#she hated James! do you think she would marry someone she hated? do you think that little of her? maybe james grew to be a nice man?
andillneverbethesame · 5 months
omg i love your writing!! could you do a taylor swift song prompt of “so high school” x james potter? potentially with a ravenclaw reader?
looove this! so high school is absolutely james coded aaaaa. this is so short but i hope u enjoy anyway<33
so high school
❥ james potter x ravenclaw!fem!reader
❥ warnings; none really
❥ word count; 1.2k
❥ my ts masterlists; pt 1 & pt 2
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"oi, james!" sirius called his best mate and gestured for james to sit next to him as if he wasn't going to do that anyway.
"good morning, everybody," james smiled at his friendgroup, his eyes lingering on you a tiny bit longer than on anyone else, making your heart flutter and your cheeks to heat up. you glanced back Down on your plate in hopes to hide it.
"james," sirius spoke up again, "marry, kiss or kill; lily, marlene, y/n."
"well, we all know who'd he want to marry," marlene said in a low voice, only for you and lily to hear. lily snorted and you lightly elbowed her.
the girls were convinced that james fancies you just as much as you fancied him. however, you found that hard to believe that someone so perfect like him could like someone like you.
james frowned. "i don't like this game."
sirius rolled his eyes. "oh, come on, you just don't want to say it out loud so you don't hurt anyone's feelings." he tapped on his ear. "whisper it to me."
james lowered his head at the level of his best friend's ear and whispered his answer. you girls tried your best to read his lips but it was no use.
"oh." an amused look appeared on sirius's face and he looked at you. you stared back at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking.
come on, james. are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
the gryffindor quidditch team won the cup.
just when it seemed that they were going to lose against hufflepuffs, james caught the snitch, making the score 250 - 260 for the reds.
you were never more proud of him than in that very moment. you jumped from your seat and yelled his name in a cheering tone, clapping so hard your hands almost hurt. like if he heard you, his brown eyes found yours in the crowd. he grinned and sent you a wink and a kiss. james was thanking you, you were his lucky charm.
that night, the gryffindors threw the biggest party ever. it was many student's last game at hogwarts so it was also a goodbye party. all of the team members were there and talked about the match and their time playing together in general.
quidditch wasn't your thing. you were the stereotypical ravenclaw and you'd much rather be in your bed, under cover and reading a book. but james practically begged you to be there. after all, it was thanks to you that they won. you knew that wasn't the truth but you couldn't say no to him and you were glad you didn't. he looked so happy and beautiful and you couldn't help but admire him.
"let's play truth or dare!" marlene's voice rang through the common room and every person there agreed.
"i think i'm gonna go back to my dorm, it's late," you yelled over the loud music into james's ear.
"nooo," james pouted and give you a puppy look, he got a hold of your hand. "you can't leave now. please? just stay here for ten more minutes."
you sighed. you hated how easily you'll do anything he says.
"alright," you said and let him drag you to the circle of people in the middle of the room. a lot of people had gone to sleep already or some could be found vomiting in the bathroom so there weren't a lot of you. you sat down next to each other and waited for the game to start.
marlene picked up an empty whiskey bottle and spun it around. it landed on mary and she groaned, knowing that her friend has some of the most. . . interesting questions and dares.
"mary," marlene grinned widely. "truth or dare?"
the blonde took a few seconds to think of a question before asking, "the freakiest place you did it at."
"that would be. . . a bed of one of my dorm mates."
"what?" lily, alice and marlene asked in terror, each of them wondering whose bed was it.
mary smiled innocently. "my turn," she spun the bottle. and then, everyone glanced at the boy beside you. you let out a sigh of relief.
"jamie, truth o—"
a devilish smile crept onto the girl's lips.
"kiss y/n."
your eyes went wide as the people around you let out an "oooooh".
"mary!" you hissed. "what the f—"
before you could finish your sentence, you were rudely interrupted.
he tasted of— well, alcohol. rum and coke, to be exact. but it didn't matter. he was kissing you, and your whole body was on fire, your heart rate raised to at least hundred more beats per minute and fireworks. it was maybe cliché, yes. but it was the truth.
before you could fully register what the hell was happening, he was pulling away, making your lips feel cold at the sudden loss of the warmth of his mouth.
his gaze shifted from your lips to your eyes.
"i imagined our first kiss differently," he spoke in a low voice so only you could hear, sounding disappointed. he reached for the bottle and spun it around so the game could continue.
you stared at him for at least ten more seconds. you couldn't believe what just happened and what he said after.
and you started to wonder that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way.
and in a blink of a crinkling eye, you were at sirius's and remus's apartment, sitting on james's lap in the living room. all of your boyfriend’s closest friends were there and just like any other saturday night, you had a film night. tonight, it was american pie.
james and you started dating only recently. it’s been a month,to be exact. so everything felt still really new. and you felt embarrassing for the fact that he still had the same effect on you like when you were bittersweet sixteen. it takes you back to the times when you used to admire him only from afar. but now, you get to kiss him. you get to touch him. 
like, for example, he was just touching you. as you tried to stifle your sighs, everyone seemed to be paying a great attention to the film. except for you two, of course. you coud not focus when james was constantly placing kisses in the crook of your neck and your shoulders.  you could not focus when one of his hands was drawing on the skin of yourupper thigh. you could not focus when his hot  breath made you shudder.
“james,”  you sighed quietly. “you got to stop.”
“and why would i do that?” he whispered back.
you rolled your eyes playfully. “you’re horrible.”
he shrugged. “you love me.”
oh, you did.
out of the blue, he spoke louder, “guys, me and y/n are sorry but we’re pretty tired so we’re headed home.”
all of your friends looked at each other and than back at you, saying “suuuuureee” in union.
“james, why are we leaving?” you ran outside after him.
he turned around and smiled. “you already know.”
“aw, we’re horrible!” you pouted playfully. “we’re abandoning our friends to have sex.”
“i’m sure they understand,” he said as he opened the door of his car. “remus and sirius used to do that all the time.”
you burst out laughing and let him pull you to the back seat.
no one’s ever had you, not like him.
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mischievousmoony · 3 months
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚎
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷 ⟡ 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗
⟢ james potter x fem!reader
⟢ summary: modern restaurant au; it's your first day on the job and james is your trainer . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ 2.4k
⟢ warnings/tags: is profanity a tw pls lmk actually, coworker!james, coworker!marauders, accidentally wrote an anxious!reader, trying out that headcannon where remus is a bit of a hothead, only lightly grammar checking this series bc i just wanna have fun w it
⟢ the new hire masterlist ⟡ main masterlist
note: here, bc i gotta chill and write something light for once. i think this will be an ongoing fic. also im not beating the mentioning tea in ever fic allegations anytime soon how does this always happen.
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“Welcome in! How many in your party?”
“Oh! No, I’m Y/N. It’s my first day.” Your fingers pitter patter nervously on the host stand.
“You’re the new waitress!” the bubbly hostess exclaims, “I’m Mary! It’s so nice to meet you. Stay right there, I’ll go get the manager.”
She disappears into the busy restaurant, leaving you rocking back and forth on your heels nervously.
Mary, you repeat the name in your mind, recalling what she looked like so that you wouldn’t forget who the name belongs to. You had a thing with learning names—you just hated forgetting them. It felt so humiliating to have to ask someone to remind you of their name. One time, you worked with someone for months and their name lived on the tip of your tongue the entire time. Luckily, they quit before it ever came up.
“There she is! Ready for day one?” The manager, Nate, greeted as he followed Mary back to the host stand.
Not in the slightest. You always hated first days, with all the pressure to make a good impression. Not to mention it’s only the start to the slow climb over the learning curve. You hold out hope that everyone will be as nice as Mary seemed, it would make today a lot easier.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you say, straightening out your black shirt. The dress code for this job was essentially the color black from head to toe. You used the lack of a formal uniform to your advantage, expressing your personal style as much as you could within the confines of business casual.
Nate clapped his hand together, “Right, first up is a tour and introductions. I have all your paperwork already, right? So, after that we’ll get you in an apron and find someone for you to shadow.”
“Sounds good,” you try sounding cheery and excited, only for you to start worrying about whether or not you sound too eager.
“So, front of house is up first. You’ve already met Mary, our lovely hostess—“
Marry wiggles her fingers at you as a playful wave while she takes a phone call, “Yes, we do takeout!”
“You don’t need to worry about the host stand, but I’ll show you the book so you can get a feel for the sections and how we operate. We’ll only give you a small group of tables at first…”
You try to commit everything Nate says to memory, wanting to do well here. You really need this job. Rent isn’t cheap, especially without roommates. And you really don’t want a roommate. Plus this place pays their servers well, so you want to be good at it. You really really need to listen to Nate if you’re gonna be good at this.
But, jeez, Nate seems like he loves to talk. He’s going on and on and on and you’re fighting back a yawn when Mary swoops in like a hero, telling Nate she needs the book back to make a reservation.
“Sure, I think you’ve got the idea of it anyway, right?” Nate asks.
You blink, “Oh, yeah. Sure do!”
Shit, you think. You totally zoned out.
“Great, let me show you to the bar,” Nate says, already walking away.
Another reason why you really want to work here was for the ambiance. It’s a contemporary place with a grungy interior, all while remaining slightly upscale for restaurants in this area. Another upside was the live music. If you’re gonna be working, at least let it be somewhere nice with good music.
“Sirius! New server’s here,” Nate interrupts the bartender who’s in the process of mixing up a cocktail. You introduce yourself with a shy smile as you study him, trying to make a permanent link between his name and face in your mind.
Sirius the bartender—mischievous gray eyes and long black hair. He wears half of it tied up in the back of his head, surly to avoid having it fall in his face while he mixes drinks.
He puts the shaker down and rolls up the sleeves of his satin black dress shirt, “Hey there, doll, y’alright? Natey not being too boring for ya?”
“Alright, back to work, Sirius.” Nate says, sounding snappy.
You follow Nate to the back of the restaurant.
“This is the kitchen—“
“Who the fuck rang in scallops? We’ve been 86 scallops all fucking day.”
“Don’t look at me! Was probably James, the bloody dolt.”
“This seems like a bad time,” Nate spins on his heels and ushers you out of the kitchen quickly, “Whoever trains you will get you acclimated to the kitchen later. That’s Remus, just so you know, head chef.”
You nod, not having anything else to say as you begin to worry everyone won’t be as nice as Mary.
You want to take a moment to commit Remus’ name to memory like you had Sirius and Mary’s, but you only caught a glimpse of him. Still, you were sure you wouldn’t forget who the name belonged to now that you’ve had such a lovely first impression.
Next, Nate takes you down a hall, past the bathrooms, to show you his office and the staff area complete with a rickety table for breaks and some lockers. In the corner are two plastic bins with fading sharpie scrawled across the front of them: CLEAN and DIRTY. Nate reaches into the “clean” bin and picks out a slate gray apron.
He hands it to you, and you try to tie it the way the server in the kitchen had it. Nate starts leading you back out into the dining room as you continue to fiddle with the ties.
As you dart around the restaurant, the “fast-paced environment” detail from the job listing is really starting to materialize, and this was only the tour.
“Right, now where are my bloody servers.” Nate mutters under his breath, “Slacking off by the host stand, of course.”
There’s two servers at the host stand: a girl with red hair hanging in two braids on either side of her face and a tall boy with glasses. They’re huddled with Mary, looking like they’re sharing hot gossip.
You and Nate make it to the host stand at the same time as the other server from the kitchen.
“Hey, team!” Nate says, but it falls on deaf ears.
“Chef’s fuckin’ pissed at you,” she says to Glasses.
“What I do!?” He asks, whipping his body out of the huddle. Mary and the red-haired girl keep talking without him.
“Thinks you rang in some scallops,” she shrugs, blowing a strand of blonde hair out of her face.
“Why would I do that? We’re 86.”
“Yeah, but I forgot,” she says nonchalantly, leaning her back against the host stand.
“And you let him think it was me!?”
“Oh yeah, obviously. Anyway, I should probably go tell my table they’re not getting their scallops.”
“Servers!” Nate interrupts loudly, finally making your four new coworkers quiet down. You feel all eyes suddenly train on you. You smile through the uncomfortable sensation of your stomach lurching.
“We have a new member joining our team today. Please give a warm welcome to Y/N.”
“Hi,” you flash a smile to the new faces in front of you.
“Welcome!” The red-haired girl returns a bright smile of her own, “I’m Lily, I love your earrings.”
“Marlene,” the blonde says plainly.
And finally—
“Hiya, Love. I’m James,” the one with glasses says coolly as he rests an elbow on the host stand. He exudes confidence, and it makes you want to shrink into yourself.
You try to study the three of them to commit names to faces.
Lily—fiery red hair, kind eyes, and a fair complexion with a sprinkling of freckles.
Marlene—you like the way her blonde hair is cut into a shag. She also kind of intimidates you, so you really want to remember her name.
James—glasses, tousled dark hair, very attractive. That last part probably wasn’t a necessary attribute to help you remember his name, but it was true. He has a tall, toned frame that would’ve made him seem intimidating if not for the way his eyes transformed into the physical embodiment of sunshine when he smiled. Were your hands getting sweaty?
“Alright, great. Introductions are done, now I need someone to be a trainer.” Nate claps his hands together, waiting for a volunteer.
“I have to go give a table bad news, so-”
Nate cuts Marlene off before she can hastily run away, “Wasn’t gonna ask you anyway.”
James is eyeing you, sizing you up it seems, when he pipes up, “I’ll do it.”
Marlene snorts. “Weren’t you saying an hour ago that Nate better not dump the-”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Marls,” James says through clenched teeth, glaring sideways at her.
You felt like quitting on the spot, thinking that you were obviously a burden on these people. Being a burden to James, specifically, felt particularly embarrassing. It had your face heating up.
“Great! Thanks James,” Nate says, “Y/N, you’re in good hands. I’ll be in the office if you need anything. The rest of you, get back to work!”
With a reluctant groan from Marlene and a “nice to meet you” from Lily, the small crowd disperses. All except for you and James.
“I’m sorry you got saddled with training me.”
“Aw man, no! Marlene was just-” James cuts himself off with a sigh, “Fine, I didn’t think I’d want to train today. But I changed my mind, so don’t feel like you’re a burden or something, alright?”
James seems pretty genuine, so you digress. Not without a joke first, though.
“Just remember you asked for it later when you get tired of me.”
“I have a feeling that’s not gonna happen,” James says, a certain playfulness dancing in his eyes.
As a new party walks into the restaurant, James leads you toward a nearby order station so that you’ll be out of the way.
“So, you’re gonna wanna forget everything Nate told you,” he says as you walk, “I’m gonna show you how we actually run this place.” He shoots a boyish smirk over his shoulder.
“That shouldn’t be very hard, I don’t think I was awake for any of it,” you admit with a chuckle.
“Ooh, I’m gonna like you!” James swings his body around when you reach the order station, “We love Nate slander here. Behind his back of course.”
“That’s worrisome,” you say, trying to find a comfortable way to lean against the terminal. You end up just standing up straight, “He seemed kind of nice.”
“You ever work in a restaurant before?” James leans toward you, looking coy, and you do your best not to shrink away from him.
“Yeah, I was a hostess.”
“You ever been friends with any of your old managers?”
You think about it for a minute, “No.”
“Exactly,” James leans back and you feel your shoulders relax at once. “He’s alright, but he’s still the boss. Plus, it’s good for server morale to have a common enemy.”
James earns a laugh from you, and he smiles brightly as if it’s the biggest honor.
“So, when do you get off?”
“I’m closing, I think.”
“Nate has you closing on your first shift? Diiiiick move.”
“He asked first and I told him I could handle it.”
“He shouldn’t have asked.” James insists, then he waves it off as if deciding what’s done is done, “That’s alright, you’ll be able to stick with me. But in light of that, I’ll make today easy for you. You can watch while I take orders, and I’ll show you how I ring them all in here,” James pats the POS terminal, “And you can help me get bread and refills out to tables mostly. I won’t make you take orders today ‘coz it’s a bit rowdy in here, but maybe if we’re sat with an easy table we’ll see how you’re feeling.”
You nod along, not having anything to say, not that you had the chance. James is a fast talker and you’re beginning to notice how full of energy he is. It’s a tad amusing, and it’s beginning to show on your face.
“What?” James asks, eyes flicking down to your growing smile.
With a slight shake of your head, you say, “You a big coffee drinker?”
“Y’know, I get that a lot,” James reaches into the underside of the order station, and pulls out a canned beverage, “But I’m partial to these.”
Your face scrunches up as James takes a sip of what you like to call battery acid in a can.
James makes a big show of acting refreshed, emitting a long sigh when the can leaves his lips, “Not your cup of tea, I take it?” James raises an eyebrow.
“My cup of tea would be actual tea. Or coffee-“
“Coffee’s any better?”
“A million times, yes.”
“I beg to differ.”
“You can’t be serious.”
James’ eyes light up like you’ve just handed him a prize, “You’re right, that’s the bartender. ‘Ave you met him?”
It takes you a moment to register what he means, and then you’re rolling your eyes, “Oh, I’m gonna hear that joke a lot from you aren’t I?”
“You’re gonna hear that joke all day from everyone, Love, it’s a house favorite.”
As you’re about to quip back, Lily squeezes between you two to ring in some food.
“James, enough flirting. Some of your tables are starting to look pissed,” she says, tapping on the screen quickly to get the order in.
“I’m not flirting,” James protests, but the wink he shoots you begs to differ.
Lily takes a break from noting modifications for a sandwich order to look at you, “James is always flirting, you’ll learn to ignore him.”
James is looking at you over her shoulder, shaking his head and swirling his index finger by the side of hers, mouthing “she’s crazy.”
As Lily resumes removing tomatoes from the order, she catches James in the act and swats his hand away, “Seriously, James, they’re starting to flag me down because they haven’t seen you in ages.”
James clutches his hand close to his chest. His eyes flit between you and Lily, a mock-horrified look on his face that communicates “see, I told you she’s crazy!”
“Who?” he asks.
“Your tables, you dunce,” Lily hisses, but there are notes of humor in her voice.
James bares his teeth as grimaces and checks his wrist for a watch that doesn’t exist, “Bollocks, look at the time. Come Y/N, I’ll show you how to turn an angry table into a happy one.”
You have to stifle a laugh as you follow James to his tables, mentally adding him to the list of reasons why you really want to work here.
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wutheringcaterpillar · 2 months
A Bump In The Night: Part 5- The End
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Summary: With the baby growing, it is becoming to difficult to hide it anymore. Threats were made, Pol hardly even batting an eye at you still worried sick about Michael. Meanwhile Lizzie still has her intentions and is willing to make a bargain with the devil himself in order to ensure Tommy is hers, and James is yours as it should have always been. The only thing is, they don't realize Tommy is and will always be one step ahead and has plans of his own, he knows how to press people to tell the truth.
Warnings: Kidnapping, incest, pregnancy, mentions of arranged marriage, violence, assault, non consensual touching, guns
Taglist: taglist: @calmingmelody96 @sunflower-tia @haydenpookiebear @star017 @sweetcheesecakesblog @mamawiggers1980 @calam-arii
3 months prior
"Oh for godsake Thomas" Polly rushed through the kitchen like a bat out of hell in disbelief that thing could get any worse, anymore disturbing what in the fuck were you thinking! She slammed her hands down on the wooden table, spitting her venomous words with such vile and anger.
"She will marry James! Word will get out about the two of you fucking in that filth riddled forbidden bedroom! Enough people know already! You can't marry her! It isn't right and neither is that rotted fruit in the womb! Are you out of your god damn righteous mind because I will help the both of you find it!" You cowered in your seat shamefully, your feelings hurt while your heart was racing about ready to burst out of your chest. How could someone that you love say such hateful words about he r own kin? Yes it was wrong but the child bared no play in this family affair.
Tommy stood their clenching his jaw, an animalistic anger widening his blue eyes as he noticed your lip quivering. You hated conflict he needed to remind himself and Pol of that but she was too far gone to hear anything he had to say, there was only when option which was to level the playing field.
"She will not marry him! You want to know why Pol, eh? You want to know why?" Spit was flying from between his lips, anger rising and pumping and in his chest. He flicked his cigarette in Polly's tea, slamming a fist at one of the cabinets.
"She is pregnant with my child! Those boys, those Birmingham low life fucking scum don't give a fuck about her! But I do! I will not throw her or our child in harms way. So with the utmost, tumultuous disrespect go on and fuck yourself as far as your bastard of a son goes. You bring up one more word about my unborn child I will ensure Michael will never been seen or heard again, and I will blow all of us up in this fucking house and if you want to play me, you should know better than anyone, I will win." Polly went quiet, gulping back her fear and anger. What was she to do when she still had no clue of Michael's whereabouts or what Tommy may have told his men to do with him. What if he gave him away to someone as bargaining chip? The Shelby's had many many enemies over the years, the list going on and on to the point Pol didn't even know where to start.
Th dark turn of events made you nauseous, what will happen when this child is born? Will these problems still occur, are you going to have to walk on eggshells, constantly being terried that your own family would be out to get you? Maybe Pol was right, maybe it would be better just to get rid of it but the idea of aborting something, someone that was made from a powerful, endearing form of love hurt you immensely. You could just picture it now their baby bright blue eyes that looked just like Tommy's yearning to be loved and taken care of. Excusing yourself from the table Tommy raised his hands up in irritation with Pol about her insensitive comments toward you.
Fast forward to now...
Your bump was growing, you were becoming too big for your typical everyday clothes but Tommy has been such a lamb in giving you his, ensuring the maids were checking in with you when he was away for business. Today's business in particular was a cause for concern as he had a meeting with Lizzie. You weren't so much worried about Tommy as you were her making a move on him or trying to outsmart him to where you would marry James in just a few days.
Your hands cradled your tummy anxiously, nibbling on your nails while you paced the room waiting for him to return. Tommy knew how you were and insisted everything would be alright. A knock at the door startled you from your thoughts, probably Frances again seeing if you needed anything. She really lived up to Tommy's expectations in caring for you, not going more than thirty minutes of checking on you in fear of losing her job, which you couldn't blame her the family paid her very well, even insisting on free time for herself and occasionally allowing her to have dinner with everyone, she did make the meals after all.
Twisting the knob, the phone started to ring, your heart thudding in your chest thinking about how maybe it was Tommy calling to check in on you and give you an update on the situation, but before you could think any further, you were met with a wetted cloth pressed harshly against you nose and mouth, the last thing you saw being a blurry image of a man that looked familiar...
"Shhh, shh, it'll all be over soon sweetheart..."
Meanwhile Tommy tapped his foot anxiously, Lizzie sitting across from him with an unhappy face and her arms crossed. She had been getting nowhere with her plan. When you didn't or Frances hadn't answered the phone his eyebrows furrowed together as he rang again, and once more after. Still no response, something seemed dreadfully wrong.
"You're not trying to get a hold of that whore of a sister you have are you. Don't play stupid with me Tommy, the town talks and it's quite obvious she is baring with child isn't she? We know it's yours. I can assure you it's far too late though, she should be gone by now. This is the part where you thank for taking care of your problem." At her bold statement, reality set in that she was behind this or at least was involved. Tommy hung the phone up calmly, taking in a deep breath and raising his eyebrows with a narrowed look of threatening, crystal blue eyes.
In a hasty hurricane of emotions Tommy whipped his hand back, slapping Lizzie across the face, not once but twice cheek to cheek, knocking the wind out of her hair and disheveling her once perfect hair. She grasped at her jaw in shock before Tommy cusped her chin, forcing her to look into his dead sea eyes.
"Listen to me and listen closely. There has never been a connection to us. Now you can dream on in this fairytale word of yours but what happens between my family is none of your business. As far as I'm concerned you are just another whore on the street, opening your legs to any man who will give you what you won't work for yourself. If you think your life is hard now, then tell me where she is before I make it worse." Lizzie was blindsided by the intimidating man's harsh words. He had never snapped at her like that before but maybe that was what she needed for him to get his point across that this was not a game she wanted to play.
"Now, if you know something I suggest you tell me."
Sirens were the first thing you heard as you slowly came back to reality, vision blurry and hearing rendered. The fuzzy image was like looking at an etch a sketch a child drew, all you could make out was two men chatting across the room, one being tall and dressed in a white long sleeve shirt, the other one slightly shorter but the more submissive one by the way he was slouched over cowering.
When you released a low groan, it was clear you were being gagged by what felt like cloth, limbs tied to the chair you were sat in, along with your wrists nowhere for you to go. Your vision became clearer as you blinked rapidly, now able to make out who this man was. Tommy had tried to kill him long ago, he was a dangerous man.
Perching his eyebrow up with your sudden cognitive awareness, he picked up a shiny metal object approaching you like an animal did it's prey, yelling at the other man to get out.
Fucking Mosley...
"Good morning sweetheart, you look quite rough but that body-" His hand flicked at the buttons of your shift, revealing your cleavage, wasting no time ins grasping at the cushiony skin, causing you to wince and shake your head vigorously.
"Ravishing, aren't you?" You tried to scream through the makeshit gag, only making him chuckle darkly, green eyes shimmering in the dimlit room. Glancing behind him, the walls were coated with luxurious wallpaper and you could hear the sounds of music just outside the door, surely there were other people here, only intensifying your fear. Where the fuck was Tommy?
"Now let's see what else we are working with, hm?" He untied the sweat pants you were wearing, the bump now resting out as clear as day. Your breathing increased rapidly when he slid the blade down your stomach, tears flowing freely.
"If you wanted a child and not an abomination, I'd love to give you the pleasure Y/N.. but first this has to go." He pressed the blade into your skin sharply, shedding blood instantly. In a fight or flight response, you headbutted him with all the force you could. He dropped the blade, but perhaps that wasn't a smart move after all.
"Why you little bitch!" He sent a powerful blow across your face, knocking you out once more.
"Fucking Shelby's."
Walking into the pub, wind rustling his hair, there he found Arthur sat at the bar wasting away the same as any other day. When they locked eyes, Arthur huffed not having anything to say to Tommy as he demanded another glass of whiskey from the barmaid, taking a glance at her cleavage when she wasn't paying attention and smirking to himself.
"Everybody out! Family business." Well there went Arthur's fun, fucking Tommy always sucking it right out of the room.
Tossing his hat onto the bar, he sat on the stool throwing Arthur's glass over the bar onto the floor where it shattered.
"What the fuck Tommy, can't have one fucking drink, eh?"
"Y/N's missing. I have an idea of where she is, but we need to move fast eh?" As soon as Tommy mentioned that you were gone, he demanded information as to who took his baby sister.
"James and fucking Lizzie thought up a grand plan, only reason I got it out of her was because I know her fucking past, parts she didn't know I knew but that's besides the point. They've made contact with someone from our past Arthur, and I have a great idea of where she may be. She didn't give me a name but I didn't need one. My men saw James after our meeting going into a club 5 miles from here." Arthur sat their contemplating the right thing to do, you were his sister after all but that didn't mean he wasn't disgusted by the revelations he encountered that first night.
Still not speaking, he ignored Tommy simply huffing in disbelief that Tommy would come to him for help. Why should he? Incest was a crime, a disgusting relationship and he would not stand by it, he was disappointed in both of you. Taking the hint Tommy carried on.
"Arthur I don't ask much of you, I've never once judged you from your past, I've always been at your side now I need you to be here for me...You may not agree with the situation but I need not remind you she is our sister, she needs us. Who knows who the fuck has her or what they are doing with her. I need you brother." Arthur brushed his hand through his oily hair, down over his beard contemplating. Tommy had a point and fuck did he hate when he always did, however you were not the only Shelby missing.
"What about Michael? Hm? He's a Shelby too that only one of us in the room knows where he is. He's Pol's kid for fucks sake Tom. Where is he?" Tom shook his head, uninterested in relaying those details just yet, once you were back and he could see with his very own that you were unharmed and the baby was okay then he would spill.
"That information is not important now is it? Y/N is a sweet, innocent girl and she's always been there for everyone Arthur, can you say the same about Michael, 'cause I can't." He had a point there, Arthur remembering all the times Michael screwed him over and Pol expecting them to just forgive him because of the last name he shared. It was bullshit.
Tommy had plenty of dirt on his brother but he didn't operate like that, he was Arthur's weakspot and he knew that, he didn't have to use his past against him for him to give in and fall in line with his requests and orders. Nodding, Arthur slammed the rest of his drink, groaning and following Tommy out the door.
"You smell like shit." Tommy tried to make light of the situation, setting a subtle reminder that neither had to agree with the others decisions they just needed to be there for one another.
"Ah shut up Tom. Who's ass are we killing this time, hm?"
With Tommy being gone, Polly was making herself at home in his office, digging through the drawers of his desk, scattering papers across the room looking for any information that might help her find her son, but there was nothing. Now that you were missing, she'd be damned if she was going to lose her own kid, putting him first in a selfish way.
A knock at the door startled her, thinking it may be Tommy until the voice spoke.
"Relax Pol, it's just me." Oh thank god, it was just John.
He walked in with sympathetic eyes, hating see his aunt in such a desperate state of mind without a hint of a starting point to find Michael but he knew something and she could tell.
In a moment of silence, Pol pointed her cigarette accusingly at him, blowing smoke into the brisk air of the room.
"You never come in to Tommy's office unless he's here. What do you know, where is he?!" John put his hands up surrendering the idea of him indeed knowing something, but he wasn't here just for that.
Tommy clued him in on the plan, asking him to stay home and keep Pol subdued, and to inform her Michael would be home soon unharmed but only after you were safely secured in his arms once again.
"Michael is safe. He will be home later after Y/N is found alive and safe. He forced him to work in the states and keep business affairs civil to bring the company in money.
A wave of relief washed over her, but when she heard who they think had taken you a dreadful, terrified feeling rushed through her veins. She didn't think it would go this far, that James and Lizzie would be so spiteful, not that she was much better herself. But never this bad.
"Where's Arthur?" John scoffed with a surprised yet irritated look on his face.
"Don't you in the least bit care about y/n and Tommy? I know they are on your shit list but they're family Pol, they're blood. We've all made mistakes but if they are happy just let them fucking be happy."
Pol stood their contemplating on the right thing to say, she couldn't separate her love for the both of you from her views on this relationship.
Kicking the door in Tommy walked into the club with determined eyes, searching for his target while Arthur walked behind him smoking a cigarette, waiting for the younger Shelby's queue to start fucking people up.
"You see him Tom?" He shook his head, but was still scanning the room while keeping his composure. Heads turned toward the family with looks of disgust, some with fear as they knew very well who the brothers were.
After a few sharp turns and corners, Tommy motioned toward Arthur to light this god damn place on fire and kill anyone that got in his way as they were both carrying. The boy spotted Tommy out of the corner of his eye but Tommy was faster, shoving him against the wall and cocking his gun beneath his chin.
"Where the fuck is she? I knew you were no good from the fucking start. What can't pull a beautiful, innocent girl so you go and have her fucking killed eh? Sounds like an insecure little bitch to me. You didn't think I'd find you did you James?" He eyed the boy skeptically, his eyes beaming with anger, giving off a profound sense of dominance. He kneed him in the stomach, causing him to groan out in agony, almost falling to the floor if it weren't for Tommy holding up, ignoring the chaos behind him his brother was causing, a table flipping in the air and hitting the wall besides James's head. A piece of wood flying of a broken leg and striking him in the eye.
"Take me to the fucking room." He dropped the boy, kicking him in is back to go on and crawl if he had to. He didn't care, he just needed you.
The room was in a far back, closed off area of the club, away from people that no one would have heard your screams.
Barging in the room Tommy threw James's bruised, and battered body on the floor, ignoring his whimpers, seeing red when he saw Mosley's lips against the warmth of your neck, his hand caressing your breast while blood flowed freely from your nose. The cut mark of the sharp knife glistening in the light beaming in through the dirty window.
"Ah well if it isn't Mr. Shelby. It's been quite some time no?" When Tommy pulled out his gun once more, Mosley was quick to yank your head back by your hair, pressing the blade roughly into your skin.
"Ah, ah. Temper, temper. I was simply doing what the young lad here couldn't. You should know by now you can't escape me." When Arthur screamed angrily and bolted forward, Mosley dug the knife in deeper, causing you to scream out in pain, making Tommy grab Arthur by the arm and yank him back. He didn't want to risk it, not yet.
He breathed in the sea breeze scent of your hair, continuing to pepper kissed to your temple, making you squirm in discomfort from the man's unwanted advances. Your eyes locked with Tommy to put a stop to this, to end this right here right now. Seeing you in such a pitiful, abused state angered him but also shattered his heart to think Pol couldn't be trusted to look after you.
"What do you want eh? The campaign is fucking over, she has nothing to do with this. This fight is between us, the men. Now why don't we handle this like proper gentlemen eh? Let the girl go." Mosley wasn't convinced, shaking his head no. That would be too easy. He expected adventure, excitement, he wanted to see his enemy crumble, to have no choice but to admit to defeat.
"And why would I do that hm? If I recall correctly you tried to kill me. You've lost my trust Mr. Shelby. Quite the disappointment you turned out to be, now here I am trying to rid your baby sister of this rotted fruit in the womb that belongs to you." Tommy was blindsided, no one had actual proof that there was any relation more than a sister and brother relationship. Lizzie didn't have solid proof, James hadn't either just speculation he was bluffing but Tommy couldn't risk egging him on instead standing there silently with his hands folded in front of him in a gentlemanly manner as he tried to keep his composure.
"Mr. Mosley, not quite sure where you are getting false information from. After all I think the only one that may have fucked his sister is you, you do like to keep it in the family if I recall correctly." Mosley stiffened his jaw, grabbing a tightening his fist in your hair before shoving your head down and smacking his gun down on your head merely knocking you out as blood trickled down your forehead.
He was moving away from you slightly, they just had to wait for the opportunity, even though Tommy's heart was thudding inside his chest rapidly in fear of what would happen if they didn't make a move soon. Just a few more steps away from you...
"The per-petulant know it all, walking into my fucking club. These are my grounds Mr. Shelby, what kind of host am I not offering you a drink first? Maria-" Before he could finish yelling for a woman, in a swift motion Tommy went to throw a punch and reach for his hat to scrape his skin off while Arthur rushed to your unconscious aide.
Mosley was faster though, head butting the younger Shelby as he fumbled to take his gun from his jacket. The weapon falling out and sliding across the floor.
As Arthur undid your bindings, he noticed his brother needed help. Unlike Tommy, Mosley wasn't messing with him at the moment, giving him an advantage.
Pulling his gun from the back of his trousers he aimed it at Mosley, who grasped his own gun in his hand now, holding Tommy in a head lock with his forearm wrapped around Tommy's neck.
"Put the gun down Arthur, or a bullet goes through her head." Tommy was losing air and attempted to scream for Arthur to take the fucking shot.
Simultaneously, Arthur screamed a "fuck you" Mosley's way, both guns going off in a poetic yet dreadful scene of the dangerous men at play.
Blood splattered across the wall, Mosley's grip on Tommy loosening, making him drop to the floor on his knees as he tried to catch his breath with weary, fuzzy eyes glancing up. The bullet Mosley shot had only just missed your head by a centimeter, his lifeless body flailing to the ground as Arthur managed to him with a killshot in the middle of his forehead.
"You alright Tommy, hm?" He waved him off, stumbling to get up and pull you out of the chair at this godforesaken place. Carrying you out in his arms while Arthur picked his gun up off the floor, taking Mosley's in the process.
"C'mon sweet girl, let's go home." Relief washed over Tommy like an immense wait had been lifted from his shoulders.
He gave Arthur the go ahead to call the man he put Michael with to allow him to be released from his duties, too zoned out and only focused on you, worried if the baby was alright.
Your dreary, restless head rested against Tommy' shoulder as he walked you inside, spotting Pol and Michael standing by the fire place. A look of pity washing over your aunt's face when she noticed the bruises on your face, the dried blood painted from your hair down your forehead. She hadn't wished this upon you, she never would, she hadn't realized just how serious this situation was or how perhaps James wasn't the man she thought he could be for you.
Now with the family reunited even with strained ties, the house settled, the fire crackling in the background, Tommy laying your cold body down on the sofa beside it to warm you up, tossing a wool throw blanket over you in the process.
Pol was the first one to speak.
"I-I'm so sorry I-I didn't know I-" Tommy cut her off abruptly with the raise of his hand not even batting an eye at Michael standing in the room, acting as if he wasn't present.
"No, no you didn't know. You didn't take the time to know. Frances has already informed me that you were too wasted to even hear someone breaking in the fucking house. She had to hide in a fucking closet Pol. Look at her now, tell me is this far enough for you, or do you want her dead along with our child?" This place was no longer a safe space for you, and Tommy refused to put you in harms way ever again, too worried to even risk it because it was clear he could not trust anyone in the family to even care about your safety just because of one unplanned pregnancy.
When the early morning light peered in through the window, the sounds of bird chirping in the harmonious summer day, you woke up head pounding from the painful blows Mosley striked you with. Tommy was layed beside you, caressing your cheek delicately and lovingly, glancing down at your weak state with sympathetic eyes.
"Good morning love. I set two tylenol on the table with a glass of water. We should get going soon, we don't have long until the others wake." With a puzzled look, you glanced around the room only to see your belongings no longer there. Only the dusty old furniture that was handed down through generations.
"We're going away for awhile, at least until she is born." Your eyebrows propped up with excitement and surprise, how did he know the gender?
"That's right she. I had Frances contact the doctor. Now take your pills and let's get the hell out of hear because I won't risk your health and safety again nor hers." The tears started welling up in your eyes, insisting on taking the pills to go in the car. You were finally getting away, having the light at the end of the tunnel with Tommy by your side. He assisted you up, holding on to you with a protective, and caring hold to help you into the car.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the events from the previous night still washing over you, reminding you both as you stared back at the house you grew up in of why you were leaving.
"Well, wh-where are we going?"
"Far, far away from here my beautiful girl." He took your hand in his, digits scanning over you smooth skin before resting a kiss to your forehead, smiling like a fool in love that the day had come, he finally was going to have the ability to be happy, no arguments, no danger, just a family of his own with the girl he shouldn't have loved the way he did.
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corruptedcaps · 7 months
Wedding Hells
Abby was happy she finally managed to convince her best friend Lindsay to not marry her fiancé James. Abby had learned that James was secretly the head of the crime family in town and was involved in every dirty deal going.
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As happy as Abby was, James was pissed. When Abby came over to pick up some of Lindsay’s belongings he made she sure she knew.
“Well if it isn’t the do gooder little friend who tricked my fiancé into leaving me. I hope you’re proud.” He said with venom.
“Tricked her? I told her the truth of who you really are you creep and soon I’m going to tell everyone as well. Your days not behind bars are numbered.” Abby said straight to his face expecting to see him bubble up with rage but instead he broke into a smile.
“You have a fire and strength in you I had noticed before. You’ll do just am fine as my wife instead.” He said walking over to Lindsay’s never worn dress.
“You’ve lost it now, good luck with your life, or should I say you’re 25 to life.” She said turning on her heel. However within a feel feet she felt the white fabric of the wedding dress draped over her head. Within seconds it seemed to come alive and squeeze down her body.
“What... the... hell...” Abby said trying to rip it off her but found it was too tight.
“You see Lindsay never knew about who I really was but she was going to be my second in command in my growing criminal empire. I had big expansion plans but needed someone I knew would be loyal and ruthless. That’s where this magic dress came in.” James said matter of factly as Abby continued to struggle.
The dress had started to push off her clothes and toss them aside as it enveloped her body and sealed her in. She was quickly dressed as a bride to be but that’s when the real changes began.
The dress constricted her stomach making it hard to breath for a second. However Abby soon felt her belly shrink to match the tight waist of the dress. It actually felt good.
“Oh what are you doing to me you bastard! It feels... it feels... so goooood.” She moaned as her chest heaved outward as two massive tits grew outward from her modest pair.
“You don’t think I became kingpin without the help of the dark arts do you? Soon you’ll understand. When you become the Queenpin.” James said laughing.
Abby should of been furious with him but for some reason she was more turned on then ever before. The word Queenpin making her wet everything she thought it.
“Oh fuck I hate you James you big dick fuck! Once I’m free of this I’m going to fuck your brains out! Wait noooo! I don’t want that! I neeeeed that. No this is wrong!” She said moaning again as her conflicted emotions fought each other.
“You’re right, this is wrong but doesn’t it feel so good to be bad? No more morals, no more caring what anyone thinks? Just taking what you deserve, which is everything! Embrace it Abby, embrace being a bitch!” He said, tempting her.
Abby’s body continued to change as her mind was at war with itself. Her skin took on a healthy tan, sexy makeup was applied generously to her face. Her hair became thick, long and luxurious.
If there hadn’t been a mirror nearby that day, she might have saved her soul. As her eyes made contact with her reflection she found herself drawn into the cold, permanent bitch faced, goddess that was staring back. James was right, she thought, why should she not have everything she ever wanted? A beauty like her deserved the world and if wasn’t going to be given it she would need to take it.
As the good parts of her psyche were replaced by her new meaner, more cutthroat persona her struggling ceased. Her posture straighten into a classical pose and all resistance faded. Her lips curled into a wicked smile as she eyed James not with disgust any longer but with desire.
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“Abby? That’s such a childish name. It’s Abigail from now on. Do I look like some immature child?” She said arching herself against a wall so she could shove out her butt. James mouth was agape.
“Sweetheart you’ll catch flies looking like that, how about you come over here and use it on more expensive tastes?” She said with a purr dripping in lust. James didn’t waste any time as he quickly grabbed her and kissed her deeply. Abigail moaned softly as he did, loving how he tasted. Lindsay had always said he was a good lover and now she was about to find out.
Removing the dress, Abigail found herself in some sexy white lingerie, a by product of the magic dress. She pushed James onto the nearby bed and posed sexily for him.
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“When we fuck darling, I don’t want to hear Abby, or Abigail come from that mouth of yours. I want to hear only Queenpin, understand?” Abigail said authoritatively, making James get harder.
“Of course… Queenpin.” Her growled making her as wet as he was hard. Strutting over to him she took out his impressive cock and lowered her tight pussy on top.
“Mmmm a perfect fit… Kingpin.” She purred as she started to rise up and down.
The next few hours were a blur of sexual juices, screaming and grunting. By the time they were done Abigail had forgotten ever being Abby. In her mind she had always been Abigail, a tough and brutal but also outrageously beautiful crime boss.
James had planned on telling his men to fall in line and treat her like a boss too but she slipped into the role so easily that they were too scared to disobey her. Within a week she had doubled James’ profits with her ruthless ways. While James was a perfectly cruel and calculating leader, Abigail was literally created to be bad. She was the model of evil.
However not everyone was as impressed as James, namely his ex-fiancée and Abby’s old best friend, Lindsay. She confronted Abigail one day on the street and pleaded with her to tell her what had been done to her but Abigail just looked at her coldly.
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“Do I know you? Regardless no one speaks to me like that, I am Queenpin of this city and I could have you disappeared like that.” She said snapping her fingers. When she did, her two burly bodyguards seized Lindsay and threw her into the trunk of Abigail’s luxury tow car.
Sliding in Abigail smirked as she heard the muffled banging of Lindsay.
“It’s no use dear, even if anyone heard you they’re all too afraid to say anything. You don’t have that fear but you will soon. Once I break you you’ll be employed indefinitely as my new live in maid and sex slave. You’re exactly what I need to help me prepare for my upcoming wedding.” Abigail said callously as she put on her designer sunglasses and her driver headed towards her mansion.
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ljaylmaoo · 8 days
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Hook x fem!la bouff!reader
request: hello! i rarely do any requests but i was wondering if you could write a hook x fem reader where reader is charlotte la bouff's daughter (or if you want to make the timelines match up then charlottes sister) and she's rich and her and hook are secretly dating. thx!! 💕
summary: you and Hook have been secretly dating for the past six months but what happens when your sister Charlotte and best friend Bridget set you up on a date with someone who isn't him?
genre: fluff, a bit of angst?, and more fluff
warnings: mature in terms of language, mention of sex (not much), making out, kisses, argument, dirty joke made by Hook, i think that's it
a/n: sorry it took so long to get this out anon! life can sometimes be a pain in the butt lol, I fixed up a few things in this because i didn't like the way it was going but haven't actually read through it so if there's any errors i apologize. i may fix this up later when i have the time because i feel I could’ve done better but right now i'm just trying to finish the requests i got over the time of writing this. i hope you all enjoy :)
word count: 4.7k
“I’m sorry, you two did what?”
You stared at the two bubbly girls who stood in front of you who buzzed with excitement, an almost horrified expression plastered across your face, "we set you up on a blind date for tomorrow during lunch!" Your sister Charlotte repeated proudly as Bridget squealed from excitement beside her. Charlotte has always been obsessed with the idea of love and fairytales. Everything about it she has always adored since you were kids, 'The Frog Prince' being her favourite story growing up which had sparked her dream of finding her true love, preferably a prince, and marrying them one day and wanting the same for you. She was in love with love. Bridget was similar but really only wanted what was best for her loved ones. It wasn't just about love for her, she wanted everyone to succeed in any aspect of life, and as of right now for you, it was love.
Now the reason why the two decided to set you up themselves is because you never showed any interest in love and made it known that you didn't really care for it. Every time the topic came up with the two, you would simply go quiet or try to change the subject if it was directed to you as it always seemed to make you uncomfortable. You "despised" it. Or so they thought.
You gave them a disgusted look, "what! Why?" Bridget giggled, "well, we thought we would help you out. We know you're not the biggest fan of relationships and love.." she trailed off, "but maybe if this goes well, you'll see that it isn't as bad as much as you think!" She said with a hopeful tone, Charlotte nodding in agreement. You rolled your eyes and raised your voice a little, "no way!" making Bridgets smile falter slightly. You felt bad for your rude attitude towards them as you knew they only did this out of the goodness of their hearts and you knew where they were coming from.
You didn't actually "hate" love as much as you made it seem. In fact, you were already in a loving relationship of six months with none other than the James Hook, the pretty brunette pirate who was also a VK. But they didn't know that. No one knew about you and James. They couldn't. You and James established that in the very beginning of your relationship, reason being that James was a VK and you and your sister had a bit of a reputation for being rich and your father being well known for being the "most powerful" man of New Orleans. His friends would also give him a hard time if they found out he went for a "good kid" and one of Bridget's friends of all people.
"Come on, y/n! It's just one little lunch date!" Bridget begged you, her energetic voice going up an octave as she pleaded while the two trailed behind you down the corridor of the dormitory, their pleading eyes piercing through the back of your head, "yeah Y/n! What's the worst that could happen? I mean who knows? Maybe you'll enjoy it!" You scoffed, not daring to look at them, "and if I don't?" Your sister grabbed your arm and turned you to face them, stopping you from entering your dorm, "well, I guess you won't know unless you give it a chance." She said softly, "Please y/n.. we just want to show you that it isn't as bad as you think and that there's nothing to be scared of. Love is a beautiful thing that everyone should be able to experience at least once in their life. It's okay to be afraid, but it's not okay to let that fear get in the way of you having the chance to experience that for yourself. I get that you may not be ready for the whole seriousness of it but please at least give it a try just this once? Who knows, maybe you'll find your happily ever after. And if it doesn't work out then we will never bother you again about the topic. Promise." She swore while delicately placing her hand over her heart.
You stared into your sister's eyes taking in every word she said. You felt bad that you had been lying to them about hating love. You did in fact know the way it felt and yes, it truly was an amazing feeling. You just couldn't let them know your truth on why you've been so opposed to their sweet intentions of doing this for you. It's just lunch, right? They don't expect you to be anything special with this unknown person they've set you up with? After giving it a bit of thought, you decided to agree to their request.
You sighed, "fine. I'll do it." The two girls jumped in excitement, clapping their hands together, "but I'm only doing it so you'll stop bothering me about it." The two girls giggled, "I knew we could convince her!" Bridget beamed, Charlotte picking her up and spinning her around as she squealed, "I know! Now come on, we have some more planning to do! See ya tomorrow, sis!" She yelled as she and Bridget ran hand in hand back down the hall giggling as you watched. You shook your head and couldn't help but smile, letting out a small laugh, you loved making your friends happy.
You opened the door and proceeded inside your dorm, "a date, huh?" You stopped in your tracks and jumped as you heard the voice of your boyfriend and quickly glanced up to see James sitting up on the edge of your bed, "Jesus! How long have you been in here? School literally just ended" he laughed, "I had a free period" he replied, a vicious smirk growing, "Merlin had to deal with an emergency and cancelled class." You sighed, "oh no, what did you do this time?" You crossed your arms giving him a disapproving look, he stood up and strutted over to you, "oh don't worry love, it wasn't me this time." He caressed your face, "Morgs and Hades casted a levitation spell on the books in the library." He chuckled as he recalled, you shook your head and sighed, "and then..?" You waited for him to continue earning a confused look from him, "what?" You walked past him and over to your desk beside your bed, "I find it hard to believe that's all you guys did." You stated while placing your homework on your desk as he waited for you to continue, "it was obviously just a distraction." You finished
Hook cautiously wandered up to you with a slow pace, "okay, so maybe Mali and Uli might've also sprinkled something in the cookie batter for tomorrows dessert.." you raised your eyebrows, "I suggest you don't eat any.." he nervously laughed while sitting on your bed beside you, "but me personally no, I didn't do anything this time darling, promise." He took your hand and pulled you down to sit on the bed with him, "now, tell me about this date your sister and friend set up for you." He said in an almost disgusted tone. He always had trouble with hiding his judgmental facial expressions and tone of voice. You sighed, "James, it's just lunch."
"Yeah, but with another guy? Absolutely not." He declared while rolling his eyes at the thought of you being with anyone other than him. You turned to face him fully, "look I know how it sounds, but I only said yes to it because I knew they wouldn't stop begging me until I said yes." He shook his head, "nope, I'm sorry but I cannot let you go out with a boring goody good twat." You raised your eyebrows at his choice of words, and at the fact that he thinks he had the right to control you, it made you upset. "What gives you the right to be able to control what I do?" You sat up straighter on the bed as you stared at him in confusion, anger visible on your now furrowed brows "I'm sorry but I have no choice, James. They don't know that I'm already in a relationship with you and they can't. No one can. We both know that."
James was now upset, jealousy turning to anger as it pulsed through his veins, "yes I know that, obviously." He retorted in a rude tone, "I just don't understand why you still decided to agree to go on this date when you're already in a relationship. What? Just so you can make your annoying little friend and bratty sister happy?" You took a deep breath in anger and stood up, "okay, woah! First of all, you do not get to call Bridget and Charlotte names." You crossed your arms, "I know your hot headed and rather cruel friend group have a very strong disliking towards my friends because they aren't as miserable as them and actually enjoy life. But you do not get to call Bridget annoying or Charlotte a brat just because you're jealous at the fact that I have to go to lunch with someone I don't know and frankly, I don't even want to go on in the first place." James scoffed, "jealous? Me? Oh darling, never." He laughed. Obviously he was jealous, but he had a tendency to hide his insecurities with believable arrogance that even sometimes he started to believe himself.
You groaned in frustration, "yes, Hook! Jealous." You snapped back, "sometimes, actually no, most times you can be so arrogant and full of yourself it gets to be quite annoying." He stood up, your eyes following his figure as he proceeded to yell at you for "having the audacity to shit talk his friends". Your argument went back and forth for a good few minutes. Both taking shots at each other's friends and personalities until finally Hook stopped you when you got in his face about to drag on the argument, his hands rested on your arms as he sighed, "love" he started, the nickname instantly and involuntarily calming you down, your face resting as you waited for him to continue, "lets stop arguing shall we?" He took your hands in his, "this isn't healthy for us. Letting someone we both don't even know get in between us." You looked up into his brown doe eyes before getting pulled into a hug by him, "I'm sorry for getting angry at you. I just don't like the thought of you being with someone else." You eased into his arms, relaxing your tensed body, "I know, I don't like the thought of it either, but I'm doing it for my sister and B." The two of you made up, talking everything out that then lead to a heated make out session with you straddling his lap, hands tangled in his swept back hair as he held the small of your back with his hook and his hand up your shirt.
You both came to a halt at the sound of a knock at your door, fear in your eyes as you heard the sound of Charlotte and Bridget's voices from the other side calling your name, James instantly took his hand out from under your shirt and you jumped off his lap pulling him to hide behind the door. You quickly fixed yourself up before opening the door, "hey, what's up?" You said trying your best to sound as casual as possible, exhaling heavily. Charlotte eyed you with suspicion, "uh, why did you take so long to open the door?" You tilted your head, "yeah, and why are you so out of breath?" Bridget added, you quickly glanced at Hook who was trying his best to stay quiet, "I was in the middle cleaning my room." You lied, "ookay, well we just wanted to ask you about dessert because someone here decided to use all of her flour for the cupcake batches she made last night." Charlotte explained while glaring at Bridget, "hey! I'm sorry! I was working on a new recipe!" She turned to you who was simply staring at them, "it includes flamingo feathers" she explained, you only nodding in faux interest. "It doesn't mean you had to go and use up a whole bag of flour!" Charlotte replied. You sighed, looking over at James who was just as bored as you, listening to them bicker back and forth which was keeping you two from your previous activities. You rolled your eyes, "guys, guys, okay, guys.." You repeated, trying but failing to interrupt their argument, "you guys!" You finally raised your voice, gaining their attention, "what was it that you wanted to ask? I would love to get back to cleaning my room preferably sometime this week." you said sarcastically, the two girls snapping out of it, "oh, right. We were wondering if you were alright with the cookies from the cafeteria for dessert." You looked over at Hook who rapidly shook his head and mouthed the word 'no' reminding you about what they had done to the batter.
"Y/n?" You looked back over at them in panic, "uh, I don't like the cookies from there." You said, "too dry." Hook silently sighed in relief, "you're right. What about brownies then?" You shrugged, "yeah I'm fine with that." They smiled, "okay brownies it is then" You smiled back at them, "okay well now that that's settled, I need to get back to cleaning, I'll see you guys tomorrow?" They nodded and turned, "okay, bye Y/n/n!" You waved and closed your door exhaling. "god I thought they'd never leave" Hook admitted, fixing his hair. You turned to him letting out a small laugh, "sorry about that" coming closer to him, his hands finding their way back to your waist. The two of you enjoyed the thrill of sneaking around, finding the risk of people finding out about your relationship almost exhilarating. You cupped his face and continued kissing him.
The next morning you were doing your make up before school when James swiftly snuck into your dorm, slamming the door shut behind him. You looked over at him, a look of distress evident on his face as he had his back rested up against the door. "You okay, love?" You questioned, "no!" He cried, you got up and walked closer to him, "why? Whats wrong?" You asked genuinely concerned. He ran up to you and pulled you into his arms, squeezing you tightly as he buried his head into the crook of your neck, "the thought that you have a date with someone else today has been killing me!" He whined. You couldn't help but giggle at his clinginess and jealousy, it was  rare for him not to mask it, there has been times like this before but it has never gotten this severe as you've never had to go on a date with someone other than him. You hugged him just as tight, "oh James, it's okay" you smiled, "how about tonight after curfew we can go to the garden and have a date of our own? A real one." You suggested. He slowly lifted his head off your shoulder and looked at you, "but what if he treats you better? What if you actually do end up falling in love with him and you'd want to be with him instead of me?" He rambled on, speaking the thoughts that had been invading his head all night and morning aloud. "Hey, hey, that's not gonna happen. I promise! No one can or will ever replace you my love." You kissed him softly, "plus no one's as handsome or attractive as you." He grinned, "yeah, I know" You playfully rolled your eyes, "exactly, I don't even have to tell you that cause you already know it's true." He continued smiling, "you don't, but I just like hearing it come out of that pretty mouth of yours." You scoffed and shook your head, "and yet I question why your ego's so big." You pulled away and went to sit back down at your vanity with him following behind, "well I'd probably say it's because the way you scream my name in bed like you did last ni-" you smacked his chest chest, "oh my god, shut up James." You scolded before sitting down on the chair, he only shrugged, "I'm just saying that I'd be surprised if everyone on your floor still don't know we're together after that." You glared at him and picked up your blush and brush and began applying it to your face with light strokes.
He watched you in admiration with a soft smile, "god you're gorgeous darling" he quietly his thoughts out loud again this time in a whisper. You looked up at him in the mirror and met his gaze, a shy smile creeping up, "you're so sweet" he gently cupped the side of your face and placed a kiss on your forehead from above, "I'll see you after school, yeah?" You nodded and gave him one more peck on the lips, "of course." He walked back to the door, "okay, I love you." You smiled, "I love you too."
You were on your way to class with Bridget and Charlotte, the two telling you about how much they think you'd enjoy the date and that you had nothing to be afraid of when Uliana had come up to you guys, purposely bumping into Bridget as she harshly shoved her causing her to fall, "oops, sorry! Didn't see you there." She giggled evilly. "Hey watch it inky!" You immediately stood up for your pink haired friend while Charlotte helped her up. The VK's all stopped and turned back to you, you looked over at your boyfriend who had a dreaded look on his face, "excuse me?" Uliana stepped closer, Bridget and Charlotte taking a step back behind you in fear, you sighed in annoyance, "I said to watch where you're going." Bridget hiding closer behind you with a squeak while peaking over your shoulder. Uliana glanced at her friends and let out a laugh, "I'm sorry, princess. It's not my fault she's so invisible." She stated, Morgie, Maleficent and Hades looking at you with the same hatred in their eyes as her while Hook was simply watching in silence. "Says the one who has to wear platform boots to not look like a seven year old that I personally find to be a bit tacky." Hook and Charlotte stifled a laugh from escaping their mouths at the insult as you continued, "If you would like some fashion advice, I'd be happy to help" you smiled a painfully fake smile, Uliana stepped closer stopping just inches from your face, the rest of them following, "you keep talking and you'll regret it, so I suggest you watch your mouth and get to class." She hissed, you crossed your arms and stood up straighter, "oh yeah? And what if I don't?" There was a worried look on Hooks face as he was ready to intervene but as Uliana was about to reply she was cut off by the bell causing him and your friends to sigh in relief. You gave her and the group one last smile, "maybe next time. See ya" you shrugged before pushing Bridget and Charlotte away from the group who were still standing in the same spot watching as you strolled down the hall untouched, winking at your boyfriend before turning around.
Lunch had finally come around and you were on your way to the courtyard where your date was going to be when you were pulled into a dark, empty classroom causing you to squeal. Your mouth was then covered when you were placed up against the wall out of sight. It was Hook who had an unreadable expression on his face, he slowly took his hand off your mouth and you instantly started talking, "what are you doing?!" You whisper yelled, he shushed you as he peeked around the door waiting for the last bit of people to disappear into the cafeteria. You crossed your arms impatiently as he finally turned to you, "why did you have to go and choose a fight with Uli?!" He began, you let out a breathless scoff, "what the hell do you mean by "choose a fight"? She was the one who started it! I was only standing up for B." He sighed, "yeah? Well now she's been non stop talking about you about how she wants to quite literally kill you." You raised your eyebrows, "her words, not mine." He corrected. You shrugged unbothered, "if it means she's gonna stop bothering Bridget, I'm fine with that." He shook his head, "love, I just want you to be careful. You know how much of a bitch she can be, and she has no limits whatsoever. So please, I'm just looking out for you." You took in his words, sighing and nodding and stopped when you heard Bridget and Charlotte talking in the hallway, "where is she? She said she'd be here." You made eye contact with him while you listened to their conversation, "do you think she bailed?" The other sighed, "I wouldn't put it past her." After hearing that, without thinking, you instantly walked out of the classroom and into the hall, you saw the worried expressions wash away as they relaxed, "oh thank goodness you're here. Uh, what were you doing with him?" You tilted your head in confusion and turned to see Hook who seemed to have walked out right after you, you looked back at them, "was he picking on you?" Bridget asked, the worried expression found its way back to her face. You nodded, "yeah, it was just a bunch of empty threats though. I'm fine." You said simply, "y/n, you should be more carefu-" she cut herself off, "you know what never mind, you have a date to get to!" The two started pulling you towards the courtyard, "it's all set up, you're gonna love it!" They explained.
When you entered the courtyard, you saw people scattered around the area, talking and going about their daily lives as always. You then spotted a table with a little cloth over it and a picnic basket and candle on top. You found it cute that your friends did all this just for you. You then looked at the guy sitting there and instantly recognized him as one of the defenders on the tourney team. You took a deep shaky breath, all the guys on the team were assholes and tools. But you decided to trust their better judgement and walked over to him. He looked up at you and stood up, "hey, I'm Daniel." He stuck his hand out to greet you, you smiled, "y/n. Nice to meet you." The two of you sat down, "so how'd B and Charlotte convince you to do this?" You laughed, he smiled, "they didn't have to, they just told me there would be free food and I couldn't turn that down." You both laughed. So far so good.
Hook observed from afar, leaning up against a tree, jealousy and anger bubbled within as he watched as you forced a laugh out while the guy talked. He didn't like how the guy didn't let you talk or how obnoxious he was. Though it wasn't a real date, or so you claimed, he still hated to see someone treat you so poorly. He could see the forced smile on your face, trying your best to act interested in what he was saying. Hook knew you better than anyone, including your own sister, so he knew you were bored and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "Hey J, whatcha up to?" Morgie came up from behind him causing him to jump a little, Morgie followed his eye line and smiled, "nothing, just observing.." he said with a disgusted tone which was thankfully perceived as being disgusted by you and not jealousy. Morgie simply nodded, "well, Uli told me to come find you, she has a plan she wanted to share." Hook nodded, not taking his eyes off you, "okay, I'll..." he trailed off when he saw the guy stand up and gave you his hand to take and watched intently as he leaned in with you slowly backing away, "fuck that." he instantly ran up to you, yanking you away and pulling you into a kiss instead causing you to gasp. You pulled away, "what are you-" you stared into his eyes and immediately kissed him again laying your hands on his chest. His soft lips on yours as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. You heard audible gasps from Bridget and Charlotte and some whispering from others, Daniel was about to protest but understood what was happening and walked off. You broke the kiss and stared into his eyes, "I love you." You whispered while brushing his hair back that covered his face, he smiled, "I love you too."
"Y/n!" You jumped at the sound of Charlotte's angered voice and looked to the two, her face filled with confused frustration and Bridget beside her with a surprised look, "uh, yeah..?" You said nervously, "I can't believe this." You sighed, ready for the long rant on how it was unacceptable for you to be with a VK. "Look, I'm sorry but.." Charlotte shook her head, "I can't believe you didn't tell us!" Bridget's face lit up, "yeah! Oh my gosh! Y/n, I'm so proud of you!" She enveloped you in a strong warm hug as she spun you around. “How long have you been together?” You chuckled nervously, “uh, about six months” the two girls jaws dropped in shock. After a few moments Bridget spoke up, "now that I think of it, it was so obvious I'm surprised we never put the pieces together!" You frowned, "what do you mean, obvious?" She crossed her arms with a grin, "well, he never picked on you like ever. He only ever listened to you when you would tell them to stop picking on us and today, he had a cute concerned look on his face when you stood up for me!" She thought about it and she lowered her voice, "oh my gosh... were you guys... in the classroom?!" You both shook your heads violently, "no, no, no. We weren't. I swear!" You defended. She looked over at Hook and back over at you, "okay, but does he treat you, you know? Good?" You smiled and looked over at him, "yes, he's a sweetheart actually" Bridget tilted her head in adoration of you two. "really? He's a sweetheart?" Charlotte spoke up in a surprised tone while pointing and looking him up and down, him returning the look to her, "yes, I know. Shocking." You snorted causing him to roll his eyes and the girls giggle. You looked behind the girls and met eyes with Morgie who was with the rest of the VKs who were looking at you with a glare, then the thought hit you. You turned to James, "oh... what about your friends?" He followed to where you were looking and sighed, "I'll deal with them later. I'm just happy we can finally stop hiding." You both smiled at each other lovingly and he gave you a light kiss on the forehead. "Me too."
Charlotte and Bridget being able to see you be in love made them feel like proud parents, ecstatic about the fact that their sister and best friend had possibly found her happily ever after.
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cosmal · 2 years
aerial. i need need NEED (only if u want) drunk Remus being taken care of by reader and he doesn't realize it's you and he's just rattling off everything he loves about you and maybe he says something like: "I hate guys who propose and say "would you do me the honour of making me the happiest man in the world" 'cos you should already be the happiest in the world with your partner. my parter makes me the happiest in the world" and it's just so much fluff
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐮𝐲 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫 — 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧
summary remus tells you that he's happiest because he's with you. he’s just drunk, obviously.
warnings/notes fem!reader, she/her pronouns, drunk!remus
word count 890
“You haven’t seen Y/N, have you?” 
Your hand stills where it’s tucking stray locks behind Remus’s ears, “What?” 
“My girlfriend,” he hiccups, wrinkling his face, “She’s here somewhere. You should probably stop touching my hair, she’d hate that.” 
You smile, fighting the strong urge to laugh, “Oh, yeah?”
He nods and the hair you’d done so well getting to stay back, falls right into his eyes again. “Yeah. You shouldn’t flirt with someone who has a girlfriend.” 
Your laughter now bubbles up your throat, “Well,” you snort, “You tell me what she looks like and maybe I can help you find her.” 
Remus sits up straight like he’s just been given the best opportunity in the world. In his mind, he has. You can tell he gets a little dizzy when he scrunches his eyes closed. 
“She’s really pretty,” he hiccups again, “And- and super gorgeous.” 
“Super gorgeous, huh?” you parrot, completely amused, “She could be anyone in this room.” 
“No, no,” He shakes his head, a little frowny, “No, she's the prettiest here. No one’s like her.” 
Now, your face is getting warm. Half of you wants him to stop, hating that you’re taking advantage of his drunken kindness. The other half wants to see how far you can get him to go. You could meet halfway. 
“Oh, okay. So I’m looking for the prettiest girl here?” 
He’s very noddy tonight. Sober him will regret this when his head hurts more than normal in the morning. “Yeah. She’s beautiful. And super funny. Funnier than my friends but don’t tell them that.” 
You giggle. You definitely will be telling them that. Especially Sirius. “Okay,” you nod along. 
Remus sighs, all lovesick and dazed, “And she’s like, the love of my life, y’know?” He throws his head back against the couch cushion with a deep and heavy sigh. Like he’s lost for words. 
Your heart ticks faster. Drunk Remus is double the amount of lovely he is when he’s sober. If that’s entirely possible, you think. 
If you were actually looking for someone, how would the love of my life help? You laugh at the thought. He’s useless. 
He’s hiccuping more now. Eyes fluttering closed like he might fall asleep. Then he’s sitting up again with more importance than a drunk person should have, “Actually- actually! She’s so amazing, I think- I think I’ll marry her one day!” 
Your face flushes, like every cell of blood in your body, has raised to your cheeks. You close your eyes. His earnest affection replays in your mind. It might all night. “All right, Remus, I think you’ve had enough.”
“No, I need to find her! I think I should tell her,” he admits. He seems suddenly very sober and very adamant about finding you now. You’d try to convince him you’re right here in front of him but your words might die on drunk ears. 
“Well, I’ll help you out to her car, yeah? And then I'll find her and she can drive you home,” you try to tell him, looking around to find James or Sirius or Frank for all that matter if it meant they could help you talk some sense into your boyfriend. Maybe help you get him to your car. You’re hopeful you can manage when you can’t find a single one of your friends. 
“Yeah,” he replies. Letting you, too willingly for a man that won’t let strangers touch his hair, needle your arms around his back and pull him to his feet. Remus is tall, it’s no easy feat. 
Once he’s letting you take him to your car, he’s babbling away again. “You know when a guy proposes, right?” 
“Yeah, Remus,” you giggle, guiding him towards the front door. You make a mental note to never leave him alone at a party when he’s this drunk. He’s very compliant. 
“They always say the same shit,” he mumbles, almost grumpily. Suddenly grouchy at the thought of a stereotypical proposal, “Like will you make me the happiest guy in the world? Like weren’t they already at their happiest? They’ve got the best partner they could ask for."
“Right,” you somewhat agree with his drunken rambling. “Uh-huh.” 
He stands for you so that you can open the door to your car and move to usher him inside, “Because- because, I have Y/N. I’m at my happiest because I have her.”
You fucking die on the inside. He’s amazing, truly. 
“Well, wouldn’t it make you happier to know you’d get to spend the rest of your life with her? Married.” You ask, more curious than anything. You’re sure it’s just rambling. 
Remus lets you click him in before he says, matter-of-factly, “Well, I already know I’m spending the rest of my life with her. I don’t need a ring on her finger to prove that.” 
You still with your hands across his middle, chancing a look back at his pretty face. He looks too serious like despite being drunk, he’s had these thoughts before. 
“Yeah?” Your voice is tiny, a little too shocked to speak any louder.
“Yeah,” he sighs, closing his eyes with a thump of his head on his seat. 
You peck his cheek, a quick, wet noise before pulling away. Beaming like a schoolgirl. 
You close his door before you hear him murmur, “Y/N? That you?” 
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maremartinelli · 6 months
Sirius Black X fem!reader
Summary: Y/n and Sirius have been having an affair since Hogwarts, but this shouldn't continue anymore, as he is married.
Words: 1.3K+
Warnings: Lover, mention of betrayal (but without specifications), mention of pregnancy, Order of the Phoenix, anguish and no happy ending.
Author: English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes there may be in the process. And again, this idea came from a Brazilian song (I'll leave it here at the end) I could even do it part 2, but I like to leave some drama.
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Sirius and Y/n always had an affair.
Most of their years at Hogwarts they hid in the corridors to have some alone time.
In the fifth year, James, Remus, Peter and Lily - the girl's best friend, found out about the affair they had.
However, as there always has to be a thorn in their side, when Y/n said she was in a relationship with Sirius, her family made their lives hell until they broke up. But of course, they said they had separated, but in the middle of the night they both left the dorm to meet each other.
It was like that until mid-seventh year, when Marlene McKinnon's parents thought it was a good idea for the girl to marry Sirius.
Yes, they already had a relationship before Black got involved with Y/n. They had a past, but the past is the past and Sirius just wanted to be with his sweet, beloved Y/n. But it wasn't like that.
After Marlene and Sirius got engaged, the Black boy still met with Y/n on the sly. When they got married, Sirius still went out to meet Y/n.
And on the trips that the Order designated? Yes, they also went out on the sly. Or when Sirius asked Dumbledore to put him to work with Y/n, just to be with her.
After they left Hogwarts, they had been going back and forth for two years. And no one ever suspected it, not even Marlene. Which left Y/n's heart with a hole, because she liked Marls' friendship, but she loved her Sirius much more.
Which wasn't yours per se, but rather one of your best friends.
Recently, Marlene always told Lily and Y/n when they went out together that she was planning to have a baby with Sirius. Which of course was the last straw for Y/n, she couldn't stay in the middle of a family that was about to be built.
She had to put an end to it.
She was going to put an end to it.
Dumbledore had asked the members of the Order of the Phoenix to meet so he could assign some tasks and explain some news he had about the war.
And taking advantage of the gap, Y/n on the same night would end everything she had with Sirius, so that somehow he could move on and love Marlene as he loved young Y/n.
The house where the meetings were held was still very empty, it was just Y/n, Alice and Remus there talking and setting the table to have tea.
Alice and Remus were deep in conversation while Y/n looked at the floor and wrapped her wand in her hand. Her feet, which were clad in a black all-star that Sirius had given her last winter, were tapping on the wooden floor of the small meeting house.
When she hears someone opening the front door, she gets up from her kitchen chair and walks over to the person. Already knowing who it was, she quickly took the person's hand and led her to the back yard, which was starting to be covered in white snow.
"Damn doll, I barely made it" Sirius whispers in her ear, as Y/n dragged him to the back.
"Sirius, Shiuu!!. Alice and Moony are here" Y/n whispers in an angrier tone.
“Then we must be quick”
"No!! Sirius, no" she turns quickly when they reach the furthest part of the house, where no one could see them or hear their conversation.
"Are you well?" The Black boy looks at her seriously, while running his hand over the girl's cheek.
Y/n shudders at the touch and closes her eyes. Tears were already splashing in my eyes, just thinking about what I had to say.
"I don't think this is working anymore" Y/n says in a quieter voice.
"What are you talking about, honey?"
"You may hate me, but it's been a while since I came into your home. And I can't live with that anymore, Marls loves you so much and her parents love you so much. The family you're in is so beautiful. , I can't do this anymore, Sirius. We've spent many years doing this and I don't regret a thing, but lately Marlene has been so excited saying she wants to build a family with you, and I feel like my heart is breaking more and more. I have We want to get this over with, Sirius." Y/n sheds some tears. "I love you so much, but there's no way..."
Sirius looks at her with a few tears falling as well.
"No Y/n, look, please don't do this. I love you so much, I couldn't bear to live without you"
"That's the problem Sirius, you're supposed to love Marlene. She's the one you married, and she's the one you're supposed to love and protect." Y/n shakes her head trying to avoid more tears. "And you know we already tried this once, but it seems like nothing was in our favor, and now, look Sirius, you have a beautiful and special woman by your side, her family loves you and she is very happy with you"
"We can run away together, I'll separate from her and we can get out of here. But please, stay with me"
Y/n cry.
"I can't do this to you, Sirius. I'm finishing" she sobs. "I hope you are happy and have such a beautiful family, you deserve it so much" before leaving, she places one last kiss on Sirius' lips and puts her hand on his shoulder before leaving the place.
She would have to recover from her tears in the bathroom before returning to the room and greeting everyone, as if nothing had happened.
Everyone had already arrived at the small meeting house and Dumbledore had already said he needed to speak. Now, at the moment, everyone was gathered in the kitchen of the small house where they shared stories and small talk.
Sirius was on the other side of the room, leaning against the counter while he had a cup of tea in his hands and looked deeply at Y/n. He wanted to cry every time he remembered the woman's words.
He might as well shut everyone up and say he loved Y/n with all his heart and run with her out the door and run off to some snowy country with a field of flowers in the summer.
But that would be cowardly with Marlene.
Y/n also felt that Sirius was looking at her throughout the meeting and that he hadn't stopped until now. The woman had a cup of tea in her hands as she looked at the floor and understood the conversation Lily was having with her and Alice.
"Hey guys!!" Marlene draws the attention of all the members of the Order and taps the cup with a spoon. "Sirius and I have some news to tell you!!" She says happily and everyone is euphoric waiting for her to tell. "We're having a baby!!" She smiles from ear to ear and puts her hand on her belly when people scream in celebration.
At that moment Y/n felt a tightness in her chest, but she refused to cry. Well, one of her friends was pregnant and would soon have a baby.
Y/n just swallows the crying and bitterness and walks until Marlene hugs the woman, congratulating and blessing the baby.
When she looks at Sirius, she puts her prettiest, fakest smile on her lips and shakes the taller man's hand. "Congratulations to the new daddy" Y/n smiles and then returns to her seat and continues with the smile on her face.
She was happy, it wasn't a lie. But his heart still tightened in his chest.
After all the euphoria of Marlene's pregnancy wore off, Y/n stepped forward and caught everyone's attention.
"Well, I also have something to share" Y/n says as she places her cup on the table.
"Oh, don't tell me you're pregnant too!!" Alice says excitedly and Sirius lifts his head to look at the woman.
Y/n shakes her head in denial and smiles.
"No, it's not that" she laughs. "I'm moving to Switzerland in a week" Y/n says as she puts her hands behind her back and rocks slightly on her feet.
Everyone looks at her shocked.
“Oh my god, what do you mean Y/n?” Lily asks, placing her hands on her best friend's shoulder.
"Then I went to Hogwarts and Dumbledore said he needed someone from the Order to do some work in Switzerland, but as most of them had families, he didn't know who to really appoint. So I volunteered, since I don't have a family anyway" she tells the other party quietly.
"Oh Y/n, we are your family" Lily says as she gives the woman a quick hug. "But we're also really happy for you" Lily kisses Y/n on the cheek and she smiles friendly.
"It was great news, but it's good to change the atmosphere. Good luck on your new journey, S/a" Marlene approaches her friend and hugs her.
"Thank you, Marls"
"I hope you at least come visit us" James pats his friend on the shoulder and she smiles.
"Always, I know you and Lily can't live without me" Y/n laughs and hugs her friend.
With that, Sirius, who was leaning against the counter, approaches Y/n and stands in front of her.
For a moment, she thought he would do something crazy and kiss her in front of everyone or confess his love. Which made the girl anxious and afraid.
"Congratulations and good luck, dear" he hugs his lover friend and she returns the comfort of the hug. "I hope you're very happy, and please, never forget my love for you. I love you so much, my girl" He says quietly just to her, making Y/n let out a few tears.
"Thank you guys, I love you so much" she leaves the hug and looks at everyone.
As soon as everyone congratulates and says good luck to the new citizen of Switzerland, Y/n says goodbye to everyone and says that she needs to go back to the apartment to finish organizing her things.
"Have a good trip, Y/n, evil seed" Remus hugs his friend and says the girl's famous nickname from her time at Hogwarts.
She laughs and then says goodbye to the blonde.
"Bye, guys" she smiles and then walks down the hallway that led to the front door.
"Wait, I'll take you to the door!!" Sirius says and then walks behind her.
The small space they walked to the door was completely silent. Until Y/n turned around and said a complete goodbye to her lover.
"It looks like we're on different paths now" Y/n laughs awkwardly and Sirius smiles.
"Yeah, it seems so" he lets a tear fall. "But always remember, my girl. You are my patron's happiest memory" he says and then seals his lips with the woman's for the last time.
"I love you, Sirius." Last thing she says before going down the front stairs of the house and heading to the sidewalk.
She looks back and blows Black an air kiss.
The last time they saw each other, neither of them would certainly forget that moment.
Part 2
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Author: I said I like drama, but if you want you can ask for part 2. Furthermore, you can send me ideas for imagines to write Go to my question box and ask!! The available characters are displayed in my MASTERLIST
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reysdriver · 2 years
Reminiscence | R.L.
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You and Remus confess your feelings for each other at James and Lily's wedding, but it's never too late — remus x fem!reader fluff
warnings: brief alcohol consumption, some foul language
words: 1.4k
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It was the night that your best friend Lily was getting married to James Potter of Marauders fame back at Hogwarts. You were proud to say that you were the maid of honour for Lily, with Alice and Marlene at your side as bridesmaids.
They had found each other at school, James had courted her for years, and they had been dating since year seven; three happy years together. Though, you couldn't say the same about yourself.
You did like someone—one of your best friends, Remus Lupin—but you didn't think he liked you back since he never made a move or showed any true interest. And you didn't want to say anything, as it had potential to ruin a great friendship.
After you and your friends graduated from Hogwarts, you decided to put your feelings for him away for good, and just accept the fact that you're only friends. It was what you thought best for everyone involved.
Although, your hope for a purge of feelings didn't seem to be working. Two years after graduating, here you both were; he was in his groomsman suit, and you were still thinking about how you want to be his.
The wedding ceremony was lovely, taking place at Hogwarts while it was empty for the summer. They got married in the courtyard, where Lily and James had their first date and the reception took place in the Great Hall, where Lily agreed to date James. 
It was almost over, with only about half of the original number of guests still hanging around. You had a half-full glass of firewhiskey as you talked with Lily, James, and Sirius. You were all reminiscing about life at Hogwarts. Even though it was just two years ago, it felt like a decade.   
"You know what?" You said with a faint gasp. "I wonder if our carvings in the bedposts are still there in our old dorms." 
"Oh Merlin, I forgot about those!" Lily giggled. 
"I want to go check! I know if I don't it'll be on my mind forever, I'll be back. I'll let you all know." 
"And with her leaving, this is my cue to get another glass." Sirius said, getting up right after you. 
You started to head out of the Great Hall, but you bumped into Remus by the doors, almost spilling your drink.
"Oh my, Remus, I'm so sorry." 
"No, don't worry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He apologised. 
Trying to shift and carry the conversation, you mentioned where you were headed. "I was just going to the dorms to reminisce." You said with a soft smile. 
"Oh, well, have fun with that." He said, excusing himself and walking to the table. 
Slightly disheartened, but not too thrown off, you continued heading to your old living quarters, unaware of the conversation starting in the Great Hall between Remus and Sirius. 
"Moony, mate, you have absolutely no game." Sirius taunted as he walked towards his friend with a fresh drink in hand. 
"Shut up." Remus grumbled. He had been tired of the years of teasing from his friends about his crush on you, and assumed it would have stopped when you graduated, but it never did. 
"Moony, 'Hey Remus, I'm just going to see my old bed, and oh Godric, I wish you would join me!' and you reply with 'have fun with that'?!" 
Sirius had apparently overheard your exchange, and was clearly having fun with it.
"She didn't say that." 
The two young men sat down at the head table, a few seats away from the happy couple. 
"But she meant it. Believe me, I know what it looks like when someone wants to sleep with you, and that was it."
Remus looked at Sirius with a questioning look. "If she likes me so much, why hasn't she ever mentioned it?"
"You've never told her about it either. Plus, she thinks you hate her."
"What? How could she think that? I could never hate her."
"Every time you're near her, you get all awkward and nervous and weird! What do you expect her to think?"
A wave of realisation washed over Remus as he thought about your perspective of everything. "Oh fuck, you have to help me, Pads."
"You don't need help."
"What are you talking about? Of course I need help! You just pointed out that (y/n) thinks I hate her!"
"Exactly. She thinks you hate her and she still likes you. All you need to do is talk to her and tell her how you feel." 
"Well I think now is the best time, besides the last decade or so. Don't you think so?"
Remus realised what he needed to do, and started to head up to your old dorm rooms. He had an advantage due to his long legs, and so he strided quickly to catch up to you. 
Once he reached the Gryffindor girls dorms, he found you leaning down, focused on the wooden bedframe where you used to sleep. 
"It's all still here." You said, catching Remus off guard as he didn't know you were aware of his presence. 
"The carvings the girls and I made on our old beds." You clarified. "Our names, little hearts and flowers, 'L.E. + J.P.', 'M.M. + D.M.', all of it." 
"What about your initials? You never wrote down your initials with someone else's in a little heart?" 
You shook your head. "I never had anyone to do it with." 
"Why not? You never liked anyone? Because you could have anyone you wanted."
Memories started to flood through your head. Memories of crushing on the man in front of you throughout your entire academic career, plus the time even after you graduated. 
"I did like one person. But nothing ever happened between us. He didn't—doesn't—like me back." You confessed, fidgeting with your fingers. 
"That's not true." 
"I think if you knew who it was, you would disagree."
"I think I do know who it is." His words caused your gaze to suddenly shift from your hands over to him. "(y/n), is it me?"
"Yes." You said ashamedly. 
"Then I was right. The person you like feels the same way. I do, I've felt this way for years."
Millions of new thoughts rushed to you. Remus Lupin likes you, and he has for years.
"Why didn't you say anything?" 
"Why didn't you? Merlin, (y/n), you're stunning, and you're kind, and you're funny. You're perfect." He took two long strides towards you, then took your shaking hands in his. "You're so incredibly out of my league, I never thought you would like someone like me. A mon—"
You cut him off with a soft hand over his mouth before he could finish that word. As you slowly pulled your hand away, he pressed a gentle kiss on your palm. 
"Remus, don't say that. We've been over this. I promise you that you are not a monster. You are the exact opposite of that. You're my best friend, you're the sweet, witty, adorable man I've been in love with for half of my life." 
Remus placed a large hand on your reddened cheek, lightly stroking his thumb under your eye. 
"Since the day we met?" He said in a half joke. 
You laughed lightly and looked back into his soft eyes. "Of course. I've been in love with you since the day we met." 
"Good. Me too." 
He leant down to your height and pulled you into a long-awaited kiss. It was sweet, and it started with just a small brush of your lips. It quickly became gentle yet passionate, as you now had all that you have been waiting for. 
The two of you pulled apart, smiles strung across both of your faces. 
"I really should have done that a lot sooner." Remus admitted. 
"Me too." You said with a slight giggle as you indulged your younger self. "But I think we should go back downstairs, I promised to tell Lily about the carvings." 
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oneluckygoose · 1 month
Guys I’m actually so close to breaking and writing a full fledged Marauders era fic. Like I’m talking 1st year to 1981
I have so many ideas about it, I’ll put a list of things under the cut but it’ll be your classic Wolfstar, Dorlene, and Rosekiller, while also being weird and doing a HEALTHY Jegulus with endgame Jily. There’s just a lot of things about the Marauders era that is so inconsistent that I feel like I physically need to write it down COHERENTLY in a way that makes a modicum of sense to me.
Things it’ll probably include
Scottish and Desi James; Welsh Lily, Remus, and Severus; French/English Blacks; IRISH Peter; SCOTTISH Marlene; Dutch Dorcas; French Mary; British Rosiers; and British Barty (ive missed some but those’ll be my main characters I focus on)
Jegulus, personally I think Jegulus is a very important thing for James’ growth and for Regulus’ to distance himself from his family’s ideals but I also don’t think it could ever last. Probably would be a 6th year arc and they break up after Regulus gets the Mark beginning of 7th
Endgame Jily, because their story is one of my favorites and if I do make it a canon compliment then I would need to write it with natural progression, also I just love Jily
I’m on the fence about making it a canon compliment because I choose to be HAPPY, but I don’t need to make that decision now and so I won’t (also I like the idea that Peter is good, screw me)
Aroace Peter, my little boy loves his friends and doesn’t understand why he doesn’t love like they do. A dating spree probably in 5th year but he just cannot figure out how to do the romance thing
No sex, sorry guys we’re keeping this M rated. I’m asexual and do not feel comfortable writing that in the slightest, it would all be fade to black
Asexual Lily, to whoever HCed that, can I marry you? I love ace Lily and I think it just adds an arc to her story that is normally extremely sexualized. My girl will punch you in the face if you look even a tiny bit lower than her eyes.
How much character growth can I fit into James Potter? ALL OF IT. He was a DICK, that is non negotiable, he was not a dick eventually (ahem he had to grow up after the prank)
The Prank will be essential to everyone’s character.
Sirius is at his lowest in 5th year because his parents are trying to get him to marry Pandora and he is rebelling so hard and they are punishing him like a madman and he’s hurt and in pain and lashes out and it’s a mess and it breaks that summer and he runs away. (Then things get better)
Remus’s arc will probably be very similar to what it normally is, I think he’ll have Hope and Lyall, at least for a while and his home life won’t be the worst. If that’ll change I’m not quite sure.
Remus is SMALL and then he gets REALLY BIG, I’m talking 5’1- 5’10 over one summer (3rd year to 4th year) then he keeps growing. 6’3 by the end of it.
James isn’t short, he has a normal growth though, lands steady at 6’
Sirius and Peter are short kings: Sirius-5’8, Peter-5’6
Marlene is probably the most Gryfindor person on the planet, and Dorcas is a Slytherin who HATES her peers
Dorcas is a halfblood with a single Muggle father (her mother left when she was 5) They both have the best dreads on the earth and you can’t tell me otherwise
Marylily is kinda a thing?? In the early years but it fades and they agree they’re better friends.
Pandora and Evan are twins, their family are pureblood fucks
Pandora and Regulus are best friends, they would both destroy the world for each other
Remus starts to like Sirius in 3rd year, he dates someone (probably Marlene because her and Sirius and just gender swapped copies of one another but they both hate it and Marlene is the first person who knows about Remus’ crush, Remus is the first person to know about Marlene's when that becomes a thing 5th year)
Sirius starts to like Remus in 4th year but doesn’t realize it at first and when he does dates around in complete denial until he runs tf away from his family. Peter, the king he is, is surprisingly the first one to figure it out in 5th year.
James is the most hardcore Wolfstar shipper when he finds out about both of them, and he has to be painfully silent about it until they get their shit together
They fully get together at the end of 6th year. How? I'll figure it out.
The Skittles are less present the first half, but they would probably be more and more there, especially as Reg and Sirius' relationship strains
Regulus' relationship with Orion and Walburga is that of a child who has watched their older sibling be abused for rebellion and is fucking terrified of that happening to him. He hates them, but he has to please them to save his own skin.
Also, all the Skittles are in slytherin for being ambitious, cunning, and calculating. Not because they are evil.
Not all slytherins are pure blood fucks who toss around slurs and unforgivable curses while chanting "praise the dark lord", some of them are good/some of them don't deserve treatment as if they were. Understanding this is essential to James' character development.
Not Snape though, he is exactly what it says on the surface. Sure he loves a muggle born but he also is obsessed with her, manipulated her, called her slurs, and hurt the people she loved. He has no such qualms with being as horrible as possible to anyone else. Not saying James and Sirius were good, but Snape wasn't a fuckin' hero either. "Always." BITCH THAT"S CREEPY NOT ROMANTIC.
How long does it take Lily to realize Snape is the worst person on the planet earth? TOO LONG. He calls her mudblood and that is the last straw.
Also fuck JKR's timeline, I don't even understand how the prank could happen before Snape's Worst Memory or after 5th year so the cannon fuckery is going to happen mainly in 5th year
Marlene is extremely important to me. She has the thickest Scottish accent and she thrives off of it. She does not take SHIT. She listens to rock exclusively once she figures out electric guitar makes brain go happy. She and Sirius have a very interesting relationship I would be so excited to explore.
Nothing will be glossed over. I see a lot of vagueness about the Cruciatus curse, and just, no. People need to see in detail what shapes the characters and why they are the way they are, especially Regulus and Sirius. I'll do CWs before every chapter, but I'm not holding back. It'll be graphic, it'll be skin crawling, but maybe that's the point. Remus goes through torture every month, that needs to be known. Sirius and Regulus are broken by their parents, that needs to be known. Mary was assaulted by blood purists, that needs to be known. Things won't be pretty, they never have been with the Marauders. But maybe that's the most beautiful thing about them. Things aren't pretty, but they find a way to love despite that. (James Potter tends to have a large hand in that, too)
This was my shpeal. I have so many ideas and so many ways I could go with this that I'm actually so stressed over it. Um... if anyone has advice on how to get actually started because that's the part tripping me up I would love it. I don't know if I can bring anything particularly special about their story to the table but I would love to see where my story goes. My biggest fear about this is starting it and never being able to finish it. I've been told I'm a pretty good writer, I might post more of my unfinished stuff just to gauge if people actually want to read it, but I hope I can do them justice.
The name though? I have a few Ideas and all of them would lead to a different way that I wrote the story.
Chronicles of Messrs; A song title from either queen or aerosmith; House of the Rising Suns; Dear Minerva; The Graceless
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Miscommunication pt 2
Summary: You finally get the date that Commander Wolffe promised you.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x Reader
Word Count: 1692
Warnings: None
Songs: None
A/N: I saw a bunch of people asking for how the date went, and this is what I came up with. Also, how does one end short stories? I always feel like I need to write more, lol.
Divider by saradika
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“So, let me see if I understand you correctly. Your Commander is planning on taking you on a date, in spite of the fact that he’s had a whole one conversation with you?” Your older sister asks over the com.
“You know, when you say it like that, it doesn’t sound like the best idea.” You grumble, “And we’ve talked more than just the one conversation.”
“Look, I get that the clones are fine, girl, but-oh, hold on,” Your sister turns away from the com, “Conner James! You might survive jumping off the railing, but you will not survive me!” She glares at someone off screen for a moment, and then turns her gaze back to you, “Where was I? Oh, yeah. I get that you’re lonely, but you can probably do better than someone who couldn’t talk to you.”
“It’s not like that. He was just a little shy. I can understand that.” You reply. “And I’m not lonely. I am literally surrounded by people all the time.”
Your sister sighs, “Look, I’m just worried about you. You’re my baby sister and, well, you don’t exactly have the best taste in men.”
“Not a baby, and also rude.”
“First of all, you’re always going to be a baby. Second of all, your last boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend.”
“Ex-best friend, and also that’s on him, not me.”
Your sister sighs again, “Just…be careful, yeah? I hate seeing you get hurt.” There’s a loud thump and a cry of pain, and she closes her eyes, “Now, I have to go and make sure my son didn’t just break every bone in his body…and then ground him until he’s grey.”
“You know you signed up for this when you married a trapeze-”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I’ll talk to you later.” The com cut out before you could reply, and you lean back in your chair.
You suppose your sister does have reason to be concerned. After all, the last she knew, Commander Wolffe wouldn’t even look at you. But things are different now. 
Since his injury he’s been much more open with you.
When you’re on the Triumphant, he makes time to visit and talk to you daily. Even if that means that he’s eating a meal in your office while you process paperwork. 
You’ve come to cherish him as a dear friend, and more. Though, in spite of his claim of wooing you, he’s been nothing but respectful. The only hint that he might desire something more than friendship from you comes from the way his fingers linger on your arm or hand or shoulder.
It is infuriating, to put it mildly.
Everytime his fingers linge on your skin, it feels like electricity zips through your body. And he knows it.
Yes, he has an important job. And yes, he doesn’t have a lot of free time. But would it kill him for one kiss? Just a little one?
You release a sigh and pick up your com, absently tossing it from one hand to the other. You’ve been back on Coruscant for a whole week now, and Wolffe still hasn’t come through with his date.
You’re beginning to worry that he forgot. 
You set your com back on your desk, and eye your datapad critically. You have so much work that you need to do before the next deployment. Not to mention, the men in the Wolfpack need their physicals, which is on you to schedule, and you need to catch General Koon for his physical, and yearly inoculations need to be given-
You’re about to grab your datapad to start on all of that, when the doorbell chimes.
You frown and get up. You aren’t expecting any visitors. At least you don’t think you are. You open the door, and a bright smile crosses your face when you see who’s standing on the other side.
“Commander,” You lean against the door frame and fold your arms, “I didn’t know you knew where I live.”
“It’s in your file,” He has a small smile on his face and his mismatched eyes scan you, something you notice that he does whenever he’s in close proximity with you. “Which the General shared with me.” He pauses and his gaze meets yours, and then he lifts one of his hands, “I bring food.”
The scent of something delicious reaches you, and you suddenly remember that you’ve not eaten since lunch the day before.
“And I’m guessing you’ve not eaten since yesterday.” Wolffe continues with a knowing, and slightly exasperated, look on his face.
You laugh sheepishly, and move out of the way, allowing him into your home, “Well…I ate a late lunch yesterday and I wasn’t hungry for dinner.” You try to explain as you take the bags from him and move into the kitchen.
Wolffe follows you once he sets his boots on the shoe rack, “And why didn’t you eat breakfast?”
“Breakfast is for losers.” You reply as you pull plates and cups out of the cabinet. 
“If I said that to you, you’d be reading me the riot act.” Wolffe points out as he starts to pull containers out of the bags, “I got some of the pasta you prefer, with garlic bread.”
“Ooh, you know how to spoil a girl,”
“Well, apparently the way to a woman’s heart is through carbs and cheese,” Wolffe counters very dryly, and you start laughing, which puts a small grin on his face.
“Well,” You say, through your giggles, “You’re not wrong.” You favor him with a bright smile, “There’s drinks in the fridge. You can grab whatever you like.”
He watches you for a moment, something soft and fond crossing his face as you move around the kitchen, and then he walks over to the fridge and grabs two of the sodas in the door. 
Wolffe sets them on the table and starts divvying out the food on the plates you set on the table.
“It smells delicious, Wolffe. Thank you!” You look up at him, in delight, as you slide into your seat.
“You’re welcome,” He replies as he settles into the other chair. He’s quiet for a moment, and then he leans back, “I owe you an apology, mesh’la.”
“For what?” You ask.
“I promised to woo you,” Wolffe says slowly, “Unfortunately, that’s not something that was covered in my training.”
You smile at him, slow and warm, “Wolffe,” You say so gently, “You came to my apartment with my favorite food. This is perfect.”
“You deserve more,” He replies.
“Maybe, maybe not.” You shrug easily, “I like you, Wolffe. Not grand presentations. I’d like you just as much if you showed up with fast food from the place down the street.”
Wolffe is quiet for a long moment, and then he favors you with a warm and soft smile, “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Well, I was selected to be the medic for the Wolfpack,” You joke.
“Most people wouldn’t think of that as a good thing,”
“I get to spend my days with you, what’s not to like?” A barely noticeable blush crosses Wolffe’s face, and you feel a surge of glee. Before you drop the conversation in favor of the food that Wolffe brought you.
Later, once the meal is finished, and you finished cleaning up, which Wolffe insisted on helping with, you’re tucked on the couch while Wolffe is looking at the pictures on your walls.
“Your family?” He asks, glancing at you from one of the bigger pictures.
“Mm. My older sister, her husband, and their son.” You reply easily, “They’re on…Dantooine, I believe, this month.”
He hums thoughtfully, “You're close to her,” Wolffe notes.
“Oh, yeah. She’s great. You’d like her, I think. She’s very no-nonsense.” You reply as you stand and walk over to him. 
“If she’s anything like you, I’m sure I will.” Wolffe replies, he glances at you, “I like you after all.”
You duck your head, a faint blush crossing your face, “Well, I like you too. So, I guess that’s fair.”
There’s silence for a moment, and then you feel warm fingers against your cheek, and he lightly taps your chin, tilting your face up to meet his, “Do you like me enough to let me kiss you?” He asks, his voice low.
“Yes!” You blurt embarrassingly quickly, and then you blush bright red, “Um…I mean…”
Wolffe laughs, and leans down, his nose brushing yours, “I’ve kept you waiting then?”
“I’m pretty patient,” You whisper in response.
He doesn’t say anything, just closes the distance between your lips, and slowly, tentatively almost, kisses you. You slide your hands up his chest, and wrap your arms around his neck.
He pulls away just for a moment, just long enough to make sure that you are still okay with this, and then he hooks his arm around your waist and he crashes his lips back against yours in a much more passionate kiss.
His lips are warm and soft and so, so inviting. And you can’t help but moan into the kiss as he pulls you flush against his body.
And when he breaks the kiss you let out a whine, which pulls a quiet, breathless, laugh from him. “You’re so…intoxicating,” He breathes against your lips, “But we need to stop for now.”
You pout at him, but slowly release him, and instead you rest your hands on his chest. He keeps you flush against him, his fingers flexing on your hip. “Do you need to leave?” You ask, your voice soft.
“No, I’m on shore leave.” He replies, “but we still need to stop.” His eyes close and he bumps his forehead against yours. “As much as I really, really don’t want to.”
“Well,” You hands slide up his chest and he groans, “If you don’t want to stop, and I don’t want to stop, then we can just not stop.” You point out logically.
He releases another groan, “You’re a terrible influence.” But his grip around your waist tightens, “Be my girlfriend?”
“Yes-” You’re unable to finish your sentence as his lips crash against yours again.
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sunnysaystuff · 1 month
My stance on the Jegulus-Jily-"All Death Eaters suck because canon says so" dispute (or whatever):
After receiving MULTIPLE hate asks (wtf I'm literally nobody why do you care so much) guess I have to put this out here!!
first up - stuff I think is important:
Wolfstar isn't canon and it's the backbone of the fandom, so why do we suddenly decide canon is the shit when people write Jegulus/Jegulily fics? "James would've never liked a Death Eater" fanfiction means you can make stuff up, regardless of what canon James would've liked or wanted.
"Canon-compliant Jegulus fics don't make sense" did James explicitly tell you to your face that he would never date Regulus :0 canon-compliant is a very loose term. a lot of the time it just means that canonical deaths and plot-related events occurred, moreso than relationship-related events.
Jegulus haters often say that Jegulus fans constantly villainize Lily, but the fact of the matter is that they don't. You see more Jily fans villainizing Regulus for originally being a Death Eater than you see Jegulus fans villainizing Lily. "Regulus deserves the villainization and Lily hasn't done anything wrong" - reminder that you can hate on canon Regulus all you want (despite the fact that he eventually changed) but you should know that fanfiction might present him differently. Random fanfic Regulus is not the canon Regulus you despise.
Jegulus fans who despise Snape for his actions in canon aren't being very fair. He joined the Death Eaters and then he ended up working against the Dark Lord, just as Regulus did. Yes, he spent years bullying Harry, but do you honestly think Regulus wouldn't have behaved similarly if he had been in a similar position? If Regulus had been in love with Lily, and James and his brother and their friends were constantly making fun of him, and then Lily died after marrying someone he hated, do you think Regulus would have treated the godson of his estranged brother who betrayed Lily, the identical-to-James son of his enemy, with fairness or kindness? Regulus was canonically also not a nice person at all - was literally a Voldemort fanboy, and Snape wasn't even confirmed to be that much - and in fanon he's often characterized as this petty little shit. So do you think Regulus wouldn't have been awful to Harry as well?
Adding on to that, people call Snape toxic and creepy for being "obsessed with Lily" (he loved her because she was a bright spot in his awful life, platonic or romantic. Obsessed? Maybe <- My hot take), but when Regulus does it with James, it's sexy?
"Stop romanticizing Death Eaters" if it's not your cup of tea, don't read. I think these characters are just that, characters, and fanon stuff means you can do whatever you want with them! You can rewrite someone's entire story and personality if you want (ex: THOSE Dark Harry fics, a number of Dramione fics).
my personal opinions:
Jily and Jegulus are both super fun ships. Love 'em equally, though I'd say currently I'm leaning toward Jily.
I love Jegulily. I think it's really fun and has a lot of potential :0
I'm alr with Snape bashing and no Snape bashing (it's not that deep gang, same for Peter 'cause honestly it's kinda silly how people try to sub-in other characters as the 4th Marauder. Peter existed y'all.)
I think the Black sisters deserve more attention :0
Yes sometimes the characters are ooc in fics!! What to do when you see this and don't like it is click the back button!!
I don't have a problem with Remadora, but I prefer Wolfstar :)
I don't believe in canon casanova of gryffindor tower; I think it's cute in fanon though<3
endnotes/tldr since I wrote a whole essay:
ship and let ship. every (non-proship) ship is valid. this is what fanon's for.
let people hc and do what they want omg pls stop throwing hands over little things
have your opinions they're valid! just don't try to force them on others!!
feel free to argue with me in notes if you want; just be respectful please! I'm down to hear others' opinions; you might change my mind on stuff!!
might add more if I missed anything! I just thought it was lowkey important to put my opinion out here.
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dinarosie · 10 days
What are your thoughts on Lily? I think she recieves too much hate. I get that she’s a flawed character but the way people are discussing her is like she’s a complete bitch and has been thhrougout her friendship with Sev, which I don’t agree on.
Thank you for asking this question. I had written a long meta about the relationship and friendship between Severus and Lily, but it became so lengthy that I wasn’t sure how to post it. Now, I've separated the parts that focus more on Lily’s character and written them here.(Yes, it's still long but it's shareable now)
I enjoy Snily fanfics and absolutely love Lily’s characterization in them, but I have different feelings about canon Lily. I’m not anti-Lily, but I don't think she holds any significant moral superiority or special virtues compared to other characters in the books.
Most of what we know about Lily comes from when she was 15. Yes, it’s admirable that she sacrificed her life at 21 to save her child, but that doesn’t necessarily say much about her character. Many mothers of any age and from any part of the world would do the same for their children. We don’t know how much she matured or grew as a person. We don’t know if she was satisfied with the choices she made as a teenager or what her feelings toward Severus were in her final days. That’s why I base my judgments on 15-year-old Lily.
I see her as a warm, charming, and somewhat immature girl who, coincidentally, really enjoys positive attention (though not to the extent that James does).She tries to be kind to everyone to be liked, yet feels that other girls don’t really like her and are envious. Unlike her son, she doesn’t have a complex moral code, she tends to see the world in black and white like her sister Petunia. To her, you’re either on her side and therefore her friend, or you’re against her and her enemy. She’s the type of person who can easily attract people at first glance but struggles to form deeper, more meaningful connections with them.
I think part of the reason people dislike her is that they see her as more than what she is and have high expectations of her. Fanon often portrays Lily as a girl from a high-status, wealthy family, a feminist, strong, and independent woman, which makes people expect her to have been able to solve many of the issues she faced. However, in canon, she clearly doesn’t have any of these traits. We don’t even know if her family was rich or poor, but since she lived near Snape, it doesn’t seem like there was much of a class difference between their families.
Yes, canon Lily is lively, smart, and kind, and she gets good grades, but that’s different from being ambitious, powerful, or having feminist or progressive views.
Lily marries and has a child immediately after finishing school, before she truly reaches intellectual and emotional maturity. In canon, we don’t see her play a significant role in the war, undertake any special missions for the Order, or even hold a notable job or career before having Harry. She fits more into the traditional role of a wife and homemaker. I think if she had survived and the war ended, she would have lived a life very similar to Molly Weasley (though not with as many children). She’d be a loving wife and warm mother. Of course, she would likely spoil her child more than Molly does, letting him off the hook easily. Like Petunia, she would overlook her child’s mistakes unless it involved dark magic.
I understand that most people in the wizarding world marry young, but we have characters like Minerva McGonagall, who remains independent, even refusing to change her surname after marriage. In Fantastic Beasts, we see women who, despite the war, maintain their roles as strong, independent individuals whose identities aren’t solely tied to being someone’s wife or mother. So, Lily isn’t an exceptional character in this regard. She’s more like the average woman of her time. When we view her as a very average woman, rather than the amazing, powerful, modern figure seen in fanfics, her behavior becomes much easier to understand.
As for her marriage, I can imagine what was going through her mind: everything with James Potter was easier, simpler, and more stable because, from birth, everything was handed to him. He doesn’t need to work hard for happiness or a future, as his high social status and vast family wealth are guaranteed. He probably promised Lily a successful marriage and a sweet and happy family, perhaps even on their first date, filling her with hope for what was to come. It’s only natural that a teenage girl like Lily, who sees the world in black and white and has a fragile social standing in the wizarding world, would quickly decide that marrying someone like James Potter — who is at the pinnacle of her moral scale ( he doesn’t use dark magic) — was the best choice for her future. This pattern of marriage reminds me of Petunia. She marries her boss, who is also much older than her because he can give her the stable, normal life she dreams of, with a secure income.
Sometimes I think the way Lily chose James and how Snape chose Voldemort are similar. Both were teenagers who made these decisions to secure their place in the wizarding world and cover their insecurities. Lily is fortunate to have an easier life than Severus, and as a woman, she can rely on the support of a wealthy and pure blood man. Snape, on the other hand, didn’t have Lily’s privileges. He had to work hard to secure his place, offering his life and loyalty to Voldemort, who promises him acceptance, security, and protection in return.
I also disagree with the idea that Lily is responsible for all of Snape’s problems or that if she had stayed friends with Severus, he wouldn’t have joined Voldemort:
Snape’s life was far more complicated and difficult for Lily’s presence to magically fix everything. Rowling says Snape sought acceptance, security, and peace. Clearly, Lily couldn’t provide those things for him (after all, she was just 15). Snape needed a strong, father-figure type of support at that age. Teenage Snape, contrary to those who want to portray him as obsessed with Lily, had a proud and independent personality. He didn’t base his entire life around Lily’s presence or absence. Yes, he apologized for his mistake, but when Lily threatened to leave him, he didn’t make any effort to change his circumstances. That’s why I don’t believe the people who say Snape only switched sides because of an obsession with Lily. His love for her lit the path for him later in life, but it was Snape who gave that love the power to guide him and help him grow.
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notacoward · 1 year
bonds broken || snily
"Severus, stay with me a moment," Voldemort hissed, everyone else in the room taking their cues to leave hurriedly.
Severus did as asked, but his heart raced. What could this be about? He hadn't done anything wrong, had he? Did someone know something he didn't?
"You know you're one of my most integral soldiers, do you not?" Voldemort asked calmly.
"That is a high honor, my lord," Severus answered carefully.
"Always so humble," Voldemort chuckled. "You never seem distracted. You're always focused on the task at hand and you never defy me. Never ask questions. Does your passion not... waver, at times?"
"Never," Severus answered automatically. "It is not my job to ask questions, defy you, or lose focus. My job is to do as you say, as soon as you say it. You know best, my lord."
"Mmm," Voldemort hummed. "What of your old mudblood whore?"
"My lord?" Severus blinked, feeling his stomach do somersaults. How did he know about that? What did he know? How did he know that... they were acquainted? Didn't he know Lily dropped him? She was married or something to James Potter now. She wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't want him.
And he didn't deserve her either. She had made the right choice, and he hated himself every day because of it.
"If I asked you to kill her tonight, would you?"
Severus swallowed. Steeling himself, he put the mask back on. "Immediately, my lord. She means nothing to me."
Voldemort smirked. "We'll see."
"No, don't kill me!" Severus gasped as he fell to his knees, the blinding spell light slowly fading as a man came into view. "Professor Dumbledore, please, it's Lily, she's in terrible danger--"
"What do you care, Severus? As I recall, you and she no longer are on speaking terms," Dumbledore responded calmly. "Is this a trick?"
"It's no trick!" Severus exclaimed. "Please, I'm begging you. The Dark Lord intends to hunt her down. I think... I think he may view her as a distraction for me, but... I don't know what to do. You have to keep her safe. You have to. She cannot die, Headmaster, she can't--"
"Severus, Lily is a grown woman. She can take care of herself. She chose this life. I doubt she'd be very appreciative of you coming in and painting her as a damsel in distress. You made a choice, too."
"I made the wrong choice!" Severus blurted out, tears pricking behind his eyes. "Please."
"What will you give me in return, Severus?"
"Anything," he breathed, his eyes wide.
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mothraantics · 2 months
Crimson Born
Note: Ive had this idea for basically a few days and bunched the first chapter together, im honestly very proud of it and I hope that this will become better and better in the future :D
Regulus was born a pureblood black prince. Second born heir and all he wasn't even close to being the talk of the town, His brother sirius, was first in line, with a whole crowd of young ladies ogling over him, but of course his dear brother had to swing the other way, escape the binds of their parents and be with a man. If the crowd didn't protest in his name Regulus would be the heir to the throne by now. He hated the world for that.
His cousins? Bellatrix, married a duke from another land and is having some unknown affair with whom they call these days the dark lord. Her sister, Narcissia is betrothed to Lucius malfoy and their other sister is missing. No doubt he was the last one to be thought of.
That was all until he decided that the crowd had to focus on him, become entranced with him, so he followed his brother and did one better, have an affair with the blood prince known as James potter.
Of course…with this he has to keep the blood curse hidden from his brand new boy toy.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57660256/chapters/146730271 - Find the book also on Ao3
Chapter One - Prince Regulus of Lissara
If life were not extravagant parties, and balls, banquets and fancy little get togethers, Regulus would have no clue how he would escape away from his family. Maybe some boarding school, but in another life he doubted if the magic of their world would even exist? A world where humans can wave silly little sticks and cast spells? It sounded preposterous, where would they find the phoenixes if it weren't for the hole of Vulca, or the unicorns tucked away in the forbidden forest, far off into the north.
He wouldn't have a clue where to start if their world was not this one, then again if it where he would be stuck living a pretty little life just like he was. Possibly. Banquets were his getaway, running off sitting in the gardens were his favourite pastime, he had done his entree a few hours prior and made some small talk with some noble families, but that's all he will try doing. It wasn't worth it, he wasn't the lead heir, his brother was and even so, he wasn't even  near the public eye, his cousin bellatrix married a man from the Lestrange Duchancy and she got her fame through dark power, his other cousin, Narcissia, is going down the same route as malfoy with their wedding on the horizon next spring.
Andromeda? She was still missing, and ran off with a peasant, a muggle. They weren't taught magic these days, peasants, they were too weak to harness magic, and so were the squibs of the noble families, although they can still have a taste of the ravish lifestyle and go off to marry an Earl. Muggles as they called them were just yellow trash to the aristocrats. There would be the lucky one that can harness magic and get adopted into society, but what did they know? They can't even see magic if you waive a wand in front of their eyes and cast serpensortia In Front of them. 
“Regulus?” the cold shrill yell of his mother's voice rang throughout the garden, there goes his peace. “Regulus! There you are!” She says as he picks himself up, her demeanour was cold, “yes mother?” He replies, dusting himself off, “Have you been out here? Mingling with the birds? Get inside we have yet to serve the cake”
Cake? What cake would they mention, Regulus didn't know any important event was happening. It wasn't a holiday or anniversary, nor was it someone's betrothal, and unlike his brother he's less keen on starting his own just yet, unless they started the arrangement process without him. Why would they need him to be there to serve the cake??
He was dragged away by Walburga, soon enough and as they neared the green hall she released him and he followed blindly. By this time he was thinking what had he missed? What family milestone had he missed?
“I'm so happy” Walburga said with venom, “finally it is fine for you to come of age my son” she gives him a half fake smile. “excuse me?” Regulus' stops in his tracks, “Mother I don't come of age until..June!” He points out, what was going on? She stops and looks back at him. “Regulus darling it is june, you are of age” the boy stopped, “oh”
Salazar's saggy balls, how could he forget?! If he was aware it was his 17th he would have stayed longer, made some small talk, against his will sure, but this was already a bad step towards society, the debate was soon, all those who turned 17 by the middle of the year and those who turn 18 of the last half of last year would debutante. His brother being one of them. 
Mabey the golden prince of the Black Empire will overshadow him enough that people won't care. Again. 
“-And a toast!-” 
The banquet was full that night, every sitting in their chairs they were brought out, the dark lord was speaking. He was a new upcoming figure in Lissara, many knew him as Lord Tom M. Riddle, the lord of the Parliament that buddied up with the nobles. In high noble society, the snake like-serpentine speaking man was known as Lord Voldermort.
“-To the two Black princes who are debuting with many of your children next week, and a very happy coming of age to the second born prince” 
The crowd clapped, it was filled with dark nobles, evil, corrupted. They kill peasants with a flick of their wrists using one of the curses,  some of the other nations called them death eaters. Herre it was a compliment, in other nations? It's immediately a death trial for you and your family. The world was fucked like that. Very fucked but who was to blame them? The biggest empire made of Purely magical individuals threatened to eradicate the lower class? The class that does all the work? Regulus' would be concerned as well. 
The ball went on throughout the night, with the nobles spinning around nobles. Firewhisky going down like it's water, and a whole new boring world for Regulus. “Something wrong brother?” Sirius asks slipping up near Regulus, “No, I'm okay”
“Is it too rowdy? You can request to go back up?” 
“And leave all of the guests to listen to you? You wish” he laughs as Sirius shrugs, “your loss”
Shrill shrieks ran through the echoing halls. Regulus' cringed as another one rattled his windows. The ink from his quill splattered on his parchment reducing his now ruined homework to just ink, “fucking damnit” he cusses grabbing the paper and trying to dry it with no avail. 
“Useless being! Crucio!” 
Regulus' cringed as he heard those words being screeched from the other room. He sighed giving up, his potions essay can wait another day, the tutors weren't supposed to return till next week anyways. 
He heard the door next to him being slammed shut before his own door swung open, he jumped, Walburga stood at the door. Blood splattered on the hem of her white nightdress, “Rest dear, we have the debutante dinner tomorrow” she says before closing the door. Regulus sighs, he knows that this dinner wont be the usual dinner, just another political agreement, another death eater meeting being covered up, and another way for him to be overshadowed by his older brother.
Because every event he had to be overshadowed. If regulus was overshadowed he would be the second prince, but when theres the second prince there's a first, and that's his older brother Sirius.O Black the heir and now, from discoveries by a certain Bartemius Crouch Junior, that the same heir is with a man from the Crimson Court, a well known as Remus Lupin. 
Regulus sighed and blew out the candle as he sat on the floor, the room darkened as the red light of the moon shone through the window, in other rooms the screams of some family members could be heard, he himself was situated away from the red beams of moonlight, he stared at them, nextdoor he heard sirius shatter a glass nearby, he was probably left near the rays of the blood moon. 
They werent as common as full moons, but unlike the werewolves that roamed the forests and some in higher society, blood moons came in every shape or form, unless new, and they came every two months. Regulus took a sharp breath as he felt his body bubbling as the red streams of moonlight hit his bare feet, and then the night of agony begun.
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ourghoststories · 5 months
Apologies [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
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"James, seriously! We're gonna get married and you can't stop getting in harm's way, you said the Winter Sol- White Wolf thing was in your past. I'm not saying you can't do anything, save the day, go chase after who you want, but please just think about how much danger you're putting yourself in and the repercussions. The government are already monitoring you closely. I don't want them to hurt you, like that flag-smasher chick or Zemo- what if they'd decided you're next?" I rambled anxiously.
"Zemo doesn't like super soldiers Buck, I don't trust him and even though you did everything right, doesn't mean he won't decide to target you, or us. I'm much more concerned about you".
"(Printcessa) принцесса, I love you but I can't do this... I need to keep going, the nightmares only lessen when I do it. I promise I won't get into stuff that doesn't involve me but I need to work through my book, I have my demons and you have yours" he said glaringly, taking a tone of frustration and concern, before letting the signature frown plaster his features.
"I can't do this either Bucky, maybe we should have a break" I sniffled.
I was out driving and I couldn't stop thinking about it, Bucky and I had an argument and this time it was bad.
Leaving was the only thing I could think of doing after we had the conversation, I cared about him more than anyone knew, even Bucky.
He had gotten back after everything happened with Zemo and I had no idea what was happening, he did everything by the books, despite charging into the situation most times with impulse taking over.
I loved him but I was so unsure about this, that's why we argued, Sharon was the Power Broker and had sustained injuries and it was so close to being him.
Plus I didn't like Sharon hanging around Bucky, I knew she didn't have any intentions but she killed someone without hesitation and James really didn't like that, either did Sam.
He would be steadfast and run into situations and come back to me and I'd have to deal with the injuries, the repercussions and damage, time after time and it never stopped, it was getting exponentially worse and that's why I cared, I cared because I loved him and he didn't seem to get it... Or more like he did but was being too stubborn to realise.
Even Sam was telling him to be careful to no avail, he wasn't always this brash, when Steve passed, he didn't know what to do anymore, he was lost and therefore I too, was lost- I hated seeing Bucky this way and nothing was helping, I've been happily dealing with it but I couldn't see him hurting or getting hurt without any consideration, anymore.
I drove around for a bit aimlessly, before I decided that it had been long enough and I wasn't trying to torture him, so I headed back home, the place we owned together.
"Y/n?" He said shocked, but had a smile on his face.
"Yeah I know I've fucked up, y/n, let's talk about it inside" he said apologetically.
I followed him through the front door and into the lounge room.
"I just don't know how you can keep doing it Bucky, you know how much I love and care for you, I know it's part of you and who you are but we're an us now and I need you around... Especially if we're going to have a family" I sniffled, trying not to let tears escape my eyes.
"Y/n I know, I know baby" he said sweetly, placing his metal hand on my back and rubbing it affectionately.
"We've always gotta be prepared, I'm trying to minimise threats to us, I'm going to be more careful I promise. Everything will be okay" he sympathised.
"Okay Buck I trust you, I just get scared" I sighed as he pulled me into a big hug.
He placed a kiss on my cheek, before he took my hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.
"I love you" he smiled gently.
"I love you too, actually i love you more" I chuckled, poking my tongue out.
"Never doll, you know that I would never let anything happen to you, and when we decide to have a family, I'm going to be more responsible because having little mini versions of you and I would be a dream " he chuckled, caressing my face gently and putting his face close to mine so he could stare straight into my eyes.
"Bucky" I smiled happily, letting out an exhale, feeling the pressure of the situation dissipate.
"Mm?" He hummed.
"I love you so much, thank you for making me feel better" I replied as he kissed my hand lovingly.
"I'll always love you and I'll always try to do better for us, never forget that y/n, you're my first priority, not Zemo or anyone else, they'll never get between us, I pinky promise" he said soothingly.
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letters-by-tulip · 2 months
Love of your life: Jily
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based on 21 by Gracie Abrams
wc: 721
I missed your 21st birthday, I've been up at home
Almost tried to call you, don't know if I should
Hate to picture you half-drunk happy
Hate to think you went out without me
Lily was sitting on the kitchen floor staring at her phone that lied at her feet. The clock on the oven read 11:37 p.m. She has watched the numbers change for the past hour. With a sigh she closed her eyes. The 27th of march should be a day like any other: waking up, going to class, chatting with Mary, working her shift at the small secondhand-shop “The Valkyries”, coming home, making dinner and going to bed. But for the past 5 years the 27th of march has been so much more. James birthday was always a big occasion, as sunshine personified many people knew him and wanted to celebrate. Lily imagined that right know he was probably laughing, trying to drunkenly play darts with Sirius in some dingy bar. The entire day she has been debating if she should call. It would probably be weird to call your ex after 7 months to congratulate him on his birthday. She wonders if he wants her to.
I'm sorry if you blame me, if I were you, I would
Thought you'd see it comin', but you never could
I still haven't heard from your family
But you said your mom always loved me
After everything went up in flames at the start of last semester they haven't really talked. Remus has told her he is doing better as of late after she begged him to tell her how he actually is. Lily knows she should be happy to hear that but she can't shake the uneasy feeling. She wonders if James blames her the way she blames herself. If she could just love him the way he loved her. He could never understand her. When she closes her eyes she still sees his face when she told him they should break up. His open mouth, his glossy eyes. Him begging to give them another chance. How they have overcome so many obstacles already. She feels sorry for his parents. They were always kinder than her own. Since the break up she hasn't heard from them. She hopes they're well.
I see the look in your eye and I'm bitin' my tongue
You'll be the love of my life when I was young
When the night is over
Don't call me up, I'm already under
I get a little bit alone sometimes and I miss you again
I'll be the love of your life inside your head
Breaking up with James was one of the hardest things she has ever done. Staying would have been so easy. The perfect guy to marry. Her uni girl friends always told her how she hit the jackpot with a boyfriend like James. Sweet, kind James who is so in love with her. Her prince charming, the man of her childhood daydreams. On days like these when she feels alone at night she misses him and his arms who would hold her close. Then she remembers that she felt even more alone there. He always looked at her with so much love in his eyes but was he ever seeing her for who she was? The Lily she is today? It was like she looked in the mirror and suddenly saw someone completely different than the person James saw. He was so in love with 13-year-old Lily that he didn't realize that she didn't exist anymore and he was living with a stranger.
Just because you're hurtin' doesn't mean I'm not
If it doesn't go away by the time I turn thirty
I made a mistake and I'll tell you I'm sorry
Remus told her that Sirius was furious. How could she betray James? How could she hurt him so much? As if she didn’t cry for a week and had to call out from work because she got a migraine. It still hurts to think about them and she wonders in the darkness of her room if she made a mistake. Mary told her it would get better but what if it doesn't? What if she’s still here on her kitchen floor in nine years? Will she call him and tell him that she's sorry?
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