badbyeoah · 4 years
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childotkw · 3 years
i'm actually very new to the fandom, so if wont take much of your time, i would love knowing the classics? honestly, i thought consuming shadows and you belong to me (ibty) were one of them!! it's been quite a few months since i read cs and i'm still thinking about the last few chapters, and how everything came to that point. it's so incredible to think about all those events and the development that you slowly gave to their relationship, beautifully done, i still think i was reading a book, because seriously!! (anyway, one last question, when you started writing cs, did you know how it was going to end?) take care jordan!
Oh gosh, thank you! I'm not sure if I'd count myself in the 'classics' haha, but that's a matter of perspective I guess! I suppose I have been writing them for a long time now...I think it's just weird to me that people have been following it for so many years 😅
But I'm happy to share some of my favourite, older tomarry stories! Some of these were huge inspirations to me when I started CS!
The Art of Hidden Personas by whitedwarf
Dreams and Darkness Collide & Death of Today by epicsolemnity
The Train to Nowhere, Don't Fuck With Florists (They'll Fuck You Up) & If Them's the Rules by MayMarlow
Full circle by tetsurashian
Wear Me Like A Locket Around Your Throat by VivyPotter
No Glory by ObsidianPen (Need to be logged in to read)
As for CS's ending, I had about 80% of the story plotted out before I started, including the ending (and the sequel). I haven't strayed too far, and we're still on track to have the original ending - so I think I've done well, all things considered hahaha
You take care too, darling xx
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maydei · 13 years
My favorite fanfiction has once again taken over my life.
Death Of Today
To anyone who reads it, it seems weird, but give it a chance. It's honestly one of my favorite fics of all time, but the authoress takes about ten chapters to set the scene and really get the ball rolling. If you make it all the way through Act I, Act II will blow your fucking mind.
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childotkw · 5 years
Yo the question about immunity; that series is amazing!! Not that you need help or anything at all with writing bc youre great at detailing and allowing us to visualise things, but that series has done an original story really really well. You and epicsolemnity are the only people I’d actually trust to create a really good original series PSA to those that haven’t read epicsolemnitys work (her Harry Potter/voldemort fics and original work) go read that while waiting for Jordan do upload
Oh wow thank you so much! That’s such a huge compliment. I fully recommend people reading epicsolemnity’s works. Excellent writer, you won’t be disappointed. 
And you don’t even know what my original story is really about XD it might be shit.
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childotkw · 5 years
A wild ride indeed. I just wanted to know what you think of Micah. Cause he's such a great character and I'm as gone for him as I am for Hadrian. Since you're a writer a wanted a more informed opinion on his personality. And I know epicsolemnity answers asks, but you have always such a way to understand characters that I thought it woundn't hurt to ask
I’ve only read the first few chapters, so I don’t have a firm grasp of his character just yet.
But from what I have read, I find him very intriguing. I think the careful balance in his relationship with his mother is very well done, that love-hate pull, the manipulations, the reading what’s not said, more than what is - it’s all very well presented and established early. And you can see even from the first few chapters how much of a pull she has over him, and likely continue to have over him despite what might happen.
I think he’s a very cunning character, but there is a naivety to how he approaches certain character and situations that shows he is still a caring person, and not totally ‘cold’ or ‘detached’. 
He was raised a soldier, a politician and now that he has essentially outgrown his space, he’s gnawing to be let off the chain. And he is but while he lands on his feet, he stumbles. He makes mistakes, and that’s very important too.
No character should be perfect. If they don’t make mistakes, then they’re not interesting. We like reading about the failures more than the successes. And it shows us again how young he is compared to those he’s up against. He has - as he and some others note in the story - a lot to learn before he’s at their level.
His relationship with his uncle is also fascinating and engaging to read. The shifts in power and the word games they play have a nice flow, and it speaks of their own emotions regarding the other. Micah has been going feral for a challenge, then this one - the biggest he could have gotten - smacks right into him and despite knowing he isn’t fully ready, he still jumps right in because finally he has something that he can use all his skills on. Again - that eagerness and excitement, while tempered by his caution and wariness, is another indicator of his youth.
I don’t have too much more to say about him yet, but I like how he was introduced, and what he’s done so far.
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maydei · 13 years
This is apparently the night of "Give Dei all the fic feels".
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