#Emilija Baranac on To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
Emilija Baranac on To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
as Gen on To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
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mars-gifs · 2 years
ENG: 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 💌 In the SOURCE LINK you'll find 291 gifs (268x150) of Emilija Baranac as Gen in To All The Boys Trilogy. All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for rp purposes, so please do NOT claim them as your own, repost, or add them to your gif hunts. Edit as you wish, but please give me some form of credit or tag me if you post it. LIKE or REBLOG if you’re using! If you're interested in a commission, feel free to check my blog!
ESP: 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎́𝐍 💌 En el SOURCE LINK (o fuente) encontrarás 291 gifs (268x150) de Emilija Baranac como Gen en la Trilogía de A Todos Los Chicos. Todos los gifs fueron hechos desde cero por mí para uso de rp, así que por favor NO los hagas pasas por tuyos, re-subas o los añadas a gif hunts. Edítalos como desees, pero por favor dame algún tipo de crédito o etiquétame si lo subes. ¡Da LIKE y/o REBLOG si los usas! Si te interesa pedir una comisión, siéntete libre de visitar mi blog.
TW: flashing lights
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fandomiconsx · 4 years
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mrfahrenheit92 · 3 years
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mandoreviews · 4 years
📽 To All the Boys: P. S. I Still Love You (2020)
I reluctantly watched this movie with my sisters. I ended up liking it. Not a ton, but enough that I had to know how it ended. I haven’t read the books, but my sister said that the movie was basically nothing like the book. I’m kinda glad I haven’t read the books because I think I liked the movie more not knowing how much it did or didn’t follow the book. However, I liked the first movie better.
Sex/nudity: 3/10
Language: 2/10
Violence: 1/10
Overall rating: 6/10
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vcdette · 4 years
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To All the Boys 3 Always and Forever Film Stream German Online Komplett Kostenlose
Film stream - https://to-all-the-boys-always-and-forever-de.blogspot.com/
Lara Jean Covey bereitet sich auf den Schulabschluss und das Erwachsenenalter vor. Aber ein paar lebensverändernde Reisen zwingen sie, ihre Beziehung zu Familie, Freunden und Peter nach dem Abschluss zu überdenken.
Zwei Fortsetzungen, For All Boys: P.S. I Still Love You (was mir mehr als am besten gefallen hat) und jetzt To All The Boys: Always and Forever, wurden nacheinander gedreht, aber im Abstand von ein oder zwei Jahren veröffentlicht. Die Leute waren verärgert über den Sohn des seltsamen Mediums, weil die Idee eines Liebesdreiecks herumschwirrte, das nicht wirklich funktionierte; Der Reiz der Beziehung zwischen Lara Jean und Peter war trotz ihrer Unterschiede immer aufrichtig (sie liest gern, er ist ein Athlet). Für diese Menschen sollte Always and Forever eine willkommene Rückkehr zur Form sein, da nicht erwartet wird, dass wir uns auf die Idee einlassen, dass jemand so charmant sein könnte wie Peter. Es deutet jedoch darauf hin, dass etwas, das keiner von ihnen vorhergesagt hat, sein Abfallen sein könnte. Als Michael Fimognaris Film mit der Trennung von Lara Jean und Peter beginnt - sie ist mit ihrer Familie in der Frühlingspause in Seoul - ist dies ein Zeichen der Zukunft. Der Abschluss kommt und im weiteren Sinne das College. Lara Jean hat alles geplant. Peter geht nach Stanford, um Lacrosse zu spielen, und sie wird sich für das englische Literaturprogramm anmelden. Sie werden beim Radfahren und beim Tragen von Baumhüten für Fußballspiele die Hände halten, obwohl sie Fußball nicht mag. Sie stellt sich eine Montage des Glücks vor, die die Heirat und das Mitnehmen der Schlüssel zu ihrem ersten Zuhause umfasst, und dann muss sie sich alles auf den Kopf stellen, als sie herausfindet, dass sie schließlich nicht nach Stanford gekommen ist. Niemand sollte sich darüber Sorgen machen. Aber an alle Jungen: Always and Forever macht das, was die vorherigen Filme getan haben, und verwurzelt uns so vollständig im Kopfraum der Tracks, dass ihre emotionalen Ängste unverhältnismäßige Ausmaße annehmen. Alles ist eine Frage von Leben und Tod, auch wenn kein Leben auf dem Spiel steht; Jede Entscheidung ist ein potenzielles Unglück, jeder Gedanke und jedes Gefühl ist monumental. In all diesen Turbulenzen beweisen Condor und Centineo erneut, dass sie alles haben, romantisch und verständnisvoll spielen, bis der Druck steigt und sie mit gebrochenem Herzen spielen und verlieren müssen. Keiner von beiden macht es schlecht, selbst in ihren emotional verwundbarsten Aspekten, weshalb dieses Trio genauso arbeitet wie das Original. Dies ist jedoch kein Rückschlag. Das Zulassungsverfahren für das College ist ein neues angemessenes Hindernis, das symbolischer für den Wendepunkt in ihrem Leben ist, dem sich diese Charaktere nähern, und der Film baut auf verschiedene Weise auf dem Vorhergehenden auf. Die jüngere Comic-Schwester von Lara Jean, Kitty (Anna Cathcart), hat es mit einer Fernbeziehung zu tun, und ihr liebender Vater, Dr. Covey (John Corbett), engagiert sich mit seiner Nachbarin Trina (Sarayu Blue). Die beste Freundin von Lara Jean, Chris (Madeleine Arthur), nimmt sich ein Jahr Zeit und die einzige Person, die sie kennt, die in New York City zur Schule geht, in die sie sich während eines Schulausfluges verliebt, ist Gen (Emilija Baranac), seine frühere rivalisierende Liebe. Nach drei Filmen haben alle diese Menschen das Gefühl, viel mehr Schichten als am Anfang zu haben, was dazu beiträgt, der Geschichte eine lebendige Textur zu verleihen. Man könnte argumentieren, dass sich To All the Boys: Always and Forever ein wenig auf diese Nostalgie verlässt, und es gibt kein wirkliches Gefühl, dass sie nicht alle Rhythmen erreichen wird, die auf dem Weg zu einem oberflächlich glücklichen Ende erwartet werden. Sie sollten sich aber auch fragen, was Sie sonst noch erwarten würden. Es ist tröstlich und tröstlich zu einer Zeit, in der die Öffentlichkeit solche Dinge gerne schlucken möchte. Vielleicht ist die vorherrschende junge Liebe das, was wir alle sehen müssen.
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wazafam · 3 years
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Now that Netflix has completed three adaptations of Jenny Han's To All the Boys book series, it's possible to rank them to determine the best of the trilogy. In 2018, the original film established the overall tone and premise for the series while introducing the world to up-and-coming stars Lana Condor and Noah Centineo. For the second and third installments, cinematographer Michael Fimognari took over the directorial duties from Susan Johnson and added his own unique touch as a filmmaker. All three movies have been well-received by critics and will resonate with Netflix audiences for different reasons. However, one particular installment stands out above the others.
When To All the Boys I've Loved Before released in 2018, it became a cultural phenomenon with Condor starring as the 16-year old Korean-American protagonist, Lara Jean Song Covey. The Netflix movie appealed to audiences with its endearing love story, fresh character dialogue, and dream pop music. In 2020, the sequel To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You arguably lost some cultural momentum, if only because the narrative complicated the central love story between Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky (Centineo) by introducing a new suitor, John Ambrose (Jordan Fisher). Then, in 2021, To All the Boys: Always and Forever fully locked into the focal romance, and added a clever twist by having Lara Jean fall in love not with another man, but with the city of New York.
Related: To All The Boys: Always & Forever Cast & Character Guide
Each one of the franchise films adheres to romantic comedy tropes, and perhaps too much at times. Depending on one's perspective, the meta-references may add to the experience or possibly interrupt the narrative flow. There's also the question of whether or not the Lara Jean & Peter romance feels natural and timely, and whether the focal performances stand up to classics of the past. Overall, critics and general streamers alike seem to agree that To All the Boys is a special movie franchise, yet it's still worth identifying what differentiates each production in terms of filmmaking. Here's a ranking of each movie in the To All the Boys trilogy on Netflix.
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Written by Sofia Alvarez and J. Mills Goodloe, To All the Boys 2 ends with a romantic resolution for Lara Jean and Peter but gets lost along the way. Early on, the film hits all the right story beats as the main protagonist experiences her first date and gets swept away in emotions. But rather than focusing on the dynamic between the two focal leads, the sequel immediately incorporates conflict involving John Ambrose, one of the recipients of Lara Jean's love letters. The character initially appears at the tail end of the original film, but then has an entirely different appearance in the sequel with the casting of Fisher. So, that filmmaking decision alone is perplexing and stands out as an immediate red flag.
Unfortunately, Fisher's performance as Ambrose doesn't add much value in To All the Boys 2. The character is indeed kind-hearted and charming, but he seems to represent nostalgia for the past more than anything else. Ambrose doesn't really fight for Lana's heart but rather seems to enjoy her company as a friend. Meanwhile, side-conflict involving Peter and his ex-girlfriend Genevieve (Emilija Baranac) makes the story more interesting/dramatic, but the film also loses some of the rom-com magic that makes the original production so captivating.
Even though a rom-com sequel like The Kissing Booth 2 may not necessarily be objectively better than To All the Boys 2, it does introduce a strong character in Marco Peña (Taylor Zakhar Perez), who seems like he could steal away Elle Evans (Joey King) from Noah Flynn (Jacob Elordi). Overall, Fimognari's sequel does its best to set up the third franchise installment yet shows little imagination in terms of character conflict. Lara Jean does indeed grow as a character, but she's hampered by the presence of John, a character who seems stuck in 6th grade, and thus makes the film feel somewhat cutesy rather than progressive.
Related: Every Song In To All The Boys: Always & Forever
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To All the Boys 3 succeeds by re-focusing on the romance between Lara Jean and Peter. The third franchise movie feels much more mature than the previous two, as there's less attention paid to the main protagonist's naivete. Now, Lara Jean comes across as a confident young woman who seems genuinely ready for the next step in her life, whether it's with Peter at Stanford University or across the country at New York University. To All the Boys 3 also resolves the conflict between Lara Jean and Peter's ex, Gen, and effectively uses Kitty (Anna Cathcart) as a source of comic relief, all the while developing her character. To All the Boys 3 brings all of the main players together, rather than underlining what drives them apart.
As an actress, Condor displays incredible depth while communicating Lara Jean's insecurities and highlighting her agency as a young woman. Whereas many young rom-com protagonists feel like they're making life or death decisions, Lara Jean often takes moments to collect her thoughts and to remind herself that she's not living within a rom-com movie. Condor is especially effective in conveying her character's attraction to Peter, and it's almost like the couple's relationship is just beginning. As for Noah Centineo, he plays it a little too cool at times as the prototypical Homecoming King of rom-com movies, yet he truly does shine when capturing Peter's vulnerability, whether it's with the character's estranged father or when trying to process Lara Jean's fascination with New York City.
Charming as To All the Boys 3 may be, it's a little heavy-handed with its meta rom-com messaging, which makes some of the character dialogue feel stiff and unnatural. Also, the film doesn't invest much time exploring the complexities of Lara Jean and Peter's relationship beyond their obvious connection, which contrasts with some of the heavier conversations from the sequel. As a whole, To All the Boys 3 expects that the audience is already familiar with the basics, and doesn't really prioritize character development for Chris (Madeleine Arthur) or Lucas (Trezzo Mahoro). Aside from some tiny pacing issues, the third Netflix movie works especially well in terms of developing Lara Jean's story, but it might've been worth re-structuring the film to add a little more depth elsewhere.
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To All the Boys I've Loved Before is the best of the three franchise films because of its storytelling, along with the element of surprise. For one, there's the love letter premise; the narrative hook to keep audiences engaged. Two, there's Condor's central performance as a 16-year-old trying to understanding her place in the world. The filmmakers take their time while covering the appropriate narrative groundwork, and establish the personalities for each of the main characters, along with how they connect to Lara Jean's backstory. The second and third films have similar energy and spirit but don't necessarily work as stand-alone films.
Related: To All The Boys 3: Biggest Changes To The Book In Always & Forever
Years from now, To All the Boys I've Loved Before will be recognized as a defining film from the Streaming Wars era, and maybe even the last great rom-com before the era of COVID-19. Storywise, there's a traditional coming-of-age narrative for audiences to enjoy, one about a middle child who relates to her young sister Kitty but wants to be more like her older sibling Margot (Janel Parrish). To All the Boys I've Loved Before pays homage to romantic comedies but doesn't feel the need to be extra clever with its citations. The Netflix movie also incorporates social media in a way that feels natural rather than didactic, a major plus in a time when filmmakers feel inclined to explain what audiences already know about Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Most importantly, To All the Boys I've Loved Before values the power of a big movie moment. The first kiss between Lara Jean and Peter has all the magic that their intimate encounter in To All the Boys 3 lacks. There's even some scrunchie-themed drama that's at once juvenile but also incredibly important for the character conflict. As a whole, To All the Boys I've Loved Before shows much more nuance than the second and third Netflix films. It's subtle when commenting on rom-com tropes and slowly develops the central relationship. The little moments stand out, whether it's how Lara Jean looks at Peter or vice versa. The sequels don't take such things for granted, but there's less attention paid to the build-up of big moments. To All the Boys I've Loved Before is truly a Netflix Original, one that's driven by character chemistry, star-making lead performances, and a specific style of storytelling.
Next: Will To All The Boys 4 Ever Happen?
To All The Boys: All Three Movies Ranked From Worst To Best from https://ift.tt/3djZOJr
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tranquildr3ams · 3 years
To All The Boys: Always and Forever (2021)
To All The Boys: Always and Forever (2021)
You can check out the review of the first 2 movies of this trilogy below: To All The Boys I’ve Love BeforeTo All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You To All The Boys: Always and Forever (2021) Director: Michael Fimognari Cast: Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel Parrish, Anna Cathcart, Ross Butler, Madeleine Arthur, Emilija Baranac, Trezzo Mahoro, Sarayu Blue, John Corbett, Henry Thomas Continuing…
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bux-blurbs · 4 years
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It is the second installment in Netflix 80s style teen romance trilogy where Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their relationship from pretend to officially official when another recipient of one of her old love letters enters the picture.
Romantic comedies don’t get sequels all that often because the happy ending is, for so much of the genre, the point. You spend a whole movie teasing out the tension between people who should be together but aren’t, throwing obstacles and misunderstandings in their way, until finally, there’s nothing left to be overcome. There are only the grand gestures, the confessions of feelings, the passionate clinches — the sweet satisfaction of emotional resolution before the camera pulls back and up from the new couple kissing in the rain/an airport/their wedding. To keep going past that point is to get into what it means to carve out a functional day-to-day relationship and keep it going. And while that can be romantic, and it can be comedic, it doesn’t lend itself to the same sort of ebullient escapism as the getting together does. It’s generally been simpler, at the movies, to treat love like an accomplishment unto itself, and not just one element in the ongoing process of people trying to figure out what it means to be together. But that’s the territory into which P.S. I Still Love You boldly ventures.
When P.S. I Still Love You begins, Lara Jean has landed her very own Jake Ryan — the hunky, improbably sweet Peter (Noah Centineo) — and has to contend with what it means to effectively be dating the prince of her teen social circle. Peter takes her out to the amusement park and to his favorite Italian restaurant. He buys her a necklace for Valentine’s Day, and apologizes profusely when practice makes him late to their planned meetup at a coffee shop. He doesn’t push for sex — even asks solicitously whether it feels like he’s rushing her. The same power dynamic that underlies the first film, of him having chosen her, informs the problems plaguing the budding relationship in this second one. They come, almost entirely, from Lara Jean’s insecurities — about Peter’s previous relationship to her former bestie Gen (Emilija Baranac), about his popularity, and about his loyalty to his teammates. She doesn’t actually have much in common with Peter beyond the chemistry that Condor and Centineo share.
And chemistry is nothing to sniff at, but P.S. I Still Love You does come awfully close to arguing itself out of its central romance when it introduces John Ambrose McClaren (Jordan Fisher), one of the other five crushes to whom Lara Jean wrote confessional notes that were never intended to be mailed. P.S. I Still Love You has a cast of supporting characters that’s pointedly less white than To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and that includes John Ambrose, who when briefly glimpsed at the end of the first film was played by Jordan Burtchett. As played by Fisher, he’s dashing and piano-playing and has an easy rapport with Condor. When the two end up volunteering together at a retirement home lorded over by an advice-dealing Holland Taylor, they strike up a flirtation that’s helped along by the fact that Lara Jean never gets around to telling him she has a boyfriend.
One thing that both of these films is good at is getting inside the mind-set of a teenager for whom everything is new and to whom everything seems potentially world-ending. But the love triangle that Lara Jean helps create for herself doesn’t end up coming across as the kind of highly dramatized, contrived complication that rom-coms have been fueled by forever. It actually ends up unintentionally undercutting the relationship the film asks us to be invested in. “Sometimes I wish my boyfriend were a little more anonymous,” Lara Jean sighs at one point, as she watches Peter play flip cup with his friends at a party. And yet his social standing is also part of his appeal, and the film is so inured to the coup it represents for its heroine (who’s reminded by a friend that “You’re the one that dethroned Gen without ever trying”) that it never gets around to showing where these two characters connect. Lara Jean is shown to have a tendency to make herself miserable playing at being Peter’s girlfriend, always in her head overthinking everything — which, she admits, doesn’t happen when she’s with John Ambrose.
It ends with Lara kissing John Ambrose only to find out she's still in love with Peter and running to go find him, she saw Peter also searching for her.
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hawkquill-come · 4 years
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
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To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You Story : Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their relationship from pretend to officially official when another recipient of one of her old love letters enters the picture.
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PS I Still Love You Cast
The character of John, played by a different actor in the first movie, is played by Jordan Fisher, who we know from the series such as Teen Wolf, The Secret Life of The American Teenager, Liv and Maddie. With the second film, the successful name Susan Johnson, who directed the first film, handed over the director's chair to Michael Fimognari, who signed the director of The Haunting of Hill House and All The Boys I Loved Before. While adapting the script of the film from the book of Jenny Han as in the first film, Sofia Alvarez writes, the cast includes names such as Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel Parrish, John Corbett, Anna Cathcart.
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Lana Condor ... Lara Jean
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Noah Centineo ... Peter
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Jordan Fisher ... John Ambrose
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Anna Cathcart ... Kitty Janel Parrish ... Margot
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Ross Butler ... Trevor  Madeleine Arthur ... Chris
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Emilija Baranac ... Genevieve 
When is To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You is met its audience on Netflix on February 12. Read the full article
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simplylove101 · 4 years
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“I thought having a boyfriend meant the idea of other boys left your mind completely. I didn’t want to be thinking of what might have been. But I was.”
2020 New-to-Me Movie Challenge |  [14/?]
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You (2020)
Plot: Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their relationship from pretend to officially official when another recipient of one of her old love letters enters the picture.
Starring: Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Jordan Fisher, Janel Parrish, Anna Cathcart, Trezzo Mahoro, Madeleine Arthur, Emilija Baranac, Kelcey Mawema, Ross Butler, Sarayu Blue, John Corbett & Holland Taylor
So, the sequel that many of us have been waiting for since we watched the first movie! lol The way TATBILB took off when it came out.... clearly we were in the need of a good old fashioned rom com and that was at a time when Netflix was willing to spare us a few of them. But this one struck gold. I genuinely loved the first one. It gave us the always adorable Lana Condor in a role that was so meant for her because you can’t just not like her as Lara Jean. And she had such a lovely chemistry with Noah (and they do still have that chemistry here, tho it does feel a little different sometimes. But then that goes with the narrative I would say too) Enter newcomer to the franchise Jordan Fisher, who is charming and absolutely cute as John Ambrose. Now, as someone who has never read any of the books, I really wondered going in if I would be torn between the guys. Since, I mean, a love triangle?? (I hate them with a passion but they’re a rom com trope staple so lol) So, was I torn? Well... not totally. (Even tho if I was in Lara Jean’s place, I would have totally been all in for a chance with John personally lol) Idk.. I’m still gathering my thoughts on this part. lol Anyway, that said, I enjoyed all the side characters (Holland Taylor is a treat as Stormy) and I loved the music and the overall aesthetic like the first one. There were some... interesting directing choices that went on too that I’m still figuring out if I appreciated them or not... I definitely preferred the first one, but I did love getting to be back in the world of Lara Jean & co. so there’s that. Def curious about this last movie of the trilogy. Hmm
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movs4up-blog · 4 years
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their romance from pretend to officially real when another recipient of one of her love letters enters the picture.
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istandardpro · 4 years
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You (Music From the Netflix Film) Credits and Streams
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You is a 2020 American teen romantic comedy film directed by Michael Fimognari and starring Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel Parrish, Anna Cathcart, Trezzo Mahoro, Madeleine Arthur, Emilija Baranac, Kelcey Mawema, Jordan Fisher, Ross Butler, Julie Tao, Sarayu Blue, John Corbett, Holland Taylor, and Maddie Ziegler. The film is based on Jenny Han’s 2015 novel P.S. I Still Love You. Hey Violet broke down the meaning […]
The post To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You (Music From the Netflix Film) Credits and Streams appeared first on [istandard].
from WordPress https://istandardproducers.com/to-all-the-boys-p-s-i-still-love-you-credits/
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HD ▶ To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You Ganzer [HD] Films - Kinox
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Stars: Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Jordan Fisher, Anna Cathcart, Janel Parrish, Ross Butler, Madeleine Arthur, Emilija Baranac, Trezzo Mahoro, Holland Taylor, Sarayu Rao
Romance, Comedy
Schau hier ➽ https://t.co/vR07SptSOr
Nachdem Lara Jean Covey (Lana Condor) das Chaos ihrer vormals geheimen Liebesbriefe überstanden hat, erlebt sie ihre erste große Liebe mit Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo). Ihr erster echter Kuss, ihr erstes echtes Date, der erste Valentinstag als Paar – all das gehört dazu und führt zu schönen, aber auch verwirrenden Emotionen. Glücklicherweise helfen ihre Freunde Kitty und Margot (Anna Cathcart, Janel Parrish), Chris (Madeleine Arthur) sowie Stormy (Holland Taylor). Dann steht plötzlich John Ambrose McClaren (Jordan Fisher) vor Laras Tür – einer der fünf Adressaten ihrer Liebesbriefe, die Laras kleine Schwester Kitty (Anna Cathcart) heimlich verschickte. Und von einem auf den anderen Moment ist die junge Liebe zwischen Lara Jean und Peter auf wackligen Beinen: John ist eine ernstzunehmende Konkurrenz, schließlich verbindet ihn und Lara mehr als nur der Brief. Die beiden haben eine gemeinsame Vergangenheit und das schweißt zusammen. Kann Lara zwei Jungs auf einmal lieben?
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mastcomm · 4 years
‘To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You’ Review: Bliss, for Now
“To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before,” an Xennial mash note to ’80s teen romances, ended as John Hughes ordained: with the wallflower, Lara Jean (Lana Condor), and the jock, Peter (Noah Centineo), professing their love on a lacrosse field in a climactic shot with enough space in the frame to imagine Judd Nelson strutting by with a fist pump. Lara Jean swoons over one-off classics like “The Breakfast Club” and “Sixteen Candles” (even as she concedes Long Duk Dong is “extremely racist”). For viewers like her, Netflix has ordered a triple-scoop franchise based on Jenny Han’s book trilogy, the second of which, “P.S. I Still Love You,” whips drama from the question Hughes left unanswered: Is this misfit couple really a match?
Who cares, adults may groan. Two percent of marriages are between high school sweethearts. Yet, to Lara Jean, whom Condor plays with naïveté and pluck, pleasing Peter is serious. (As it is to superfans who fell for Centineo two summers ago in the first film, and studio executives who’ve staked their happiness on the young heartthrob’s rubber puppy good looks.) Can she keep her popular Prince Charming — or rather, will she keep choosing him — despite a blitzkrieg of bliss-killers that include his jealous ex-girlfriend (Emilija Baranac), his obsession with the party game called flip cup and Lara Jean’s immature belief that the perfect relationship should be, well, perfect?
Her insecurity matures this sequel from fairy tale to talk therapy. In the hands of the screenwriters Sofia Alvarez and J. Mills Goodloe, Lara Jean and her friends don’t banter — they proclaim, as if being deposed by Cupid. It’s unclear if the script’s stolid dialogue is attempting to flatter modern teens, or if the writers just don’t know any. Responding to a friend’s letter, Lara Jean begins, “What lovely penmanship you have.” Forget Billie Eilish — she fancies herself a Brontë.
To the director Michael Fimognari’s credit, “P.S. I Still Love You” doesn’t condescend to Lara Jean’s dilemma even as her choices deserve popcorn pelted at the screen. Yet, he’s content with a product that seems beamed in from a staticky old channel. Despite Condor’s determination to make Lara Jean feel like a real girl — albeit with distracting false eyelashes — she’s stuck being a clone, opening the film crooning “And Then He Kissed Me” to her bedroom mirror just as Elisabeth Shue did in “Adventures in Babysitting.” Later, when Lara Jean’s loyalty is divided by the reappearance of her sixth-grade crush (Jordan Fisher), an emotionally-attuned dork who, like her, prefers to spend his Saturdays playing bingo, the soundtrack broods with a moody cover of “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”
How canny to capitalize on a youthful ache to rewind to an era when Molly Ringwald wasn’t forced to worry about school shootings and climate change. (The year Nixon was impeached, TV viewers made a hit out of “Happy Days.”) Fimognari, promoted from the job of cinematographer on the first installment, occasionally cribs a shot from a more ambitious movie: a floating kiss; a pair of snow angels; an argument on a class trip to the aquarium filmed before a tank of bioluminescent jellyfish, recalling a James Bond brawl in “Skyfall.” Mostly, however, the visuals are childish, with saturated tinting that has to be squinted through, as though a lollipop melted on the lens.
Ironically, the film’s best sequences are wish fulfillment for geriatrics. Lara Jean’s retro fixation reaches its peak when she volunteers at Belleview, a retirement home with fortune tellers, posh soirees and a former Pan Am flight attendant named Stormy (Holland Taylor) lording over the palm-frond fantasia like a screwball grande dame. The rooms are art deco, the wardrobes are doo-wop, and the residents groove to the Bee Gees. Pass the prune daiquiris — yes, there are prune daiquiris — and get drunk on nostalgia.
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
Not rated. Running time: 1 hour 21 minutes.
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