fseffect · 5 months
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Another Fire Emblem x Frieren crossover: Flamme trying to figure out how to return Titania home after an accidental summon.
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alexissara · 11 months
Diving into Heather Fire Emblem
So Heather Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn is a character with very little screen time but as Fire Emblem's first 100% canon lesbian she has always had a special place in my heart even before I was out or really looking for representation I was drawn to this woman and her affection for other women. Today, I want to dive into her character, my reading of her and why I think she is a really great character who has potential to be a truly amazing character if she was ever given the spotlight and focus she deserves in some kind of Remake.
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Heather is a poor woman, raised in the rural areas of Crimea which of the Beroc [This world's humans] nations is one of the more peace loving but least wealthy nations. Heather has a sickly mother at home, one who she cares for deeply. In her caring for her mother her job a thief has a strict purpose, bring money home for mom, take care of her, even if you have to get into riskier situations to get that money. It is in her mother's illness that Heather knows she must go out boldly and runs into the events of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.
If she dies she cries “Mother... Forgive me... I...lied... I stole... And this...is my punishment...” showing her mother doesn't know how she cares of her or the lengths she goes to to tend to her mother lying about how she makes the living for the pair of them. This speaks to a core element of the character, she is a soft hearted woman, she cares for her mother a lot and would do anything for her and she learned that in this world she needed to lie and steal to survive. Heather is a compassionate survivor who wears the masks she needs to wear in order to make it in the world.
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As mentioned earlier one of the most notable things about Heather is her position as Fire Emblem's first canon lesbian a positioned she would be alone in until Fire Emblem Three Hope's Monica entered the screen 15 years later. This means something in her own world as well though, while the land of Tellius more certainly seems a little more inclusive in terms of women's places in society that does not mean queerness has been elevated into being a norm. For the most part we don't know much about queerness in the continent of Tellius we see through Heather that there is still heteronormative expectations at work for common women. Kyza's supports also imply at least a small pressure for people to be a bit more private about their sexuaity and gender.
Heather is hit on by men and likely has been hit on by men as a fairly traditionally attractive, unmarried adult woman for some time. She learned how to manipulate men into getting meals and other things from them outside of just robbing them but her manipulation is totally harmless, it is men doing things for the expectation of something Heather has never promised or even implied, simply a man's expectations for women. We know Heather has no history of abuse from an interview question where it was also affirmed she is simply a lesbian, that is just her nature and that she was never abused. So this kindness comes not from a place of trauma but in a place of solidarity with other women. We can see that the harassment of men is a factor for her though from her ability in the fire emblem TCG "Buffoonish men are in for a thrashing!" which shows how much she is just done with men being an asshole to her.
Unlike the men of the world her love for women comes with no expectation that they'll romance her, she likely thinks she is the only woman who likes other women, that she will be alone in her desires. So she simply works to make pretty women happy, content to give them a small flirt and a gift then leave them to do their own thing. Just getting to see a pretty woman is what she wants from a desire to see Princess Elenica and see if she lives up to the stories to wanting to help women like Nepheene and Illyana. She knows both that her taking care of her mother most come first but also that she's unlikely to be able to meet another woman to love.
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I don't think it's an accident that the two women we see her be most into are bother fellow commoners when you look at Heather a a woman who is focused on solidarity between women. Heather's mechanics in Fire Emblem Cipher tend to lean on her attraction to women as well having women based abilities. In fact one of her abilities is called "For the smiles of girls!" showing that what she is doing is simply to see another woman smile. The end goal isn't marriage, isn't sex, isn't a relationship but just to see other women smile. This places her as a woman who is deeply rooted in community with other women and solidarity with them.
All of this comes from so little in the game and card game but I think together it paints a picture of an extremally kind woman with a roughish slant. She can be a scoundrel but only to people who deserve it and she is willing to steal and blackmail but it's always for a woman who is in need. At the end of the game Heather returns home to her mother, she lies and says she won't go be a thief again but she makes sure her mother is taken care of for the rest of her mother's life. She has no paired endings and is left alone at the end of it, proving that her own assumption is correct that she wouldn't find love so instead she would settle for smiles.
I want the best for Heather and I wish her love with many women. In my head she has a nice polycule to go see and helps nurse her mom to good health but regardless I think she has so much potential that was not explored thanks to Radiant Dawns bad support system and in general just being a minor character in a very massive cast. I love her and I hope I showed a bit of what draws me to her and why I think she is so special. If you enjoyed and want more, let me know and maybe I'll do more character deep dives. And of course Patreon and Ko-fi are always great ways to support me slash get me to do what you want.
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Little ending note here, I wrote this before Heather got announced for FEH! I am so excited and I will totally be listening to her voice lines and stuff and seeing if there is any more gold about her, maybe I'll update this if they have something I feel adds to my reading but as it looks like now it's same old lesbian Heather being gay for Nephenee and women in general.
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cbts004 · 2 years
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rashenditrash · 2 years
Tellius Games: War is complex and resolving conflicts requires understanding of multiple points of view as well as grappling with racism, colonialism, slavery, generational trauma, and the impact of historical wrongs on the present. Sometimes religion can be corrupted and what is thought to be evil can provide salvation. War is a necessary evil sometimes but the goal should always be peace.
Three Houses: Pretty sexy of us to fight each other eh? Oh also there’s no such thing as ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ in war (unless you want to be bad because it’s fun).
Every Other Fire Emblem Game: We need to stop BAD KINGDOM from summoning the BAD DRAGON.
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wazzuppy · 1 year
*sadly starring out window* when will they put the tellius games on modern platforms
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fire-emblem-drabbles · 8 months
Pairing: Zelgius x Reader
Prompt: The summoner is in really bad depression slump; Zelgius tries to offer his help.
Description: You didn't want to talk to anyone-- let alone be seen by them. But when someone begins to knock incessantly at your door, you're left with no choice but to open it for them.
Rating: sfw
Conant Warning: Depression (talk of, depictions of, the whole fic is about it really), some mild self deprecation. Ask to tag
Word Count: 1399
Notes: Hi, this is a repost! I reread the original. and it was bad. even though I claimed to have already edited it. Gross. But, this was originally one of the first fics I posted to this blog, so I hope you enjoy this updated version of it <3
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There was an incessant knocking at the door. It rang, loud and clear through your empty chambers. You let out a small groan, turning towards the door to give it a dirty look. “I already told you, please leave me alone.” You didn’t care to know who was at the door; your bets were on Sharena, or perhaps even Anna (you would loathe to see Alfonse there) but no matter who it was, you didn’t want to see them.
Whoever it was, they were wasting their time anyways. You weren’t worth the effort, and certainly, not worth their time or kindness. Given how things were around here, something urgent would push you out of inaction soon enough anyways...
Still, the knocking on your door remain. Polite, but firm. Whoever was there wasn’t going away with one halfhearted call, it seemed. You merely pull the comforter of your bed up closer, frowning now at the door as you consider all the mistakes and failures, made in the Order’s name. They deserved a better Summoner, a better tactician… Someone who could actually live up to the title of ‘Legendary Summoner.’ Despite your thoughts, though, the knocking remains, though perhaps a little louder. The hard rapts hitting your door making you sit up.
“Please, just go away. Don’t you understand the meaning of ‘alone’?” You call out again, rolling out of bed to finally answer the door. Your clothes were rumpled and your hair surely a mess from staying in bed far too long, but maybe if whoever was at the door saw the bags under your eyes they would reconsider bothering you. If they even spoke when you opened the door, considered they hadn’t even bothered to name themselves as they knocked.
At the next pause in the knocking, you answer the door.
“Zelgius...” Before him, you felt small. Your face with his armor, kept in perfect condition, only to look to his features-- put together and stern, but with obvious worry as he takes you in. You probably look as much the mess as you feel. You suddenly feel a little naked, despite being somewhat dressed. You don’t think he had ever seen you without your cloak. “What uh, what brings you here? Is it urgent?” You awkwardly look away from his perfect, pretty face, looking back to your darkend room, to the glowing shape of Breidablik on your desk.
“Summoner…” Your title leaves him in a small breath. Even Zelgius, known to hide his emotions rather well, can’t hide his shock at seeing you like this. “Commander Anna… along with Alfonse, and Sharena, have said you refuse to leave your chambers. Why?” At least he was candid, carefully taking in your pitiful form and surely trying to figure the best way to approach this.
“You know why.” You speak softly, still refusing to look his way. It’s not like he didn’t know. Not like it wasn’t the Order of Hero’s favorite rumor. Slowly, you opened the door wider to allow him in. If he wanted to try and help you, then he could try. Your problems could be his for a few minutes if he truly wanted.
“… You know I'm not used to this sort of thing.” He begins, entering into your dark room, having to duck under your door frame. The first thing he does is open the drawn curtains to let the light in, an action that has your turning away.
“I know.” You answer with a small groan, rubbing your tired eyes to try and get use to the sudden light. “I am curious, though,” You look his way as your eyes finally adjust. “What made you… want to do this yourself? There are plenty of heroes who are probably better at comforting people than you.” You also aren’t sure you want him to be the one to do this. He was a general, after all. Not really known for being kind…
“I’m aware.” Zelgius remains quiet a moment, watching you intently. You swear you can hear the cogs turning in his mind. “But.. I do not think they care as much as I do.” His answer shocks you, enough so that you find your mouth opening a little. It’s not as if you thought he hated you, more so that you thought you were rather… on neutral terms with him. That he cared, so much so to admit it to you and come down to try and get you out of this depressed stupor, brings a sort of warmth to you that you haven’t felt in a while.
“Well, its kind of you to take time out of your day to check on me, but really I’d rather deal with this myself.” You turn away from him, and his kindness. “I’d rather people not know I can get like this, in fact.” You add, sitting back on your bed and grabbing at your blanket. Zelgius takes the seat at your desk, pulling it out to face you. You didn’t know how to feel, seeing him sit down and watch your, waiting for you to finish. That he wanted to be here, even when you were still trying to push him away. “I can’t bare to think what everyone would think of me, seeing how I fail them… how I let my depression, just, take over and…” You shake your head, not willing to finish that thought and sighing instead.
“It is a disability, is it not?” Zelgius’s voice calls your attention. “Not quite like a broken arm or bleeding wound but… debilitating all the same. Should you not take the steps to take care of it like one would any physical ailment?” His question is simple, as if it were obvious. Perhaps to him, it was. Still, the thought causes you to pause and consider it a moment.
“I understand where you’re coming from, but I…” You grow quiet as you see a frown cross his features.
“It’s not a burden to rely on others.” His voice, his deep timbre, takes on a soft tone. “Your allies and friends have your back. And I,” He pauses, taking a deep breath. His vibrant green eyes close, only to open and focus on you with a renewed vigor. “I want to be there to support you as well. Tell me how I can help you through this.” Your heart can’t help but pick up at his words, embarrassment flooding through you as you see how sincere he is.
“Zelgius...” You pause, unsure if you should let on just how touched you are. How much it meant to you that he was doing this. “Honestly… I don’t really know what will help me.” You admit softly, finding it hard to look to his face. “But, it means a lot hearing how much you care!” Your next words come out rushed and loud as you see his features fall a moment. Still flustered, you continue. “That you’re trying to help at all, and that your here with me now.” Your turn to take a deep breath, to offer a smile that probably hasn’t genuinely met your lips in a few weeks.
“If you don’t mind and if its not a big deal…” You feel shy all the sudden, like a school girl with a crush. “But if you’re willing to just stay and listen to me? That could be nice….” You trail off, trying your best to read the look on his face. It could be nice, to have some to shoulder your burdens with. To maybe for once, let someone in.
“It would be by my honor to do so, Summoner.” His answer is quick, and certain, causing your heartbeat to pick up once more. He holds a gentle, armored hand to his chest and smiles, just for you. “Whatever you need of me, it is my pleasure to help you.”
“Zelgius…” You can’t help but speak his name, smile reaching your lips as tears prick your eyes. “Thank you. For everything.” You wish you had the courage to tell him how much this really meant to you. But for now, this would have to do. Maybe sometime soon, when you were feeling more yourself (with his help, no less), you would be able to find the right words to say. But in this precious moment, where you can’t help but smile, that will have to suffice.
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lunartrashbin · 2 years
My neck hurts
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Side B - Round 2 - Match Up 6 (REDO)
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it's a chicken!!! who manages real estate for you!!! what more could you possibly want!!!!!!
He's so beautiful and you'd think as the Heron Tribe they'd be gentle and timid creatures BUT Reyson is full of RAGE. He's a Hawk programed into Heron skin. Even so, he'd get sick trying to eat meat to toughen up and breaks his own bones punching a sicko creeper who tried to objectify him. Also his singing voice is beautiful and heals forests.
I love him and he should win. He's got such an unexpected character gap, the dissonance between the traditional Heron demeanor and his fiery brazen nature that you wouldn't expect from such a graceful clan.
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steel-nageyari · 1 year
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gasp... i didn’t upload this one here yet
(fave male + fave female fe character fusion)
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thrandilf · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem Series, Fire Emblem Engage, Fire Emblem: Soen no Kiseki/Akatsuki no Megami | Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ike/Senerio | Soren, Ike & Senerio | Soren Characters: Ike (Fire Emblem), Senerio | Soren, Lindon (Fire Emblem), Sommie | Somniel Guardian (Fire Emblem) Additional Tags: Senerio | Soren-centric, Light-Hearted, Fluff and Humor, The Devoted Zine, Emotions, Flirting, Ike Being Ike, Soren being Soren, The Somniel, Affection, Banter, Fluff, Happy Ending, Emblem Soren, Emblem Ike, Love Confessions, In a way Summary:
For The Devoted IkeSoren Zine!
Ike and Soren have a conversation about the exact nature of their relationship while they live in the Somniel as Emblems. They may not need to define themselves, but it's fun to try.
Ike would probably only try to flirt with him about once a century. May as well make the most of it.
“Hmmm.” Ike touched his forehead to Soren’s. “And if we need to clarify?”
“Excalibur is a potent spell.”
“With words, Soren.”
“Fine.” Soren pretended to think about it. “Boyfriend is too flimsy of a word.”
Ike’s eyes glinted with mirth. “You don’t want to tell everyone you like-like me?”
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kriskrisinc · 1 year
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I'm late to the party, but I did a quick take on that 'combine your fav male and female FE characters' thing I've been seeing around lately, and boy, these two did not combine easily but I did my best lmao.
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Heather from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, who is a lesbian.
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cbts004 · 2 years
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starsofcurtains · 2 years
Shoutout to the best couple in the Tellius series that somehow never got any screen time😍🌈. Lovely art commission by @lykoiii, thank you!
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gentle-giant-swag · 2 years
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Is here
As you guys may now, most of the characters were me scrambling my brain. That’s why some choices barret were picked. So here’s a selection which SOLEY consists of voter picked characters!
Kass (legend of Zelda)
Mr Coco (splatoon)
Iron Giant (from the movie with the same name)
Klaus Von Reinhertz (Blood Blockade Battlefront/Kekkai sensei)
Mordecai (fire emblem)
Alex Louis Armstrong (FMA)
Geronimo Jr (cyborg 009)
Minsc (baldur’s gate)
Mitsukake (Fushigi Yuugi)
Asterios (grand fate order)
One of these lucky 10s will end up in the GRAND FINAL with the winner of the main group and the winner of the second chance round!
I will reveal the order tomorrow!
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fenrirmonstrum · 1 year
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Ike wanted to learn how to swim
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