snowberai · 1 year
Okay, so I was planning to post these along with the ref of the AU but I decided to post them now because I can, I am kind of proud of these- I had fun makin’ these for me and my friends to use in discord.
Endermoon/Enderman!Moon | Enderman + Moon/Moondrop
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He was a little difficult to get right, but with some small inspiration/advice I managed to get his colours right to me. Everything else looked ugly to me ( you should see the first sketch I made, dear lord). But he felt satisfying and pretty. *Commence unintentional squid sister pose*
Sunxolotl/Axolotl!Sun | Axolotl + Sun/Sundrop
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When I finished this one, I felt that I loved this one most (I only had sun and moon finished at the time). I personally enjoyed my choice of colours with the light red and charcoal brown for this one, I was excited to make the full body ref of him. I also quite enjoyed coloring his eyelashes and dark red. He was fun to design.
Witherclipse/Wither!Eclipse | Wither + Eclipse
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Okay, now THIS
THIS was hell for me, the amount of colours I juggled between for this one was horribly draining, no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t make him look good with just the black/dark gray look, and I’m honestly upset with myself for going for the safe option which is dark red, but honestly what else am I gonna make him?… Dark red and dull purple? Oh, that might work…
I’m most proud of this one, with how deep and moody it looks, while also being colorful!
Before you say anything about him not having three heads, this is personally a design and lore choice, i will explain it when i release the ref. I tried my best with making him a Wither.
Hint: He’s Older.
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monsoonite · 1 year
Devious Endeavours
My day be so fine . Then boom; Moon Minecraft axolotl.
Just a little guy for a realm I'm in. He is coded to get the skin when he is nametagged.
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lookit him go
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minecraft dca au
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I thought up a minecraft au where mc is just trying to make healing potions and then three mobs fall for them and decide that they're theirs lol
So Sun is an iron golem with flowers growing around her head, Moon is an enderman who has red eyes, and Eclipse is a warden with orange colors instead of blue colors
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faefrosting · 1 year
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Because yes
Vesper looks so cursed with no makeup on lmao also feel free to use my sketch as a base or reference
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natsuki-bakery · 1 year
  ⋆ ࣪. Enderman themed moodboard ˖ ࣪⭑
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demonicxrocker · 2 years
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🌙 - 🌙 - 🌙 || 🌙 - 🌙 || 🌙 - 🌙 - 🌙
★ | enderman stimboard with themes of the moon, purple + sparkly stuff for anon
★ | all links are linked / credited above + go to the post where i found the gifs from.
★ | reblogs > likes. spam like my posts and you're getting blocked. idfc about spam reblogs but just don't be annoying about it. any asks in the inbox about the subject will be deleted and/or blocked.
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hopepetal · 1 year
Ohhhh the end lore is so cool hello?? I don’t have anything to contribute but feel free to keep rambling, love all the worldbuilding
Thank you so much!! Hmmm lets see...
The priestesses to the Mother are the ones who tend to the Mother of All/Mother Dragon. They are also responsible for the dragon egg and the portals!
When you address a priestess, you bow and put your left hand over your chest. The priestesses are like the seers in that there is no bloodline- they are chosen when they are born, and their eye color is green. It is said the priestesses are reincarnations of the Ancient Ones, but that is mere speculation.
Priestesses wear endstone jewelry and white fabrics, and are seen as the least powerful in the government hierarchy. Still, they command respect as the caretakers of the Mother Dragon, dragon egg and the gateways.
Earlier, I mentioned that there is a council that rules with the Great Mother. This council is called the Keepers of Shadow and is made up of chosen priestesses and seers. The Keepers of Shadow wear the light purple color of the endermen's eyes, and all are equal in the Keepers.
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skizabaa · 1 year
you!! YOU!!!! YOUR WORDS!! GRRRR why you reblog and like my stuff when YOUR ART IS SO GOOD?? You're so sweet grrrrrr i cant COMPREHEND. HUGS HUGS SQUEEZE THROWS YOU (Affectionately)
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Can enderman hold me?
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(This is my pfp)
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You lied! You changed your pfp after sending this in! /lh
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sillykittyco · 2 years
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Endermankin moodboard for 🌌 Anon! Enjoy <3
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snowberai · 1 year
i give endermoon some spider eyes and fermented spider eyes, wearing my cool anon glasses so i dont get slaughtered
I dont think he liked the fermented spider eyes very much.
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shreddiman · 2 years
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these are my two oc’s! technically, they are cut from the same cloth (basically they are the same person), but i often draw them reacting to something as two different entities, and i get sun and moon vibes from them. ITS TOO CUTE! id love to discuss their lore if others are interested and maybe even draw them in sun/moon cosplay lol.
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mossypidder · 6 months
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Was bored and artblocked so I designed a character off an enderman. Except lady. I was thinking about all the different plant and soil types that they pick up and started considering why. So I’ve decided she’s a botanist/horticulturist. It just felt right.
She’s an amalgamation of different enderian designs I’ve seen, so if bits look familiar or similar to others, that’s why. Also since the end is pretty much the moon, I’ve been looking for an excuse to use these moon scythes forever now, and scythes are used to cut grass, it felt pertinent.
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first interactions
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With Sun, mc is in the nearby village and just trying to buy stuffs so that can go find some algae that grows near wardens to see if it actually has healing properties, when a villager picks a fight with them and calls them a witch n stuff. The villager tries to punch them, but they easily dodge and proceed to beat them up, until Sun is behind them. They get caught and then Sun is like '...nevermind.' and then the villagers and them are like 'wha???' and then she just scoops them up and runs into the forest with them lol
With Moon, they're just trying to build a shelter when one of their blocks go missing and they see purple particles near the surrounding trees, and their sleepy dumb ass decides to see what that's about. They hear a shunk sound and look behind, to see the body of a black figure, causing them to go oh shit and not look up. Then they notice a red glow and are like 'WHA-' and look up, causing Moon to hiss and start to open their mouth, but then pause mid action as they look at them. Then Sun stomps over and picks them up and shouts mine in mob language, and it soon ends up with the two staring at each other, then soon declaring each other and the mc cute.
And with Eclipse, the three find where Eclipse lives and go in, before stuffing a bag full of algae while Eclipse is asleep. Moon was on lookout duty, when Eclipse starts to wake up and Moon quickly teleports the three of them behind a rock, causing Sun to start to let out a startled and confused hey. Moon quickly interrupts her by pressing their hands against her mouth while mc throws a rock away to a spot that's farther then them, meanwhile Eclipse is confused because xer ecolocation is giving them the picture of a rock.
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angelbunny-arts · 9 months
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Behold,,,,. Every hermit design I’ve created over the past year and a bit: with heights and chibi versions of wings included>:D
Species, fun Details and height sorted version under the cut !!
- Grian
A parrot avian in some universes, a shapeshifted watcher in others, it’s a 50/50 which one I decided to go with
Avians in my mind take on the wing patterns of a bird they connect with, which usually happens at around 18-23. Instead of facial hair they grow feathers around their cheeks and in their hair.
His earring is a present from mumbo ^^
The gold detailing on his wings have the watcher symbol and suns on it, and his shoes have suns too! (why suns you may ask? “Grian” is the Irish word for sun, and according to my myth/history nerd friend there was an Irish sun goddess named Grian)
-Mumbo jumbo
An albino enderman
He dyes his hair because it looks cool, you can see a bit of his natural roots
A feather keychain on his belt from Grian
- GtwScar
A half-allay
He’s got heterochromia with the HOTGUY colours>:)
His ears and canine teeth are rounded! In contrast to half-vexes who’s features are sharper
Him and cub have matching vex magic earrings
His design is probably the one that keeps to the original skin the least, but it also happens to be one of my favourites to draw so
- Cubfan
A half-vex
I don’t have much to say here, he’s just kinda silly? I suppose there’s the fact that I decided that convex gets a diamond as their shape, so he’s got some of that detailing
He was originally supposed to have glasses however I am terrible at remembering glasses even though I wear them so they just kinda vanished
His hair is probably one of the most fun to colour too:D
- Geminitay
An elf (the antlers are accessories)
She’s got a whole bunch of little leaves everywhere:DD and some cute gold detailing too, otherwise a pretty simple design with not much to say on it
Just a regular dude tbh he’s just a guy/pos
He’s got five visible places where I’ve snuck an “i” on him (but there’s one more on the bottom of his shoes)
The yellow In his hair also matches with my skizz, who has blue in his hair
- Pearl
Either a human or an avian, it’s another 50/50 and depends on what I went for with Grian as well if I have him included
If I go the avian route, her wings are small and usually kept under her jacket.
The moon detailing changes with the moon phase! Her hair also gets more floaty depending on how full the moon is
The knot on her shirt is in the shape of a moth
- Tango
A soot fairy, they’re known for working with and manipulating fire and creating machinery.
He’s got heels and he’s absolutely slaying. That’s really it I can’t pick my favourite detail it’s all fantastic. Look at it
I looked at fire/firemen vests for his jacket? That’s a fun fact
- Docm77
A creeper/goat hybrid
There’s like.. so many butterfly motifs on this man it’s fantastic. I also love the horizontal pupil
He looks like a mix between a tired dad and a mad scientist, which was initially not what I was going for but I’m keeping it
And, as promised, the height check (for people that are the same height I put whoever looked taller first)
(also disclaimer I made most of these heights up and are not accurate to the ccs)
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
Hello me again! Okay so I want to ask for a possible PT 2 of the enderman gn reader?
I'll give ideas for you!
Okay let's say wally has this bully in the neighborhood and one day the bully was getting physical, pushing wally into a tree in the forest
He silently calls for reader in his mind...
And all of a sudden they hear the loudest streak they ever heard and staticky sound sort of like what the enderman sound makes when looked at in the game and they just see reader mad with her mouth like almost wide open eyes glowing purple with anger ready to pounce,
But of course the bully runs away before reader could do anything, like they would anyway it's just a thread...
From: a new friend 🌛 aka moon
To you💖
I’ve been wAiTIng for this one like i just- okay just enjoy 😚
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It’s been some time after the colorful neighborhood was met with a very tall and grey scaled ender-person! And everyone is so happy to have you around.
You would help out with pretty much everything. Bring dirt blocks for projects, help with repairs, reaching fruit on trees, you were a big help!
Out of all the neighbors, Wally is the one that spends most time with you. You two are Inseparable, one will not be seen without the other.
Today, you were helping Sally decorate her stage, holding her up so she could hang some last minute decorations. “There! Oh, this is so exciting, isn’t it, Y/n?”
You purr excitedly and smile, setting Sally down as Julie, Frank and Eddie come over with the last added touches and snacks.
“Now it’s time for everyone to come over!” Julie cheers, setting the plate of cutely cut up fruits. “Where’s Wally?”
“He wanted to get some apples from his apple tree him and Y/n planted.” You nod along with Barnaby.
Suddenly you hear something and look towards it’s directly; the forest. Your ears ring out as you focus on it, getting bad energy you attract twitching.
“Y/n! Stop it!” You didn’t realize that the space around you was glitching and shifting along with an ear-booming static sound. You ignore them, that’s Wally’s voice you’re hearing, he’s in trouble!
———with Wally———
“You’re pathetic, nothing without your pet.” Wally flinches at every word like a stab to his body, backing up while holding the two apples he was gonna share with you. But his unlikely friend thinks otherwise.
“I don’t understand, why are you doing this?” Wally tried to be nice, he is nice, so why are they being so mean to him? Was it something he did? “You still haven’t told me what i did to hurt you?”
“Ugh! You’re so annoying!” They push Wally back into the big tree, making him trip and fall back. “How about that? That’s what you did to hurt me; being annoying.”
Wally can’t show weakness. He needs to stay strong, he can’t show that they get to him. He did nothing wrong so he won’t apologize. He did nothing. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt him, the words and the shove.
Wally sees the bully retreat their hand back for a strike but Wally shuts his eyes tightly.
‘Help me, Y/n, please..’
A loud bloodcurdling streak echos around them, making both stop and look around. Static follows and a portal like shape in mid air and two long, sharp claws wrap around the edges of the portal and you slowly come out with a snarl, static much more defined and loud now that you’re here. Wally covers his ears and watches you crawls out of the portals and stand on all fours in front of him.
The bully looks up at you with fear in his eyes as you growl a low and deep growl your eyes glowing brightly and opening your mouth inhumanly wide revealing the purple glowing abyss. The bully tries to run but you quickly took ahold of him and threw them up in the sky, flipping them over and caught they leg. Screaming at you to stop you dangle them over your mouth slowly lowering them and ignoring their pleads and trashing.
“Y/n! Stop!”
You were about to chomp down your mouth when a voice stops you, snapping your head over you see Wally holding his hand out to you to stop. Now that he has your attention, the static sound and glitching stop, he gives a small scared smile. “..drop them, okay? I’m alright, just, drop them.”
He’s scared? Of you? No..he’s not..oh no. You quickly but reluctantly drop the bully sending them one last glare as they run away.
Now your normal cute self, you crouch down and reach out for Wally but retreated your hand back when he flinches away. Is he really scared of you? Punishing you for scaring them? Isn’t that what he wanted? You cooed at him in question your big eyes looking straight at his. The fear is noticeable in his eyes. You looks down and move to sit on your knees and set your chin down at the ground as an apology you’re glowing purple eyes looking up at Wally for forgiveness.
But honestly how could anyone not run up to you and hug you? Wally slowly walks over and sets his small hand on your cheek hearing you purr and leans against his hand. That’s what did it, he sighs and hugs your cheek. “Gee, I can never stay mad at you, can I?”
He didn’t expect a response as your body is now wrapped around him protectively. He sighs again and smiles, nuzzling closer to you.
You’re his protector. And he’s not complaining.
How was that? Good? I like it. Also where have I been?! I was taking a small break hope that was okay?
Anyways I’m back I’ll finish up the actor AU and start on more request until then bye! Drink some water, turn the pillow around, stretch but not too much and eat a snack! Love you bye!!🫶🏼
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