#Expert rug cleaning
rugs-cleaning · 3 months
Persian Rug Cleaning in Bridgewater & Warren | Rugs Cleaning NJ
Elevate the beauty of your Persian rugs with expert cleaning. Rugs Cleaning New Jersey specializes in restoring and preserving Persian rugs.
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Renew the Beauty of Your Area Rugs! Contact Us to Eliminate Dirt, Stains, and Odors. Our Expert Rug Cleaning Services Will Leave Your Rugs Looking Fresh and Revitalized. Serving Amherst, Niagara Falls, Grand Island, NY.
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hbcleaningsouthfl · 2 years
4 Carpet cleaning scams you must avoid
Cleaning the carpet is a fundamental requirement of any company or house. Of course, it's important to maintain cleanliness to ensure a healthy environment within. However, there are several carpet cleaning scams that should be aware of so that you can stay clear of these.
What exactly are these frauds? Our carpet cleaning experts address this issue in the blog that follows on.
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What are the most common carpet cleaning scams?
Find out the most frequently reported carpet cleaning scams below.
1. No work guarantee: Remember that reliable companies will never be reluctant to guarantee the quality of services they provide. If you're not receiving any guarantees for the services that you're receiving then it's best to go on and find another option. The lack of any guarantee of service is a clear fraud, and you must stay clear from the same.
2. Bait: This is yet another frequent scam that you need to know about. In this scam, the client is initially offered a deal with attractive lower prices. But, after the completion of the service, the price is far more expensive than what was promised. If there's not a written contract, the customer is forced to pay for the service. It's therefore advisable to get everything in writing to avoid paying more than you have to.
3. "Square Feet" fraud: Its title may sound a little odd, but this scam exists. In this scam, the consumer is charged extra for square feet that exceed a certain number. The amount is typically low. It means that any room will be larger than this specific square foot. In the end, you will be paying an additional cost for your room that you shouldn't.
4. The extra protection scam: "Your carpet is in need of extra care, otherwise it'll be damaged!". This is a typical thing that most companies tell homeowners just to sell their extra protection to earn more dollars. Make sure that you do the necessary research, and draw a conclusion. Beware of words that are used as numerous companies just use these kinds of warnings or makeup alarms to scare homeowners and make homeowners purchase extra insurance. Contact us if you are looking for rug cleaning in Coral Springs.
They are among the most frequent carpet cleaning scams that a lot of individuals have been the victims of. You must do your research before you take any step further with your carpet cleaning.
If you're looking for more information about any of these scams, or if you are searching for the most effective upholstery cleaning in Coral Springs, you need not look further than us. Our carpet cleaning experts will ensure you receive the top carpet cleaning services in a cost-effective way. To speak to our experts in carpet cleaning, contact us at 954-821-8198.
To know more, visit: https://www.hbcleaningsouthfl.com/blog/expert-carpet-cleaning-coral-springs-fl/
Click here to get tips to remove pet urine stains on your carpet.
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bluepaisley · 1 month
From Floor to Fabulous: Transform Your Space with the Hottest Rug and Carpet Trends of 2024
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In the world of interior design, rugs and carpets are not merely floor coverings; they are transformative elements that can elevate any space from mundane to magnificent. As we step into 2024, Canadian homes are embracing a fusion of functionality and style, incorporating the latest trends in rug and carpet design to create stunning living environments. From luxurious textures to bold patterns, let's explore how Canadians are transforming their spaces with the hottest rug and carpet trends of the year. To know more visit Blue Paisley.
Texture is taking center stage in Canadian homes, with plush, tactile surfaces dominating the design landscape. Soft, shaggy rugs reminiscent of cozy winter evenings by the fireplace are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Canadians are opting for rugs with deep piles and sumptuous materials like wool and silk, adding a touch of luxury to their living spaces. These indulgent textures not only provide warmth and comfort but also create a sensory experience that invites relaxation and serenity.
However, it's not just about softness; Canadians are also embracing the contrast of textures to add visual interest to their interiors. Mixing materials such as leather, jute, and natural fibers with traditional wool or synthetic rugs create depth and dimension in a room. This trend reflects Canada's appreciation for nature and its commitment to sustainability, as homeowners seek eco-friendly options that blend seamlessly with their surroundings.
In addition to texture, Canadians are infusing their spaces with vibrant colors and bold patterns, injecting personality and energy into their interiors. Geometric designs, abstract motifs, and intricate patterns inspired by global cultures are adorning floors across the country. Bold hues like emerald green, sapphire blue, and mustard yellow make a statement, adding warmth and vitality to neutral color palettes.
One notable trend in Canadian homes is the revival of vintage and retro-inspired rugs and carpets. Nostalgic patterns from the '60s and '70s, such as psychedelic swirls and geometric shapes, are making a comeback, capturing the essence of a bygone era while adding a contemporary twist. These retro designs resonate with Canadians' appreciation for nostalgia and their desire to infuse their homes with character and charm.
Another trend that has taken hold in Canadian interior design is the use of statement rugs as focal points in a room. Oversized rugs with bold patterns or vibrant colors are serving as anchors for furniture arrangements, drawing the eye and tying the space together. Whether it's a Persian rug in a traditional living room or a Moroccan-inspired carpet in a modern loft, Canadians are embracing the power of statement rugs to make a lasting impression.
In terms of carpeting, Canadians are gravitating towards sustainable materials and eco-friendly options that prioritize both style and environmental consciousness. Natural fibers like wool, sisal, and seagrass are gaining popularity for their durability, comfort, and eco-friendly credentials. Homeowners are also opting for carpet tiles made from recycled materials, allowing for easy customization and flexibility in design.
In addition to sustainability, Canadians are prioritizing comfort and functionality when choosing carpeting for their homes. Plush, high-pile carpets are ideal for bedrooms and cozy living spaces, providing a soft and inviting surface to sink your toes into. Meanwhile, low-pile carpets with stain-resistant properties are preferred for high-traffic areas like hallways and family rooms, offering durability and ease of maintenance.
As Canadians continue to blur the lines between indoor and outdoor living, outdoor rugs have become a popular choice for patios, decks, and backyard spaces. These durable rugs are crafted from weather-resistant materials like polypropylene and are designed to withstand the elements while adding style and comfort to outdoor entertaining areas. From bold stripes to tropical prints, outdoor rugs allow Canadians to extend their personal style to their outdoor living spaces. In conclusion, the hottest rug and carpet trends of 2024 are transforming Canadian homes into stylish and inviting spaces that reflect the diverse tastes and lifestyles of their inhabitants. From luxurious textures to bold patterns and sustainable materials, Canadians are embracing innovation and creativity to elevate their living environments from floor to fabulous. To know more Contact us Today.
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Rug Cleaning St Kilda
Are you ready to experience the magic of Rug Cleaning St Kilda? Prepare yourself for a truly awe-inspiring adventure into the world of pristine rugs! As soon as you step foot into their enchanting establishment, you'll be greeted by a team of passionate experts who will whisk away your beloved rug and transform it into a work of art. With meticulous care and attention to detail, they will delicately remove any stains or dirt that have dared to tarnish your rug's beauty. Their state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge techniques ensure that no stain is too stubborn nor any odor too persistent. You can rest assured knowing that your precious rug is in the hands of these skilled artisans who treat each piece with utmost respect and dedication. From traditional Persian masterpieces to modern designer creations, Rug Cleaning St Kilda has seen them all – and no challenge is too great for their abilities. Get ready to be spellbound by the breathtaking results they achieve, as every fiber of your rug emerges rejuvenated and vibrant once more. Don't deny yourself this exhilarating journey through the realm of immaculate rugs – embrace the excitement and let Rug Cleaning St Kilda transport you into a world where cleanliness reigns supreme!
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Rug Cleaning Camberwell
Are you ready to experience the ultimate rug cleaning service in Camberwell? Look no further than Rug Cleaning Camberwell! With our professional team of experts and state-of-the-art equipment, we are thrilled to offer you a truly exceptional cleaning experience for your beloved rugs. Our highly skilled technicians have mastered the art of rug cleaning, ensuring that every fiber is treated with care and attention to detail. From delicate Persian rugs to sturdy synthetic carpets, we have the knowledge and expertise to handle all types of materials. Using only eco-friendly products, we guarantee a thorough deep clean that will revive your rugs' vibrant colors and restore their original softness. At Rug Cleaning Camberwell, customer satisfaction is our top priority - we go above and beyond to exceed your expectations. So why wait? Get ready for an exciting transformation as we bring life back into your treasured rugs!
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Carpet Cleaning Company
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The Ultimate Guide To Professional Carpet Cleaning
Welcome to the ultimate guide to professional carpet cleaning. This comprehensive resource is designed to equip you with all the knowledge you need about maintaining clean carpets, whether at home or in a commercial setting. We’ll delve into the benefits of enlisting professional carpet cleaners for your needs. From deep cleaning methods that remove dirt and grime to specialized stain removal techniques – understanding these advantages will underscore why regular vacuuming alone isn’t enough.
Next, we explore various types of carpet cleaning services available. We’ll discuss steam cleaning, dry cleaning, and even carpet shampoo options so you can decide based on your specific requirements. In this ultimate guide to carpet cleaning, we also provide tips on how best to prepare for a visit from your chosen service provider. Finally, our discussion wouldn’t be complete without ]advising you on selecting the right company for reliable results – like Whitehall Carpet Cleaners in Columbia, SC.
Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Considering professional carpet cleaning? Smart move. Not only will it make your carpets look new, but it’ll also make your home healthier.
Improved Air Quality
Carpets can trap all sorts of nasty stuff like dust mites, pet dander, and allergens. Gross. But a professional cleaner can eliminate all that gunk, leaving you with fresher, cleaner air to breathe.
Extended Life of Carpets
Dirt and debris can wear down your carpets, making them look old and dingy. But regular professional cleanings can help extend the life of your carpets, saving you money in the long run.
Better Appearance
Nobody enjoys having dingy carpets. But with professional cleaning, your carpets will look brighter and cleaner than ever before. Plus, you won’t have to break your back doing it yourself.
Don’t believe us? Learn more about the benefits of using a professional carpet cleaning company. And when you’re ready to get started, call Whitehall Carpet Cleaners. Your carpets (and your lungs) will thank you.
Types of Carpet Cleaning Services
Depending on the type and condition of your carpet, various professional cleaning services can be used to suit your needs. Realizing the various techniques can assist you in picking the most suitable one for your requirements.
Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning, a form of hot water extraction that uses high-pressure heated liquid to dislodge and dissolve dirt in carpets, is one of the most effective methods for deep cleaning. High-pressure hot water is used to agitate the carpet fibers and dissolve dirt in the carpet.
Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning, or chemical cleaning, involves applying a specialized compound onto the surface of your carpets, which attracts dirt like a magnet. After allowing it some time to work its magic, vacuuming removes both the compound and trapped soil with minimal drying time required.
Deep Cleaning
A more intensive form of steam cleaning, deep cleaning penetrates even deeper into your carpets’ fibers using special equipment and solutions for those tougher stains or heavily soiled areas.
No matter what type you prefer – whether steam cleaning’s thoroughness or dry cleaning’s convenience – Whitehall Carpet Cleaners has got you covered. Our team uses advanced equipment and years of experience handling all sorts of carpet conditions, ensuring top-notch service every single time. For more information on carpet cleaning, check out Good Housekeeping’s guide.
Preparing for Professional Carpet Cleaning
Before engaging a professional carpet cleaning service, it is advisable to do some preparatory work for smoother and more effective results. These preparations will make the job easier for your cleaners and help achieve optimal results.
Vacuum Your Carpets
Before your professional cleaner arrives, make sure to vacuum your carpets thoroughly. This will remove any loose dirt or debris on the surface of your carpet that could potentially hinder the effectiveness of deep cleaning methods used by professionals. Vacuuming is especially important if you have pets because, let’s face it, they shed like crazy.
Spot-Clean Stains
In addition to vacuuming, spot-cleaning stains before professional cleaning can be beneficial too. If there are any specific areas with stubborn stains or spills, pre-treating them with an appropriate carpet stain remover may enhance the overall outcome.
Move Furniture Around
To ensure every inch of your carpet gets cleaned effectively, consider moving furniture out of the way before the arrival of cleaners. This gives them unrestricted access and saves time on shifting items around during their visit. Plus, it’s a good excuse to rearrange your living room.
Note Down Areas of Concern
Last but not least, note down any areas you think require extra attention due to heavy soiling or high traffic; this information would be helpful for technicians from Whitehall Carpet Cleaners. They’re professionals, but they’re not mind readers.
By taking these simple steps ahead of time, you can ensure that when our experienced team arrives at your home with advanced equipment ready for action, they can spend more time focusing on delivering exceptional results rather than dealing with avoidable obstacles.
Choosing the Right Professional Carpet Cleaner
Don’t let dirty carpets cramp your style. Here are some tips to help you choose the right professional carpet cleaner:
Check Customer Reviews
Before you hire a carpet cleaner, check out their customer reviews. Yelp and Google Maps are great sources for honest feedback from previous clients.
Ask for References
A reputable cleaning company should be able to provide references from satisfied customers. Obtaining customer testimonials can help you understand their proficiency, dependability, and workmanship.
Evaluate Their Experience and Expertise
Experience matters when it comes to carpet cleaning. Look for companies with years of experience and efficient methods to handle different types of carpets and stains.
Inquire About Their Equipment
The type of equipment a carpet cleaning company uses can greatly affect the outcome of their work. Look for companies with advanced machines that ensure deep cleaning and faster drying times.
Opt for companies that use eco-friendly products. They are safer for humans and pets and more effective at removing dirt and stains from carpets.
For more information on eco-friendly carpet cleaning, check out this EPA resource.
Whitehall Carpet Cleaners: The #1 Choice in Columbia SC
Looking for top-notch carpet cleaning services in Columbia, SC? Look no further than Whitehall Carpet Cleaners – the best choice for all your carpet cleaning needs.
Experienced Technicians
At Whitehall Carpet Cleaners, our technicians are renowned for their expertise and proficiency in carpet cleaning. Our team undergoes rigorous training to ensure they can handle any carpet or stain situation with ease.
Advanced Equipment
What sets us apart from other companies is our state-of-the-art equipment. We use high-powered steam cleaners that penetrate your carpets to remove dirt and allergens without damaging your floors. This means you get a thorough clean every time.
A Wide Range Of Services
In addition to standard carpet cleaning services like steam and dry cleaning, we also offer specialized services such as upholstery and disaster restoration services. Whether it’s an everyday spill or a major flood damage scenario – we’ve got you covered.
Why Choose Us?
Quality Service: We believe in providing quality service that exceeds customer expectations.
Fair Pricing: We offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Your satisfaction is our priority; if you’re unhappy with our work – we’ll make it right.
Don’t just take our word for it – check out our customer reviews to see why we’re the #1 choice for carpet cleaning in Columbia, SC.
Our Ultimate Guide to Professional Carpet Cleaning offers valuable insights on the perks of hiring professional carpet cleaners, the different types of services available, how to prepare for a cleaner’s visit, and tips on selecting the right company to do the job right. Looking for a reliable and experienced carpet cleaning service in Columbia, SC? Look no further than Whitehall Carpet Cleaners, where our team of experts is committed to delivering top-quality service at an affordable price. Regular carpet cleaning not only enhances the appearance of your carpets but also extends their lifespan, making it a smart investment for any homeowner.
Don’t settle for mediocre cleaning services that leave your carpets damp and smelling funky.
Choose Whitehall Carpet Cleaners’ professional carpet cleaning services for a thorough and professional cleaning experience that will leave your carpets clean, looking, and smelling fresh.
Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to clean your carpets perfectly.
Don’t let dirty carpets ruin the ambiance of your home. Contact Whitehall Carpet Cleaners today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference!
Contact Whitehall Carpet Cleaning for all your floor, rug, and upholstery cleaning, disaster restoration, tile and grout cleaning, and disinfection services today!
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Rug Cleaning Mornington Peninsula
Are you tired of staring at your dull and dirty rugs? Well, fret no more because Rug Cleaning Mornington Peninsula is here to rescue! With their exceptional services and unwavering commitment to perfection, they will transform your worn-out carpets into works of art. The moment their team arrives at your doorstep, a wave of excitement sweeps over you as you anticipate the magic about to unfold. Their expert technicians meticulously inspect each fiber and weave before diving headfirst into the cleaning process. Armed with state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly solutions, they tackle even the toughest stains with an unmatched vigor. As they work their way through every inch of your cherished rug, a sense of anticipation builds up within you – eagerly awaiting the unveiling of its newfound vibrancy. You can't help but feel enthralled by their attention to detail as they revive colors that were once lost in time. With every stroke and gentle touch, it's evident that these professionals take immense pride in their craft - leaving no room for mediocrity or compromises on quality. Finally, when all is said and done, there it is – your rejuvenated rug gleaming under the warm morning sunlight like a masterpiece straight out of an artist's imagination!
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aakeysmash · 2 months
I think modernday!Sukuna would possibly be a mechanic. He works in silence, he really doesn’t like people talking to him and he knows his stuff. No client has been able to say his work isn’t good, but they do say that he’s scary and scowling all the time.
Sometimes when you’re on vacation you visit him at work, your reading glasses still on your head and your book under your arm. He stops whatever he’s doing when he senses your presence, turning around and waiting on you to walk toward him. He gets out of the car he’s working on and tries to clean his hands with a rug, but they’re too oily. He hates not being able to touch you, but he’d hate himself even more if he got dirt on your pretty face or your pretty summer dress.
You get on your tippy toes and kiss him on the lips, and he mumbles a sorry because he knows that he’s been sweating his balls off and his top lip is wet.
“Brought you water, babe,” you tell him, looking up at him. He grunts in response, but you know he’s grateful.
“Shouldn’t you be at home, woman? You’ll get dirty,” he says with his deep voice. You can hear he’s not been talking since he left your house this morning. He smells like gasoline and tobacco, probably from the cigarette he smoked half an hour ago. You told him he shouldn’t smoke and work with gas at the same time, but he’s a stubborn asshole. He says he’d burn the fire before the fire could burn him.
“I missed you, big boy,” you answer. He tsks and rolls his eyes. You’re so dramatic.
He might look inapproachable, but when he’s out of the shower back at yours in the evening he’s much more relaxed.
“Y’know, if I didn’t find you sexy as fuck with those flowy dresses, I’d fuck you each time you come visit me,” he whispers in your ear, chest pressed tightly against your back.
You turn around and put your arms around his neck. You’re about to say a snarky remark but he’s already groping your ass with one of his strong expert hands, the other hand pressed between your shoulder blades to keep you close and tongue down your throat.
“Cars ain’t the only things I can ride, baby,” he says smirking.
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andreysbarber · 2 years
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Don't worry...Carpet Doctor can clean any accidental mess on your carpets in no time. Schedule your FREE Estimate at (585) 225-7252 today.
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wall2floorclean · 2 years
Rug and Carpet cleaning services in Arizona
Are you looking for Rug and Carpet cleaning services in Arizona. When you need someone to clean your Rug and Carpet, you must choose an experienced, reliable, and trustworthy crew.
Rug and Carpet cleaning in Arizona is something that can improve the appearance of your entire home and extend the overall life of your rug. However, there are even more benefits that you are going to get from area rug cleaning on a regular basis.
We're certified, friendly, and highly trained to take on any Rug and Carpet cleaning  job you may have. We have consistently gone above and beyond the cleaning expectations of our customers to deliver high-quality, professional commercial cleaning services you can rely on.
Why Choose Wall 2 Floor Clean for Rug and Carpet Cleaning?
·         Highly Trained Technicians
·         Certified Company
·         Many years of experience
·         Provide 24/7 Emergency Service
If you are looking for Rug and Carpet cleaning services in Arizona. Please contact us.
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samsclnngsyd · 2 years
Carpet Cleaning Sydney| Upholstery Cleaning | Sams Cleaning Sydney
Sams Cleaning Sydney is one of the most well-known cleaning companies in Sydney with 15+ years of experience. In addition to carpet cleaning, we also offer mattress cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and carpet repair. Call us today at 0240052266.
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madammidnightsblog · 5 months
More Call Of Duty and how they’re in bed Brainrot🤩
Alejandro Vargas: he in my mind is wholeheartedly a passionate and sweet lover, maybe because he’s a sweet talker and flirty? Dunno. But, he definitely goes nice and slow, it will have you gasping and shaking from how deep he is. He’s another man that’s been around for a while and definitely knows the body very well and is very observant so he knows where to touch, kiss, and caress that will leave you clenching around him. He has a papi/daddy kink?? Something about being in charge- whether is be in the field or in the bedroom, it makes him feel so good. This colonel is also very jealous and possessive, no one is allowed to see those faces, or hear those nosies, or see that beautiful body for yours- that’s his. Alejandro is also comfortable in his masculinity and skin that if you ever wanted to be in charge, he will allow you to but, he will take charge once you’re tired.
Kate Laswell: She seems like a switch to me, someone that is willing to switch between submissive and dominant but very dominant leaning. She will be a very sweet lover in bed but don’t let that fool you, she deals with dumbasses on a daily basis from Shepherd to the stubborn Price, she is very pent up and needs to let it out at some point. Has a mommy kink and will only be called it, if submissive that night she will call you baby and that’s it. But, she’s an expert with her hands and will be more than happy to spend her time fucking your holes or giving a handjob, she’s not picky, just spread those pretty legs and let mommy get to work, okay?
Phillip Graves: A hard dom all the way. He is rough and hard when he fucks, he’s cocky and smug so, of course he is going to fuck you like the little plaything you are. That doesn’t mean he’s mean all the time, he does have his soft moments and will touch you like you’re the most fragile creature on earth and kiss you until you’re breathless. But, he’s not going to let you think you can get away with your bratty behavior so think again. A certified brat tamer and daddy kink lover and he will make sure you remember who’s in charge. He will give you safe words and aftercare- don’t worry but he will make sure that pretty dumb head of yours is dumber by the end of the night :). Oh, he also loves the free use card and will be sure to use it once given the green light! All you need to do is be a good girl/boy and keep those holes nice and ready for him, rub that little clit or put in that buttplug- with daddy’s permission of course. What daddy wants, he will most definitely get- he is daddy after all and all you need to do, is be a good and dumb little thing for him :).
Nikolai Belinski: Nikolai is a crazy bastard- you have no clue what he is about to do and he thrives off that! He is a gentle and slow man but he is also rough and ruthless, he’s a mercenary after all, so he is definitely going to go at it without mercy. There isn’t much that turns him on more than domestic things like you cooking, cleaning, and just tending to him because you want to. He finds the fact you want to be with him and do such domestic things for or with him so sexy because he doesn’t have many people that care about him so it’s nice. But, he is a nasty man, one that will fuck you in the garage at the base and make you keep quiet with your pretty face buried in seat of a chair. You will be quiet, right? You don’t want the whole squad to hear how much of a pervert you are, do you?
Alex Keller: He is a rough man in the bedroom, not afraid to leave marks and make your cry because he loves how pretty you look with tears streaming down your face. To him, it makes you look prettier. But, don’t worry about anything, he will always treat any bruise, cut, and rug burn. He wants his baby to be healthy at all times, just a little roughed up but not too much. He is very adventurous and experimental so he is always up to try new positions and new kinks, he wants it to be a fun experience for you both. Nothing is off the table if you want to try it because he is a strong believer that if both parties aren’t satisfied, then it’s not over and will make sure you’re both happy. Exhibition is one of his personal favorites, the thought is doing something so dirty and deprived in an open space where anyone could see you two is just so hot to him, he gets so excited when he gets the chance.
König: he in my eyes is a switch- now hear me out! He was bullied most of his life and had some challenges in the beginning of his career in the military due to his social anxiety and his massive height so he is always wanting to be pampered by the right person. He isn’t the type to really do flings or hook ups so he doesn’t have much experience in the bedroom and had a massive cock but no idea how to really use it :(. But, once he’s comfortable with you and truly loves you, he will submit and allow you to baby him but he will be more than ready to dominate you. Because he needs to prove himself- not to just to you but to him that he’s able to do this. He is a big giver than a receiver because seeing you in a blissful state makes him feel so good, he can come untouched just seeing your pretty face. He will be scared to be pegged or ride a dildo so you’ll have to coax him through it and praise him for being such a good boy :( .
Farah Karim: I believe she doesn’t care who’s in charge because to her, both parties are feeling good in the end. But, she will end up being more dominant because she just gets driven to make sure you’re getting your fill and won’t stop until you’re squirting all over her! The best with a strapon and you can argue with the wall if you disagree! She knows how to use it as if it was part of her, fucking that sopping hole of yours and having you mewling out her name like a good girl/boy does for her. She doesn’t really care for titles but being called by her rank, Commander, in bed, she will go crazy. Something about being given the power and control like a commander in the bedroom makes her feel so powerful and she just wants to demonstrate it for you. Is big on receiving so you will find yourself many times on your knees between her beautiful thighs and eating her out, her taste will become your favorite in the end and you will crave it. After all, a good subordinate craves the attention from their commander, right?
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra: His love language is biting- no, I will not elaborate :). He loves to bite you and he bites hard, so you will have many bite marks all over you and will have to treat them afterwards. The cute and quiet ones are the ones you have to worry about, he isn’t as nice as he seems. He is a dom all the way in my eyes, he loves the idea of being the one in control and having you all spread out for him and fuck you until you’re drooling. He loves being the one to make you cum over and over until you’re shaking and crying, he just has to make sure you’re feeling good! He is in between being gentle and rough. He doesn’t mean to be rough, he promises but he can’t help it, you just sound so cute when he’s bullying his thick cock into your hole :(. You understand, right? He wants to treat you nicely and show you how much he loves you, with praises and kisses but they always turn into dirty whispering about how slutty you are and bites that make you bleed.
Kim ‘Horangi’ Hongjin: he’s a bully in the sheets, mean and cruel once he gets you in the bed. He’s a mean dom that will make fun of you for crying from how overstimulated you are and will just tell you that you can take it. After all, if you couldn’t, your hole wouldn’t be swallowing him so easily. He is definitely a brat tamer and loves to ‘break you’ because you’re just so cute when you’re drooling and taking him so nicely after being such a brat. Nothing drives him crazier than lingerie, he loves seeing you dressed all pretty in silk or lace, your pretty body all dressed like a present for him to tear them off and use your holes :). But, don’t worry, he will be nice if needed because he does love you and want you to know that he cherish you so he will treat you nice and fuck you nice and slow when needed while he tells you how beautiful you are and how he needs you in his life because he lost a lot and feels lonely at times so having you with him makes him feel better.
Sebastian Josef Krueger: Krueger is another cruel and mean bastard that loves to degrade and bully you in bed, he cannot help it. You’re just so sweet and pretty, it’s like you’re begging to be roughed up by your boyfriend. He will be nice to you in the beginning, he will kiss you from head to toe while telling you just how beautiful you are before he throws your legs over his shoulders and rut into you like a dog in heat. Of course, he will make you feel better, just open your pretty little mouth and let him put his fingers in there, okay? Nothing is better than having you choke on his fingers while he bullies his cock into you. But, his biggest turn on has to be, somnophilla, that is if you’re okay with it. Something about fucking you in your sleep while he cuddles you just feels so right to him, and when you wake up due to an intense orgasm, he’ll make it feel so good that you’ll feel more than relaxed enough to go back to sleep.
Valeria Garza: She is a hard dom and a mommy kink fan, you cannot convince me otherwise. She will dominate you and make you feel all dumb when she calls you all types of names while you fuck yourself on her thigh. She is someone who thrives off control, she needs it in order to feel something as she usually feels nothing without control. She likes to make you do things to humiliate you and she loves seeing the guilt in your eyes when you misbehave because it makes her feel so powerful but don’t worry, she’s a good mommy and makes sure to give you lots of kisses once you take your punishment. Her biggest turn on outside the power dynamic, is something most wouldn’t expect- it’s reassurance. She gets all hot and bothered whenever you tell her that the iron grip on your hair is fine, or that those slap to your sex makes you feel so good, or even when you just tell her that she is the only one for you. She is so used to manipulating and using people for her own benefit that she often feels like she is taking you for granted and using you when she does love and care for you, so just hearing you reassure her that you don’t feel any of that makes her happy. She may be mean and cold, but she does love you and worry about if she is doing the right thing when it comes to you.
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hanasnx · 9 months
i desperately need more thoughts and ideas about baby daddy!anakin bcos why has that never crossed my mind??? that sounds so 😵‍💫
baby daddy!anakin.
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NOTES: isnt it so 🫠 WARNINGS: f!reader | baby daddy!anakin | toxic behavior | sexual content: smut but not too in depth | kinks: breeding, degradation | jealousy | you and anakin have a son together | no y/n
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You aren't married to him, even if he asked you— begged you to. It's not the right move, it's not what you want, and you won't let him bully you into doing "the smart thing" as he calls it. It's partly his fault you got knocked up, and he's acting as if marriage will magically solve it. He's not the kind of person you can share a life with, and you're not comfortable seeing him as often as you have to when you trade off your son to him. He's learned some boundaries, keeping his distance. Unfortunately, you fell for him and all his crazy tendencies. So it was more than difficult for him to sweep them under the rug when you two split. He noted how you responded negatively to when he came over unannounced, saying it was because he missed his son, when that was guise to see you. You responded even worse when he'd barged in after he threatened to break down the door. So he learned that he won't get what he wants when he does them. Even though, at one point, you liked those things about him. You liked that he took what he wanted, and now he has to repress those urges in order to be allowed visitation to his son at all.
Of course, there are things you miss about him. You don't like the idea of teaching anyone how to please you, so the easiest thing is to ask him for his assistance since he's already an expert in the field. After heavy debate, you decide to call him after a bad date. “Hello? Is everything alright?” he demands into the receiver. This untimely hour could only be explained by an emergency, and his first thought is something happened to his son. “Hey.” your response on the other line is a sigh. “Everything’s fine. Can you come over?”
Once the floodgates open, it takes no time at all to unravel each other. He knew he missed you, but he didn’t realize how much until you’re a quivering mess underneath him. Your dress having been hastily ridden up around your waist so he can twist your body to meet his needs, folding your legs up as he leans on you. That fat cock you adore being driven into the deepest parts of you, kissing that spongy spot inside you exactly how you like it. No one can do it like him. As frustrating at it is. You're partly to blame for his infatuation, you can't stay away from him either. Letting him do this to you, fuck you like this, planting those seeds of need within you.
When you and him first split, he couldn't know about the dates. You would avoid tipping him off about them at all costs, anything to evade his potent jealous rage. "You've walked with my child growing inside you. And some stranger thinks he lays claim over you? What about me? Does my hard work mean nothing? Must I do it again?" As if you'd make the same mistake twice, let him breed you for a second time so you're reliant on him again. Or worse, you'd make the same mistake with someone different. Does he think that little of you? You and him were just stupid kids when your son came into the picture. Neither of you knew what you were doing. You're smarter now... aren't you?
Now you use your dates as leverage. Make him angry, make him fuck you harder, make him fuck you like he's never fucked you before. Talk shit about whatever guy you let hit before you called him to "clean up that fucker's mess." and how after this, you'll "kick him out like you always do. but you can't stay away from him long." He'll even degrade himself, "And I'll keep coming back too. You'll do the same damn thing next week, act like you want nothing to do with me. Treat me like a stray. Only to get soft and horny and call me to come give you a fix 'cause you can't do a thing for yourself. You're a fucking addict, you know? I'm tired of it. But I'll keep doing it, because I'm the only one who fucking will. Only one who can handle you, isn't that right?"
When the entrance sounds familiarly, he opens the door to the bedroom. Shirtless, and black pants hanging low on his hips, he leaves you spent in your bed as your son gets inside and realizes who's over. Your son breaks from the babysitter's hand, sprinting towards him. "Dad!" he exclaims. He stoops, catching his son in his arms to scoop him up. "My love," he responds tenderly, cradling the back of his son's head as their cheeks press together. "You're here!" his son notes with awe. You can hear them through the walls, smacking your hand against your forehead. He wasn't supposed to let your son know he was here, the babysitter's early. Fuck, now your son is gonna insist he stay for dinner or something. That's exactly his plan, isn't it? Use your son to get closer to you.
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☈ your bones singing into mine ii
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one - two
nikto x gen!bio-weapons engineer reader (no use of y/n) 3.4k words cw: honestly just the relationship being dysfunctional, also like warlord sugar daddy overtones, but that's just how this cookie is gonna crumble Nikto has swept you out of the darkness, and into an intact world burning full of ugly lights. He meets your every need as you work to create weapons to supply him an armory of shock and awe. He buys for you a place in Bruges, a rowhouse right on the water, and your only desire is a romantic dinner with him. He does not have it within himself to deny you.
Nikto brings you out into a world that is bright and burning, but mostly whole. He tells you that things are tied on a shoestring of balance, that any strong enough blow of breeze could tip the whole house of cards, and he has a look in his eyes that names himself typhoon. 
He is one of the most complex and deeply locked men you have ever met in your life, and you have met a great many men with secrets that could turn cities into subatomic particles in a blinding flash of a second. He wants to father a new world, a savage paradise, and, yet, he holds you in the palm of his velvet-covered iron fist as his finest treasure.
Penthouses are cleared out for you–places high in the sky, in any number of cities, so far away from the ground and the dark. He pours money into your comfort like hemorrhaging, and he cares not that his funds bleed, because he can always dump more into the wound. 
It’s a wound he wants to sustain, because he likes to see you clean, and comfortable, and sparking electricity as you work. He provides makeshift, mobile labs for you. Thousands upon thousands of dollars for computers, and programs, and security. Though he lifts you into the light, he makes you a small space of darkness, allowing you to run and return to your work.
He begins to call you Spider, or Pauk, depending on whether his English is dropping your name like a threat, or if his Russian is soft and trying to entreat you.
There is a place in Bruges, right on the water, that he pulls together for you. It is smaller than your other hideaways, cozier. Bulb-lit with warm wooden flooring and tall walls. He walks stiffly through the halls, watching for your reaction, and his shoulders relax when you turn from the window watching boats on the water to give him your cracked grin. 
“It’s out of a book,” you say, “the buildings are such bright colors. How is this real?”
“It’s always been this way here,” he tells you. He shuffles a moment, bringing his clasped hands from his back to his front, before he adds quietly, “We’re glad that you…find it acceptable here.”
Surely he is remembering the blocs he grew up on, all the colorless brutalist construction from the Soviet era. Houses for workers, starvation in the streets. You wonder if his place had heriz rugs all over the floors, to insulate sound and cushion steps and provide color. 
You press your fingertips into the cool glass, looking at him, wondering about him. You’d like to see his face, though he’s told you that it is a nightmare. You��d like to kiss him. You know he loves you, just as you love him.
“It’s perfect. I’m going to like it here,” you tell him, and your heart swells and patters when his shoulders raise a little bit, proud of himself for his pick. With his hidden face, you’ve become an expert in his body language. All his little tells become clear to you, the more time you spend with him.
He is slow with you, cautious. Not as if approaching a wild animal, he would never treat you with such base suspicion and wariness, but as if he is the animal, well-aware of exactly how powerful his bite is. He treasures you too much to damage you. 
Such brutality is held within this many-faceted man, vast and damning. He is a gentleman though, through accident or practice, and he puts that hardwork into effect with you.
It causes you to make the first move most of the time. 
“I want you to have dinner with me tonight,” you say, tapping your fingers against the glass, feeling the condensation cling to your fingerprints. 
He shakes his head. “Your value is too high for us to allow you out of the flat, Pauk,” he says gently, misunderstanding, as if reminding you. There are so many beautiful homes he has carved out for you, but you’ve never stepped foot outside of them. 
He thinks you want to, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The reality is that you are brimming with hatred at the fact it still stands. That your suffering was for nothing, and the apocalypse still lies dormant but rumbling, a stalled birth. You love your closed spaces and your blackout curtains that hide the world and your tall walls and bright lights.
“We can have something ordered and brought to you,” he continues, trying to soothe the blow that never landed.
A grunt of annoyance snaps out of your throat, hand pressing flat to the glass. “Nooo,” you draw out, turning to face him in full. “I want you all to eat here, with me. Only us, none of the guards making all that fucking noise with their heavy boots. And I want to pretend that we’re all just having a nice night. And there are no contagions or stadiums or belt-fed guns.”
In shame, his head drops a degree, arms tightening in front of him. The supple leather of his gloves creak. “Apologies, Pauk.” His head remains that one slice lower, but his eyes flicker up like a bird’s from beneath his rippy lashes. “We…” he pauses, trying to formulate the words, “we will put that together. For you. What do you want to eat?”
Your hand comes away from the glass, and you press your palms together like a prayer, holding the sides of your hands to your lips. “I want something bloody and buttery. Something good made by someone that doesn’t love me.”
A small noise like a laugh sounds behind his heavy mask, and his neck relaxes. It puts together a picture of thought: it’s a good thing we do not cook for you, then. “We will find something.”
Neither of you cook. It’s a sad reality. You were too built up for epidemiology and plague-practitioning to have the room or time to learn the skill, and Nikto readily admits that he’d long ago lost his sense of smell. “Nova gas,” he explained, funnily enough. “That was your grandfather’s work, yes?” It was. He and his team. You are a legacy leper-making, just like God and all of his followers.
The sun has settled fully in the city of Bruges, and the light of street lamps, the running lights of boats on the water, and fairy lights around shopfronts make the water glitter. It is warm here, with all the brick and cobblestone soaking up the yellow light, and for once you are fine with the curtains open.
Nikto has spoiled you rotten with clothing, all of it fine and soft and rich. You dress comfortably, beautifully, and wander the flat, looking over things leftover from past tenants, waiting on his return. He always leaves you with a guard when he is gone, and tonight it is a short but sturdy woman from Montenegro who does not speak. She sits on the small leather couch in the living room, reading a book with horses on the cover, rifle across her lap. You do not bother her, but you cannot wait for her to leave.
When Nikto arrives, it’s with yet another guard, this one in plainclothes, carrying two large paper bags in their arms. It’s always seemed funny to you that he just goes out in the mask, nightmare beneath it or not, and that people must have reactions in public. But, you don’t think Nikto travels anywhere that people would dare comment on it. He has lackeys for embarrassing, mundane duties. 
He takes the bags from the second guard, and dismisses the woman on the couch, letting you approach to lock the deadbolts on the back of the door when they’re out. It is your comfort and your right, he will not interfere with it.
Meeting his eyes, you grin a cracked grin at him. “Smells good. What is it? What was the restaurant called?”
He makes another laugh-noise, looking skin-close to bashful. “We do not know. We sent Dejanović to get it, he knows the city.” He peers into the bag. “He said foreign dignitaries enjoyed the place. We don’t feel like that always speaks well to quality.”
You try to take the bag into your hands, but his arm tightens. He does not like you doing menial tasks. He likes it only when you are free to tend to your work and whims. It is much preferable to him that your needs are met, and he is glad to tend to those tasks when he is with you.
“If it’s all rot and garbage, we can make zakuski instead, and wash it down with vodka,” you tell him, swaying a little, hoping the promise pleases him. “Tahumi brought me a can of caviar, and even found a mother-of-pearl spoon for it.”
His eyes grow hard at the mention of Tahumi giving you a gift. That is another thing that heckles him. He does not like others knowing about you, much less providing for you. That is his honor, and an honor he thinks it is.
Your mouth starts to curl. “Don’t eat yourself with knots,” you instruct him, but his eyes only grow harder, his posture stiffer. “I wanted it, and Tahumi saw it, and he bought it. He did it to please you, because you are so here-and-there with your underlings. Your favor can’t be curried because it doesn’t exist.”
“They are warm, walking corpses, and nothing more,” he says, stone-solid, cold. “We don’t need them for anything more than catching bullets and carrying out orders. You are not a tool to buy their way into security. There is none, and you–you’re–” 
He turns his head and breathes out hard. His body is held so tightly it paints pain on the walls behind him. His molars squeak as they grind together, trying to collect himself, but he is upset.
“Andryu,” you say, pulling his diminutives, trying to pluck the chords that will bring him back to you. You bend your body to swerve, attempting to capture his eyes. “Andryusha.”
There is a little break in the armor, a crack where you can push your fingers in, to find contact with him. There is a little light in his eyes. “We cannot allow you to be taken advantage of. Your wholeness is…” he trails off, struggling, and you provide him the territory to prowl, find his words. He turns and meets your eyes, and there is his passion. “Our last shred of warmth is you. If you are pained, or used, or discarded–it is a blow that would destroy the last human thing in us.”
And, here, your scant humanity answers his. You fold, slope, ease. You nod in agreement. “I know, Andryu, I do. But all of you know where my loyalties lie. You know I wouldn’t hesitate to find you if I felt targeted.” You want so horrendously to reach out and touch him, but you don’t. You have to allow him to initiate, otherwise he cannot handle it. “My lot is in your lot. I go where you go. Everyone else is a corpse that forgot to lie down and die.”
Using his language in ways that he understands it unlocks him to you. His gloved hand comes up, hovering just to the side of your jaw. But he doesn’t touch, he only traces the air in a line down the bone structure. 
He allows—or, rather, you give him no in allowing you to stand in the kitchen as he unpacks your meals to plate. It could be call an awkward affair, if either of you had the social graces to register that feeling in your minds. 
He’s taken his gloves off and swatted at your hand trying to take the paper bag for recycling, giving you a sharp look borne of the love he holds. Again, not allowed to lift a finger. 
There are faded Cyrillic characters tattooed across his knuckles, the black ink bloated and faded to blue. SOS across three fingers: either spasi, otets, syna or Suki Otnyali Svobodu. Save me, father, your son. Bitches robbed my freedom. 
He’s never told you which in specific, though he’s offered both as options. Tattoos are carved into so much of his skin, and he’s given you brief walking tours of them when he’s stripped down enough for them to appear. A warping on Russian prison tattoos, repurposed for the Spetsnaz. 
Epaulets on his shoulders—horses die from work. Devils just below those, oskals, hatred of authority. ‘I Fuck Poverty and Misfortune’ in Cyrillic, riding his Adonis belt. A lighthouse on his forearm, yearning for freedom. His skin tells his story, hard-lived, a language known to few. 
His plating skills are what cause him minor self-consciousness. He’s not an artistic man, and he has no eye for aesthetics. The blood-rare ribeyes are just placed and pushed to one side of the plate, crumbled blue cheese dumped artlessly on top. Creamed potatoes end up slopping over roasted asparagus, and he growls in his throat, frustrated. He is trying incredibly hard to make it pleasing. The more he moves it around, trying to be careful, the worse it looks. 
He wouldn’t care if it was solely for him. His frustration is because you will not be eating something pretty. In his mind, the only things you deserve are pretty and perfect. 
His hands stop fussing, resting on the edge of the counter, glaring down at the plates. “It looks like shit,” he renders his verdict. It sounds like he is considering throwing it away and ordering something else.
“Pelmeni look like shit. So does poutine. But it all tastes good, so we still eat it,” you push back. “No one eats shiny plastic or tinsel.”
He grunts again. “People eat shiny plastic and tinsel all the time, because they are fucking stupid.”
“If any of you are insinuating that any of us are fucking stupid, you’re being a fucking child.” Despite the content of your words, it is not said with heat. It is an olive branch, trying to reach him across the expanse of his dissatisfaction. You’re not sure you’ve made contact until his fingers start tapping on the counter, and he hums Krokodil Gena’s Birthday Song deep in his chest. He is calming, rectifying reality with himself. 
After a few, long moments, he picks up the plates, nodding at you, and carries them to the dining table outside the kitchen. It is situated in front of a set of big picture windows that he honestly does not like you standing near, ever, but it is for the sake of the evening. He sets your plate down, and pulls out your chair for you, before he seats himself. There are already sets of silverware and water on the table. A bottle of vodka, and two small glasses to drink from. 
You start by pouring two sips of vodka, offering him one. A toast falls out of your mouth, unthinking, and he clinks your glasses together in agreement. When you put your shot back, he hands you his glass, and you shoot that, as well. He has not removed his mask. He will not. But he overturns his glass next to yours.
It’s an odd affair, how the meal goes. Conversation picks up, on plans and your work, on the state of the world as it stands. That will run out, and you will both turn to other topics. Books, movies, cars. Oh, Nikto has such a soft spot for cars–he could talk about them from dusk until dawn. Luxury cars, supercars, performance and rally cars, working vehicles, even an astonishing breadth of consumer cars. He has opinions that stretch the globe, and you soak it up like a dry sponge. 
The oddest thing is that you eat, and he does not. He keeps his hands resting on either side of his plate, guarding it as if he was a prisoner, but he does not once touch his silverware. He won’t eat in front of anyone. He can’t, not without taking the mask off. It’s something he didn’t have to explain to you, you just understood it by studying his patterns. It’s something that made him even softer toward you. 
You finish, part of your steak left–you intend to slice it up and put it on some grilled crusty bread with piles of caramelized onions later–resting your fork and your knife on the edge of your plate. “That was good. Despite the dignitaries and dog shit. I want a copy of their menu, to tear up and eat bit by bit. I want all of you to have more dates with me, this one dripped romantic. All the seams were splitting up, and it went drop by drop by drop.”
“Date?” he queries, looking at you across the table as he reaches for your plate.
“Date.” You nod once, emphatically.
He shudders, smothering something that sounds like a sigh, averting his eyes. “We…will make sure there is a menu for you, next time,” he starts, unphased by your request. “Roses, if you like.”
You shake your head. “No use for roses, they wilt and die. Flowers all-wilted smell like the dark parts of the bunker, and my stomach eats and eats away at me because of that smell.”  You send an apologetic look across the table, thinking. “I’ll take tokens in trinkets. Whenever you bring me jewelry, I don’t take it off.”
As if in example, you pull up your sleeves, showing him the bracelets he’s brought you, left for your discovery on desktops and dressers. Next, you tug at your collar, showing him a pile of necklaces. 
His fingers twitch, looking at you helplessly. Not even he can prevent the swallow that goes down his throat, when he sees that you hoard the fine things he brings back for you.
Another long moment passes, and he is hoarse when he agrees, “Jewelry. We will bring you jewelry, then.”
In as much of a rush as you’ve ever seen him, he collects your dishes, and the bottle of vodka, storming back through the kitchen door. It doesn’t latch behind him, and you know he will be a while. It feels dirty, destructive and found and deceitful, but you sneak up to the crack, wanting to watch him.
His back is turned, his mask removed. Hair so deep in darkness it shines white under lights sticks up from his head at all angles, some of it missing from the side of his skull, along with an ear. He eats quickly, in clipped bites, gorging himself, stopping only to tip back the vodka bottle. It’s almost an ugly display, brutal necessity, and you know as well as you know the own pounding of your heart that he is uncomfortable, that he hates this. He hates to be bare.
You cannot see his face, and you would not try to see it. You want to see it someday, and that will only happen when he is ready to show you. You will not steal that freedom from him. You will not sneak looks when he is unawares. It is the same courtesy he has afforded you, and you are hellbent to pay it back in kind.
With that prickling your skin, you back away from the door, allowing him his needs. 
When he returns, sitting next to you on the couch, he is warmed-through and softened by the alcohol and food. He takes hold of your ankle, pulling it into his lap, rubbing the knob of your bone with his bare fingers. His masked head tips back, resting against the back of the couch, and he heaves a heavy sigh.
Your stomach clenches, and your heart races. There is so much love between the two of you, so impossibly massive that it cannot ever be feasibly dealt with, and that is something you are fine with when his eyes meet yours in a crinkled smile. 
Perhaps your union will kill the world as it stands, but you don’t particularly mind. His hands are warm against your bones, reaching deeper than any other human possibly could, and he looks at you as if you are his only purpose in life, even if that is not true.
“Andryusha,” you greet him quietly, turning your leg in his touch so he can have more skin.
Another small noise, pleasure, and he rubs deeper, followed by a soft, heartsick request, “Say it again, Paukya.”
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