mirageofthecrystal · 2 years
Junelezen 2022 - Day 1 I Introduction
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Ser Faiolan of the Minor House Penderghast, Knight of the Heaven's Ward, has played many roles. From a kid dreaming of adventure he followed a path fraught with danger, betrayal, love, loss, fear, misery, bloodlust, vengeance, justice, and countless other triumphs and defeats. Sometimes bent but never broken, Faiolan has risen above all these things to become the man he was meant to be, one who protects his people and his loved ones without a second thought to how he endangers himself. His strength of character, of arms, and of will has guided him through trial and tribulation to stand amongst the people of Ishgard, Eorzea, and lands further afield as a defender of that which is right and just.
Born in Ishgard to lesser noble House, he has always lived to a high standard set by his parents and by the expectations of his people. Escaping imprisonment for allegations of heresy and enduring a self-imposed exile to Ul'dah where he was forced to trade blade and blood for gil in order to survive. Serving the heretics and so-called traitors of his people in order to bring the light of justice upon a deceptive regime during the Dragonsong War. Fighting the Empire in Ala Mhigo to gain independence for a people not his own, but ones who had similarly had their pride and their spirit twisted and crushed by those who saw themselves as superior. Standing as a bulwark against the horrors and miseries ushered in by the Final Days, never losing himself to that same despair which would consume so many others, even after losing one whom he cared for most.
These are but a few of the moments that have shaped Faiolan into who he is, and yet who he will become is yet to be seen. He has set aside all that he has ever known in search of himself, whether that be who he was all along, or perhaps a version of himself he has yet to discover. The path has been long and winding, and yet I hope dearly that he finds solace at its end... or at least the answers he seeks.
To understand the man, we must walk along that path, and to see where it ends, we must take our place at its beginning. A month dedicated to the elezen of Eorzea, which I shall use to tell what I can of the tale of Faiolan Penderghast.
Happy Junelezen, folks!
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lallafell · 2 years
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🏳️‍🌈happy pride from lala and beni!! 🏳️‍🌈
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vaelir-alatori · 3 years
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Ul’dah by Night
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katalinhunter · 2 years
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This month’s production will be a musical showcase - come out and enjoy the show! When: 4/30 @ 9pm Eastern! Where: Lavender Beds Ward 10 House 3 (Mateus!)
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pidgeon-sorrel · 3 years
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Pidgeon x Lorh ( @grandcompany )
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dancing-phoenix · 2 years
The Lightless Enclave Is Now Recruiting!
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The Lightless Enclave is a new free company formed with the desire to provide aid to the ongoing crisis in Eorzea and looking for qualified individuals to help build a better world. With the recent news from Mor Dhona going public, it’s time for us to step up and help build a better future for Etheirys and the people who call the star home. In times like these, the world needs a new group that simply won’t compromise when it comes to doing what’s right.. And that’s easier to do with a group of individuals with a bit more talent than what may meet the eye.
We have:
Multiple factions to fit any character
Roleplay-driven Character Progression
We can be found on Mateus in the Mist, plot 58 in ward 15.
For more information take a look at our CARRD!
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brandyinsanity · 3 years
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✨New PS4 Skins✨
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idanwyn-et-al · 2 years
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The Nixie: A Curious Galleon and her Oddly Lush pirate playground Dockhouse. 
When she sails into her home slip in Vylbrand, the Free Trader Nixie turns a fair many beachgoer’s head. She seems too light in the water for her ponderous size: her mainmast encased entirely in crystal; her wooden decks threaded with cermet and darksteel; billowing, well-tended sails above and Garlean-inspired ceruleum engines below.  Rumor has it that the ship is haunted, though each retelling’s specifics vary, different hues of the same leaded-glass window. Some say the old Captain never really died, and her niece is merely covering for her, communing with her in secret. Others say that the ghosts of hundreds of namazu fill the decks at all hours with the squeaking candor of their fins. Still others claim the ship has captured a sea monster of eld, using it to power the peculiar vessel.
Whatever the truth may be, the Nixie’s crew isn’t too forthcoming to many about it, leaving passengers and visitors alike to draw their own conclusions. All are welcome to visit the ship when she’s in her home port, whether it’s to seek passage, to have a shipment delivered, or to enroll with the crew for adventures into uncharted territory. 
|| The Nixie is located on Mateus at Mist, Ward 14, Plot 6, and is the home of the Uncharted Territory FC. The house’s exterior is our dockhouse, gardens, and cafe, while the interior, unsurprisingly, is the ship’s interior. The Nixie’s current IC location can be seen in the Message from the Owner section of our guestbook; we always update it during FC events! || Some more info, including RP and recruitment info, under the cut!
Though the carrd and some restructuring are still in the works (though very close to completion), we are looking to recruit, and will begin doing so in earnest fairly soon (probably May, 2022). The goal will still be to have a smaller FC (50 people at the absolute max), so we’re also looking for other FCs or individuals who might want to RP with us who might not necessarily want to join a crazy haunted ship’s crew.
As far as FC recruitment goes, we are looking for roleplayers that are: 30+; that have an interest in running events as well as participating at least once every other Sunday; that enjoy the PvE aspect of this game to stay current on the story and locations, which we very much use IC; and are generally sociable people who also don’t mind people being quiet and doing their own things. 
IC-wise, we are a motley crew indeed, and can work pretty much any story into our crew’s. We do definitely need a dedicated medic, though. We even have a clinic for you! Not that we get into a lot of trouble out there or anything...
I didn’t plan for this to become RP recruitment post junior, but here we are. If you’re at all interested, please feel free to reply here, send me a DM, or contact me on discord at esper#3592. Thanks for looking!
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vivalahoni · 2 years
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Awesome piece picked up along the way from https://artistsnclients.com/
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revnaarvantis · 3 years
Looking For Contact
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Edited on 2022/01/11
general information—— —
FULL NAME: Revna Arvantis
AGE: 20
BIRTHDAY: 28th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
RACE: Half Hyur, half Viera
GENDER: Female
Personality—— —
When describing this half-Rava half Hyur, many would describe Revna as calm. She’s not all that talkative unless she's particularly fond of you, instead preferring to sit and watch the world and the people around, commonly sketching anything that may catch her eye. She’s not one to easily anger either, possessing a rather thick skin. Revna is not one to often fight without reason, and she’s not one to be goaded into the fight. Should one find themselves with Revna as an opponent however, they will quickly find that she is more than capable of holding her own; possessing the natural strength and speed of a Viera.
physical appearance—— —
HAIR: Snow white
EYES: Right eye lavender, left eye ice blue
BUILD: Toned
personal information—— —
PROFESSION: Mercenary/Voidsent Hunter/Performer
HOBBIES: Writing, drawing/painting, singing, song-writing, playing piano or lute, hunting, tracking
SKILL(S): Archery, gunbreaking, martial arts, firearms (machinist)
LANGUAGE(S): Common & whatever the Viera may speak, thanks to her mother
RESIDENCE: La Noscea, the Mist
BIRTHPLACE:  La Noscea, the Mist
FEARS: Suffocating darkness, enclosed spaces, being the center of attention, being forgotten
relationships—— —
PARENTS: Rhiver ( @hollowedscythedancer ) & Gunther Arvantis
SIBLINGS: Alexander Arvantis
ACQUAINTANCES/FRIENDS: Sirius Tia ( @thecrimsoncavalier ), Sypha Sirius ( @dancing-phoenix ), Xephanos ( @the-exiled-veteran ), Silas Tia ( @star-crossed-spellblade ), Z’zanyi Zosha
traits—— —
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
•assertive / timid / in between
Additional Information
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION:  https://ravenscharacters.carrd.co/#revna
VOICE CLAIM(S): Emma Stone
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
IN-GAME NAME: Revna Arvantis
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kiara-nocturne · 3 years
Pirates of Eorzea <YOHO!> is now open!
Pirates of Eorzea «YOHO!» is a casual pirate-themed light to heavy roleplay FC on Mateus. 
We are not centered around a specific crew, but rather a RP community for any and all pirate-related characters. Whether you're a pirate of the sea or sky, a captain of your own ship or merely looking to join a crew, you have a place here! Roleplayers of all skill levels are welcome, and we seek to facilitate the whole range from casual to heavy RP. We enjoy the game itself as well, so we also run content!
We are a brand new FC, so we're still working on getting things set up and established but we're officially open! If the idea of helping to build the foundation of a new RP group sounds appealing to you, we'd love to have you join us! We currently do not have FC housing, but instead using a personal apartment as an unofficial pirate hangout until then. We also plan to run group RP events in the future, and anyone else is absolutely free (and encouraged!) to run their own events as well!
Our aim is to create a fun, casual pirate-themed RP group where you can roleplay as much or as little as you'd like - no penalties for inactivity or not participating! We understand life can happen, that people can't always make it to events, we take breaks from playing, and sometimes people just want to play the game instead. We want to create a space where you get to participate and RP with others at your own pace! This also means we enjoy running game content, as well as OOC social activities through our discord server (movie nights, voice chats, other games, etc!).
We also welcome: - NON RPers: if you'd like to be a part of our group, that's good enough! - NON MEMBERS: you don't have to join our FC to be a part of our adventures! We love to have contacts, allies, partners, enemies, rivals, privateers, etc! - ALTS: feel free to dump in your alt characters for the buffs!
―――― ♫ ――――
If you’re interested or would like more info, feel free to message me (Kiara Nocturne) or Bouviere Belmont ( @blackserpentine ) or join our discord server! https://discord.gg/vJdBgmZC9u
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mirageofthecrystal · 2 years
Junelezen 2022 - Day 6 I Dreams of Ice
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"I still recall the day I met the infamous Lady Iceheart as if it were only yesterday. The crusty basement of an old, forgotten manor house, standing before a blasphemous shrine, she stood in all her glory.
She spoke to me of truth, of justice, and of peace. She revealed to me the real history of our people, or at the least the version of it show to her by the power of the blessing of Hydaelyn that she bore, and opened my eyes to the grievous misdoings of our ancestors. She cared not for my prior service in slaughtering her people or the dragons to whom she wished to resolve matters of war. She saw us all as misguided, being lied to our entire lives to breed hatred and animosity to a foe we ourselves forged by our deeds.
And when the truth was at last told, she made no orders, no threats. She merely asked for my service unto her mission of piece. If I were to refuse, I was free to return to the life I had carved out for myself, though she also likely knew what that left held for me. I saw in her an enigma, a woman who was not born into leadership, but one who had walked upon a path that she was forced to build stone by stone until she reached the destination she sought.
I learned of the darkness within, that which lurked in the heart of all who bled for Ishgard, and which was awakened by the heretics in their fight against the Holy See. The blood of dragons pumped through our veins, manifesting itself over the ages since King Thordan and his knights profaned our people with sin. It was that darkness that called to me, that sought to bring destruction in its wake, to spill the blood of any and all who stood in my way. Ancient blood roused by conflict, answering a call not consciously given.
When my uncle first told me his wish, to bring me before the leader of the heretics, I scoffed. I thought him mad, and then I thought him a foul traitor. The accusations against my family had, in my mind, some credence to them if the most noble of us had fallen under the sway of the dragons.
But Artemoux, as stoic as ever, swore that it was not until after the church's lies sought to break our House did he finally begin seeing between the lines. And so earnestly was his plea that I agreed to follow his guidance, away from this place where my life was only measured by how much longer I could evade a dagger in the back. And so we made the lengthy journey, by carriage and then by foot, to the highlands beyond the Holy See, among the snowdrifts and memories of a time long forgotten.
For those who read this memoir, you likely know the truth I have alluded to which Lady Iceheart spread amongst any who would listen, poising them against their own countrymen in a war of ideals. It is also likely that you know of her ultimate fate, and how even after her beliefs were shaken to their core, she fought on for a peace she would never see. To this day, I think back upon her words, her deeds, and all that which she fought for, and I know that despite all the challenges it brought, all the strife that Ishgard endured in the course of change, that it was all worth it in the end.
There is no other person that I could imagine that could so embody Saint Shiva, she who many still cast the aspersions of our forebears upon as queen of the heretics and one who lay with a mortal foe. No one else could possibly have carried the hope of both Ishgard and dragon within her heart so fervently and so graciously until the bitter end as she.
Thus did I join her Harriers, in service to the heretics which Ishgard so fiercely sought to stamp out. I knew not at the time that I also stood in opposition to the Warrior of Light, who hunted us alongside our blindly faithful brethren in bold attempts to capture or kill our dear Lady and put an end to her righteous mission. Far beyond thankful I am that righteousness truly did prevail, and that the mighty defender of Eorzea did not strike her down that day when she forged of herself a vessel for the Primal known as Shiva."
- Excerpt from the personal journal and accounts of Ser Faiolan Penderghast, Knight of the Heaven's Ward
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lallafell · 2 years
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Ishgardian Streets!
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vaelir-alatori · 2 years
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Lord help me, I’ve gotten so into writing for my Xaela girl Khorchi that I’ve gone and made a bunch of reaction images for her.
It’s the starry freckles that get me, I think.
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katalinhunter · 2 years
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Scenes from Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny
This was a blast, I hope everyone had as much fun as we did!
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pidgeon-sorrel · 3 years
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Pidgeon Sorrel & Iroka Komiya ( @violetlypurple ) in the rain
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