#Escape room Ben
Danny: Do you cook?
Ben: I made a cake once.
Mike: Yeah, it was good.
Ben: Really?
Mike: Don’t make me lie twice, Ben.
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zombie-jed · 8 months
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Dream blunt rotation
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jesemarie · 5 months
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I watched Saw one time and then thought of this quote from Escape Room: Tournament of Champions. I felt like they went well together.
All credits and characters to owners.
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averagepoet · 6 months
man everyday i wish Escape Room (2019) had gotten more popular. the trailers made it look so bad, i know i didn’t watch it until years after it came out, but it’s genuinely one of my favorite movies (not that i necessarily have good taste). i love the blatantly autistic coded main girl, Zoe, and the rest of the characters as well. it’s got an actor i really like, Tyler Labine (known for playing Hunk on Voltron and also for being in Tucker and Dale Vs Evil) in ANOTHER role that just makes me love him more. it has portrayals of PTSD that i find very compelling and cinematic. i would suggest looking for a trigger list before watching tho seeing as it’s a horror movie (i think i would suggest that for any horror movie tho). i watch this movie like every three to four months.
TLDR pls watch Escape Room (2019) (and it’s sequel isnt terrible if you feel up to watching that too)
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whumpdidyasay · 7 months
Was rewatching Escape Room (2019) and was struck with how obsessed that movie is with making Ben’s character look small. So many of the shots were set up for the sole purpose of making him look as small as possible; here are some of my favorite examples:
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I don’t know, I just found it funny how many times I was noticing in the movie how small he was compared to everyone else
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nr1flapjackfan · 10 months
hi non-existent escape room fandom
do you guys ever think about the fact that
a normal young person can't be at fault for a carbon monoxide poisoning, a targetted soldier can't be at fault for an IED blast, an innocent miner trying to do his job can't be at fault for a mine collapse, a person just trying to sail somewhere can't be at fault for the boat turning over, a normal passenger can't be at fault for a plane crash, but the driver IS at fault in a car crash!
cause i do! i think abt that A LOT.
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god i wish the escape room movies had more of an audience becuase i NEED to talk about danny kahn like like LIKE
spoilers below obviously
this kid is the youngest player (I don't think it's specified but he's at oldest early 20's) and he lost his ENTIRE FAMILY to carbon monoxide poisoning either very recently or REALLY YOUNG (I can't remember if we know) and is also he is so fucking good at escape rooms like really good at escape rooms
and then he has the only death that's pretty much exclusively unavoidable regardless of how clever you are
like you can make the argument it wouldn't have happened if ben hadn't been a dick but also there were clearly explosives in the ice and a fast current and regardless it's clear minos wanted to kill him; it wasn't about luck it wasn't about being smarter it wasn't about making mistakes he just dies because they explode the ice he's standing under
and it almost makes you wonder if minos had underestimated him? like they hadn't realized quite how good he'd be, and wanted it to come down to luck more than it came down to skill or maybe they HADN'T underestimated him but his death had just been a preplanned and especially cruel way of setting the stakes for the other players
like idk where im going with this and it's not expanded upon at all in the movie because he dies first and obviously from like an Art perspective he's clearly just the peppy, vaguely likable scapegoat character who dies first so the audience invested in the stakes but also I WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM I WANT FANFIC ABOUT HIM I WANT TO THINK ABOUT DANNY KAHN FROM THE ESCAPE ROOM MOVIES-
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b-rainlet · 4 months
For being the one least likely to survive - as estimated by the viewers - Ben sure is the only one with riddles specifically tailored to his background knowledge that the others could most likely not solve without him
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ants-personal · 11 months
ben should def have had a scar on his neck. he was strangled with a wire aggressive as fuck soo plus just adds to the his tragic ass
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eepyassassin · 3 months
Just watched Escape Room: Tournament of Champions, welp, guess I have a new comfort movie
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the-knightmare · 2 years
Did anybody ask for fic based on Escape Room (2019) and its sequel movie? Maybe not, but I have new characters to play with and want to share. Enjoy a snippet from something in progress.
Collapsing next to Ben, Zoey tried to fight the poisoned air in her lungs. She felt herself slipping away, all the panic she tried to muster faded into a frustrating nothingness.
Just as everything went black, Zoey jolted awake. Her chest heaved as she tried to reorient herself in the new room. Except it was her room, in her apartment, not a Minos trap.
“Zoey?” A sleep-heavy voice asked, “you alright?”
A warm hand pressed against her back, grounding her in the assurance that this was not some Minos trick. Zoey stayed quiet for a moment, focusing on the comforting warmth at her back before turning to face Ben.
“Just a bad dream.”
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zombie-jed · 1 year
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Ben Miller the final boy ever
Escape Room (2019)
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actaestfabula23 · 1 year
Definitely need a part three of Escape Room because ZOEY AND BEN HAVE TO GET TOGETHER because OBVIOUSLY THEY HAVE FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER! Definitely need part three where they take Minos down and they need to kiss too... anyways, they’ve got chemistry
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wordsarelife · 1 year
Thank you so much for considering doing a ben Miller escape room x reader the lack of fics for him hurts 💕
as someone who always loves exactly those characters that aren’t really popular for fics, i see you!! and i’m going to get to it as soon as possible!! 💕💕
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whumpdidyasay · 7 months
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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
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stonerzelda · 7 months
complicated dream i jiat woke up from bur the last thinf that happened was a man wistfully told me abour a character he had made as a child whose name was 'bebong bazaza' and i just replied 'you cannot use that name.'
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