#Endometrial implants
surinderbhalla · 1 year
Pain to Possibilities: Understanding Endometriosis!
Endometriosis is a complex and misunderstood medical condition affecting millions of women worldwide. It’s a condition that can cause excruciating pain, disrupt daily life, and even lead to infertility. Yet, despite its prevalence and impact, endometriosis remains underdiagnosed and frequently under-discussed. In this blog post, we will be understanding endometriosis, from pain to possibilities.…
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crippled-peeper · 1 month
It feels like an insult that first I had nerve pain from endometrial implants on my sciatic, pudental, and femoral nerves and then the universe said let’s give him a goddamn metal spine too he’s not in enough pain !!!! yeahhhh!!!!! and then I broke even more spine and they have to keep adding pieces to it but it’s also been 4 years since my endo surgery and my other symptoms are coming back
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bpod-bpod · 7 months
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Space to Grow
A hormone-responsive lab-grown model (organoid) of endometrial tissue [womb lining] provides potential for investigating processes involved in pregnancy, such as implantation and foeto-maternal interactions
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Shun Shibata and Shun Endo, and colleagues
Department of Informative Genetics, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Science Advances, February 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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phosphorus-12 · 4 months
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Absolutely none of that made sense, so lets get to it:
We tell you so you don't think we hate you all of a sudden. We get pissed both because of hormone and emotional changes and because of the pain we are in.
Speaking of this pain, women experience cramps more painful than heart attacks. Many women, including myself, experience, muscle and joint pain, back pain, headaches and migraines.
My entire job is not to be "aesthetically pleasing and add femininity." My job is to breathe, eat, hydrate, and sleep. My job is to stay alive. Everything else I do, like go to school, is so that I can continue to live, as our society has made it so education and a paying job are required to be alive. I am a human being who evolved from something whose only concern was eating, drinking, and not dying. I am not an inanimate object just meant to decorate your damn house.
I am not meant to be sexy. Women can start menstruating as early as 8-12. That would mean you are telling children that they are failing at being sexy because they menstruate. Adult men are not supposed to find children who happen to have a vagina sexy. Not to mention the fact that no woman is 'meant' to constantly be sexy, just like men aren't.
The idea that whether your ancestors were hunters or gatherers determines whether you are AFAB or AMAB is absolutely ridiculous. That is not why you get the sex you were assigned at birth. A person's sex is determined by which chromosome, X or Y, the father's sperm has. The egg contributes an X chromosome. Generally, if the sperm has an X chromosome, the egg has an XX chromosome and is a girl. If it has a Y chromosome, it becomes XY, which makes a boy.(1) However, let's give this logic a chance. Say it is true(it is not). If your sex was determined by if your maternal ancestors were hunters or gatherers? A woman would have to have gatherer ancestors, correct? If it is entirely dependent on the mother, how would any woman have a boy child?
Women aren't all just naturally vegetarian or vegan, as you seem to imply in that last paragraph. All humans, regardless of sex, have evolved to be naturally omnivorous, but some choose to not eat meat or animal products.
I am not bleeding through my digestive system. The reproductive system and the digestive system are completely separate. Thus, my vagina is not an animal graveyard. That would be my digestive tract if meat was all I ate. I, in fact, ingest the four basic food groups, as is optimal for my health. This means that my blood is not toxic because of my food choices, especially the blood that I bleed during my period.
The blood in my veins and period blood is not exactly the same. According to The National Library of Medicine, "Menstrual blood is composed of three distinct body fluids: blood, vaginal fluid, and the cells and fluid of the late secretory phase of the uterine endometrial lining which is shed during menstruation."(2)
This brings me to my next point: periods are not my body ridding itself of 'toxic blood'. My period is because of the unused lining of my uterus that was made in case I got pregnant. It was made for the fertilized egg to implant to begin the process of pregnancy. After you don't get pregnant, the lining sheds and comes out in the form of a liquid. This liquid is partially made up of and looks like blood. The egg made that month is also discarded with it. Then, when your body is finished, it makes a new egg, starting the process over.(3)
Tampons and menstrual cups are not phallic. They give us no pleasure, and many women feel much more comfortable using pads.
Before you go around telling women that they are disgusting for not doing their "entire job" of being sexy and aesthetically pleasing by having periods, actually learn about what a period is. The lesson here is: do your research, don't 'debate' things you have no clue about, and don't treat women as fucking objects that you find disgusting for having bodily functions.
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Understanding the Mysteries of Endometriosis: Exploring its Causes and Empowering Solutions
Endometriosis is a complex gynecological condition that affects millions of women worldwide, yet its exact causes remain a puzzle to both sufferers and the medical community. With symptoms ranging from severe pelvic pain to fertility issues, understanding the underlying causes of endometriosis is crucial for effective management and treatment.
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Genetic Factors: The Hereditary LinkResearch has consistently pointed to genetics as a key player in the development of endometriosis. Women who have a family member with the condition are significantly more likely to develop it themselves, suggesting a strong hereditary component. Retrograde Menstruation: A Common but Complex ContributorOne of the most widely accepted theories in the etiology of endometriosis involves retrograde menstruation, where menstrual blood containing endometrial cells flows back through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity instead of leaving the body.
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Immune System Dysfunction: The Body’s Misguided ResponseEmerging evidence suggests that immune system dysfunction plays a crucial role in the development of endometriosis. In some women, the immune system fails to destroy ectopic endometrial tissue, allowing it to implant and proliferate outside the uterus. 
Environmental Factors: The Role of Toxins and LifestyleExposure to certain environmental toxins, such as dioxins, has been linked to an increased risk of developing endometriosis. These substances can disrupt the hormonal and immune systems, fostering conditions conducive to the disease. 
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Empowering Women through Awareness and AdvocacyUnderstanding the causes of endometriosis is the first step toward effective treatment and management. By raising awareness about these factors, we empower women with the knowledge to seek timely medical advice and appropriate treatments.
In conclusion, while the exact causes of endometriosis are yet to be fully unraveled, advancing our understanding of these factors offers hope and direction for millions of women seeking relief from this debilitating condition.
🌐 Website: https://endometriosisassn.org/about-endometriosis/causes
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ilikebeesandflowers · 8 months
Finally got treatment for my perimenopause, in the form of an IUD. While it was being implanted, the dr took a biopsy- routine, nbd. Turns out, it’s not just perimenopause. I mean, def have that too, but it’s not just perimenopause. Nor is it the endometriosis I suspected. Close: it’s atypical endometrial hyperplasia, the one that will likely turn into cancer. And it’s worrying enough to my dr that she immediately contacted me so she could get me a referral “sometime in the next four weeks,” and THEN the other dr called two days later, AND my appointment is in 6 days. So. I think I’m getting a hysterectomy y’all. I do not believe my uterus is gonna make it to 45 with me.
Funny story, the IUD dr was briefly in our book club, so when she couldn’t get me on the phone (No caller id? No answer!), she texted my partner. Who flipped out. Insisted I call immediately. Which is how she knows, whoops
Anywho, too afraid to tell anyone irl besides my spouse, so I’m telling the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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manjirinadkarni · 1 year
Understanding Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a chronic disease that affects 6-10% of women of reproductive age worldwide. It is one of the obscure women’s health conditions which is characterized by the implantation of functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity.
Endometriosis is associated with a broad range of symptoms including dysmenorrhoea (menstrual pain) ,dyspareunia (pain during intercourse), chronic intermenstrual pelvic pain, and Infertility.
Endometriosis is a chronic non malignant uterine disease that can affect women in their reproductive years. The word endometriosis comes from the word endometrium or the ‘lining membrane inside the uterus’.
“Endo” implies inside, and “metra” means uterus or womb. This lining grows inside the uterus each month and then bleeds away as menstrual blood during each menstrual period.
Endometriosis is a condition where small pieces of endometrial tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside of the uterus. This displaced tissue continues to act like endometrium would under the influence of female hormones - it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle.
Since this displaced tissue cannot exit or your body, it often gets trapped causing pain, local inflammation causing adhesions or scarring.
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patient-education · 1 year
X-Plain New and Updated Topics
The Patient Education Institute has published, reviewed or updated 91 titles in Q1 and Q2 2023. We provide each topic in 5 instructional formats (tutorial, video, illustrated handout, XML, and overview). 
 Alcohol Use Disorder Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Arabic) Angina Arixtra Arrhythmias Asperger's Syndrome (Arabic) Asthma - Pediatric (Arabic) Atherosclerosis Atrial Flutter (Spanish) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD (Arabic) Back Pain - Introduction to Pain Management Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery Blood Pressure Medicines (Arabic) Bone Densitometry Breast Cancer - Hormonal and Targeted Therapies Breast Cancer - Hormonal and Targeted Therapies (Arabic) Bunionectomy Bursitis (Arabic) C. difficile Infections Cardiac Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation Cardiac Rehabilitation (Arabic) Cataract Surgery Cerebral Angiogram Chagas Disease (Arabic) Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer - General (Arabic) Chickenpox Cholera (Arabic) Colon Cancer (Spanish) Colon Cancer Surgery (Arabic) Colorectal Cancer (Arabic) Cystocele Dilation and Curettage (Spanish) Dust Mite Allergy Dystonia Erectile Dysfunction - Penile Implants Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fibromyalgia Forehead Lift Galactosemia Gout (Spanish) Healthy Sleeping Hearing Problems in Children (Arabic) HIDA Scan HPV - Warts Hydrothermal Endometrial Ablation Incentive Spirometer Incentive Spirometer - Pediatrics Intrathecal Morphine Pump Placement Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (Arabic) Knee Replacement - Preventing Post Op Complications (Arabic) Living Healthy (Spanish) Living with Congestive Heart Failure Lung Cancer (Spanish) Lupus Lyme Disease (Arabic) Massage Therapy Meditation Melanoma Menstruation (Arabic) Miscarriage (Arabic) Monkeypox Multiple Sclerosis (Spanish) Nail Diseases and Problems (Arabic) Neuroblastoma (Arabic) Neurofibromatosis Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Nutrition During Cancer Treatment Pancreas Transplantation (Arabic) Personality Disorders (Arabic) Pregnancy - First Trimester - What to Expect Pregnancy - Second Trimester - What to Expect Pregnancy - Third Trimester - What to Expect Prenatal Testing (Spanish) Preventing Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infections (Arabic) PSA - Screening for Prostate Cancer Rhinoplasty Rubella Schizophrenia Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - SARS Sickle Cell Anemia (Arabic) Sigmoidoscopy Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome - SGBS Skin Cancer - Non-Melanoma (Spanish) Smoking Cessation Tendinitis (Arabic) Treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes - MDS Understanding the Different Types of Myelodysplastic Syndromes - MDS (Spanish) Urinary Tract Infections in Elderly Adults Uterine Diseases (Arabic) VP Shunts Warfarin - Review for Current Users - Pediatrics
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frugalhoe · 2 years
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Life Update
My older dog Aussie passed away on Sept 16 😢 He had degenerative muscular myelopathy on his back legs. Unfortunately, his wheelchair did not help him. Eventually, I made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. I had a very empathetic vet meet us at the park. Aussie passed away peacefully while I cried my eyes out. I just picked up his ashes and urn yesterday. I'm struggling hard but not being able to spend as much time with him towards the end (working my vanilla job vs being at home with him all the time while escorting full time) has really kicked me into gear to get back into sex work full time by the end of the year.
I have my tubial ligation surgery date set for mid October. My doctor believes my long periods are due to my implant birth control and wants to hold off on the endometrial ablation for now. I'll go off birth control the day off my surgery and I can't wait!
If the endometrial ablation doesn't happen, I plan on putting my $4k HSA money for PKR (similar to LASIK) or towards a rhinoplasty (at least anything applicable related to the surgery).
I was set to donate bone marrow today but that has been put on hold indefinitely as the cancer patient isn't healthy enough to do the transplant yet :(
After Aussie passed, I decided I needed less on my plate. I dropped all but one class. Currently managing well and I have an A in that class. Taking one class per semester from now on.
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laprosopicsurgon · 23 hours
Hysteroscopy Doctor in PCMC
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Hysteroscopy Doctor in PCMC: Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy
Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy is a distinguished hysteroscopy doctor in PCMC, recognized for his expertise in addressing a wide range of gynecological conditions. With a focus on minimally invasive techniques, he provides effective solutions for issues like endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts, prioritizing patient comfort and care.
What is Hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows doctors to visualize the inside of the uterus using a thin, lighted tube known as a hysteroscope. This method is crucial for diagnosing and treating various uterine conditions effectively and safely.
Conditions Treated by Dr. Reddy
Endometriosis: This condition occurs when endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, causing significant pain and discomfort. Dr. Reddy employs hysteroscopy for both diagnosis and treatment, helping to alleviate symptoms and improve reproductive health.
Fibroids: Uterine fibroids can lead to heavy bleeding and abdominal pain. Dr. Reddy specializes in hysteroscopic myomectomy, a procedure to remove fibroids while preserving the uterus.
Ovarian Cysts: These fluid-filled sacs can develop on the ovaries and may cause discomfort. Dr. Reddy provides thorough assessments and personalized treatment plans to manage ovarian cysts effectively.
Ectopic Pregnancy: This serious condition occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. Dr. Reddy is experienced in managing ectopic pregnancies, ensuring prompt and effective intervention.
Why Choose Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy?
Extensive Experience: Dr. Reddy has a wealth of experience in gynecology, making him highly qualified to treat complex conditions.
Minimally Invasive Techniques: His focus on laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures minimizes pain and recovery time for patients.
Compassionate Care: Dr. Reddy emphasizes clear communication and individualized treatment plans, ensuring that patients feel supported throughout their journey.
The Hysteroscopy Process
Consultation: The process begins with an initial consultation, where Dr. Reddy will review your medical history and symptoms to determine the best approach.
The Procedure: Hysteroscopy is typically performed on an outpatient basis, often under local anesthesia for added comfort.
Post-Procedure Care: Most patients can return home the same day, with minimal downtime and quick recovery.
For women dealing with gynecological issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, or ovarian cysts, Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy is a trusted hysteroscopy doctor in PCMC. His dedication to providing high-quality, compassionate care can significantly enhance your overall well-being.
Contact Dr. Reddy’s clinic today to schedule your appointment!
Hysteroscopy Doctor in PCMC: Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy
Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy is a highly regarded hysteroscopy doctor in PCMC, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of various gynecological conditions. With a commitment to minimally invasive techniques, he effectively addresses issues like endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts, ensuring patient comfort and satisfaction.
Understanding Hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows healthcare providers to examine the interior of the uterus using a hysteroscope. This method is essential for diagnosing and treating numerous gynecological issues, offering insights that lead to effective treatment plans.
Key Conditions Managed by Dr. Reddy
Endometriosis: This painful condition arises when tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus. Dr. Reddy utilizes hysteroscopy to diagnose and manage endometriosis, providing relief from pain and enhancing fertility options.
Fibroids: Non-cancerous growths in the uterus can cause heavy bleeding and discomfort. Dr. Reddy performs hysteroscopic myomectomy, allowing for the safe removal of fibroids while preserving uterine integrity.
Ovarian Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs that can lead to discomfort or pain. Dr. Reddy offers thorough evaluations and personalized treatment strategies for managing ovarian cysts effectively.
Ectopic Pregnancy: A critical condition that requires immediate attention. Dr. Reddy is skilled in diagnosing and treating ectopic pregnancies, ensuring prompt and safe care.
Benefits of Choosing Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy
Expert Knowledge: With years of experience in gynecology, Dr. Reddy is well-equipped to handle a variety of women’s health issues.
Advanced Techniques: His proficiency in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic methods minimizes recovery time and enhances patient comfort.
Holistic Patient Care: Dr. Reddy believes in providing comprehensive care, focusing on each patient’s unique needs and concerns.
The Hysteroscopy Experience
Initial Consultation: The journey begins with a detailed consultation where Dr. Reddy discusses your symptoms and medical history.
The Procedure: Hysteroscopy is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, often using local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.
Recovery: Most patients experience minimal downtime, allowing them to resume daily activities shortly after the procedure.
If you are experiencing gynecological issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, or ovarian cysts, Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy is the hysteroscopy doctor you can trust in PCMC. His commitment to providing high-quality, compassionate care can greatly improve your health and quality of life.
Contact Dr. Reddy’s clinic today to schedule your appointment!
For More Info-https://gynaeclaproscopicsurgeon.com/blog/2024/09/20/hysteroscopy-doctor-in-pcmc/
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cocoonhospital · 4 days
Endometriosis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments | cocoon hospital jaipur
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Millions of women worldwide suffer from the complicated and frequently debilitating medical condition known as Endometriosis. It occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium, grows outside the uterus. The misplaced tissue can cause inflammation, scarring, and severe pain, impacting various aspects of a woman's life. In this article, we delve into the causes, symptoms, and available treatments for endometriosis.
Causes of Endometriosis
While the exact cause of endometriosis remains unclear, several theories have been proposed by medical experts. One research suggests that during menstruation, menstrual blood containing endometrial cells flows backward through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity instead of leaving the body through the vagina. These displaced cells then adhere to the pelvic organs and tissues, where they continue to grow and cause inflammation.
Another theory suggests that endometriosis may result from hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, or immune system dysfunction. Hormones such as estrogen, which promote the growth of the endometrium, may also stimulate the growth of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus, exacerbating the condition.
Symptoms of Endometriosis
Endometriosis can present with a wide range of symptoms, which may vary in severity among individuals. Common symptoms include:
Pelvic pain: Chronic pelvic pain, often worsening during menstruation, is a hallmark symptom of endometriosis. The pain may also occur during intercourse or bowel movements.
Menstrual irregularities: Women with endometriosis may experience heavy or irregular periods, as well as spotting between periods. If you are facing this, consult our team of Doctors in the Best maternity hospital in Malviya Nagar Jaipur.
Painful intercourse: Endometrial implants in the pelvic region can cause discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse.
Infertility: Endometriosis is a leading cause of infertility in women, affecting their ability to conceive naturally.
Gastrointestinal symptoms: Some women may experience digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or nausea, particularly during menstruation. If you notice such symptoms, do consult with the specialists at the best Maternity hospital in Jaipur.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosing endometriosis can be challenging due to its varied symptoms and the absence of definitive diagnostic tests. A thorough medical history, pelvic examination, and imaging tests such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may help identify the presence of endometrial implants.
In some cases, a minimally invasive procedure called laparoscopy may be performed to visualize and biopsy suspicious tissue for confirmation of endometriosis.
Treatment options for endometriosis aim to alleviate symptoms, reduce inflammation, and improve quality of life. These may include:
Pain medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help manage pelvic pain associated with endometriosis.
Hormonal therapy: Birth control pills, hormonal patches, or injections may be prescribed to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce the growth of endometrial tissue.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists: These medications temporarily suppress ovarian function, inducing a state of menopause and alleviating symptoms of endometriosis.
Surgery: In cases of severe endometriosis or infertility, surgical intervention may be necessary to remove endometrial implants, scar tissue, or cysts.
Fertility treatments: For women struggling with infertility due to endometriosis, assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended.
In addition to medical treatments, lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, dietary changes, and stress management techniques may help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being for women with endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a chronic condition that can significantly impact the physical, emotional, and reproductive health of affected individuals. By understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and exploring available treatment options, women with endometriosis can better manage their condition and improve their quality of life. Early diagnosis and comprehensive care are essential in effectively managing endometriosis and minimizing its long-term complications. If you're looking for the treatment of Endometriosis, Cocoon Hospital, the Top Maternity hospital in Jaipur, is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
you can meet and visit our hospital on the given address :
Airport Plaza, Tonk Rd, Chandrakala Colony Mata colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan
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zany1122 · 7 days
Best IUI Centre in kolkata
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an assisted fertility treatment that helps couples conceive by placing sperm directly into a woman’s uterus. IUI bypasses the cervix and places the sperm closer to the eggs, increasing the chances of fertilization. The procedure is often used in cases of low sperm count or mobility, or when there are unexplained fertility issues.
At the Best IUI Centre in kolkata, qualified and experienced fertility specialists use cutting- edge technologies to ensure that your treatment is successful. Our experts understand the emotional and physical needs of our clients and strive to provide the best possible experience.
Intra Uterine insemination (IUI) with either husband or donor sperm is a procedure done in the clinic. IUI is basically artificial insemination procedure in which washed sperm directly into the uterine cavity. In IUI cycle we try to create the best possible chances of conception and implantation. By giving stimulation medicines we ensure good number of follicles are recruited for development and that best possible follicular growth occurs.
Estrogen released by growing follicles plays a direct role in thickening of the endometrial lining which is essential for implantation. If good number of follicles are recruited, the endometrial will also achieve the desired thickness (> 7mm). The semen sample is washed to remove any bad sperms and the best sperms are separated and inserted into the uterus at the best possible time (on the day of ovulation).
Why IUI Treatment Cycle Is Necessary? IUI treatment is necessary to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy in couples who are struggling to conceive naturally. There are many reasons to pursue IUI treatment, including:
Semen Allergy: Sometimes, a woman may experience discomfort after ejaculation due to a rare allergy her vagina has to the proteins and chemicals in semen. However, with IUI, the semen will be washed before it is inserted into the uterus so that these proteins and chemicals are removed.
Low Sperm Count: IUI is often used for couples who have a low sperm count or poor sperm motility. In this case, the sperm can be “washed” to increase the concentration of healthy, motile sperm to be delivered directly into the uterus. This increases the chances of conception.
Unexplained Infertility: There are cases where a couple cannot conceive despite all tests showing that they are healthy and there is no medical explanation for their infertility. In these cases, IUI can be a good option as it bypasses many of the obstacles that are preventing conception.
Genetic Conditions: If a couple is at risk for passing on a genetic condition, IUI can be used to increase the chances of conceiving without passing on the condition. Couples can use donor sperm or preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to ensure that their child does not have a particular genetic condition.
Ovulatory Factor Infertility: Sometimes, women may not be ovulating or have irregular periods due to medical conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In this case, IUI treatment can help bypass the barriers to conception by directly injecting healthy sperm into the uterus.
Mild Male Factor Infertility: For couples dealing with mild male factor infertility, IUI can help by directly delivering healthy sperm into the uterus at a time when ovulation has occurred. This increases their chances of conceiving naturally.
Endometriosis-related Infertility: Endometriosis is a condition where the uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus, which can lead to infertility. IUI treatment can help bypass this barrier by directly depositing healthy sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation.
Cervical Factor Infertility: In some cases, a woman’s cervical mucus may be too thick or too acidic for sperm to pass through and fertilize an egg. IUI treatment can bypass this problem by directly injecting healthy sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation.
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helthybody · 8 days
A Review of Nuvialab Female Fertility
A Comprehensive Solution for Reproductive Health
I recently had the opportunity to use Nuvialab Female Fertility, a product designed to support women's reproductive health. As someone who had been struggling with fertility issues, I was eager to explore potential solutions and was pleasantly surprised by the positive results I experienced.
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Understanding the Product
Nuvialab Female Fertility is a comprehensive supplement containing a carefully curated blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. These ingredients work synergistically to address various factors that can impact fertility, including hormonal imbalances, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
Key Benefits
One of the standout features of Nuvialab Female Fertility is its ability to enhance ovarian function. The product contains essential nutrients like folic acid, vitamin D, and iodine, which are crucial for healthy egg development. Additionally, it includes antioxidants such as vitamin C and selenium, which help protect eggs from damage caused by free radicals.
Another benefit of Nuvialab Female Fertility is its potential to regulate menstrual cycles. The supplement contains herbs like chasteberry and dong quai, which have been traditionally used to balance hormones and support menstrual regularity. This can be particularly helpful for women with irregular periods, which can often be a sign of fertility issues.
Furthermore, Nuvialab Female Fertility can help improve endometrial health. A healthy uterine lining is essential for implantation, and the product contains ingredients like vitamin B6 and zinc, which support the growth and development of the endometrium.
My Personal Experience
After using Nuvialab Female Fertility for several months, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall reproductive health. My menstrual cycles became more regular, and I experienced fewer symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Additionally, I felt more energized and had a better sense of well-being.
Most importantly, using Nuvialab Female Fertility helped me conceive. I was thrilled when I finally saw the positive pregnancy test after months of trying. I am confident that the product played a vital role in supporting my fertility and enabling me to start a family.
Nuvialab Female Fertility is a valuable resource for women seeking to improve their reproductive health. It is a safe and effective supplement that can address various fertility challenges. If you are struggling with fertility issues, I highly recommend giving Nuvialab Female Fertility a try.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before using Nuvialab Female Fertility or any other fertility supplement. Individual results may vary.
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How Does Fertility Get Affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and How Can It Be Managed?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age. One of its most significant concerns is its impact on fertility. Women with PCOS often experience irregular menstrual cycles, which can make it challenging to conceive. However, with the right medical support, lifestyle changes, and fertility treatments, many women with PCOS can successfully manage their condition and achieve pregnancy.
In this article, we'll explore how PCOS affects fertility, the symptoms to watch for, and the treatment options available to manage the condition. We'll also highlight how the Best Hospital in Hapur like GS Hospital provides specialized care for women with PCOS, offering comprehensive solutions for fertility concerns.
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Understanding PCOS and Its Impact on Fertility:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder that primarily affects the ovaries, impacting women during their reproductive years. It is characterized by a combination of several clinical features:
Irregular Periods: Women with PCOS often have fewer menstrual cycles, experience irregular periods, or may not have periods at all (amenorrhea).
Excess Androgens: Elevated levels of male hormones, known as androgens, can cause physical symptoms such as acne, excessive facial and body hair (hirsutism), and thinning scalp hair or male-pattern baldness.
Polycystic Ovaries: The ovaries may develop numerous small, fluid-filled sacs (follicles) that surround the eggs. These cysts inhibit regular ovulation, making it difficult for women with PCOS to release eggs each month.
How PCOS Affects Fertility:
One of the most significant concerns for women with PCOS is infertility. The primary reason for this is the disruption in ovulation, which is essential for conception. In a normal menstrual cycle, a woman releases an egg from the ovaries each month during ovulation. However, for women with PCOS, this process may not occur regularly, or in some cases, may not happen at all, reducing the chances of natural conception.
Irregular Ovulation: Hormonal imbalances, particularly excess androgens, interfere with the signals from the brain that prompt the ovaries to release eggs. This leads to irregular or absent ovulation, making conception difficult.
Endometrial Lining: PCOS can cause irregular shedding of the uterine lining, leading to issues with implantation and increasing the risk of miscarriage.
Insulin Resistance: Women with PCOS are more likely to have insulin resistance, where the body’s cells do not respond effectively to insulin. This contributes to elevated insulin levels, which in turn disrupt hormone balance and can lead to difficulties in ovulation and fertility.
What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It occurs due to an imbalance in reproductive hormones, specifically an excess of androgens (male hormones), which can disrupt the normal functioning of the ovaries. As a result, women with PCOS often experience a variety of symptoms that can affect their health and well-being.
Key Symptoms of PCOS:
Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Women with PCOS may have infrequent, prolonged, or absent periods, which can affect fertility.
Excessive Hair Growth (Hirsutism): Due to high levels of androgens, women may experience excessive hair growth on the face, chest, and other areas.
Acne: Hormonal imbalances often lead to persistent acne, particularly on the face, chest, and upper back.
Weight Gain and Obesity: Many women with PCOS struggle with weight gain or obesity, which can further exacerbate symptoms.
Ovarian Cysts: The ovaries may develop multiple small cysts, leading to irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation, directly impacting fertility.
Impact on Fertility:
PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women. The hormonal imbalance affects the release of eggs from the ovaries, making it difficult for women to conceive naturally.
Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage symptoms and reduce the risk of long-term complications such as diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial cancer.
Diagnosing PCOS and Fertility Issues:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is usually diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examinations, blood tests, and imaging studies. Given its complex nature, diagnosing PCOS involves multiple steps to ensure accurate identification of the disorder and its impact on fertility.
Steps in Diagnosing PCOS:
Medical History:
The first step in diagnosing PCOS involves reviewing the patient's medical history, including details about menstrual cycle irregularities, weight changes, and symptoms like acne or excess hair growth.
Family history of PCOS or related metabolic disorders can also provide crucial insights.
Physical Examination:
Doctors will examine physical signs of PCOS such as:
Excess Hair Growth: Hirsutism on the face, chest, and back.
Acne and Oily Skin: Persistent skin issues that are common in PCOS.
Obesity or Weight Distribution: Excess weight, particularly around the abdomen, is a common sign.
Blood Tests:
Blood tests are essential to assess hormone levels, specifically:
Elevated Androgens: High levels of male hormones can confirm PCOS.
Insulin Resistance: Blood sugar and insulin levels are checked to identify insulin resistance, a common issue with PCOS.
Other Hormonal Imbalances: Thyroid and prolactin levels may also be tested to rule out other conditions.
Ultrasound Imaging:
A transvaginal ultrasound is often performed to:
Detect Polycystic Ovaries, characterized by multiple small cysts or follicles that fail to mature and release eggs.
Assess the thickness of the endometrial lining, which can be affected by irregular periods.
Fertility Evaluation for PCOS:
If a woman with PCOS is experiencing difficulties with conception, a fertility evaluation may be conducted. This involves:
Ovulation Monitoring: Testing to see if and when ovulation is occurring.
Additional Reproductive Health Assessments: These may include tests for the overall health of the reproductive system to identify any other potential issues.
Management and Treatment Options for PCOS:
Although there is no cure for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), it can be effectively managed with a combination of medical treatments, lifestyle changes, and fertility support. Below are some key management strategies:
Medications to Regulate Menstrual Cycles:
Birth Control Pills: Combined oral contraceptives help regulate menstrual cycles, lower androgen levels, and alleviate symptoms like acne and excessive hair growth. They also protect against endometrial cancer by inducing regular periods.
Progestin Therapy: Taking progestin for 10 to 14 days every one to two months can regulate menstrual cycles and reduce the risk of endometrial cancer associated with irregular periods.
Fertility Medications:
Clomiphene Citrate: This anti-estrogen medication is often prescribed to stimulate ovulation in women with PCOS who are trying to conceive.
Metformin: Primarily used to treat insulin resistance, metformin can also aid in weight loss, restore regular ovulation, and improve fertility.
Letrozole: Originally used for breast cancer treatment, letrozole can effectively induce ovulation in women with PCOS.
Gonadotropins: These injectable hormones may be recommended if oral medications are unsuccessful in inducing ovulation.
Lifestyle Modifications:
Weight Management: Even modest weight loss (5-10% of body weight) can help restore ovulation, improve insulin sensitivity, and enhance fertility outcomes.
Exercise: Regular physical activity, including both aerobic exercise and strength training, boosts insulin sensitivity, aids weight management, and helps reduce symptoms of PCOS.
Dietary Changes: A healthy, balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins helps control blood sugar levels, reduces insulin resistance, and alleviates symptoms of PCOS.
With a tailored approach that includes these treatments, women with PCOS can manage their symptoms effectively and improve their overall health.
Fertility Treatment Options for Women with PCOS:
For women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) who do not achieve pregnancy through lifestyle changes and medications, advanced fertility treatments may be necessary. These treatments aim to stimulate ovulation, enhance fertility, and increase the chances of conception.
Ovulation Induction:
Medications: Medications such as clomiphene citrate (Clomid) and letrozole are commonly used to stimulate ovulation in women with PCOS.
Monitoring: Throughout the treatment, ultrasound scans are performed to monitor the development of ovarian follicles and determine the ideal timing for ovulation.
Success Rates: Ovulation induction is often successful in women with PCOS, particularly when combined with timed intercourse or intrauterine insemination (IUI).
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):
IVF Process: For women who do not respond to ovulation induction or have additional fertility issues, IVF can be an effective solution. In IVF, eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, fertilized in a laboratory, and then transferred to the uterus.
Controlled Environment: The process allows for better control over fertilization, which can be especially beneficial for women with PCOS who may produce multiple eggs.
Higher Success Rates: IVF offers higher success rates compared to ovulation induction and is often recommended for women with severe PCOS-related infertility or other reproductive challenges.
Ovarian Drilling:
Laparoscopic Procedure: Ovarian drilling is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where small holes are made in the ovaries using a laser or needle.
Lowering Androgen Levels: This reduces androgen levels, helping to restore regular ovulation in women with PCOS.
When Recommended: Ovarian drilling is considered when other fertility treatments fail or when women exhibit high androgen levels that interfere with ovulation.
By exploring these fertility treatments, women with PCOS can increase their chances of conceiving.
How GS Hospital Helps in Managing PCOS:
The Best Gynaecologist in Meerut UP like GS Hospital provides comprehensive care for women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), adopting a multidisciplinary approach to ensure optimal health outcomes. The hospital's expert team, consisting of gynecologists, endocrinologists, and fertility specialists, works closely with each patient to design personalized treatment plans that address both the symptoms and long-term effects of PCOS.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Testing:
Advanced Hormonal Assessments: One of the Best Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in Ghaziabad like GS Hospital utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to measure hormone levels, including androgens and insulin, which are often imbalanced in women with PCOS.
Imaging Services: The hospital offers advanced ultrasound and imaging techniques to assess ovarian health and detect the presence of multiple cysts, a hallmark of PCOS.
Customized Treatment Plans:
Individualized Care: Each treatment plan is tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient, considering factors such as symptom severity, fertility aspirations, and overall health.
Hormonal Regulation: The hospital offers medications to regulate menstrual cycles and manage excess androgens, helping reduce symptoms like acne and excessive hair growth.
Fertility Support:
Ovulation Induction: For women with fertility concerns, GS Hospital provides medications such as clomiphene and letrozole to stimulate ovulation.
IVF and Other Fertility Treatments: In cases where more advanced treatment is required, GS Hospital offers in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other fertility procedures to help women with PCOS achieve successful pregnancies.
Nutritional and Lifestyle Guidance:
Diet and Exercise Programs: GS Hospital’s team of dietitians and fitness experts provide customized guidance on healthy eating and regular exercise, which are crucial for managing weight and improving insulin sensitivity.
Holistic Approach: By addressing lifestyle factors, the hospital helps patients reduce PCOS symptoms and improve their overall well-being.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) presents significant challenges, particularly in the realm of fertility. However, with appropriate diagnosis and a tailored management plan, women with PCOS can successfully address these challenges. The Top Gynaecologists in Ghaziabad like GS Hospital exemplifies excellence in managing PCOS, offering a comprehensive range of services from advanced diagnostic tools to personalized treatment plans and expert fertility support. By combining cutting-edge medical care with supportive services, GS Hospital ensures that women with PCOS receive the highest quality care. Whether you are seeking diagnosis, treatment, or support for fertility issues related to PCOS, GS Hospital is dedicated to helping you achieve your health and fertility goals.
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privatesono · 24 days
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shamsqamar · 1 month
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 Imroz Rahi
 August 13, 2024
Reciprocal IVF Success Rates: What You Need to Know
For same-sex female couples, reciprocal IVF—also referred to as co-maternity or shared motherhood—is becoming a more popular fertility option. Through this process, both partners can participate biologically in their child’s birth by having one partner carry the pregnancy while the other provides the eggs. Numerous couples are interested in learning about the reciprocal IVF success rates and the variables that affect the results as this option becomes more and more popular. We will go into the specifics of reciprocal IVF, examine the variables that influence its success, and give you the knowledge you need to make an informed choice in this blog post.
Table of Contents
Understanding Reciprocal IVF
Factors Affecting Reciprocal IVF Success Rates
What Are the Average Reciprocal IVF Success Rates?
How to Improve Reciprocal IVF Success Rates
The Emotional Journey of Reciprocal IVF
Understanding Reciprocal IVF
It’s important to comprehend the IVF procedure itself before talking about the reciprocal success rates. A few crucial steps are involved in reciprocal IVF: 
Ovarian Stimulation: The partner who will donate the eggs will receive ovarian stimulation, which involves giving fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries to produce more than one egg.
Egg Retrieval: After the eggs have developed, a small surgical incision is made to remove them.
Fertilization: In a lab environment, donor sperm are used to fertilize the recovered eggs. The development of the resulting embryos is observed.
Embryo Transfer: The partner who will carry the pregnancy receives the embryo(s) that are in the best health.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy results from the embryo’s successful implantation in the uterine lining.
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Factors Affecting Reciprocal IVF Success Rates
Numerous factors can affect the success rates of reciprocal in vitro fertilization. Couples can increase their chances of success and set reasonable expectations by being aware of these factors. 
Age of the Egg Provider:
The age of the partner supplying the eggs is one of the most important variables affecting the success rates of reciprocal IVF. Women under the age of 35 are generally more likely to produce viable eggs that result in healthy pregnancies. The quantity and quality of a woman’s eggs decrease with age, which can lower the success rates of in vitro fertilization. 
Health and Fertility of the Egg Provider:
Another important factor is the partner’s general health and fertility when supplying the eggs. Endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and other reproductive disorders can affect the quality of the eggs and the chances of a successful outcome. 
Uterine Health of the Gestational Partner:
Equally crucial is the partner’s health who will bear the child. The likelihood of a successful embryo implantation and subsequent pregnancy is increased in a healthy uterus with a receptive endometrial lining. Reciprocal IVF success rates can be lowered and implantation can be impacted by diseases like fibroids, polyps, or abnormalities of the uterus.
Quality of the Embryos:
Another important consideration is the calibre of the embryos produced during IVF. An embryo’s chances of implanting increase when it reaches the blastocyst stage, which occurs five to six days after fertilization. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is one of the sophisticated methods that clinics frequently use to evaluate the quality of the embryos and choose the best ones for transfer.
Lifestyle Factors:
The success rates of reciprocal IVF can also be influenced by lifestyle decisions. Keeping a healthy weight, abstaining from tobacco and excessive alcohol use, and practicing stress management are all things that can increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
What Are the Average Reciprocal IVF Success Rates?
While individual circumstances and clinic-specific variations may affect reciprocal IVF success rates, overall success rates are frequently comparable to those of traditional IVF. When using fresh embryos from women under 35, the success rate for IVF is typically between 40 and 50 per cent. The success rate falls to 30–40% for women 35–37 years old, and it keeps going down as they get older.
Because reciprocal IVF involves two partners, it can have slightly lower success rates than traditional IVF because of the added complexity of the procedure. However, many same-sex female couples successfully conceive using this method provided they receive appropriate medical care and select the appropriate clinic.
How to Improve Reciprocal IVF Success Rates
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Choose a Reputable Fertility Clinic:
One of the most crucial choices you will have to make is which clinic to attend. Seek out a clinic with a supportive staff, skilled reproductive specialists, and high success rates. IVF which is reciprocal in nature may be a specialty of clinics that treat LGBTQ+ patients.
Optimize Your Health:
Prior to beginning the IVF process, both partners should concentrate on improving their health. This entails eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and taking care of any underlying medical issues.
Consider Genetic Testing:
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) can assist in selecting the healthiest embryos for transfer, thereby improving the likelihood of conceiving a child.
Stay Informed and Educated:
Stress and anxiety can be decreased by being aware of the reciprocal IVF process and what to anticipate. Ask questions, stay up to date on your treatment options, and collaborate closely with your fertility specialist to develop a customized treatment plan.
Seek Emotional Support:
A strong support system can make a big difference in your experience with infertility treatment. The IVF journey can be emotionally taxing. To help you through it, think about joining a support group or getting counselling.
The Emotional Journey of Reciprocal IVF
In addition to being a medical procedure, reciprocal IVF is an emotional journey that both partners go through. This procedure is special in that it creates a strong sense of shared parenthood by allowing both partners to have a biological connection to the child. It’s important to understand, though, that the procedure can be emotionally taxing.
Emotions that couples may feel range from hope and excitement to fear and anxiety. Emotional exhaustion may result from the waiting times, hormone treatments, and outcome uncertainty. Throughout the process, it’s critical for couples to support one another and have open communication. 
In addition, counselling could be helpful for some couples in overcoming the emotional obstacles associated with reciprocal IVF. Utilizing the counselling services that many fertility clinics provide as part of their treatment plans is highly recommended.
Same-sex female couples can share the wonderful experience of parenthood through reciprocal IVF. While a number of factors affect reciprocal IVF success rates, you can greatly increase your chances of success by selecting the best clinic and making health-related changes. First Move IVF offers professional care and support throughout your fertility journey, and we are here to help you every step of the way.
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