#FO4 DLC art
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How could you be in love with… well, a machine?
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leavingautumn13 · 11 months
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ham-to-ham combat
[i have commissions open now]
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pjbooey · 9 months
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"The night is bitter, the stars have lost their glitter The winds grow colder, suddenly you're a lot older And all because of a gal who got away--"
I went into Fallout 4 already knowing which companion would be my favorite (Hancock) but suddenly finding myself enthralled with this grandfatherly synth detective with a semi-mysterious past. I kept Nick Valentine as my companion for most of the game and loved him so much I actually went back to Sanctuary Hills to build a development for him to live in (something I neglected the ENTIRE GAME).
(ps, does anyone else dress as silver shroud while travelling with Nick and dress in your minuteman general outfit with Hancock? we were matchies)
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labotor · 4 months
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"I'll keep your secret, DiMA."
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slugginz · 7 months
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Gilda is no Mr. Fisto but she’ll have to do :(
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hpysprkl · 1 month
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Been sitting on this for literally weeks cause I wasn't finished/completely happy with it, and I decided today that I no longer care. So have a slutty shirtless Gage and enjoy, or something.
I think he needs some tattoos and scars, but it's hot and humid here and I have zero energy to figure it out. If I ever do, I'll post it.
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navtastic · 1 month
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Hancock & Danny bc I’m still in the fo4 zone
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jugemusequencer · 4 months
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release him
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mushroommans-cache · 7 months
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Happy Valentines day from Nukaworld!
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lycheecatee · 4 months
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“Despite everything, it’s still her…”
My take on this trend with my favourite Raider lady 🫶
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lovecorecatboy · 1 year
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view from Acadia [Far Harbor dlc, Fallout 4]
open img for hq
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tar-dar · 1 year
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assassin-artist · 20 days
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working on another one :3 [WIP]
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catsumiai · 2 months
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Some of the last remaining Fallout stuff I had saved somewhere, mostly Courier Six, but I also found my other characters (Vault Dweller, Chosen One, Lone Wanderer and Sole Survivor in order). Currently more busy with dolls, though.
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nataliens · 1 year
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Коллаб😼 (С кем: https://vk.com/pine_radio_station)
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aith-art · 1 year
Falloutober 2023 - Day 12
Word Count - 1373
The room must have been spacious at some point. But with all the technology there, it felt more cramped and busy. Lights flicked and flashed. Something was beeping. Faraday was pattering around, looking at the equipment and doing some kind of checks. Chase watched me with an unbroken glare. She didn’t like me being around. One of very few none synths that had ever entered Arcadia, and someone who’d helped take down countless Coursers. But I ment them no harm. 
DiMA and Nick were at the otherside of the old telescope, sharing what I hoped were amicable discussion. Dana had sat against the wall, her head laid back and her eyes closed. It had been a long week and hadn’t been easy on her. She needed the nap, I just wished she’d found a comfier place to sleep cause she’d reget sleeping like that when she awoke. But for now, she was calm and safe. 
Leaning against the door, I continued to contemplate what we had to do. Going into the Nucleus was almost suicidal. If the crazy cult didn’t catch on to our plans then the radiation that’s said to be within the Nucleus would be fatal. The Children of Atom had changed so much in the century since I’d left Megaton. From a simple and slightly weird religion that stood around an old bomb, to borderline crazed killers who knew no mercy. 
I forced my mind to wander, thinking about the job wouldn’t help my mind, I thought about Nick and DiMA. Brothers, even if they cannot accept it, that had been reunited and had experiences no one else cound understand. Not an uncommon narrative in my travels, both myself and Dana had our fair share of experiences with siblings that we could not agree with. But there was something about Nick and DiMA I just couldn’t shake. They’d been around for nearly a hundred years if either one is to be believed. Though their exterior was predominantly some kind of polymer, they both had large amounts of exposed metal. 
As my mind continued to wander down this path of questions, my feet began to move and I found myself leaning against the railing near where Nick and DiMA were sat. 
“I still don’t feel proud of taking it as bad as I did. Maybe we could start over?” I stayed quiet as Nick and DiMA conversed. Nick had been colder to DiMA than I could have expected on first arrival. I supposed finding out you had a sibling after decades of believing you were alone isn’t easy, it hadn’t been for me. 
“I’d like that.” DiMA’s voice was always so measured. A calm voice that could passify the masses. It was almost disconcerting. As if he wasn’t always mentally there. Looking at things through an oblique angle. But there was also strain in it. Like it hurt for him to talk, like his vocal box had been damaged slightly over the years. “Its been good to talk to you, Nick.” 
The conversation lulled. Nick stood up and walked over to young Dana. He just hovered around her. Keeping her safe. DiMA looked at me. Though he couldn’t really emote, it was clear he was studying me. Calculating what I wanted to say. It felt weird to ask my question after such a heart warming moment, but it seemed DiMA wanted to know what I had to ask. 
“Hey, DiMA. I’ve got a… Well it might be a weird question but it’s been bugging me since I met Nick and then you…” I was talking faster than I intended to. Technology had always been something I was passionate about, and I always found myself rambling at speed when I got to bring it up. “It’s just well…” I took a breath, trying to slow myself down. “Do you and Nick rust?” 
DiMA said nothing for a moment. I felt myself shrink back slightly. I was a kid again, asking my mother about the eyebots and the mechanics of her project. “Oh…” I bit my lip, feeling more embarrassed by not just my question but my outburst of energy. “I hadn’t expected you to ask about that.” He caught me off guard. 
“What had you expected me to ask about?” I enquired. 
“How Arcadia works and interacts with the locals? how we sustain ourselves? Potentially how all the technology in this very room works.” 
It was my turn to be stumped. “Huh, I mean. I can’t say I haven’t been curious about that. But I guess a lot of that I’ve been observing. Other than the tech in here. Which if I was ever allowed to properly look at I could probably work out how to use it easy enough.” 
“Yes. You have a bright mind that quickly adapts too and can interpret situations. And you are certain you are not a synth?” 
“We can keep having these conversations, no. I’m not a synth. I have a blank space in my memory due to an enclave experiment but I’m most definitely human. Not that theres a problem being a synth. It’s just, some of my…” I had started ranting again, stopped thinking as fast. I hadn’t really spoken about the brains in Big Mt since I’d left. I left a pause as I chose the right words. “Former aquaintances would have known.” It was a weak half truth at best. DiMA could tell I believed for a fact I wasn’t a synth he didn’t know that I’d had concrete evidence of my lack of synth-hood. And I wasn’t about to admit to it here. 
“I have no doubt you believe that, whole heartedly.” I bit my tongue. I didn’t need to explain why talking to one's own brain was the best evidence in existence for not being a synth. “But back to your initial question. Do we rust?” 
My mind clicked back into the conversation I had come over here to have. “Yeah. I know your exterior is some kind of polymer, but your joint-work, and the vacuum tubes up your back. The connects for all those must get exposed to water every now and then. Are they made of some kind of rust resistant material. Cause that wouldn’t make sense, give the Institute was buit underground and you were never ment to be exposed to things like the rain.” The filter between my brain and my mouth faded away as I kept trying to connect the dots that had been there in my mind the entire time. “Or is it like the robots out in the wastes where you require constant maintenance and have to keep yourself dry all the time. Cause that can’t be easy on an island like this. Then again your safe from the fog up here which is where most of the damp on the island comes from.” As I kept talking, DiMA listened and Faraday came round the corner, standing over DiMA shoulder. I almost didn’t notice his appearance. “Cause things like Mr Handy’s and the old Enclave Eyebots require constant maintenance to prevent rusting. Though most Mr Handy’s like Codsworth have the ability to maintain themselves or have a rust resistant coating on them…” My voice mutter into a silence as the two men looked at me. 
Faraday spoke up first. “You’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?” 
I laughed a little. “Yeah. It’s not every day you get to learn about new science and technology. So I like to let my mind think about these kind of things a lot.” 
“You’ve the mind of a true scientist.” DiMA commented. 
“I’m sure he’s likely to agree with you.” I muttered back without thinking. My face tense with reget the moment I finished saying it. I sounded crazy. 
“Yes,” He wasn’t going to bring it up. “To answer your question, I have developed a form of water resistant coating that prevents me from rusting. Faraday and myself have a system. As for Nick, I don’t know. You likely know more than myself.” 
“But you do rust?”
“Yes, we do rust.” 
“Huh. Interesting.” 
“Is that all you had wanted to find out.” 
“Pretty much.” I stood up from the railing, giving him a smile, “Thank you, DiMA.”
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