maferf · 1 month
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ashlive · 1 year
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drew all the fnaf charecters I never drew in the same post
In order
Henry Cassidy Alison(Williams Wife) Venessa Susie Charlie Scott(Phone Guy) Jeremey
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p1c2p · 2 months
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Only 2 days to my brithday! But mostly i can't wait to send the FIRST PAGE of my Fnag comic! In the Twitter or even there in Tumblr or even on Tik Tok! ^^ I will soon sejd some P1C2P fnaf characters! Have a good day or night! :)
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supr3m3-dark-angel · 9 months
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Bell my pet dog as a animatronic mixed with Chica and Roxy base on the Security Breach Glamrock style
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redtoondevils · 10 months
Moon side fanfic.
DISCLAIMER!: This fic contains traces of violence, hallucination, phycological trauma, violence, seizures, and mentioning of suicide. Do read with risk, but other than that. I hope you enjoy!
This fanfic was written a month ago.
His headache is getting worse, he holds onto his head feeling those gears grind together inside his face plate. "Nnngh! Nnnnnggggh! Hnnnnnghhhhhh...!" Moon moaned, pacing up and down in the empty ball pit.
"Stupid Sun! You know what your doing is not going to work! I'm in control now, so don't bother!" He hissed, gripping his head. He could feel Sun's 'presence' pinching his system where it feels like real painful symptoms.
He can feel it in his head, in his joints, in his arms, in his legs, and his torso. The crippling pain of his 'Other self' is coursing through his body, causing him to lash out in rage sometimes, because of how much it hurts. Because of how much he's been annoyed by Sun. With his strong desire to breakthrough Moon's transformation.
To be free by his grasp.
Moon refuses to back down from this fight. He does not want to be pushed down. He want's to continue to stay active. Since he would only be active for a few hours. While Sun get's the most of the day. To which he feels like he just get's pushed aside.
And he's so sick of it. At this point, this is his only chance, he's been active for the longest. He's not going to give that up, than let this time to waste. "It's not fair for me!" He say's, walking to the pink bridge, at the end of the fake castle wall.
Then get's down low to crawl under the crates that's blocking it.
He carefully fits his head through the opening gap the crates left open with the angle they're fallen into. "It's always been about you!" He continued. He nudges the side of the crate with his elbow, to widen the gap to help get the rest of his body through.
He manages to get through, with a little bit of maneuvering with his body. "How the kids love you, how they respect you...But the moment when they look at me. They get too nervous to approach me." He stands up, and corrects himself, moving his stuff joints.
Before walking to the playpen. "Not that I can blame them...But you always had a tendency to interrupt me. And with your activity, makes me look insignificant..." He finds the entry at the front of the play pen, and crawls inside.
He watched his head when he crawled inside, to look for the Sun plushie. He starts to head in one direction of the path, but it lead him to a blocked off monkey bar with kids drawings stuck up on them, and useless junk.
"This area looks a whole lot different to how I remember it." Moon say's then changed direction to head straight. The crowded maze way feels a little claustrophobic, when he's crawling through the path.
He crawls past a blue cushion, and turned to the right to come across a picture pointing to the left, next to a Moon plushie, tipped over to it's side. He looks at it with the displeasure of being left in a spot, where it looks unwanted.
That it's a reflection of him being put to the side, when ever Sun was active. He turns to the left to follow what the paper told him. He wedged through the cramped walls of the maze, till he arrived at the tea party, with two seats.
With the Sun plushie sitting on the seat, with the Moon plushie laying on the ground. Moon eyes at the Sun plushie, with a bit of bitterness, mixed with jelousy towards him. He picked it up, and squeezed it tightly in his palms.
As if punishing it. "Look at you, looking so cheerful. Showing your charisma to others. Being chosen to the front of the audience. Classic." Moon say's to it heatedly. Then holds it closer in anger "Then who am I? What am I made to do? Only be a villain, and pretend to be angry?
That's what I'm viewed to be? Angry? Is that what I'm suppose to be? You take most of the credit. How hard do I have to work for, to finally get acknowledged!? Being the second in line, it feels like I am nothing.
Nothing but another copy of you! All I hear from people, is that they say the Moon might be too dangerous to be around for kids, and I'm being labeled as a 'hazard' because I wasn't given the credit! Do you know what that feels like!?" He snapped.
He slams the plushie down, then brings it up again by the 'Throat' up to his face "Do you!?" He repeated again, loudly. He stares into those happy eyes, and could see some sadness in them. Even when hidden well.
"We share the same body...But we don't share the same pain. I don't think you understood that...But you finally heard me, I guess that's something..." He say's, slowly lowering the Sun plushie. Calming down. And loosening his grip around it's neck. He flicked the toy on the chair. It hit the top of it, then it bounced off on the side, to the table. Then he turns back the way he came, to head on over to the exit.
Just when he heads to the first corner, the pain in his head started to play up again, "Ugh...Not again!" He hissed, and holds his head by his eye because that's where he could feel it starting from. Then a second later, while he was rubbing his head, an excruciating stabbing feeling shot into the side of his head. Causing him to cry out.
"AAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHHHH!!!"~...'Nap time, nap time...No crafts or treats to share...' he hears Sun's voice sing that same song he's been singing for years. "Stop with the song Sun! It's hurting me!" Moon cried.
Which caused his body to tense up, in that crippling pain, and he starts to crawl back, shaking violently in attempt to fight off the disturbance.
He could feel the pain course through him, the louder the voice echoed on in his head. He felt his arms twitching, and he turned to the monkey bars, to take it out on it with his hands due to the pain.
He holds his claws into the monkey bars, rattling them very hard, trying to pry them off. He, curls his claws around the bars, and shifts them up and down, to remove it off it's hinges.
He starts growling, when he's pulling the bar down, and pushes it outwards to loosen it's hinges, then bent it down. Then he starts to beat the floor repeatedly, in a fit of rage, while the song went on.
~'The googly eyes just stare...Play clay all is crumbled dry...' ~ "Stop singing! Stop singing! Stop it!!" He roars. Catching his head again. The head ache throbs so bad now, that it feels like that his head is going to split open. Moondrop starts to cry, while he is in pain, the song is also making him feel sad too.
He turns around, and faces his attention to the cut out's of Freddy and Monty, and torn them down. He starts snarling, trying to battle on with the pain, once he finished tearing the cutouts, he turns to the table set, and trashed it, leaving the plushies on the floor.
His claws barely missing them. ~'Spilled temperas...And glues...No laughs. No crafts. Just go away...'~ Then he went off to tear the discarded monkey bars ahead.
He starts to bend a big piece down, yelling, and pulling the hard plastic, really hard with his hands changind it's shape, and slamed it down. Then turned to dig his claws at the side of the bar, damaging the plastic, snarling.
'No more Sunny hues...' ~He heard Sun finish. The pain in Moons head still lingered on, his sobbing intensifies, then he bent the plastic, down on that wall, and bent it down off it's hinges.
And squeezed it down, like he had beef with it, for good measure. Then he decided to head out the entrance, to trash more stuff outside to fight the pain. He continued snarling ferociously, like a wild animal.
He rushes out then, looked for some old stuff to break. He stomps over to the side of the monkey set and found some kid chairs to break. He dugs under some old cutouts of the Glamrocks and clawed at the chair, with his other hand.
Then he throws it away. Then he finds a table and swiped it creating thin deep scratches, on it's surface. His snarling growing aggressively, the more he trashes the table sets. He kicks some junk over to see what he can find. He digs through and finds some old children's drawings, he remembers doing, while doing arts and crafts as Sun.
He goes to crumble them up, till he hears 'NO!' that shot through his head. "GAH!" Moon winced. The headache felt like a sharp stab, in his head at the top. When he heard Sun call out, that he lost control of his temper, then turns to the Monkey bar set, to bend them and shake them on the outside.
He unhinges the entrance of it, then rattles the grid down further and further, then changes direction and crawls over to the other side, occasionally slipping on his foot, to attack the otherside too.
He swipes his claws into them, snarling ferociously, his head still aching. He couldn't stand it, that he manages to grip a hold of it at the side, and push it in with one hand. Then with his other hand, he pulled it off.
And threw it across the room. Then he goes over to the next one, and goes to attack it too. Shoving his claws through the gaps, and crushing the plastic with his claws. Breathing very hard, and whimpering.
Feeling the headache pound in his temples. He looses his bance and tumbles down the junk, that he was standing on, back down beside the slide. He rolls around in pain, holding his head, rocking side to side wailing and kicking his legs in the air.
He spots the slide in his perefible vision, when he saw it through his claws.
He let's go of his face, then adjusts himself like a wild cat. Positioning himself, with his metallic leg tucked under his torso, then the full Sun's leg out, kneading the floor, with his claws.
Getting ready to attack. Then after a few seconds, he pushes off his metallic leg propelling himself towards the slide, then he grabbed onto it and slashed on top of it with his claws. As if the slide had done something to him personally.
He continues to snarl, almost forgetting his safety. And starts ravaging the slide feeling for desperate satisfaction. He dug his claws into it as much as he can and swipes down slowly, to help make him feel good.
He deep claws it a couple of times, then climbs a little higher to find more plastic to tear. His headache stinging at the temples of his head, lingering on while he continued to deep claw down. "Stop...I want it to stop!!" He begged, taking a moment to take a break.
He stretched his back, backwards a little bit, then rotated his right arm in circles, to stretch. Then with his left, he swiped his hand across a monkey bar section, out of frustration.
The headache still pinching him. He get's back into clawing down the slide again, with both hands. Then climbs up higher, to get more plastic he wants to claw some more.
Then he get's up to the middle bit, and continue to claw it slowly, scrapping the plastic down his fingernails like carrot skins. His temples continuing to throb, he screamed and lost his grip while he was in mid claw, and fell on his chest when he slid down. Getting exhausted.
Moon slid down to the floor and fell on his back, whimpering and tremoring due to the destruction he's been causing in the upper half of the daycare. Ravaging the play structures.
But also, from abusing his strength, and the excruciating headache in his temples, and all over his head. It's been hurting him so much, he looses controll, and his mentality in understanding what he is doing. "I hate this...I hate this so much!! I wish it would stop!" He exclaimed, nearly loosing his voice.
He feels his 'throat' get dry. He takes a moment to 'gulp', and he continued to slowly rock himself, cradling his head with his hands, curled up into a ball facing to one side to the glass panes. Sobbing in absolute pain, and tremoring.
He grips his claws on his forehead, finding the section that holds the face plate together, feeling his fingers through. He manages to slip his index finger, and middle finger in the middle section after feeling, with his fingers.
Contemplating to rip his face off or not. That's what he felt like to do, ever since he started to feel these symptoms since the day it started. Moon started to cry harder, thinking of how much if he were to end himself, would be the better way to find peace.
But then some other part tells him not to. Because, even though living in agony like this. He still feel attached to his things he feels close to. While hid data is telling him, it's an invalid thing to do, in destroying himself.
While it's a feeling that he wants to do, he is still refusing to do. With that he still remember's children, he's still believing there is some importance left in this place. In this cold...Broken...Rusty...Dastardly place. And Sun is not planning on giving up anytime soon.
So, he slowly loosens his grip, even though of how tempting it is, and pulls his arms down.
He yelps with the pinching pain, and with his shaking hand, he still get's an urge to break things. The pain is still intense, that he once again nearly goes into rage. He's getting so mad, that it feels like he's about to go into a fit of rage again.
He wouldn't be embarrassed if he did. Still, he could feel a strong urge climbing into his system. He gathers his much strength, as he could to get up again. Picking his head up carefully.
Not to move it around too much, to avoid worsening his symptoms. He kneads the floor again, getting ready. He sit's up, carefully finding balance on his metallic leg, then his right one. Then pushes himself up to a stand, a little wobbly.
He moves his head, in a motion to test it's functionality, with in his face and eyes. His face feels heavy due to the headache, and his eyes feels heavy and throbby as well. Thus, making it harder for him to stand upright, and concentrate. While the headache still lingered on, it's currently not throbbing. He also feels very tired, which is also tampering with the painful headache.
He looks for the first thing to destroy. The play kitchen sink. It is smeared with smog, and blackened at the top, and the doors are blacked with smoke splotches. But it's still in good condition. He goes over to it with such anger, when he stepped up to it, he raises his arm high, and beats it down.
He slams his other wrist down giving it punishment. But the recoil of it's hard steel hurts him. Then he knees it's doors that buckled it again. His headache pinches his temples again, and he kick it again that buckles in the kitchen sink to one side, knocking it's temperature dial out of it's socket. Then he raises both arms up in the air, and plows up top of the sinks main, port and dented it down to an unrecognizable shape.
The result of doing that damage caused him to wince, after hurting his hands, wrists and arms. His arms hurt a lot, so he shrugs off the pain, then goes to lean forward, holding his head still as possible. Where his head hurts worst. Then claws it, and pulls it off the wall, then throws it on the ground.
After doing that, he feels himself get more exhausted, and dizzy from that destruction. Unfortunately, he triggered another migraine, that caused him to groan, and step back trying to collect himself. But he isn't finished.
His rage is nudging him to do more, but his legs are progressively giving out. Yet, he pushes himself. The migrane gradually get's stronger, it's too much so, that it feels like his mind is 'Corrupted' than what he already is. His breathing builds up again while he's channeling the pain that's giving him agony.
In his head, in his face, in his body, and in his limbs he couldn't bear it. He looks for something for vengeance. He heads down besides the playpen, towards more discarded cutouts, toy stacks and slide pieces.
Moon quickens his pace, and runs into the Junk to begin another round of trashing. His claws hit's another plastic slide. He pushes himself deeper inside the Junk to grab it. He finds that his grip isn't just in reach.
So, he swipes off the toy stacks to unbury the slide, he's got his fingers onto. Then crouches down, to maneuver his arms under the cylinder shape to grab it's weight. He snarls, and hisses stubbornly. Then he starts to pull the tube out of some of the junk it's moving out of. He get's tired, and drops it momentarily.
And then tries again, he get's down low, huffing and angry. He had to readjust his position of his arms, under it, to get it properly. He heaves, and nudges it side to side, steping back slowly. Then with a bit of luck, he manages to take it out of the clutter.
The clutter colapses a little bit, then he beats the slide with closed fists, and tosses it back with great stength besides him, down to the castle wall. It was a heavy piece of matirial, and it tumbled just outside the wall.
Then, he starts to trample all over the broken scraps, that snapped some of the broken plastic bords and other scraps he's stepping on. Somehow, he takes the pleasure on that, but with such movement that he did made the migranes throb harder.
He cries out again, and even more ferouciously, he thn starts to take his anger out on the play stacks, and toss them across the room one by one. He grabs one, by digging his claws in so deep into the fabric, that he punctured all for holes with the fingers he dug it into, and threw it away.
Then he grabs another, and throws it behind him as he continues to dig through, to find more toys to scrap. He locates a big one under some burnt pieces of plastic, and pulls it down to tear into it. He holds it down, like he caught prey, and makes a claw shape with his hand to begin cutting into it.
Moon starts at the top, then punchures it, then roughly scratches it down, to the stitches at the bottom, revealing the fluff inside. Then, with great pleasure, he stuffs his left hand into it, and tears out the filling bit by bit. Carelessly dropping them to the ground.
Then once he's done he tosses it away, against the glass pane wall. And reaches up to the otherside of the junk to take out more stuff to break. He picks out an old metal scrap from a resource that a worker had used to replace something, that's been discarded when it was been in use.
He clenched his claws onto that, and tries to wedge it out, but with the instability of the junk that's weighted ontop of it. Caused it to slide off, and some of the parts just as the chairs, and the leather cusions fell of top of his head, which caused him to let go. And stepped back, while a portion of the junk slid down near his feet.
With such motion of the distruction, that's tampering with his migrane, pounding in his head, triggered an explosive temper. "UUUAAAAAAGHHHH! That's annoying! That's so annoying!!" He yelled.
And lashed out at the junk, the toy stacks, card bord cut outs, and other useless scraps of plastic. And monkey bar pieces he recked havoc on, then by clawing at the toy stack cusions, and stomping on the sheets of scraps that fell in his way.
He slashed the cusions infront of him, and thrown a couple of the toy stacks that hit his head. "Get out of my way!!!" He spat, and tossed them in two directions, down the receptionist counter, and the castle wall. His miagrane was throbbing in his head very painfully, that he started to cry again.
Then he tread up ontop if the spilled out pile, to grab up the pieces that's bothering him, and brought up the pieces in his claws at arms reach, and torn them apart. He discarded them, then he started to stamp his metallic leg onto the cardboard cut outs angrily.
"You stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid, piece of CRAP! You wanna piece of me!? You wanna piece of me!? Don't get in my way!!" He shouted, he took one more stomp. That broke the cardbord in half. Then suddenly...He stopped. He stood there huffing, sobbing, head throbbing, worked up, and frustrated.
He slowed his snarling, and then takes a few steps back, holding his sore head, feeling light headed. "I-I think. I took it too far..." He say's tiredly. His legs were shaking weakily, he realized that he pushed himself too far. He pushed his system too far, his data is reading him 'Errors'. He bent himself out of shape, and his migranes are so sensitive.
That just by moving his head just a little, made it feel more painful. He grimaces, and stumbles backwards, back to the monkey bar play pen. Trying to catch himself feeling light headed. He put's a hand up onto the wall of the structure, to help support his balance. "I-I don't feel so well..." He say's. But before he could sit down against it, and rest. So he could allow his system to validate itself. Instead, he felt his body seize up.
"Argh!" He yelped. The sudden jerk, in his back lifted his head up too quickly, that the migraine pressed up against his head cavity, that caused him to cry out. All of a sudden, he lost control of his balance, and fell down at the side of the play structure.
Hitting his face on the ground. He's too exhausted to move at the moment. Before he could catch himself, thinking he needs to rest. Quickly, his body get's ridgid. "Oh..No..." He slurred. He knew what was going to happen, but he accepted it. He turned down to his side, and before long.
He cried out, his eyes rolled back, his body started to seize. Both his arms stayed in a curled position, shaking involuntary, close to his chest. His legs, were stretched out, and shaking too. He was too close to the monkey set, so his body hit against it while he seized.
He seized for 30 seconds, while he started making gurgling noises, then it finally let go. Once it passes, he takes in some 'Gasping' to get some 'air' snoring a little, after the effects from the episode. "U-uuuugh....hhhh...." He moans. His head turned to one side, as he relaxed. And breathed heavily, as his senses kicks back in.
The migraine has died down, yet it just left a twinging headache pain, at the back of his face plate. He continues to breathe, and picked up his torso, by moving his arms and legs clumsily, picking up his head, and placing it down at the side, when he turned his back to the side next to the monkey pen.
Repositioning himself to get some rest. He moved his legs in a spot where they feel comfortable most. But it isn't the most comfortable with the way, they were positioned. Because of his lack of strength.
His pelvis is also positioned at the side, which isn't perfect. But It'll do. Moon sets his system down to hibernation, to sleep off the effects of the symptoms. His breath slows as he sleeps, when he drifts off peacefully.
Even on the inside, with Sun's presence has seemed to settle down for a rest too. Sometime passes, and the DCA reseted his system, once he took his nap. Moon isn't completely restored, but he got his strength back. He gently lifted his head up, feeling the twinging in his temples as always.
But it isn't too severe that would cause him to go on a rampage. He thinks about how he should get up, to avoid sudden movements. He pulls himself up, his head hanging down due to the heavyness of his head. Then brings under the Sun leg, under his torso, then pushes up with the metallic leg.
When he stood up, he wobbled a little, then leaned against the monkey pen, to take a breather first. Then he rubs his head. He spends a few moments messaging himself, thinking what he wants to do for himself. Then, he hears something. He paused, listening...Wondering if the sound he heard, is real or not.
He didn't have to wait for long, to confirm it. Since he heard it, immediately again. He hears the quick footsteps pitter patter around the Daycare, and it sounded like it's heading up to the front counter. "What's that?" Moon say's groggily.
He continues listening. Then he thinks he heard a familier voice that he heard before, but wasn't so sure. They said: "Freddy! The DCA had turned bad! And it's dark! What do I do?" Moon perked his head up at the voice he recognized. "G-Gregory!?" He say's surprised.
He immediately wanted to check it out, but miss steps on his wobbly feet and fell over clumsily. Moon picks up his head, and cringed from the pain he's given from falling over, then quickly picked himself up, to see if the kid he heard really is Gregory, faster.
He runs over the broken trash, he broke earlier ago. Eventually, he stumbled up to the counter he swore he heard the voice from. "Gregory...?" He say's quiety, concerned that he's going to see him again, after a long time. Moon went over to the counter, then peaked around behind there, expecting to see him there.
He doesn't..."Huh...? But...I don't Understand...I heard him! I swear I did! Unless...No!" He say's to himself, getting a little delerious. Was his Imagination tricking him? Then he hears pitter patter again, it sounds like it's walking in a distance.
He turned his head to the right to see at the distance, doing that caused his mild headach pinch inside his face plate, that annoyed him a little. There, he sees it. Gregory, now wondering into the entrance of the playpen, like how he did before, where he first started his mission.
Moon quickly get's his demeanor back. He believes, that he is there! "Ha! I knew it! He IS here!" He say's, and get's into his 'Tormenting' character again, when he begins to follow up to the boy. On the way down, Moons legs were still a little shakey, after falling ill from earlier ago, but he is stronger than that, and is willing to catch up to him.
He get's closer to the area he saw Gregory walk through. Moon makes it to the entrance, that's somewhat closed off with old sheets. To which he didn't care, he torn them off anyway's, then entered through the back entrance, through the dusty maze path. He crawls down the path, where he sees Gregory turn a right, and walk up the ramp. "Heheheheheh!"
Moon laughs, starting the torment. "I'm gonna get you boy!" He teased. Then turned right, to where it leads up to, and goes to head up the ramp only to find out it's blocked. Moon felt insulted by that, and did not hesitate to bust through it.
He comes forward to the blockage, and pushed his hand onto it to lift the flap to open it. He pushes his head through, then climb up the ramp then wound up in the second area, with no trace of Gregory. Moon stopped crawling in place, confused and bamboozled, to where the kid has gone.
He looked around the claustrophobic area, that's very limited with the tubes. "Wh-where...Where did he go?" Moon questioned to himself, wondering up to the blocked path, with broken down Monkey playpen roof. He examined the collapsed roof.
And thought it was not possible for Gregory, to have pushed it up himself. So, it's useless.
Then Moon turned around, and looked at the tubes thinking, if he had wondered in there. He goes over to it, and looked into it, "Are you hiding in there?" He tried. But hears no response. Moon frouned, he doesn't usually feel sad over this. But since it's been so long since he'd ever messed with kids.
Gregory was the only kid that he found the most entertaining, he saw how clever the boy is. And also, not so easy to scare. Even though he didn't like the boy, but he still missed him.......Just a little. He remembers how much of a nuisance he was.
And he kinda missed that. Moon backed up a little, and sat down quietly. "I miss messing with that boy!." He said sadly. The daycare is so quiet. It's such a strange feeling, not hearing anything after so many years. Not hearing the loud poppy music, the ambience of the Fazbear Entertainment podcast music, the ambience of people talking.
The merry chatter of the talking children. This ambience, of the still quiet in the dark, is so glum. It's strange, and he has to admit that. Being around the bright colors, and checking out the main attractions wasn't his favorite cup of tea preferably.
He thought that the advertisements for the Candy, was some cheesy marketing profiting didn't suit them very well. It was just not their thing. For Moon that is. He doesn't care if Sun likes it. 'Maybe it was my Imagination after all?' He thought to himself.
He sat for a few minutes, to give himself a break. Well, he was about to, until he hears pitter patter again somewhere on the lower floor. And the voice that 'talked' out out of nowhere. "Okay Freddy! I managed to turn on the first generator! Which way is the second one?".
Moon got alerted, and scrambled back up on all fours, then somewhat flinching from the pain that moved in his head. "Ugh...Ugh..." He groans, and holds a hand his hand to his head for a bit, then went back onto looking for Gregory.
He turns to the ramp, and walked down it, then changed direction to the exit, and left it. He exit out of the play structure, then stood up, the dizzyness still made him fray, but he balanced himself in time. Then corrected his back, he stood in place for a few seconds, to stretch his back, and joints. "Aargh...I feel like an old man! Which is odd because, I'm not. It's just my rusty joints!" He commented to himself.
Then went back to look for Gregory. He went up to the counter to see if he's there again, recharging the torch. He checks out that area, once again...Nothing is there. "He usually does this." Moon say's. Looking behind the counter, and looked at the recharge station, that used to be there.
But now it's not, he raised his rusty hand onto the station, of where it used to be, and felt the temperature of the wall. "It's cold...I never knew..." He commented. Then heard fast footsteps, down to the other playpen. And heard it run up the ramp. Moon swung around, startled that the noise happened so quickly.
Usually, Moon wouldn't be so afraid of things like this. Though, since these sounds are happening in such a dark, and eerie place, it did manage to get him a little bit.
He walked around the counter, then get's on all fours to scurry up to the Monkey pen, where he destroyed the scraps, and crawled through. He get's in and tries to put on the tormenting act, but now he's not feeling it as much, since he's now getting suspicious.
'Something isn't right...' He thought, he turns up on the ramp, that he sensed that Gregory might be up there. Before he gone up there, his instincts starts to kick in. But his data doesn't tell him what is wrong with the situation. 'I have a bad feeling about this...But I don't know to put it together.' He finished. So, he heads up anyway, because his curiosity keeps growing in him. And he must check it out. He climbs up to the ramp, and caught up to the figure infront of him.
There, he spotted him, holding still with his back turned away from him. Moon get's surprised at first, then smiled. "There you are! I finally found you...Gregory!" He say's menacingly. crawling up to Gregory. And put's his hands on his shoulders. "I've got you! Hahaha!" He mocked playfully. But then, he noticed something up putting with the boy. He's not saying anything. Moon looked at him puzzled with his strange behavoir, that he wanted to see what was happening with him.
"Eh...? Kid, what's going on with you?" He asked, and goes to turn him around. Until, Gregory turned around, Moon let's go. Gregory's head turned to the side, revealing black eyes, and an unsettling grin on his, face when he turned his body around, to face Moon.
Moon gasped, and stepped back, nearly hitting his head on the collapsed roof, under the playstructure. Gregory's head twitched to the side, to his shoulder. Staring at Moon creepily. That Moon would agree, he's creeping HIM out more!
Gregory stepped closer to Moon, that caused him to back up, getting freaked out. "Do you remember what you did to Freddy? Where you knocked him down, and dragged him away?" He hissed, talking in a voice that sounds a little hollow. Like an echo that sounds like a spirits whisper, but a little statically. "I-I remember that!" Moon replied.
Crawling backwards losing feeling in his legs. Feeling nervous. Gregory, then seems to grow an inch taller, as he started to loom over him, looking at him with those black eyes, and wide eyes that's creeping Moon out. "Do you have any Idea, how long I've been looking for parts to fix him?" He growled deeper.
"I'm...Not sure?" Moon answered, backing up his back against a blocked area. "Do you realize how much trouble you caused me?" Gregory growled deeply. "I-I was just following orders!" Moon answered on his words. Tremoring on his back, tucking himself next to the barricaded area. Afraid to move.
Gregory grew another inch taller, and loomed even closer to Moon. Making Moon raise his arms up for protection. Gregory staired directly down onto him, then without doing anything else, he opened his grinning mouth. And screeched a high-pitched scream directly at Moon's face. At the same time, he screamed too.
The scream caused Moon to flinch, and hold his head down frightened from the scream. "NOOOOOOOO!!!" He begged out loud, rolling to the side, and holding his head down to protect it. Moon started to panic, his body tremoring very badly, he doesn't know what's going to happen to him because he has gotten hysterical.
He braced himself for any revenge actions from Gregory, but he felt nothing. He let's go of his head, and looks up and over to where he saw Gregory, but seen yet again, there was nothing standing in his way. He's not thinking of anything now, other than the strong feeling to flee. Moon screamed, and instantly got up and try to scramble away, by pushing on his feet, when he accidently fell forwards down the ramp, panicking.
Moon fell on his side, that hurt his head, and his torso. Which caused his headache, to play up and cause another migrane. Moon drop instantly slapped a hand on his head wailing, and sobbing in pain. "AAAAAAAAARRRGHHHH! I hate this so fucking much!!! Not another one! I just want it to stop!...I can't take it...! I can't!..." He wailed, sobbing.
He slammed a hand on the ground, trying to protest against it. He pushed himself up, and got up on his fours again, absolutely in unbearable pain. He scrambled out of the exit, hysterical and desperate for escape, he pushes his posture up to a stand, and hobbles towards the counter, heading for escape out the Daycare.
"I've had enough! I wan't out of the daycare!" He sobs, blinded with distress. Moon rushed to the door, and threatens to open it, leaning himself up to it. Wailing in pain, and in a delirious state of mind.
He cries against the doors, and scratched the door before pushing it open. He stumbles forward, worsening his migraine, that caused him to yell out. "AAAGH!" Then flopped back on the ground, crying uncontrollably. "Nnnnnnnghh-hhhh!" He whimpered. Loosing control of his breath.
Grovelling his claws on the cold tile floor, uncomfortably. His crying get's louder, that one endo from a distance activated. Moon continues to cry, moving his head in angles in ways to soothe the ache. It doesn't work. He curls his both of fingers into a tight fist going through distress, with his agonizing headache.
He continues to scream out, with his voice cracking in a high pitch. Moving his arms, in discomfort. He felt like he couldnt control himself, because of it. The endoskeleton noticed the DCA moving about, on the floor and started to walk towards him, in mid speed.
Moon clenched his claws in front of him, trying to force himself to get up.
He hears the footsteps get closer to him, Moon tries to pull himself up, but then the endo stomped on his back, pinning him down. "AAAAAAAAH!" He screamed, even louder. Trying to claw himself out of the grip of the endo's foot grip. But it was too strong. Moon tilded his head and rotated his neck around, to see the endo's face.
The endo was seen looking down, it's eyes squinted looking rather undead looking. It's functionality looking even worse, than how they used to look like before. It looks like their electronical wires are scathed, with fire damages.
Yet, he wasn't so sure, because the room looked too dark to see. And his X ray vision is broken. So, it would not be easy to locate upcoming animatronics in the interior of throughout, Superstar daycare section. It's foot pushed down onto him, made him cry.
And scramble around, with his arms with the weight of it's foot. He had to use his strength, in his body, otherwise the endo is going to kill him with it's foot.
His torso cracked, and Moon pushed his legs up, yelling loudly, but he pushed through, and propped his legs around the Endo's leg, and rolled really hard to tip it over. The Endo toppled over, and it's torso fell to the side due to it's heavy weight, that held down it's legs.
It was still able to move however, the fall slowed it down, but it gave Moon some time to push himself up. Enduring his pounding miagrane, and tacked the floor with his claws to climb up the stair railing for escape.
The endo had barely swipped his leg, when Moon scurried up. Moon flipped over the railing, and forward roll into a stop.
Rolling around in agony. His body is paralized in a tight ball, distressed, and uncomfortible. He tries to forget about the incident that he been through a while ago, and still remembers what happened.
His body rolled to the side, then he starts to mumble nonsense saying: "It wasn't real! It wasn't real! It tricked me! It was in my head...That boy was visible. How was this possible? I heard footsteps, but it wasn't real..." He mumbled confusely. 'Moon...' Sun's voice whispered. While Moon continued, now holding his face "He looked real though.
But he didn't look normal, why is that? Am I okay? Am I going insane? Oh lord please, please...I-I'm going to lose it!-i don't feel okay! Help me!" 'Moon...Calm down!' Sun's voice whispered again, then Moon feels a 'Presence' embrace around his torso, when he felt a light twinge inside his body.
He doesn't notice it. 'It's okay!' Moon continued to mumble, holding himself, crying and begging. "Help me...Help me...I...I don't know what to do!" He say's frantically. 'I'm here...I'm here. It's okay, breathe...' Sun tells Moon, comfort.
Then Moon eventually felt the 'Presence' that it doesn't feel painful. Insead, heels like a hold. "S-Sunny?" Moon whispered, confusely. 'I'm here.' Sun's voice said again. Moon's headache twinged, but he didn't feel angry. "Sunny?" Moon repeated again.
Somewhat snapping out of it. 'Yes. It's me. It's alright...You'll be alright.' Moon starts to understand the space that he's in, he is beginning to pull himself together, as he calms down. He's still a little anxious, but he understands better. "Sunny...After fighting all of this time.
You were still patient with me! I appreciate you. For once..." He say's holding himself tightly.
Then, he let's himself relax, and lay on the floor on his back, for a while. He try's to put his system to rest mode, to Improve recovery. But he found it to since he could still feel the migraine throb behind his eyes, he get's restless. So, he just holds still, and faces looks at the ceiling. He stairs at the broken shattered lights on the ceiling.
The blackness of the lights, represents the blackness of himself. Metaphorically, he likes to consider the darkness as his nature. When ever it's bright in the daycare, it's like it erases his nature. Because the light hurts him.
The faulty generators are the only thing that allows him to be active. Just like with the other night creatures that he could relate with. He does wonder sometimes, if he could endure an hour of brightness, would it make his life better? He could only wonder.
That just by staring at the shattered glass, makes him feel the same. Shattered. And he doesn't feel whole, when he's in the dark, and shattered.
He even looks at the old paintings on the walls too. "I remember when I walked here." He say's. Then added. "This used to look so beutiful, and now look at it. Faded away, into a grey shade of blue. Just like how I feel."
He continues to lay there for a few moments. Taking in the cold floor on his back. "At least...This feels nice..." He commented, feeling more relaxed. Even with a painful miagrane, laying on the cold floor almost feels like a message. Moon stays relaxed for a long while, that he slowly starts to drift off.
Just when he nearly goes into a dreamy like state, a noise disturbs him. "Ugh!?...What was that?" He mumbles, then turned his body, and lifted his heavy head, slowly. Then he get's up, but stays low to see what is happening, and peaked up over the railing.
Then he peeked up higher, realizing what's happening.
An Endo skeleton was beating the front door open, and was walking inside the daycare. "I-It's probably the same one! But...I'm too scared to go back in there!" Moon shuttered. 'The daycare is our home! It's our duty to protect it!' Sun whispered in Moons head. Moon takes a moment to think about it, and decided that he will have to protect it. Because it's the only place, out of the other ones are safest, and easier to go to.
"Fine...I will go. But, I will have to go through and go in another way. So that way I won't be seen." He say's then, started to walk down the hallway. The hallway has a collapsed roof, which wasn't too hard for Moon to crawl through. He crawls under the roof, and turned to the railing on the other side of the daycare.
Normally, when he was younger, he would have easily leaped back to the netting in one go. But now since he's gotten more stuff, and rusty. His old joints, do not work properly. He hops onto the railing, carefully balancing himself on the edge of it.
Holding on tightly with his hands, and making sure that his metallic leg piece, is perfectly centered, on the bar. He moved his feet, getting ready to jump. He pushes on the spring that his metallic leg has left and pounced.
Unfortunately, when he did pounce, his spring part on his leg slipped off wrong at the angle, that when he did jump. He jumped downwards, instead of up. "AUGH!" He screamed, then latched on at the side of the wall, scraping on a hold of it with his claws.
It also nearly knocked his body down, upon impact. His heavy head pounded, when his body bobbed in motion, once he latched on. He waited for a few seconds, to get some of his strength back. He quietly groaned from the pain, then focused on climbing up to the net.
Moon makes it up to the side of the net, then angles himself to climb down inside. While climbing down, it felt like his head was getting heavier. He crawls down, to the side of the play pen, and pounces onto it. Landing onto the play pen accuratly. And staying low, just so he doesn't blow his cover. He peaks over the play pen, to see where the Endo skeleton has gone.
It's down below, looking around standing near the counter. Looking around, undecisive with what it wants to do. Moon keeps a watchful eye on it, waiting to see if it'll approach up to the Junk in the middle of the Daycare, if close enough for him to pounce on it.
If not, then he'll have to go around another way to attack it while it's not looking. "If it comes over here, it'll never know what hit it..." Moon whispered comfortably. Then added. "They may be creepy looking, but their not very smart.". Then he waited to see what it will do.
End of Part one.
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amberdablade · 2 years
𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓽 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝔂'𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽~🧸🍕
What I Write and Who I Write For~🎀🗑️🧁💖🍕🎸
Glamrock Freddy Yan!Alphabet~🎤
Glitchtrap Yan!Alphabet~💜
Vanny Yan!Alphabet~🐰
Montgomery Gator Yan!Alphabet~🐊
Funtime Freddy Yan!Alphabet~🐻‍❄️
Yan!Gregory x F!Child!Reader~🔦
~Imagine~Yan!FnafCharacters React to You having a Panic Attack~🐻‍❄️🐺🦊🎀🐇
Other Masterlists~💘
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aftontrapfnaf · 2 years
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'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ➪𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 Some stories don't have a happy ending💙🧡 ✯⚠︎---------------------------------------------------------------⚠︎✯ 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔: kawacy ✯⚠︎---------------------------------------------------------------⚠︎✯ ✵📥DM ᴍᴇ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪᴛ ᴀs sᴏᴏɴ ᴀs ᴘᴏssɪʙʟᴇ📤✵ 𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝: DeviantArt 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝: N/A 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦: N/A 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨: N/A 🐰×~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~×🐰 🎩🎤𝑱𝒐𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑭𝑵𝑨𝑭 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚🎤🎩 ✯𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝔽ℕ𝔸𝔽 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥✯ ✰ @aftontrapfnaf ✰ ✯𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎,𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚎✯ 🔊𝙏𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙊𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨🔔 📆𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍📆 🏷️𝚃𝙰𝙶𝚂🏷️ #fnaf #fnafmemes #freddy #foxy #chica #bonnie #glamrock #glamrockfreddy #fnafsecuritybreach #securitybreach #gregory #fivenightsatfreddys #fivenightatfreddy #fnafcharacters #wow #omg #omgpage #instagood #explore #explorepage #exploremore #instadaily #daily #dailyupload #instagram #love #fashion #beautiful #search #popular (at Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ceo7muXIjcm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awesomeonlinegames · 4 years
FNaF world games download free
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The FNaF world games download free has two different modes to choose from, Normal and Hard. This horror game also has two different stages to play in Adventure/Horror or Fixed Party it totally depends on the player. For More Information Visit Our Website
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bunty-parade · 6 years
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Swipe for process and close ups👉👉👉 Another sweet baby lost to the missing children's incident. Little Cassidy. I made her Asian. Can you guys tell she's Asian??? Anyway, she's our golden boy: Golden Freddy! #fnafkids #fnafcassidy #fnafcharacters #fnaf #artist #joifulart #traditionalart #goldenfreddyfnaf #goldenfreddy https://www.instagram.com/p/BuXU0sNBeGz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jnm8kx270pg3
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brannahgirl · 6 years
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The Fox and the Hare
—Levi(bunny) and Amelia(fox) requested by Levi-Bun on DeviantArt!
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redtoondevils · 1 year
Some acknowledgement to Glamrock Chica.
I will have to admit. Even though Glamrock Chica is my least favorite. Chica is now being SEVERELY underutilized in game! And plus, how she is being portrayed as a character that would eat Pizza. When Freddy said, "She loves Pizza!" He meant it, like it's one of her favorite FOOD. But not meant for her PERSONALITY!
She LOVES her friends! I don't think she would eat that much food. Just because she *Loves* eating food.
She's also very passionate and friendly! Just like what she's supposed to be! Now look at her, broken, rotting away, rancid, and on the brink of death. That she lost everything else, but the last thing is her memories.
She has my pity.
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clockwork-cryptid · 8 years
Important updates!
There’s been an update to my page! I added a link to info about my FNaF characters and you can find it under more --> FNaF Characters, or you can go to vinny-van-fuck.tumblr.com/fnafcharacters. So far, only William is up, but I’ll soon enough be adding Scott, Mike, Fritz, Jeremy, Michael, and maybe even Ashley! I’ll also be adding all the dead children
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aftontrapfnaf · 2 years
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'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ➪𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 Mike and Charlie🤩🦊🐻 ✯⚠︎---------------------------------------------------------------⚠︎✯ 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔: behemothe ✯⚠︎---------------------------------------------------------------⚠︎✯ ✵📥DM ᴍᴇ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪᴛ ᴀs sᴏᴏɴ ᴀs ᴘᴏssɪʙʟᴇ📤✵ 𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝: Gumblr 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝: N/A 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦: N/A 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨: N/A 🐰×~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~×🐰 🎩🎤𝑱𝒐𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑭𝑵𝑨𝑭 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚🎤🎩 ✯𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝔽ℕ𝔸𝔽 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥✯ ✰ @aftontrapfnaf ✰ ✯𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎,𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚎✯ 🔊𝙏𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙊𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨🔔 📆𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍📆 🏷️𝚃𝙰𝙶𝚂🏷️ #fnaf #fnafmemes #freddy #foxy #chica #bonnie #mike #michael #michaelafton #charlie #emily #fivenightsatfreddys #fivenightatfreddy #fnafcharacters #wow #omg #omgpage #instagood #explore #explorepage #exploremore #instadaily #daily #dailyupload #instagram #love #fashion #beautiful #search #popular (at Five Nights At Freddy's) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd_tRUQoaZF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awesomeonlinegames · 4 years
FNAF World Download
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FNAF World Download - FNAF World characters and action pack story is just as crazy as Five Nights at Freddy and takes you in another world. There are more than 40 characters in this game that you play from the FNAF universe. For More Information Visit Our Website
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bunty-parade · 6 years
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And here we have Circus Baby AKA Elizabeth Afton AKA William Afton's daughter! She comes off as a brat to me. Kind of spoiled but, yeah!!!! Here she is! #fnafkids #fnafelizabethafton #slelizabetgafton #sisterlocation #fnafcharacters #joifulart #traditionalart #blackgirlmagic #funart https://www.instagram.com/p/Bubz7LkBic2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ukgibmq88wiw
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