fostersffff · 1 year
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Ryukishi07 was a social worker, you say?
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anarchomccarthyist · 1 year
getting so pet peeved about the “tree law” meme
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socialjusticeinamerica · 10 months
Oligarchs will run amok.
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Imagine a Wall St where billionaire oligarchs and CEO’s run amok with no guardrails. Scandals, recessions, and ultimately depression.
If a right-wing SCOTUS working for oligarch neo-Nazi’s like Harlan Crow continues down this path then they must be removed by any means necessary.
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cmesinic · 3 months
You have to bribe them first to get a vote from them.
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uboat53 · 3 months
How anti-worker are Congressional Republicans? Well, they're trying to repeal a policy that would protect mine workers even when the INDUSTRY HAS NOT EVEN ASKED THEM TO DO SO!
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rifki16 · 4 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode Seven Light Analysis :)
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Photo Credit: Tadaima, Okaeri Twitter Promotional Account
A very nutritious, yet simple and ready-to-eat onigiri ball.
The show was quite quick compared to the episodes before. However, it didn’t diminish my enjoyment of the episode. I would like to divide the recap article into two sections. Before moving to the two sections however, I want to just share my elation of the episode as it has a same-sex wedding ceremony, a pretend one, yet still very cute. I haven’t watched that many BL anime shows before, however, a lot of people on Twitter said that Cherry Magic the Anime was the first anime show to feature a same-sex wedding, even though that it was literally an epilogue form of a show and lasted barely 2/3 minutes. I would like then to point out that this anime is the first child friendly anime to feature a same-sex wedding ceremony. Hikari acted as the officiant. It was the cutest wedding recemony I have ever seen in a BL manga, so far (I’m looking at you Sasaki to Miyano future possible subsequent seasons).
a). [Continuation] Growing up around worried, yet well-intentioned, parents.
I think in my episode 6 review, I was quite shocked as to what omega people were expected of in their universe. The very fact that omega people were supposed to just be locked up away in a tower or sent away to a convent, just because of their supposed frailty, really chilled me. I understand the fact that omega people are unable to control their hormones and hence more susceptible to sexual assault, but to just keep them away seems too far to me. Side note: Why are omega people being blamed for the assaults as their inability to maintain their hormones is not their fault? More importantly, aren’t the other secondary sexual identities the ones who assault omega people who are in heat? But aren’t alpha people always taught to breed among themselves and always shown disgust by the sight of an omega person? And aren’t beta people the ones who can always control their hormones? So, which secondary sexual identities keep sexually assaulting omega people?
Setting my confusion aside, I think Masaki’s parents parenting technique is just irrational. However, in this episode, we saw the cynically-minded cousin, Kazuhiko, met with Masaki and Hikari and thawed his behavior and perception of Masaki. I was so glad that Hikari was there with his Ma-chan, because Kazuhiko really had no boundaries whatsoever with Masaki. As Kazuhiko was trying to caress Masaki, Hikari stopped Kazu-chan and insisted that Masaki is his and his papa’s.
Kazuhiko then tried to clear up the confusion and told Hikari that he didn’t intend to take his Ma-chan. Kazuhiko then tried to explain what was it that made him insistent about the Alabama-style inter-cousin marriage agreement. He said that he pitied Masaki. He felt like he was responsible for Ma-chan’s happiness, despite not knowing what Masaki happy as Hiromu has eluded in the previous episode. Whatever Hiromu was doing to Kazuhiku, I think, was doing well in at least making space between Masaki and his big family. The scene then ended with Kazuhiko himself realizing that Masaki was actually making the gentle smile after looking at Hikari’s smile, a smile which he had seen in his childhood – denoting that Masaki might actually be happy.
When Masaki’s dead parents Voice Over (VO) was playing over the grave visit scene, I was very sad. I think I have talked it out with my psychologist before. Many people who have homophobic or bigoted parents experience this firsthand. The idea is that this kind of parents has such a strict set of mindsets of what can make their child happy be it that their child needs to be rich, to marry and create a heterosexual nuclear family, to be the most sought-after doctor, to have the highest rank in their office, or something, and their child has to adhere otherwise their happiness will not materialize. Sadly, these parents never realize how the enforcement of their perception is the very thing that bars their child from being happy. I’m not a psychologist or a parent, but that’s my story and the many stories I have listened or read. The VO monologue of the letter by Masaki’s mom really hit me when she said:
“If I’d understood him better, known him better, perhaps things could have been better”.
As well as when she said:
“I’ve forced many things on him, believing it was the best for him”.
Isn’t that what we, as kids, all ever want? For our parents to try to understand us. I mean, most of the times, we don’t even understand ourselves, why can’t our parents then just try to come along the journey with us in finding ourselves?
Going back to what I intended to say. Many people have said that the abusive, harsh, manipulative actions by our homophobic or bigoted parents should just be brushed away just because that they mean well. I think when my psychologist and I had this discussion, I insisted on the fact that I know that my parents meant well. Yet, their perception of what well is really frightens me as an agnostic free-minded person. I think the way that we can see this phenomenon is through the humanist perspective. Yes, our parents, our homophobic, bigoted parents are parents, they were just doing their best – as eluded by Sheldon on the ep 13 of Young Sheldon – they made mistakes, they have good intentions. However, people can become monsters and have screwed up perspectives of what an ideal world is. So, no, I don’t think their abusive actions can get a pass, albeit that we still can see them as humans.
I think what the VO monologue gave me was another type of wishful vindication. The fact that my parents found their error and had hoped that they would try to understand me more than to just shove their perception of what I should be. I was taken aback a little when Masaki’s mother ended the letter by saying that she had hoped that Masaki could find someone that could make him happy, something which can make me segue to the next section easily.
b). Can you really escape the cycle?
These past two weeks have been quite physically challenging for me. I needed to move out from my old room to a new one. Afterwards, I needed to change to find a new place to live entirely, with all the hassle of finding a new place, ya know, setting parameters, finding possible places to live, surveying the possible places, and finally making the decision on where to move. Hold up, I’m not done, I also needed to move all of my entire stuffs which I have accumulated from all of the years I’ve lived in this city and setting it all up again in the new place – very exhausting. I know it’s a trauma dump, but bear with me. All of those physically demanding works really made me regressed on a lot of perceptions or points of view which I have so long tried to establish to better my mental health, something which Masaki talked about in the first scene of the episode.
When Masaki lamented that he had not progressed at all, after meeting with Kazuhiku, due to how he reacted to Kazu-san’s taunts, I really felt that. It seemed like whenever a crisis or a huge problem arises, all of my mental health progress seemed to just have been wiped away. Hiromu really answered his husband’s sadness by a very loving hug and iterated how he has seen Masaki fell, after which Hiromu affirmed that he always tried to catch his husband and reminded him of how to smile again, of the great love they both have in Hikari and Hinata.
I really had hoped that Hiromu would actually talk more about how Masaki has actually grown, and that he could handle all of the sad depressive episodes a little better whenever it appears, like what Shirosaki said to Momose in My New Boss is Goofy.
I don’t know whether what Masaki said was a pattern of codependency, or whether what Shirosaki said was something of a hyper/toxic-independence. What I think I could take from the scene was the fact that Masaki was always able to get back up again even after being kicked in the gut by life multiple times, simply by listing all the love he has in the world. I think that’s beautiful.
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epicspheal · 2 years
The League's Director (in Pokespe) when half the Kanto gym leaders are members of a criminal organization and the Elite Four tries to wipe out humanity: i sleep
Hi there anon! Haha this posts brings back a lot in regards to some past discussion regarding the role of the Pokemon League and dealing with criminal organization. Because it does seem odd that someone like Giovanni, nevermind the Elite Four and half the Kanto gym leaders could manage to slip by the league... Until you look at the league for what it is which is a very organized sports association. Sure it passes legislation but only in regards to the sport of Pokemon training (passing salaries, how many Pokemon can be carried at one time, etc) and at least in the Hoenn Chapter declaring a national emergency. So there is some power but ultimately with the fact that there is an International Police organization, armies for various regions (as hinted at with Lt. Surge) and local law enforcement there's very little the Pokemon League actually can do. Much like in real life people who go into sporting organizations or other professional organizations can be bad people on the side and have criminal dealings. And it's not the job of the professional organizations to handle them criminally, the most they can really do outside of cooperating with law enforcemen is decide to kick the person out and bar them from any future sanctioned events. So the idea that trainers can be league reps and still be evil actually makes a lot more sense when you look at it that way. And it also explains why in general most gym leaders, elite four, and even champions don't do as much you would think they would in regards to regional threats in the games and anime (I know we're talking about the manga mostly for this ask but I wanted to bring the games and anime up too because it's pertinent). Because again they're under a professional sporting organization and not a governmental one. It's not really in their job descriptions as part of the league to actively combat threats. Now if they happen to be detectives, G-men, soldiers and what not as their other jobs then yeah there's more of a professional reason to help but again it's not coming from the league itself which is just a global NBA/NFL/MLB assocation That doesn't mean they shouldn't try to help out. They absolutely should as a civic duty to their regions especially given their battle prowess which is helpful in dealing with various threats, but it's not a requirement in the job descriptions so they can most certainly not intervene and still retain their jobs because the Pokemon League Association.
As far as gym leaders/elite four/champions being criminals, well certainly the League should have the power to kick them out but the fact that they don't across multiple canons raises some implications. Either they don't really care or they may fear retribution if they try. After all especially when speaking of the Elite four they are incredibly powerful and certainly may decide to retaliate if they haven't been imprisoned. The people in the league association (running things in the background) may very well not be capable of handling a pissed off ex-league member and so they could be backing down on actually handling evil members out of safety concerns.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 year
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Here's my fave girlie! Made her a lolita sherlock holmes.
The most morally bankrupt servant of justice you will ever meet.
Treats her investigations like games, enjoys the puzzles and the rivalry. If a case is too 'boring' for her she will get annoyed and refuse to do it.
Will bend the law just to prove herself right
Loves victorian, or old fashioned mystery novels.
Still hates her old life and once she made enough money to support herself, she dissapeared from her parents lives and changed her name. This has the added benefit that no criminal she has slighted in the past will try to threaten her family
Ironic that someone so obssesed with finding out others secrets has her own.
Grand Bois is her 'assistant' and she sometimes brings him to interogations, so she can pet him like a james bond vilain.
Works as more of a PI rather than a police affiliated detective. The local law enforcemen both love and hate her.
Does not really care about laws being broken by the criminals shes tracking down, she just likes to prove her intellect.
Liked doing this. Tried to make her a cool smarty pants, while stil preserving the loser celes really is
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random-jot · 1 year
Italy. Naples. 1974.
The summer had been hotter than any I remembered, with a heavy helping of tropical storms, more’n usual. And the weather wasn’t the only thing that was turbulent that year.
Tensions had been running high for a while between the Morettis and the Carusos. The area had its fair sure of law enforcemen and whatnot to be sure, but everyone knew it was those two families who ran the show. Their mob affiliations were the worst kept secret around town.
Most of the local police were either too used to it, too corrupt, or too apathetic to do anything about it. Each faction conducted their business, the police stayed in their lane and everyone tried not to get in anybody else’s way. I guess there was some sort of equilibrium that had been struck, a peace of a kind. But that peace, boy was it fragile, and soon enough the chips in that glass turned to cracks.
It all to came to a head on August 5th of that year, one of those tropical storms I mentioned tearing up the joint, and hell, it wasn’t the only one. That night the two families opened fire at each other, out in the street and plain to see for anyone. Members on both sides died, not to mention the innocents who got caught in the crossfire. A massacre. No other word for it, a massacre, that’s what it was.
I was a young cop at the time, a rookie through and through. Up until then my most impressive collars had been shoplifters, loitering teens and the odd mugger here and there, if I was lucky. I was torn in a way; sure, I wanted bigger cases to prove my worth but this was the mob for Pete’s sake. I hadn’t tangled with anything remotely like this before. Still, I figured they’d brought me in for a reason. Maybe someone high up saw potential in me. Didn’t want to let ‘em down.
I remember it like yesterday. I was sat in a small café, overlooking the harbour, going over the notes for the case, the intricate complexities, the inter-family politics, wrapping my head around what had happened and what we could do about it. I don’t usually order desert at those kinda places, but hell, there were a lot of files to look at so I thought I may as well, give myself some more time to mull it all over.
That’s when it all clicked. That first mouthful of tiramisu. Not only was it a much needed moment of levity in a time of darkness and death, but it also reawakened a childhood passion of mine. A passion that burned far brighter than my love of detective work, a passion for honest baking. From that moment on I knew I was in the wrong line of work. I switched careers, traded in the badge for the apron, and lived happily and peacefully ever since.
All thanks to that one bite of tiramisu.
For this recipe you will need:
400ml double cream
250f mascarpone
75ml marsala
5 tbsp golden caster sugar
300ml coffee…
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rebeleden · 2 months
Trump Promises 'Immunity' for Police Officers and Tougher Law Enforcemen...
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socialjusticefail · 5 months
This article talks about how disabilities could seem like a refusal to respond to an officer, but the actions of the person could be blamed on mental health. Also mentioned is how dementia is showing up as causing arrests.
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faulentzer · 7 months
“the party that grew hysterical in response to “defund the police” rhetoric is now trying to score political points by rolling back funds for law enforcement.”
Republicans are idiots!
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89845aaa · 9 months
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sataniccapitalist · 10 months
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mongowheelie · 10 months
Supreme Court Conservatives Appear Hostile To Securities And Exchange Commission's Powers
Supreme Court Conservatives Appear Hostile To Securities And Exchange Commission's Powers
Rich people, rich donor's, and financial institutions would love this! Taxpayer public, not so much!
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