#End the day by strong arming my cut out of a guy I don't respect at all
theglizzardwizard · 5 months
Love when that happens
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 9 months
10 BL Boys That I Want "Carnally"
aka The Horny List
I was tagged by @my-rose-tinted-glasses @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 and @nieves-de-sugui 🤍 Thank you so much! And sorry I am late to the game! I am lying down with a cold right now... what means I had a little time to think about this list and to respect my own weak heart for bad boys and puppy guys... The heart wants what the heart wants...
Starting the list with one of the softest and warmest bad boys out there right now:
Mhok from Last Twilight
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He stole my heart from the beginning and never gave it back. I guess he will keep it for eternity. And that is totally fine! He has the biggest heart and is the biggest green flag disguised as a red flag that is walking the bl-world right now. I love how he looks at Day, how he takes care for him and how he slowly fell for him.
I guess the second one doesn't come as a surprise when you look at my profle pic:
Boeing from Only Friends
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He is just sex on a stick and I am still mad that he got introduced so late into the show. He would have been so much fun to watch destroying the whole "friend group" piece by piece. I would have watched such a show. Well I guess I would watch a show in which he just leans out of the pool like that for 40 minutes straight and I wouldn't be mad...
On third we have our first couple, because one doesn't work without the other:
DongWook and DoHyun from A Breeze Of Love
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I was so freaking happy seeing those two wanting each other. Those two were in love with each other, not just on an emotional level but on a physical level attracted to each other and the series didn't hide it! It is my favorite bl of this year and the mutual attraction played into it. And those two are just two lost puppies who wants to love and be loved and urgh! I love them!
Going on to an old crush of mine:
Forth from 2 Moons 2
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Yes, it is mostly Pavel, but I really liked this soft bad boy with this rascal hair cut and the tattoos. I loved his whole character and yes in the end I am just a weak girl, because look at him!
One character I wish I could drag out of the screen and keep as my own little prince of his stupid white horse:
Yai from I Feel You Linger In The Air
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He is one of the prettiest men I ever saw and his puppy eyes with which he is looking at Jom and the soft voice whenever he says his name were making me weak in the knees. He is a total romantic and just wants to love and be loved in return. He is the perfect gentleman and loyal till the end. He needs a strong partner at his side to be the best version of himself and when he dances, the whole world stops for a moment.
Coming to a very much new pic for me and it is a pairing again:
Naoki and Yamashiro from Kiss x Kiss x Kiss: Love ii Shower
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I mean Naoki looked like a greek god and Yamashiro was just so sensual in this short episode. I have to confess, I couldn't find a version with subtitles, so I don't know exactly what they were talking about, but in the end, did I really care that much, especially when they started using a language I could understand very good? No, not really. Sometimes I just like looking at beautiful people kissing each other.
One of my long-lasting loves:
Mark from Love Mechanics
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I adore War. I love him so much and I am going feral when Jack & Joker really comes real next year. He has one of the best faces out there. He looks good crying and being evil and of course laughing. And Mark was such a lost puppy prick and Vee treated him really shitty for most of the times, but because I love Vee too, I can't be too hard on him. But Mark, I want to give him a hug... everytime all the time!
And on we go with another recent catch for my eyes:
Phaya from The Sign
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He is such a flirt and he makes it very clear that he likes Tharn and I love that for us. He is one of the people I want to be hold in their arms just like Tharn here. I can't wait for those two to finally give in to their feelings! And for the mystical plot to unfold itself more, because I really want to know what is going on! And I want those two to save each other.
The next one is called Papi Chulo on TikTok and I can see why:
Sailom from Wedding Plan
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The series might not be the best one out there and Papi Chulo might be frustrating for some people, but I loved them both! Lom is such a treat and for most of the times I understand why he acted like he did. And after he came clean with Namnuea he was the best boyfriend/fiancé. And he has one of the best smiles out there and such a cute mole!
Closing this list with the one character I am going feral at the moment whenever he is on screen:
Prom from Playboyy
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He has this pure lust in his eyes whenever he looks at Nont and I love it. I don't know if I would trust Prom, but be sure if this man wants to put on a mask and punish me in his basement I would let him... He is one of my guilty pleasures right now and I would watch the series just for him and his fucked up relationship with Nont.
This was fun! I am so late to the game, I am not tagging anyone, because I know many have done it already and I don't want to double tag :) But if you see this and want to do it yourself, feel free to make your own list and tag me, so I can have a look at your picks 😊
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seradae · 1 year
My Queen [FF] [monsterfucking] [naga] [alcohol mention]
I remember the first time I saw her; I don't think I'll ever forget it. I was sitting at a lesbian bar, somehow still fending off frat bros from the local university whom either didn't recognize or didn't respect the clear message being sent to them. She was sitting a few stools down and after the third guy approached, I saw she was watching and gave her the "seriously?" look. She gave back the expected eyeroll and then stopped to think for a moment, seeming to zone out. Then it happened.
For a moment, I saw her. The real her. Her face, her eyes, her hair, her blouse -- they all remained. But the stool was gone. Her legs were gone. She was taller, held up by what seemed to be a massive… snake tail. Snake body? I blinked and she was back to human. I pushed my drink away and asked the bartender for a coke, worried that one of the frat guys from earlier had slipped something into my drink. She noticed my distress and came to sit next to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."
I understood the words she said, but I couldn't understand what they meant. Entirely thrown off, the only thing I could think to say was, "what?"
"You didn't imagine it. I just pulled down my veil for a moment. I'm sorry that I scared you; if you'd like me to leave you alone, I totally understand," she seemed so confident and yet so sad. This wasn't the first time she'd been through this.
I took a sip of my drink and thanked the bartender, thinking carefully about my next words. "You leaving is the last thing I want."
We were virtually inseparable after that night. We talked until the bar closed, then went to a 24 hour deli to continue, only parting once the sun began to rise. She had shed her veil entirely an hour or so into our conversation, letting me see the real her for the remainder of the night. We talked about her nature, the struggles she experienced connecting with humans, and those critical little things like our musical tastes and favorite food. When she got home, she texted me a 'thank you' for accepting and listening to her, which I rejected; I owed her thanks for opening my eyes to this whole hidden world.
Our first date was the next night. Well, it started that night, but we ended up spending the next three days together. The first time she kissed me -- really kissed me -- I felt the strong muscles of her lower body writhing against me and knew that I was done for; she could have me any way she wanted.
And that's how we ended up here. A human pet, collared and lovingly taken care of in a way I never considered possible. I had my own room in her house, but I never stayed there, choosing instead to sleep with my naga queen. She was so kind, so loving, so gentle, and so positively twisted in the bedroom, I couldn't resist her if I wanted to.
She never again used her human veil with me, but she did use her powers in more creative ways. One day, we had been in bed making out, just enjoying each other's bodies and minds. She slid her fingers into me and was kissing me passionately, the two halves of her tongue dancing around mine. She fucked me until I couldn't see straight, begging her to let me cum, but she kept saying, "not yet, my lovely pet." When I couldn't take any more, the world shimmered for a moment and she had a second set of arms. They didn't exist, but my body couldn't tell any different.
She pinned my wrists to the bed, towering over me and staring into my eyes. Another hand made its way to my throat, squeezing the sides gently and making me whimper, all the while continuing to fuck me hard and fast. "Cum for me, pet," she said sultrily and I obeyed immediately, the edges of my vision darkening as the bloodflow to my brain was cut off momentarily. I had never experienced an orgasm that forceful, like my body was trying to split itself in a million different directions at once. She released my throat but kept fucking me, every fiber of my being operating only at her direction. "Such a good little fucktoy for your queen, aren't you," she teased as she drew orgasm after orgasm from me.
When she finally let me stop, she held me close and kissed my forehead, cooing, "I love you, pet. You did such a wonderful job." I slept so well in her arms, safe and happy and fulfilled.
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purlturtle · 3 months
For the Writers Truth or Dare ask game:
🕯 (candle - do you like editing)
⛸ (roller skate but I don't have that one on desktop 😢 - describe your latest WIP with 5 emojis)
🍦 (ice cream cone - name three good things about a character you hate)
Thank you for the ask, these sound like a great challenge! (full list here)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Starting strong - I gotta go all the way to my writing process here, to explain my reply of "a strong 8 - I do enjoy it a lot"
I never learned to write, as in, had a creative writing class, or part of German (or even second-language class)! More specifically, I never learned to draft. My first draft is very often already 80-90% of what will end up on the page, complete with all scenes, adjectives, names of secondary characters etc etc. My editing is mostly catching typos/grammar mistakes and swapping one word or phrase for another. Full re-writes of a scene, taking out a scene, starting a scene over: that happens during the writing process, for me, and even there it's rare. I think I re-ordered scenes once or twice in my entire writing "career"? (as in, this doesn't fit here, I'll cut and paste it somewhere else)
And so, the editing that I do is a clear servicing of my fic in order to make it better, and I always love to do that.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
Oh boy 😅 I'm currently on desktop too, and the number of emojis is wayyy to small for here. I'll post this when I've answered the third question, and then switch to mobile and edit in hopefully better fitting emojis!
Edit: okay here we go:
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Sheesh!! That one is hard. To start with, I don't hate a lot. Like, that word is so strong, it applies to *maybe* one character - and even there it's more of a "I strongly dislike this guy for his actions and motives but I appreciate that that is only because of his (very necessary) role in the narrative." So... let's go with a character that gives me the biggest eyeroll impulse:
Nate No-Last-Name from the Warehouse episode "Instinct"; Mister Blandy Milquetoast McBlandface. It's easy to mock him because he's obviously so ill-suited to being H.G. Wells' romantic partner - but she did choose him, so let's try and find good-faith reasons why.
he clearly loves his daughter very much, and does his best to be a good dad to her. And a lot of that is providing stability/reliability, which can easily be read as boring, but hey, an eight year old (or whatever Adelaide's age is in that episode) doesn't really need the kind of excitement that the artifact brings to their household, and certainly not on a weekly basis.
he equally clearly loves Helena as well. However much or little that is requited or based on any kind of truth, it is there. He's approaching her in good faith, he cares about her, he is trying to build something good with her.
he clearly provides something that Helena is seeking, be it consciously or subconsciously. Hell, a little bit of boring stability and reliability can be exactly what someone needs to get their feet back under them! I only ever read "playing house" being said very disparagingly, with a scoff and a head-toss, but Christ, don't we all need a break sometimes? Doesn't Helena, after all she's been through - all that the Warehouse and the Regents put her through?
I really do like "Instinct" a whole lot, as a character moment for Helena. As much as it hurts my shipper heart to see her in that beige suburban home, I can understand why she's there. And Nate is integral to that, just as much as Adelaide. Yes, he's clearly someone "good enough", someone "at least he respects me as an equal" - not someone you choose because passion has smashed you into their arms, but also, not someone with whom every day is a rollercoaster for emotions. It's like when you have an upset stomach: maybe the richest, tastiest, hottest of all foods isn't a good idea right now. Having bland stuff for a while will help you heal. Might be nothing to write home about, but has all the nutrients and does not aggravate.
Oh man, that turned out to be a long answer! Thank you for asking, that was fun!
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paleairlesscompanion · 9 months
Lost Sterek Fic Please Help!
TW: Fic contains past non-con/rape
I've posted this to Lost Fics in reddit but I'm desperate so posting here too.
I need help finding a Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale fic that I remember certain details/plot points of, but no idea what the title was. I've put the various layers of details I remember below. I've been trying to find it forever - please help me before I go insane!
- Was definitely on ao3
- Was definitely third-person Stiles POV
- I THINK it was about 2000-2500 words but it could have been longer
- I read it several years ago, pre-2018 if not earlier
- Main premise was that Stiles had been sexually assaulted in his early teens but hadn't been able to process what happened to him as being actual rape. He is then triggered when being intimate with Derek, but Derek actually stops when he asks which brings the trauma to the surface. Derek explains that what had happened to Stiles wasn't his fault, hurt/comfort etc.
- Stiles and Scott go to party
- Stiles ends up being raped by older girl (starts as consensual making out)
- Girl gaslights Stiles 'of course you want this/all guys want sex'
- Stiles is ashamed, doesn't tell Scott or anyone else what happened
- Few years on, Stiles exaggerates his crush on Lydia Martin to hide his trauma around intimacy/sex
- Meets Derek (canonical age difference), and actually wants to be intimate with him
- They make out but Stiles is triggered and wants to stop
- Derek DOES stop, Stiles asks why, Derek says because Stiles told him to
- Derek respecting his 'no', when the highschool girl hadn't, brings all the trauma/confusion to the surface and Stiles panics and runs
- Derek goes after him, Stiles tells him about his assault, and Derek explains that what happened to Stiles was rape and that it wasn't his fault
- Stiles cries in Derek's arms, Derek is very protective/tender
Super specific details under the cut
- Stiles and Scott are early teens (middle school age?) and sneak out at night to go to a highschool party
- It is Scott's idea - Stiles is worried about how angry/disappointed his dad will he if he finds out but goes because his friend wants to
- Scott leaves Stiles alone at the party (I think to go off with some cute girl from one of their classes)
- Stiles feels awkward and out of place surrounded by popular older kids he doesn't know
- He is approached by a hot older girl, and is mostly very flattered that she's showing an interest in him when he's so young/'uncool'
- She is some kind of athlete on a school team
*(I could have sworn it was the girls volleyball team, but this hasn't narrowed my search results so now I'm not sure)*
- They end up in one of the bedrooms alone and begin making out on the bed
- Stiles cant believe this is happening and is excited and willing at first when it's just kissing
- She ends up on top of him and starts escalating from making out to full on sex
- Stiles becomes uncomfortable and wants her to stop -- I can't remember if he says 'no' or 'stop' or 'I don't want this' but he definitely protests
- She is too physically strong (athlete) for Stiles to push her off -- there's a line about Stiles realising the strength hidden in her toned body and being afraid instead of turned on
- She dismisses his protests -- says something about 'don't be silly, of course you want this'/makes a comment about how all guys want sex (may have also said something about it being his lucy day and/or how many boys can say they lost their virginity to a hot older girl? i.e. bragging rights)
- She stays on top of him and rapes him - he's gone into a Freeze response, not participating but unable to stop her
- I can't remember if he comes or not
- She leaves him there - says something like "you're welcome", definitely keeps up the whole 'not even considering he wasn't willing' thing
- It takes him a while to un-freeze, when he does he's shaken but he cleans and dresses himself
- He finds Scott downstairs all happy/blushing with the cute girl from earlier
- I think there's a line about how different Stiles feels from Scott i.e. they entered the party as dumb kids but now Stiles has been changed by his experience, while Scott has stayed the same
- Stiles does not tell anyone what happened
* he's been messed up by what she said to him, lots of self-doubt, like he must have reacted that way because there's something wrong with HIM. Possibly alluded to the whole 'men cant get raped' bullshit. Worried no one will believe he didn't want it *
- The next part is more general description of the next few years going into highschool (and Scott getting turned etc cannon stuff)
- Stiles is super uncomfortable with his peer's increasing focus on sex now that they're all older
- SUPER SPECIFIC LINE but I can't remember the exact wording, something about guys thinking about sex every 7(?) seconds, and that Stiles also thinks about it that often but for a very different reason (trauma)
- He's terrified of being intimate with anyone, but since everyone else is focused on dating/sex, he tries to appear that way so no one knows how fucked up/traumatised he feels about all of it
- It's common knowledge he's had a crush on Lydia since they were little kids so he plays it up his attraction to her (canonical stuff about everyone knowing he's infatuated with her, making embarrassing public declarations about her, etc.)
- She is a safe bet as he knows she would never go for him/reciprocate anything, and his antics stop anyone else from showing interest in him
- There's a line I can't remember the exact words to, something like 'everyone knew Stiles was in love with Lydia Martin, so of *course* he wanted to have sex with her'
- There's also mention of Scott meeting Alison, being super into her and all the PDA -- It makes Stiles feel nauseous (trauma response)
- I can't remember the particulars of how Stiles and Derek end up being interested in each other but they do
- They're in a room in the abandoned Hale house and are going to make out
- I'm pretty sure there's a bit about how Stiles actually wants Derek, and how significant that is when he hasn't been able to feel attraction since what had happened to him -- and he's psyching himself up because he WANTS this and he doesn't want to start feeling scared/disgusted/etc, he wants to be normal and enjoy being with the guy he likes
- They're making out, I can't remember if it's Derek being on top of him, or if Derek goes to put his hand over Stiles cock through his jeans, but something triggers Stiles
- I think there's a line that draws a parallel to him behing young and weak against the athletic rapist, and him being older/bigger now but even more helpless against a werewolf with supernatural strength
- He freezes and says something like 'no' or 'stop'
- Derek stops IMMEDIATELY, takes his hands off Stiles and moved back to give him space
- Stiles is still frozen but is even more thrown that Derek had actually listened and stopped
- I can't remember the exact wording of the exchange but Stiles asks why Derek stopped, and Derek answers because you told me to but like it's the most obvious thing in the world
- It brings up all the buried shit for Stiles, because if Derek listened to him now it means the girl should have listened to him back then and it overwhelms him and he runs out of the house to his jeep
- Derek doesn't understand but knows something is very wrong and goes after Stiles
- They end up in the Jeep together -- I THINK Derek catches up with the Jeep as it's driving through the woods and Stiles slams the breaks OR Stiles is so hysterical when he reaches the Jeep thar he can't get the keys into the ignition and Derek finds him there
- Derek is very slow with his movements getting in the car and doesn't touch Stiles
- Stiles eventually starts to spill everything about his assault, but the way he describes it is through the lens of all the fucked up self-blame he has had about it
- Derek becomes obviously furious, he's mad at the rapist but Stiles sees the anger and looks terrified as though Derek is going to do something to HIM (trauma response)
- Derek deliberately calms himself because he does not want to spook Stiles
- Again, I don't remember the particulars but Derek gently explains that Stiles was assaulted, that it wasn't his fault, that it never should have happened to him, that she should have listened
- He ends up holding Stiles while he sobs and I THINK there's mention that he's going to encourage Stiles to tell his dad
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forestwhisper3 · 1 year
Plans to watch MM tomorrow, so I'll finally be able to come back to Tumblr and not worry about spoilers. Just popping in for a moment because while I have been able to do some writing for my fics, I was also goofing around a bit with a random idea that wriggled into my brain while at work, and I thought I'd share it. It's an MCU/Rottmt crossover.
Basically, the premise is that the mystic stuff going on during the fight with Shredder was strong enough for Loki to sense from Asgard, and he gets curious since, as far as he's aware, Midgard shouldn't have anything like that anymore. As he was already looking for a reason to take a break since Thor and the others were getting unbearable with talks of the Coronation becoming more serious, he decided to sneak out for a while to investigate. Yada yada, stuff happens, he meets the boys and somehow finds himself absorbed into their collective as an uncle figure/third dad. He doesn't really fight it.
However, someone decides to take advantage of his absence, and everything leading up to the Avengers movie still ends up happening. Needless to say, he's not happy to have to deal with that during his day out with the boys.
This is all pre-Krang, by the way, so having to face this first invasion would definitely affect how they act during the movie. Am I aware the timelines (as in the years that these events take place in their respective universes) don't match up at all? Yes. Yes, I am. However, I am choosing to purposefully not think about that and just let myself have fun with this. Now, here's a little segment I wrote. Enjoy. :D
"You will all fall before me."
"I highly doubt that," a smooth, familiar voice cut in.
Tony froze- an idle part of his mind noting how the hand gripping his face seemed to do so as well -and his eyes widened as he saw another Loki standing there. Unlike the one with the staff, however, this Loki was dressed much more casually in comparison- worn jeans, a T-shirt, and his hair tied back in a low ponytail.
And he did not look happy.
"You," staff Loki hissed, although curiously enough, Tony could see a hint of nervousness in his eyes.
"Me," casual Loki drawled before his arms uncrossed and he walked towards them, steps measured and purposeful.
"I was gone for one year," he began, voice irritated in the way only one who constantly had to deal with the stupidity of others could be. "One. Year! Practically nothing for Asgardians, and everything falls apart. All I wanted was a break, a bit of time for myself, but noooo. Clearly, even that was asking for too much."
He blinked. That…was not what he was expecting to hear.
"Uh…who are you?"
"How dare-!" staff Loki started before he was immediately up in the air, bound together by some invisible ropes or something and unable to speak.
Now free, Tony worked his jaw as he watched this crazy turn of events. Hey, the longer things stalled, the more time the others had to do what they needed.
"Quiet, you half-rate magician!" Casual Loki snarled before walking over and picking up the staff where it had fallen to the ground. "I don't even know what I'm more upset about- the fact that you dared to impersonate me in my absence or that no one sensed anything was amiss!"
Judging by how his expression darkened at the last bit, Tony was willing to bet which one bothered him more, and damn if he didn't feel a bit bad for the guy. Yeah, this was all confusing as fuck, but he knew what it was like to feel like no one cared enough to notice the important things.
Casual Loki studied the staff in his hands for a second before his eyes widened and he turned to glare at the…fake? Was that really what was happening here? This was seriously the kind of twist he'd expect out of a cheesy b-movie, not real life.
"Where did you get this?" he demanded.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" was the sneered response.
In a remarkable show of restraint unlike anything he'd seen from any Asgardian so far- even Point Break -the real(?) Loki took a deep breath and breathed slowly out of his nose.
"Remember what Dr. Feelings said," he muttered almost too quietly to hear, completely annihilating his trepidation or suspicion towards this new Loki.
There was no way anyone with destruction, world domination, or evilness in general on their mind would go to therapy (and seriously? Dr. Feelings? He hoped that was just a professional name).
Another deep breath, and real Loki finally turned to look at him.
For a moment, it was all he could see. Green eyes that were as bright and vivid and striking as that emerald he'd tried to buy Pepper once. Compared to the watered-down blue of the fake, it was a wonder Thor hadn't mentioned it. Unless he just didn't notice, which, sadly, sort of tracked with the little he knew about him.
He was really starting to understand why this guy was so pissed off.
"So, lemme get this straight," he said, if only to break the awkward silence he could feel starting to form. "This guy here," he gestured up to the Loki in the air who was scowling furiously at them, "-was pretending to be you? All while you were on what basically amounts to a vacation?"
"It appears so," Loki sighed before he finally gave in and pinched the bridge of his nose. "My sincerest apologies for the trouble. I cannot say I expected such a disaster to result from my time away, but clearly, I have overestimated what little intelligence and reasoning those back home possess."
He held back a cackle of amusement, but it was a near thing, and judging from the way the corner of Loki's mouth twitched, he'd noticed.
"So how'd you know to come here, then?"
"Where do you think I've been?" Loki asked with a huff of laughter.
"No kidding? I thought Asgardians thought we were a little backwater planet. Not exactly the first place I'd imagine for a trip."
"I assure you that Thor only said that because he's an uncultured brute too embarrassed to admit Midgardian technology is beyond his comprehension."
That time he didn't try holding back the cackle.
"How'd you know it was Thor?"
"Please. With that charlatan galavanting about, there is no other the Allfather would have sent. And last we spoke, my brother did not have the most favorable opinion of Midgard."
"Huh…You're the real deal, aren't you?" he asked, the reality of it all sinking in.
This whole time they'd been dealing with someone else. The who still needed to be answered- and that was probably a really important answer now that he thought about it -but this guy was the real Loki. The Loki that Thor talked about with fondness, even if there was grief mixed in. Now that he was getting a chance to have an actual conversation, he could see why Thor had been so defensive of him. He was clever enough to figure things out with minimal information and less closed-minded about things outside his world and culture. He was witty in a way he could appreciate and just…more approachable, in a way. More human.
Completely different from the other guy.
"The one and only," Loki grinned before a more serious expression settled on his face. "Now, we should probably figure out what to do about the portal device on your rooftop."
"Wait, didn't you stop it?"
"I only managed to interrupt the connection process, and even that is taking considerable focus on my end," Loki shook his head. "The best I can do is delay the portal from opening and hope we find a way to shut it down before then."
"How long do we have?"
"Around…eight minutes."
"That little?!"
Loki's brows furrowed. "I do not jest when I say I am one of the most powerful mages in the Nine Realms, but it is precisely for that reason we even have that long. As skilled as I am, I am no match for the power of an Infinity Stone."
"Infini-what now?"
Loki suddenly looked like he'd bitten into a lemon before he looked up at the ceiling as if asking for patience.
"Thor, you absolute oaf," he groaned, sounding like he was just done with it all. "Don't tell me you didn't even figure out this much?!"
"Does that mean it's time for plan B?" a voice asked, seeming to come from Loki's forearm.
A forearm that had a strange, glowing symbol of some kind floating above it, and how had he not noticed it until now?
"Yes," he sighed. "I suppose it does. But be careful. Let Donatello try to disable the device before you attempt anything mystic. There's no telling how the two energies will react to one another, and I don't want to risk you getting hurt. I'll never hear the end of it from your father otherwise."
"Ooh, I was hoping you'd say that!" a second voice replied excitedly. "Such beautiful and advanced technology! I can hardly wait to crack this baby open!"
"Guys, focus!" yet another voice- and was it just him, or did they all sound really young? -cut in sternly. "You heard what he said! We've only got eight minutes!"
"Technically less now."
"Not helping, Leo."
"We got this!" a fourth voice chirped, somehow managing to sound cheerful and determined all at once. "Don't worry about us! Just do your thing, and we'll do ours, okay? Okay! Good luck, love you, bye!"
There was a crack and a yelp from the other side.
"I'm fine!" the second voice said, sounding a bit muffled. "Just some minor resistance!"
"Dude, why does the machine have a force field?!"
"Shut up! The comm's still on!"
"Oh shit, turn it off! Turn it-!"
The sound cut off, and the glowing circle faded. Loki stared at his arm for a moment, a mix of emotions warring on his face. Concern was one, along with exasperation, but there was amusement there too, and fondness.
"So…kids, huh?" he asked, admittedly curious. "Thor never mentioned being an uncle, but then again, mythology does say differently."
Loki snorted. "So I've seen. I can assure you, Stark, that those stories have been grossly exaggerated."
"You didn't deny it, though."
He grinned when that got an actual chuckle in response.
"I nursed a few animals back to health in my youth," he clarified. "But word of mouth and crude record keeping stretched out over a few hundred years tend to make for a wildly different account of events."
"Like the world's longest and most twisted game of telephone."
"And here I thought I was the ancient one."
That startled a laugh out of him.
"Oh, I like you," he grinned.
He really hoped this wasn't some sort of elaborate trap because he was already attached. He wondered what the odds were for him to convince Loki to extend his vacation after this…
"Now, as riveting as this conversation is, we do have a rather pressing matter on our hands," Loki reminded him. "One that I would like to resolve as quickly as possible lest-"
"Oh for fuck's s-"
He didn't get to finish before he was thrown against a wall.
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ronniescribbles · 2 years
Scout x Little!Reader
1,205 Words
You can read it on AO3 here!
Spy is forced to leave Scout in charge of watching you when he's dragged on a business trip. Chaos ensues. 
A/N: Ah, Scout, my beloved himbo bean. I honestly headcanon him as a big brother type caregiver, and I think his silliness is something to be adored. :) I hope you guys enjoy it as well! 
An exasperated Spy rubbed his aching temples. Leaving for an assignment in Paris was stressful enough, but having to put Scout in charge of babysitting little you made things tremendously worse. It's not that Scout was a bad guy, he was just a bit too reckless for Spy's taste. That made leaving a delicate, impressionable little such as yourself to his care daunting, to say the least. 
"Non, she cannot use the oven." 
"Ey, why not? You're a big kid, aren'tcha, darling?" Scout nudged your arm with a grin, eliciting a happy squeal from you. 
Spy exhaled through his nose, his eyes momentarily closing in an attempt to relieve some of the strain on his intelligence. He turned to look at you, reaching out to hold your hands. "I will call if I can, alright, cherié? Please be on your best behavior for Papá." 
"Mhm, I will, Papá." You give him a nod as extra reassurance. 
"That's mon petite chou fleur," Spy pulled you in for a strong hug. Something felt out of place by how clingy he was being; despite him usually possessing protective caregiver tendencies, he never seemed to be overly weary of handing you over until now. It could've been the fact that Scout had never babysat you before, you thought to yourself, slowly trying to piece together the puzzle. Spy never seemed to get along with the airhead anyway, so it made sense that he was a bit too worried about you. 
Leaving a little with someone as reckless as him wasn't the best idea, but Scout wasn't that bad, was he? When you were big, Scout was pretty respectful of you, especially in comparison to how he treated others around him. Sure, he had a tendency to get on everyone's nerves around the base, but at the end of the day, you saw that he really cared about his team. 
Spy pressed a final kiss into your hand as he turned away to grab his coat. He muttered something to Scout that you didn't quite catch. 
Clearing his throat, Spy recounted, "Remember to read ze list I left! I will be back as soon as I can," he flashed you a warm smile before he turned and strode through the doorway. 
"Aw, crap. I forgot he even wrote that stupid list. Hold on, short-stop," he grumbled, voice thick with his signature Boston accent. Scout fished for a crumpled up piece of paper in his pocket. He tried to smooth it out on his thigh before holding it up to read it. 
"Always keep a lookout on them when small, no sweets after 8 o'clock, bedtime's at 10:30.. blah blah blah..." Scout tossed the list behind him without a second thought. "Yeah, I don't think we're gonna need all'a 'dat, sweetheart. By 'da way, you thirsty? I got some Bonk in the fridge if you want." 
A mischievous smile crept onto your face. Spy absolutely despised soda of any kind, nonetheless Bonk. In his words, it was an "over carbonated sugar water," and you were not advised to consume it. Even Spy was clueless as to how Scout could function after chugging a whole can of it… but your sippy cup couldn't hold a full can of it anyway, so what was the harm? 
"Otay! I's go get my sippy, it's in mh room-" 
Scout was quick to cut you off. "Nah, I got it. Spy gave me a box of all this stuff you like to use, y'know, just so I had it all here." He gestured with his thumb to a box on the kitchen table overflowing with bright toys, decorated pacifiers, and of course, your favorite sippy. "Plus, you're like small and stuff, right? Let me take care of ya, I know what I'm doin'." 
You giggled in amusement, your eyes following the jumpy young man as he confidently bounced over to the table and grabbed your sippy. You waddled over to meet him in the kitchen as he poured your cup full of soda. 
"Now, shortstop, I really ain't suppose 'ta give you this stuff, but I'm quiet if you're quiet, alright?" He screwed the lid shut and placed the bottle in your hands. 
"Mm, tanku Jermy!" That might've been the easiest deal you'd made yet, honestly.
"Aw, no problem, kiddo." You felt his fingers ruffling your hair back. "And you should call me dat more often, cutie." He flashed you a cheesy wink. 
Another squeal escaped your parched lips. Scout sure knew how to keep you entertained! Plus, he didn't mind giving you soda, which was a win-win in your books. You liked that - his ability to relax, to not be so uptight about everything. It felt refreshing, like a cold soda on a hot day.
You drew the bottle to your lips and had a few sips. The sugar instantly hit you, causing the sort of bounce-off-the-walls energy that Spy's no soda rule tried to prevent. You rocked from side to side in a very little-appropriate way to curb the sugar rush. 
Scout obviously noticed how hard the carbonated drink had hit you. "Yeah, when I had Bonk for the first time, I had to run like a mile and a half through the neighborhood, just to burn it off!" 
Your cheeks glowed pink with giddiness. Scout made you feel warm, like a sort of sugary sweetness bubbling to the surface inside you. For a tiny like you, the excitement was almost too much to bear! But, alas, you skipped back over to the bucket, setting your sippy cup down to fish inside for a toy to tide you over. 
Suddenly, you felt Scout's hands latch onto your sides as he attempted to lift you up. He teetered from side to side, but still managed to hold you steady enough for you to peek inside and grab a plush ball. 
Seemingly as soon as you'd been picked up, your feet touched concrete again. "Looked like ya needed a hand, short-stop, seein' as you were on your tippy toes and all." 
You shook your head in defiance. "M not short! Can reach, can reach!" 
You squeezed your eyes shut as Scout's hand landed on the top of your head, gently patting in reassurance. "Yeah, sure thing, kiddo. I'm sure you can reach anything you want, huh?" 
The weight of the ball left your grasp. "Even this, babydoll?" 
Confused, you opened your eyes, only to see Scout lifting the round object way above your head. Despite your futile attempts to reach it, he was tall enough to lift it out of reach. His toothy grin practically glistened at you. 
"Alright, alright, sweetheart. No need to get all pouty on me, y'know I ain't got a need for this thing anyway." He placed his empty hand on his hip, offering the ball on a flat palm. "Unless you wanted to play some catch? Y'know, I'm really good at playin' ball. Not even Sniper can beat me!" 
Your pout evaporates into a beaming smile, watching Scout's chest stick out with pride. "Ahuh, catch, catch! Gonna win!" 
His laugh follows yours. "Alright, but I ain't goin' easy on ya, sweetcheeks~!" 
This was going to be the best weekend ever!
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anyathefandom · 1 year
To Those Fortunate Enough Chapter 39:
**note** I'm down to the last two chapters and I'm not ready to be done with the Heller's yet😭
"You're up early."
Wallace turned to see Dex walk onto the hotel room balcony. The man sat on the ledge, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"Lean forward an inch and you'll fall over," Dex continued as he took a seat next to him, his legs dangling off the edge.
"And I'll be sure to pull you down with me," Wallace smirked. Dex reacted with a mix of a smirk and grimace before turning away, "How are you?"
Me: Okay so we're starting things off with some light banter which means i'm going to be tearing up by the end of this conversation 🙈
"Me?" Wallace glanced at his son, "Well, my son's talking to me, his mother's alive and well, I put one psychopath in the grave and another in his place: I'd say I'm doing fine."
"Another in his place?"
"I went to see Sonny."
"Oh. How'd that go?"
Me: it was a...
"I'm pretty sure there's going to be a mob war…once he can walk again, anyway."
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"Oh yeah?" Dex chuckled, "Good luck to him."
"Aw, that's my boy," Wallace grinned, gently shaking the young man's shoulder, "Nice to know you still have some faith in your old man."
"I know how strong your reinforcements are…how strong you are."
"Thank you. I appreciate that."
Me: Things are going so well that I'm scared🙈
So," Wallace cleared his throat, "you're serious about quitting?"
"I am."
"What do you plan to do?"
"I'm not sure. I don't know if I'm going home or staying here."
Me: Or becoming a spy! It's just something to consider Dex.😉
"There aren't going to be a lot of places looking for a guy whose only job experience is covert criminal activity."
"I can-" Wallace began, quickly shutting his mouth, "No, I'm not going to pull any strings. You want to do this on your own."
"I do," Dex nodded, "Thanks for respecting that."
Me: We've👏come 👏so👏far👏 honestly I'm so proud of wallace
Silence hung over them again the higher the sun rose in the sky. The men continued to look down upon Port Charles, their eyes darting in different directions.
"I meant what I said in the hospital," Dex spoke up, turning to look at Wallace, "I don't think we can have a relationship right now."
"...I know," Wallace sighed, "and I understand."
"Doesn't mean I'm not grateful that you took Victor down-"
"Dex," Wallace turned to look at his son, a gentle hand on his shoulder, "I get it. I know you're grateful, I know you still love me, I know all of that. You don't have to soften things."
"You took it hard when I told you-"
"That's because I love you. No father wants their son to cut them out. I hate that that's how things are going to be for the foreseeable future, but it is what it is. However long you want things to be like this, I'll respect it."
"Thank you," Dex's face softened, his eyes bright as he stared at his father, "Really."
"Of course," Wallace wrapped an arm over the young man's shoulders, "You're my boy. And like I said, I want to be better for you. I'm committed to doing that."
Me: Aaah this is such a bitter sweet moment but i'm glad that Dex is still maintaining those boundaries for himself and hopefully one day soon they'll have a healthier relationship.♥️
"I see. Does this new version of you mean you suddenly turn into a big ol' sap?"
Wallace stared at his son for a moment before pulling away, "Okay, Mini Irina, that's enough."
Me: The one time where being a Mini version of your parent isn't a bad thing. Take notes josslyn.😂
Just as he stepped into the room, he noticed his phone screen light up next to his bed. He picked the device up, seeing a number of missed calls and texts.
"What's going on?" Wallace asked, observing the sight before him.
"Uncle Valentin," Dex replied slowly, pocketing his phone, "Family meeting."
Me: Yaas he's probably to make dex an offer.👀
"Where the hell are you?" Valentin hissed as the young man picked up the phone.
"I'm on my way!" Dex replied.
"You're not moving quick enough."
"I didn't have my phone on me," Dex stepped out of the Metro Court, marching down towards the docks, "I'm sorry."
"Is he on the phone?"
"Is that Nikolas? Do you have me on speaker?"
"Can you hurry up and get here? It's been almost half-an-hour!" Nikolas complained.
"He'll get here when he gets here!" Irina chimed in.
"Thanks, Mom," Dex sighed as he stepped onto the ferry, "I'm on the ferry now. I'll be there soon."
"Not soon enough."
"I see Spoon Island right now; I'll be there in literal seconds!"
"Hurry it up!"
"Oh my God," Dex rolled his eyes as he marched onto land, making his way up towards Wyndemere. He knocked on the door aggressively, Nikolas appearing on the other side.
Me: I'm dead because he's really about to have to deal with his family for the rest of his life now. Like I love the Cassadines but they can be exasperating at times with their dramatics.😂
"Hi, baby," Irina walked up to her son, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Hi, Mom," Dex held her in return before pulling away, seeing the rest of the family he'd come to know: Alexis, Valentin, Spencer, and Nikolas, who came from behind him.
Me: This family meeting just makes me wish the Cassadines were more close knitted. Like these writers need to do less corinthos/quartermaines more cassadines/Davis girls
"Well, as you all know, Uncle Victor is now gone. Thanks to Wallace and Baby Wallace over there," Nikolas gestured at Dex, who rolled his eyes in response, "we no longer have a head."
"Just like you no longer have a wife," Spencer chimed in. All eyes were then on him.
Me: Not baby Wallace😂 first it was mini Irina now baby Wallace. I love it truly. Second Spencer really chose to be petty out of the blue and it has me cackling.😂😭
No-" Nikolas took a deep breath, "No. We're in disarray, and we need to come together and figure out this family's identity."
"We have plenty to pick from," Alexis countered, "Depraved villains."
"Shady backstabbers," Spencer followed with.
"Duplicitous killers," Valentin continued.
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"This family has a sordid legacy, dear nephew," Irina said, "Nothing is going to change that."
"But we can live with it and grow past it."
"So…we just live our lives as normal?" Alexis raised an eyebrow.
"Sounds doable," Valentin shrugged, "I mean, you're running a newspaper concentrated on highlighting injustices. I'm turning a profit with ELQ. We're all leading ethical, legal lives now, free from Victor's insanity. We're already moving forward."
"Yeah, Father," Spencer stood up, "This family is doing just fine, rendering this meeting to save your ass pointless. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have someone I'd like to meet up with."
"Trina," Nikolas sighed as Spencer walked out.
"Yeah, um," Alexis got to her feet, "I have a newspaper to run."
"And I have a daughter to see," Valentin continued.
"I'm sorry, Nikolas," Irina got up from the sofa, Dex joining her, "but it seems like we're all doing fine."
Me towards Nikolas:
"I was wondering what your plans were now that Victor is gone," Valentin answered.
"Truthfully, I'm not sure."
"You don't work for your father anymore?"
"I see. I'm assuming you're looking for work then-"
"Do you have an idea?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. How would you like to become an agent for the WSB?"
"World Security Bureau," Valentin explained, "Robert and I used to be agents; Anna still is one. You played a big part in taking Victor down, and your skills from working for your father shouldn't go to waste."
"What do agents typically do?" Dex raised an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face.
"Well, what did you do for your father?"
"Just a lot of spy work."
"It'll largely be the same with the WSB. You'll go through a training academy and progress from there."
"How do I get in?"
Valentin smirked at the question, "So you're interested?"
Dex nodded, "It sounds good and legal. But I'm not committing just yet. I want to consider all of my options."
"So it's a maybe?"
"Definitely a maybe."
"I'll take it," Valentin nodded as the ferry came into view. He and Dex began walking towards the dock, "I do hope you choose it, though. You'd be a great asset."
Dex smiled half-heartedly, "If you say so."
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"You really missed me, huh?"
Irina curled up against Wallace, pressing her cheek against his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. The room was mostly dark, light peeking out from the end of the curtains, somewhat brightening the pair.
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I did," she said softly, "I really did."
"I missed you too," he kissed the top of her head, "and I missed this."
"Did you?" Irina looked at the man, her bare skin shifting against his under the covers as she moved, "You mean to tell me you didn't pull any other women?"
"Women certainly had eyes for me," Wallace intertwined their fingers together, "but I never had eyes for them."
Me: It's me! He's talking about me but that's okay because I respect his choice because Irina is THAT GIRL!🫶
"Is that so?"
"It is. I only had eyes for one woman."
"Did you," Irina felt her cheeks burn as she stared at Wallace. The man stared back before pulling her into a kiss. She moaned the deeper he pulled her in.
Irina internally:
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I love you," Wallace breathed between kisses.
"I love you too," Irina responded, her arms wrapped around his chest. She felt her body roll on top of his, his arms wrapped around both her and the comforter covering her. Eventually, Irina slowly pulled away, gently brushing her nose against Wallace's.
Me from behind the curtains:
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"You have so much life ahead of you."
"Indeed I do."
"How are you going to spend it?"
"I'm going to spend it with my boys."
Me: To spend your life with the Heller men is the only correct answer 🤷
"Really," Wallace ran a hand through her hair, "How do you plan to do that?"
"What do you mean?" Irina raised an eyebrow, "Does Dexter still not want a relationship with you?"
"Oh, dearest, I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's his decision, and I respect it. I know he still loves me, and frankly, that's all I need."
"I still wish you two could get along."
"One day, we'll get there again. But for now, he's going to live his own life. All I can do is support him from a distance."
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"I'm thinking of going on a trip with Dexter. We'll explore all the places we could never go to when we were under Helena's thumb, where we can reconnect before he ends up moving forward with his life. It'll only be a few months or so."
Me: I'm so glad their going to make up for lost time.🥺 They both really need this.
"And then what? You come back to Port Charles?"
"Then where do you go?"
"I go home…to Seattle."
Wallace felt his heart swell, a wide grin on his face, "Liebling…"
"You're my home, Wallace, my family. I'll steal as much time with Dexter as I can, but at the end of the day, I want to be with you. It's always been you and me, and it'll be that way until our final breaths."
"We've faced so much in our lives, and we've persevered. We found each other in a twist of fate. We made a miracle who's survived the worst of the family he was born into. I feel we owe it to ourselves to make the most of this pocket of peace the world has given us."
"I couldn't agree more," Wallace gazed at Irina, gently rubbing her back, "I hope you and Dex make the most of your trip, and I can't wait for the day when you end up coming home."
"I hope the same, and I look forward to that day as well," Irina cooed before kissing the man. They moved in sync, going faster the more heat they felt. Their hearts swelled in their chest as they locked eyes, a lone thought on their minds as they pressed on. It was a truth that would remain unchanged in the years to come: I love you.
Me: Could you excuse me for a second😅
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erensrag · 3 years
bimbo!reader x judgmental nerd eren
eren x y/n (wc: 3173)
warnings: nswf, slut shaming, slight dubious consent
i don’t think i did this correctly….
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"no please, take your time. it's not like we've been here for hours." eren's sharp voice brings you out of your thoughts.
his piercing gaze is right there to meet yours when you finally stop staring at the wall. you chew on your pencil, quickly diverting your attention to the paper in front of you. you've done your best to avoid looking at him the majority of the time you've been here.
it's not your fault you can't look into his eyes for longer than a second. he's the one who's always observing you with that cold, calculating stare. you've been on the end of judgmental looks and not so quiet whispers for years now and have learned to not let them bother you—well you thought you mastered the art of simply ignoring those kinds of people. until eren.
you didn't even know he existed until a few weeks ago. the introduction for you two consisted of a simple bumping into each other in the crowded hallways of school, it ended with him bitterly muttering something about idiot cheerleaders as he stumbled away. not even sparing you a second glance. after that, you saw him often and he made his dislike for you evidently clear.
which makes no sense. how can someone not like you?
it's usually jealous girls giving you the stink eye and making up the ridiculous rumors. they're the ones who don't want to associate themselves with you. not nerdy nobodies who can't walk without stumbling over their own two feet. no, people like him usually worship the ground you walk on. or at least drool a little.
seriously you've tried everything to get rid of that menacing stare and frigid tone he always greets you with. it's like he's immune. "jesus y/n, how dumb are you?"
and they definitely don't talk to you like that. you know you're not the brightest, which is why your teacher got this jerk of a nerd to tutor you right before exam week but is that really an excuse for him to treat you like this? biting the inside of your cheek, you nudge a corner of your sweater until your left shoulder is exposed. leaning forward and batting your eyelashes which gets no response from him other than a blank stare. "i'm not dumb. i just don't get it." you pout. "can't you just tell me the answer? we've spent like thirty minutes on this question."
"thirty minutes cause you're an idiot." he mutters more to himself.
"i'm trying my best!"
"you should've learned this months ago. you would've if you didn't spend your time skipping class to hang out with your pig muscle boyfriend."
"he's not my boyfriend..." you go back to chewing on the pencil.
"so you just make out with any guy behind the bleachers?"
"you seem to know a lot about me." you look at him again, that stupid cold stare looking back at you through those glasses.
"who doesn't. you're y/n. the whole school knows of your...activities."
"those are just rumors." some of them are. most are true. you enjoy living life to the fullest. it's not your fault the people in your school saw a confident, attractive woman and instantly decided to put less than appealing labels on her. "and besides they're none of your business."
"whatever. just solve this, this is taking longer than our usual sessions and my mom will be home soon."
you groan, looking down at the textbooks and not understanding a single word. “please just tell me the answers.” you ask one last time, desperate.
you huff, returning your attention to the book. “you’re going to age badly with all that scowling you do. just so you know.”
“shut up.”
"eren..." you say after five minutes which causes a frustrated sigh to leave his lips. "do you have an issue with me?" it's been four sessions of the frigid tension he always puts between you two and there's a lot more to come before graduation so you just want to get whatever problems he has with you out of the way.
it takes a few seconds before he's looking up from the textbook, pushing his glasses up as he sends you probably the most intimidating glare you've seen from him. "excuse me?" the very tone of his voice has goosebumps forming on your skin but you force yourself to stand your ground. you're not going to let some loser who's probably never even kissed someone to look down on you.
"you— you just seem to—"
"i don't have an issue with you y/n." he slams the book on the table causing you to jump. "having an issue with someone like you would imply i care enough and trust me i'll never care for such a ditzy little slut who doesn't respect herself."
you've been called worse than that and usually by scorned boys you hooked up with. but they were popular gym rats, not some overconfident lanky freak. you had a snarky reply on the tip of your tongue but with the cogs in your brain suddenly malfunctioning, you could only stutter out a pathetic, "i—i'm none of those things!"
"really?" he scoffs, actually getting up and walking over and as he does you think maybe it would've been a safer option to just keep your mouth shut. "wide doe eyes without nothing behind them. check." he starts. "plump lips perfect for what you do best. check." and the asshole has the nerve to slowly swipe his fingers across your bottom lip.
you should stand up, tell him to go to hell and get out of here but you're frozen. limbs not moving an inch as he continues, "empty little head. check. skimpy outfits to attract attention. check. i mean let's face the facts.."
you never would've thought the loser that always sits in the back of the class with his nose buried deep in a book would speak like this to you. it's insulting. freaking degrading. he knows nothing about you and yet he has that expression on his face like he does. "if i'm such a ditzy little slut as you so nicely put then i'd be jumping at the chance to hook up with you but here we are." you seethe.
that seems to finally strike a nerve as he scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. you cut him off before he can defend himself.
"is that it...you're angry i haven't made a move on you because that's what sluts do isn't it? bone everything they see? is your pride wounded that i don't see you in that way, eren?" you let out a mirthless laugh. "well news flash, pretty girls like me don't go for freaks like you."
you got up, ready to grab your things and run out all while trying to ignore the nerves inside of you. he just stands there, rigid and glaring. "really?" he asks once your books are back in your bag.
"y—yes. now if you'll excuse me—" your wrist is being grabbed before you can take another step and for a second both of you are stunned, you mostly frozen in your spot because this creep has the audacity to touch you after everything he just said. you don't know what his excuse is but he only stands there like a shocked puppy before pushing you on the desk.
a gasp escapes your lips at being manhandled by him  of all people, what the fuck is he doing? you're on your stomach, feet on the ground as the fucker puts a hand on your back, keeping you there. "w-what are you doing?" you pant out, bewildered at everything that just happened.
"i..." he trails off, not saying anything before manhandling you again. only this time it's for you to lay on your back and fuck, you could fight back. he's surprisingly strong for such a lanky freak but you're a cheerleader who does complex moves out on the field almost every day. you could kick him off, slam that big textbook in his face to the point his nose breaks and run out, making sure to report him.
but you don't. it's not that you can't. for some reason, you just don't want to. maybe it's curiosity, to see what exactly he plans on doing. to see if a loser like him actually has the balls to do anything but back away and apologize profusely.
"you're not fighting back." he simply says, sounding a bit confused as he comes to lean over your body. his hands on either side of your head as he stares down, those stupid piercing eyes staring down at you. "why?"
"shouldn't i be the one asking the questions here? like why the fuck you have me on this desk?"
he raises an eyebrow, leaning back and grabbing your thighs causing you to squeal in surprise. he spreads them, raising the dress you’re wearing until it's pooling at your stomach before you can even blink.
shit. what's wrong with him?
what's wrong with you? you should be kicking at him, you could easily shove him off. you could do it in a blink of an eye so why the hell aren't you.
where there's supposed to be fear...there's only anticipation. "you really are a slut." he laughs cruelly, pulling your panties down until they're completely off. where he throws them, you don't know. probably in some corner to hide so you forget about them, who knows what a pervert like him would do with it?
"you barely know me and yet...look at this." you shudder as his finger circles your clit before swiping across your cunt, bringing his hand up to show you your slick as if for emphasis.
"shut up." you grit through your teeth. "you're—" you don't have time to finish your insult before he's kneeling down, tongue immediately latching onto your clit.
your nails instantly scrape against the desk, shuddering as he begins to suckle on your clit. his tongue delves into you, fingers digging into your thighs on purpose as if the freak wants to hurt you. you can play that game too if he wants, fingers going to grab at the strands of his dark hair, pulling as you ground your hips against his annoyingly experienced tongue.
usually, your sexual partners don't willingly choose to eat you out but here is he. practically eager to get to business. he acted so high and mighty and still has the gall to continue doing so yet he's the one on his knees right now. freaking nerds are so easy. even overly judgmental ones with sharp gazes.
he’s basically lapping at you, moving from sucking your clit to eagerly drinking up your juices. never coming up for air as if he was made to simply do this. "f—fuck." you didn't want to make any noises, any implications that what he's doing is actually making you feel good but dammit it's hard when a tongue is diving deep into your most sensitive parts.
a particular bite has you instantly bringing your legs together but he quickly grabs them, forcing them apart to shove his face in between your thighs again. your breath catches in your throat as he licks up your dripping pussy. he doesn’t relent even once and the moans won’t stop escaping your lips, “sl—slow down. gonna…dammit.”
his tongue licks…freaking everywhere. the obscene noises causing you to hang your head back, he’s licking and sucking everything up as if it’s his favorite meal.
and it’s embarrassing. how fast you come. but how can not you? you mercilessly pull at his hair and shamelessly moan when you do. somehow you're the sweating and panting one as he stands up. "so that's what all the hype is about?" he tsk, seemingly bored.
it takes a few seconds for you to find the breath to say “don't act like you didn't enjoy that, with the way you were eagerly—”
"shut up." he takes his glasses off, putting them to the side before grabbing your thighs and pulling you closer to him.
"you're disgusting, you know? the nerve you have—"
"i spent the last two hours teaching you simple biology and somehow you couldn't do one question by yourself, if i'm testy that's all on you.
"it's not my fault." it comes out as a whine and you hate it, you were supposed to be insulting him. at least have some pride when you're about to be fucked by the guy who looks at you like you're nothing but a dirty piece of gum.
"shut up, for crying out loud. shut up." his voice is raspy as he unbuckles the belt to his revolting khakis.
you can't help as your eyes widen once his cock is in view. for such a nerd, he's actually packing. one hand holds your hips as the other guides his dick towards your leaking area and slight panic starts to take over. "a-aren't you gonna prep?" as orgasmic as that oral job was, you doubt just that will be enough to prepare you for that.
he grins, probably the first smile you've ever seen on his annoyingly handsome face. "don't worry, i'm sure a slut like you has a loose enough cunt."
"you little shit! that's—" your words get caught in your throat, back arching as he moves his hips forward, piercing inside of you. "fuck."
a broken sound leaves your lips as he continues to push his length in. it doesn't hurt like you expected it to but there's still a strong ache that you know will leave you limping tomorrow morning. it burns, burns so good you have to squeeze your eyes shut. you need something to hold onto as he starts to move, anything to give you some sort of balance but the flat surface underneath you offers no help. "ngh...eren..." you're not sure what you want to say but he doesn't give you time to think of something before he sets a rhythm.
it's surprisingly slow at first, like he wants you to feel every vein on his cock and you do. your walls desperately clench around him as you bite on your bottom lip, the room suddenly feeling too hot as his fingers grab your chin, forcing you to look at him. into that stupid gaze he won't stop staring at you with. his mouth is slightly open but no sound comes out. he's perfectly collected and you hate it. people like him should be cumming the second you touch them but he's...it's annoying.
his pace starts to speed up—he doesn't even give it another second before he's ramming inside of you. holding your hips with both hands as he sets a brutal pace that has you moving up and down the desk. "p-pretty decent for a nerd—ah!"
still, he stays silent. ugh, what's wrong with him? you bring your arm up to your mouth, muffling the moans spilling out of your lips in spite but his hands are immediately pulling them off. he chuckles, coming close enough that his breath fans against your face and a lewd moan comes out of you as he hits an even deeper spot. "don't do that, we all know this is what you want. to be fucked hard and fast to the point you're nothing but a mindless whore whose only purpose is to scream in pleasure."
you don't respond, biting down hard on your lips. his thrusts became more aggressive as he scoffs, "fine." his hand finds its way to your throat, squeezing slightly.
you suck in a shuddering breath just as his hold tightens, bordering on dangerous but for some reason the lack of air only makes your pussy throb, clenching tight around him. why does it feel good? why does everything he's doing to you only make you want more? his thrusts have now gotten erratic, almost forcing your body off the desk but the hold on your hips and throat keep you right where you are. you want to let out the moan clawing out from inside your throat but his grip stays, merciless as he pounds into you.
you don't know how much of this you can take, everything feels too hot. it's too much. "fuck look at you, didn't think you could look even more dumb." he pants, staring down. he finally removes his hand from your throat and you cry out the second he does.
"eren, please i'm—fuck...too much, it's too much." you gasp even though a sick part of you knows you could do this all night.
but right now...with the way his voice is dripping with cockiness— you hate it, hate the way he looks at you and talks to you. it's infuriating and too much. a tsk comes out of his mouth, "who knew you had a limit?" he rolls his eyes and in the next second, he's spilling inside of you. spilling and spilling until some drip on the floor.
like he's been holding himself back all this time.
fuck. he could've at least let you release a second time. you didn't think the asshole would be finishing right after you said that. you're panting, eyes staring at the white ceiling as he pulls out. he zips up his stupid ugly looking khakis as he steps back. "can you get off my desk now?"
the nerve of him...ugh. you slowly sit up, dress sticking to your skin due to the sweat and you have to refrain from asking to use his shower before leaving.
he gets you your bag and you slowly take it, throat aching and dry. there'll definitely be bruises around your throat and hips tomorrow and you're sure he's secretly delighted at that fact. "uh...." you trail off.
this is usually the part where they ask for your number, pleading for a second night with that desperate look in their eyes but he doesn't even send you another glance as he gathers up the papers on the desk, putting them into a binder. "make sure to study before sleeping tonight...if your body can handle that." his lips slightly curve up at that last part but he's not bragging, no just mocking you.
"o...okay." you lick your dry lips, suddenly needing a mint. "uh...bye?" you stand up too fast, cursing at yourself for it but his arm is around your hips before you can fall.
you bite the inside of your cheek, the proximity too close even though he was just inside of you a minute ago. he sighs, "do you need a ride home?" he asks grudgingly.
and you should say no. you don't need to be in an enclosed space with this asswipe for another second. just say no and walk into class the next day, demanding for another tutor. and then you'll never have to talk to him ever again.
but instead a weak nod comes out.
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mythicalninjas · 3 years
A Hard Choice To Make - Part 1
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"Go talk to him. It's the only way to wash your emotions away." April, the reporter of Channel 6, advise you.
"No!" Your eyes went wide "No, I won't!"
"Then do you want to live with it stuck into you for the rest of your life?"
You lower your head, not knowing what kind of response you should give besides this not-desired possibility. April is right.
Since you met the brothers—three years ago—you have created a strong family bond with all of them, specially with the fearless leader in blue who your heart shines for. You knew that something within you is brougth to life every time Leonardo is around, and it is kind of torture because you literally fell in love with this terrapin.
But there's a doubt haunting you: Is Leo with the same feelings about you? The objection behind it is almost invalid in your point of view. He is the leader of his group, known as being the only one who tries to keep his brothers in line, making decisions for each time they are out for patrol, dealing with the most heavy and difficult choices and moments throughout their adventures. And you... You are just a human as you always say.
You sigh, turning your eyes back at April "Ya know, I have no idea if he feels the same about me. I'm afraid of how he'd react from my declaration."
April leaves her desk, and sits next to you on the sofa in the living room of her apartment. "Y/N..." she said softly, landing her slender hand on your shoulder "Soon or late he will know; but if I were you, I would go talk to him. He won't figure it out alone". You nodded, staring at the floor again with your mind lost in an ocean of thoughts and emotions. "Try, Y/N. Do not let it consume you; or it will get worse" the reporter rubs your shoulder and embrace you in a comfort hug.
"Would you like me to talk to him?" She offered herself.
"No! No... I must be prepare myself first."
April let's out a soft giggle "Okay. Take your time, sweetheart. Call me if you need help." She smiled.
You let the comfort of her embrace take you completely as a help to try to kick out your anxiety, but your nervousness insists to stay. How would you say to the most respectable man that you're in love with? How would he reacts? Will he treat you in a bad or good way? You knew he wouldn't treat you like an idiot or something but even that you are not secure.
A few weeks has passed since April's advice.
You and Casey Jones were called by Chief Vicent to attend a meeting at NYPD police station for a debate about Shredder after his sudden disappearance in the day that Technodrome has appeared in the sky. And for your surprise you're not the only one who were invited.
Your mutant turtles best friends are there.
And speaking of them...
"Hey Casey and Y/N!" Mikey was the first one who came up to welcome you both as you enter in the police station. "Finally you're here! Chief Vicent is waiting for you" the young brother pointed at up stairs of the building.
You and Casey went quickly to the second floor.
Arriving there, Mikey pointed at one of the several rooms throughout the large corridor. From outside you could see three shells facing the only door of the small space, and your eyes shone. In the middle of the three massive terrapins, a blue and well-written kanji with a pair of katanas.
"Y/N? Are you coming or...?" Casey called, noticing your behaving.
You froze, desperate about what you would do with that handsome man a few steps away from you—actually standing on the other side of the table.
Gulping, you walked behind Casey as you both enter the room.
"Good evening, Casey Jones." the blond-haired woman nodded from the other side of the rectangular table, facing you both "And Y/N" she nodded again, sharing a polite smile. Other three pairs of eyes landed on you while you stand beside Casey "Hey, guys" Donnie waved with that cute grin he has. "Hey..." Raphael said with a neutral voice; and finally Leonardo who, as Chief Vicent, shares a nod and a smile.
Oh God, that smile makes your bones shiver.
"So what are the news, Chief?" Casey asked, leaning above the table to watch papers and pictures scattered above it.
"We got a prove that Shredder must be still alive" she continued "We have captured Karai who was with him in the day that Kraang has arrived on Earth for the first time, and has confessed that Shredder was teleported into Technodrome. It was the last time she has seen him" she finished, glancing quickly at Shredder's picture on her right side and then looked up at everybody there present.
"Wait, wait..." The hot head turtle interferes "Last time? But how? Karai and Shredder used to work together all the time! Perhaps she is laying-"
"We don't know, Raph." The leader cuts his brother, then Mikey continued "Or maybe Shredder is working for Kraang.", Donnie moved his body a bit to stand face-to-face with his brothers and continued "We do not know if all those suggestions are valid, but I fear what Mikey said. Shredder must be working for Kraang."
Chief Vicent nodded positively, leaning above the table "I wouldn't discard this possibility."
The idea of Shredder working for Kraang freaks you out. Shredder is known for being dangerous, and Kraang is known for being deadly; and the two of them together is a nightmare.
After a few minutes of silence, Casey questioned "So, what are we gonna do now?"
"Wait. For now." Chief Vicent responded, not breaking her eye contact with the Shredder's picture beside her, and the room was filled with Raph's indignation voice "Wait?! How much time of wait?!"
"Raph, more respect!" Leo punch his brother's arm, murmuring and shaking his head in disapprove by his brother's behaving.
You tried to not giggle by their brotherhood behaving.
"We don't know..." Chief Vicent replied "but all we can do now is use what we have available to find Shredder; and Kraang. I'm highly doubt that Shredder isn't on Earth. Maybe he was brought back by Kraang. As you said before, Donatello" she pointed "the atmosphere in Technodrome is toxic for those who have a normal cardiovascular system. Hardly Shredder would survive in that thing out there".
"There's an interesting point" Leo continued "But It's been months since his disappearance and till now no one has seen him. For sure, if someone have, they would warn us."
"Or they would help him" Raph participated one more time "We don't know if someone is his follower."
"You mean a new Shredder?" Mikey asked, surprised.
"I would freak out if it is true." You said.
"Me too." Chief Vicent agreed, sighing.
The worst nightmare of the boys is that another (or other) person ended up like Shredder. For sure someone out there have inspired themselves on that horrible assassin and perhaps will keep on doing his dirty work as a next generation of the Foot Clan. It must be happening in any city, state or country right now.
After two hours of debate, Chief Vicent has decided give a break, and then back to the reunion.
You are checking out your Pinterest in another small room of the building to spend some time. But your is mind busy thinking more about Leo than paying attention to the pics on your social media. You just scroll down, the pics passing through your phone screen quickly; then your mind focused in flashbacks of your conversation with April a few weeks ago.
You want to confess your love for Leonardo. You want to face him and say how much you love him.
But why are you feeling something negative inside you?
You sighed, without knowing what to do. Your eyes lift from the screen and scanned the small room around you. There's a desk with a deactivated computer in the left and a cupboard on the right. Cupboard? Why is it here in a office? Maybe this room is used like a kitchen. And speaking of it... where's the coffee machine and other stuff used by workers?
You shrugged, ignoring it and paying attention to your phone again.
"Y/N?" A familiar deep voice called from the door frame. You jumped and quickly looked up at the person.
Actually, at the turtle.
"Oh, hey Leo" you smiled, pretending you didn't got scared by his sudden apparence. But he was giggling a bit "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he came in, picking up a chair and sitting beside you.
Butterflies started to fly wildly in your belly.
"Come on, Y/N! Say something!" you thought. "So... How's things going?". "Really, Y/N?! Is it all you can say?!" You coursed at yourself.
Leo glanced at you and says confused "Um... Things are great. Thanks." he smiled.
Now is the time. You have to tell! You want to tell! But you're fucking afraid.
Your thoughts says to do not do it but your heart says yes. You took a deep breathe, rubbing your hands on your thighs nervously and finally looked up at him.
"Leo..." You called softly.
"Hm?" He looked back at you in the eyes. It seems that your heart will get out of your chest, and you could feel your cheeks burning.
He just tilted his head, waiting for your answer.
"I... am gonna take some coffee. W-Would you like some?" That's it. You wanna punch yourself in the face.
He lift an eyebrow—at least you could see.
"Um... Yes, please". He answered, still suspicious about why are you acting that way. You got up from the chair where you were and walked out of the room, but before you could leave, Leo grabs your arm and makes eye contact with you, worried "Are you okay?"
"Why? Yeah! Why wouldn't I am?" You tried to act as normal as possible, but you couldn't hide it from him. This man can notice if something is right or not. And you fear that. You don't wanna mess your moment. You just want to relax with him, and not put more worry into him. Leo and his brothers are already dealing with Shredder's disappearance which is shaking them inside out frenetically. And the last thing you want is bother him with your love.
"I'll be right back." You gently released from his massive hand and left the room, leaving him alone.
"Damn, Y/N! What's wrong with you?" the whisper leaves your mouth and suddenly you bumped with another woman, hitting your shoulder with hers.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Oh, no. It's okay" the red-haired waved, grinning "I must apologize, I was distracted".
"Don't worry, I was distracted too." You giggled, then kept on your way to find a coffee machine which you have no idea where it is.
For sure your thoughts are torturing and preventing you by something you wish to do. You've been hiding your love for Leo for almost three years.
After ask a cob where to find a coffee machine you finally have found it in somewhere on the third floor of the police station.
"Okay, Y/N. You can do this" you whispered while you fill almost to the top two cups with the dark liquid. "You can do this. You can do this..." You continued to repeat, trying to fill you with courage.
"I'm ready. I can do this!"
Picking up the two cups with dark coffee youheaded back to the small room where the handsome man is waiting for you.
Stopping beside the door frame—you can't see what is happening inside the small room—you took a deep breath and get yourself ready for the long-awaited moment of your life.
Smiling, you walked in.
And froze.
Leo was there, as you expected, but he was kissing the woman who you accidentally bumped early on your way to get the coffee.
Your heart broke like someone has ripped it out from you.
It seems that the world has fallen under you; your body falling into an precipice.
You prepared yourself for three years for nothing. All the worries, expectations, and hopes you used to have, all that moments you've spent practicing what you would say to your best friend, all the great moments you and him spent. Three years of your life were wasted.
Leo and the red-haired woman broke the kiss and directed their eyes on you, surprised. You have to admit that you saw a light blush covering on his cheeks.
"Oh, Y/N." He said, smiling "Allow me to introduce you my girlfriend".
You felt a knot forming in your throat.
"Y/N, this is Melissa. Melissa, this is my best friend, Y/N." He used his hand to mention you and his girlfriend while introduce you both.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Melissa waved.
"Nice to meet you, Melissa..." You shares a small smile, hiding your frustrating, and waved back.
You take a step forward to place the cup on the small desk next to you. Some drops of the dark liquid slipped out from the object "You should drink before it gets cold, Leonardo." You simply said, trying so hard to not cry. The leader got surprised when you said his full name. It's rare to you do it. Since you both got intimate—as best friends—you started to say his nickname as you do with the others. He doesn't understand very well the reason of your sudden change.
"Um... Yes, I will". He pronounced every single word slowly, tilting his head a bit as he looks at you. Melissa noticed your uncomfortable expression and asked worried "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
"No!" you screamed mentally. "Yes! I am. I gotta go. Sorry." You whispered the last word, turning and heading out of the room, leaving the woman and your best friend together. Your eyes starts to get warm and a wet feeling of tears disturbs you completely; you refuse to cry in front of important and serious people from this place. So you forced your legs to walk fast towards the exit.
You were so distracted that you almost bumped Chief Vicent. You gasped.
"Hey, Y/N. We're going to back to our reunion right now. Have you seen Leo? I can't find him anywhere." the blond-haired woman asked.
"He-*deep breath* He's in that room." You pointed at the door in the end of the corridor. C. Vicent lift an eyebrow, studying your facial expression.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
"No, I'm not!" You gulped as see Chief Vicent's eyes going wide by your anger, then you immediately completed, "I'm not feeling good..."
But before Chief Vicent had a chance to talk to you, you lower your head and ran away, the knot in your throat and the pain in your heart growing up wildly.
You couldn't stay in that building anymore, not with Leo there. Not with the news of his sudden dating with someone. All you want now is go home, lay down on your bed, bury your face into a pillow, and cry like there's no tomorrow—well, actually there's no tomorrow for you.
How much time Leonardo is dating? And why April didn't tell you about it? Or any of his brothers? Do someone know about his dating? Or does he didn't tell to anyone yet?
You don't wanna know.
Actually you couldn't blame him because he has no idea that you are in love with him.
And now you have to deal with a new reality.
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calumxkisses · 4 years
Yellow | c.h.
pairing: calum hood x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
summary: prince!calum au - you're his yellow and he's yours.
a/n: hi! 'm not really good with au imagines but i hope you'll like it. let me know what you think of this imagine. love you!
this imagine its inspired by the song: yellow
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“Yellow.” A sudden voice makes you jump. You close the book you’re reading as you place a hand on your chest, feeling your heart beating quickly.
The library is huge, the storm lights barely illuminate the room, making it almost impossible to find your way around and read without the help of candles. The smell of old books is strong, there is a lot of dust on the shelves and feeling small near these high shelves make the perfect atmosphere to be able to take refuge from the outside world, from a world made of rules and confined to the land surrounding the property. Your little refuge, however, is interrupted by the presence of this man and you turn around quickly, trying to hide the smile that forms on your face at the sight of the stranger.
Despite the size of the room, the prince appears to be in full control of everything around him. He is standing in front of the door, several meters separate your figure from his, yet you can see the smile he gives you, his hands hidden behind his back and the fine lines near his eyes that underline his amused expression.
“What?” You ask before placing your hand in front of your mouth and widening your eyes. In your mind, a vivid image of your mother scolds you for your language and reminds you that you are no longer a child and that you must be careful when addressing a prince or any other high-ranking social figure.
“I'm sorry for talking to you like that, sir. I'm afraid I don't understand what your 'yellow' refers to.”
Prince Calum laughs briefly before slowly approaching you.
"We've known each other since we were children, we don't need certain formalities."
“My mother says-” you try to justify yourself, but he cuts you off right away.
“Nobody’s here.” He whispers before standing in front of you, keeping some distance to avoid misunderstanding in case someone enters. If it were up to him, there would be no such distance between you, but rules are rules and he would never want to compromise your image.
You look around to make sure no one is spying on you and, sure you are alone with him, you relax your shoulders and jaw, releasing the sigh you were holding back.
“So, yellow?” You ask, smiling, placing the book on the table to your left while you look at the boy, waiting for an answer.
His curly hair is carefully pulled back and the dark circles under his eyes lead you to imagine him sitting at his desk, with a lighted candle next to him and his gaze on the window in front of him, instead of the pages he is holding with his hand, pages he should study in order to become the man his father wants him to be, but that he will never be.
“It was a difficult choice, I will not lie to you. There are so many colors that remind me of you, the red of the dress you wore at your first dance when you entered society, the purple of the vase you broke when you discovered that you have been promised in marriage to an old man or the blue of water of the stream next to the tree where we always go to sit under it. And there are a thousand other colors that I associate to you.”
You smile proudly to hear that he paid attention to every detail and remember how as a child he couldn't even memorize the poems the teachers taught him and the thousand fights you had when you tried in vain to help him learn each verse.
“When I think of you, however, I think back to when you collected Ranunculus repens and put them in your hair, to embellish your hair and feel like the princesses who came to visit us. You always did it and you always took a few more so, when it rained and we couldn't go out, you had your little escort and you could wear them even inside these walls. You always have and if I'm not wrong-”
Calum slowly reaches out his arm towards you, his hand brushes your neck causing you to shiver all over your body, before moving a strand of hair and grabbing something from behind your ear.
“You still wear them.” He whispers, bringing his hand in front of your eyes and showing the small yellow flower you were wearing until a few seconds before.
“They still make me feel like a princess from one of those fairy worlds I read books about.” You whisper, you look down as a sense of shame takes hold in your body. Your heart seems to feel pain as you think back to how you still feel as a child, how you still dream of those fairy tales you hoped you could live one day.
“You're a princess with or without those flowers on, you know it too, you just hope that others see you as you do, too special for a life you don't want to be part of.” He says bringing his fingers under your chin and lifting your face up. His gaze no longer conveys joy and his tone is harsh, an angry expression has taken place on his face.
“Calum..” You try to stop him from speaking that truth you don't want to hear, but his words have broken through your heart and the pain you seemed to feel, now you are definitely feeling. You take a step back, trying to get away from a situation you can't escape from.
“You don't have to do it, you don't have to stay and spend the rest of your life between false smiles and sleepless nights. Your sister will be queen and my father thinks I'm a failure since I was born. Let's run away, me and you. My cottage already has everything we need and I'm sure they will never come looking for us. We will live that fairy tale we imagined for us and we will have the life we ​​always wanted.”
His hand grabs yours and his gaze is on you. You know he's not lying, he told you the love he feels towards you in the dungeons of this same castle and you haven't thought twice before confessing your love to him.
But this castle, these people, is all you have always known.
It’s a world that doesn't belong to you but you can't just leave. There are rules, responsibilities, tasks that you cannot escape.
“It's not that easy, Calum.”
“No, it's not, it's not easy and it won't be. We'll probably end up arguing and you'll regret running away with me. But then you'll think back to all these tight corsets you had to wear, all the formalities you had to comply with and the man you would hold if you have stayed and you will understand that country life is so much better than a life spent in sadness and that that terrible man who made you cry actually loves you madly and just wants what he knows it’s better for you.”
He also grabs the other hand and continues.
“And if you really want to go back, I will be ready to be looked at with scandal by everyone and to take you back to the castle, to face your father and see you held by arms that are not mine.”
You know that it will be hard, but you have never wanted to be a queen. It’s a big responsibility for a girl that just wants to live a fairy tale, that wants to be free in her own terms. You never wanted a kingdom, you never wanted to be property of some old man and certainly you never wanted to spend your existence submitted to someone else’s orders.
You just wanted to be happy, to live your life to the fullest, to love a man who respected you, your dreams, your independence and your passion for flowers and books.
And maybe house cleaning, mud and small rooms will never be like having silk sheets, breakfast prepared by someone else and the floor always clean, but they certainly convey a sense of greater happiness and a life spent in misery and in sadness it’s the dream of those who do not want to fight for what they dream of and are satisfied with mediocrity.
And you don't deserve mediocrity and the guy in front of you knows it well, he sees it in the way you feel uncomfortable during the dances, when your father talks to you about matters you can never take care of because you’re a woman and in the look that you give to your mother when she talks about her marriage, that is only political and not based on love.
You turn to your right, a huge gold mirror near the window reflects the library, the place where you grew up and where you have taken refuge millions of times. You look in the mirror, the diamond earrings reflect the gray of the sky and are too heavy for your ears. Your dress is gorgeous, hand-sewn by the best tailors, yet you don't feel as beautiful as when you wear old, unfashionable clothes and run free for the castle hills, without the fear of getting dirty or ruining expensive dresses.
Your eyes, pupils who love to look at the horizon, are sad, aware that by staying they will not be able to see any wonder. You touch your face, slowly run your hands over your cheeks, over your lips and run your finger over the bridge of your nose, remembering when you were just a little girl and were treated like a normal girl, a girl that loved when her father played with her and touched her nose while making funny noises with his mouth.
Then you look outside. The sky is full of dark clouds, the rain falls incessantly and a few lightning illuminate the afternoon sky. You look at that garden you have walked a thousand times, at all the flowers you have collected and at all the plants you have destroyed while playing with Calum.
You close your eyes thinking about all the places you haven't visited, all the trees you haven't leaned on to read and all the rivers you haven't seen flowing. There is a world out there, you think, that has yet to be discovered. And who are you, if not a woman ready for life's adventures?
“You didn't ask me.” You whisper.
“What?” Calum asks, confused.
“You didn't ask me which color reminds me of you.” You repeat as you slowly turn around to look at him.
A huge smile forms on his face.
“What color do you think when you think of me?”
“When I was ten, one night, I decided to explore the dungeons alone. I wanted to prove to myself that I was able to do anything. I almost made it, I almost managed to face the monster we thought lived in the cells, but then it was all too dark and I ended up going back to my room crying.” You slowly approach him.
“The next night, you showed up in my room with a jar full of fireflies, you gave it to me and whispered "You can do it." I ended up walking through the dungeons with this jar in my hand, you were a few meters behind me to make sure nothing happened to me, but I always knew you were there, even if you tried to hide.”
“I was able to face one of my biggest fears that night. Whatever other problem happened, you were always ready to help me if I needed it, you always supported me, with advice or simply by being close to me, a few steps back to let me free. You were essential in making me grow, while remaining away. Like the stars, who guide the sailors from the sky, they let the sailors do what they believe is right, but they are there to help and guide them if they need it.”
You bring your lips to his ear and whisper: “At midnight, in our place. Don't be late and take the blue carriage, it makes less noise on the street.” You turn around and walk to your room to pack a small bag with all the essentials.
“Wait, you didn't answer my question!” He says turning towards the direction you went.
“You are my yellow, Calum.” You say, you are far away but you know he’s smiling and you smile too.
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
S/O likes enjoys writing/writing lyrics
Bang Chan
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° You owned this special and locked diary for years, where you kept all your bottles up emotions and feelings in.
° One of those feelings evolving your long time crush on Chan, including the words 'Sexy, Cute, Inspirational, Hot, Prince, and A Literal Angel' all in quite a few pages. Luckily your now long time boyfriend has never seen these fangirl/boy paragraphs.
° Chan was all of those words, no doubt about it. But it is still hard to look at those paragraphs without cringing at how desperate you sounded in your mind.
° Chan however apparently loved your affectionate paragraphs, flipping through the pages as you walked through his studio door. Your heart sank as pure shock and terror rushed through your veins. No one wants their private thoughts to be read.
° The tips of Chan's ears were firetruck red, as a beaming grin flashed towards you. You noted that he read through the entire diary, knowing all the dreams and wishes you had that involved him. No skeletons were left in your closet anymore, it was bittersweet.
"So you really think I'm an angel who is also the sexiest person on earth?" he teased, cupping your face in his palms.
"Well duh, but you can't tell me you didn't think anything like that towards me-" You defended, cut off by his sweet kisses.
Lee Know
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° Minho found out about your true feelings towards him while reading some song lyrics you wanted to show 3Racha.
° He needed to know who you loved and admired so dearly after reading this, constantly by your side questioning anything he could. After literal weeks of conspiracy, you couldn't take his suspicion anymore and admitted everything.
° You are now much more secretive with your songs that you've written, but that won't stop Minho from looking everywhere he possibly can. He is determined to find them.
° After so many large steps that were taken in your relationship, he wants to see how you truly felt throughout them. From the first date, first time, to the promise ring he fave you last week. Minho wants to say it's to tease, when it's truly because he loves you.
° He loved the way his stomach did kart wheels as his heart fluttered when he first read your words. He hasn't felt that amazing feeling in a while and needs to re live it, luckily for him he noticed a place he has never thought of checking.
"So kitten, you really want to marry me don't you?" he commented, a soft smirk across his glowing features.
"Why wouldn't I? You're you. And how'd you find those?!" you replied, tone changing as you saw how many he actually had.
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° Changbin was struggling to create a new song, he seemed to accidently make similar beats and lyrics to their past hits.
° You would sometime write up different songs when you were bored, but you never showed them to anyone thinking they weren't great. But Changbin looked in need of some type of inspiration, so you brought out your journal and placed it infront of him.
° His expression was unreadable, either about to thank you for the amazing inspiration or laugh at your cheesy words. You just wanted him to say something.
° Changbin began to smile shyly, showing you a page he just read over. That page happened to be the most recent and the one you completely forgot about. It was a draft about 10 different ways you could tell Changbin that you loved him.
° You really wanted it to be special when you would say it to him, but luck didn't seem to be on your side that day. You were at least glad that he was smiling, showing positive signs that he isn't feeling awkward or doesn't feel the same way about you.
"I love you too my adorable bean." He chuckled, pulling you into his lap as he held you close to his racing heart beat.
"I'm guessing he new comeback is going to be a love song now?" you teased, burrowing into his soft black hoodie.
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° Your relationship use to be a cat and mouse situation, one day you two were best friends and then the next you two were rivals.
° Your anger and frustration towards one another was simply a way to hide your true emotions. Both of you found each other attractive in and out, but were too stubborn to confess. That is until he walked into your room and pressed you up against the wall.
° Your rivalry left out the door once you started dating, the only ounce of it was left in the small playful bickering and teasing. Which happened every day of the week.
° You walked into the dressing rooms, noticing Han and Felix giggling as your presence became known. This wasn't a usual giggle of theirs, something was going on. You knew that for sure once you saw the way Hyunjin presented himself.
° A sly smirk across his lips as a couple crumpled peace of paper were in between his fingers. His steps were long and powerful, as he held his head up high while nearing you. This usually meant he found something to tease you with.
"I didn't know you liked me for five years, coming up with so many cute pet names if we ever dated." He teased, hiding his blush.
"First of all, you went through my desk without asking me. Second of all, I am whipped for you dumb dumb." You replied.
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° You weren't a very vocal person, having trouble expressing your thoughts and emotions through words everyday.
° That reason alone is also why people think you and Han are a perfect match. He helped you come out of your shell and be comfortable in your own skin. All of those actions sent your heart into a frenzy, finding there way into pages filled with emotion.
° Han knew about your habit of writing cute quotes on your palms and arms, or just randomly taking out your journal and starting a new page.
° He respected your privacy even if the temptation of knowing every little thought you have was very very strong, he held back and let you write in peace. However, when you dropped your journal without knowing. Han held it and the temptation took over.
° As you had a chat with Seungmin, he turned around from your eye sight and flipped through the pages. Many of them expressing how much you love him and how much he helped you without him even knowing. This effected Han immensely.
"Hannie are you crying?" you questioned, noticing the forming gloss over his sparkling chocolate orbs.
"Yeah, but it's happy tears. I just never knew how much you cared about me, and it makes me feel important." He explained.
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° You cannot hide anything from this adorable koala, he knows you too well and can find anything you've hidden from him.
° You learned this the hard way when you asked him for help when forgetting where you left your journal, panicking since the last place you saw it was at Minho's. Felix knew you usually placed it near your bed and assumed it to be under the covers.
°His assumption was spot on, but you had no idea that he had found it yet. Felix took this advantage to skim through a few pages, smiling at the sight of his name in the book.
° His name was mentioned ever since the day you first met, January 7th 2017. He was written as this attractive aussie that had your knees weak, he laughed silently at the realization that you fancied him since the first day you met. He loved it.
° Felix walked out with the navy blue book tight in his grip, his ears a bright shade of red. You knew he must've read some sort of page about him, but you weren't nervous about it. It couldn't have been anything more cheesy than what you say on dates.
"I can't believe Han knew about your crush on me that entire time." Felix chuckled, shock filling his expression.
"And I can't believe you never knew how much I truly admired you." You teased back, kissing his freckle speckled cheeks.
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° Seungmin met you at a library, you were working on a soft poem about not being able to find the right person.
° That whole meeting seemed like something right off of a romance movie or fanfiction novel. Writing about giving up on love as an amazing guy happens to cross paths with you. But both of you laugh at the whole cliché nature of your meeting.
° Seungmin loved how you wrote, taking him into the story each time. He felt so special whenever he found something referring to your relationship, feeling fuzzy inside.
° He liked to bring some of your poems on tour with him, reminding him to stay strong when being away from you. Letting him know that you'll always be there for him when he needs you, even if you are both countries away from each other.
° Felix once found his stash of poems that you wrote, he never teased him on it but would still smile excitedly at how sentimental Seungmin was becoming. Seungmin knew he was becoming cheesy and mushy, he hated yet loved it.
"Do you know how much you have effected me?" he questioned, tracing the curve of your jaw with his thumb.
"Or maybe you have an addiction to me, ever think of that?" you responded, smiling widely as he rolled his eyes at your words.
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° You worked under JYP entertainment to help create songs for different groups, Jeongin noticed you during his break.
° You rarely got to work with Stray Kids since they made 99% of their own songs, but that didn't stop Jeongin from trying to get to know you. It worked in his favor, since you began to develop a living in him after two months of hang out together.
° Jeongin likes hearing certain songs you create or in the process of being created, cheering you on and telling all of his members when you created a song.
° He liked to give you the credit and appreciation you rarely get, most of the credit going towards the artist who performed the songs you created. Jeongin wanted to let you know how proud he was of you daily, even if you got shy from it.
° Whenever you showed him different samples of songs you were working on, he'd dance in his seat with a beaming smile. Even when you were tired and wanted the day to end, his admiration and addicting smile would make your mood change instantly.
"I am just worried because JYP has been pretty harsh on the past few songs." You sighed, tired and frustrated.
"He literally wrote a song about women's butts. I'm pretty sure you're more talented baby." He reassured, patting your head.
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Allies, Pt. 12
The Siege of the North, Part Two
Pairing: Sokka x F Reader Warnings: Implications of Death, I think that's all? Word Count: 3,286 Summary: With the Fire Nation waging war on the Northern Water Tribe, you didn't expect things of the past to be brought up, but, when do you expect anything at this point.
Note: And here we have, the final part of Allies :') But don't worry- the story will continue in a sequel 👀 Phew I did not mean for this to take so long, but I was having a really hard time with the end and ended up having to change where the reader was towards the end for me to... actually be able to write the chapter. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed the story thus far! It means the world to me, really. It's crazy to think about how I've been working on this for four months! I hope you guys will stick with me for the months to come while I write the sequel :') I'll be carrying over the taglist to the sequel since it's the... same story just a different name heh. Let me know if you want to be added or taken off! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and that you all have a great day! <3 Also hi sorry bringing this poll back up bc the results are currently tied!!!
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Taglist: @boomeraangin | @brokennerdalert
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Eyes blinking open, Y/n slowly came too. Her vision was blurry, and her head was pounding. Faintly, she could hear someone talking, but her head was too fuzzy to make out who it was and what they were saying. Her vision clearing, she could see a rocky ceiling, which seemed… odd. Was she in a cave?
When she tried to sit up, she found that she couldn’t move. Her arms were trapped against her sides, and her legs were bound together. Groaning quietly, Y/n twisted onto her side. Aang was on the ground a few feet away from her, hands bound behind his back. He didn’t seem… present.
Observing the situation more, she noted the figure that stood at the entrance to what she was assuming was a cave. They were still talking, and her head was finally clear enough to make out what they were saying.
“I don’t need luck though, I don’t want it. I’ve always had to struggle and fight and that’s made me strong. It’s made me who I am.”
Struggling weakly against her bindings, Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together. “..Zuko..?”
His head turned to the side slightly, an acknowledgement that she was awake, but he didn’t turn to face her. “Don’t bother trying to get free, I’ll just knock you out again.” He paused for a short moment. “Sorry about that, I just.. I knew you wouldn’t give up. You never have.”
Zuko had… taken her too. Why…?
Grunting, she continued to struggle against the rope, stopping only when Zuko rested his hand on her arm. “What did I just say? Did I knock you in the head that hard?” Sighing, Zuko settled on the ground next to her. “I’d prefer if you didn’t make me knock you out again. You probably think otherwise but I don’t want to hurt you.”
Opting to stay silent, she shuffled in place. He watched her carefully, before awkwardly looking about once she stopped moving. He took in a deep breath, when she started shuffling again. “Are you.. uncomfortable?” Being met with silence, Zuko glanced at Y/n to see she was looking at him with a blank expression. “I can sit you up, if you want.”
Not receiving an answer once again, he let out an annoyed breath. “Conversations usually go both ways, Y/n.”
Still, she looked at him blankly. “I don’t think people typically converse with their captors, Zuko.”
“Well, we used to be friends!” Crossing his arms with a huff, Zuko slumped against the cave wall. “I guess the key phrase is ‘used to be’, isn’t it?” He clicked his tongue, before breathing out a sigh. “I didn’t capture you to turn you in, we could… still be friends.”
Y/n took on a pensive expression. “Then why..?”
“Why did I capture you..?” Receiving a nod of confirmation, Zuko shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
“You don’t… know..?”
“No! Okay?! I just-” Breathing out another annoyed breath, he dropped his head into his hands. “Why? Why did you leave? I thought… I thought we had each other's backs and… and you just up and leave?! Just like that?! No explanation, no nothing!? So why?!” Continuing to stay silent, Y/n grimaced internally at the rise in Zuko’s volume. The more he spoke, the louder he got. It was almost hard to imagine that this was the boy she grew up with.
Zuko scoffed, shaking his head slightly. “Fine then. It doesn’t matter anyways- You’ve chosen your path.” He let out a laugh, one edging on hysterical. “You know, I thought maybe I could sit here and convince you to come back, but I can see that isn’t going to work… The Avatar and his friends have won your favor.” He was silent for a moment, seemingly calming down from his outburst. “Uncle told me that I shouldn’t be mad at you, that I should respect your decision to find your own path. How can I do that when your so-called path is going against me?”
Before Zuko could continue, Aang came too, returning from the spirit world. Attention turned to the boy, when he started to struggle against his bonds. After a short moment of futile struggle, he sat up to face Zuko.
“Welcome back.”
“Good to be back.” Aang spoke with a threatening tone, blinding reaching around with his hands- which were tied behind his back -to try and find Y/n’s wrist. Once he was able to grab onto her wrist, he took in a deep breath and blew Zuko away from them while simultaneously shooting both him and Y/n out of the cave. The two landed in the snow outside, where Aang started to caterpillar crawl.
It didn’t take long for Zuko to get to them, grabbing Aang by the collar and lifting him in the air once he did. “That won’t be enough to escape.”
Suddenly, Appa appeared above them, before landing on the ground. Y/n breathed out a sigh of relief. Katara got off the bison, as Zuko dropped Aang back into the snow. “Here for a rematch?”
“Trust me, Zuko, it’s not going to be much of a match.”
Katara blocked a fireball Zuko shot at her, sending a wave of ice towards him. Once the ice reached him, she encased him in a pillar of ice that she raised high from the ground. When she dropped him, he fell to the ground unconscious.
Sokka jumped off of Appa, rushing over to Aang to cut his bonds. “Hey! This is some quality rope!” He commented, before moving to Y/n to free her as well.
“We need to get to the oasis! The spirits are in trouble!” Aang got up, and ran to Appa, while Sokka helped Y/n to her feet.
Everyone was on the bison, ready for take off, but Aang hesitated on leaving, looking towards Zuko’s knocked out form. “Wait, we can’t just leave him here.”
“Sure we can. Let’s go.”
Y/n shook her head softly. “No, Aang’s right, we can’t leave him. He could die.”
Aang jumped off Appa, and grabbed Zuko to bring him up onto the bison. Sokka watched him with a somewhat exasperated expression. “Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let’s bring the guy who’s constantly trying to kill us!”
As they started to fly back to the Spirit Oasis, the moon changed to a blood red, casting a red light over everything. This seemed to affect Yue, who held her head in pain, letting out a groan.
Sokka looked at her concerned. “Are you okay?”
“I feel faint.”
Aang, with a hand to his head, looked at the moon. “I feel it too. The Moon Spirit is in trouble.”
Yue glanced at the moon as well. “I owe the Moon Spirit my life.”
“What do you mean?” Sokka questioned.
“When I was born I was very sick and very weak. Most babies cry when they’re born… But I was born as if I were asleep. My eyes closed. Our healers did everything they could. They told my mother and father I was going to die. My father pleaded with the spirits to save me… that night, beneath the full moon, he brought me to the oasis and placed me in the pond. My dark hair turned white, I opened my eyes and began to cry- and they knew I would live. That’s why my mother named me Yue, for the moon.”
They neared the oasis as Yue finished her story, to find Zhao there- a bag in hand and Momo on his head trying to stop him from what he was doing. The group got off Appa when he landed, sans Yue and Zuko, ready to fight Zhao and the other Fire Nation soldiers in the oasis.
“Don’t bother!” Zhao held a knife to the bag he had, which must have had the Moon Spirit trapped inside.
Aang dropped his staff, raising his hands in surrender. “Zhao! Don’t!”
“It’s my destiny… to destroy the Moon… and the Water Tribe.”
Y/n glared at the man, resisting her urge to attack him. “You’re insane.”
“Destroying the moon won’t just hurt the Water Tribe. It will hurt everyone- including you. Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance. You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world.” Aang tried to reason with him, but Y/n wasn’t sure words alone would stop the man.
“He is right, Zhao!” Heads turned to Iroh, as he approached.
“General Iroh, why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?” Zhao spoke in a bored tone.
Iroh lowered his hood. “I’m no traitor, Zhao, the Fire Nation needs the moon too. We all depend on the balance.”
Unsurprisingly, Zhao continued to hold his threat on the Moon Spirit, the knife he held at the bag it was captive in not dropping.
“Whatever you do to that spirit I’ll unleash on you ten-fold!” Iroh pointed a finger at Zhao, before taking on a firebending stance. “LET IT GO, NOW!”
After a moment of stillness, Zhao faltered, lowering the bag. He kneeled and released the fish of the Moon Spirit back into the pond. The red light casted from the moon returned back to normal.
Seeing something move in the corner of her eye, Y/n’s attention moved to the right, just in time for her to see a figure sneaking away. Careful not to draw attention to herself, she followed after them, noting that Zuko was missing from Appa’s saddle as she snuck by. He was taking the chance to sneak away, while everyone was focused on Zhao. If she had anything to say about it, he wouldn’t be getting far.
In her pursuit, the moon fell dark, probably thanks to Zhao. It’s not a surprise that he would try and kill the moon spirit, even after letting it go. Keeping her distance and staying as hidden as she can, Y/n continued to follow Zuko- Only stopping when he did. Eyebrows furrowing together, she watched as he shot a blast of flames to a lower area from where they stood- Which was shot at Zhao.
The man stopped in his steps, looking up at Zuko incredulously. “You’re alive?”
“You tried to have me killed!”
He shot several more blasts at Zhao, which he was able to dodge. When he tried to run off in the other direction, Y/n moved quickly to grab her bow and an arrow, shooting it at the ground in front of him. Both Zhao and Zuko were shocked by this, not having noticed her before.
“You tried to have him killed?!”
Zhao’s gaze darted between the two, before primarily focusing on Zuko. “Yes, I did. You’re the Blue Spirit- and enemy of the Fire Nation! You freed the Avatar!” Pausing, he pointed to Y/n. “And her!” His words dripped with venom.
“I had no choice!”
Zuko fired several more attacks at Zhao, while Y/n readied an arrow- though she waited to shoot it until the right moment. Zhao avoided the attacks, removing and dropping his smoking cloak as they subsided. “You should have chosen to accept your failure- your disgrace! Then, at least you could have lived.”
Returning the fire, the two end up in a short exchange of attacks, before Zuko blasted Zhao in the chest, knocking him down. Having seemed to realize Y/n was waiting for the right moment for attack, Zuko glanced at her. “Now.”
Though she didn’t need his signal- In quick succession she fired two arrows at Zhao, one pinning his sleeve to the ground, the other pinning his pant leg. The two jumped down to the lower level Zhao was, landing on either side of him as he struggled to free his clothes from the arrows. Zuko took on a firebending stance, while Y/n pulled another arrow through her bow. They both waited to attack, watching the man carefully.
Finally wiggling the arrow free from his shirt sleeve, he scoffed, looking between the two. “Two traitors working together again, hm? I’m not surprised at this point.”
Y/n narrowed her eyes when the Admiral quit trying to wiggle the arrow pinning his pant leg down free, quickly pivoting on her heel at realization. Twisting to the side, she narrowly dodged the arrow when he threw it at her. This initiated the fight once again, Zuko sending a relentless stream of attacks. Realizing her bow wasn’t going to get her anywhere in a close range fight, Y/n hooked it away onto her quiver, running at Zhao while he traded fire blasts with Zuko. She grabbed onto his arm as he tried to send an attack at the prince, yanking it to the side so the blast shot to the right. He twisted his other arm to send a fireball right into her face, which she was able to duck away from as she released his arm. The momentary distraction gave Zuko the opening to shoot a powerful blast at Zhao, knocking him back a bit.
Unable to keep his attention on both of them at once, Y/n was able to swipe her leg at his ankles while he was focused on Zuko, knocking him down. Not relenting, Zhao shot a blast at Y/n, catching her off guard and knocking her down. She rolled out of the way of another blast, before Zuko helped her off the ground- While firing at Zhao. The two looked at each other briefly, sharing a nod.
Running at Zhao once again, Y/n twisted, ducked and dodged the attacks sent at her, while also giving room for Zuko to send his own blasts at the man. Once close enough, she started throwing punches at Zhao, taking his attention in the fight. The close proximity of the fight didn’t stop him from using his fire, leaving parts of her clothes to be singed. She ducked when he tried to punch her with a blazing fist, giving the opening for Zuko to send another powerful blast at Zhao, knocking him down once again.
He didn’t get up this time, rather looking past the two with a horror ridden expression. “It can’t be!”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/n turned to see what he was looking at- The moon. In the heat of the battle, she hadn’t noticed it started to shine bright once again.
Suddenly, water rose up coalescing around the bridge they were on, taking the form of a large fish like creature. It reached out and grabbed Zhao, pulling him off the bridge. He struggled against it, before Zuko reached out to him. “Take my hand!”
For a moment, it seemed like he was going to grasp onto Zuko’s hand, but instead drew back- an expression of hate taking over his features. Zhao was taken under the surface of the water, disappearing. Crossing her arms, Y/n looked at the surface of the water in near disbelief.
Silence lingered in the air, it only being broken when Zuko quietly cleared his throat. Looking up from the surface of the water, she glanced over at him. He took a minute, before speaking up.
“Listen, Y/n… I’m… sorry. For everything. I- Ugh, what am I even trying to say here.”
She raised an eyebrow in amusement. “That you’re sorry?”
“Yes- Wait, I already said that..” He breathed out a sigh, holding a hand to his forehead. Laughing softly, she held out her hand.
He hesitated for a moment, before grasping onto her hand, a soft smile tugging up his lips. “Truce.”
Tugging him a step closer, Y/n put an arm around his neck, bringing him into a hug. Zuko tensed at the action, but returned it nonetheless.
“We can still be friends..” Mumbling quietly, she broke away from the hug. “But I need to get back to them.”
“I.. understand.” He paused. “Actually, no, I don’t. But… I won’t stop you.”
Offering a small smile, she slipped past him, intending to go back to the oasis. She stopped on the way there, however, seeing that her friends were gathered. Katara waved her over, inviting her into the group hug they were currently sharing. Running over, she joined them, a wide smile on her face.
Sea water gently splashed up against the sides of the boat, spraying past the railings. The more Y/n sat with her back against them, her head leaned back, the more the back of her shirt and her hair dampened from the water. Eyes closed, she took in a deep breath. With her terrible track record on boats, she didn’t know that being out at sea could be so… relaxing.
“Can’t sleep?”
She shook her head softly in response. “You can’t either?”
Sokka breathed out a quiet, somewhat tense, laugh. “No..” He paused for a short moment. “Do you mind?”
Opening her eyes to see that he was motioning to the space on the deck next to her, Y/n offered a soft smile. “Not at all.”
Muttering a small thanks, he gave a weak smile in return, before settling down next to her. He sat close enough for their shoulders to press together, the close proximity made her heart race.
Silence lingered over them for a long moment, before Y/n spoke up. “I heard what happened… With Yue.”
Breathing out a soft sigh, Sokka tilted his head back, looking up at the moon. “Yeah… I figured you would.”
“I’m sorry for bringing it up but- I just wanted to say if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always right here.”
“Thanks..” He paused for a moment. “You know, I went to that shop you were working at once when you weren’t there. I was trying to catch you there, that… didn’t work out- Obviously.” He breathed out a quiet chuckle, digging into his coat pocket. “But I did meet that lady you worked for, and she asked me to make sure this got to you.” He held out a bracelet, the one she’d been looking at in the shop before she started working there.
Her eyes widened slightly. “I forgot about that.”
“That’s why she asked me to give it to you. Let me see your wrist.” He tied the bracelet around her wrist, once she held it out to him.
“Thanks.” She spoke with a smile, twisting her wrist slightly causing the stone to glint in the moonlight.
“It’s no problem.” Smirking, he took on a slightly teasing tone. “I didn’t expect you to be a jewelry person.”
Pressing a hand to her chest, she feigned an over exaggerated offence. “Just because I lived in a forest and can fight better than you doesn’t mean I can’t like girly things.”
He looked at her offended. “You cannot fight better than me!” She leaned a bit closer to him, raising an eyebrow. “You wanna test that theory?”
Falling silent, he gulped. “No, I think I’m good.”
They were both quiet, before breaking into a short fit of laughter. Leaning back against the boat's railing, Y/n hugged one of her knees to her chest.
Once again, silence fell over them. After a few moments, a sudden weight was on her shoulder. Tensing slightly, she looked to the side, to see that Sokka had fallen asleep- His head now leaning on her shoulder. She opened her mouth to wake him up, but stopped herself.
Something in her didn’t want to wake him up… The closeness was… Nice.
Letting her eyes fall closed, she leaned her head back, absentmindedly fiddling with the bracelet tied around her wrist. She felt so calm, but still her heart raced, and she wasn’t sure why.
With certain thoughts and memories coming to mind, however, the pieces started to fit together.
And it was in that moment, Y/n realized.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 10*
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So here's the thing:
I'm actually almost done writing this story, but I have so much written that I need to split it up so...the way I did it because I REFUSE to have odd number of chapters is that this is the technical "end" of the story. Yes. I know.
The "epilogue" is coming out in a few hours, and really it's the ending so don't worry okay? And I say that because you will worry. A LOT.
Anyway enjoy!
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You were in the middle of your mental breakdown when you heard a voice that made your blood run cold.
“Izzie, Izzie, Izzie….”
You raised your head to see Lewis grinning wildly like a mad man.
“Don’t you know by now? You’re never going to get rid of me,” He continued to grin wickedly. “And no man is ever going to love you the way I do,”
“T-That’s not true,” You whispered while you shook your head.
“Isn’t it? I could hear your little exchange in there,” His voice was soft and cruel, he knew how to manipulate your mind so easily.
“Barba was just using you for some sex on the side, probably wanting you to do things his little ginger wouldn’t dare think of. Things a respectable woman wouldn’t do. He figured a cute little stupid thing like you would do anything for a big fancy lawyer,”
“That’s not true,” You tried to block his voice out, curling your knees up into your chest and shutting your eyes.
“It’s absolutely true and you know it,” He continued to torment you with his cruel words. “Now, just untie me and I promise to let the happy couple go, that mean old ADA won’t hurt you anymore with his lies,”
“You’re the liar,” You growled.
“Am I?” He asked you in a sincere voice. “Have I ever been anything but faithful to you? Have I not gotten you anything you ever wanted? Did I not keep you happy?”
“Not when you were abusing me, Tommy,” You spit at him.
“Alright, well sure I had a temper. But I’ve never been anything but honest with you, and you know it,” He continued.
“Come on baby, just untie me. We can punish that ADA together,” He whispered.
“I don’t think so,” Olivia’s voice came from behind you before the cattle prod was being pushed passed you and hitting Lewis for several seconds. He screamed out in pain and convulsed wildly before going unconscious again.
You blinked several times as Lewis’s voice faded from your throughs. It was as if you were being knocked out of a trance. You finally looked at Olivia with an embarrassed face.
“...Thank you,” You muttered. “I should have--”
“No, don’t do that,” She stopped you. “Don’t apologize for anything. That guy is a monster, he’ll say anything to anyone. He knows how to get in your head, I’m sure you know that,”
“A smarter person wouldn’t let him,” You pushed your hair behind your ears. “You didn’t,”
“I almost did, trust me,” She put a hand to your shoulder. “He’s the closest anyone has gotten inside my head. But he definitely scared the shit out of me,”
“...Right,” You shook your head, not feeling worthy of her compassion. You had almost just let a psychopath get back to his reign of terror because of simple words.
“Look I know it’s uncomfortable, but I think you should probably wait with us in the living room,”
“...Right,” You nodded and followed her back to your living room where Rafael held his head in his hands. He immediately looked up at the two of you in concern.
“What happened?! I heard Lewis scream,” He asked worriedly.
“We handled it,” Olivia dismissed his worries.
“Y/N I---” Rafael was interrupted by a banging at the door.
“LIV! BARBA! You okay?” Rafael heard Fin’s came booming through the door. Liv ran over and opened it, letting in her squad and several paramedics and cops. They began filling your apartment, throwing Rafael on a gurney and checking you and Olivia out.
“We’re going to need to take you to the hospital, ma’am,” One paramedic informed you.
“Oh it’s fine I’ve dealt with this before, if I just wrap it and let it set it’s--”
“Uh, ma’am I don’t know what you’ve been told, but this wrist needs medical attention,”
“Oh,” You felt your face grow hot. You had been so used to having broken bones kept under wraps you clearly had no regard for yourself.
“Right, yeah ok whatever,” You shrugged as you followed the paramedic down the hall. Before the elevator arrived a cop came running after you.
“Oh ma’am, we’re going to need to keep your apartment vacant for a few days, it’s an official crime scene,” He informed you. “Do you have anywhere to stay?”
“Yeah, I have a dorm room,” You nodded, but suddenly remembered Zipper and Dash. “My cats though, I don’t have anywhere for my cats,”
“Um I don’t want to alarm you ma’am but we haven’t seen any cats,”
“They’re scared of strangers,” You assured him. “They’ve probably been hiding since Lewis brought me here,”
“Ah,” He nodded. “Well, do you think they will come out any time soon?”
“As long as there’s strangers in there? No,” You shook your head.
“Well, I suppose they can stay,” He sighed, not really wanting to deal with animals. That was below his pay grade for sure.
“Great,” You nodded, just as the elevator arrived. “Thanks officer,”
“We’ll need to get your statement at the hospital as well,”
“Awesome,” You rolled your eyes as the elevator doors closed.
Even more ‘awesome’ awaited you in the parking lot, when you realized there was only one ambulance. And Olivia and Rafael were already in it.
“Oh, no look I’m sure there’s no room for me in there--”
“No ma’am you’re fine, there’s one more seat next to Ms. Benson,” The paramedic assured you as he led you to the ambulance and helped you inside to sit next to Olivia. Rafael was hooked up to oxygen while strapped into the gurney, he blinked at you with sad eyes.
“Great…” You sighed, trying not to look at him.
The ride to the hospital was silent and awkward, Olivia was stroking Rafael’s hair while he laid there incapacitated. She hated seeing him like this, so small and pitiful. He was usually so smooth and strong, quick with the quips and attitude.
“You know he was telling the truth,” She said softly while still stroking him and looking in his eyes. They softened in appreciation when she spoke.
“I’m sorry?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not his girlfriend,” She turned to look at you.
“Could’ve fooled me,” You gestured to her comforting pets.
“I’m his best friend,” She explained. “I know he likes to have his hair stroked when he’s sick. His abuela used to do it when he was a child,” You looked at Rafael who softly nodded, confirming her explanation.
“Yeah, well--” You looked at the floor of the ambulance. “I wouldn’t know that. I wouldn’t know anything, because I don’t know him,”
“But you could,”
“Can we just--?” You gave them both a look that you were really not in the mood to discuss this right now.
“Yeah, sorry,” Olivia nodded before looking at Rafael and mouthed “I tried”. He nodded in appreciation, weakly squeezing her hand.
Finally you reached the hospital. Nurses helped you out of the vehicle while others pulled Rafael out and rushed him inside in front of you and Olivia. You were both escorted opposite ways by nurses to get checked out yourselves.
After a few hours your wrist had been splinted, and your bruises and cuts were cleaned and patched. You had actually never been this taken care of in a long time-- maybe ever. You had learned to just live with your injuries from Lewis, you didn’t think you deserved it after letting him do that to you. While you were being discharged, you heard a voice you never expected.
“Y/N!!!” You looked up to see your dorm mate Kyra come running over to you.
“Kyra, what--- what are you doing here?”
“I’m your emergency contact, duh,” She gestured like it was the most obvious thing. “Although I’m such a horrible contact, I should have noticed you were in trouble when you didn’t show up last night. I am so sorry, Y/N!” She threw her arms around you, hitting your broken wrist.
“Oww,” You winced in pain, making her jump back.
“Oh my God,” She made a face, “I’m so sorry love, oh God are you okay?”
“Yeah, no I’m fine,” You nodded “Let’s just go home,”
Out of nowhere came Olivia, stopping the two of you before you reached the front door.
“Oh for fuck’s sake--” You muttered under your breath.
“Who’s this?” Olivia nodded at Kyra.
“This is my dorm mate, Kyra,”
“Oh my god is this the cop you were with? Ma’am I am so sorry, I should have checked--”
“It’s fine sweetie,” She interjected. “Really,” Then she turned her attention to you. “Aren’t you going to go say goodbye to Rafael?”
“....Why would I do that?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh I don’t know, in case he dies and the last thing he hears from you is some bullshit about being ‘done’ with him?” Olivia crossed her arms.
“Are you seriously trying to guilt me into going to see him?” You scoffed in disbelief. How dare she?
“I’m just saying,” She shrugged. “If you’re going to disappear on him I think he at the very least deserves a proper goodbye from you. I think you owe him that,”
“Owe him?” You scoffed. “Are you kidding me?”
“You got him kidnapped and shot Y/N, so yeah I think you owe him,” She narrowed her eyes.
“Fine,” You rolled your eyes as you stomped off towards a room you saw them take Rafael to earlier, you assumed from a surgery. You entered the room just as the doctor was leaving.
“Oh hello, I was just telling your husb--” He started to tell you.
“He’s not my husband,”
“Oh sorry, I was telling your boyfr--”
“He’s NOT my boyfriend,”
“....Right, okay well I was telling this man, that he’s pretty lucky,” The doctor finally gave up trying to guess the nature of your relationship.
“Lucky to get shot?” You rolled your eyes.
“No, he’s lucky someone pulled the bullet out of his wound before tying it up. That thing could have embedded itself within the tissue and he would have gone septic,”
“He would have lost his leg, or died,” Your face dropped when the words came out of his mouth.
He could have died. You could have gotten him killed. Forget your well being, he didn’t deserve to die because he had the misfortune of meeting you.
“He’s lucky to have a guardian angel,” The doctor gave you a knowing look.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure guardian angels don’t get their charges shot in the first place,”
“Don’t listen to her,” Rafael’s voice came from behind the two of you. “She is my angel,”
“He’s hopped up on pain meds,” You pointed out his amorous statement.
“....I wouldn’t be so sure,” He walked out with a smile. You rolled your eyes once again but moved closer to Rafael’s bed. You went to take his hands, but you thought better of it. You didn’t want to make this any harder.
“I’m glad you stayed,” He decided to hold your hands himself, but you pulled away.
“I stayed because I was getting this treated,” You presented your wrist. “And now I’m leaving with my dorm mate. But Olivia said I ‘owe’ you a goodbye so--”
“You ‘owe' me?” He snorted sarcastically. “God I love Olivia, but she’s so--”
“Bitchy?” You half laughed.
“Overprotective,” He corrected you.
“Well, I’m sure you guys can protect each other from now on, without me getting you shot,”
“You didn’t get me--”
“Yeah but I did though,” You cut him off. “If you had never met me, Lewis wouldn’t have cared about hurting you,”
“I’m pretty sure he would have wanted to anyway, he only showed up to my office to find out information about me,” He pointed out.
“Well, whatever,” You waved away his absolutions. “It happened, and I’m sorry,”
“You don’t have to be--”
“I don’t care, Rafael. Just-- just let me apologize, let me feel guilty. Just take care of yourself, okay?” You started to back away from his bed.
“I’d rather you take care of me,”
“Yeah well,” You ran your fingers through your hair. “That’s too bad, because I’m leaving here and I’m not looking back,” You turned to leave.
“So I’ll see you Monday,” You could hear the smirk in his voice. He really wasn’t getting this.
“No, you won’t,” You sighed. “I told Rita I’m resigning from my position,”
“Because of me?” He cocked his head to the side like a puppy dog.
“Because I was just held hostage by my abusive husband and I’m pretty traumatized by it, Rafael! I think I deserve a bit of fucking time to….collect myself,” You tried to find a word for ‘keep your sanity’,”
“You’re not ‘collecting yourself’, you’re running,” He challenged you.
“Excuse the fuck out of you,” Your eyes filled with flames. “I am NOT running--”
“Yes you are!” He interjected angrily. “When something bad happens to you, you can’t deal with it so you just run,”
“You absolutely completely insensitive narcissistic prick,” You growled. “How dare you fucking say that to me! After everything I told you, after everything you know I went through with Lewis,”
“Alright that may have been--,”
“See this?” You referenced his cold tactic trying to get you to stay with him. “This is why I’m leaving. You bit back tears even harder.
“What?” He asked you with furrowed eyebrows.
“Rafael I have--” You searched for the words. “...Had feelings for you, for a long time now,” You took a deep breath, refusing to break down now. You had gotten this far, just say your piece and leave.
“But you,” You shook your head with a dry laugh. “You didn’t even see me, not until I was finally something you wanted to look at,”
“That’s not fair--”
“YES, it is!” You weren’t letting him win this. “That's exactly what happened!”
“Not, not really--”
“Yes, really,” You finally couldn’t hold back the tears overflowing from your pupils. “You think you have these ‘feelings’ for me, and it’s completely superficial!”
“....But it doesn't have to be,” He finally conceded that he really didn’t know anything about you, except that you were adorably awkward and looked great in his shirt. “Not if we get to know each other,”
“I don’t want to get to know each other, because I already know you,” You shook your head, looking at the floor. You couldn’t look in his eyes right now, you knew you’d cave.
“No you don’t. You have just as superficial feelings for me that I have for you,” He argued.
“I know what I need to know about you to know I don’t want to know any more,” You bit back.
“That is so--”
“I don’t care what it is!” You did your best not to scream at him but you were fighting a losing battle.
He was right, you didn’t really know anything about him besides he knew how to work a suit, smelled amazing, and was a great kisser. But he flipped so easily on you, and the fact remained that he did only notice you once you were parading yourself half naked. You had to get out of here before you betrayed yourself.
“I-- I made my decision, and if you care anything about me like you claim to, then you’ll just leave me the hell alone,” You reached for the door, tears dripping down your face.
“...Okay,” He finally conceded, looking down at his blanket. Tears filled his eyes now. He knew you were right, if he really cared about you he’d stop causing you pain.
“Okay,” You nodded again before walking out the door, leaving Rafael alone.
“Let’s go,” You told Kyra while you wiped away your tears and kept walking before she could answer.
“What happened?” She asked you as she tried keeping up with you, but you were on a mission to get the hell out of there.
“Nothing,” You mumbled, really not wanting to talk about it.
“...Wasn’t that the guy you’ve had a crush on for months?” Kyra asked while glancing back towards the hospital.
“No...yes...maybe,” You shook your head but refused to stop walking.
“So why did you tell him you never wanted to see him again?!”
“Because...it’s...it’s complicated, Kyra,”
“You know,” She finally grabbed your shoulder, preventing you from walking any further. “Nothing worth having is simple,”
“Thank you, Nostradamus,”
“I just...don’t want to see you unhappy, Y/N,” She gave you a sad look.
“I appreciate it, Kyra,” You threw an arm over her shoulder. “You’re a good friend,”
Despite Kyra’s advice, you kept true to your word. You quit Rita’s job, to which she completely understood and still wrote you a glowing recommendation to use wherever you applied after law school. You kept your head in the books for the rest of your law school career, graduating in the top 2% of your class. Soon after that, you had several of the most prestigious law firms banging at your door to come work for them. You asked Kyra to move into the penthouse with you after you graduated so you weren’t alone in that big place all by yourself. And the cats of course.
You had everything you ever wanted, everything you worked so hard for. Everything you never thought was possible when you were living in fear of your life every night. Your life was perfect.
So why did it feel like something was missing?
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levbug · 4 years
𝐏𝐑𝐄-𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐉𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 — 𝐠𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐭.
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#pairings ー  goshiki tsutomu x gender neutral! reader
#warnings ー second year! goshiki, self-doubt, panic attacks, swearing (courtesy of shirabu)
#wc ー 1.7k
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the first match of the year was always important to the players of shiratorizawa. to some, it signified the starting of something new and exciting, a journey to make the shiratorizawa team better than they were previously. to remind others that they were still a powerhouse school, despite past losses. to others, it meant proving yourself as the player you wanted to be.
goshiki was torn between both categories. he wanted to carry his team as a strong ace (preferably deemed stronger than his predecessor) and with pride. he wanted to be reliable. the backbone of the team. the one everyone could count on when they were in a pinch.
but how could he do that when he had been reduced to a sobbing, shaking mess?
he was surrounded by his teammates, who were trying to calm him down. the second and third years were fussing over him, trying to hype him up while the shy first years stood quietly to the side, pitying their senior. however, the encouraging words of goshiki's teammates fell on deaf ears as his breathing only quickened.
"shit," shirabu cursed under his breath, standing up from his squatting position in front of goshiki. he knew exactly how the young ace was feeling since he had been made captain after all the third years left. still, he was level-headed enough to not have a panic attack just 30 minutes before their first game of the year.
"somebody find (last name)!" his order spurred the stagnant first years, who were waiting on the tips of their toes to be allowed to help their much-respected senior. one of them (shirabu wasn't too familiar with the players who weren't in the starting roster) nodded and immediately left the locker room to find the said person.
"i've tried everything," kawanishi muttered, toying with the tape he had on his fingers. shirabu sighed. "are you sure (last name) can calm the guy down?"
shirabu nodded, his nervous ticks coming out. he anxiously checked at his nail beds, teeth almost cutting through the skin. "let's just hope they can."
just as the words left his mouth, the door slammed open. all eyes were on the entryway, startled by the sudden entrance.
"i'm here! where is he?" your eyes searched for your boyfriend, who you had been told was getting some pre-game jitters. no one had been given a chance to respond to your question because once your gaze landed on the cluster of boys who were surrounding a bench, you made a beeline for them.
shirabu and kawanishi silently thanked all the deities that they believed in, just thankful that you were finally here. "let's give them some privacy." the shorter male nudged his friend, who immediately got the message. kawanishi silently gestured for the rest of the team to follow him and shirabu out of the locker room.
you and goshiki barely noticed the other boys leaving the room—you were too focused on fussing over the shaking boy.
"tsutomu? focus on my voice, love," you ordered softly, holding his trembling hands between yours. goshiki sniffled, muttering a string of incoherent words as his grip on your fingers tightened. "it's okay, tsu. i'm here now."
you wrapped your arms around his neck. he buried his face in the crook of your neck, unaware of the tears and snot staining your clothes. you didn't care though, you only held him tighter. "wanna tell me what's on your mind?" your voice was soft, not wanting to force him into telling you if he didn't want to.
goshiki lifted his head, eyes red and glassy. you brought a hand up to caress his flushed cheeks, a small frown on your face. "i-i...i'm not—" he started to say, but started sobbing again. you waited for him to calm down, muttering reassuring words and telling him he shouldn't have to worry now because it was just him and you. after a few moments, he was able to level his breathing. "i just—what if i'm n-not as good as ushijima?"
his voice cracked at the last syllable, clearly ashamed to admit this. "oh, tsutomu..." you sighed, resting your forehead on his shoulder. you couldn't see it, but you knew goshiki's lip was starting to tremble. "you don't need to feel that way. you know you don't need to compare yourself to him."
"i kn-know!" he hiccuped. "it's j-just that...what if—what if i'm not a-as dependable?" he asked, head hanging low. "i-if we didn't win against karasunoー" he clenched his fists "ーeven with ushijima, what makes you think we can win with me as the ace? i'm nowhere near as skilled as he is, even if i keep boasting about it..." he sighed. his tone had become sombre and the air surrounding you two became thicker.
tears sprang into your own eyes as he voiced his worries. the anxiety and pressure goshiki had been feeling in the days leading up to this point must have been a great amount. and to think that he must have been hiding all this from you for the past few days (weeks? months? you weren't even sure). 'he must have been so scared,' you thought.
"i'm sorry, tsutomu!" you apologized, surprising the boy seated before you. goshiki snapped out of his thoughts, head tilted slightly in confusion. "i'm sorry you felt like you had to keep all of these thoughts to yourself!" you bunched up the material of his jersey between your hands. goshiki tried to take your hands in his, but you wouldn't budge. instead, you stared him straight in the eye, gaze unrelenting. "but please, please know that you should never feel that way! ushijima may have been a strong player, but he got there because of his will to learn and improve. tsutomu, everyone has doubts about their talents or skills. everyone has that time in their life when they don't know if they're good enough. the only difference is whether or not you want to use that as a chance to improve or give up completely!"
tears were now flowing freely down your cheeks. goshiki stared at you, slack-jawed and eyes wide. "and i don't care which you choose, because i will always be with you. no matter what. and that's a promise." your voice wavered at the end of your sentence, too overwhelmed by your feelings.
goshiki barely felt the fresh round of tears rolling down his cheeks, but this time they were for a different reason. a cheeky smile tugged on the corners of his lips. "do you mean that? you'll always be with me?" he poked your cheek, clearly in a better mood now.
you wiped your tears, laughing breathlessly at his words. "is that what you got from my speech?" he laughed as well, eyes twinkling delightedly when you placed a soft peck on his knuckles. "but since you're wondering, yeah. i plan to spend my entire life with you, whether you want it or not!"
goshiki grinned, peppering your face with small kisses. you squealed at him to stop, and he did (but not without one last chaste kiss on your lips). he smiled at you, eyes filled with love and admiration. goshiki had never felt this feeling before, but he was glad that he felt that way for you.
"thank you, (first name)," he muttered into your hair. the strands tickled him softly when you nestled deeper into the embrace. "i needed to hear that." he whispered. you smiled, intertwining your fingers with his: your hand, just as always, fit perfectly with his.
"it's no biggie, love." you kissed his cheek, giggling when he turned a light shade of red. you sat with him a few moments more, just enjoying the peace and solidarity with your boyfriend. it wasn't until the faint cheering of the crowd outside did you realize that goshiki would miss his game if he didn't leave now. "tsutomu! what are you doing, just sitting around? you have a match in less than five minutes!"
"right, right!" goshiki scrambled to his feet, taking you with him. his tears had long ago dried, the glassy shine replaced by usual fire that burned within him.
he led you to the doorway, bouncing on the balls of his feet with an expectant look on his face. you smiled, knowing he was waiting for. "good luck out there, ace." you moved to kiss his cheek. feeling cheeky, goshiki tilted his head so you would kiss his mouth instead. you gasped in surprise, but melted into the kiss.
goshiki pulled away with a soft sigh, his hand cupping your cheek gently. "i love you." he whispered. you felt your cheeks heat up at the sincerity of his words. "i love you, too." goshiki beamed at you. his smile was infectious and you soon found yourself reciprocating it.
neither of you noticed the squeaking of rubber soles on the linoleum floor. one of goshiki's teammates rounded the corner, stopping abruptly when he saw the position that you and goshiki were in. "a-ah, sorry to disrupt you!" he quickly averted his eyes, not wanting to ruin the intimate moment any further. "c-coach washijo told me to tell you that the match will be starting soon."
you and goshiki parted from each other, wearing small, sheepish smiles. the ace scratched his head, a low, embarrassed chuckle slipping past his lips. "right," goshiki nodded at the first year, who bowed once more in apology before scampering away. "i'll see you later, yeah?"
you nodded, giving him a tight-lipped smile. "do your best out there, okay? no more of that self-doubt stuff. promise?" you held your pinky out to him. he chuckled before linking his pinky finger with yours.
"i promise," he grinned. a faint shout of his name from around the corner snapped you both out of your little bubble and goshiki finally let go of you. "i've got to go now," he said sadly. "but promise you'll keep your eyes on me the entire time?" he asked, eyes twinkling. you nodded, murmuring a soft 'yeah,' in response. "good! i'll see you after the game. i promise to make you proud!"
and with one last kiss on your head, goshiki left. you watched his receding figure with a dazed grin, butterflies erupting in your stomach just like they did when you had first met him.
"you always make me proud, tsutomu."
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.0k
warnings: swearing, zeke
listen to the music masterlist
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Just as you were about to say something else to Mikasa, the doorbell rang, interrupting the moment. She let go of your hair and stood at her full height.
"Are you expecting anyone?" She asked.
"No, we're not." With confusion evident on your face, you got off the stool and lightly kicked it under the counter.
Your eyebrows knitted together as you made your way to the front door.
On the other side of the glass, you saw a blond bearded man struggling to hold around five suitcases. He noticed you reaching for the door handle and grinned widely.
"Surprise!" He shouted and dropped his luggage on the marble floor when the door was fully opened. He raised his arms and tried to hug you. Scowling, you evaded his embrace.
"Zeke, what the hell are you doing here?" Your grip on the door tightened with every word.
Zeke frowned. "Do I need a reason to visit my sister?"
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not your sister. And typically, yes, you would."
"Okay, well, you're like my sister." He paused to adjust his glasses. "Have you forgotten? Eren's twenty-second is coming up. There's so much to do!" His excited facade was transparent to you.
"You didn't care about his twenty-first. Or his twentieth, for that matter. What's the sudden interest in your brother's life?" You raised an eyebrow as he visibly grew nervous.
"Well, you see, uh-" He twiddled his thumbs and your eyes narrowed. "Here's the thing-"
"Spit it out, Zeke." Mikasa cut him off when she rounded the corner. She crossed her arms as she leaned against the staircase railing.
"Mikasa! I didn't know you were back!" Zeke made rapid hand gestures toward her, eager to change the subject.
"I didn't know you were back, either. At least I gave a warning," she uttered, earning an incredulous look from the blond.
"Zeke, why are you here?" you continued.
His eyes briefly shifted to a houseplant before training back on you. "What if I told you I'm not allowed in the state of Nebraska?" He gave you a meek smile and your jaw dropped.
Mikasa snorted. "What the hell did you do in Nebraska?"
"Nothing!" he assured. "It's just that I may or may not be several million dollars in debt and on the run from the police." He looked down at his muddy boots in shame.
"You're WHAT?" You gaped at him. You'd known Zeke long enough to have it figured out that he brought trouble wherever he went but he was usually careful enough not to get banned from a state.
"It's not as bad as you think! I just got into a little quarrel with some guys. Everything is fine. Just let me stay here for a while," he said sheepishly.
"I am not letting a fugitive stay in my home!" you exclaimed.
"I'm not a fugitive! There's no need to use terms like that!"
"You're banned from Nebraska! I'll call you whatever I want!"
"What's all the commotion about?" Eren was walking down the stairs when he saw his older brother at the door. His mouth dropped open and he gripped the railing beside him. "Zeke?!"
"Why didn't you tell me your brother was in town?" You glared up at him.
"Because I didn't know!" He started to flail his arms around while simultaneously trying to make sense of the situation.
"Hey, little brother. Can I sleep in your room?"
"Zeke's not allowed in Nebraska," Mikasa informed.
"What?!" Eren clutched the railing with one hand and his head with the other whilst continuing his descent down the stairs. "What even is Nebraska?" he mumbled with wide eyes.
"Doesn't matter. I wanna know how he managed to be banned from it." You glowered at the man in front of you.
"Y/n, will you please let me inside? It's cold even in March, you know." Zeke pleaded and pretended to shiver.
You glanced back at Eren for a sign of his approval. The house was yours, but Zeke was his brother. It wasn't like this was the first time he needed to stay over, anyway. Unlike mere seconds before, he now held a serious expression. He nodded at you and beckoned for Zeke to follow him.
He heaved a relieved sigh and nearly tackled you with a hug. "Thank you so much, Y/n! You won't regret this, I promise."
It felt like your bones were being crushed by his weight as your face was pushed up against his jacket. He reeked of an old car. "Okay, get off me, old man!" Your voice was muffled as you tried to push him away. He backed up and brushed your shoulders off before grabbing his luggage and disappeared into the basement with his younger brother.
You sighed heavily and plopped down on the stairs. "He got mud all over my floors. I just cleaned them too." Your head fell into your hands as you stressed over Zeke's sudden arrival. As if there wasn't enough on your plate already.
Mikasa laughed quietly as she draped an arm around your shoulders and sat down beside you. The sudden contact made your ears burn red. "Any particular reason for cleaning?" she hinted teasingly.
You lifted your head as you apprehensively stammered out a poor explanation.
She laughed at you again and you couldn't help but wonder if it's always been that easy to make her laugh. You thought about it for a moment and concluded to yourself that it didn't matter what made her laugh, as long as you got to hear it.
A dreamy smile spread across your face as you watched how her newly short hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed like that.
It seemed she noticed your thoughtful gaze because she tucked the hair behind her ear and peered down at you. "What are you looking at?" she whispered.
The sound of footsteps resounded from the stairs behind you. "Woah, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Jean smirked when he saw how close you and Mikasa were. He parted the two of you by removing Mikasa's arm so he could walk in between.
Your face grew red when you realized what you had said to her and it grew even redder when you noticed Mikasa had a similar amount of color dusting her cheeks.
"Heads up, I'm going to Marco's right now so if anyone asks that's where I'll be." He corrected the slight wrinkles in his new shirt and grabbed his keys from the key-hook.
Mikasa was quick to add to his words. "It's nice to see you and Marco are still going strong. I'm happy for you, Jean, really." She smiled up at him honestly.
Jean's tinted cheeks gave away his embarrassment. "Oh, thanks. Uh, I'm also really happy for, um, whatever you guys have going on." He grinned but quickly covered his mouth when he saw a look of distress flash across your face. "Uh, sorry, I have to go now. See you guys later." He mumbled another apology and turned sharply on his heel to make a mad dash at the front door.
Mikasa chuckled and shook her head. "He can be such a dork sometimes," she said when the door closed behind him.
"That's true," you admitted softly. You were a little displeased that she kept her arm in her lap instead of wrapping it around you again now that Jean had vanished.
"I take it Zeke's kept up with his habits since I've been gone?" she assumed.
An exasperated sigh left your lips. "He shows up at least once or twice a year wanting to stay. He always owes somebody money but, as far as I know, this is the first time he's been permanently banned from a state. I don't love letting criminals in my household but you know how Eren gets."
"I see. I do remember how angry he'd get with us when we wanted Zeke to leave," she recalled dejectedly.
"I just wish he wouldn't get his hopes up every time he asks to stay." You frowned and tapped your fingers against the wooden stair you sat on.
"I hope he can stay long enough for Eren's twenty-second. It'd be nice if he could spend his birthday with him."
"That can be arranged." You ran a shaky hand through your hair. "Will you be okay at a party for him?" you inquired timidly. Considering what happened the last time she was at a party, you felt the need to know if she'd be alright with going since Eren's birthday was rapidly approaching.
Mikasa was surprised by the question. "Of course I will be. Y/n, you know I'm over what happened. You don't have to worry about what I think. It's cute you care, though." She squeezed your shoulder gently and gave you a reassuring smile.
Before you could respond, she stood from her position next to you and started up the stairs. "I'm gonna get changed. I'll see you later."
When she was out of your sight, you gave a final weighted sigh. You had to figure out what you were going to do with Zeke. The feelings that came with Mikasa being home already clouded your mind, not to mention the stress of Hitch on your ass as well.
For Eren's sake, Zeke should stay for a little bit. Mikasa suggested he should leave once Eren's birthday passes and that made sense. However, that would mean he'd be living in your house for two weeks.
You groaned and leaned back. There was only one person who would know how to help. You spun around and scrambled up the creaky stairs.
Facing the office door, you opened it and watched Armin move hastily to turn off their monitor.
"What are you doing?" You raised an eyebrow and leaned on the doorframe.
"Important research." He swiveled the chair to face you and rested his arms in his lap.
"Yeah, right," you snickered. "Did you know Zeke is here?"
Armin nodded. "I overheard everything. It's not like you people are quiet."
"Okay, so what should I do about it?" Moving to sit on the couch, you placed your hands on the cushions under you.
They shrugged. "I don't know. What should you do about it?"
"Come on, Armin. I came in here because I need your help with this." You sent him a worried glance.
"Y/n, at the end of the day, this is your house. You decide who stays and who doesn't. If you want him here, let him stay. If you don't, kick him out."
He couldn't just ignore the obvious issue present. "But what about Eren?"
"What about him? Eren respects you more than he respects anyone else. He wouldn't want to do something if you weren't comfortable with it. The guy trusts you with his life." He spoke like the answer was so clear.
You pursed your lips and thought over what they said. "I don't want to hurt him, though."
He wore a compassionate smile. "None of us do, but the difference between us is that he would listen to you.  So, with that said, how long will you let Zeke stay?"
You looked down at your hands and thought back to your conversation with Mikasa and about the conversation you just had with the man across from you. "He can stay until Eren's birthday party. When that's passed, he'll have to leave."
When you looked up, you noticed Armin was still smiling at you. "I knew you'd make a good decision."
"I always do, don't I?" You joked.
He snorted and adjusted his chair to face his computer again. "You wouldn't be able to without me."
You feigned offense and stood up. "You're too cruel."
"Sure I am. Now leave my office, peasant. I'm busy." He waved you away with a dramatic flair of his hand.
You scoffed. "I bet you don't have actual work to do and you're just being a freak on the internet, like usual."
He flipped you off. "If you don't leave I'll have to use brute force."
"Whatever, whatever, Armeen, don't be harsh." You sauntered out of the office before he could scold you about the nickname.
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posted: 8/31/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no edits, reposts, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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