#ew I don’t care
s4llycinnamon13 · 5 months
Not 3 guys speaking to me at the pub even tho I was reading a book surely that is a sign to not speak to a girl?
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pencilscratchins · 2 years
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every once in a while i’ll draw actual ship art and then remember who i am, so i go back to my lane and make more frasier jokes (twitter) [ID IN ALT]
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garoujo · 8 months
i’m not normally one to bring negative vibes onto my blog but i’ve gotten a sudden wave of unease being on here tbh so im considering drifting from here for a little bit once more. i’ve thought about creating a new blog but also wouldn’t want to waste the masterlist that i’ve worked hard to build for the people who enjoy my work + support me!
i’ve never had a super close circle of friends as such on here but i’m very grateful for the few friends i have made that continue to interact with me. i do really enjoy tumblr and i love creating, i’m grateful for the interaction i get and i know i’ve been on here a while but there always seems to be a sort of uneasiness that i feel stems from previous problems with other people on here.
it can feel a little silly from a blog like me feeling a little ‘outcasted’ and i don’t even know if i’d use that word, but i’ve just never been one that felt comfortable with the sort of underground, high school energy that i sometimes feel radiate around here. i guess i sometimes feel like i’m walking on egg shells to avoid sub posts / bad energy because i really only want to enjoy myself! but yeah, i’m gonna be less active for a few days atleast because i really need the rest anyway after my holiday + a few things on here have just sort of triggered my mental health.
but just know i love all of u, thank u for everything no matter what <3
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moonilit · 7 months
just went through the second part of the AQ and to put it mildly, im not handling these sad Victorian children well
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joyus-whimsy · 5 months
I did it boys… I finished red dead redemption two.
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larkermarker · 2 years
Tord is NOT ripped! He is NOT a big buff beefy man! He is a spindly twig or maybe SLIGHTLY toned! You can NOT make him hot! He will NEVER be hot! He would try and be smooth but would somehow end up tripping on air. Landing on his STUPID face! Absolute dumbass he is. He is PATHETIC and NOT A HUNK.
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mikereads · 2 months
Okay so I wasn’t looking for spoilers but the fact that none of you warned be about that certain scene with Eddie and Marisol shame on you. Like yes I was aware of the bts pic of her in a robe and the doubling down on him being straight was a high possibility but none of you mentioned it actually happened
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gayvampyr · 2 years
it’s really so sad seeing how many gay men do not give a single shit about queer women
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strawbbfluff · 6 months
picking favorites out of your friends is so icky to me
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sochilll · 1 year
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I simply think we should address this line more. Jake #1 cool and chill guy down to help some random dude make his friend drink a weird soda no questions asked.
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visenyaism · 1 year
ooo idk how well known it is (or if u know it) but how about the exodus theory for the rubric. i personally hate it
i had too look this one up here’s the summary for everyone else who was also as fortunate as i am to be free of this knowledge.
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While jon has definitely decided to embrace the “real winners quit” mentality at the end of adwd (mixed results, that) the idea of the books ending with everyone up and leaving doesn’t really feel satisfying at all to me. Dany never laying eyes on westeros not even once doesn’t seem likely to me, and saying that her leaving for Westeros after Vaes Dothrak would be a plot contrivance and not like. being in the grasslands all alone and almost dying after a long and failed campaign to rule mereen making her reevaluate her priorities and goals is weird.
Just because Migrations Are A Thing in ASOIAF doesn’t mean everyone leaving westeros (except brienne, who has to stay behind to stop the apocalypse on her own?) would pack the same thematic punch. -2/20 see me after class
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Teeth whitening kills your enamel and weakens your teeth, if you feel it hurting you should contact a dentist! If it hurts that means it got beyond your enamel, which means you might need to start taking extra precautions to protect your teeth long term!
Im a special case, I have genetic factors, but as someone who had to have all their upper teeth removed at 20 years old I plead of you to see a dentist immediately. If you can do preventative maintenance now, you'll save yourself a huge bill and potentially huge dental issues down the line!
I also suggest pro-namel toothpaste with sensodyne, i dont normally promote brands and it tastes god awful, but the difference in enamel degradation on my bottom teeth is noticably slower since Ive been using it long term, and the sensodyne in it really helps. I even use it on one tooth that occasionally decides it hates existence and it'll numb the discomfort
But PLEASE take this seriously! I am worse case scenario, and you do NOT want to be where i am
I believe it. This is something that I want to talk to my dentist about cuz it’s def not normal for your teeth to hurt the way mine did. I mean with those pro enamel commercials I figured that with the pain I felt, that I had weak enamel, which sucks. Luckily we do have the toothpaste you mentioned. Def not using it anymore tho. I’d rather be self conscious about my off white teeth than to destroy my teeth.
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again. thinking about post-EW again and turning it into my own playground. it’s the first this time tho <3
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
Monoma doesn’t know who he is…
While all the kids where busy getting their quirks and discovering things about themselves, Monoma found out that he’d only ever be as good as what he could steal… Learned that his quirk, quite literally, was to become something else, someone else: someone better.
It’s hard, learning that you’re not really you, but always part something more. He never really understood it, but life was always there to teach him not to question it.
He was taught this on the playground when he could only overcome a bully by stealing his levitation quirk. Had it beaten into him when new friends would ask to see his quirk and he just… Couldn’t, because he hadn’t copied anything for a while. At first he made excuses and tried to explain, but no-one is interested in being stolen from in theory or in practice.
So, screw him if he learned to deal with the fact that on his own he is nothing more than his ability to steal. Fuck him, for becoming harsh, for beginning to transform into the thing everyone else had already decided he would be…
#Marquie has me thinking so I’m climbing out of my Monoma-fucker box for a hot second…#I just think he’s a prick because he’s had to deal with so much shit; y’know?#Quirks; in essence; are an extension of one’s-self - so I can understand how someone ‘stealing/copying’ that would be uncomfortable.#Plus; kids are arseholes and I refuse to believe he didn’t fall victim to the ‘Ew you’re just copying me’ individualism argument.#So… At some point; he stopped caring.#Stopping trying to create his own identity in the ashes of everyone else’s… And just became what was expected of him.#And if it was expected for him to become a prick - Well; he guessed that was who he was.#(I think this is why he draws a super interesting contrast to Bakugo and Shinso…#Bakugo bc; One: We all saw how hot that scene was when he copied Bakugo’s quirk for the first time during the sports festival…#That was sexy shit. Don’t lie to yourself. Love him or hate him. That was fucking delicious; but anyway -#Bakugo is naturally brilliant and strong; embodies his quirk perfectly and he’s so fucking ungrateful -#it’s a wonderful contrast to Monoma who is ill-fitted to everyone else’s quirk and constantly on the back foot.#Also; they’re both the same ass for different reasons.#And Shinso; bc both of their quirks are ‘villainous’ they both take things from others [Quirks vs Control]#and have suffered in an individualistic way because of their quirks.#The only main difference between them is that Shinso is still rebelling against this ideology whereas Monoma has accepted it).#(He’s also super similar to Kaminari if we’re talking insecurity masking bc: over confidence vs humour)#Anyway. I’m going to shut up now; but I love him. Okay.
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dirt-grub · 4 months
Being in the workforce instead of college means I have to listen to stupid ass music but at least I don’t have to listen to stupid ass music defenders
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mrburnsnuclearpussy · 4 months
I’m making myself feel sick by getting sad about Carson
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