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OBSESSED w these stupid little candy bunnies from ep205 of hamtaro 🥺🥺🥺
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iseilio-blog · 3 months
06/24 柴寮偶寄
Facebook (六四 馬建) 【六四35周年特辑】马健:血色广场 | 中國之春 (chinaspring.org) 裝甲車進場(也很慘),民眾面容困苦,血流滿地!
有出版英文版圖片集;太過殘忍,難以回想。一再蹭蹬的民主化,大約也要讓經濟下行來喚起民眾,爭取自由選舉。Top of Form
【完整版】罷免潮! 傅崐萁闖關「錢坑法案」黨內藍委超挫踩剎車不挺? 王義川曝傅崐萁不敢說的事 中國一帶一路入侵台灣? 阿川: 一但爛尾全民買單|許貴雅主持|【新台灣加油】20240604|三立新聞台 (youtube.com) 他那是選舉的政治語言。
【新聞挖挖哇】娶余苑綺為奪遺產?癌末「狂接業配」賺錢養家!詐騙尪真面目暴露?狄志為爆料:余天差點被女婿活活氣死!另一半走了誰有資格繼承財產?20240604|來賓:黃宥嘉、狄志為、雷丘、劉怡里、王俸鋼 (youtube.com) 討論的結果應該瞭解到:錢太多其實沒什麼用。
台灣人南京藝術展擺攤被逼脫光 遊福建團客遭中共帶走留置 (ltn.com.tw) 去犯人家的法,活該!
2023.7.25 翅仔舞聚 現場錄影 (youtube.com) 音樂沒關係,有拍子就跳了起來。
台灣教育領先大陸10年?大陸清華大學儀仗隊被熱議,台灣儀仗隊竟然在大陸火了,從而引起教育大PK,台灣的芯片行業世界領先並不是偶然,和教育的成功息息相關...... (youtube.com) 想不出道理。為什麼呢?
(2) #HD514 透視黃仁勳現象 台灣大運10年 謝金河 楊瑞臨 - YouTube
BÆRSkin Tactical Hoodie 3.0: BÆRSkin Stops Layers? (youtube.com)
(22) 台積電張忠謀.阿里巴巴蔡崇信同台 談到台灣地緣政治給這建議...答案竟然是"NBA"? - YouTube
19歲突然意外懷孕的日本女生!🔥為了台灣男生而嫁來台灣後的真實想法居然是。。?|【Ma上聊聊】|VLOG|【我是Mana】 (youtube.com)
《民進黨「反濫權護民主」全台宣講 首周赴花蓮.新北》【2024.06.12『1800年代晚報 張雅琴說播批評』】 (youtube.com)
(31) 陸配在台街頭突淚崩!見網紅讚對岸坦言:不是你想的那樣 ‪@cosmosviral ‪@huimian0203 - YouTube
外國女歌手挑戰台語歌:《相思聲聲》by 黃妃|Taiwanese COVER of Huang Fei‘s "Sound of Lovesickness" (youtube.com)
美國戰略排序改變了!荷蘭為何來亞洲?中國電動車傾銷不是買賣 是戰略對抗!台灣海防空虛?中國螺旋向下 將再爆發六四?新義和團仇美 中國將頭破血流?|明居正|宋國誠|新聞大破解 【2024年6月14日】 (youtube.com)
(59) 2024.6.16陸軍官校百年校慶營區開放系列-1【全場都熱烈歡呼及掌聲👏】三軍儀隊與陸軍樂隊操演 - YouTube
Hsueh Fang  FB . 這個姿勢血壓上衝,讓我來。 . Abunai Wa, Ojyosan. .  應該用平板的塑膠或木片;這個我內行,讓我來。 . 我也有一頂,相同系列,比較男性。 .  可愛 い;我也有一頂,相同系列,比較男性。
【精選】從京台高鐵窺見中國意圖! 傅崐萁拿捏預算 沈伯洋曝: 能從北京蓋鐵路通台北 王義川揭中方早已蓋好: 各交流道口有台北路標|周楷 王時齊主持|【54陪審團】20240615|三立新聞台 (youtube.com) 習說:把台灣管起來。
隱藏100年,Taiwan深山奇景重現!【塔達芬溫泉】長征100公里拍攝+空拍 (youtube.com) . 後面的老人就一下子從畫面消失。
. 很蠢,又不惹你,偏要管起來。傻瓜!
【一刀未剪】「她講得我真的聽不下去」!談翁曉玲拿「秋海棠」地圖喊反攻蔡易餘曝自己是台蒙國會聯誼會會長狂酸翁 卓榮泰曝歷史加碼打臉:外蒙就是獨立國家|【焦點人物大現場】20240618|三立新聞台 (youtube.com)
2024.02.23 高雄皇妃舞場 二.四 團隊所有精英.率遊覽車蒞臨 板橋新富客舞場.周五翅仔場舞聚.現場 翅仔探戈 實況錄影 (youtube.com)
Enjoy music、rumba slolwly、hold tight ,go up to sky ,the world you guys never know ~~,
失控博愛座該廢除?捷運上演女子摔跤畫面太震撼!婦人開酸逼讓座,男子反應讓人心碎了...【新聞挖挖哇】 (youtube.com)
EP410 黃越綏|【名人專訪】廖筱君為何閃辭《新台灣加油》?本人親揭真實原因 Feat. 廖筱君 (youtube.com)
台灣人一個動作就暴露了台灣人其實很有錢 (youtube.com)
日本竟有人妻香味入浴劑! 淺草寺抽籤都是凶? 還出現美女腋下飯糰? 2024-06-20【WTO姐妹會】Makoto Haru 葛西健二 潤子 西田惠里奈 Jenny 法國Anna 惠穎 小車 歐陽姍 (youtube.com) 一談日本就發瘋。
(114) 2024.6.16陸軍官校百年校慶營區開放系列-1【全場都熱烈歡呼及掌聲👏】三軍儀隊與陸軍樂隊操演 - YouTube
大陸人完蛋了,這樣吃台灣便當,果然吃出大問題!一份台鐵便當吃完又再來一份池上便當,一共花了190塊,真的不行啦。【我是黨黨】|台北車站|台鐵便當|池上便當|台灣物價| (youtube.com)
木片便當早在戰後就已經存在,應該是當時沒有適合的耐久材料;應該是傳承自日治時代,不過他們現在也還有 “驛便”。內容除了白飯、魚板、黃蘿蔔、漬物等簡單內容之外,另外還有豆皮壽司便當。因此早年當火車開動前,就有順著車窗:“便當”、“壽司” 的叫賣。台北到高雄的慢車,一趟下來將近十個小時,也有雙層的臥鋪,供夜班車,天亮就摺疊成座椅。
【新聞挖挖哇】孫安佐絕望爆走!專家警告狄鶯孫鵬「散盡家財」寵愛逆子下場?唐治平不認母屍走投無路下跪悲劇!孫鵬北檢30萬交保「父子關係」碎裂20240620|來賓:許聖梅、高仁和、黃宥嘉、吳娟瑜、吳姵瑩 (youtube.com)
第一次來台南的日本媽媽居然感動了!🔥這裡居然和想像的不一樣。。原本一直都想來的地方終於實現了|【Mana家人系列】|VLOG|【我是Mana】 (youtube.com)
05:15 的屋頂是燕子的鳥巢。
(157) 父擁4妻..揭開總統家庭背景!孕育蔡英文的「本土養份」坦言爸爸影響大 面對感情認:年輕人該做的都做了│94看新聞 - YouTube
赴中旅遊橙色警戒 王定宇:不去中國是最佳選擇 (ltn.com.tw) 中港澳,台灣之治外法權,既然置若罔聞,政府無權、也無需介入,不應浪費公帑。
【譚兵讀武EP189】來台接收的第70軍真是「乞丐兵」? 為何又變身「台灣師」去打國共內戰 (youtube.com)
(175) 反中還享受大陸讓利?大陸商務部認定台灣存在貿易壁壘!|王炳忠來了 - YouTube
(176) 【譚兵讀武EP205】「黃埔三杰」賀衷寒帶頭籌組神秘力行社 目的是「鐵血救國」還是鞏固蔣介石的一人領導? - YouTube
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keiicom · 5 months
I may have a love-hate relationship with the orv webtoon but. update 205 means everything to me. they
It feels more like yoo joonghyuk than he's ever been in that update and it makes me so happy eiwhrjwirjsk because they've struggled a whole fucking lot to get his characterization right but. ep205 feels a bit like they finally got it?? if that makes sense
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srlaranja · 1 year
【K2秀】【屈穎妍在線】EP205:抗賊是罪?吸毒送包包? - YouTube
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dailykasumi · 3 years
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EP205 The Kecleon Caper
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saltynovember · 4 years
It's more likely than you think
(In Japan this early Monday morning, Tanzen shippers in Japan read ep205. Some wept, some in disbelief, others more happy--and then, out of the blue, s/o in JPN Twitter blurted out this ship. Until now it's been a phenomenon in my tanzen dash so I thought I should share this new gem with you)
(Right now they're called SumiYoshi or HikoTeru) (and ppl are already posting fanarts) (it's すみよし or 彦照)
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aetherkidatheart · 6 years
Juliana sleeping with Sergio
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Juliana sleeping with Sergio because of seeing Val and Lucho together and then her mom getting to her and they also made her think her love with Val wasn't real instead of supporting her so she reacted
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wandasncredible · 5 years
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🍂Subscribers🍂Thursday’s Episode of the "Verse of the day" Ministry Podcast is AVAILABLE NOW. Click on this link > linktr.ee/wandasncredible and select the ministry button. Blessings ! . . . #verseoftheday #verseofthedayministry #god #jesus #holyspirit #messyfm #scriptures #podcastmovement #ep205 #biblegateway #beinspired #liveinspired #bibledotcom #wandajefferson #podernfamily #podcast #thursdaymorning #thursdaymotivation #togodbetheglory #podcasting #podcaster Available on: @Linktree @applepodcasts @apple @iheartradio @googlepodcast @messy.fm @google @spotify #Podtail #overcast https://www.instagram.com/p/B3b2xg3JEI7/?igshid=z0aleiyo2yjx
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shb-music · 2 years
Back to work, vibin' and shining! Playing tracks from Bad Tuner, Pink Panda, Mona Yim, NASAYA, Sound of Fractures, Good Lee, Ran the Man, ROZIE, Koala Punch, myself and many more. Schöne Woche an alle! #DeepTureAdventure
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justasimplethot · 2 years
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holy shit
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Bakery Enemies Au Masterlist
@buggachat‘s bakery enemies au now has image descriptions for all parts currently out. They were done by me and @princess-of-purple-prose
Here are the links:
Cover, Old Cover
The Meeting: ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4 & ep5
Nino and Alya: ep6, ep7 & ep8
Nightmares: ep9, ep10 & ep11
Flashback 1: ep12
Kwamis: ep13
Home alone: ep14, ep15, ep16, ep17 & ep18
Chloe and The Robbery: ep19, ep20, ep21 & ep22
Flashback 3: ep23
The Talk: ep24, ep25, ep26, ep27, ep28, ep29, ep30 & ep31
The Dream: ep32
The Ring: ep33, ep34
DJWifi Strikes Again: ep35, ep36 & ep37
Wine Tasting: ep38, ep39, ep40, ep41, ep42, ep43, ep44, ep45, ep46, ep47, ep48, ep49, ep50 & ep51
Rain: ep52, ep53, ep54, ep55, ep56, ep57 & ep58
Sleepover: ep59, ep60, ep61, ep62, ep63, ep64, ep65, ep66, ep67, ep68, ep69, ep70 & ep71
Flashback 4: ep72
Bakery Morning: ep73, ep74, ep75, ep76, ep77, ep78, ep79, ep80, ep81, ep82 & ep83
Flashback 5: ep84, ep85, ep86, ep87 & ep88
Bakery Morning cont: ep89, ep90, ep91, ep92 & ep93
Videocall: ep94, ep95, ep96, ep97, ep98 & ep99
Cake Flashback: ep100 & ep101
Flirting Attempts: ep 102, ep 103, ep 104, ep 105, ep 106, ep 107
Family Time: ep108, ep109, ep110, ep111, ep112, ep113
Adrien’s Phone: ep114, ep115, ep116, ep117, ep118, ep119, ep120, ep121, ep122, ep123, ep124, ep125
Gala dream and Aftermath: ep126, ep127, ep128, ep129, ep130, ep131, ep132
Flashback 7: ep133
Before the Gala: ep134, ep135, ep136, ep137, ep138, ep139, ep140, ep141, ep142, ep143, ep144, ep145,
Reveal: ep146, ep147, ep148, ep149, ep150, ep151, ep152, ep153, ep154, ep155, ep156
Revelations: ep157, ep158, ep159, ep160, ep161, ep162, ep163, ep164, ep165, ep166, ep167, ep168, ep169, ep170, ep171, ep172
Post Reveal, Pre Gala: ep173, ep174, ep175, ep176, ep177, ep178, ep179, ep180, ep181, ep182, ep183, ep184, ep185, ep186, ep187
At the Gala: ep188, ep189, ep190, ep191, ep192, ep193, ep194, ep195, ep196, ep197, ep198, ep199, ep200, ep201, ep202, ep203, ep204, ep205, ep206 (last)
Translations: Spanish (instagram), Russian (mangalib), Hebrew (instagram)
Fanart: Adrien gets Hired, Adrien doodle, Natalie, Ladrien Roses, Wine Arc Alt ending, Group Selfie (ep52), No conflict just croissants,  Peacock!Adrien, Marinette’s Panic,  Its you! (ep 121 Alt ending, Not Hungry (ep123), Adrien’s Macarons, Ladynoir Gala Outfits, Ladybug Gala Outfit, Marinette vs Cake, Strawberry Parallels (ep140), Giving up the Miraculous (ep147), Realization (alt ending to ep150), It’s Me (ep 152), Fix It (ep154), It’s Okay (ep154), Alt Reveal Ending, Adrien Had To, Temple Kiss (ep156), Adrien’s shirt (ep157), Happy Adrien, Post Reveal Selfie (ep172), Problem Solving (ep174), Cheek Kiss (ep184), Gala outfits, Chloe’s gala outfit, Adrinette kiss
Note: If you would like your translation added please dm me. If you would like your fanart added either wait for me to describe it or tag me once you’ve described it yourself! Image descriptions and Alt text allow for low vision/blind people to also be included and participate in fandom. If you want help writing your ID here is a discord link to a server where people would be happy to help you out!
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uwishu · 3 years
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Team7 & Kawaki on their way to save Naruto
Ep205 : yooo this ending was so emotional and Kawaki was so cool-> like „you want proof?! Imma get you that.. I’ll risk my life to save our Naruto“
Shikamaru just: Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)。。。。。。yes i am crying
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just-zenitsu · 4 years
So a post-ep205 tanzen au. When Yoshiteru talks to Sumihiko while sleeping, he replies to Yoshiteru as "Tanjiro." "But that's your great-grandfather's name" "Yes that's me, Kamado Tanjiro" "lol" Soon Yoshiteru gets used to it enough to ask "Tanjiro" about the epic fight against demons. It's all fun and games until "Tanjiro" starts calling Yoshiteru by his great-grandad's name...
kakkcka yhear that thats my heart
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This demon needs to stop getting in the way of WayHaught
that’s its most evil act
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chidoroki · 3 years
Boruto EP205
aka: no more sitting around
Shikamaru was quick with that shadow paralysis and barrier team.
“Sasuke has returned to the village from his mission critically injured.” Well, not from the mission you’re thinking of, but yeah he’s hurting.
But aw poor Sarada sounded so worried hearing that too.
Good to see Kawaki cooperating with Shikamaru’s requests.
10 days for Jigen to restore all the chakra he’s lost?
Boro seems to know that Koji is hiding something more than just his face.
Kawaki getting all emotional from his memories of Naruto.
They really tried to pass off the fixed flower vase as proof that Kawaki wasn’t a traitor..
Oh? His right prosthetic hand started working again.
He and Boruto both opened a portal with their karma marks hm?
Kawaki is so done being trapped and absorbed the shadow paralysis instantly.
Even Mitsuki grabbed Boruto and Sarada to rush them into the portal.
Preview thoughts:
Oohh here we go, new team 7 vs Boro!
Ah I forgot how good it was to finally see Sarada with two tomoe.
Depending on how far we get next time there might be a chidori in the near future and I’m so ready for it.
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marx48 · 8 years
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