shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Lucien finally loses his shit and does something crazy part 10
Lucien and company fight Koschei and the Inner Circle to free Vassa! This is the final part.
Lucien didn’t show any fear in his gaze. He only smirked slowly at the High Lord of the Night Court. “Hello, Rhys,” he crooned.
Rhys bared his teeth at him. “Lucien Spell-Cleaver. I should’ve realized it was you and not that bitch. It’s not like she ever bothered to do anything in her life, has she?”
“Like you can talk, you piece of shit,” Eris retorted. “In five hundred years, what exactly, have you done for the Illyrian women? Or Mor’s people?”
Rhysand sneered at Eris. “I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re a snake, too.” “At least the snake has a job besides kidnapping women and holding them hostage,” Nesta replied.
Ire rippled in Rhysand’s eyes. Shadows began to form around him. “You messed with the wrong male, Lucien. For a male so smart, you’re certainly slow to learn.”
Lucien didn’t balk from Rhysand’s gaze, even as he tried to assert his Fae dominance over him. Fuck that. He was a High Lord too. That was the first time he had admitted it to himself, but it was true. His brothers had known it long before Lucien had acknowledged it, had tried to kill him for it. He would not back down now.
“Don’t you know what light and flame does to dark and shadows, Rhysie-poo?” Lucien said mockingly. Cassian at his side snarled. He had been glaring at Nesta for the past few minutes, but now turned to Lucien. “Or should I give you a hint?”
Cassian glared daggers at Lucien. “Back down, dog,” Lucien drawled. He knew there were flames in his eyes as his innate Fae dominance asserted itself over Cassian and he reluctantly backed off. Tamlin, Eris, Jurian and the Archerons began closing in, Tamlin, Feyre and Elain on his left, Nesta, Eris, and Jurian on his right. Similarly, the Inner Circle closed in around Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel on either side, Mor beside Azriel and Amren next to Cassian. “Oh, this will be fun,” Koschei laughed. “I don’t even need to do anything. Just watch you destroy each other!” Nesta launched herself at Cassian, Tamlin at Azriel. Jurian started fighting Amren, Eris taking on Mor. Feyre was guarding Elain. Which left Lucien to take on Rhysand. Rhysand smiled sinisterly. “Let’s see how your training matches with mine, son of Helion.”
Lucien was relieved the walls of his mind were as impenetrable as they were as Rhysand unleashed the full force of his magic on him. He had been practicing it ever since he had taken on the role of Night Court emissary. He didn’t give a shit what they said, he’d never trust the males who played with minds as if they were toys. Lucien called to his flames, but it was the light that answered, blaring so bright that Rhysand was blinded for a moment. “Ow!” Lucien struck quickly, stabbing him in the shoulder before blasting him with fire. Rhysand blew it away on a night-cool wind.
Rhysand glared up at him with those night-blue eyes. “Son of a bitch.”
“Are you already tired, old man?” Lucien cooed. “Past your bedtime? Should I tuck you into bed?”
Rhysand snarled and darted out, but Lucien was prepared. Rage had made the Night Court High Lord sloppy. Lucien ducked and kneed him in the jewels. Rhysand instantly bent over in pain. Lucien might have felt sympathy if he hadn’t been a total piece of shit. Lucien arced his knife towards Rhysand’s back but was met with a hard shield. Undeterred, Lucien blasted Rhysand with burst after burst of light.
“None of your shields will hold as long as I’m here, Rhys darling,” Lucien crooned.
Rhysand snarled, but Lucien saw he was blushing. Lucien didn’t have time to wonder if it was embarrassment or arousal that caused the reaction as he hurled his dagger straight at Rhysand. But Rhysand winnowed away. Lucien whipped around, expecting him to come from behind when Rhysand winnowed right in front of him and aimed for his neck. Lucien was too late to stop the blow. But Tamlin wasn’t.
Somehow, he had seen Lucien and Rhysand fighting and anticipated the move from Rhysand. Perhaps from when he had taught him Illyrian techniques. Before Rhysand could stab Lucien, Tamlin tackled Rhysand. Azriel, now without anyone fighting him, turned to Lucien, but hesitated.
The bastard was remembering that Lucien had spared his life.
Lucien met the shadowsinger’s stare. “Is Rhysand really the kind of male you want to serve your whole life, Azriel?” He jerked his chin at the spot where Rhysand and Tamlin tussled on the ground. “The male who has been sitting on his ass for 500 years, who uses people like weapons?”
Azriel hesitated a moment longer. Then he charged with his sword. But not at Lucien. No, the shadowsinger shoved Tamlin off of Rhysand and drove his sword straight through his neck all the way into the ground. It was so unexpected that Rhysand only had time to widen his eyes slightly before he was dead. Meanwhile, Cassian was unable to land a single blow on Nesta owing to her silver flames. His superior fighting skills didn’t matter when faced with magic so raw and potent. Jurian was almost through with Amren. Without her deadly powers, Amren was exceptionally vulnerable, and Jurian had fought a war against the Fae. He was the superior fighter. Lucien and Azriel went after Koschei, who was now gathering his powers and staring down at Feyre and Elain with a look of foreboding. Lucien wondered why in the world Feyre was trying to face Koschei when he remembered Elain’s prophecy. One of many shall shatter his soul, return the part back to the whole.
Koschei couldn’t be killed because his soul was detached from his body. That had to be who the prophecy was referring to. And one of many- Feyre was one human turned High Fae as a result of the powers of each of the High Lords. One of many must be her.
Lucien sprinted towards them, his only thought to keep his mate out of harm’s way as Koschei leered at them. It had been a mistake to bring her here, when she did not possess any fighting abilities-
Although she had shot that arrow. Lucien hadn’t registered it at the time, but for a first timer, it was an impeccable aim. Perhaps it wasn’t her first time. So somehow, Lucien wasn’t surprised at all when Elain pulled out a bow from underneath her clothes. Elain didn’t like violence- Lucien knew that- but she was willing to do what was necessary to protect those she cared about. And it seemed she had learned some archery.
Lucien reached the Archeron sisters, muttering to Feyre, “You can’t attack his body. He’s protected.”
Feyre smiled. “Then perhaps I can attack his mind.”
Lucien nodded grimly. “We’ll keep him occupied.”
Koschei smiled. “Lucien, Lord of Light, bastard of Autumn. Come to die.”
Lucien knew he was about to die.
Knew Rhysand’s power was nothing compared to Koschei’s as the full force of it fell upon them. It took every inch of his magic to avoid being incinerated. Koschei’s shield pushed and shoved at his magic, and Lucien dove as he released the shield and missed the blast of dark power by inches. Koschei aimed at Elain, and Lucien just managed to intercept the magic with fire and blast it away. He reached for Elain, covering her body with his. He weathered storm after storm Koschei sent after him, burning away whatever he could and letting the rest wash over them. Lucien hollered as the effort threatened to kill him. His body was cover in sweat and ice burns started to appear on his forearms.
Lucien closed his eyes. He only hoped his efforts would save his mate’s life, since it was too late for him.
“Lucien,” Elain whispered. “Look.”
Lucien opened his eyes and looked up. Koschei’s powers had stopped. His eyes had gone blank. Feyre must have finally broken into his mind. Lucien walked towards Feyre cautiously, Elain trailing him. After several minutes, Feyre opened her eyes and smiled triumphantly. “I found his soul. I’ve bound it to his body. He can be killed now.”
In that very moment, Koschei’s eyes regained focus. He let out a howl of rage and blasted Feyre. Feyre barely had time to put up a shield before she was flying through the air.
“Not my sister, you ASSHOLE!” Nesta screamed. She rushed toward them, Eris and Azriel beside her. Nesta erupted into flames, Eris joining her.
“Let’s see how your death powers match against my Cauldron-stolen gift,” Nesta hissed.
Koschei’s eyes widened in terror as silver and crimson flame from Nesta and Eris blasted him. Lucien after a beat joined with whatever flames he had remaining.
Twin pillars of flame shall conquer Death.
Koschei didn’t stand a chance.
Whatever power he had, Nesta, joined with the might of two High Lords, was far stronger. Koschei was soon reduced to nothing but cool mist.
Nesta turned to Lucien, not even winded, “Can you break Vassa’s curse now?”
Lucien reached out towards Vassa with his magic. “Yes, I can.”
A flash of light, and Vassa was walking towards them. She spotted Lucien and sprinted towards him. Lucien laughed as Vassa hugged him tightly. “Where is Jurian?”
Lucien turned towards the spot where he’d last seen Jurian fighting Amren. He walked towards them now, limping heavily on one leg but otherwise looking no worse for wear. His eyes widened when he saw Vassa, and he started limping towards them faster. When they finally reached each other, Vassa yanked his head down to hers for a kiss. Jurian pulled away faster than Lucien expected, and it was his eyes that he met when he said, “Tamlin is badly wounded.”
Shit. He’d completely forgotten about Tamlin in the heat of battle. Lucien sprinted over to Tamlin. He was still in the spot he had been when he had been fighting Rhysand. He cradled a wound near his chest, and it was still oozing blood slowly. It must have been disastrous if it was not healing.
“Tam,” Lucien said as he bent over his body. Tears flew down his cheeks, and he was too worried to be ashamed. “Tam, please.” Lucien reached for his magic to heal him, but he was drained. They all were. “No,”
Tamlin smiled weakly at Lucien. “It’s ok, Lucien. I don’t regret it. Saving your life.”
“You idiot,” Lucien hissed through his tears. “You just had to be the goddamn hero, didn’t you?”
“I just want my friend back.” Tamlin stared at Lucien earnestly. “I… hope…you…can…forgive me.” It seemed every breath was an effort for Tamlin now.
“I already forgave you, fool,” Lucien said quietly. “Don’t leave me now.”
“You’ll…take…care…of…my…people. And Feyre. I trust you.”
“Don’t give up, Tam! I can’t lose anybody else!”
Tamlin smiled again. His face was so pale now, but there was no pain. Only clarity. “I’ll always be with you, brother.”
His heartbeats got slower and slower.
No. Not again.
He was back in the Autumn Court, Jesminda dying in his arms.
No no no no no no.
The mother spoke in his ears once more.
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 103
Shoot at Sam? Count me in. Even if it's just a NERF gun ... Sam: "Aaaaah! In my cancer!" Oh boy ... XD ... and Adhley got him RIGHT IN THE TIT just as she intended ... ah yes, Sam Riegel, living in fear ... LOL ... yup, Ashley's just lying in wait ... oh there we go ... Liam: "All right, let's graduate to D20s." Whoa, wait a minute ...
Marisha: "All our UK viewers are thinking 'fucking Americans'." Well ... YEAH ...
Yes! Always credit the artists ... thank you, Liam!
Yes, that's right ... we're in the home of the Shadowgast ... O.O
So could this FINALLY be it? Are we FINALLY gonna get rid of that egregious BITCH?!!!
Ooooooooh ... fancy ritual ... cool ...
Laudna's terrified ... of course she is. She SHOULD be ... if this goes wrong ... after last time I'm scared too ... and even if this DOES go right, there's no guarantee she WOULD definitely survive this ...
Wow ... way to stoke out morale, Essek ... but yeah, he does mean well, I guess ...
In theory, then ... if this DOES work then Delilah will, ESSENTIALLY, just become a magical battery ... oh yeah, I don't doubt that would be the most delightfully irksome punishment for that evil bitch ...
A natural vibe? Are you sure, Chet? "Dr Chet"? Oh, that might work better, yeah ...
Keep Braius' freaky hoof fingers away from this stuff ... XD ... essentially Braius instead just stands behind Dorian and encourages him to do everything right, while passive-aggressively judging him. Dorian: "So just like my dad, then."
Great ... time to roll to make sure we get this right ... NO PRESSURE, then ... O.O
Laudna: "You guys have already been through so much with me ..." Fearne: "Well why would we stop now?" Laudna: "Ooh ... my stomach hurts." Fearne: "Do you need to poo?"
Cheddars? Oh yeah, I like that ... way to accidentally belittle the ancient gnome ... XD
And now Chetney's getting naked ... of course he is ...
Fuck ... here we go, then ... oh boy ... aaaaaaahhh!!! O.O
A multi-stage ritual ... crap ... that's never a good thing ...
Laura: "I say GUIDANCE!!!" XD
Chetney: "Don't worry, you won't feel ... you're gonna feel a lot." Oof ...
No pain-killers? Really? Laudna: "I have dogs leap from my chest from time to time." Oh yeah ... that's right ... O.O
Oh yes, so she just does that RIGHT NOW ... and now her chest is gaping wide open ... okay, that'll probably help ... and now Laudna's just given herself afull-blown Y-incision ... yup ...
Hold her hand, Imogen ... HOLD THAT HAND ...
Did Chetney just SNEEZE inside her? O.O ... yeah, that's just an INSTANT staph infection ...
And so we begin ... oh boy ... and so we begin to hold our breath ...
A Blood Maladict? Hmmmm ...
Wow ... oh, yeah, that soul-cage in the chest idea ... that's kind of beautiful in a really horrifying kind of way ...
Great ... just what we need right now. Fuck off, Delilah. Don't you DARE interfere while we exorcise you, you monstrous demon bitch ...
That almost went SO FUCKING BAD ... O.O ... phew ...
Laura Bailey channeling Imogen getting SO FUCKING ANXIOUS right now ... this is SO TENSE ...
Do something, do something, help her guys ... Ashton burns a Rage ... oh, this is interesting ... fascinating new way to use his Dunamancy powers ... and clearly this is gonna cost him ... but OF COURSE he's gonna fight through all the same ... that's a pretty sweet move, Ash ...
Orym you sweet selfeless little cinnamon roll, I love you so much ... HEX THAT BITCH!!! YES!!!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ... between them Ashton and Liam succeed SO BEAUTIFULLY in what they're doing right now ... THAT'S A CRIT!!! Damn fucking RIGHT it is ... O.O
Yeah ... in your face, Delilah! Yes! Take that!
Is that it? Is that done? Yes ... nice ... first part successful, then ... so what's next?
FUCK!!! Jumpscared by Matthew Mercer! Damn it!
Imogen's turn, then ... go, go, GO!!! Save you honey, girl! Yes!
The Ruined Sun Tree again? Aaaaaahhh ... not good! I hate that image just as much as before ...
Imogen: "There's only two ways for this to end." Delilah: "You can't have her!" Oh fuck off, you evil bitch ... EDUCATE HER, Imogen!
This may be Laura's most important roll of the entire campaign ... but YES!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! Marisha does indeed have a say in this ... Laudna fights back, then ... PLEASE let this work ...
Void Puppet? OH NICE ... O.O
Nice ... the other poor souls murdered and hung on that tree are coming to her aid ... that is SO FUCKING COOL ... O.O
So here comes the roll ... make it count, Laura ... 21! Okay ... is that enough?
Oh my fucking gods ... EVERY SINGLE PERSON that died in Whitsetone because of Delilah is now coming to claim their vengeance ... this is JUST FUCKING INCREDIBLE ...
Holy shit ... this has GOT TO BE a success, right? This CLEARLY fucking worked ...
Matt: "She's there, but ... she's YOURS." Holy fuck ... YES!!! It really did fucking work ... Delilah's nothing but a magical battery now ... that is pure fucking poetic justice and I love it so much ...
She conjures Pate ... and it no longer COSTS HER like it once felt like ... oh, yeah ... that's so cool ...
Oh yeah ... that's right, Pate doesn't know Braius ... DO NOT attack the bone rat, Braius ... oh shit ...
Fuck ... yup, that's right, INSTANT KILL on the bone rat ... great ... thanks for that, Braius ...
They're holding each other ... that's so sweet ... the Imodna's STRONG right now ... :3
Flashlighting the balls ... oh boy ... Matt: "A lot of us grew up before the Internet." LOL
Liam: "Bony Stark" OH SHIT!!! YES!!! XD
Insight check ... oh, this should be interesting ... NAT20?!!! Fuck, Marisha ... wow ... so Delilah's, like, GENUINELY restrained ... nice ...
Laudna: "She won't be ... she won't be watching us anymore." YES!!! And Imogen kisses her! Of course she does! My shipper heart is beating SO HARD right now! :3
Chetney is CARVING HIS INITIALS into her ankle ... "I sign all my best works!" Laudna: "You know, only you would I allow to do that." Awwwww ... that's so sweet in the most disturbing way possible ...
Laudna thanks Essek, as she should, and he's most magnanimous ... nice ...
Celebration time ... YES. Definitely.
Oh wow ... is Essek's inner party-planner coming out right now? Caleb's got him trained so well, clearly ... or maybe this is more Jester and Veth's doing ... XD
What ... invite the Nein? REALLY?!!! That would be so cool and WAY too much to hope for ...
Yes ... OF COURSE there will be LOTS of Lionett wine ... definitely ...
Liam (as Caleb): "Why would I buy it when I can get it for free?" XD ... indeed ...
A toast! Yes! "To new beginnings, and a bunch of losers winning" ... YEAH ... definitely ...
Ashton: "I think it's time for a round of What the Fuck Is Up With You?" Oh yes ... spill, Braius Doomseed ...
From the Platinum Dragon to Asmodeus, the Lord of Lies ... so Braius is, like, the Exandrian equivalent of turning from Catholic to Satanist, then ... cute ...
Wow ... Jester Lavorre was LITERALLY responsible for Braius' fall from grace ... oh boy ... EXCOMMUNICATED? Proper? Fascinating ... Laura's scrambling so hard to dig her little blue Tiefling out from this deepening pit ... XD
That freakish fucking stein thing ... Sam, that thing is UNNERVING ...
OF COURSE Chetney fell asleep during the movie ... XD
Yeah ... might be a good idea to keep an eye on the minotaur moivng forward, then ...
Yes, that is correct ... Orym has a somewhat complicated but still very profitable relationship with the Wildmother ... and she DID just come through in clutch, clearly ... might be Laudna's got a god on her side right now ...
"To my favourite war criminal." Signed: Beauregard Lionett. XD
"Blue beauty"? XD ... Braius is flirting with Dorian, now ...
The talk is turning HEAVY, clearly ...
Sam: "Taylor Swfit?" Taliesin: "How DARE YOU?!!!" Matt: "Do not call that following down on us!"
Oh shit ... the pipe ... CAREFUL there ... O.O
Spin the Bottle with a D10 ... this should be interesting ... who's gonne risk frying their mind?
Braius? Oh, this should be interesting ... and it's fate, really ... wo what does HE think is the most heroic thing he's ever done?
He killed "Stanley"? Whos was Stanley?
A "Laudna bong"? Your mind goes to some weird places, Riegel ... we really havew missed you ...
So ... Stanley was his friend, but then betrayed him? A secret follower of the Dawnfather? Hmmmm ... oh dear gods ... the mug is the flayed skin and bones of Stanley ... wow ... this is all kinds of fucking wrong, Riegel ...
OF COURSE Laudna finds a potential future partner in arts & crafts in Braius because of this ...
Ashton has disadvantage on EVERYTHING ... Travis: "A double-handed abandonment of the roll!" Taliesin: "Why do I bother?" XD
Wow ... they really are picking his story apart a whole lot ... as the minutes tick by Braius is looking increasingly poser-esque ... I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for him ...
Wow ... a gory painting ... cute ... like a particularly monstrous Jackson Pollock ... O.O
Ah, so we're all passing out in a stupour in the wee hours ... of course ... and it's time for a break ...
No, Matthew Mercer you WILL NOT torment us like that! O.O
Ah yes ... so Laudna and Imogen had a room to themselves ... XD ... I mean OF COURSE they did ...
Chetney attunes to the fancy demon armour ... that is some FREAKY SHIT ... does it expand when he wolfs out? LIam: "You're gonna be like Omar in a turtleneck." XD ... oh sweet ... he's COMPLETELY SILENT ... that's so cool ... he's literally wearind "fiendish essence". So it's, like ... DAMNATION, by Calvin Klein ... LOL
Oh thank fuck Chet isn't TECHNICALLY waving his wang about right now ...
Dorian punches him ... yup ...
"RELEASE!" Oh boy ... Matt: "It just ... fills the suit." Ewww ...
Chetney terrorises Essek's neighbours. With his cock out ...
Imodna eventually wake up ... as they would ... basking in the afterglow ... XD
So ... Laudna can hold onto a magical item ... and no longer feels the burning desite to DEVOUR IT with her chest ... nice ...
Amulet of Cursed Life? Hmmmm ...
"A Counterspell on a chain"? Oh nice ... that's seriously powerful shit ... VERY useful ... oh, and it renders corpses into a major problem for the wearer ... hmmmm ... maybe LESS useful ... it's kind of a bit of a mixed blessing kind of thing ...
Orym uses the Sending Stone to send a message to Caleb ... interesting ... and he replies! That's a little meta again ... O.O
Oh yeah, Essek is TOTALLY up for taking a look at Ashton's head ...
Essek: "Huh ... you are something ... very new." Okay ... O.O
A black marble ... interesting ... hopefully it'll be helpful for Ashton in future to focus his powers ...
Oh, so we're making a move, then? Okay ...
Seth's back ... yup, that's smart. Essek is a wanted man, after all ...
Back to the Hellcatch, then ... teleportation ... is this gonna work, then?
They're in a warzone! Crap! What happened?
Crap! That's the bad guys! They don't wanna be here right now! Imogen casts Sending to Keyleth ... SHE'S ALIVE!!! They're in Vasselheim? Okay ... pass it on to Essek! Quick!
A slither? Three feet away? Crap! Get the staff! Quick!
That ALMOST went to shit ... oh fuck, where the hell are they now? Is this a bad place to be?
That's a VERY angry leylined sky ... it's cold, they're in tall pine forest ... near a stone wall, a really BIG one ... if I had to make a guess, looks like they're on target after all ...
Oh yeah ... Braius' gear probably wouldn't go down well here ...
Another Sending to Keyleth ... she tells them to come to the Platinum Sanctuary ... ah ... yeah ... Braius gets VERY fussy with his appearance now ...
Heading to the gates, then ... funny burnt smell ... hmmm ...
Oh, so this is the stink of burned undead, essentially. Yeah ... so there was some kind of "uprising", probably ... charming ...
Okay, so they get in easily, then ... despite Braius being a bit of an idiot ... XD
Vasselheim ... it's been a while ... but it's as gorgeous and majestic and DRAMATIC as ever ...
The Sanctuary ... but OF COURSE it is ...
The Dark Bloom?
Oh fuck! Yeah! The Titan corpse! Nice callback to the grand Campaign 1 climax ... and now it's literally BECOME part of the city ... which makes perfect sense, of course ... that's like SERIOUSLY AWESOME ...
Vanguard prisoners in gibbet cages? Lovely ...
Yes. Essek is VERY deserving of their thanks for EVERYTHING he's done for them recently ...
It's cute that he calls them "bastions of goodness" ... XD
Yeah! Vox Machina callback! WOOP WOOP!!!
The Duskmeadow? Fascinating ... a massive gothic cathedral? Definitely the temple to the Matron ... it's very beautiful ... RAVENS!!! AWESOME!!!
The remains of the recent undead outbreak and their resultant pyres ... charming ... yup, it was the Solstice as we expected ... oh, good point Orym! Thank fuck the Titan didn't stir ... that would've been a NIGHTMARE ...
So it literally WAS Night of the Living Dead ... lovely ...
This is where the survivors of that recent battle have retreated to, then. Hmmmm ... the Heaven's Stair Mountain ... fancy ...
Imogen charges up, starts looking POWERFUL ... hmmm ...
Oh, they're expected? Well that makes things easier, then ...
Escort or police action? I wonder ...
Nice view ... this is still one of the most beautiful places in all of Exandria ...
The Abundant Terrace! Yay! I remember that place very well, that was so cool ...
Ashton: "This whole city is a temple to hubris." Hmmmm ...
Oh, the Dynasty's here? Yeah, I can see how that could be awkward ... so Essek's bailing? Crap ... oh well ... at least they can say a fond farewell, and they know how to get hold of him again ...
Robbie: "You can look at the menu so long as you order from home." WOW ... XD
Officially arriving at the Sanctuary, then ...
Orym leads the way perched on Fearne's shoulder ...
"Professor Emperor" Fearne Calloway ...
Well Grog definitely ain't got any smarter ...
PIKE!!! Yay!
Travis is having an out of body experience right now ... XD
Oh yeah, if ANYONE can clear a path through the crowd right now it's Grog ... LOL
Earthbreaker Groon! Yay!
Allura Vysoren and Lady Kima! Also yay! And Uthodurn are here! Nice ...
Oh hell ... they're all RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE and everybody's looking at them now ... and THIS is where Matt calls it a night! Fitting ...
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twothpaste · 10 months
some PSI headcanons
Ness' PSI developed from a very young age, but never grew powerful enough to do anything particularly impressive 'til he went on his journey. A little bit of clumsy wimpy telekinesis, usually dropping stuff in the process. Mending small cuts & scrapes. Talkin' to dogs. Nothing too flashy, almost mundane even. His efforts to practice or show off usually ended in goofish blunders, or incredulity from others. While his best bud Porky flip-flopped between jealousy and dismissal. So Ness grew up feeling sort of insecure about his abilities. Meeting Paula & Poo was kind of a game changer for him, realizing he really wasn't a lone psychic weirdo.
Paula was well-known for her PSI in Twoson. Practically Ness' opposite, she was a natural child prodigy. Loved to show off her abilities like party tricks, much to the delight and amazement of her community. Her mother encouraged it, kinda parading her around (vicariously soaking up the praise & awe). She's never been ashamed of her powers, but did grow to feel misunderstood & a little taken advantage of when she realized most folks (her mother included) just saw them as a novelty. Her visions of Ness are actually a rare precognitive ability. However, Paula can't exactly provoke visions on command, and can't tell whether or not the futures she sees are set in stone. Since she's got so much proud finesse over her offensive PSI, having little control over her precognition actually frustrates her to no end. Meeting Ness & Poo humbles her, and comes as a huge relief when she finally has fellow psychics in her life who really get it.
Poo's trained with fellow psychics all his life, but was taught only to use his powers under formal discipline. When he meets a little fat kid who telekinetically juggles chicken wings, and a snarky girl who uses PK Thunder for static electricity pranks, he's kind of blown away. The freedom granted by using his powers loosely & Teleporting around the globe cannot be understated. Dude lowkey develops a bit of a rebellious streak, finding crafty ways to employ PSI for fun. He can definitely read minds, which probably unnerves his friends at first. I like to imagine he can't learn PK Fire 'cause it embodies a sort of brazen fury that just isn't present in Poo's character - whereas Thunder and Freeze are more focused and composed.
Lucas n' Claus had latent psychic abilities from birth - but contrasted with Ness' flashback where he was using telekinesis as a baby, I get the impression they were comparatively late bloomers. Maybe due to their hometown upbringing; Tazmily's defined at its core by such a profoundly repressed peace, after all… They could communicate with animals, and assumed everyone else could too (adults lackadaisically humored their babbles about whatever Boney was sayin'). They had a strong telepathic link with each other, and assumed that was just a normal twin thing. It's interesting how trauma, urgency, and an implied survival instinct is what "awakens" their true potential. I could probably make a whole post about that alone, oh no, I'll go on instead.
Since he didn't grow up actively using PSI, Lucas tends to forget he has it, and often overlooks or forgoes its practical applications. He rarely uses telekinesis, he cleans & bandages wounds before recalling he can use Lifeup, he doesn't often consciously employ his empathic abilities. Said empathic abilities are extremely potent, though. Kid picks up on everybody's feelings all the time, and can never quite tell if it's a psychic thing or his anxiety or just his natural compassion for others. He can't actually read the minds of strangers though - the mere possibility is deeply unnerving to him. He can passively hear Claus' thoughts (or ominous lack thereof 😶). And he's at least sorta sensitive to the thoughts of other folks he's grown dearly close to (Kuma, Duster, Flint post-reconciliation, etc).
The Masked Man's powerful PSI is all just tightly-channeled fear and rage and love and despair, so warped beyond recognition that neither he nor his handlers can correctly identify it. Fassad trained him through dubiously brutal methods, forcing him to inflict pain, conditioning his subconscious mind to relish what little power it could wield over its surroundings. My post-canon Claus goes through a long phase where he swears off PSI, afraid of its potential, convinced he doesn't deserve it. Only for it to re-emerge from his fingertips anyways in moments of stress or concern (oops, sorry little dude, it is a fundamental part of who you are). Once Lucas n' Kuma show him how to use it in a healthy way, Claus does a 180, eager to reclaim it. He's got all of the same abilities as Lucas (including Lifeup & Shields, which'd been thoroughly repressed along with the rest of his compassion, before). His empathic capacity is literally the same too - but since Claus ain't nearly as emotionally intelligent as his brother, and his head's usually rattling with his own mess of feelings, he can't often make much sense of other peoples'. It kinda just forms a layer of background noise, which he tends to tune out. As his disabilities progress with age, he grows more comfortable relying on telekinesis.
Kumatora's such a natural psychic, she was literally having telekinetic fire-breathing tantrums as an infant. Which is the main reason why the Tazmilians passed her onto the Magifolk, knowing they'd be able to raise her better than a bunch o' amnesiac bumpkins ever could. Though not exactly structured or formal, her training was baked into her upbringing. Thus, PSI's baked into her everyday lifestyle. It's hard for Kuma not to use her powers casually, to fetch writing utensils from across the room, or heat her tea with PK Fire, or overhear your thoughts and respond to them aloud. (Probably a hilarious challenge when she was posing as Violet). She was the only human psychic she'd ever known, right up until Lucas rolled up packing new powers he was mildly to severely frightened of. It's only thanks to Kuma that he learned how to handle himself with care and confidence. And only thanks to Kuma that the postgame world's got any proper knowledge about PSI. I like to imagine she offers tutelage to any new psychics that may emerge. The one person who's left to bear PSI's history and proper training methods, carrying on a tradition passed down by her guardians…
I headcanon all psychics have telekinesis, but some are better or worse at it than others. And they all have some degree of telepathy, though very few are focused & skilled enough to straight up read minds. Communicating with animals falls somewhere relatively low along the same scale. They can learn techniques from each other (a la the adorable explanation given for Ness & Lucas' Smash Bros movesets) - but it takes a long period of dedicated one-on-one teaching, hence why we don't see it happen during the fast-paced storylines of the Mother games. Though PSI is very uncommon, it isn't really hereditary, and can manifest in literally any rando. But it does appear more often in some locations / populations than others (ie. Dalaam as a place of longstanding psionic spiritual traditions, Nowhere as a blessed place sitting atop a draconic embodiment of the Earth's power, you get the idea 🤷‍♂️). I like to portray it more as a cerebral brain power than a 1-to-1 with fantasy magic. It does have a wishy-washy hippie sorta vibe to it though. Something that comes from a connection to Mother Earth, a way to channel emotions and love and the gift of life itself.
(I personally find M1's explanation for PSI's origin incompatible with the other two games, which both present a much more grounded, ancient, and Earthly take on it. Which is fine, since M2 plays out more like a reboot than a sequel anyways. But in an earnest effort to try and connect the threads, maybe PSI is simply a kind of power that exists within every planet? Thus, when George "steals" the secrets of PSI, he's learning how humans can unlock the powers granted by the Earth, the same way aliens presumably unlocked the powers of their homeworlds?? Who knows.)
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unnervinglyferal · 7 days
Another inside chicken
Nothings wrong with her but we’re thinking of keeping Wonky inside permanently and want him to have a girl and Fried Rice is the best candidate
Her feet were absolutely filthy so she got a bath
We accidentally got all of her wet so she got a full bath instead of just her feet
We had started blow drying her in the last three photos
We let her air dry after that though
She’s gained her fluff back but we need to bathe her again because her butt got poopy and her head needs a scrub because it’s matted with food
Also we tried introducing her to Wonky a bit too soon
He started screaming in rage and fear
He startled the poor girl so much she had a very explosive poo on Mom
We’re going to be very very slowly introducing them now
Fried Rice was very calm though otherwise
She’s a good house chicken
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Ohh fuck I was already delighted by the description alone, but then you mentioned pictures, and now my stash features pics of a chicken getting a bath. She looks so confused but not angry enough to be disappointed. Also she looks like someone turned one of these dogs into a chicken.
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sp00kyrachael · 7 months
yesterday I posted and deleted a sui note
I had some doubts at first about the legitimacy of BIID self diagnosis but after last night I no longer do, that was a *textbook* psychological response to extreme dysphoria and denial of long term relief to that dysphoria.
BIID is body integrity identity disorder. In the simplest terms, it's the medical name for a condition that can manifest many ways, but in the case of myself and many of us in the community, is responsible for wanting to be 24/7 and untrain. Basically, people with BIID feel *body integrity dysphoria*, which is a type of dysphoria (gender dysphoria isn't the only kind) that is experienced as a result of not having a certain *disability*. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. I don't understand it. But I feel it. So much.
The specific disability can vary between people, but it typically presents in a category of loss of a body part, loss of a sensation, loss of control of a part of the body, or loss of mobility. In my case the disability I've randomly latched onto for my BIID is urinary incontinence.
A lot of us feel a *need* to be incontinent. Like our body is wrong for not being incontinent and that untraining isn't just for kink but for making us whole in a way we can't really understand but we just *know*. It's worth looking into BIID on your own and reading more, and seeing if what you find might hit close to home.
What happened to me yesterday was this:
My partner has OCD. Really bad OCD. They are *terrified* of human waste. It used to be just poo, which was fine for me because I don't mess. But over the last 6 months so, it has grown to include urine.
Last night, my partner was in an extremely triggered state. They were about a week off their meds, our dog had peed in the house recently and you could smell it on the air, and I was a few weeks back into 24/7.
I had just organized my diaper stash. I was proud of doing a good job, showed my partner, and brought up that it was a good time to order more since I only have roughly three weeks' worth on hand and we got some spare cash due to some good luck.
In this triggered state the reality of my 24/7 being *forever* finally caught up to them and they *begged* me not to do this. They brought up a bunch of things like how it meant we couldn't do fun things cuz I'd need to change, how it would be impossible to hide, the usual fears that are unfounded. They begged me to get therapy to fix this.
Therapy does not work for BIID. The only "treatment" is to live out the disability.
I said okay, because I love them and I want to make them happy.
So I went off to shower, to clean off my body and throw out my current wet diaper, to put away all my supplies and "take a break from this" as we agreed.
Through it all, I was basically just dissociating. Staring off into space as the shower rolled over me. Eventually cleaning myself only to make my way to the couch and stare into different space.
I opened up Mastodon and posted
"Y'all are great. Might go radio silent for a while."
That was it.
I hadn't chosen a time or method but I was so broken. I knew that a core part of me was passively, *constantly* causing harm to the person I love most. I had agreed to work together to find a solution that makes us both happy but I knew there wasn't one other than 24/7. I knew that I would figure out specifics of how to do it soon.
I walked back to the bedroom.
Apparently while I was catatonic and suicidal, my partner was also deeply upset and had been researching BIID.
"I have been doing some research... and it's possible that you simply... just *are* incontinent."
At those words I went from suicidal to not. Still really hurt, still unsure of the future, but I'd live. We'd figure this out.
We talked a lot, the rest of the night, and more in the morning. I didn't get padded again. They were still so triggered, so hurt, so scared, and I didn't want this part of me to hurt them more.
But after a while, they were endlessly apologizing for the previous night. Saying that they rationally knew most people would just be chill with this, that they understood that my abdl friends' partners were all indifferent and okay with 24/7, that it was *fine* and they were so sorry, so why wasn't I padded again?
I told them my reasons. That I couldnt bear it if something about me was passively and constantly triggering them.
To this they said that seeing me this broken, this emotionless and empty, was worse pain than OCD could ever cause them, the guilt of taking this from me was so deep and they needed me to go back to 24/7. Immediately. That yesterday's concerns seemed so silly today, that it's fucking normal and fine and it's treatment for my BIID, a real medical need, and they need treatment for their OCD to prevent that kind of trigger, that I don't need to sacrifice and harm myself to appease it.
Getting padded again was an instant mood flip. I was myself again immediately. Walking around the house singing and being silly and playing with the dogs like nothing had even happened, like we had never had this conversation.
I was able to pick up their meds this afternoon, meds that they had been skipping, and confirmed that their therapy was on our shared calendar so they won't miss it.
We have not spoken about this situation since, we have been having a wonderful rest of the day, it's really okay now. This was body integrity dysphoria and the prospect of never treating it pushed me over the edge. It's real and should be taken seriously.
I'm glad to still be here.
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imjustfallinlove · 6 months
this is more a reminder for myself but:
stop gazing in envy of the people doing cute ass weird doodles. you do that. just share them. that’s literally the difference. it’s fine just share your weird poo boy or your armhole man or cactus dog or whatever. it’s fine. life is too short to live in *that* much fear
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octopusoptimusprime · 2 years
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firespirited · 1 year
well, the answer was to just let myself be sad. in between the pretty flowers and lovely dogs and cool finds.
There’s nothing you can do to convince someone to love you or even show basic humanity if they’ve decided not to, there’s no magic formula or heart changing speech and that’s tragic. and every now and then it’s going to hit me like a truck and... fair enough.
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This is Gargouille, he’s nervous. he lives opposite a very anxious dog who’s pretty much lost it and spends the day yelling at things and running up and down. Every day, that as far as he’ll come. I’ve been greeting him and leaving treats for weeks, sometimes I’ll put Talia in my arms so they can see each other.
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Today he took his treats, gently deposited it them on the floor (too boring) and wanted to sniff us instead. Progress! Talia wasn’t so sure but it was their first face to face meet.
I don’t have photos of big black girl dog that lives a few houses up from recently but I always announce I’m coming around the corner so she’s not surprised and she gets a treat too, she’s a gentle giant who’ll take it from your fingers like she could carry an egg in her mouth and not break it. Now that she doesn’t woof that big boom of a woomph in surprise, Talia isn’t so spooked.
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Lily has recovered from her injury enough to do a 1500m walk which is my absolute limit too. I was worried about her as she communicates a lot less (she isn’t vocal at all anymore) but we’ve managed to establish yes/no for if she’s feeling ok, if she’s had enough and if she wants to be carried up or down stairs (”no” is standing completely still and looking away). She remains blissfully chill about other animals, obsessed with smelling things and eating rubbish. No fear of cars which means I can’t take my eyes off her for five seconds - I’ll be picking up her poo and she’s wandering into the middle of the road and fighting me when I try and reel her in. I love her to bits but she thinks she’s bulletproof.
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I need to change bags to be able to carry a small water bottle but mine lacks enough pockets so today’s find was great: a well-made pleather handbag that had reached it’s pleather decay date. I made space on the floor to keep all the flaking in one contained zone and removed the stainless steel hardware (heavy stuff!), cut out the solid lining and several zipped pockets (currently in the wash) which I’ll be sewing into my own thick denim and nylon strap bag.
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I’ve also ordered a foldable cane, my left hip isn’t getting less painful despite the muscles being stronger. Abdominal exercises are postponed from May until June. If it’s still bad in June, I need to consult with the physio - these are lying down exercises where I hug myself to avoid using the shoulders but when the pain starts shooting, the shoulders and pecs kick in anyway. Progress is that I can briefly suck my belly in which I couldn’t do at all before. not nothing, not amazing when I really do need that part of my abdomen to start carrying it’s weight. With a foldable cane I won’t have to use it (and, well, the left shoulder - you see my problem?) most of the time, just when it gets bad enough that i’m limping/shuffling, it’s also for the social signal.
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razrgrl · 2 years
House training the agoraphobic dog
Sir Wigglebottom and I are becoming fast friends, but we are still struggling with one issue: potty training.
I don't call it housebreaking because His Fluffiness understands that he isn't supposed to be doing his thing on the carpets. The problem is his deep and abiding fear of going outside (especially in the cold). When he goes out, he is completely focused on losing his sh*t... and forgets to, you know, lose his sh*t.
Until he comes back in the house, of course. Then he remembers and frantically looks around for somewhere out of the way to empty himself.
The other problem is that he can't figure out how to tell me he needs to go out. Of course, he doesn't really want to go out because he's scared of outside but OMG he has to pee sooo bad and his bowels are starting to make funny noises.
I was musing over this as I was on my knees this morning, cleaning up a truly amazing quantity of wet, smelly poo off my living room carpet as Sir Wigglebottom stared at me, terrified, from his nice safe crate.
(I resisted posting a photo of the mess. You're welcome.)
He is still a sweetheart and I love him to death but... wow, dog.
Just... wow.
I start with a professional trainer tomorrow. Keep all of your fingers crossed that she can help. If not, I might have to look into a doggy litter box (which do exist).
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elefinofficial · 3 months
Speaking Out Against Dog Worship: Why It Matters to Challenge Today's Over-the-Top Canine Culture
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In recent years, dog worship has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. Dogs are cherished, pampered, and often treated as superior to humans. While loving pets is natural, the extreme adoration of dogs can lead to unhealthy societal trends. Speaking up against this culture, despite inevitable backlash, is crucial for fostering balanced perspectives and respectful coexistence. Here’s why it’s important to challenge today’s over-the-top dog worship culture. The Rise of Dog Worship Dogs have long been considered man’s best friend. Their perceived loyalty, companionship, and unconditional love make them beloved pets for some. However, the current dog-worshipping culture of today goes beyond appreciation. It places dogs on a pedestal, often at the expense of human relationships and responsibilities. From dog-friendly restaurants and exclusive pet spas to extravagant dog parties, the societal shift towards canine adulation is evident. While it’s wonderful to care for pets, this trend can overshadow important human connections and community values. Impact on Human Relationships One of the most concerning aspects of extreme dog worship is its potential to undermine human relationships. In many cases, people prioritize their dogs over friends, family, and even romantic partners. This imbalance can lead to strained relationships and social isolation. For instance, declining invitations or avoiding social gatherings because of pet obligations can create distance between individuals. Or saying things like "I won't stop my dog from jumping on guests when they come over because this is his (the dog's) home." Prioritizing pets over people diminishes the importance of human interactions, which are essential for emotional well-being and societal harmony. Environmental and Ethical Concerns The dog-worship culture also raises significant environmental and ethical issues. The production of pet food, particularly meat-based products, has a substantial ecological footprint. The carbon emissions and resources required for pet food production contribute to environmental degradation. Dogs litter the earth with their toxic waste (poo & pee) that not only ruins humans' ability to freely roam in grassy areas as they fear stepping in a hot steaming pile of poo, but their urine also literally causes the grass to die and turn an unhealthy yellow color. Moreover, the fashion of owning specific breeds often leads to unethical breeding practices. Puppy mills and irresponsible breeding contribute to overpopulation and the suffering of countless dogs as they are forced to live their life in kennels. Speaking out against these practices encourages responsible pet ownership and supports animal welfare. Financial Implications The financial burden of extreme dog pampering cannot be overlooked. Americans spend billions annually on their pets, often on non-essential luxury items. This expenditure reflects a cultural shift where dogs receive more attention and resources than necessary, potentially diverting funds from more critical areas like education, healthcare, and community development. While it’s essential to provide for pets, the extravagant spending on canine luxuries exemplifies societal excess. Promoting a balanced approach to pet care ensures that resources are allocated more responsibly and equitably. Encouraging a Balanced Perspective Challenging dog worship is not about diminishing the value of pets but promoting a balanced perspective. Pets are a wonderful part of life, but they should not overshadow human needs and relationships. Encouraging a healthy balance helps maintain societal harmony and individual well-being. When speaking up against over-the-top dog worship, it's important to emphasize the benefits of a balanced approach. Highlighting the value of human connections, responsible pet ownership, and mindful spending fosters a more holistic view of pet care and societal values. Facing the Backlash Undoubtedly, speaking out against extreme dog worship will attract criticism. Dog enthusiasts may perceive this stance as an attack on their love for their pets. However, constructive dialogue is crucial. It’s about addressing the cultural excess and advocating for balanced, responsible pet ownership. Facing backlash is part of advocating for change. Staying firm and presenting well-reasoned arguments can shift perspectives over time. Encourage open discussions and listen to opposing views to foster understanding and mutual respect. Conclusion: Advocating for Balanced Pet Appreciation Challenging today’s over-the-top dog worship culture is essential for promoting balanced perspectives, ethical practices, and societal well-being. By advocating for responsible pet ownership, prioritizing human relationships, and addressing environmental and financial concerns, we can foster a culture that values both pets and people appropriately. Embrace the challenge and continue speaking up. Your voice matters in shaping a more balanced and thoughtful society, where the love for pets coexists harmoniously with human connections and broader societal responsibilities. Read the full article
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petnews2day · 1 year
Limited support in North Tawton for dog exercise field
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/1RQdc
Limited support in North Tawton for dog exercise field
Yet, other residents, including several dog owners, said they did not believe there was a need for one nor was it the council’s responsibility to provide one. Furthermore, some raised concerns over the maintenance of such land and a fear that the field could become a dog poo minefield if owners failed to dispose of […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/1RQdc #DogNews
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dreams232434 · 2 years
Dreaming of dog poop means money
Longing for stool or going to the restroom is a fairly standard event.
It demonstrates that your self image, as well as your pride, is being tried. Assuming you long for looseness of the bowels, it implies that something in your life is crazy. At the point when you have a fantasy affecting others having the runs, it implies now is the right time to have some time off and contemplate a task. Is really advantageous your time?
Dung in a latrine could be a piece of your fantasy.
Dreaming of dog poop means money, there's crap. Seen Crap spreading his dung all around the latrine. In a fantasy, dung was cleaned all around the floor. Assuming that positive enhancements are coming.
You are accountable for your funds. You do whatever it takes not to be concerned any more. Definite dream understanding. This fantasy might portray some type of solitary way of behaving. What have you been doing as of late? Have you been keeping the guidelines? What parts of your life could you at any point modify to find a place with society?
The fantasy about feces represents the risk of not paying attention to other people, and the outcomes of this fantasy incorporate a deficiency of control. Think about your new exercises; this is basic since it is the main way for you to work on personally - both on the all around! In the event that you see another person go to the washroom, it implies you're crazy in a circumstance where somebody needs to help you.
Assuming you track down fertilizer, crap, or excrement in a latrine that isn't your own, it implies that a coworker is revolting. In the event that this splatters all around the latrine, it shows a fear of monetary obligation and expected monetary worries.
This fantasy is related with a horrendous involvement in others and may suggest that you are endeavoring to beat a troublesome issue in your regular routine. It underscores the significance of being effortless later on.
Excrement in a fantasy are an image of extraordinary success and favorable luck in business. Seeing them on a wall shows that you will get a surprising advantage. This may be a critical amount of cash.
Is Crap in a Fantasy an Indication of Riches?
Indeed, dreaming about stool is an effective method for getting cash. In any case, contemplate how you're feeling. Dreaming that you are dealing with compost as though it were cash and that you are frightened by it demonstrates that you have negative feelings about a specific kind of revenue. You hate clients or clients who have given you cash or carried on with work.
What's the significance here to Clean Crap?
Longing for washing fertilizer or poo from others' or alternately creatures' dung or squanders utilizing cleanser and blanch infers that you will make a solid effort to tidy up after another person's mistake. Nonetheless, you will regularly be compensated monetarily for your cleanup endeavors.
What's the significance here to Step on Crap? Crap is venturing into a fantasy.
It shows that you will have a fair plan of karma with your business or errands overall. This favorable luck, then again, regularly comes looking like an unforeseen agreement. An old client, for instance, can unexpectedly add to a current request. You can likewise run over another famous item by some coincidence. On the other hand, you might secure open doors and capacities that support your general compensation or pay.
What's the significance here to Clear Excrement Off Your Shoes?
On the off chance that you clear the dung off your shoes, it implies you won't get as much cash-flow since you would rather not manage the undesirable parts of the gig.
What's the significance here to Hold Crap?
Longing for dung and dealing with or grasping defecation implies you're accomplishing something working that makes you self-conscious. Your manager or clients might request that you perform errands that you consider immaterial. Notwithstanding, you should do it to bring in cash. Assuming you're genuinely throwing your junk at a person or thing, it's conceivable that somebody took advantage of you, all things considered.
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chinahatbeach · 2 years
Thoughts for Today
Sunday. First day of daylight savings time. Bleh. I went to bed at 10 pm and I woke up at 4:18 am. I did not want to rise and shine at that time, so I laid in bed, prayed for folks, and got a bit more sleep. I then woke up once again at 5:50 am and that was it. Done. I might as well get up and get going on my day. I beat the dog alarm clock. I think she was shocked that mom was up and at em’ before her.
I had great plans for an assortment of things to do today. Had. I am sitting here drinking my coffee and don’t feel inspired to do much of nothing today. I feel spent. My outlook has changed for today. I’ve found that my vision on many things have changed lately. And I can make a list of those things…..
Don’t need stuff. Yes, food is important and general things to make life go well are important but stuff…I don’t need clutter or crap. A good book, a hot cup of whatever, and my place on the couch.
Making time for people. Time is precious. It goes too quickly. Make the most of moments with friends and relatives. Don’t waste time of things that really don’t matter.
Change what makes you a better person. Don’t hold on to anger, don’t hold on to regret, and don’t beat yourself up over things in life that happen.
Be happy.
My list could get longer. It probably will. I allow myself grace. I will allow myself to change my thoughts and emotions.
Yesterday opened a few doors to my brain that said, “enough waiting for some day.” I shall do what makes me happy. You see, I have a friend who is very ill and my heart hurts for her. It is to the point where I pray for God’s healing touch and help in her life. She can’t enjoy simple things in life right now. And that is so unfair to her.
So, why do we wait? Why? Some day might not come and we wasted time washing dishes or doing mundane things. We miss out on adventures with people. And I am done wasting time on mundane things. I am done with fear of what if’s. I will continue to work my jobs as that pays the bills. I won’t sell everything off and live in a VW van and travel like a hippy. But, I won’t wait for tomorrow but live the most in this day right here, right now.
I was asked a week or so ago when I planned on retiring. I never have thought about retiring. Retire from what? Retire from doing the laundry, dishes, cooking, or all the boring chores of life. Hey, those chickens aren’t gonna clean up their poo and the cats aren’t going to clean their cat litter boxes.
I am going to retire from waiting to retire. I am going to live each day enjoying that day……. eat off the good dishes, use the silverware, drink a cup of sugarfree cocoa mid-afternoon. I shall drive off to an adventure with my dogs (as long as I feed them a French fry or two). Maybe I won’t travel on cruise ships to places (I don’t have a desire to do that at all) but I might take a road less travelled and find flowers to take pictures of or the beauty of a blue sky. I need to charge my camera battery and have it with me to take pictures of the elk herd that grazes in the field along the highway.
And most importantly, I want to live my life with purpose. And that purpose is loving Jesus, being an open vessel to help others, and going where God wants me to go.
I pray that this day finds you hope, joy, and love. A day of rest, reflection on your soul, and happiness.
And that’s the way it is……….
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animal25 · 2 years
Poodle Husky Mix: Dog Breed, Pictures, Character, Facts & Special Info
The Poodle Husky Mix is a mixed breed dog- a cross between the Siberian Husky and Poodle dog types. largely intelligent, full of energy, and sociable, these pups have inherited some of the stylish traits from both their parents. Huskypoodles go by numerous names, including Siberian poo, Pulaski, Siberian poodle, and husky.
The Poodle Husky is a mixed breed dog a cross between the Siberian Husky and Poodle dog types. Largely intelligent, full of energy, and sociable, these pups inherited some of the stylish traits from both of their parents.
Huskydoodles go by several names, including Siberpoo, Poosky, Dogtime.com, Siberian Poodle, and Huskypoo. Despite their unfortunate status as a developer strain, you may find these mixed breed dogs in shelters and breed-specific deliverances, so flashback to adopt! Don’t shop!
Vital Status of Poodle Husky Mix:
Dog Breed GroupMixed Breed DogsHeight12 to 25 inchesWeight40 to 60 poundsLife Span10 to 14 years
Poodle Husky Mix Dog Breed characteristic:
Contrary to popular belief, small size does not inescapably an apartment canine make. plenitude of small tykes is too high- energy and yappy for life in a high-rise. Being quiet, low energy, fairly calm indoors, and polite with the other residents are each good rates in an apartment canine.
Adapts Well To Apartment Living:
Good For Novice Owners:
Some tykes are simply easier than others; they take to training better and are fairly easygoing. They are also flexible enough to bounce back from your miscalculations or inconsistencies.
Tykes who are largely sensitive, independent thinking, or assertive may be harder for a first-time canine parent to manage. You will get your stylish match if you take your canine-retaining experience into account as you choose your new doggy.
Sensitivity Level:
Some dogs will let a stern reprimand roll off their backs, while others take even a dirty look to heart. Low-sensitivity dogs, also called “Easygoing,” “Tolerant,” “Resilient,” and even “Thick-Skinned,” can better handle a noisy, chaotic household, a louder or more assertive owner, and an inconsistent OR variable routine.
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Tolerates Being Alone:
Some types bond veritably nearly with their family and are more prone to worry or indeed fear when left alone by their proprietor. An anxious canine can be veritably destructive– barking, whining, biting, and else causing mayhem. These types do best when a family member is a home during the day or if you can take the canine to work.
Tolerates Cold Weather:
Types with veritably short fleeces and little or no hair or body fat, similar to Greyhounds, are vulnerable to the cold wave. tykes with a low cold wave forbearance need to live inside in cool climates and should have a jacket or sweater for chilly walks.
more details:https://animalatoz.com/poodle-husky-mix/
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survey--s · 2 years
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Do you often find yourself eating just because you're bored? Not so much anymore, but I used to be really bad for that. But I put on a fair bit of weight (only controlled 'cause I do a lot of exercise) and I felt awful. I've been eating better since the beginning of the month and I already feel a million times happier.
Have you ever peed with the bathroom door open? Sure, all the time. I only live with my husband though so it's really no big deal that he sees me on the toilet.
Have you ever heard of the Japanese Chin dog breed before this survey? I have, but I honestly couldn't tell you what they look like.
Have you or anyone you know been to rehab? Nope.
Do you wish your family was bigger or smaller? When I was younger I always wanted siblings, but nowadays I really don't mind either way as all my family live overseas.
Are you a sex addict? No. Pretty much the total opposite, lol.
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend taken from you? You can't steal a person.
If so, what would you like to do to the person who took them from you? ----
Have you ever been cheated on? If so, have you forgiven them? Yes.
Quick! Tell me the name of your favorite movie. Garden State.
Are you a teen mom? I am not.
Say you had a baby with the last person you touched, what's the last name? The same as my own surname.
Do you wear make up? Not really - only if we're going for a nice meal or something.
Do you wear water bras? No.
If you aren't a girl, have you ever stuffed your pants? .
Have you ever sent an anon hate message, be honest now. Nope, that's such a shitty way to beside.
Biggest fear, pick ONE. Getting dementia.
The only place your singing sounds good is in the shower. True or false? Haha, my singing also sounds amazing in the car. Would you let someone give you a golden shower for a million dollars? If I could pick the person, I'm not gonna lie - yes LOL. That's a life-changing amount of money.
If not, how much money would they have to pay you? .
Have you ever swung on a tire swing? Yeah, my friends had one when I was growing up and I absolutely loved it. I always thought they were great fun.
Have you ever swung on a swing so high, you feared your life? No.
Best quality in a guy, pick one. A good sense of humour. Describe your perfect first date. Something fun and interactive - like a games arcade or similar.
Is this the Krusty Krab? No, this is Patrick.
First thing that comes to your mind when I say Giggity. The dude from Family Guy.
What's the grossest thing that dogs do? Eat shit, roll in shit...Archie once found a dead fox up the woods and he peed on it, pooed on it and rolled in it LOL. Mike drove him home with all the window open and soaked him with the hosepipe, hah.
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animala2z · 2 years
Poodle Husky Mix: Dog Breed, Pictures, Character, Facts & Special Info
The Poodle Husky Mix is a mixed breed dog- a cross between the Siberian Husky and Poodle dog types. largely intelligent, full of energy, and sociable, these pups have inherited some of the stylish traits from both their parents. Huskypoodles go by numerous names, including Siberian poo, Pulaski, Siberian poodle, and husky.
The Poodle Husky is a mixed breed dog a cross between the Siberian Husky and Poodle dog types. Largely intelligent, full of energy, and sociable, these pups inherited some of the stylish traits from both of their parents.
Huskydoodles go by several names, including Siberpoo, Poosky, Dogtime.com, Siberian Poodle, and Huskypoo. Despite their unfortunate status as a developer strain, you may find these mixed breed dogs in shelters and breed-specific deliverances, so flashback to adopt! Don’t shop!
Vital Status of Poodle Husky Mix:
Dog Breed GroupMixed Breed DogsHeight12 to 25 inchesWeight40 to 60 poundsLife Span10 to 14 years
Poodle Husky Mix Dog Breed characteristic:
Contrary to popular belief, small size does not inescapably an apartment canine make. plenitude of small tykes is too high- energy and yappy for life in a high-rise. Being quiet, low energy, fairly calm indoors, and polite with the other residents are each good rates in an apartment canine.
Adapts Well To Apartment Living:
Good For Novice Owners:
Some tykes are simply easier than others; they take to training better and are fairly easygoing. They are also flexible enough to bounce back from your miscalculations or inconsistencies.
Tykes who are largely sensitive, independent thinking, or assertive may be harder for a first-time canine parent to manage. You will get your stylish match if you take your canine-retaining experience into account as you choose your new doggy.
Sensitivity Level:
Some dogs will let a stern reprimand roll off their backs, while others take even a dirty look to heart. Low-sensitivity dogs, also called “Easygoing,” “Tolerant,” “Resilient,” and even “Thick-Skinned,” can better handle a noisy, chaotic household, a louder or more assertive owner, and an inconsistent OR variable routine.
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Tolerates Being Alone:
Some types bond veritably nearly with their family and are more prone to worry or indeed fear when left alone by their proprietor. An anxious canine can be veritably destructive– barking, whining, biting, and else causing mayhem. These types do best when a family member is a home during the day or if you can take the canine to work.
Tolerates Cold Weather:
Types with veritably short fleeces and little or no hair or body fat, similar to Greyhounds, are vulnerable to the cold wave. tykes with a low cold wave forbearance need to live inside in cool climates and should have a jacket or sweater for chilly walks.
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