#Everyone is suddenly writers
mishoarts · 2 months
(I'm trying to keep up with the sbg tag but if you keep posting alot at once I won't be able to read them)
Please don't go crazy don't let the long pause end you
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nothingbutvultures · 1 month
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i can be your dog or your bullet
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redbootsindoriath · 2 months
Apparently in my absence this post had its 1000-notes-iversary.
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This time we get to see the culprit responsible for ruining our heroes' lives as well.
I've really missed you guys, by the way. I know I've said that already, but I'm serious. Once or twice this year I've been right on the brink of coming back but schedule stuff always keeps me from letting myself commit to that again, and that in turn has kept me from posting anything at all. But I've been in an unexpected drawing mood lately and so if I can get enough stuff to set up a queue we might pretend I'm back for a month or so sometime this year. Maybe. Hopefully. We'll see. No promises though. That's why I'm hiding this paragraph under the cut.
[Beren:] "Uhhh...barkeep...I think he's had enough now..." [Tolkien:] "No, I don't think he has...!"
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
IDW1 must take place on an alternate Earth where no one has ever heard of ACAB and everyone wears "thin blue line" merchandise because there's literally no other way that a single Autobot killing a USAmerican cop in self defense would be such worldwide news that even Mexican journalists would go "OMG???? You like, killed a cop?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?" and it wasn't even framed as like, "you killed a human," the phrasing every time any character talked about it was very specifically "he killed a cop".
The cop was also threatening to shoot a group of surrendering/not-attacking/injured Autobots btw which is just the icing on the cake honestly lmao
#yeah i still think about how that plot point's handling in phase 2 was fucking dumb#you can't convince me that if a usamerican cop got shot by an alien people wouldn't be making memes about it#ppl would be making memes like 'you know a pig is a pig because he'll even shoot alien robots when they're surrendering'#i'm also mad bc the gun that that cop had was a replica of cybertronian guns that meg spread among earth's populace#and what's worse is spike and this other guy literally HEARD M EXPLAIN HIS EVIL PLAN ABOUT THIS#but somehow in phase 2 literally no one ever brings it up ever again#like not even spike brings up the whole 'yeah M had mind controlling guns that he did specifically to destabilize the population'#he was just like 'nah that autobot shot a cop the autobots are evil now'#but like. i wanna make the earth ac/ab memes so badly lmao#you know that ppl would be making 'officer down' jokes about some cop getting killed by an alien robot#don't try to tell me that it's bc they're alien robots people would suddenly support the US#ppl literally make 9/11 jokes bc they hate the US that much don't even try to tell me earth would suddenly unite over a usamerican cop#getting shot on the job no less#and this is also a story written by barber who's literally the ac/ab writer that gave OP shit for being a cop so like#it's honestly so baffling. like was he trying to make a point about police brutality#bc jazz is black coded and he killed a cop so that's why barber wrote everyone hating jazz for it?#idek it's just another one of those stupid plot contrivances i hate and make me unable to take the rest of the story seriously
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antiqua-lugar · 11 months
actually I think the weirdest thing about blackwall's ordeal is that suddenly what happened It's A Big Thing
Like forget DA:O and DA2 where everyone was committing murder for fun and profit, the narrative is that Rainer is terrible for 1) caring about power and profit 2) not calling off an attack when he realised children would die 3) telling his men they were doing it for their country and then instead they got hanged for it which he had no idea it would happen (but also weren't they a mercenary group) But like 1) everyone in Orlais cares about power and profit because that's literally how Orlais works 2) children die all the time in this game and no one cares SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY DON'T SHOW IT 3) the only reason why his men get labelled as traitors is that Gaspard publically denounces the attack he asked for to get good PR
Like I'm not saying Blackwall did nothing wrong, but like the main reason why the whole thing is made a big deal of in the game is that Blackwall feels terrible about it. Cullen has like zero regrets about all the sexual assault and murder (also of children) he condoned/was about to condone in DA2, so no one gives him shit about it. Dorian shrugs his shoulders about slavery, so he is fine. Vivienne doesn't say anything about playing The Game, so she's also fine. Everyone at the Winter's Palace stays suspiciously silent about anything Celene or Gaspard did, so the Inquisitor has zero context for anything. Leliana and Cassandra had zero qualms supporting Justinia who wanted an Exalted March and they keep talking about what a great woman she was actually and how much they miss her. Rainier however does take responsibility so everyone makes a big show of pointing fingers at him and ask for his head on a plate.
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boypussydilf · 9 months
its kind of funny that ppl are talking like Literally Everyone is Actually saying or implying they would rather have the ice king than simon that. seems like an exaggeration. the only people who say anything of the sort are astrid, who wasn’t even born yet while simon was still ice king and just thinks of him as “cool wizard” and “wrote some fun books”, and fionna & cake, who have seen approximately 10 seconds of ice king in a moment where he’s not doing particularly bad, and who have only interacted with simon at literally the lowest point of his entire life so far. what finn & tv say in ep2 reads as them hearing the conversation and assuming its more along the lines of “simon being embarrassed by work he thinks is bad” than “simon trying to avoid this thing because it is associated with a traumatic part of his life”. and prismo is just like. a little peeved that he can’t access or control his own creation anymore. Like, the Points people are generally trying to make when they bring this up are not without merit, and you could say that’s the message simon got from the last couple of days but. unless i forgot something there is absolutely 0 indication of any person who met ice king saying anything that remotely actually implies they enjoyed having ice king around more than simon. we just have a handful of people saying they happen to like One Thing ice king did. the people of ooo did not undergo a wave of selective amnesia about the ice king
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Now that the writer’s strike is a thing, can we start talking about how poorly people treat writers in fandom spaces? And I’m not talking about fanfiction writers (though believe me, they get treated poorly too), but professional writers.
Over the years of being in fandom, I’ve seen a lot of truly unhinged fans go on wild conspiracy theories about how writer xyz is a truly horrible person. This is despite the fact that fans don’t know anything about writer xyz except the fact that he wrote their least favorite episode of a kids show. Or how all the writers on their favorite show were shit and purposefully ruined the show and the tumblr users in the fandom could do so much better. 
A lot of times, there will be the Scapegoat Writer who is mysteriously responsible for every single problem on their favorite show, despite tv shows being a huge collaborative effort. The Scapegoat Writer (often a showrunner) will be the brunt of a lot of hate from fans who know nothing about them. Let’s use Rebecca Sugar as an example of how people accused her of unbelievably horrific things because they didn’t like the direction she took their favorite kids show.
On the flipside, there’s also the One True Writer that is actually the only person responsible for everything good in the show. The One True Writer can do nothing wrong, is worshipped by fans, and is credited for everything. This is despite shows being a collaborative effort, as I said earlier. Don’t forget the part where fans of said show constantly compare every other tv show writer to the One True Writer that they decided to worship.
Idk man, I just think it’s insulting to blame or credit one person for everything good or bad in a collaborative piece of media. Especially when you start to understand not only how difficult writing is in a professional setting, but also how poorly writers are paid. People don’t never blame executive meddling for poor writing decisions. Instead, they blame a writer who is struggling paycheck to paycheck trying to find the next gig because they committed the “horrible” crime of making a bad writing decision. 
This isn’t to say that people shouldn’t criticize their favorite shows for bad writing. Criticize it all you want. But I do think that harassing specific people or only crediting one person for making a show is terrible. More often than not, media is nuanced. And making poor writing decisions isn’t a crime; certainly, no one deserves to be harassed over that.
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robotsafari · 9 months
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this has to be a metaphor. for something
#robo ramble#im just going to read this as a thinly veiled metaphorical critique for the writing of the guild in xrd.#the writers made him faithful to the DQ blue raspberry misty float. all of his character development thrown in the trash completely#missing the point of the entire guild's story in favor of the dairy queen blue raspberry misty float coming back on the menu.#people liked the taste of the misty float but never got the point of its creation. it was only the taste they wanted. you could've easily#recreated this taste but they sought to return it in the worst way possible. without getting the point either.#that misty float ruined the lives of the people around him. and yet diary queen missed the point in favor of genre defining puppet characte#they wrote him back in and just made everyone around him feel like i guess everything is fine now??? its horrendous.#they made venom continue to be faithful to the dairy queen blue raspberry misty float. they tried to convince him that he had saved his#life all along or something??#like?????? the fuck. thats awful. horrible taste in my mouth-- LIKE THE HORRIBLE TASTE OF THE DAIRY QUEEN BLUE RASPBERRY MISTY FLOAT.#like if you wanted to make the dairy queen blue raspberry misty float playable again then just revive eddie and only eddie like tf?? you#could've come up with an excuse to make him live without a host. i mean you came up with bedman suddenly reprograming his bed in his final#moments what that doesnt make sense but ok..........#its better than diary queen blue raspberry misty float#i did it. these gifs have officially made me go insane. please dont read these tags.
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Love it when a Sastiel fic has Castiel stronger than an archangel, confusing everyone, and Sam and Castiel are completely oblivious because Castiel is so focused on saving Sam. I need more fics like this!!
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miamicommune · 2 months
do have 2 think that while game of thrones had good reason to kill its characters (narrative based on the war of the roses ofc people are going to die unceremoniously) it did completely fucking decimate a tonne of writers' ability to competently use death as a narrative device
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loveourfuture-c · 2 years
Explaining why a character did a bad thing is not the same as excusing their actions.
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wayfinderships · 1 year
Good morning gamers! I was working on writing my O.ne P.iece s/i's oh moment last night and this morning I got curious to see how long it was and it was nearly 1k words-
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nihiltism · 9 months
I know I've infodumped this before but not as its own post so let's go. what I'd do if I was in charge of making a live a live anime. I am ignoring the fact that I desperately want it to be a musical because that's not going to happen so ask me about my Separate thoughts about what I'd do if I was in charge of making a The Day The Night Slept The Album-ening of live a live.
ok so my Basic Idea is I'd let the show have a 13 episode (maybe 14? does that happen?) first season. I assume each of the first 7 chapters would need about 2 episodes, but I can see some that end in one like wild west or Definitely present day. I could also see some taking longer though, like distant future and near future. it'd even itself out I think to average to 2 episodes each.
it'd be an anthology series basically. a bunch of non-connected stories, but tied together by one key point. a narrator. see I have a Framing Device idea here and it's that we know odio from the very beginning, but never see his face or know who he is. this is very inspired by princess tutu here but here the stories are actively being Read by somebody outside of it, and occasionally he takes the reins to bend the retelling a bit, likely in the chapter boss' favor. note that while the anime is actually Playing and showing the characters, if the narrator does decide to kick in the characters will likely not be doing what he says they are, and they Definitely cannot hear him. it's an unreliable narrator story, but to the point where it's pretty easy to tell that he's biased. in practice how this probably would go would be like in princess tutu, occasionally when a character reaches a point that justifies his own philosophy in some way he'll cut in and monologue about The Nature Of Man Bringing Only Tragedy or whatever the fuck. also maybe cutting in to give the chapter villains some sympathy for the devil, maybe at the end to close each story out as he turns the last page? I dunno I don't want to be Too obvious but like. odio does sound pretty damn evil by default so maybe it'd be obvious anyway.
anyway! that's season one. anthology of short stories. on the final episode I'd leave it hanging on him picking up one last book or something, but I'd let that be told in either a short season (again, do these happen?) or a movie ??? anyway that would start out with the middle ages chapter, which I don't think will have any narration? I'm iffy on this? it'd be cool to see his retrospective thoughts on his own story but also, that's a bit heavy-handed, I'm not sure. anyway the thing is that around the end, when oersted breaks into his soliloquy at the archons roost. there I think we'd get a sort of cut-in, as halfway through our narrator starts reading it out himself. shut book camera pan Blonde Man Jumpscare I think that's the best way to go about the "oh shit the villain is the protag of that story" reveal. also it'd be fun. anyway that'd be either the beginning chunk or the first two? episodes?
from here I'm not Exactly sure how to frame it because all of the endings are Very important, but also kind of. happen at the same time? I do not know how to do this. the easy way would just be to have it remain anthology-ish, and have say the boss rush version of the dominion of hate be one story while the rest is another, but I don't think that fits into the framing device well. mm?? I have no idea. I think we're good without the bad ending of the dominion of hate happening as long as the "if you kill this dude you'll end up just as fucked as him" message gets conveyed in some way or another but I don't think we can skip the whole other version of the DoH.
maybe we can play it less as Actually Happening and more a what if scenario?? more odio just. Fucking Talking Alone Again about what Could be if not for Man's Folly^tm. I think that'd get the point across, be a good intro for the rest of the dominion of hate and stay in universe but it would Not have the added bonus of "ok you kicked around a bunch of jrpg protagonists now what. did that make you feel any better" unless we tried to hammer that home in a different way. and oh boy do I not have a single idea what to do with the armageddon ending. maybe instead just have him mention how if he and the other odios were Still denied he'd have the page burnt entirely or something. maybe at the end. shrugs. there's not a ton I can do here.
eh. anyway the actual dominion of hate would likely be more based in the protagonists than anything, likely picking a main character (Probably Akira) and not having a Narrator as much as just being in the mc's head from time to time. though I Do like the idea of odio still being there Attempting to nudge the protags and them being actually able to hear him this time, it'd have to be used infrequently. or not at all. there is a certain merit to them not knowing anything about him until getting to the archons roost but Us knowing a lot. I dunno. anyway I think this adaptation would have a lot more interactions between the protagonists (desperately needed) and I think that'd take up most of the runtime there, we can incorporate the trials if we want to (trial of heart is necessary to be sure but the rest really aren't, so it can be a good dungeon for the whole team to go through and have some more plot-motivated character moments) but I think Getting The Band Together might already take a good amount of time if we don't rush past good chances for character building or interaction. I want it to feel like the mcs Do actually start to be a team that is the thing I have the Most problems with about the game, though in doing so that will mean we're gonna have to do away with the 4 character party thing unless we want to have them split up sometimes. that's details. the point is that it's going to be All the mcs together most of the time and hopefully it doesn't feel crowded.
anyway from there it kind of goes as expected, except with the aforementioned (we don't need to have the bad ending be its own thing but we do need to mention the consequences). maybe somebody of the team Does try to grant oersteds wish before being held back or something. for similarities reasons I say oboro but this can be wiggled. anyway I also think around the actual Ending ending you'd get more than just one monologue from the mcs, you'd probably get more of like. an actual Conversation I guess? the mcs building off of each other's points to oersted? I dunno I'm spitballing here I do think it would Start Off with akira's ending though and then somebody scruffs him and continues off from there. I dunno the important thing is that everybody should get a word in or perhaps a hug in in the case of pogo. I think that's it though? I probably won't return to the plot device to show like another book being closed or whatever that is purely A Plot Device so it'd be weird to have it come back after oersted was Thoroughly Dead. I will say though if the live a live anime has an ED it's gotta have sin of odio in the A that's the law.
#live a live spoilers#That Was Long#anyway uh#i like ptutu#also if this was an anime i think id let lei be the final mc of the imperial china chapter#mostly for party balance (i trust the writers to not fuck up her character because Shes Girl)#but also because the way she relates to oersted is fun so i wanna keep that for the ending#i think the recruit order isnt Entirely relevant so id probably just go with whatever fits the game's pacing best#like if I were akira id probably start with trying to go to what looks most like it might be inhabited being the castle#and masaru and cube are good characters to pick up at the beginning anyway.#from there theyd probably go to the archons roost pick up oboro and realize the damn doors locked#so theyd then maybe pick up pogo along the way to brion and meet lei there. and then sundowns somewhere#i assume youd get like flashes of sundown through the whole thing. i personally like the thought of#akira/the team getting ambushed and whoever ambushed em just suddenly getting Shot from the shadows#and everybody else being ?????????#idk im spitballing here. sundown being the last to join but being Seen throughout makes the screentime balance a bit more even#though i dont like lei being so late in#i assume trial of heart would be after everybody had joined though so thatd be a little bit more time to get to know everyone#vee shut up#oh shit i just remembered u need cubes battery from the Brion Mountain#maybe akira would go to there earlier. i dunno. oboro being introduced later wouldnt be detrimental to him#hes pretty much what it says on the tin so it wouldnt be a total loss for him to miss some extra screentime
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godisasimp · 1 year
I had a mental breakdowns at around 2am because of the honkai story :
Ai Hyperion being present as well as the player being canon just fucks everything up.
See, in the event that came with her release, Ai Hyperion told us to set a "key" a password of sort, that she later used to defeat the virus, it was already known that she would appear in the main story chapter due to a CG being spoiled/leaked, this wasn't an issue at the time because she was just there to explain some things to Ai-chan, and she seemed to be a different Ai Hyperion than the one we met in the event.
But then came along chapter 35 and, lô and behold, the "key" we set up in the event, months ago, is used and the player appears. Now we have an issue.
Because in the event's universe, Honkai Impact 3rd is a game and Ai Hyperion is fully self aware of it all, BUT, in the main story it was never even hinted at.
So now, we have this Ai Hyperion as well as the player in the main story.
What do we do ?
Is the main story happening in the same universe as the Ai Hyperion event universe ?
- If yes : it would mean that we were always playing a game from the beginning, the characters in universe aren't real, the story isn't, and basically nothing is because we were always playing a game and not watching a story, the player was always canon it was just never shown or hinted at.
- If no : it would mean that Ai Hyperion somehow brought the player along with her, accidentally or not, in the main story which isn't a game, and it would get so much worse to explain because, the player is a being that technically doesn't exist in the main story universe and yet they're here, they had the ability to talk to AI Hyperion during chapter 35 and knew things she didn't (such as the correct directions) and could just talk to her like that, so the player has extra knowledge isn't physically present and can still influence the story, TL;DR : the player is basically an omnipotent GOD. Also the player technically exist outside of the fucking universe and can still interact with it DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING COMPLICATED THAT SHIT IS ???? DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY MENTAL BREAKDOWN ???? MIHOYO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY DID YOU MADE THE PLAYER CANON ???
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Me, getting comfortable, putting my headphones in and preparing to write.
Everyone, and their mothers:
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sammygender · 1 year
some of my most random fucking original characters from half-baked story ideas i have yet to fully develop are the most tragic ones to ever exist. like yeah the people from my current work are pretty fucked up but they don’t inspire as much pain in me as when i think about citydale characters. min truly and genuinely makes me want to cry
#it’s just. auuugh when you’re a writer and you’re sooo lonely and you’re this like 15 year old trans kid and your sisters dead and your mom#hates you and all you can do is live in your own delusion and form parasocial relationships with strangers in your class or on your tiktok#but for some reason god picks you why does god pick you is it even god??? and you create ur own little fucking self contained world through#your writing and as you write your characters based off these real life parasocial relationships you suck these real people into this fake#world and you rewrite their lives and everything about them and make them more relatable and more you and control their fates the way you#can’t control your own. and suddenly ur 16 and ur a miniature god and everyone you were obsessed with hates you so so much but you never#meant to do anything bad. and there’s one kid who gives you a chance and he’s just like you but yeah of course he is that’s because you MADE#him just like you you wouldn’t give him a happy ending or a happy life and he hates you too he has to!#and then you’re road tripping with this kid through a town that’s not real and a world that’s not your own even though you made it#and ur meeting god and ur meeting angels but who fucking knows you might just be hallucinating everything’s so murky and you don’t know when#you got blessed/cursed with these powers and you don’t know if the boy next to you is real#and you’ve spent ur life scared of god and now you become him but he can’t be bothered with you and you’re not even the only one you’re not#even special#and all this time ur sisters dead and ur parents suck and you try to rewrite both those things but it hasn’t quite worked. and ur really sad#and fundamentally you’re still 15 and stuck in ur room creating a false reality#*will toledo voice*: heyyy space cadet it’s alright to want to dream it doesn’t mean reality is mean-#Jesus fucking christ ahyway. one of these days i will sit down and i will write citydale#oc posting…#citydale#oliver talks
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