#Emilia is adora
applesartt · 7 months
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Happy Halloween
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localvoidcat · 9 months
updated list:
adam murray
thatcher davis
joshua collymore
alkai laneway
michael shelley
professor oak from the pokemons
hunter and caleb and all of the golden guards
janis from the mean girls musical
jake dillinger
finn the human
bill cipher (on a technicality)
grian h. dreamslayer
tumblr anon
leon s. kennedy
elijah volkov (fuck that guy)
emilia from kipo
lukas colestyle
byakuya togami (author's note: :()
ethan winters
rich goranski
anon's dealer
michael shelley (the remix)
jekyll from the fate franchise
albert wesker
satoshi hojo
mark's boyfriend's dog
daisy tonner
lawrence gordon
lukas minecraft story mode
annabelle cane
ben drowned
annabeth chase
dally winston
henry oak
ambrosius goldenloin (novel version)
sasha waybright
vittorino 8:11
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blackcur-rants · 8 months
Greek Mythology/Animation Parallels
Kipo=Theseus (or mayhaps Doctor Emilia is an attempted Theseus and Kipo herself is a sympathetic version of Asterion/The Minotaur).
@uncleasriel @lady-asteria @disregardcanon @cynicalclassicist @odd-indigo-mist @dachi-chan25 @horde-princess
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iamdeltas · 1 year
In light of TOH's finale actually letting its protagonists murder the big bad, I want to make a list of what kids' shows let their protagonists actively kill their big bad, which ones had the bad guys die without the protagonists' involvement, and which ones didn't have the baddies die at all.
Big Bad killed by Protagonists:
-The Owl House: Luz let him die in the boiling rain and Eda and King (and Raine though they're not a main protagonist) stomp on his goopy remains
-Amphibia: Anne vaporizes the Core and the moon it hijacked. Bonus points for pummeling Andrias even after he surrendered after having a breakdown of guilt. Brutal lmao
-The Ghost and Molly McGee: Molly murders the Chairman using the power of joy. Hell yeah.
-She Ra and the Princesses of Power: Adora expelled Horde Prime's spirit from Hordak's body.
-Gravity Falls: Stan Pines killed Bill by mind wiping himself. Also he punches Bill in his mindscape. It was dope.
-Tangled the Series: Rapunzel killed Zhan Tiri, an actual demon btw, in the finale. Queen shit right there.
-Elena of Avalor: Okay so I can't remember the exact fate of Ash or the four Big Bads who Esteban was helping, and I think Esteban was redeemed. But I do know Elena fully murdered Shuriki. She definitely belongs on the Disney Princess With A Kill Count list alongside Mulan.
Big Bad killed without Protagonists' involvement:
-Centaurworld: The Woman killed the Nightmare King iirc. And good for her!
-Legend of Korra: Amon was killed by his brother via murder-suicide, rather than by the Krew.
Big Bad not killed at all:
-Ducktales: I can't recall what happened to Lunaris. Magica de Spell just got depowered. Can't remember who ultimately did that. And Bradford was turned into a nonanthropomorphic vulture... by Magica, so this doubles as The Bad Guys Do The Dirty Work.
-Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Mandu may have tripped Dr Emilia (good for Mandu) but Kipo still tried to save Dr Emilia from falling off the cliff. Dr Emilia rejected her help though, and fell into Fun Gus, who gets to play with her forever and ever and ever.
-Avatar the Last Airbender: I mean. This has been discoursed to death, hasn't it? Pun not intended. Aang refused to kill Ozai. Lots of people in the fandom thought this was stupid, and lots of other people in the fandom thought it was fine.
-Steven Universe: This has also been discoursed to death. I don't think I need to explain but yeah, the Diamonds didn't die.
-Legend of Korra (again): Kuvira was redeemed and Zaheer was imprisoned but not killed. Unalaq was also not killed.
Unsure because I forgor 💀:
-MLP:FiM: I know Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek were imprisoned in stone but I can't remember if it was the Mane 6 who did it.
There's definitely cartoons I'm missing.
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miyuzarry · 10 months
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Simflix has announced a third season of the hit simflix show "Richard". The first two seasons focused on the early life of our King, growing up with his "gran" Queen Beatrice, and the death of his father. The-Richard actor Valentin V. Henrier even won an Simsar for his great perfomance. Sadly, we have to say goodbye to our beloved cast. "The King aged, so must the character.", producer Kelinse Hart said.
The old cast was:
Valentin V. Henrier as Young Richard
Ignatia Dovey-Parlins as Young Adelane
Victoria Amelya Shepherd as Queen Elenore
Shayne Prescovitz as Arlowe Pirliz, the King's late friend
Kieran Hardwick as King Frederick
The only new cast members currently announced was Henry Parlwood as adult King Richard, Adora Laynes as Queen Adelane and Billie Emilia Cane as Toddler Crown Princess Adira.
According to Hart, there will be a glimse to the future of the Braxton Royals, such as Lady Madeleine's growing clothing scandals, and Princess Theodora's car crash.
"We want to remind everyone as always, that this is fictional. Every single character. They are inspired by our Royal Family, of course. What I want to show in the new season is how interesting it can be to bring past and future together. This is Richard's memories, after all."
- Kelinse (Kelly) Hart.
Kelly Hart also revealed that they are currently casting actors amd actresses for the older versions of our Royals, like the Valoria Quintuplets and Duke Frederick of Davros.
Fans online have discussed who could be playing the role of the Royal Diva Model, Lady Madeleine. One User said:
"Okay Listen up everybody. They MUST cast Madsie as herself. That'd be freaking awesome."
Other users disagreed.
"Don't be crazy lmao. She doesn't have the time to play in a TV show. How can you even think she'd play in a show about her family?"
Could Lady Madeleine join the cast?
According to royal experts the royal protocol does not allow members of the royal family to participate in such things. But does that count for her? Probably not, at least if you're checking royal protocol. She couldn't, except with permission of The King.
Article by: Miranda E. Hall, Journalist, Photographer
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cloudyvoidsxo · 2 years
Ranking Lesbians
(Edited because I didn't mention I know Casey and Luz are bisexual they are on this list because they are in a wlw/gxg relationship!)
I made a list of lesbians not too long ago, so now I'm ranking them bc of brainrot. But im ranking them how I think we would have interacted. (the characters, not the actors)
Number 1: Toni - 4/10, I just wanted to know if they had mozzarella sticks and she spit on me, three points because she was pretty
Number 2: Shelby - 7/10, Sweet, but wouldn't stop talking in a overly country accent about how she loves god
Number 3: Casey - 10/10, kinda of awkward but very nice to talk to
Number 4: Izzy - -5/10, was rude to me because she thought I was hitting on her girlfriend
Number 5: Eleanor - 20/10, we never spoke i just like the way she looks
Number 6: Gabbi - 20/10, again, we never spoke i just like the way she looks
Number 7: Darcy - 10/10, very cheerful and is a sweetheart
Number 8: Tara - 8/10, I got smacked on the head for supporting Darcy's stupidity
Number 9: Ruby and Sapphire - 6/10, they scared me.
Number 10: Luz - 9/10, very sweet and has lots of energy, minus one point because she wouldn't stop spoiling the azura books
Number 11: Amity - 5/10, tried to be nice but ending up just terrifying me into a corner
Number 12: Adora - 8/10, she was in her She-ra form and i folded into a small ball
Number 13: Catra - -10/10, she kept hissing at me
Number 14: Andi - 300/10, loved her sarcasm and her, WHAT AHEM I MEAN-
Number 15: Emilia - 9/10, she was nice for the most part, she flicked me off and im kinda hurt about it
Number 16: Calliope - 6/10, she was nice, her mother was scary but im all for scary milfs
Number 17: Juliette - 2/10, she bit me.
Number 18: Sage - 3000/10, love her sm, were besties now
Number 19: Brooklyn - 3000/10, also love her sm, i may have a little crush on her and her girlfriend but they dont need to know that
Number 20: Nico - 10/10, amazingly nice
Number 21: Karolina - 11/10, lesbian jesus was very nice to me
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gazeta24br · 8 months
UniduniDay acontece no sábado e domingo, 14 e 15 de outubro, no Shopping Jardins e acesso é gratuito mediante reserva antecipada e doação de um brinquedo Corrida de saco, amarelinha, queimado, elástico, dentre outras atividades lúdicas, criativas e dinâmicas, prometem alegrar crianças e adultos neste fim de semana na capital sergipana. Integrando a programação especial e gratuita em celebração à garotada, o Shopping Jardins recebe o UniduniDay, um evento voltado ao brincar e à conexão entre mães, pais, filhas e filhos para toda a família curtir junto. A diversão acontece neste sábado, 14 de outubro, das 16h às 21h, e no domingo, 15 de outubro, das 16h às 20h, no Estacionamento C, em frente aos restaurantes Camarada Camarão e Senzai. O UniDuniDay contará com intérprete de Libras e abafadores de som para pessoas neurodiversas e o acesso será mediante a realização de reserva prévia no Shopping Jardins SuperApp (Android e iOS) e a doação de um brinquedo novo ou em bom estado de conservação no momento de retirar os ingressos no Balcão de Informações, em frente ao restaurante Tio Armênio e a Portaria A. As vagas são limitadas e as últimas estão disponíveis para o domingo. Atividades lúdicas, sensoriais e criativas Planejado para promover diversão, interações sociais e conexões em família, o UniDuniDay proporcionará uma experiência repleta de boa música e atividades lúdicas, sensoriais, criativas e dinâmicas. Toda a programação foi cuidadosamente desenvolvida pela Bem Querer, empresa especializada em primeira infância e recreação diferenciada, composta por profissionais experientes na área da Pedagogia. As brincadeiras serão realizadas em diferentes estações e supervisionada por monitores qualificados. No espaço inspirado nas abordagens Reggio Emilia, Montessori e Pikler de desenvolvimento infantil, os pequenos irão se divertir com massinha de modelar caseira, painéis sensoriais, brincadeiras com caixas e garrafas, dentre outras atrações. As crianças que gostam de inventar e explorar terão a oportunidade de participar de oficinas criativas com brinquedos de sucatas, pinturas faciais e com tinta guache, desenhos e colagens. Já a garotada maior que adora pular, correr e brincar poderá curtir a corrida de saco, amarelinha, queimado, elástico, pião, bola de gude, bolha de sabão gigante, funcional kids e outras atividades. Música para cantar, dançar e se divertir No sábado, 14 de outubro, a boa música ficará por conta do Projeto Bacuri, dos artistas Diane Veloso, Alex Sant’Anna, Leo Airplane, Rafael Ramos e Betinho Caixa d’Água. Os músicos prometem envolver crianças e adultos em uma apresentação lúdica, ao som de clássicos infantis e músicas autorais. No domingo, 15 de outubro, será a vez de Lícia Oliveira e Léo Ximenes, músicos da banda On The Rox, agraciar o público com o projeto infantil Mariola. No repertório, estarão grandes sucessos como ‘Sopa’, ‘Livre Estou’ e ‘Lua de Cristal’, além de interpretações singulares de clássicos do pop rock que estão no DNA da dupla. Veja como garantir o ingresso Para realizar a reserva, é só baixar o aplicativo do Shopping Jardins, efetuar o cadastro de usuário, clicar no banner do UniDuniDay, escolher o dia em que pretende participar e preencher as informações solicitadas. Após receber a confirmação no e-mail cadastrado, basta ir ao Balcão de Informações, apresentar documento com foto e a mensagem de reserva confirmada, doar um brinquedo e retirar as pulseiras. Cada reserva dá direito a duas pulseiras, sendo uma para a criança e outra para o adulto responsável. Toda criança, independentemente da idade, deve estar portando uma pulseira e acompanhada por um responsável, também com pulseira. Buscando incentivar a solidariedade ainda na infância, a organização do evento destaca que o resgate das pulseiras somente será permitido a partir da doação do brinquedo, que será destinado a uma instituição social de Sergipe. O regulamento completo está disponível no site shoppingjardins.com.br.
Mais diversão O roteiro de lazer deste feriadão no Shopping Jardins conta também com a estreia da animação “Patrulha Canina: Um Filme Superpoderoso” e a continuidade de grandes produções no Cinemark; os passeios a bordo das pelúcias e dos carros elétricos do Kids Car; o arvorismo e a diversão eletrônica do Puppy Play; a Feira de Livros Escariz na Praça de Eventos Orquídea; a piscina de bolinhas e as atividades recreativas do Circuito Kids (em frente à Praça de Eventos Ipê) e a exposição interativa “Luiz Gonzaga – 110 Anos do Nascimento”. A programação do “Jardins da Diversão”, voltada à garotada, segue até o dia 28 de outubro, com o Encontro do Penteado Maluco e Caça aos Doces nos dias 21 e 22 de outubro, e o Halloween ‘Hora de Arrepiar’ no dia 28. As atividades serão gratuitas, mediante reserva no aplicativo do Shopping Jardins, e contarão com intérprete de Libras e disponibilização de abafadores de som para as pessoas neurodiversas. UniDuniDay O quê? Dois dias de muita diversão, ao som de Bacuri e Mariola e com atividades lúdicas, sensoriais, dinâmicas e criativas para mães, pais, filhos e filhas curtirem juntos e conectar as famílias. Quando? Sábado, 14 de outubro, das 16h às 21h. Domingo, 15 de outubro, das 16h às 20h. Onde? Estacionamento C do Shopping Jardins - Av. Ministro Geraldo Barreto Sobral, 215 - Jardins, Aracaju | SE. Acesso? Gratuito, mediante reserva no Shopping Jardins SuperApp (Android e iOS) e doação de um brinquedo no momento de retirar as pulseiras. Últimas vagas disponíveis para o domingo.
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cvriousheart · 1 year
𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬 — ★
emoji asks & unsorted sentence starters
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 — ★
adora crabbe, augustine verne, dionisia belby, emilia henrietta catchlove, isadora meadowes, lavinia lacefield, oriana trelawney,
0 notes
elifanfictions · 2 years
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Chapter Two:
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
after the supper, they went upstairs, in their dorm, accompanied by the headgirl, a tall girl on her fifth year.
the Fat Lady was awaiting, and asked: “password?”
they entered into a warm room, with many red  sofas and a big stove, draped in large burgundy red sheets and blankets.
“as you see, this is the Common Room” the tall girl said, showing the children around “on the left, there is the male dormitory and on the right, there is the female dormitory. let's make Gryffindor proud. especially, support our Quidditch team on the mext match. please, have a great day tomorrow, as your first lesson day, but for now, have a good night” and then she asked to the male Head Boy to chaperone the male student, while she went with the girls. her cousin Jim waved at her goodbye, while Aiden was seriously confused by this interaction.
in the meanwhile, Niq thought that was the most old-fashioned and offensive thing ever experienced in life. why separating the dorms, her brother in Christ! also, the condescending tone used by the older girl irritated her so much, not even her mother talked to her like that. nor her older sister. she will be forever grateful for Fleur teaching her respect, how to respect and treat her equal while stating the boundaries as mother and daughter.
after they settled their clothes and their belongings and put themselves to bed, Aaren asked what quidditch was and Niq replied with a heartfelt laugh accompanied by: “you’re lucky, let me tell you. your mum did the best choice raising you with non-magical people. it's just the most boring sport ever. you'll see next month. everyone in my family is obsessed with it. my Aunt Ginny is a professional Quidditch player, she's actually really good, even. this sport is played with humans in broomsticks while chasing balls. don't ask me the rules because I honestly don't remember them correctly”
“sounds like cricket or even football” said Aaren like it was obvious. “so, who's that boy you were waving at, just few moments ago?”
Niq nonchalantly replied: “my cousin, my aunt Ginny first born. a pain in the arse, if you tell me”
“he's kind of cute” whispered Aaren, blushing.
“yeah, let him have that. he's also a dumb idiot” chuckled the redheaded girl. then, they fell asleep, Aaren first, few seconds later, Niq slept soundly too.
Niq’s sleep was dreamless, but very much resting.
they woke up at the screeching sound of Howl, Aaren’s owl.
Niq decided that Howl was better than Errol, due to the fact he didn't bump on people due, however, poor sight. but Errol died three years ago, pampered in his pillows, because, let's face it, he didn't fly after 1994, so at least he didn't die under a snow storm.
“why did he scream like that?” asked Aaren still sleepy.
“at least he didn't wake up Emilia” Niq replied, turning her head over the other bed in the room, where a bundle of shiny black hair poped up between pillows and sheets.
“but he did wake up me!” said Adora with a cute sulking face, brushing the sleep away from her amber eyes. yes, Adora was now a Gryffindor and yes, she was pure and joyful. she said that the room was nice, and especially nicer was sharing it with the other girls. Niq was glad to be put in the same room with them, as they were the opposite of her, in term of personalities. and Emilia took this enthusiastically, as the night before, saying that she was pleased to be with them and trying to understand better the magical world, since she was a Muggle Born.
“whoever is making such noise this early, stay sure that will see my anger” said Emilia brushing her nose, trying to wake up.
all the girls begin to laugh and slowly they got off their beds. after dressing up into their uniforms, they quickly ran to the Great Hall, where professor Longbottom, their Head House and Herbology Assistant Professor, alongside Professor Sprout, handed to first years Gryffindor their timetables. Aiden was there too but passing next to them, ignoring the four girls, especially Aaren, and began to study a big book at the Gryffindor table.
“one of these days I will soundly slap that arrogant face of him” Aaren said, fuming.
“hey, it's not the best using violence, you know, right?” asked Niq, seriously worried. “maybe he wanted to be alone and study more for the first lesson. it's respectable”
“it might be, but he really does have a smackable face!” replied Aaren, still angry.
“ugh, we have the first period with Slytherin, during potions” suddenly said Emilia, rolling her chocolate eyes while heading to their tables.
“uh, yes, potions!” said Aaren happily.
Niq was now sitting in her place, while eating some porridge and bacon. her gaze wandered through the Hall and she saw the blonde Slytherin girl while she ate her breakfast and laughed with other two girls. she noticed that the Slytherin was wearing glasses and found it a little bit cute.
“should we ask to the second year where the class is?” asked Adora, shyly towards Emilia.
“oh yes, we should, because let's be honest, navigating through this big castle is not an easy task” replied Emilia. they then asked to a random second year girl where the classroom was and she happily instructed them.
they arrived safe and soundly into a dungeon-like place, where a really old man welcomed them enthusiastically.
“hello, everyone. i can see from your little faces that you all are nervous and afraid. but i want to say to not worry, because we'll begin from the basics. I'm professor Slughorn and unfortunately, it's my last year teaching at Hogwarts. I'm old and tired but i will do my best to give solid fundamentals to this science, and ...”
a voice of a girl stormed into the classroom and said panting: “I'm sorry professor Slughorn but we had trouble finding the classroom”
the professor looked at them confused for a few seconds and then, like lighting bulb was lit, he reassured: “don’t worry miss Fletcher and miss Zachry, but please don't make it into an habit” concluded with a soft laugh. the girls sat down and the lesson began. it was indeed the basics, like how Bezoars were practically a common antidote to most venous potions and the ingredients of Forgetfulness Potions and their properties. Nique took as much notes as possible while Emilia began to play with her quill, barely paying attention to the lesson. Adora nudged her, as if saying "pay attention, please!"
Niq eyes after the lesson observed that Helen Fletcher was still underline some things on their text book. when finished, the blonde one spitted: “cat got your tongue, Weasley?”
“as if, Fletcher” said the redhead, a bit too much offended.
“let's go, Nellie” said her friend, Nina Zachry, followed by the other Nina, Nina Young. “don't pay attention to her, she wants to provoke you”
“hey! she literally said no word and yet you got passive aggressive. quit this superiority attitude or ...” Emilia interjected.
“shut your mouth, Lee. don't interject into conversation that are not involving you” Nellie tone was icy and merciless. “didn't your mom taught you basic social cues?”
“yes and she taught me not to gaslight people” replied Emilia with a victorious smile. “and to protect your friends”
“wow, so brave of you” said the taller Nina.
“at least we don't go around insulting people, Zachry, just for looking at them” Aaren voice was irritated as well.
“what she was looking at exactly?” asked Nina Young, obnoxiously.
“how much slow she was following the lesson” lied Niq.
“Weasley, not to be cruel, but I'll make you cry on the final exam” said Nellie with a grin.
“you bet, that's a challenge” and that was the most Weasley thing Niq said in her entire life. she did not like rudeness and if it was for a challenge with that piece of obnoxiousness, why not.
“okay, guys, let's go to Herbology” said Adora with a soft tone and when the Gryffindor girls went by, Adora still waved goodbye to the other Slytherin girls.
but why did Nellie Fletcher’s personality intrigued her that much?
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What are your favourite TV shows? And your fav characters from each show 🥰
She-ra, AOT, GoT, Grey’s anatomy, and uhh the TVDU. Oh, and Hannibal.
For She-Ra I think my favorite character is either Adora or Scorpia or catra, idk I love them so much.
For AoT it’s Eren which I know is a basic answer because he’s the main character but idc, I gave birth to him myself it’s canon.
For GoT it’s just Daenerys. She’s the entire show to me and no other character compares. She was the heart and soulof that show and her character was so beloved and so impactful that the flop creators got booted off Star Wars, her family’s prequel was the only one that got green lit by HBO (and not the flop stark one that they also started producing), and over a million dollars was raised by Daenerys stans for Emilia Clarke’s charity for brain injury, and the tag behind the entire fundraising was #istandbydaenerys. She’s so slay 24/7.
For Greys anatomy i think it would be either Arizona or Meredith. I love them both equally. Though I haven’t watched past season 12, I just rewatch up to that point to relive my joy.
For the TVDU I think my favorite characters are Klaus, Bonnie, Marcel, and Elena. Heavy on Marcel though cause he deserves more hype and people only hate on him cause he was on Klaus’s ass.
And for Hannibal I think Will is my favorite, I gave birth to him as well and that is in fact in the show.
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localvoidcat · 9 months
Emilia from kipo (hate her) (she deserves it)
adam murray
thatcher davis
joshua collymore
alkai laneway
michael shelley
professor oak from the pokemons
hunter and caleb and all of the golden guards
janis from the mean girls musical
jake dillinger
finn the human
bill cipher (on a technicality)
grian h. dreamslayer
tumblr anon
leon s. kennedy
elijah volkov (fuck that guy)
emilia from kipo
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sheepsarting · 3 years
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this is just kinda a ref post for my ocs since this is just about exactly how i want them all to look
piccrew link
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herbindings-a · 2 years
tag dump 03 : dynamics.
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cloudyvoidsxo · 2 years
A Ongoing List of Lesbians:
(Including the movies and tv shows their from)
Lets go!
Shelby and Toni (The Wilds)
Casey and Izzy (Atypical) (ps. yes I know casey is bi but casey x izzy is wlw so their on the list) Eleanor and Gabbi (Do Revenge)
Darcy and Tara (Heartstopper)
Alex and Petal (A-list)
Ruby and Sapphire (Steven Universe)
Luz and Amity (The Owl House)
Adora and Catra (She-ra)
Andi and Emilia (Rebelde)
this is all I can think of right now. reblog with more lesbians to add to the list.
Edit 1:
Calliope and Juliette (First Kill)
Edit 2:
Sage and Brooklyn (Utopia Falls)
Nico and Karolina (Runaways)
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gazeta24br · 8 months
Atração para pais, mães e filhos curtirem juntos acontece nos dias 14 e 15 de outubro no Shopping Jardins, em Aracaju No mês em homenagem à criançada, o Shopping Jardins brinda as famílias com uma programação gratuita para mães, pais, filhas, filhos, avós, dindas e todo mundo curtir junto. No sábado, 14 de outubro, das 16h às 21h, e no domingo, 15 de outubro, das 16h às 20h, o ‘Jardins da Diversão’ recebe o UniDuniDay. A diversão, com brincadeiras sensoriais, criativas e dinâmicas para crianças a partir de 1 ano de idade, acontece no Estacionamento C, próximo aos restaurantes Senzai e Camarada Camarão. O UniDuniDay contará com intérprete de Libras e abafadores de som para pessoas neurodiversas e o acesso será mediante reserva prévia do ingresso e doação de um brinquedo no momento da retirada das pulseiras. Atividades lúdicas para conectar pais e filhos Planejado para promover diversão, interações sociais e conexões em família, o UniDuniDay vai proporcionar uma experiência com boa música e repleta de atividades lúdicas, sensoriais, criativas e dinâmicas. Toda a programação foi cuidadosamente desenvolvida pela Bem Querer, empresa especializada em primeira infância e recreação diferenciada, composta por profissionais experientes na área da Pedagogia. As atividades serão realizadas em três estações diferentes e monitoradas por profissionais qualificados. No espaço inspirado nas abordagens Reggio Emilia, Montessori e Pikler de desenvolvimento infantil, os pequenos irão se divertir com massinha de modelar caseira, painéis sensoriais e brincadeiras com caixas e garrafas. As crianças que gostam de inventar e explorar terão a oportunidade de participar de oficinas criativas com brinquedos de sucatas, pinturas faciais e com tinta guache, desenhos e colagens. Já a garotada maior que adora pular, correr e brincar como antigamente poderá curtir a corrida de saco, amarelinha, queimado, elástico, pião, bola de gude, bolha de sabão gigante, funcional kids e outras atividades. Para cantar, dançar, brincar e se divertir No sábado, 14 de outubro, a boa música ficará por conta do Projeto Bacuri, dos artistas Diane Veloso, Alex Sant’Anna, Leo Airplane, Rafael Ramos e Betinho Caixa d’Água. Os músicos prometem envolver crianças e adultos em uma apresentação lúdica, ao som de clássicos infantis e músicas autorais. No domingo, 15 de outubro, será a vez de Lícia Oliveira e Léo Ximenes, músicos da banda On The Rox, agraciar o público com o projeto infantil Mariola. No repertório, estarão grandes sucessos como ‘Sopa’, ‘Livre Estou’ e ‘Lua de Cristal’, além de interpretações singulares de clássicos do pop rock que estão no DNA da dupla. Veja como garantir o ingresso O acesso ao UniDuniDay será gratuito, mas antes, é preciso solicitar a reserva do ingresso no Shopping Jardins SuperApp (Android e iOS) e doar um brinquedo novo ou em excelente estado no momento de retirar as pulseiras, antecipadamente, no Balcão de Informações, em frente ao restaurante Tio Armênio. Para realizar a reserva, é só baixar o aplicativo do Shopping Jardins, efetuar o cadastro de usuário, clicar no banner do UniDuniDay, escolher o dia em que pretende participar e preencher as informações solicitadas. Após receber a confirmação no e-mail cadastrado, basta ir ao Balcão de Informações, apresentar documento com foto e a mensagem de reserva confirmada, entregar o brinquedo e retirar as pulseiras. Cada reserva dá direito a duas pulseiras, sendo uma para a criança e outra para o adulto responsável. Toda criança, independentemente da idade, deve estar portando uma pulseira e acompanhada por um responsável, também com pulseira. Buscando incentivar a solidariedade ainda na infância, a organização do evento destaca que o resgate das pulseiras somente será permitido a partir da doação do brinquedo, que será destinado a uma instituição social de Sergipe. O regulamento completo está disponível no site shoppingjardins.com.br. Aplicativo oferece mais comodidade
O público também pode contar com a praticidade do aplicativo do Shopping Jardins para adquirir o brinquedo que será doado. Após receber a confirmação de reserva no UniDuniDay, basta acessar a plataforma online, escolher o brinquedo desejado, escolher a opção de entrega gratuita no Balcão de Informações e efetuar o pagamento. Quando for resgatar as pulseiras de acesso, é só pegar a compra realizada, conferir e entregar o brinquedo para a doação. No Shopping Jardins SuperApp, as famílias encontram diversas opções para presentear as crianças. Jogo da memória, boneca Bambola Babys Faz Xixi, maleta com blocos de montar, quebra-cabeça Barbie para colorir, caminhão carregadeira e maleta mini dentista são algumas das opções. UniDuniDay O quê? Dois dias de muita diversão, com atividades lúdicas, sensoriais, dinâmicas e criativas para mães, pais, filhos e filhas curtirem juntos e conectar as famílias. Quando? Sábado, 14 de outubro, das 16h às 21h. Domingo, 15 de outubro, das 16h às 20h. Onde? Estacionamento C do Shopping Jardins - Av. Ministro Geraldo Barreto Sobral, 215 - Jardins, Aracaju | SE. Acesso? Gratuito, mediante reserva no Shopping Jardins SuperApp (Android e iOS) e doação de um brinquedo no momento de retirar as pulseiras.
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alluse61 · 3 years
Segnatempo Marchi Svizzeri scomparsi: A: Abeler, Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Accor, Achile, Accro Bond, Acqua, Actina, Action, Actua, Adan, Adano, Adler, Adlon, Admes, Admira, Admiral, Admiration, Adolf Vortmann, Adora, Adrem, Adria, Adriatic, Adriatica, Aec Watch, Aerni, Aero, Aero Neuchatel, Aetos, Agari, Agassiz, Agefa, Agir Watch, Agon, Ajax, Aku, Alb, Alben, Albona, Albrich, Alconi, Aldar, Aleph, Alexis, Alfex, Algarantie, Algex, Alihor, Allaine, Allas, Allegro, Alltime, Almadia, Almo, Alos, Alpha, Alprosa, Alsa, Alsi, Alsta, Altair, Altamira, Altessa, Altimatic, Altitude, Altoba, Altus, Alverna, Alwa, A. Marchand, Ambèrte, Amer, Amida, Amidor, Amila, Ami Watch, Amsa, Amulcor, Amyria, Ancora, Ancre, Andora, Andowatch, André Bouchard, Anew, Angel, Anker, Ankra, Antares, Anthony, Anthos Watch, Antor, Apart, Apex, Apolo, Apollo, Aquator, Ara, Aramis, Arbor, Arbu, Arcadia, Arches, Arco, Arctos, Ardan, Ardor, Aretta, Arfena, Argentor, Argil Watch, Argos, Argus, Arhon, Arila, Aristex, Arka, Arla, Arlaska, Arlea, Arlon, Arly, Armida, Aro, Arola, Aroma, Arowe, Arp, Arpeggio, Arsal Watch, Arsenal, Arta, Arten, Artis Watch, Arva, Arvor, Arvos, AS, Ascalon, Ascor, Ascot, Aseikon, Asor Watch, Aspor, Assa, Aster, Astin, Astor,Astral, Astrée Watch, Astro, Astrolux, Astron Watch, Asu, Asvil, Ata, Athena, Athos, Atima, Atlas, Atmar, Atomik, Atrexa, Atual, Aube, Aucor Watch, Audix Watch, Augustus, Aurea, Aureole, Aureus Extra, Aurex, Auri, Auriga, Aurora, Ausal, Autrix, Avala, Avalon, Avelta, Avigdor, Avion, Avivas, Avystyle, Axa, Axes, Aydil, Awa, Awill, Azhar, Azimut; B: Badenia, Bader, Balave, Balder, Baldwin, Balldor, Baltic, Bances, Bancor, Banner, Barbricos, Bargain, Barka, Barlux, Barolux, Baron, Barrett, Basis, Basmich, Bassin, Baylor, Becker, Beguelin, Beha, Belair, Belca, Belcron, Beleco, Belforte, Belinda, Belisa, Bellana, Beljane, Belora, Belsis, Beltane, Beltex, Belvil, Benedict, Benfre, Bendix, Benmore, Benora, Benos, Benrus, Bentima, Berco, Bercona, Berg, Bergana, Bergisch, Bergmayr, Berg Parat, Berios, Berlac, Bermi, Berna, Bernex, Bero, Berthoud, Berwitch, Besee, Bessa, Besta, Betina, Biagio, Bienna, Bieri Watch, Bilat, Bimesa, Binatime, Binesa, Biolmar, Birka, Birma, Bischoff, Bitunia, Blanval, Blita, Blumus, Blyssa, Bochud, Bodan, Bohle, Boillat Les Bois, Bondix, Bore, Borea, Borel, Borgward, Boris, Boros, Bostol, Boulevard, Bourbon, Bourquin, Bradley, Bravex, Bravingtons, Brenets Watch, Brindia, Bristol, Britix, Britscar, Bronnimann, Brunela, Brunet, Brunex, Bubas, Buler, Bulevard, Bulla, Burgana, Burton, Buser, But, Butex, Buxy; C: Cadola, Cadolux, Cadreclair, Caerys, Calan, Caldex, Calgor, Caliston, Callima, Calumex, Calverta, Cameron, Camif, Camos, Camy, Cancis Watch, Candeleanu, Capri, Caprice, Caprima, Capt, Cara, Carat, Caravelle, Carda, Cardiff, Cardinal, Caren, Carlisle, Carlto, Caros, Carpentier, Carpo, Carrol, Carronade, Cart, Cartis, Castell, Caswatch, Catalina, Catena, Catorex, Caugynes, Cavalry, Cefini, Celene, Censor, Centaur, Cervus, Cetikon, Ceuva, Chalet, Challfont, Champion, Chandler, Charmo, Chateau, Chaumont, Chermette, Chevron, Chilex, Chilez, Chivas, Chloé, Choisi, Christ, Chronex, Chronorex, Chronos, Cinia, Ciny, Cito, City, Civis, Civitas, Clamour, Clarex, Claro, Clartex, Classic, Clebar, Cler Watch, Clinor, Clinton, Cliper, Clipper, Clodif, Club, Clyda, Codhor, Codosa, Coinor, Colant, Colgor, Colomby, Comex, Comfort, Cominter, Competition, Comos, Conac, Concerta, Concordia, Condor, Constanta, Consul, Conteas, Contex,Contil, Continental, Copernicus, Corail, Coranic, Corcel, Cordia, Cordura, Corect, Coresa, Corgemont, Coris, Corma, Cornavin, Cornell, Corona, Coronet, Correct, Corsar, Cortebert, Corticima, Cortland, Corvette, Costal, Countess, Courbelin, Couros, Coursier, Court, Courtie, Cousins, Craftman, Crawford, Création, Credos, Cristal Watch, Croisade, Cromwell, Cronel, Cronex, Cronos, Cronow, Crown, Crypton, Cultus, Curtis, Curtiss, Cyprus; D: Dalia, Dalton, Damas, Dafnis, Dako, Dania, Danicar, Daniel Perret, Daniel Roth, Dard, Darne, Darwil, Datum, Datzward, D auphin, Davar, Davis, Davosa, Daybell, Debal, De Bolé, Debor, De Cave, Def, Defender, De Graer, Deiters, Delac, Delage, Delano, Delbana, Delcona, Delgia, Deline, Delma, Delmont, Delora, Delpa, Delrio, Delvaux, Delvina, Delvinex, Deman Watch, Demieux, Denill, Denis, Derphil, Dero, Derrick, Dersi, Descartes, Desira, Desotos, Desta, De Villiers, Devis, Devyth, Dhorix, Diane, Diantus, Dichi Watch, Dicto, Diehl, Diese, Difor, Dila, Dilau, Dilecta, Dilvie, Dima Watch, Dimetron, Dinamo, Dinmont, Diope, Diorex, Dispol, Dixen, Diwen, Docker, Dofreal, Dolmak, Dolmaru, Dolys, Domwatch, Donexy, Donor, Dopas, Dorex, Dorly, Dorset, Dorval, Dorwell, Dosahlia, Douglas, Doyle, Draga, Dreffa, Drimex, Driva, Droz, D.T.F., Duaz,Dubell, Dubois & Cie, Duca, Ducado, Ducal, Duchess, Dufonte, Dulfi, Duke, Dulcia, Dulux, Dumont, Dunamis, Dunya, Dupro, Durable, Dural, Durol, Duv, Dux, Duxot, Duward; E: Eastfield, Easton, Ebart Watch, Eberjax, Ebf, Ebosa, Ebro,Eccelso,Echo, Eclair, Ecly, Edele, Edelstar, Eden, Edima, Editia, Edma, Edo, Effort, Efrico, Egana, Egger, Egona, Egosta, Egotrix, Ehr, Eiger, Eisenhardt, Eitel, Eko, Ela, Elco, Eldex, Eldis Watch Co., Eldor, Eldorado, Election, Electra, Elem, Elema, Eletta, Elfa, Elgé, Elgin, Elida, Elinco, Elite, Elitic, Elix, Eljo, Elka, Ellis, Elmas, Elmont, Eloga, Elpar, Elrex, Eltra, Elves, Elvia, Elzomark, Emarten, Embe, E.M.C., Emes, Emewo, Emgeh, Emifin, Emilia, Emka, Eminent, Emo, Emp, Emperor, Emro, Endura, Eneo Extra, Enscar, Eolo, Eppa, Eppo, Eral, Erax, Erbe, E.R.C., Erdissot, Eref, Eresco, Ergo, Erguel, Eridas, Erji, Erman, Ermano, Ermi, Eroica, Eros, Erster, Ertus, Ery, Esarine, Esco, Eska, Esoral, Esperanto, Essex, Estima, Etna, ET. Verem, Eurmond, Euron, Eusi, Evans, Evelix, Everite, Ever Swiss, Everton, Evilux, Evob, Exacta, Exactima, Exactly, Exacto, Exactor, Exactus, Exarena, Excalibur, Excellent, Excelsior Park, Exel, Exim, Exita Auslese, Exita Sport, Exodo, Exponent, Exquisit, Eweco, Ewerghard, Ewergsprint, Ewys, Eza; F: Fabuna, Facit, Facuer, Fairfax, Falco, Falcon, Falken, Fantome, Farexy, Fast, Faustang, Favor, Fawe, Fazetta, FBU, Federal, Felba, Felca, Felco, Felicitas, Felsus, Felter, Felux, Feny, Fera, Ferdin, Ferex, Fero, Festiva, Feuver, Feuvrier, FHB, Fiat, Fidelius, Figaro, Filos, Fingerhut, Finita, Finorva, Fischer Extra, Flamingo, Flamor, Flavix, Flérex, Fleur, Fleurier Watch, Fleuron Watch, Flex, Flica, Flora, Florex, Florina, Florus, Flucano, Fludo, Fluva, Focal, Fokker, Fonda, Fontaine, For, Foresta, Formatic, Formida, Forsam, Fortex, Forum, Foxor, Fralux, Framont, Freco, Fregatte, Frenca, Fresard, Fresca, Frey, Fricona, Frohlich, Fulton; G: Gab, Gala, Galant, Galco, Gallant, Gallet, Galo, Gama, Gamundia, Gances, Gander, Garel, Garland, Garrard, Gde, G.E. Maire, Gebo, Gedu, Gefa, Gelbros, Gelfo, Gendis, General Watch, Geneva, Genievre, Genin, Genor, Genova, Gérald Genta, Gerard & Marten, Gerber, Gerka, Germinal Voltaire, Geula, GH, Ghitor, Gigantic, Gigon, Gilda, Gilde, Ginsbo, Gintars, Giroxa, Gisa, Gisca, Gladiator, Gleencar, Globa, Globe, Globus, Gloriosa, Glorys, Godiva, Golana, Golday, Goldina, Goldor, Goldwyn, Gomai, Goodwill, Gorgerat, Gotham, G.O.W. Diplomat, Grana, Granat, Greenwich, Grenchen, Greville, Grewaco, Griffon, Grimsel, Grintex, Groma, Gronva, Gruen, Grutli, GUB Glashutte, Guda, Guidus, Guilda, Guildhall, Guilford, Guvaro, Guy-Robert, Gyho; H: Habmann, Hacrev, Hado, Hafis, Halcon, Haidra, Halifax, Halleria, Halsa, Hampden, Hanover, Hanseat, Harajan, Harblas, Harlem, Harlo, Harmanette, Harper, Harryman, Harswatch, Harvard, Harvel, Haste, Haval, Hebe, Heca, Hefik, Hega, Heika, Helbi, Helbros, Helda, Helfa, Helfora, Helicon, Helina, Helios, Héli Reymond, Hellas, Helma, Heloisa, Helsa, Helva, Helvia, Helvetia, Hema, Hemeros, Hendir, Heno, Henri Sandoz, Henry Birks & sons, Henzi & Pfaff, Herald, Hercules, Heres, Herlin, Herma, Hermal, Hermano, Hermin,Hernor, Hero, Herold, Hertig, Hesperia, Heuer, Heuralp, Hexcynia, Hever, Heyworth, HF, HFB, H. Gervin, Hiltex, Hilton, Hislon, Hoffmann, Hoga, Holland, Home Watch Co., Homis, Honor, Horalis, Horifa, Horlolu x, Hormax, Horus, Hosam, Hoverta, Hower, HPB, Hrw, Hubbuch, Huber, Hubmann, Hudson, Huga, Hugex, Huguenin, Hunt, Huntley, Hydepark, Hysa Watch; I: Iaxa, Icarus, Iffland, Igima, Illinois Watch, Iloga, Ilona, Imaco, Impecabilis, Imperia, Imperial Watch, Imperios, Incabloc, Incarna, Indus, Inex, Ingraham, Inova, Integra, Into, Intrador, Invar, Inventic, Iobo, Ioco, Ionatom, Irax, Irno, Irocal, Irowa, Isingard, Ismar, Isoma, Ita, Itex, Itraco, Ityco; J: Jacmire, Jacor, Jacto, Jana, Janer, Janno, Janus, Jaquet-Girard, Jardur, Javil, Jaz, JB, Jean Grandy, Jean Herber, Jean Louis Roehrich, Jean Perret, Jean Revlin, Jean Roulet, Jeba, Jeco Watch, Jelosol, Jenco, Jenny, Jesby, Jgeha, Jico, Jobina, Joihora, Joko, Jolus, Jora, Joseph Watch, Josmar, Jourez, Jovial, Joyas, Jowissa, Judex, Jungbauer, Junger, Jungfrau, Jupex, Jupiter, Jura Watch, Justex, Justy, Juta, Juwel, Juwelor, Jyb, Jyde, J.W. Benson; K: Kaiser, Kaiserstunde, Kalos, Kalter, Kander, Kano, Kardex, Karelin, Karenz, Karex, Karman, Karus, Kasper, Kasta, Kaster, Kedive, Kelbert, Kelek, Keller, Kelton, Kenwell, Kered, Kibris, Kiefer, Kimer, Kimberly, Kim Watch, Kings, Kingsel, Kingston Watch, Kiple, Kirby, Kirchhof, Kismet, Klipper, Kody, Koha, Koho, Kolster, Konnexa, Kores, Kralina, Kramer, Krida, Kriter, Kronotron, Kulm, Kunast, Kunis, Kurfurst, Kurtz, Kuster, K2; L: Labor, Labhart, Lacher, Lacorda, Lagonda, Lagro, La Leuba, Lamar, La Martine, Lamont, Lancel, Lancet, Lancia, Lanco, Lancyl, Landeron, Landi, Langel, Langendorf, Langford, Lanta, Lantex, Larex, Lasalle, Lasita, Lathin, Latino, Lator, Laureat, Lauris, Lavilla, Lavina, Laxos, Lawrence, Lea, Lebem, Le Cheminant, Leda, Ledial, Ledian, Legend, Le Jour, Lema, Lemac, Léman, Lemania, Lembach, Lemieux, Lenotre, Lenox, Leobe, Leon Watch, Leorex, L'Etoile, Le Phare, Lepem, Lepine, Le Roy, Lesco, Lessa, Leuba Louis, Lex, Liban, Libela, Libelle,Licurgo, Lider, Lidher, Lidor, Liga, Lijac, Limit, Linat, Lince, Lincoln, Lindex, Lings, Lipar, Lisona, Livadia, LKE, Lloyd, Loengrin, Logan, Loichot, Longune, Longvi, Lonstar, Lonville, Lorcano, Lordan, Lord Elgin, Lordex, Lord Gallant, Lord Nelson, Lord Sanford, Lorea, Loridal, Lorton, Lorymal, Losan, Lotex, Louis, Louvic, Lov, Lover, Lowenthal, Lowerlyn, Lubin, Lucerne, Lucien Perreaux, Lucien Rochat, Ludox, Lugran, Lukcom, Luma, Lunesa, Lunik, Lunivos, Lunsol, Lusina, Lusitano, Luxor, Luxus, Luz, Luzerna, Lyceum, Lycke Watch, Lyric Pomar; M: Mabel, Madorina, Mady, Magalex, Magar, Magia, Maglore, Magna, Magnat, Magnus, Majex, Majola, Malton, Mamaco, M. Anez, Manier, Manson, Mapo, Mara, Maran, Marathon, Marba, Marbell, Marbex, Marca, Marcel Frene, Marcena, Mardon, Marex, Marguy, Marinel, Marlux, Maro, Maros, Mars, Martel, Maru, Marubi, Maruxa, Marvil, Master Watch, Match, Mathey Tissot, Matina, Matinatic, Maty, Maurice Guerdat, Mauthe, Maya, Mavar Super, Maviro, Max Buro, Maxor, Mec, Meda, Medana, Meier Watch, Meister Anker, Melba, Melbun, Melissa, Melux, Memosail, Mendys, Mentor, Mercator, Meridian, Merit, Merkury Watch, Mervos, Mestril, Metro, Meyer Watch, Meylan, MFM, MHR, Miba, Mibis, Mical, Michanny, Michel Herbelin, Miconos, Midix, Mildia, Mildor, Milex, Mimo, Minimax, Mira, Miramar, Mirador, Mirak Watch, Mirca, Mirexal, Mirona, Misalla, Misdany, Mithras, Mitot, Miura, Mobilia, Mod, Modina, Moeris, Mof, Mofa, Mogus, Molnjia, Monalux, Monarch, Monbaron, Monex, Monico, Monil, Monitor, Monray, Monroe, Monsegur, Montanus, Montdor, Monté, Montilier, Montine, Montres BD S.A., Montresor, Monumental, Monval, Monvis, Monyco, Mora, Moremar, Morex, Morris, Mortima, Movina, MSD, MuDu, Mulco, Mulfi, Multy, Mundus, Muralt, Murondis, Muros, Murry, Musette, Mutrix, Myon, Myr, Myrex; N: Nacar, Nadexo, Nadine, Nadir, Naits, Nanco, Nappex, Nappey, Narva, Nasia Watch, Natalis, Nautico, Nave, Navet, Navir, Navzer, Nectar, Nefireus, Negmar, Neil, Neker, Nelco, Nemos, Neova, Neptune, Nersa, Net, Neuchatel, Nevac, Newmark, Newton, Nibo, Nibur Watch, Nicao, Nicéa, Nice Watch, Nickles, Nicole Geneve, Nicolet Gedeon, Nidor, Niers, Niga, Nigedo, Nikpol, Nila, Nilax, Nilda, Nileg, Nimer, Ni-L ite, Nimart, Ninfa, Nironax, Nisam, Nisus, Nitava, Nitella, Nivada, Nivarox, Nivia, Nivoc, Nivor, Nivram, Nivrel, Nobby, Nobel, Nobelt, Nobellux, Noblex, Noi, Nomina, Norbert, Norexa, Norina, Norma, Normana, Norstel, Norton, Nostra, Nostrana, Nova, Novelia, Novera, Novilty, Novoris, Novus, Nulox, Numa; O: Oberon, Octo, Octus, Odema, Oderfla Watch, Odien, Oebra, Ofair, Ofelia, Oficel, Ogival, Ognol, Oisa, Oko, Okroma, Oliros, Olivia, Olor, Olympic, Omax, Omer, Omiko, Omnia, Omodox, Ondex, Ondina, Onsa, Opal, Opera, Operarius, Optima, Orano, Orator, Orbiter, Orco, Ordiam, Oreas, Oreba, Orefa, Orfa, Orfina, Organa, Oriental, Original, Orion, Oriosa, Orloff, Orlogin, Orlon, Orltim, Ormo, Ornata, Ornen, Ornet, Orola, Orpheo, Orthos, Orthosa, Ortin Watch, Orvin, Orwa, Osco, Osram, Ostara, Otar-Vatch, Otero, Otha, Ovaras, Ovivo, Oxford, Owix, Owo; P: Packard, Paco, Page, Pagin, Pagol, Pajarola, Paladin, Palerma, Palermo, Pallas, Pandul, Panta, Parger, Paris, Parker, Park Lexington, Paros, Partex, Partout, Pater Watch, Patria, Paul Arpantier, Paul Durelle, Paul Jobin, Paul Peugeot,Paul Portinoux w.c.Pavel Buhre, Paxor, Payard, Pencron, Pentaflex, Perdal, Perenzin, Perfecta, Perfex, Perfine, Perhisa, Perkins, Perma, Permax, Perona, Perret-Gentil, Perry Greaves, Personal, Pesag, Peso, Pevanda, Phenix, Phigied, Philier, Philos, Philippe Precision, Picard, Picton,Pfois, Pier, Pierre Laro, Pierpont, Pierre Denill, Piguette, Pikleur, Pilatus, Pimax, Pingard, Pinlever, Pinnacle, Pirenne, Pirofa, Piztam, Planesa, Planet, Plattner, Plaza, Plymouth, Pokema, Polar, Polhem, Polymac, Polwatch, Poncin, Pontiac, Pontifa, Porluc, Porta, Porter, Portex, Posor, Post, Prado, Praesens, Praesent, Pratina, Précia, Precibel, Precimax, Precisa, Predial, Prefis, Premier, Premira, President, Prestige, Prexa, Preziosa, Primalux, Primato, Primator, Primera, Prince, Printania, Printania Watch, Prisma, Proctus, Pronto, Pronto Verdal, Protus, Provis, Provita, Proxima, Prunus, Puerta, Pyramid; Q: Questar; R: Racer, Racine, RacingTeam, Radar, Radax, Radiant, Radny, Rajawongs, Ralco, Rama, Ramades, Ramba, Rambler, Ramina, Ramino, Ramona, Randal, Ranol, Rapid, Rasec, Raylon, Real, Record, Recta, Recthor, Rectory, Reda, Redue, Regatta, Regency, Regent, Regeor, Regina, Regine, Reglex, Reglia, Rego, Rehard, Reimar, Rela, Relliac, Relide, Reliont, Rellum, Rem Lever, Remova Ancre, Rendex, Renis, Reno, Renoir, Renov, Renna, Reo-Gran, Repa, Repco Watch, Replay, Replic, Republic, Resisto, Reston, Retiva, Reusser, Revere, Revlon, Rex, Rexa, Rexiana, Rexor, Reynolds, Re Watch, Rewel, Rewolx, Rezalfa, Rhodos, RHM, RHS, Rhudos, Ribot, Ribu, Richard, Richmond, Richon, Rideau, Rigel, Rigi, Rigor, Rika, Rila, Rima, Rinkus, Rio, Rios, Riva, Rivella, Rivo, R. Jaquet, Roal, Roa Watch, Roberta, Robur, Rocail, Rocar, Roco, Rocket, Rodams, Rodana, Rodania, Roen, Rofina, Rogata, Rogelin, Roidor, Roki Watch, Rolatron, Rolly, Roma, Romandor, Romex De luxe, Romina, Rona, Ronalp, Rone, Ronet, Roni, Rontex, Ross, Rosselet, Rouan, Roundex, Rovac, Rovano, Roveta, Rox, Roxane, Roxy, Roxor, Roxy, Royal, Royce, Rowil, Rozi, Rubens, Rubes, Rubi, Rubina, Rubra, Rue du Lac, Rulcy, Rulon, Rural, Rutex, Rutina, Rutis, Ruxton, Rytima, RWS; S: Saba, Sabah, Sabina, Sabrina, Sachat, Sada, Sagara, Said, Saint Blaise, Salvest, Same, Samiria, Samska, Sanctus, Sander, Sanitas, Santima, Santire, Santra, Sappeur, Sarda Besancon, Sardlux, Sarpier, Saturne, Sauter Frères, Saveb, Savillon, Savina, Saving, Savoy, Savoyen, Saxony, Saytoko, Scandia, Schaon, Scholler, Sea Liner, Sears, Seca, Seega, Seeland, Sekundant, Selecta, Seliva, Selux, Selva, Selza, Semca, Senit, Seni Watch, Serdix, Services, Seth Thomas, Severo, Sexima, Seyes River, SGT, Shallow, SHD, Sheffield, Shell, Sheloh, Shelton, Sheraton, Shield, Shorewood, Sibel, Sibelles, Sicura, Siderlux, Siduna, Siera, Sigdin, Sigel, Sigena, Sigma, Sigma Valmon, Signo, Siko, Silena,Silyan watch company, Silgar, Siluett, Silvana, Silver, Silver Star, Sim, Simas, Simba, Simplex, Sincron, Sindaco, Sinex, Singer, Sinsa, Sira, Sirius, Siro, Siro Lever, Sisgau, Sita Watch, Sivac, Sivane, Siverwatch, Skiff, Slandex, Smith, Sobimo, Socomex, Socor, Sofior, Sogel, Sokas, Sola, Solar, Solida, Solita, Solix, Sollieres, Solo, Solora, Somali, Sonett, Soni, Sonic, Sorag, Sornadat, Sornana, Sovereign, Sparewa, Sparta, Spazial, Speck, Spendid, Spera, Spes, Sphinge Watch, Sphinx, Spider, Spir, Splendid, Splendor, Sponta, Sportex, Sporting, Sportsman, Stabila, Stahel, Stahl, Star, Starina, Staromatic, Start, Steelco, Steiert, Steiner, Stellers, Stempel, Stendal, Stenis, Stewag, Stima, Stop, Strad, Strada, Strato, Straumann, Styfl, Stylt, Subwater, Sugo Watch, Suizex, Suja, Sulina, Sully Special, Sultana, Summit, Sunex, Superalfa, Superatic, Superb Lever, Superio, Superius, Superoma, Superwatch, Supremo, Supremos, Sur, Surdiac, Surrex, Surtec, Sussex, Suter, Sutil, Sutit, Suzana, Svalan, Svea, Svu, Sydnem, Systema, Swift; T: Tacar, Talia, Talis, Tanis, Tanivann, Tansa, Tara, Tarnan, Tasan, Tasso, Tavernier, Tawek, Team, Technos, Tecron, Tefor, Tegra, Tegrov, Teka, Tekel, Telda, Television, Telhor, Telix, Tell, Tellus, Telor, Telstar, Tempic, Tempo, Temporis, Tena, Tenens, Tenor, Tenor-Dorly, Teriam, Terrasse, Terrote, Terten, Terval, Teseo, Test, Testudo, Tevo, Texa Watch, Textor, Thales, Themis Watch, Theorein, Thermamed, Thermidor, Thiel, Thol, Thomas Blundell, Thoresen, Thormas, Thoro, Th Picard Fils, Thusal, Thussy, Thusyt, Thuya, Tiara, Tiber Watch, Ticin, Tidana, Tiega, Tierce, Tiger, Tilius, Tim, Timavero, Times, Timetone, Timor, Tipsy, Tirza, Tisseran, Titan, Titana, Titanic, Titan-Luxe, Titanus, Titus, Tivena, Tollet, Tonic, Tonodor, Topaz, Torelli, Torina, Tornado, Tosal, Tourist, Tourneau, Tovare, Towa, Trada, Tradition, Trafalgar, Tramlex, Transglobe, Transmarine, Travita, Trebex, Trematic, Tressa, Triglav, Triunfo-R, Trivera, Trojan, Trotteur, Truma, Trumpf, Tucah, Tugaris, Tuhess, Tulxis, Tusal, Tyber Watch, Tyl, Tylex; U: Uhtra, Ultimor, Ultra, Ultramar, Ultrapyl, Ulyclod, Unic, Unichron, Unicorn, Union, Uniona, Union Soleure, Uno, Unver, Urban, Urech, Urra, Ursus, Uti, Utina; V: Vacontin, Valadier, Valand, Valdor, Valent, Valex, Valgine, Valjaux, Valory, Valruz, Vanburen, Vanguard, Vantage, Varbar, Vasa, Veda, Vehns, Veler Watch, Velester, Velis, Velka, Velma, Velona, Vendome, Vensil, Ventex, Veranda, Verbel, Verbena, Verdal, Verimpex, Verity, Verndor, Veroni, Versa, Vertex, Veto, Vetur, Vialux, Viccanta, Vico, Victor, Vidan, Viking, Villard, Villereuse, Vilong, Vilor Watch, Vinca, Vindex, Vines, Vintan, Viola, Violetta, Viscont, Viser, Visotex, Vital, Vithos, Vito, Vitus, Vivat, Vivata, Vivax, Vixia, Voga, Vogel, Voight, Voumard, Vrema, Vuillemin; X: Xantia, Xaros Watch, Xenos; Y: Yarom, Yasma, Yokay; W: Wabos, Wabro, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waigel, Wakman, Walbo, Waldan, Waldman, Walker, Walier, Wall Watch, Walter, Walux, Wan-Tick, Warens, Watex, Watra, Waverly, Weber, Webster, Wedo, Wega, Wegena, Wehrmann, Welbar Watch, Welsbro, Welter, Wema, Wemalux, Wendts, Wenia, Werax Watch, Werba, Werlaine, Wernam, Wernet, Wertex, Wibax, Wilboi, Wilhelm, Wilka, William Watch, Wilson, Wimar, Winex, Winfort, Winthal, Winton, Wirz, Wisdor, Wittnauer, Wivex, White Star, Wladir, Wolbrook, Wolfram, Wotex, Ws, Wuba, Wylerma; Z: Zaigor, Zais Watch, Zarina, Zarvath, Zedon, Zédy, Zeih, Zellcon, Zelma, Zelus, Zentena, Zentima,Zephir, Zermatt, Zeysa, Zewa, Zewi, Zheut, Zico, Zila, Zim, Zinal, Zitaerna, Zitura, Zlatoust, Zome, Zoty, Zu,Zumac, Zundap, Zurc, Zurex, Zurich, Zuryl
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