naruysae · 5 months
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13. Perched 🌳
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dantelionwishes · 2 years
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assortment of screenshot redraws from s4 ep1 !!
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miikpal · 2 years
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ainu doodles
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hacoillust · 1 year
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Koito and Enonoka
Volume 18.
Cold? Do you want to hold hands?
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osomanga · 1 year
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kim-sorie · 2 years
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➛⠀阿德⠀💎⠀@kim-sorie ⠀米扎 softigo aesthetic﹗
⠀ࣧ(⠀💙⠀)Golden kamuy icons ᨎ 糖果 like or⠀🌼
⠀ ⠀💫⠀༢⠀爱与关⠀reblog ⠀[犠牲]⠀⠀♡‌⠀
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espikola · 1 year
you don’t need to take this request (it’s more just a thought) but i think little cikapasi and enonoka would look so adorable in your style
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Quick doodle but here!
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lokh · 4 months
sugimoto calling out asirpa when he's saving enonoka... ='(
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palabasa · 5 months
finally got to the part where cikapasi gets left behind at enonoka's village and can i just say?? thank GOD. i did not want to put up with this kid and the annoying jokes that come with him any longer
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conflagrate · 1 year
Golden Kamuy 42
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As terrifying as your face maybe?
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Family trip
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Awwww Enonoka~~~
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Awwwwwww, so many tears this episode...
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Yeap talk sense into him!
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kaici · 1 year
Golden Kamuy 4. évad 6. rész
Keserű szájízzel írom most az összefoglalót, mert a Golden Kamuy nemrég indult friss évada kényszerszünetre megy a 6. epizód után. A Brain's Base stúdió egyik nélkülözhetetlen embere halálozott el november 1-jén, s ez nemcsak meglátszik a 6. rész animációján, hanem hátráltatja is a további epizódok elkészültét. Amíg a rajongók a folytatásra várnak, addig az évad korábbi epizódjait, illetve az OVA 1. részét fogják sugározni Japánban. Így alakul a tervezett műsor:
2022. nov. 14: OVA 1
2022. nov. 21 - dec. 26: 4. évad 1-6. részének ismétlése
A kilátások szerint tehát idén nem látunk több Golden Kamuy epizódot, s ez a kétéves várakozás után némileg elkedvetlenít, ugyanakkor lehetőséget teremt olyan blogbejegyzésekre, melyet régóta szeretnék megvalósítani.
Térjünk rá az Édes hazugságok (Amai uszo) c. legújabb epizódra, mely összességében a sorozat 42. része. A manga 207. fejezetétől kezdve a 211. fejezet első pár oldala adta az alapot a történethez.
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A híres fürdővárosban, Noboribecuban járunk, ahova megérkezett Curumi főhadnagy is tetovált bőrgyűjteményével együtt. Kikuta zászlós és az ainu katona, Ariko számol be a főhadnagynak Toni Andzsi elkapásáról és bemutatják a frissen megszerzett bőrt is. Egy csavar van a történetben, ugyanis Ariko nem Toni Andzsi, hanem a méregkeverő Szekija bőrét adta oda Curuminek, amihez szövetségese, Hidzsikata Tosizó révén jutott.
Curumi pedig nagyon jól tudja, hogy a bőr nem Toni Andzsié, hiszen Toni bőrének másolata már a birtokában van: az abasirii küzdelem után elvette Szugimototól. Színpadiasan hitetlenkedve meg is dicséri Arikot, amiért a lavina hótömege alatt sikerült megtalálnia Toni testét.
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Megkezdődik tehát a hazugsághullám. Ariko finoman tudakolja, hogy a szálláson kiterített bőr-e az összes ami Curumi birtokában van. Curumi persze igennel felel, mert tudja, hogy Ariko el akarja lopni a bőröket és át akarja azokat adni Hidzsikatának. Fel is készül arra, hogy kirabolják majd. A büszkén kiterített bőrök, melyek felett tanakodnak, valószínűleg mind hamisak.
Később, az éjszaka közepén egy ablakon kirepülő, összevert alakot látunk, akinek a kabátját (a jé! életben levő!) Toni Andzsi megragadja, majd húzni kezdi befelé az erdő mélyére. Az összevert alak nem más, mint Ariko, akit az éjszaka közepén Curumi és csatlósai valóban lopáson kapnak, ezért Curumi gyorsan meg is fenyegeti azzal, hogy bántódás érheti a családját és megteszi kettős ügynöknek. Feladata, hogy a (hamis) bőröket eljuttassa Hidzsikatának, megnehezítve ezzel a riválisok dolgát a kódfejtéssel kapcsolatban. Hogy a “küzdelmes lopás” hiteles legyen, a mániákus Uszamival kegyetlenül össze is vereti a férfit.
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Hidzsikatát sem kell féltenünk. A dörzsölt öreg szamuráj előre sejti Curumi cselekedetét és valószínűsíti, hogy az öt bőr, melyet Ariko hozott neki, mind hamis. Szánja is Arikot, mert tudta, hogy Curumi jól elbánik majd vele, de ez volt az ára annak, hogy a hamis bőrök, amik felfordulást okozhattak volna a későbbiekben, a kezébe kerüljenek.
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Hogy Ariko végül kinek az oldalán áll, és hogy Curumi fenyegetéssel képes-e felülkerekedni rajta, az kiderül majd a későbbiekben.
Az anime helyszíne ezután Enonoka, az ainu kislány falujára vált. Enonoka és nagyapja biztosították Szahalinon Szugimoto csapatának szánhúzó kutyáit, s most eljött a búcsú ideje. A csapat indul tovább dél felé, és egy Ódomariba tartó lovasszán fogja őket elvinni. Enonoka érthető okok miatt rosszkedvű, hiszen a szahalini kalandok során összemelegedett a hokkaidói ainu kisfiúval, Cikapasival.
Könnyes búcsút vesznek és megígérik, hogy nem feledik a másikat és várni fognak egymásra. Cikapasi férfiasan tűri a búcsúzást, azonban mikor indulás után hátrafordul, hogy utolsó szót váltson a kislánnyal, leesik a szán széléről és földbe gyökerezett lábakkal áll a távozó szán és Enonoka között.
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Tanigaki érzi, hogy Cikapasi már lelke mélyén döntött a sorsáról, ezért utána megy. Szavak nélkül is megértik egymást: a férfi tudja, hogy a kóbor kisfiú végre megtalálta azt a helyet, ahová tartozni szeretne. Emlékképekkel tarkított könnyes búcsút látunk, majd Tanigaki átadja Cikapasinak Nihei Tecuzó egylövetű puskáját, melyet jómaga is ereklyeként őrzött és használt a kalandok során.
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Nem csak Cikapasi marad Szahalinon. A nagy medvevadász, Nihei Tecuzó tapasztalt kutyája, Rjú is Szahalinon véli megtalálni új hazáját. Már ki is vívta, hogy a szánhúzó ebek vezérkutyája lehessen.
Miután Ódomariba érkeztek, Koito négyszemközti beszélgetésbe kezd Cukisimával. Felébredt benne a gyanakvás, melynek magját Ogata hintette el azzal, hogy Akóban, fegyvert tartva Koito fejéhez ugyanazt az orosz szót mondta, amit évekkel korábban a fiatal Koito megrendezett elrablása idején is: barcsonok. Ráadásul most tudjuk meg azt a részletet, ami a 3. évadból nem derült ki. Ogata a szökése előtt még egy dolgot mondott a földre tepert Koitonak: "Ha majd újra találkozol Curumivel... kérdezd a Mantecuról". Koito okos férfi és rájön, mire utalhatott Ogata.
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A Mantecu a Dél-Mandzsúriai Vasúttársaság (japánul Minami-Mansú Tecudó Kabusiki-gaisa) nevének rövidítése. A vállalat 1906-ban jött létre azért, hogy az orosz-japán háborúban az oroszoktól elfoglalt mandzsúriai térség vasútvonalait működtesse. Ám Japán nem elégedett volna meg csak a vasút működtetésének jogával, előbb-utóbb a térségre is rá akarta tenni a kezét. A Golden Kamuy szerint ennek a terjeszkedési tervnek egy nagy ellenzője volt a hadseregben, nem más, mint Ogata vér szerinti apja, Hanazava Kódzsiró altábornagy, a 7. Hadosztály akkori parancsnoka.
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Curumiről tudjuk, hogy szereti tisztességtelen módszerekkel eltenni láb alól a feletteseit, akik kicsit is akadályozzák őt a terveiben. Hanazava esetében sem történt másképp, ráadásul megölésével eldobott fiát, Ogatát bízta meg, aki Curumi tervének megfelelően öngyilkosságnak álcázva hajtotta végre az aljas tettet. Hogy miért akarta Curumi ennyire eltávolítani a terjeszkedést ellenző Hanazava parancsnokot? A választ Koito is tudja, hiszen Curumi számtalanszor hangoztatta már: a meghódítandó Mandzsúria területét japán földnek akarja tudni, hogy elesett japán bajtársaik japán földben nyugodhassanak. Később fogjuk megtudni, hogy ez még nem a teljes igazság, Curumi belső indíttatása kicsit másabb, személyesebb.
Koito rájön tehát, hogy Curumi gyilkoltatta meg Hanazavát, Cukisima pedig felvilágosítja, hogy az akciót Ogata hajtotta végre. Koito ekkor jön rá a barcsonok-leleplezés igazi értelmére: Curumi ugyanúgy rá tudta szedni a korábban megrendezett emberrablással őt és apját, mint ahogy kihasználta Hanazava és Ogata apa-fia kapcsolatát is.
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Az epizód zárójelenetében Szugimotot láthatjuk a részeg Siraisi és ideiglenes partnere, egy korosodó prostituált társaságában. Siraisi provokálja Szugimotot, hogy egy elpuhult fazon lett belőle, aki Curumi főhadnagy ölebe lesz azáltal, hogy kezére játssza Asirpát. Szugimoto persze felháborodik, de a kijózanító igazságokat fejéhez vágó ittas Siraisival nem tud vitába szállni. 
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Vajon mennyire hatottak Szugimotora Siraisi szavai? Továbbra is támogatja-e Asirpát az igazságért és az ainu népért való magányos harcban, vagy a lány átadásával veszni hagy mindent, amit eddig elértek?
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piduai · 2 years
i need a s4 seiyuu announcement or a still image, anything at this point 😭
they didn't announce any new seiyuus for s3 beforehand except i think enonoka? for most of them we had to wait for the episodes to air. but yeah a second trailer would be most welcome 😔
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dantelionwishes · 2 years
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*Referencing the Q&A section from the Golden Kamuy fanbook-- Q71: Please tell us your top 3 characters who have the juiciest asses. Noda: Tanigaki, Tsukishima, Ariko, Shiraishi, Usami… There’s just too many.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
I love GK, but like most mangas, good female characters scarce. Inkarmat and Sofia are the only two developed female characters; Asirpa's character is currently indistinguishable from the standard stock heroine. When Inkarmat and Asirpa had that conversation on the lake, I was hoping they'd talk about anything other than... oh well they talked about Wilk, sigh. Also that recurrent trope of killing off female characters as plot drivers for male characters is starting to grate. What do you think?
I’ll discuss your points one by one if it’s okay with you.
1) I love GK, but like most mangas, good female characters scarce.
“Golden Kamuy” has, comparatively, a much smaller female cast than a male one. However this is not because it’s a manga, it’s because “Golden Kamuy” is a seinen, a manga aimed at adult Japanese men between the ages of 18 and 40 and, sadly, it seems this kind of target audience has made clear they aren’t that interested in female characters, beyond the ones who are written to exist to support the male cast.
If you’re interested in manga with a bigger or a better female cast you might consider trying shōjo or josei manga, which are aimed at female readers.
Sadly in almost all the countries of us western readers, the manga that get more imported are shonen (aimed at young boys) so the general impression is that manga as a whole have a scarce female cast.
I’m not saying so to excuse shonen or seinen, this is just a characteristic of their genre and, since their target audience is often not interested in a better female cast, I fear things aren’t going to change.
2) Inkarmat and Sofia are the only two developed female characters; Asirpa's character is currently indistinguishable from the standard stock heroine.
Now... for a Seinen, “Golden Kamuy” has a decent female cast, with females that are different among them for age, race, interests and characteristics and who often try to be in control of their own lives.
Yes, they’re all females who, one way or the other, are tied to the male cast because the male cast is the real main character, as, as said before, this is a work that aims at male readers and male readers want to identify with male characters but, at least, female characters are different among them and, although way too many of them are minor characters, many of them are developed. Development isn’t necessarily measured in how much pages you’re given but in how much of you (your story, your character, your goals) is developed. Many female characters have this.
Let’s go through them starting from Asirpa:
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ASIRPA: Main character along with Sugimoto. I wouldn’t say she’s the standard stock heroine more than Sugimoto is the standard stock hero. She has, of course, some character traits who’re mandatory for the action heroine, she’s intelligent, mature and capable well beyond what would be expected for someone her age. Her character arc is one of growing up, because she’s a child and this is the sort of character arc you usually give to a child, but she isn’t just ‘growing up’ as in ‘becoming more mature’ she’s growing up in the sense she becomes aware of the Ainu and the other minorities problems and how hard it is to solve them, she’s also growing by learning tragically what a war means, what it means to watch people you care about die all around you, what it means to have your life threatened, to have the lives of the people you care about threatened, if it’s easy or not to pull a trigger. Her non violent beliefs are challenged as she is asked more and more to decide if she wants to fight or to keep on not killing people. Men around her, starting from her own father, are also killed as a plot device for her grown.
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KENMOCHI UMEKO: Sugimoto’s love interest and childhood friend. She challenged her family by still getting near Sugimoto despite his family situation and was willing to go with him when he considered escaping. We don’t know why ultimately she married Toraji, might be to forget Sugimoto, might be because he loved her more than Sugi, but when she did she was firm in her purpose and didn’t walk out of it or mourned her fate once Sugimoto came back. She made clear she would stay with Toraji. And she also doesn’t remarry despite social pressure and the fact she’s losing her sight.
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SUSUPO: Asirpa’s grandmother. She’s caring and nurturing with everyone, Tanigaki included but she’s also strongly tied to old female roles. However, when Asirpa beats Sugimoto up, she doesn’t scold her and even though she believes Asirpa would be better married she doesn’t try to force her but let her free to live her life.
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OSOMA: Asirpa’s very young cousin who knows how to speak Japanese. She’s friendly, gets a crush on Tanigaki and then grows out of it.
NIHEI’S FEMALE POPULATED FAMILY: Although we don’t really see them beyond Nihei’s first born daughter, we learn Nihei’s wife is tough and scary and that Nihei had to babysit his own daughter.
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They survive, differently from Nihei only male son who dies... same as Nihei himself.
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KIRORANKE’S WIFE: Although Kiro didn’t love her as much as Sofia it’s implied he loved her. She’s tough enough to manage even when Kiro is out and can count on the support of her siblings in case things are too hard.
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HIDORO’S WIFE: Cruel, tough and clever, she’s the real boss in the family. She got ambitions, when she can’t get pregnant from her husband she’s not afraid to question HIS fertility instead than blaming herself, and even concedes herself a lover. She’s not a positive character but she’s basically the opposite of Huci.
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CHIYOKO: She’s the damsel in distress of “Golden Kamuy” and the opposite to Hidoro’s wife. She looks kind and gentle. Lover to Hidoro Tamotsu, she however falls for Shinpei and gets pregnant from him. She’s willing to leave with him to make herself a new life.
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INKARMAT: Strong willed, clever and manipulative, she’s not afraid to travell alone through Hokkaido or cooperate with Tsurumi, betraying the rest of the group. Yes, she can’t grow out of her childhood crush for Wilk, but, at least, she’s the one who’s in charge when she decides to spend the night with Tanigaki and, differently from Tanigaki, can plan things. She’s also generous and motherly with Cikapasi but she’s not afraid to attack Kiro when she believes he’s involved in Wilk’s death or to place herself in front of Tanigaki when Tsukishima threatens to kill him. She can read the mood and doesn’t reveal how Koito stole Nikaidou’s hand but use it to affirm her authority and get money from Koito.
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EDOGAI’S MOTHER: Abusive and manipulative to the point she castrated her own son so that he wouldn’t become like his father, managed to traumatize Edogai so much that, when she dies of heart attack, he keeps her alive by turning her into a stuffed corpse.
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TANIGAKI FUMI: She marries the one she loves and is beloved by her family. When she falls sick with smalllpox her actions are similar to the ones of Sugimoto’s father, she doesn’t want the village to be infected and wants her husband to leave her and find happiness.
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TANIGAKI’S MOTHER: She falls into depression due to her daughter’s death and Tanigaki leaving the family and, ultimately, dies.
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SISTER MIYAZAWA: Although she wasn’t a beauty to Kumagishi she was so lovely he kept her printed in his own memory. She’s tough enough to travel from male prison to male prison to offer her services as counselor.
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MONOA AND THE OTHER AINU WOMEN: Although they ended up prisoners of the fake Ainu and forced to cooperate with them they tried challenging them by trying to ask for help to Sugimoto’s group and when they could they even fought the fake Ainu personally, killing some of them.
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O-GIN: Deranged criminal, madly in love with Sakamoto, she’s not even afraid of Tsurumi.
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OGATA TOME: Ogata’s mom, madly in love with Hanazawa. However, as her love isn’t returned she gets insane and lives in a delusion until her son poisons her. She’s kind of the opposite of O-gin.
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OGATA’S GRANDMOTHER: As far as we know it’s her and not her husband the one who took back home Ogata and his mom and raised him. Ogata was so fond of her he couldn’t kill Huci because she reminded him of her.
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ENONOKA: Karafuto Ainu kid. She’s the one who deal with Koito when he rents her grandfather’s sleds and dogs. She knows Japanese and she can count and handle business. She goes with Cikapasi when they’ve to retrieve the dog and cooperates with him to come up with a plan to retrieve it.
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HARUMI CHIYO: She was willing to marry Tsukishima but disappeared short before he came back from war. Tsukishima believes she killed herself out of grief for his death, instead she merely accepted to marrying another man since she believed Tsukishima to be dead.
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YOUICHIROU’S WIFE: Beloved by him, according to him helped him to become human again, giving him peace. She loved him back and gave him a bird beak so he would always remember Nemuro, even when far. They were living peacefully when a man took her hostage because he had a grudge on him. He killed the man and was arrested. When he escaped he came back to her because she had fallen ill and was about to die, remaining with her till she died and only then he left their kotan and clearly lost his will to live.
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SOFIA: Although she’s a noble she’s also a revolutionarian who can fight on par with Gansoku, shoot and plan the murder of the emperor. Beloved by her men, for whoms he care and who doesn’t get behind, she has a motherly side. Kiro falls for her and will always love her but she falls for Wilk and will always love him... though she wanted to avenge Kiro when he was killed.
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HASEGAWA FINA AND OLGA: Tsurumi’s beloved wife and daughter. While Olga is too young to do anything else but being loved, Fina loved Tsurumi and was loved back. Tsurumi spoke with her and, differently from him, she could pin why Sofia couldn’t learn Japanese. He believes she was smart enough to figure out he was a spy yet remained with him anyway, actually, when she believed he was in trouble she came back for him despite the danger and ended up killed with her daughter.
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SVETLANA: Leaves her family because she wants to see Saint Petersburg, gets arrested, escapes, gets found by Tsukishima but decides she won’t go back home so she travels with Gansoku proving she know how to use a rifle.
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KOITO YUKI: Not much is know except she’s a proper woman who worries a lot for her own son.
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RIRATTE: Asirpa’s mom who died short after Asirpa’s birth. She gave Wilk his name and she was cheerful and bright, capable to make funny faces and be strong spirited. Wilk loved her a lot.
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NORIKO: Assuming she was as Heita portraied her she likes to seduce/play with men and she’s easily bored.
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HANAZAWA HIRO: Although she’s also a proper Japanese lady she’s not shy to try to plot behind her husband’s back to try to spare Yuusaku from becoming a flagbearer. In a way she’s the opposite of Koito Yuki who instead passively accepts for her sons to become soldiers.
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KANEKO KAEKO: Upperclass girl in a rush to get married due to social pressure. She’s willing to sleep with ‘Yuusaku’ to force him to marry her. She likes good looking men but she’s so impressed by Sugimoto’s bravery that, despite understanding he’s a nobody, she would be willing to marry him instead than Yuusaku. She’s an excellent student, marries a big name in the world of finance and dedicates her energies nursing men who were back from war and helping their widows.
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KANEKO’S MAID: She’s very supportive of Kaeko but also makes that beautiful speech you can read above so she gets a mention.
There’s more females, I know I’ve skipped a bunch because they were minor but the ones I mentioned, despite often being minor, still are all different one from the other, and, often, in charge of their own fate. Although they’re almost all tied to men, many of them are not subservient to them, but this doesn’t mean they all fall into the action girl trope.
It’s much, much more than what other male authors do with their female cast.
Is it a dream cast, the representation females wants? Hell no, but, at least, there’s an attempt at making them people. Yes, they’re often tied to the male cast or in service of it, but that’s also typical of this genre.
None of them is sexualized despite some of them being sexy or having sex. For each of them Noda though to a different character design. Noda tried to make them characters with their own wishes, histories and personalities.
Again, it’s far from perfect, but this’s not the story I would pick up for poor female representation.
3) When Inkarmat and Asirpa had that conversation on the lake, I was hoping they'd talk about anything other than... oh well they talked about Wilk, sigh.
It’s true that to pass the Bechdel test a story should have at least two women in it, who talk to each other, about something other than a man but the main topic of this story are men.
Everyone and their mom has talked with Asirpa about Wilk, we had Hijikata, Sugimoto, Ogata, Shiraishi, Tsurumi and so on doing it, because Wilk was a huge topic of interest. If the characters aren’t talking about Wilk, Sugimoto’s group is talking about Tsurumi, because he’s chasing them and he’s a rival in the gold hunt, and, if they’re not talking about Tsurumi, they’re talking about Hijikata or of another adversary/member of the group who, incidentally, is male.
It’s worth to mention though, that in their first discussion Asirpa and Inkarmat talked about Inkarmat’s predictions and how Asirpa didn’t believe in them.
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Also, Inkarmat talked with Huci about Asirpa being in danger, Asirpa talked with the Ainu women in the fake Ainu village about the Osoma, Svetlana talked with Sofia about Saint Petersburg, Asirpa talked with Enonoka about the differences between minorities while Yuusaku’s mom told Kaeko her experience as a nurse.
It’s all minor because it’s often not really that relevant in the plot because this is a story about men, so they’re what’s relevant but still they can have conversations about something else.
4) Also that recurrent trope of killing off female characters as plot drivers for male characters is starting to grate. What do you think?
The first character killed as a plot driver is Toraji. Then we’ve Wilk (who’s first assumed dead and then dies for good) and who’s a plot driver for 3 female characters (Asirpa, Inkarmat, and Sofia) as well as male characters since his death affected them too... only not so emotionally, more on a practical side. We’re told Sugimoto’s father is the last to die in his family and this triggers him to leave his village (which ties in with the discussion Sugimoto and his father had in whcih his father encouraged Sugimoto to do so). Then we’ve Youhei. Then there’s the bear trio (sort of, they more tip Tsurumi on how he has a rebellion in his ranks and trigger some other events so more than plot drivers for male characters they’re just plot drivers). Then Nihei. Henmi’s maddness is caused by his brother’s death. And then many other men until, finally, Fumi gets killed.
Characters can be killed off in order to be plot drivers for other characters. This is what makes a story. The real problem comes not when a female met this end (females can die and it would be tragic if men were to remain unaffected by their death) but when ONLY females met this end or when the scale is tipped so that plenty of females die for this, while only 1 or 2 males do.
5) What do you think?
I think “Golden Kamuy” is a seinen and that if I want to read it I must be aware of the characteristics of this kind of manga which, among other things, are that it’s a story that panders to a male readership so the female cast will be scarce and aimed at supporting the male one.
I think that “Golden Kamuy” if viewed as a story targeted to general audience instead than just to males, is definitely not perfect, that due to this there’s no balance between female representation and male one, that often females are in the story merely because their story is connected to the male cast (they’re love interests, wives, daughters) and that the fact that we’ve plenty of male protagonists force them to focus on the males.
I think that sometimes Noda ends up including ties to males that aren’t really necessary, like Asirpa’s crush for Sugimoto or Osoma’s crush for Tanigaki, or how Sofia felt obliged to carry on Wilk and Kiro’s goal (instead than doing it to help Asirpa or to help her people) and ultimately felt guilty toward Tsurumi to the point she let him shoot her and needed him to absolve her.
I think sometimes he just ends up letting himself influence by popular tropes (like how everyone fall for the main character) and this caused him to make choices who weren’t really that needed by the plot but, since they’re part of the genre... he just included them.
So yeah, I’m not always happy with what happens in “Golden Kamuy”, as who read my meta knows, sometimes I protest loudly about things I don’t like (see, for example, Sofia’s death scene).
However I try to give it credits when it’s due.
This is just me though, everyone is entitled to see things the way they prefer.
Thank you for your ask and sorry for the late reply!
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sloanesmortuary · 3 years
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a quick one based on this lol:
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ydotome · 4 years
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Enonoka (エノノカ) - Golden Kamuy - Episode 25
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