#Endometriosis awareness
carusolikey · 1 month
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The Blue Hour
a Max Phillips & Bloodsucking Bastards FanFic
Paint up those Easter Eggs in your favorite colors and shapes, cause baby, we're on our way!
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Chapter 3 - I hope you're wearing a seatbelt, otherwise...
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"Dammit, I thought to myself, I cannot be this starved for the Vitamin D."
We're talking about dick here. Vitamin D = dick. However, people in places that are in more northern parts of the U.S., like Forks, Washington, do often suffer from vitamin D deficiencies because of the lack of sufficient sunlight, especially in the winter. Which of course, can lead to symptoms like extreme fatigue, rickets in children, or osteoporosis in adults. Fun!
“Oh, of course. Lingerie Law - that’s closely related to Bird Law, right?” If you're a citizen of the U.S., or simply visiting, it's important to be aware of one of the most widely recognized laws of our country - Bird Law.
"I looked in the mirror and felt a little bit like Bettie Page, it was empowering." Bettie Page is an icon and a badass. She was a woman with a college degree during the 1950's who made money owning her sexuality, like a boss, until she mysteriously disappeared at the end of the decade. Her image continued to garner interest and intrigue, becoming more popular over time. To find out what happened to Bettie, check out the article below - be forewarned that item #5 of this list of info re: Bettie's life requires a content warning for SA and affected mental health.
If you're interested in getting a more indepth look at her life, this is a more thorough account:
"It was an old school label maker. The really old kind that had a dial for the letters, and for each letter you had to squeeze the handle very tightly in order to get it to make an impression on the label tape." These are very cool. If you find them online, at a rummage sale, or a thrift shop, they're definitely worth picking up.
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"Do not back down on my account. You know what Hal Sparks said, right?” A lot of people like to attribute the quote,"Why do people say 'grow some balls'? Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really want to get tough, grow a vagina! Those things take a pounding!" to Betty White. God knows I love her. But according to Snopes, even Betty admits she didn't say that.
The original person to essentially make the claim that pussy is tougher? Hal Sparks, so let's give credit where credit is due, and roll right into that funny man's clip!
“Good. Do not go gentle into that good night.” “I will not. I will rage until the dying of the light,” he said, still chuckling."
I know you know I know you know that we're quoting Dylan Thomas.
“All flowers have meanings. White orchids can be used to convey hope - new beginnings,” he raised his eyebrow as he looked at me." I was actually inspired to have Max be someone who is interested in the language of flowers, or floriography, because of a book / miniseries (based on the book) called, "The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart". It's an incredibly beautiful story, with strong female characters, that takes place in Australia. The subject matter is heavy, but somehow at the end, I found myself feeling lighter.
“My beautiful, midnight, Lunar Goddess.” I'm being a little bit facetious here. There is no specific lunar goddess to which Max is referring, except for OC/reader. Why? Because mythology is messy, and there is a lot of it. Greek and Roman mythology alone is a lot of different gods and goddesses having sex with other gods and goddesses, having children, breaking up, getting back together again, getting banished, abandoned, adopted. Both Selene (Greek) and Luna (Roman) enjoy driving their little chariots across the night sky, though. And that's a nice image to start with - but there are plenty of other mythologies left to explore, as well.
"He took the orchids, and reaching out, let them lightly drag down the crook of my neck and across my clavicle." This is a twist on a scene from the movie 40 Days & 40 Nights, however, as much as we all love Josh Hartnett, that movie is problematic for not recognizing that men can also experience SA - which is a bummer. When we know better, we do better (looking at you, Bridgerton.) A note: In this clip, Shannyn Sossamon says that you can tell that a relationship is real based on "the kiss" and that's all that really matters. Obviously, this is not true. There's a lot more to meaningful relationships outside of a great kiss. Hopefully, I will have demonstrated that through the actions taken and the conversations had by the characters in my own writing throughout the rest of this fic.
I highly recommend Cinema Therapy on YouTube for additional "homework", if you enjoy humor and breaking down what exactly makes a movie relationship non-sustainable from the perspective of a professional therapist and his best friend who's also a filmmaker - double analysis! Oh, lookey here! I have their analysis of Twilight queued right up for you! "I don't want my daughters anywhere near this - I want them watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
"...and used the other hand to pick up the jar that nearly caused the fall of the house of orchids, examining the label closely." The 'fall of the house of orchids' - get it? Like The Fall of the House of Usher? Both a short story by THE gothic poet and author Edgar Allen Poe, and the title piece of the recent adaptation of Poe's works into a miniseries by the fantastic Mike Flanagan. I highly encourage reading all of the stories and poems that Flanagan based the miniseries on AND watching the series. It's a mothereffin' feast for the soul.
"Using the spoon to apply the coconut oil to my free hand, I rubbed the oil between my hands to warm it up." Coconut oil as lube? Yes! Pros: it's safe, can last longer than other lubes, and is both antibacterial and antifungal. Cons: it can break latex condoms, cause allergic reactions, and potentially disrupt the pH of your vagina, possibly resulting in an infection for some people.
Is it worth it to try coconut oil as lube? Maybe. Depends on what you're using it for - perhaps something like what we used it for in our Max fanfic? Something I'm calling the "Peña Colada" in honor of our favorite Narco Agent. You know that's right. Shut your beautiful mouth and don't you dare argue with me, Peña.
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"Then he pulled his pants and briefs off, leaving just his black business socks on." That's right. Aww, yeah. It's business time.
"After an elongated, awkward, Tina Belcher laugh, resistance was futile and I admitted the truth with a sing-songy, “Mayyy-beee.” Maybe you don't know what Bob's Burgers is - that's okay, I'm here to help.
"They have the most absolutely scrumtrulescent coxinhas,” sitting up, I started to get very excited, speaking with my hands," -- I don't have a specific recipe for these to share, but I have a picture, and that should be worth at least a few hundred words, eh?
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“Okay - be real. You’re a vampire, you live forever, right?”  “Uh, yeah?” Max cautiously responded. “Are you actually going to go back to high school and graduate 25 times?” -- I'm referring to the audacity of this - THIS:
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"Max, abruptly aware that I was sitting on, and therefore hogging heretofore named Sex Afghan, giggled as he looked down at me, smiling doe-eyed as I gave him the up-down and the ‘how you doin’?’" -- One gif:
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“Yeah - thanks. That’s for you, slugger - no change.” I like to try and keep in line with Max's typical frame of speech and vocal affectations:
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"...he held up his left hand, pointing to a silver ring on his middle finger."-- Attention to detail is my middle name. Check out his middle finger on his left hand. Not his ring finger - his middle finger. Interesting character choice, eh? I'm using it, it's part of my canon now:
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“And the sixth sense? Dead people?” -- Maybe you need a refresher? Maybe you've never seen it? Let's remedy that with at least the trailer, huh?
"We continued our slow kiss, until the opening chords of House of the Rising Sun broke our focus and our calm." -- I chose House of the Rising Sun for a few reasons. The lyrics start:
There is a house in New Orleans They call the Rising Sun And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And God, I know I'm one
We know that Max got his daylight ring in New Orleans, where the vampires have a deal worked out with the witches there. Did he make a deal with them that we need to worry about? Or is this about the regret, the ruin of becoming a vampire? Another part of the song goes:
Oh, mothers, tell your children Not to do what I have done Spend your lives in sin and misery In the House of the Rising Sun
Does Max feel the need to warn others away from vampirism - will he warn off OC/reader from the lifestyle, beg them not to choose it? Is there a lot of regret for him? Or is it a cheeky homage to his situation, warning people away from him specifically - the sinner in misery? Or is it the rising of the sun and returning to the daily doldrums of a pretend human life that keeps him in such a state? Hard to know, huh?
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"In the warmth of your smile, I melt like wax rolling down the edge of a candle." -- Another original amateur poem, although this one was written independently of Max - I felt like it applied quite well, what say you?
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And those are all of the Easter Eggs for this chapter!
Return to the Masterlist Here or, while you're waiting for chapter 4, be sure to check out my other fanfics: • Javi G. from The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Paddington 3: Lost in Mallorca. • A cheeky little one-off about Young Joel from The Last of Us in High Heat, Heavy Load.
Return to Chapter 3
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mental-mona · 3 months
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sleepyeli · 3 months
A short comic about my experience with Endometriosis for Endo awareness month <3
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yrfemmehusband · 3 months
It's endometriosis awareness month! Here's some general knowledge on my condition, as misinformation is constantly spread about it.
Endometriosis is a disease affecting 1 in 10 people with uteruses. A tissue similar to the endometrial lining, of period blood, grows and sheds on the outside of the uterus. As the menstrual cycle comes, the blood has nowhere to go. This causes intense pain and irritation to surrounding organs. It is one of the most painful diseases recorded.
Endometriosis was first discovered in 1860, though it was recognized in the Hippocratic Corpus around 4,000 years ago. Treatments have varied through the years, starting out with bloodletting, leeches, hanging upside down, exorcisms, genital mutilation, and chemical douches. During the Middle ages, the perception of chronic pelvic pain shifted from a recognized condition to something caused by hysteria, promiscuity, or it was made up. In the hayday of Hippocratic practice, Endometriosis was more common than it is today, likely due to the inaccessibility of diagnosis compared to 4,000 years ago. Somehow.
Today, treatments include birth control, surgery, hysterectomy, and pain relief. There is no cure.
It takes an average of 7-12 years for someone to receive a diagnosis.
Anyone can get endometriosis, including cis men
A hysterectomy is not a cure, as endometriosis will continue to grow and spread to other organs
The pain one experiences due to endometriosis does not correlate with staging. Staging reveals how extensive endometriosis lesions are, not pain. Someone with stage 1 could experience excruciating pain, while someone with stage 4 and frozen pelvis can experience no pain.
Endometriosis lesions are not endometrial lining. The tissue is similar, but not the same. Thus, no one actually knows what endometriosis actually is.
It is only diagnosable through laparoscopic surgery. It can be detected via imaging such as ultrasound or MRI, but more often than not, it isn't seen. You can have completely clear tests up until your surgery and still have even the higher stages of Endo (like me!) (this one was for all you undiagnosed people, you're not crazy!)
Endometriosis is comorbid with many things, including pelvic floor dysfunction, adenomyosis, vulvodynia, uterine cancer and fibroids, ovarian cancer, many autoimmune and inflammatory conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, MS, IBD), and cardiovascular disease.
I've provided links in each point and I deeply encourage you to read my sources, whether you have endo or not. Not enough people understand endometriosis so a lot of us who deal with it don't get grace or compassion, be it in our work lives, relationships, friendships, or family. People with endo, happy endometriosis awareness month.
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missabaddon · 3 months
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March is Endometriosis awareness month, and coincidentally I am having surgery to remove it next week. I’ve been fighting this battle for 8 years and have finally gotten approval for it.
I’m scared, nervous and excited all at once, but I know that it’s a step in the right direction.
Many AFAB people suffer from it and don’t realize it, thinking their period pain is normal. Ever since my first cycle, me and my doctors knew something was up, and I’ve been fighting for surgery ever since.
If you’d like to help support me, my commissions are open. I live in the US, so my medical bills are always high, this one will be quite a pricey one. The link is in my description.
Thank you, happy March :)
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bettercallroasty · 3 months
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I made this for endometriosis awareness month which is March! It's important to spread awareness. It took me about 15 years to get a diagnosis. I am 3 months post total hysterectomy. I was hoping people would get interested if they saw something with one of their faves!
There is no cure, but certain things may alleviate the symptoms. It is grossly underdiagnosed, understudied, and underfunded. There are a wide variety of symptoms that vary from person to person. I only wrote SOME possible symptoms.
Other things that can cause similar symptoms are PCOS, adyemosis, and fibroids. Learn how to advocate for yourself and reach out to support groups. There are many online. A doctor should not be telling you it's "just a bad period" and writing you off.
Endometriosis can worsen and advance in stage over time. The only way to truly diagnose endometriosis is through exploratory laproscopic surgery. If Endometriosis is found, they will excise (cut it out) and run it through pathology. This is because endometriosis often does not show up I'm imaging. If you have a clean ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, this does NOT mean your issues are in your head. Your best bet is to find an OBGYN who specializes in endometriosis and uterus diseases. After excision, Endometriosis is likely to grow back. However it's managed depends on you and your body. Do a lot of research, and don't be afraid to turn down a treatment plan if it makes you uncomfortable. Not all cases have to end in hysterectomy.
And when all else fails, better call saul! Medical malpractice attorney!
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Happy Endometriosis Awareness Month. This is my story
Hi, I'm Nia and I have endometriosis. Probably. For the past several years I have been fighting to be believed by the healthcare system only to be told over and over again that there is nothing wrong with me. Despite the fact that I have all of the symptoms and that the 'whatever is wrong with me' has progressed in the past several years.
About a year and a half ago I went to the doctor for the first time about my debilitating pain where I was told that I was just overly anxious and my mental health was affecting my periods. I was given pain meds and sent on my way. After that it was a billion blood tests to see if it was a thyroid issue, hormonal imbalance, blood pressure, anemia, anything that could be tested was tested. Finally my doctor goes 'it's PCOS' and proceeded to list a bunch of symptoms that I did not have. Then I did not have it.
During this time I was given birth control medications. The first one, I was able to stay on for around a week before I rushed back to the doctor to change it because it was affecting me so badly. The second prescription was great, for all of two weeks. Then I bled for the entirety of October and thought I was going to bleed to death. I became seriously anemic because of it. The third one is the one I've been on for 4 months now. I'm tired and sore 24/7 but hey, at least I'm not dying.
I have missed over 50 classes this school year. It was not until my second medication failed so badly that my doctors finally agreed I probably had endometriosis and that it was certainly a serious situation.
For the past three years and a half years, my life has revolved around my period. It is a constant worry for me of when I will get it next and how bad it will be. It is also a terrifyingly realistic possibility that it will be several more years before I get any type of answer. 
Endometriosis is a horrific, cruel and neglected disease. At every turn, the job of advocating and fighting is left up to me. I have to call doctors, check in on referrals and beg and plead to be taken seriously. I’ve been told again and again I need to make the doctors like me, I need to make a connection. I need to make myself a human to them. Not another name on a list or another young person who doesn’t understand their own bodies. 
I keep fighting anyways. Most importantly, I talk about it. I was raised not to be ashamed of being a woman and I am not afraid to talk about my struggles, even if menstrual cycles are still considered taboo subjects by many. I know that there is something wrong and I refuse to stop searching for answers. I am not afraid of my body, I am afraid of the system that is determined to undermine and dismisss  womens pain. If you think you have endometriosis or something similar, put on some armor and get ready to be a warrior. It’s going to be a long journey and you’re going to have to fight. Fight like a girl. 
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
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My shirt came in!
(It says Endo Warrior)
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carusolikey · 2 months
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The Blue Hour
a Max Phillips & Bloodsucking Bastards FanFic
Would it really be a signature Caruso FanFic without Easter Eggs?
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Chapter 1 - We're Going on an Adventure!
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Sandra Bullock in the movie, The Net - it's a classic 90's movie about the terrors of working from home and having your identity stolen because you're an introvert. Prescient? Who's to say? Watch this trailer and then decide if you're in for the whole wild ride!
Mr. Rochester, the vibrator. Named of course, after the male protagonist in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. If you're not familiar with the book, it falls under the category of "books written by women under the pen name of men in order to get published." But also, it's one of the first prose books that is written primarily in first person, providing an intimate look into the emotional development of Jane from childhood to adulthood, and how she grapples with the morality and spirituality of her world, bringing class and even feminism in as overarching themes. In truth, I don't want to ruin the story for you, because it is quite the dramatic tale of romance. Which is why I've included a link to Project Gutenberg's free eBook of Jane Eyre: An Autobiography.
Lil' Sebastian, the best, most precious mini horse in all of Pawnee, Indiana! Don't believe me? Allow me to change your mind, you beautiful, chestnut-haired sunfish!
Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching. Always sage advice to take, especially if it's from Liz Lemon.
H'okay. Private Dancer by the Queen of Rock and Roll, Tina Turner. This music video is a feast for the eyes and is rife with symbolism. Tina plays the role of a Taxi Dancer from the 1920's-30's, which is not quite a sex worker (which is work, we know dis), but a woman who attends dances with men - who pay to dance with her. The entire video is dedicated to the concept that while Tina dances with these men, she gets through it by fantasizing / dissociating about the dancer she could've been - a ballerina, perhaps a flamenco dancer? Throughout the video we walk alongside her, through her thoughts, viewing all of the possible paths she could've taken. There's a couple covered in cobwebs for a marriage that may or may not have lasted, the band covered in cobwebs representing the monotony of night after night doing her dances, the couple wrapped in bandages feeling trapped. At some point she watches a full performance in front of her, what could be her lost hopes and dreams as a professional dancer. It's a song full of sadness for what could've been and a constant longing for someone, who might be the right person she dances with one night. Someone who could take her away from all of this (gestures at music video).
What is my purpose in having Max bring up this song? Well. I do like to leave a little mystery. Here's a fantastic rabbit hole for you to hop around in and pay your respects to the illustrious diva, Tina Turner:
It's interesting that a salesman's favorite book is The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, don't you think so? I mean, given that the whole story is about the Great Depression in the U.S. and how the few farmers not affected by the Dust Bowl, as well as the ever-present wealthy handful of citizens, took advantage of the unemployed by creating unfair wage standards that changed daily, did not provide benefits, and did not hire people for more than one day at a time. It seems like it would be conflicting with the type of man he needs to be for his position. And that his second favorite author is the guy who writes the Calvin & Hobbes comics, I mean - really? Who even is Max??
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Capote's Books - Breakfast at Tiffany's is different than the movie, and yet still has minor details that crossover. If you watch the movie, read the book, then watch the movie again, you won't be disappointed. There's a lot to discusss between the two. In Cold Blood is not "based on a true story" it is essentially the retelling of Capote's experience when he decided to follow a news story to Holcomb, Kansas. He interviewed the sheriff, deputies, friends, family, and even the murderers themselves, along with Harper Lee. What Capote wrote, based on his copious notes, is a frightening masterpiece. Dickens - David Copperfield is a journey that pulls you through so many different emotions as David travels through bleak and joyful times as a child, then journeys into becoming a young man. Naturally, thinks he may have the world figured out - to his detriment. David Copperfield's Aunt, Betsey Trotwood is also one of my favorite characters. She's fiercely independent and is always, always focused on her yard and whether or not donkeys are getting into her garden, ever-ready with a broom to chase them. That's #Goals for me. Dickens writing style is so vivid, humorous, and heartfelt. It would be a shame to never pick up David Copperfield or any of his others.
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Acupressure points for migraines is a true story. However, there are some health guidelines to follow, because there are risks associated depending on specific conditions you may have as an individual. Always check with your doctor before trying something new! I'm sharing a source, which provides additional warnings.
Mr. Rochester, the giant vibrator! This is from Awkwafina is Nora from Queens. If you haven't watched this show, you're doing yourself a disservice. Lori Tan Chinn, Bowen Yang, AND B.D. Wong, c'mon. Here's the full scene:
As we go on the "cringe" rant, I'm ending at The Lake House, starring Sandra Bullock and of course, Keanu Reeves. Does the plot defy reason? Well, let me ask you another question - is there a reason it shouldn't? And YES! I know this is the second Sandra Bullock movie reference. It was an accident - or was it? What do you think I'll reference next? Practical Magic? Premonition? Force of Nature? Miss Congeniality? While Yoou Were Sleeping? BIRDBOX???
"...maybe because of the prancercise craze of the late 90’s? (It’s just prancing. Prancing, I said!)" - File this under your new-old favorite exercise craze.
Down at the gym, the preferred machine is the elliptical, in order to get a little bit o' that Audrey Hepburn experience in the movie Charade - which is a classic spy thriller, also starring Cary Grant and a very young Walter Matthau and James Coburn. With music scored by Henry Mancini, it's definitely a vibe - drama on the slopes AND a handsome mysterious stranger? Sign me up!
"Oh my god, I'm such a Samantha!" - You'd think this was a reference to Sex & the City...
"...my eyes blissfully closed, thoroughly enjoying what Herbal Essences commercials of the 90’s long ago promised and never delivered." - The commercial is heteronormative, but I do enjoy the intersectional inclusivity of encouraging men to enjoy the same self-care activities that women do. I'll allow it.
And those are all of the Easter Eggs for this chapter!
Return to the Masterlist Here or, while you're waiting for chapter 2, be sure to check out my one other fanfic about Javi G. from The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Paddington 3: Lost in Mallorca.
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mental-mona · 3 months
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x-daedalus-x · 4 months
March is Endometriosis awareness month. So I thought it would be good to share that:
This disease is incurable.
It affects 1 in 7 women.
It is ranked in the top 20 most painful conditions with the NHS.
A hysterectomy and/or birth are not cures.
It can take up to a decade for someone to get diagnosed; often it is misdiagnosed or ignored.
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chickchickee · 4 months
I was offline on most of my socials for awhile, so I want to make a post about my disappearance. This is also an endometriosis awareness post, tw: surgery, medical talk. It really needs to be discussed more than it is because a lot of women have it and aren't aware of it.
And it can get real ugly.
I wasn't aware how sick I was until a tumor was found late in 2022. I had begged the doctor to do a MRI because I had horrible pain and was unable to walk without difficulty, and this scan finally uncovered the reason. It was in an area that wasn't supposed to have anything in it. After many additional scans and tests, I was scheduled for it to be removed and any possible endometriosis inside.
For over four years, I had been struggling with a sitting heart rate of 120 (walking, 140-160) and a perpetual mystery fever over 102. I had multiple infections that kept returning after the antibiotics ran their course. It took the large tumor to alarm my doctors into action.
My surgery went ten hours, and I woke up with an ileostomy, six scars and the news that I had polypoid endometriosis. It was everywhere BUT my uterus. That's the thing about endometriosis - I was always told it was contained in certain areas. My endometriosis had coated the outside of organs, nerves, and perforated my intestinal track. It had tied some organs together. Someone on the team estimated at my surgery that I was 2 months away from spontaneous bowel failure with how thin the intestinal wall was, which was what was causing the repeated infections. The feeling I had all of 2022 of feeling close to death, that prompted me to fill out my will before my surgery, had not just been a feeling - it had been an inkling of knowing that something was critically wrong with me. If I had listened to doctors and kept taking antibiotics and not requested a scan, things could have turned out drastically different for me.
Recovery was hard from this first surgery, I spent a week in the hospital. Living suddenly with an ileostomy was an abrupt change, and I had to make a lot of dietary changes and learn how to change the equipment. I couldn't eat any of my favorite foods, so a lot of my diet changed - but I was still riding a high from surviving my surgery, so this discomfort was easily tolerated. I was so thankful just to be alive. I remember the first time I came home and felt like I was cold - COLD! It turns out I was the one with a broken thermostat, not my house. It was like living as a new person, so I fell off of my social activities as I tried relearning how I used to live before all of my health problems began. It really felt like someone had given me another chance at life. I still think back on that time and I don't recognize the person I was, because every bad trait I had came out when I was struggling with how I was feeling.
After a few months, I had my ileostomy reversed - I had just enough tract left in the large colon to be able to do this. If I hadn't, I would have had a permanent ileostomy (this is still a concern for the future, if it reoccurs, but we'll get to that). The nerves around my bladder had to be cut during my first surgery because the endometriosis wrapped around it and they couldn't keep it from getting into my bladder unless they removed the nerve.
This led to my next two surgeries, to install a pacemaker for my bladder so it could work again. Again, I was thankful I had the option available, because the alternative is catheters for life.
Polypoid endometriosis does not stop growing once it's removed. There's medication to slow it down, but it will inevitably return, and in different places. I was told it was like cancer with the way it spreads, but it can't be treated like cancer. What usually kills people with endometriosis is repeated surgeries that create scarred tissue that builds up and makes it hard for organs to continue to function. The cause of death isn't noted as endometriosis, but the failure of those organs. The myth that people don't die of endometriosis is just that - a myth. Endometriosis is largely a mysterious disease still, and it's actively being studied, but there's so much we don't know about it.
I'm glad to be alive, despite knowing what is ahead. Everything has been a lot happier now, even though it's been rough - I have a map of scars on me, but they're my reminders I survived this and I'm going to keep doing my best with my diet, physical health and medicine to put time between my next surgeries. The pain will probably return, but I have methods to help with it (baths are a life savior!) There's more surgeries in my future, but it's a reminder to enjoy the time I have with my loved ones and live as happily as I can.
I've been trying to get into spreading endometriosis awareness where I can, because I know I'm not the only one dealing with mysterious symptoms - and I never want anyone to go through what I did.
I don't know what words of encouragement I can give those who are still trying to fight for their diagnosis, but know you should rely on your instincts. You know your body. If you think something is wrong, something is wrong. Keep searching, don't ever give up - you will thank yourself later. I hope something in my story can give you some insight if you've experienced similar, from the mental changes, to the physical - and I hope if you do find yourself being diagnosed with endometriosis, you find it earlier than I did.
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stuckys-babydoll · 4 months
TW: mentions of chronic pain & suicidal thoughts
Chronic pain is so silly bc one minute you’re doing arts & crafts and the next you’re clutching your abdomen crying your eyes out promising that you’re going to unalive yourself & so you take a benzodiazepine trying to calm yourself down and now you’re still in severe pain and you still crave death but at the same time you’re chill and have sort of just accepted that it really do be like that sometimes
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drushamkumar · 5 months
Endometriosis, a chronic condition affecting millions of women worldwide, presents various challenges in managing symptoms and fertility concerns. Dr. Usha M Kumar, esteemed as the best doctor for endometriosis, sheds light on this often misunderstood condition, exploring its impact, symptoms, and approaches to managing both symptoms and fertility.
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Women's healthcare is being forced to beg for a barbaric, torturous procedure just for the chance that it'll get you a diagnosis you're being told is in your head.
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bettercallroasty · 5 months
Reminder that heavy cramping and extremely heavy periods are NOT normal and no doctor should be excusing it by saying it's "just a painful period".
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