#Episode 374
syvellsworld · 5 months
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forensicated · 6 months
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...and not forgetting Santa Dan's Super Special Little Helper!
Tony Twinkle Toes!
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chidvri · 1 year
lmao idk why but orochimaru is growing on me. i remember how i used to hate him when i just met him as a character. now? idk, there's something about this sneaky fella.
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9thdimension · 1 year
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zoroooo 🫂
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"Voyager’s “Retrospect” is by far its worst episode, and certainly one of the worst episodes of the entire franchise. It has incredibly bad writing, especially when it comes to the Doctor and Janeway, which sadly negatively impacted my opinion of the two for the rest of the show. To be honest I try to act as if the episode never happened. I know what the writer’s aim was with it, but they missed entirely. The fact that I barely ever see it included in “worst episode” discussions or polls baffles me. Compared to this, Threshold is a cinematic masterpiece and a fun field trip."
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un-pearable · 1 year
yeah yeah nine in the last few eps is fascinating and the question of how much he actually believes what he’s saying to the eggman vs is just saying that to convince them is a good question but sorry im still stuck on his reaction in ep3… you meet the first person in your life who is absolutely thrilled to meet you, who cares about you and is SO happy to find you and treats you like an equal and like a brother friend and wants to help you - and sure, you don’t quite get what he’s going on about but he’s weird anyway, everything’s going too fast to worry about big picture stuff yet, and he listens to you. he listens to you.
you find the crystal and he’s heartbroken. he doesn’t want to know you, he thinks you’re just a part of someone else. just a version of someone he cares about. something he needs to fix.
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clairz · 3 months
u.snjfkllfsE>.....sfj m. wehhf's,;, <,stid,m slgnjkfnge........
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risequotes · 1 month
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 374
April: Donnie, have you been experimenting on their brains again?
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(Season 1, Episode 25 - Insane in the Mama Train)
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newcathedrals · 28 days
who was Augusta Chiwy?
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Episode 6 of Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, but I think writer Bruce C. McKenna made a huge error in only including Augusta Chiwy as a background character with no name in the episode, while Renée is a focus. I did some research on this amazing hero, who honestly deserves a miniseries of her own.
Renée Lemaire and Augusta Marie Chiwy (pronounced shee-wee) were nurses that lived in Belgium before the Battle of the Bulge. They volunteered to help Dr. John ‘Jack’ Prior (who was assigned to the 20th Armored Infantry Battalion) when the battle started. Dr. Prior evacuated the wounded soldiers he was taking care of from Noville to Bastogne as Noville was taken by German troops. Lemaire and Chiwy both volunteered to help Dr. Prior take care of the massive amounts of wounded men who were brought from the front lines into Bastogne. 
Augusta was born in Belgian-colonized Africa (in the part that is now Burundi) to a Belgian father and African mother. Her family moved to Belgium when she was a child, and she trained as a nurse there. She was visiting Bastogne to see her father when the Battle of the Bulge began. She chose to use her skills as a nurse to help the soldiers who were trying to defend Bastogne from German forces. 
Augusta Chiwy was heroic in her work during the Battle of the Bulge. War historian Peter Chaddick-Adams wrote that “Chiwy accompanied ‘Doc’ Prior to collect casualties from Mardasson Hill, north-east of Bastogne, wearing a GI uniform because her own clothes had become saturated with blood.” Chaddick-Adams wrote that Dr. Prior thought that bullets missed Augusta as she was out on the line because she was “so small.” Augusta was only 23 years old when she cared for hundreds of soldiers during the battle. 
Renée Lemaire was killed by the Luftwaffe on December 23 when German aircraft bombed the Bastogne aid station, along with thirty wounded soldiers who were also inside. Augusta Chiwy was blown through a wall but miraculously survived the bombing. Her contributions to saving lives, and providing comfort to many soldiers in their last moments were largely unrecognized until 2011, when Augusta Chiwy was granted Knighthood by the king of Belgium for her service in the battle. The American ambassador to Belgium also presented Chiwy with the Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service. At this ceremony, Chiwy said: “What I did was very normal. I would have done it for anyone. We are all children of God.”
She passed away at 94 years old on August 23, 2015. 
Snow and Steel: The Battle of the Bulge, 1944-45 by Peter Caddick-Adams, pages 374-375 
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georgies-ftts · 9 months
my genuine thoughts and reactions watching One Piece as someone who has never consumed a different piece of One Piece media before
spoilers… obviously…
Episode 1:
thick glaswegian accent straight away you’ve won me over
this guys moustache is immaculate kinda looks like every version of captain hook ever mushed into one
i recognise the scottish guy
random guy #374’s sideburns are… definitely there
slay drop a bomb before you’re executed horribly
cracker opening theme actually 9/10 should’ve been longer
fourth wall break?
nope he’s talking to a bird
okay funky trouser man you shout into the abyss
this birds got better drip than me
‘Mutiny’ funny actually
he’s not having a good time
what the actual fuck is that ship
aldiva? love of my life?
Koby needs a fresh trim… probably… idk
love me some cheeky windmills
i recognise red hair hat man too
that kids fully gonna die
luffy is fuckin nuts
is he eating… raw??? steak???
australian pink haired harrypotter is about to shit himself
dudes about to get his shit rocked
funky hat man??? is fucking??? elastic
rope burn doesn’t exist in this universe
elastic head is genuinely fuckin horrific
but also slay
think i’m gonna like depressed green hair man
Mr 7 is wearing two ruffs….
‘My favourite is number 1’ fuck him up emotionally i like it
and then fuck him physically this is going grand actually
sword fights that are choreographed immaculately and with fluid camera movements truly do hold a very special place in my heart
oh wait is the luffy kid funky straw hat man
“your mug” yes get that slang in there
wait but luffy has a steady american accent with no twangs
purple orb i’d eat it
oh so would he apparently
what the fuck it’s green
who the fuck is red haired hat man i can’t be bothered to pull up imdb
don’t kill shanks he treats the bar staff with respect
he was in ‘fresh meat’ i found him
he’s so gonna die
i’d slap man bun guy so fuckin hard
luffy needs to like… have a nap or something
woah luffy straight in there with the insults
he had a munch and now he’s a bit bendy
now i recognise koby jesus christ
didn’t need to slap the poor guy jesus
koby is cute i like them
ginger woman floating in the sea
“sweetheart” fucking get rid of them
is she gonna fuck em up
slay queen found a new love of my life and she’s wearing funky socks
‘where’s my face?’ bruvva i could squish your cheeks like a toddler that wall is not for you
it’s green haired sword guy love him
“one for my friend” dude that is a body. in a sack.
it’s ginger sock girl, marry me
blonde british man is gonna catch these fists, sir that is a child leave her alone
lucious malfoy looking ass
yes Zoro (the subtitles are the only reason i know what’s goi-)
did he just eat that off the floor.
blonde british man is fucking terrifying
another sword fight???????
kolby you are me actually
fuck them up fuck them up fuck them up
i’m a lesbian but i do think green haired man just turned me bisexual
“my father” jesus fuckin christ they hired draco malfoy
like the rum???
jesus christ daddy’s boy needs a fuckin gag or some shit
i want Zoro’s earrings please
why does this man have a metal plate bolted into his face
“where does it even go” i think you know
koby realising not everything that’s made out to be ‘good’ is always good slay, we love a little bit of depth
i love a cgi sewer pipe
jesus chrrriiiiiiist draco malfoy is back
kick him in the balls
“when i get down” dude you are literally half on the floor already….
my wife ginger socks girl is back everything is good
she’s gone again, devastated
luffy kinda has the percy jackson cockiness yknow?
luffy 10/10 would do a phycology gcse
fucking english bastards ruining everything
it’s fine she fucked em up again
what is the grand line may i ask
her eyes are stunning
i think she just shat herself
draco malfoy needs to go what the-
that’s his bare arse
chop his dick off
i beg you
i think luffy just wants some friends
she’s a pickpocket too holy fuck-
“i’m never joining” yuh huh sure
why’s she searching the papers on the desk surely they would be in a draw or some shit or like a secret message or something
win for luffy
153rd marines really doesn’t sound all that threatening
so he’s like… hench as fuck too?
protect the hat luffy as you should
green haired man’s just pitched up c’mon
slay, literally and figuratively
is he wearing zebra trousers?
not where i thought the sword went…
yeaaahhh fuck him up
that kick was fucking immaculate
so green man is also fuckin hench???
oi listen to the queen
zoro smiled that’s it life is good
koby no don’t
okay koby you slay love you
you keep them massive fuck off glasses safe
do they meet again? please tell my they meet again and they both live and are happy i will cry-
ooo action music my favourite kind of tv music
what the fuck is that snail and why is it also a phone
they took your mum actually
a pirate in a straw hat who’s skin is made of rubber thankyou
ooo new emo green haired man
they infact we’re not planning anything ever
that’s that one guy from agents of shield
jesus he’s fuckin creepy
oh that’s terrifying actually
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new tentative predictions for this season and what will happen in each episode
i'm so hyped for the rest of this season but also. so much of the manga we still have to wait for s8 for. let's see how much exactly
manga spoilers below cut
star vs. tomura START [329-331]
star vs. tomura END, class A's first appearance [332-335]
class A training montage, UA traitor reveal, [336-337]
izuku and iida meet with hatsume, aizawa talks to aoyama [338-340]
toga visits her childhood home, class A learn the plans for the final war, izuku and ochako's cliffside chat, war START [341-343]
flashback to the plan to deceive AFO using brainwashing (hi shinso!!), divide and conquer starts, toga yoinks izuku [344-346]
UA big three + jeanist + edgeshot + mandalay + mirko + monoma + aizawa + katsuki vs. "tomura" START, toga's confession to izuku, ochako + tsuyu vs. toga START, shoto vs. dabi START [347-349]
dabi's backstory, shoto vs. dabi pt1 END, shoto's phosphor [350-352]
endeavor vs. AFO START, AFO reveals his involvement with touya, endeavor loses his arm, enter: jirou and tokoyami, jirou loses an ear[353-355]
endeavor vs. AFO CONT. endeavor backstory cut back to the battle on UA's tomb, howitzer impact: cluster [356-358]
enter; UA big three, katsuki's humiliation, tenko shimura mention, suneater's big move [359-361]
katsuki's death, dabi gets back up, skeptic hacks UA, AFO starts to rewind, edgeshot starts to repair katsuki's body [362-364]
edgeshot continues to repair katsuki's body, heroes vs. "tomura" END, izuku's here!, izuku goes ballistic upon seeing katsuki's body, END COUR ONE [365-367]
COUR TWO START, izuku vs. shigaraki START, izuku uses gearshift, mic + koda + shoji vs. spinner + heteromorph army START [368-370]
shoji backstory, koda lore, rush to kurogiri/shirakumo [371-373]
kurogiri uses portals, sad man's parade START, cut to ochako + tsuyu vs. toga, endeavor leaves to fight dabi [374-376]
izuku vs. shigaraki CONT., enter: gentle + la brava, enter: lady nagant, izuku takes shigaraki away from UA [377-379]
business course starts recording, kurogiri takes aizawa and mic in a portal, enter: shiketsu, dark shadow: light of baldur, cut to ochako + tsuyu vs. toga, enter: shinso + machia + kirishima [380-382]
flashback to mina + kirishima + shinsou @ jaku hospital ruins, mina saves shinso from sludge villain, machia lore, news reporter helicopters start circling the fights, tokoyami's defeat, hawks' defeat, AFO steals fierce wings, mineta appears, stain appearance [383-385]
dabi threatens to explode, AFO speeds towards shigaraki, all might contacts iida and shoto, iida takes shoto and runs towards dabi, all might intercepts AFO, geten is related to rei, endeavor meets dabi, dabi awakens an ice quirk, enter: mama rei [386-387]
enter: natsuo + fuyumi, iida and shoto reach dabi, the todoroki family all fall unconscious [388-390] [shoto todoroki: rising]
cut to ochako vs. toga, toga's backstory, toga clones a bunch of heroes, toga stabs ochako, ochako's quirk awakening [391-393]
ochako and toga chat about romance, twice clones start to fade, toga transforms into ochako and begins a blood transfusion, toga passes out, cut to all might vs. AFO, all might reveals his mecha suit, all might starts trash talking AFO lmao [394-397]
all might: rising, all might starts using class a's "quirks", aoyama + hagakure appearance, all might uses "navel laser", hagakure is visible, enter: stain! [398-400]
stain's defeat, AFO tries to use his warp quirk, AFO dangles all might for izuku to see, all might tries to self-destruct and fails, AFO begins ripping all might in half, an explosion is heard from UA, katsuki's revival. END SEASON 7 [401-403]
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chiefobrienatwork · 11 months
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EPISODE 374: Away Mission (Part 21)
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forensicated · 6 months
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Santa Dan 😍😍😍😍
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gifsbykat · 1 month
83 gifs have been added to the gif pack of lily gladstone as cam bentland in under the bridge (episode 5), bringing the total to 374 gifs. CLICK THE SOURCE LINK to be directed to the original post.
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9thdimension · 1 year
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thriller bark nami 🏰
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blameitontheanon · 2 years
Just when I couldn’t love wwdits more I just found out that Tig Fong - the incredible stunt coordinator and director and the person behind all Guillermo’s badassery and the one playing Kublai! - is a proud queer trans pan autistic human. 😭😭😭 Bless this show.
Go follow them on ig and watch their episode of behind the shadows!
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