#Everyone was like oh I wonder which of the big three is going to d-BAKUGOU??
remcadll · 2 years
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 267: My Name Is
Previously on BnHA: Hawks stabbed Twice in the back of the head. Twice stabbed another guy in the back of the head. Everyone’s just running around stabbing or being stabbed. I should probably clarify that Twice actually died, because this is a shounen manga, so sometimes you have to clarify that this particular stabbing was actually fatal. Not just one of those flesh wound stabbings. Anyway so it was super sad, and now Dabi’s gonna face off with the sexy scarred murderous Hawks, and Toga and Compress are also going to be feeling a bit stabby after all this probably, and so that’s the general mood here I guess. I kind of need a break now so I’m wondering if we’re gonna cut to any of the kids. Because if we stick around Horikoshi may actually have to give us Dabi flashbacks. God forbid.
Today on BnHA: Tokoyami has a flashback to when Hawks told him he’s weak to being set on fire. This terrible thought weighs on his mind as he and the other lads and lasses of U.A.’s child soldier vanguard are escorted away from the battle via Fatgum and his absolute goat of a quirk. Dabi is all “:D you killed Twice, I’m gonna set you on fire repeatedly now” and Hawks is all “ffff no that’s my weakness also WHO ARE YOU” and WE GET SOME HAWKS FLASHBACKS?! and then Dabi is all “:DDDDDD [CENSORED]” and it’s literally fucking censored fuck my life. but also !!! because he actually fucking said it, though?? He really went and revealed it just like that?? And now Hawks knows, and he’s all shocked, and Dabi goes to kill him afterwards but TOKOYAMI IS ALL “ON YOUR LEFT!!!!” and OH SHIT. Also Endeavor saves Miruko so DOUBLE OH SHIT. Oh my god. I’m sorry this summary is all over the place but I can barely type a coherent sentence now so just TAKE THESE EXCLAMATION POINTS AND GO!!! SPREAD THE WORD. BE FREE.
everyone before we begin I would just like to tell you about my discovery this week. I learned that when I type the word “Dabi” on my phone the next word that the keyboard predicts is “flashbacks.” google keyboard is on to me. so now the FBI and the CIA and whoever else google is selling all my data to all know. I can only imagine. “she seems to spend an inordinate amount of time talking about ‘Dabi flashbacks.’ what’s a Dabi.” I’ll tell you what a Dabi is. it’s a guy whose fucking flashbacks we never fucking get that’s what
anyway so let’s read this chapter whose spoiler tags have already been filling up my dashboard, which is always a good sign. who will die this week? Horikoshi please have mercy on us in light of recent real life global events. maybe you can just have everyone abruptly decide that they are all done fighting and want to go home
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first color page, that this medium would one day soar to such great heights. who could have imagined that we would one day be witness to this masterwork, this magnificent fucking triumph of a colored manga page. holy shit. I will cherish this always
for real you all think I’m joking but I genuinely don’t want to scroll down lol. let’s just stay with Miruko forever. where it is safe. and sexy. goddammit
anyways but lol
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guys. we’ve been over this. fire is everyone’s weakness. just. I’m not quite sure people like Hawks and Kamui Woods actually grasp that. do they think normal people catch on fire and they’re just “oh, this is actually all right.” also, side note kids, please don’t use this answer if this ever comes up during a job interview
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what a gamechanging plan of action. don’t catch on fire. Toko write that down
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first gag panel, that this format would one day ascend to such lofty summits. who could have envisaged that we would one day behold such a showpiece, such a grand fucking slam of a joke panel in a shounen manga
anyway Horikoshi sure does love his English portmanteaus. I’m kind of stunned by how great this is you guys. but getting back to more serious observations, all I can say is thank fucking god somebody is actually thinking of the children! nothing terrible had better happen to them or I swear!!
so Fatgum is explaining that the plan was to have them use their respective quirks to help take out a bunch of bad guys at once, and that the grown-ups will now proceed to rope them all in and capture them. and dammit, I was trying to avoid having to post the panel because it takes forever if I post a lot of them, but I just noticed Mt. Lady over there stomping fools in the background and so now I have no choice
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A+ chapter so far you guys. 5 stars. keep it up
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one-and-a-half year-old Kaminari Denki has already fallen asleep. he wishes he could live there. I wish I had the words to adequately convey how utterly delighted I have been by this entire “everyone rides around in Fatgum’s belly” mini-arc, which is now my favorite part of the entire series (as always with the exception of “Dear Midoriya I’m really sorry”)
and I also just really love the timing of it?? right after the “here’s that angst you ordered” emotional sobfest of the last chapter, we’re taking a quick break to cut back to the Fatgum Express (excuse me, Fataxi) just to keep things from getting too heavy. this is such an important balance to strike. please don’t let this arc get too dark, Horikoshi
oh shit
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right, Dabi?? but I’ve had an entire week to process my feelings about it and I’m more or less good now! how are you
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not particularly great, then
and also, fuck. so Horikoshi was gracious enough not to show Twice’s murdered body even though he confirmed he was indeed killed (so apologies to anyone who was still holding out hope. it sucks but at least we’ve got closure). first he cuts off the bottom of the panel, and then he has Dabi literally cremate him on the fucking spot. there’s really going to be nothing left at all of him or any of the clones. I’m just gonna sit here and try not to think about that or else I’ll get sad all over again
anyway, so also Hawks’s wings have been totally incinerated now it looks like, and he’s just barely yeeting himself out of the way with whatever he’s got left
boy this is getting rough
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love how Horikoshi is avoiding showing Dabi’s face!! that was sarcasm by the way because I don’t love it! he pulls this shit all the time with Bakugou too! show us their emotions dammit!
anyway. how kind of Dabi to stomp out Hawks’s flames for him like that. you see. they’re still friends
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like. not to nitpick or anything, but your tear glands are actually located above your eyes. maybe he means his tear ducts. also I’m not a doctor or anything and I can barely name like three bones actually so maybe I should just shut up!
anyways though, out of courtesy let’s just take Dabi at his word that grinning like a deranged lunatic is a perfectly normal response to watching your friend get murdered by your sexy archenemy. who is to say
and what exactly is your dream again? to make Stain’s will a reality or something like that? so purging the world of false heroes I guess?
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most people would at least scream, wouldn’t they? Hawks??? does that not hurt??!
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no!! I won’t be fooled!! Horikoshi and Dabi flashbacks is like Wile E. Coyote and painting a fake tunnel onto a cliffside! don’t be conned by his deceitful forced perspective!
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apparently this man really will do anything to keep us from getting a Dabi flashback, even if that means giving us Hawks flashbacks instead lmao. WELL SHOOT. OH DARN. POOR US. WE’LL JUST HAVE TO SETTLE try not to look too happy guys he can sense satisfaction
anyway so here’s baby Hawks
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okay, so -- does fandom still hate Hawks. like, I haven’t checked the bnha tag much since this weekend so I don’t know if the general consensus is still “yeah he’s cancelled” or if we’re cooling down at all yet? anyway so I apologize if liking Hawks is still A Wrong Thing To Do, but just fyi he’s still adopted and I haven’t unadopted him and I love him unconditionally even though he’s in timeout. and so now that Baby Hawks has appeared to rival all other Baby Characters (BABY YODA WATCH YOUR SIX!!) with his lil wings and his Endeavor plush and his quiet lil nodding head, I just need you all to know that I would die for him without hesitation and that’s just how it is friends
(ETA: also, jesus christ. “Keigo-kun, you can say goodbye to your name from now on!" I’m surprised they didn’t assign him a fucking number. what the fuck. time for some grueling training, lab rat #184. better get ready. jesus. he’s like 7.)
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snap. gotta calm down. too much hype all of a sudden. easy does it
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noooo go back. fuck
and how the hell do you still have eyebrows, Hawks. how are you still even alive, let alone sexy. is fire your weakness?? is it really??! WELCOME TO BNHA THE MANGA WHERE ANYONE CAN SURVIVE ANYTHING. EXCEPT FOR BEING KILLED OFF-SCREEN AFTER WEEKS AND WEEKS OF BUILDUP
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what the fuck. is this a Tarantino movie. or an Eminem song. anyway but we all know what he actually said though so let’s just scroll down and see how Hawks is going to take the news
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oh my. I suddenly understand Dabi’s “grinning like a lunatic” reaction to witnessing a tragedy now. ohhhhhh that’s the good angst right there
so now Dabi says that if he wasn’t Hawks’s target in the beginning, then Hawks “would’ve been done for from the start”? ...what. lol what. am I just too tired to understand this you guys. I’m so confused
okay well I still have no fucking clue what that all meant but on the next panel he’s saying that Hawks shouldn’t have been focusing on Tomura or the League
is he suggesting that he has the power to bring down the hero system by revealing that he, the son of Endeavor, was made into a villain? am I reading into this right?
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holy moses. I can’t believe this is really happening. this plotline is finally on the move oh my god I can’t even I’m getting way too excited I can’t??
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well it matters to me you big melodramatic jerk!! don’t even pretend like you’re really gonna do it. I have zero fear of Hawks actually dying right now, not after that. there is way too much plot attached to him, gtfo with this fakeout shit
but more importantly, why the fuck are we cutting to Gigantomachia now oh shit. don’t tell me Fatgum got the babies out of there just in time
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let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the [deep breath] FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --
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okay like any reasonable person I am very concerned by the implications of this. and yet a part of me just wants to focus entirely on the “AM I GETTING TIRED AFTER LOSING AN ARM AND A SHITLOAD OF BLOOD AND FIGHTING FIVE NOUMUS ALL BY MYSELF FOR LIKE AN HOUR? ...NAH.” you’re absolutely right Miruko that would be ridiculous
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either she’s about to die and she knows it, or SHE WAS JUST TOYING WITH THEM WHAAAAT. I genuinely don’t even know which it is?? but it better not be the former and it absolutely is the latter though
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excuse me did this guy just fucking impale her
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SHE ONLY HAS THE ONE GOOD HAND LEFT LIKE CAN YOU PLEASE. can you fucking not, though?! and also I forgot that being impaled through the torso is another thing in this series that’s actually fatal. well fuck
(ETA: also he ripped out her hair!! look here you piece of shit I’m gonna --)
lmao but yeah, somehow
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Horikoshi. if you kill off your one cool strong top ten female hero character. just so you know. I will. ...you know what, just don’t do it, how about that. just don’t
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ohhhhhh I might be about to get really mad you guys. we’ll see. we’lllllll see
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GODDAMMIT, OBVIOUSLY TOMURA CAN’T FUCKING DIE SO WHY DON’T YOU FUCK OFF WITH THIS ENTIRE SCENARIO YOU’RE PRESENTING TO US RIGHT NOW HORIKOSHI, HOW ABOUT THAT. fuck everything I can’t believe chapter 267 page 16 was the last page of the entire manga you guys. tell me I’m reading way too much into this
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you literally had the perfect chapter. Fataxi!! Baby Hawks!! censored Touya reveals!! why would you go and. ...
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I knew it was a mistake reading past that amazing color page you guys
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-- AND AGAIN!!!!!
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y’all. I was this close to cancelling every damn thing. you don’t even know. my god I think I was grinding my teeth there
“you know what this manga has had quite enough of as of last week? tragic deaths! you know what it has not had nearly enough of? dramatic last minute saves! you know what it hasn’t had any of? TOKOYAMI VERSUS DABI, A.K.A. YOUR NEW FAVORITE MATCH-UP OF ALL TIME, YOU’RE FUCKING WELCOME.” geez. calm down Horikoshi. be cool man be cool
you guys. it was almost perfect, and then it wasn’t, and then it very much was. my god. how did I not see that Tokoyami save coming with all that buildup in hindsight. clearly he saw the fire on page four and was all “oh no! his weakness”
only thing is. it’s yours too, bud. :/ don’t think I’ve forgotten how this all played out during the forest arc. and meanwhile on top of that we’ve got Gigantomachia about to have the rudest of awakenings. goddammit. why is everything so dangerous and so awesome thanks I love it but geez
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solar3lunar · 4 years
4.ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠 𝔹𝕦𝕚𝕝𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘☆
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Ayama POV
Today is the day we finally get our hero costume! I was talking with Mina as she gave me everyone phone numbers so I got to know everyone a bit better before class started. We all went to our seat as the clock hit 8:23. Home room went by fast.
We have Uncle Mic for English which is the most easiest thing ever. Although everyone was really bored during this time. I almost fell asleep until I heard he speak.
"Which of these four sentences contains a mistake?" My uncle asked the class. I can tell that Jirō, Ashido, and Kamninari faces read 'so boring.' I really can't blame them.
"This really sucks." Katsuki said. My Uncle Mic caught on to that and started to panic. " Hey everybody, look alive! Grammar rules!" He shouted. I just looking the way towards Bakugou who was only two seats away from me.
God why do I have this feeling. I saw him look back and I then pretend I was just focus on the lesson. "Nerd." I heard him say. I only quitely giggled. Momo had answered the questions. After a few classes it was lunch.
The lunch room was huge. I saw Izuku, Ochaoco, and Tenya. So, I decided I would go sit with them. The food was really great. And a cheap price. So there was nothing to complain about when it came to food.
"White rice is the perfect comfort food, isn't it?" A chef robot asked us. "Yes of course." I said with a close eye smile and my hands above my chest. Although I like yellow rice more... Ochaoco nodded while Izuku was whimpered and Tenya seems surprised.
Lunch had ended and we all went back to our class. I was talking with Momo on the way there turn out she was sitting with Jirō so if I want. I can sit with them next time. Now since it's the afternoon It's was time for Hero Basic Training!
We we're all seated waiting and wondering who our next teacher would be. "I am here!" Oh God. "Coming through the door like a hero!" Uncle All Might spoke. I was cringing at his intro and the way he came through the door.
All the students were gasping. Even Izuku. I mean he has looked up to All Might all his life. I guess it's can't be helped. "I can't believe it's really All Might" Denki said, surprised. "So he is a teacher! This year's going to be totally awesome!" Eijior spoke up.
Well they did say he was going to be apart of the staff this year. "This year has gotten a whole lot interesting." I said. "Hey look. Is he wearing his Sliver Age costume?"
Tsu pointed out while my uncle was making huge step towards the front of the classroom. "I'm getting goosebumps. It's so retro!" Ojiro said.
"Welcome to the most important class at U.A High. Think of it has Hero-ing 101." He got the first sentence right. "Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good!" My Uncle said bravely.
"Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" He shouted. I was so excited my eyes widened. "Fight training." Katsuki said,by his voice I could tell he was happy. While Midoriya.... "Real combat?"Izuku sounded unsure.
"But the one of the keys of being a good hero is... Looking good!" He pointed towards some empty slots as they came out. "These were design for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." He said. The whole class was excited.
"Get yourself suited up and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"He shouted "Oh and Miss Ayama." He said. I look his direction. And the whole class had eyes on me.
"Someone from the staff add something with your outfit. They'd said it'll help with your voice." He said. I nodded knowing it was my dad. "Let's get moving Heros!" He shouted.
He shouted. After getting our new hero outfit on. I took a look at the new piece of jewelry. It's a sliver choker with wavy designs and in middle of it was the shape of a crescent moon.
All the girls were complimenting each other. So when I showed them my outfit they were amazed. "The outfit looks really on you, Ayama." [Mina]
"Aw thanks, Mina" [Ayama]
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We were all just waking through a tunnel. So I don't get it. Oh well. "Hey Ayama can you make a beat when were walking towards the outside?" Denki ask. "Oh that's would cool." Eijior said. "Sure." I said. I then thought a beat them played it. (Same in the episode.) "Nice." Hanta said.
"They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof! Take this to heart. From now on you're all... Heroes in training!" He shouted.
As we all step out into the light. " This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool!" He said excited. " Now. Shall we  get started you buncha newbies?" He shouted. Wait a minute. Where Izuku?
"Hey Deku!" I heard Ochaoco said. I was standing right next to her. "Nice costume Deku!" I said. "Thanks your guys costume look nice as well." He said going fully pink. "Yeah, but Ochaoco is really cool." I said. "Your amazing Ayama." She said.
"I love this school." Mineta said. "Yeah it's pretty cool." I said. "Yeah, but I like this school for other reasons." He said in a seductive tone. 'Let me not even say anything.'
She said as she has me now standing near her. I hear Uncle All Might small growl for a moment. That when I realized something. His costume and Izuku. Izuku making something things a bit too obvious.
"Now that your ready, it's time for combat training." Uncle All Might said. "Sir." Iida said. He basically had a question about if we're doing the same thing with the exam. Which we're not.
"Run-ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it. Backroom, deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows." He explained.
"For this training exercise you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two-one-two battles." Uncle All Might said.
"But Sir, their 21 of us." Ashido said. He really does have trouble teaching kids. "Let's see. I'll have One team in group of three!" He said. Students then start asking more questions.
"Ugh. I wasn't finished talking!" He pulls out a small book. "The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The hero must try to foil their plans." He said.
"To do that the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise  the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the Heros." He explained.
"Time's limited, and we'll choose teams drawing lots!" He shouted. "Isn't there a better way away?" Iida interrupted. "Think about it! Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here." Izuku explain to him.
"Yes, I see. Life is a random series of events. Excuse my Rudeness." Iida said. "No sweat. Let's Draw!" My uncle shouted.
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A: Izuku and Ochaoco
B: Shoto and Mezo
C: Momo, Minoru, and Ayama
D: Bakugo and Tenya
F: Mina and Yuga
E: Rikido and Koji
G: Kyoka and Denki
H: Tsu and Fumikage
I: Toru and Mashiro
J: Eijior and Hanta
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Those are the groups we're in. "Who would've thought I'd be the lucky one with two girls!" I heard Mineta said. "Huh? Why is that?" I asked. "Because-" But Momo smack him in the head. "Nothing pure I can tell you that." She said leaving Mineta with a big bump.
"I declare that the first teams to fight will be... These guys!" He said while throw the ball in the air and caught them. The balls read A and D. Man I was actually looking forward to fighting with Katsuki. He looks really good in that outfit same with Momo.
I think he felt my eyes on him, because he look my was and I quickly turned away and blush. "Team A will be the Heros and team D will be the villains." My Uncle shouted. I look towards Bakugo he had this please smile on his face like evil fun.
"Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!" He shouted. "Yes, sir." I made eye contact with Izuku and Bakugo. ' Give it your all, but don't end killing each other.' look. I saw Bakugo just look away while I gave Izuku a pat on the shoulder.
As walking away I notice the stares Bakugo gave him. But Izuku fights back the stare back looking back at him shocking Bakugo making him even more fierce."Come on Ayame!" Ashido called out. "Oh coming!" As I run towards them.
I felt a energy coming from somewhere. It was negative one. But I ignore it while walking with the other to the monitoring room. Don't kill him.
"I wonder how this will play out." Eijior said. "Hopefully okay." I said. "Speaking of okay. Is THAT okay?" I heard Eijior asked pointing down at my thigh. "Huh?" I look down only to see Mineta holding onto my thigh.
"Ehh?!?" I shouted. "I bet your thighs are so  warm. I can already tell there very big & thick." My face is really heated when he said that. His face was so...
"You pervert!" Ashido shouted while Momo hit him in the head. "Oww!" He cried. "Next time, don't grab on my thigh. Thanks." I said. "I was mostly talking about how he got Ayama all to his self, but yeah...." Eijior mutter.
My uncle All Might came in as we all put our straight faces on. As he went towards the screens. "All right! Let's being the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now!" He shouted through the mic.
"Pay attention, kids. Think about what you would do." My uncle said. I know it's going to be hard Midoriya, but you gotta get through this! If anything happens me or my uncle will stop it.
We watch how the enter the building through a window. As they were walking down the hallways and about to turn a corner. Bakugo came out of nowhere and I could see the hatred in his eyes. As he made a full on blow towards Midoriya.
Thankfully he missed them as they both went on the floor. But Midoriya quickly stood up. "He almost got the jump on them." Mineta said. "Sneak attack, Bakugo? What kind of man pulls cheap crap like that?" Eijior questioned.
"It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part. Acting like a true Villain would." My uncle said. But that not the reason. "No it's because Bakugo is filled up with so much pride in himself." I whisper. "It's didn't work Midoriya doge him!" Mina pointed out.
"Looks, there he goes!" Denki said. Bakugo was charging towards Midoriya. But Midoriya stop him by holding one his gauntlet. He then flipped him to the ground. Alright! "Deku is a name of a hero!" He shouted, but mouth it is what it look towards us.
"Hey who is he talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?" Eijior asked talking about Bakugou. "He got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to him before the match started. Along with the map of the building. Also this a roll of capture tape!" My uncle explained.
"Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them, and their out for the rest of the game." He explained. "So, there's a 15-minute time limit, and the good guys have idea what floor I nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" Ashido asked. "Correct!" My Uncle shouted.
"And the Heros are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one!" Ashido said. "Well think about it. That's usually how villains are." I said. To which my uncle nods. "That's life. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!" He said.
"All together!" He shouted of course. " Let's hear a Plus Ultra!" We shouted as one. "Monsieur. He's on the move." Yuga said which quickly caught all of our attention.
Izuku seem to be telling Ochaoco to run away. Deku was doing okay with holding Kaachan off for awhile.  While students were giving him compliments. "Who do you think will win?" I ask Momo. "Hmm. It's still a bit to early to tell." She said. Katsuki was ready to use his next move, but Izuku ran away.
"That guy has some real angry issues." Denki said. "Facts." I said. But it's mostly because of his pride which is too high and it's needs to be knock down.
I watch as Bakugo knocked down walls of the building. His pride has really turn him into something else. I could only think back when we were little kids. We were by the beach skipping pebbles.
Katsuki being the jerk he is and his other friends. Tease Deku about his pebble drowning so fast. I found it ridiculous.
I guess he had a soft spot for me back then. I don't know about now. I snapped back to reality. I look up on screen seeing that Bakugo had used one of his gauntlet on Midoriya. I can tell that Bakugo is angry. And I know he not trying to kill Midoriya but this is too far.
"Ayama run to the building to help Midoriya and Ochaoco!" My uncle shouted. "You'll still be on team C, but just Go!" He said.
"Ayama be careful!" Momo spoke. "Don't worry. I'll be fine." I said before running towards to the floor Midoriya and Ochaoco had first enter.
I quickly followed the loud noise. I hummed making butterflies appear and followed them. I finally made it towards them. I heard my uncle tell Bakugo if he use his gauntlet again he his team will lose.
I saw Bakugo think about his decision. As Midoriya notice me, but I made the sign to speak. My hoodie fell off as I started to use my Quirk. My hair floated up while getting longer  as I felt my eyes glow red.
My scarf was lifting up as well. I saw Midoriya talking to Ochaoco through his ear set. "Fine! We'll fight hand to hand combat!" He shouted While run towards him. I quickly sent my scarf pieces to capture Bakugo.
"Hn! Mr.Aizawa!" Bakugo grunted knowing he couldn't escape my scarf. I was holding it. "Wrong one." I said.
"What the hell are you doing here!" He shouted at me. "I get it you're upset, because he has a Quirk. That's doesn't mean you should try to almost kill him!" I told him. I felt him stop struggling. I think he finally got the memo. I let go of him.
He then run up to Izuku. And Izuku saw it coming. He was ready. But Bakugo had another plan in mind. Once he did his move he was going to to right hook him. I quickly jump and landed in front of Izuku and move him out of the way and doge Bakugo's attack.
I quickly jump above him. Then using one of my knee, I quickly bend it into Bakugo back. While grabbing his gauntlet and jabbing it into his back. "Ack!". He shouted. I got off of him.
He got up. He look angry at me. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, IDIOT!" He yelled at me. I active my Quirk making my eyes glow red. Using his Quirk I sent an explosion his way.
Which he blocked with his gauntlet. He surprised me when it look like he was coming for me, but I remember that Deku was behind me.
He push me out the way. I saw him right hook Izuku by using the metal part of his gauntlet. I saw Izuku use his all for one Quirk. But I black out.
"Luna." That voice... Sounds so familiar, but why can't I remember? I snapped out of thought. "Ayama?" I looked up to see My Uncle Might looking concerned.
I then looked everywhere. I saw Deku getting dragged away by the medical robot. And Katsuki just standing looking at his gloves.
"Are you alright?" My uncle asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I said slowly getting up. "Alright then. Head back to where they others are. I'm going to have a word with Bakugou." He's told me. I nodded and started to walk back.
"Luna." My vision became a bit blurry. I felt a liquid coming come out of my ears. I touch one of my ears. I bring my hand in front of me. It kinda look fuzzy, because of my vision. But I know it's blood. Next thing I hear is something  or someone drop.
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I slowly open up my eyes only to find myself in the nurses office. I see Midoriya leave as my Dad walk in. "Oh, so you're awake." My Dad said. "Yeah..." I said. I saw him look worried a bit, which was weird. But Nana look even more worried.
"I heard a voice-" "Did your ears bleed?" He asked me and I nodded. "Shit.." he said. "Is something wrong?" I ask him. This time I was raising an eyebrow at him. "Nothing that you should be worried about. You'll be riding home with me today. No choice." He said in a strict manner then left. I just groaned.
"You know he just looking out for you." Recovery girl said. "I know Nana, it's just... I feel like he won't tell me anything." I said. She just sighed as walking over to me giving me a kiss draining me.
"I'm sure he has a good reason for it. Now hurry and go to the staff room." She said. "Okay see you later Nana." I said before leaving.
I made my way back to the classroom. I open the door only for my feet decide to not work. Resulting to me falling.
"Ayama!" Some students said in shock. "Ow." I said. Momo and Ochaoco came to help me out. "Be careful." Momo said as I got my balance back. "Thanks." I said nicely. I chatted with them a bit before going to the bathroom to change then putting my hero costume back.
I asked them if they seen Bakugo they told me he left, but Midoriya went to talk for him. I thank them quickly than ran. I bump into someone. "Oh sorry-"
"Why are you in such a rush darling?" Kiyoshi asked me. "Not today I'm really not in the mood for your mind games." I said. 'Oh but I am." He said while licking his lips.
"I told you this before and I'll say again. Not interested." I simply said. "But I am." He grab my wrist. "If you don't get your hands off of me. There's finna be a problem. I'm not the shy little girl you saw in middle school." I told him.
"You mean the one who nobody like? Other than me?" He said. "You mean the one who almost got rape by you in the bathroom. Then yes."I said it and I could care less how he reacts.
"Will you shut up about that." He said rolling his eyes. "You have a girlfriend and side chicks. Go mess with her or with them." I said getting out of his grip.
{Pack Lite~Queen Naija}
(I really only like this part of the song)
“You can gon' 'head puff up your chest, but it bet not go no further.”  I walked away from him. I might put on a brave face but I was honestly scared.
I walked towards my dad's personal office and just sat there doing homework assignments while he did work. After about 15 minutes. We left the school.
"Can I go near that cherry blossoms tree that you and mom used to sit at?" I asked. "You want to go outside after what happened? Hahaha. You're funny." He deadpanned.
"Dad it's only like a five to ten minute walk to get there. I'll be fine." I said. "No. And that's final." I just set head on the dashboard.
My eyes go wide as a gasp left my mouth.
{Eyes blue like the atlantic~Sista Prod}
"If I were to disappear one day. What would you do?"
*A few moments of silence*
"Do what any other hero in Japan would do."
"That's what any other hero would do. I didn't ask what any other heroes would do. I ask what would Shōta do."
"The moment you're gone. I wouldn't know how to function or cope with myself, Kesshō. I would try to find you myself. No matter how long it takes. Even if it does take years."
"Because I love you."
What did I just witnessed?! I couldn't see anything faces. But black silhouettes of my parents, when they were younger.
Strange. I never had something like that happens before. "What is it?" I heard my Dad asked. "Just remembered that the nintendo switch you ordered for me comes today." Which wasn't a lie.
"And I need to walk the-"
"Well at least I tried."
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I got out the car and grabbed my backpack. I closed the door and see my Dad already on the porch holding a box in his hand.
"Well?" I asked. "Ayama's." I quickly rushed up and hugged my Dad. "Thanks Dad!" I heard him chuckle. He patted my back.
I stop hugging him and got the box from him. My pupils change into stars. "Wait til you get inside the house." I heard my dad said. "Uh huh."
When he opened the door. I walked inside casually and took off my shoes. And once I reach the upper step. I bolted my butt upstairs and straight to my room.
"Hi Leo! Hi Nebula!"
I close my door and put the box on my bed. "I guess I should get changed first." I walk towards my dresser and pulled out a lightblue shirt with a butterfly on it. And black jeans.
I got undress and put the other clothes on. I went back to my bed and pick up the box and walked towards my desk.
Open my drawer. And got out my box cutter. The thing had tape on it. And I didn't want to use my nails that I did a few week ago. Nothing too long or crazy. Simple short white matte nails.
I opened the box and I was amazed by the design of it. “Lavender lunar sky. Nice. Now to test it out!"
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Taglist: @mypimpademia
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~Luna Lyric~
~Universe navi~
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singingcookie · 5 years
YOO WHAT ARE YOUR PLATONIC 1A KIDS HCS??? As much as I love shipping stuff just seeing the kids hanging out really gets me 😭
I mean. Bruh same lmao. Part of the reason I want to write Drops of Jupiter so bad is because I wanted a catch all for my platonic shit. It’s ultimately gonna have ship stuff at the end of the story, but most of it is just. Gonna be dorm/internship shenanigans. Which means A LOT of platonic shit will be happening everywhere if I have anything to say about it!
As for getting to actual “headcanons” though. A lot of these have been/will be touched on the further in that fic gets but
Each of the respective “squads” has a group chat. Dekusquad, Bakusquad, and (while not technically official in fanon I don’t think), the Girlsquad…they all have a group chat for shenanigans and get-togethers etc.
Also for the sake of clarity my views of the composition of the first two squads are as follows. Dekusquad is Deku, Ochako, Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu, and Aoyama. Bakusquad is Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Jirou.
Aoyama was originally only close to Deku but Deku started inviting him to join the rest of the group. Mostly because it was weird for Aoyama to pop in only to vanish just as fast. And everyone there just adopted him as the resident cryptid. He rarely speaks in their group chat outside of reactions emojis.
They accidentally created the Aoyama Rating system in the group chat, wherein someone sends a picture and says “Aoyama Rate” and he’ll give them a rating and a blurb about the content of the picture. Any selfies sent for rating automatically get 10/10 or higher.
Todoroki’s asked for Ochako to give him some help with learning close combat. It mostly just results in her constantly flattening him because he has NO IDEA how to throw his weight around. He also frequently treats Ochako to things (buying an extra bowl of rice at lunch and “getting full” so he gives it to her for example). She’s appreciative but also gets grumpy about it sometimes.
Todoroki, Iida, and Deku banded together to rack up tickets at an arcade for a Thirteen plush for her birthday during first year. (I might write a one-shot about this)
Any group study sessions between the class (read as four or more people involved) are usually headed by Iida, Momo, and/or Tsuyu. But that’s mostly because without one of those three, a big group tends to have things go off the rails really quickly…
Satou and Momo collaborate a lot on sweets and teas that they’ll share with the rest of the class. They recruit Tokoyami and Aoyama a lot for taste testing.
Mina and Jirou are agents of chaos easily comparable to Sero and Kaminari as far as pranks or setting stupid scenarios into motion. (see what they did to help “distract the class” in chapter 8 of DoJ as an example…)
Oh right. Funnily enough Bakugou is the cryptid in the Bakusquad chat. He almost never messages in there but he reads all of them. Which is only realized when they started shit talking him “wonder what’ll make him speak up” they regretted it
Tokoyami, Shouji,Kouda, Ojirou, and Todoroki are actually really chill with each other? They all kinda hang out together from time to time. And even though they don’t really talk much, they still enjoy just sitting in each other’s company.
Hagakure is an agent of chaos all on her own. And likes to sneak around the dorms in her updated hero costume just for the giggles of it.
The girls have a “girl’s night” every Saturday that they can. They used to alternate between “normal” activities and D&D together but they’ve been on hiatus for a while. Funnily enough, Momo probably misses their sessions the most.
Bakugou and Ochako get along well and have bonded over liking Babymetal but Bakugou has sworn her to secrecy on the matter…
They try to do a monthly class activity to get everyone involved. But, since first year, they tend to try to keep the activities limited to campus… There’s a fear that whenever they go out in public all together, the League tends to show up, so they try their best not to tempt fate all too often.
Quirk pranks are…common to say the least
I feel like some of these aren’t very detailed but I also feel like I’m rambling a bit asdfghjkl I hope you found these answers to your liking!!
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secretblog1212 · 6 years
The past is the past (stopped and maybe going to be redone later?)
So I’m gonna try and do a thing with 1-A looking at Dekus memories and I hope you all like it! I’m hoping for a couple of chapters, however long it takes me to reach key point in his life I guess. XD Don’t really have a plan, just have been wanting to do this for a while.
Of course he would be the one to get caught, Izuku thought to himself. Why does he always have to be the one to be embarrassed in front of people? The one to fall and lose.
He just had to be hit with one of the trainer heros during practice. A memory quirk or something along those lines, he muttered to himself instinctively reaching for his notebook and pen. He moved to protect Uraraka in a split second, but now he had to watch as his entire class would go through his best and worst memories.
The hero, Entrancer, moved her eyes looking for a child who wouldn’t have a dark past. They landed on the gravity girl, passing over the explosion boy and the green blob seeing into their mind the tension still held from how their past had played out. Focusing not to land on either or them she concentrated in on her ‘victim’ before a green blur ran in front of her gaze (which is used similarly to Aizawas with her glance and will). Before she could stop herself everyone was sent down their classmates memory lane.
If she could, Entrancer would stop this before any memory could be shown but once her power had begun she couldn’t stop it. Everyone had been made aware of what her power was but not how it worked, they still wanted some challenge after all but even the sensi were shocked into a stupor with the sudden change. Class 1-A failed their objective, get the ‘citizens’ who were their teacher at the moment, to safety with minimal altercation, a very important lesson.
The teens looked around, also shocked by the change of scenery. The memory went black looking for something revealing about the boys past, whether it be good or bad. Within that time she was able to explain the situation, her and Eraser Head making eye contact and having their own, three second conversation without speaking. This was not going to be good.
A memory started to abruptly play, and the plot behind Midoriya Izuku's past began to thicken.
Izuku watched as his class was explained what had happened but none of them could see him, the Entrancer explain where he had gone with, “He is getting his mind and memories read by my quirk to find different things that greatly affected him.” This was going to go horribly if that was true, and he knew it was.
He hoped nothing incriminating would come up but knew it wouldn't be long before his entire class knew he had been quirkless. He felt sick to his stomach.
A memory must of been selected as he could see it start to play out, he carefully observed his classmates reaction, especially one Bakugou Katsuki.
A small, green haired child was running outside in the forested area behind Kacchans house, just like they always did. The blond was still inches taller then he was but that didn’t seem to matter to them as they laughed with each other innocently.
Midoriya could see Kacchan go pale, and hear his “Oi! Turn this shit off you hag!” Before he was shushed by the other eighteen students who were in awe at seeing the two interact before whatever happened between them must of occured. Everyone was shocked when there was no more argue coming from the explosive teen.
As the two ran around a tree Kacchan stopped, Izuku did not. The smaller stumbled from nearly knocking both the toddlers over. Kacchan smiled at him though and told him he had something to tell him. Izuku nodded and smiled, wondering what was so important that his best friend had to take him so far out in the woods to say.
“I talked to my mamma and she said when two people really like each of’er then they get married and get rings and then they live together! An-and greens my fav’rite and you’re green so we hav’ to go and get married, okay? Then we can live together forever and ever and be best best friends!” The blonde boy stammered and struggled over as few words but was grinning, proud of himself for using so many big words.
“B-b-but Kacchan? What ‘bout our mommies? We can’t leave them. And we d-don’t have any wings to go get m-mar-red.”
Kacchan looked upset when he didn’t get the immediate yes he wanted before he looked back up into Izuku’s eyes. “Can’t ‘leive I forgot!” He pulled out a napkin and unfolded it gently in his palm. “See! He’s green just like you! So now we can get married and live at your mommies house because she’s less scary then mamma! And then you can be my wife and well grow up and get a family and be best friends and heroes together Izuchan!”
Midoriya blushed at the interaction. He only had vague memories of this, but he could remember feeling overjoyed that he was going to be Kacchans wife. Speaking of Kacchan, he didn’t look to be taking this memory very well. Even from the distance he was, Izuku could see Bakugou fighting off a bright red blush, his arms crossed in front of him, but he managed to stay silent at the coos and awes that were aimed at him, how Deku would never know.
“Awe you guys were so cute.”
“I’ve never seen Bakugou so nice and happy before. Scary.”
“That’s so different from how you are now! What happened?!”
The blond just looked down to the ground and refused to meet any of his classmates eyes, or answer any of the jumbled questions half directed at him and half to the air.
The memory played on and Kacchan placed a fluffy, light green caterpillar on Izuku's hand before taking his other and exclaiming that they would have to go tell their moms the good news!
They ran through the trees much like they had many times before before reaching the Bakugou house and finding an almost exact replica of Katsuki himself. They all knew now that he got his mother's looks.
“Mamma! Mamma look! Me and Izuchan are married now So i’m gonna go live at his house with Auntie Inko!”
“Huh? What do you mean you got married to Izuku?” She said amused crouching down so her energetic four year old could show her the smaller child he had been dragging, stumbling behind him as they ran. He pulled his hand out and showed her the caterpillar still clinging to his hand but slowly climbing up his wrist.
“See Mamma! I even go thim a caterpillar ring because it was green and greens my favorite which is why I have to marry Izuchan! Because he’s green and I really really like him!”
“Izuku decided to add to the conversation with his small voice, “And Kacchan says I’m gonna be his wife and were gonna be best friends forever now.”
Mutsuki smiled at the two, barely four years old and not old enough to understand what being married really meant. “Okay, let me go get my camera so we can remember your an-i-ver-sah-rey, anniversary. That’s a day where something important happens.” before standing and walking through the backdoor snickering to herself, she quickly came back and told her boys to stand next to each other. Kacchan quickly took it upon himself to pull Izuchan tightly against him in a hug, not that Izuku minded at all, he liked it when his best friend, his Husband he guessed now, hugged him.
Their picture was quickly taken and the memory ended with Kacchans “Oh wait, I almost forgot!” And smashing his and Izuku's mouths together for a second before pulling apart again and giggling with each other. It wasn’t quick enough to stop his mother from taking another picture though.
The group erupted into laughter and questions.
“So cute!” “You were adorable.” “You guys are married?” “I need that picture.”
All of the noise was cut off however when Katsuki’s hands began to give off smoke and a growl was heard from his throat as he held himself back from attacking his classmates. “Shut the fuck up you ass wipes! We were just kids so it didn’t mean anything and Deku is still a useless fuck all Deku! So shut your fucking mouths before I blow your heads off!”
Silence ensued. Bakugou breathed a sigh of relief.
The heroes cleared their throats and looked fixedly around the room, giving no room for buts even if they didn’t know what it was for in some cases like Kiminari, Uraraka and Koda.
“Now,” Said Enchanter. “The next memory will play soon, I expect you all to remain respectful of, Deku you called him, of Dekus privacy and not bother that boy much about things either. This is an accident and I cannot apologise enough to the green haired boy for what is happening but I can enforce that you all remain mature.”
More silence ensued in shock of how seriously she was taking this. None except Bakugou knew anything about Izuku’s past and they were all intrigued to know more.
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cityofnumbersix · 7 years
Electric Moment Chapter 2
From as early as he could place it, everything within Katsuki's eyeline had been fire and brimstone. From the earliest hours of the morning, as the sun drowned the edges of his bed through the broad window along his bedroom wall, to the deepest hours of the night when he lay in his bed, eyelids slowly falling, his belly whirled with heat, his fingertips prickling with the onset of an explosion from within that never seemed to manifest with anything else but emotions and words. Everything he said dripped with petrol, turpentine and nitroglycerin, and exploded upon contact with the air, and it never seemed to have a halt point. That's the way it had always been, but right now, with his lips hanging open ever so slightly, eyes stuck on a single figure of a delicate girl layered in leather and black, his mouth had nothing.
"So, what'a'ya say?" He heard her speak again, and this time his brain was actually moving, so much so that he could practically feel it's movements as it turned and twisted in order to process the information.
She'd just said Electric Moment.
Katsuki knew who they were. Anyone who listened to music with any sort of consistency in Japan right now knew their name. They were an up and coming punk rock band with a post-rock sound and unique twist that not even the biggest of music buffs had quite yet been able to pinpoint. They were going to be big, huge even, yet still held an indie following underground due to their roots and masked identities. People spoke about them in forums, on the trains, standing by a vending machine in a business suit with a cigarette in hand. So what the hell did this group of delinquents have to do with them, surely they weren't Electric Moment? This had to be a con job.
"Electric Moment? The band? You have to be fucking shitting me." He scoffed out, chucking his empty beer bottle towards Izuku, who caught it with fumbling hands and placed in gentle into the bin beside him.
"I shit you not, sir. Electric Moment's hiatus period is drawing to a close, and we're kind of down a guitarist, for, unfortunate reasons and I want you to take the spot." The girl in front of him explained, staring up at him with eyes vaguely intense enough that it made her seem taller than she actually was.
"And you're trying to tell me...you guys..." he muttered, motioning to the group before him, eyes running over each figure with careful eyes, "Are Electric Moment?"
"What? Does it really seem that crazy?!" Denki suddenly piped in, pressing his fists closes to his sides, glaring in Katsuki's direction.
Denki had never been the sort of person to take on an insult well, and it seemed this guy was full of them. Now, any smart person would take this as a sign that future conflict may arise, that a guy with a terrible attitude, not matter his talent, wasn't the type of person that you wanted working in a group towards a common goal, especially one as starkly important as this one. Yet, for some unknown reason, something inside Kyoka felt still, calm in a way she hadn't been for months. When she looked at the fire burning in Katsuki Bakugou's irises, she knew he was the piece she had been searching for, even before N's departure.
"Yeah that's what I'm implying Bleach Brain." Katsuki shot back, "I didn't think signed bands still spent their time in dodgy bars looking for talent these days."
Kyoka let out a quiet laugh, straight from the pit of her belly, eyes pressing together in momentary delight. She didnt exactly blame the guy after all. When they were on stage, when their faces were hidden from the crowds, Electric Moment felt so far from who they were in the free air of their daily lives.
On stage, Denki was D, and angelic drummer with stark white hair and a studded medical mask, but in his everyday life he was an IT student that worked part time at the local Sofmap where he spent his time flirting with any living being to make their way past his counter.
Under heavy lights Eijirou was K, an energetic bassist with messy indigo locks and a red bandana masking his face from those around. In reality, he was an unemployed Sports Health student that enjoyed the gym and Sunday morning entertainment.
The there was Hanta, otherwise known as S, who took the backstage due to stage-fright, but played like he was born to hold an instrument. His hair silver, shinning under the high beams like stars, dull duct tape wrapped loosely around his facial features. Walking the streets however, he was a bubbling ball of hilarity that spent his days studying to be a nurse and driving his friend's insane with offhanded jokes that they hardly ever understood.
And Kyoka, when Kyoka was on stage, she was J. With bandages wrapped around her face, long auburn hair adorned in lace and studs. J's voice would project across the crowd, and drag people in from all around the room. She sung from deep within her chest, and the music would flow through her blood like venom, piercing her heart, forcing it to beat out of time, faster and faster until she feared she may lose herself. On stage, J was everything, but once she stepped off, she was Kyoka again. Kyoka wasn't really sure who she was when she wasn't singing. Everyone told her so many different things. She was a cafe worker, a music student, best friend, sister, daughter, queer, punk? But she didnt really know who she was other than that. Not that it really mattered. As long as she had Electric Moment. As long as she could sing. Thats all she really needed to be.
She couldn't blame Bakugou for not believing that the same people that dominated the stage, that made music that somehow reached people in ways they never could have dreamed, were the very same people she had spent her time with in the halls of her high school, making jokes and neglecting study. She wouldn't believe it herself if she didnt already know.
She chuckled her laughs to a stop, looking up at Katsuki from under her fringe, which only made the boy synch his eyebrows together. Maybe this girl really did have a screw loose, maybe they all did.
"Yeah, well, I roll old school, plus a little birdy may have pointed me in your direction" Kyoka explained, flipping her head to look directly at Mina, who only grinned back with glee, shooting the punk girl a wink.
"Well, they definitely aren't lying..." Mina began, turning to her roommate, arms reached back behind her back, as she tipped herself forward on her feet excitedly, "Katsichi my darling, meet my best friends from high school back home."
Katsuki only blinked, watching Mina as she swung around like some sort of deranged child. Not that it was usual for her to act in that fashion. He had grown use to her erratic and overbearing behaviour quite early on in their forced "friendship". In all honest, he was convinced she probably wasn't even human.
She rolled her head to the side, scrunching her eyes up once more, before speaking again,
"And" she continued, moving to wrap her arms around the taller boys slim, yet muscular shoulders, "Who also happen to be the members of Electric Moment."
"I can't believe he said yes!" Mina exclaimed, her fingers reaching deep into the mouth of a mug, wiping it clean of suds and water as she spoke.
"Well...he didn't exactly say yes per say. If i remember correctly it was more like 'yeah, sure, whatever, just give the details to E.T. and get the fuck out of my face'" Kyoka quoted, rolling her eyes as she watched her erratic friend from her place at the cappuccino machine, wiping around the edges of the bench to clear away an excess of stray milk left from their earlier morning rush.
"He still agreed, which is kind of something for him, he's usually more defiant."
Kyoka hummed lacklustre in response, her focus turning towards the front door of the cafe at the familiar sound of the entry bell rung through.
"GOOD MORNING LADIES!" a harsh bellow followed, as three male figures made their way inside. Kyoka heard Mina laugh from at her side, causing her to turn her attention to their new patrons. Denki, Eijiro and Hanta, the later being the one to have announced their arrival, the others looking less than impressed with his boisterous tone, palms pressed flat to their ears.
Both Denki and Eijiro looked utterly horrible. They were dressed far sloppier than they normally would when going out in public and the bags under Denki's eyes spoke wonders about how they were probably feeling. On the contrary, Hanta looked immaculate, he always had been better at holding his alcohol.
"Morning boys, seems you all had a good night then?" Kyoka teased, moving to pick up a jar of pre-sorted coffee beans.
Denki grunted, pressing his fingers through his frazzled hair. The butterscotch coloured sweater he adorned, far too large as it reached just past his knees, sheltering his shorts and hiding them from view. At least Kyoka prayed that he was wearing shorts. He was usually the one that took a hangover the hardest. Kyoka had been able to tell earlier in the morning as she woke for work, the boy's pants and jacket scattered across the floor of their small apartment, the bathroom door pulled shut as the pain sounds of unwilled vomiting left not much to the imagination.
"Best night of our lives so far." Ejirou replied, walking towards the counter, sunglasses sitting high upon his face to shield himself from the unwanted light surrounding him, that probably only proved to make his head feel worse.
"Oh, yeah, maybe it was for you lover boy..." Hanta cut in, smirking in the direction of his red-haired friend. This drew Eijiro's attention, but not to the boy in question. Instead he turned himself to face Mina, the sections of his fringe that couldn't quite reach to fit along with the rest of his hair in the band upon his head, swaying along with his movements.
"Speaking of which you traitorous wrench!" He hissed toward Mina, slamming his fist down upon the counter in a faux anger, "How dare you keep this from me! We are suppose to be connected in a sacred vow that prevents shit like this!"
"What ever are you talking about Eiji my darling? I would never keep anything from you..." Mina wisped, holding her palm over her chest where her heart was presumed to hide beneath the protection of her rib cage and pale blue blouse.
"How dare you hide your sexy roommate from me! You're gonna tell me someone like that was living within the same walls as you for over two years and you failed to mention it once!"
"Actually...I do believe we did have this conversation at one point..." Mina corrected, moving to lean forward across the counter, her face so close to Eijiro's that she could presumably feel the warmth of his breath against her own.
"And you said, and I quote, 'eh', and I'm telling you for a fact that the person you introduced us to last night was far from it!" He growled, glaring into Mina's golden eyes, "I practically creamed myself just looking at him..."
"First of all, fucking gross." Mina muttered, scrunching her face up in disgust, "Second of all, in my opinion, Katsuki Bakugou is more than worthy of an 'eh'"
"You have to be kidding me!" Eijiro cried, pulling himself back from the counter, waving his arms towards his other three friends, who stood to his left, Denki cradling a freshly brewed black coffee within his palms, "Back me up!"
"Well..." Hanta began, moving his arm to scratch softly at the back of his neck.
"I think he's a lot more an 'eh' that for sure." Denki stated, filling his friend's chest with a broad sense of pride, before the feeling was dashed completely by the blond's next words, "He's a fuckin' ass. I wouldn't have my dick anywhere near that jerk."
Eijiro was stung. Out of everyone, he was sure that Denki would be the one to back him up. Just like him, he'd been completely battered down by the other boys performance. Drawn in to the way he played, his presence.
"I mean, he was hella hot...'til he opened his mouth..." Denki added, before leaning back to take a sip of his slightly cooled beverage.
"Bro..." Eijiro whined out in dismay, turning his sight towards Kyoka in a pleading gaze.
"Don't bring me into this." She stated quickly, backing away from the coffee machine, cloth in hand, "I'm way too gay for this conversation."
"None of you would understand..." Eijiro gushed, laying himself upon the counter dramatically, "Clearly none of you have the same eye for perfection that I do. Like...the moment he walked on stage, it was like lust at first sight."
"His eyes were like fire, and that wild hair and every time he moved his quads pulled at his jeans...and...fuck...I'd let his crush me to death with those thighs..." His eyes were closed now, far more focused on attempting to recall finer details through the opaque fog of tequila and beer. Eijiro hummed, sinking his teeth down into the skin of his index finger's knuckle.
"Stop. Being. Gross. In. My. Workplace." Kyoka cried, pulling Eijiro from his daydream with a series of hard strikes to his arms and face with her dirtied cloth. Eijiro jumped up immediately, whipping his glasses from his face to scowl in his small friend's direction.
"She's right Kirishima-san, this is a public cafe after all." A familiar voice suddenly chimed in, causing the group to turn towards the back of the cafe, where stood the door to the back entrance -and the manager's office.
There stood Fumikage Tokoyami, the young, yet reliable son the owner, and also the full time manager of the cafe. His dark hair was pulled back in a neat bun, white-collared shirt tucked gently into his pants, covered again by a smart black vest. Not much different to how the goth boy would dress normally, but with far less clutter. In the workplace Tokoyami was a very professional worker, though it sometimes took a lot of patience to remain that way, especially with his bountiful harvest of overzealous staff and their friends.
"Sorry Toko..." Eijiro mumbled quietly, reaching to take hold of a tall glass of ice-chocolate that Mina had probably made for him, while blatantly ignoring her best friend's unnecessary mental breakdown.
The cafe in which Kyoka and Mina worked was a quant establishment only a short work from Todai-Mae Station in Nishikata. It had it's busy periods, and its quiet ones too. Both girls enjoyed working there almost as much as their friend's enjoyed visiting. It was decent money for a part time job and they even had a few regulars that could get Kyoka talking a little more than she normally would to the people that came through. Instead she mostly chose to man the machine, mixing drinks, cleaning. Small talk and customer service were more something that Mina was best at, and here she excelled.
"Just make sure to keep you behaviour civil, in case of other patrons." Tokoyami hummed, before stepping back towards the door, mountains of paperwork awaiting him in his office.
"Fumi-chan is such a novel gentleman, why couldn't you fall for someone more like him Eji?" Mina questioned, tilting her head towards Eijiro, batting her eyelashes towards him.
"Because my bro likes them hard and angry, like a boiled egg." Denki stated, winking in the pairs direction, causing Kyoka to tilt her head in confusion. The statement made no sense, but Denki hardly ever did. She slapped him with her cloth.
"C'mon Mi, I know you can help me out. Least give me his Line details or something...or even his phone number..." Eijiro begged, walking back towards the counter once he knew for sure that Tokoyami wouldn't be coming back out for a while, at least if they kept the noise down, "C'mon..." he whispered, reading to take her hand in his, squeezing it between his own.
"Mm, I might have them...or I might not...seems like those are some pretty personal details you asking me to give out. He might get angry with me." Her eyes glimmered with mirth, her tone teasing as she spoke.
"Snapchat? Does he have Snapchat? I'll even take that! He's apart of our band now! It's important that we are able to keep in touch...for emergencies."
"I have his number." Kyoka added.
"So do I." Hanta chimed in.
"Wait...you're telling me that the two of you are allowed to have his number, but I'm not?!" Eijiro was disheartened. They really didn't trust him that much? What did they think he was going to do? Scare the guy off?
"Look..." Mina spoke gently, reaching to place her fingers beneath Eijiro's chin, "You're my baby, and I can't keep things from you, especially when you're making that face. I can get his Snapchat for you..."
"On one condition."
If there was one place that Katsuki could feel calm, without the feeling of guitar strings beneath his fingers, it was in class. Sitting in a lecture hall, his glasses sitting neatly upon the bridge of his nose, as he took perfectly organised notes on subjects that interested him greatly, was his solace. If his world was fire and explosions, then his classes were the ice bath that chilled his flaming skin.
But not when his phone was buzzing off end, the small object inching ever so often towards the edge of his desk, his eyebrow twitching in time with it's rhythm. Normally he would ignore it, let it go off until his class was over and he had time to actually read the onslaught of generally irritating bullshit that floated across his LED touch screen, but it was a study period, and the sound wouldn't stop.
(Snapchat) Shitty Deku 11:24 New Snap
(Snapchat) Shitty Deku 11:32 New Snap
(Snapchat) Frogface 11:51 New Snap
(Line) SHITTYDEKUFUCK 11:53 Hey Kacchan! I'm so sorry to ask, but can you bring some eggs home after class? I would, but Ochako has me on house arrest! Thank you!
(ラブライブ !) NEW UPDATE!
(LINE) Angel Face 12:19 Hey
(LINE) Angel Face 12:19 Hey Kacchan
(LINE) Angel Face 12:20 Hey Kats you should reply to me
(LINE) Angel Face 12:20 I know you're busy, but its an emergency
(LINE) Angel Face 12:23 Okay if you dont reply now I'm doing what I want
(LINE) Angel Face 12:28 Mina says she needs your snapchat. Reply now and I wont give it to her
(LINE) Angel Face 12:32 Three
(LINE) Angel Face 12:33 Two
(LINE) Angel Face 12:34 One
(LINE) Angel Face 12:35 Ur funeral my dude
(Snapchat) Friend Request 1:06 You have a new friend request from Red Riot!
Katsuki's could feel his finger's begin to pull together, but he hardly realised that the force of his fist was breaking his pencil until the the staggered wood and broken lead were digging into his skin.
Fucking Ochako.
Over the years Kyoka had grown use to seeing Mina in a state of pure bless, but right now, as she walked across the cafe, observing her pink haired friend sit comfortably upon a cushioned armchair, before placing a warm hug of hot chocolate before her, she was sure she'd never seen the girl this happy.
"Pretty pleased with yourself, huh?" She questioned, poking her tongue out the side of her lips, before turning her attention towards what Mina had also been gazing at for the last half an hour, which was Eijiro Kirishima, walking around the spans of the cafe, apron wrapped around his waist as he served customer's through the afternoon rush, "I can't believe he agreed to work the rest of your shift for his damn snapchat handle."
Mina shrugged playfully, reaching to take a spoon a mini marshmallow from the rim of her mug, placing it neatly upon her tongue, "I would have given it to him anyway, it's just more fun this way.
"Y'know, its actually kind of good at this..." Kyoka observed, her eyes following Eijiro as he flitted around the room, placing the order's down carefully, greeting people with a bright smile and charm that only Eijiro could pull off. He was a natural with people, it's part of the reason she knew he was made to be a personal trainer. He could get anyone to perform any act and make it seem like the best experience in existence.
"Holy shit...you're right..." Mina mumbled, her eyes flicking with a gentle mischief, before she bounded from her chair with a sturdy intent, bolting toward's the back door.
"Hey Fumichi! I have a life changing suggestion for you!"
Hey Tumblr! So I’ve been working this system on Ao3 as well, so I thought I would drag it on here as well, which will allow me to also think things which will be helpful I hope, so anyways, for people who are unfamiliar any Japanese places/stores/products/etc that are mentioned! Im going to be making sure to add that here at the end of each chapter as well as links to anything mentioned that might be important to the story such as songs, just for reference:
In the last chapter I mentioned that Kacchan, Deku and Ochako are childhood friends from Hakone. Hakone is actually are small township about a thirty minute bullet train ride from Tokyo. If you're interested in seeing what it looks like you should look it up, because it's going to be a little be relevant down the line ;)
Shinjuku, Roppongi and Nishikata are districts in Tokyo. Shinjuku and Roppongi themselves are actually pretty popular when it comes to night life and drinking. 
Sake is a Japanese rice wine, but that ones pretty well known, so I dunno if that even needs to be here.
Also I mentioned that Denki works a part time job at Sofmap, which is an electronics store branch in Japan. They're also really great for cheap video games and gaming accessories. That's where most of my stuff comes from! Click here to check out their online store if you're interest.
Also SMS isn't really a thing in Japan, but with the invention of smart phone, most people use the LINE app for messaging and even phone calls, so thats why that is mentioned.
Also the notification that Kacchan gets in Katakana actually says Love Live ! Which is the title of the Love Live! Game app. (Yeah, he went there. May also play it myself lmao.)
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bibliobasilisk · 7 years
Who's Chiyo? What can you tell me of the gadfly trio? You've peaked my interest! Please tell me you're writing this!
oh boy. ohhhh boy. OHHHH BOY. im so freaking excited now i whipped out my laptop for the sole reason of answering this bad boy :DDDDDDDDD
shhhh im supposed to do doing other things *cough* sleeping *cough* but i love this au too much
ive also got the a-ok to answer this because chiyo is @chanlyeya 's character technically so….. i can go hog-wild :D
ps please ignore the grammar again ill fix this later but its 1am and i dont particularly care
shit this actually got really long im inserting a read more here 
Chiyoko Amarante is chan’s baby character. her quirk is “Composition Touch” btdubs thats a temp name that chan and i literally just came up with as i write this lol which is that she takes on the properties of any material she touched with all five (5) fingers. consequentially, she always wears gloves, unless the situation, ie, a battle occurring, calls for it otherwise. during her childhood she was thought to be quirkless, but some heavy trauma from watching her beloved big brother die awoke her quirk, which incidentally is very similar to his own.
but i cant talk about chiyos past without talking about chisaki, her big brother.
chan and i love this boy so damned much and hes dead before the freaking story even begins. were dragging yall down into this hell with us
Chisaki Amarante was a star of the support class of ua, and everyone wanted him to go into heroics because his quirk was really awesome???? but no????? this boy?????? just wanted to help people and felt that hed best do that in a supporting role in the heroics department. this boy!!!! is PURE!!!!! he supports chiyo unconditionally in her dreams as a child!!!!! even though she faced all kinds of discrimination as a child because of her perceived quirklessness!!! this boy is a Good Boy.
fun fact: chiyo and tokoyami grew up in the same general neighborhood and were friends of a sort more like acquaintances but they were children 
anyways back to my original point: not only was he super loving and unconditionally supportive of chiyo, he ALSO helped toko get over the fear of his quirk!!!!! at least until he got to the point where he was in canon
actually while i think about it here’s some links to chan’s art:
https://chanlyeya.tumblr.com/post/163801612688/and-heres-the-flats-and-line-art-because-im-a and hopefully write. maybe. hopefully eventually?
ok back to chiyo: she definitely has trauma issues from her brother’s death. incidentally he didnt even die in a hero accident or anything. he just.. got sick and died. 
flash forward into canon era: shes in class 1B heroics department with Nozomi Hizashi MY DAUGHTER!!! and the rest of the canon kids. just so you know, weve created a whole lost of kids and quirks for the sole reason of filling in those missing blanks in class b. it was hard. while nozomi worked hard and got a scholarship into ua, chiyo actually got recommended thanks to her brother. actually her brother is the only reason shes attending, thanks to her battle with depression and trauma. she can be a little cold and distant (for obvious reasons, see: depression) but she can hyper-focus on things shes interested in. just… sometimes those things can be… strange. off of the top of my head she once got super into competitive hula-hooping and something with the history of oranges i think. i may have just made that up. who knows? not me. she is SUPER SMART though. like i said in the nozomi post, shes a genius. before she met monoma and nozomi though, she was cold and distant. shes battling her depression with them at her side though!!! it sure would be tragic if something happened to her support system huh?? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗonto part two of the ask!!!! THE GADFLY TRIO :DDD
seriously i love these three. but im saying up front: monoma causes most of the incidents with bakugou. because rivalry issues. hes an idiot i know.
each member has their own niche, though it can change depending on the plan of action and other factors. but suffice to say the roles are:
nozomi- the distraction, the innocent face, the fall woman (she can get away with almost anything)
chiyo- the mastermind and the planner, with a side of being the muscle when shes not interested in being the mastermind
monoma- the henchman, the thief, and idea guy (like i said he instigates a lot of pranks, but both chiyo and nozomi instigate a lot of things too)there are several That-Must-Not-Be-Named Incidents with the Gadfly Trio, one of which includes macaroni and a feather boa. do not ask. Midoriya is still traumatized because that’s how he was first introduced to the trio. he was warned. he met nozomi. he did not listen. and now here we are. in therapy. Moral of the story is, dont mess with the gadfly trio.
if anyone was wondering, their teacher, sekijirou kan, named them the gadfly trio accidentally. its because the trio are gadflies, ie, they like to exasperate the situation past the boiling point all for the sake of their own amusements. they dont do it maliciously, however. most of the time, see: monoma vs bakugou. 
before they were all formed, it was mostly up to the class president, itsuka kendo, to restrain monoma from his animosity with class a, but now its mostly up to the trio. it doesnt always work lol. haha i just checked and its 2am and ive written almost 1k words on this subject thats way more than i though i was capable of lol. to answer the final question, no were not currently working on ksk right now, but hopefully we will return to this in the future because i genuinely love this au a lot and i really want this thing to take off but with chan working on upwards of……………… 7 wips??? and i lack the confidence in my own writing skills to do anything why do you think im the beta lol???  but we will return eventually! i hope! if people are genuinely interested ill try to answer any questions!
psst dont go to chan right now shes overloaded with the letter asks because she doesnt know how to restrain herself lol
0 notes
makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 164: Life or Death Battle
Previously on BnHA: The internship kids returned to the dorms and were greeted by their worried pals. Iida hemmed and hawed. Momo made some tea. Satou shoved an entire cake into Deku’s mouth. Ochako realized she wanted to save people in addition to earning money to ease her parents’ poverty. Sero and Kirishima showered Kirishima with affectionate concern. Bakugou quietly chilled on the couch pretending not to be worried. Kaminari slid over and called him “Kacchan” like the homeboy he is. It was all amazing. The next morning, Bakugou and Todoroki headed off to their provisional license course. All Might and Present Mic showed up to chaperone them, and we learned from All Might that Kurogiri was indeed captured by Gran Torino and Naomasa, but Giganto escaped after dealing some heavy damage. The group arrived at the training course location, and everyone’s windy fave Yoarashi greeted them along with Camie (the real one!) and fucking Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (Seiji). Also Endeavor was there to watch. And he’s going to have a private chat with All Might. Should be lots of fun, this.
Today on BnHA: Our best boys Bakugou, Shouto and Inasa (and Camie) begin the day’s training course. Endeavor cheers Shouto on from the stands and everyone is like “...” but then they notice All Might sitting next to him and they’re like “OH FUCK YEAH, ALL MIGHT.” Gang Orca walks out onto the floor, compares all of the kids to fish feces, and fucking yeets my three faves across the room. He then informs them that they lack heart, and thus he is assigning them a special trial. Enter a group of about 25 screaming elementary schoolers, plus their harried teacher who is constantly on the verge of tears. Baku, Shouto, Camie and Inasa are told that they’ll be in charge of them, and that to pass this test they’ll need to cooperate and move the children’s hearts. This is, of course, a recipe for perfect chaos, and to make things even more entertaining, Mic decides to do play-by-play commentary. Meanwhile, a surprisingly subdued Endeavor asks All Might exactly what it means to be “the Symbol of Peace.”
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
looks like the kids have changed into their hero costumes and are trudging towards wherever the course will be taking place
aww Inasa is aggressively trying to be friends
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also I’m kind of with Inasa on this one. sorry Shouto. I’ve only had cold soba noodles like once but I wasn’t that big a fan. but udon is the shit though
Shouto apparently feels very strongly about this
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I honestly can’t tell if he’s just really particular about his food, or if he feels like Inasa is trying to sneak up a metaphor on him and he’s like NOPE, NOT HAPPENING. THIS ZARU SOBA IS NOT GIVING UDON THE TIME OF DAY
oh my god Inasa is literally saying “WE’RE GONNA BECOME BEST BUDS WHETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT”
did you hear that Shouto. WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT
that means it’s happening. because like. look at him. this big fluffy airbending teddy bear is not going to not let it happen
meanwhile Bakugou is watching and being creeped out. by their attempts at friendship? or something else?
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I’ve been having a bit of an insomniac phase myself. so I feel ya bro
also they’re in this gym that, surprisingly, actually looks like a normal gym?? although there’s a bunch of playground equipment in one corner which is odd
Mera says that so far they’ve been doing the training course with the ten of them, but today there will be an eleventh person joining them
so is that Camie then?
meanwhile All Might and Mic are entering the spectator area and looking for someplace to sit
Mic wants to sit near the front to see better, but All Might doesn’t want to stand out
well he is pretty famous. and not to mention that Endeavor’s still right there as well and I don’t know if they’ve had their chat yet orz
oh jesus
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yep. wouldn’t want to distract anyone. definitely not looking to do that, nope
starting to see why Shouto was angsting so much over that text
so Endeavor is actually screaming encouragement at him, but in his obnoxious Endeavor way
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I feel like. he’s actually trying. oddly enough. but he’s just. so terrible. in so many ways
oh snap I forgot all about this
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yep. the guy that wouldn’t autograph your book and subsequently changed the course of your life by causing you to withdraw your application from U.A.
oh shit now All Might’s getting recognized too
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I hope they cheer the fuck out of All Might and it’s like, who even fucking cares about Endeavor
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that’s Bakugou’s dad, you know. ever since chapter 120. and Deku’s dad too, obviously. Shouto he can be your dad too if you want. plenty of All Might to go around, and it’s not like your old man is doing such a bang up job
Shouto is literally saying “hmph” and even Bakugou is staring at him like “what’s this guy’s problem”
Mera’s telling everyone to calm down and pay attention to him again lol
and now real!Camie is properly introducing herself
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so that’s the cover story Shiketsu came up with? or is that a story they’re telling the other kids? or does Camie herself genuinely believe this and no one actually knows she was briefly abducted and replaced by Toga?
and um. just to make sure. this is the real Camie though... right?
she’s acting differently enough that I think it is
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Seiji is sitting with a Shiketsu teacher in the stands and they’re discussing it!
he says she’s “a complete and utter fool” and the teacher is gently correcting him and saying she’s “just bubbly”
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so they did figure it out!
Seiji seems to actually be beating himself up for not realizing that she’d been replaced
(ETA: yeah, so rereading this, I’m getting some definite shipping pings from them now. Seiji’s clearly guilt-stricken about what happened to her, and clearly worried about her still. he didn’t attend any of the previous training sessions, based on Bakugou’s reaction, but he came along to this one now solely because Camie was going. he’s not going to let anything happen to her again. Seiji is, in fact, just a big ol’ softie you guys.)
the teacher is saying they need to make up for the absence of the Symbol of Peace immediately
I guess with this being the first time Shiketsu has been targeted, they’re finally realizing how serious this is too. U.A.’s been mixed up in this for a while, so they already know
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he’s talking some shit about them, oooh
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I assume he’s purposely trying to rile them up for whatever reason. probably because at least several of them are only here in the first place because of their poor anger management
everyone is instantly sobering up
lol Seiji
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wow Gang is really laying it into them
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ben·thos /’benTHäs/ (noun): the flora and fauna found on the bottom, or in the bottom sediments, of a sea, lake, or other body of water
did you just call my son a sea sponge. did you just compare them to fish poop
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his feet
he just. flung him
is it weird that I really want to make this into an icon
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is the whole rest of the chapter going to be like this
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this is now my favorite chapter in the history of time. also this is one instance where I’m already sure it’s impossible for the manga to be outdone by the anime. because how could it be. visually this is flawless
oh wait? is that it? just those three? no one else needs extra guidance?
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so they’ve already singled out these three in particular as being the ones with the most potential, huh. sorry, Rest of the Kids
he’s chewing out Bakugou for his behavior toward the rescuees, and the other two for their whole starting-a-ridiculous-fight-in-the-middle-of-a-disaster-rescue-scenario
he says the thing they lack most is “heart”, and that they can’t expect to be heroes without it
“do you think that everyone will willingly grasp your hand when you offer it to them?!” oooh I like that. basically these idiots need to learn to be more approachable
“survive this life or death battle” lol oh shit
based on the tone of this chapter so far, I can’t help but wonder if this is going to end up being something comedically tame after all of this dramatic buildup
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oh my god. suddenly I’m thinking back to that playground equipment. don’t tell me...
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holy shit. I count at least 24 of these tykes. and it looks like at least some of them have already manifested their quirks too oh shit
oh my god
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Katsuki please don’t murder the small muppet child. I believe in you. babysit the shit out of these brats. you can do it
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why do I suddenly have the feeling that maybe the elementary school just needed a substitute really last-minute and so this somehow ended up happening
now the big bird kid who called the grenades lame is running away crying
Bakugou is being chewed out by the other children and desperately trying to do some crisis management that consists of yelling at the kid to “STOP CRYING DAMMIT”
who the fuck is this
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does Monoma have a younger brother we don’t know about
meanwhile three other children have cornered Shouto and are grabbing something on his utility belt and shouting “IT’S A PEEPEE” repeatedly
on the plus side, I can already sense Endeavor’s fight or flight instincts kicking in, and with any luck he’ll be out of there before we even get started
Shouto is patiently explaining that the thing on his belt is not, in fact, a peepee
this approach is not really working out for him
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meanwhile still more children have surrounded Inasa and are just. punching him. for absolutely no reason
but Inasa is just taking it, and looking up at Endeavor and thinking “I won’t become like him.” awww
and yet this is not really working out either
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you know, I wouldn’t have expected this to be the case, but so far Bakugou is actually managing the best here
Camie’s there too, and she’s asking if she’s supposed to be part of this training as well and what’s up with that
Gang says she’s a special case since she didn’t participate in the real test
she’s exasperated, but says that she likes kids anyway so whatever
and there’s a panel that we’re just going to skip riiiiight on past, thank you very much
suffice to say, the female kindergartners are now ganging up on Camie out of jealousy that their popular male classmate appears to like her
also, forget what I said before about Bakugou faring the best so far
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little Billy, that is not a toy. please put down the grenade
these kids make flashback!baby!Kacchan look like a perfect little angel. at least he was cute
Gang somehow has faith in them though
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you guys. if Kacchan somehow manages to bond with a bunch of snot-nosed little brats and become their mama I will lose my shit. please please please
(ETA: arguably this is exactly what happened. what a fine arc)
the rest of the class is meanwhile being shuttled along to have some boring lecture
lol Bakugou is despairing loudly
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and seriously though, wasn’t he always the leader of his little pack of brats even as a child? can’t he just somehow tap into that little brat energy and take command of this group of kids as well? he does have a weird sort of charisma, and always has. and he’s shown patience and leadership in the past at unexpected times. I really think he can do this if he just puts his mind to it
All Might, Mic, and Endeav are sitting in the spectator section in silence
Endeav and Mic are dotting up a storm lmao
oh my
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he says an event without commentary has no soul
brother I’m right there with ya. why do you think I even do this. we should go get kicked out of a movie theater together
All Might’s asking if they really need “soul”, and FUCKING DUH THEY DO, ALL MIGHT
oh shit he’s commandeered Mera’s microphone
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I can’t believe this man is the fucking U.A. traitor. maybe. admittedly seeming less likely by the minute
anyways, now that Mic is gone, All Might is figuring he might as well get this awkward conversation over with
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he says that he doesn’t really know what to say to Endeavor in his current state
Endeav is asking if All Might’s aware that over the past month the crime rate has risen by three percent
hmm. someone sucks at his current job of being number one, huh
oh no
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is Endeavor
having character development
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okay look. one, dude is basically a rapist, albeit in a manner that’s just barely society-approved. two, he beat his wife and child. and three, he then had his wife committed when she had a breakdown and never bothered to do anything to try to help her (and also, you know, he’s the one who caused said breakdown in the first place)
so just a reminder. that Endeavor. not a nice guy
...but. it’s a story. and if a character actually shows a desire and willingness to try and change... well. I’m not necessarily just going to dismiss it out of hand
but this motherfucker needs to show some remorse, though. otherwise, fuck that
so whatever, Endeavor. let’s see. I have a feeling this is going to be a long, arduous process, and it might not even pan out. but it’s interesting, at the very least. and so in that sense, I’m here for it. hell, I welcome it. after all, we sure as hell didn’t get too much complex character development in the previous arc, Nighteye aside. so this... this is good
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lmaoooooo @ “likes beer” oh god. no salary in the world would ever be enough to compensate teachers for everything that they do and all the shit they have to put up with
the fact that she’s a newbie is apparent just at a glance. give her a year or two under her belt and I bet you anything her personality completely changes. teaching is basically baptism by fire. but she will eventually learn to improvise, adapt, and overcome. and she’ll probably be a lot more drunk too lmao
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 172: Festival Planning and New Attack Training
Previously on BnHA: We spent some time with Gentle, our New Villain who commits chivalrous crimes to punish the worst scum of society, such as guys who sell expired pudding. He’s not as popular as that trendy League of Villains because he’s not big on violence. But he does have a new project up his sleeves! Meanwhile at U.A., class A got to work planning their cultural festival program. Jirou was in need of a drummer, and Bakugou somehow ended up getting volunteered. Turns out he’s actually pretty good, but he was reluctant to perform because he overheard some jerks from the department of gen ed talking shit about class A and blaming them for starting trouble all the time. So he wasn’t keen on the idea of performing to indulge these people. However he is on board to aggressively “knock them dead with his sound”, whatever that means! Everyone was like “...well all right then!” And everything was looking up. And then we found out that Gentle plans to invade U.A. during the festival. Because apparently we can never have nice things.
Today on BnHA: Jirou recruits the rest of the band members: Momo on keyboard, Tokoyami and Kaminari on guitar, and her own self on vocals. A handful of kids -- Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero, Kouda, and Aoyama -- are assigned to the “staging” team in charge of making everything look cool. And the rest of the kids are assigned to the Dance Team, including IIDA FUCKING TENYA, because when I tell you guys this manga always delivers everything I want, I mean ev.ery.thing. With that settled, Deku meets with All Might the next day and discusses his recent progress (or lack thereof) with One for All. All Might tells Deku he needs to develop a long-range attack, and they head out to the woods for some training. Deku learns that 20% Full Cowl gives him enough power to unleash wind pressure attacks. And with a little nudging, All Might gets Deku to realize he can create a new attack by activating 20% OFA in specific parts of his body, the way he did back before he mastered Full Cowl. Then to end the chapter, we cut to Aizawa and Mirio, who are bringing Eri to visit U.A. for the very first time.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
look who knows how to play the piano because she’s so stinkin’ rich!
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oh my god look how cute she is
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look how cute they are. GOD THIS IS THE BEST
Jirou says she’s gonna be on bass, so they just have guitar and vocals left!
cool cool. they can get literally anyone to do those and I’ll be happy. anyone EXCEPT Iida, that is. because Iida needs to be on that dance floor you guys
lol Todoroki
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I’m fucking dying. Todoroki is nailing that space alien combination of “knows just enough to ask oddly specific questions while still somehow being totally naive and clueless”
Mina is explaining to those unaware that “staging” refers to things that set the atmosphere, such as disco balls, sparklers, streamers, etc.
I wonder if putting Aoyama in charge of that would lead to success or disaster
ooh, apparently Aizawa made arrangements to borrow the gym! so they’ll really have room to go nuts
I have no idea what’s going on in Mina’s head you guys but omg
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yes. yes. I can see it now
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this girl has a fucking VISION and she will not be deterred
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okay so I’m fairly convinced now that Mina might actually be a creative genius and they should really let her loose more often in training. let that imagination go wild and see where it takes you. she could come up with some extremely unpredictable strategies. I’m serious
amazingly, no one is even arguing this except for Aoyama lol. he’s standing there all “I’m the disco ball?” while the rest of them are all “oh is this what you meant by teaming up? cool beans”
(ETA: no one argued it because this is literally what they ended up doing. pretty sure the staging team had one planning meeting and were all “okay, so basically just do all that stuff Mina said?” and agreed on it and then spent the rest of the month playing on their phones while pretending to work real hard. they didn’t even bother to work out the actual logistics of it until basically the night before. this is why Deku hadn’t checked that fucking rope you guys.)
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I want to save this panel and use it as a meme reaction image omg
and that clack you see is the sound of the intern kids finally returning from their supplementary courses!
they’re excited to also get in on this!
Ochako is surprised that Jirou’s not singing!
-- oh no
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when I said “literally anyone” I should have been just slightly more specific huh
oh thank god they’re making these guys try out first
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I can’t fucking wait to see this in the anime omg
Hagakure says that Jirou’s singing is actually amazing and she thinks she should be on vocals
but Jirou really doesn’t want to and says it’s just gonna complicate things
but they’re all encouraging her!
oh my god she’s gonna do it!
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can’t fucking wait. omg. it’s gonna be like a whole year, but hopefully it’ll be worth it
so now Jirou says they need two guitarists
Kaminari is volunteering which is GREAT because Jirou and Momo are already there, so yeah
but Mineta is also volunteering which is. less great
oh my god
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at this point the list of people I ship Bakugou with is significantly longer than the list of people I don’t ship him with, I think
sometimes Horikoshi does nice things. I’ll admit
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Mineta is sulking and the girls are taking pity on him, and honestly I don’t mind it. weirdly. because it’s one of the few times he’s not being a little troll. he just looks small and sad
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MAYBE I’M JUST FEELING GENEROUS TODAY. Mineta, you can exist today
like, even when Mina offers him a “harem part”, he doesn’t turn completely gross, he just kind of goes red a bit. I’m completely fine with this. Horikoshi can write this toned down version of Mineta and I’m cool with it. but I’m sure it won’t last though. alas
(ETA: my biggest problem with Mineta is that he beat Mirio in that goddamn poll his character has no purpose other than being obnoxious. he literally has no other personality traits besides “pervert.” if Horikoshi made even the slightest attempt to tone down that bullshit and actually try to do more with him I’d probably make more of an effort to at least tolerate him. but alas, that ship has sailed I think.)
holy shit how late did they stay up planning this??
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you actually got Bakugou to stay up 5 whole hours past his bedtime. incredible
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do you guys think Bakugou knows how to do that thing where you twirl the drumstick around on your fingers
also if he doesn’t get to shout “WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!!!! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” then I will forever be upset about the opportunity wasted. in fact, it’s happening in my mind whether Horikoshi likes it or not. that is canon. prove me wrong
(ETA: I have my own mental version of this entire performance and let me tell you, it is very specific)
I’m gonna play some Yeah Yeah Yeahs because right now that’s kind of my mental image for what the band might sound like lol
so now we’re cutting to the break room the next day and Izuku is having some tea with dad
it’s very cute but also All Might’s wondering if Deku had something he specifically wanted to talk to him about, since he’s meeting up with him at such a busy time
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geez All Might can’t a boy just have some TEA with his DAD without being INTERROGATED, GEEZ
but also he’s 100% right to ask, and he does it so gently so that Deku can either take the invitation to talk, or decline politely if he so chooses. All Might really is the best
sure enough, Deku does have something on his mind!
he’s telling All Might about how he was able to bring out 20% of OFA under duress, but only for a short time, and even then it put a ton of strain on his body. not only that but it wasn’t even enough to win
so he’s trying to figure out how he should fight in the current situation, since he can’t master 100% yet
um whoa
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say what now??
I mean like, obviously yes, that would be ideal. but are you implying that there’s some sort of obvious long-range move he should be able to figure out?
Izuku says he wants to learn how to do a weather-altering technique (and I forgot All Might could do those; has he even done it since the opening chapter?), but right now he’s not able yet
but All Might says he has “a few other...” and then he trails off
and he’s saying they should change locations
omg. I’m so hyped!?!
so now they’re in a forested area on the school grounds, and Deku has changed into his gym uniform
is this still during school hours. and Deku still has those supplemental lessons on top of that. All Might doesn’t have any classes he’s supposed to be teaching either? just drop all of your fucking responsibilities then why don’t you
All Might is telling Deku to break out 20% full cowl, and Deku is hesitating
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“YEAH!! IT’S FINE!” lol okay then
so here we go!
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this is always so badass. and I appreciate it so much more when it’s not in the context of a super dragged out fight coming on the tail end of 40 chapters of nonsense
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:D what’s he gonna doooo
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Deku is wincing though and he’s saying “but in any case, my body’s...”
but All Might is wagging a finger in a knowing way and he’s telling Deku to look back at his journey
damn we got like a powerpoint and everything
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does Deku’s mind just naturally think this way. because he’s trained it through all of that obsessive note-taking. I realize this is mostly for our benefit, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if his thoughts actually were this organized
anyways his eyes are widening, because he’s clearly drawn some conclusion from this pattern that I have yet to see! I don’t have a big hero brain like you Deku
All Might says he wasn’t always bringing out 100% himself??
oh shit
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so since he is capable of holding 20% briefly without doing permanent damage to himself, then if he combines points two and six -- drawing out 20% OFA to a specific part of his body -- then he can utilize this badass new air attack!
though All Might says it’s gonna be harder than it sounds, and that it requires significantly more nuanced control
so Deku’s thinking that he’s gonna practice with his fingers
oh god
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I’m still traumatized from that fight against Todoroki honestly. I look at this and can’t help but think “oh shit he’s gonna snap them all one by one” oh my god. it’s making me very uncomfortable even though I’m fully aware it’s not actually going to happen. Deku you’ve fucked me up
oh snap and we’re fast-forwarding to the day of the cultural fest!!
(ETA: lol no, I just thought this because I saw Eri there. jumped the gun just a bit)
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oh my god. I’m so excited oh shit
IT’S ERI’S PROFILE YOU GUYSSSSS. I’m gonna link to it over on aitaikimochi’s tumblr! here!
THIS OUTFIT IS THE CUTEST EVER. I’m gonna gush over it some more in tomorrow’s recap too. it’s just so cute
the clothes Aizawa got her just go to prove that no one is perfect. having some flaws just adds to his charm though
I also want to see Eri eating apples with Tokoyami now
so she is indeed six! my approximate guess was right! however as of where the manga currently is, she’s just about to turn seven. she’s getting so big! they have to figure out what to do about school for her. although her dad is a teacher so
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 122: What a Friendly Wall
Previously on BnHA: All Might filled Kacchan in on everything related to OFA and AFO and the like. Kacchan and Deku kicked off version 2.0 of their rivalry which looks to be much healthier and more productive than before. All Might talked Aizawa down from ripping both boys a new one, but he still put them both under house arrest and made them clean up the dorms. Kacchan gave Deku awkward rival advice to demonstrate how their relationship has grown and I was on cloud nine. Back at U.A., the kids (sans Kacchan and Deku) interacted with class B (who all passed their license exams) and, interestingly, Shinsou. Rat Principal conducted the opening ceremony, and All Might flashed back to his initial U.A. job interview, during which RP recommended a particular U.A. student (not Deku) as a potential successor to One for All. Presumably we’ll meet this mysterious person soon.
Today on BnHA: The opening ceremony concludes and classes resume. The kids ask Aizawa about the internships mentioned in the ceremony. Aizawa explains that they’re kind of like the work studies the kids previously did, but with the training wheels taken off. They’re also long-term and not arranged by the school but rather undertaken by the students in their free time. First year students normally do not participate, but with the rise in villain activity, the school is now considering it. Later that evening at the fanfic dorms, Deku takes out the trash and meets a disembodied face just chilling out in the wall near the garbage dump. Three days later, Deku is allowed to rejoin class, and Aizawa introduces the three top-ranked students at U.A. -- known as the Big Three -- to formally talk about the internships.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 151 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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have we really not gotten her bio before?? wow someone was really asleep on the job there
“you can’t deny that she’s almost becoming too powerful” I will not deny it, no
interesting that she has a weakness to cold environments. I wonder if her suit could be upgraded with a heater to counteract that. Todoroki had something similar I think
but. I do want to see sleepy Winter Tsuyu saying that she’s sleepy over and over again though
and her hairstyle is fucking mysterious. that has nothing to do with her being a frog girl. that’s all her
OH MY GOD IT’S THE GUY EVERYONE’S SCARED OF, HOUNDDOG SENSEI. I read your bio too early as well, sir. so I already know I love you
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what the shit
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I can why he is feared by children. for sure
lol Vlad King is translating
apparently Hounddog was spilling all the tea about Deku and Kacchan’s fight
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everyone’s going to be so weirded out when they realize Deku and Kacchan are actually acting civilly around each other now. (or really, once they realize that Kacchan is behaving civilly toward Deku; let’s not pretend this wasn’t by and large very one-sided)
this makes three eventful things that have involved Bakugou within the last month. first the kidnapping, then him failing the exam, and now this secret nighttime fight. gossip for days. I’m really glad he’s starting to get his confidence now, he’s gonna need it to brush all of that off
so now the students are being dismissed back to their classrooms
some girl is asking another student whether he knows which first years got into a fight. but he seems to be ignoring her, and laughing almost ominously??
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is this still the kid from the end of the last chapter? the would-be successor? Neville Longbottom? I don’t see any wings, though
so now class A is back in their homeroom and Aizawa’s telling them the new semester is gonna be even tougher than the last
Mina’s whispering to Tsuyu, “guess he’s not gonna say anything about it”
about what? the fight or the exam?? too much has happened recently, be more specific
now Tsuyu’s raising her hand to ask Aizawa a question
oh, she’s asking about the internships. forgot those were mentioned
the other kids are also curious
and Aizawa’s explaining they’re just like a more formalized version of the internships they did earlier
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and Iida’s agreeing that if they were gonna have internships anyway then why would it matter if they got scouted
wouldn’t they intern at the same places where they did the field training?
ah, Aizawa says that the internships are managed by the students themselves, so that’s why it was important for them to make some connections with agencies following the festival
I imagine this would be much harder for normal first year students who weren’t the stars of their first sports festival. they did say that it was usually the third year kids who got the most focus. they must really be desperate if they hadn’t been scouted by that point
apparently the hero agencies used to do their own recruiting in the past, but they would all fight over who got the U.A. students, so that’s why the system was changed
Aizawa says that now that they have their provisional licenses (except poor Todoroki), they’re eligible to participate in more formal, longer-term hero activities
so when exactly are these internships gonna take place then? he said he wasn’t planning to tell them about this until later. and apparently this used to only be something they did with the second and third year students, but given recent events, they’re now giving serious thought to letting the first years get some experience as well
and now first period is starting and Mic’s walking in lol. and Aizawa’s walking off
(ETA: oooh, this is a good opportunity to ask a question I’ve had for a while, which is: does anyone know what subject Aizawa actually teaches? because Mic here has now been established as their English teacher, and I’m just curious what Aizawa does. if I had to guess I’d go with hero law or something. but actually it would be really funny if it was like. art)
and we’re cutting back to the dorms yaaay
and Deku’s room
he’s working out and apparently his arm is feeling better
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I guess he strained it a bit with that punch earlier?
and he’s remembering what the doctor said about him permanently damaging his arms if he keeps pushing it
the previous night he let his emotions get the better of him, and he’s thinking that even though he was being careful, he should probably restrain himself in future situations
now we’re cutting to evening and the other kids are giving Deku and Kacchan a hard time, which frankly I would be disappointed if they did not
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I imagine that Bakugou actually is pretty good at cleaning, since he’s probably gotten his fair share of similar punishments in the past
(ETA: yeah I’m pretty sure the Bakugou household is spotless and Kacchan is a god at any and all domestic chores for this exact reason)
Satou and Kirishima are talking about Mic’s class earlier, and Jirou, Ojiro, and Hagakure are talking about the internships while Deku listens curiously
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I’m surprised that the house arrest involved them missing all of their classes tbh
oh my god even Iida is dragging Deku
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wow, apparently they were forbidden from talking about class to either him or Bakugou
I take it back, this is probably the best punishment they could come up with for either of them. they’ll never pull something like this again as long as they live
(well, maybe not for a couple of weeks. they’re still stupid and have short memories)
and as long as the teachers make sure they’re able to catch up (which shouldn’t be too hard given that these two were almost at the top of the class to start with), there isn’t really much harm done
anyway, Iida says he’s mad at Deku, and that he and Bakugou are getting their just desserts
so now Deku’s hauling out the trash and sulking about being left behind
it’s so perfect, because we know how obsessed Deku is with taking notes about everything. and we know how hyper-competitive Bakugou is. so yeah, they’d really be feeling it. and this is only the first day
anyways hey what the fuck is this
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lol. :’D should I be getting ready to scream here
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>:D hey there fella
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oh okay, thanks
what a friendly wall
LMAO that’s exactly the interaction that takes place though, oh shit I can’t
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he says he’s sure Deku will know all about him soon enough! :)
in any case, what’s important is you keep your spirits up! :)
he says “there’s some sort of rumor going around” so Deku needs to have his wits about him :)
and now he’s disappeared again
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gooooooood question. whatever it was it was amazing
and now we’re fast forwarding to three days later (so Kacchan is still on his last day of house arrest lol, BUT YOU DID START IT BUSTER)
and Deku is screaming apologies at everyone, and he’s fucking FIRED UP
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so Aizawa says that now that Deku is back they’re gonna talk formally about the internships
I guess they don’t need to wait for Bakugou because he doesn’t have his license yet anyway. how fucking awkward is all of this for Shouto though, damn
Aizawa’s beckoning someone inside, and he says they’re going to hear about the internships firsthand from someone with personal experience
oh! it’s some third years!
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woooooow omg
Horikoshi has mentioned Belgian comics before (as part of Monoma’s “likes” I think. of all people), so I guess it’s not that much of a surprise that he went and gave somebody a Tintin face
now I’m starting to think this isn’t the wings guy. is this still the successor that RP was going to recommend to All Might though? the hair’s the same so I’m thinking yes
imagine this guy with One for All powers. frankly I love him, so. it wouldn’t have been the worst thing
the girl is really pretty but also nondescript enough that I’m coming short when it comes to nicknames. PLEASE GET SOME CHARACTER TRAITS OR A NAME SOON SO I DON’T HAVE TO FLAIL AROUND
this other guy is basically Messy Uchiha Sasuke. like, Sasuke if he just didn’t give any fucks
(ETA: or Sasuke if he had elf ears and crippling anxiety)
so that’s the end of the chapter! is this next arc gonna be internships then. what will Bakugou and Todoroki do omg I’m gonna miss them
(ETA: I’m not even gonna comment sob)
 the bonus page for this one was the hound dog guy. just a reminder that everyone is terrified of him and he is A Distinguished Man on Campus and he likes drinks with his dinner
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 083: Your Hands Can Still Reach
Previously on BnHA: tHEY TOOK my SON. MY SON.
...oh god. yeah so. Vlad was a badass and so was Aizawa, but neither of them ultimately managed to stop Dabi and his group from kidnapping my child. Dabi bragged about how they were going to unravel society’s trust in U.A. after they let the students get attacked on multiple occasions. Back in the forest, Deku’s group tried to stop Dabi and co. from escaping, but Kurogiri’s appearance made that all but a foregone conclusion. Tokoyami was saved at the last second thanks to Aoyama’s intervention, but Kacchan literally disappeared right in front of Deku’s eyes. Like, they made eye contact, and Kacchan was all “stay away Deku” and like deadly serious because there was nothing else he could do, and then he was just. Gone. It was amazing omg
Today on BnHA: Everyone licks their wounds. It’s depressing. The U.A. faculty has a meeting to discuss how badly they fucked up (spoilers: a lot) and whether or not there is a traitor in their midst. All Might is particularly distraught, at least until Naomasa calls him to let him know the police have a lead on the League of Villains’ location. Class A visits Deku in the hospital. Kirishima tells Deku that he and Todoroki overheard Momo talking to the cops about the tracker she planted on the Noumu. Seeing where this is headed, Iida starts to protest, but Kirishima passionately says that because he was unable to do anything before, he feels like he has to do something now. He’s planning to go and try to save Bakugou, and tells Deku that it’s not too late.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 141 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
 everyone’s just licking their wounds on this opening page. Aizawa and the kids who are still able to stand are dragging the unconscious and wounded kids out of the woods
jesus this is fucking grim
Momo please be okay oh my god. such a fucking hero. saved the fucking day and no one even realizes it yet
and Kendou’s dragging Tetsu and the unconscious captured villain because she’s also a fucking hero!! YESSSS GIRLS. YESSSSSS
Tsuyu and Ochako are catching up with the others, but they’re all just surrounding Deku who’s on the ground just screaming
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someone needs to knock this kid out now for his own good. this is so far from on brand
JESUS CHRIST look at all this fucking collateral damage
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fifteen kids in critical condition from the poison gas. holy shit. and 11 more injured, and one MISSING and POSSIBLY DEAD, although I know he’s not dead but THEY FUCKING DON’T AND HOLY SHIT THOUGH
and Pixie is also in critical condition from head trauma. realistic consequences!!!! now we’re getting to the point where not only is it more realistic than most anime, but most live action entertainment as well. someone gets banged on the head and doesn’t immediately recover?? holy fucking shit
and my girl Ragdoll is. probably fucking dead omfg. a large pool of blood and missing in action. wtf. realistic fucking consequences
holy shit I was wondering how the cops actually manage to contain these massively strong villains, and fucking look at this shit though
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damn. I honestly don’t know how anyone has the balls to try and break the law if they know there’s even the slightest risk of them being wrapped up like an evil burrito and stuffed into a metal containment tube for the rest of their lives
can we give Tetsu and Kendou a round of applause. and Deku. and Tokoyami. not a single one of these villains was apprehended by the cops, or even the pros. this was all the kids. even class B was representing too for the very first time
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I don’t know about you, but to me that could not have possibly gone any better. fanfic lodge, you lived up to your reputation and then some. more like canon domestic fluff and angst lodge. can I get a fuck yeah. holy shit
now we’re cutting to the next day at U.A.
the pros are holding a meeting
they’re saying they need to acknowledge “the disgrace” of allowing their students to be assaulted at a camp that was meant to prepare them for exactly this kind of thing
and they underestimated how far along the villain alliance had already come along. like, they were fairly sure there would be trouble soon, but these guys were already organized and making plans
yep. these are fast-paced villains for sure. y’all thought this was One Piece, but this is BnHA! we’ve already had like... four arcs. and it’s only chapter 83
okay Midnight’s bringing up something really important here
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“ever since All Might came on to the scene...” but the thing is, he’s not on the scene any more. not really. and now we’re starting to see the result. he’s been trying to delay this as long as possible, but...
Mic is saying that the peace that All Might brought about made them complacent. it’s true, societies do have astonishingly short memories
All Might himself seems fucking devastated
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please don’t beat yourself up, you couldn’t have foreseen this happening. you went and made the world better for a little while, and then you got hurt and now the world is starting to regress back. you were one man standing up against all the bad shit that was out there and you fucking did it somehow, even if just for a little while. and you fucking inspired a whole new generation to carry on that fight after you
okay and here is the biggest mistake they all actually made during this whole thing
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yeeeep. big mistake. I know, hindsight and twenty-twenty, but. they were trying to seem strong and stable, but in truth they were anything but, and they went and put these kids out there in the spotlight and inadvertently made them targets. and on top of that, now it makes them look even more careless and incompetent by willfully ignoring the threat. while you were playing games, the bad guys were organizing their fucking shit
by the way, it’s so bland to see the Sheriff talking and not having it be in old-timey cowboy jargon. so I’ve taken the liberty of rewriting this:
“ta think we were fixin’ to giddy on up with the sports festival right after that first peck o’ trouble. reckon we got no choice but to yield this time. the abduction of a student is a real conniption. them there varmints didn’t just take Bakugou away -- they done took society’s trust in heroes away at the same time.”
(ETA: so I finally was able to read the Viz version, and. lmao. I don’t think I did a half bad job.
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totally called the usage of the word “varmints.” )
Rat Principal says the media is already “ablaze with criticism.” can’t fucking blame ‘em
he’s also speculating that the villains targeted Bakugou due to the rowdiness he displayed at the festival. basically, if a U.A. student -- and not just any student, but the kid who won the sports festival at that -- were to end up going villain, that would pretty much be the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as the public’s trust goes
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so he’s saying no one outside U.A. knew where the lodge was. although I’ve been wondering about that. just how many forest lodges are there within reasonable distance of U.A. that could accommodate two classes’ worth of students for a week or two of training though? like, was this facility itself actually a secret, or was it just a secret that this was the facility they chose? because it could have just been process of elimination
but I like the traitor theory better :D
Midnight’s telling him to drop it but they need to fucking consider this though?? like, I get that the last thing they all need is to stop trusting even each other, but ALSO, if there is a traitor in their midst then they need to fucking address that shit though
at the very least, information flow needs to be much more tightly controlled from this point out. and they need to step up their own intelligence game. where my spy heroes at yo
anyway so yeah, now the Sheriff is saying that they can’t start turning on each other with suspicion because they’ll end up crumbling from within. exactly the point I expected them to make. but they still need to do something. maybe do the Tyrion thing from Game of Thrones where they feed different people different fake stories and see who takes the bait
(ETA: okay, so despite saying a few chapters ago that I wasn’t going to talk about traitor theories, I ended up going on a 1,500 word tangent about my top traitor suspects lol. it got so out of hand that I ended up cutting it from this recap, so I’ll actually be putting that up as a separate post. you can find that here.)
the principal is starting to say something about that topic, but he’s interrupted by a phone call
lmao All Might’s ring tone
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he’s walking outside and clenching his fist in dramatic frustration
who’s calling I wonder. Gran or Deku? or Nao maybe
yeah it’s Nao
he just finished taking Aizawa and Vlad’s statements and says there’s been a development
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ha ha it’s Momo’s tracking device! isn’t it?!
okay whoa. I’m not even gonna try summing this up so I’ll just post and discuss
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pressing pause on this for a second to smdh at the fact that they just initially dismissed this lead as being fucking irrelevant. why
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so does this mean the villains are no longer using that hide-out? and did Momo not tell anyone about the tracker? has she also figured out that their location was compromised and that they don’t know who they can trust? is she still unconscious from the Noumu attack?
All Might is thanking Nao for the information and transforming into Muscle Might on the spot
now we’re cutting to the hospital
Deku omg. my poor fucked up son
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holy shiiiiiiit the angst
Kacchan has been gone for three days holy shit
(ETA: actually by my best estimate it’s about 48 hours from the time he’s taken up until the time he gets rescued. we’ll say roughly 12 hours from the attack to the U.A. faculty meeting the next morning; then this hospital scene which takes place approximately 24 hours after that; and then finally the rescue which takes place later tonight. we’ll say another 12 hours later just to make it neat and tidy. Deku saying “for the two days that followed” is a little confusing, but this is the only timeline that makes sense, and the other translations seem to bear it out.
and yes this is important to me lol because it makes a big difference in Kacchan’s mental and physical state. 48 hours is a long time to go without eating or drinking or sleeping -- none of which I can imagine that he would have been able to do -- and three days would be pushing it even more, so yeah. I need to know these things or else the angst lover in me can’t stop speculating over them lol.)
he’s turning to look at a little bowl of fruit, or something, with a note from his mom
so now on top of everything else he’s feeling guilty about making his mom worry
your mom? like, what about Bakugou’s mom though?? how is she holding up
(ETA: omg. from what I’ve seen of Bakugou’s mom, probably a hell of a lot of people got screamed at over these past couple days. I love her ngl)
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are you in shock. are you just trying not to think about it
ah! Kaminari’s popping his head in!
...nooooot just him!
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I wonder how many of the kids were here visiting their other friends too. and I don’t see Momo among this number so maybe she is still asleep. Jirou and Hagakure were hurt by the gas... not sure who else was hurt
how the fuck did they treat Hagakure though. that must have been difficult
Iida’s now summarizing exactly what I said
he says Momo sustained serious head trauma. omg. but I’m so fucking glad she’s okay. she was so brave and smart and composed in such a horrible moment
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Todoroki ;_; I wonder if he feels guilty because he couldn’t catch the marble in time
and now Deku is having a crisis
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and Kirishima’s just looking at him with a straightforward look and says “then let’s go save him this time around”
Kirishima you’re the fucking best. every young shounen needs a Kiri in their life. unless they are the Kiri. in which case they need a Tetsutetsu
he says he and Shouto came to the hospital yesterday and ran into each other
they were both like “what are you doing here” and then “I couldn’t stand being at home and doing nothing”
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so anyway. Iida is speculating that Kiri and Todo want to ask Momo to make another tracking device
and he’s saying that they should leave it to the pros. naw. fuck the pros except the U.A. faculty and All Might
and Kirishima can’t leave it to them omg
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(ETA: the way he’s clutching his chest here is so heart-wrenching. it’s the exact same way Bakugou clutches his own chest in chapter 118 when he’s wracked with guilt over what happened to All Might. damn these kids and their overdeveloped sense of responsibility and reckless disregard for my feels)
he says he wasn’t able to do anything, he knew they were targeting his friend but he couldn’t do anything and he only stayed put and Bakugou got taken
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Kaminari’s telling him (a) to shush (this is a hospital!!!) and (b) that Iida’s right, even though he knows how Kiri feels
“I KNOW IIDA’S RIGHT” oh my god this man will not be deterred
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ohhhhhhhh my heart omgggggg
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 he’s the one Todoroki was carrying. was he not the same guy with the airbender quirk though?? or does class B have two guys who look incredibly similar to each other?
apparently he’s preoccupied with “a certain very big hero.” ?? don’t tell me it’s Mt. Lady
I’m gonna go look him up to see if he’s the airbender guy or not. surely with a class B minor character there is minimal spoiler risk
yep he is the airbender guy. I fucking love his quirk and I kiiiiiiinda wish he was in class A, actually. just, I’d really like to see how those air walls could be utilized in combat. they work for defense and for getting from place to place, and they’re just really cool
okay now I’m off to go read another chapter and inject that glorious angst deep into my veins
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 019: Hey Google, Play “You Say Run”
Previously on BnHA: All Might plus ultraed a bunch of thugs but then the three Big Bads converged on him and nearly ripped him apart. Deku ran back to try to save him and nearly got his own self killed. Then Bakugou fucking Katsuki, Todoroki motherfucking Whatever His First Name Is, and Kirishima goddamn Same Deal as Todoroki showed up at the last fucking second to save the day.
Today on BnHA: Todoroki is a beast. Bakugou nearly gives me a heart attack. All Might is hurt and almost out of time and in no condition to be fighting the enemy. All Might fights the enemy anyway. All Might fucking demolishes the enemy, and sacrifices damn near everything to do it, and it’s the single most badass thing I’ve ever seen in my fucking life.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 31 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
oh damn, Todoroki is so maddeningly excellent at life that he can control his quirk to the extent that he stopped just short of freezing All Might in addition to Noumu
mighty fine job there, Elsa
OH THANK GOD All Might took advantage of that to loosen Noumu’s grip and now he’s hopping out of there
but he’s still fucking hurt! the guy was fucking clawing at his old injury, and even before that happened he was already close to his limit. I really don’t like this at all
now everyone is just staring at Facepalm. like, fuck you, dude
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Bakugou still has his hand on Kurogiri’s neck. just blow him the fuck up already. of course you pick now of all fucking times to go all lawful fucking heroic
Noumu’s just sitting there in Kuro’s void all
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his expression literally has not changed once since his first appearance, but it’s amazing how all it takes is the right context, and just like that it becomes hilarious
“you’ve pinned down our way out” yes he has! but for whatever reason, he’s not going for a killing or even a disabling blow! and it’s making me fucking anxious!!
and now Bakugou is monologuing like fucking Peter Pan hlkhsakdh. “OH THE CLEVERNESS OF ME”
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listen Baku, that’s great that you’ve figured all of that out and all, but I’m serious now, you had better blast this guy sometime today or this is all about to get extremely fucking dire again
now he’s recalling when he first tried to attack Kurogiri at the outset of the surprise attack, back when he nearly blasted him and Kuro was like “that was close.” except that as far as Bakugou’s concerned, he might as well have said “BOY THAT WAS CLOSE, IT SURE IS GOOD THAT HE DIDN’T HIT MY WEAK SPOT RIGHT OVER HERE.” apparently
it is pretty clever tbh but omg I just want him to stop dragging this out already. my heart can’t take
he’s telling Kuro that he’ll blow him up if he decides he’s doing anything fishy. I’m sure that’s going to pan out
seriously Bakugou, it’s football season now in the U.S. and I just watched the Packers come back from a 20-0 deficit, after their quarterback fucking died in the first half but was then somehow resurrected. I’m just not in a mood to underestimate anyone right at this moment, least of all a bunch of shounen villains whom the author has clearly invested a great deal of time and thought into, and who are thus quite unlikely to just die here a mere 8 chapters after their introduction
Facepalm is acting entirely too calm for the heroes to not be on their fucking guard right now
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aaaaaand now he’s telling Noumu to “take out the explosive brat”! :’D
haha! bitch if you fucking try anything I will go out and buy like 50 mouse traps and wait until you’re sleeping and then stick those things all over all fourteen of your creepy superfluous possessed fucking hands
so now Noumu is hauling his ass back out of the portal... and his arm and leg are literally crumbling, WOW
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son of a bitch I’m glad Todoroki’s on our side
Deku and All Might are watching this and wondering what exactly Noumu even is, which is quite a reasonable thing to be asking yourself at this point
oh, great. apparently he has hyper regeneration too and can regrow his limbs and repair all of his injuries in an instant! so that’s just fucking great
does Todoroki have a limit to his ice powers? we don’t know of one yet, at least. hey bud, can you just. freeze him again real quick there
or if you really want to be a dear, maybe try freezing Facepalm since he’s clearly the ringleader in all of this??
now All Might is heroically leaping into the fray once more
and now it occurs to me that Bakugou and Todoroki (and Kiri) may in fact be acting so frustratingly complacent because they, unlike Deku, aren’t aware of just how close All Might is to his limit, and just how fucked they’ll be if that actually happens. as far as they know, All Might doesn’t have a limit. he’s fucking All Might. why would he?!
so in fact I can’t blame them, because they’re not aware of just how close to the knife’s edge they’re actually walking right now
nnnnnnnnngh something is happening with Bakugou, something or someone is approaching him and it’s probably Noumu!! 8|!!! I’ll have to scroll down in order to see but I’m worriiiied sob
[peeks through hands]
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um. what the hell just happened
it looked like something was disintegrating for a second there in that FWSH panel but other than that? I got nothing
(ETA: I’ve read this chapter like 4 times and I still don’t know what was going on in that panel, honestly. everything else is pretty clear now though)
whatever it was, it was too fast for any of the kids to follow. even Kacchan has no idea how the hell he suddenly got where he is
I personally have a guess
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now Facepalm is sarcastically praising him, as villains do
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this is the second time he’s mentioned something like this now. I’m starting to get the feeling it has something to do with whatever his motivation/backstory is. you know, what with this being the first arc with bad guys, as of yet I have no idea what BnHA’s Villain Redemption Policy is. but I have to say, I can’t see myself ever liking this nutjob. so he’d better not try to pull any Vegeta/Byakuya/Itachi/Mukuro type of shit, that’s all I can say
and now he’s ranting about how it’s ~not fair~ because when bad guys do bad guy stuff violently, it’s bad, but when good guys do good stuff violently, it’s fine!
there are so many logical holes in this argument!! but!! it’s also one of the themes I was lowkey hoping the series would explore, and it looks like maybe it will, so this is pretty exciting!
but his argument here is just so fucking wrong, though. like dude, you really can’t see how All Might’s “violence” is just a little bit different from you and your friends’, Mr. “LET’S KILL SOME CHILDREN HAHAHA”?
lol now All Might’s calling him out on his bullshit and basically saying that he knows full well this psycho isn’t a Mukuro-type. I fucking love this
and now these four boy scouts are feeling empowered
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and now All Might’s telling them to get out of there because he knows, sob
jesus christ Deku are you seriously pointing out all of All Might’s weaknesses right now in front of the fucking enemy
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I get that he’s worried about him but dude!! some discretion, you know???
thankfully All Might cuts him off, but the damage is probably already done
Facepalm is now instructing Noumu and Kurogiri to go after All Might and says that he’ll handle the kids 8/
hey so Todoroki, maybe now you might want to try freezing this dude’s ass?? like what are you waiting for though??
fuck me, All Might has “barely a minute left” now. this had better be like one of those Dragonball Z minutes that’s actually 15 episodes long. or else we’re really in a bind
and now he seems to be powering up to do something...
oh my god
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okay, can I just say, I’ve seen a LOT of anime eyes in my day. magical eyes, cursed eyes, eyes in all shapes and styles and every last color of the rainbow. but All Might just may have the coolest fucking eyes I’ve ever seen
and I’ve actually thought this ever since we first saw them in his Skinny Steve form. there’s just something so cool about the black eyes with blue irises combo. it doesn’t look like any other character I can think of, and it just works for him. I’m unfortunately at a complete loss for how to explain just why I like it so much, because I always read these chapters so late, and my brain’s not up to the task. but anyway! the point is that he’s awesome and this closeup is crazy intense and is giving me life right now
even everyone else watching is just blown the fuck away by the sheer badassery he’s suddenly radiating at this moment. THE SYMBOL OF PEACE IS ABOUT TO FUCK SOMEONE UPPPPPPPPPP
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ohh SHIT, All Might says that since it’s “absorption” and not “negation”, it implies that he must have a limit
and now he’s basically saying “oh, you built this thing to be badder than me? well then in that case I’ll just have to be EVEN BADDER”
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my GOD that was satisfying to see
(ETA: you guys. YOU GUYS. I watched this scene like a half a dozen times in the anime. it. was. so. cool. like honest to god one of the single coolest and most badass things I’ve ever fucking seen.
so what I didn’t realize is that BnHA is one of those newfangled anime that actually runs in seasons, instead of starting one day and then just never stopping ever again. I have seen so many good series brought to their knees by attempting the latter. it drains the budget, necessitates all kinds of obnoxious and pointless filler, and ends up forcing things to be unbearably dragged out. but by condensing BnHA’s first two arcs into one 13-episode season, the anime sidestepped all of these pitfalls entirely. the animation has been gorgeous, and they only animated what was in the actual canon! no fucking filler omg.
and the soundtrack. GUYS. I had no idea the OST was going to be this fucking good. and just, when it gets to this scene, and the production values just jump up ALL THE NOTCHES, and the music starts to swell, and All Might is being so cool and THROWING ALL THE PUNCHES, and the fucking SKY is getting dark for no reason at all except that EVEN THE SKY IS INTIMIDATED BY HOW BADASS HE IS, and there are all these wind effects and camera angles and I’m losing my mind, and then ALL MIGHT SAYS. THE. THING!!! and then KAPOOOOOW
just. it fucking floored me. like I wanted to cry almost. my adrenaline was so ramped up I was practically ready to do backflips. that shit made me want to go out and save the world.
I fucking understand plus ultra after that, man. I get it now. it’s like my third eye has been fucking opened. universe tell me your secrets. oh my god)
the kids are staring in shock
there is literally smoke clearing. from the flurry of punches. they were punching so furiously that somehow there was smoke
All Might punched him over 300 times in like, 10 seconds. damn, All Might. that sounds like the kind of hyperbolic thing I would say to describe something like what you just did. only you actually did it
so now only Facepalm and his convenient friend with the convenient escape power are left. I wonder what will happen next chapter lmao
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she has such a weird power and I fucking love it
unfortunately her power is incompatible with all iPhones manufactured since 2016
“she looks like she’d play bass” yessss
did I mention that I love her?? and I ship her with Momo lol
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