#Ezra’s duel with danger
jedimandalorian · 5 months
Dear Church of Ezrabine,
Today we are going to meditate upon the sacred text known as Ezra’s Duel with Danger, one of the most angsty Star Wars Rebels books in the series. It takes place after Droids in Distress and before Battle to the End.
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In this book, Ezra has to cope with the depressing fact that Empire Day is also the date of his birthday. He has to overcome his resentment towards Tseebo who failed to save his parents and protect him when he was younger. Then, most challenging of all, Ezra must resist the and overcome the temptations and deceptions of the Dark Side.
On one of the worst days of his life, Sabine is the person who knows exactly how to cheer him up. She gives fifteen-year-old Ezra the first birthday present he has received since he was seven years old.
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There aren’t as many Sabezra interactions to contemplate as in our other sacred texts, but we do have this mysterious little moment:
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What could possibly be more important than Jedi training? For Ezra, it was whatever he was doing with Sabine. And no, he’s not “with” with her. Not yet, anyway.
Now for some major angst, dear Sabezra shippers. This is going to hurt. Ezra had a Force vision when he and Kanan were inside the Jedi Temple on Lothal.
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Ezra goes from being happy that Sabine defended him to hoping that in a few years things would work out between them and they would be a couple to absolute heartbreak when Ezra hears Sabine say that “he’s just a little kid” who is scared and alone. She feels pity for him.
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Ezra’s is so heartbroken that he starts crying. He may be young, but he really does love Sabine.
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Ezra realizes that the conversation he heard wasn’t real. It was a Dark Side deception that was a manifestation of his worst fear: the fear that the people he loves most don’t feel the same way about him.
Here, we learn that Sabine is Ezra’s greatest weakness and by the end of Rebels and in Ahsoka Season 1, we see him realize that she is also his greatest strength. She is the person he can always count on. In the live action series we also witness how the reverse is also true. Sabine’s desire to be reunited with Ezra is her greatest weakness, but his love for her and confidence in her is what strengthens her emotionally, opening her up to finally being able to connect with the Force.
Sabine and Ezra belong together. Do not lose faith.
I have spoken.
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roselightfairy · 1 year
I just keep thinking about Kanan being knighted.
This thing he'd probably barely even begun to conceptualize when everything crumbled around him; the same way as a child I could never imagine myself being really and truly in my twenties, he knew being a knight was a thing that would happen to him eventually but he couldn't possibly imagine himself occupying the role of his own master, of these other great knights he saw around him. And then his master was killed in front of him and the entire Jedi Order was destroyed, and it must have been like having your past, present, and future all erased at the same time. Not only everyone he loved and the only life he'd ever known was stolen from him, but also the promise of this thing that he would have been, the future that was waiting for him - that was all gone at once, destroyed in flashing lights and friends turned foes, along with any sense of safety or companionship, leaving him alone.
And he's alone for a long time, on the run or in hiding, and he just has to survive as best he can, has to put the past of the Jedi behind him. Has to accept that the Jedi are his past, not his future, no matter what does come of his life. And he finds companionship again, finds Hera and the Rebellion and a way to be part of something and do some good; he rediscovers part of his Jedi self - but it's always something he's making up as best he can, using what he remembers and what happens to him. He identifies with the Jedi Order still; he's proud of it as part of his past (even though it's too dangerous to declare it) - but what he has is the best he can make up for himself. No wonder he wants so desperately to find Luminara. No wonder he doubts himself so much when Ezra comes along! He has to pretend to be a master, when he was never so much as a knight, and every other hour he's being caught at it. He's no teacher, he's no master, he's no knight, and everyone around him knows it.
But he makes his peace with it. He grows to love Ezra, grows to find some kind of comfort in the teaching and learning they share between them, even thought it's different. They create something of their own, and it's as okay as it can possibly be that the Order is gone, because they are keeping as much of it alive as he can, even while they change and grow in new ways. And then Ahsoka comes to join them and he's not fully alone anymore; he has someone else who shares some of his memories and someone who was trained beyond his level to help him. And he has the people he'd give his life to protect, the people who are teaching him how to be a Jedi in that way of seeing the greater good and the needs of the world beyond his own personal scope. And he and Ezra and Ahsoka are going on missions together, and they go to the Temple and he's not there for himself: he's there for that greater good, having finally learned to let go and take the world as it comes rather than as he once thought it would be.
And then. And then, separated from his student and his friend, he finds himself in a duel that he doesn't understand, a duel with a piece of the past he has been working to let go - and at the end of all of it, that figure gives him that thing he never thought he'd get. Validates all his struggles and the teaching and learning he's had to make up on his own, and gives him that title that was once all he ever expected for himself: Kanan Jarrus. A Knight of the Jedi Order.
What do you think he did with that? When they escaped the Temple, there was word from Yoda, word of Malachor; there was danger and there were more important things to do - and who could he tell? Being a knight shouldn't mean anything to Ezra, trained as he always has been outside the structures of the Order, with no need for their traditions and outright irreverence when Kanan has tried to bring some of that in. How can he tell Ahsoka, someone who left the Order because of how profoundly it had failed her, even before it was all reduced to rubble? There is no one in his new life who can truly understand what this means to him, and yet still he holds it against his chest like something more precious than any possession - something useless, maybe, to the life he lives, but something that can't be taken away from him like everything else has been and still could be.
I like to think he whispered it to Hera later, in the dark quiet of their bunk, when the planning and strategizing were over, when it was just the two of them in their shared space and what's important to him is important to her, not with the innate knowledge of memory and tradition but with the intimate knowledge of him. "Hera," I like to imagine him whispering, "something happened to me today. It's not important to the mission, but I just needed to tell someone."
A Knight of the Jedi Order. I hope those words echoed in his mind while he drifted off to sleep that night.
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twinsunstars · 1 year
Thoughts on Ahsoka Episode 8 - The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord - A Discussion Post
The season finale was both action-packed and emotional, and I was certainly not expecting an ending like this. Let's look back and relive the finale!
(all screencaps from www.cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/ahsoka/108/)
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At the beginning of the finale, the three Nightsisters tell Morgan to come forward, giving her full powers and truly making her like one of them. Her eyes turn dark and marks similar to the ones we have seen Nightsisters have on their faces appear on her own. Honestly, I loved her transformation and how she got to connect more with her magick with the support of the Nightsisters, and her new blade was pretty cool. Thrawn observed the entire scene from behind.
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Inside Ahsoka's ship, Ezra works on building a new lightsaber with Huyang. As Ezra rambles through the lightsaber parts, Huyang does get a bit annoyed with things becoming unorganized. I bet if he had seen Ezra's blaster-lightsaber combo, he would lose it.
Sabine comes over and observes the situation, mentioning Kanan Jarrus. Huyang begins talking about Kanan (Caleb) and remembering how he had built his lightsaber. Ezra reminisces on Kanan as well, as after all, he was his master. Ezra uses a piece that Kanan also had on his lightsaber, Huyang remembering that Kanan used one and he had another, which Ezra took. Ezra ignites his new lightsaber, revealing a blue hue. I wonder where he got the kyber crystal from.
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Sabine eventually leaves the room, and Huyang reveals to Ezra that the Empire had attacked Mandalore and killed many people, including Clan Wren. Ezra did not know about this part yet, as I felt like Sabine had kept it hidden from him, possibly not wanting to talk about it. Huyang adds on that Ahsoka felt Sabine could become dangerous after her family died if she continued her training, hence the conflicts between Ahsoka and Sabine began after Ahsoka left her. In a way, Ahsoka could have been thinking about Anakin, because she knows the importance of the people he loved to him, and if anything happened to them, he would take a dangerous turn.
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Outside, Sabine reconnects with Ahsoka, talking to her about what happened. Ahsoka wants to reconcile with Sabine and continue on her training, wanting to always be there for her.
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As Ezra stepped out of the ship to show the women his new lightsaber, he hears a sound he has not heard in years. TIE fighters begin attacking the group, trying to prevent them from leaving. After a tough fight with the TIEs and Sabine crashing Ahsoka's ship, the three head towards the Chimaera atop the howlers, ready for a fight.
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Thrawn and Morgan get the Night Troopers ready for battle, wanting to get rid of the three and prevent them from coming onboard. Thrawn does not want to negotiate "with the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker," which I find hilarious because he knew Anakin, so he doesn't want to put up with whatever Ahsoka learned from him. Ahsoka, Ezra, and Sabine make their way towards the Imperials while being attacked, managing to get in, which annoyed Thrawn. Though, the packing is nearly done, and the Chimaera is ready to leave with the Eye of Sion.
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Ahsoka, Ezra, and Sabine face many Night Troopers, managing to get rid of them before moving forward. As Thrawn is always one step ahead, he gets the Nightsisters to resurrect the troopers, as they act all zombie-like and begin the attack again.
Later on the episode, Sabine and Ezra faced off against two troopers with darker armor, and the one that had fought Sabine had part of his helmet torn off, revealing horrifying flesh under as the trooper growled and tried to strangle Sabine. These troopers reminded me of the Death Troopers book, but instead they've been possessed and potentially resurrected by Nightsister magick.
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Ahsoka is face to face with Morgan once again along the path. Letting Ezra and Sabine go, she duels with Morgan. I found this fight to be pretty cool with Morgan's new blade, and Ahsoka ended up losing one of her lightsabers. I knew Morgan was going to die, but I wish we could know more about her. I really wanted to learn more about her backstory as a Nightsister.
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Thrawn boards the Eye of Sion, ready to leave with the Chimaera connected to the Eye. Sabine and Ezra watch it slowly leave, needing to get onboard. Sabine manages to use the Force and get Ezra on board. She is ready to launch herself, but sees Ahsoka and decides to help her in the battle instead.
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Ezra fights two troopers, managing to get ahold of one's comm. He impersonates the trooper's voice, which is totally an Ezra thing to do right there. He is on the Chimaera without Thrawn's knowledge, which makes it funnier since he can ruin Thrawn's plans again.
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Ahsoka and Sabine chase the ships as fast as they can, flying into space and trying to catch up until the Eye could jump into hyperspace. Thrawn contacts Ahsoka through the comm channel, talking to her about Anakin. He says "Long live the Empire" right before jumping into hyperspace. Ezra is on the Chimaera, while Ahsoka, Sabine, and Huyang are left on Peridea.
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Left with no choice, Ahsoka and Sabine return to the surface, meeting up with the Noti. They make home with them, and as the night dawns on them, Ahsoka tells Sabine that is it time to move on. I'm not sure what is going on in Ahsoka's head, but she seems very calm about this. She does mention that Ezra is now where he needs to be, which is true, but nothing's very clear to me here. Ahsoka had also seen Morai here, which was so interesting.
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Both Baylan and Shin show up towards the end, as I wonder where they were during the entire battle. Thrawn had just left them both behind, making them stranded here as well. Shin ignites her lightsaber, grabbing the attention of many troopers left behind that had initially come with Morgan. She looked saddened, and she is without her master.
Baylan appears on top of a mountain that displays two characters from the Mortis Arc: the Father and the Son. This is such an interesting detail and leaves room for much more to know about Peridea, yet there wasn't any more time. First we had seen Morai, and then these statues. There's so much more we need to know!
Sadly due to Ray Stevenson's passing, we won't be able to see more of him as this character. He did so amazing with his acting, and I wish we could have gotten more. Rest in peace.
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Getting back to the right galaxy, Thrawn arrives to Dathomir, the Nightsisters seeing their new home from the surface. People have said that those boxes on the ship hold corpses or dead Nightsisters, so there's definitely something going to happen if we get a second season.
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Hera, Chopper, and a few others run to the back of a New Republic ship ready to fight, where an Imperial ship arrives and lands. A trooper steps out of the ship, as Chopper begins to talk to the trooper. He rolls forward to the trooper, getting a head pat. Chopper immediately recognizes Ezra, as Ezra takes his helmet off for the others to see. Hera hears the words "Hi, Hera. I'm home."
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At the end, Anakin shows up as a Force ghost, watching Ahsoka and Sabine. Ahsoka knows that her master will always be there for her in any way, and Anakin watches over his padawan. Gosh, I loved Hayden's appearances in this show.
Since there was only 8 episodes, there wasn't enough time to cover a whole lot sadly. I wish they had done more episodes or made episodes longer, especially the finale. There was a lot we wanted to see, like Zeb, Kallus, and a lot more. We all had this theory that Ezra and Thrawn have been in the Unknown Regions and had begun to work together to survive; though that wasn't the case at all. But we were all excited to see characters such as Jacen and Anakin! Kaz's dad, Senator Xiono, and C-3PO was definitely a surprise.
It was fun to do these discussions every episode and celebrating Ezra's return after so many years. This show really had us screaming and crying every week. I loved every actor's portrayal of each character. I hope a season 2 gets confirmed, but that may be a little difficult right now with the actors' strikes. This show was good and a lot of fun!
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jlassijlali · 7 years
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Ezra’s Duel with Danger
Kanan has Never see  one so beautiful! 
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jedimemery · 2 years
Star Wars Character Appreciation #2:
Why I love……..
✨Kanan Jarrus✨
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As far as people who actively identify as part of the Jedi Order, Kanan is my favorite of them. I remember watching Rebels for the first time about two and a half years ago and completely falling in love with this character (not in a romantically attracted way, but in a “deep appreciation” type of way). Here are some things about Kanan that I deeply appreciate:
1. He is a learner. Even as Kanan teaches, leads missions, and guides his family, he’s always open to learning. We see that time and again as he teaches Ezra what it means to be a Jedi. He never thinks he has it all figured out or that he is above instruction; instead, he exhibits humility and allows himself to be taught. That’s one of the things that makes him such an amazing Jedi.
2. He loves his space family and is protective of them. There are countless times in Rebels where he shows his love and concern for his family’s safety. From saving Ezra after his first dark side encounter with the fyrnocks, to being incredibly concerned for Hera when she is in danger (i.e. when she was almost blown up by the Mandalorian ships in s2, when she was captured by the Empire in s4, etc.), to trying to protect Sabine from dueling with Fenn Rau (s2) and training her to defend herself against Mandalorians (s3), Kanan is a Certified Space Dad™ to the core. (He doesn’t really have to look after Zeb much; he’s already capable of taking care of himself. 😂) He wants to make sure his family is together and safe, even if it means sacrificing his own safety (s1) and even his life (s4) to do so. And while he’s protective, he doesn’t try to helicopter-parent; he lets his kids make some mistakes and learn from them. Not to mention the fact that he’s always there to support his family, even in death. We love to see Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight and Space Dad.
3. He is unsure of himself as a teacher. While others might see this as a flaw, this is a trait of his which I deeply relate to. For those who have never had the experience, teaching in any capacity is not easy, especially when you’re unsure of yourself and of your own knowledge. Like myself, Kanan is an imperfect teacher, learning what to do as he goes along. But what I love about him is that he allows himself to learn from his mistakes and grow. As time goes on, he learns to be more patient, more understanding, and more compassionate.
4. He is a true Jedi. I know that plenty of people have made this connection before, but he’s really similar to Qui-Gon Jinn, in the sense that he chooses to let go and truly trust in the Force, and in the sense that he allows himself to love his family and understand that loving them is not the same as being possessive of them. Since he’s not caught up in the stiff politics that the Jedi Council had been too far steeped in, he really focuses on what it meant to be a Jedi and to give oneself up for the lives of others. Another thing that I love about his Jedi-ness is that he’s consistent in practicing what he teaches. One example of this is found linked between seasons 1 and 2. In s1e12 “Vision of Hope,” Kanan is teaching Ezra the importance of staying in the moment and focusing on the here and now. Fast forward to “Twilight of the Apprentice,” Kanan is blinded by Maul, which has to be excruciating and traumatic. However, Kanan knows he must stay in the moment or die, and boy does he stay 👏 in 👏 the 👏 moment 👏 and he shows Maul that he is not to be underestimated. Furthermore, when he meets back up with Ezra, who realizes that his master has been blinded, he simply says, “Let’s worry about that later.” He’s so in the moment and I just skdjjddjdjjdjdjd the fact that he’s so disciplined even in this time of crisis! He is a true Jedi! KANAN MY BELOVED!!!
And I think the biggest indicator of his true Jedi-ness has to be when he sacrifices himself in season 4. *sniff* He gives up his own life for the sake of others and, ultimately, for the sake of the galaxy. Had he not lured Governor Pryce into the trap of blowing up the fuel supply, the Rebellion would’ve had no chance—and I mean NO CHANCE—of beating the Empire. Thrawn’s TIE Defenders would’ve ended the war pretty quickly. Basically, Kanan helped save the Rebellion! He’s a true hero! I APOLOGIZE BUT I MUST SAY ONCE AGAIN KANAN MY BELOVED!!!!!
And my final point…
5. He is an imperfect person. Star Wars Rebels never tried to make him seem like a perfect Jedi, perfect rebel, or perfect father figure. There’s real conflict he has to work through. He experiences pain, loss, and monumental setbacks. But he also experiences joy, love, and deep self-actualization. He’s such a layered character who goes through so many things that shape him into the man he is by the end of the series. I really just love how human they made him from start to finish. It’s really a beautiful thing.
In conclusion, Kanan is one of my favorite Star Wars characters because of how layered of a character is. It pains me that he most likely won’t ever be seen in live action, but that’s okay. His character is so beautifully written, and I have nothing but respect for our gunslinging Jedi man who is also a top-tier Space Dad. Kanan supremacy forever. 😌
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Star Wars AU Ideas Masterpost(?)
Okay, I have a lot of ideas about how the Star Wars might be changed around to my interests, often inspired by other artists.
My Three Main AUs
Something Done to Change It: In which Anakin passes out after making his first Major Bad Decision of the Day, thus manages to prevent himself from making the next few Bad Decisions of the day. Vader-ized against his will, yet still soured against his would be allies, the Empire gains a much more dangerous enemy. 
(Main AU, based off @radioactivepeasant‘s Doomvader AU, but a massive Legends/Canon fusion starting at A New Hope and encompassing events up a modified Force Awakens/Fate of the Jedi event in 38 ABY).
To clarify, A New Hope begins normally, but begins to spiral rapidly when the twins reunite. Featuring earlier meeting of characters I like, A New Jedi Order that stands firm, and increased attention paid to the Eternals of Mortis.
By the Skin of their Teeth: Ahsoka raises concerns with Yoda, Yoda raises concerns with Mace Windu, Windu offers some reassurance to Anakin, Anakin stuns everyone by making A Good Choice. The Republic and Jedi Order survive by the skin of their teeth, and nineteen years later, the Twins Skywalker find themselves at the forefront of emerging threats new and old.
(Other Main AU, based off nickducoteart from instagram’s A New Darkness AU, where Anakin doesn’t interfere with Windu, but Palpatine escapes. Team SkyWindu manage to alert the Jedi about Order 66, so the lion’s share of the Purge’s damage is averted. Palpatine is thought dead, and certain...revelations leave the galaxy in chaos, and unstable nineteen years later.
Ft Luke-Ahsoka, Leia-Obi Wan, & Mara-Maul apprenticeships, High Republic fashion Leia, Ranger’s Apprentice references, Big Sis Katooni, MaraLuke otp, MaraLeia crush, and MaraEzra brotp.
Fractured Galaxy: Palpatine decides the Queen of Naboo needs to be under his thumb. Padme grows up a rebel, Anakin a Khyber monk, and the first Jedi to kill a Sith in an eon kickstarts a heresy. A third faction emerges in the Clone Wars, in which Palpatine holds no sway.
(Other other Main AU, based off some various ideas I’ve ran cross on this humble site. Padme isn’t elected Queen, rebels against the Trade Federation, and becomes much less willing to play ball with the Republic, two Jedi are accompanied to Naboo by a certain blind monk, who Anakin & Shmi end up following. When the Clone Wars arrive, the Seperatists are much more numerous, but divided between the CIS and the Free Systems Alliance, to whom Obi-Wan and an increasing number of Jedi begin to defect.)
Featuring Padme vs Dooku verbal duels, discussions about the morality surrounding the clones and the Jedi’s place in the military, zen Anakin, Zule Xiss and the Padawan Pack(look them up), and a Palpatine not in control of the situation.
Other AUs
Obi Wan raises the twins as Mandalorians
General situation swap between five post Order 66 potential Jedi (Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Ezra Bridger, Mara Jade, And Galen Marek/Starkiller)
Including situations where Luke and/or Leia are raised by Ahsoka, together in whatever location(Obi Wan, Alderaan, Tatooine, parents, or even Sith), Ezra and Mara as partnered imperial agents, and Galen Marek raised by/apprenticed to Luminara Unduli.
More Jedi survive Order 66/clones are more aware of chips/able to miss shots resist enough to allow more survivors.
Padme survives, but Anakin doesn’t. Possibly featuring Force Wraith Vader created from Anakin’s negative emotions.
Shmi was a Sith once, now a slave. Her hatred has faded, yet the fury remains. She may have once dedicated her life to the Jedi’s destruction, but now they may be each other’s salvation.
Young Jedi Knight Depa Billaba is dispatched to respond to a rebellion (slave uprising)  against the Hutts on the world of Tatooine. Things go meiloorun shaped, and Depa finds herself nose to blaster point with the rebellion’s leader, a very force sensitive, very pretty young woman with an even more powerful baby strapped to her back. A Depa/Shmi rarepair fic.
And my funniest, Luke is childhood friends with the Tusken warrior who kicks Boba Fett’s ass, saves him from the others to attack him, and generally just tags along when things get moving.
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newt-and-salamander · 3 years
Okay, so here are my thoughts on Secrets of Dumbledore based on what we recently learned from the synopsis:
Professor Albus Dumbledore knows the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is moving to seize control of the wizarding world.  Unable to stop him alone, he entrusts Magizoologist Newt Scamander to lead an intrepid team of wizards, witches and one brave Muggle baker on a dangerous mission, where they encounter old and new beasts and clash with Grindelwald's growing legion of followers.  But with the stakes so high, how long can Dumbledore remain on the sidelines?
First of all: “Secrets of Dumbledore” is a quite boring name (I mean a few people even (almost) guessed it before) but I think it’s practical. It can refer (obviously) to Albus, but also to Credence/Aurelius, Aberforth, Ariana, … and whoever might be a secret Dumbledore. (Jacob? Picket?!? Everyone, probably.) Taking into account the author’s ominous “answers are given” she once said about FB3, I believe in the end we will know how exactly Credence, Dumbledore and Grindelwald are connected.
Also, I wonder how much the film really will be about Dumbledore? “Crimes of Grindelwald” wasn’t really about Grindelwald after all. I imagine it to be about Dumbledore and his family in the beginning, probably some flashbacks, then he gives Newt some kind of a mission. The main part of the film could be about Newt and his team trying to accomplish that mission, and in the end (maybe when Newt fights his duel with Grindelwald), Dumbledore realises that not everything turned out as he planned (or did it?) and decides that “the stakes are too high to remain on the sidelines”. The question is if he will be able to openly move against Grindelwald, that depends on the blood pact and maybe on whether Newt is able to accomplish his mission. Or maybe, Grindelwald fighting Newt already counts as moving against Dumbledore so he will break the blood pact first? But I rather think, both Dumbledore and Grindelwald are too smart to break the pact on accident – we don’t know of the consequences they would have to face if they violated the pact, but I don’t doubt they would be terrible.
What made me frown at first, but happy after I gave it some more thought, was the idea of Newt as a team leader. Because – I don’t really see him as a leader. He’s a private and quiet person. But (and this is the good part) he is also an absolute expert for magical beasts. So, if he is to lead a team, it is certainly because of something beast-related! And I love this possibility. It’s “fantastic beasts” after all, and in my opinion, the creatures are the most magical part of the films!
What are Newt and his team doing on their journey? I can see two main possibilities here: a) looking for a way to destroy the blood pact, b) looking for a way to properly separate an Obscurus from its host. A blood pact seems to be a very powerful kind of magical bond/object, but let’s not forget that Harry managed to destroy a Horkrux with a Basilisk’s fang – so maybe there are other beasts with strong curse-breaking abilities? As for the Obscurus, we know that Newt has tried before with a girl, but she died. We just don’t know if this was because he hadn’t perfectionated the spell yet, or if he just came too late to save her.
So, who is on the team? Jacob for sure, I don’t know another brave Muggle baker. I’m also sure Bunty will come along as it was said that she will be much more important in this film, and she also is a beast expert. Tina? Hopefully! Nagini and Yusuf Kama? Probably, because otherwise, what would be their purpose (sorry)? Theseus? Nah, he’s a ministry man, I suppose he will concentrate on politics. (And I can’t really see him being bossed around by his little brother. :D But it would be lots of fun. Maybe he will be on the Berlin part of the mission because I don’t imagine lots of creatures living there.) Then we have the ominous Eulalie Hicks who has to fit in somehow, but we don’t know enough about her at this point to know whether she will rather accompany Newt or maybe will be more of a kind of advisor for Dumbledore. And, of course, I wonder if we will see Flamel again? He’s an alchemist, so maybe he has some ideas about how to destroy a blood pact.
Regarding “old and new beasts”, we will certainly see Pickett and the Niffler (they are just too popular now and can’t be left out. Also, I’m rather sure Newt won’t go anywhere without Pickett. The Niffler has proven to be rather useful, especially now that he can track Tina’s footsteps, hehe. Okay, stealing the blood pact also was rather useful I admit). I wonder if we might also see Frank again, maybe connected to Eulalie. I really hope to see the Zouwu, I just loved her and maybe that’s (part of) the reason for a trip to China? As for new beasts… I have no idea and I doubt that my current copy of Mr Newt Scamander’s book will be a great help because some of the creatures weren’t featured in it before they appeared on screen. But I’m sure we will see a lot of the Phoenix (Fawkes?) because it/he is clearly connected to the Dumbledores. And what about the Kelpie? It still appears a little strange to me that Newt’s scene with it in CoG wasn’t cut for time as it has no connection to the plot - unless it has and we just have to find out.
It is also mentioned that Newt and his team will clash with Grindelwald’s followers. It’s obvious that this will involve Credence who is going to have a scene with Dumbledore (I think Jude Law said something like that, about having a scene with Ezra set in Berlin?). I also really hope we will see a lot of Queenie and learn more about her motivation because although we were shown her reasons to join Grindelwald in CoG, it didn’t really convince me. I especially hope for a scene with her and Tina, but… well, let’s just hope, okay? Another one of Grindelwald’s followers who I think has a very interesting role is Grimmson. He’s an undercover spy (so there’s a lot of potential for dramatic scenes where he turns out to be a traitor and turns against the ministry) and also it’s implied that he and Newt have some kind of a backstory (although that also wasn’t too clear in the film, but you could learn from the script that he hunts down magical creatures – and that’s most likely the reason why Newt and he hate each other, although it’s possible they had some more personal connection in the past… maybe fought together in the war or worked at the Ministry and were both disgusted by the other’s methods). I personally think he would be a great antagonist for Newt because their hatred for each other is so personal and natural, maybe Newts has a stronger dislike for him than for Grindelwald (much like Harry hated Snape more than Voldemort). But well, we know that in the end it will be Newt against Grindelwald…
…and that’s a point that worries me. Newt is astonishingly capable of getting himself out of dangerous situations with the help of his beasts, and he has already once defeated Grindelwald together with Tina, the Swooping Evil, and all of MACUSA’s Aurors. If this epic battle scene in the end is a 1:1 Newt against Grindelwald I see… well I don’t really see a way Newt could possibly win this fight. He’s clearly a really capable wizard but duelling is not his main interest. It might be enough to trick traffickers and escape, but we have already seen him in the NY underground fighting Grindelwald and I don’t know how it would have ended for him if Credence and Tina hadn’t interrupted the scene. Let’s see how he get’s out of the situation this time (and nope, please don’t let anybody sacrifice him- or herself for Newt, I want them all to be happy and alive… but if somebody is going to die for Newt I assume it’s either Bunty or Theseus. But, as I just said, this is definitely not going to happen because I love them all very much, so there’s no need to discuss that). I just hope the film doesn’t end with a cliff-hanger like Newt being defeated and taken hostage… because I cannot possibly wait at least another two years to learn how they solve this. Also, I have no idea if – from a marketing point of view – that would be a very good or a very bad idea. I think everyone just wants to see Newt happily together with Tina at the end of the 3rdfilm, but… who knows.
Anyway, these are my thoughts on Secrets of Dumbledore up to this point. I am super excited just thinking about the fact that we will get photos and a trailer soon!
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legobiwan · 4 years
Obi-wan, Ahsoka & Maul’s Grand Plan
Now that we’re all emotionally compromised, it’s time to really dig into the Obi-wan-Maul-Ahsoka (and by extension, Ezra) narrative.
After Phantom Apprentice, we learned that Maul orchestrated the war on Mandalore (the second one, at least) to lure Obi-wan and Anakin back to Mandalore, so Maul could kill Anakin, and ruin Sidious’s plans. 
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Now that we know Maul might have also had a double objective when he took Mandalore the first time, it is instructive to go back to “The Lawless” and read THAT scene and that episode in a new light.
Maul wants to lure Obi-wan to Mandalore, presumptively to take revenge on him for a whole litany of sins, including the whole cutting-Maul-in-half-and-ending-his-career-as-Sidious’s-apprentice thing. We know this is a premeditated move, that Maul is banking on Obi-wan coming to save Satine: 
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It’s a fascinating (and risky) gambit, but if Maul has learned one thing about Obi-wan, it’s that the man suffers greatly from attachment (even if he hides it), and through those attachments, he can be manipulated. Maul goads Obi-wan into a sloppy, dangerous, rage-fueled duel in Revenge by invoking his murder of Qui-gon Jinn.
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And then again with Adi Gallia where Obi-wan nearly bisects Savage in half the long immediately after she is killed by Savage:
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Now, with the knowledge we have after Phantom Apprentice, Maul *may* have been expecting Anakin to show up with Obi-wan in the Jedi shuttle and not Adi Gallia. His ultimate plan seemed to be to find a way to lure Anakin and to lure Anakin, Maul needed Obi-wan. 
This unforeseen development is probably what prompted this cryptic commentary from Maul:
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I would argue that Maul’s plan was to consolidate a power base as he did on Mandalore with the crime syndicates, so he would be an advantageous position after Maul presumably killed Anakin and thwarted part of Sidious’s plans. It was too early on Florrum, the Jedi (and possibly Sidious himself, sensing the threat) making a point of going after Maul, perhaps Sidious not getting in their way for once in order to snuff out this annoying relic of history. (It’s instructive to note that in a deleted scene (9:45) of Revival, Sidious intervenes so that Anakin will not go on that mission. He also seems unbothered in The Lawless (23:40) that Obi-wan has flouted Republic law to render aid to Mandalore, likely because he wants intelligence on Maul, wants Kenobi out of his hair, and wants Anakin faaaaar away from Maul, because he’s cottoned on to Maul’s plan.)
And what a plan it is. Maul’s learned through his sources that Kenobi and Skywalker are essentially inseparable and that Obi-wan is clinically attached to his former student (very much in opposition to the Jedi Code, it would seem). Now, this is interesting because Maul has been gathering information. Not just the usual strategic information, but information for psychological warfare. He already knows Kenobi suffers from attachment - he witnessed this firsthand on Naboo. He just exploits that crack in Obi-wan’s facade.
But what does Maul want *after* Anakin is dead? The thing about Maul is that he spends his entire post-TPM existence looking for a partner. It’s most obvious with Savage, who he takes as a literal apprentice, but Maul also famously offers to work other Jedi, including (infamously) Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka Tano, and yes, Obi-wan Kenobi.
In fact, Maul’s recruitment strategy with Obi-wan and Ahsoka is a fascinating mirror (and is a lot of what happens with Obi-wan and Ahsoka in Phantom Apprentice). Maul, once again, uses Obi-wan’s attachment to lure him to Mandalore, as he’s learned about Obi-wan’s past with Satine (most likely through Death Watch and Almec. No one in this Lineage is good at keeping their secret, forbidden relationships much of a secret, let’s be honest.)
This is the most instructive line of their exchange before Satine’s death:
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 Why not, Maul? You’ve been grumbling this man’s name for ages. And I think the answer lies both in an unspoken invitation to Obi-wan to join Maul and in one of Maul’s 5,000 plans to entrap Anakin Skywalker. I’ll address the latter idea first.
After Satine is killed, Obi-wan just...gives up. He doesn’t fight, he doesn’t try and break, he just allows Death Watch to carry him off to prison. I wonder if Maul - disappointed that Skywalker didn’t show - was going to try and use Obi-wan as bait to lure Anakin, just as he had used Satine to lure Obi-wan. 
Which begs the question - let’s Maul is successful in killing Anakin. Then what? Does he just kill Obi-wan outright? While it might be more than tempting, this dialogue below makes me wonder if Maul wasn’t trying to low-key recruit Obi-wan bu ruining his life and than enticing him to the dark.
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He’s actually pulling a Sidious on Obi-wan here, trying to get him to crack that Jedi facade which Maul knows is not as unbreakable as Obi-wan would like to make it seem. (If we take the novelization of TPM as a guide, Obi-wan does touch the dark during that duel on Naboo, after Qui-gon is killed, so he’s more than capable of turning, as is anyone in the right - or wrong - circumstance.) 
Obi-wan rejects this, of course, and tries to reason with Maul, by introducing the fact that Obi-wan has been to Iridonia, and knows the awful conditions Maul must have grown-up in until Sidious whisked him away. 
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This, of course, does not work.
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It’s funny, because a handful of lines from Maul in the earlier season which made sense on a larger level but seemed a little odd in context - all the pieces have come together. Like his comment on Florrum, him saying the Dark Side is more powerful than Obi-wan knows is a direct reference to Sidious, and oddly (and tragically) enough, it’s Obi-wan who is told by two different sources, however obliquely, that there’s something terrible happening in the heart of the Republic, and the Jedi are toast.
Maul’s gambit backfires, however, when Bo-Katan arrives, releasing Obi-wan, followed by Sidious having had enough of these games (and possibly realizing that Maul is the most dangerous foe of all because it he ever managed to make his recruitment speeches work and to Anakin - he, or at least the Grand Plan - was going to be in trouble). 
Fast-forward to Mandalore II: Now with Extra Sadness. As stated above, Maul admits to starting this second war with the express reason to lure Obi-wan, and by extension, Anakin to Mandalore so he can finally kill Skywalker and maybe even get Obi-wan on his side. 
Of course, he meets with Ahsoka and Maul nows nothing about her. What’s the first thing he does? He kidnaps Jesse not to torture him, but gain information. He wants to find Ahsoka’s weak spots to exploit, just as he had done with Kenobi. 
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And with that information, he hammers at her cracks - namely, her disillusion with the Jedi after her trial.
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And like Obi-wan, Ahsoka tries to reason with Maul, this time playing on the idea that if he only came back to Coruscant, he could help the Jedi destroy Sidious. 
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Of course, it’s too late for the Jedi, too late for Maul, who has sensed that Sidious is close to executing the final part of his plan. Maybe, just maybe, if this Ahsoka Tano will team up with Maul, together they can take down Sidious (or more likely, take down Anakin). And unlike with Kenobi, Maul can ask her outright. 
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Which almost works. Until Maul drops the bomb that his plan the entire time was to kill Anakin, and Ahsoka, still believing in Anakin, cannot let that pass. 
Chalk another one up for a failed Maul recruitment strategy. 
Of course, twenty years later, he tries the exact same thing with Ezra Bridger, using Ezra’s insecurities against him to promise a brighter destiny and more power. 
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And then, Maul tries to get Ezra to run off with him to Tatooine to confront Obi-wan, which is...such a curious statement. 
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Does Maul want Ezra to kill Obi-wan? Unlikely. But Maul might want to use Obi-wan as a way of gaining information on Anakin, or even this supposed Chosen One and Maul’s madness about Kenobi’s continued existence may be as much disbelief that the actual architect of his downfall (according to him) still lives and it might be some oddly misplaced hope that Kenobi can help Maul defeat Sidious. At the very least, Maul can extract information out of Kenobi before killing him, and isn’t that what Maul’s always done? Get information, then strike at your enemy? 
But with one final (heartbreaking) flourish on Tatooine, Maul ultimately fails in recruiting anybody to his side, never avenging Sidious, his plans failing again and again, and his life forgotten on a dusty, backwater planet to everyone except for the man holding him in his arms at his death (the man who was there at the beginning, middle, and end), the promise of a final retribution lulling Maul into the afterlife. 
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ct-hardcase · 3 years
I uhhhh got a bit heated watching Shroud of Darkness in the context of swr as a whole so here's some commentary on that:
This episode is weird bc while it has some of my favorite seventh and fifth moments (love the way they fight against kanan and ezra, and the temple lift + entering the temple scenes are great) they're really just cardboard cutouts in that episode more than the others.
At least in Always Two they got to bicker among each other and talk to Ezra and Sabine, and then in Future of the Force they got to banter between themselves but in this one Seventh gives one quippy line of dialogue, they have one moment where they argue a bit but reconcile, and then Fifth comments on the Grand Inquisitor and gives the briefing to Vader at the end. They're essentially doing no more than serving plot and functions we knew they would.
It's weird because pretty much the entire premise of this episode is that Kanan and Ezra keep running into them and that their presence is a major problem for them and the rebellion, which at least means the inquisitors are at least somewhat effective in that they're a thorn in the Jedi's side.
So you'd figure if the premise of the episode is "these two (and their connections to the empire + vader) are putting everyone in danger", it'd be nice to view Seventh and Fifth as actual characters so you know what Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka are up against and take the threat somewhat seriously.
I do like how Kanan and Ezra (and the Ghost Crew) mentioning the frequency of the encounters with the inquisitors shows the passage of time, but it's also a very "tell, don't show" for the actual skill and threat of the inquisitors, which is a bit of a problem if this is the problem they're talking about for the duration of the episode.
Of course, the audience implicitly understands that the threat they're talking about in this episode is Vader, either through the marketing of the show at that time or through the impact of the Vader v. Ahsoka duel already being known if you're watching in the present, but you can't just erase that the dialogue and action still portray Seventh and Fifth as at least part of the major threat.
Or also, if it's been a year of Seventh and Fifth doggedly pursuing these Jedi, maybe Vader's getting impatient or they suspect the new Grand Inquisitor will be decided soon. Are there stakes for them in all this? Who the fuck knows, not the audience,
They just saw their previous master who was just an inquisitor for 15 whole years as a light side vision in a Jedi Temple, what do these two even make of that?
Anyway I still do love this episode for what it brings to the table for Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka, but being a fan of the inquisitors and watching this is...something.
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jedimandalorian · 5 months
Sabine and Ezra in the Star Wars Children’s Books, a master post with a mountain of evidence supporting the Sabezra ship. 😉
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Part One: https://www.tumblr.com/jedimandalorian/747333236931379201/part-one-of-three-dear-church-of-ezrabine
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fallenrepublick · 4 years
I just thought of something angsty? When the inquisitor is hanging on the ledge with Kanan, her looks and there's the reader trying to find him so they can evacuate the ship. What would happen next in this little drabble?
Alright, anon. So I had a decision to make. A) Make it depressing and let him die anyways, or B) Fix It.
I fixed it.
Warnings: None
There are some things far more frightening than death.
That, at least, you knew to be true. It was a sentiment that he had shared with you many times, yet it occurred to you that he may be missing a vital piece to that puzzle. Are there things in this life worth braving that terror for? Might there be any situation that one could choose to suffer rather than succumb to the finality that death brings to us? You asked him this once, and he had no answer to give.
You had sensed something wrong before, a strange sense of dread that wouldn’t go away knocking at the back of your mind like a visitor that had lost a precious memento in the confines of your home. It wasn’t a violent sense by any means, and it took a terribly large amount of consideration to try and unravel its mystery.
So, on the day The Grand Inquisitor had revealed to you that he had once more found the Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his apprentice Ezra Bridger, that feeling weighed even more heavily on your instincts than it had before, prompting you to insist on coming along.
He certainly had no qualms against it. If anything, another person meant that he had double the chances of killing the prizes, and he could keep an eye on you to boot. Still, he wondered why the sudden interest, which you messily hid behind wanting to ensure his safety. It was true, though if you had mentioned your sense of impending doom, he very easily could have forced you to stay behind.
What you hadn’t anticipated though, was that you’d be split up. The chaos of the fight bringing with it the dangers of combating two wanna-be Jedi fighting for their lives after being backed into a corner had prompted you to circle back, searching for a way to ensnare them in a trap few had escaped from before. But, no dice, and upon returning to where you had left The Inquisitor and your enemies, they were already gone.
The dread once more began clawing at your thoughts. You felt that whatever was meant to happen hadn’t yet occurred, but what scared you more was the idea that you may still be too late.
So you traveled further, using marks of the edges of lightsabers on the walls or residual energy to find your way across the ship, pace quickening as you retraced the path laid out before you. You kept telling yourself you were there for a reason, that there was a purpose, but as you moved quicker and the fighting felt more panicked and the grey metal walls grew more dismal, your faith in your senses and in yourself grew smaller. It became a duel against yourself.
Finally, the area opened, bridges from all sides leading to a central platform, the space below occupied by flames that rose and reached for the feet of those standing above. Two figures were on the bridge in front of you, one with two lightsabers in their hand, crossed at the neck of the one hanging off the side. The pounding in your head was enough to tell you which was which. Stepping out onto the platform, you hesitantly began getting closer to him, hoping the Jedi wouldn’t see you.
The Grand Inquisitor was one that lived in fear. By design, it was how he was made, and thus how he would die. The fate was decided for him the moment he chose The Empire over the Jedi Order. He feared consequences, the shadow that loomed over him everywhere he walked, as if the sheet that were to lay over him at his death was already beginning its descent. Perhaps it was better to let go, to avoid that shadow altogether and make everything easier for himself. But the possibility halted in its tracks when he turned his head. You were standing there, wide eyed and concerned, hands clenched into fists as you weighed your options. When you met his eyes, you seemed to grow even more frantic, the Jedi the only thing keeping you from bolting to him.
Yes, it would be easier, letting go, allowing the fire to take him, avoiding facing his failure and leaving behind the fear he knowingly chose. But as he watched you, determination taking hold as you walked ever closer, he knew that as easy as it would be for him, it would be just as, if not more, difficult for you. You would blame yourself, believing that you hadn’t been fast enough, or even worse, that you weren’t good enough to stay for. Maybe some things were more frightening than death. But to stay, at least with you, was worth the suffering.
Lips curving up, he gave a nod in your direction. Your breath caught, and before Kanan knew you were even there, you had unhooked your lightsaber and tossed it, the hilt bypassing the Jedi and landing in the Inquisitor’s free hand. Red clashed with blue once more, and it was mere moments before he was once more on his feet, back facing you, as he pushed the Jedi backwards.
Only minutes remained before the ship was completely destroyed, and knowing that continuing the fight would only end in everyone’s death, he turned, running back in the direction you had come, grabbing your arm in the process, pulling you behind him.
“I have to thank you,” he said, huffing a bit as he sprinted.
“You really don’t have to-”
He glanced down at you. “I do.” His pace quickened once he saw his ship. “I would be dead now if I didn’t have you. Is that why you came?”
Wasting no time, you scrambled up into the TIE Fighter, landing in the circular cockpit behind the pilot’s seat. “I… had a feeling something would happen.”
The engines rumbled, the ship lifting up from the landing pad, beginning its exit. He spoke as he flew. “And yet you didn’t tell me?”
“You’d never have let me come if I did.”
He hummed a laugh, almost inaudible over the sounds of the explosion and the TIE. “That you’re right about.” Finally free, he turned around to you, head slightly tilted. “I’m glad you were there. You reminded me… that my work is not the only purpose I exist for.”
The ship entered hyperspace, stars lengthening into stripes of light outside the cockpit’s rounded window. He had made his choice. And he would willingly face the consequences of that choice, as long as you were with him.
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foxtrovert · 5 years
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He looked up to see Hera standing in the doorway. “After what happened on the asteroid, you have to help him,” she said.
“I hope I can,” Kanan said.
“I know you can.” She took his hand. Though she couldn’t lend any support through the Force, she nonetheless cheered him in ways the Force never could. --Ezra's Duel with Danger by Michael Kogge
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jlassijlali · 7 years
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Ezra’s Duel with Danger
Hate me for this but i enjoy reading  this better than watching Season 4 cai just go hug Ezra so much 
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kylermalloy · 5 years
my Thoughts on rebels
Now I don’t have any hot takes or any controversial opinions to put out here. Rebels is a simple show with a simple plot. There’s not a whole lot to analyze, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to enjoy. Sometimes all you need is a straightforward concept with lovable characters. So let me proceed to squeal about Dave Filoni’s second masterpiece, Rebels.
Spoilers abound!
Before I say anything else...
THEY HAD A BABY I haven’t stopped squealing.
Zeb Okay I’ll start with Zeb, for no particular reason. He was the only main character I hadn’t really heard about or seen much of before I started watching. In the first few scenes with him, I was afraid he’d become his stereotype—the thuggish gorilla who argues all the time, disobeys orders, messes up plans, and borderline betrays his friends. I was so pleasantly surprised when none of that happened. Maybe by virtue of being a kids’ show, these characters don’t have *edgy* or twisted nuances. Zeb is fiercely loyal. He likes smashing heads in and gets grumbly sometimes, but he’s never a hindrance. He’s not just “the muscle”; his ingenuity saves the day on more than one occasion. If anything, his nuances take him the other way—he’s incredibly sensitive and childlike in some ways. Being one of the last of his kind is a major plot point of several episodes, which brings so much depth to him and his psyche. It also informs SO MUCH on his relationship with Kallus. Speaking of...
Kallus I never, ever expected Kallus to be anything more than a season-long plot device. The fact that he stuck around and went through actual character development?? Amazing. The episode where he and Zeb are stranded together is gold. He’s got a sense of honor even as he works for the Empire, sparing the rebels as Zeb spared him. He develops a new set of ideals thanks to our heroes, and he begins to question and regret the things he’s done for the Empire—ethnic cleansing of Zeb’s Lasat people included. And that last scene of them in the epilogue? I’m not gonna lie, it was a bit shippy.
KANERA I know while the show was airing, fans were constantly asking when Kanan and Hera were going to get together. But for me, they seemed to be married from the first episode. Hera calling Kanan “love” and teasing him? Kanan constantly worrying after Hera while simultaneously believing in her ability to do...absolutely everything? Their parenting of Ezra, Sabine, Chopper, and even Zeb? Explicitly referring to them as “the kids” and themselves as “Mom and Dad”? Yeah, they’re married. And let’s not underplay their strengths as individual characters. Kanan—or Caleb—is exactly what you would expect of a Jedi whose training is only halfway complete. He’s cool and awesome, but also riddled with self-doubt and uncertainty. And Hera is the mature voice of reason this merry band of children so desperately needs—except of course when she’s the one rushing headlong into danger, whether to get a fighter prototype or to steal a family heirloom or to save a couple pilots in a suicidally risky move. She’s a perfect blend of mature reason and headstrong determination that makes a true rebel. (Wait a minute...she’s totally Katara! Maybe that’s why I love her so much.)
Now back to them as a couple! Most of the show did nothing to advance their relationship—further reinforcing my headcanon that things were always happening between them behind the scenes. Even though they became official canon in the last season, the appearance of their kid in the epilogue proves I was right—based only on what we saw, there was no time for them to make a baby. Of COURSE there were things going on behind the scenes. 😏 (I found the interview that explains exactly where Jacen came from, and I was equal parts ecstatic and freaked out.)
Did I mention THEY HAD A BABY???
Ezra So apparently there are people in the Star Wars fandom who hate Ezra? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised; Star Wars fans hate everything. Except the OT. If you hate the OT you’re a heathen. I can’t really think of a solid reason why people hate Ezra, except for the fact that he seems to be a Luke Skywalker analog. He’s a poor kid with Force sensitivities who gets adopted by a Jedi and becomes a venerated leader of the Rebellion. He also finds an oddball group of friends he comes to call family but eventually bids them farewell after the death of his mentor. They’re not carbon copies, of course—Luke’s an optimistic idealist; Ezra’s a cynic. Luke whines; Ezra snarks. Luke blows up the Death Star and defeats Vader; Ezra completes a series of far more complicated missions and defeats Inquisitors and Thrawn. Again by virtue of him being the star of a tv show instead of just three feature length movies, he gets a lot more time to have his adventures. Maybe there’s some resentment over him getting more screentime than Luke? Maybe it’s because I’m just Not a Luke Skywalker stan. I like him fine, but I don’t hold him up as some perfect saintlike hero. (I didn’t have any problems with his TLJ characterization.) The people who do need to rewatch the OT they hold so dear. Luke’s a beautiful drama queen and you all should love him for that. But I’m here to talk about Ezra! Listen, this child is a disaster and a half—just like Luke, just like Anakin, just like young Obi-Wan. There is nothing to not like about him—except that he reminds you of your favorite characters but he’s not them.
Clone Wars characters I initially started watching this show solely for the characters I already knew from Clone Wars. Ahsoka Tano has been my girl ever since I started watching Clone Wars, and I didn’t even consider watching Rebels until I knew they had undone her death. (If there was just ONE character they could needlessly save via time travel, they picked the right one.) At any rate, she’s perfect in this show. She’s more grown-up, more mature, but still retains that *young and plucky* spirit. (For the record, I usually hate the *plucky* characters. Somehow, she works for me. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t really do that annoying cocky smirk thing.)
But it’s not just Ahsoka. Rex survived! I’m so glad at least one clone (two? Wolffe?) made it out of the war okay. And he’s great here. His constant snarking with Kanan reminded me so much of his banter with Anakin (and I’m sure it reminded him of that too ;-; ) His presence on Rebels isn’t strictly necessary, narratively speaking, but it’s just a nice tie-in to the world we got used to in Clone Wars. It reminds us that this world with the Empire was once the world of the Republic, and there are still clones out there—even if there’s no place for them in this new order. This of course reinforces the tragic narrative of clones as sentient beings created for nothing but combat. And again, I commend both shows for making me feel that narrative so deeply!
Hondo and Maul were two of my favorite antagonists from Clone Wars, so seeing their multiple appearances here filled me with joy. Hondo cracked me up, as usual, and Maul’s farewell was touching and heartbreaking. I almost wish he were still around! There’s still his duel with Ahsoka in season 7 of Clone Wars... 👀 Honestly what surprised me most about those two were the way they were both presented as protagonists. Hondo especially, and Maul does become an antagonist again. But it really speaks to the way all paradigms in the galaxy have shifted after the Republic became the Empire. In Clone Wars, Hondo was portrayed as an annoying hindrance to our heroes. Now with the Empire as an adversary to our main characters, Hondo is an ally. An untrustworthy one of course, mostly in it for the money, but his interests usually lie with helping our heroes, not hurting them. Besides, nothing tops his relationship with Ezra. Their first meeting had me in fits: “You lied to me?? I KNEW I liked you!” (Also I forgot to mention the running gag of Ezra introducing himself as Jabba the Hutt? Genius. And hilarious, since some people actually believe him at first)
Thrawn I need to see this guy again. Whether in a continuation where we learn what happened to him and Ezra, or some other moment in time where we see him younger, rising through the ranks of the Empire full of ambition and ideas. He’s quietly menacing, always confident and meticulous. He does a great job of making the rebels feel helpless in their fight, needling their pressure points and taunting them—but he never makes the conflict personal to him. He always remains detached, just a guy doing his duty. He’s just there to pick up interesting art pieces. I love the way he’s acted—always quiet, cultured, practically whispering. I didn’t know he was voiced by Lars Mikkelson until after I watched, but that was a perfect choice. I found the Inquisitors a little flat as villains (antagonists, whatever) and the other Empire ministers and governors not very threatening. Thrawn was the perfect balance (lol) between interesting and a genuine threat.
MANDALORE For all of Sabine’s merits as a character, I love her most in the Mandalorian arcs. The episode where she comes into her power and wields the darksaber is one of my favorites. She’s not a traditional stern, stoic Mandalorian character. She’s a free spirit, incredibly creative and intellectual. Yet she’s also afraid of her mind and what she could create—for years she created weapons for the Empire to feed her hubris. Maybe that’s why she mainly sticks to painting throughout the series. :) Anyway. I look forward to the follow-up detailing her adventures with Ahsoka.
Chopper I rolled my eyes so hard when I first saw Chopper. Everything from his name to his design screamed “kiddie version of R2D2” and I was fully prepared to hate him. I don’t. He’s just like R2, in that every sentence he says sounds like it’s punctuated with about ten different swearwords. It’s hilarious seeing such a cute character being so surly and even threatening on occasions! Chopper kicks some serious butt. He even comes with a tragic backstory!
Lastly, I don’t think I’ve mentioned...
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Pedro’s characters and their biggest pet peeves.
Oh nice ask girl!
Whiskey- Jack Daniels cannot overlook rudeness. “Manners make the man” isn’t just a phrase to him, it’s an entire way of being. His mama raised him right, he says sir and ma’am and expects everyone else to act with the same courteousness as well. Most of the fights he’s been in, besides those officially sanctioned by Uncle Sam, have been those he engaged in in an attempt to teach some fool some manners. And while he doesn’t throw a punch at you for snapping early in the morning he does make his annoyance clear. Unless you say please those coffee beans will not be making their way down to the counter from the top shelf.
Javier Peña- What DOESN’T aggravate this man? He is a giant bundle of tightly wound nerves and there are some days where all someone does is ask him what the weather is like outside and he loses it. On his good days though, the one thing that will always make him go nuclear is when someone does not follow The Plan. For a Texan he has very little appreciation for the agents around him cowboy-ing off to do things there own way- he firmly believes that everyone has a place in an operation and that they should stay there like good little cogs in the machine. You weren’t where he told you to be once during a raid and after he ran through an entire neighborhood looking for you (you were back at the trucks the whole time), he betrayed you for nearly half an hour about how irresponsible that was. (He’s a giant softie at heart and he can’t stand the thought of losing anyone under his watch. That’s why he wants everyone lined up like perfect little toy soldiers so he can quickly swoop in and move them out of danger when necessary.)
Oberyn- Prince Oberyn Martell does not tolerate bullying of any kind. He doesn’t walk past and ignore masters beating their servants in the streets or Dorne and he doesn’t turn his head and pretend nothing is amiss when he hears of it sees a man whip his children or his woman either. Oberyn Martell has fought hundreds of duels, and only some of those have been in defense of his own honor. If some big brute would like to pick on someone, well why don’t they try him. You had to drag him away from using a man’s own whip to beat him near to death after you both witnessed him flog his horse in the middle of Sunspear. Doran can tolerate many things but the man was a peasant and it was not a sanctioned contest. Outright murder is one of those things he could not have ignored.
Catfish- Fransisco Morales joined the military when he was eighteen and didn’t leave until he was forty. He spent a lifetime being told where to go, what to do, exactly how to do it, and what to wear while following all of those directions. He’s built up some particular idiosyncrasies because of that. Not least of which is his inability to cope with tardiensss. If you make plans with Catfish and you are even a minute late he starts getting a little ansty. Your normal ten minutes late? He has now moved on to full out twitchy. He never shows up for dates the polite five minutes late, and doesn’t understand why you still aren’t ready. Man when his baby hits toddler years he is going to be in for a shock.
Din- Din doesn’t like it when people touch him without his permission. He likes his space and he loves that his armor generally buys that for him. When he first left the Tribe to go hunting bounties one of his biggest worries was that someone would run up behind him and take his helmet off before he could stop them. He doesn’t like big crowds because there are so many chances for someone to sneak up on him and people are just always jostling him. It’s takes a while for Mando to warm up to you enough that he doesn’t stiffen and grab your arm when to playfully jostle his elbow or his side. And you’re pretty sure he’s never going to stop being shocked when a touch doesn’t automatically mean an attack.
Ezra- “A Guy What Takes His Time” could have been written for Ezra. This is a man who appreciates a non hurried approach to life. And who cannot stand to be rushed, or people who do. So much of life is missed when you sprint through it on your way to the next big whatever. Much of the little things that make their hardscrabble existence in the black worth it are found in the slow bits between jobs. Don’t try and hurry Ezra through a conversation, a harvest, a negotiation, or an affair. He’s shot men for less.
Maxwell- Mr. Maxwell Lord hates, no despises, when things are out of order. Employees who look disheveled, desks that are pits of slovenliness, papers that are out of order- things have their certain places in the world and he likes them to be in them. You’ve received this lecture before as he practically re-dressed you more than once. He conveniently forgets that it’s almost always his fault that your clothes are disheveled in the first place.
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hungrywhovianjedi · 4 years
read also on my AO3 and my FF.net read the rest here prologue chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Premise of the story:  Obi-Wan never took Luke to Tatooine in fact they overshot the force forsaken dustball completely and instead Luke grew up on the planet Lothal being trained to become a Jedi like his father before him. Ezra Bridger is an orphan loner who only makes an exception to his solitude for one boy. The boy who helped him out when he was seven, and that Ezra always seems to get into trouble.
thanks again to @sunflova​ for the gorgeous cover art 
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Tarkin town, Luke and Ezra looked around in quiet horror all of these people ejected from their homes, and for what? 
The people watched them as they passed, a soft hopeful air around them. As they finally reached the center, Zeb declared free grub, and the town folk rushed forward, scrambling for the food. 
Zeb and the Mandalorian girl happily handed out fruit to the hungry people. Luke also took to handing out Jogans and other fruit to the gathered mass. Ezra however stood by, a look of sudden humbleness, and guilt. A man grasped Ezra’s shoulder then, the speckled eyes of the Rodian shined with gratitude. “Thank you” he said before wandering away. 
“but, I didn’t do anything” 
Luke saw the look on Ezra’s face, and walked over, handing the other boy a Jogan, “it’s not too late to change that. We can help these people” 
Ezra gave Luke a grateful smile taking the fruit, and handing it to a small child. Before long the last fruit was handed out from the crates, and the crew departed Tarkin Town. on the way back Ezra stuck close to Luke, who had been quiet since they landed back on Lothal. Ezra saw the way his eyes darted side to side, almost like he was waiting for some monster to jump out at him. 
To anyone else the boy would look happy and excited almost, but to Ezra, who knew him almost better than he knew himself could see that Luke was nervous. It was something Ezra learned, when Luke had a nervousness about him to be careful, he always did have an uncanny nack for sensing danger, hadn’t he only just experienced that today? Luke had warned him something bad was going to happen if they didn’t leave and since then the boys had three near death experiences. 
When they were following others back to the ship, Ezra purposefully fell back with Luke, until they were out of ear shot. 
“Are you okay?” 
Luke nodded, a short jerky movement that didn’t quite ring true. “Yeah, just thinking”
Thinking. Ezra had seen Luke in deep thought before, but this was a tension  deep in his shoulders he had never seen before. The change in demeanor since this morning, even since they were on the ship in actual space was concerning. Something was telling him there was something wrong with his friend. 
“Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything.” he prodded at the blonde hoping that he would open up, Luke had never been one to hide his emotions before, so it was concerning that he was now. 
Luke bit his lip, and nodded again, blue eyes looking up at him, “I’ll be better once we get back home. I got a weird feeling is all” 
Ezra could sense that wasn’t all. He didn’t know why Luke was acting strange, but he determined it was something he would have to find out the hard way.
“We’ll be home before you know it, listening to stuffy old Ben lecturing us on being reckless, probably mentioning something about something your dad did when he was your age” 
That got a small smile from Luke, “yeah, back to Ben and his stories” Luke looked at Ezra with a searching gaze and opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then shook his head and looked ahead. “We’re almost back to the ship”
Ezra frowned, he didn’t want to let this drop, but Luke made it clear he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Yeah, back to the ship, why don’t you head inside, I’ll be in a little later” 
Luke gave him a concerned glance, but nodded, “I’ll see if Sabine can help me find some food, we haven’t eaten since those jogans this morning” 
Ezra smiled, “Thanks Skywalker” He didn’t ask who Sabine was, figured that was the Mandalorian’s name, he tried not to be sour that the beautiful woman had introduced herself to Luke first.  
“Don’t mention it, seems like feeding you is what I do best” Luke gave him a genuine smile then, before he mounted the ramp and went inside. 
Ezra sat down on a pile of crate lids in the long grass, looking out over Tarkin Town. He would never admit it, but the sight of all those people had struck close to home for him. Sure he might be fourteen and on his own, but at least he knew where his next meal was coming from, if he didn’t manage to steal something, old Ben always had an extra spot at his table open for him, either that or the old man somehow knew when he was coming. 
As he watched dusk cast longer and longer shadows over the town below making it seem more desolate and forgotten than it already was. He had to admit he felt it too though. The unease that Luke was putting off, something was wrong, like a lingering shadow falling over the planet. If he was being honest with himself, there had been something growing since the  empire closed its fist around Lothal, but this was worse like a smothering darkness.
As he was thinking of it, he felt or rather heard a soft humming in the air. He lifted his head, trying to find the source. It was odd, feeling almost like someone was calling his name. It was the same sort of hum that had set Luke on edge that morning. 
He rose from his spot, and looked behind him, the humming was coming from the ship. He followed it, before long he came to a locked door. He smirked, pulling out his pick and setting to work he opened it up and slipped inside. Inside was a sparsely furnished room, only your basic bunk and fresher table off to the side, and belongings chest off to the other corner, the humming however was coming from the location of the bunk. 
Ezra walked over to the bunk and sat down. It was a comfortable bed at least, better than the cot he had in his tower. 
His attention was once again grabbed by the humming in the air around him. It was drawing him to the drawer underneath him. “Weird” he whispered, his fingers finding the latch to a hidden drawer. Ezra knelt before it, and opened the drawer revealing a metal cube that seemed to have glass windows built into it, the object seemed to hum in his palm, this was what called him. He shook his head, he was imagining things clearly. “Might be worth” he turned it over, inspecting it “something?” he put it in his pocket. Then he noticed the drawer went deeper than it first appeared and pulled it out further revealing something far cooler. 
It was a cylindrical shape, appearing to be a hilt of some sort, a belt ring at the top to attach to a utility belt. It resembled what old Ben had described to him and Luke one night from his time serving in the republic army. It looked like a lightsaber. It couldn’t be though could it? The Jedi were extinct, had been since the Clone Wars. Ezra found a button on the side and pressed it. A blue beam of light erupted from it, and the force of it knocked Ezra back a little. He hadn’t expected that. It was heavy, a low hum coming from it. He could feel the heat on his face. He was in awe. He got to his feet and waved it a few times experimentally, and despite himself released a gasp of surprise at the way it gracefully sliced through the air. He brought it up into what he thought was a dueling position, and that was when the door behind him slid open. 
“Careful. You’ll cut your arm off” came a much less angry than Ezra would have expected Kanan from behind him. 
Ezra gulped and turned around, his voice hadn’t given it away but there was a cool glint to his eyes he seemed more irritated than anything, and if Ezra didn’t know any better, amused? 
He might have misread Kanan but the smug grunting of the droid was certainly telling as Chopper rolled in behind the human man. 
“Look, I know you’re not going to believe me, but it’s like this thing wanted me to take it” he started. 
Kanan had his arm crossed, and now he knew the older man was finding amusement from the situation, “you’re right, I don’t believe you. Now hand over the lightsaber” 
Ezra looked at Kanan, eyes widening. He glanced at Hera who was standing beside Kanan in the door, then back to Kanan, he was right, it was a lightsaber, but the Jedi were dead. How did this guy have a weapon from a dead religion? 
“It is a lightsaber… isn’t that the weapon of the Jedi? I thought they all died” 
“Give it to me, and get out” all sign of amusement was gone from Kanan, and his voice had a hard edge that told Ezra not to challenge him on it. 
He extinguished the lightsaber and handed it over, ignoring the pang he got in his chest at the sudden change in Kanan’s demeanor. He stepped past, trying not to notice the stern look that Hera gave him as he passed. 
He walked down the hall, following the sound of conversation from what he imagined was the galley, since he heard Luke’s voice. 
“You mean, you actually know how to cook, like real food?” The Mandalorian girl was asking. 
“Yeah, my uncle taught me, said it was important not to just live off of ration bars and jogan fruit” 
The pair stopped as Ezra entered, and Luke gave him a pointed look, one that told him he knew he had gotten into trouble again. “Five seconds Ez” he simply said, handing over a sandwich to the taller boy “try and stay out of trouble for five seconds” 
Ezra rubbed at the base of his neck and took the sandwich, but didn’t respond to Luke’s request.
“Not too good at following directions, are you?” She asked leaning back on the counter, a cup of some drink or other clutched in her hand. Her helmet was off, which didn’t seem to happen often.
Ezra gave a smile, “Not so much. You?” He ignored Lukes scoff, stepping on the blonde boy’s toes in revenge. 
Luke yelped, earning a look from the girl, who chuckled, “Not really, no. Gotta say, you two? Night and day” she gestured between them.
Ezra crossed his arms “Alright, you got us figured out our turn, who are you people, you’re not exactly thieves” 
“And I really don’t think you’re smugglers,” Luke added. 
She smirked, “We… we’re not exactly anything. We’re a crew. A team. In some ways a family” she told him.
A sudden doubt flared in his mind, a family, could he really say he had one? Luke could, he had his uncle, but Ezra was alone “What happened to your real family?” He saw Luke’s eyes widen but ignored him 
The Mandalorian girl frowned then before answering, “The Empire. What happened to yours?” her voice was soft, and he felt sympathy pass from her.
Before Ezra could respond, the door opened and Zeb came in and told her that Kanan wanted them. Then of course he threatened Ezra and Luke.  
As she was leaving, she turned around, her eyes kind as she spoke again, “It’s Sabine. My name’s Sabine” then she left.
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