inmyminditsreal · 1 year
Solving crimes and crushes
Fem!reader x spencer reid
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Word count: 1.8k
Summary: You're filling in for an agent at the BAU, but are surprised to find you like one of the team members a little too much.
It was early morning when you got a call from your old friend Aaron. You hadn't spoken to him in a while, so you almost instantly pick up.
"Hey Aaron is everything alright? you don't normally call out of nowhere.” you say, a little more excited than you should've. 
"Yeah Y/n everything is fine except one of our teammates got injured in the field and is currently in the Hospital. I was wondering if you could fill in for her? That is, if you’re not too busy.” He says in a timid voice. 
“I would love to fill in, how is your teammate? Is she alright?” you respond. 
“She’s in stable condition as of now. Her name is Agent Jareau. You were also wondering if you could come in today. You already knew where the office is.” he replies. 
“Of course, I'm on my way.”you say before hanging up and almost running to grab your keys. 
In the car you're starting to get nervous. Are they gonna like you? Well, they don’t even know you, and you're filling in for their hurt friend. You wouldn't exactly be chipper to meet you if you were them. 
Arriving at the office, you're met with an elevator with a lot of floors.
“Shit”, you mumble under your breath. You pull out my phone and send a quick text to Aaron saying,
“Which floor is it again? So confused.”
he responds saying, “6th.”
You press the button and hope that you make a good impression. 
You walk in and meet a very nice woman with colorful clothes you learn whose name is Penelope Garcia. She walks you to Aarons office but she calls him Hotch. You guess now you would have to as well.
“Y/n!” Aaron said brightly “It's great to see you, I see you’ve already met Penelope” he added gesturing to Penelope who was peeking through the doorway.
“It's great to see you too Hotch, thank you for this opportunity!” you say with as much pep as you can muster.
 “Let me call a briefing,” he said with a stern tone. 
“Sure, just let me put my things away.” you say having no idea where to put them. 
“I'll show you where you can” Penelope squeaks from the doorway.
“That would be great thanks!” 
After putting my things down and chatting with Penelope, she leads me to the briefing room. You walk in and are instantly met with eyes all over you. 
Hotch begins, “Team, this is Y/n L/n and she is filling in for JJ.”
“Hi everyone” you say with a meek voice.
“These are agents Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Dr. Spencer reid.” Hotch continues as you shake everyone's hands, everyone except for the Doctor. Everybody sort of stares at you and snickers as you look like an idiot holding your hand out in front of him. 
“He doesn't shake hands,” Hotch says.
“Oh I'm sorry,” you say quickly. 
“No worries,” Spencer says.
You take my seat wondering about the Doctor but, you don’t have much time to think as the briefing starts. Penelope starts with the briefing and you're listening intently.
 After Penelope is finished, Emily says, “I get he's lighting them on fire but, how are the flames green in the picture, is it a glitch”?
 you hear Spencer start to explain but you quickly say back,
“You can make green fire by mixing together borax or boric acid with methanol to make green flames, and its copper compounds that make flames green, sodium compounds that make them yellow, and calcium compounds that make them orange. Or this guy could have sprinkled some chemicals onto the fire to make it green.”
Everybody looks at you like you're insane. You fucked up didnt you? Spencer especially looks at me intensely. 
“What?” you say confused.
“Thanks,” Prentiss says, sounding surprised.
After the briefing is done and my embarrassing moment is hopefully a far away memory, you go to collect you're things when Hotch says  “Wheels up in 30.”
You Walk over to my desk you were recently given to pick up your things, when somebody approaches. 
“How’d you know all that stuff?” Spencer asks, taking you by surprise. 
“Oh uh about the fire? I read about it a while ago.” 
He smiles subtly and responds with a soft, “Me too.”
After you take your seat on the plane, you feel like you screwed up your first day, that you haven’t even finished. 
Someone sits down next to you to your shock and a little discomfort. It’s Spencer, which makes me extra shocked. 
“Do you mind if I sit here?” He asks softly while avoiding eye contact.
You can’t help but hear Morgan and Prentiss stifle their giggles. 
“Yeah of course.” you reply sweetly. 
There's a few minutes of horrible silence before it's broken by Morgan saying,
“So what do we know about our unsub?” 
“What we do know is he killed 3 people by burning them to death.” Prentiss says.
“We also know he killed only men, in their twenties, and they all went to the same University, North Carolina state ” you add reluctantly.
“And that’s where we’re going.” Hotch adds while coming to take a seat closer to everyone.
“This guy didn’t want to be seen, he only killed at night and was probably covered in a hoodie or dark clothing. He waited until these kids were out drinking and followed them out. When he cornered them, he would pour a methanol and boric acid mixture on them and set them on fire with matches.” Spencer states.
The rest of the plane ride went smoothly, other than the little looks you and Spencer kept sharing. Why did he keep glancing at you? And why did you keep glancing at him? 
We arrive at the college and split up into groups. Of course you and Spencer are in a group together. We begin interviewing the students, everyone seemed shaken up. Poor kids. You finish at the college and follow some leads. All of them lead to dead ends except for one. A girl you had met in the science room, as you talked to her, you couldn't help but notice her journal, which was covered in drawings of flames, but they were all different colors. She even wrote out the instructions to make each flame. 
You glance up at Spencer, who returns your look of worry. 
“What are those drawings about?” you ask her politely. 
“Oh. These are just for a science project.” She says a little impudently while closing her book and placing it into her bag. 
“Thanks for the information.” Spencer says before walking off. You follow closely behind.
 “Hi, is there anything else you need?” The teacher asks. 
“Yea. Have you been working on anything to do with flames, or different compounds for different colored flames?” Spencer says quietly.
“Flames. flames… Nope, Sorry nothing to do with flames.” She replies.
You walk off feeling more and more suspicious of the girl with the book. After heading back to the station you look further into this girl's life. Her name is Mikalya Sterman, and from what you can tell she’s your criminal.
 Suddenly Hotch rushes in while saying, “There’s been another victim, same college, same gender, and age. We have to go now.”
Rushing to the car, you somehow are sitting with Spencer. You are solving a crime yet you still can’t get the adorable Doctor out of your head. 
“How are you feeling about this case?” you ask desperately to break the silence.
“I think it's the girl we met, I mean, the drawings, the behavior, everything. She has to be our criminal.” He utters.
“Yea, I mean why else would she lie about those drawings. Also, I like your tie.” you say and immediately want to jump out of the car.
The car stops and Hotch and Prentiss get out of the driver's seat and you quickly follow. You try to run away from Spencer by speed walking to the scene and hiding your face. It doesn’t work. 
“Thanks, I typically wear ties that match the rest of what I’m wearing like- this. So uh thanks.” He says holding out his sweater. 
“Cute.” you add with a smile. 
“Lovebirds, time to solve a crime!” Morgan states from the scene while Prentiss is laughing her ass 
Hotch rolls his eyes. Spencer and you quickly walk to the scene.
While examining the body you find a pendant hanging across the victim's neck.
“This belonged to Mikalya. I remember seeing her wear it while we were talking.” you tell everyone.
“Yea she was definitely wearing it.” Spencer adds on. 
“Well what does this mean?” Prentiss asks. 
“It means we need to find our killer.” Hotch states.
He sends you out in groups except, this time you're with Prentiss, not Spencer.
“Soooo- Spencer.” She says coyly. 
“Spencer’s sweet.” you mutter back.
“Mhmmm” she insists “and what else?”
“Okay okay, he’s super cute and sweet and smart and nice, and sweet, an-.” you sputter before she cuts you off with, “Ok ok ok ok! I get it, he’s amazing. Sooo- what are we gonna do about this?”
“Nothing! Jesus, actually- nevermind! I don’t know!” you spit.
“We are looking for a murderer and you’re thinking about my kind-of-crush!” you whisper-yell at her.
“Oh please, they already caught the killer.” She says pointing to where they had, in fact, already arrested the killer.
“B-but! How? I was- WE were right here.” you say.
“Yes but your kind-of-crush was so distracting, you couldn’t even solve a crime!” she laughs.
“Oh my god. What have I become? Emily, help me.” you say sarcastically.
“I’m gonna ask everybody to go for drinks- wait- how about, you ask everybody to go for drinks, I’ll tell everybody else but Spencer to decline! I’m a genius.”
She says slyly before you add “No- yes- wait-okay, fine I’m on board.”
“YES!” she shouts a little too loud for comfort as we both walk back to the cars.
Driving back you weren't in the same car as Spencer despite Emily’s suspicious efforts to change that.
We get back on the plane and Spencer sits down next to you again.
“It’s still okay if I sit with you right?” He mutters.
“Of course Spencer, you don’t need to ask.” you reply with a reassuring tone.
He smiles shyly at your comment and you swear you see him blush.
Back at the BAU everybody gathers and you ask, “Hey does anybody want to go get some food or drinks?” 
Emily winks at you and she's the first to say, “Sorry, I'm so tired. Maybe another time?”
Everyone else goes along with their excuses until Spencers the last one to speak.
“Sure! I'm starving.” He says while putting on his jacket and walking toward you. 
“Great.” you say smiling. We both walk out, and you swear you can hear Emily and Derek chortling from the elevator.
P.s please give me tips!
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beans-tour-diary · 1 year
Day 1
Stuff happened since yesterday.
I got woken up by a call from my endocrinologist wanting to make an appointment to give me my prescription. I thought "nice, I'll have testo in a few weeks".
They offered me an appointment on the same day.
Of course I said yes! The next few hours waiting to leave were a weird feeling. And we also were a bit late... When I had arrived, I first talked to an employee who isn't a nurse, but does paperwork. We had a more private talk, because she asked for tips to help her trans daughter. It was incredibly sweet.
Some time during our chat, the doctor came in and gave me my prescription. It was a matter of seconds. I still stayed a while longer to finish the conversation and offer her, to send her some recourses that could help her.
We then got boba and sushi and dropped my prescription of at the pharmacy. My order would be there at 8am the next day.
I was at the pharmacy as soon as it opened.
They gave me a pack of three bottles of testogel. I was so overwhelmed and excited, but also a bit scared. At home I took a long time to carefully open the first box. Of course I still read the leaflet how to use it correctly, even if I've researched it for the last few years.
We put on some appropriate music and I got ready for my first dose of testo.
One pump, a bit of rubbing and that's it.
I was so scared, but it just happened. Nothing changed. I'm still me. But I kinda feel different.
Well, now that's going to happen every day for a while.
A bonus trans lion meme I made:
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weirdgirl316 · 3 months
First day on tumblrr💅..treat me well guyss❤️🙂‍↕️
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elle8n · 2 years
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First day for Hugh and First day for Mads ^_^
Let’s bring back memories <3
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listadisneylgbt · 16 days
First day (2020)
Esta serie se centra en la historia de Hannah Bradfort, una niña transgénero que inicia su primer ciclo lectivo en una nueva secundaria luego de su transición. Lidiando así con problemas sociales y personales típicos de la preadolescencia y la comunidad trans. Es una buena representación del proceso de esta niña, enfrentándose con la mirada, opinión y reacción de sus nuevxs compañerxs, lxs padrxs de estxs y su escuela.
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Los arcos principales giran en torno a una niña, Isabella, que la molestaba y molesta con su nombre anterior puesto que sabe que es transexual antes de que Hanna lo haga público, y con esto la llega a extorsionar. Cuando Hanna es "expuesta" se enfrenta a muchas reacciones negativas, y surgen de ahí diversas tramas donde logra enseñar y mostrarle a sus compañerxs cómo respetarla y entenderla mejor, también aceptando que no todxs lo harán.
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Así Hanna progresa y se hace valer cada vez más, dando discursos, creando un "club LGBTQ+" en su escuela como espacio seguro, de apoyo e información para la comunidad y sus "aliadxs" y creando la petición de uniformes neutros para beneficio de todxs lxs alumnxs (no solo la comunidad LGBTQ+). En este club aparecen más personajes de la comunidad contando parte de sus historias. Y Hanna acompaña en especial a su amigo Jack Childs antes, durante y luego de su transición.
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irreverentglitter · 25 days
The first morning they walked in for shift I was walking out And you were pumping either white milk or tie because I Don’t Right by Like noticing your nice hair and eye introduced myself and you introduced yourself Wouldn't yet whatever then and then And found out Cigarettes together And you were the first one like that I kinda had a conversation with I'm so excited to have somebody from home And remember like when you said you were from Chevy Chase I was like OK cool then he's familiar with Dupont Circle and you had this look like you thought I was saying that because you gay And it wasn't sure not Because everybody knows from Chuck E. Cheese All of yuppies go What's your apartment And basically your apartment Put together From the app We're all in And And One thing you said to me I think that was the first thing That's exactly what it feels like but it also just made me feel so I like humbled you Like Mine A lot of things The way the processor moved And then like I'm majoring Philosophy and math and like science Getting kicked off a sailboat I was like And then there was like you know but then you're at a party Os burn down so close it Regular conversation Have go VoiceOver that girl on the kitchen So I mean I felt bad I never even met him but
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a2zsportsnews · 1 month
Big Ten media days: West Coast teams the hot topic; first-day highlights
NCAA Women Lincoln Arneal August 6, 2024 Wisconsin’s Devyn Robinson, left, Sarah Franklin and coach Kelly Sheffield CHICAGO — The biggest storyline of the 2024 Big Ten season wasn’t even in the building on Monday as the conference had the first of two media days. At the third annual Big Ten Volleyball Media Days, most of the coaches were asked about the four newcomers to the league: Oregon,…
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advancebiofuel · 4 months
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The first day of our exhibition was a success! Thank you for being part of it.
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bizessenceaustralia · 4 months
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Imagine as if you are on your first day at a new job. Feeling excited, but maybe a little nervous? A well-designed onboarding program can make all the difference. What steps would make YOU feel welcome, prepared, and ready to hit the ground running?
Share your thoughts in the comments! We will explore the key elements of a fantastic onboarding experience to ensure a smooth transition into your dream role.
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muhammedpallivalappil · 7 months
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ceaseless-petulance · 7 months
The First Day Roar That Sparked Inspiration
On the first day of school, our professor asked us about the things we had heard about him. Some of my classmates described him as a "tiger," "strict," and "terror." However, he clarified and verified some of these perceptions. He said that he was not just strict but "very strict." During this first encounter, I appreciated his sense of humor. We seemed to share a similar sense of humor, and I thought his class would be anything but boring.
After this initial exchange, we discussed the University's mission, vision, and goals. The professor emphasized how crucial it is for students to understand and embody these core principles to contribute to the growth and development of the university community. By practicing these values daily, students can help the university achieve its goals and move closer to realizing its mission. One statement he made that stuck with me was that every aspect of the university's values, purpose, and future revolves around its central mission.
Reflecting on the mission, vision, and goals of our university, I can see how important it is for all students to internalize and implement these principles in their daily lives. The mission statement highlights the university's commitment to inclusive growth, sustainable development, innovation in academic programs, impactful research, economically empowering community service, and sustainable resource management. By embracing these values, we as students can contribute to the university's efforts to transform communities, not just within the ASEAN region but beyond.
The university's vision of becoming a premier research university that transforms communities aligns with its goals of internationalizing programs and services, fostering an environment that nurtures innovation and research, producing proactive, globally competitive, and service-oriented graduates, and transforming vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and communities. Additionally, the goal of mobilizing and optimizing resources for sustainable development underscores the university's commitment to responsible stewardship.
As I reflect on these guiding principles, I am inspired to take an active role in contributing to the university's mission and vision. By embodying the values of inclusivity, sustainability, innovation, and community service, I can help shape a future where our university is a catalyst for positive change, both locally and globally.
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valentinene · 8 months
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0 notes
avlokshakya-blog · 9 months
Tell us about your first day at something — school, work, as a parent, etc. It was cold and breezy. Everyone was expected to come at 10 A.M. I was really excited because I got to meet new people and know where they came from? what’s their story for coming to this training, etc etc. As expected, most of them came in time others were 10 to 15 minute late. Suddenly in the room where everyone was…
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leveyns · 11 months
nov6th2023, vienna
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Enjoy... and don't suffer too much
Monika on the CEU experience
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listadisneylgbt · 16 days
First day (2020)
Esta serie se centra en la historia de Hannah Bradfort, una niña transgénero que inicia su primer ciclo lectivo en una nueva secundaria luego de su transición. Lidiando así con problemas sociales y personales típicos de la preadolescencia y la comunidad trans. Es una buena representación del proceso de esta niña, enfrentándose con la mirada, opinión y reacción de sus nuevxs compañerxs, lxs padrxs de estxs y su escuela.
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Los arcos principales giran en torno a una niña, Isabella, que la molestaba y molesta con su nombre anterior puesto que sabe que es transexual antes de que Hanna lo haga público, y con esto la llega a extorsionar. Cuando Hanna es "expuesta" se enfrenta a muchas reacciones negativas, y surgen de ahí diversas tramas donde logra enseñar y mostrarle a sus compañerxs cómo respetarla y entenderla mejor, también aceptando que no todxs lo harán.
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Así Hanna progresa y se hace valer cada vez más, dando discursos, creando un "club LGBTQ+" en su escuela como espacio seguro, de apoyo e información para la comunidad y sus "aliadxs" y creando la petición de uniformes neutros para beneficio de todxs lxs alumnxs (no solo la comunidad LGBTQ+). En este club aparecen más personajes de la comunidad contando parte de sus historias. Y Hanna acompaña en especial a su amigo Jack Childs antes, durante y luego de su transición.
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