#FUCK jkr i already had the books fuck her may 2023 give her the treatment she deserves
batcavescolony · 2 years
Some of The Marauders fandom is pissing me off, I want to clear something up. stay with me for this ok? Severus Snape's worst memory in the books is NOT James bulling him! Yes their is bulling in the memory, James and Sirius use impedimenta and scourgify on Snape. I'll give it to you 15 year old boys suck but multiple people in the series said it was mutual. Lily comes over and tries to help Snape. James taunts her. Snape then uses what we know to be sectumsempra on him. Then Snape goes in the air. Lily then again defends Snape, James drops him Sirius hexes him. Lily tells James to take the curse off, he does. Then James says "you're lucky Evans was here, Snivellus-" AND THIS IS THE ACTUAL WORST MEMORY he responds with this exact quote "I don't need help from a filthy Mudblood like her!". Snape's worst memory isn't James bulling him it is him losing Lily! It's the moment he lost her.
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