#Even if Crowley thinks it's wrong
gingiekittycat · 4 months
Aziraphale didn't choose Heaven
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Aziraphale didn't take the job as Supreme Archangel because he wanted to be on Heaven's side again. And he didn't do it to protect Crowley, either.
He did it because he thought it was right.
Because Aziraphale always does what he thinks is right. He has his own moral center, and he will fight tooth and nail for it. He will lie to God's face about giving away his flaming sword for it. He will defy Gabriel and all the archangels at the end of the world for it. He will risk his angelhood to protect children for it; he will risk his precious, peaceful, fragile existence to protect a forgetful archangel for it. He will let Crowley, the love of his life, go on his own to Alpha Centauri for it; and he will leave him again, alone and broken, heartsick at doing so, on Earth for it. 
Because nothing, nothing is more important to Aziraphale than doing the Right Thing. 
And that's what Crowley loves about him. 
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rangerfromstarship · 10 months
Ok we have to talk about s2 moments that make me love Aziraphale even more
- pretending to be a journalist and just like. being as adorable and pure and kind of dumb as Muriel pretending to be a police officer
- going against Heaven to protect Job's children! He questioned Heaven twice, then tried to protect them from Crowley and then actually lied to the archangels to save them. HE WAS WILLING TO FALL FOR IT
- him actually grieving and hugging that jar with the tumour after the ressurectionist told him it was from a seven year old
- "you don't seem his type at all" *eyebrow raise*
- giving away his books! his books!!!!! to help Maggie and Nina
- "Smitten, I believe" *looks smittenly at Crowley*
- "You're being silly!" *adorably soft and tender*
- "well perhaps you could tell me...while we dance" AND HIS HAPPY FACE AND GRABBING CROWLEY BY THE HAND TO DANCE
- "You came to me. I said I would protect you and I will" he is an Angel of his word and even if he doesn't like Gabriel he will protect him! bc he promised it! we support a responsible, empathetic and caring being
- being shocked and putting a hand on Crowley's shoulder when they see Gabriel and Beelzebub together like "oh my, are you seeing what I'm seeing"
- THE SOFT LOOK TO CROWLEY - I MEAN I can't deal with it I can't watch this scene without tearing up (after Gabriel and Beelzebub vanish)
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anglerflsh · 9 months
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I've never drawn anything gomens related before
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sunderwight · 9 months
Thinking about the weird camaraderie that exists between demons but not angels in GO.
Have we ever seen two angels who are actually friends? Or even friendly to one another? We have met angels with a capacity to be friendly in general, but I think the closest we've come to two angels actually getting along would be Gabriel making a point to laugh at Sandalphon's terrible "can't have a war without War" line in S1.
Most scenes between the angels actually seem to have an undercurrent of absolute hostility. Teeth-clenched teamwork. No wonder it took them so long to notice that Aziraphale wasn't on the same page as the rest of them! The rest of them are barely on the same page as one another, either! When Gabriel goes against the majority vote, no one bats an eye at demoting him and wiping his memory. Michael and Uriel immediately begin vying for his job. The only times we've seen angels team up is when they're working together to bully someone else, like when they're trying to intimidate Aziraphale in S1 or going to the aftermath of the bookshop raid in S2.
Saraqael's overall neutrality towards Muriel is the closest we get to two angels in Heaven getting along, and it's more a lack of hostility than any kind of friendliness. At least until Gabriel loses his memories and Muriel shows up to spy on Aziraphale, and Aziraphale decides to be kind to both of them.
Demons, on the other hand, actually seem to form alliances and even friendships among one another. Hastur and Ligur are awful, but Hastur seems genuinely distraught over Ligur's death, not just fearful of suffering the same fate. Shax and Furfur conspire together and even though the 1940's investigation into Crowley's fraternizing doesn't work out for Furfur, it's not due to any double-crossing on Shax's part. Unlike the angels, who stick almost exclusively to making threats until the Metatron decides to try dangling a carrot at the end of the season, demons actually offer rewards to other demons when trying to work together. Beelzebub offers Crowley a promotion if he can bring them Gabriel, Furfur offers to back Shax up politically if she goes for the Duke position opening, and Crowley successfully stalls Hastur in S1 by pretending everything was a test and he's going to be put in charge of a legion as a reward for passing. They're still not great at socializing, but they're significantly ahead of the angels.
Of course, it's a fact that demons are awful to one another (Eric's treatment is really bad, they throw that random demon into holy water just to test it, "it'd be a funny world if demons went around trusting one another", etc) but they still seem more capable of forming friendships than the angels do.
I think that's because Hell cramps and crowds everyone together to try and increase their suffering and hostility, whereas Heaven isolates angels to decrease the odds of questioning or rebellion. Hell's methods are unpleasant, but it still ends up putting demons together, and some of those demons inevitably forge alliances and make friendships. Because as Crowley and Beelzebub demonstrate, demons are still social creatures with the capacity for love and affection, even if it's strongly discouraged and buried under nine million layers of trauma and a cultural mandate against kindness.
Angels are the same, but isolation makes is harder to form connections than overcrowding. Muriel and Jimbriel are both so eager to make friends, but Muriel's spent the past millennia shut in an empty office, and Gabriel has been distanced from his peers both through his position and also through Heaven's culture of fear and surveillance. He only breaks away from it when he finds something that's stronger than "choosing sides" (stronger than the fear of being rejected by Heaven and Falling, in fact strong enough that Falling seems worth it if he gets to be with someone he loves). Both Muriel and Gabriel are only able to start forming connections when they're away from Heaven.
I just think it's interesting that demons, despite being supposedly devoid of love, have an advantage in forming relationships compared to angels. Angels are supposed to love, but have far fewer opportunities to actually do so. Demons aren't supposed to love, but they make connections anyway.
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p4nishers · 10 months
ok but "i need you" is actually so monumental. bc it's never been said before!! yes it was implied in basically all of their interaction just how much they needed each other, but aziraphale never said it out loud before. and this is the aziraphale who just four years ago, which is VERY little for immortals, said "i dont even like you". he has changed so much in those 4 years while he wasn't under heaven's thumb and i genuinely can't help but be proud of him for finally being brave enough to express just how much he needs crowley.
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lineffability · 10 months
unpopular opinion time: I actually think aziraphale is the more jealous one
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dykejugheadjones · 22 days
there is a special place in hell for season eight of supernatural
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saglaophonos · 10 months
taking the apology dance away from some of you. crowley would never make aziraphale genuinely feel bad even if aziraphale really did something bad because he's delusional and he thinks aziraphale never does anything bad. like yeah crowley spends every waking moment trying to annoy aziraphale (he thinks it's funny) but he'd never let aziraphale apologize for anything real (he's crazy)
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queerhoodies · 10 months
insane how aziraphale and crowley’s first meeting ties into the those last ten minutes of season 2 so well.
(mini rant that i don’t know if makes any sense)
“if i was the one running it all, i’d like it if someone asked questions. fresh point of view.”
aziraphale needs crowley and wants him to go back to heaven. not only because he loves crowley, but because he knows he has so much kindness and compassion inside of him, more than the others archangels have ever shown. knows that crowley would give him his honest opinion about anything. and aziraphale is aware he does not always get it right. most if not all his plans that have have worked out before were the result of them as a team.
but the metatron has gotten in his head now. “coffee theory” or not, i do believe aziraphale is not in his proper state of mind. he is kind of drunk on the idea that heaven could finally do its job properly for humanity, he’s been yearning to make a difference and suddenly an opportunity falls miraculously at his feet. and especially that he is finally being listened and appreciated. supreme archangel of all heaven!
so, before the beginning we have:
- crowley wanting to stand up for what he believes, unaware or not even caring if it gets him into trouble with his bosses.
- aziraphale and his compulsory nature of needing everything to be good, not asking the necessary questions because of it, plus maybe the guilt of possibly having been the one who made crowley question god in the first place.
so after all this time and everything they went through, have they really changed?
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rraaarr · 9 months
everyone's talking about how Nina parallels Aziraphale bc he is the one who broke up with his abusive ex, and while Aziraphale Did do that, of the two of them, Whose the one still getting texts from their ex?
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madfoxx · 10 months
petition to change the shipname to ineffable divorcees
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winepresswrath · 9 months
I'm sad Michael Sheen didn't get to tweet his way through GO2 however the Bowie reference has me wondering if we would have survived it. the chaos this man foments.
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the80hbee · 1 year
wait. EXCUSE ME? what the everloving fuck is THIS, flanagan
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(book 2, burning bridge)
what the fuck. “If I were twenty years younger..”?! 
please tell me it’s not just me.
I was in the middle of washing an hour and a half’s worth of dishes when I suddenly remembered this moment. that felt relevant, by the way. fuck if I know why
idk maybe halt’s reaction is fine?? he does preface everything with an acknowledgement of the fact that he’s Much Older than alyss? so maybe this isn’t weird? it could be normal/understandable human reaction? y’all please. check me on this. I sincerely don’t know anymore.
is this kind of weird and slightly fucked up or is it just me
[image ids: two screenshots of white on black text. the first screenshot reads:
“The Ranger nodded. ‘More than I realized,’ he said. Alyss urged her horse close behind his and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
‘That’s for Will when you see him.’ A ghost of a smile touched Halt’s face.
‘You’ll understand if I don’t pass it on in person?’ he said. Alyss smiled and leaned over to kiss him again.
‘And that’s for you, you jaded, bad-tempered old Ranger.’“
the second screenshot reads:
“A little surprised by her own impulsiveness, she urged her horse ahead of him. Halt touched one hand to his cheek and looked after the slim blond figure.
If I were twenty years younger... he began.
Then he sighed and had to be honest with himself. Make that thirty years, he thought.”
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starcrossedidiots6000 · 7 months
Y’all think Satan was watching during the Job bet and thought Crowley pretending to be an obstetrician so funny he remembered it 4500 years later? Like, the lords of hell were like, “who should we have deliver the Adversary?” And Satan was like, “I know just the demon for the job.”
#I think Crowley even has a bit of a reputation before he defects because he really must#serpent of eden#tasked to destroy everything Job owns#Job as in GODS FAVORITE#They either really love him or really hate him down there#I’m not inclined to automatically believe they love him just bc he’s said but his story is looking pretty good#if there was ever a major player in the game it’s this snake and he’s not even actually playing#he just gets dragged into these things or walks into opportunities honestly#“get up there and cause some trouble”#Crowley proceeds to commit the most iconic and remembered act in the biblical canon by introducing humans to knowledge#they don’t call it the original sin for nothing#literally tempts Adam and Eve into the first sin#hell should be kneeling before him honestly#or maybe throwing tomatoes bc he inadvertently caused all their paperwork#Satan is either impressed or thinks this little freak is the funniest thing ever#probably knows he’s in love with an Angel and doesn’t even care as long as it’s entertaining#I know I’m giving Satan too much credit but it’s funny#he didn’t count on Crowley trying to REPLACE him as a parent along with his angel partner#and then raise the WRONG CHILD#or maybe he did honestly#if you want everything to go to plan give it to your most competent guy#or the guy who will fuck it up so bad it cancels out and turns out how you wanted#Satan and God probably had on ongoing bet about how long it would take these two to notice that’s the wrong kid
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p4nishers · 11 months
the script book is driving me fucking insane tf u mean "Crowley had lost Aziraphale, and the world was ending in a few hours" ??!!! bitch im gonna throw up
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fagziraphale · 9 months
itd be cool if the reason for crowley's fall was literally that he tried to overthrow god. like he went all in on the rebellion. he downplays it later like he just asked questions he just hung around the wrong people he just got swept up in it etc bc he cant remember the details a lot and that makes it easier for him to maintain that he didn't even do anything. but like i want the truth to be that he DID do something. and this is not to say he would have deserved it, or that trying to overthrow god is wrong or anything. it would just unambiguously be like yeah, there was a rebellion, he was part of it, he chose to reject god first. and then he AND aziraphale have to come to realize that that still doesn't make what was done to him and the other demons justified
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