#Endo sensei
spencer-is-dead · 7 months
It’s brainrotting hours rn and I just want to say if there was going to be one character who died in spy x family it would be Sylvia and that makes me a little sad
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friesucker · 2 months
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This chapter broke me. The fact that the wife turned out to be a good person, the fact that after loosing everything in the war, Martha has managed to continue with her life has resound in me. It wasn't easy of course, maybe it was the hardest thing she had to overcome in her life (and this woman has been in two wars), but we are discovering this through her flashbacks, she is telling this as a storytime to Becky at teatime. So what does that mean? She already got over it, she survived. And you may think 'well of course, its been years' but i wouldn't judge her, i would even consider other reactions normal, like staying stuck in the past, because loosing the things and people you loved most to an absurd war simply is not fair.
Martha, you're so strong, i love you so much. I chose the picture of her breaking down after her performance because I understand how her dancing, having the chance to have a little of what she really deserved to live, could have reminded her of what it felt like to be alive.
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whatermelown · 7 months
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♪ Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now ♪
so this is a redraw of my shipebrero back in 2022 for loiyorrr and it got a lot of notes so I promised to myself to redraw it! BUT THEN ART BLOCK AND COUNTLESS RESPONSIBILITIES LEADING ME TO RUIN GRRR- So I tried to redraw... THEN MY LAPTOP LOST ALL ITS FILES!?!??!?!?! FROM ACADS, PERSONAL FILES......AND W I Ps
i cried so much y'all have no idea HJDSKFHJKDSHFJK
BUT I HAD A SLIVER OF HOPE! I ACTUALLY INCLUDED THE WIP IN MY PORTFOLIO FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION! (yes i included a very intense ship work in progress fanart to apply for my education what of it hsjfhds) SO IT WAS STILL IN CANVA, the bad news tho I only used the screenshot because the file was too big so the pic was bad quality huhu... so I went to "make ur png more hd" websites so that's probably why the 2nd pic would look kinda ai generated (vomits)
so it all started from there! I repainted the whole thing with the foundation I've redrawn and I hope the lessons I got from being a Fine Arts freshman rn paid off HAHAHA
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Yor's Hometown and Westalis
Yor mentioned that she's from a place in Ostania called Eastern Nielsberg.
Obviously, I thought it was on the Eastern part of Ostania as well. But then we get this statement from her from the recent update, Chapter 92.
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She's from the South part of Ostania-A Southern folk.
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And how did I dare forgot, the dish that she can make without messing up was even named Southern Stew.
Why is this important? Because Mr. Green said this specific information on Chapter 39 about Southern Folks from Ostania.
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Southern Folks have a code for defecting to the West which might indicate that they're the ones who usually do this.
Then I remembered this Twiyor moment from Chapter 35
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Yor knows a lullaby from Loid's childhood that was always sung to him by his mother. How could Yor know that same exact lullaby?
I don't think I remember Yor mentioning Westalis neither in speech or thought (correct me if I'm wrong pls). Though that doesn't mean that she wasn't aware of the existence of it. But I don't think she, herself, would try or have tried defecting to Westalis. And she's too young and too focused on taking care of her brother to even consider this.
But how about her family? Her parents? Their relatives? Why did Yuri and her are left alone when their parents died? What happened to their grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles? Where were they and why didn't they took them in? Did they perhaps defect to the West and Yor's family remained on Ostania? We can't be sure since we only know a little about Yor's backstory and her entire family background.
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But even in Loid's backstory, when he was talking to the croquette lady, she mentioned that she was part Ostanian herself and she has a family in the East even though she's residing in West. Meaning, there could also be people from Ostania that has Westalian relatives. Yor's family could have Westalian background or someone in their family tree is and who knows, her family may have actually some sort of connection with Loid's family in Luwen.
I actually don't know where I was going with this or if this even make sense or plot relevant but I can't help but be intrigued by this.
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glorfys-glorioushair · 3 months
Things of being a Spy x Family fan that makes me crazy and potentially foam at the mouth:
- the concise messages and themes of war, peace, and how everyone is affected by them
- Endo's incredible usage of short term amd long term Chekhov's gun (the monocle y'all THE MONOCLE)
- the complexity of every character (even ones who could be considered side characters) being surprisingly 3D which is seems to be so uncommon in Shonen these days
- the amount of theorizing that leads to the desire to attach a tin foil hat directly to my brain 🧠
- Endo being a phenomenal writer and the fact he probably has to go on hiatus some weeks so he can REREAD his past chapters to influence the newest one (TIGHT KNIT STORYTELLING Y'ALL)
- the overwhelming need to write 100 analysis at once when the new chapter comes out
- the FANART the FANFICTION the CORE of this community being WHOLESOME and INTUITIVE
- JUST EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SERIES what a beautiful masterclass of manga 🤧🥹
Please feel free to add moreeeee
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wondrousmay · 4 months
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Endo-sensei at Baker Street Station in London! (Source)
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mugmegan · 6 months
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She didnt just slip, she actually gave away her secret freely which is something I never wouldve expected from this series in a million years with how tight the status quo and the characters hold their secrets. Like I thought we would see a reveal of some sort with them but never in a way that would be this casual and trusting, that is actually so surprising like what the hell I was caught completely off guard this is huge
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shobiolovechild · 6 months
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we were robbed from the father and daughter dance sessions. WE WERE ROBBED, YOUR HONOR.
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prickly-paprikash · 9 months
There are two ways I see that SpyxFamily can go with the Authens.
Ever since we've been introduced to the world of SxF, last names have always been an indicator of who exactly it is we're dealing with.
The Forgers are literally a Forged Family. No-brainer.
Yor and Yuri Briar: both beautiful people but with sharp thorns to protect themselves and one another. Their coloring and their characters are related to Roses and Yor is literally Thorn Princess.
Fiona Frost: Ice Cold. Frosty Exterior. Snow Queen. Warm and melty and obsessed on the inside.
Franky Franklin: Frank, honest and blunt. He's always up-front with Twilight since the beginning. Franklin also comes from the word francos meaning 'free'. He's a free agent, allied with Twilight but not with WISE, since he is an Ostanian. He's also the first true free-thinker, holding no allegiance to any state but cares genuinely for the people around him.
The Desmonds: meaning South Munster, one of the provinces of Munster. While it doesn't necessarily have a defined meaning, it is said that the lucky number of this name is 11, and Damian is ranked 11th amongst 228 students for the exams. Neat.
So Authens, right? Sigmund and Barbara Authen. If Loid, Yor, Anya and Bond are a forged family, then Siggy and Barbs are an authentic one from the getgo. Ever since the introduction of these two, everyone has both been over-the-moon and skeptical. It's nice to add new members to the family in this show. It's nice to see a foil (and an insight into the future for them) to Yor and Loid, where the elderly couple are genuine in their love, while Twilight and Thorn Princess still struggle with what exactly their fake relationship entails. Sigmund and Barbara trust one another completely, while the Spy and the Assassin still have ways to go on that front.
Now, Anya is being tutored by Sigmund, a former University Professor, Lecturer and Neurologist. Similar to Loid in a way, who moonlights as a Psychiatrist. The Authens aren't just being shown as a "what could be" for Loid and Yor as a couple, but as parents and mentors as well as seen in this chapter.
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Both Loid and Sigmund get into Spy Wars for the sake of educating their students. The difference however lies in the way they go about it.
Loid reads and watches the entirety of Spy Wars to show that he is a good father with a pulse on what his daughter likes, as well as an avenue for him to teach Anya since she responds well to the show. But Loid only memorizes the show and tries to brute force (relatively speaking) Anya's education with it.
Like... making a fake episode of the show just to try and make Anya interested in her studies.
Sigmund on the other hand really sparks a love and understanding for the material itself.
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Loid tries to force Anya to see the value in education through cold logic and goal-oriented thinking. Anya should study to Prevent War from erupting between Ostania and Westalis. Sigmund guides Anya into seeing the worth of education by itself. The joys in learning for learning's sake. Loid tries a surface level approach, where Bondman's adventures are hamfisted edu-tainment. He thinks that since Anya likes Bondman, she'll be tricked into learning by using Spy Wars as a coat of paint to mask a really boring lecture.
Sigmud correctly identifies what Anya loves about the story itself, and then uses those elements to relate to classical language.
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Loid and Yor are committed to their duties, but it doesn't necessarily bring them joy. To keep children safe and happy, Twilight will lie and Thorn Princess will kill, but their personal satisfaction isn't something they bother about. Sigmund, on the other hand loved his job. He loves teaching. He loves the altruistic element to it—cultivating minds, helping them along to their full potential, but he also has a personal joy in teaching.
Another thing is that Loid loves his family, but doesn't know he does and can't spit it out. He can come off stoic and cold. Sigmund readily shows his appreciation for his wife and for his new student Anya.
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What troubles me now is what happens next.
Authen does mean authentic. I have no doubt that Sigmund authentically loves his wife. His love for his research is also authentic. His passion for teaching is authentic. His admiration for Anya is authentic.
But what's the context of this authenticity?
See, the first route is that Sigmund really is just a good guy. A simple, kind, brilliant man who probably had a hand in building Project Apple from the ground up with the goal of improving people's minds, starting with dogs. Maybe it was co-opted by corrupt officials, twisting it into a monstrous organization willing to harm children and animals to realize their goals for a powerful human weapon. A weapon that became Anya Forger. Sigmund and Barbara leave, aid in the war effort for civilians and victims, and make a life for themselves in Berlint. I do believe this might be the likelier option.
But what if the contrast between the Forgers and the Authens is taken to the extreme?
The second route takes advantage of the inherent and subtle darkness in SpyxFam. This manga is just a bundle of gooey joy, but that happiness successfully hides the brutal truth of the world. Every character in this show is touched by war.
Anya and Bond are intended as living weapons. We tend to forget about this since Anya is a goblin child and Bond is floofy goofball.
Twilight and Yor are orphans of war, turned into the most powerful soldiers on each side. We forget this since both are idiots when it comes to anything each other and their family.
Handler is a level-headed badass who radiates older sister vibes for everyone who works under her, and she genuinely cares for her agents. She's also a depressed wreck who barely functions outside of work and constantly relives the loss of her husband and daughter.
The Blackbells? Posh rich folk, right? But their money comes from warmongering. Martha, the kindly mother-figure/butler/security for Becky? A veteran of war. The seamstress who is fond of Yor? Most likely an anti-authoritarian activist, since Loid clocked her immediately as being arrested for political activity. Maybe a former Red Circus member. Bazooka Bill? Funny kid who hit puberty way too early and has a hilarious deep voice. He's also being groomed to be a venerated soldier at the age of six by his father, who has most likely committed war crimes.
SpyxFamily is genuine in its joyful moments. But it barely hides the darkness that constantly lingers. War is a shadow that haunts these bright pages, and it always recontextualizes the zany adventures our family goes on.
What if the Authens are like that?
Everything about them is authentic. But they're also twisted. An authentic love for neuro science can lead to an obsessive march towards human weaponry. An authentic desire for world peace can mean that the end justifies the means, even if that means a telepath that could, theoretically dominate an entire nation. An authentic love for his wife could lead him to hiding everything from her.
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What if Sigmund Authen is authentic in every aspect of himself, and is still a man with a dark agenda? That would perfectly contrast Loid, a man who has faked every single element of himself down to his own name and identity, but has never once strayed from his goal of ensuring a bright future for the strangers around him?
What I'm saying is that it'd be really cool if Twilight, a living lie made human who will commit to any deception for the sake of children's safety and happiness would be heavily contrasted by Sigmund Authen, a man who lives so authentically to his creed that he is willing to put children in harm's way for the sake of World Peace?
With the upcoming chapters clearly focusing on Anya and her past, wouldn't it be cool to celebrate Spy x Family hitting 100 chapters by revealing more and more of its dark, haunting, war-torn world after more than a hundred chapters of Spy Family antics?
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Uh... Anyway, here's Comedy by Gen Hoshino.
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mj-ackerman · 1 year
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orange-cheetah · 1 month
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he's not so annoying when he's quiet
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schwirrymartz · 9 months
Anya's face this chapter be like 😌🤨😯😦🤩
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friesucker · 3 months
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My heart was aching so much through the whole chapter.
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whatermelown · 3 months
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Matching TwiYor PFP commissioned for my WOWZA friend @ 2mmix_ over at twt <33
god i love spy x fam it's driving me insane...
current chapters make me sob as i pick the bg music as i read it (play as the world caves in)
i need henry x martha fics if you know some pls recommend ;w; i.....b e g u
color palette insp by my fav official art of em i just love color theory huhu
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queenofapeacefuldawn · 6 months
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shortythedwarf · 7 months
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Yor and Loid??
Is that youuuuu
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