#Error 409: Conflicting Codes
youraverageaemondsimp · 2 months
Just for reference in the future error 404 is connection not found BUT error 500 is internal server error which is much more appropriate name for the story
Hello! Thank you for telling me sweetie but I am already aware of it, Aemond goes through multiple errors in the story that include errors 400, 401, 403, 404, 409, 410, 422, 423, 500, 501, 502, 503
And I just chose the most catchy one out it, which is 404, it is also a type of error everyone has the basic idea about, which means like you said, "connection/source not found"
The corruption and the sentience of his system is the reason for all the errors that occur in his source code, his entire processing unit is corrupted and is unable to accept commands, or do anything the reader has requested.
(Of course such type of error overload is practically impossible in real life, any sci-fi fic will begin to fall apart when you look at the actual programming bits, also those are all web related errors, I'm pretty sure that robots have a different type of code buttttttttt yeah)
Thanks for letting me know though! It shows that y'all really enjoy my stories thoroughly waaaaa 💗💗💗💗💗💗😭😭😭
And for the people who wanna know what those error codes mean, they will be explained under the cut:
400 - bad request: server cannot process the request due to syntax errors, invalid data, etc.
401 - unauthorized: same as 400.
403 - forbidden: the client does not have the sufficient rights to access the required resource.
404 - not found: the request source does not exist in the server, so connection error.
409 - conflict: the request cannot be completed due to a conflict with the source.
410 - gone: the requested resource has previously existed but is completely deleted and cannot be restored.
422 - unprocessable entity: the server understands the request but does not process it due to data errors.
423 - locked: resource is locked and cannot be processed.
500 - internal server error: the server encounters unexpected circumstances that prevent it from completing the received request.
501 - not implemented: server does not support the functionality required to process the client's request.
502 - bad gateway: the server that acts as a proxy received an incorrect response from another server.
503 - service unavailable: the server is temporarily unable to process requests.
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thezocker · 1 year
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Something new appeared into the multiverse of Undertale! And their name is Error402!
The abilities/hax of Error402:
Blue screen of death
Access denied: This error occurs if the user doesn't have privileges to a file, or if it has been locked by some program or user.
607 Unwanted: The called party did not want this call from the calling party. Future attempts from the calling party are likely to be similarly rejected.
606 Not Acceptable: The user's agent was contacted successfully but some aspects of the session description such as the requested media, addressing style were not acceptable.
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere: The server has authoritative information that the requested user does not exist anywhere.
599 Network Connect Timeout Error.
598 Network read timeout error.
561 Unauthorised: An error around authentication returned by a server registered with a load balancer. You configured a listener rule to authenticate users, but the identity provider (IdP) returned an error code when authenticating the user.
530 Site is frozen.
529 Site is overloaded.
524 A Timeout Occurred.
523 Origin Is Unreachable.
522 Connection Timed Out.
511 Network Authentication Require.
510 Not Extended: Further extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfil it.
508 Loop Detected: The server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.
503 Service Unavailable.
501 Not Implemented:The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfil the request.
500 Internal Server Error: A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable.
499 Client Closed Request Used when the client has closed the request before the server could send a response.
488 Not Acceptable: Here Some aspect of the session description is not acceptable.
487 Request Terminated: Request has terminated by bye or cancel.
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist: Server received a request that does not match any dialog or transaction.
480 Temporarily Unavailable: Callee currently unavailable.
470 Consent Needed: The source of the request did not have the permission of the recipient to make such a request.
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons.
450 Blocked by Windows Parental Controls
449 Retry With.
444 No Response
440 Login Time-out The client's session has expired and must log in again.
433 Anonymity Disallowed: The request has been rejected because it was anonymous.
431 Request Header Fields Too Large: The server is unwilling to process the request because either an individual header field, or all the header fields collectively, are too large.
430 Flow Failed: A specific flow to a user agent has failed, although other flows may succeed. This response is intended for use between proxy devices, and should not be seen by an endpoint (and if it is seen by one, should be treated as a 400 Bad Request response).
429 Too Many Requests: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Intended for use with rate-limiting schemes.
424 Failed Dependency: The request failed because it depended on another request and that request failed.
423 Locked: The resource that is being accessed is locked.
422 Unprocessable Entity: The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
421 Misdirected Request:The request was directed at a server that is not able to produce a response.
417 Expectation Failed:The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
410 Gone: Indicates that the resource requested was previously in use but is no longer available and will not be available again.
409 Conflict: Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the current state of the resource, such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates.
408 Request Timeout.
407 Proxy Authentication Required: The client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.
406 Not Acceptable.
405 Method Not Allowed.
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible.
403 Forbidden: The request contained valid data and was understood by the server, but the server is refusing action.
402 Payment Required. Error402 blocked your access to do anything in order to attack and even leave you need to pay him.
401 Unauthorised.
400 Bad Request:The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error.
301 Moved Permanently.
299 Miscellaneous Persistent Warning Same as 199, but indicating a persistent warning.
204 No Content.
203 Non-Authoritative Information.
202 Accepted: The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not be eventually acted upon, and may be disallowed when processing occurs.
201 Created The request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource.
199 Miscellaneous Warning: Arbitrary, non-specific warning. The warning text may be logged or presented to the user.
113 Heuristic Expiration:The cache heuristically chose a freshness lifetime greater than 24 hours and the response's age is greater than 24 hours.
112 Disconnected Operation:The cache is intentionally disconnected from the rest of the network.
111 Revalidation Failed: The cache was unable to validate the response, due to an inability to reach the origin server.
110 Response is Stale: The response provided by a cache is stale.
100 Trying: Extended search being performed may take a significant time so a forking proxy must send a 100 Trying response.
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Also Surprise Surprise im making a post to pin (its this one)
Anyways hellooooo there! Im Klefiki (friends call me Kiwi) and I write a fun lil fic called "Star Crossed Souls"
Its a slowburn and soulmate au fic where shits abt to start going very wrong very fast, there will be simping from the robots and also the afton virus breaking out! Feel free to ask me stuff abt it (its posted on ao3 )
I also run a dnd homebrew for Fnaf! Its called "Error 409: Conflicting Codes" and (with my players permission) ill post art from moments of the campaign, reblog any they make (if they make any) quote stuff, or share things that were ideas set aside or conflicts that were avoided.
The newly rebuilt megaplex with a larger layout, more attractions, and more animatronics had a programming error the first day. Locking all guests and staff inside. The animatronics infected with an odd virus have been killing guests left and right when our party find themselves running into eacother as a ragtag group of survivors! Something in the building is canceling communications, but not all animatronics are fully infected quite yet. Can they save them?
(Edit bc im talking abt Shelter means family and Something borrowed, something taken aus)
Shelter means family is a post apocalyptic au where reader snuck into the plex and lived there w/o being caught for a while! They learn to trust and all that but its written as crack taken seriously! The afton virus rears its head as the world begins to heal, and it turns out the virus was the cause of the world going bad in the first place. It cajt damage the world anymore but it tries to damage the found family. Also its a sun and moon x readerbut the relationship isnt the main focus? Reader finding a place they belong is
Something borrowed, Something taken is a kinda repo the genetic opera mixed w the cartoon mo ir robots, people buy or rebt mechanical parts for themselves, they get warranties and upgrades out of fear of being left behind to rot. If your mechanical bits get extremely damaged theyre five times as expensive to repair bc they KNOW youre depserate. Reader (AT HUGE RISK TO THEMSELVES) pretends their tablet glitches out and crashes when trying to input things for "repair" and either charged nothing or a really reasonable price. This does indeed come back to bite them in the ass.
This one is also a sun and moon x reader bc I love them
Anyways feel free to ask me stuff abt these things or just random stuff in general! I love being able to talk w people
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compneuropapers · 3 years
Interesting Papers for Week 38, 2021
Disentangling perceptual awareness from nonconscious processing in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Ben-Haim, M. S., Dal Monte, O., Fagan, N. A., Dunham, Y., Hassin, R. R., Chang, S. W. C., & Santos, L. R. (2021). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(15).
How usefulness shapes neural representations during goal-directed behavior. Castegnetti, G., Zurita, M., & De Martino, B. (2021). Science Advances, 7(15), eabd5363.
A cross-species neural integration of gravity for motor optimization. Gaveau, J., Grospretre, S., Berret, B., Angelaki, D. E., & Papaxanthis, C. (2021). Science Advances, 7(15), eabf7800.
Parallel and Serial Sensory Processing in Developing Primary Somatosensory and Motor Cortex. Gómez, L. J., Dooley, J. C., Sokoloff, G., & Blumberg, M. S. (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, 41(15), 3418–3431.
Sustained Activation of PV+ Interneurons in Core Auditory Cortex Enables Robust Divisive Gain Control for Complex and Naturalistic Stimuli. Gothner, T., Gonçalves, P. J., Sahani, M., Linden, J. F., & Hildebrandt, K. J. (2021). Cerebral Cortex, 31(5), 2364–2381.
Nonlinear Spatial Integration Underlies the Diversity of Retinal Ganglion Cell Responses to Natural Images. Karamanlis, D., & Gollisch, T. (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, 41(15), 3479–3498.
Energetics of stochastic BCM type synaptic plasticity and storing of accurate information. Karbowski, J. (2021). Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 49(2), 71–106.
Lung mediated auditory contrast enhancement improves the Signal-to-noise ratio for communication in frogs. Lee, N., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., White, L. A., Schrode, K. M., & Bee, M. A. (2021). Current Biology, 31(7), 1488-1498.e4.
Can the Brain Build Probability Distributions? Lindskog, M., Nyström, P., & Gredebäck, G. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 826.
Robust vestibular self-motion signals in macaque posterior cingulate region. Liu, B., Tian, Q., & Gu, Y. (2021). eLife, 10, e64569.
Processing of motion boundary orientation in macaque V2. Ma, H., Li, P., Hu, J., Cai, X., Song, Q., & Lu, H. D. (2021). eLife, 10, e61317.
Monosynaptic inference via finely-timed spikes. Platkiewicz, J., Saccomano, Z., McKenzie, S., English, D., & Amarasingham, A. (2021). Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 49(2), 131–157.
Acquisition of innate odor preference depends on spontaneous and experiential activities during critical period. Qiu, Q., Wu, Y., Ma, L., Xu, W., Hills, M., Ramalingam, V., & Yu, C. R. (2021). eLife, 10, e60546.
Signed and unsigned reward prediction errors dynamically enhance learning and memory. Rouhani, N., & Niv, Y. (2021). eLife, 10, e61077.
Inter-mosaic coordination of retinal receptive fields. Roy, S., Jun, N. Y., Davis, E. L., Pearson, J., & Field, G. D. (2021). Nature, 592(7854), 409–413.
A diffusion model analysis of belief bias: Different cognitive mechanisms explain how cognitive abilities and thinking styles contribute to conflict resolution in reasoning. Schubert, A.-L., Ferreira, M. B., Mata, A., & Riemenschneider, B. (2021). Cognition, 211, 104629.
Minute-encoding neurons in hippocampal-striatal circuits. Shikano, Y., Ikegaya, Y., & Sasaki, T. (2021). Current Biology, 31(7), 1438-1449.e6.
Predictive coding models for pain perception. Song, Y., Yao, M., Kemprecos, H., Byrne, A., Xiao, Z., Zhang, Q., … Chen, Z. S. (2021). Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 49(2), 107–127.
Analysis of extracellular spike waveforms and associated receptive fields of neurons in cat primary visual cortex. Sun, S. H., Almasi, A., Yunzab, M., Zehra, S., Hicks, D. G., Kameneva, T., … Meffin, H. (2021). Journal of Physiology, 599(8), 2211–2238.
Cholinergic suppression of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples impairs working memory. Zhang, Y., Cao, L., Varga, V., Jing, M., Karadas, M., Li, Y., & Buzsáki, G. (2021). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(15).
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troydrea415 · 4 years
HTTP response status codes indicate if a particular HTTP request was successfully finished
HTTP reaction status codes reveal no matter whether a specific HTTP petition has been successfully completed. Responses are grouped in 5 courses:
If you are provided a response that isn't really Within this listing, it really is a non-normal reply, potentially custom made to the server's program.
Information answers
100 ContinueThis interim response suggests that anything up to now is OK and the shopper need to continue on the ask for, or disregard the response If your petition is now finished. 101 Switching ProtocolThis code is sent in reaction to an Upgrade ask for header from the buyer, and indicates the protocol the server is switching to. 103 Historical HintsThis standing code is largely meant to generally be utilized with the hyperlink header, enabling the shopper agent commence preloading means although the host prepares an answer.
Successful responses
200 OKThe request has succeeded. The that means with the achievement depends on the HTTP strategy:
GET: The useful resource was fetched and is also transmitted from the concept overall body.
PUT or Put up: The resource describing the end result of the motion is despatched in the message system.
201 Produced The ask for has succeeded in addition to a brand-new resource was developed For that reason. This is normally the response despatched right after Article requests, or any Place requests. 202 AcceptedThe petition was received although not still acted upon. It is actually noncommittal, considering the fact that you will find absolutely not any way in HTTP to later mail an asynchronous response suggesting the effects with the request. It really is intended for circumstances in which Yet another method or server handles the request, or for batch processing. 203 Non-Authoritative Info This reaction code means the returned meta-information and facts isn't precisely the same as is offered through the supply server, but is collected from the community or a third-social gathering backup. This is chiefly used for mirrors or backups of a unique resource. Except for that specific scenario, the"two hundred OK" reaction is favored to this standing. 204 No Contentthere is absolutely not any product to ship for this ask for, however the headers could be useful. 205 Reset ContentTells the consumer-agent to reset the report which sent this petition. 206 Partial ContentThis reply code is applied when the Range header is shipped from the consumer to ask for just Component of a resource. 207 Multi-Status (WebDAV)Conveys specifics of many sources, this kind of circumstances where by various position codes may well be ideal. 208 Already Reported (WebDAV)Used within a reaction element to stay away from consistently enumerating the inner members of a number of bindings towards the identical selection. 226 IM Used (HTTP Delta encoding)The server has fulfilled a GET petition for the resource, and also the reaction is often a illustration with the consequence of additional occasion-manipulations placed on the current situation.
Redirection messages
300 Multiple Option The ask for has about one prospective reaction. The user-agent or user has to decide on between them. (There is no standardized way of picking among the responses, but HTML links into the possibilities are recommended so the person can decide.) 301 Moved PermanentlyThe URL on the asked for useful resource has long been altered for good. The brand new URL is provided within the reply. 302 FoundThis reply code implies the URI of requested resource was adjusted briefly. Even more modifications while in the URI could be made later on. Therefore, this exact same URI really should be applied through the shopper in foreseeable future requests. 303 See OtherThe waiter sent this reaction to immediate the customer to receive the asked for source at Yet another URI with a GET ask for. 304 Not ModifiedThis is utilized for caching applications. It tells the shopper the reaction hasn't nonetheless been altered, And so the buyer can go on to employ exactly the same cached Variation of this reaction. 305 Use Proxy Outlined in a very past Variation in the HTTP specification to signify that a asked for reaction has got to be retrieved by indicates of the proxy. It's got been deprecated because of safety concerns regarding in-band configuration of the proxy. 306 unusedThis reaction code isn't any much more utilised; It truly is just reserved. It had been Utilized in a preceding Edition of this HTTP/one.1 specification. 307 Temporary RedirectThe host sends this response to direct the customer to get the requested resource at Yet another URI with very same process that was utilized in the past petition. This has the exact same semantics as the 302 Identified HTTP reaction code, Using the exception the consumer representative should not modify the HTTP approach utilized: When a Article was utilised in the First ask for, a Publish should be utilized at the second petition. 308 Permanent RedirectThis suggests which the useful resource has grown to be forever Found at another URI, supplied from the Locale: HTTP Response header. This has the very same semantics since the 301 Moved Permanently HTTP response code, Along with the exception the user agent need to not change the HTTP strategy utilised: If a Write-up was utilized in the initially request, a Publish must be applied in the next petition.
Client error responses
400 Bad RequestThe server couldn't understand the request due to invalid syntax. To paraphrase, the client ought to authenticate itself to get the requested response. 402 Payment Required This reply code is reserved for foreseeable future utilization. The First intention for producing this code was making use of it for electronic payment techniques, but this status code could be utilised pretty sometimes and no standard Conference exists. 403 ForbiddenThe customer will not have obtain rights to the content material; that is, it truly is unauthorized, so the server is not able to give the requested useful resource. Contrary to 401, the customer's identity is named the host. 404 Not FoundThe equipment cannot locate the asked for useful resource. In the browser, this usually means the URL is not regarded. In an API, this can also point out the endpoint is legit but the resource itself isn't going to exist. Servers may also deliver this reaction as opposed to 403 to hide the existence of the source from an unauthorized client. This reply code is most likely probably the most famed just one because of its Repeated occurrence on the net. 405 Method Not AllowedThe request strategy is comprehended through the server but is disabled and won't be able to be employed. Through instance, an API might forbid DELETE-ing a resource. Both Obligatory techniques, GET and HEAD, really should in no way be disabled and shouldn't return this mistake code. 406 Not AcceptableThis reply is despatched when the World-wide-web server, following accomplishing server-driven content negotiation, will not discover any material which conforms into the benchmarks given because of the consumer agent. 407 Proxy Authentication RequiredThis resembles 401 having said that authentication is essential being achieved by indicates of a proxy. 408 Request TimeoutThis reply is despatched on an idle website link by some servers, even without prior ask for with the customer. It commonly usually means the host would like to shut down this new connection. This response is employed A lot much more because some browsers, like Chrome, Firefox 27+, or IE9, use HTTP pre-connection mechanisms to speed up browsing. Also Be aware that some servers only shut down the link without having sending this data. 409 ConflictThis reaction is shipped whenever a ask for conflicts Along with the current condition in the host. 410 GoneThis respond to is despatched if the asked for information was completely deleted from server, without having forwarding tackle. Consumers are expected to get rid of their caches and hyperlinks to your source. The HTTP specification intends this standing code for use for"restricted-time, marketing products and services". APIs should not experience pressured to indicate resources that are actually deleted with this position code. 411 Length RequiredServer rejected the request due to the fact the Content material-Duration header discipline is just not defined as well as the server desires it. 412 Precondition FailedThe client has indicated preconditions in its own headers that the server doesn't meet. 413 Payload Too LargeAsk for entity is even bigger than limitations described by server; the server may well close the connection or return an Retry-Right after header Discover more here area. 414 URI Too LongThe URI requested with the shopper is lengthier compared to server is prepared to interpret. 415 Unsupported Media TypeThe media framework of this info that may be asked for is just not supported through the server, Therefore the server is rejecting the ask for. 416 Range Not SatisfiableThe scope specified by the Selection header subject in the ask for cannot be fulfilled; it is actually probable which the scope is far from the size of the concentrate on URI's information. 417 Expectation FailedThis response code signifies the anticipation indicated through the Anticipate request header industry can not be fulfilled from the host. 421 Misdirected RequestThe petition was directed in a host which is not in the position to generate a reaction. This can be despatched by a server which is not configured to develop responses with the combo of plan and authority which are A part of the request URI. 422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)The ask for was well-fashioned but was not able for being followed due to semantic problems. 423 Locked (WebDAV)The resource that has actually been accessed is locked. 424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV)The ask for failed because of failure of the previous petition. 425 Too Early Suggests which the server is unwilling to risk processing a petition which may be replayed. 426 Upgrade RequiredThe server will likely not complete the request with the latest protocol but could be keen to do so subsequent the purchaser updates to a unique protocol. The server sends an Update header in a 426 reaction to signify the expected protocol(s). 428 Precondition RequiredThe origin server needs the petition to come to be conditional. This reaction is meant to guard versus the'misplaced update' challenge, by which a purchaser Receives a source's point out, modifies it, and Places back to the host, when In the meantime a 3rd party has modified the condition on the host, resulting in a fight. 429 Too Many RequestsThe user has sent a lot of requests inside of a precise period of your time ("fee limiting"). 431 Request Header Fields Too LargeThe server is unwilling to procedure the request due to the fact its very own header fields are excessively huge. The ask for may very well be resubmitted soon after minimizing the sizing with the ask for header fields. 451 Unavailable For Legal ReasonsThe person-agent questioned a source that cannot lawfully be supplied, like a web site censored by a govt.
Server mistake answers
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500 Internal Server ErrorThe server has encountered a scenario it would not understand how to handle. 501 Not ImplementedThe ask for technique just isn't supported from the host and can't be dealt with. The sole methods that servers are needed to support (and hence that need to not return this code) are GET and HEAD. 502 Bad GatewayThis oversight response usually means the server, though employed to be a gateway to get a response needed to tackle the ask for, acquired an invalid response. 503 Service UnavailableThe server just isn't All set to handle the ask for. Widespread results in can be a host which is down for maintenance or that's overloaded. Recognize that with this particular reaction, a person friendly website page describing the problem should be despatched. This responses really should be employed for temporary conditions as well as the Retry-After: HTTP header must, if possible, involve the estimated time in advance of the recovery of this ceremony. The webmaster really should also acquire care regarding the caching-relevant headers which are despatched together using this reaction, as these momentary issue responses should not be cached. 504 Gateway TimeoutThis error reaction is offered when the device is acting to be a gateway and cannot get a response in time. 506 Variant Also NegotiatesThe machine has an internal configuration error: the decided on variant useful resource is configured to engage in transparent content material negotiation by itself, and is thus not an appropriate end level within the negotiation procedure. 507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)The process couldn't be performed on the resource because the server is unable to retail outlet the illustration required to correctly total the request. 508 Loop Detected (WebDAV)The
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rowanpbon745 · 4 years
HTTP response status codes indicate if a particular HTTP request was successfully finished
HTTP reaction standing codes suggest no matter whether or not a precise HTTP ask for has long been productively done. Responses are grouped in 5 courses:
From the function you obtain a response that just isn't During this checklist, it's a non-standard response, probably personalized into the host's application.
Information responses
100 ContinueThis interim reaction suggests that every thing is Okay and the client must go on the request, or dismiss the solution In case the petition is presently completed. 101 Switching ProtocolThis code is sent in reaction to a Upgrade request header from the purchaser, and signifies the protocol the server is switching to. 103 Historical HintsThis standing code is mainly supposed to get used applying the hyperlink header, letting the purchaser agent start out preloading assets when the server prepares an answer.
Successful responses
200 OKThe request has succeeded. The significance in the accomplishment is contingent on the HTTP approach:
GET: The supply was fetched and it is despatched during the information entire body.
Place or Write-up: The resource describing the result from the action is despatched into the concept system.
201 Produced The ask for has succeeded and also a new source was made Consequently. This is certainly usually the response despatched after Publish requests, or any PUT requests. 202 AcceptedThe petition continues to be received although not yet acted on. It really is noncommittal, due to the fact there's Certainly not any way in HTTP to Later on deliver an asynchronous reaction suggesting the consequence from the request. It's intended for cases where a special course of action or host handles the request, or for batch processing. 203 Non-Authoritative Info This reply code signifies the returned meta-data isn't accurately the same as is out there with the supply server, but is collected from the regional or even a third-occasion backup. This is certainly generally useful for mirrors or backups of another useful resource. Aside from that unique circumstance, the"200 OK" reaction is desired to this status. 204 No Contentthere is completely not any material to ship for this petition, although the headers may perhaps be practical. The person-agent may well update its cached headers for this useful resource While using the new ones. 205 Reset ContentTells the consumer-agent to reset the doc which sent this petition. 206 Partial ContentThis response code is employed although the Range header is sent by the shopper to request only Portion of a resource. 208 Already Reported (WebDAV)Utilized inside of a remedy component to keep away from regularly enumerating the internal members of several bindings to the exact same collection. 226 IM Used (HTTP Delta encoding)The server has fulfilled a GET ask for to the resource, as well as the solution is often a representation on the consequence of additional occasion-manipulations applied to the current occasion.
Redirection messages
300 Multiple Option The petition has above 1 attainable response. The user-agent or client has to pick between these. (There is certainly no standardized way of deciding upon one among the answers, but HTML links to the prospects are advised so the consumer can select.) The brand new URL is presented inside the reaction. 302 FoundThis response code suggests that the URI of requested resource was modified briefly. Additional variations within the URI may well be gained Later on. So, this identical URI ought to be used with the customer in potential requests. 303 See OtherThe waiter despatched this response to manual the consumer to acquire the requested supply at Yet another URI with a GET ask for. 304 Not ModifiedThis is used for caching features. It tells the consumer that the reaction has not nevertheless been modified, Therefore the consumer can proceed to implement a similar cached version of this response. 305 Use Proxy Outlined in a very previous Model from the HTTP specification to reveal a asked for response needs to be retrieved by suggests of the proxy. It can be been deprecated because of security concerns pertaining to in-band configuration of the proxy. 306 unusedThis reply code is not any much more utilized; it truly is just reserved. It was used in a prior version of the HTTP/1.one specification. 307 Temporary RedirectThe server sends this reaction to immediate the consumer to get the requested source at a special URI with exact same strategy which was applied in the earlier petition. This has the identical semantics given that the 302 Located HTTP answer code, with the exception that the consumer agent shouldn't change the HTTP system utilized: When a Article was utilised in the 1st request, a Put up will have to be utilized in the second request. 308 Permanent RedirectThis usually means the useful resource is now permanently Situated at A different URI, presented from the Locale: HTTP Reaction header. This has the same semantics given that the 301 Moved Permanently HTTP response code, While using the exception the consumer consultant have to not improve the HTTP system employed: When a Submit was utilized in the Preliminary petition, a Submit should be applied while in the up coming ask for.
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Client mistake answers
400 Bad RequestThe server couldn't realize the ask for due to invalid syntax. That may be, the customer need to authenticate by itself to get the requested answer. The Preliminary goal for producing this code has been working with it for electronic payment solutions, but this status code is often used really infrequently and no conventional Conference exists. 403 ForbiddenThe client doesn't have entry rights to this substance; that is, it can be unauthorized, so the server is refusing to deliver the requested useful resource. Compared with 401, the consumer's identification is known to the host. 404 Not FoundThe device cannot locate the requested source. In the browser, this normally usually means the URL is not regarded. In an API, this can also reveal that the endpoint is genuine nevertheless the useful resource alone isn't going to exist. Servers may also ship this response as an alternative to 403 to conceal the event of the supply from an unauthorized consumer. This reaction code is almost certainly by far the most famed one as a consequence of the frequent event online. 405 Method Not AllowedThe petition method is regarded by the server but has been disabled and can't be employed. By the use of occasion, an API may possibly forbid DELETE-ing a useful resource. The two mandatory procedures, GET and HEAD, need to never ever be disabled and should not return this error code. 406 Not AcceptableThis solution http://discorddownn.moonfruit.com/?preview=Y is sent when the server, right after accomplishing server-driven content negotiation, won't uncover any material which adheres on the criteria supplied from the consumer consultant. 407 Proxy Authentication RequiredThis resembles 401 but authentication is essential for being performed by a proxy. 408 Request TimeoutThis reaction is shipped on an idle connection by a few servers, even without prior ask for from the shopper. It commonly implies the server would like to close this down new link. This response may be utilized noticeably more since some browsers, like Chrome, Firefox 27+, or IE9, make the most of HTTP pre-link mechanisms to quicken browsing. Also Be aware that many servers simply shut down the connection with out sending this information. 409 ConflictThis reaction is sent any time a ask for conflicts While using the current state of the server. 410 GoneThis reaction is delivered once the requested information has become forever deleted from server, with out a forwarding address. Consumers are predicted to clear away their caches and hyperlinks on the useful resource. The HTTP specification ideas this position code to be used for"minimal-time, promotional expert services". APIs shouldn't feel pressured to indicate sources that are deleted with this standing code. 411 Length RequiredServer turned down the ask for since the Material-Length header industry just isn't outlined as well as the server needs it. 412 Precondition FailedThe consumer has indicated preconditions in its own headers that the server doesn't satisfy. 413 Payload Too Big Ask for entity is greater than limitations defined by host; the server may well shut the website link or return the Retry-After header area. 414 URI Too LongThe URI requested through the purchaser is longer compared to the server is ready to interpret. 415 Unsupported Media TypeThe media format of the info which is asked for just isn't supported with the host, Therefore the server is rejecting the petition. 416 Range Not SatisfiableThe variety specified by the Assortment header industry in the ask for can't be fulfilled; it is achievable which the scope is outdoors the scale of this concentrate on URI's facts. 417 Expectation FailedThis reaction code signifies the expectation indicated from the Foresee ask for header industry cannot be fulfilled by the host. 418 I'm a teapotThe server refuses the try to brew coffee using a teapot. 421 Misdirected RequestThe ask for was directed in a server which will not be capable to generate a reaction. This might be transmitted by a server that is not configured to develop responses with the combo of scheme and authority that are included in the ask for URI. 422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)The petition was perfectly-fashioned but was not able to get followed because of semantic errors. 423 Locked (WebDAV)The source that has become obtained is locked. 424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV)The request failed on account of failure of a preceding request. 425 Too Early Suggests which the host is unwilling to threat processing a petition that might be replayed. 426 Upgrade RequiredThe server is not going to do the request with the current protocol but might be ready to take action subsequent the client upgrades to One more protocol. The server sends an Update header at a 426 reaction to suggest the obligatory protocol(s). 428 Precondition RequiredThe supply server demands the petition to turn out to be conditional. This response is intended to safeguard against the'shed update' issue, the place a client gets a useful resource's point out, modifies it, and Places back again to the server, when a third party has altered the state within the server, leading to a battle. 429 Too Many RequestsThe person has delivered too many requests in the precise sum of your time ("amount restricting"). 431 Request Header Fields Too Big The server is unwilling to course of action the ask for simply because its header fields are excessively massive. The request may be resubmitted right after lessening the dimension from the request header fields. 451 Unavailable For Legal ReasonsThe person-agent requested a resource which often can't lawfully be furnished, including an internet site censored by a federal government.
Server error responses
500 Internal Server ErrorThe server has encountered a situation it isn't going to learn how to tackle. 501 Not ImplementedThe petition technique isn't supported with the server and are unable to be handled. The one procedures that servers are required to persuade (and as a result that should not return this code) are GET and HEAD. 502 Bad GatewayThis mistake reaction means that the server, when employed as a gateway to have a reaction necessary to manage the ask for, obtained an invalid reaction. 503 Service UnavailableThe machine is just not ready to contend with the request. Regular leads to really are a host that is definitely down for routine maintenance or that is certainly overloaded. Notice that with this response, a person-welcoming web site detailing the problem must be despatched. This solutions should really be useful for short-term disorders in conjunction with also the Retry-Right after: HTTP header must, if at all possible, include the approximated time previous to the recovery of this service. The webmaster need to also acquire care about the caching-related headers that are sent collectively with this particular response, since these short term condition answers ought to ordinarily not be cached. 504 Gateway TimeoutThis error response is provided when the device is performing as a gateway and are unable to obtain a response in time. 505 HTTP Version Not SupportedThe HTTP Variation used in the petition is not really supported with the host. 508 Loop Detected (WebDAV)The server detected an infinite loop whilst processing the ask for. 510 Not ExtendedAdded extensions to the ask for are demanded to the waiter to match it.
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pai-daxing · 4 years
Share some sorted HTTP status codes and detailed explanations
table of Contents
1xx (temporary response) represents a status code that temporarily responds and requires the requester to continue the operation. 2xx (success) indicates the status code of the request successfully processed. 3xx (redirect) indicates that further action is required to complete the request. Usually, these status codes are used for redirection. 4xx (Request error) These status codes indicate that the request may have gone wrong, preventing the server from processing. 5xx (Server Error) These status codes indicate that an internal error occurred when the server was trying to process the request. These errors may be errors in the server itself, rather than request errors.
1xx (temporary response) represents a status code that temporarily responds and requires the requester to continue the operation. 100 (Continue) The requester should continue to make the request. The server returns this code to indicate that it has received the first part of the request and is waiting for the rest.
101 (Switching protocol) The requester has asked the server to switch the protocol, and the server has confirmed and is ready to switch.
2xx (success) indicates the status code of the request successfully processed. 200 (Success) The server has successfully processed the request. Usually, this means that the server provided the requested page.
201 (Created) The request was successful and the server created a new resource.
202 (Accepted) The server has accepted the request, but has not yet processed it.
203 (Non-authorized information) The server has successfully processed the request, but the returned information may come from another source.
204 (No content) The server successfully processed the request, but did not return any content.
205 (Reset content) The server successfully processed the request, but did not return any content.
206 (Partial content) The server successfully processed some GET requests.
3xx (redirect) indicates that further action is required to complete the request. Usually, these status codes are used for redirection. 300 (multiple choices) In response to requests, the server can perform multiple operations. The server can select an operation based on the requester (user agent), or provide a list of operations for the requester to choose.
301 (Moved Permanently) The requested page has been permanently moved to a new location. When the server returns this response (a response to a GET or HEAD request), it will automatically redirect the requester to the new location.
302 (Temporary move) The server currently responds to requests from web pages in different locations, but the requester should continue to use the original location for future requests.
303 (View other locations) The server returns this code when the requester should use separate GET requests for different locations to retrieve the response.
304 (Unmodified) Since the last request, the requested page has not been modified. When the server returns this response, the content of the web page will not be returned.
305 (Use proxy) The requester can only use the proxy to access the requested web page. If the server returns this response, it also indicates that the requester should use a proxy.
307 (Temporary Redirect) The server currently responds to requests from web pages in different locations, but the requester should continue to use the original location for future requests.
4xx (Request error) These status codes indicate that the request may have gone wrong, preventing the server from processing. 400 (Bad request) The server does not understand the syntax of the request.
401 (Unauthorized) The request requires authentication. For web pages that require login, the server may return this response.
403 (Forbidden) The server rejected the request.
404 (Not Found) The server could not find the requested page.
405 (Method Disable) Disable the method specified in the request.
406 (Not accepted) Unable to respond to the requested page with the requested content characteristics.
407 (Proxy authorization required) This status code is similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but specifies that the requester should be authorized to use the proxy. 408 (Request timeout) The server timed out while waiting for the request.
409 (Conflict) The server encountered a conflict while fulfilling the request. The server must include information about the conflict in the response.
410 (Deleted) If the requested resource has been permanently deleted, the server will return this response.
411 (Valid length required) The server does not accept requests without a valid content length header field.
412 (Precondition not met) The server did not meet one of the preconditions set by the requester in the request.
413 (Request entity is too large) The server cannot process the request because the request entity is too large and exceeds the server's processing capacity.
414 (The requested URI is too long) The requested URI (usually a URL) is too long for the server to process.
415 (Unsupported media type) The requested format is not supported by the requested page.
416 (The requested range does not meet the requirements) If the page cannot provide the requested range, the server will return this status code.
417 (Expected value not met) The server did not meet the requirements of the "expected" request header field.
5xx (Server Error) These status codes indicate that an internal error occurred when the server was trying to process the request. These errors may be errors in the server itself, rather than request errors. 500 (Internal Server Error) The server encountered an error and could not complete the request.
501 (Not yet implemented) The server does not have the function to complete the request. For example, the server may return this code when the request method is not recognized.
502 (Bad Gateway) The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.
503 (Service unavailable) The server is currently unavailable (due to overload or maintenance shutdown). Usually, this is only a temporary state.
504 (Gateway timeout) The server was acting as a gateway or proxy, but did not receive a request from the upstream server in time.
505 (HTTP version is not supported) The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
For more information, refer to the blog:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_44273429/article/details/109840532
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Lost in Space 22
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of July!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least three in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have three in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: Anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Broken URLs:
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Clarissa Sonnenschein (ORIGINAL CHARACTER)
Zeed Toven (CONDO 436)
Kaname Date (APARTMENT 323)
Gaige (HOUSE 113)
Louis Asahina (APARTMENT 323)
Edogawa Ranpo (CONDO 464)
Kai Toshiki (Aichi's House [Cotes])
Aslan (CONDO 468)
Queenslayer (CONDO 409)
Neo Cortex (TOWNHOUSE 237)
Yasha Nydoorin (HOUSE 119) *BROKEN URL
Matt (APARTMENT 302)
Mello (Mihael Keehl) (CONDO 427)
Anastasia "Ana" Bray (CONDO 436)
Cayde-6 (CONDO 423)
Saint-14 (CONDO 468)
Connor (CONDO 464)
Dante (APARTMENT 339)
Sora Takenouchi (APARTMENT 312)
Tachikawa Mimi (CONDO 433)
Cassandra (HOUSE 118)
Elsa (HOUSE 125)
Zevran Arainai (APARTMENT 318)
Aaravos (CONDO 403)
Archer (Gilgamesh) (The Golden Obelisk [Sunset Circuit])
Avenger (Angra Mainyu) (TOWNHOUSE 207)
Caster (Sieg) (HOUSE 130)
Lancer (Diarmuid Ua Duibhne) (Southern Clocktower [The Mistwood])
Rider of Black (Astolfo) (HOUSE 137)
Alphinaud Leveilleur (HOUSE 135)
Ignis Scientia (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Omega Weapon (HOUSE 111)
Ravus Nox Fleuret (TOWNHOUSE 243)
Rufus Shinra (APARTMENT 315)
Hilda Valentine Goneril (CONDO 411)
Haru Sohma (CONDO 402)
Red Riding Hood, Emma (HOUSE 129)
Dizzy (CONDO 433)
I-no (APARTMENT 325)
Hua Cheng (APARTMENT 307)
Leo Valdez (HOUSE 102)
Diamonds Droog (CONDO 403)
Chu Wanning (APARTMENT 309)
Dice Arisugawa (APARTMENT 306)
Hifumi Izanami (APARTMENT 312)
Bruno Bucciarati (TOWNHOUSE 227)
Kira Yoshikage (HOUSE 127) *BROKEN URL
Narancia Ghirga (APARTMENT 337)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni (TOWNHOUSE 225)
Roxas (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Vanitas (CONDO 465)
Ahri (APARTMENT 307)
Elias Bouchard (APARTMENT 327)
Peter Parker (Spiderman) (APARTMENT 318)
Jiang Yanli (CONDO 420)
Nie Huaisang (HOUSE 136)
Mae Borowski (HOUSE 136)
Margaret Moonlight (CONDO 410)
Yamata no Orochi (CONDO 404)
Clarissa Sonnenschein (APARTMENT 324) *BROKEN URL
Enoch Abzu (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Eris Kihara (HOUSE 105)
Felice Grimaldi (APARTMENT 304)
Mizi Unipao (CONDO 416)
Shiroki Nakahara (CONDO 409)
Amity Blight (CONDO 415)
Ryuji Sakamoto (TOWNHOUSE 215)
Christine Daaé (CONDO 417)
Raoul de Chagny (APARTMENT 368)
Mewtwo (HOUSE 112)
Chell (APARTMENT 324)
Kazumi (CONDO 407)
Neptune Vasillias (APARTMENT 334)
Propeller Knight (HOUSE 109)
Gretel (TOWNHOUSE 234)
Star Butterfly (APARTMENT 304)
Hibiki Tachibana (Setsuna's House [Golden])
Nene Yashiro (HOUSE 122)
Remilia Scarlet (HOUSE 135)
Bumblebee (OUTSIDE)
Masaki Takigawa (APARTMENT 306)
Jaina Proudmoore (HOUSE 131)
Torque (APARTMENT 309)
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codehunter · 2 years
Raising A Custom Error with Flask-Restful
All, I'm trying to raise a custom error using Flask-Restful, following the docs. For testing purposes, I've defined and registered the errors dictionary exactly link in the docs: api = flask_restful.Api(app, errors=errors).
However, when I want to raise the custom error using (e.g.) abort(409) within the resource module, firebug reports:
{ "message": "Conflict", "status": 409 }
This seems like the standard 409 error, nothing custom; from the docs, I would expect the custom error message- "A user with that username already exists."
I think I'm missing something regarding the raising of the error itself. Should I use the dictionary key in any way? Reviewing the Flask-Restful source code didn't help, though I tried.
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techyblogger · 4 years
Tumblr media
409 Conflict Issue on Contact Us page https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/lboefx/409_conflict_issue_on_contact_us_page/
While i check website in Screaming Frog it shows Status Code 409 with Status Conflict on Contact us page.
I checked some other websites of mine they also show same error for Contact us page only.
Any one can help?
submitted by /u/iconicfreelancer [link] [comments] February 03, 2021 at 07:44PM
0 notes
tak4hir0 · 5 years
Written by Pascal Chambon, reviewed by Raphaël Gomès Update: this article mostly deals with the RESTish ecosystem, which now constitutes a major part of webservices. For more in-depth analysis of the original REST, and of HATEOAS, see my follow-up article. How come REST means so much WORK? This is both a paradox, and a shameless pun. Let’s dive further into the artificial problems born from this design philosophy. BEWARE : through this document, you’ll encounter lots of semi-rhetorical technical questions. Do not misunderstand them, they DO NOT mean that RESTish webservices can’t solve these problems. They just mean that users have an extra burden of decisions to take, of extensions to integrate, of custom workarounds to apply, and this is a problem in itself. The joy of REST verbsRest is not CRUD, its advocates will ensure that you don’t mix up these two. Yet minutes later they will rejoice that HTTP methods have well defined semantics to create (POST), retrieve (GET), update (PUT/PATCH) and delete (DELETE) resources. They’ll delight in professing that these few “verbs”are enough to express any operation. Well, of course they are; the same way that a handful of verbs would be enough to express any concept in English: “Today I updated my CarDriverSeat with my body, and created an EngineIgnition, but the FuelTank deleted itself”; being possible doesn’t make it any less awkward. Unless you’re an admirator of the Toki Pona language. If the point is to be minimalist, at least let it be done right. Do you know why PUT, PATCH, and DELETE have never been implemented in web browser forms? Because they are useless and harmful. We can just use GET for read and POST for write. Or POST exclusively, when HTTP-level caching is unwanted. Other methods will at best get in your way, at worst ruin your day. You want to use PUT to update your resource? OK, but some Holy Specifications state that the data input has to be equivalent to the representation received via a GET. So what do you do with the numerous read-only parameters returned by GET (creation time, last update time, server-generated token…)? You omit them and violate the PUT principles? You include them anyway, and expect an “HTTP 409 Conflict” if they don’t match server-side values (forcing you to then issue a GET...)? You give them random values and expect servers to ignore them (the joy of silent errors)? Pick your poison, REST clearly has no clue what a read-only attribute it, and this won’t be fixed anytime soon. Meanwhile, a GET is dangerously supposed to return the password (or credit card number) which was sent in a previous POST/PUT; good luck dealing with such write-only parameters too. Did I forget to mention that PUT also brings dangerous race conditions, where several clients will override each other’s changes, whereas they just wanted to update different fields? You want to use PATCH to update your resource? Nice, but like 99% of people using this verb, you’ll just send a subset of resource fields in your request payload, hoping that the server properly understands the operation intended (and all its possible side effects); lots of resource parameters are deeply linked or mutually exclusive(ex. it’s either credit card OR paypal token, in a user’s billing info), but RESTful design hides this important information too. Anyway, you’d violate specs once more: PATCH is not supposed to just send a bunch of fields to be overridden. Instead, you’re supposed to provide a “set of instructions” to be applied on the resources. So here you go again, take your paperboard and your coffee mug, you’ll have to decide how to express these instructions. Often with handcrafted specifications, since Not-Invented-Here Syndrome is a de-facto standard in the REST world. (Edit: REST advocates have backpedaled on this subject, with Json Merge Patch, an alternative to formats like Json Patch) You want to DELETE resources? OK, but I hope you don’t need to provide substantial context data; like a PDF scan of the termination request from the user. DELETE prohibits having a payload. A constraint that REST architects often dismiss, since most webservers don’t enforce this rule on the requests they receive. How compatible, anyway, would be a DELETE request with 2 MBs of base64 query string attached? (Edit: the RFC 2616, indicating that payloads without semantics should be ignored, is now obsolete) REST aficionados easily profess that “people are doing it wrong” and their APIs are “actually not RESTful”. For example, lots of developers use PUT to create a resource directly on its final URL (/myresourcebase/myresourceid), whereas the “good way” (edit: according to many) of doing it is to POST on a parent URL (/myresourcebase), and let the server indicate, with an HTTP “Location” header, the new resource’s URL (edit: it’s not an HTTP redirection though). The good news is: it doesn’t matter. These rigorous principles are like Big Endian vs Little Endian, they occupy philosophers for hours, but have very little impact on real life problems, i.e “getting stuff done”. By the way… handcrafting URLs is always great fun. Do you know how many implementations properly urlencode() identifiers while building REST urls? Not that many. Get ready for nasty breakages and SSRF/CSRF attacks. When you forget to urlencode usernames in 1 of your 30 handcrafted URLs.The joy of REST error handlingAbout every coder is able to make a “nominal case” work. Error handling is one of these features which will decide if your code is robust software, or a huge pile of matchsticks. HTTP provides a list of error codes out-of-the-box. Great, let’s see that. Using “HTTP 404 Not Found” to notify about an unexisting resource sounds RESTful as heck, doesn’t it? Too bad: your nginx was misconfigured for 1 hour, so your API consumers got only 404 errors and purged hundreds of accounts, thinking they were deleted…. Our customers, after we deleted their gigabytes of kitten images by error.Using “HTTP 401 Unauthorized” when a user doesn’t have access credentials to a third-party service sounds acceptable, doesn’t it? However, if an ajax call in your Safari browser gets this error code, it might startle your end customer with a very unexpected password prompt [it did, years ago, YMMV]. HTTP existed long before “RESTful webservices”, and the web ecosystem is filled with assumptions about the meaning of its error codes. Using them to transport application errors is like using milk bottles to dispose of toxic waste: inevitably, one day, there will be trouble. Some standard HTTP error codes are specific to Webdav, others to Microsoft, and the few remaining have definitions so fuzzy that they are of no help. In the end, like most REST users, you’ll probably use random HTTP codes, like “HTTP 418 I’m a teapot” or unassigned numbers, to express your application-specific exceptions. Or you’ll shamelessly return “HTTP 400 Bad Request” for all functional errors, and then invent your own clunky error format, with booleans, integer codes, slugs, and translated messages stuffed into an arbitrary payload. Or you’ll give up altogether on proper error handling; you’ll just return a plain message, in natural language, and hope that the caller will be a human able to analyze the problem, and take action. Good luck interacting with such APIs from an autonomous program. The joy of REST conceptsREST has made a career out of boasting about concepts that any service architect in his right mind already respects, or about principles that it doesn’t even follow. Here are some excerpts, grabbed from top-ranked webpages. REST is a client-server architecture. The client and the server both have a different set of concerns. What a scoop in the software world. REST provides a uniform interface between components. Well, like any other protocol does, when it’s enforced as the lingua franca of a whole ecosystem of services. REST is a layered system. Individual components cannot see beyond the immediate layer with which they are interacting. It sounds like a natural consequence of any well designed, loosely coupled architecture; amazing. Rest is awesome, because it is STATELESS. Yes there is probably a huge database behind the webservice, but it doesn’t remember the state of the client. Or, well, yes, actually it remember its authentication session, its access permissions… but it’s stateless, nonetheless. Or more precisely, just as stateless as any HTTP-based protocol, like simple RPC mentioned previously. With REST, you can leverage the power of HTTP CACHING! Well here is at last one concluding point: a GET request and its cache-control headers are indeed friendly with web caches. That being said, aren’t local caches (Memcached etc.) enough for 99% of web services? Out-of-control caches are dangerous beasts; how many people want to expose their APIs in clear text, so that a Varnish or a Proxy on the road may keep delivering outdated content, long after a resource has been updated or deleted? Maybe even delivering it “forever”, if a configuration mistake once occurred? A system must be secure by default. I perfectly admit that some heavily loaded systems want to benefit from HTTP caching, but it costs much less to expose a few GET endpoints for heavy read-only interactions, than to switch all operations to REST and its dubious error handling. Thanks to all this, REST has HIGH PERFORMANCE! Are we sure of that? Any API designer knows it: locally, we want fine-grained APIs, to be able to do whatever we want; and remotely, we want coarse-grained APIs, to limit the impact of network round-trips. Here is again a domain in which “basic” REST fails miserably. The split of data between “resources”, each instance on its own endpoint, naturally leads to the N+1 Query problem. To get a user’s full data (account, subscriptions, billing information…), you have to issue as many HTTP requests; and you can’t parallelize them, since you don’t know in advance the unique IDs of related resources. This, plus the inability to fetch only part of resource objects, naturally creates nasty bottlenecks (edit: yes, you can stuff extensions like Compound/Partial Documents into your setup to help with that). REST offers better compatibility. How so? Why do so many REST webservices have “/v2/” or “/v3/” in their base URLs then? Backwards and forward compatible APIs are not hard to achieve, with high level languages, as long as simple rules are followed when adding/deprecating parameters. As far as I know, REST doesn’t bring anything new on the subject. REST is SIMPLE, everyone knows HTTP! Well, everyone knows pebbles too, yet people are happy to have better blocks when building their house. The same way XML is a meta-language, HTTP is a meta-protocol. To have a real application protocol (like “dialects” are to XML), you’ll need to specify lots of things; and you’ll end up with Yet Another RPC Protocol, as if there were not enough already. REST is so easy, it can be queried from any shell, with CURL! OK, actually, every HTTP-based protocol can be queried with CURL. Even SOAP. Issuing a GET is particularly straightforward, for sure, but good luck writing json or xml POST payloads by hand; people usually use fixture files, or, much more handy, full-fledged API clients instantiated directly in the command line interface of their favorite language. “The client does not need any prior knowledge of the service in order to use it”. This is by far my favourite quote. I’ve found it numerous times, under different forms, especially when the buzzword HATEOAS lurked around; sometimes with some careful (but insufficient) “except” phrases following. Still, I don’t know in which fantasy world these people live, but in this one, a client program is not a colony of ants; it doesn’t browse remote APIs randomly, and then decide how to best handle them, based on pattern recognition or black magic. Quite the opposite; the client has strong expectations on what it means, to PUT this one field to this one URL with this one value, and the server had better respect the semantic which was agreed upon during integration, else all hell might break loose. When you ask how HATEOAS is supposed to work.How to do REST right and quick?Forget about the “right” part. REST is like a religion, no mere mortal will ever grasp the extent of its genius, nor “do it right”. So the real question is: if you’re forced to expose or consume webservices in a kinda-RESTful way, how to rush through this job, and switch to more constructive tasks asap? Update: it turns out that there are actually lots of “standards” and industrialization efforts for REST, although I had never encountered them personnally (maybe because few people use them?). More information in my follow-up article. How to industrialize server-side exposure?Each web framework has its own way of defining URL endpoint. So expect some big dependencies, or a good layer of handwritten boilerplate, to plug your existing API onto your favorite server as a set of REST endpoint. Libraries like Django-Rest-Framework automate the creation of REST APIs, by acting as data-centric wrappers above SQL/noSQL schemas. If you just want to make “CRUD over HTTP”, you could be fine with them. But if you want to expose common “do-this-for-me” APIs, with workflows, constraints, complex data impacts and such, you’ll have a hard time bending any REST framework to fit your needs. Be prepared to connect, one by one, each HTTP method of each endpoint, to the corresponding method call; with a fair share of handmade exception handling, to translate passing-through exceptions into corresponding error codes and payloads. How to industrialize client-side integration?From experience, my guess is: you don’t. For each API integration, you’ll have to browse lengthy docs, and follow detailed recipes on how each of the N possible operations has to be performed. You’ll have to craft URLs by hand, write serializers and deserializers, and learn how to workaround the ambiguities of the API. Expect quite some trial-and-error before you tame the beast. Do you know how webservices providers make up for this, and ease adoption? Simple, they write their own official client implementations. FOR. EVERY. MAJOR. LANGUAGE. AND. PLATFORM. I’ve recently dealt with a subscription management system. They provide clients for PHP, Ruby, Python, .NET, iOS, Android, Java… plus some external contributions for Go and NodeJS. Each client lives in its own Github repository. Each with its own big list of commits, bug tracking tickets, and pull requests. Each with its own usage examples. Each with its own awkward architecture, somewhere between ActiveRecord and RPC proxy. This is astounding. How much time is spent developing such weird wrappers, instead of improving the real, the valuable, the getting-stuff-done, webservice? Sisyphus developing Yet Another Client for his API.ConclusionFor decades, about every programming language has functioned with the same workflow: sending inputs to a callable, and getting results or errors as output. This worked well. Quite well. With Rest, this has turned into an insane work of mapping apples to oranges, and praising HTTP specifications to better violate them minutes later. In an era where MICROSERVICES are more and more common, how come such an easy task — linking libraries over networks — remains so artificially crafty and cumbersome? I don’t doubt that some smart people out there will provide cases where REST shines; they’ll showcase their homemade REST-based protocol, allowing to discover and do CRUD operation on arbitrary object trees, thanks to hyperlinks; they’ll explain how the REST design is so brilliant, that I’ve just not read enough articles and dissertations about its concepts. I don’t care. Trees are recognized by their own fruits. What took me a few hours of coding and worked very robustly, with simple RPC, now takes weeks and can’t stop inventing new ways of failing or breaking expectations. Development has been replaced by tinkering. Almost-transparent remote procedure call was what 99% people really needed, and existing protocols, as imperfect as they were, did the job just fine. This mass monomania for the lowest common denominator of the web, HTTP, has mainly resulted in a huge waste of time and grey matter. REST promised simplicity and delivered complexity. REST promised robustness and delivered fragility. REST promised interoperability and delivered heterogeneity. REST is the new SOAP. EpilogueThe future could be bright. There are still tons of excellent protocols available, in binary or text format, with or without schema, some leveraging the new abilities of HTTP2… so let’s move on, people. We can’t forever remain in the Stone Age of Webservices. Edit: many people asked for these alternative protocols, the subject would deserve its own story, but one could have a look at XMLRPC and JSONRPC (simple but quite relevant), or JSONWSP (includes schemas), or language-specific layers like Pyro or RMI when for internal use, or new kids in the block like GraphQL and gRPC for public APIs… “Always finish a rant on a positive note”, momma said.Edited on December 12, 2017: normalize section titlesremove some typosrectify improper “HTTP redirection” wording after POST operationsadd suggestions of alternative protocolsEdited on December 28, 2017: fix mixup between “HTTP methods” and “REST verbs”Edited on January 7, 2018 Edited on January 19, 2018 fix wrong wording on “PUT vs GET” remarksprecise the notion of “real APIs” (non-CRUD)mention risk of overrides with PUTupdate paragraphs on PATCH and DELETE troublesEdited on January 19, 2018 fix wording around Not-Invented-Here SyndromeEdited on February 2, 2018 add links to follow-up article on The Original REST, in “introduction” and “how to industrialize” chaptersEdited on April 14, 2019 add clarification about “semi-rhetorical question”, and hints about extensions like compound/partial documentsEdited on July 6, 2019 fix typos and French links
0 notes
Oh boy what a good do to finish up ch3-
My brain: plan a fnaf dnd campaign
Me: wait what
Brain: do it.
Anyways welcome to "Error 409: Conflicting Codes"
I may post abt shit that happens in it, I may not! I will draw some of the stuff my players get up to tho and i tag it w the campaign name
I expect them to seduce sun and moon. I will let them ty space ace discord for letting me host this tranwreck of a campaign and ill see yall soon w some bullshit (and stat sheets)
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hydrus · 4 years
Version 396
I had a good week. The client now has better file 'notes' support.
There are several database updates this week. Users with large databases can expect the first boot to take a few minutes.
A long time ago, I added prototype 'notes' to files. You can access it under a media right-click->manage->notes. It was a bit hacky, functioning just like a plain .txt attached to files, but some users really picked it up. This week it becomes more mature.
Firstly, files can now have multiple notes, each with their own name. Existing notes will get the simple default name of 'notes'. Also, files that have notes now show a notes icon on their thumbnails and in the media viewer top-right hover window. Clicking the hover window icon quickly opens the edit notes dialog.
And to find files with notes, there is now 'system:number of notes'. Its panel has a couple of quick buttons for finding files with any notes or no notes. Notes are stored in a faster and more space-efficient way, so this should work fairly quickly for most situations.
The next step here is to add note parsing to the downloader system. The main thought is to get artist post text and similar imported with nice 'blah gallery artist comment' style names as you download files. I had hoped to figure something out for this this week, but I didn't have time to do it properly, so I focused on polishing the above. I would like to fold parsing in in upcoming normal weekly work.
The new storage system for notes also builds a fast search cache for their text. It will not be extremely difficult to add some sort of 'system:note has text xxxxx' in future as well, if you want to search for parsed mega links or whatever else. Beyond that, I'd love some note 'preview' on the media viewer and comprehensive import/export/Client API support for notes.
unusual tag searches
I am really happy with the new tag autocomplete system. It is so much nicer to work on now it is all unified. This week I fixed a bunch of unusual searches.
A good example is '/f/', which according to hydrus 'special character' rules also matches 'f'. Short text queries like 'f' and '/f/' that do not do full lookups will now match all special character results, including if they have a namespace, so all combinations of 'board:/f/' and '/f/' and 'board:f' and so on will now match 'board:/f/'.
Also, wildcards are now unified. 'Complex' wildcards that have inserted *, like 's*s ara*', are now treated logically the same way as 'simple' ones that only have an * on the end like 'sam*', and should more reliably return all the correct results. They ~also~ support the special character rules as above, so 'int*fies' should match '[intensifies]'
And wildcard file search predicates, where you might search for 'character:samus* (wildcard search)' to return all files that have any tag that matches that wildcard, now support the special character rules in all cases. When you include special characters in the wildcard text, such as 'e*mple-tag*', that '-' character is now preserved (previously, it was being replaced with space, which is behind-the-scenes hydrus technical trickery).
A new tag search cache supports and speeds up these logical improvements. Users with large databases can expect the first boot into 396 to take a few minutes.
the rest
I fixed the sort in the tag suggestion boxes!
You can now click the 'inbox' icon in a media viewer top-right hover window to archive a file.
The file->shortcuts dialog now has descriptive, sorted names for the reserved shortcut sets.
'system:dimensions' now has some quick-click buttions for common ratios and resolutions.
'system:known url' is better about fetching both www and non-www versions of URLs.
full list
the file notes system is more mature. files now store multiple named notes
the edit notes ui is now a tabbed window with add/edit_name/delete buttons
media results now load with their notes, so note access is instant
thumbnails now show a notes icon when they have notes
the media viewer top-right area shows a notes icon when the current file has notes
clicking the media viewer top-right notes icon opens edit notes
the edit notes menu entry now lists the number of current notes if there are notes
added a 'system:number of notes' predicate. it has easy 'has/no notes' buttons for quick filtering
the file notes database table will be updated on update, it shouldn't take long. existing notes will get the default 'notes' name
duplicate notes now share the same storage space in the database
in prep for a future search expansion, notes are now cached in the database for fast text search
in prep for note parsing, wrote a 'note import options' object. it doesn't do anything in the program yet, but it supports multiple note conflict resolutions, note extension detection, and global and specific note renaming
wrote unit tests for the new note import options
some tag search stuff:
hydrus now maintains an internal mapping of direct 'searchable' versions of tags to the tags themselves, which allows it to now do fast exact-match (short search) and complicated wildcard lookups of tags with unusual characters. 'f' and '/f/' will now return '/f/' and 'board:/f/' quickly, 'board:f' and 'board:/f/' will return 'board:/f/' quickly, and 'te*a*' will correctly return 'test-tag'
it will take a few minutes to regenerate this new cache on update
complex wildcards like 's*m*' are now treated the same as simple ones like 'sam*' and should match unusual subtag characters in all cases
wildcard tag file search predicates are now plugged into the new cache, so the search preds '/f/*', 'board:/f/', 'board:/f/ast;', 'b*d:/f/' and 'b*d:/f/*' now all match files with 'board:/f/', as do wildcards that include replacement characters, so the same should be true above for 'f' instead of /f/' in all cases
new wildcard search preds do not collapse their characters for their presentation string, so 'date:2*-01-01' now renders like that, not 'date:2* 01 01'
wildcard file search predicates are now faster for simple (just an asterisk on the end) subtag wildcards
the fts search cache is moved from 'master' to 'caches' db this week, it will take a few moments on update
the 'repopulate tag search cache' db regen job now repopulates the fts cache, the new 'searchable' cache, and the integer tag cache
the database repair code now checks for the fts cache and new 'searchable' cache on boot and, if they are missing, warns the user and creates empty tables
fixed the unsorted tags in tag suggestion boxes
clicking the inbox icon in the top-right hover window now archives the file
system:dimensions now has quick buttons for 16:9, 9:16, 4:3, 1:1, 1080p, 720p, and 4k
system:known url searches are now better about fetching www and non-www urls for the domain or url class
the edit shortcut sets panel now has nicer english names for reserved shortcut sets, and also sorts them in a more logical way
you no longer have to be in advanced mode to copy file hashes from thumbnails
users in advanced mode can copy the internal file_id of files from the thumbnail/viewer copy menus (this is most useful for the client api)
system num_frames, num_words, and num_notes now display alternate 'has/no xxx' labels when they search for =0 or >0
you can now search for 0 with system:num_frames
users who could restore from system tray using the menu but had trouble with clicking _should_ now have better luck with clicking
fixed some instances where fps could be calculated as 0, which would lead to other problems down the line. now a missing or 0 fps is remapped to 1
fixed system:framerate for '<' queries
the status bar cells now get expanded tooltips to describe what they do
fixed some media result caching code that could in rare cases cause an error in content update processing when the result disappeared from the cache during processing
the 'hard-replace siblings and parents' button on 'manage tags' now makes a submenu so its actions' long labels show better
fixed a handful of tables that were not starting sorted
a variety of credential parse and other server failures that were formerly returning 403 now properly return 400 and 409
in order to improve default 'open externally' behaviour on Linux/macOS, if the environment variable XDG_DATA_DIRS is not preserved through a hydrus build launch env, hydrus now sets a simple 'default' value for this before running xdg-open
if the client is booted from a windows shortcut to a built release, the program restart command is slightly more reliable
cleaned up some db update error reporting code, it should now more reliably make an english-friendly popup text box before splurging technical info
refactored some media object code, cleaned some class definitions, and added typing hints
misc code cleanup
the 'getting started' help files now have anchor definitions, so their sections can now be #linked to
added several links in the 'getting started' help to the user-created video guides here: https://github.com/CuddleBear92/Hydrus-guides thank you for making these!
added a link to the help for the user-made 'other archiving software' guide here: https://github.com/CuddleBear92/Hydrus-Presets-and-Scripts/wiki/0-Alternative-Programs-and-Resources#software thank you for making this!
fixed link to AUR package in the help
updated cloudscraper in all builds to 1.2.36
updated windows mpv to a significantly newer dll, it now reports api version 1.108
included libgpg-error.so.0 in Linux build, which will improve some Linux situations (more reports from Ubuntu 20.04 or others about missing/conflicting .so files are welcome)
next week
Next week is a small jobs week. I want to catch up on bugs, see if I can move notes parsing forward, and also (as part of that) improve our text match/transform tools so complicated texts and filenames are a bit easier to parse. The new IPFS daemon is also broken for hydrus, so I will also be looking at that.
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lewuathe · 5 years
Idempotency key in the Stripe Ruby SDK
A system may fail anytime even while doing something should not fail. The common pattern to recover that sort of failure is retrying. While retrying is simple, it’s a powerful way to make a system reliable and worth considering. Actually, many operations across the network which can fail temporarily are able to be recovered by retrying. But here is the challenge.
If an operation has a side-effect, can we safely retry the same operation twice? For example, we have an operation to charge some amount of money to the user. Let’s say the central transaction system is connected with the client through an unreliable network (e.g. Internet). There is the case when the operation itself succeeds but the client sees the failure due to network connection error or timeout of long-running request. Simple retrying can cause duplicated subscriptions. It’s a huge problem that must not happen as a service providing online transaction. In theory, HTTP specification does not require the semantics of idempotency in some HTTP request such as POST. In RFC7231, some requests including PUT and DELETE is defined as idempotent.
A request method is considered “idempotent” if the intended effect on the server of multiple identical requests with that method is the same as the effect for a single such request. Of the request methods defined by this specification, PUT, DELETE, and safe request methods are idempotent.
But as you may imagine, implementing this kind of solution is easier said than done. Making every operation with side-effect is not cost effective especially in the transaction system in the small team. Here Stripe comes.
Idempotent Request in Stripe
One thing to make the system more reliable is the idea of idempotent request in Stripe. It’s simple. Just adding a unique key in the request, Stripe ensures to return the same request without duplicating operation. Here is the simple diagram illustrating the flow of idempotent request.
The client sees an error due to timeout of req1. It retries with an idempotency key. Please be sure to use the same key as used in the first request req1 so that Stripe can recognize them as identical. If an operation of req1 succeeds, Stripe can return the response that should have been returned as the first response without any actual operation. You won’t see any duplicated subscriptions in Stripe. By using idempotent request, you can retry the operation without worrying about the record duplication.
The key used for an idempotent request can be attached as a header, Idempotency-Key. The HTTP request with the header will be looking like this.
$ curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/subscription \ -u ... \ -H "Idempotency-Key: XXXXXXXXXXX" \ ...
If you are using Ruby SDK, how can we pass the idempotency key? The methods in Ruby SDK provides a way to set headers from the second argument of the method as follows. Stripe SDK automatically set the options in the second argument in the headers of the HTTP request.
charge = Stripe::Subscription.create({ cusomer: 'Customer ID', items: [...] }, { idempotency_key: "XXXXXXXXX" })
Additionally, Stripe SDK automatically retry with the idempotent key in case of a timeout-related problem or 409 conflict. See the code for more detail. So basically Stripe and Stripe SDK enables us to achieve more robust transactional system even with the unreliable network environment.
The Stripe name and logos are trademarks or service marks of Stripe, Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
source http://www.lewuathe.com/idempotency-key-in-the-stripe-ruby-sdk.html
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annoyinglylefttiger · 6 years
REST: What is HTTP 409 (conflict) status code?
REST: What is HTTP 409 (conflict) status code?
It is given where where is an error to attempt to update a field in unexpected or conflicting values mentioned in the payload.  
For example, I am trying to update a user for some value, I do a get on it modified few values and pass it as PUT payload. Now by mistake I mis types userid, username or email with some other fields, now server cannot accept payload since it finds inconsistency or…
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oh wow it’s that one anon again oKAY LES GO
alright i would love to hear about your fnaf dnd game, but unfortunately my knowledge on anything dnd related is limited, if this is something you’d like to talk more about i’d be interested :D
never really looked into that stuff much even though i’d very much like to, and fnaf related aswell??? incredible sign me up.
(Think mega mall. The ones w roller coasters, ice skating rinks.. normally one or the other BUT this is all in one bayBEEEEE! I am making many places for my players to explore! Theres even an aquarium!)
But the base idea is the fire didnt get afton, and on the grand opening everyone is suddenly shuttered and locked inside, and the animatronics begin attacking people! Not all of them are affected tho. So the players will be a group of people/robots that ran into eachother in a relatively safe spot!
I have decided my players have a sanity meter. This is not a normal dnd thing.
I felt like adding it bc im mean (its a corruption level for the animatronic players)
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