#Enji x Toshinori
stormcallart · 2 years
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thanks to this post here’s if Smite had met Rei and stolen her away from Endeavor. 
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jemytasamaart · 7 years
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dayquil-nyquil · 3 years
MHA facetime headcanons pt. 3
(pt. 1) (pt. 2) (pt. 4)
feat. pro heroes + lemillion + suneater
all might, endeavor, eraserhead, hawks, lemillion, + suneater
fluff, hcs
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likes to facetime and have little lunch dates!!!!! <3 ((assuming izuku is busy ofc or actually yknow what? he'd call you anyway even if izuku was there and then the three of you would hang out and talk together))
((("honey can we adopt him?" "toshi, no he has a mother")))
every time he calls he always greets you with "lunch! together! you and me! now?" like yeah toshi we call the same time every day, ofc we're gonna have lunch now, you silly goose
you really like that once he gets settled in his private school room that he trusts you enough to decompress and eat in his small might form, it took a lot for him to allow you to see his small form the first few times but now it's normal
likes to make you lunch on random days and leave little sticky notes with cute messages and words of encouragement and, in turn, loves when you make him lunches too ((kinda makes his heart squeeze and he gets really smiley. it puts him in a great mood))
listens to you rant about work and offer advice on how to handle annoying coworkers
sometimes brings you around the school and all the kids love saying hi to you and asking about your day
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the only way this man calls is by unintentionally butt dialing you
doesn't know how technology works
he can text but he has no idea how to facetime you on purpose
his fingers are so much bigger than his phone so he accidentally hangs up on you like three times
the type to only show his forehead
after a few weeks, he'll get the hang of things and actually know what he's doing but until then you have to be patient
likes to call when he's getting ready to sleep so he's sitting up in his bed while a book open on his lap
he's much more relaxed at night and talking to you helps him unwind
he's so soft at night too, he'll be very sweet but don't tell anyone or he'll gaslight you
you'd think all he talks about is wanting to surpass all might but he's changed his tune after,,, yknow almost dying to that crazy strong nomu and being sent to the hospital
loves to talk about shoto and praise his accomplishments to you as if saying "that's my son, look at how well I raised him" ((even tho you're sittin there like 🤡 okay buddy))
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Face times you when his "cat misses you" yeah okay aizawa it's definitely your cat huh
"Toffee wanted to call you, he missed his cuddle buddy."
You coo over Toffee as Aizawa smiles softly from off-screen.
While you gush over Toffee he’s probably making himself some sleepy-time-tea.
Loud singing meows as he paws at the screen happy to see you.
Eventually, Shouta takes the phone from his overeager cat to finally give you attention.
Tells you about his classes for the day, mostly complains about his 'horrible' and 'bothersome' students.
You listen intently to his complaining, but you know he adores his kids till the end.
He’s secretly a very proud teacher.
So far your favorite students to hear stories about are Kirishima and Denki
Their stupidity never fails to make you laugh.
The call always ends with him softly whispering, “come over.”
You always do without hesitation
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Your phone is ringing 24/7
Calls a lot when he’s on patrol, shows you the sights up in the sky
But the camera is never off him for long (the narcissist)
One of the only heroes who on camera with you, will beat the shit out of villains
“See kid there’s nothing to worry about! No one stands a chance against me!”
The only time he doesn’t call you is when he’s in one of his moods.
You know how he was treated by the hero commission so when he’s in those moods you both usually text.
He assures you hearing from you through texts helps so you don’t push.
After that, it’s back to his regular scheduled calling.
Never texts you to come over always facetimes you to ask.
He always asks you to bring snacks and your fine ass booty.
You always laugh in delight and promise you’ll do both
Swears he’s going to marry you one day.
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"hey babe babe babe babe pick up hey hey babe hey pick up pick up hey babe oh hiiiii baby how are you???" "mirio wtf"
facetimes you when he's bored and has pent up energy
he's usually a pretty busy guy but when he gets home from patrol and doesn't have any more homework he just kinda sits there like 😃 time to annoy my sweet baby angel 😃
likes to call when he’s babysitting eri too and acts as though it was only eri who wanted to say hi and totally not him at all, no way jk he’s loud and proud about being in love with you
pretends that he definitely didn’t spend all afternoon teaching eri to call you ridiculous nick names like “rainbow princess” and “sun bear”
“hi miss sun bear, how are you!!! :D” “eri what? who taught you that??” “your husband :)” “MY WHAT”
mirio also absolutely conditions her to believe that you and him are married
he thinks it’s cute seeing you blush and babble that she has the wrong idea
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facetimes you when he’s on a break during his patrol!!
“hey what food do you think I should eat today?? it’s been a slow shift so I don’t know…”
stops at different food stands and shows you the menu and all the drink options
“ok but what if I got boba 🤤 do you want boba too?? I can ask kirishima to run back home :) fatgum won’t let me leave :,(“
kirishima will also steal his phone and run around “hey bestie!!!!! how’s suneater treatin ya???”
cut to distressed amajiki trying to jump and grab his phone back
when he finally gets you back he’s all pouty and you offer to buy him takoyaki for dinner
and then he’s like “:D ok!! thank you, angel :)”
also facetimes you whenever he gets really anxious
he trusts you to talk him down and reassure him that he’s a good hero and he’s a good boyfriend ((which he is idk how he doesn’t see it))
cried a little bit bc he loves you so much and feels like he doesn’t deserve you but you always tell him that he’s more than enough and he’s a wonderful person inside and out :)
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shigarakisbabyy · 2 years
Random fluffy headcanons of some of the pro hero boys
Gn reader <3 (yea I included endeavor because this blog is a safe space for endeavor enjoyers hehehehe)
✿Shota Aizawa isn’t too big on words. He prefers actions; to show you how much you mean to him. But sometimes, when you’re laying on his chest, the sunset displayed in the window as the sky turns colors of pink and yellow, stars beginning to poke their way out, he can’t help but hold your face in his hands and mutter a soft ‘I love you’. He kisses you gently afterward; soft and sensitive, an action to back up his words. He’ll hold doors open for you, insist of grabbing you things from high shelves when you could just grab a step stool. He insists on cooking dinner for you both even if he’s dead tired and about to pass out while standing by the stove. He tries his hardest for you, makes you feel loved even if he’s not the best at expressing it through words.
✿Hizashi Yamada has always been told he’s too much. He’s always too loud, too clingy, too “obsessive”, etc. At first when he began dating you he was scared of coming on too strong; pushing you away with his big personality. He held himself back and tried to act “normal”, but it only made him unhappy. When you noticed this, he confessed the way he had been feeling. When you reassured him that it was okay; that he could be himself around you and you would never hate him for it; he slowly began to unwind. He wasn’t scared of being himself anymore. He’d show you PDA as often as you were comfortable with, cling to you when you had moments of alone time, loudly and excitedly tell you about the things he loves; and when you showed that same enthusiasm back he melted.
✿Toshinori Yagi has never been in a long term relationship. Hero work has always gotten in the way, and he’s always been scared of marrying and having villains come after the one he loves. Now that he’s retired, old, and a shadow of what he once was. He knows he’s no longer attractive; has nothing to bring to the table in a relationship. But that doesn’t stop him from yearning for you and aching that maybe you’d feel half of what he feels for you. And when you do, he’s over the moon. He’s in disbelief; completely shocked but ecstatic at the same time. He can’t wait to show you what a great boyfriend (and hopefully husband, someday) he can be, just how much love he’s been saving up and waiting to show the right person.
✿Enji Todoroki gave up a long time ago on finding true love; rightly so. He knows that what he did was terrible, and that it was a deal breaker for some people, no matter how much he’s changed. But when you come along and show him all the love he’s told himself he’ll never deserve, he gets a bit of a mindfuck. He hates himself for enjoying your touch so much, ashamed that he would ever possibly think he deserves it. But we all know he’s greedy and selfish, so he swallows those feelings down and relaxes into your warm embrace time and time again. He wants to be better for you, for his past, for his family, and for the future he hopes to have with you. He’s reminded of that every time you insist on being big spoon (despite him being triple your size) and he feels his heart flutter and ache in his chest.
✿Keigo Takami doesn’t know what a break is. He’s never been on vacation; never had a weekend to himself. Hero work and rising to the top 3 before he’s 30 has been a VERY demanding job, eating up what little free time he could ever hope of having. But when he meets you and falls in love, he starts to care less and less about all his time on the clock. He doesn’t quit completely, but he does reserve time specifically for you, and tells the commission to go fuck themselves if they have a problem with it. Sometimes he feels guilty, knowing there’s people out there that need saving and he’s not there, but all that guilt and shame drips away when he feels his body pressed against yours; see your perfect smile and hear you beautiful laugh, all for him.
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
Hi I seen that your request is open and I just had to ask would you write about the reader being sandwich in between endeavor and all might I like to think it will be cozy and warm"~"
This is beautiful!
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You <3
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All Might x GN!Reader x Endeavor
Summary: Request up top
Warning: Fluff!, Established Relationship
"Enji, could you please move your knee out of my ass?" You ask, peering over your shoulder at the human heater. You feel and hear Toshinori's chest rubble with laughter. You felt Enji do as you asked and pulled you closer into his warm chest. As you get pulled you bring Toshinori along with you, you rest your head on his broad chest, you feel them both cuddle into you. "It's so warm" you whisper out. Enji felt warmer after you words, as if his whole body was blushing with heat.
You smile to yourself at the thought. Toshinori kisses your head and sighs. You feel his entire body relax. Having Enji spooning you from behind, you could hold his hand and hear his soft, slow breaths. Looking up to see Toshinori eyes closed. He was also asleep. Smiling you hold Enji's hand on your waist, after tangling your legs with Toshinori's. Snuggle up more in between them and closing your eyes, before slowly drifting off to sleep.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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lilithandroses · 2 years
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!!bnha teachers/pro heroes!!
☁︎ - drabble
✪︎ - headcanon
☽︎ - fic
♤ - traumatic trigger(s)
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aizawa shouta (eraserhead)
(nothing yet~)
yagi toshinori (all might)
(nothing yet~)
yamada hizashi (present mic)
(nothing yet~)
kan sekijiro (vlad king)
(nothing yet~)
todoroki enji (endeavor)
(nothing yet~)
takami keigo (hawks)
(nothing yet~)
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©lilithandroses, do not repost any of my works anywhere without permission (ao3, wattpad, etc.)
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i-l-arva · 2 years
SMAU- “Lyric Prank” All Might, Endeavor, Hawks
Toshinori Yagi
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Enji Todoroki
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Keigo Takami (I spelt his name wrong the whole time but I am too lazy to go back and fix it and take new screenshots so learn to live) (its cause I always think diego when I think keigo, rip me)
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((This is my second one of these, and I realize that I write every character as anxious as I am, oh well live with it. Feel free to request one of these from me, id do it for other anime too specifically jjk, haikyuu, and death note)) ((((p.s. dont talk to me about skipping a lyric in endeavors dont talk to me about it))))
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manias-wordcount · 3 years
Work (BNHA Hereos)
Kinktober 2021 Day Thirty-One: Service
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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People say if you don’t like your job, then it’s not for you. That’s what your friends always told you when you would shyly mention your strict office job. The one that would have you coming in at odd hours and never allowing visitors of any kind. It was best that they saw you leave the house every day in a pencil skirt and tights. Because it wouldn’t raise any questions. After all, not many people can handle a lifestyle like this. 
Your job is a simple one yet pays well. Really well. It has you rubbing elbows with the highest-ranked Pro-Heroes in all of Japan. And all you have to do is a few things: When a hero hosts a party, show up. When a hero flirts with you, you flirt back. And when the host tells you to bend over? Well, let’s just say you’ve gotten in the habit of stretching before every event. It saves time that way.
 But to put it in layman’s terms, you’re a hired whore. 
 Behind the closed doors and thick walls that hide Japan’s best of the best and their parties, there’s you in an itsy, bitsy dress with your legs spread. A tradition that started long ago with some heroes who were pent up with keeping up the good boy, good girl act. So they got a bunch of other heroes together, hired a girl, and took turns sharing her throughout the night. Since then, there have been whispers. Civilians who seem to be getting a little too close to more than one Pro Hero are suspects in a job that only exists in rumors. News Reporters try their best to sneak in with the party staff only to be thrown out every time before they can catch a whiff of something interesting.
 But all the attendees are sworn to secrecy. Multiple layers of trust have to be earned in order to get so close. In the end, it’s all to protect themselves. To protect each other. And most of all, to protect you.
 You’re a delicacy after all. The latest and the greatest in the long line of Pro-Hero Whores. You’re the entertainment. And the entertainment shouldn’t ever worry about anything besides being entertaining. And even then, you don’t have to worry about a single thing. 
 Just wait for the lights to dim low and for the host to make their announcement. That’s when you feel hands grab at your body- tearing through your clothes like they’re nothing and holding your legs apart. And to top it all off- a blindfold for some sense of remaining anonymous. Or perhaps it was to keep you from being biased. Though that’s always going to be hard. Some people just fuck better, don’t they?
 Right now, there’s a head between your legs. Their hair brushes against your open legs as they loudly suck and slurp at precious cunny. They eat you out like a madman, using nothing but their mouth as their tongue flicks itself against your clit before licking down the expanse of your opening. Then they stick their tongue out, pressing it between your lower lips and pressing it into your hole. Over and over again.
 You hear people coo at you as you whine softly, trying to turn your head and shift your hips in vain. But something has you rooted in place- and it’s not just whoever is holding your legs up and apart right now. No, your real captor is whoever thick, hard cock is buried in your ass- stretched out your hole as you sit there and whither against their lap.
 You know them. Or, at least you know of them. You don’t have to take off your blindfold to know who exactly was chosen for this particular position. 
 It’s an initiation party. They went all out for tonight’s venue. The penthouse suite is in a popular hotel- the tallest building in the city. Large balconies and pools and bars and a dance floor- it’s likely going to be one of the biggest parties this season. Not that it’s a surprise to you. 
 It’s a night of celebration, of course, but it’s also a night where a few new heroes who were believed to be “worthy” of such parties are introduced to you. And despite being one of the newer heroes, Hawk’s high rank and status as a bachelor make him the perfect fit to be tonight's host. And you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t one of your favorites. 
 Before the party even started, he came into your dressing room. Said nothing and just laid out a pretty little evening dress for you to wear. It just barely covered your butt, giving a tease of your panty-less bottoms for the rest of the party-goers to see. It also gave a more than generous view of your chest with its deep, sloping neckline. But the material was white and thin. You were in love with the little number he picked out for you, of course, but in your head, it wasn’t all that practical. That is until he pinned you up against the wall and gave you a little insight into what he was thinking. 
 “Easy to stain, easy to tear,” Hawks had murmured right by your ear. His hands found your hips, running his fingers against the dress as if to prove his point. You could feel the heat of his hands through his material. And when you looked up at his half-lidded eyes with your wide ones as he smoothly ushered you onto your knees and put a hand on his belt. “So don’t get attached.”
 That was just a little over two hours ago. Guests piled in quickly when they heard that you were going to be in attendance. Not many people are so keen on being fashionably late when the risk is having the doors close on a night with you. 
 Now presently, the body behind you is none other than Kamui Woods. You fit in his lap perfectly- held snugly against his sculpted chest, and he whispers quiet words apologies into your ear. His dick is bigger than you thought it would be. For a guy with such a small build, he sure did have an easy time with making you squirm. It works a lot like every other dick you’ve taken- the only difference being that he never softens. 
 You can’t even imagine just how much he’s stretching you out now with every second that passes with you on his lap.
 The body between your legs is a different story. It’s Mount Lady- you can just tell by the confidence of all her actions. She’s a rookie, sure, but she’s the complete opposite of Kamui Wood’s shy, unsureness. Even with her hands held behind her back (one of the “punishments” of the initiation process), she’s still able to work wonders on your sensitive body. 
 “How is she? You know she always tries to be me. Is she any good?” A feminine voice asks right beside your ear, hair tickling your skin. You gasp at the sudden intrusion, before quickly recognizing the voice as one of your favorite clients. 
 “M-Midnight…” Your stutter out just in time for her to run her tongue up the shell of your ear and bite at it. She chuckles at you, and you can’t help but turn your head in the direction of her voice. She was one of the people who always took control of what was going to happen to you. With her being practically the face of being sex-positive in the Hero force, she took on the unofficial role of making sure you received the same amount of pleasure you always gave out. Not to mention, those lips of hers were always magic- no matter where she puts them. “Umm...uh-”
 “She likes me better, don’t you, princess?” Mount Lady answers for you, only briefly taking her lips off of you. Your hips shift at her absence, whining needily. The party-goers all around respond to your reaction with cheers, drinking in all the little faces you make. You feel Mount Lady place her lips on your thigh, pressing a few light kisses on your skin. It’s not the satisfaction that you were looking for. Thankfully, someone picks up on that almost instantly. 
 “Shut up and do your job, newbie.” The order is barked by Miruko- someone who never failed to try to get you messed up before the night even begins. You here Mount Lady let out a cry- a sound of struggle because her face is shoved back in your pussy. You yelp as Mount Lady’s lips immediately wrap around your clit, picking up as if she never left. Her head moves around in rough circles, and you just know the bunny hero has the woman by the hair, showing her how to do it right. Though Miruko’s roughness was enough to jostle you in Kamui Wood’s lap, shifting his dick inside of you in a way that has you moaning like the whore you are. “You don’t stop until she cums.” 
 “M-Miruko…” You whimper out, earning a triumph chuckle from the woman as people shuffle all around you, hoping for a better view. But the second you open your mouth to complain further, a thumb shoves its way in there, halting on your tongue. 
 You take the silent command to suck on the thumb, and you take it greedily. Your tongue swirls around it, sucking long and hard even as it presses further down your throat. The man whose thumb it belongs to groans, and you’re instantly breathless. You know that voice. You know it by heart. 
 “Careful, you’ll break her.” Fat Gum murmurs almost lovingly as he moves to place his thumb gently on your bottom lip. Your tongue darts out, delivering kitten licks to it, practically melting at his and the rest of the onlookers' praise of your obedience. “You know how sensitive she can be when she’s this pent up.”
 It’s ironic that he’s the one to warn against treating you too harshly when your first time with him was while he was in his bigger form. He had you sobbing in seconds- the little pink nightgown you were dressed in rising up with the belly bulge the BMI hero never failed to give you. You remember your hands reaching out- looking to grab at something just to ground you. Reminds you that you weren’t going to break. Though you remember distinctly not receiving comforting hands of the heroes who were having their turn with you. In fact, your hands may or may not have been wrapped around Eraserhead and Present Mic’s cocks instead. 
 “Funny you say that-” This voice is much deeper than the others around you as their fingers trace across your neck. It’s the lightest touch imaginable, but the texture of his gloves causes you to shiver in delight. Ectoplasm. You’re able to place it from hearing a few interviews that you’ve tuned in on, as well as memories of all the dirty, dirty, dirty words he would whisper to you as while one of his clones was hitting it from behind and another had its arm wrapped around your neck. “As a man of your particular stature.”
 “Ladies, gentlemen.” You hear the booming voice of All Might- a hero who rarely even showed up to these events. Many thought that he thought of himself as too good to take part in such vulgar activities. Your first time with him told you that he wasn’t too proud, but rather too shy to ever do something such as have you in front of strangers. That, and he’s a little too big for you- in both forms. He placed a hand on your stomach, as if reminiscing fondly about all the times he was inside there himself- stirring up your insides and fucking you so stupid that you couldn’t do anything but sit there, take it and drool. “I’m sure we can all agree that her well-being comes before pleasure.”
 You hear a gruff grunt in agreement to your side- a sound you would normally overlook. That was, until a large hand- big and warm wrapped itself around your ankle. Your body relaxed instantly under the soothing heat of this man’s touch, but you instantly found yourself growing warm as a delicate kiss was placed on your ankle. Endeavor. He had only started partaking years after being away with his wife. He was a surprisingly soft man, but maybe that was because it was about you. You always seemed to change people. Well, your body always seems to change people.
 People start to reach out more and brush at your skin, hoping their constant attention would give you some sort of pleasure with the goal of making your building orgasm come sooner. And they were right of course; you love being watched. But you loved the way Uwabami would blow in your ear too. Or how Snipe’s hands would always linger close to your pussy but never close enough to touch. Or Sir Nighteye’s love for sucking on your tits. Or even Fourth Kind’s words of utmost praise as he strokes your hair. 
 You love it all. 
 And when Hawks comes to check on you, you can practically feel the lazy smile in his voice as he reaches out and pinches a nipple between his fingers. Your mouth falls open into a whine, about to call him cruel before someone- Ingenium swallows your words with a deep kiss. And when that breaks off, Manual is quick to start sucking on your tongue before Hawks is even able to get his question out. 
 “Are you enjoying yourself?” The winged hero asked as he released one of your nipples from his grip to give the other the same treatment. Though you figured he must also have a blindfold on if he couldn’t see the way the party has you in a dripping, soaking mess. Besides, people say if you don’t like your job, then it's not for you.
 But if this wasn’t the job for you…
 ... then how the hell did you get so good at what you do?
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fairly-pink · 2 years
Asking MHA Pro Hero’s if they wish they were tall Prank
2 post in one day and im very proud of my self :)
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deleteddewewted · 2 years
I had the best dream ever
It was about aizawa, endeavor, and all might being bent over my leg getting spanks and getting pegged👁️👁️
W: Size queen Aizawa, Finger fucking
(Lucky you, im so jealous right now! I never get any fun dreams, i blame my short sleep cycle.)
-Aizawa: He loves to get his ass played with. He loves your biggest strap, the buttplugs you use on him while you spank his ass hard. If you dont get his butt red with your handprint, he'll start bitching about it. You need to leave him gasping and crying if you want him happy and fulfilled in the morning. He also needs to be filled and stretched out, his buttplug needs to be at risk of falling out during the day.
-Endeavor: You need to spank his ass, its just so warm and plump. He finds it embarrassing how much you play with his ass, the way his cheeks jiggle makes you want to hit them more. When you finally start fucking him, its brutal. The pace you've set with your fingers pushing in and out of his asshole has him curling his toes and tongue lolling out. If you hit his prostate, you wont be able to clean up the globs of cum that spurt out of him.
-All Might: The vulnerability of being laid down over your lap as you spank his ass. He likes any position where he gets to look at which means laying on his back with his legs spread open is the best position for him. He especially likes it when you slap his balls. Painful yet you coo at him while gently fucking him has him blushing beautifully.
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pandajaye · 2 years
Todoroki Family Chronicles
All: “Haaaappy biiiirthdayyyy, dear Tooooshiiiiii. Haaaappy biiiiirthdayyyy tooooo youuuuuu!”
Ivy: “Blow out your candles, bub!”
Toshinori: *blows out his candles on his birthday cake* “Thank you, everyone! I’m not really a fan of celebrating my birthday but with you guys, it’s amazing.”
Fuyumi: “How old are you, Uncle Toshi?”
Toshi: “Oh, y’know. I’m almost 50 years old-”
Touya: “Dang!”
Touya: “…I’m sorry…I’m sorry.”
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urtrashwaifu · 3 years
High School Reunion (Pro Heroes x Fem!reader)
I intended this to be an actually story but it turned into crack. Enjoy. 
“Enji!” You smiled and walking over with open arms. You never would have expected so many pro heroes to join their high school reunion but here you were with your old classmates back in the building where it all started. 
Enji walked over to where you stood in between Midnight and Hazashi. “Y/n, beautiful as ever.” he smiled, kissing the side of your face as he leaned down. You blushed slightly. “So where is Rei, I have been dying to see her again!”
Enji’s face went dull and less excited than he was when he walked over. “I’m not sure. We finalized the divorce last month.” As the words left his mouth your face dropped. “Oh Enj, I’m so sorry.” you said putting a hand on his arm. He smiled and excused himself. 
You continued conversation between your friends as Aizawa walked over. You dismissed yourself to get another drink but an arm snaked around you pulling you over to the side. You looked up to see the one and only All Might. “Toshinori!” you said in a surprised voice as your arms wrapped around him. 
He chuckled and held you as you clung to him. “I haven’t seen you in ages. How are you?” you asked. He smiled and began explaining how everything was and his training of the young heroes as well as now teaching at UA. “That’s amazing Yagi, you really found a good place in retirement.” you smiled. 
He nodded in acknowledgement. “Hey, why don’t we grab a drink after this?” he asked. You were slightly stunned. The one and only of your old high school days was asking you out to a drink. “Sure!” you smiled. When you looked up you saw Enji staring from across the room. 
“You should go tend to that one. I beat him to it.” You smiled and dismissed yourself. As you approached Enji once again he smiled down at you. “Let me guess, Toshi asked you out for a drink?” he mused. You smiled, “Somehow I think you two had discussed this already.” you smiled. 
Enji shrugged. “I mentioned having you over and he said over his dead body.” Enji laughed while taking a sip of his drink. “Well no need to argue, you two know how to share. God knows you did back in the day.” Enji choked on his drink and looked down at you incredulously. “Think I forgot? Not after those burn marks.” you winked. Enji was as red as his hair as you made your way back to Midnight, Aizawa and Hazashi. 
“Two men in one night, my my y/n, I taught you well.” Midnight chuckled slowly. “Oh come on Nem, we all know who you practiced kissing before you got all kinky.” you laughed and Shouta spit out his drink. “Scandalous.” Hizashi chuckled. 
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shigarakisbabyy · 3 years
Aizawa, Endeavor, and All Might x an S/O with psychic powers
This is a request I got! Reader is gender neutral! Some psychic powers I used are telekineses, clairvoyance, and telepathy. I hope I fulfilled the request right!!!
Warnings: none
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Shota Aizawa
For the love of god don’t use telepathy on him, this man will kill you. He hates people being in his head
He’ll bring you on missions to help out and so you can use your clairvoyance to see how it might turn out and what the heroes need to do to succeed
If he ever falls asleep anywhere you’ll probably just end up dragging him back home with telekineses lmfao
Fully understands if you don’t wanna be hero, but absolutely encourages it.
If you ever use your telekineses to joke with him and mess around he’ll pretend to be annoyed and aggravated but really he thinks it’s cute
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This man wants you to be a hero. Such potential. He doesn’t wanna fall back into his old habits, but he is very persistent with his encouragement
Like Aizawa, do not get in this man’s head. He will kill you. But if you get into the heads of other people and then report back to him… he wouldn’t mind that
Helps you analyze and break down what you see with clairvoyance and the best things to do going forward
If you ask him to help train you with your powers and make them stronger he will weep with joy
Hardly ever let’s you use your telekinesis to do things for him, he’d rather he do it himself
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All Might
Encourages the crap out of you to become a hero, you’d be able to help so many people.
Whenever he’s sick and Ill he’ll have you float stuff to him to help him out, or use your telekinesis on him so he has an easier time moving and isn’t hurting
He’ll help you train your powers so you have an easier time using them and do they’re more powerful
If he doesn’t feel like speaking he’ll have you telepathically talk to him lmfao
If your clairvoyance ever allows you to see anything, he’ll want to know what it is, who was involved, what happened, etc. immediately. It could be important
Honestly, he thinks you’re super cool and that you have a lot of potential to be a great hero. He’ll always encourage you to go above and beyond and succeed.
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
𝙈𝙮 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙖 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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⭑ 𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣 𝙐𝙥 ⭑
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𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧 (𝙀𝙣𝙟𝙞 𝙏𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞)
𝙂𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙊𝙧𝙘𝙖 (𝙆𝙪𝙜𝙤 𝙎𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙖)
𝙎𝙝ō𝙩𝙖 𝘼𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙬𝙖 (𝙀𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙)
𝙑𝙡𝙖𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜 (𝙎𝙚𝙠𝙞𝙟𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙆𝙖𝙣)
𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙈𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 (𝙏𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙞 𝙔𝙖𝙜𝙞)
𝙁𝙖𝙩 𝙂𝙪𝙢 (𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙏𝙤𝙮𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪)
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♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
Their boyfriend's giving them their first smooch h/c
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Toshinori Yagi, Enji Todoroki
A/n: yeah it's dad time-
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 It takes a while to get affectionate with Shouta.
 Everything is pretty much baby steps for him since he has never been in a serious relationship before that has lasted or felt the way it is with you.
But oh boy when I tell that his pupils were blown wide the first time you kissed him in the cheek.
It was a simple gesture, you were about to go in for work so why not go for it?
The idea of your soft lips against his cheek was running around his mind the WHOOLLLLLEE day.
Even present Mic notice something was up. Because the whole Day Shouta had the tiniest smile on his face while he graded papers.
Now, when he gets used to receiving kisses his always expected them around when you come home from work. Or when he's working in the living room.
It always relaxes him, it is a peck on the cheek or a kiss on his temples.
"Hey, you want some Coffee?" Shouta hummed in response feeling your lips against his cheek, his eyes closing instantly as your arms wrap around him. "That would be nice Kitten..." He mumbled out still half asleep. The feeling of your hard chest against his back welcoming more warmth as he leans back against you.
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It's all he was thinking about when you two got serious.
He was sweating buckets trying to figure out the best moment to do it.
But something always seemed to get in the way of it.
It was gonna put the poor man into a cardiac arrest.
And everyone seemed awkwardly aware of it.
 It was driving everyone mad.
But all it took was a little push from his students for you to realize what was going on.
Both of you stood in front of the doorway of the classroom. You have come over to give him his lunch that he once again forgot.
"Stay safe and remember to drink your medicine" you instructed as you handed him his lunch bag.
A tiny smile on his face looking at the sticky note stuck to it
"I will, thank you dear-" his words got stuck on his throat as you pulled him by the tie and kiss his cheek.
 A loud laugh escaping you watching his whole face turn bright red in a matter of seconds.
"later Hubby" he watched you walk off, still love-struck like a teenager.
Let's say to this day he still gets flustered at any little kiss you give him. Always asking if he could get one. And who are you to deny?
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 Kissing him was pretty much your mission once you two got serious.
You were his first boyfriend and you were determined to make him open up more to affection.
But at the same time, you didn't want to push him out of his comfort zone since some things were for sure new to him with having a boyfriend.
Even if it was all slow at first, he was still worried that he was going to go back to his old habits and hurt you.
But for the most part, you two did pretty 'normal' stuff in the beginning.
which was pretty much his expensive dinners and night out.
It was one day before he was heading out of his office that he was called out by a villain attacking the town that you stop him from leaving.
His eyes looking down at you confuse as you hold into his arm.
"what is it?" He stares down at your embarrassed expression before you lean up and kiss his cheek quickly.
"Come back okay?"
He was taken back for a moment but nodded as he caresses your cheek before leaving.
Say you were dying on the inside once you were left alone.
After the whole event pass and it was later at night. Both of you were casually leaving another restaurant. His arm wraps around your shoulder as you walk down to the limo. He stops and looked down at you laughing at whatever you were telling him. His hand resting on your cheek to pull you to look at him before he places a simple kiss on your lips. Your eyes were blown wide as he smirks down at you. "Get in the car, it's getting cold out here"
Hopefully, the press didn't get a glimpse of that.
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jemytasamaart · 7 years
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