enclarenutrition · 10 months
Enhance Multi Collagen Complex Benefits
Enclare Nutrition's multi-collagen complex offers a wide range of benefits for your skin, hair, and joints. Enhance your beauty and overall wellness with this premium collagen supplement.
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grimmhorizen01 · 3 years
The Black Devils Attack Boston
Jack was like a lot of people, just trying to survive whatever Boston threw at him.
Unlike everyone else however, he usually had the advantage. Be it, in a gun fight or in a conversation, he usually came out on top.
As his back rested against a steel barricade that was slowly being chipped away by gunfire, his only thought was, ‘where the hell is his support’.
Which as he looked to his left finally arrived.
When he first saw her fighting against the Mechanist’s robots, he thought for sure she was gonna end up scrapped.
But she didn’t, with his help at least.
As he watched Ada sprint over the hill, her twin Gatling lasers revered up and unleashed hell upon the would-be raiders.
“SHIT ROBOT” he heard one of the raiders shout, and in turn he peaked around the steel barricade and fired at the now standing raider, who’s head soon came clean off.
“Ada get some rockets in there!” he shouted.
Since he first meet Ada, he’s tweaked with her weaponry and her frame, usually a Assaultron frame wouldn’t be able to carry more than two weapons, but with a little steel here and little bit of construction grade servos there and bam, better lift and higher achievable speed.
Which allowed her to carry at least one heavy weapon, and most of time it usually was a modified quad barrel rocket launcher.
An right on queue, one high explosive missile nails a raiders and pulverized his entire upper body.
“FALL BACK” one of the raiders shouted and soon the remaining raiders ran as bullets and lasers picked off the slower of the bunch.
“I’m not detecting anymore hostile sir. We are in the clear” her voice echoed throughout the collapsed building of Boston.
“Ok, let’s get moving”, Jack walked towards the now empty road and soon began searching the raiders for anything good.
“Ada, what do we have plan today?” He asked as he heard the robot move closer to him.
“The Slog has a problem and would like you to come and helped them with. We are also low on aluminum and adhesive.” She listed off a few more which he nodded at.
“Sir can I ask you something?” As Jack finished searching the last raider, he looked back at Ada.
“Go ahead” he signaled for them to move on to the next block.
“Why do you continue to have me travel with you? You have other companions, yet you continue to have me with you.” Her question made Jack looked at her before sighing.
“Ada is that building clear of hostiles?” He scanned the building as it groaned with stress and waited for her answer.
“Yes sir” she answer and soon followed as he entered the building.
As he closed the door behind them and pushed a metal desk in front of it.
After making sure it wasn’t going to open, he sat in a nearby chair and took off his helmet and bandanna.
His ran his hand against his face and felt the all to familiar scars, the most prominent was the three that ran down the right side of his face.
“What I wouldn’t give for some fucking shampoo” he sighed as he ran his hand through his unkept hair.
“Ada the reason I keep you around is because of your personality, you know what it like to loss someone and you know how it feels to want revenge. Also you don’t fucking complain every time I go on a scarp run” he sighed as he leaned back against the chair which creaked with the weight against it.
“If you say so sir” she sighed as she sat down against the floor, both of her Gatling lasers disconnected and fell to the floor, which allowed her the ability to attach her claws.
As he watched her disconnect the Gatling lasers he slowly stood up and walked over to her and grab said claws from a pack on her waist.
“Here let me help”, he squatted beside her an waited for her to lift her wrist up and extent them.
Once she did, he connected the joints together and once connected, she tested them and once certain that they work she leaned back against the wall an sorted through the bags on her back and her waist.
“Ada how are we doing on ammo?” Jack asked as he leaned back against the same wall Ada was and watched as she sorted through every single item they had collected so far.
“We are low on .44 and .50, if we head for Diamond City we should make before another raiding party arrives”.
Right as she said that a distant voice could be heard, “Sir the scouts said they went in there!”
“Shit” Jack immediately reached into a side pocket and grabbed a fragmentation mine and chucked it at the door and hopped over a coach.
Ada on the other hand, disconnect her left claw and reattached one of the Gatling lasers.
“COME ON OUT WASTELANDER!” Whoever these guy’s were, they were bad news.
“YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO LEAVE THE BUILDING BEFORE WE COME IN THERE!” Silence, Jack wasn’t going to give up that easily.
And that’s when he heard the very distinctive sound of a vertibirds.
“Ada ready weapons, this is either gunners or rouge brotherhood” he looked over at Ada and saw her connect the other Gatling laser, before kicking the claws over to Jack.
“Weapons primed and ready sir” as she spoke all three of her weapons locked on to the door way.
“Sir I don’t think they leaving” As Ada listen in on the enemy, she soon heard heavy foot steps walking closer and closer.
As Jack watched the door he soon came up with a very dumb idea, as he looked straight at the door he reached down to this thigh and grabbed a flare.
“Send them in” the voice shouted, an soon plasma started nailing the metal door, which soon began to melted upon contact.
‘Please be gunners’, Jack thought as he watched the door melt away he quickly ducked under a plasma bolt and in retaliation lit the flare and threw it out the door.
After a couple second of silence, a voice came over the radio, “shells inbound general”.
And soon whatever was out there was destroyed, he even heard the very familiar sound of crashing vertibirds.
As Jack stood up, he immediately got hit by large ball of heated plasma which luckily ricochet off of his chest armor and made him crash against the wall.
As an armored foot stepped forward towards them, the mine Jack placed detonated and seem to cripple the armored individual.
As Ada watched Jack hit the wall, her processors went into overdrive as she smashed into the now crippled armored giant, and with her entire metal chassis, pinned the man to a nearby wall and unloaded 2 entire fusion core into their head.
Ada wasn’t letting another person die because of her, if anyone was going to die it wasn’t going to be them.
“Fuck” Jack cursed as he stood up and ready his weapon towards the door and soon saw a set of red eyes peering through the smoke cloud.
“Enemy armor, watch out!” He shouted as a large black gauntlet reached forward with a plasma pistol and soon began to unload upon them.
“Die wastelander scum” a staticky voice echoed.
Ada leaned back and turned around to see a hulking suit of heavily modified X-02 power armor, in its hand was a fully automatic plasma pistol with sprayed Jacks position with glowing hot green projectiles.
As she aimed both Gatling lasers at the foe, her audio receptors soon pickup the loud foot steps of power armor and began to unload her own weapons on to them.
As the assailant tried firing again a rocketed soon hit their hand and detonated the pistol in their hand.
As the plasma slowly melted the mans metal hand, he sprinted forward and crashed into Ada and soon began crushing one of her Gatling lasers and as fast as lighting it was ripped off of her joint and thrown to the side.
As Jack watched he reached for his rifle an fired at the metal giant which sent a dent into the helmet.
“Why don’t you just die mutie?” The man dropped Ada, who slumped over, and walked over to Jack and as soon as he got close, Ada shot up and fired a rocket into the mans back.
The man, surprised by the robots resilience, turned and pulled out another plasma pistol, this one however wasn’t automatic instead it was a plasma thrower.
As he did, time slowed down to a crawl as Jack watched the metal man soon pull the trigger, as he stared at them, he soon pushed through the pain and grabbed his ripper and charged.
“GET THE FUCKING HELL AWAY FROM HER!” Jack shouted as he dashed forward and jammed the ripper into the power armors armpit and soon felt as it tear right through their arm, and hopefully the insides.
As Ada watched Jack sprint forward with the ripper, her visual receptors soon went blank as plasma hit and melt away at her armor plating.
All Ada could do was listen as she was blinded by the plasma, she soon heard a loud crash as well as the sound of a ripper hitting metal repeatedly.
An then nothing, only the sound of sizzling metal and heavy breathing.
As Ada sat against the wall, she soon heard the sound of foot steps and a flare being lit and thrown.
“Ada report” Jacks voice echoed through Ada’s damage audio receptors.
“Visual and audio receptors compromised, repairs needed. Left hand joint destroyed. Sir I think it might be a good idea to head home”
“Ok, fuck. Brotherhoods inbound, we’ll head to the Prydwen, gotta tell Arthur about this” Ada listen as Jack stepped closer to her and soon felt his hands reach under her arms and lift, which with her help allowed them to move outside.
After 10 minutes of waiting and scavenging, Ada finally registered a friendly vertibird, “sir they have arrived”.
As Jack watched the vertibird land, he watched two knights exit the craft and secure the landing zone.
“Knights get over here!” Jack shouted at them and they listened.
“What is it Sentinel?” One of the knights ask as she looked around at the crater filled streets.
“Get the robot on the vertibird” he point at Ada and then looked at the other knight “and you come over here”.
As the knight did as she was told, Jack took the other knight to the building he and Ada had defended.
“Soldier tell me, do your recognized these guys?” He pointed at the remnants of the power armor.
The knight walked forward and examined the bodies and after a minute of poking and prodding, he came back with and answer.
“well if I’m right sir, these guys are Enclave, sir we need to tell the Elder” Jack nodded and walked outside and made his way to the vertibird with knight following behind him.
After making sure Ada was secured to the craft, he signaled to the pilots lift off, “pilot get us to the prydwen on the double!”.
As Jack waited for the prydwen to come into view, he could only think of Ada, her chassis was heavily damaged and her left arm joint was entirely destroyed, and until he got her back to somewhere with tools, she was blind.
“Sir prydwen coming into view now” the co-pilot yelled.
After docking with the Prydwen, Jack instructed the two knights to take Ada to his room an he headed for Arthur.
“Sentinel, I hope this is a emergency” Arther yawned as he stepped out of his room.
After Arthur took a sip from his mug he looked at Jack and waited.
“Arther, about a hour ago, I was attacked by, what a knight tells me, the Enclave” Arther tired expression soon faded as he stared at Jack.
“They seem to want something from me I have no clue what, but they seem to have been trailing me for who knows how long” by now they had made it to Kell’s.
“Captain, alert the crew. We have an old foe to confront” Kell’s nodded and soon announce to the entire crew about they’re current situation.
“Sentinel go to your quarters. Get some rest, tomorrow I’m sending you in a recon mission. If these bastards are here than we need to crush them before they can gain a foot hold on the Commonwealth” the Elder turned and looked out unto the Commonwealth.
As Jack sat in his room, he stared at the now semi disassemble Ada, who only had her main chassis, legs and right arm attached, as her armor plating was set aside and being worked on by Procter Ingram, God bless her for being able to do so.
Her left arm was an entirely different situation.
“Ada system report” Jack asked as he grabbed a screwdriver and tighten a loss pair of circuitry.
“Visual marginal, audio receptors have been restored” Jack sighed as he stared at Adas head and looked at it.
“God damn it what the hell wrong, I’ve changed the lenses, repaired over half the circuitry in your body, and still you can’t see?!” Jack angrily throw the screwdriver into a nearby dart board.
“Sir I know you don’t like this option but, you might hav-“Ada heard him smash his hand against something, by the sound it was probably metal.
“Ada, No. I’m not going back there, if those bastards are still tracking me, they’ll easily be able to kill me down in that factory”
As she sat there, her processors ran a multitude of calculation an as she did her system alert her to something, “Sir I have detected a fault in a subroutine”, whatever Jack was doing soon stopped as he ran over to her and plugged his pipboy into the side of her head.
“No wonder you can’t see”, Ada soon heard him sigh as he rewrite whatever faulty code there was.
“Huh interesting, seems like someone got creative an upload a virus into your system”Jack soon found the fault and examined the code to see if there was anything to lead back to the hacker.
“odd though it seems to only have effected you subroutines when in actuality it should of detonated all of your heavy ordnance?”
Ada wasn’t very happy with that response, but before she could say anything Jack spoke up.
“I can’t seem to get rid of the thing in its entirety unfortunately, it keeps replicating itself, it doesn’t seem to want to destroy itself which explains why your still here and not in pieces”, after that the problem seem to resolve itself as Ada soon was able to see Jack standing in front of her.
“Ada report” Jack voice held concern as he watched his friend stand an exam her surroundings.
“All systems are green excluding armor and one of my subroutines. The virus seems to be updating faults in my code that allowed whomever to hack me in the first place”
“Ok than. If it gets out of hand tell me, I think I know a way to at least limit it for now. Hopefully” Jack watched Ada moved her arm and her Gatling laser.
“Sir I’m still missing a arm and a working hand joint”, Jack nodded as he looked back at the semi decimated arm, everything lower than the elbow was completely destroyed.
“Unfortunately I can’t repair it we’ll have to head back to red rocket for a new arm, which is going to be a bitch to make!” He groaned and stood up and said he’d be right back.
As Ada waited, she began running a scan of her software and once again received a alert.
[SYSTEM ALERT: Archangel Online...]
As the text rolled across her HUD, she watched as both her ammo and armor counter flicker and change ever so slightly.
Archangel? I don’t remember Jack installing this or is it the...?
[Archangel: Visual Systems, Online 100%]
[Archangel: Defensive Protocols, Online 75%]
[Archangel: Repair Subroutine, Deactivated]
[Activate?] [Yes] [No]
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crew82dfm · 7 years
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#ENCLARE A6BURN ADVANCED BEDTIME WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENT, Night Time Diet Pills, Burn Fat, Belly Fat, Lose Weight, PM Fat Burner, Sleep Aid - http://amzn.to/2sN9YdZ
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rcraft404 · 8 years
ENCLARE - PURE ULTIMATE FORSKOLIN COMPLEX, 40% Forskolin Extract For Weight Loss Supplements, Appetite Suppressant, Fat Burner, Diet Pills
ENCLARE – PURE ULTIMATE FORSKOLIN COMPLEX, 40% Forskolin Extract For Weight Loss Supplements, Appetite Suppressant, Fat Burner, Diet Pills
Tired of seeing low potency Forskolin and slow results?
Are you ready to TRANSFORM?
Your Search For the Most Potent Forskolin Is Over!!
When your product arrives, rip it open the first chance you get. Take one capsule of your Forskolin and 8oz water in your hand.
You have in your hands right now the purest 40% Standardized Forskolin Extract available.…
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If you are visiting Andorra la Vella and want to venture out of the capital city for a short hike, climb up to Sant Vicenç d'Enclar and continue through the woods to see the Enclar River. You will be surrounded by forest, but you will start to hear the sounds of rushing water as you get closer to the river. It’s just a nice relaxing place to visit after your hike up the mountain. http://treasuresoftraveling.com/visiting-andorra-la-vella/ #TreasuresOfTraveling #Andorra #AndorraLaVella #PyreneesMountains #River #Stream #Waterfall #Pyrenees #OutdoorActivities #GetOutdoors #GoOutside #Hike #Hiking #Adventures #Wilderness #TravelAndorra #Europe #TravelBlogger #TravelPhotography #TravelPhotos #GlobeTrotter #PassportStamps #TravelTheWorld #TourThePlanet #BestPlacesToGo #TheGlobeWanderer #TravelGram #Wanderlust #GuysWhoTravel #GayTraveler (at Riu d'Enclar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJFcoe4AVi5/?igshid=y21zmq4n3q74
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Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox from EnClare
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We are happy to offer the brilliant Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox.
With so many available today, it is wise to have a name you can recognise. The Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox is certainly that and will be a great acquisition.
For this reduced price, the Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox is widely recommended and is a regular choice for lots of people. EnClare have included some great touches and this results in great value for money.
The article was originally published here!
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thebowlercapfairy · 5 years
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This sturdy little church, constructed in the 9th century & typical of Catalan & Languedoc architecture from that time period, once formed part of the reinforced Visigothic complex of Enclar. #nofilter #noedit #travel #adventure #andorra #friends #fun #pretty #nature #mothernature #thegreatoutdoors #outdoors #walking #trees #forest #sky #woods #hiking #mountains #santvincenc https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jWtPBBFdn/?igshid=1brm7gl6s77h0
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Dejando hablar a mi corazón, 4am (sin correcciones)
Es como si todo el tiempo, lo quiera o no, yo gravitacionara siempre hacia vos, despues de miles de enruedos, los desenruedamos y siempre estas vos como resultado, es como si yo resplandeciera con una luz que solo vos podes ver y que yo solo puedo ver la tuya, que es igual y la misma. Que al final de tus ojos esta lo mismo que al final de los mios y como que cada vez que nuestras miradas se cruzan aparece un rayo de energia que va desde mis ojos a los tuyos, que me entienden tanto y saben que estoy pensando, como se que si tus ojos estuvieran leyendo esto pensarian que soy una cursi y me preguntarias si lo digo en serio, es que te conozco tanto tanto, desde la forma en la que funciona tu mente hasta el por que de cada una de tus acciones, mido cada una de tus palabras y acompaño tus movimiemtos, que son tan sinceros y tan tuyos, que a veces los entiendo a la perfeccion y a la vez no entiendo , que a veces me sacan de quicio y a la vez me dan ganas de tener tu mano en la mia y tener la esperanza de que se quede asi lo justo y necesario y que mientras tengamos nuestros dedos entrelazados, todo sean carcajadas y todas a todas las historias y aventuras que experimentemos mis yemas no se separen de las tuyas, que mientras dure tu agarre sea suave, pero a la vez seguro y que la electricidad que nos provoca nuestras pieles unidas siga electrificandonos siempre y que cuando deje de existir comprender que lo mejor sera desconectarnos. Que aunque yo lo intente de tu hechizo no me puedo librar, llegas a tocar mi fibra mas sencible y mis latidos incontenibles, que cuando estoy al lado tuyo me doy cuenta lo imposible de domar que son los sentimientos y la profunda fuerza propia que estos poseen, que a veces me haces creer en el destino, que la conexion entre nosotros es mas fuerte que todo, que la quimica de nuestras mentes explotan al colisionarse, y que la ternura de tus ojos y la dulzura de tus palabras me inunda todo el pecho de colores, y me doy cuenta que te encuentro en todas las canciones y mis proyecciones de nuestros recuerdos juntos siempre me encuentran sacandome una sonrisa distraida , que al escuchar tu nombre mi corazon da un saltito y cuando t veo y te tengo en mi orbita nuestros universos chocan y crean la agonia mas especial y las sonrisaa mas contagiosas, las charlas mas sinceras y las ganas mas contenidas,que estas a veces se salen de control y aunque intentemos domarlas, los impulsos explotan y nos fundimos los dos en uno, siempre informal y divertido, dejandolo casual y dejando todos los sentimientos bien guardados bajo llave, por que lo que mas nos cuesta es exponer nuestras debilidades, y vos sos la mia, asi que deberemos seguir pretendiendo hasta q te des cuenta y aceptes que yo soy la tuya, y seamos tan valientes de entregarnos nuestro mundo y enclar nuestro corazon al otro, para que siempre que la marea nos quiera llevar, poder permanecer en nuestro lugar.
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kylebrowning · 8 years
Circus Saturnalia
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3 notes · View notes
joergmoehre · 7 years
ENCLARE A6BURN ADVANCED BEDTIME diet SUPPLEMENT, Night Time Diet Pills, Burn Fat, Belly Fat, Lose Weight, PM Fat Burner, Sleep Aid - l arginine, ornithine, l lysine, glutamine - 60 Caps
ENCLARE A6BURN ADVANCED BEDTIME diet SUPPLEMENT, Night Time Diet Pills, Burn Fat, Belly Fat, Lose Weight, PM Fat Burner, Sleep Aid – l arginine, ornithine, l lysine, glutamine – 60 Caps
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amj2101 · 7 years
CLICK Here for a Discount -->: ENCLARE A6BURN ADVANCED BEDTIME WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENT, Night Time Diet Pills, Burn Fat, Belly Fat, Lose Weight, PM Fat Burner, Sleep Aid - l arginine, ornithine, l lysine, glutamine - 60 Caps
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ENCLARE A6BURN ADVANCED BEDTIME WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENT, Night Time Diet Pills, Burn Fat, Belly Fat, Lose Weight, PM Fat Burner, Sleep Aid – l arginine, ornithine, l lysine, glutamine – 60 Caps #nutritionalsupplements #diet #weightloss #health #vitamins #loseweight #Kyani #bodybuilding #supplements #Sports #weightloss #diet #fitness #health #fit #FatLoss #healthy #workout #Program #loseweight…
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thedoctoraway1 · 6 years
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coconutseaweed · 7 years
I think I get now what the hype is over high-end brands and their campaigns. There’s this certain satisfaction that you get from the collections- sort of like the whole concept of yg family and skin care sets.
If I have the money, I’d buy a piece or two from Ambush, Blanc and Enclare, Nonagon and peaceminusone. And that Kiko dress.
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gadeawenz · 7 years
ENCLARE A6BURN ADVANCED BEDTIME WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENT, Night Time Diet Pills, Burn Fat, Belly Fat, Lose Weight, PM Fat Burner, Sleep Aid – l arginine, ornithine, l lysine, glutamine – 60 Caps
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Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox from EnClare
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We are happy to offer the brilliant Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox.
With so many available today, it is wise to have a name you can recognise. The Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox is certainly that and will be a great acquisition.
For this reduced price, the Detox and Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss, Reduce Belly. Extra Strength Diet Pills with Natural Laxatives, Fiber, Acidophilus, Promotes Healthy Bacteria in Intestines 15-Day Colon Cleansing Detox is widely recommended and is a regular choice for lots of people. EnClare have included some great touches and this results in great value for money.
The article was originally published here!
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