#Eva 1000
evita-shelby · 1 year
Juli congratulations on 1,000 followers!!!!
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Can I request something with this prompt? ❛ i don't know how you've bewitched me, but it needs to stop. ❜
I think it’s soooo fitting for Eva x Tommy 🖤
I love it 😊🖤
I hope you like it mar 🖤🖤
Gif by @cillianparadise
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“I don’t know how you’ve bewitched me, but it needs to stop.”
He says this after he comes to her doorstep in the middle of the night.
“Bewitched you, I didn’t do anything.” The witch said in confusion. Dark hair moused from sleep and brown eyes showing concern for the man who showed up here demanding something even he hadn’t believed himself.
She had; she must’ve had because he cannot get her out of his fucking head.
Thomas would be damned if he let her get away with this.
He had Grace, while he has never been serious about women after Greta, with Grace he felt that perhaps he could begin again.
She quieted the shovels; her lackluster personality soothed him like a shot of morphine.
But then Eva Smith had met his eyes as she walked past his house one morning and it was all over.
He had stared for so long he had felt like they had fucked.
They had been doing this since he returned from France and she’d passed by his window and he had followed her until the witch had left his line of sight.
It had meant nothing, it hadn’t until these past weeks after a gust of wind blew off her hat and her laughter had reached him as she and Finn went after her hat.
After that fucking morning everything had changed.
Her laugh and smile haunted him even when he tried to drown it out with whiskey, gin and Grace.
He thinks about her even when he is with Grace, dreams of brown hair and tan skin and magic.
There are no more tunnels and guns and screams, there is only him following the young witch he can never catch up with.
This morning he had woken up from a dream where had caught her and she had laughed richly saying, so you found me, now what will you do, Mr. Shelby?
Thomas had woken up with Grace asking why he wanted to take the foreign girl over his desk.
Needless to say, things with the barmaid have been ruined because of the fucking witch before him.
He needs this to be over, to have her end whatever shit curse she put on him so he can have his life back.
“You did. You must’ve. I can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t even fucking know you.” He says sounding like a madman by the end of it.
“Have you considered this might not be magic, Mr. Shelby?” the witch asked him, still refusing to say what he needed her to hear.
Maybe the cold barrel of his revolver could make her admit it.
He’s not above threats.
Thomas Michael Shelby is not a good man, violence comes to easy to him since the War.
“Oh, I know that, but I give you my word, there has been no witchcraft of that sort because I don’t know how to do that. The most I can do is use toloache to drug someone and that plant doesn’t grow here, nor would I ever stoop so low.” The witch says having read his mind or guessed why he was reaching into his coat for the fucking gun.
“Then what is it then? If its not your bloody witchcraft, what the fuck is it them?” he asks thinking there was no other reason for this madness.
He feels his hands sweat at the thought of approaching her, he wants to know what she likes, what her perfume smells like, if her hair is as silky as it looks and if there are freckles under the ungodly number of layers she wears.
“I think you are infatuated with me.” She answered with a red tinge in her cheek that he rather liked.
“What the fuck am I, a teenager?” he threw back incredulously. “For fuck’s sake I am turning thirty this year.
I don’t have a crush on you.”
“Says the twenty-nine-year-old man who thinks I put a spell on him.” Eva points out and he supposes she could be right. “Anyways, I am very flattered, if you would like to see where this goes, you can pick me up tomorrow morning, wear the blue shirt and if you need any ideas, I heard the museum is nice.”
“I am not taking you out on a date, Miss Smith.” He scoffed.
“Call me Eva, only fair to let you use my given name after starring in your dreams for so long.” She teased and he fought the urge to roll his eyes at her words.
She was bold, he’d give her that.
“Fine, Eva, I’ll pick you up before noon, we can have lunch there and see where this goes, as you said.” He agrees hoping it will end badly and kill this ‘crush’ once and for all.
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mrsnaketbg · 10 months
T-1000 has his sights set on every snake character in the animal animations they were in.
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Do you think all of these snake characters can survive T-1000?
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pathstread · 4 months
like this post and i'll give you a thing. not telling you what it is though!! 😈
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atlantablack · 2 years
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"And you, Ronan," Niall said. He always said Ronan differently from other words. As if he had meant to say another word entirely -- something like knife or poison or revenge -- and then swapped it out for Ronan's name at the last minute. "When you were born, the rivers dried up and the cattle in Rockingham County wept blood." It was a story he told more than once, but Ronan's mother, Aurora, insisted it was a lie. She said when Ronan emerged, the trees all grew flowers and the Henrietta ravens laughed.
For @magicinavalon and @queerofthedagger and this of course is why I couldn't decide who to gift what, because you both love Ronan the most and so this one had to be gifted to you both <3
This one, like it knew who I was making it about, fought me the most but it is done and here and I hope y'all like it <3
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midnightsaboteur · 2 years
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kaustic · 2 years
tyyyy im doing my best <- took a way longer break than I meant to and also forgot about a quiz I had to take
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perpetualexistence · 8 months
Izzy and Noah being nerds ft. a very confused Eva
With Izzy's high IQ and 1000 thoughts zooming through her head at light speed, she 100% strikes me as the type of girl who created a whole language just for fun. It sounds like complete gibberish, so when she's using it everyone just assumes it's Izzy being Izzy.
Noah's the first one who starts picking up on a pattern in her 'gibberish' and asks her about it. Izzy denies it because she thinks it's funnier if she does.
Noah knows she's lying. Izzy knows that Noah knows she's lying. Noah knows that Izzy knows that Noah knows she's lying. This is an endless loop of knowing. The point is, Noah is now convinced to call her out on this lie out of sheer spite.
He starts paying more attention. He starts reading books on linguistics. He has a journal with theories and what he's managed to translate so far.
Eva has to be the one to tell Noah to chill for once. Eva believes him because she believes Izzy would do something like that. He can stop. Noah would love to. But his pride and his intelligence have been insulted. He just can't.
Plus, despite all outward appearances, this is actually pretty fun for him. He doesn't get a lot of intellectual challenges. Izzy's also enjoying feeding him clues and being a little gremlin about this. And hearing him have little mental breakdowns such as 'Is she seriously using that monosyllable as both a prefix and suffix with different meanings?!'
Eventually Noah gets confident enough to respond to her when she says something in Izzy Language. She lights up like a Christmas tree and responds in kind. Next thing either of them knows they're carrying a full blown conversation.
Leaving Eva, who has been been standing there this whole time, to go:
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Eventually they explain things to her. Eva doesn't really care to learn it herself but won't stop them from going off so long as they don't use it to leave her out of conversations.
She does pick up a few words though: Their names. Yes. No. Stop.
And every swear word.
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vonxodd · 1 month
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EVA BLUNT // 'night of 1000 selenas' runway ❥ drag race mexico 02X09
› for anon
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alisonthedeluluisback · 9 months
Rating movies about nazi germany I have watched
First of all, I want to make it clear that this isn't a professional review, it's only my opinion
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I liked the proposal of the story being centered around a nazi family and the younger boy befriending a jew, but all of that goes down the drain due to the multiple historical inaccuracies: the children learned about nazism very early, so there is no way bruno would have been that innocent. Also, concentration camps wasn't of that much easy access. The appeal to emotion instead of actually building a deep plot also sucks. 5/10
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I absolutely adored this movie, the plot is so deep, the construction around the persecution of Liesel's parents, her relationship with her adoptive parents, the brotherhood she had with the jew hiding in their house, her tough but sweet personality, her desire for knowledge. It was all so beautifully orchestrated, and also the historical accuracy>>>>>> 10/10
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This movie will always be a classic for me. The way they portrayed nazis as they were, human, vulnerable, with a distorted view of the world but still seeking what they thought was the best. How they went deep down into the life in the bunker, the despair and hopelessness they felt. Also, the way they portrayed Eva Braun>>>> how she tried to sugarcoat everything not to suffer, how she threw parties in the hallway of death, how even in a desperate situation the greatest joy of her life was to marry the terrible man she fell in love with and was blindly loyal too. Everything is so heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. Also, the historical accuracy is just a delight. 1000/10
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This is a true punch in the gut. The terrible way he lost his family, the inhuman life he lived in the guetto, his part in the warsaw guetto riot, how he kept his beautiful talent immaculate till the end, when he lost the love of his life and had to see her married, the hunger, mistreating and fear that were a part of his daily life, his brave survival. Everything about this movie is truly sad. 9/10
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I won't even talk much about this one. I start it laughing and finished it on the verge of crying. It is funny, heartbreaking, the perfect mix between comedy and tragedy, the true definition of bittersweetness. 100/10
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Following the same road of the last one, there's this piece of art. It had everything to go wrong, but it went beautifully. They made something outrageous turn out funny without being offensive, and yet made a deep, tragic and beautiful story. The underlying romance between that ex-soldier and his assistant, the way jojo changed his mentality gradually, and his absurd view of hitler. It was surprisingly very historically accurate, but Im still confused about: how was jojo not sent to an orphanage after his mother died? How did he survive on his own? Anyways, this was a negative point for me, but still love it. 50/10
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Okay, I absolutely love this one, but hate to death how they slipped over such simple aspects, like Hitler's personality. They made him hit a dog when in fact he defended animal's rights, they made him not give a shit about his mom being ill when in fact he loved her dearly. They changed his personality to make him seem even more evil. But, I also have plenty of positive points to talk about. I rarely see movies portraying Hitler's early life the way this one did, and how he ascended gradually to power. I love this miniseries deeply for getting into details about his whole life. They even aborded his abusive relationship with his niece. I can almost forgive the outrageous innacuracy with the characters and the altering of some details (how he earned his iron cross, how he met eva braun, how he treated fuschl), and I love it despite its defects. It also has some iconic scene: the bar fight, the munich beer hall putch, the trial. I wish I could give a 1000/10, but because of its innacuracies im giving it a 500/10
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Nazis getting brutally slaughtered. Do I really have to say anything else? Also, Hans Landa>>>>>>>> ∞/10
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eerna · 28 days
Not to like compare who's better among all the Orpheuses, but who do you like best and in ascending/descending order (not to say that the lowest is the worse) among the Orpheuses?
I've only listened to Reeve and Damon btw hehe
Huehuehue ofc!! I have heard audio boots from quite a few, watched a couple on video boots. I only saw Donal Finn live.
8.) Reeve Carney (2020-2024). I know you said that lowest doesn't mean the worse, but for me... I can't stand this performance. You'll see my ranking of pre-2020 Reeve super high up, so I have 0 idea why this happened. He became breathy, shrill, started speaking every other line (for a role THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE MEMORABLE FOR HIS SINGING) and his acting turned wooden. His arms do the Bill Cipher thing and I feel 0 chemistry between him and Eurydice. It is painful to watch bootlegs from this period, which sucks because MOST of his bootlegs are from this period. I can't tell if this happened right after the opening night in 2019, but he wasn't like this in the previews, and idk why the change happened.
7.) Jordan Fisher. Idk if this is controversial, but I think he doesn't get the role at all. His voice is good, but I feel no humility or honesty in his emotions, he performs it as he would any other role he is cast in. He plays himself playing Orpheus, if it makes any sense.
6.) Damon Daunno. I like him, but the NYTW Orpheus just doesn't mesh well with me.
5.) Reeve Carney (2017-2018). Similar to Damon, Edmonton/London Orpheus is just not my thing. Ranked higher than Damon because I think he's vocally better.
4.) Nicholas Barasch, J. Antonio Rodriguez. I like them! But it's a little like they are playing Reeve Carney playing Orpheus.
3.) Reeve Carney (2019-2020). The Orpheus who made me fall in love with this show. The bootleg from the previews was my optimal Hadestown experience before I saw it live for the first time. This is where Orpheus as a character became who he is, gentle and romantic, and the way he looks at Eva Noblezada in that bootleg specifically makes me feel faint. My fav version of the couple.
2.) Chibueze Ihuoma. Good lord. He is number 2 by a hair, he could easily share the no 1 spot. The fact that he was never the principal Orpheus even after 5 years of understudying boggles my mind. He is the one who does the "poor naiive little romantic boy" take on the role the best. I believe every expression, every gesture, every line. He is just a confused artistic dreamer who loved this world so much and tragically lost his optimism!!! And his vocals? He glides across that falsetto like an ice skater and makes it seem effortless. His voice feels like an extension of him instead of something he puts on for a show, which is to me one of the best ways to sing in a production - I don't want to be reminded the person onstage is a singer who has done this 1000 times before in different roles. He entirely embodies the clear, perfect voice of Orpheus - truly, "he sang just like a bird up on the line". I feel like he is to Orpheus what Eva Noblezada is to Eurydice, hearing them together would probably forever change my world.
1.) Donal Finn. Completely different take on the character from Broadway, he is halfway between NYTW's charming confident musician and Broadway's gentle romantic dreamer, and somehow this is the perfect combination that makes me personally fall in love with Orpheus. I can't describe how it felt to walk into that theater so sure I know the production inside and out and that nothing could surprise me, and then seeing this performance. He has something that I haven't seen in any other version: he is utterly broken and entirely rageful. If It's True begins with him pressing his face to the floor, heartbroken, and ends with him angrily screaming out rallying calls, and Donal manages the transition PERFECTLY. There's something about seeing Orpheus not only gradually lose his optimism, but also gentleness, while remaining so vulnerable and tragic. His voice is so melodic and beautiful and he can really nail the balance between singing and speaking in ways Reeve never succeeded. Even when he "ugly sings" it is still on point. Like Chibueze, his voice is an extension of him instead of a karaoke-like performance, and his accent is so damn endearing idk how I will ever NOT hear Orpheus as Irish. Also he couldn't stop sobbing during his final curtain call and I've never seen that before which makes him all the more endearing. I hope he will play Orpheus on the West End recording!
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cocoon2010 · 17 days
I love my girlfriend i love my city i love this world even when i get fucked over it's so kind to me i love my life and i love that I'll keep on living . I love rebuild of evanfelion 3.0+1.0 even though i kind of hate evangelion bc i think that an eva that realizes the name it wears is it's most interesting quality becomes 1000% better instantly . Sorry that's unrelated i was listening to One Last Kiss.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
For the Eva event. Prompt: “You’re worthy of my love.” + “You’re so damn attractive, you know that?”
With Heaven x Eva, following my headcanons? 🥺🤍🖤
Garden of Eden
Heaven Lavey/Shelby x Eva Shelby
(Polyam, bisexual wlw, infidelity)
Gif by @jcmieschung-blog
Part ii
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“You’re so damn attractive, you know that?” Eva said with approval as she saw Heaven dressed in her colors.
So fair and pale and dressed in black and red and gold.
A good and haunting contrast.
For a moment the angel looks like a demon straight from hell.
“You wear white so well, you look like an angel.” The French witch said in that soft and sweet tone of hers.
Bewitched you just as much as her appearance and aura did.
No wonder Arthur was besotted with her.
Not that he stood a chance, Arthur was too easily swept away by angelic fair-haired ladies with a saint-like appearance.
First Linda and now Heaven.
Linda had been fine the first few months before the golden haired woman showed her claws.
Eva didn’t mind claws; she had her own. Ten blood red and dangerously sharp claws.
Both were unsuited for each other, Arthur wanting salvation but doing nothing to obtain it and Linda finding herself sinking down with him.
In the end she broke it up calling him and all the family cursed, he took it badly ---he’d hit rock bottom by then --- and before they knew it, Arthur had been seen wandering drunk searching her.
For her safety and as a final courtesy after the shit hit the fan, Eva had gotten Linda in some school in a rural community in California.
A shame it came down to that.
And then, Heaven burst into their lives with Arthur, Arthur who finally got his shit together and decided he had to put the fucking effort to fix himself instead of leaving it to his brother, Polly or any poor woman that came his way.
Tommy was wary of Heaven, Polly and most of the family as well, fearing another Linda or something worse.
Arthur had never been strong on the inside; a few smiles and a fitted skirt were all that took Grace Burgess to get every drop out of him in 1919.
A witch as strong as Heaven Lavey could bewitch a weak man with ease and break him beyond repair once it burst like a soap bubble.
Eva had been taught how to control it, to use it as a weapon and put it away to avoid chaos.
It still had its issues, men and women still found her a real head-turner and could not help but want to know her.
Tommy had believed himself the exception and now they were married with two children.
Her magic had been strong enough to make him forget Grace even when he was in her bed most nights.
But they had developed enough love and friendship with each other to know what they have is true.
Until time proved them wrong, they were wary of the French Witch as pale as fresh snow.
Now Eva had found a friend in her, one she was as close to as one would say of a sister.
Except what she pretends is just platonic, has turned to attraction and even worse, the feeling is mutual.
A drunk kiss had turned into a confession and yet their love for their husbands does not change one bit.
They would not understand, both men loathe the idea of a sharing their witches and even less so if they knew who the other person was.
Tonight, they were to pretend nothing is going on.
That they are merely very good friends.
Good friends who kissed, fondled and fucked in the same beds they fucked their husbands in.
A love built on stolen moments.
A love that could get them killed and yet they cannot stop it no matter how much they try.
And yet when they find the ladies’ powder room empty and locked, they take their chance to show each other how much they love each other.
 “I love you.” The Mexican witch says as she wastes no time kissing her pretty witch, red ruby lips that fit so perfectly and taste so sweet even if she can taste Arthur in her mouth just as she knows Heaven can taste Tommy in hers.
“I’m not worthy of your love.” Heaven whispered back as if she wasn’t just as bad or worse than her.
“You’re worthy of my love, sweet angel. Of my love and his.”
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lesickun · 4 months
The fandom seems to be trying its best to throw Lilith out of the Morningstar family.
Anyway, it's not the first time I've come across the theory that Eva is Charlie's real mother. And it's already pissing me off.
The main argument is that Lilith was infertile. Where did you get this from? The series never mentions any punishment for Lilith other than banishment to Hell. In addition, there are three versions of punishment from angels for Lilith in the myths:
1) her children die every 1000 years
2) Lilith can only give birth to demons
3) Lilith becomes infertile.
There's nothing stopping Vivien from just giving up on any of these punishments. She had already redone the history of Eden by removing God from there. Why not do the same in Lilith's case?
Another argument is that Lucifer told Adam that he had, like, slept with Eve. How I've already been annoyed that absolutely everyone takes Lucifer's words literally. Lucifer could safely mean that Eve had agreed to taste the fruit of knowledge. Or it was said to annoy Adam. It's just that you seriously think that Lucifer, who keeps portraits of his family and still wears an engagement ring, deliberately cheated on his wife? Lucifer is not by nature drawn to something like this. And from all this, "jokes" are drawn that Lucifer fucked Lilith and Eve and is now targeting Adam. Okay, it was funny the first time. Well, two. Well, three. But it's constant!
The third argument is that Charlie looks like Roo, who is like Eve. Great. The character who NEVER APPEARED in the series itself (but was superfluous in the sketches and art of the creators) looks like the main character for some reason.
All this is not far from theories like "Lute is the secret daughter of Adam and Lilith" or "Emily is the secret daughter of Lucifer." For some reason, the fandom needs someone's secret daughter. This is already the level of Turkish TV series.
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xo-blue · 11 months
Acftl Review 🍎🗡️ Spoilers Included
4 ⭐
Look, I'm happy, thrilled, ecstatic, over the moon, excited, joyous, exuberant, tickled pink, merry and delighted that EvaJacks are together 🩷 (God I love them so much 😩🩷)
BUT... I'm also disappointed.
Acftl felt rushed and anticlimactic which is so ironic because I feel acftl was supposed to be the longest in the series. It felt very different and the pacing was off. I have many questions and not enough answers.
Ouabh and Tbona were so so good and Acftl just kinda fell flat.
Where was the flirtiness? The banter? Why didn't he fight harder?? It was too easy to let her be with Apollo. He's said time and time again that fates are jealous and obsessive. Where was the jealousy?? The obsessiveness?? I wanted UNHINGED behaviour 😭
Jacks chapters
EvaJacks content
ANGER (I needed Jacks to set things on FIRE. I needed him to KILL Apollo not some tree. Thank you tree of souls but I would've preferred Jacks)
PAGES (I could've read 1000 pages of EvaJacks and not get bored or tired )
The only thing I needed less of was Apollo (he's literally the main character in this book tbh).
Where tf were Marisol, Luc and Tiberius?? They all have significant roles in ouabh and tbona. Why were they excluded entirely?
Now, Lala and Chaos do y'all need a room? Cuz damn. I NEED a book about that right now. Lala brushing off Eva's question about Dane was suspicious as well.
The Valors... I'm not even gonna talk about them. I don't like any of them. Let me just say Aurora, you'll get what's coming for you... with your dusty ass ugly purple hair and your stupid face. You manipulative bitc- *takes deep breath* At the end, you didn't get him and I'm content with that.
The quotes were BEAUTIFULLY written and something that made me scream (like actually SCREAM OUT LOUD) was when Eva called Jacks my love. OH MY GOD 😩🩷
Stephanie was tryna be cheeky at the end with the apples question but they were for controlling the urges. He has Eva for that now 🌚
Stephanie Garber...
I do hope you're planning to write 7,000 novellas because we need them. I NEED THEM, OK?? PLEASE...I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM 🥺😩🩷
Overall it was a good book (not as good as it could've been) but I'm partial for Evajacks 🩷
That's all I have to say.
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skiijumpinng · 7 months
eva: "imagine 1000 people cheering for you"
fuck this fis get more people to women's competitions
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lycaenidi · 1 year
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all done! been waiting a while to do a full test, but now seemed like about the right time. More info under the cut:
Wings: first part I tackled. They're roughly 12ft in wingspan, and are aluminum frames with cloth covers, large cloth fake feathers, and real feathers to cover the frames. There are roughly 1000 goose feathers on the tops, and probably a couple hundred turkey feathers on the second line. Massive warning about the wings: Do NOT try to tackle something like this unless you have lots of time, good mental health, and money for materials. I have done this before so I have some experience but it is not for the faint of heart. Design is by thecrookedfeather, make sure to check them out!
Arm: Arm is eva foam (multiple thicknesses), painted, and glued together with some fabric so they can move a bit. Not shown in this picture but there are leds inside. Pattern from mythmesh on etsy!
I will probably make a couple minor modifications to the arm, as it tends to slip down.
Coat: neoprene and anti-static lining, with patches and foam for detail (not shown). I haven't made any garments for a few years so I'm pretty happy with how this turned out! Pattern from SarahMcCostumes on etsy.
Overall this was a pretty massive project! Definitely happy with how it turned out but I'll probably wait until things cool down a bit to get nicer pictures in a decent location. Wish I could've taken a video but my phone was not cooperating.
I'll be wearing this to FanExpo San Francisco in November, in case anyone else will be there!
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