#Everytime I play barbies with her I always give her a white girl voice and unintentionally derail the play session
glitterhoof · 1 year
a little bit overwhelmed by just how many toys are on the backlog of the TLC list but I think I can manage. One pony at a time. I need to make heartthrobs diagnosis sheet which should be relatively easy now that I know what I want on it
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littleangel4996 · 6 years
My Fate Pt 2
Summary: After your trip to the grocery store, you find Selene digging the gardens again. But what you find leaves you clueless
After having the movers help move my new stuff in that Coco helped pick out for me from letgo, I finally was settled in as I plop myself on the couch and Selene hopped on my stomach while I turn on the TV. Nothing good was on except Sabrina the teenage witch so that one is good.
This show reminded me of Selene and I but except she doesn't talk .
Beep beep
My phone goes off. I take it out of my pocket and saying it's Queenie on Skype. I pressed the button and it was Queenie and the girls. Both of them sitting on her bed squealing and saying hi.
"oh hey girls"
"Hey (y/n) how are you and Selene settled in your new home" asked Zoe.
"The house is perfect from the outside and inside, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a big kitchen with a dining room and a living room. Plus the backyard came with a rose garden" I explained.
"Any cute shirtless boys in your area" of course Madison would ask that question but I gotta love her. When she said that she got glares and a shut up from Queenie.
"What, she needs to get that big-" before Madison could finish her sentence she was hit with a pillow by none other than Misty.
" Oh my God girls, you are too much" I laughed.
" We must visit you one day " Nan said in her happy voice.
"I know, I'm already missing you".
"We really miss ya doll, hope ya make the time to come out here" Misty says.
"Yeah it's totally quiet here. It's going to be weird without your loud music blaring, your jokes and pranks" Mallory said.
"Oh, Girls listen quit mopping around because of me I mean look were talking and we're laughing and all. This isn't goodbye, I'm still going to see my sisters one day" I said smiling.
" Oh god, we love and miss you (y/n)" Coco said almost about to tear up and Mallory held her close .
" Oh I almost forgot, how is supreme Cordelia and Myrtle" I asked.
" The ladies went out for a grocery run but they said they will contact you when they can" Queenie answered.
"Oh okay, well sorry I have to go now and feed Selene and I so chat later girls" as we both said our goodbyes, I picked up the phone to looked up grocery stores near me as I go up stairs to my bedroom and order myself a Uber. I've found a Ralphs near by typed the direction to where I need to go.
It said the driver will be here about 3 minutes. Cool, that gives me enough time to quickly get out of my jeans and my FOB t-shirt and change into my yellow sundress leaving on my black and white sneakers and putting on my Jean jacket .
---2 to 3 from the grocery store---
I thanked the Uber driver for the ride and helping me with the groceries before he drove off. Damn I've never seen a grocery store packed. In New Orleans, their market was small and not a lot of whole people. I pull out my house key out of my jean jacket as I insert it into the keyhole and unlocking it. I came inside, going to the kitchen to set down the three bags of groceries. I thought frozen pizza would be easy meal to cook. And as for Selene, I got her friskies dry and wet food.
I pulled out four boxes of pizza, to see which ones I should have. Either pineapple, meat lovers, cheese or supreme. Hmm..I think I'm going to go with the supreme. Every time I see supreme pizza I think of the supreme witch. I don't know why but I always make a joke about supreme pizza between supreme witch.
I shoved that in the oven and start to put the food and things for the house. I even bought Selene a pink brush with red hearts on them and a pet stuffy mouse to play with.
Speaking of Selene, where is she ?
"Selene. Selene darling " I called to her but no meow or no padding steps. That's so odd of Selene. Every time I come home she always comes to me. Maybe she's sleeping. I came out of the kitchen going to go upstairs to see if she is laying in her bed until I found the backdoor opened. Odd, I thought I closed it before the movers came. I turned my direction from the stairs to the back door. I felt a chill, making me flatten my yellow sundress.
But once I came out to the backyard I found Selene digging out what I could not believe my eyes . Selene. Digging out. Fucking. Deceased animals.
"SELENE!" I ran to her as I picked her up away from their rotten cats, rats and dogs. They were all scattered. So that's what was under the rose plants.
"Selene what is all this and why did you -" Wait a sec...Was this the reason why for the bad energy going on in the house, was because of the Dead animals. By the looks of these poor animals they were brutally killed.
"Who would do such a thing ?" I asked myself. Did the people who sold me this house knew and not told me or they did not know about this ? Maybe the person that lived here was psycho or serious issues...maybe both.Well I don't know what to do I mean, I just can't put them back where Selene found them because then I would feel like shit for doing that. I'm a softy when it comes to poor animals like these. Maybe there is another way but I haven't used this spell in a while. It is the ability to balance life's scale and return someone from the dead. I drop to my knees in front of the Dead letting Selene step aside.
I first clear my mind and let only the positive thoughts flow through my mind, placing my flat palms on the grass and start to perform this wonder as I whisper the two words.
"vitalum vitalis".
I feel the shiver as the cold wind blew at my direction almost making my dress go up. I start to see the animals start to form into their normal selves, undoing the wounds that they had. The animals I've brought back to life start to scurry away, hopping over the white fence. Selene went inside the house, probably waiting for a bath. The thought of coming inside a warm house and giving Selene a bath was soon cut off when I felt something grab ahold of both of my ankles making me fall to the ground. I quickly look to see...hands and a head coming out of the ground? What the fuck. My fear got the better of me as I start to scream, trying so hard to get away from what ever is trying to do God knows what. I look anywhere to see a hard object to find to hit the person but no luck.
I try to turn myself around and knock him out. I followed my instinct, squirming a little until I got room to turn myself around and fist him square in the jaw as he fell to the ground. But he was still awake. Wait, he? A boy? Well more like a man....hold up he was burried too, the fuck is going on here.
" Ow, please don't hurt me I I didn't mean to scare you please" he whimpered as I crouch down to meet eye level with the man thats covered in dirt but I can still make of his handsomely beautiful features, piercing blue eyes, golden blonde hair. He wears a jean jacket with a yellow shirt and khakis plus he's barefooted.
" Hey hey, it's okay you are okay. Can you tell me you're name sir" I asked. He calms himself down making, eye contact with me as I placed my hands on his shoulders.
"M-Michael, Michael Langdon".
Finally, part 2 is up. Plus what took me forever to get this part right was Everytime I tried to save it sometimes won't save and I have to start over again and my brain is like on fire but I finally got it saved and it's ready. Part 3 will be coming next week or weekend.
And here's a picture of Michael to say I'm sorry
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smokingtomas · 6 years
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(akai ito: fear ch. 8)
Ever since that day, Souma never talks about children or the fact that he wants a family of his own. They go through day by day as if that fight never happened. They still challenge each other, tease each other, and love each other all at the same time.
And it only came to her thoughts after he proposed during their trip to Paris.
But what he always does is showing his affection towards children everywhere he sees one. He would ignore Erina for the rest of a party to play with one of the guests' little boy or doing one of those Yukihira charities for that one orphanage in Tokyo he always goes to every Christmas Eve and shower them with toys and his cooking.
And this year, Souma insisted Erina to ditch the Nakiri Group annual Christmas Eve party to come with him to the orphanage.
"I put a ring on your finger and you still don't want to spend Christmas Eve with me? Some fiancee you are, Nakiri."
Of course she detected that sarcasm of his, but she also knew he was serious, so that's how Erina ends up in the middle of this small, dinty dining room, scooping some beef curry to plates after plates for the happy children along with other volunteers.
But this actually doesn't feel bad. At all.
Erina loves how this place (that's always been depressing in her head) brings so much joy to her heart. The squeals of delight and excited frenzy in the multifunction room is even more present once gift wrappers are thrown around the room because of the toys they get from them (Yes, Soma and Erina shopped for the toys themselves). Even a 4-year-old girl keep thanking Erina for the Barbie doll she picked and refuses to let go of her the entire night.
Not even when Souma introduced her as "my friend Erina", and one of the children instantly jumped and yelped, "No, they are engaged! I saw it on the news!".
These kids nowadays.
Though that compassion side of him did come out once again when he read them the classic tale of Nutcracker in the middle of the room. She never thought she'd see this side of Souma, and she welcomes those flowers that are growing in her heart, happily, and there's no denying to it.
"So… what do you think?" Souma asks her by the time they cool down beneath the Christmas tree and most of the children have gone back to their rooms.
"What do you mean?"
"Y'know, it's your first time here. And I know it could probably get too chaotic for you especially during dinner and when they-"
Erina places her hand on his thigh, "I enjoyed it very much, Yukihira. Thank you."
And she means it- she actually thinks this is the best Christmas she's ever had so far. Especially now when Michael Bublé's version of All I Want For Christmas Is You echoes softly through the dimmed room. For some reason, the smile Souma offers says that he knew it all along.
"Well, Chiyo seems to really like you." He refers to the little girl who's been on Erina's tail all night, but is now asleep on her lap.
"Maybe it's the dog Snapchat filter." She shrugs, but never stopping the gentle brushes along the strands of her brown hair.
"No, seriously. You're so good with 'em." He chuckles, "The only time your haughty side doesn't jump out."
"What? I-I don't have a haughty side anymore! What are you talking-"
"Sssshh, you'll wake her up, y'know." Souma whispers, grinning at the same time. "You think I don't know what your cooks have been saying 'bout ya?"
She lowers her voice this time, but still ever so demanding, "W-Well that is a completely different situation! I am running a kitchen, for crying out loud!"
"Geez, Nakiri. Relax. It's not like I'm gonna leave you if you're being haughty again."
"What?! Th-That's not what-"
"Hey, do not shush me!"
"Sssh!" Souma does it once again.
"That is seriously annoying, Yukihira!"
"Then don't make me kiss ya in front of all these kids."
Like hell she would. "Hmph, you are seriously infuriating. I'm blaming myself for thinking that it's your high school phase only."
"And yet here you are all set to take me as your husband." He takes a hold of her hand and kisses the Cartier ring gracing her finger, which causes her eyes to roll at his giggle.
It's when he says nothing anymore she really takes in her surrounding. With her head resting on his shoulder, the almost broken heater is starting to take a toll on the chill that's seeping into her cashmere sweater, but strangely, she feels warm.
It may be the sleeping Chiyo and the remaining 4 children in the room that are distracted by their toys and their smiles, or it may be the little Christmas light that twinkles ever so beautifully, or the little specks of snow that decorates the window in such ethereal order.
But she's pretty sure it's the person next to her, when she catches him stealing loving glances at her when she thought his gaze is somewhere else. Souma- he never ceases to bring that blush back to her cheek like it's the first time.
"I-Is something wrong?" She finally asks, lifting her face from his shoulder.
"Nah it's just uh-" He pauses, seemingly having a debate with himself, "I planned to give you your gift tomorrow morning, but here ya go."
Erina receives the small, neatly wrapped package. It's bendable- almost foldable, and it gets her thinking if this thing was on her wishlist she gave him a while ago.
"What is this, Yukihira-kun?"
"Open 'em." He says.
So she tears the paper slowly, trying not to wake Chiyo up in the process. When it's finally free, her mouth hangs open because of what she's holding gently in her hands, and the dots have finally connected on why she hasn't seen this white cloth on him for a few days.
"Y-Yukihira, you cannot give this to me…"
Yes- Yukihira Souma has given her his signature headband. And words cannot describe how she can even cope with the idea.
"Why?" He asks.
"B-Because this means too much to you. I-I mean this once belonged to your mother and I just can't easily-"
"Sure you can, and I want you to have it." He reaches out and rests his hand on hers, and then he offers her one of those looks on his face everytime he talks about his mother. "I'm sure mom would've wanted you to too."
She stares at it again, still mesmerized by the softness and the stories behind it. Even just thinking about it, and now that Souma has given her the only thing he holds onto him closer than life itself, fills her eyes with tears.
"Y'know you don't have to put it on ya the whole time like I did, eh?" He reminds her.
Erina knows he means it since he used to carry it literally everywhere, so it only feels natural when her heart tells her to tie the cloth around her head and tuck the bow under her long, honey blonde hair, just like what she's doing now.
And it feels… fulfilling.
"Is this looking alright for everyday look?"
He eyes the top of her head, trailing down to her chin, then giving her that sheepish smile she cherishes. She knows he didn't expect her reaction with that slight redness on his cheek.
Oh, if only he knew this won't be the last time she'd left him speechless. Why she was missing for a good 30 minutes during their toy shopping trip, or the fact that a sky blue box is already waiting for him on his side of the bed.
And that little baby onesie inside it will be the only thing that speaks to him.
"Merry Christmas, Erina."
"Merry Christmas too, Souma."
A/N: A big thank you to everyone who’s been supporting Akai Ito and this series! You know who y’all are and I love you!
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