tomorrowusa · 1 year
Fossil fuels are not just terrible for the planet, they are bad for democracy. A disproportionate number of major oil and gas exporters are autocracies such as Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.
Russia in particular uses fossil fuel sales to fund repression at home and imperialism abroad.
Putin appears weaker than ever – and for a ruler who relies on projecting strength, that’s a bad look. To further dull Putin’s fading aura of invincibility, and to ultimately lead to a reversal of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we need to undermine the pillars his strongman myth is based on: colonial conquest, unregulated capitalism and climate abuse. As questions are raised about his ability to rule, Putin will claim that despite the efforts of the nefarious “collective west”, the Russian economy can stabilise because the world needs Russian fossil fuels; that the need of western companies to make money in Russia means it will never be truly isolated; that for all his blunders on the battlefield, he can still hold on to swathes of Ukraine and its resources, which he will dole out between the Russian system’s stakeholders for whom the risk of sticking with Putin will thus still be smaller than the risk of going against him.
No matter what the source of the oil or gas we consume, we push up the international price of those commodities whenever we use them. It's supply and demand; when we reduce our demand, the price goes down and dictators/theocrats get lower profits.
We need to recognise the fact that human rights, security and economic ties are deeply intertwined, and to alter our behaviour accordingly. Let’s stop selling dictators the rope with which they hang people: our neighbours – and ultimately us. And if there’s one base element that powers Putin’s claims to invincibility, it’s reliance on fossil fuels. The battle against Putin is also the battle against climate crisis. As Prof Alexander Etkind lays out in his new book, Russia Against Modernity, Putin’s economy has been up to two-thirds dependent on oil and gas exports, largely to Europe, and crucially through pipelines that cross Ukraine. Etkind argues that Putin launched his invasion in part to control this flow. Moreover, he wanted to destabilise Europe, flooding it with refugees and instilling so much chaos and fear that Europe would be forced to abandon plans for net zero carbon emissions by 2050. As so often in the course of this war, Putin’s aims have backfired. The invasion has led to a decrease in dependence on Russian energy. Putin’s aura of fossil-fuelled invincibility has been shaken, but we are only part of the way there. Faster decarbonisation is the most sustainable way to not only undermine Putin, but also to limit the opportunity for future Russian leaders and other resource-rich authoritarians to wage aggressive wars.
Decarbonization is also de-Putinization. We contribute to peace and stability when we lessen the amount of fossil fuels we consume. And, of course, we slow down and eventually halt the warming of our planet.
Using these late 19th century sources of energy encourages despotic autocracies while making Earth less livable. It's time to say до свидания to fossil fuels.
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Her aklıma geldiğinde her seni düşündüğüm de aklıma o gece geliyor. O son sözlerin, o son dokunuşun, o son bı damla akan göz yaşın,öpüşün,bakışın,nefesimi titreten sözlerin ,kalbimi çarpıtan bakişlarin, beni sana aşık eden öpüşün geliyor aklıma... saçlarinin arasında kayboluşum geliyor, kahverengi gözlerinde kayboluşum geliyor.
Söyle ne yaptın bana...
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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The True Story Of ‘Z’ The post The True Story Of ‘Z’ appeared first on NOEMA. https://www.noemamag.com/the-true-story-of-z?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-true-story-of-z
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whereifindsanity · 3 months
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Elizabeth Etkind
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indelicateink · 1 year
NASA is about to voyage into the streaming-verse. The federal space agency is announcing a new “NASA Plus” streaming service that will bring the on-demand non-sci-fi space content you crave to TVs and mobile devices everywhere. And best of all, NASA says it will be “ad-free, no cost, and family-friendly” (via Gizmodo).
You’ll be able to watch live coverage of future launches, documentaries, and brand-new original series the agency is producing exclusively for NASA Plus. The agency is looking to “better tell the stories of how NASA explores the unknown” and connect with more people by transforming its digital presence, Marc Etkind, NASA’s associate administrator of communications, states.
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Juvenile. Red-headed woodpecker -Красноголовый меланерпес by Elizabeth Etkind
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sweetd3lights · 2 years
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All rights reserved  by Etkind Elizabeth
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pwlanier · 10 months
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Altman Nathan Icaevich (1889-1970) "Nud." 1927. "Portrait of I.D. in a striped blouse." 1936.
Oil on canvas
In the lower right corner, the author's signature in graphite pencil: "Nat. Altman / 27".
Origin: collection of artist Irina Petrovna Rachek-Dega, the artist's first wife.
Publications: M. Etkind "Nathan Altman." Min "Soviet Artist", 1971, p. 79.
Exhibitions: Nathan Altman. Retrospective exhibition of works. Catalogue. L., 1968, p. 29; Nathan Altman. Catalogue. Moscow, 1978. Rubric: 1927.
Expert opinion by E.M. Zhukova, V.S. Silaeva.
Publications: M. Etkind "Nathan Altman." Min "Soviet Artist", 1971, p. 120. In addition, the portrait is reproduced on a postcard (Fine Arts Publishing House). Moscow. 1978). The postcard is attached to the lot.
Expert opinion of T.N. Mikhienko, T.M. Levin.
Probably the artist's wife, I.P. Rachek-Dega.
Painter, sculptor, graphic artist, theater and film artist. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1968). He studied at the Odessa Art School with K. K Kostandi and G. A. Ladyzhensky. He was a member of the World of Art, Youth Union, 0.10, Jack of Diamonds. One of the founders of the Jewish Society for the Encouragement of Arts. In 1928-1936 he lived in Paris. Since 1936, having returned to the USSR, he was engaged exclusively in scenography and book graphics.
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dialogue-queered · 1 year
Comment: Useful materials for reflection
Extract 1: Putin’s power is deeply connected to huge generational challenges that we vitally need to confront. First, don’t normalise colonial conquest. When some in the west urge Ukraine to “negotiate” with Russia and cede territory in order to gain “peace”, this is a green light for wannabe imperial powers anywhere to go forth, conquer and extract. Instead, ensure Ukraine receives all the military support it needs to liberate itself from Russian imperialism, and gains all the security guarantees necessary to prevent Russia ever invading again.
Extract 2: Second, push western companies to abandon Russia. Despite some companies leaving Russia at the start of the invasion, many more have remained, including well-known luxury brands. But there are also positive examples of civil society, workers and consumers pushing together for change.
Extract 3: All technology firms must be vigilant about the use of their products in crimes against humanity. From using kill switches to disable their technology, to actively tracking where their machines end up, there are numerous ways tech firms can take responsibility – and they must.
The issue here is not just with one or two companies, but with a whole ideology. For decades, Putin’s crimes were enabled by business and political actors who claimed that greater economic interconnection would lead to a more peaceful Russia.
Extract 4: The battle against Putin is also the battle against climate crisis. As Prof Alexander Etkind lays out in his new book, Russia Against Modernity, Putin’s economy has been up to two-thirds dependent on oil and gas exports, largely to Europe, and crucially through pipelines that cross Ukraine.
Etkind argues that Putin launched his invasion in part to control this flow. Moreover, he wanted to destabilise Europe, flooding it with refugees and instilling so much chaos and fear that Europe would be forced to abandon plans for net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
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musingsonimpulse · 2 years
Weird but Awesome Books, Short Stories, Comics, and Other Things to Read
Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories About People Who Know How They Will Die  -edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, & David Malki !                                 Read it here!
...Or Not to Be: A Collection of Suicide Notes  -compiled by Marc Etkind
The Revolving Boy  -written by Gertrude Friedberg
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spacenutspod · 11 months
Desde entrevistas con astronautas e ingenieros hasta historias que te transportan a través de la galaxia, los podcasts de la NASA te permiten experimentar la emoción de la exploración espacial sin tener que salir de la Tierra.NASA Read this release in English here. La NASA publicó este martes su colección de pódcasts originales en Spotify, brindando a más gente acceso a conversaciones en profundidad e historias, así como contenidos en español, mientras la agencia trabaja para explorar lo desconocido en el aire y el espacio. Los pódcasts de la agencia están ahora disponibles sin publicidad y sin coste alguno para los 574 millones de usuarios de Spotify. “Contar la historia de los objetivos y misiones de la NASA inspira al mundo a soñar a lo grande y alcanzar las estrellas, especialmente a los miembros de la Generación Artemis. Estamos encantados de ampliar nuestro alcance mediante la presencia de pódcasts de la NASA en Spotify por primera vez”, dijo Marc Etkind, administrador asociado de la Oficina de Comunicaciones de la sede de la agencia en Washington. La NASA ahora ofrece cinco pódcasts en Spotify, incluyendo: Universo curioso de la NASA, el primer podcast en español de la agencia: Bienvenidos a Universo curioso de la NASA, en donde te invitamos a explorar el cosmos en tu idioma. En este pódcast, ¡la NASA es tu guía turística a las estrellas! NASA’s Curious Universe (en inglés): Nuestro universo es un lugar salvaje y maravilloso. Únete a los astronautas, científicos e ingenieros de la NASA en una nueva aventura en cada episodio. ¡Todo lo que necesitas es tu curiosidad! Exploradores novatos del espacio son bienvenidos. Houston We Have a Podcast (en inglés): Desde la órbita terrestre hasta la Luna y Marte, explora cada semana el mundo de los vuelos espaciales tripulados con la NASA en el pódcast oficial del Centro Espacial Johnson de Houston. On a Mission (en inglés): Un viaje a las estrellas no empieza en la plataforma de lanzamiento. Descubre nuevos mundos a través de historias épicas contadas por científicos en misiones al espacio exterior. Small Steps Giant Leaps (en inglés): El personal técnico de la NASA puso botas en la Luna, huellas de neumáticos en Marte y la primera nave espacial reutilizable en órbita alrededor de la Tierra. Descubre lo que está por venir mientras construyen misiones que redefinen el futuro con asombrosos descubrimientos y notables innovaciones. En los próximos meses, la NASA tiene previsto incluir más productos de audio en Spotify, como sonificaciones que transforman datos en sonido y grabaciones de nuestro sistema solar y más allá. “Mediante nuestros pódcasts, compartimos la ciencia e historias espaciales de una manera que solo la NASA puede hacer, aprovechando el acceso único que tiene la agencia a entrevistas con expertos, lugares dinámicos y descubrimientos alucinantes”, dijo Katie Konans, líder del programa de audio del contrato SESDA de ADNET Systems con la NASA. “Estamos encantados de llevar la programación de la NASA a Spotify, y estamos deseando conectar con más oyentes que sienten curiosidad por el universo que les rodea”. Además de en Spotify, los usuarios pueden encontrar pódcasts de la NASA en Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts y Soundcloud. Desde entrevistas de larga duración con astronautas e ingenieros de la NASA hasta historias que llevan al público de viaje por la galaxia, la oferta de audio de la NASA permite experimentar la emoción de la exploración espacial sin tener que salir de la Tierra. Descubre todos los pódcasts de la NASA en: https://www.nasa.gov/podcasts/ -fin- Abbey Donaldson / María José ViñasSede, Washington202-358-1600 / [email protected]  / [email protected] Katie KonansCentro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard, Greenbelt, [email protected] Share Details Last Updated Nov 14, 2023 Location NASA Headquarters Related Terms AudioNASA en españolPodcasts
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Putin isn't just waging war against Ukraine and the West, he's at war with the the concept of modernity. And in the process, he and his fellow oligarchs are filling their pockets while impoverishing most Russians.
In his column in the Washington Post which serves as a companion piece to his CNN vid above, Fareed Zakaria writes about how Putin's fixation on the past is having a negative impact on Russia.
In 2019 — before covid and the invasion of Ukraine — the World Health Organization estimated a 15-year-old boy in Russia could expect to live another 53.7 years, which was the same as in Haiti and below the life expectancy for boys his age in Yemen, Mali and South Sudan. Swiss boys around the same age could expect to live more than 13 years longer.
Yep, if you want to live longer, get out of Russia. But that's not all the bad news.
With huge numbers of well-trained people, especially in the sciences, Russia performs miserably in the knowledge economy, much worse than did the Soviet Union. In 2019, Russia ranked behind Austria in international patent applications, despite having 16 times the population. Today, it ranks alongside Alabama in annual U.S. patent awards (the gold standard for companies everywhere), despite having almost 30 times the population. All these numbers will likely get much worse given the hundreds of thousands of (likely well-trained, urban, educated) Russians who fled the country after its aggression against Ukraine.
Russia is on a par with Alabama in terms of new patents as well as having lifespans for its citizens on a par with Haïti; since COVID-19 and the war, Russia's life expectancy may have fallen behind that of Haïti. But Putin still gives his obsession with Ukraine a higher priority than a healthy citizenry.
Russia is essentially a corrupt mafia state run by the kleptocratic Don Vladimir.
A new book by scholar Alexander Etkind, “Russia Against Modernity,” makes the case that Putin has created a parasitic state that gets revenue by extracting natural resources rather than any creative production and that fulfills none of the functions of a modern state in terms of providing welfare for its people. Corruption is intrinsic to this kleptocratic regime, Etkind wrote, noting that post-Soviet Russia has seen the fastest rise in inequality anywhere in the world. After the anti-Putin protests in 2011 and 2012 (which an enraged Putin blamed on then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), the Russian state became even more anti-modern.
So Putin blamed previous protests against his misrule on Hillary Clinton – of all people. No wonder he got along well with his vassal Donald Trump.
For Putin, modernizing Russia would create a more active civil society, greater demands for better health care, more opportunities for ordinary citizens and a less kleptocratic state. And so he advocates a traditional Russia, which celebrates religion, traditional morality, xenophobia and strict gender conformity. What does this all add up to? I am not sure. But it’s fair to say that Russia’s biggest problem is not that it is losing the Ukraine war but rather that it is losing the 21st century.
Russia will never start digging itself out of its deep hole as long as Putin or a Putin clone is in power. It needs to start behaving like a normal 21st century country before other countries can begin to trust it.
EDIT: Australia (population 26,461,166) has a GDP 94.4% the size of the GDP of Putin's Russia (population 141,698,923). If you excluded fossil fuel production from GDP figures for both countries, Australia with just 18.67% of Russia's population would find itself ahead.
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Australia is a progressive liberal democracy. Russia is a repressive kleptocratic dictatorship whose current leader would like to see it permanently exist in an early 18th century cesspool.
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scienza-magia · 11 months
L'Universo della Nasa in streaming a portata di tastiera
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La NASA lancia servizio di streaming gratis e senza pubblicità. La Nasa si prepara a lanciare il suo nuovo servizio di streaming. Finora era in versione beta e sarà disponibile per tutti l'8 novembre. La NASA, l’agenzia spaziale più famosa al mondo, ha annunciato una novità sorprendente: il lancio di NASA+, un servizio di streaming video unico nel suo genere. A differenza di altre piattaforme come Netflix e Disney+, che richiedono un abbonamento a pagamento, a volte con inserzioni pubblicitarie, NASA+ è totalmente gratuito. Con NASA+, si potrà accedere a contenuti esclusivi e originali sulla scienza, la tecnologia, l’esplorazione e la storia dello spazio. Inoltre, sarà possibile seguire in diretta le missioni spaziali della NASA e interagire con gli astronauti e gli scienziati. Pensato per tutti i tipi di pubblico, dalle famiglie agli appassionati, il servizio di streaming offre la possibilità di vivere in prima persona le emozioni delle avventure spaziali, grazie alla copertura in diretta dei lanci futuri, ai documentari e alle nuove serie originali che si possono trovare solo su questa piattaforma. NASA+ è gratuito e senza pubblicità.
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L’agenzia spaziale fa viaggiare tra le stelle… “La nostra nuova piattaforma di streaming è una finestra aperta sullo spazio, che puoi guardare quando e dove vuoi”, ha affermato Marc Etkind, responsabile delle comunicazioni dell’agenzia spaziale, in una nota stampa. “Con questo cambiamento nella nostra presenza digitale, vogliamo mostrare al mondo come la NASA sfida l’ignoto nell’aria e nello spazio, come stimola la curiosità attraverso la scoperta e come crea soluzioni innovative per il bene dell’umanità”. NASA+ sarà disponibile dall’8 novembre tramite l’app dell’Agenzia spaziale su dispositivi mobili e tablet iOS e Android, oltre che su lettori multimediali in streaming come Roku, Apple TV e Fire TV. Il servizio di streaming sarà accessibile anche sul web attraverso il nuovo sito web beta dell’agenzia. Oltre a introdurre il proprio servizio di streaming, l’Agenzia spaziale sta attualmente rivedendo la sua intera presenza digitale. Sta lavorando a una nuova esperienza web (e a una nuova applicazione) che riunirà le informazioni sulle sue missioni, sui progetti di ricerca e sugli aggiornamenti del programma Artemis, tra le altre cose. La NASA ha numerosi siti web per diversi programmi e divisioni, ma la nuova piattaforma includerà i contenuti di molti di essi. Read the full article
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rcvandenboogaard · 1 year
In De Groene: Afkeer van de moderniteit in Poetins laatste wereldrijk
Volgens de Russische historicus Alexander Etkind is Poetins oorlog in Oekraïne een voorbode van het uiteenvallen van de Russische Federatie. De inkomsten uit olie en gas om de gewesten mee te paaien drogen immers onvermijdelijk op. Deze week in De Groene Amsterdammer: https://www.groene.nl/artikel/europa-s-laatste-koloniale-rijk
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bb-latvija · 1 year
Šodien plkst.17 Latvijas Ārstu biedrībā notiks saruna ar vēsturnieku Aleksandru Etkindu par Krievijas defederalizāju, informēja Eiropas Parlamenta deputāta Ivara Ijaba (LA) palīdze Dace Bargā. "Putina karš ir "speciāla operācija" pret modernitāti. Iebrukums ir vērsts pret Ukrainu, bet karam ir plašāks mērķis: mūsdienu pasaule, kurā valda izpratne par klimata pārmaiņām, enerģētikas pāreju un digitālo nodarbinātību," saka Etkinds. Viņa ieskatā Putina kliķe tiecas apspiest notiekošo mūsdienu sabiedrību pārveidi. Savukārt Ijabs norāda, ka ideja par Krievijas "sadalīšanu reizinātājos" jeb defederalizāciju vai dekolonizāciju ir šobrīd kļuvusi aktuāla un tās apspriešana vairs nav tabu. Viens no vadošiem domātājiem šajā virzienā esot Etkinds. Vēsturnieks, kultūras un ideju pētnieks Etkinds ir Centrāleiropas Universitātes profesors Vīnē. Šī gada aprīlī tika izdota viņa grāmata "Krievija pret modernitāti".  
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gnatswatting · 1 year
• The absence of meaningful differences does not decrease the scale or the cruelty of mass murder. On the contrary, the lesser the differences, the greater the genocide. —Alexander Etkind
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NOĒMA NOĒMA (at Internet Archive)
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