be his second in command. You both needed to be wide awake. You went back to your food and listened to their conversations. Occasionally speaking up when you were brought in. 
As it got towards the end of dinner, you offered to help clean up the dishes. Gladys was thankful for that, she made a joke that someone was finally helping her out around here. You just shook your head in response and got to work. You cleaned the dishes while she dried and put them away.
"I'm glad Elvis has someone like you," she spoke up after a moment of silence.
"Really? How so?" You wondered.
"Well, he needs someone to tie him down. Keep him away from doing crazy things." She explained. You made a face at that. You were in no situation to tie someone down. Marriage wasn't even on your mind. Frankly, you were just trying to get enough money to get a place of your own.
"With all due respect ma'am. I am not one to pull someone away from their dream. Neither am I tying him down. I am being a supportive friend." You said to her, handing her another plate.
"You guys aren't in a relationship?" She looked at you confused.
"No, ma'am," you shook your head.
"Well, I'll be dammed. You two looked like you've been together for ages." She started to speak. "You two are very comfortable with each other... the way you two look at each other. I'm quite surprised is all."
Was she picking up on your crush? God, you hoped not. You feel like she would be quick to tell Elvis about your feelings... and you didn't want him to know. You didn't know how he would react if you were being honest. Sure, you felt that maybe he felt the same way... but maybe he was just being nice?
"Yeah," you chuckled awkwardly and continued to clean the dishes.
After you two were done you made your way to the living room, where Elvis sat on the couch. He held the road map in his hands. You narrowed your eyes at him in annoyance. You were supposed to be the copilot, why was he taking your job? Elvis looked up and noticed your angry look. He quickly tried his best to close the map and hide it behind his mad, but it was very clear that you saw it.
"Are you trying to take my job away?" You asked as you placed your hands on your hips.
"Oh shit- no," he shook his head quickly... an innocent-looking smile on his face. I made a face at him and held my hand out.
"I am the copilot, I tell you where to drive... peasant." Elvis laughed at your nickname for him and held it out for you.
"Alright master," Elvis played along with your little... thing. You let out a light chuckle and sat down next to him, taking the map out of his hand.
"Do you have a pen? Pencil even? I have one in my bag if not." You asked him. He nodded and got up quickly and rushed around. You laughed at his rushed actions. He was quick to find one and eventually came back over.
"Thank you," You smiled gently and laid out the map. "So, where is our end goal?"
"Amite City, Louisiana," Elvis answered.
"Right, now I look for... hours." You chuckled and started to try and find the city on the map. Elvis looked over at the map to help quicken the process. 
"Is that it?" Elvis asked as he pressed his finger against the paper.
"Well your fat finger is covering it, so I don't know." You stated. Elvis chuckled and moved his finger. Once you had a clear view you did in fact confirm that it was Amite City. You circled it on the map and then went ahead and circled Memphis while you were at it. You folded the map so that what you needed was showing. 
"Pretty much a straight shot..." You said as you mapped it out. "Take I-55... and take that all the way down." You marked the map. "Could take a few hours at most. Hopefully, it won't take longer than a day." You finished setting up the map.
"I doubt it," Elvis said as you folded up the map. You looked over at him and smiled.
"Thank you for inviting me,"
"Oh course, sweetheart. I want ya there with me," you blushed gently as that and looked away. You felt Elvis' fingers brush up against your face as he pushes back a piece of loose hair behind your ear.
"Elvis, can I ask you something?" You turned to look at him. You needed to know what you two were. Friends? More than friends? Lovers? Boyfriend? Girlfriend?
"Always-" before he could finish speaking, his mother came in.
"Elvis dearly, don't you think you two should head to bed? We got to wake up early tomorrow to leave." Gladys interrupted.
"Yeah, we'll head to bed soon momma. Haylo was just 'bout to ask somethin'." Elvis said to his mother.
"Oh, that's okay. It can wait for tomorrow." You smiled and stood up. You wiped your hands on your shorts subconsciously. Elvis was quick to notice this. Were you nervous about what you were about to ask him? Elvis couldn't figure it out, but he didn't want to push it.
"You two sleep tight now," Gladys smiled and walked off.
"Can you lead me to my bag? I want to change into something comfier." You asked Elvis. He nodded and stood up. He pressed his hand against your back and lead you to his room. As you entered the room you looked around. You didn't know what to envision his room to look like... but what you were looking at... It definitely fits his persona.
"Bags right there," he pointed to it, "but, you can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in. Wouldn' want ya to dirty up your clothes."
"Oh? Are you sure?" You questioned, looking at him. His blue eyes stared at you. He hummed a response back and nodded.
"Oh uh, you can have the bed. I can sleep on the couch." Elvis pointed out. 
"Please no... Elvis, I am not taking your bed from you." You shook your head.
"We could always sleep together." He smirked and winked at you. You rolled your eyes and looked over at his bed.
"I don't even think we could both fit on it." You laughed gently. 
"Nonsense, you'll just lay on me." He pointed out. It seemed like he was all for the idea of sleeping together. 
"What happened to you sleeping on the couch?" You asked with a smug look on your face.
"You offered," he chuckled and went into his drawer.
"Fine, but you try anything I swear-"
"I won't I won't." He chuckled and turned around. "Here," he handed you a plain shirt.
"Thank you," you smiled. It was then that he just stood there looking at you. Frankly, he was just taking you all in. He didn't really believe that you were standing in his room. God, he sounded like a horny teenage boy.
"Um, Elvis... I need to change." You waved the shirt lightly.
"Yeah yeah, go ahead." It was clear that he wasn't going to leave.
"Get out," you laughed gently and hit him with the shirt.
"Alright, alright," he put his hands up as he left the room, closing the door behind him. You let out a sigh and shook your head. You heard the squeaking of the door and saw Elvis poking his head in.
"Not even a peek?" He asked. You grabbed a pillow and threw it his way.
"Get out!" You laughed and watched as he quickly closed the door. You smiled and waited a couple of moments to make sure he wouldn't peek in once more.
After the cost was clear you started to unbutton your shirt. You took these moments to think about everything. You had to make sure to call your momma before bed. Part of you felt embarrassed... still scared... nervous... just about everything, and you couldn't figure out why.
You folded the shirt up and unclasped your bra. You put it down onto the bed for now and pulled Elvis's shirt over your head. The length came down to your mid-thigh and it was a simple black shirt. You then button your shorts and folded them up before grabbing your clothes and heading to your bag.
"You can come back in now, creep." You called out to Elvis as you nicely put your clothes into the bag. You heard the door and soon Elvis walked in. Your back was facing him but he just froze in his tracks. There was just something about your messy wavy hair that fell perfectly against your back... Not to mention his shirt on you... It sent him wild.
As you closed up your bag and looked back at him, you saw his azure eyes looking right at you. You felt your face heat up. Elvis sent you a kind smile and started to unbutton his own shirt. Your eyes widened.
“You’re just gonna change with me in here!?” You asked shocked. You didn't exactly want it to not happen. You were more than happy to see what he was hiding under his shirt.
“Why not,” he shrugged like it was nothing. 
“I-I” you didn't even know what to say. Your eyes just trailed his bare chest.
“Didn’t you want to know my size?” He teased you. You gasped and picked up the nearest thing and threw it at him. He was quick to catch it. He laughed at your reaction and shrugged the shirt off.
“I’ll keep it in my pants. Just this once though,” he held up one of his fingers. “You’re disgusting ya know that?” You rolled your eyes gently.
“Only for you darlin’,” he sent you a wink and continued to undress. You let out a breath and stood up.
“I’m going to go call my mom.” You got up and left the room before Elvis could respond. You tiptoed through the dark hall and made your way to the kitchen. You picked up the phone and started to dial your number.  You held the phone up to your ear and waited. 
“Hello-“ you hung up the phone immediately and took in a deep breath. Of course, it was fucking William. You’d have to try later. Keep calling until she answered the phone and not him. You bet he was real mad about you leaving. Oh well.
That night, you didn’t get to talk to your momma. Every single time it was William, and every single time he picked up he grew angrier and angrier. It wasn’t until the tenth call that Elvis pulled you away. He can recall the sad look on your face as he hung up the phone. You hated being away from her, and Elvis was now just recognizing that.
You two laid in bed, very close to each other. While you laid right up next to the wall, Elvis’s chest was up against your back. Wasn’t the best, but it would do. Part of you wanted Elvis to wrap his arm around you to pull you closer and kiss your neck.  Well... a girl can dream at least.
The next morning came rather quickly. One thing you were falling asleep, and the next you were waking up to Gladys knocking on the door. One good thing though, sometime during the night Elvis... yes Elvis, you would never let yourself do such things... he pulled you closer and held an arm throw over your stomach. Your face was pressed up against his bare chest.
After Elvis laughed at your embarrassed face... the two of you got ready. Gladys being the angel she is, made everyone breakfast. It was very simple, yet very delicious. You were thankful for a stomach full of food. You didn't want to be on the road and your stomach growls loudly. That would just be embarrassing.
"Do you have everything?" Elvis asked as he picked up his things. You looked around at the things in your arms and nodded.
"I have the one bag, my guitar, and songbook. That's all." You took note of your things.
"Let's head down then. We can get out things in the car." He suggested. You nodded in agreement. The two of you walked down outside in silence. It wasn't like you didn't want to speak. It was more of a slow burn... you weren't exactly excited to be sitting in a car for several hours.
"Is there anything you want in the car?" Elvis asked as he started to put the bags in the trunk.
"Nope, everything I need I have. I have the map and my songbook." You showed him. He smiled gently and nodded. He finished putting the stuff in and leaned up against the car.
"This might be a dumb question, but are ya fine sleepin' in the same bed again with me? It'll be bigger I promise," he chuckled lightly. None of you were uncomfortable, you actually quite enjoyed being so close to each other. 
"Yeah, that's all right," you nodded and stood next to him. "I didn't mind being close to you..." You said gently. 
"Hm? Yeah, I enjoyed it also." He smiled and wrapped his arm around you. "I like being close to you." You blushed gently and looked over at him.
"Can I ask you something?" You bit the inside of your cheek.
"Is this from last night?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah," you nodded and looked away. You didn't know if you wanted to look at him when you asked. It's embarrassing to ask... But you needed to know...
"Um... What- what are-"
"Here we are," Gladys smiled as she and Vernon came into view. You let out a sigh and shook your head. Yet another interruption.
"I'll be in the car," you mumbled gently and walked over to the passenger side and got in. You heard the three of them talk, you couldn't exactly hear what they were saying... but you didn't want to. Maybe you weren't meant to know what you and Elvis were. You two were just friends... nothing more... nothing less.
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