#English and science(all types fuck you) are soo much better
pey-up · 10 months
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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A/N - Welcome to the season one finale! Hoo boy, this is a good one ;) be sure to send me your thoughts! Warning: use of a homophobic slur
↳What do you do when you have no qualifications but want to see the world? You help teach English in a Korean primary school, apparently. ↳Principal!Jin, math teacher!Yoongi, PE teacher!Hoseok, English teacher!Namjoon, school nurse!Jimin, art teacher!Taehyung, and science teacher!Jungkook.
CHAPTER TEN ↳Parent teacher interviews are here, and with that comes an interaction that will have very lasting consequences for you and some of the staff.
“One black coffee and I brought also a rice cake.” You set the small plate on the edge of Yoongi’s desk and give him a short bow as well as the lady perched on the seat across from him. Ignoring the dubious look she gives you, you walk away just as quickly as you arrived. God, parents were scary. Just from wandering around and giving everyone tea and coffee, you had seen your fair share of tiger moms and oblivious dads, single parents who were going prematurely grey from the stress, couples who made their children come along and sit in the corner of the room while they spoke with the teacher. Spending all your time with pretty young adults, you had almost forgotten that you needed to be really careful to speak formally to them whenever you addressed them. You solved that by, for the most part, just silently bowing, not wanting to expose the inadequacy of your Korean.
You had started off the evening sitting beside Namjoon, smiling politely and pretending you knew at all what was going on, but soon enough it became clear to the two of you that you weren’t much help. Now, you were jumping between classrooms, from freezing evening air to thickly heated rooms, delivering refreshments. The others were all giving feedback in ten-minute slots, Principal Kim available to answer any administration or curriculum queries, and Jimin was holed up in the clinic, running a walk-in session.
As you make your way down the row of buildings, you spy through a window in one of them that Taehyung is alone. For whatever reasons, it seemed parents didn’t find it as important that their children were doing well in arts compared to science, math, and English. Although things had been awkward between you two since the day at the museum, your heart breaks when you stop for a moment and watch him. Beyond visible wisps of your breath that billow with each exhale, you can see him, chin resting in his hand as he stared blankly into the middle distance, bottom lip slightly sticking out. He looked unbelievably lonely.
“Knock knock,” you say awkwardly as you enter, “how is it going?”
He straightens up, glancing at you with a surprised look on his face. “Y/n. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be over with Namjoon?”
You shrug, sitting on the chair set out for parents. “Before, yes. Now I help with give drink. Help with giving drink,” you correct as an afterthought. “Do you want tea or coffee or water?”
Taehyung shakes his head slowly, leaning back into his seat with a sigh. Today he’s wearing a black beret and an oversize maroon cardigan, and you can’t help but admire the way it truly makes him look like an artist. Not that anyone could doubt it after speaking with him for longer than a minute. “I’m okay, thanks. I-” he breaks off and purses his lips, eyes searching your face for a moment. Something in them changes, and his eyes lower. “My next appointment isn’t for another half hour. I think we should talk.”
You feel your stomach flop with cold tension. “Yeah.”
He clears his throat, the sound harsh in the silence of the room. Shifting in his seat awkwardly, he avoids eye contact. “Listen, first of all, I need to apologize. What I did was unprofessional, as well as not fair to you. I regret,” his mouth goes tight and his eyes hard, “I don’t regret…kissing you, but I regret the timing of it. I should’ve handled things better.” He swallows nervously when you remain silent, still processing. “Please say something.”
With a soft sigh, you shrug, feeling useless. “I think we can, uh, not talk or think about it. And that is okay.”
He crumples his brow. “You just want to ignore it? Ignore everything that happened?”
You can’t bear to look at the sullen look on his face. Cheering him up really wasn’t going so well. “A little bit yes. It is okay that you kissed me, I forgive you, but I think it will be very, mm, not comfortable if we are still thinking about it.” You clear your throat and set your shoulders, fixing him with a smile braver than you were really feeling. “New start? We can be friends.”
An eyebrow twitches as he appraises you, but then the dubious look turns into one of amusement, and, more importantly, acceptance. “Yeah, okay. If I’m going to sweep you off your feet, I’ll do it right this time. Hello, I’m the art teacher here, Teacher Kim, but you can call me Taehyung. Nice to meet you.”
With a warm gaze, you tip your head in a short bow as if you really were meeting him for the first time. “Hello, Taehyung. My name is Y/n. Please take care of me.”
He scoffs in good humor, and you’re relieved to see that edge of solemnity has left his eyes, replaced with twinkling mischief. “Now, I would love some coffee, but I’m also quite hungry, and I know for a fact Jungkook always brings snacks to these things to eat between appointments. Would you mind popping down to the science department and getting me some? Anything is fine, preferably something salty.”
You nod and stand up, patting him on the shoulder as a quick goodbye. The air outside is considerably frostier than it was before, so you hurry along a couple doors down to the science block. From outside, you can see in the warmly lit classroom that Jungkook has company, a relatively older couple, likely in their 50s, just sitting down and making introductions.
You consider waiting around for them to finish, but they’ve only just arrived, and you don’t fancy freezing your ass off for ten minutes. Instead, you knock lightly on the door and step in, quickly bowing to the three inside. “I apologize for coming in, I need to pick up some things.”
The parents give you wan smiles and turn back, and when they’re facing away you mime biting down on something. Jungkook gives you a broad grin, and tips his head to his side, where his desk is. You make your way there quietly and begin delicately rooting around his desk and drawers in search for the food stash, not wanting to disrupt the meeting.
“Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with Soo-an’s teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Oh. It’s great to see the parents responsible for raising such a kind young lady.” You bite the inner corners of your mouth to stop from grinning. Always say at least one positive thing. Jungkook was certainly making sure he ticked the boxes on sucking up.
“Well,” the mother starts stiffly, clutching her hands over a jade green, plastic-y purse, “we’ve heard good things. Soo-an says you’re quite a, what was the word? Flamboyant teacher.”
Studiously avoiding looking over, you can still hear the strain in Jungkook’s voice as he tries to remain positive. Asshole parents were certainly something you couldn’t avoid in his line of work. Instead, you subconsciously slow down your search, wanting an excuse to remain here rather than leaving him to deal with them alone. Luckily, Jungkook’s stash seemed to be pretty hidden, as all you’d found was an empty sleeve for M&Ms.
“I think it’s important to be energetic and enthusiastic in class, in order to get the kids excited about learning. All of us in this school do our best to make our classes engaging. Should we go over some of Soo-an’s results?”
“She’s always talking about you,” the mother continues in an unflattering whiney tone, “Teacher Jeon did this, Teacher Jeon said that. It’s clear you’re having a lasting impression on her, and likely other students as well.”
You finally take some stacks of papers out of the bottom drawer and see a technicolor assortment of packaged snacks, but instead of reaching down to find something, you seem to be frozen in place. This conversation sounded like it was getting ugly.
Glancing over quickly, you see the father place a hand over his wife’s knee, leaning in towards Jungkook like a show of authority. “Listen, boy, we just want to make sure the teacher our daughter sees as a role model isn’t an…unsavory type.”
The uncomfortable laugh that leaves Jungkook’s lips tugs at your heartstrings. “I- I don’t know what you mean by that, sir. Anyway, Soo-an’s grades have been steadily improving, and-”
“I’m asking if you’re a dirty faggot, boy. I pray it’s not true; I mean, what respectable school would hire one of their kind? But it certainly seems from what we’ve heard from Soo-an that you’re a very frilly guy. You have to understand, we’re only concerned for our daughter.”
You’re completely unmoving; staring at the older man in shock. Jungkook, poor Jungkook, has gone completely ashen, and you can see his eyes gleaming with unshed tears as his mouth opens and closes silently.
“Well, aren’t you going to answer?”
At his wife’s question, the father rolls his eyes. “His silence is answer enough, sick fuck,” he stands up suddenly, tugging at his wife’s elbow so that they can walk out.
Jungkook snaps back into life with a choked noise. “Uh, no, I’m not- That isn’t-”
“Don’t lie to us, boy,” the man spits, “we’ll be finishing the term here and then taking our little girl elsewhere. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Everything seems to slow down impossibly as Jungkook’s terrified gaze darts over to you. He mouths something, something you don’t catch, and rushes up to catch the husband’s elbow. “No, no, I’m not, I swear. Look, this here is Y/n.” He glances at you one last time, a pleading look that you can read from a mile away. “Y/n’s my girlfriend.”
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
angiewolf au with ☕ please? maybe the werewolves start a coffeeshop for other werewolves?
☕ - Coffeeshop AU
...So I forgot to mention that the coffeeshop isn’t just for humans, but this is already really long, so just assume that it gets explained to Ford later.  And Ford feels much better about his house being turned into a coffeeshop after he discovers he’ll be able to see magical creatures drinking lattes.
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              Ford gotinto the elevator and waited for the other humans to follow.  He turned once they had joined him in theelevator.  Stan and the wolf the youngman had referred to as Emily still stood in front of the portal.
              “How arethey gonna get upstairs?” the girl asked. Ford looked down at her.
              “They’llfigure something out.  They managed toget down here, after all,” he said dismissively.  Stan let out a low growl.  Ford couldn’t translate it exactly, but hehad the feeling he understood the gist of what Stan was saying.
              Most likely some form of “fuck you”.  Ford pressed the button to take themupstairs.  Stan and Emily were stillwatching them as the doors closed.  They’re not the only ones watching.  Ford didn’t have to look to see the boystaring at him with wide eyes.  I should probably learn their names.  Ford cleared his throat.
              “Care tointroduce yourselves?” he asked.
              “Oh,right!” the girl said, hitting her forehead. “We shoulda done that right away! Well, I’m Mabel, I like kittens and sweaters and glitter.”  She pointed at the boy.  “That’s my twin brother, Dipper!  He likes mysteries and science and stuff likethat.”  Ford raised an eyebrow at Dipper.
              “Yes, andI’ve been reading your journal!” Dipper burst out.  “It’s incredible!”
              “…Thankyou,” Ford said after a moment.  Dipper’seyes widened further.
              “I’ma-Soos,” the young man piped up.  Hedidn’t elaborate.
              “Verywell.”  Ford cleared his throat.  “What exactly were you doing downstairs?  Were you involved with the portal turning onagain?”
              “Thatthing was a portal?” Dipper asked.  Fordnodded.  “Well, uh, we weren’t.  We were actually trying to stop it fromturning on.”
              “We’vebeen staying with Grunkle Stan and Grauntie Angie for the summer,” Mabel saidcheerfully.  “Didn’t know they werewerewolves, but it explains a lot.”  Fordfrowned.
              “…Grunkle?”he asked cautiously.
              “Great-uncle,”Dipper translated.
              “So youtwo are Shermie’s grandchildren, I take it?”
              Eitherthat, or I have a child I’m unaware of.
              “Yep!”Mabel chirped.  Ford beamed.
              I was very fond of Stanley and Angie’schildren.  I have no doubt these two willwin me over as well. Mabel andDipper beamed back at him.  Ford lookedat Soos.
              “And howdid you get mixed up in this?” he asked. Soos shrugged.
              “Like Isaid, I work for Mr. Pines.  I’m abarista.  Not the best barista in GravityFalls, but I’m in the top five.”
              “Yeah!”Soos enthused.  The elevator doors openedwith a ding.  Immediately, Ford couldsmell roasted coffee beans.  His mouthwatered.
              It’s been years since I’ve had proper Earthcoffee.  Ignoring the children andSoos, he followed the smell, down the hall, through the living room, and into…
              A coffeeshop?  Ford came to a stop in the foyer of hishouse.  It had been completely remodeledand redecorated.  Behind a bar, shelveson the wall were stacked high with various types of coffee and coffee-relatedparaphernalia.  Stools stood next to thebar, matching the chairs and tables in the room.  A basket with items similar to what theshelves were stocked with was by the front door.  Ford approached a display case by the barcautiously.  He frowned at the bakedgoods within.  What is a “cake pop”?
              “Prettygreat, right?” Soos asked.  Ford let outa small huff.
              “Thatdepends upon your definition of ‘great’,” he replied in a tight voice.  He hopped over the bar to examine themachinery hidden from view.  “I assumeFiddleford was involved in the construction of the equipment?”
              “Uh,yeah, actually,” Soos said.  “He saidhe’d do it for free, and Mr. Pines likes cutting costs wherever he can.”
              “Hmph.”  Ford paused. “Wait.  Did you say that Stanleydid this?”
              “Stanleyturned my house into a coffee shop?”Ford demanded.  “This is supposed to be ahouse of science!  He’s made a mockery of my research,he’s-”  A low growl interrupted hisranting.  Ford spun around.  Stan stood outside by the front door, peeringin at the gaggle of people in the house. Ford crossed his arms.  “I’m sureyou can think of a way to enter, Stanley.” Stan growled again.  There was abark from outside, presumably from the other werewolf.
              “I’mcomin’, I’m comin’,” Fiddleford’s voice called. Ford’s heart leapt into his throat. Fiddleford entered the foyer and went directly to the front door,shuffling past the children, Soos, and Ford without a comment.  He opened the front door.  Stan stepped inside.  He growled at Ford again.  Fiddleford put his hands on his hips.
              “Language,Stanley.  Yer own daughter is rightbehind ya,” Fiddleford scolded.  Stanbarked.  “Stanfo- whattaya mean,‘Stanford’s back’?”  Stan rolled his eyesand used one large paw to slowly turn Fiddleford around.  Fiddleford blinked in surprise.  “When did y’all get here?”
              “Like,half an hour ago,” Mabel said. Fiddleford pursed his lips.
              “Huh.  I don’t ‘member that.  But my mem’ry ain’t always the greatest.  Well, if yer here, might as well fix thekidlets some hot cocoa.”  Fiddlefordlooked over at the bar.  “I think thatwe’re still good.  Might need to buy somemore soon, Stanley.”  Fiddleford’s gazetraveled along the length of the bar, skipping over Ford momentarily beforefocusing on him.  Fiddleford swallowed.  “Oh. That’s what ‘Stanford’s back’ meant,” he said quietly.  Ford jumped over the bar again to make hisway to his former research partner.
              “Fiddleford,it’s so excellent to see you,” Ford said gently.  “I- I have to offer my apologies for everythingthat-”
              “Oh,hush,” Fiddleford said, waving a hand. “What’s in the past is in the past. I learned the hard way that it’s better to forgive than to forget.”  Ford smiled weakly.
              “You’vegrown very wise, my dear.”  Fordremembered they had an audience. “…friend,” he added.  Fiddlefordlet out a small chuckle.
              “Say,how’d ya get back?”
              “Theportal was repaired.”
              “It was?”
              “Yes.”  Ford frowned. “You didn’t know?”
              “No, Ididn’t.”  Fiddleford looked at Stan.  “Stanley, did you fix it all on yer own?”  Stan sat down silently, a smug look on hisface.  “Well, I’ll be.”
              “So thatreally is Grunkle Stan,” Dipper interjected, staring at Stan.  Fiddleford nodded.  Dipper swallowed.  “So- so when there was the thing earlier, Ireally- really did get bitten by a- a werewolf?”
              “Wait,what?” Ford said.  “You-”  Ford stared at Stan.  “Stanley, did you turn your owngreat-nephew?”  Stan barked angrily.  Fiddleford’s brow furrowed.
              “He saysthat he didn’t turn Dipper, Molly did. And it was an accident.”
              “Hang on,hang on,” Mabel said, holding up her hands. “Grunkle Fidds, you speak wolf?”
              “Yep.  Side effect of gettin’ turned years ago, eventhough I got cured.”
              “You wereturned into a werewolf?” Mabel gasped. “That’s amazing!”
              “Am I gonna turn into a werewolf?” Dippersqueaked.
              “Stanley,how could you have let something like that happen on your watch?” Fordasked.  Stan stood up again, his hacklesraised.  He growled softly.
              “He justsays it was an accident,” Fiddleford translated.  He rubbed his face.  “I don’t know how well we can move thingsalong, with me actin’ as a translator. Might be best to wait until tomorrow, when everyone can speak Englishagain, to explain things to the kidlets.” Stan nodded.
              “Verywell, the explanation regarding the portal and wolves can take place tomorrow,”Ford said.  He glared at Stan.  “But I’d like an answer now as to why Stanleyfelt the need to turn my home into a coffeeshop!”
              “I knowthe answer to that one,” Soos said.  Fordlooked over at him.  “It’s a ‘verylucrative field’, according to Mr. Pines.”
              “Really,”Ford said flatly.  Soos nodded.
              “He’sright,” Fiddleford said.  Ford rubbed hisface.
              “Mybrother went into the coffee business for the money.”  Stan grumbled something.  “What was that?”
              “He saidhe had to pay off your mortgage somehow,” Fiddleford said.  Ford groaned.
              “Fantastic,”he muttered angrily.
              “Kids,why don’t ya head back home?” Fiddleford suggested.  “I’ll take care of Stanford, and he’ll comeover tomorrow to discuss things.”
              “In-including how I got bitten by a werewolf, right?” Dipper asked.  Fiddleford nodded.
              “Absolutely.”  Dipper rubbed the back of his neck, worryevident on his face.
              “Not toworry, Dipper, I can always develop a cure for you,” Ford said.  Dipper looked up at him eagerly.
              “Ofcourse!”  Ford smiled with what he hopedwas visible fondness.  “And I can answerall of your questions regarding what you may have read in my journals in themorning.  But Fiddleford is correct.  We’ve done as much as we can tonight, andshould approach the issue at hand with fresh minds later.”
              “Okay,”Dipper said, nodding.  Stan glanced atFord once before going outside.  Thechildren and Soos followed, Soos closing the door behind him.  Fiddleford turned to Ford.
              “There’sa lot of things that have changed since you were gone,” Fiddleford saidsoftly.  Ford scoffed.
              “I cantell,” he said, gesturing at the coffee bar behind him.  Fiddleford smiled.
              “Look onthe bright side.  Now, you can get fancycoffee any time you like.”
              “It’s apoor exchange,” Ford grumbled. Fiddleford chuckled.  “Would-would you like to catch up?”
              “In themornin’, sure.  But I have to get tobed.  Got to get up early to open theshop.”
              “Ofcourse,” Ford said.  He swallowed.  “But I need to know…are you…in arelationship?”
              “No,”Fiddleford said.  Ford perked up.  “I been focusin’ on helpin’ Stan ‘n Angie,and raisin’ my son.”  Ford’s heartplummeted to his feet.
              “You havea son?”
              “Yes.  I do.” An awkward silence fell. Fiddleford cleared his throat. “Well!  I’m off to bed!  Sleep well, Stanford.”  Fiddleford hurried away.  Ford looked around the coffeeshop, a wearydesignation settling in his chest.
              That’s easier said than done.
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