#Endometrial tissue
surinderbhalla · 1 year
Pain to Possibilities: Understanding Endometriosis!
Endometriosis is a complex and misunderstood medical condition affecting millions of women worldwide. It’s a condition that can cause excruciating pain, disrupt daily life, and even lead to infertility. Yet, despite its prevalence and impact, endometriosis remains underdiagnosed and frequently under-discussed. In this blog post, we will be understanding endometriosis, from pain to possibilities.…
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sunkern-plus · 8 months
i forget i'm chronically ill all the time until (random bowel problem that no normal human has) (random gas problem that no normal human has) (random sensation of my ovaries being torn out through my stomach) (random extraintestinal ibs fatigue that makes me not do anything)
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youmaycallmebrian · 10 months
just realized that Astarion probably knows whenever a party member is having their period because he can smell it on them and idk how to feel about that
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watermelinoe · 2 months
even with compression stockings the leg pain is ridiculoussss
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maidofmetal · 7 months
can i get like the 6 different specialist who wanna perform surgery’s / procedures on me in an operating room at all once so i don’t have to get fucked up multiple different times
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xviruserrorx · 1 year
Why the ever living fuck does having endometriosis in your throat, lungs, and your general breathing space area exist!!!???
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My twin is finally in surgery 😭
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slythernnn · 1 year
Annnd now the pain has started fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck someone kill me
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basedandradpilled · 2 years
“womb envy isn’t real” there’s more research funding to put my uterus in a male than to make it stop growing extra endometrial tissue in the wrong places. uhm anyways make sure to refer to contraceptives as for uterus-havers, we don’t want to alienate anyone uwu
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using DUDE WIPES to mop up chunks of endometrial tissue after freebleeding on my gamer throne
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envolvenuances · 7 days
it just makes me so angry that the debilitating pain and fatigue endometriosis causes are barely discussed and the disease is always talked about in relation to fertility and pain during penetration. and in the second there's so much pressure on the woman to accommodate and never the suggestion that the male partner needs to have sympathy and find different ways to have sex. sometimes you find a doctor researching or discussing "endo belly" which is one of the terrible symptoms but also such a stupid term to refer to severe painful constipation and with too much emphasizes on appearance and "shame". like can we talk about the chronic pain and fatigue? can we talk about the endometrial tissue causing nerve damage and organ failure? no I'm not talking about my uterus and ovaries exclusively no my concern is not my infertility it's the tissue on my diafragma that has been bothering me to breath
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yrfemmehusband · 1 year
Female reproductive health terms you should know!
(terfs not welcome)
Dysmenorrhea: Period pain that isn't normal, i.e. any pain more than Mild cramping.
Dyspareunia: painful intercourse
Oligomenorrhea: lighter, shorter menstrual flow.
Menorrhagia: heavier, longer menstrual flow.
Ovarian cysts: a mass on or in one's ovary, can be resolved on its own, or can remain and cause complications such as a rupture.
Polycystic ovary syndrome: a chronic condition causing cysts to reoccur on the ovaries and enlarging them. Symptoms include:
Irregular periods
hormonal imbalance
facial hair
weight gain
painful periods/ ovulation
People with PCOS are at higher risk for endometrial cancer, type II diabetes heart problems and high blood pressure.
Endometriosis: A chronic condition in which a tissue similar to, but different than, the endometrial lining grows outside of the uterus instead of inside. During menstruation this tissue sheds and has nowhere to go, thus irritating surrounding organs.
Symptoms include:
Irregular periods
Widespread pain
Painful ovulation
Vomiting, fainting, chills, sweating, fever and brain fog during menstruation
Severe bloating
This also puts people at a higher risk for endometrial and ovarian cancer. There are four stages to Endo as it is a progressive disease, with 3/4 being more severe. The average time it takes to be diagnosed is 7 years.
Adenomyosis: A chronic disease similar and comorbid to endometriosis in which a tissue similar to the endometrial lining grows inside of the uterine wall. Symptoms are nearly identical to endometriosis but more difficult to detect.
Many people are diagnosed post menopause, by fault of the medical system, but it can and does develop much before then.
Ovarian cancer: cancer of the ovary(ies).
Endometrial cancer: cancer of the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus.
Endometrial cyst, or chocolate cyst: cystic lesions from endometriosis.
Tilted uterus: the uterus is positioned pointing towards the back or severely to the front of the pelvis instead of a slight tilt towards at the cervix. Can cause painful sex and periods.
Pelvic floor dysfunction: inability to control your pelvic muscles. Comorbid with many things and is highly comorbid with endometriosis. Can cause pain and incontinence.
Vulvodynia: chronic and unexplained pain at the opening of the vagina.
Interstitial cystitis: a chronic condition where cysts form on the inside of the bladder and urinary tract and cause symptoms similar to that of a UTI.
Pre-eclampsia: a condition occurring in pregnancy where the blood supply between the fetus and the pregnant person is affected and can cause irregular blood pressure, swelling, and in more severe cases headache, nausea and vomiting, a burning sensation behind the sternum, shortness of breath and potentially death if untreated.
Endometritis: an infection or irritation of the uterine lining. Is not the same as endometriosis and is treatable but can cause pain, bleeding, swelling, general discomfort and fever, and more.
Pelvic inflammatory disease: an infection of the reproductive organs
Ectopic pregnancy: a pregnancy that is attached to the outside of the uterus. Can be fatal if left untreated.
There are many more I could probably add but if you see something missing, please add it!
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lysandrabellargus · 1 year
I have seen some misinformation on endometriosis getting a lot of notes on this site, so here are some endometriosis facts with sources
Endometriosis isn't endometrial tissue migrating outside of the uterus, it is similar to the tissue lining the inside of the uterus (1)
The cause of endometriosis is still unknown, there are many theories still being explored (2)
Suppressing menstruation with hormones is not always an effective way to slow down the development of endometriosis lesions, current hormonal treatment options are mostly meant for pain relief/symptom management, sometimes they are not enough, and they are not well tolerated by all patients (3) (4)
Negative ultrasound or MRI results do not rule out endometriosis : Some doctors do not have enough expertise to read the results, and some types and locations of endometriosis are less likely to be visible and require a laparoscopy for accurate diagnosis (5)
Estrogen is not universally bad for endometriosis, combined oral contraceptives are not forbidden. They might be less effective than progestins but they are still a viable treatment option (6) (7)
There is no known cure for endometriosis. A hysterectomy cannot cure endometriosis, however it can provide pain relief (8) (9). Excision surgery does not cure endometriosis either (10)
Anyone can have endometriosis regardless of their age (11) (12)(13), sex (14), or gender (15) (16) (17) (18)
Endometriosis can be asymptomatic, and the stage or type on endometriosis does not always equate the severity of symptoms (19)
Endometriosis can be found outside of the pelvic area/gynecological organs (20)
Anyway, please do your own research, always double check what your doctors tell you, and don't believe strangers on the internet just because they mean well. Take care <3
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hi! i’ve been wondering, do gallifreyans have menstrual cycles? if so, how is it similar/different to what humans experience?
Do Gallifreyans have menstrual cycles?
There's really not that much on Gallifreyan reproductive systems to start working from, but we can make some really good assumptions based on what we know about Gallifreyans and humans.
🌍👽 Humans vs. Gallifreyans: A Comparative Study
Let's face it, speaking from an evolutionary and biological viewpoint, human menstruation is stupid. As if it wasn't weird enough that your fertilisation windows and ova are limited in a body whose only real evolutionary purpose is to procreate until you die, you've also gotta brook the burden of bleeding everywhere to make the perfect trail for predators. Add on top of that a shift in cognitive and emotional processing with severe pain alongside the risk of anaemia, and you've got a really badly designed system.
Gallifreyans, on the other hand, have a more mechanical relationship with their reproductive systems. It's suggested that they transitioned from natural reproduction to "looming" their offspring due to various reasons, including a sterility curse and/or societal changes and/or eugenics. In more recent times, with the "curse" lifted (or never actually in effect), Gallifreyans have shown the ability to reproduce naturally, even with humans. This means that they have sort-of the same organs in sort-of the same places doing sort-of the same jobs.
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🌺 Alternative Solutions to Menstruation
Given the advanced nature of Gallifreyan physiology, it's plausible they've developed more efficient reproductive mechanisms that avoid menstruation, or at least make it 'invisible'.
Leading Theory: Selective Ovum Production Gallifreyans have a lot of control over their bodies, including hormone regulation. It's entirely possible that ova are only created when they actually tell their bodies to do it. This bypasses the need for any form of menstrual cycle.
Sub-theory 1: Feline-Like Induced Ovulation Taking a cue from feline species, Gallifreyans might have induced ovulation, where the ovum is only released in response to specific stimuli, such as sex or maybe a telepathic connection. This method again would eliminate the need for a regular menstrual cycle, with ovulation occurring only when physically or mentally intimate.
Sub-theory 3: Permanent Ovum Retention In an alternative approach, the ovum could remain perpetually in the womb, never shedding unless fertilisation occurs. This would eliminate not only the need for menstruation but also the cyclical preparation and degradation of the endometrial lining, streamlining the reproductive process to an 'on-demand' system.
Followed By ... Tissue Reabsorption Why shed the lining when you can reabsorb it? Gallifreyans might have the capability to reabsorb the endometrial tissue back into the body. This process would be seamless, with no physical manifestation akin to menstruation, ensuring that the reproductive system remains prepared without cyclic shedding.
🌟The Perks of Being Gallifreyan
These speculated mechanisms would offer several advantages:
Efficiency: By eliminating the menstrual cycle, Gallifreyans conserve energy and resources that would otherwise be expended monthly.
Control: Induced ovulation and tissue reabsorption allow for greater control over the reproductive process, enabling Gallifreyans to decide if and when reproduction occurs.
Convenience: Without the physical and emotional discomforts associated with menstruation, Gallifreyans can maintain their activities without interruption.
🏫 So ...
We can't be entirely sure until some info comes along that goes to great lengths to explain more about Gallifreyan reproductive organs, but we can say that Gallifreyans, with their penchant for efficiency and control, have likely refined their reproductive systems to a level of sophistication that renders menstruation unnecessary or invisible.
What would a Human/Gallifreyan pregnancy look like?: Details on the possible gestational aspects of a hybrid pregnancy.
How do natural Gallifreyan pregnancies work?: Details on the possible gestational aspects of a Gallifreyan+Gallifreyan pregnancy.
Factoid: Can Gallifreyans have interspecies children?
Hope that helped! 😃
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ramlightly · 11 months
What are Hollyhock's thoughts on period sex?
You'd get a long lecture that period blood isn't JUST blood, it's also like your vagina secretions, endometrial tissue, and other gross stuff...
... Then they would admit they'd be up for it.
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intersexcat-tboy · 2 months
"Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that destroys the tissue lining the uterus. The goal of the procedure is to reduce menstrual bleeding, which may be heavy, irregular, or intermenstrual. In some cases, the procedure may stop menstrual flow completely"
I'm sorry I heard "destroys the tissue lining the uterus" and got so hard I passed out
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