#English-Speaking Real Estate Agency
rentlifeagency · 1 year
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The RL Hiyoshi Studio 404 unit is a furnished 1K studio apartment with 21.40 m² of space that is located in Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, and is within a 5-minute walk of Hiyoshi Station on the Tokyu Toyoku Line. Rent is currently ¥86,000 and possibly available from late June. Contact Rent Life for details.
Details: https://english.rent-yokohama.com/
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bashamichiroom · 2 years
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The Kimura Heights 201 apartment is a foreigner-friendly 1DK studio apartment with 23.10 m² of space, built in 1986, located in Hino, Tokyo, and is within a 6-minute walk of Tama-Dobutsukoen Station on the Keio Line near Meisei University and Teikyo University. Cost is ¥38,500/month. Contact Bashamichi Room to schedule a viewing.
Details: https://www.bashamichi-room.com/rent/1r1k-rental/kimura-heights-2-1
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thenuclearmallard · 2 years
One Man's Fight Against Slavs-Only Apartment Rentals in Moscow
"You have to solve this problem. Otherwise, I will sue, no matter how much it costs me."
By Evan Gershkovich
Feb. 27, 2018
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Alexander Ryumin / TASS
The threat was typed in a fit of rage, an emotional outburst that spilled forth after weeks of frustration.
"You have to solve this problem," Emil Allakhverdiev demanded in a viral Facebook post last month. "Otherwise, I will sue, no matter how much it costs me."
Allakhverdiev, 26, was directing his public frustration at Yandex, Avito and the Center for Real Estate Information and Analytics (CIAN), among other Russian apartment rental companies. Hunting online for an apartment in his native Moscow, the English teacher of Azerbaijani descent had run into a ubiquitous fixture: disclaimers that apartments will be rented to ethnic Slavs only. 
The practice, aimed squarely at Central Asian immigrants, is one that Russian human rights advocates say has been prevalent in the capital for as long as they can remember. And because it is so entrenched, even Allakhverdiev’s singular Facebook post, they say, represents a step in the right direction.
"It feels like a new moment," Alexander Verkhovsky, the director of the Moscow-based SOVA Center, which tracks nationalism and xenophobia in Russia, told The Moscow Times. "Battling against discrimination requires citizens to be active and lawyers who will litigate strategically and attract media attention."
Although Allakhverdiev has yet to follow through on his threat to sue, he has forced the issue under Russia’s media spotlight. Before speaking to The Moscow Times, he shuttled between appearances on the state-run Moskva 24 channel and the independent Dozhd TV network.
"My primary aim is to bring attention to this problem," he explained in a central Moscow cafe one recent evening.
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Emil Allakhverdiev
Before setting out on his apartment search three months earlier, Allakhverdiev lived with his mother and rented from a friend. Previously, he hadn’t encountered much racism in Moscow, but the search, he said, had shown him how common it really is.
"It’s not just the disclaimers that you see in one out of every three ads," Allakhverdiev said. "It’s also the real estate agents who, after hearing your last name, just hang up the phone."
In a phone interview, Roman Babichev, who heads the leasing department of the Moscow-based Azbuka Zhilya real estate agency, defended the practice. The goal, he said, is less about keeping apartments in the hands of ethnic Slavs than it is preventing migrant workers from Central Asia and southern Russian republics from turning apartments into "hostels."
"It’s not discrimination," Babichev argued. "People who come from Central Asia, from the Caucasus, from Chechnya and Dagestan" — two predominantly Muslim Russian republics — "will say they will only have three people living in the apartment, but soon 10, 12 people have moved in."
Moscow's Most Racist Landlords Revealed
"This is based on years of experience," he added.
Migrant workers from struggling former Soviet republics have long flocked to Russia in search of better wages to send back home. More than a third of Tajikistan’s GDP in 2015, for instance, was earned by workers abroad, 90 percent of which came from Russia. In 2017, authorities estimated that there were about 10 million foreign laborers in the country.
Last spring, Russian researchers at the Robustory data journalism blog found that roughly 16 percent of the ads on CIAN discriminated on the basis of ethnicity or nationality. In their report, the researchers laid out the ads with disclaimers in map form, showing users where it would be easiest to find an apartment.
"This discrimination is not a secret to anyone who lives in Moscow," Vladimir Avetyan, one of Robustory’s researchers, said in a phone interview. "What we wanted to do was to visualize it so that the phenomenon would not just be discussed anecdotally."
Eva Mizrabekyan, 46, was born in Azerbaijan and moved to Moscow in the late ’90s when her Armenian husband found work at a restaurant. In a phone interview, she said she dreaded when the time would come for the couple to find a new apartment.
“My husband is light-skinned, so sometimes we wouldn’t have any problems right away if he went to see the apartment alone,” Mizrabekyan said. “But when it was time to sign the agreement the landlord would find out our name and start cursing and would either try to raise the price or back out altogether.”
“Thank God we found a nice landlord, and for the past seven years we haven’t had to move,” she added.
After Metro Blast, Racial Profiling Is on the Rise in Russia
In a statement to Dozhd TV regarding Allakhverdiev’s complaint, CIAN defended the disclaimers on its website.
"Such ads do indeed exist just as, for example, there are disclaimers on ads that say the apartment is ‘only for married couples’ or for those ‘without children’ or ‘without animals,’" the company said. "These disclaimers save our users time."
The company also pointed to Russian law, noting that, while it is clear on employment discrimination, for example, it does not "restrict renters in how they want to manage their private property."
Pavel Chikov, director of the Agora human rights organization, says that the practice is illegal. "The Russian constitution says that you cannot discriminate against people because of their race or ethnicity," he said. 
Verkhovsky of the SOVA Center, however, disagrees. Discrimination according to Russian law, he said, is the barring of someone from their rights. "Nowhere in our law," he explained, "does it say that it’s a person’s right to be rented an apartment from another person." 
Regardless, to fight the issue, he continued, will require people like Allakhverdiev to demand that discrimination be more thoroughly considered in the courts.
Prominent Anti-Racism NGO Sued Under Russian 'Undesirables’ Law
Several days after the interview at the cafe, Allakhverdiev told The Moscow Times that his Facebook post had been removed for containing "open aggression against people on racial, national and religious grounds as well as ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability." 
The social media platform’s algorithm that removes posts had been hijacked by Russian nationalists sending in complaints, Allakhverdiev suggested. Facebook did not respond to The Moscow Times' requests for comment.
Allakhverdiev also shared screenshots of comments on his original post and messages in his inbox from Russians urging him to leave the country. All of it had made him "want to throw my hands up in the air."
But it wasn't all negative. Others had reached out, too, including some offering him their apartments, and a human rights lawyer who suggested Allakhverdiev file a formal complaint to the Moscow’s prosecutor’s office as an intermediary step before suing. And going to court, Allakhverdiev said, remained an option.
Still, the stream of hate seemed to have taken its toll. 
"I am a Russian citizen and Moscow is my home," he said. "Now it doesn’t feel like it so much anymore."
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sawaislollygagging · 1 year
Talk about "Keigo".
One thing that is beautiful about English is that I can be friends with anyone, regardless of their age. I have made lots of friends with different ages, from the twenties to the thirties and even older, since I came to London. I am really grateful for this environment; my older female friends told me that the thirties are fun, free, and confident. Also, my friends in their early twenties are surprisingly flexible and mentally mature, which I was not when I was the same age as them. I am quite impressed with how they see society and have learned a lot from them.
Compared to English, the Japanese have polite ways of talking, which are called "Keigo". Oh no, this is such difficult language! Usually, we use this polite communication way with people who are older or in a higher position than us. We must practise not only speaking but also writing and listening. When I started working in Japan, I really did not know the "business manner of using Keigo, and I made a lot of embarrassing mistakes in the email. Well, I do not care anymore now, though.
Keigo fits the seniority society, but it makes creating personal relationships difficult. For example, in my previous job in Japan, I had a female coworker who was the same age as me. Although she started working one year later than me, from the perspective of the working environment, she kept using polite language with me. I told her not to use Keigo when she spoke to me since we were very close and were joking together all the time. But she could not stop it, and I know the reason. The tricky thing is that it is so awkward to change from formal to casual ways of talking.
To use Keigo in Japanese is not only for the purpose of being polite and showing respect. I've noticed that it creates emotional distance. Ironically, sometimes I use Keigo on purpose when I want to be a business partner with them instead of being friendly. Sadly, women, especially those in their twenties or thirties, tend to experience being patronised by old men. One day, when I called my real estate agency in Tokyo because of some disorders in my apartment, he called me back without Keigo and with mansplaining, which I hate. and I found that he was bloody rude and intrusive. I asked him to use Keigo and be polite to me, and his attitude changed. Sometimes, this complex language has an asset, isn't it?
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
I would love for you to write me a BoB-Ship :))
I'm about 5' 4" tall and have long blonde hair and blue/grey eyes.
I work in a real estate agency and speak three languages: English, French, and German.
In my free time I love to write stories, read books, dance, sing and go out with friends (a little drinking is always involved ;)) And I'm a smoker.
I am a real extrovert and open to new things. A lot of people would describe me as creative in every way. I am an absolutely chaotic person in all my life. Sometimes in my head, I'm far ahead of the conversation we are having right now.
I'm a real dreamer, but also I'm a typical Pisces. I'm sentimental and sensitive, and I love to help others with their problems, maybe even before I try to work out my own ;)
The most important thing for me is to have fun in life and my friends and family are the most important things in it. I'm a loyal friend, but I will never forget if you "betray" me.
Hope you can work something out :)
Thank you so much! x
Thank you for your request! I’m stunned cos I honestly feel like I relate to you sm as a person and a lot of your characteristics described !!
I ship you with… Floyd Talbert!!
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First of all you and Floyd would literally be a beautiful couple, like oh my god, the intensity and attraction between the two of you would be instant?!
the first time he saw you would most likely be in a pub or something social seeing as you’re both very social people. He’d practically get lost in your eyes- and don’t tell anybody- but he stumbled over his words the very first time he introduced himself.
sounds very typical, but Floyd has a thing for blonde hair, just the way it cascaded down your back and framed your face- oh my god Floyd was in love.
Kinda gets portrayed as a womaniser? But seriously he’s young and attractive, of course he’s gonna find the attention fun.
but he’s fiercely loyal, like his friendship with Winter’s.
Pretty soon after he gets to know you his eyes are only focused on you. I feel like he’s deffo got a high sex drive- so be prepared.
but nah when he finds out you can speak not just two- but three different languages?! Oh my god he’s amazed, constantly would get you to teach him different languages just cos it turns him on hearing you speak it.
if you speak German to Liebgott, Tab deffo gets a little jealous cos you’re so beautiful and oh my god- Liebgott stop flirting with her in German.
can speak broken parts of German, so he shoots daggers at Liebgott who practically smirks back in his direction.
when it’s been long enough& you’re both comfortable would deffo announce you as ‘his girl’ and is soooo fucking proud to walk around with you.
His fav thing to do is take you out to soo many different places and keep an arm around your waist. Every now and then will deffo give ur butt a quick grab followed by the cheekiest smirk.
the two of you would deffo make such a chill couple? Like your bond is so so strong and there’s so much trust between you.
if you wanna go out with the girls then go ahead, wear whatever the fuck you want- he’s so fucking good for you like omg. Wouldn’t dare stop you having a good time because ew, he’s your boyfriend not your owner? Finds it weird when people are overbearing.
always there to open the front door for you when you come home from drinking- deffo would make you some kinda drunk snack (maybe he’s not the best cook but he can make a banging cheese toasty).
Would wipe your makeup off and tuck your hair out of your face- omg he’d deffo kiss your forehead too and the two of you would just be so so so fucking in love I can’t.
tells you he loves you like so often- always wants to kiss you and isn’t afraid of PDA- not too much but, he can’t stay tf away from you he’s obsessed.
flirts with you despite being together for years- always gives you the eyes and sometimes he literally pours at you to get what he wants.
Gets random bursts of energy or excitment whilst you’re reading and just launches himself on top of you?
wants to wrestle with you.
loves a play fight and sharing a cigarette after.
expect him to steal your cigarettes- the man always forgets to buy his own.
would buy you a pack in return as well as some flowers.
your conversations would be fucking everywhere, kinda like with Babe? The two of you are so chatty and other people might struggle to follow along?
Expect him to match your levels of chaos and open mindedness. Tab wants somebody he can have fun with and has 100% found that in you.
obsessed with the idea of having sex in every single state in America with you? Don’t ask me why- the two of you probably get through about 30 before your interests turn elsewhere.
Maybe when Chuck gets shot and Tab is clearly frustrated he confides in you? Literally just wraps himself around you desperate for a hug???
kinda needy when he’s had a bad day.
your sensitivity is a perfect match for him, he needs it after all the trauma he’s faced, so the fact he can be vulnerable with you and just hide his face in your neck is all he ever needs.
pls give him cuddles.
maybe tab isn’t the most sentimental? Like sometimes he might not understand it, but when you maybe surprise him with a younger picture of the pair of you for his birthday it literally makes him cry??
Cries cos he’s found such a perfect fucking partner that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you?
the honeymoon stage ending? Hell no, you sound like such a fun person Tab looks forwards to seeing you after you’ve been apart for 2 hours?
finds it sexy that u can sing and dance omg.
gives you the biggest heart eyes.
your priorities of friends and family really aligns with Tabs. You two have no trouble or disagreements in arranging plans or visiting family. The two of you thrive of socialising with who you’re closest to.
Tab wants babies and dogs with you- maybe even a farm? Tells you this fairly soon.
expect lots of baby making, thanks.
would never EVER dare disrespect or betray you. If anybody does this to you Floyd cuts them out of his life- gets angry if it’s another man getting too weird with you.
been in one or two physical fights over you? Isn’t afraid to punch somebody for you.
isn’t unreasonable for it either, the asshole probably deserved it.
gets touchy feely when he’s drunk, wants you to kiss him, sit on his lap, dance with him? He’s obsessed with you.
nope nope nope- you being a Pisces and Tab being a Virgo would be more perfect OMG. When I was researching this it was so so fitting.
You bring out a more spontaneous side of him that he didn’t realise you had- you make life fun for him, literally just what he needed.
he also maybe brings you down from day dreaming? Helps you whenever you need and literally can’t do enough for you.
stops you from daydreaming cos he literally IS a dream himself???
lots of babies and doggies eventually. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I ship you platonically with… Babe Heffron!!
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This friendship is chaos central.
you and babe could talk for England. Could probably save everybody else from A LOT of awkward situations by talking your way out of it.
babe is an extremely loyal friend. Would definitely give you some of his rations just because???
Values your loyalty so much and has your back omfg.
if anybody chats one thing bad about you they’ll feel the wrath of Babe. Legit won’t speak to them for a good month because of it????
Iconic duo, seriously.
if you’re looking for fun Babe can a million percent provide that.
genuinely feels so much happy for you in anything you do.
Puts his head on your shoulder when he’s sad- Tab gets a little pouty about this.
gets protective/ worried about you during the war.
especially after he lost Julian and then Bill was wounded, he’s so so scared you’ll get taken away from him?
genuinely thinks you are THE best friend ever and he is that to you.
wants you to name one of your pets after him or some weird shit? Idk but you one up that and if you have any children name them after him.
cries at your and Tabs wedding.
you cry at his wedding.
The two of you burst out laughing in the WORST situations. In church, in prayer- you name it.
seriously friends for the rest of your lives omg let me have this
~~~~~~ nooooo I seriously had too much fun writing this, Tab is my FAV and I feel like I was writing about myself? Idk who u are but I feel like we’re the same person.
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Digital Marketing Company in India: A Growing Powerhouse in the Digital World 
India has rapidly emerged as one of the fastest-growing digital economies, and at the forefront of this revolution are digital marketing companies that are helping brands connect with their target audiences. The proliferation of smartphones, the rise of social media, and the increasing internet penetration have created the perfect ecosystem for digital marketing companies in India to thrive. In this article, we explore the dynamic landscape of digital marketing in India, the services offered by top companies, and the factors contributing to their success.
The Evolution of Digital Marketing in India
The journey of digital marketing in India can be traced back to the early 2000s, but it has gained significant traction over the last decade. With the advent of affordable internet data plans and the Digital India campaign, businesses, both large and small, have shifted from traditional advertising mediums to digital platforms. This transition has created a vast demand for specialized marketing services such as social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and content marketing.
Today, digital marketing companies in India cater to diverse industries, including e-commerce, real estate, hospitality, healthcare, and education. These companies not only offer localized strategies but also provide global marketing solutions, making India a competitive player in the global digital landscape.
Services Offered by Digital Marketing Companies
Digital marketing firms in India offer a wide array of services designed to help businesses grow their online presence and drive sales. The following are the most sought-after services:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO helps improve a website's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Indian companies excel in providing cost-effective SEO services to enhance both local and global search rankings.
Social Media Marketing (SMM): Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are vital for engaging with customers. Indian agencies offer tailored SMM strategies that increase brand awareness and foster customer loyalty.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC is a model where advertisers pay each time their ad is clicked. Companies in India manage Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media advertising campaigns efficiently to ensure maximum return on investment (ROI).
Content Marketing: Content is king, and many Indian agencies specialize in crafting engaging blogs, videos, infographics, and podcasts. This not only improves SEO rankings but also establishes brands as industry leaders.
Email Marketing: Email marketing campaigns remain an essential tool for lead nurturing. Indian companies design personalized email strategies that drive conversions while maintaining customer relationships.
Web Development & Design: A well-designed website is crucial for a successful online presence. Many Indian digital marketing companies offer website development services that focus on user experience (UX) and search engine friendliness.
Analytics and Reporting: Data-driven strategies are key to success. Digital marketing companies in India provide comprehensive analytics and reporting services that help businesses track their performance and adjust strategies accordingly.
Why India is a Preferred Destination for Digital Marketing
Several factors contribute to India's rise as a global hub for digital marketing services:
Cost-Effective Solutions: Indian agencies provide high-quality services at a fraction of the cost compared to their Western counterparts. This makes them attractive to both domestic and international businesses.
Skilled Workforce: India boasts a vast pool of tech-savvy, English-speaking professionals who are adept at the latest digital marketing tools and trends. Many Indian marketers are certified by global platforms like Google, HubSpot, and Facebook.
Rapidly Expanding Internet Base: With over 700 million internet users, India represents one of the largest online markets in the world. This growth has encouraged businesses to tap into this vast customer base, further fueling the demand for digital marketing services.
Technological Advancements: Indian digital marketing companies leverage cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and automation to deliver precise, targeted campaigns.
24/7 Service Availability: Given the time zone difference, many Indian digital marketing companies can offer round-the-clock services to international clients, ensuring campaigns are always up and running.
Top Digital Marketing Companies in India
Several digital marketing agencies in India have made a mark on both the national and global stage. Here are some of the leading players:
Webchutney: Known for its innovative campaigns and creativity, Webchutney is one of the most celebrated digital marketing agencies in India.
WatConsult: A full-service digital marketing agency, WatConsult offers everything from SEO and PPC to influencer marketing and video production.
Techmagnate: Specializing in SEO services, Techmagnate is recognized as one of the top search engine optimization firms in India.
iProspect India: This agency offers a combination of performance marketing, data-driven strategies, and cutting-edge technology to drive business growth.
PageTraffic: A highly reputable SEO and digital marketing firm, PageTraffic offers extensive solutions for businesses looking to increase their online visibility.
As India's digital landscape continues to grow, digital marketing companies are playing an integral role in shaping the future of businesses. With their cost-effective solutions, skilled workforce, and global outlook, these companies have established themselves as valuable partners for both domestic and international brands. The rise of digital marketing in India signifies not just a shift in advertising trends but also the potential for Indian companies to lead the global digital transformation.
Whether you're a start-up or a well-established company, partnering with a digital marketing company in India can give your business the competitive edge it needs to thrive in the digital age.
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nicolasrealestate · 6 months
Why Investing in Rent Finca and Buyin Hotel in Mallorca is a Best Idea?
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Mallorca is home to more than just lively, well-known resorts; it also has a diverse array of rare plants and animals, breathtaking scenery, and quiet beaches. Enjoy the fantastic sporting options offered by the island, whether they are rural or coastal. It's easy to mix culture, relaxation, and excellent shopping in Palma. Choose Nicolas Real Estate Group, a trustworthy real estate agency, if you're searching to Rent Finca in Mallorca. 
We have a large selection of houses and fincas for rent in Mallorca on our website, including villas, flats, and rural hotels. Our properties are situated in stunning rural areas or close to the beach and they range in price from affordable to upscale. Whether you are travelling as a family, a party, a couple, or a single, our offer has something to suit every taste. 
Why Is Renting a Finca the Best Option in Mallorca?
There are some benefits to Rent Finca in Mallorca that come with staying at a hotel. The cost per person or per night if staying in a hotel, decreases with the number of people occupying the property. You may reserve a finca by splitting the costs among the visitors, as opposed to paying for three, four, or five hotel rooms. 
The seclusion afforded by the private pool, extra private entertainment rooms in certain villas, and additions like table tennis, trampolines, tiny playgrounds, and sports fields are further benefits. Shopping at the grocery store and cooking at home are also the greatest ways to make poolside cocktails and sunset beverages. 
The greatest finca in Mallorca may be had at a very reasonable price, although we think renting a villa is always preferable. Due to the abundance of real estate rental platforms, pricing for a given property might range by up to 20% depending on the platform. Even within the same platform, a house may display many times at varying prices. 
Why Buy a Hotel in Mallorca?
The modern, global way of life
The first reason to Buy Hotel in Mallorca is that Mallorca is renowned for its urbane way of living. The numerous efforts being made right now to increase tourism in the area are having a positive effect. The Island features stringent building regulations and certain inherent construction constraints; the shoreline is also shielded from overdevelopment. The imposition of these penalties aims to preserve Mallorca's natural beauty as well as the property prices of the island. 
Purchase ease
Furthermore, purchasing real estate in Mallorca is very simple.  The purchasing and selling procedure is supervised by a large number of seasoned real estate brokers and solicitors with impressive portfolios, who make sure it is stress-free. 
Island with Multiple Languages
One wonderful thing about Mallorca is that it is a multilingual island; property owners don't have to worry about having to learn Spanish quickly because the majority of real estate companies have staff members who speak many languages. In addition to the international inhabitants of the island, the native speakers of English and German who work in a variety of areas also speak one or both of these languages. 
Mild weather
Due to its lovely weather, Mallorca is a popular destination for sun lovers and outdoor enthusiasts who like sports like hiking, cycling, and golfing. The island is ideal for those who like to laze on the beach or take in the sun because it has 300 days of sunlight and a moderate winter.  
Superior medical treatment on Mallorca
The excellent healthcare system is another crucial element that draws newcomers to Buy Hotel in Mallorca. With over 60 local public surgeries, dozens of private clinics, five large public and six private hospitals, and numerous private clinics, Mallorca offers top-notch, multilingual experts and cutting-edge medical care. The knowledgeable, capable experts on the island have your family's best interests at heart. 
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Moonie connections: Bad teaching, 12,000 euros tuition fee: This is how a Berlin institute treats their student
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▲ Sahra Wagenknecht (left) spoke at an ICD event, Dirk Niebel (2nd from left) sat on the ICD advisory board until May. The institute, directed by Mark Donfried (right), has connections to the Moon sect, known for its mass marriages through Hak Ja Han aka “Mother Moon" (2nd from right)
Machine translation to English:
Bad teaching, 12,000 euros tuition fee: This is how a Berlin institute treats their students
Students are bothered by the fact that they don't learn anything. The head of the institute also has hardly any scientific expertise – but he does have contacts with politicians and cult members.
by Sabrina Winter and Sascha Düerkop 27 October 2023
The conference room smells like a mixture of perfume, farts and cafeteria. On this February afternoon, the room is filled with students, interns, cult members and a few people who might be genuinely interested in the topic of the conference. The room is so full that people are crowded in the doorway. Because Bundestag member Sahra Wagenknecht (then part of Die Linke) is about to speak about the war in Ukraine. Controversial politicians are often guests here, but they are rarely as well-known as Wagenknecht.
Here, this is the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin. It is a mixture of non-governmental organization, conference agency and university. And it is a meeting place for religious fanatics. Anyone who looks behind the scenes at the ICD quickly notices the institute appears to be just a facade. Behind it, a trio spins its network of criminals and politicians. To do this, it exploits young people and makes students pay a lot of money. Above all, it offers a space for a cult. At the conferences, cult members can recruit and talk to young people about peace, family, God and who knows what else. The institute denies that the sect is allowed to promote its teachings at the ICD conferences. But the cooperation is confirmed: "In our experience, the cooperation was successful."
Part 2 of this research:
Getting yelled at and living with raccoons: How a Berlin institute exploits interns
by Sabrina Winter and Sascha Düerkop 27 October 2023
We looked at the connections and companies behind this institute. And there are many. Untangling the tangle of hotels, real estate companies and clubs is not easy. The heads of the ICD maintained and maintain connections in all directions: to a Christian sect, an arms lobbyist and a Lebanese ex-government member who is being investigated for murder. We kept asking ourselves: What is the purpose of this strange braid? Those who do a master's degree at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy pay between 9,000 and 12,000 euros and then read Wikipedia articles instead of specialist magazines – that's what former students report. The ICD says that Wikipedia articles or YouTube videos are only used additionally in a few cases.
Those who live in the institute's dormitory have to deal with dirt, water dripping through the ceiling and raccoons digging through the trash. A student filmed the animals from a kitchen in the dormitory. "Oh God, look at how big this thing is," she says in the video as a raccoon sticks its snout into an empty can. “We believe that the situation is better now,” writes the institute in response to a VICE request.
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy can hardly be called a university. At least the ICD doesn't seem to act as if it values education. What the ICD still succeeds in is luring young people to Berlin with false promises. According to the institute, 30 students are currently enrolled. Many people start their studies with the hope of becoming part of something big, something important at the ICD. To be close to the powerful and influential who can be seen on the institute's website.
The sect with the coerced weddings Sahra Wagenknecht pushed herself through the thick air and behind the lectern. Cold light falls from louvre lamps from the ceiling. Wagenknecht speaks for an hour. She explains how irresponsible she finds it that German tanks shoot at Russians. Nobody contradicts her.
On the morning of this conference day, former Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) gave a lecture. Hassan Diab is also there as a speaker. The ex-president of Lebanon was forced to resign because of the explosion in the port of Beirut. A murder trial is underway against him. Another speaker is Francois Fillon: once Prime Minister of France, now a convicted criminal. He had embezzled public funds and employed his own wife as a sham.
Former students report that they are sometimes pressured by parts of the ICD leadership to take part in the conferences. The ICD puts it this way: "We strongly recommend that students take part in the conferences, also because they are integrated into the curriculum."
VICE spoke to about a dozen people who attended the institute. They almost consistently describe the ICD as a dizziness, a waste of time, a place of horror. But neither they nor the politicians seem to have any idea what lies behind the facade.
There are people at the conferences whose name tags say Universal Peace Federation (UPF). The Universal Peace Federation is a Moon Sect front organization. This is an ultra-conservative, new religious “Christian” movement from South Korea. Many people know the Moon Sect through their mass weddings.
At the conference at which Wagenknecht speaks, at least 13 leading UPF members from all over Europe mingle with the guests, eat snacks and chat with other participants.
We sent Wagenknecht, Steinbrück and Diab questions about their connection to the ICD. For example, we wanted to know whether they knew about the ICD's contacts with cults. But none of them responded – despite our request.
The connection to the German Bundestag The institute gives the impression of being very close to international politics, world events and those in power. It advertises its courses and internships with its supposedly good connections in politics. And members of all parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag actually spoke at the conferences: Thomas Silberhorn (CSU), Frank Müller-Rosentritt (FDP), Cem Özdemir (Greens), Peter Bystron (AfD) are just a few names among many. These appearances help the ICD maintain a reputable appearance. When asked by VICE, Silberhorn, Müller-Rosentritt, Özdemir and Bystron said that they knew nothing about the cult connections or the students' frustrations. According to their own statements, they did not receive any money or gifts.
How the Moon Sect recruits From the Bundestag it is a 45-minute drive to Berlin-Reinickendorf, where the ICD is based. The white and blue institute building stands there, crammed in between cranes, tracks and car dealerships. You don't see anything about culture or international politics.
On the way to the conference hall, you pass a table with flyers, magazines and books, all promoting peace and reconciliation. Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is written on the flyers. The Moon Sect is openly advertising here. In the name of peace, of course, that sounds pretty harmless. In fact, its founder Sun Myung Moon is known for running at least one weapons factory.
Lisa Pauline Wagner was born into the Moon sect 30 years ago. She got out 16 years ago. She also remembers conferences: "Important people were invited: students or celebrities. They then talked about the big problems in the world." It wasn't scientific, she says. “Actually, they were big blah-blah events.” Wagner was considered a "blessed child" in the sect because her parents were personally paired at a matching ceremony by the sect's founder and later married. Mass weddings bring together women and men who have never met before. The cult leader Moon determined who had to marry whom. Since Moon's death in 2012, his wife, Hak Ja Han aka "Mother Moon", has taken over this task. The movement became big in Germany in the 1970s and 80s. Today there aren't as many "Moonies" as they call themselves. But their faith is dangerous.
“Homosexuality was hardly talked about, and when it was, it was only as an illness,” remembers dropout Lisa Pauline. And homophobia isn't the only thing. According to belief, Moonies are the better people, everyone else has to be fought. Moon's followers claim to rule the entire world as "better people".
The Berlin Sekteninfo has hardly anything to do with Moonies or their members anymore, says a representative in an interview with VICE. But it is not the number of members that makes them dangerous, but rather their actions.
One tactic of the Moon movement goes like this: The members try to befriend students and young people. They talk about peace and family. Only after months do they discuss Moon's teachings. With this type of proselytizing, Moonies captivate new members - very gently and gradually. “This dishonest approach is what makes Moon’s followers so dangerous,” says Fabian Maysenhölder, pastor and author of the cult podcast Secta.
Lisa Pauline Wagner describes the pull of the sect like this: "We had cool services with music, young people, a good atmosphere. This gives you the feeling of being part of a community, of something big, something important."
If you show students the UPF flyers, they don't know what to do with them. "Uh, well, today's conference is about peace - and this organization is apparently about peace too," a student says in English. Pictures show that the UPF members also talk to students and distribute their brochures. When asked, the ICD wrote: "Yes, in Berlin they brought some flyers and publications and distributed them to the participants."
An angry email One often encounters frustration and sometimes pure desperation among ICD students. “The quality of teaching was subpar,” says a former student who graduated in 2019. Others confirm this. Apparently this has been the case for several years. In an email from 2017, which VICE has obtained, students complain to the management of the institute:
“Courses are canceled at the last minute, sometimes even after they were supposed to start.”
"It's 2017 and the ICD is unable to set up proper IT and WIFI in the building."
"We watch YouTube videos for two hours in the courses. […] We search Wikipedia articles in an academic (?) place. […] There is also no platform where we can download documents. [ …] Instead, we copy them from USB stick to USB stick."
And they ask in the email: "For many it is still unclear what exactly ICD is. Is it an NGO, a university, an institute, a place to evade taxes or something even worse?"
The ICD wrote in the email: “Of course we take negative feedback into account and try to improve it.”
One thing is certain: a state university in the town of Furtwangen in Baden-Württemberg supports the ICD.
Help from a state university Only because of the cooperation with Furtwangen University can the sect-affiliated institute offer two private master's degree programs: International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy and International Economics, Business and Cultural Diplomacy. VICE has module and seminar plans from recent semesters. Both courses are almost identical. This shows that in the first semester, people teach who otherwise work as management consultants or in embassies. Scientists rarely teach. Furtwangen University doesn't mind. She writes: "We welcome the use of lecturers from professional practice at the ICD."
In the second semester, real professors from southern Germany travel to Berlin. The ICD has been working with Furtwangen University since 2016. The university belongs to the state of Baden-Württemberg. Her focus is on technology, medicine and business. However, there are no professorships there in culture, politics or international relations. Neither the ICD nor Furtwangen University see this as a discrepancy. The university refers to "several professorships that explicitly deal with topics in international relations, international economics and interculturality."
Study full of inconsistencies On official platforms, the university states that the course is in the field of political science and is studied in Villingen-Schwenningen. That's wrong. Because the studies take place in Berlin. Furtwangen University points out a display error on the platform.
And something else that's surprising: the certificates say "Business Administration" as a field of study: business administration. So it's not political science? The university points out that the master's programs are part of the study program offered by the Faculty of Business. In addition, both master's programs included aspects of international economics and international relations. If you look at the module handbook you can see: These economic aspects relate to three courses that make up just 15 percent of the overall grade.
Even though studying is rubbish, no one manages to fight back. Most students come from abroad. They keep thinking about complaining about the ICD, they report. But they don't know who. And then the fear of being in a foreign country without a degree prevails.
They receive a master's certificate. Anyway. Furtwangen University is exhibiting it. The certificates say: ACQUIN, a quality assurance institute, has accredited the course of study. That is also wrong. Because ACQUIN did not accredit the course of study, but the university. When asked, ACQUIN's managing director, Alexander Rudolph, confirmed: AQUIN has accredited the university until 2019. The university then accredited its courses itself, including those at the Berlin ICD. This accreditation is still valid until 2024. But since April 2023, Furtwangen University has been accrediting itself in a so-called “alternative procedure”. This makes it one of the first in Germany. The Ministry of Science in Baden-Württemberg writes: "The alternative procedure is by no means a loophole, but rather speaks for a very good quality culture." But why wasn’t the frustration of the ICD students noticed? The ministry points out the responsibility of the university. A spokesman said the ministry was not aware of any sectarian connections or criticism of the teachings.
And the university? She doesn't know anything about the new religious groups either. She writes: "We have no evidence of any influence from the groups mentioned on our teaching."
Questionable study certificates for visa applications Not only does the accreditation of Furtwangen University appear doubtful, but also its study certificates. Because it is not allowed to award such certificates to ICD students - according to the state higher education law and its own examination regulations. It says: The students in Berlin take part in an “external examination”. This means they are never part of the university, but rather external. Nevertheless, the university issues certificates of study to students at the ICD. Both the university and the Ministry of Science believe this is legal. Most students need a certificate of study in order to get a visa in Germany. Without a certificate of study, no entry, and possibly not even an appointment at the German embassy. A study certificate is one of the most important documents you need to come to Germany.
The trio behind the facade The ICD itself claims to have been founded in the USA in 1999. It cannot be verified whether this is true. On the homepage there were references to companies in the USA, most of which never existed according to the company register in Washington DC. There is now only one address from the USA on the homepage: 20 W 34th St., New York. The Empire State Building is there.
Mark Donfried has always been the director of the institute. The American-born man is in his mid-50s and always wears a suit when making public appearances. In the ICD group photos, he is the head that towers above all the others. His sister is Karen Donfried, the highest-ranking U.S. diplomat for Germany. She is basically the head of all US ambassadors in Europe. Your brother is not a real diplomat. Even though he's obviously trying his best to pretend with the ICD.
At the conference in February, Donfried comes on stage after Wagenknecht's lecture and asks her harmless questions: "What is your message to all Germans? What role does cultural diplomacy play in the Ukraine war?" Most questions from the audience are silenced. No time.
Mark Donfried teaches courses such as “International Case Studies of Applied Cultural Diplomacy” in the master’s program. But not particularly well, if you believe the students' statements. "There was no structure. We talked about things that came to mind," says a former student. Another ex-student says: "He is not qualified to teach such courses."
In fact, Mark Donfried is co-editor of an anthology on cultural diplomacy. Experts rate the anthology as mediocre. Donfried did not write any contributions of his own in the book. Apart from that, he has not published anything academic on the subject of cultural diplomacy. His highest academic degree is a bachelor's degree. In addition to Donfried, a married couple is part of the management trio. So the two of them act in the background. Mark Donfried is the face for public appearances, students report, but Rosie and Riman Vilnius are actually behind the institute.
Rosie's title is "Head of Communications". She reminds students of deadlines and organizes conferences. "Rosie loves money," says one student in an interview with VICE. Another puts it this way: "Rosie wanted to use every square meter of the building to squeeze out money." And a former conference participant remembers the event like this: "The plan, the times, the lectures were constantly changing. I had the feeling that the ICD only wanted to make money with the conference." The ICD says last-minute changes and cancellations only occur rarely, and when they do, they are cases of force majeure.
Riman Vilnius is believed by some alumni who spoke to VICE to be the real head of the ICD. He gives instructions, shakes hands and sometimes intimidates with his demeanor. One of them calls Riman Vilnius a “gangster boss.” Riman's name appears in contracts. He is the contact person for exchange projects with European universities. The three have been running the institute together for almost 25 years.
Donfried's corporate network It is doubtful whether Mark Donfried, Riman and Rosie Vilnius are really interested in cultural diplomacy: the ICD itself writes in an encyclopedia that there is "no fixed or generally accepted definition". Cultural diplomacy is best described "as the means by which countries promote their cultural and political values to the rest of the world." At VICE's request, the institute refers to a second definition that is similar in content and that it has defined itself. It does not cite any scientific sources.
Mark Donfried also has various side businesses: He is the owner of several hotels and real estate management companies in Germany. In February, there is a car in the ICD yard with advertising for one of its hotels stuck on it. If you read the Google reviews of these hotels, you get the impression that they are almost dilapidated and only serve as a facade. Google users describe a hotel in the Lower Saxony province as extremely dirty. A guest is apparently all alone in the hotel because there is no staff at all. “Creepy,” he writes. The corona pandemic thwarted Donfried's plans to build several hotels, writes the ICD.
Donfried also has a few companies in Great Britain. Some have now been disbanded. They were registered at the address of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the Moon sect's front organization. An address suffix reveals that they apparently used the same rooms. Donfried hosted an ICD conference at the UPF premises in London in 2014. In 2020, he spoke at a memorial service on the anniversary of the death of cult founder Sun Myung Moon. He was also a speaker at a UPF conference in London in 2022. The connection between him and the cult seems to be close. According to his own statements, he is not a member.
Entanglements with politics Despite these connections, the ICD managed to operate close to German federal ministries. The institute published texts on a portal supported by the Ministry of Education. The ministry writes to VICE: "The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy has used the opportunity to publish individual event notices on the portal, like many other institutes and research institutions that deal with international issues. However, this was last the case in 2011." In 2014, the Federal Foreign Office introduced Mark Donfried as a supporter of an initiative for German-Turkish exchange. There is currently no cooperation, writes the Foreign Office. The ministries do not comment on questions about proximity to the sect.
The ICD website temporarily lists two Germans on the institute's advisory board: the arms lobbyist Dirk Niebel (FDP) and the former parliamentary speaker Rita Süssmuth (CDU). Süssmuth says she hasn't been on the advisory board for a long time. Niebel states that he ended his collaboration with the ICD in May. He served on the advisory board on a voluntary basis. “I gave speeches and moderated panels several times during my time on the board. Speeches and moderations were of course remunerated,” writes Niebel when asked. He doesn't tell us how much he was paid.
Today's Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir also sat there from 2009 to 2010. At that time he was not in the Bundestag, but was chairman of the Greens. When we asked, Özdemir confirmed that he was a speaker and advisory board member at the ICD. Mark Donfried spoke to him at the time. He didn't know anything about the cult contacts. “After a union reported questionable working conditions at the ICD, Mr. Özdemir ended his involvement,” writes his spokeswoman.
Externally, the ICD is decorated with names of politicians. It obviously tries to appear serious, to be a place for exchange and for international politics. In fact, it provides a network for villains and cults. Politicians and students help maintain the appearance of respectability – often without knowing it. Very few people learn anything for their future at the Berlin institute. A 2016 conference participant recalls: "I flew home after the conference and asked myself what cultural diplomacy actually was." At the time she paid 345 euros for it. Participation now costs almost 500 euros.
LINK to the original VICE article in German
Top German politicians have spoken at the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy which has connections to the Moonies Korean messianic cult.
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vrankup · 1 year
CTR Unveiled: What's Click-Through Rate All About?
Hey there, savvy folks! If you're treading the digital waters and we as the best digital marketing agency in dwarka provides you all the services you can get.  you've probably come across the term "CTR" – that's Click-Through Rate for the uninitiated. Now, don't you worry your curious minds, 'cause we're about to break it down in plain ol' English? Buckle up, 'cause we're diving deep into the ocean of online metrics!
**Alright, What's CTR, Anyway?**
CTR is like the applause-o-meter for your online ads – it tells you how many folks gave your ad a standing ovation by clicking on it.
**Breaking Down the CTR Equation**
But hey, don't let the term "equation" scare you off. We're keeping it simple, promise! CTR is calculated using a basic recipe:
CTR = (Number of Clicks / Number of Impressions) * 100
The ingredients? Stir 'em together, divide, multiply by 100, and boom! You've got your CTR percentage. Think of it like baking cookies – mix, bake, and you get delicious insights!
**Why CTR's the Cool Kid in Town**
Now, I hear you asking, "Why should I care about this CTR stuff?" Great question, my friend!
1. **Ad Quality Check:** A sky-high CTR is like a digital high-five – it means your ad is catching folks' attention. They're not just scrolling past; they're actually interested in what you're offering.
2. **Fine-Tuning Goldmine:** If your CTR isn't looking so hot, that's not a dead end. It's like a treasure map leading you to improvements. Maybe your ad needs some jazzing up or your message isn't hitting the bullseye.
3. **Budget Whisperer:** Hold on, it gets better! In some fancy platforms, like Google Ads, a nifty CTR can actually make your ad budget stretch further. It's like finding a coupon for your digital shopping spree!
4. **Placement Guru:** Ever wonder where to put your ads for the most bang? CTR's got your back. If one spot gets more clicks, that's your sweet spot!
**CTRs Aren't Set in Stone: Factors Playing the Field**
But, brace yourself – CTR isn't a static number. It's a shapeshifter, influenced by all sorts of factors. Check out these game-changers:
1. **Speak Their Language:** If your ad talks the talk of your target audience, they'll walk the clicky walk. Relevant ads win the game!
2. **Action-Packed CTAs:** Those "Buy Now" or "Grab Your Deal" buttons? They're your CTR's best buddies. Clear, snappy calls-to-action are like catnip for clickers.
3. **Eye Candy:** Let's admit it – we're suckers for pretty visuals. A snazzy, well-designed ad is more tempting than a tub of ice cream on a hot day.
4. **Right Place, Right Time:** Think of ads like real estate. Location matters! Placing your ad where your crowd hangs out increases its clickability.
5. **Mobile Magic:** It's a mobile world, folks. If your ad isn't mobile-friendly, it's like showing up to a costume party in your PJs.
6. **Try & Test:** Don't be shy to experiment. A/B testing different ad versions lets you figure out what floats your audience's boat.
**CTR Benchmarks: The "Is My CTR Cool?" Question**
Hold on – before you freak out about your CTR, remember, there's no universal "awesome" CTR. It's like saying all ice cream flavors should taste the same. CTR benchmarks depend on where you're playing – search ads, display ads, social media – they all have their groove.
For instance, a 2% CTR might be rocking in the land of banners, while a 10% CTR for a search ad might be par for the course. Social media? Well, it's a whole different dance floor.
**In a Nutshell: Navigating the CTR Waters**
So there you have it, my digital trailblazers – CTR demystified! It's not just numbers; it's your digital GPS guiding you through the ad wilderness. CTR speaks volumes about your audience's interest, your ad's charm, and how smashing your campaigns are.
Keep an eye on that CTR, dare to experiment, and remember, every click is a breadcrumb leading you closer to marketing glory. May your CTRs be sky-high, your ads totally irresistible, and your marketing voyage one for the record books! Get clicking, legends! ?
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winterwcnder · 1 year
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                                –––– ✨ winter winchester ✨ ––––  pinterest ⦙ threads ⦙ answers ⦙ vanity
have you seen winter winchester  around los angeles? the twenty-eight year old is usually jamming to ready to start by arcade fire. word around the city is that they’re charismatic, yet, they can also be critical, but you didn’t hear that from me. they’re currently a model/voice actor and are typically seen walking the streets of los angeles with a small snowflake necklace . when i think of them, i think of spread on a magazine, stacks of video games, the flash of a camera, a winning smile . let’s hope the city treats them good!
                                                        ○ ′ ✨  loved  by taco
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  winter winchester 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  win, prefers winter 𝐃𝐎𝐁  july 27, 1995 𝐀𝐆𝐄  twenty - eight 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  leo 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  demi-male 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  he/they 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  bisexual, biromantic 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 crystal lake, illinois 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍  los angeles, california 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  english, asl, french, 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  model/voice actor
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𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌  tom holland 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑  dark brown 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒  dark brown eyes 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  5′7″ 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  none 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒  none 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄  white shirts, black button ups, suits, brown jackets, beanies, knitted sweaters
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  campaigner ( enfp ) 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  charismatic, perspective, enthusiastic, curious, festive 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  critical, unfocused, restless, overly optimistic, sensitive 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓  modeling, video games, playing guitar, painting, working out, hiking, camping, golfing 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  iced coffee
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𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  adam winchester, real estate agent 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  sarah winchester, elementary school teacher 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  one younger brother, one older sister
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒 peeta mellark ( the hunger games ) , peter parker ( spiderman ) , alice cullen ( twilight series ) , apollo ( greek mythology ) , sora ( kingdom hearts ) , theo engler ( you ) , ricky bowen ( hsmtmts )
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the winchesters were just an ordinary family out in the midwest. adam winchester was a well known real estate agent for the people in northern illinois. sarah winchester was a humble elementary school teacher. with their three children, they were a perfect all american family.
the eldest child, a daughter, went on to be some sort of astrophysics or something. the youngest son was on track to be the next shawn mendes. as for winter, well, winter, he thought he would walk in the same footsteps like his parents. either being a teacher or being a police officer. but one decision changed the course of his life.
winter was the middle child, and he never thought that someone like him would end up with the life he would get. after he finished high school, he ended up in california where he took a summer job up in big bear. most of the campers were from well known people in hollywood and los angeles. actors, models, producers, politicians, you name it. and on his final day, that was when he was 'discovered' so to speak. a modeling agent from wilhelmina models spotted him and gave him his card, asking to meet once he was finished with camp.
a model, winter? winter never really thought about that as a career. especially since college was starting and he wanted to focus on school that fall. but he decided to give it a shot, meeting with the agency and somehow ending up being picked to do his first photoshoot. and then from there it was all history. that year, he decided to give modeling a chance, taking a year off of school to focus on this new path in life.
so he ended up making a name for himself. he was the boy next door, the all american boy. he was loved, by the agency, by the fashion designers, by america. so he made it big, and he somehow managed to do both that and school at the same time.
after a few years, he was one of the biggest models of his age. he may have been the shortest male model, but when the cameras turn on, so did he. but then a shift happened, and he felt like the light was dimming. winter had permanently moved out to la. and that was when he got into a lot more things than modeling. voice acting being one. when his likeness was used for a video game, he was intrigued with the acting bit as well, and he got his chance to do a game. and then he did another.
winter wasn't sure how much longer modeling would be in the picture, especially when the modeling world was over the boy next door vibe. they wanted something different, something new. and winter wasn't sure if he would be able to ride this wave.
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living in a west wood apartment with another roommate.
is currently struggling getting a new modeling gigs and fears that he will be let go from his agency.
is currently working on a new video game, where is takes on the lead role of.
is debating whether to completely leave the modeling world and jump into the gaming role fully.
is starting to build his own gaming platform, and is thinking about creating his own channel where he will try new games out.
○ ′ ✨  –––––––––––––––––––  008
blood is thicker than water - winter may have been the middle child in the winchester family, but there were two others in the family. the eldest daughter, who was the smartest of them all. and the younger sibling who's always in his own little world. winter surprisingly has a good relationship with both, and hopes that one day they could make their way to california.
living like a married couple - ever since winter moved out to los angeles, he struggled to find a place to stay. but when he found the perfect roommate, he was pleasantly surprised how cohabitable they were. they were close. even their friends assume they could be secretly together. and the idea was enticing. taken by @starryid
two models competing for the crown - sometimes a friendly competition is all that anyone needs, but for these two male models, it's a different story. they were always competing to be the best. the one on top. some years it was winter, the other years is the other. there was a lot of tension between them, even a sexual one.
some friendships end up being like family - winter was glad to have his siblings, but sometimes having a friendship that was of your own, that ends up being their person, that's all winter needed. this is the person that ends up being like a sibling, the person he tells everything to, all his success and all his struggles. things that not even his own siblings know.
some friendships just don't last - this is a friendship that was once strong that ended up breaking. maybe from jealousy, or maybe a betrayal. this person that winter really admired, but ended up leaving behind because of feeling being hurt. and when they see each other again, would they act caddy or act like nothing's ever happened.
other models
photographer/fashion friends
friends in video game industry
writing friends
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rentlifeagency · 1 year
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The RL Tanmachi Station Front 502 unit is a furnished 1K studio apartment with 22.00 m² of space that is located in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, and is within a 4-minute walk of Tanmachi Station on the Tokyu-Toyoko Line. Rent is ¥112,000 and is currently available from October. Contact Rent Life for details.
Details: https://english.rent-yokohama.com/monthly/detail/23029001160001.html
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bashamichiroom · 2 years
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The Serigaya 4-Chome House in Konan Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture (Japan) is located within a 13-minute walk of Kaminagaya Station on the subway Blue Line. This 3LDK house has 68.98 m² of floor space on a 86.52 m² lot  and is listed for ¥30,800,000.
See our online listing here for photos, details, and more:
This house can be purchased for your personal residence or as an investment opportunity. In addition, we can assist you with any other property on the open market whether you live in Japan or live overseas--residency is not required! Send me an email, DM, or call for more info!
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myconsultantcanda · 2 years
The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) Program
FEB 07, 2020
(RNIP) continues the federal government’s strategy of granting more control over immigration to provinces and municipalities, inspired by the success of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot.
The Atlantic Immigration Pilot, which includes Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador launched in March 2017 as a three-year pilot. It has since been extended to December 2021.
The Pilot spurred the federal government to hear out MPs and advocates like myself who argued that what is good for Atlantic Canada should also be good for Northern Ontario. The two regions have much in common: the cities are smaller, spread out and are not attracting newcomers in large numbers; employers complain they can’t find people with the skills they need. Based on this feedback, Ahmed Hussen, the Minister of Immigration at the time, helped move RNIP forward.
RNIP started with a call for communities to express their interest in participating. In June 2019, Minister Hussen announced that 11 communities had been accepted. The communities included Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay and Timmins in northern Ontario; Brandon and Altona/Rhineland in Manitoba; Moose Jaw in Saskatchewan; Claresholm in Alberta; Vernon and West Kootenay (Trail, Castlegar, Rossland and Nelson) in British Columbia.
What do these communities have to offer?
• A lower stress lifestyle without lengthy commutes
• Much more affordable real estate
• Well-paying jobs for those with the right skills
• Good schools
• Quick access to nature
• Friendly and welcoming residents
Everything is a five to ten-minute drive away—work, lakes or rivers, downtown, shopping malls, colleges, universities, immigrant settlement agencies, golf courses, soccer fields, libraries and so on.
Speaking for myself, I have lived in Canada’s large cities—Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa. They are great. However, life is better in smaller cities in my opinion. I moved to North Bay in 1978 and I don’t want to leave. In fact, not all immigrants come from large cities in their native countries. These people may enjoy living in Canada’s smaller centres.
Who can apply?
To be eligible for the pilot, candidates must intend to settle in the community and meet all relevant requirements such as work experience, language, education and so on.
They must have at least one year of continuous work experience in the past three years or have graduated from a publicly funded post-secondary institution in the recommending community. Volunteer work, unpaid internships and self-employment hours do not count. Work experience claimed by the candidates must include most of the main duties and all the essential duties in the occupation in the National Occupation Classification (NOC).
International students are exempt from the work experience criterion if they have a two-year or greater credential from a post-secondary institution. Other requirements include having studied full-time, graduated in the past 18 months or fewer and lived in the community for at least 16 of the last 24 months during their study. Candidates are not eligible to apply as an international student if over half their program was spent studying English or French, half of their program was through distant learning or they were recipients of a scholarship or fellowship that required their return to the home country.
The minimum language requirements are Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 6 for NOC 0 and A; CLB 5 for NOC B; and CLB 4 for NOC C and D.
It is mandatory for candidates to have a Canadian high school diploma or an Educational Credential Assessment report less than five years old showing the equivalent education.
Other than those who are already working legally in Canada when applying, Candidates must demonstrate they have enough funds to support themselves and their family members while they get settled. Candidates must obtain a job offer from the participating community, which is permanent, full-time and non-seasonal with a wage meeting or exceeding the Job Bank’s minimum wage for the NOC. The candidates' experience must show they have the qualifications for the job.
Each community will detail their additional requirements on their websites.
Which communities are ready?
At the time of writing, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Brandon and Altona/Rhineland are accepting applications on their websites. The others will be coming soon, and each will have its own methodology.
North Bay, for instance, is coordinated by the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce with community partners. Coordinator Patricia Carr, announced on January 3, 2020 that the Chamber would begin by inviting only candidates already working in the area who meet all IRCC and community requirements. She said there was a potential of 20 applicants in that category and she didn’t not know how many meet the requirements. By March or April, applications will be opened to those residing outside the North Bay area, or outside Canada, and move toward the maximum target of 100 by posting jobs and matching NOC codes. The original first-year target was 250 principal applicants and their families, but the IRCC lowered this number.
How to apply
To apply, foreign nationals should read the Instruction Guide (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/application-forms-guides/guide-0118-rural-northern-immigration.html) to first determine their eligibility and then follow the instructions step by step if they are eligible. There are forms to complete for the applicant, the employer and the designated economic development organization in the participating municipality.
Two things for the applicants to note. First, as IRCC staff said in their North Bay training session, this program will not likely be a faster route to permanent residence than existing economic immigration programs. Second, if a foreign national doesn't qualify for the pilot, they still have an opportunity to move to these communities under existing federal and provincial immigration programs.
As for the communities, note that the federal government describes the pilot as a “community-driven program designed to spread the benefits of economic immigration to smaller communities by creating a path to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers who want to work and live in one of the participating communities.” That means the program will not be evaluated on the number of people who come to the community, but by the number of people who stay. Therefore, creating a welcoming community with settlement agencies and other community partners will be a key to success for the communities.
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daniellevel12 · 2 years
Choosing a Turks and Caicos Real Estate Agent
When choosing a real estate agent, it's important to keep several things in mind. While realtors are trying to sell you their services, it's best to learn about the area and get as much information as possible. This way, you can form your own opinion.
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Tip for contacting a turks and caicos real estate agent
When contacting a Turks and Caico s real estate agent, remember that they are attempting to sell you a property and are there to make a sale. It is best to learn as much as you can about the areas and properties that you are interested in and form your own opinions.
When contacting a Turks and Caico real estate agent, be sure to inquire about their fees. These fees are generally negotiable, although the Turks and Caicos Islands Bar Association recommends following a scale of 0.85% for properties valued over US$700,000. However, the real estate agent commission depends on the type of property and their fee.
It is also important to remember that the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands requires that buyers have the funding to purchase property before signing the contract. Some buyers can obtain the funding from within the country, while others will need to obtain funding from their country of origin. For more information on these rules, it is best to talk to a real estate professional or a lawyer.
Knowledge of zoning
A Turks and Caicos real estate agent should have a basic understanding of zoning. Zoning is a law that governs what kind of buildings can be constructed on a particular piece of land. These laws help maintain the consistency of land development. Whether you are buying a residential property or a commercial property, understanding zoning will help you make an informed decision.
If you're looking for luxury property in the Turks and Caicos Islands, you should consult a professional who knows about zoning. Real estate in Turks and Caicos is plentiful, including residential, commercial, and land. The real estate market here is one of the strongest in the Caribbean, and it attracts investors from around the world. If you're a foreigner looking to buy property in Turks and Caicos, it's important to be sure that you have legal residency and understand any employment and voting restrictions.
MLS listings can be found in the Turks and Caicos Islands real estate association's magazine. The publication is the most up-to-date source for local real estate information. It also contains features about the local industry.
Qualifications for becoming a turks and caicos real estate agent
There are a few requirements for those aspiring to become Turks and Caicos real estate agents. The first is that the person should be a licensed real estate agent. It is essential that the person has extensive knowledge of the area and the legalities of buying and selling property. In addition, the person should be able to provide basic information regarding the taxation and stamp duty rates that apply to properties in Turks and Caicos.
Another requirement is that the person must be a resident of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Once a resident of the Turks and Cacos, he or she should be a citizen of Turks and Caicos. A Turks and Caicos real estate agent can represent both sellers and buyers in the real estate market.
An English-speaking person can also become a Turks and Caicos real estate agent. In 1990, English-speaking Karen McLean started the first luxury real estate agency in the islands. Since then, she has acquired a Sotheby's Realty franchise. She has extensive real estate experience and has been involved in two mergers since 2009.
TCREA trade association
TCREA, the trade association of Turks and Caicos real estate agents, has a new Mentorship Programme to encourage young Turks and Caicos Islanders to enter the field of real estate. The programme is headed by Trevor Musgrove, President of the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association and TCREA Ambassador.
In Turks and Caicos, there are many real estate agents, many of whom work part-time or supplement their regular income. While the numbers are large, many of the agents are new to the industry and may not be qualified to sell property in the region. Despite the large number of agents, a small proportion of them account for the majority of sales.
While you might be tempted to go with the first agent you come across, you should always do your homework. Before making a decision on a property, you should become acquainted with the area and gather as much information as possible. You may even be able to visit properties in virtual reality.
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clockworkspider · 3 years
The thing is... first gen Chinese immigrants of this generation (I meant those who have immigrated in the past 25 years) tend to have an interesting outlook on wealth and capitalism and class cause uh... You gotta be at least somewhat wealthy and educated to successfully immigrate to North America as a skilled immigrant. So, upper-middle-class and above.
You gotta go through immigration agencies and due to the amount of applications and the visa lottery, so the whole process can get very expensive.
So, you get here, in Canada/USA, and suddenly you're poor cause you spent all your money immigrating and you can no longer get a high-paying job because your don't speak english well.
But like... you don't tend to think of yourself as a poor person. You're educated, you were once middle-class, and you're determined to climb back up there in no time. And a lot of people do. And like... this is why all my Chinese family friends are obsessed with owning a large property and being in the right neighbourhood and other visible signifiers of wealth.
And I think it's why a lot of the Chinese communities in Canada tend to embrace the Conservative government, even when they're not quite middle-class and could really benefit from more social programs. Cause they don't really think of themselves as poor people, and if they've made it then their past poverty was only a temporary state.
Anyway I was thinking about this cause my parents really didn't want me to buy a property close to where I grew up, because it's an immigrant area and has a lot of poor people. While personally, I rather like the area, since it's familiar and very accessible, and having grew up poor, I don't actually think of myself as a rich person and would feel weird in the posh rich people neighbourhood even if I could afford it. (And I could... It's really more about the appearance because, ironically, real estate in the poor area cost just as much as the ones in the rich area.)
And like... I think it's kind of interesting because this kinda widens the generation gap in Chinese immigrant families, because beyond just the cultural gap and normal generation gap, first-gen children grew up poor. All my friends had wealthy family in China but grew up with financial hardship here. And we gravitate towards more socialist/liberal values while our parents embrace capitalism.
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lindberghtm · 4 years
          *  .  desirée lindbergh was spotted in the fashion district adorning prada platform chelsea boots , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to you know i'm no good by amy winehouse . you may know them as @desi or as that aisha potter  lookalike . their twenty first birthday just passed . while living in the upper east side  , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be duplicitous but on the other hand reliable . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cis female / she/her + c / 21+ / she/her )   .  
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         hey  !!!!!!  i  was  planning  on  coming  thru  with  a  cool  intro  to  establish  myself  as  a ~ cool ~  person , but  covid  has  absolutely  ✨ decimated  ✨  my  social  skills  so  ,,,,,,,  this  is  what  im  left  with  .  anywho  hi  i’m  c  (  short  for  clown  tbfh  )  ,  im  21+  ,  from  the  rainy  ole’  pnw  ,  &  i  use  she / her  pronouns  .  i  was  in  wealthy  like  , , , ,  AGES  ago  &  tbh  i’ve  been  missing  it  real  bad  lately  so  here  i  am  with  a  brand  new  bitch  , , , , ,  ms  .  desi  lindbergh  🖤  i  just  finished  reading  the  girl  with  the  dragon  tattoo  so  you’ll  find  elements  from  that  novel  in  my  biography  like  the  names  ,  & the  general  ‘ company  comes  first ‘  &  ‘  no  one  gets  a  divorce  in  this  family ’  attitudes  .  but  hennyway  here’s  a  pinterest  board  ,  &  my  discord  is  𝐌 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁#1264  (  the  best  tiktok  song  imo  )  .  my  bio  is  rambly  but  there  are  stats  at  the  top  ,  personality  &  wanted  connections  (  inc  .  this  sideblog  w  wanted  plots  )  at  the  bottom  !  xoxo
*  .  stats  .
full  name : desirée  ‘ desi ’  charlotte  lindbergh - montenegro
age : twenty - two
gender : cis  female
pronouns : she / her  
pob ; current  home : london  ,  england  ;  current  residence  in  tribeca  .
family : henrik  lindbergh  (  80  ,  deceased  ,  ceo  of  lindbergh  corporation  )  ;  miriam  montenegro  (  46  ,  lives  in  the  upper  east  side & london  ,  supermodel  turned  vindictive  widow  )  ;  no  siblings  or  pets  .
birthday : september  2  ,  1998  ;  virgo  sun  ,  taurus  moon  ,  cancer  rising .
career : heiress / model / daddy’s credit card swiper  .
drinking / drugs / smoking :  yes / no / occasionally .  
physical : aisha  potter  fc ,  dark  brown  mid - length  hair  ,  dark  brown  eyes  ,  no  tattoos  ,  two  ear  lobe  piercings  in  each  ear  ,  5 ′ 6 ″ .
*  .  character biography .
1998  : miriam  montenegro  ,  an  english  model  coming  from  a  humble  background  ,  made  it  big  when  she  was  scouted  for  runway  shows  ,  eventually  making  her  way  to  being  a  household  name  .  by  the  age  of  twenty  five  ,  she’d  found  love  (  or  ,  financial  comfort  ,  rather  )  with  the  fifty  nine  year  old  henrik  lindbergh  ,  a  swedish  business  magnate  whose  involvement  in  global  industrialization  spanned  far  wider  than  the  european  economy  .  the  relationship  took  the  world  by  surprise  ,  miriam’s  friends  being  far  more  involved  in  pop  culture  than  an  aged  man  .  while  she  claims  it  was  love  ,  the  world  had  already  made  up  its  mind  on  her  motive  —  money  .
the  pair  got  married  six  months  after  they  initially  became  involved  , & desi  was  born  a  year  after  .  her  father  ,  the  product  of  the  ‘  silent  generation  ‘  ,  was  of  the  impression  that  children  should  be  seen  ,  not  heard  ,  an  outdated  idea  that  her  mother  was  comfortable  abiding  by  .  desirée  ,  by  association  ,  quickly  became  accustomed  to  the  spotlight  ,  the  interest  in  the  uncommon  relationship  between  miriam & henrik  only  growing  after  the  birth  of  their  sole  child  .  desi  grew  up  a  prop  ,  a  toy  for  her  mother  to  dress  up  in  matching  outfits & parade  on  the  global  stage  ,  before  stepping  behind  closed  doors  &  forgetting  about  the  child  entirely  .  this  led  to  desi  being  raised  almost  exclusively  by  nannies  ,  her  mother  more  interested  in  savouring  the  last  of  her  youth & her  father  too  busy  with  his  international  duties  .    originally  based  in  london  ,  the  family  moved  to  new  york  when  desirée  was  starting  her  schooling  to  be  closer  to  the  hustle & bustle  of  american  life  .
2017  : desirée  is  graduating  high  school  a  year  early  after  having  been  sent  to  institut  auf  dem  rosenberg  ,  a  swiss  private  school  that  prides  itself  on  being  highly  exclusive∫ˆ  highly  expensive  .  the  name  was  a  selling  point  for  her  father  ,  but  more  importantly  she  would  be  safe & out  of  the  way  on  another  continent  while  her  parents  bickered  ceaselessly  .  desirée  found  herself  to  be  nothing  special  at  rosenberg  ,  her  identity  having  been  formed  on  the  idea  that  public  exposure  equated  to  popularity  ;  without  the  constant  public  eye  while  at  school  ,  desi  found  a  freedom & lightness  she  hadn’t  before  experienced  .  she  could  be  real  , & have  real  friends  , & not  be  putting  on  a  fake  smile  to  allude  an  air  of  comfort  .  most  of  all  ,  she  could  get  away  from  her  spiteful  mother  ,  who  ,  once  desi  hit  puberty  ,  saw  her  as  a  threat  to  her  own  beauty  ,  success  , & public  popularity  .  being  sent  to  private  school  was  the  best  thing  to  happen  to  desi & her  mother’s  relationship  .
after  graduating  ,  desirée  moved  back  to  new  york  city  ,  moving  back  into  the  expansive  upper  east  side  apartment  , & being  sure  to  move  into  a  room  on  the opposite side  of  the  home  from  her  parents  .  being  thrust  back  into  the  spotlight  ,  a  ‘  homecoming  ‘  of  sorts  that  her  mother  capitalized  on  ,  desi  fell  into  a  depression  .  she  feared  leaving  the  house  ,  she  feared  that  people  would  only  want  to  be  her  friend  in  order  to  access  the  family’s  wealth  (  a  seed  of  an  idea  planted  in  her  father  at  the  age  of  twelve  ,  when  she  was  told  there  was  to  be  no  dating  unless  their  family’s  net  worth  was  over  500  million  )  .  soon  enough  ,  though  ,  desi  made  the  choice  to  get  in  contact  with  her  mother’s  rival  modeling  agency  ,  inquiring  about  the  possibility  about  modeling  .  they  ,  of  course  ,  welcomed  the  legacy  with  open  arms  ;  her  mother  ,  however  ,  decided  that  this  deceipt  would  not  be  tolerated  under  her  roof  , & kicked  desi  out  as  soon  as  she’d  heard  .  desi  called  her  father  crying  ,  explaining  the  situation  over  the  phone  ,  who  immediately  created  a  separate  bank  account  of  her  own  for  desi  ,  secretly  hidden  away  in  an  overseas  bank  to  avoid  her  mother  finding  out  .  the  account  held  far  more  than  desirée  needed  ,  but  it  was  her  father  who  enabled  her  to  get  back  on  her  feet  ,  find  her  own  home  , & start  a  career  for  herself  .  
2020 : desirée  hardly  speaks  to  her  mother  ,  though  they  keep  up  the  public  illusion  that  they  are  as  close  as  a  mother  -  daughter  duo  can  be  .  her  father  though  ,  now  80  years  old  ,  was  actually  close  with  desi  ,  the  two  catching  up  daily & him  celebrating  her  accomplishments  she  believed  were  self  -  earned  .  in  october  ,  though  ,  she  received  a  phone  call  from  her  father’s  attorney  ,  mr.  berger  ,  who  informed  her  that  henrik  was  in  the  hospital  in  critical  condition  after  a  heart  attack  .  she  flew  to  stockholm  ,  where  her  father  had  been  taking  care  of  business  items  , & realized  that  it  was  time  to  say  her  goodbyes  .  her  father & her  played  chess  ,  talked  about  her  childhood  , & reconciled  on  any  old  issues  .  he  passed  away  three  days  after  she’d  arrived  .  seeming  as  if  he’d  been  able  to  tell  something  horrible  was  coming  ,  henrik  had  updated  his  will  a  matter  of  weeks  before  the  heart  attack  ,  naming  desiree  as  the  sole  inheritor  of  all  his  assets & belongings  .  except  ,  of  course  ,  her  mother  ,  who  inherited  a  whopping  five  dollars  from  her  husband  .  this  was  ,  mr  .  berger  explained  to  desi  ,  so  that  miriam  could  not  claim  that  she  had  accidentally  been  left  out  , & was  entitled  to  more  of  his  estate  .  
if  this  wasn’t  enough  ,  the  press  soon  released  that  interntional  business  mogul  henrik  lindbergh  had  passed  away  , & the  companies  he  owned  were  now  owned  by  a  twenty  one  year  old  model  who  had  never  truly  worked  one  day  in  her  life  .  to  make  matters  worse  ,  her  mother  quickly  played  the  victim  ,  launching  a  multitude  of  lawsuits  against  her  own  daughter  for  defamation & coercing  her  father  to  leave  her  mother  out  of  it  .  berger  quickly  chose  desirée’s  side  ,  though  he  couldn’t  become  her  personal  attorney  out  of  conflict  of  interest  with  the  executing  of  the  will  .  as  the  accounts  lie  in  limbo  during  the  legal  battle  ,  desi  is  relying  solely  on  the  secret  account  her  father  made  her  in  switzerland  ;  if  her  mother  knew  ,  she  would  try  to  go  after  it  ,  as  well  .  
2021 :  desirée  has  layed  low  over  the  last  few  months  ,  her  mother  continuing  her  public  display  of  heartache  as  the  widow  .  desi  can  be  said  to  be  two  -  faced  due  to  her  sweet  disposition  one  day & her  cold  attitude  the  next  .  in  reality  ,  she  is  normally  kind & thoughtful  ,  giving  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  to  those  two  wrong  her  ,  but  lately  she  has  become  more  withdrawn  ,  secretive  , & volatile  .  she  was  recently  photographed  in  a  restaurant  ,  crying  on  the  phone  with  her  head  in  her  hand  ,  something  she  would  never  normally  allow  to  happen  .  overall  ,  though  ,  she  doesn't  want  to  speak  publicly  about  the  legal  battle  because  she  considers  it  a  delicate  matter  &  wants  to  take  the  high  road  .  because  of  this  ,  she  puts  on  a  face  that  she's  happy  ,  has  done  her  mourning  ,  &  intentionally  does  things  to  make  it  seem  like  life  is  normal  ,  like  making  appearances  at  events  about  new  york  city  &  being  spotted  hanging  out  with  friends  .  only  a  very  small  handful  in  her  inner  circle  notice  the  immense  stress  she's  under  because  she's  good  at  managing  it  ,  &  doesn't  want  to  be  pitied  .
*  .  personality  .
personality  wise  ,  she  is  quite  bubbly  ,  thoughtful  ,  dependable  ,  observant  ,  calm  , &  chooses  her  words  carefully  .  on  the  other  hand  ,  she  can  be  very  hot  &  cold  ,  self - isolating  ,  two  -  faced  , & tells  blatant  lies  when  she  ought  not  to  ,  &  denies  vehemently  when  others  call  her  on  her  bs  .  she’s  the  type  to  remember  someone  saying  they  like  something  ,  in  passing  ,  then  suddenly  she  shows  up  with  that  exact  thing  when  she  sees  them  next  .  her  love  language  is  definitely  gifts  &  acts  of  service  .  considers  herself  a  good  advice  giver  but  won’t  take  any  advice  others  give  her  .  kind  of  an  air  head  ,  in  that  she  can  get  so  wrapped  up  in  her  own  world  that  she  forgets  that  others  aren’t  just  npc’s  in  her  life  sfjklsd  .  can  get  overwhelmed  easily  ,  &  retracts  back  into  herself  &  isolates  in  her  apartment  for  days  on  end  ,  pampering  herself  with  huge  shopping  sprees  ,  overpriced  face  masks  ,  &  too  much  champagne  .  her  way  to  deal  with  problems  is  to  pretend  they’re  not  there  until  eventually  they  go  away  🤡
the  world  knows  the  bulk  of  the  lindbergh  -  montenegro  affair  ,  as  its  known  in  the  media  ,  thanks  to  her  mother  taking  interviews  left  & right  to  allude  to  her  being  snubbed  by  her  own  daughter  .  desi  pretends  that  it  does  not  bother  her  ,  that  justice  will  be  served  & that  legality  will  prevail  over  her  mother’s  cries  ,  but  the  weight  of  the  affair  is  taking  a  toll  on  her  .  
*  .  wanted  plots  .  
click  here  for  sideblog  with  wanted  plots  !
best  friend / ride  or  die  :  someone  desi’s  been  friends  with  for  YEARS  ,  knows  all  her  family’s  bs  ,  prob  has  called  her  mother  a  b*tch  to  her  face  dflkjsdkl  .  literally  the  nicole  to  her  paris  ,  the  lorelai  to  her  rory  .  
squad  :  a  group  of  friends  who  go  clubbing  every  saturday  &  get  brunch  &  gossip  the  next  morning  ,  have  shady  nicknames  in  their  gc  ,  have  designated ‘ roles ’  in  the  friend  group  (  mom  friend  ,  the  cr*ckhead  ,  the  wingperson  ,  etc  .  ) ,  go  on  trips  together  ,  have  the  wildest  birthday  parties  ,  etc  .  please  !!  
first  love  :  this  would’ve  been  in  their  teens  ,  a  summer  fling  that  she  fell  hard  for  &  who  her  father  didn’t  approve  of  bc  he’s  business - minded  first  .  they  tried  to  do  long  distance  when  she  went  back  to  school  in  the  fall  ,  but  it  didn’t  work  out  &  now  they’re  either  on  good  terms  &  have  sweet  memories  of  that  time  ,  or  one  is  still  kinda  salty  how  things  ended  .
bad  influence  :  encourages  desi  to  get  the  stick  out  of  her  *ss  ,  &  when  she  hangs  out  with  them  ,  they  tend  to  go  overboard  on  whatever  the  entertainment  of  the  night  may  be  . 
friends  to  lovers / slow - burn  romance  :  they’re  friends  first  ,  but  there’s  been  undeniable  romantic  tension  between  the  two  of  them  (  imagine  pope  towards  kiara  in  obx  )  ,  &  their  friends  can pick  up  on  it  .  they’ve  never  acted  on  it  , worried  of  ruining  the  friendship  ,  but  they’re  always  a  lil  disappointed  when  the  other  goes  home  with  or  gets  involved  with  someone  else  ,  but  are  ultimately  there  to  pick  up  the  pieces  afterwards  .
enemies  /  mutual  dislike  :  maybe  someone  whose  family  her  father  screwed  in  business  ,  their  parents  could  have  been  friends  before  desi’s  mom  turned  on  them  somehow  ,  they  think  desi  thinks  she’s  queen  of  the  world  ,  etc . let’s  plan  it  out  hehe
cheating  :  oop  !  i  love  the  angst  ,  so  gimme  someone  who  either  a  )  cheated  on  desi  ,  or  b  )  they  think  she  cheated  on  them  due  to  some  tabloid  article  ,  rumor  around  town  she  was  seen  with  someone  ,  etc .  their  relationship  was  prob  rocky  as  fuck  ,  toxic  ,  &  lacked  trust  &  communication  .  just  a  total  shit  show  tbh  .
that’s  all  i  can  think  of  now  dskljfkl  please  feel  free  to  reach  out  over  tumblr  msgs  or  on  discord  !  
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