s4llycinnamon13 · 5 months
Not 3 guys speaking to me at the pub even tho I was reading a book surely that is a sign to not speak to a girl?
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oneforthemunny · 9 months
friday the thirteenth |eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: you and eddie go to the drive in. a small blurb that's apart of the oneforthemunny's spooky story series! also eddie edit made possible by @eddiemunsonsmum :)
Friday, October 13th, 1989 
“Hey, make sure you hide those snacks, ok?” Eddie muttered, a ringed hand gripping the wheel, blowing smoke out the open window.
“I don’t think they’ll all fit in the glove box.” You frown, shoving the crinkling wrappers of honey buns and kit-kat under miscellaneous papers, a few lighters that were stored away in there. 
“Just put ‘em under the blanket, sweetheart.” Eddie nodded, flicking the cigarette out the window, arm craning behind him for the blankets you’d thrown in from home. 
“They won’t look?” Your eyes cut to Eddie’s carefully, grabbing the aged quilt from his grasp. 
“No, they’re not gonna search the van, baby.” Eddie grinned. “Just look in. Just make sure it’s covered, alright?” 
Undoing your own seatbelt, spreading the blanket over the snacks, feet tucked under your legs. Eddie tapped on the cracked leather of the steering wheel with excitement, rolling to a stop on the gravel behind the line of cars. “I’m so fuckin’ excited.” He admitted, eyes sparkling through the gloom dullness of the gray Indiana sky. 
“Yeah?” You giggle. His smile was infectious, made your heart warm with an overwhelming sense of adoration. “I can tell.” 
“This was a good idea. Coming early, because look at this line, babe.” Eddie tilted the rearview mirror to look at the piling line of cars behind him. All swarming to the Hawkins Drive-In for the double feature of Halloween and Friday the Thirteenth… on Friday the thirteenth. 
“Good call with that.” Eddie smiled over at you, heat spilling over your cheeks at his praise. Eddie’s hand fell on your thigh lightly, squeezing your thigh playfully.
 “Oh, shit. Look at that guy. Shoulda brought my mask, huh?” Eddie nodded towards the teenagers parked in the back, running around in their Jason and Michael masks. 
“Yeah… maybe don’t park over there, though.” You cut your eyes at the teenagers, screeching and jumping off their tailgates. 
“Why?” Eddie smirked, van rolling in line slowly towards the ticket stand. “You scared? Afraid they’ll get you-” 
“-Because I get it, babe. It is Friday the thirteenth. It’s a very scary night. I’d be scared too.” Eddie teased. 
You rolled your eyes. “You’re scared, Munson?” 
“Maybe. Maybe ‘m just excited.” Eddie smirked, long lashes batting at you sweetly. The van creeped towards the ticket stand. “I wasn’t gonna park there anyways, but they did take my spot, fuckin’ assholes.” 
“Your spot?” Your brows lifted in amusement. 
“Yeah, good makeout spot.” Eddie smirked at your scoff, stopping in front of the ticket stand. 
Your head rested against the seat rest, Eddie’s curls illuminated in the bright light of the ticket stand. Rings catching in the light when he handed them the money, bracelets peeking out from the leather of his jacket when he took the tickets. He looked so pretty; so content. 
“Can you put it on the station?” Eddie muttered, shifting gears so the van rolled with a low grunt over the gravel. “You wanna be more towards the front?” 
“I’m fine wherever, Ed.” You hum, turning the dial slowly. “You’re the expert, right, baby?” 
A huff of a laugh left his lips, curling in a small smile. “Yeah. Think there’s a spot up here if this jackass in a wagon doesn’t take it- Christ, who’s taking kids to this kind of movie? Fuck that, we’re not going there. I’m not listening to screaming the whole time.” 
“Maybe they’re older kids?” You grin, the comical tune of the pre-movie show tune playing through the speakers. “Or could be big horror fans. You didn’t like scary movies as a kid?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not fun going with your parents.” Eddie rolled his eyes, reversing into a back spot slowly. “Gotta sneak it or it’s not fun.” 
“Like the candy, hm? That’s the thrill of it?” 
“Exactly.” Eddie smirked, jamming the gear to park. 
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“Shit, this part is good, baby. Look.” Eddie whispered, lips still pressed to yours, hand sliding from your jaw slowly. 
“I don’t wanna look, just-” You pawed at his jacket collar, pulling him closer, back into your kiss. 
“-Wait, wait, this is the good part. Hold on.” Eddie muttered, eyes zoned in onto the screen, sitting back onto the van’s floor. 
You huffed, pushing up on your forearms to look at the screen, lips numb from the cold air and Eddie, just in time to see Michael Myers take a victim- a brutal slashing that had the entire lot grimacing out loud. 
“Oh, that’s fucking sick.” You cringe, looking at the van’s floor instead of the movie, stomach twisting uncomfortable. 
“Very fuckin’ sick. Wonder how they do that, huh? Like the special effects shit like that.” Eddie grinned, body buzzing with adrenaline and excitement. 
“I don’t know. They better have won whatever award there is for that, because that,” You nodded towards the screen, the dismembered, bloody body lying there. “Is disgusting.” 
“Wait until you see Jason’s victims. Makes Michael look tame.” Eddie grinned, head falling against the pillow, shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “Can’t believe you’ve never seen these.” 
“No way.” You wrinkle your nose at the screen. “More of a Beetlejuice fan or Elvira. I always liked that movie.”
“Yeah? Me too.” Eddie smirked. “Really liked that one.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Of course, you did.” 
“I like a spooky babe. Can you blame me?” Eddie pulled you close to his side, lips smacking against your cheek. 
“Oh? So you don’t like me, huh?” You glare at him lightly. “Just wasting my time, Munson?” 
“No way.” Eddie shook his head, looking over at you. “You’re a total spooky babe.” 
You roll your eyes, scoffing lightly. “‘M serious.” Eddie squeezes your thigh gently. “You’re doing this with me.” He nodded towards the screen. “Yeah.” You hum, eyes cutting to the screen, grimacing at the chase scene. “Guess I must love you or something to sit through two of these.”
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lazyjellyfish300 · 7 months
DD part 2
Fem Reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber Driver
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**image is not mine, from a Google search, all credit to respective owners**
Plot- reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home.
Part 1 , Pt 3 1, Part 3 2, Part 4 , Part 5
T/W 18+ only, minors DNI, alcohol mentioned, mature language, implied masturbation, sexual fantasies, vomit, age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34)
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in this story so much that I decided to change it from a one shot to a series🖤
The following day...
You slowly rose from the dead at 2 pm with a hangover from hell, your stomach lopsided, prompting you to bolt to the toilet. After an unpleasant upchuck and rinsing with Listerine, you couldn't help but smile as you looked in the mirror, still shrouded in Miguel's oversized hoodie. You shuffled into the kitchen, cursing when you find out you're all out of bottled water. You pour yourself a tall glass from the tap and try your best to gulp it down without thinking about the weird metallic taste.
Last night's events slowly start coming back into focus. You were so obsessed with what happened with Miguel that you completely forgot it was due to your friends ditching you. You run back in your room, grunting in annoyance when you realize your dumb ass forgot to charge your phone overnight. You wait impatiently for the battery to creep up to 1% so you can turn it back on. Eager to see if Miguel tried to contact you after the encounter, somehow, some way. As your phone loads, your stomach drops in disappointment when you see that you have no notifications from Miguel, which turns to resentment when you realize your so-called friends didn't even bother trying to call or text you either to make sure you at least got home.
You sigh and flop back on the bed. You double check the Uber app and your heart rate increases when you see that you can report a "lost item" to get in contact again.
Noooo remember girl, let him come to you. Do you really wanna be the one that reaches out first when he turned down a kiss from you last night? But wait, he was a gentleman. Maybe he was just trying not to be an ass or give you the wrong idea since you were intoxicated...He literally wiped taco sauce from your mouth and licked it off his finger for fuck's sakes!
How could someone be so goddamn hot, kind, and gentlemanly at the same time? And what brought him to do all those things for you of all people?
You go to the help section of the app and realize that Miguel can't contact you. Since you're the rider, any personal info won't be shared with him besides your pickup and drop off location, unless you reach out about an issue.
Fuck me! You suddenly feel like you're in middle school again trying to talk to a cute guy.
For the love of God, do it!! Worst he can say is no? That's exactly what I'm scared of, dummy!
Oh no, it's ringing!
-----mini time jump backwards to that night-----
After dropping you off, Miguel arrived back to his apartment about 3 am, teeming with want for your soft skin. He laid down in his dark room with the lights off and flashes of you two together entered his mind.
Breathing into each other's mouths as if the heat between you was the only thing keeping each other warm. Marking you with little red and purple bites of love. Him grabbing your jaw with his fingers, while you desperately sputtered his name, not letting you look anywhere else but at him. Gentle sounds of your love ringing off the walls in varying volumes.
He pictured your beautiful face looking up at him while he murmured how beautiful you looked and what a goddess you were.
He imagined spending all night with you just like this, burning memories of your skin into his mind that he’d replay whenever he needed you like a faulty record.
His fists clenched in frustration. All of those fantasies would have came true if he wasn't such a fucking coward tonight.
After you two would have made love, he imagined taking care of you afterwards. Hearing your soft, beautiful voice as you two shared pillow talk while he planted wet kisses on your shoulder. Tracing every juncture over your collarbones and neck, sleeping naked together. Maybe letting things get heated in the bathroom one more time before washing each other's bodies afterwards.
Tiredness got the best of him and he drifted off to sleep, imagining you in his arms...
-----back to the following afternoon -----
Conchata O'Hara's heeled boots echoed down the marble hallway to Miguel's apartment, her 6 year old granddaughter, Gabriella in tow. Gabi was an adorable, soft spoken little girl. She was musing to her grandma about her friend Peyton's birthday party as they came up to Miguel's door. Conchata was a striking woman. If you saw her you could tell the lion's share of Miguel's good looks came from her. She could have been a former Miss Universe. She stood at 6'1, a long tan trenchcoat over a black turtle neck, with grey slacks, two chopsticks securing her greying raven hair in a bun as two stray wisps of hair grazed her face in front. Laugh lines adorning the corner of her eyes.
Miguel jerked awake when he heard his doorbell. He forgot to set his alarm for when his mother brought his daughter home from their sleepover. Conchata was always happy to watch her precious granddaughter while Miguel worked. Conchata's brow raised as she realized her son wasn't awake. Finally, Miguel opened the door, Gabi squealing in delight. "Daddy!"
"Hey, bumblebee!" Miguel scooped her up, hugging her tight. It was difficult to be away from her, even if he knew it was only because he needed to provide for them financially. Conchata smiled and walked in. Miguel gave his mom a kiss on the cheek, towering over her despite her height as well.
"Long night, mijo?" She asked in a regal voice.
"Ma.." Miguel sighed. She always treated him like a young boy instead of a grown man.
"I raised you better than this!" She tsked at the sight of dishes in the sink.
"Mama," Miguel said tiredly. "I was working until 3 am, I haven't had a chance to get to those." Conchata looked at him as if she was trying to see through him.
"Mija, why don't you go play in your room and get your Barbies." Gabi's eyes lit up and she giggled as she ran for her room.
"Did you have a girl over?"
Miguel sighed and looked at Gabi.
"Ma, please don't talk about that around Gabi..." Miguel said as he started to wash the dishes.
"You just seemed off." Conchata said. "What's going on in your head? I can never read you these days. I worry, you know."
"Maybe I did meet someone, ma."
Conchata's eyes widened and at that moment, Miguel's phone rang.
"Perdóname..Hello?" Miguel walks outside onto his balcony, shutting the sliding door on a bewildered Conchata.
Your voice sunk to the bottom of your stomach when you heard Miguel's attractive voice on the other line.
"Hi, Miguel, it's me, y/n from last night..."
Miguel's face started to turn into a smile. "Hey, it's so good to hear from you. Are you feeling better this morning?"
"Yeah, yeah I am. Thanks so much again, I mean, for everything. I just had to tell you that."
"Well, of course. It's my pleasure to do that for you."
There was a long, painful, pregnant pause.
"Is..that all you wanted to tell me?" He asked softly.
"Well...I mean, yeah pretty much you know I just felt bad and..
Your heart stops at the sound of your name.
"I enjoyed our time together last night and, if you're open to it, I'd like to get to know you better. Can I take you out sometime?"
You felt your internal organs do a victory dance. "Oh, YEAH, I mean, I'd love that. When would you like to?"
Miguel thought for a moment. "Would Wednesday night work? It's a little strange, I know. My schedule is kind of hectic. But maybe we could grab dinner. Do you like Italian food?"
"I do! Wednesday sounds great!" You say without checking your schedule.
You two exchange numbers and make plans to meet Wednesday night. Once you both hang up you're both experiencing a mixture of giddiness, relief and anticipation for your first date.
Wednesday couldn't come soon enough.
Thank you for reading! Pt 3 coming soon 🖤
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2chopsticks2eyes · 1 year
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2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Bang Chan x Fem Reader
Hwang Hyunjin x Fem Reader
Themes: Smut, Pining
Word Count: ~6k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Cussing, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Cum Eating, Pining, Protected Sex, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Summary: You find out that this new guy you are going to start dating, Chris, is your best friend's new roommate. You are excited, but your best friend, Hyunjin (who may or may not be madly in love with you) is not so thrilled. Chris notices this and the two men settle on some sort of... agreement.
Author's Note: This work was inspired by a request from @stayandot8. I think this might be the shortest fic I've written, but I promise I put my heart into it! 💖 Proofread was only skimmed over so I hope it isn't trash. 🙃
Hyunjin had been your best friend for what felt like ages. However, in reality, you two only met a couple of years ago when you started teaching with him at an art studio. You bonded with him over your shared affinity with fine arts and it was the most natural friendship you had ever experienced. You were just simply comfortable with one another.
Some might say a bit too comfortable. At least for a friendship between a boy and a girl.
Since you were co-workers, you spent most of your time with the man. You would have your meals with him, spent your days off with him, and even spent some nights at each other’s places if one of you was too lazy to go home for the night.
You don’t think that there was anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with around him. That’s what lead you to ask him to come shopping with you for your new date.
“How long have you even been talking to this guy?” He said as he stole your coffee from your hands while you strolled through the outlet mall, looking for a place to shop. He emptied the contents of the drink and tossed it into a nearby garbage bin.
“Just a few weeks, but we really clicked on Tinder and he agreed that he wasn’t just looking for a quick fuck.” You glanced in one of the windows of a shop and decided against it, continuing your walk with your bestie.
“And you’re sure he’s not some creep?” He glanced at you speculatively.
“I’m sure, you worry wart. Plus, if he is you know I can handle myself.” You bumped elbows with him and he rolled his eyes.
“Okay, okay fine. Just wanna look out for my girl.” He winked down at you and you scoffed. Always the biggest flirt, this guy. “What’s this guy’s name again? I think I tuned you out when you said it before.” He said nonchalantly.
“Yah!” You weakly smacked him on the arm, making him dramatically hold onto it as if you had shot him. “It’s Bang Chan, you pabo!” He immediately halted in his tracks, making you stop as well to raise an eyebrow at him. “Jin? Did you malfunction?” You shook his arm with a chuckle.
He stared down at you in disbelief. “Did you say Bang Chan?” He sounded as if you just told him that you were the Queen of England and you giggled.
“Uhhh yeah? He also goes by Chris. Why? Wait–” Your tone quickly changed into one of exasperation. “Hyunjin, please don’t tell me you went to a fortune teller again. Did they ward you away from any ‘Bang’ family names or something? I told you to stop going after what happened last time!” You scolded, memory flashing back to when he only wore white 24/7 because it was ‘guaranteed to bring him great wealth’. You had to help him with his laundry for weeks because he couldn’t stop getting stains on everything he wore.
“No, no, no. What does this guy look like?” He looked almost panicked now and you started to become concerned.
“Ummm, well… He’s a bit shorter than you. Super muscular with broad shoulders. A super bright smile and dimples that I just want to swim in…” You started to sound wistful as you described the dreamy beefcake. “Oh and don’t even get me started on his di–”
“Oh god, Aegiya, STOP.” The man sounded disgusted and you doubled over laughing. You were only a year younger than him and he just had to milk it by always calling you a baby.
“Dude, what’s the deal?” You finally wondered.
He huffed and continued walking, annoyance written all over his features as he stared straight forward. “Well, apparently it appears that your new boy toy also happens to be the new roommate I got last week…” He grumbled and now it was time for you to stop in your tracks.
“What??” To say the least, you were pretty surprised.
He just continued to walk and you scurried over to catch up to him. “Yyyyep. Congrats. I now get to help you plan for your date with my fucking roommate.” He sounded super put out and you cackled at him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! That’s fucking hilarious!” After a moment of your chortling, your brain cut you off short when you felt a lightbulb blink to life. “Oh my god, Jinnie! You have to tell me about him! Do you think he’s into more of a wild girl, or a shy one? Does he cook? Clean? What kind of music does he–”
“Hey little lady, you probably know more about him than I do. Like I said, he just recently moved in.” You gave him puppy dog eyes and he glanced over at you momentarily, quickly looking straight forward again with a disbelieving huff. “All I can tell you is that he produces music, he constantly works on it day in and day out as if his life depends on it. I’m surprised he even found the time to date.”
You smiled to yourself. He made time for me? As if fate had heard your conversation, the two of you started getting nearer to the perfect store. “Let’s go in here, Jinnie!” You grabbed his arm to pull him in, but he was as firm as a statue.
“Nuh-uh. Nooo way am I going into a sex shop with you to help you bone my fucking roommate. You’re nuts.” He looked at you as if you had grown two heads.
“Awww c’mon, Jinnie, pleeease? I need the male objective’s eye! I don’t want to go in alone!” You grabbed onto his hand and looped your fingers to intertwine with his. “Please…” You donned your cutest pout and squeezed his hand.
His brows furrowed and he looked like he was having a genuine internal battle. “Damnit, Aegiya…” He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “You’d better make this quick. AND you owe me a shit ton of ice cream after this…”
A smile burst out across your face and you threw your arms around his shoulders, giggling like a school girl. “Ahhh! Thankyouthankyouthankyou, Jinnie! This is why I love you!” When you pulled back from the embrace, he looked annoyed, but you could definitely see a rosy color dusted across his cheeks and a deep red bloom on the tips of his ears.
You intertwined fingers again and dragged him into the store.
You felt like a kid in a candy store, finding set after set of lingerie and handing it to Hyunjin to hold onto. “Okay, I think we’ve accumulated enough, little Miss Pamela Anderson!” He shouted at you from behind the pile he had stacked in his arms.
You giggled at his drowning appearance and led him to the changing rooms where you sat him down on the bench just outside the door. “Wait here, I’m gonna try them on!” You grabbed the first set from his arms and skipped off to try it on.
You struggled a bit on the first one just because it was so intricate, but you ended up figuring it out. It had crossed your mind that it might feel a bit weird for some girls to show their male best friend themselves wearing lingerie, but, again, you were just so comfortable with Hyunjin that you didn’t think twice.
“Jin, I think this might be a bit much, what do you think?” You said as you opened the door to show him.
At first, he wasn’t really paying attention, just mindlessly scrolling away on his phone. However, when he looked up, the phone clattered to the ground, which he quickly retrieved while clearing his throat for some reason. “Uh– I– Um, it looks– uh… good? I guess?” He said, desperately avoiding eye contact with you.
“Yeah, but look–” You turned around to show him the backside that looked like a damned jungle of straps, buckles, and latches. “Doesn’t this seem too complicated?” When you looked at him again, his whole head and neck were a deep crimson as he zoned out on your ass. “Jinnie?”
He quickly snapped out of it and his eyes darted anywhere and everywhere away from you. “U-Uh yeah– y-yeah…” 
You figured you didn’t want it to be too hard to get out of because that’s just not sexy if you have to struggle in the moment. You just shrugged. “Okay, then. Next!” You grabbed the next piece off the pile and shut yourself back into the changing room.
You repeated this several times, you put on the next set after the next set, continuing to ask Hyunjin for his input until you slipped on the final piece.
It was perfect. A completely black (which you knew Chris liked) bustier with mesh, lace fabric woven over the spines of the top. Complete with a garter belt and crotchless panties. All you needed were some stockings and it would be perfect.
However, you obviously couldn’t show these to Hyunjin, they were crotchless! And contrary to popular belief, you did have some standards. Anyway, you knew it was perfect with or without his opinion.
You quickly changed back into your clothes and stepped out, items in hand and ready to be purchased. “This is the one! Ready to go?”
Instead of a grumble with a remark like ‘finally’ or something equally as chafing coming from his mouth, you were surprised to hear him say– “What? That’s it? But you didn’t…” He stopped mid-sentence and blushed.
“I couldn’t show you this one, Jin. It was a bit much, even for you. But, trust me, you would have loved it.” You said enthusiastically as you walked to the checkout counter.
He just simply replied with– “Oh… okay…” And was suspiciously silent for the rest of the day.
- - - - - - - - - - 
Jinnie 🥟🍦:
Ur date is tonight right?
Aegiya ❣🎨:
?Yeah, why
?Omg did he say something
?Did he ask u abt me
?He’s not calling it off is he
As much as Hyunjin wanted to lie and say yes, he wouldn’t do that to you.
Jinnie 🥟🍦:
No no, I was just checking
Was thinking about going out tonight too
(He wasn’t)
Jinnie 🥟🍦:
Ya know, give u guys privacy
Aegiya ❣🎨:
Ur such a sweetheart, Jinnie
But I don’t want to kick u out of ur own home
We will probably go back to my place anyway
The thought gave Hyunjin a knot in the back of his throat.
Jinnie 🥟🍦:
Oh ok cool
Have fun
(He hoped you wouldn’t)
Aegiya ❣🎨:
😉 Will do
He grumbled at his phone and flopped onto his back on the bed. Ever since he met you, he knew you were special. However, since you were coworkers, apparently that meant he had a big ole ‘FRIENDZONE’ stamped on his forehead in red and he would never make it any further than #besties.
But it was fine. He was just happy to have you in his life because you were, in fact, a really cool person.
You had dated a few people here and there in the years since you two became friends and he obviously wasn’t a fan, but he was happy any time you were happy, so he stayed silent.
However, when he found out that you were going to date his freshly new roommate, he started to get a bit more agitated. What if you two really hit it off? Yes, you would be around a lot, but would you still come around for him? Or would you only want to come to see Chris? Not to mention the fact that he would have to listen to the man fucking you just down the hall!
Okay, maybe the idea of being within such proximity to you while you were moaning and whining and getting fucked silly might be a turn-on… even if it wasn’t him making you feel that way…
Ever since you took him shopping, it was like his horniness was amplified by ten and his mind was on a constant loop of images of you in that lingerie. Whatever caused you to feel the need to model them to Hyunjin, he didn’t know, but now the godforsaken thoughts plagued him day and night! 
Sometimes he even got a little pissed, thinking you were just stringing him along to tease him, but he would quickly come to his senses because in his heart he knew that you loved him. Even if it was just as a friend.
A knock on Hyunjin’s door disturbed him from his thoughts. Of course, the man of the hour would show up right in the middle of his very important brooding session. “Come in!” He shouted to his roommate.
The door opened and he was greeted with the bright smile of that damned Aussie. Hyunjin couldn’t even hate him and that pissed him off even more. Chris was just such a genuinely good guy. He could literally befriend anyone he wanted and he was super talented too. Hyunjin never had any self-esteem issues, he knew he was gorgeous, but the fact that Chris was the one to snatch you kind of hurt his pride.
“Hey, roomie! Whatcha doin?” He plopped down next to the younger on his bed.
“Just thinking of where I should go tonight. I’m not really interested in hearing…” The words were left unsaid, but Chris understood right away. 
Chris was pretty surprised when you told him that Hyunjin was your best friend, but he was also kind of happy that you were already so tight with his new roommate.
Although, when Chris talked to Hyunjin about the topic, he noticed that the taller man became a bit sullen any time your name was brought up. Chris could instantly tell that Hyunjin was in love with you.
He thought he should have maybe been pissed or concerned, but he wasn’t. He moreso felt sympathy for the young man. Yes, Chris was also incredibly smitten with you, but that only made him feel more sorry for the younger. Because he knew the effect you had on both of them.
He placed a gentle hand on Hyunjin’s shoulder. “Hey, man, listen,” Chris said apologetically. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you like her. I’m not blind.”
Hyunjin shot up into a seated position. “W-what are you talking about? I’m not into her like that at all!” He himself knew he didn’t sound believable. “We’re just friends…”
Chris just sighed. “Okay, sure, but the statement still stands. You don’t have to leave our place on account of me. Me and her can go back to her place after.” Chris gnawed on his lip as if he was contemplating something and Hyunjin was intrigued. “Or…” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “We could still come over with you here…”
Hyunjin couldn’t lie to himself, he always wanted to hear what you would sound like in bed, but it just felt… wrong? “I dunno hyung… I don’t want to spoil your guys’ date.” Although it pained him to say it.
“Well that’s the thing, I don’t think you would.” Chris countered and Hyunjin just looked at him quizzically. “Okay, let me explain. So she told you we met on Tinder, right?” Hyunjin slowly nodded, not sure where he was going with this. “Well, we really started off talking about our… sexual preferences–” Hyunjin was certainly intrigued now. “And she had mentioned once that she always wanted to try a threesome…”
Hyunjin’s jaw dropped. “Oh…” He didn’t know what else to say. Where was Chris heading with this?
“Take it however you like, but just know that if you just so happened to be home and just so happened to walk in on us… I don’t think she would be opposed to some… company… if you get what I mean.” Chris hinted and Hyunjin was frozen on the spot.
“And you want that??” Hyunjin was flabbergasted.
Chris chuckled. “I mean, I know what it’s like to be friendzoned by a girl and I also know what it’s like to have bad blood between roommates. And I don’t want either of those things, so why not let her decide?” Chris was genuinely too good to be true. “And don’t think I don’t want her to myself, because, trust me, I do. But you are an important part of her life. It’s best that she knows how you feel before things get too serious.”
Hyunjin didn’t even know how to respond. Hell, he didn’t know how to think in that exact moment. All he could register was the word that came from his mouth. “Okay…”
- - - - - - - - - - 
Chris was a perfect gentleman, through and through. The dinner he took you to was delicious beyond reason and the conversations he led were the most engaging that you had ever experienced. Everything just felt so easy with him. Plus, the chemistry between the two of you was off the charts.
Small touches and lingering hands left you buzzing with need and you found yourself having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself. The only odd thing, not unwelcome, just odd, was the fact that he kept bringing up the topic of your best friend the whole night.
He wanted your opinion of him and what you thought of him. Some people might have thought it was out of jealousy, but he didn’t really give off the jealous vibe. He seemed to genuinely want to know what your relationship was like. And you loved your best friend, so you were happy enough to discuss him.
By the end of dinner, the sexual tension was suffocating and you just wanted to rip his clothes off then and there. When you hopped into the car and he started driving, you felt yourself shaking with anticipation when he rested his hand on your bare thigh where your little black dress was too short to cover.
You were super impatient to get back to your place, but as he kept driving, you realized he wasn’t heading in the direction of your apartment where he picked you up. “Hey Chris, do you know the way back to my place?” You turned to look at him to find him blushing. God, he’s cute.
He cleared his throat. “Well, I um… I was wondering if I could take you back to mine? I’m sorry it was a bit presumptuous of me, but I have a surprise for you…”
Electricity shot through you and you didn’t think twice to consider what you told Hyunjin. “Not presumptuous at all! I’m…” You blushed when he glanced at you with his stupidly sexy half-grin. “...looking forward to it.” Your eyes were glued to his face and you squeezed your thighs in arousal when he slid his hand a bit further up your thigh.
He looked over at you just as you bit your lip, your eyes hazy with lust. He bit his own lip to suppress a smile when he looked back at the road and you felt his hand slide to your inner thigh as his fingers closed in on your crotchless panties. Never touching, just teasing.
- - - - - - - - - - 
When you arrived at his and Hyunjin’s apartment, everything happened in a blur. As the front door closed behind you, you felt Chris’ hands wrap around your waist from behind and a warm press of lips close in on your neck. 
Chris was intoxicating, everything about him made you dizzy with want and you quickly spun around in his arms, throwing your arms around his neck and smashing into his lips with your own. He instantly pressed you up against the wall and you arched up into him, silently begging for more. His arms were wrapped low around your waist to pull you suffocatingly close and you kicked your black heels off when you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He responded by holding you up underneath your dress by both ass cheeks and he pressed his slowly hardening dick against you as he moved to devour your neck. He grinded into you and you threw your head back as far as the wall would allow you as you moaned his name.
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous.” He growled into your neck as he kneaded your ass with his fingertips. 
All you could reply with was– “Ngh, fuck, Chris. More. I need more...” Your voice was whiny and already fucked out, but by the low groan he breathed into your neck, he was very much in a similar state.
He pulled you back from the wall and carried you down the hall to his bedroom where he eagerly plopped both of you down on the bed. You writhed underneath him, trying to pull him impossibly closer as he moved to grope your breasts over your dress. You whined and pleaded for more and he complied.
He released one of your breasts and slid his hand down between your legs. What he felt (or really the lack of what he felt) made him gasp and look down at you incredulously. The crotchless panties were definitely a good choice. “Fuck…” He pounced on you with one long, hungry kiss and then released you to crawl down between your legs. 
The moment you felt his mouth close around your clit, you saw stars. You cried out with labored breaths and it took him no time at all to push you over the edge. You curled your fingers in his dark brown locks and he guided you through your orgasm, head popping up with a breathtaking smile when you came down. “Holy shit, Chris… that was probably the fastest anyone has ever got me to cum.” You giggled and you internally cooed when he blushed at the statement.
However, that was short-lived as the sex-god side of Chris returned and he ripped off his shirt and slacks, leaving him in just his boxers as he nestled back down to sit against the headboard. “C’mere, baby girl.” He patted his lap and you quickly crawled over to straddle him. His hands instantly flew to your hips and ass where your dress rode up.
Now was the moment you had been waiting for. You decided to cut to the chase and you grabbed the hem of your dress and slowly pulled it up over your head. When the fabric that was blinding you was finally pulled from your face, Chris’ expression was almost humorous. You felt his fingers gradually tighten more and more on your ass as he assessed your undergarments.
His face looked like he was in some sort of trance of crazed hunger and when he looked back into your eyes, you saw pure carnal desire. “What do you think? I got it just for you, Chris.” You said with hooded eyelids that ate up every inch of skin he had on display.
“What do I think?” His voice must have dropped about ten octaves and he harshly pulled you to directly sit on his achingly hard cock through his boxers. “I think you're a motherfucking goddess.”
He then proceeded to capture your lips once more in an absolutely filthy kiss, tongues clashing and teeth gnawing. You started grinding on his dick and he growled into your mouth, pulling away moments after you started.
“Do you want your surprise, baby girl?” He said as he guided your grinding hips with his hands. You were so fucked out that all you could do was nod your head profusely. He then turned to look at the door you had left open behind you. “Hyunjin-ah, would you like to come in?”
You immediately stilled and whipped your head around. You felt the hands on your hips tighten. “Jinnie?!” You were shocked. How long had he been watching??? By the completely beet-red face and the huge bulge in his pants, you would say it had been more than just a few moments.
You heard a shushing from the man underneath you and you turned back to him. He looked deep into your eyes and you felt him slowly glide his thumb over your sopping clit, making you gasp and your eyelids flutter. “I asked Hyunjinnie to help bring your fantasy to life.” You instantly knew he was talking about the threesome you had hinted at one time. “And he was more than willing to help out.”
You slowly turned back to your best friend that had taken a few steps further into the room. “Is that true, Jinnie?” You were mostly worried about his own comfort. 
He nodded with a hazy stare. “It’s not exactly how I pictured it happening… but yeah…” What did he mean by that? 
You didn’t have much time to think on it, however, because you suddenly felt Chris easing a finger inside you. You gasped and whipped back around to face him, your hands flying to his broad shoulders to ground yourself. 
“Do you mind if he watches while I fuck your pretty little hole first?” Your mouth was perpetually hung open as you nodded in compliance. “Good girl, now get on all fours, gorgeous.” He pulled his finger out of you and, before you did as you were told, you grabbed Chris’ hand and took his spunk-covered finger into your mouth. Both men groaned at the sight and you weren't ashamed to admit that you were feeling pretty proud of yourself. 
Once you released his digit and you turned to do what you were commanded to, you looked straight into Hyunjin’s eyes and crawled to where he was standing at the foot of the bed. Without warning, you grabbed him by his belt loops and pulled him flush to you where you stood on your knees on the bed. You could feel his erection push into your stomach and you felt a new wave of arousal stir in your core.
“We can talk about this later, but right now, I want this…” You deftly undid the top button of his shirt. “...and these…” You moved a hand down and palmed at his hard-on, making him gasp, then popped open the button on his jeans as well. You stretched up and brought his head down so you could whisper in his ear. “...gone.”
When you released him with a wicked smile and resumed your position on all fours like you were asked, Hyunjin quickly got to work on your request.
You suddenly felt a hand gently wrap around your neck to pull you up and back flush against Chris, his now bare cock resting between the cleft of your ass cheeks. “You think you can take all of me, sweetie?” He said as he grabbed your wrist with his free hand and lead you to feel his sizable dick. You almost choked on your gasp. Now, you knew Chris had a huge cock, you both had sent each other plenty of nudes these past weeks, but to feel it in your hand, it just didn’t feel real.
You tried to turn to look at it, but his hand on your neck kept you still and you whimpered. “Now, you have some options, baby girl. Either you take all of me now without seeing it first–” To be honest, that sounded pretty hot, but you were also dying to take a peek. “...OR, you can look all you want, but I’ll get off in that sweet mouth of yours instead while Hyunjinnie does whatever he wants with your tasty little cunt.”
You couldn’t control the pornographic moan that escaped your lips from the pure filth coming from his lips. You could see Hyunjin start to form a slight grin from watching this unfold and that in itself had you shaking with want. “B-but what if I want both?”
You could feel the rumble against your back coming from the depths of Chris’ chest from the question. “A greedy little one, are we?” You then felt yourself abruptly being pushed face-first into the mattress with your ass in the air. “Then I guess we’ll just have to give you all we’ve got…” Chris growled as you heard the tear of a condom wrapper open.
“J-just–!” You looked up at Hyunjin, as best as you could from your squished position, from his rushed outburst. “Just… don’t hurt her…” He sounded a bit hesitant to say it, but he looked down into your eyes with pure concern. Your heart soared.
“Jinnie…” You held up your hand and he crouched down next to your face. You crooked your neck up to whisper directly into his ear, loud enough for Chris to hear. “I want you to hurt me…”
He pulled back incredulously and his shocked eyes bore into yours. “Holy fuck, can you be any more perfect?”
“I know, right?” Chris said with a chuckle.
Everything that happened next all happened simultaneously. You felt Chris shimmying behind you and felt his warm breath fan over your folds. You felt him lick a long, fat stripe up your opening then felt him shimmy again to get into position. You felt the tip of his cock wedge its way into your entrance and you saw Hyunjin step back and finally drop his boxers to the floor.
Your. Jaw. Dropped.
Not only from the breathtaking feeling of Chris’ dick splitting you in two, but also at the mesmerizing sight of Hwang Hyunjin stripped bare with his beautiful, leaking cock in his hand. “Like what you see, Aegiya?” All you could do was nod dumbly with a red face that was struggling to adjust to Chris’ size.
You needed a distraction from the pain. You pulled yourself up on your hands and reached out to Hyunjin. “Wanna taste…” You whined pitifully.
He cockily smirked with his tongue prodding at his lip. “Anytime, baby.” You felt fire in your veins from his words and you felt in desperate need for more stimulation.
Just as you grabbed ahold of Hyunjin’s gorgeous cock, you pushed your ass back into Chris, shoving him even deeper inside you and the three of you moaned simultaneously.
You quickly started lapping up all of the precum that coated Hyunjin’s tip and he slowly tangled his hands in your hair. “You taste so good, Jinnie.” You said with fluttered lashes, right before you took his head all the way in.
“Fuck, Aegiya. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this…” That one statement blew your mind and you instantly looked back on your entire relationship. Hyunjin wanted me?
Again, you couldn’t think on it long, because Chris suddenly decided to start pistoning fast and hard into you, shoving you down onto Hyunjin’s cock even further. You held back your gag reflex and allowed yourself to bask in the eroticism of being used by these fucking drop-dead gorgeous men.
“Goddamn, baby girl. You’re doing so *ngh* fucking good for us *huff* …taking all this cock so fucking well.” Chris growled as he nailed you over and over again in all the right places. 
“Shit, Aegi. You’re so fucking sexy with your mouth around me *hiss* fuuuck you’re so damn good at that!” Hyunjin threw his head back with a laugh and it was one of the most beautiful sights you had ever seen. “I can’t wait to taste you, baby.”
That’s what threw you over the edge, screaming as loud as you were able to with a throat full of cock. They both seemed to slow down as you rode your orgasm, but they were definitely not done with you yet.
Once you seemed to have come down from your high, Hyunjin spoke up. “Hyung…” There seemed to be some sort of silent communication going on because before you knew it, you were completely empty on both ends.
You slumped down on the mattress, your intense orgasm seemingly having taken the life out of you. Your eyes fluttered shut while you tried to regain control of your breathing and you felt someone sweetly petting your hair. “Did we wear you out for the night? Sorry, Aegiya…” Your eyes snapped open to see Hyunjin knelt down next to your head at the foot of the bed.
“N-no!” You grabbed onto his hand, pleadingly. “Not done! Need more… use me…” You were suddenly too cockdumb to form complete sentences, but what you did say made both men curse in tandem. Hyunjin smirked and quickly stood up.
The men grabbed each end of you and flipped you onto your back. Your vision was blurry with lust, but you could still clearly see that Chris had removed his condom and Hyunjin donned one now instead.
With one sharp tug, Hyunjin pulled you into position where his face hovered over your folds. You looked down at him right as he placed those plump lips against your throbbing clit in a torturous kiss. You whined at the damned tease and he smiled against your skin. 
He then went from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye.
He began to you out as if his life depended on it and his long tongue reached even further inside you than you thought was possible. Your head craned back as you belted out a silent cry of pleasure. However, Chris used your open mouth to his advantage as he positioned himself at the foot of the bed and you finally caught a glimpse of his dick coming straight toward your mouth.
And HOLY FUCK was the man packing, or what?
There was no way in hell you were going to be able to deepthroat that monster! Yet you took him in your mouth nonetheless. You knew you still had a wicked tongue when it came to giving head. “Shit, baby girl. Your mouth really is magic.” Chris groaned.
You felt pride fill your smug little bubble, but you were soon preoccupied with your next orgasm rapidly approaching from the skilled tongue of Hyunjin. You whimpered on Chris’ massive cock and he moaned from the vibrations. Your orgasm was just as powerful as the last as you released all over your best friend’s face.
You heard a long hum come from the man between your legs. “You taste so good, Aegiya.” Hyunjin said once you were finished and he kissed his way up your body, only to stop to suck each nipple at a time into his mouth. Chris had started fucking your face shallowly and he was able to get painfully deep from this position. 
As you felt Hyunjin move up to suck on your neck, you felt his cock start to prod at your entrance. You were more eager than you thought you should be to feel him inside you, but when he absolutely slammed into you, you almost choked. Hyunjin was waaay longer than Chris and he reached spots inside you that no man had ever reached before.
You whimpered on Chris’ cock and you felt him start to stutter in his rhythm. “Fuck… M’cummin…” Sure enough, after a few more pumps, you felt hot ropes of his seed hit the back of your throat. You always had this really sick pleasure of cum eating and he thankfully spared you none.
More and more kept coming, and just when you didn’t think you could fit anymore, he finally finished and pulled out. You closed your eyes and hummed in bliss, sloshing the thick fluid around in your mouth before savoring every gulp to emptiness. You had realized that Hyunjin had stopped moving and you opened your eyes, offended that he would rob you of that delicious sensation he was giving you.
Yet when you opened your eyes, you found both men staring at you with shock on their faces. “Fuck, that’s gotta be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen…” Chris said with heavy breaths as he, too, was coming down from his high.
“Nasty, baby.” Hyunjin said with a smirk as he lowered himself down to hover just above your face. He looked apprehensive for a moment, seemingly searching your eyes as he slowly rocked into you with a steady rhythm and quick glances at your panting lips.
You decided to cut to the chase and you wrapped all your limbs around him, crashing him fully down onto your body and connecting your moistened lips. 
Well shit. Why did he have to be an amazing kisser too?
His pace picked up along with the hunger in his kiss and you were suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of having your best friend fuck you senseless.
Although Hyunjin’s dick was beating your cervix to a pulp, the pain led you to yet another climax that you didn’t even think was possible. He pulled back and brought his hand up to thumb at your lips. “Get this wet for me, pretty?” You instantly sucked his finger in and his heavy-breathing, open mouth formed the sexiest fucking smile you had seen on him yet.
He retrieved the dripping digit and brought it down to your over-sensitive clit, almost instantly pushing you over the edge. Without further ado, Hyunjin also climaxed and he came with your name on his lips. Holy shit, you just fucked your best friend…
Things were hazy after he pulled out. 
First, you felt two pairs of hands strip you out of the uncomfortable lingerie and begin to wipe you down.
Next, you were easily repositioned under the covers to rest your head on a comfy pillow with the softest sheets you had ever felt. 
After that, things got quiet. You didn’t know why… but you suddenly felt… lonely.
You felt a kiss on your forehead and that’s when you forced your eyes open. You caught his hand as the man started to retreat. “Jinnie?” He returned to you with a sad smile.
“Yes? What is it, Aegiya?” You squeezed his hand tighter.
“Stay? Please?” He looked startled and he glanced at the man that had evidently crawled under the covers with you. You turned to Chris’ confused face and looped your other arm around his strong bicep. “Both of you?” You knew this would probably be weird in normal circumstances and you would have to address your feelings in the morning, but right now you just wanted to snuggle up to both of the men you adore inside and out. And, thankfully, they seemed to agree.
The rest is tomorrow’s problem.
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading!
This one is a spicy match!! Tbh I have no clue if I would be able to choose between the two... 😳
Please like, follow, and share! Thanks baby stays! 😘
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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gg-pedro · 5 months
can you hear the music (ch. 3) - joel miller x reader
summary: everyone in jackson is trying to distract themselves from something. you teach ellie piano and find yourself trying to help more than one miller settle into their new world.
chapter 3: today, it would be sarah's 34th birthday. but today, tomorrow, and every other day, joel needs you.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, jackson!era, joel x reader, AFAB!reader, platonic!ellie x reader, implied age gap, smoochin', gropin', mentions of death, joel grieves, joel sings, arguing/fighting (kinda), mental health discussions, lewdness, angst, heavy feelings (and there's more where that come from!)
words: 3.4k
a/n: man. can u tell I rewatched episode 1? i’m proud of this one. also, I hope this reaches my fleetwood mac lovers.
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Joel, while in the middle of hauling a bag of horse feed over his good shoulder (and ‘good’ was being generous), realized he was getting old. This was the tenth revelation of the day, give or take. From when he forced himself out of bed onto aching joints, to when he hadn’t heard Ellie come up behind him in the kitchen, and most notably, to when he realized Sarah’s 34th birthday would’ve been today. 
It didn’t sting anymore. Not after this long, not after 20 years. It didn’t even hurt. 
It just ached. 
He sloughed the feed into the trough, stepping back to catch his breath. He glided his hand over the pretty little mare that he usually took out. She seemed too small to not be a pony, but hey, equine standards had flown out the window 20 years ago along with everything else. 
Tommy knew, too. He never forgot. Maybe that's why he patted Joel on the back at breakfast that morning and told him to go ‘take a ride’. Clear his head. They still had work to do today. The Earth never stopped spinning. Joel thought that by now, it should’ve.
To be fair, the date could’ve been a little off, but the air was that same lukewarm cold and the sun shone blinding in a clear blue sky the same way it did on the day Sarah was born. Winter was melting into a tepid spring in Wyoming, and Joel was still here to fucking see it.
For a second he wondered if his vision was going, too, having to do a double-take when he noticed you leaning against the wooden beam of the stall entrance.
“Jesus,” he mumbled. “Y’ever heard of knocking?”
You rolled your eyes. “Must’ve missed the door.”
“How’d you find me?” He asked, finally turning to really look at you. Irritatingly beautiful.
“Ellie,” you answered. “Said you were going for a joy ride.”
He sighed, coming over to wrap his arms just below the dip of your spine. “Kid couldn’t keep a secret if her fuckin’ life depended on it,” he grumbled, pausing afterwards to give you a slow kiss.
“I like the honesty. She’s got nothing to hide, especially if it has anything to do with you.” You grinned and fell right into his little ploy. 
“Mmh. Lucky me.”
He had you backed against the wooden railing in an instant, his hand creeping up below your shirt and onto the soft skin of your waist. The touch raised goosebumps all over your body. You placed two hands on either side of his neck, gently, enjoying the way he was feeling you up with his lips glued to yours.
“Now? Right here?” You asked once you had the chance to break away from his mouth. “A little risky, Miller. Don’t forget, I’m still your worst kept secret,” you chided.
“No, not right here. And fuck you.” He pulled away until all but one hand was still stroking your side through your shirt.
And Joel loved you. Maybe not in the same way he loved Tommy or Ellie or Sarah, but still, he did. He loved your smart mouth, the way you blazed like a fire in bed with him, your natural talent, the way you made it all ache less. 
And you did– make it ache less. That was reason enough. 
He gestured to the horse that was a few feet away, still eating its breakfast. “You wanna join?”
“Can’t say no,” you said. “What’s the occasion? I thought they were strict about leaving for non-essential reasons.”
Joel was looking at you until he wasn’t, his gaze going right through you. He could tell you. He knew he could. You knew about his daughter and you still never brought it up. You’d lost people too, he knew that. He could tell you and you would bring him into your arms and say something like, I’m so sorry, Joel. I’m here. I’m here if you need me. 
He would tell you. But not today.
He shrugged and pressed a kiss into your hairline. “Just another day. I want you to come.”
“Alright, then.” You nodded towards the guitar sitting in the corner of the stall. Dark stained wood around the edges fading into a lighter mahogany. It was beautiful. “Bringing that, too?”
“Yeah, why not. Here, let me help.” He grabbed it and lifted it over your head, situating it so that the body of the guitar was resting against your back. “You ever played?”
You shook your head. “No. Good thing you do.”
He brought the horse out into the open, making sure he still had everything important– a gun in his pocket and a broken watch on his wrist. He helped you up onto the saddle, sitting behind him and flush with his back. 
Outside the walls, It was a beautiful day. The sun had melted away the heavy snow on the peaks of the rolling hills, the first kiss of spring. New life, grass that had started to green. You had your arms wrapped tightly around Joel’s middle, face pressed against the back of his shoulder. The fields seemed boundless. You hadn’t realized just how infinitesimally small your world had grown since being in Jackson. 
“Are there usually infected around here?” You asked. 
“Not really. The valley helps. We’ll stay out in the open, don’t worry, baby.”
You didn’t even have to ask. The little tour he was giving you around the east end of the fields was mostly an effort to case the surrounding area, his senses on high alert for anything dangerous. The truth was, this place was secure. Still, Joel would move mountains to keep you safe. Would do anything. He’d made mistakes in the past that he wouldn’t let happen again. Couldn’t.
After a loop around the outer wall, riding with a mixture of the horse's friendly canter and Joel intentionally speeding her up to scare the shit out of you and make you hold on tighter to him, he settled on a plateau at the top of a hill, a few steps away from the thick evergreen forest.
After helping you off the mare and spreading out the woven blanket he had rolled up on the back of the saddle, Joel sat down with a heavy sigh. You tied the lead to a low tree branch where the horse seemed content to roam. After, you pulled the guitar over your head and handed it to him.
It was still early in the day, and the sun was barely cresting over the hilltops from this view. 10:42 AM. That’s when his daughter was born. He looked down at the broken face of his watch out of habit, even though the thing had been broken for years at this point. 
You dropped down next to him and your head immediately connected with his shoulder. Looking over at him, his eyes were far away and glassy. “What’re you thinking about?”
Joel shook his head and pressed a slow kiss into your forehead. “Nothin’. Just wondering what I should play.” He brought the guitar into his lap and strummed it a little, pausing to tune the top string down half a step. “Feel like I gotta impress you.”
You huffed a laugh and shook your head. “You don’t have to. Who’d you used to listen to?”
“Oh, Jesus…” he had sort of let go of the fond memories he had of old music. With you, though, he was starting to miss it. “Some Zeppelin, some Billy Joel, Pearl Jam… Nirvana was just gettin’ good, too. Lots of Chet Atkins when I was younger.”
You just smiled, moving your hand to stroke his knee. “None of that surprises me.”
“You like Fleetwood Mac?” he asked after a while. “Stevie Nicks, always one of my favorites. My daughter’s, too.”
Your heart hurt a little at that. Joel had never brought up the daughter he’d lost with you. You kissed his shoulder as he started picking the strings to the tune of Landslide, that gentle back and forth that you hadn’t heard in more than 20 years. 
“That's a good one, baby.”
You still remembered the lyrics. He did, too. 
I took my love, I took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills,
‘Til the landslide brought me down
Joel’s playing wasn’t perfect. He’d picked the guitar up again a few times in the last couple weeks, but before that, it had been a lifetime ago. On that radio station in Austin, The Best Of The ‘70’s, this one would come on all the time. Sarah would grin and sing her best rendition, as loudly as possible, always egging Joel on to join in too. Sometimes he would, but not always. He regretted that. 
He thought your voice was beautiful. Clear and bright. His voice was probably an octave below yours, gravelly and out of practice. The two of you mixed together like honey into whiskey. 
Oh, mirror in the sky,
What is love?
Can the child in my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
He would’ve liked to scoff at that. There's nothing to do but handle it. Push forward and deal. He didn’t die on September 26th, 2003, despite his best efforts and no matter how much he wanted to. He was here with you. Singing with you, laughing through the verses, watching the sun light up your eyes. And for that? A part of him had to consider himself a lucky son of a bitch.
He couldn’t stop himself from wanting to make a life with you. The extent to which he could see that to fruition, he wasn’t sure. Everything was uncertain. He didn’t even deserve it. Nothing he had done over the past 20 years was worthy of you. But fuck, he could be good. If he tried, maybe, he could be good for you. And trying? It’d be worth it. 
Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I’m getting older, too
Joel had to stop singing. Tears were swelling in his dark brown eyes and one wrong move would break the entire dam of emotions. He kept playing, though, into the second chorus, happy to listen to you.
Well, I’ve been afraid of–
You turned away from the landscape to look at his face. Tears were streaking his cheeks, his eyes staring straight ahead of him. You didn’t say anything– you took the guitar out of his arms and brought him into yours instead. You rubbed slow circles into his flannel-clad back, holding him tight as his shoulders sagged and shuddered with every shaky inhalation. 
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry," he managed to say.
“It’s okay, Joel. You’re okay. It’s just me, you know I don’t mind. I got you, come on, just get it out.”
You had your own guesses as to what was getting to him so bad. You told yourself a long time ago that you wouldn’t pry. He wouldn’t tell you like that, anyway. He had to do it himself. 
After a few pregnant moments passed with the two of you like that, his breathing finally evened out enough for him to speak clearly. He pulled away from you, taking your face into his hands so you couldn’t look away. His eyes were reddened and puffy, his cheeks wet.
“I ain’t gonna let nothin’ happen to you. D’you understand that? Nothin’. I’m gonna take care of you. Keep you safe. Keep you happy.” He tucked your hair behind your ears before gliding his thumbs over the skin just below your eye. “I will. You just gotta let me.”
You gently pried his hands away from your face, taking them into your own and pressing a kiss into his knuckles. “Okay, baby. I’ll let you. I’ll let you,” you repeated. “I’m safe with you, I know.”
He pulled you in suddenly, practically squeezing all of the air out of your lungs with the grip he had on you. “I promise you. I promise.”
He promised you, and you believed him. 
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills,
Well, the landslide bring it down
Oh, the landslide bring it down
At your lesson with Ellie, she seemed more motivated than you did. Sooner or later, she was going to exhaust the entire Star Wars: A Beginner’s Score sheet music book that you had found a few years back. 
After successfully sight reading the first few bars of The Imperial March and promptly declaring that she had had enough ‘piano-ing’ for the day, Ellie gave you a look.
You furrowed your brows. “What?”
“Nothin’,” she said flippantly, looking away from you. “Just– are you and Joel, like, together?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Ellie turned, looking exasperated. “Pft. You know exactly what I mean.”
You rolled your eyes and jokingly shoved her away from you by the forehead. “We’re getting married next week, actually,” you said, laughing. “Mhm, we’re running away with each other. Gonna buy a big white house with a big picket fence down south– you know, to keep you out.”
“Oh, fuck you, dude.” She giggled too, punching your shoulder in return hard enough to push you down the piano bench. “I have a right to know! And besides, I don’t have anyone to tell. I can keep a secret.”
“I disagree, but– if you memorize your F# minor scale by Tuesday, I’ll tell you all about it. Has to be perfect, though,” you qualified.
“Fine,” she said with stubborn resolve. “And… there's one more thing.” Her eyes cast downwards and her shoulders drooped a little as she gave a long exhale.
“What is it?”
She looked back up at you through her dark lashes. “Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda?”
“The– the who?”
With a completely straight face, she said, “Yeah. He’s lucky it was a soft drink.”
Ellie’s laughter could barely be heard over your exaggerated groaning. You had your head dropped into your hands and Ellie in tears when Joel walked in through the front door.
Ellie, sighing and wiping her eyes, said: “I told her the ol’ soda-can-to-the-head one. Pretty good, right?”
“Jesus…” you heard Joel mutter.
Shiny-eyed and smiling, you pointed to the door. “Out of my house. Both of you. And don’t bother coming back.”
Ellie grabbed her coat and was out the door before Joel could even open his mouth. “See you Tuesday!”
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”
Later that day, in the hot and unusually busy Tipsy Bison, Joel was too drunk.
It was the perfect conclusion to the most bittersweet day he’d had in a while. Had the morning with you, finished up a roofing project just after dinner, and against his better judgment, asked if you wanted drinks. You arrived as a pair, undoubtedly eliciting new whisperings from your fellow Jackson residents, but Joel was starting not to care.
You’d mentioned going out together in passing to him after he had told you about the bar scene when he was younger, commenting on how you wished you’d gotten to experience that. And yeah, maybe this felt more like playing pretend to him than anything, but he wanted to give you good days. Good memories. A real life, where you could experience things with him and not have to worry about how long the happiness would last.
Tonight, it backfired. A year ago today, he would’ve been mixing whiskey and oxycodone to forget it was Sarah’s birthday. But now, he was too drunk with Tommy, and you were watching all of it, and he wished he still had a handful of pills to knock him out. 
“She your girlfriend now, brother?” Tommy slurred, clapping him on the shoulder. 
Joel grabbed you roughly by the waist from his seat at the bar, tucking you in close to him. “Yeah, she’s my girl,” he cooed. “Ain’t that right, pretty baby?”
Tommy chuckled, slamming his glass down onto the counter. “Same way Tessa was your girl? Or different this time?”
Joel wanted to be sick. “The fuck’s wrong with you, asshole?”
You, a little tipsy yourself by this point, smoothed a hand over Joel’s curls in an effort to de-escalate this conversation. “Joel, hey. He’s your brother. Don’t start a fight.”
Tommy shook his head and patted you on the arm. “It’s okay, baby, let him speak.”
Drunkenly, Joel stood up, pointing an accusatory finger at his brother. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be saddled with all this shit,” he started. “Always chasin’ your sorry ass. Halfway across the fuckin’ country this time. If it weren’t for you, Tess’d be here.”
This was an old argument, but they were drunk, and it seemed like the perfect time to rehash it. 
Tommy stood up to meet his eyes. “Oh yeah? Really? If it weren’t for me, Joel, you’da had a bullet in your head by now. Oh, y’haven't told her? Your girl? Go on, tell her. Tell her all about Sarah. Happy fuckin’ birthday to her.”
“Keep her name out your motherfuckin’ mouth, you– bastard–”
You had your arm interlinked with Joel’s, but he flung you off of him in an instant. He swung at Tommy, but his aim was a little diluted from the gin and Tommy ducked anyway. He only got one attempt in before five different people were pulling them away from each other to opposite ends of the bar.
You followed Joel, thanking the two men who were restraining him as he shouted strings of profanities and nobody, assuring them that you could take it from here. 
“Joel, you gotta calm down. Hey. Hey, Miller, I’m fucking talking to you.” You grabbed his face in your hands and forced him to look at you. “Take a breath. Just take a breath.”
He did as he was told, but his eyes were still darting rapidly around the room. “Tommy…” he breathed out. “Fuck. I didn’t mean to, I swear. Did I hurt him? I hurt him, didn’t I?”
“No, baby. You– uh, you missed.”
“Ah,  fuck.”
Maybe narcotics wouldn’t have fixed this, either.
Joel let you drag him back to your place without putting up much of a fight. Sarah. She would’ve been ashamed of him. There was a mounting list of things that Sarah would’ve hated him for, and this was just the icing on the cake.
Back on your couch, lying on his back, he wanted today to be over. 
“I was s’pposed to be doin’ good for you,” he said quietly. “Bein’ better for you.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, your voice straining with the force it took to tug off his left boot.
“I’m no good for you.”
“I ain’t, babydoll. I ain’t. Not for you, not for Ellie, not for Tommy, not for Tessa, and not for Sarah,” he mumbled. “It’s her birthday.”
“I know.”
“I miss her,” he swallowed. “Real bad.”
“I know, Joel.”
There was a lump in his throat and a tightness in his chest. Landslide was still stuck in his head.
… saw my reflection… snow covered hills …
He shut his eyes. “Is Ellie alright?”
“Mhm. She’s asleep down the street,” you said, tracing lazy shapes into his stomach.
“She’s a good kid,” he mumbled. “Tough kid.”
“She is,” you agreed. “She relies on you– cares about you. Lots of people care about you.”
… time makes y’bolder, children get… older …
Joel hummed in response. “I still need you.”
… I’m gettin’ older, too … 
You bit your lip. You should really get back up, make sure Joel had a glass of water and painkillers near him for when he woke up. Maybe even a bowl from the kitchen. But your body felt like it was being weighed down by lead, and the infrequency at which you actually drank alcohol was making you unfathomably tired.
You laid down on top of him, head pressed against his chest. His breathing was slow and even and his heart rate was calm. 
“I need you, too.”
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dolcettamagica · 4 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ch.1
tags: rick sanchez x reader, love triangle, rick being rick, rick being mean af as usual, age gap, it will get dark, angst, double ended - you decide it, some chps will be smut, slow burn, possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour this chapter: rick sanchez x reader, rick being mean, sfw with some sexual indications word count: 1750
“Listen to me, you bi-bitch. I am not doing this for you, got-got it? I was challenged by someone, and I am not someone who loses and if you spoiled bitch call me an old man again, I’ll make you scream it, understand?”
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„What-what the actual fuck is this?!“
The whole Smith family was staring at the most recent weird event in their living room. A girl lying on their floor, alone and unconscious. It was obvious that she wasn’t an alien – judging by her appearance. Summer was focused on her outfit, Beth was checking if she still had a pulse and Jerry was being Jerry (useless).
“Morty – Morty you disgusting little shit! Did you buy a girl from space? Fucking pervert. I’m going to kill you!”, Rick’s voice echoed through the room, spit dripping from his mouth. His grandson instantly denied the accusations vehemently, saying that he is a pervert but not that kind of pervert. Rick was angry, furious even, someone like him – the smartest man alive – didn’t have time for shit like this.
“Um…Dad?”, Beth was holding a piece of paper in her hand instead of her usual glass of red wine, “It’s for you.”
“Wow, Grandpa Rick, maybe you were the one buying some girl like some creep.”
Rick narrowed his eyes at Summer’s remark. As if he would ever need to buy a girl at all. “Shut the fuck up, Summer, before I tell your mum where you hide your sh-shit.” That was enough to shut the redhead up and earn a disapproving look from Beth.
Quickly Rick snatched the note from his daughter’s fingers. A note – something so traditional…weirdly interesting.
Hello Rick C-137, Probably asking yourself why some girl is lying on your floor and why you’re reading a note right now. I’m not going to tell you shit though. Aren’t you the “smartest man” alive? The “rickest Rick”? You’re nothing more than an experiment to me and a dumber version of me anyway. I won’t tell you why she is in your dimension and your universe. I won’t tell you what experiment and what you should or should not achieve. Fuck, I won’t even tell you who she is or where she originated from. I also made sure that you won’t be able to track where she came from and on top of that you will never know who I actually am. Wait until she wakes up or wake her up yourself. I know damn well I piqued your interest, C-137.
He was right. The note did pique his interest, but it also pissed him off. Obviously, it was another Rick – an arrogant motherfucker who challenged Rick. “For f-fuck’s sake. What fucking bullshit is this”, his pale hand dragged down his face before he knelt down, right next to the stranger’s face.
“Wake the fuck u-up, dumb bitch. How can-can you sleep with everyone screaming.”
Dumb Bitch…Those words echoed through your head, jerking you awake. Who was this disrespectful to call you that? You blinked several times, the light from the lamps blinding you.
“O my God, Dad! She’s waking up.”
“Oh geez…I don’t think this is goi-going to end good.”
“I hope she’s cool like a new sister or something, Morty is like so annoying.”
Who was talking? Slowly your eyes adjusted to the new surroundings, and you were met with some old man staring into your soul. His scent was a mixture of alcohol, musk and after-shave. Not a bad smell at all.
“What…Where am I and who the fuck are you, old man?!”, the first thing you did was check your body. Missing limbs? Naked? Bruises? Chained up? No, everything seemed fine yet at the same time nothing was fine.
Your head felt like it was exploding, as if a belt was strapped around it and getting tighter and tighter. The room was unfamiliar just like the people around you. Everyone was screaming. Strangers. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. Did they drug me? Your mouth was dry, as if you haven’t drunk any water in days. Did they kidnap me? Thousands of thoughts flooded your brain, and no answer was in sight. The room shrank and shrank and shrank. Why is everyone yelling? Who are these people? Where am I? I can’t breathe! I can’t- 
Rick injected a needle into your neck, pushing a milky liquid into your system. You were having a panic-attack, and he didn’t have the nerves to deal with anymore shit thrown his way. Almost instantly the girl in front of his feet stopped shaking, your breath calmed down as well as your excessive sweating. Meanwhile Rick took a long look at you – you weren’t dirty or anything, the opposite in fact. Your hair was clean and shining while your clothes were spotless and on top of that you smelled phenomenal. A rich vanilla with an undertone of cherry, sweet and sultry. 
“Wh-What did you in-inject her with, Rick?”
“Relax, Morty”, Rick rolled his eyes, “Just didn’t – didn’t want her to lose her shit. Give her a minute, we’ll be able to talk to her then.” Only Rick and the grandkids were left with you now. Beth had to go to work and Jerry was simply overstimulated, not being able to comprehend anything that happened in front of his eyes.
You took a deep breath and sat up; your eyes never left the tall, skinny frame of the older man. “Who are you guys…?”, your voice was timid, but your stare was stern.
“Rick, Morty, Summer. Y-You’re at our house. Don’t ask us why, you were probably tele-teleported here from someone who looks like me. We don’t know shit about you either, dumbass. Do we look like some human-traffickers to you? Another fucking dumbass.”
Suddenly it clicked – Rick Sanchez. You’ve seen his face all over the news again and again. Some mad scientist who was known for teleportation, universes and interdimensional traveling. And he was a fucking asshole. Morty and Summer were his grandkids. At least I know who they are.
“Now, tell me who you are”, Rick reached out and cupped your chin with his calloused fingers. His fingertips felt rough against your soft skin, you felt warmth creep up to your cheeks and spread across your face. With a hiss you slapped his hand away.
“My name is y/n. I’m 21 years old and a psych major at college. I will also be known as the girl who castrated you if you touch me again, old man.”
The last part earned a chuckle from Morty and Summer “Oh, Grandpa Rick got burned! I love you already, girl!” Their joy was short-lived though. Rick yelled at both of them, insulting them every way possible, demanding them to leave the fucking room before he feeds them to his alien-prisoners. Both complied to his command.
“F-fucking listen to me you wannabe mean girl bi-bitch. Some other Rick left a note-note for me, talking about some dumb ass experiment. What happened before you ended up here? Do you even know where you live or you wanna share a bed with this o-old man?”
“I live in….huh…Where do I live? I remember who I am but not a single thing about a family or a living space”, no matter how hard you tried you didn’t actually remember anything about your own life, “The last I recall before waking up is someone saying, “Last Chance, Sweetheart” and that someone sounded exactly like you.”
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“For fuck-fuck’s sake! I’m going crazy! I’m going to kill that motherfucking R-Rick!”
Two hours. Two hours passed and Rick tried everything to at least receive a single type of information, just anything. Nothing. Nothing worked. He tried to trace you back to your original universe – apparently you didn’t belong to any. He tried to find other versions of you – a big red error appeared. He couldn’t even extract past memories from your brain. Literally nothing has worked. He failed. Rick Sanchez, the smartest man on earth, failed.
“You know, maybe some memories will come back to me after some time. You don’t have to be yelling all the time…”, you were sitting on a chair, your elbows propped on his workbench and your hands cupping your face. Rick was in fact a weird guy – loud, rude but determined. After hours of listening to his drunken outbursts you just wanted some peace and quiet. Due to Rick kind of being famous on the internet you knew a thing or two about him and what his work was about. “I know you mean well and your actions could help me go back home…if I have a home, that is. You still need to chill though, old man.”
Once again you called Rick an old man. Is that girl serious? “You dumb little…”, you heard him growl as he turned around to face you. The burping, belching genius known was anything but amused. His typically wry grin twisted into a snarl of pure contempt, revealing a glint of madness in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine.
The furrows on his forehead deepened, accentuating the lines of his craggy face as he scowled, his brows knit together in a storm of frustration. His eyes, usually glazed with a combination of apathy and brilliance, now burned with a fiery intensity that could rival the brightest supernova in the universe.
“Listen to me, you bi-bitch. I am not doing this for you, got-got it? I was challenged by someone, and I am not someone who loses”, Rick made his way over to you. Slowly, like a predator nearing his prey. His hand gripped your chair to make you face him. You felt yourself push back into the seat. He was too close and you two were all alone in his garage. One hand was now next to your head while the other was gripping your thigh. You could feel his breath blowing against your now hot, blushed face, his musk clouding your senses, his hand burning into your skin. “And if you spoiled bitch call me an old man again, I’ll make you scream it, understand?”
“Listen to me, Rick old man Sanchez. I’m neither spoiled nor a bitch. And your pathetic attempt of whatever this is isn’t working.” Harsh words which didn’t match your bright red cheeks or beating heart. Your own body was betraying you. “Fuck you and fuck this garage. I’m going to chill with your grandkids.”
A smirk grazed Rick’s lips as you stood up and left without looking back. Interesting. Who knew that embarrassing you would be that much fun? You’re feisty, witty and bratty and not a bad sight to the eye.
“Ah, makes me want to tame that little girl.”
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ft-3racha · 7 months
against the law (ft. seo changbin)
pairing: seo changbin (skz) x gn reader
warnings: smut (!!), e2l (kinda??), public (but secluded) sex, bondage with a belt, clear d/s dynamics, oral (m rec), face fucking, dirty talking, choking, gagging, degradation (reader gets called slut, whore, fucktoy), praise (reader gets called good, baby etc.), changbin has a sir kink, scratching, slight dumbification and breeding kink if you squint, changbin in glasses needs a warning by itself
author‘s note: here is my first piece of fiction about one of the best rappers/producers/lyricists, seo changbin of stray kids! i really hope you like it! i tried to keep it as gender inclusive as possible by not mentioning anything about the body, so anyone would be able to imagine themselves in reader‘s place.
wc: 4,7k
studying law was never the main priority you set for yourself in high school. neither was graduating university as one of the top students and getting job requests thrown at you left, right and center; but here you were, almost a year into working at one of the best law firms in your city.
at first, your new colleagues were suspicious: you were young, barely had any knowledge about life and what being a lawyer would mean- or so they thought. within the first couple of days you were able to proof them wrong and quickly earned their respect. most of the team consisted of men in their 40s; all of them wealthy, very well known, highly praised lawyers, who worked on difficult cases all over the country.
there was only a handful of people close to your age, but you didn‘t mind that most your colleagues were double your age: it was more so a challenge to you.
you got along with all of them pretty well. except for one: seo changbin. every time you heard someone calling his name, you would feel an uncomfortable chill creep up your spine and your face scrunch in displeasure. this man was the epitome of an arrogant asshole: he was in his late twenties, about two years older than you, yet somehow you felt like he had the mind of a 14-year old teenage boy; with his constant bragging, his inappropriate commentaries and ridiculous laughter you felt more like you were talking to a middle schooler than to one of your teammates.
it was another day at the office, and you flattened out the back of your bottom attire before sitting down, placing your iced americano right next to your computer on your desk, just like you did every morning. your jacket was hung loosely over the back of the chair alongside your bag, the silver buckle on it lightly reflecting in the sunlight that shone through the window just right, warming your back slightly. „alright, let‘s get to it“, you mumbled to yourself, slowly lifting the cup to your lips and letting the cool liquid hit your mouth through the straw. you adored a good iced americano in the morning, occasionally bringing some for jisung as well, just like you did this morning. han jisung was one of the other co-workers around your age, and, benefitting to you, your assigned office-partner. at first you were scared about sharing the office with another person, but as soon as you found out it would be jisung, you were rather excited than scared. and to say you guys hit it off from the start was an understatement; turns out you guys had so much in common, that now, almost a year later, you were best friends and couldn’t imagine life without one another.
almost half an hour into working on your current case jisung stumbled through the door, his grey hair sitting on his head messily, the tie around his neck holding on for dear life and his button-up buttoned the wrong way. „i‘m so fucking sorry“, he started apologizing, „i absolutely did not hear my alarm this morning.“ „no worries, sungie“, you replied, a sly smile gracing your features, „i bet minho kicked your ass out of bed, huh?“ jisung sat down, his chubby cheeks covered in a rosy tint; it was not a secret to you that jisung was absolutely head over heels for lee minho, the main receptionist you walked past before heading into the office space every morning. well, almost every morning. „yeah, as soon as he noticed that we both slept in he basically ran for his damn life and dragged me with him“, jisung rambled before taking a big sip from his americano and slowly unpacking his files. „i left him an americano upfront as well.“ your gesture had jisung looking at you in adoration, his eyes throwing thank you‘s and kisses in your direction. „but, hanji, you guys really need to talk about keeping this whole situation a secret. i still don‘t get why you do that to yourself.“ your shift in topic caused jisung to drop his gaze as he began fidgeting with his hands: „i know, and we want to tell everyone. guess we‘re both just scared about what they will say.“ „if those old men around here say shit, then i‘m just gonna take my shoes and shove them up their a-“ „say shit about what?“, a certain voice made you freeze mid sentence and shift your gaze to the door: there stood changbin in all his annoying glory, pushing his black, thick framed glasses up the bridge of his nose before stepping into your office space without asking for it. „and who said you could come in?“, you confronted him, glaring right into his brown orbs. „i did, sweetheart“, he answered, dragging out the nickname for you nonchalantly. „didn‘t i tell you…like, a million times, not to call me that?“ he left this question unanswered, just shrugging his bulky, broad shoulders and slowly making his way over to your desk with long steps. „carter said that you and i should work on your murder case together.“ „i don‘t fucking think so, currently working on it with jisung“, you replied, crossing your arms over your chest and meeting his eyes once again. „that‘s weird, cause he told me that jisung is working on another case and asked me to help you.“ involuntarily, your cheeks turned a shade of red, embarrassment clouding your mind about the fact seo changbin caught you lying to his face. the truth was simple, yet hard: you‘d rather drown your face in a bucket of bleach than work with him on one of the most important cases of your entire career. „alright“, you admitted through gritted teeth, „you caught me. i‘m working on it alone, and it‘s gonna stay that way. i will never work on a case with you, idiot, and i think i made that pretty clear before.“ thats true, and he knew it. there had been multiple encounters in the past where changbin tried working with you, asked you out or shamelessly flirted with you (at least thats what jisung said; to you, it was just annoying bickering), but you declined him every time: your guess being that he was never rejected by anyone in his life, hencewhy his cocky behaviorism standing loud and proud.
he threw his hands up in defence, his big hands tall in the air as he rose his eyebrows and cocked a smile. „chill out, sweetheart. can‘t force you to work with me after all. just thought i‘d ask, to benefit the case, you know.“ he took his hands back down and scratched his left bicep with his right hand. that gesture made you take notice of the way he had rolled up the sleeves of his white button up, the cuffs meeting his elbows. the silky material clung deliciously tight onto his very defined, muscular upper arms, and his right triceps flexed with every move that he made. to say this man was attractive was an understatement. and you were aware of that. you were very much aware of how you wanted to run your hands through his fluffy, black locks every time they were as beautifully messy as they were on said day; it made him look like he got straight up and out of bed like this, and lord knows he probably did. seo motherfucking changbin was just as effortlessly handsome as one could be. and hot. oh, so hot. he was broad, back shaped like a triangle with muscles visible wherever you apprechiated them to be. but they didn‘t just look pretty; this man was strong. he could probably split you in half without any effort, and he would be perfectly fine.
to sum it up: he was exactly your type. if it wouldn‘t be for that goddamn ego. so, to sum it up correctly: he would be exactly your type. „you wanna see what‘s underneath or do you just wanna keep staring like that?“ a simple question and a smirk well known to you brought you back to reality, so you quickly shook your head and went back to resume with your work. you just stared at seo changbin, and you don‘t know for how long exactly. „all right, i‘m gonna go. you know where to find me“, the black-haired pack of muscles with an unnecessarily loud mouth said before leaving, turning around in the doorway to send quick goodbyes to han and a wink your way before disappearing completely. you let out a sigh of frustration before resuming your work, ignoring jisungs smile and questioning looks.
„alright, i‘ll see you later tonight, right?“, jisung asked, holding the door open for you to step out into the mild late afternoon breeze. your encounter with changbin was hours ago, yet it was still on your mind the whole day. you despised that guy and his awfully cocky behavior. and the way he thinks he can just swoon everyone off of their feet. and how he looks so fucking good. „yeah“, you replied, „i‘ll meet you back here at 9?“ „sure thing.“ with that, jisung hugged you before your ways parted. your apartment complex was only a couple blocks, and an approximately 15 minute walk, away from work, which you gladly took every day to prepare your mind for work and get your mind off of it afterwards.
15 minutes later you opened up the door to your little home before closing it behind you immediately, leaving your shoes, jacket and bag at the door. right off the bet, you were greeted by your cat, which you sat down with on your couch for a couple of minutes. you still don‘t know why you agreed to meet jisung back at the office at 9, because you had been dreading this exact gathering for weeks: your first annual office party. apparently it’s been a thing at the company for years now, to dress nicely and have some drinks together with some very important guests; investors, sponsors, clients from important companies and even ceo‘s from rivaling law firms would be there to celebrate and talk about…whatever it is that people talk about at those events. jisung asked you to go to get drunk with him, and you happily agreed because of the free alcohol, completely forgetting the formal attire and circumstances. „well, i already agreed. might as well get ready soon“, you mumbled to yourself before getting up to cook. after eating your food, you took a nice, long shower and sat down at your desk to finish up your hair and face before putting on the outfit you bought especially for this occasion. thid kind of attire was not out of your ordinary, yet you never owned a costume formal enough for events like this. this particular one, however, immediately caught your eye one day while you were out with han: it was a deep shade of burgundy made out of beautiful material, furthermore sitting just right where you needed it to: it was simple, yet elegant and beautiful. you were confident that this specific outfit would make anyone feel as nice as they possibly could, thats why you were absolutely stoked to get ready, eventho it was for a cause you feel like you could barely ever be ready for.
four hours later, and two rounds in already, you found yourself on the highest floor of the building. the big meeting area was decorated nicely for the occasion, and even a bar had been set up, soft music playing in the background while people were talking about taxes, work and the latest gossip. you, jisung and minho stood gathered around a small table, each of you a glass of champagne in your hand. „i‘m telling you, this man is obsessed with his cats“, jisung says while pointing at minho, his cheeks and nose already a little red from the alcohol. han jisung can‘t handle his alcoholic beverages. „that has been known forever, sungie“, minho replied for you while you just nodded in agreement, your eyes scanning the room to look for nobody in particular. at least that‘s what you were trying to tell yourself, but ever since this morning you couldn’t stop thinking about him and the fact that he‘s probably built like a fucking greek god. you despised that man for being so ridiculously sexy.
you kept on scanning a room, until your eyes met his. and you swore he was eating you up with his stare. but so were you. the black curls on his head messy as ever, the glasses adorning his face as always. his perfect figure was hidden behind a (probably tailored) black suit, a matching tie set around his neck and laying on top of a fresh white button up. he never wears ties, always refuses them because it makes him look „stuck up“. fuck him for making it seem like he‘s so different than anyone else for not wearing a tie.
on the other hand, seeing him with one on is a welcome change. he was talking to a couple of people that looked very important, sharing laughter here and there, answering questions while sipping on a beer. the situation itself seemed perfectly normal, at least to the people usually attending social gatherings like this one, except for the fact that he never lifted his gaze off of you, yet nobody seemed to mind. it was quite common for people to not look at each other, because nobody actually gave a shit in your industry. jisung and minho were so caught up in their own conversation that not even these two noticed the staring contest that was happening right in front of them. suddenly the mood switched, and changbin let his gaze wander. over your nicely done hair, over your glowing face, over your body. and by the way his eyes seemed to darken, you could tell that he liked what he saw. neither you nor changbin dared to drag the attention away from one another, too caught up in the moment to realize where you were: all that mattered was you two. and you were not mad about it. changbin slowly lifted his glass to his lips, nonchalantly answering questions here and there, slowly licking his lips after every sip he took. he knew exactly what he was doing, and he was fucking good at it. you felt like your blood was boiling inside of you, warmth spreading throughout your entire body. as much as you hated him, you wanted him. so badly. and, maybe just this once, you could forget about your principles.
apparently changbin felt the heat between you two, cause he began to loosen up his tie, and unbuttoned the first button of his shirt. your breath hitched and you involuntarily clenched your thighs together: you didn’t know that it was possible, but changbin just got ten times hotter.
the small smirk on his lips drove you crazy, your teeth slowly sinking into your bottom lip to provide any pathetic sounds from slipping accidentally. seo changbin made it difficult for you to stay calm on a daily basis already; on this particular evening tho, he did so for a completely different reason. before he excused himself and took one of the doorways out, he shot you a wink. not even a minute later you felt your phone vibrate, signaling you that you got a message.
i always wanted to fuck you on your desk
your brain short-circuited, and before you could even excuse yourself, your feet carried you to the elevator and down to your office. slowly, you opened the door, the whole room engulfed in nothing but the pale city lights and nervousness. with no sight of changbin, you stepped further into the room, about to turn on the light, when a hand on your wrist and the sound of the door shutting and locking stopped you from doing so. „hey darling“, a familiar voice rasped into your ear, before he pressed you against the door with a little, but not too much, aggression. „hi changbin“, was all you could answer, gulping down a lump in your throat, before your eyes finally adjusted to the dark and you could see his features: the smug grin left his face, and was now replaced by nothing but pure lust. „what are you doing here?“ oh, so he wants to play dumb. „you texted me something about my desk“, you replied, your gaze flickering down to his plump lips. one of his hands found his way to your chin, which he lifted up slowly, forcing your gaze to meet his once again. sweet, sweet torture. „really? what did i say?“ „that you wanted to fuck me on it.“ your direct answer made him chuckle darkly, his hand wandering from your chin down and finding your hips, where he lazily rested his hands. „i think i did say that, didn‘t i? and what do you think of that?“ you didn‘t know an answer to his question, so you simply shrugged as good as you could. „i need your consent, sweet thing. otherwise i will not touch you“, he stated, not moving an inch and looking at you. your next move determined whether or not the relationship between you guys changed or if it stayed exactly the same: him shamelessly flirting on a daily and you being overly annoyed by his poor excuses of pick-up lines he threw at you before going back to your usual back and forth until one of you guys had enough. but it already changed, so there‘s nothing left to lose, and probably the best fuck of your entire life to win. your hands slowly crept up his body, meeting each other behind his head, tangling in his hair. with glossy eyes and barely above a whisper, you threw all of your principles overboard and whispered: „please.“
without another word, he tightened his grip on your waist, cupped your face with one hand and let your lips meet in a heated kiss. his lips moved against yours with force, the kiss messy and sloppy. it was perfect.
as if it was nothing, he picked you up, your legs wrapping around him in one swift motion. „ you look incredible tonight“, he almost growled against your neck, before he started lingering it with kisses. you moaned softly, happy that there was not a soul in this part of the building. changbin carried you over to your desk and placed you down. there was nothing to throw off of it, like in those cliché movie scenes before they make out in an office: you always left your desk perfectly clean, apart from your computer. your hands tugged on his hair when he sucked on the right spots, occasionally earning a deep animalistic growl from him. „you have no idea how often i thought about fucking you right here.“ the thought alone made you go feral: changbin fucking himself to the thought of you. „and what did you do when you thought about me?“, you asked, wanting him to keep talking to you. „you really wanna know? i fucked my fist imagining it was your mouth taking my cock so fucking deep, gagging on it, or me filling you up to the brim.“ while he said all of those sinful things, he kept kissing your neck, resting his hands on your thigh or your waist while pressing his lower half into you. you could feel him growing harder with every passing second. involuntarily, you started rutting your hips against him in search for some kind of friction. „look at you“, he said lowly, looking down at you, „you‘re so fucking needy. can‘t wait for my cock anymore, huh? are you that desperate to get fucked? little slut.“ you moaned louder, and he pressed his palm against your lips in order to shut you up. „oh, someone likes being degraded“, he noticed, the blush on your face furiously growing as he took away the hand he placed on your mouth. „do you?“ all you could do is nod in submission: his presence was so dominating, but in the best way possible. „now tell me: do you want me to take of your clothes or fuck you in them so you remember me whenever you look at them?“ his question left no room for a different answer than the second one. „fuck me in them“ „then ask nicely“, he retorted, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, taking off his tie and everything else he wore uptop in one swift motion. and holy shit, his upper body looked just as broad and delicious as you imagined it to be. „please, sir, take me in my clothes, so i remember you whenever i look at them.“ that goddamm nickname made him let out another animalistic sound, before unbuckling his belt and taking it off, carefully placing it to the side. you gave yourself a mental check up to keep that name for him. „on your knees, i‘m gonna put that smart mouth of yours to good fucking use.“ in one swift motion you moved from the desk down on your knees, watching as he pulled down his zipper, dragging the pants and boxer down with it. and then he stood, in all his glory, and you swore you had to be careful not to salivate. his length was nice; not overly huge, definately not small either. but he was girthy for sure. his tip was leaking, signaling you how ready he was for you to take him wherever he wanted you to. „open up, and tap my thigh three times when it‘s getting too much for you. understood?“ „yes, sir“, you responded with obedience, his gaze meeting yours. „such an obedient baby, so good to me.“ the praise was doing it for you as well. he grabbed your hair before shoving his length past your lips and bottoming back out. changbin moaned at the feeling of your warm mouth around him, and you swore you never heard a more beautiful sound leave his pink lips, bevor he slowly started moving in and out of your mouth, giving you more and more of him with each thrust. the sight alone turned you on to a maximum: changbin using you, being so high on the pleasure your mouth is giving him, made you shiver in anticipation. you didn‘t mind him using you like a personal fucktoy whatsoever, in fact it excited you even more.
he continued to fuck your face until you gagged on him, saliva covering his cock and tears brimming your eyes, threatening to spill. changbin loved seeing you in this fucked out stage, submitting to him without hesitation. „you look so fucking good, taking my cock so fucking good like that. my personal little slut, shit“, he moaned, before taking his cock out completely. „get up, i don‘t wanna cum like that. wanna cum inside of you.“ finally. „do you want me to use a condom?“, he asked before lifting you back up onto the desk. „no, sir. please. i need you so bad. wanna feel all of you inside me“, you answered, resting a hand on his chest. he took it away, locking a hand around your wrist before looking in your eyes and asking with seriousness laced in his voice: „who said you could touch me?“
you knew you were fucked as soon as those words left his lips, but never in your life would you have imagined to find yourself lying back down on your office desk with your hand held together by a belt over your head. it was thrilling, exciting. it made your heart beat in your chest like crazy. or maybe it was that god-like man above you about to give you the best dick of your entire life. „you look so fucking good right now, so ready for me“, he mumbled, letting his hands wander up your legs that were spread out for him nicely. obviously he wouldn’t be able to take you completely dressed, so your bottom half was bare at this point, your underwear tossed somewhere in the room only the fabric knew. suddenly you were brought back by the head of his cock rubbing against you, wet from a mixture of your saliva and arousal. without another warning, you felt him stretch you out just right. it was a little painful, but in the best way possible. he also didn‘t give you any time to adjust, setting a steady rhythm from the start. and once he noticed he fucked you just how you liked it, he got faster and faster, drilling into you at an unholy speed. you would practically scream his name at that point, if it weren‘t for changbin shoving two fingers into your mouth, shutting you up, you only being able to moan and whine around his digits. „so fucking hot“, he growled, „taking my cock so fucking well in your tight little hole.“ he took his fingers out of your mouth, demanding you to tell him how good it feels. „so good…so big…“ you weren‘t able to form coherent sentences at that point, he quite literally fucked your brains out. „taking it in your fucking office, on your desk. gonna remember this night forever, how you let me fuck you here, like the little whore that you are“, he slurred between inhumane thrusts, drunk on your walls clenching around him and the thought of you. „wanna touch you, please“, you begged on the verge of tears, overwhelmed by all the pleasure you were feeling. „mark me up“, is all he said, loosening up the belt. you knew exactly what to do, ramming your nails in his back and scratching him to the point where he felt like exploding, the pain mixed with the thought of being marked by you too much.
he could tell you were close, your abused walls convulsing around him and getting tighter with every thrust. he closed a hand around your neck, hammering into you with the last bit of willpower left, barely able to hold back his own orgasm, too engulfed in your warmth. „cum for me, let it all out“, he ordered, and you didn‘t need to be asked twice, spasming and clenching around him immediately as waves of pleasures hit you with so much force that you felt like seeing stars. that‘s all it took for him to follow, your clenching core getting filled by him until every last drop was yours.
both of you needed a moment to come back to reality, yet it hit you pretty quickly: you just had sex with seo changbin. the seo changbin you despised so much. or so you thought.
before you were able to say anything he pulled out, leaving you with an unpleasant feeling of emptiness. you sat up and he immediately took your face in his hands and gave you a kiss. a kiss that was full of so much passion you, once again, felt like passing out. „are you okay?“, was the first thing he said, with genuine concern lacing his voice. „yes, i‘m perfectly fine. just a little sore“, you answered, earning a laugh from him before he nervously started scratching his neck. „listen“, he started, „i meant what i said, not just sexually. i think about you a lot, and i would really like to take you out. i know you don‘t like me, probably for a good reason, but i promise you, i‘m not that bad.“ „i guess i can give you a chance“, you bickered, which caused him to just smile.
next thing you know you woke up in your bed, the memories from last night flooding your head. as you slowly roll over you grabbed your phone, noticing a message from jisung at the top of your screen. „hope you got home safe!! sorry i didn‘t talk to you a lot, but minho kissed me in front of everyone, guess we‘re official now. oh btw, i know you‘re off today, but quick question: why is there a pair of underwear on my fucking chair????“
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valleyfae · 1 year
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧
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𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ➛ Guys My Age AU: Masterlist
Paring: divorced!neighbor!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: soft father figure Bucky, age gap (reader’s in uni and Bucky’s in his 40s), hurt/comfort, heavy topics (indications of an abusive parent), smut 18+ ONLY MDNI, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (male receiving), lots of praise, dirty talk, and teasing. Bold italicized text is from the reader’s journal or past!!
Synopsis: You can't seem to keep your plans straight or your hands off of each other.
Word Count: 3.5k words
Authors Note: I have finally decided to update this fic, and I am so sorry it took so long. This part was supposed to be double the length, but I split it in half to post something now until I am happy with the second part. Enjoy!!
𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝
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You’ve been awake for hours.
The bright rays of sunlight sneak through the narrow opening of the cream curtains that lightly sway in the summer breeze. The ashamed feeling of disgust still sunken deep into your heavy chest. Brain fuzzy, limbs weak, stomach cramping, nausea taking over your body as you groan. 
You tiredly stretch; the feeling of your cotton sheets is the only comfort you’ve gotten since Bucky held you in his safe arms. The sunken bags under your eyes become more apparent every day you go without him. 
Falling back into your drowsy state, chilling goosebumps creep down your spine. Yet, no matter the temperature, all you can feel is the isolation and the guilt you somehow manage to carry, blaming yourself for the actions others make. 
A sudden buzz from your phone instantly snaps you out of your hopeless mood. Too lethargic to check your messages, you ignore the notifications. A second buzz vibrates against your wooden bedside table. Tiredly you lift your hand out from under the covers. You squint your eyes as the bright screen inflicts your tired vision.
Dad - 9:27 am
About to leave for my business trip
Dad - 9:29 am 
Your keys are in the kitchen
His texts give a clear indication of what will be happening.
What always happens. 
You can’t deny the sick feeling that stirs your stomach from normalizing his apathetic customs. Dropping your phone onto your burdensome chest, you have zero reaction to the thump of the heavy glass screen on your exposed skin. 
You huff out, grief crawling under your skin. As you pull your covers over your face, you hear yet another buzz, your phone buzzing on your skin. "Shut up," you irately mumble into your soft duvet.
Carelessly, you sit up, sick of seeing your father's name. You quickly glance at the message, not bothering to see what it says, immediately throwing your phone back onto the sheets. 
Freezing your movements, you furrow your brows in confusion. 
You sit fully up for the first time this morning. Leaning against your headboard, you sink your teeth into your bottom lip to collect yourself from the lingering worries built up through your restless night. Nervous excitement washes the sullen expressions off your face. 
Your heart beats at a pathetically fast rate from simply seeing a notification.
Butterflies swarm your stomach, filling your throat with apprehensive nausea. Oh my god, just look at the fucking message. You take a deep breath, inhaling the sweet fragrance of the candle that lingers around your room; building up the courage, you open Bucky’s text.
Bucky - 9:31 am
Good morning, sweetheart! I hope you got a good night's sleep and got some rest. If you want to come over, I’ll be at my house. I just need to finish a little work but come whenever you want. There is a key behind the plant pot :)
Overwhelmed, you feel a sense of consolation as you read Bucky’s text repeatedly. You drag your hands down your face, shaking off your last bit of exhaustion.
It’s a little pathetically how a straightforward text Bucky probably wrote without thinking could bring you this much joy.
Stretching your sore muscles, you take your time to get out of bed – following the bright shine through the curtains, you pull them open to the sound of your father’s car dragging against the gravel. You turn your back to the window, take a deep breath, and push away your negative thoughts. 
You spend the next thirty minutes getting ready, taking your time to feel the hot water run down your back. You gently rub the sweet vanilla scent across your skin, wincing as your fingers skim over your bruises and sore muscles. 
Overcome by the debilitating urge to rush next door, you hastily gather your journal and headphones, knowing Bucky will be busy for a bit – you don’t care how long it takes him. 
You slip into a pair of shorts, the distressed denim skimming your legs, and the cotton of your old band-tee loosely hangs from your shoulders.
The warm breeze hits your skin as your shadow follows your restless steps until you reach the familiar sight of Bucky’s front door. 
You follow his expected thoughtful notes, involuntarily smiling as you pick up the cold key from the shade behind the potted plant, dragging the tip of your finger against the sharp ridges of the metal and taking a breath before gathering your overly excited body.
Carefully opening the heavy door, you step inside. The perfect type of silence and captivating scent flood your senses. Just being in Bucky’s house felt safe. The calm, sleek modern features hold a refreshing atmosphere that radiates the most precious feeling. 
As you step out of your untied Converse, the silence breaks. A faint purr draws you to the couch, and your giddiness heightens.
“Hello, pretty,” you coo, sitting beside the snow-white feline. “Don’t you look comfy?” Then, with one hand tenderly stroking Alpine, you pull your pen and journal out of your canvas bag.
Curled beside you, Alpine’s eyes flutter shut. “You have the most beautiful eyes, just like your dad.” She purrs in response closing the slight gap. “The most beautiful blue eyes.”
Your soft smile melts into a somber gulp as you take out your journal–leafing through your messy notebook and skimming over your prior writing. Lump forming in your throat, you hinder your light flipping of the pages and blankly stare at your words from the previous nights. 
The rivets of dried tear stains scatter your notes like the cuts and bruises fading from your skin.
The painful pages of burden. Every word, hit, insult, ingrained in your memory, the agonizing pluses, the claustrophobic beating of your heart, the fearful tremors, the salty tears slipping through the passage of your lips, manipulated to insanity, exhausted and delirious.
Bottled-up emotions flooded onto the pages of your journal – forever stuck in the cycle of shock, fear, denial, anger, and hopelessness. The stiffly chained pattern has never broken before.  
You never expected to feel any sort of safety.
Shame is always significant, always present, lingering in your mind, but the way Bucky cradles you in his strong arms brings you the comfort and acceptance you never expected, ever. The mounds of self-doubt that control your life slowly dissipate with every second you spend with him. The feeling he gives you is so foreign, and there are not enough words to describe it. The way he holds you in his arms. He’s nurturing. He feels like home.
The desperate longing for someone – that someone, perfect with all of their flaws and broken pieces. That person who will mend your fragile, fragmented mind, body, and soul. You never thought you would find the person, but with Bucky, it is finally starting to feel real.
You’ve never felt joy reading through your journal, repressed memories surfacing, haunting your every moment. Well, not until the night you spent the night at Buckys.
He is perfect – every part of him. 
“Sweetheart?” Bucky calls, a deep and gentle voice echoing down the stairs. His eyes land on the precious sight below him, and he gushes.
Longing gaze snapped back into reality, turning around and stuffing your journal in your bag. “Bucky?”
Nimble fingers rubbing through his beard, scratching the nape of his neck, he teases, taking his last steps to the couch. “Bunny?” kneeling, he tenderly pulls you into a hug, stroking Alpine when she lets out a jealous meow.
Walking down the hall, Bucky guides you into his bedroom. Thoughts mirroring yours, he stops you, gripping your chin between his fingers. Limbs intertwining and heavy breaths mingling, his soft lips skimming yours.
“Miss hearing that flustered hitch in your breath,” he whispers against your lips. “Perfect little girl’s all mine.”
You huff, nuzzling your heated cheeks into his buff chest. “Miss everything about you,” your words muffle against the black cloth constricting Bucky’s muscular figure.
Silence has never been more beautiful, cradled in his arms. Tension building with no fear, just desire.
“Got you something,” Bucky smirks.
Letting out a faint whine, you look up at Bucky, urgently wrapping your arms around his neck. Dwindling patience at an all-time low, heart rate climbing, Bucky welcomes your lips. His tongue glides pasts yours, syncing with the motion of your body as you cling to him.
“I got you a swimsuit,” Bucky whispers into the kiss. “Can go swimming this time, not just— God,” he curses under his breath when you playfully suck along his jaw.
“Not just… fuck me?” you pull away, surprising yourself with the way your words blatantly slip out of your mouth.
Bucky laughs, mockingly pulling away and laying a kiss on your forehead. “Someone’s got a dirty mouth today,” he chuckles, cupping your cheek.
With another sheepish grin, you follow Bucky down the hall, patiently swaying in your seat; you wait for him to bring you the swimsuit he found while in his suit.
Confidence in his step, Bucky tenderly smiles, holding out a cherry red one-piece.
Throat abruptly going dry, the customary throb radiates heat through your jean shorts. Hesitation stirs in your stomach–nervous nausea blocking your airway, cutting your breath short.
I’ve never felt uncomfortable around him. He’s never commented on my body, never drawn attention to my bruises and scars, and never made me feel weird for the horrendous way my eyes get puffy and face blotches when I cry. No one has ever made me feel the same as he does or made me feel good about myself. So does he care or only pity me because I’m just that pathetic? I don’t want him to worry about me. I don’t want him to think I just want attention. I don’t want to feel even more ashamed of myself. I just want to keep pretending that life is perfect, like how it is when I’m with him.
“I’m not the best shopper, aren't I?” Bucky sarcastically snickers, lightening the worried expression on your face.
“No, no, it’s just a little red?” you giggle, pushing your stresses aside. “I love it!”
Smiling up at Bucky, he takes your place, sitting on the linen couch. The soft chuckles of banter gone silent, you timidly undressing to rapidly put the swimsuit on. Tense arms hidden behind your back, you fidget with your fingers, eyes following the pattern of the wooden tiles.
Tongue swiping across his velvety yet slightly chapped lips, his large hand grips your discarded clothes. “Bunny?” his tone sweet and delicate, melodically humming with the blowing wind that ruffles the curtains.
Hands molding to your shoulders, he coos, “Take a deep breath for me.” Chaos constantly cluttering your mind, you follow Bucky’s instructions, giving him your vulnerability. “You don’t need to be scared of me. I’m here for you, no matter what.”
All you can do is nod, leaning into his warm embrace.
The summer sun beats down on the two of you as you agilely trace patterns down Bucky’s abdomen, centimeters away from gliding over his shorts. You shift lower in the sun lounger, intertwining your thigh around his leg.
The nervous lump thumping in your chest falls, adding to the pulse radiating off your clit and breaking the stop to your restlessness, gradually bucking your clenched hips as your nose brushes the thick trail of hair that travels beneath the waistband of his shorts.
“Feeling needy, bunny?” Bucky smugly chuckles, placing his book down and his colossal palm on your head instead. “No need to act shy; been teasing me, wiggling in those little red bottoms.” 
You tuck your head, and your flustered instinct kicks in, nose pressing against Bucky’s bulge; you whimper, realizing your position and rising embarrassment.
“Did so good for me last time. I’m still here to help but fuck.” Bucky tenderly rests his palm on your cheek. “Gonna get me hard just thinking about those soft lips wrapped around my cock, looked so pretty, so innocent sucking on my balls. Most perfect sight I’ve ever seen.”
The temperature of your face increases, but that doesn’t stop your body and your racing thoughts. Vivid images flood your memory of the first time you gave Bucky head, the first time you have ever given a man head. 
The one time has left you with a ravenous craving for Bucky, a desperate yearning to please him, the vague taste of him ingrained in your imagination every second that goes by, and it’s intoxicating.
“Can I?”
Looking up, you admire Bucky's defined abs, perfectly sculpted biceps, the bright sunlight glimmering in his crystal blue eyes. A comforting aura emits from his words, breath, and presence; that feeling of safety mixed with passion curates his effect on you, the lust that flows through your veins, leaving you writhing for friction.
You sit up, putting your weight on your heels – pressing against the emerging wet patch on your red bikini. “You know, um….” you mumble, eyes subconsciously drawing to Bucky’s bulge.
He shifts up, spreading his thighs, establishing a space for you to lay. “We have an eager little girl today, now do we?” Bucky chuckles, cupping your cheek and pressing a kiss to your forehead, savoring the feeling of his soft, blush lips on your skin before he pulls away, his gaze piercing through your eyes with a gentle smile. “You’re gonna make me crazy,” he murmurs.
Licking your lips, you tug the supple flesh with your teeth; anticipating his following instructions, you center yourself and lay your clammy palms on your legs, exhibiting your restlessness with a subtle pout.
Intertwining his fingers with yours, he guides your hands to his growing bulge. “Don’t worry, bunny. I'm here.” The trembling of your wrists dies down as Bucky reassuringly moves your shaky touch to a steady pace. “I got you.”
Slipping your fingers past the band of Bucky’s swim trunks, you pull them down his hips, gaze apprehensively shifting from Bucky’s alluring eyes to the expanding path of hair you’re gradually exposing.
“Lemme just,” Bucky grumbles, freeing his strained erection and aching full balls from the polyester. A content sigh washes over him as you finish taking off his bottoms.
Sinful and tainted, you cave in, your mouth watering excessively as you attentively watch Bucky wrap his fingers around his thick base. “Go on and lay down for me.” 
You hastily shift into the spot between Bucky’s muscular thighs, timidly placing a hand on his olive skin. “There you go, pretty girl’s so smart,” Bucky croons, his palm smoothing over your temple.
Your fingers barely conceal Bucky’s staggering girth mimicking his form seconds before; you glide your tongue up his shaft coating him with an abundant amount of your drool, all while maintaining hankering eye contact. His distinct, musky taste seeping into your taste buds, the feeling of his jutting veins intoxicating, you let out a content hum. Following your steady path, you kiss Bucky’s bulbous tip; a faint moan vibrates off your puckered lips, drawing a deep grunt from his chest.
“You see how hard you make me? Fucking hell, don’t need my help at all. So good for me—” Bucky groans, guiding your head down, pushing himself past your glistening lips. “That’s my girl.”
You immediately gag, glassy eyes building tears, your body’s natural response seeming hostile, but it’s your favorite feeling.
Both hands tentatively wrapped around him, the tip of Bucky’s cock prods the back of your throat—drool seeping past your lips, cascading over your tense knuckles.
Bucky's words meld into satisfied grunts, his chest heaving to the rhythm he enforces with his hand pressing down on the crown of your head. “Always take me like a champ,” he hisses through gritted teeth. “Don’t you, bunny?”
His pulsing tip pummels down your throat, pushing your head down further, and a perfectly sculpted outline of his cock shapes down your neck abundantly. Copious amounts of saliva coat your chin, running down your chest and creating a glistening pool to glaze over the cushion below you.
Encouraging groans flow from Bucky’s lips as he digs his pearly white teeth into his plush red lips. His eyes locked on yours, the plentiful strands of silver that weave through his hair, glimmering in the sunlight.
The thump in your chest drops between your legs. You urgently clamp your thighs together, helplessly clenching your muscles in an attempt to fulfill the ache exuding heat from your neglected clit. You sync your needy movements with the tempo Bucky set with his hand planted on the back of your head. The repetition of your self-inflicted grinds rapidly builds a coil in your stomach.
Bucky frees you from under his grasp, stifles the tempo of his thrusts, and pumps his cock. “There she is,” he groans. “Shit. Making me feel so good.” 
Increasing the speed of the rough buckling of your hips, Bucky continues to praise you as your drool-painted lips connect to his full heavy balls. His stare drops from your watery eyes to your hips, needily grinding onto nothing. “You don’t need my help, doing amazing. Love it so much you’re humping the air, aren’t you, poor thing?”
The sound of your gags is replaced by your pleading whimpers, which have become more and more substantial as you borrow your nose further against Bucky’s base, his balls drawing up as you slurp your excessive drool.
“Come here,” Bucky motions, soothingly rubbing your free hand on his thigh. “Help me cum – need to feel that pretty cunt wrapped around my fingers. Need to show my girl how proud of her I am.”
Responding with a confused hum, Bucky cups your cheek, gently guiding you up, patting the cushion; he stabilizes your trembling legs, straddling your thighs so you’re hovering over his cock, harder than ever.
He patiently hooks his dexterous fingers around the vibrant fabric, revealing your puffy clit.
He catches your keen gaze, eyes following down to your eager pout and back to your cunt, skimming your mound with his digits. Struggling to form a sentence, you reflexively roll your hips, internally screaming, begging for Bucky to speed up his sly gestures.
His soft chuckles fuel your neediness, but before he can get his words out, you huff, “be patient. I know, I know.” Digging your fingers into his biceps, you giggle, mirroring his smile.
Swimsuit fully pushed to the side, Bucky slides his tip between your folds, teasing your entrance. “Using my words against me,” he rebuts, moving his hands and securely gripping your waist. “You know I’m right. I always make you feel good.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you whimper under your breath, “Bucky.”
Feeding your restless state, he slowly slips you down onto his length, stretching past your entrance.
As much pleasure as Bucky has brought you in every other position, this foreign fluffiness and a false sense of control is startling yet exciting. Bucky’s steady thrusts, combined with your frantic bounces as you rock your hips, almost instantly bring you to your climax.
“B-Buck–” you mewl, embarrassment and pleasure clouding your senses. “Please, I’m- I’m….” Squinting your eyes shut, you arch your back, tensing your muscles.
Maintaining his authoritative grasp on you, Bucky attaches the pad of his thumb to your clit, pulling a squeal from the back of your throat. “So quick,” he scoffs, breathlessly moaning himself. “Look at me, bunny.”
You collapse onto Bucky’s chest, tired and helplessly chasing the rapid thump in your abdomen. “Feels s-so, feels so good.” Brows furrowed, you open your heavy lids, holding back your release until Bucky reassures your pleas. “Can’t hold it, can’t hold it.”
Desperately squirming on top of Bucky, you press your parted lips to his, panting into his mouth. “Go on, cum for me.”
You let go, moaning as you jolt forward, embracing Bucky’s pace, clinging to his frame, letting him take complete control. “There you go—” Bucky’s words get increasingly gravelly as he feels himself climaxing.
His hot breath cascades down your neck–the heightening, deep, harsh snaps of hips let you know he is close. “B-Bucky, please. Please c-cum in me,” you breathlessly mumble.
“Fuck, bunny.”
Bucky holds you close, soothing you from the bliss. He isn’t thinking about anything else besides you in his arms. He lets you bask in the comfortable silence as the pulse between your legs ebbs away until all that is left painting your sensitive folds is his smooth seed that you begged him to fill you up with.
Keeping your clammy cheek pressed to his beating chest Bucky reaches for one of the pool towels he had brought out to clean up to the best of his abilities.
“Said we were swimming, and you wouldn’t just fuck me,” you murmur, voice still raspy as you pull yourself out of the hazy aftermath.
Bucky chuckles as he lays the towel back down. “Really are using my word’s against me today, aren’t you?”
“Uhmm,” you happily hum back at Bucky, shifting up to press your buzzing lips back onto his.
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I want to say thank you for all of your sweet messages on my form. They all mean a lot to me, and I wish there was a way for me to respond. I hope you guys enjoyed the fic. Sending my love.
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kamikazii · 3 months
Choso Kamo x f!Reader
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The club was packed tonight, sweaty drunk bodies pressed against each other vibrating from the beat of the music roaring in their ears. You were amongst the crowd, not yet shit faced but very drunk. You smiled largely at your friends, a small bit of drool coming out of the corner of your mouth. You loved every second of feeling the music, feeling like nothing mattered outside of dancing with a room full of strangers. Were they really strangers at this point? This club was your favorite, you were a Friday night regular. As were all the other college students there.
Your friend came up to you, swaying against you as she pushed a shot glass to your lips. You gladly gulped down the terrible tasting liquid, swallowing as fast as you could and grimacing at the taste. Like a child would with cough medicine.
Suddenly it felt like all the contents of your stomach were threading to come back up. You politely pushed your friend away, frantically looking for the bathroom. Pushing bodies out of your way wasn’t easy, but you made it nonetheless. As soon as the toilet was in your eye sight it happened. The terrible taste of alcohol and appetizers coming right back up. You gagged and wretched, feeling absolutely disgusted with yourself. Well, that was a buzzkill. Time to head home.
You pulled out your phone, sending a quick text to the group chat with your friends letting them know you were heading home for the night. The ladies sent back a be safe text and that was all you needed. You exited the bathroom and looked for the exit.
As you made your way through the crowd and past the bar a hand landed on your shoulder.
“Hey baby let me buy you drink.”
A man that looked double your age said in a slur. You pushed his hand off, “No thanks, I’m heading home.” You said, not interested in a man that could be the same age as your father. He persisted, “I could come with, show you a good time baby.” He was now standing, trying to pull your body to his. You looked around frantically for help, no one was paying attention to you. Of course they weren’t.
Until your eyes locked with his. Your eyes lit up, acting on impulse, “My boyfriend is going to beat your ass if you don’t get the fuck off.” You yelled at the stranger, pointing to the man you were referring to. The man walked over, seemingly knowing what was going on. You looked distressed after all.
The older man let go thankfully not wanting to stir anything up, you grabbed the dark haired man’s hand and made towards the exit. He happily went outside with you, how could he not?
You breathed heavily, feeling sobriety slowly making its way to you. You looked at the man you’d brought with you, shit he was so fine.
“I’m sorry, old bastard wouldn’t let go of me.” You apologized, feeling defeated. Total buzzkill now; puking up everything you ate and drank in the last two hours and some creep trying to follow you home. Gross.
“Hey it’s okay, are you going to be okay going home?“ He sounded sincere, placing his hand on your back while you heaved fresh air into your body.
“Uh yeah I think, I’ll just Uber home. It’s only like fifteen minutes away.” You said, pulling your phone out. Shit, it died. He watched as you tried to turn it on, smacking it and whining when it didn’t.
“I can give you a ride if you want, I’m sober so you don’t have to worry about getting into an accident.” He started rubbing the back of his head, hoping that didn’t come off as weird or creepy.
“You’re not gonna stalk me if I tell you where I live are you?” You half joked, raising an eyebrow at him. He shook his head no, laughing.
“I’m Kamo Choso, I promise I’m not creepy, I’m just a senior in college.” He said, the faintest bit of pink danced on the tips of his ears. You told him your name, defeatedly walking with him to his car. It was blacked out and honestly kinda hot. You made small talk with him on the way to your apartment, feeling a little embarrassed a stranger had to take you home.
You found out you attend the same college but never stumbled across each other, probably because he was a senior and you were only a sophomore. Upon arriving at your apartment you invited him in, it was late after all. It would be rude of you to not finish the conversation that was flowing between the two of you. Right? It would be rude to not offer him something to eat or drink.
And it would be rude to not notice the slight bulge in his pants as he sat on your sofa.
You pushed that thought out of your mind as soon as it entered, mentally berating yourself. He was a total stranger. Well not really, after the conversations you had you knew a few things about him. Like that he lived across town from you, so naturally you offered him to stay here at your apartment. It was very late after all. And he accepted gratefully, the idea of driving being a hassle for him. You found out he liked horror movies just as much as you did so of course you put one on and cozied up next to this man on your couch. The man you’d known for a whole hour and a half now. Happy way through the movie his arm wrapped around your shoulder, inviting you to lean against him. Leaning turned into laying in his lap. His arm around your shoulder turned into resting it in your hair, playing with it.
You felt it. A twitch. In his pants. It immediately made blood rush to your face, but you didn’t move. What were you doing? This strange man is in your apartment somehow with his dick pressed to your face and you’re just okay with that? Yes, yes you are.
You nuzzled against his growing hard on, making an almost inaudible moan slip from his throat. He grabbed a fistful of your hair, tightly.
“Don’t tease me.”
He was rather rough, which surprised you. The grip on your hair made you wince a little but you continued, ghosting your mouth over his growing erection. The crotch in his jeans were getting too tight to be comfortable, he had to slip them off. You happily helped him push them down past his knees, his cock springing free. His tip was pink, leaking precum from your teasing. God he was so big, he has the type of cock you fantasize about while fucking yourself. You drooled at the sight of him, licking his tip and slowly lowering your mouth down. His grip on your hair loosened only for him to grab the back of your neck to help guide you on how he liked his cock sucked.
A guttural moan escaped his throat as you tried to take him fully, he’d never felt a throat as tight and wet as yours. The very thought made his cock twitch. He pulled you off suddenly, he wasn’t going to last long from fucking your throat. He so badly wanted to eat you out and fuck you hard.
So he did just that, he pushed you back onto your back and gathered the fabric of your dress, pushing it up to rest as your waist. He grabbed the waistband of your panties and slid them down, you lifted your lower half to help him. He stared at your cunt, the sight was heavenly. You were already so wet for him your juices leaking out of you in anticipation. Heat stuck to your cheeks in embarrassment as he stared at you. He made eye contact with you before lunging down to your pussy, not wasting any time and lapping fat stripes up from your entrance to your swollen clit. The sensation made you hiss grabbing onto his messy buns to help steady yourself.
“You taste s’good, can’t wait to fuck you.”
He said, your juices flowing into his mouth and dripping down his chin. Your nectar alone could make him drunk, he wanted to savor how you tasted but he so badly wanted to plunge his cock in you already. You felt the buildup deep in your core, your orgasm making its way to you. He pulled away, “I promise next time I’ll make you cum all over my face but I have to fuck you now.” He said desperately. He gathered the wetness from his mouth and chin and smeared it over his tip, groaning at the feeling.
You were ready to feel him, ready to be filled to the brim with this strangers cock. The thought was exhilarating. You’d never had a one night stand or fucked a stranger. Wait, he said next time. Is he planning to fuck you again?
You came back yo reality as he pushed his tip in, your pussy trying to suck him in. You both let out a groan, wanting more. You reached your hand to him, which he grabbed and placed back into his hair.
“Fuck your pussy feels s’good. She’s sucking me in.” He breathed out. He slowly sank himself all the way in, your cunt trying to accommodate his size. It only stung a little bit as soon as the initial shock subsided it felt so good.
You tugged on his hair motioning that he could move, and he wasted no time. He pulled out leaving just his tip inside you and thrusted back in hard. The squelch of your pussy made him moan loud. His hips found a rhythm shortly, thrusting in and out and in and out..
The sensation made you throw your head back, eyes rolling back and almost seeing stars. Your gummy walls clamped down on him, he didn’t know if he could last long. It had been awhile since he’d been with anyone, he was trying to focus on his studies rather than relationships or women but god the way your body took his cock was too damn good.
You felt your orgasm coming back, the knot in your core building up. He snaked a hand down to rub your aching clit, eliciting a moan from you. He leaned down to your ear, “Say my name baby, tell me who’s fucking you.”
His voice was dark, breath hot and heavy on your earlobe.
“Cho-Choso,, fuckk. I’m so close, pl-please don’t stop.” You breathed out. It was becoming so hard to talk, all you could do was let noises fall from your mouth. His thrusts became sloppy as his orgasm came close, he swirled his fingers faster to get you closer to finishing.
It hit you like a wall, vision going white and body hot. So so hot. All you could do was lay there and squirm, toes curling and moans leaving your throat. Choso pulled out and let his release on your stomach. He fucked his fist until he was empty, moaning your name.
Your brain was fuzzy with euphoria, watching his cum all over you from above. You smiled in your haze, wiping yourself with your dress after you slid it off of you. You grabbed his hand and walked him to your bathroom, turning the shower on and adjusting the water.
“You can sleep with me in my bed tonight, okay?” You said as you helped him slip the rest of his clothes off. Man you were so ready for bed.
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caramelberzatto · 4 months
Might I bore you with Richie thoughts?
Just been thinking of a new worker starting at the Beef and Richie being instantly smitten. He does a double take when first introduced and spends the rest of the day taking not so sneaky glances at them. Over the coming days, everyone who knows him can see that he’s got it bad. He denies this of course, and just insists that he is being a nice and welcoming colleague. His soft and protective behaviour is definitely not because he has a crush on them and can’t get them out of his head. Not at all, not at all…
But alas, the new worker has a boyfriend. And as soon as Richie finds this out, before even laying eyes on him, he has decided that this boyfriend is a scumbag. He hates him and this hate only intensives after meeting him, especially as Richie’s feelings for the new worker has also intensified. Poor Carmy has had to listen about how much of a fuckhead this boyfriend is and how Richie will beat the living shit out of said boyfriend if he makes New Worker cry.
And still Richie insists that he is just looking out for a colleague/friend.
When New Worker and their boyfriend do finally split up you can practically see Richie walking on air. And Carmy breathes a sigh of relief that he will no longer have to hear Richie threatening the boyfriend.
After months of pining though and the rest of the Beef feeling like they are nothing more than background characters to a cliche romcom, it is the new worker who actually asks Richie out. After finishing with their ex and leaving it a good while, they find themselves unable to ignore their growing attraction to Richie. And whilst Richie has been hindered by his low self-esteem and fear of ruining their friendship, New Worker has no hesitations. They really really like Richie. They don’t care that there is an age difference or that they are colleagues or that Richie has a daughter. They just want to be with Richie if he will have them. They don’t want to lose this chance.
And they want to kiss him. My oh my do they want - no, need to kiss him (that suit of his is driving them crazy). And Richie is more than happy to fulfil that wish of theirs 😘
Sorry for the ramble, but I have been unable to stop thinking about Richie.
okay i feel this, i vibe with this so fucking hard AH i love richie so fucking much sdfnfkjgfjgk okay lets review-- strap in, folks, it's a long one.
He thinks he's acting slick, staying cool, just casually hanging out with you, but this man has got the biggest fucking heart eyes known to man. Everybody can see it except the two of you.
The day you first set foot in The Beef, Richie just blanks. It's the first time Carmy has ever seen him without anything to say; no smartass comment, no mildly inappropriate joke, nothing. Richie just says hi, and offers you his hand. For a handshake. Which is... oddly formal. But you accept, and his palm is warm and a little clammy against your own.
Over the next few months, as you settle into routine, moving alongside the others as just another part in a slightly-faulty, but otherwise well-oiled machine, Richie uses any excuse to be near you. Prepping, restocking, wiping tables, making orders, whatever. Where you're concerned, it's a two man job. (Much to Carmy's chagrin, because Jesus Christ, there's barely enough staff to cover the workload as it is.)
The two of you become fast friends, much to Richie's surprise because, well... He knows he isn't the nicest guy to be around sometimes, but he's trying, and it seems that you, of all people, can see that in him. Can see through him, to the man he wants to be.
When Richie finds out, through Sydney, that you have a boyfriend, he's gutted.
Richie is conflicted because, yeah, he's into you. So damn into you. But he doesn't to come off like a creep, hanging around, trying to snatch you away from your boyfriend or anything like that. He's done some shitty things in his past, but he's not a downright dickhead, and he isn't gonna go for another guy's partner.
You start to notice the way he speaks to you, softer than he does with anybody else. He never yells at you, unless he's calling out your name to see where in the restaurant you are. You start to notice his hand on your shoulder as he moves behind you, and the way his gaze is almost always already on you when you look for him. And you start to notice, even though you feel awful and conflicted about it, that he makes you feel things. He makes you feel good. And he treats you so... kindly. You laugh with him and it feels like a million little fireworks are firing off in your chest, a cataclysmic burst of technicolour.
And you slowly start to realise that this is how you want to be treated. You start to realise that, despite all the good parts of your relationship, those parts are few-and-far between these days. And you've been sticking around because it's comfortable, it's familiar. It's what you know. But Richie...
Sure, he's a bit older than you, nothing like anybody you've ever met before, but... God, he's really something.
And when you meet his daughter one busy afternoon, when he picks her up from school but has a few things to finish off at The Beef. Oh, isn't she just the sweetest. And seeing the way he interacts with her, laughing and joking and messing around, it's just... fucking adorable. And it makes your heart do this weird flutter in your chest. You shrug it off as the first signs of a cold or something, anything but admit your feelings toward him.
Everything comes grinding to halt when Richie finds out you've started staying with your parents again. You show up late to work a few times, miserable and puffed, and you admit that it's further than you used to travelling to get to work, and you haven't figured out the perfect route yet.
Because you and your boyfriend split up. Done. Finished. Donzo. Over. The end. Goodbye and goodnight.
And Richie has to bite down on his tongue to keep from laughing in relief. The selfish part of him is so.... happy? And God, it feels awful. And seeing you like that, emotionally drained and exhausted, unsure how to feel because yes, you're finally out of a relationship with someone who's thoughts, feelings, life, etc, no longer lined up with yours, but still...
Heartbreak is heartbreak, and goddamn did it hurt.
The first few weeks are hell. You work yourself to the bone, picking up shifts if someone is sick or has an emergency and can't make it. The restaurant has never been so fucking clean, it's actually baffling Carmy. Like, Jesus, you're there before him sometimes, and you stay until lock up, busying yourself with tasks.
Through all of it, despite pushing mostly everyone away, appeasing with placid smiles and assurances that you're fine, the only one you're not fooling is Richie.
And he calls you out on it one day, when he sees the look in your eye getting unnervingly dull. You shrug him off when he tries fo talk to you, muttering something about needing to finish your prep.
"No, fuck that, there's enough fuckin' onions there to feed a fuckin' army." He gently pries the knife from your hand, setting it on the counter, and places his hands on your shoulders, guiding you through the restaurant and out into the back alley.
It's colder than he thought it was, so he quickly shrugs off his jacket and drapes it around your shoulders.
"What, Richie?" Even as you try to sound unbothered, your voice wavers.
For a moment, the two of you exist in a pocket of silence, and you drop your gaze to the ground. But then there's a warmth on your cheek, Richie's hand, lifting your head.
"No, hey, look at me." And seeing Richie looking at you the way he was, genuinely concerned, it shoved you to the verge of tears.
"It all hurts, Richie," you admit quietly, brows furrowed.
"I know, sweetheart, I know." He cups the back of your neck, pulling you in, resting his chin atop your head and rubbing your back.
"But look, you need to slow down, alright? Doing all this shit, it's gonna break you down. You need to rest, and just, fuck, I don't fuckin' know. Just slow down and take care of yourself, kid."
"I'm trying, but fuck, my parents, and I just-"
"Come stay with me."
A beat of silence so heavy you could almost feel it shudder through the ground.
"I'm not- I'm not gonna intrude in you like that. I don't need pity, it's fine, I'm fine. Richie, seriously."
"No, stop, it's not pity, it's fuckin'," he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I fuckin' care about you, and I can see you're so very totally not fuckin' fine. So I'm offering you a place to stay, to like, I don't fuckin' know, collect yourself. Just like, catch a fuckin' break. I got this real nice pullout couch, and I'm right next to this Chinese place, really fuckin' good fried rice."
He was rambling, and it all came out in a rushed breath before he sighed, long and slow. "And, like, we can fuckin' carpool."
You let your head fall back, resting against the cool brick. "Okay. Yeah, fuck, okay."
Your time at Richie's place is... strangely calming, which you hadn't expected. Whenever you have a day off, you try to do something to make it up to him, whether it's doing the dishes or vacuuming or getting groceries.
You get to know Eva because you're sometimes in the car during school pick-up. And she damn near talks your ear off, telling you anything; school gossip, favourite songs, how her dad can't help but bring you up in conversation, and if you'd like to attend whatever recital is the next weekend.
And you go, standing up the back by the gymnasium doors because you and Richie got stuck in traffic and ended up a little late. But none of that matters, because when the time comes, Richie is the one whistling and clapping and cheering the loudest for his daughter, that Eva spots him regardless of the distance.
Again, your heart does that weird flutter thing, and you have to excuse yourself to the bathroom. Wandering down the empty halls of the fun, colourful grade school, you clutch your coat close to your chest. Finding a back exit, you push through the door and out into the chill of the night.
Richie goes looking for you after you've been gone a little while, and finds you standing in the cold, arms crossed, staring at the sky. And for a moment, he says nothing, not wanting to interrupt you. Because you're standing there, gazing up at the moon and stars, and there's a simple, content smile upon your face.
A moment of calm, a moment of quiet happiness. Peace.
You notice him then, wandering over. And when he's in front of you, his gaze locked on yours, that smile grows.
"It's nice out," you whisper, not wanting to shatter the quiet calm.
"Yeah." Richie clears his throat, hands in his pockets to keep from reaching for you. His gaze dips to your lips, lingering for a few seconds longer than it should.
Without giving yourself a moment to doubt yourself, you rest your hands on his chest and kiss him. His hand instantly cradles the back of your head, as if he'd been waiting for this very moment for a lifetime.
ANYWAY, I'm so fine and normal and sane about this. Definitely not in love with him or anything AH I want to just IXKDKWKKDKDOAKSOO. Richie Jerimovich, they could never make me hate you.
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slxshrfvcker · 1 year
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♡︎~I'm Bad At Life~♡︎
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@ashllleyyy requested;
Hii, I'm so sorry to bother you but is it alright if I request part 2 of my previous request?? Like girls' reactions or if the reader finds out she is pregnant. If you don't want to do it it's totally fine<3 If you do Thank you very much I really like your work 💓
Hello, my darling!~ I am extremely glad to do a pt 2 to your request! I had so much fun writing the first one and this one is equally as fun to write! As usual, I hope it is to your liking!~ Enjoy!!!♡︎♡︎♡︎
This is a pt 2 to this request here!~
Pairing: Older!Billy Loomis x FEM!Reader x Older!Stu Macher Content Warnings: Age Gaps, Fem!Reader, AU!Scream, toxic friendships implied, Scream’s usual themes w/murder and violence, unplanned pregnancy (wrap it before you tap it!), second-time dads, the twins now have names LOL !!NSFW MENTIONS!! (from the prev. fic!) Flashbacks are in full italics and marked before and after with ( )! LMK if I missed anything♡︎♡︎ Listen To: I'm Bad At Life by Falling In Reverse
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It was a few weeks to a month that had passed since the... incident and it was rather awkward now every time that Y/N had come over to visit the girls and their dads, the twins and Sam had yet to confront their dads on the situation but they sure did approach Y/N with what they found...
(It was the next day after the events and Sam was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast and quietly talking with the twins while the two dads talked quietly amongst themselves in the kitchen. As soon as Y/N entered the dining room the girls fell silent and all eyes were on her, she seemed a bit confused about why all three girls were staring at her so oddly but she just shrugged it off and stepped into the kitchen to get some of the breakfast that Stu had made. "Good morning, Y/N. You sleep well?" Asked Billy in a rather cheeky, knowing tone as he sipped on his cup of coffee; Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks and ears as she remembered the events of last night and where she ended up, she hummed softly and nodded before taking a plate full of the food and nodding at them both. "Thanks for the breakfast," She said in a thankful and shy tone before she made her way back into the dining room, where yet again the girls' eyes were all on her... "So, Y/N... How was it?" Sam asked rather bluntly, and a bit ruder than she intended, but she knew full well that Y/N had a clue about what she was talking about. One of the twins gently smacked Sam's arm, mumbling a "not during breakfast" to her but Sam ignored the warning and smirked at Y/N, waiting patiently for her reply. "What do you-..." She soon realized what she was hinting at and her eyes seemed to double their size. "Sam... Did you...?" Y/N seemed absolutely horrified and shocked at the revelation that she had made. "Yeah. Y/N. I wanna know, how did it feel fucking our dads?")
From that day forward things have been a bit tense around the girls, and the dads could tell, but they didn't dare press on the matter, they figured the girls would figure it out themselves and whatever happened would happen. That was until the girls started acting suspiciously around them as well. See; the girls had started noticing changes in Y/N. Y/N seemingly had to leave classes or call in sick to their professors at the uni, and it was growing more and more common for her to call in sick to uni and she was now even declining to hang out with Sam and the twins too.
The few times they did see Y/N, she was wearing a bit baggier clothes each time and she seemed like she was even glowing, and to the girls, they knew what that meant, even if they hadn't been around such things before, they were not stupid... But they didn't question her, they knew better, they would simply wait until she was ready to come to them... if she was ready. So that's what they did. They waited... And waited... And waited.
"Finally!" Sam groveled as Y/N had sent a simple text to her and the girls telling them to meet her up for coffee, that she needed to talk to them and it was important. "I know, it felt like years waiting for her to send something like this!" One twin, Jessie exclaimed as the girls all got ready and made their way to their car. They told their dads they would be back soon, and then they were off. They got to the coffee place within five minutes and walked inside together, spotting Y/N at a table not too far from the door.
"Y/N/N!" One of the twins had called out for her, dragging the other and Sam along with her to the booth and sitting down. "Okay, okay! Tell us, what is so important that we have to know?" Maisy seemed rather impatient as she giddily sat with her twin Jessie while Sam sat beside Y/N. It was silent for a few moments, and the four girls sitting there could feel their heartbeats in their throats as Y/N gathered the courage to finally tell them.
Reaching into her bag, Y/N pulled out a couple white sticks and a roll of paper with images on it, she set them down on the table to let the girls study them for a moment. The silence was deafening as the twins and Sam took in the news and stared down at the positive pregnancy tests and the imaging of the fetus on the papers. "Wow..." Jessie said in disbelief. Maisy didn't know what to say but her face seemingly lit up with joy and excitement, she jumped up and hugged Y/N from across the table. "I'm gonna be a big sister!... again," She giggled as she looked at her twin. Sam stayed silent, she didn't know how the hell to process this... Until a revelation came to her mind, which one of their dads held the title of father for the baby? Sam looked up at Y/N with a serious expression. "Y/N. Which one of our dads is the baby daddy?" Sam suddenly spoke over Maisy's excitement and Jessie's stunned silence.
The girls all fell silent again and looked at each other in shock at the thought. "Oh god," Maisy finally broke the silence. "So... This means that we don't know which one of our dads is the one that like... got her pregnant...?" Maisy asked in shock. Jessie didn't know what to say still, so she kept silent. Sam shook her head, looking down and trying to calm herself before she threw a fit. "Y/N... We gotta tell our dads, I mean, they'll be understanding... probably," Maisy was always the one to speak now, she always had been the comforter of the group though.
"Fuck, I... I never put it into motion that we don't know the baby daddy and that terrifies me... Holy shit I don't know what to do... What... what would we even tell them?" Y/N was starting to breathe heavily, her body starting to tremble as a panic attack settled into her bones. "Hey, Y/N calm down it's okay! We'll figure it out! In the meantime, we can just... have some coffee and whatever before we go and tell them," Maisy reassured her, and Jessie finally gathered herself and nodded in agreement with her twin. "Yeah. Y/N just order your favorite and I'll pay for it, then we can all get in my car and get to our house and I guess to break the news to our dads." Jessie reassured in a calm tone.
Y/N's shaking slowed a bit and she nodded, relaxing before the group of girls ordered some drinks and a snack. Time passed and they finally finished their coffees and snacks, packing the tests and the roll of paper in her bag, Y/N, and the group piled into the car and drove home in silence, other than the soft beats of the radio playing classic rock. Y/N was gradually panicking worse with each second they grew closer, but Maisy's comforting hand on hers calmed her a bit. The view of the house finally showed and they pulled into the driveway. The girls sat in silence for a second before everyone got out, making their way inside the house.
"Dad? Dad! We're home! We need to talk..." Called Sam, she was the first to get the dads' attention. Billy and Stu made their way down the stairs and met the faces of their daughters and... Y/N... "Y/N, what a... pleasant surprise, we didn't expect to see you again," Stu was the first one to greet her, making his way over to her and offering a hug. Y/N kind of tensed up and shied away from him, which in all honesty concerned him. Billy made his way over to the girls too and looked at them each, scanning their faces. "What's going on? It looks like someone is going to tell me their grandma died," Billy tried to joke and make the mood a bit lighter, but it didn't seem to work.
"Dad we need to tell you something about... Y/N..." Sam said, making the man look at his daughter, suspiciously eyeing Y/N before he and Stu stood in front of them now. "You... You might want to uh... Sit down for this," Y/N finally spoke in a shaky tone. The two men hesitantly sat down. Y/N opened her bag and took the tests and the roll of paper out, setting them down on the table in front of them. The whole room was silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. Y/N was scared of their reactions, they yet had any.
After some while of silence, Maisy grew restless. "Say something!" Maisy exclaimed, and that set things into motion. Billy's head dropped down into his hands, he leaned forwards as he tried to take in the shock and disbelief of the news of him possibly being a father again, Stu on the other hand seemed rather excited about the news. "Wait, you're pregnant? With, with our baby?" Stu said, a little too excitedly. Y/N nodded, looking at Billy in fear of him lashing out but he didn't, he stayed silent with his head in his hands. Stu smiled and stood up, quickly enveloping Y/N in his arms. "I might be a dad again! I'm so happy! Billy! Did you hear her, we might be dads again!... Billy?" Stu pulled away and looked at Billy with concern, unsure about his silence. It could mean a plethora of things, happiness, sadness, anger... Billy was super unpredictable and it caused even Stu to worry and sort of protectively move Y/N closer to him.
Billy finally looked up at them after what seemed like hours passed. "You're pregnant, with one of ours," Billy gestured between him and Stu. "Baby..." Billy wanted to make sure that he was understanding this all correctly. Y/N shyly nodded, looking away and avoiding his eyes. Billy took in a deep breath before nodding. "Okay... Well... No matter whose baby it is, we will help you take care of it and raise it." Billy concluded. Y/N lifted her head and met his eyes in shock, the girls also seemed shocked but happy with the news.
"And that means you moving in with us, is that... okay with you?" Billy finally asked, making her glance at the girls who nodded and she then glanced at Stu who seemed pleased with this idea. "Okay... Yeah, I'm fine with it, Billy... I'll move in." Y/N agreed, and the girls seemingly all squealed in unison, excited about this. Stu smiled a bit and pulled Y/N into his arms, kissing her head before he looked at Billy. Billy smiled finally, moving towards Stu and Y/N and joining in, hugging Y/N as well and kissing her cheek. Soon the three other girls joined in on the hug, the six all hugging each other tightly. They were well aware of the future and the possibilities that this new revelation held, but they all were ready to face it with confidence and responsibility. This was going to be the start of a wonderful family.
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♡︎likes are appreciated, comments are wonderful, reblogs are gold, and follows are greatly welcomed!♡︎
♡︎Ilysm, take care of yourself, and have a safe and great day/night!♡︎
Please LMK if you want a part three!!♡︎♡︎♡︎
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mygoo · 2 years
I'm going to outlive my son. It's the saddest realization for any parent, but it's one I can't deny anymore. See, my son is fat. No really, faaaaaat. Take whatever you're thinking in your head and double it, heck triple it even and you're probably still thinking too small.
His mother and I tried for years to get him active, to get him interested in the outdoors, sports, heck any physical activity, but the only physical activity he cared about were ones that ended in food.
We tried at first to guide him into making better decisions. Surely as he matured he'd realize that all the food and all the weight wasn't worth it, but the gentle treatment didn't work. We never wanted to be strict parents, but we decided that drastic measures had to be taken when he reached his teens with his weight still climbing. We rid the house of anything unhealthy and kept an eye on his eating like a hawk and he finally started dropping weight to our slight comfort.
Looking back now I see how short-sighted we were. It's one thing to control your kid, but he won't be a kid forever. At some point he's going to need independence, a job, a car, all the facets of a normal adult life and hopefully someone to share it with. Out on his own he could eat as much as he wanted, when he wanted, especially once we found out his first job was not what he originally told us, but a job at one of the local fast food joints.
Slowly at first, but surely his weight started creeping up again. He'd bounce around between jobs depending on what cuisine he was especially feeling and how long they'd keep him on before realizing how much he was literally eating into their profits. We'd failed. Just like his youth anything he did was motivated by food. We were all out of ideas. Time passed by in this stalemate, the only needle moving faster being the one on our bathroom scale.
We had thought about kicking him out, but at this point I don't think he could even live on his own. He had every weight-related medical condition in the book, every one a missed wake up call to turn back. Things that people in their 50s would start worrying about, not someone less than half their age.
Getting on disability took away the last reason for him to ever get off his copious ass, so it's no surprise that his mobility vaporized shortly thereafter. Some days I wonder if he'll see 30. It'll surely be a miracle of medical science if he does.
I couldn't tell if it was a blessing or a curse the day I found his online persona, through the further I looked, the more I gravitated towards the latter. It finally made everything make quasi-sense, a reason for the way he lived his life, if you can even call it that, but it did so in such a disgusting, heartbreaking way. He catalogues his gains to a sadistic audience hungry to watch him blow up. He talks about how much he loves his weight, shockingly especially its side-effects, reveling in being out of breath simply from rolling over in bed. The post where he declared himself immobile is proudly pinned to the top of his page, racking up comments of support and congratulations from the people feeding into his addiction, both figuratively and literally with constant food deliveries I had long-assumed he had ordered for himself. It's all so fucking disgusting, and it's something I will never tell my wife, something I will take to my grave long after his.
As far as I'm concerned, he's already gone. He was lost 100s of pounds ago. There's no son in that void of a room, just a mound of flesh, endlessly growing until the day it doesn't. Goodbye, son. I hope you really love all your flab like you say you do, because it's all you got, and there's a ton of it.
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neochan · 2 years
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PAIRING | vampire!haechan x vampire!reader
WC | 1k
WARNINGS | lots of cheesy vampire jokes and mentions of blood
A.N | i'm considering making this a full fic, so if you like it, please tell me!
everyone wants to take a bite out of their lab partner every once in a while, right?
especially when his blood thumped and pounded through the bulging vein running along the side of his porcelain neck. he was so fair, almost translucent, and if you narrowed your eyes enough, you might just be able to make out the dark red hue of ecstasy.
okay maybe not everyone fantasized about that kind of biting, but right now you were fighting to control the itch stinging the back of your throat.
it had been a while since your last feed, shifts at the hospital growing further and further apart thanks to your heavy college course load, and it was taking an immense toll on you.
you felt tired all day despite not being able to sleep, your usual bright amber eyes were a dark muddy brown, and of course the worst part of it being the constant itch in the back of your throat that had you looking at everyone like a gourmet meal.
the boy whose neck you had been concentrating on drops the thin test tubes into the rack and turns to you, "so do you want to meet later to finish the lab?"
osaki shotaro was a sweet boy with an even sweeter blood type, and you knew there was no way you could meet with him later without feeding first.
your voice is hoarse when you speak, "i can't tonight." for some reason you think he's going to protest, but he just shakes his head instead, "how about i do the rest since i've been spacing out this entire time." your laugh is more like a dry cackle but he still cracks a smile in return, "it's only fair."
"sounds good to me."
the dried up professor starts barking orders at the class on how to safely dispose of the labs materials. no matter how thirsty you were, you wouldn't touch that old bag of bones with a ten foot fang.
thankfully you and shotaro were quick at cleaning up, because as soon as your professor gives you the go ahead, you're rushing out the door, a promise to finish the lab report thrown over your shoulder. you sprint down the stairs, through the double doors, and out into the open air before you could run into the mass of students being let out for lunch.
a quick stop at the hospital would do you an insane amount of good, so you start to walk towards your car. you opt to take a quick shortcut behind the cluster of academic buildings, but soon an eerie feeling creeps up your spine and grabs at your stone heart.
if you were still human, you bet the hair on your arms would be standing, and your pulse racing.
the undead didn't work that way.
"if you're gonna kill me, can you hurry it up? i got places to be." the joke makes you snort.
as if anyone could kill you.
the concrete sidewalk laid empty, along with the fire escape off to your left. there was no one in sight, yet your instincts were screaming at you the opposite.
"i was gonna start off with a hi, hello, how are you, but if you really want me to, i guess i could..." a whoosh of air rushes over your face and suddenly you're face to face with a boy your age, "i don't particularly like killing my kind though."
alarm bells were ringing through you, the sickening sweet smell of a fresh vampire invading your nostrils. he didn't look dangerous though, his blonde hair in a tousle, eyes a muddy amber.
he needed to feed.
"my campus is off limits."
for as long as you were turned, you had been the only vampire in your town, which made you unkind to...strangers.
"relax. i came to see you." his fangs shoot out, the sharp tips resting on his bottom lip, "the names haechan." why was a freshly turned vampire here to see you? what did he want? and why was he actually kind of cute? "your ability is tactile telepathy?"
"how the fuck do you know that?" now the alarm bells were screaming at you to run. go somewhere and hide until he left.
"my ability is mimicry. i can draw on others power and manipulate it as my own. " he seemed proud, "touch my hand, and you'll see that i'm not gonna hurt you." his left hand juts out for you to take.
you would only need a few seconds of contact to see the last couple weeks of his life, so hesitantly you make contact, a shudder passing through you on impact. it flashes in your mind like a movie, transforming in your thoughts as if they were your own memories.
laughter, tracking, scents, two pairs of eyes, three, four, five? a coven? a... family.
"there's more of you here." you say, withdrawing your hand and taking a step back.
haechans mind was one of the few interesting ones you'd had the pleasure of seeing. since he's freshly turned, he still has the hazy gold glow across all of his memories - as if he was seeing the world for the first time. he was... happy, young, yearning.
he shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his oversized basketball shorts, "they want to meet you, but they sent -"
"sent you because you seem the least intimidating." you cut him off, finishing his sentence for him.
you had seen everything.
"...yeah. you saw we don't want to hurt you. we just want to talk."
he was telling the truth, that much you knew, but you'd been alone a long time, why all of a sudden was there a coven of vampires wanting to speak to you?
and why was he here?
you had seen someone you knew in haechans memories. someone you'd known a long long time ago, and he was here waiting for you. he had tracked you down, you could feel it.
might as well go and see what he wanted.
"i'll talk, but i need to feed first."
the boy grins from ear to ear and gives you a wink, "don't worry, i was gonna ask if you wanted to grab a bite anyway."
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➤ if you enjoy my work, please consider leaving me a tip! it helps me a huge deal and encourages me to write more!!
➤ the link can be found on my pinned post <3
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© neochan — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. legal action will be considered if the work is taken without consent.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Kinktober 2022: October 3rd
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Day 3: Daddy/Mommy // Threesomes // Wax Play
Marcus Pike x F!Reader x Javi Gutierrez 
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Multiple partners, fingering, breast play, double penetration, unprotected sex, slight praise kink, cream pie
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“I- oh my- I am- I am so sorry.” Your hands cover your breasts and you honestly don’t know who is more embarrassed, your partner at being caught in such an unprofessional position or the man you have been protecting for the past month. Javi flusters, his eyes everywhere buy on the two of you before he must realize that even that is too much as whirls around. “I did not mean - Agent Pike assured me that it was okay to just - fuck.” 
You bite your lip, finding the situation slightly funny as you watch Marcus try to keep the pillow he had grabbed in front of his erection as he blindly grabbed for the clothes that the two of you had shed in a flurry of passion. 
“It- it’s okay.” Marcus practically stumbles over his words as he drags his boxers on and tries to shake off his mortification. All of you were adults and there was nothing to be ashamed of. At least not in your mind. “What do you need?” Both men hurry out of the room, leaving you to imagine something new. You hadn’t missed the look in Javier Gutierrez’s eyes before he quickly averted. He had been jealous. 
“I think we should have a threesome.” You could hear a pin drop as both men freeze, their eyes wide and fixed on you. You shrug nonchalantly, as if you aren’t suggesting something that both men had never expected. Hell, you hadn’t expected it of yourself but they are both sexy and why wouldn’t you want to experience it? It wasn’t like you had much else to do while you were trapped in this safe house and waiting for the trial date to creep closer so Javi can testify. 
“What?” Marcus is the first to recover. Shaking his head and reaching over to put his hand on top of the knife you were using to chop the cilantro. “Sweetheart, what-” 
“Come on, Marc.” You roll your eyes at him and then look over at Javi with a small smirk. “You always are talking about things that you hope you get to experience. I’ve heard you mention the time you were almost in a threesome in college at least a dozen times.” The other man’s eyes are curious and that makes you feel very secure in this suggestion. “You can’t tell me that you wouldn’t enjoy it and I think Javi here might as well.” 
Javi, sweet and gentle Javi, looks like his head is on a chopping block. “I- if I have done something to offend-” He’s shaking his head and looking positively distressed. 
“You haven’t.” You assure him, not wanting him to curl in on himself again. After what happened in Mallorca - you read the reports- the fact that Javi interacted at all was amazing. He had been under a lot of pressure and abused by his cousin. “Have you ever had a threesome?” You ask curiously. 
His flustering and the way the heat creeps up his neck is gloriously innocent and cute as he shakes his head. Admitting that he hadn’t although you have to think that he’s thought about it before. He turns towards Marcus, frowning slightly and pausing for a second before he asks the question that is obviously on his mind. “You are opposed to this?” 
Smirking to yourself when Marcus doesn’t immediately say no, his tell for when he doesn’t have the answer that he thinks he should. Which means he isn’t opposed. “No.” He shakes his head after a moment, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck as his own flush rises up on his cheeks. “We aren’t - we aren’t you know, uh, exclusive.” 
It takes another minute and several looks between the two of you before Javi speaks again. “Okay.” He nods, a furious redness on his cheeks but his eyes are hungry. “I am in.” 
“Oh fuck.” Your head tilts back leaning against Marcus’s shoulder and your eyes close in complete bliss. You had never imagined both men would be so…enthusiastic about this. Your hands hang at your sides and twitch to touch them, but they have told you to let them be in charge. 
“Is it good?” The wet pop of Javi’s mouth makes you open your eyes, the exquisite suction of his mouth falls away from your breast and pulls out a small whine from your lips. Dark, lust blown eyes softly looking up at you as he makes sure that you are happy. You can already tell that he is eager to please, wanting to make it as good as it can be. His other hand still cups your breast and you moan as you nod. 
“Yes.” Your whimpered answer makes Marcus laugh, his kisses trailing along your shoulder, scattered with little nips and licks that make you gasp. 
“Of course it’s good for her.” He hums, moving over to nuzzle against your neck and his chin rests on your shoulder to look down at the other man. “She’s the center of attention.” 
Those hands you have admired for nearly two years, experienced for the past two months, are between your thighs. Deft and clever as they work your clit and stuff you full while his hard cock is hot between the cheeks of your ass. Making you gasp when they spread your throbbing sex wide and push inside you with three thick fingers, his thumb from his other hand rubbing agonoizingly slow circles on your bundle of nerves. 
Javi grins, his face relaxing and the worry sliding off of it and he squeezes the breast he’s holding. “She looks good like this.” He admits, almost shyly before he leans back down and his tongue laps at your nipple. His mouth is wet and hot, making you moan when he pulls your swollen nipple back into your mouth to suck gently. 
“I- I want-” You cut yourself off when Marcus pushes his fingers against that spongy little spot inside you and another whimper takes over. All you can think about is their hands, their mouths, their cocks. It’s everything you had ever imagined from a threesome and somehow so much more.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” The words are crooned in your ear, accompanied by a nibble on your earlobe. “Tell us.” 
Your walls clench down around his fingers and you feel the way that his dick twitches against your ass. “I want - oh fuck, I want you to fuck me.” You are practically begging at this point, having already cum on his fingers once and feeling like you need more. “I- I want to suck Javi’s cock.” 
The man at your breast groans, his free hand between his own thighs and you are sure that he’s been slowly stroking himself while he lavishes attention on your tits. Or maybe he’s squeezing his cock to calm himself down. Either way, you want the gorgeously uncut length in your mouth while Marcus fucks you. 
“Jav?” Marcus waits until Javi pulls away from your breast again and straightens up to his knees where he is kneeling on the king sized bed in his room. He had decided that his room would be best since it was the largest bed for the three of you to play in. “You want her to suck your cock?” 
“Fuck.” Javi hisses, nodding quickly and he leans in to cup your cheek, his eyes earnest. “Only if you want to.” He insists before his lips press against yours in a surprisingly gentle gesture for a threesome. 
“I want to.” You promise, pulling away and untangling yourself from Marcus so you can wiggle back and drop down to your hands and knees. Hissing when the man behind you slaps your ass and chuckles as he rubs it. 
When you have them both inside you, one in your mouth and the other pressing deep into your cunt, you are in heaven. Moaning around the length of Javi while your hand pulls back his foreskin, you look up to find him watching you. Wrecked eyes heavily lidded and his mouth open in pleasure. It makes you clench down around Marcus and making him groan out behind you. 
Slowly building up a rhythm that makes your thighs shake. Marcus rocking into you and pushing your forward into Javi. Javi’s hips lurching forward, almost on their own as he chases the heat of your mouth. Groans and moans filling the room with the slick slaps of skin and slurping. 
It’s messy and raw. Nothing about it is like the perfectly poised porns that just make the woman look like a goddess. Tears leak down your face and Marcus has to stop moving so he doesn’t cum too soon several times. Your jaw aches and you shift from hand to hand while you pump Javi’s cock at the base. It’s perfect. 
“Stop.” Javi gasps, pulling back and making his cock fall from your mouth. “I want- I want to be inside you.” He confesses, biting his lip and looking at Marcus and then back down at you. “I want to be inside you with Marcus.” It had taken you a couple of times telling him not to say Agent Pike, instead using Marcus’s first name. 
You moan and lean forward so Marcus pulls out of you. Turning around and grinning at the other agent. “You don’t mind crossing swords, do you?” You ask teasingly, making him shoot you an unamused look. His eyes practically mocking you for how you shiver in anticipation. He knows that you’ve never been opposed to having a toy inside you while he was fucking you. 
“Lay down, Javi.” Marcus orders, his voice raspy and you don’t miss how the other man scrambles to obey him. That voice, when it’s deep like that, makes everyone listen. 
Smirking as you start to crawl up Javi’s body, you watch him. His eyes wide and he licks his lips in anticipation. Your lips press to his skin over and over as you make your way up, straddling him and grinding your wet cunt against the underside of his cock, love the way that he moans out your name. 
“Don’t tease.” He begs, needing to be inside you and that desperation makes you relent. Lifting your hips high enough that you can reach between you. Your fingers wrap around his cock and he hisses through his teeth and you smirk. Lifting his hard cock up and pulling his foreskin down to expose the sensitive head so you can sink down on him. 
“Oh fuuuuuuuck.” Javi’s eyes roll back when you start to lower yourself down on him, taking him inch by inch until your ass is pressed firmly against his thighs. Feeling his dick twitch inside you and circling your hips slightly as you grind down and get used to the feeling of him inside you. His cock is slightly thicker than Marcus’s although he was not as long. 
“Fuck that is hotter than I imagined.” You turn your head to find Marcus slowly stroking himself, just a few feet away and his eyes are dark, filled with lust. Smirking, you wiggle your hips on Javi’s cock and make him moan while his fingers dig into your flesh.
“You’re next, Agent Pike.” you coo, watching his stomach tense. You know how much he loves you calling him that in bed. Maybe there was a reason why Marcus didn’t want Javi to call him that right now. You hum thoughtfully, pushing that thought aside so you can focus on the moment. 
His hand caresses your spine, pushing you firmly down towards Javi’s chest and he kisses your shoulder blade. “I’m gonna fill you up.” He promises huskily. “Javi and I are going to fill that little pussy up, stretch it out around our cocks and fill you up.” 
Your moan against Javi’s lips is wanton. “Fuck yes.” You pant. “Please.”  You love when Marcus is filthy. It goes against that choir boy exterior when you aren’t in bed together. Turning back to Marcus and clenching around Javi’s cock so he can see your walls tightening around the other man before you kiss Javi again. 
It takes some time, working two cocks into one cunt. Each man stroking your skin and cooing praises while Marcus shallowly rocks his hips, sinking into you inch by slow inch until his cock is sunk just as deep as Javi and all three of you are panting. 
You’ve never felt so full. It’s wonderful and only slightly pinching as your body adjusts to the invasion of two real cocks. The toys you had used before weren’t quite the girth of the two men. Moaning, you turn and kiss Marcus and then Javi over and over again. You wish you could kiss them both at the same time, but the angle was wrong. 
“Fuck, move Marcus.” Javi chokes out, twitching in response to the throbbing of the other man’s cock against his. You know this is something special and you reach back to grip Marcus’s hip while he starts to move. 
Everyone moans, eyes closing in pleasure and small gasps leave lips. Panting and curses fill the air while the three of you establish a rhythm. The alternating pistoning of their hips drive you crazy and makes you even wetter until the slick sucking of your cunt makes Marcus pause and you cry out when both men thrust up into you at the same time. 
Crying out spurs them on, dark eyes watching you, watching each other as they fuck you. Concentrating on giving you pleasure and chasing their own. Pushing and pulling your body back and forth between them as they work together. Making you shudder and gasp. “Fuck- fuck Marc - Jav- I’m gonna cum.” 
“D-do it.” Javi begs under you, his teeth clenched together and his face almost fierce if you didn’t know it was in concentration. He is trying to hold back but you can feel how wild his thrusts are becoming. 
You stiffen in their arms, your mouth pressed against Javi’s shoulder while your cunt pulses. Stars burst behind your eyes and pleasure rushes through your core while your juices soak over their cocks. 
It’s not even seconds later that Javi is crying out your name, bucking up into you and another flood of heat spreads through your womb while he fills you with ropes of cum. Luckily you had already talked about birth control and safety so you have nothing but pure bliss at the sensation.
Marcus groans, plastering himself across your back as he starts to falter at his own pace. Practically whimpering while he presses down on you and you feel Javi’s cum start to push out. Suddenly, the agent is stiffening behind you, groaning in pornographic perfection while he cums. 
Both men fill you up, making you feel wonderfully overfull and positively wicked while you pant against Javi’s shoulder. You don’t care about the cum that is dripping out of you, or the fact that Javi might be crushed under both of your weight. You’ll worry about it in just a second but you don’t think it’s a bad thing. Not with the way that Javi is sighing softly and practically humming in bliss. Marcus is much the same behind you, his lips pressing soft kisses to your shoulder. This threesome was a great fucking idea.  
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fuck-customers · 11 months
I talked about my ordeals with who I dubbed Stalker Boy a while back, since I still don't know his last name (it took me about 6 months to find out his first name, since he decided to start stalking me at work after seeing me there once) but this isn't about him lol.
This time, the stalker wasn't here for me, he was after my coworker I'll call C. For context, C is barely 19 and tiny, and generally looks even younger than she is.
Well a couple weeks ago (the week after Mario came out), she was walking around in the back with a manager doing whatever, and this guy, who was about 40, and also roughly 6ft 5, was following them. After a while, the manager stepped away and the guy used the opportunity to corner C. And you'll never guess what he says.
Creep: "Hey, I think you're really attractive. How much would I have to pay you to have sex with me?"
C ended up kinda staring at him and saying "I can't disclose that information" because she didn't know what else to do.
Luckily the manager who'd walked away got a bad feeling and came to get her. C filled in the manager but the guy had disappeared, so they had C shut herself in the break room (where I was on my lunch) until they could find him and remove him from the building.
After I come back from lunch, I go back to working door (taking tickets), and keep my eye out for the creep, which was hard because I never actually saw him.
(Seriously dude, I have a lot of respect for sex workers, but what the fuck makes for think that's an appropriate conversion starter, let alone using it on a teenager half your age and size that you cornered while she's sweeping up popcorn???)
Fast forward a couple days. We had what I was told was a glitch, but I think was actually human error, but we ended up having three shows, in the span of roughly an hour, for Mario where two shows had been created for each time slot in the same room. So it was crazy busy since they sold out and twice as many people showed up as expected. And since there were two tickets per seat, we had to implement system for explaining what was going on to people as they come in and establishing who gets the seat and who gets a refund, and it was just a huge mess. One of the shows, the first one that was double booked, had 250 seats, meaning there were 500 people there for it. And guess who decided to use the confusion to sneak back in.
So I finally managed to get to the end of the line, but the managers were still at the service desk trying to do refunds, and I hear one of the newer girls radio about a creepy guy who was standing inside the doors to the auditoriums and just staring. I'll call her N. N, like me, is butch, and I'm not sure if Creeper realized she's a woman, or if he was just only interested in C. Here's a helpful artistic rendering of what N was seeing.
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(Not pictured: being in shadows because he was standing in a dark room)
At this point, we had no way of knowing that it was the same guy, but she kind of walked away, and when she came back a few minutes later, he was still there, though he later started moving to other auditoriums and doing the same thing. C was actually there that day but was on lunch.
So N was radio'ing about needing help dealing with a weird guy who's movie-hopping, and she said he was getting really aggressive when she asked him what he was doing. The managers kind of just waved N off (over the radio), saying that they were busy, and told her to deal with it the best she could. I was getting bad vibes, so I walked over to tell the managers directly that they need to go help N. I'm working the front door so I'm not actually allowed to leave the little area, but luckily, the service desk is right on the edge of my area.
And one of the managers snapped at me as soon as I got two words out and said "We're we're with customers, you know better than to interrupt". Which, they're right. I've worked here longer than both of them combined. I know damn well how things work and I follow the rules, so if I'm suddenly not doing that, it's because I have a fucking reason, m'kay?
N managed to summon enough guys from the cleaning crew to help her herd the guy to the front, at which point the manager who'd kicked Creeper out last time recognized him and realized how serious it was (she's not the one that snapped at me) and she kicked him out again.
Because I don't know why this guy would be hiding in dark rooms and watching and waiting, unless he was waiting for C to walk by so he could do god knows what to her.
And then about 10 minutes later, one of the managers who snapped at me came over and was like "did they tell you about The Guy?" And I just stared at him and said "*I* was trying to tell *you* about The Guy, and you told me to go away." And he didn't say sorry or anything, which is what I expected.
And then apparently Creeper came back two more times later in the week on days I wasn't there and on the fourth time, the manager had finally decided enough was enough and called the cops and he ended up getting arrested. So I hope that's the last we'll see of him but I'm not going to hold my breath.
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ameliora-j · 2 years
And I've been thinking about the HC with Hotch where you said he'd ask :“who the fuck do you think you’re talking to like that?” when Princess gets an attitude with him and I'm feral okay 😭 what would lead up to that?
oh i am so so glad you asked bc i’ve been HOPING to elaborate
content: mean dom!hotch, sub!fem!reader, choking, spitting, age gap (reader is in their 20’s), 18+ only!
you had been on edge, frustrated all week. with work and grad school assignments on top of that, and you had barely seen aaron lately due to both of your busy schedules. you had a final paper coming up, and you were sitting in his home office writing it up. 50 pages, double spaced, droning on and on and on about the legal analysis of the key goals of the constitution of the united states and how it conflicts with today’s law practices and blah blah blah blah blah.
your head was pounding with a migraine and the words on your paper had become blurred. you were near tears as the burnout was slowly creeping it’s way up your neck and into the back of your head. you took a deep breath, rolled your neck and sighed as you stretched, cracking your back. you heard a gentle tap on the door and then the creaking of the hinges as it opened. “hey, sweetheart? it’s nearly 1am… you almost done?” aaron asks softly as he peeks his head through the door.
“not even close” you mumble, not looking away from your laptop where you were currently restarting the paragraph you were on for the umpteenth time in a row.
he frowns at that, stepping over and gently stroking your hair. “do you want to take a break?” he asks, to which you shake your head. “okay hun, i’ll check back in a while” he leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead.
that night, you don’t climb into bed beside him until 3am. his alarm goes off at 5:30, and you wake with him. while he gets ready for work, you go to his home office and start up again on your report. you’re grumpy now, and even more frustrated both due to your lack of sleep.
you don’t mean to.. truly, you don’t. but you take it out on aaron. he calls to you, asking where his things are, as he usually does in the morning, while you call replies back, focusing on your laptop. he’s nearly ready when he pops his head into the door. “hey sweetheart, have you seen my gucci tie?” he prompts gently “the blue silk one that you got me for my last birthday?”
it’s what causes you to snap. it was such a simple question, and you felt so bad about it, but you’re emotions were on high right now. “i don’t fucking know aaron, have you ever considered opening your goddamn eyes and fucking looking for it? i’m not your damn mother nor am i the keeper of your belongings. you’re a big boy, so figure it the fuck out and quit bothering me!” you shout.
aaron is stunned, his eyebrows are raised as he looks at you in both shock and concern. he slowly walks over, his dress shoes clicking against the hardwood as he approaches. he’s silent as he spins the chair so that you’re facing him. you’re ready to snap again, but before you have a chance to make even a sound, his right hand it wrapping tightly around your throat and you’re letting out a quiet moan. “who the fuck do you think you’re talking to like that?” he growls lowly, raising a challenging brow.
all your words die on your tongue and your attitude immediately dissipates as you pout up at him. “i’m sorry daddy…” you whisper quietly, to which he nods.
“there’s my good girl. for a second i was worried i’d have to spank her out of you” he hums. he leans over your body and your mouth opens on instinct, allowing his spit to trail from his mouth and down onto your tongue. “let’s try that again, shall we?” he hums. you’re nodding along dumbly as he speaks, and he smiles at how quickly he was able to turn his smart law student into a dumb, brainless, wordless princess.
“sweetheart…” he begins in that low, taunting voice that never fails to make your thighs clench. “have you seen my gucci tie? the blue silk one that you got me for my last birthday?” he prompts once more with a cocky smile.
“it’s in the toy drawer from the last time you used it to tie me up, sir” you whisper softly. he smiles, still holding your throat as he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
“thank you pretty girl” he whispers softly. “now,” he hums, reaching behind you, making sure to save your work before he closes his laptop. “i’m going to call my team, and tell them all not to come in until 12. and you’re gonna come with me, and we’re going to go back to sleep, okay?” he whispers.
“but i-“ you begin to argue, but he’s squeezing your throat tighter and you’re moaning.
“it wasn’t a question” he says lowly. it’s the voice that never fails to turn you to mush and make you do whatever he says.
“yes, sir” you whisper, and within seconds you’re standing and allowing aaron to tug you towards the bedroom as he calls the team to let them know they don’t have to come in until later.
don’t worry, he fixes the puddle in your panties before pulling you into his naked chest and letting you fall asleep on top of him ;)
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