aftout · 9 months
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Steelwool keeps asking for my location
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sleebyconfy · 2 years
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donakillo · 2 years
Leo thinks accents are soooo funny when he sees a french person he spends like 50 minutes laughing at them and saying shit like oui oui bonjour. He sees a british person he's like ey guv*knee slapper*. But of someone mocks him for being from nyc he's like :| what's the joke
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What if the Animorphs got duck morphs earlier (Or to expand on it, you could do what if they'd gotten their more useful morphs earlier).
Oh man, I think the answer to this one depends really strongly on:
How far away Joe Bob Finestre lives from their hometown (#16)
How far Grandpa G lived from civilization (#31)
How far from civilization Cassie ends up when she and Aftran are stuck in the woods together (#19), and most especially:
How far away Dan moves when he leaves the state (#7)
All of those are instances where the ability to travel fairly fast for a long time could make a difference. However, "long time" and "fairly fast" are relative — I think it's safe to assume that duck morph would speed the kids' return from the Arctic (#25) but it wouldn't get them home instantly either.
But duck morph would've made a huge difference in MM2. Rachel and Tobias are close enough to Marco et al. that they see the smoke from their campfire, but also far enough away that Rachel would have to leave Tobias alone (and injured) for several hours to go investigate the smoke. If either one of them had duck morph, then it'd be a quick 50+ MPH flight there and back — the others are at most ~30 miles away — and they'd soon be reunited.
Otherwise... it depends. #16 would be very different if the kids were able to fly out to WAA HQ anytime they felt like it; they wouldn't rush in and Jake wouldn't be fucked up by nearly dying to the point where he screws the whole mission. But we don't know if WAA is in, say, Nevada (an easy duck flight from So Cal) or in Virginia (a weeks-long one). Grandpa G is within driving and Bug Fighter flying distance of Jake's home, but not within 2-hour raptor-flight distance — again, duck could make a huge difference or no difference at all. Cassie has other reasons for not morphing wolf and leaving Karen to die, but if she could make a quick trip home and then back to the cave while Aftran is asleep then that book would have gone very differently.
And the big one for me would be whether Rachel thinks she can move away with her dad and remain an Animorph. Because I think she would, if given the chance. She wants to live with her dad not her mom — she feels forced into staying by the war. It'd be hard for her to live in Phoenix and fight the war in San Diego, and she'd miss out a lot, but it'd be doable with duck morph. But if she's choosing to stay in San Diego or join her dad in Boston: fuggedaboudit.
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lockedtombmemes · 11 months
Who else would you have a bunch of memes for if book cover art for them existed? Coronabeth? John would have a shitton just because he's such an awful person. Would Abigail and Magnus get some from the flashbacks in Harrow? Pyrrha?
Frankly? Every single main character would have at least one meme to their name. I see shit all the time that makes me think of them. Cam and Pal? Fuggedaboudit. So many. My parents, Abigail and Magnus? Absolutely. My brain runs on a Locked Tomb simmer at all times. It would never stop.
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one of my fave things is scoping out someone for their level of rule breaking. especially if theyre also scoping you out. like once on a previous ship, someone else's mistake lead to a violation of some rules n i discussed this with the officer of the watch n we were both like "so... what do we do" because neither of us wanted to find out that the other was a cop who not only would report the person who did the mistake but the person who tried to cover it up. so we did our little dance of feeling eachothers intention before we concluded that there were no cops present n said "ahhhh fuggedaboudit". from then on there was unshakable trust.
this is why birds n insects n other animals do their funky mating ritual btw. its the dance that tells you of the other's soul without language.
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fierceawakening · 10 months
So something really awful happened recently at work, AND I ran out of my psych meds, so I’ve been depressed and struggling to stay active/do literally anything but play on Arena or HF. (Finally worked out for the first time in I don’t know a month? Had done so very sporadically before but not regularly) I’d visibly gained weight. My tighter pairs of pants? Fuggedaboudit.
I found myself thinking of the “you’ll just gain it back! Don’t even try! Take the black pill!” rhetoric I’d seem so often on here and braced myself for a number higher then my highest, already thinking desperately about how to frame this for myself as anything but proof they’re right.
My highest weight, before I started trying to change my habits? 142. (By BMI (ugh no, but just to ballpark) my ideal weight is 120. I am a VERY SMALL human.) My weight when I was really really trying? 127ish.
My weight the other day? 137.
Which means that at my most depressed and unmotivated and uncomfortable, I did not gain it all back. My choosing to try to buy healthier food at the grocery store (but still some of my fave junk), to take a walk every morning? Those things still matter, even though because of stress and fear I struggled to do the bigger things.
I would like to cordially invite people who say that slow careful lifestyle changes go out the window as soon as something awful happens and you struggle to handle it to suck my left tit.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go walk to the coffee shop, order an almond pastry rather than a chocolate one, and attempt to eat a slightly smaller amount of cheese.
(ETA, for anyone who’s new here: Nothing in this post is meant to imply other people should choose to (try to) lose weight.
Even if lots of weight is unhealthy for them, their bodies belong to them, and sometimes people need to prioritize their mental health over their physical health. I support people making the choices they deem best FOR THEM.
The thing I don’t like is the discouraging people who want to lose weight from trying. Or judging them as traitors if they’ve left fat positive communities or taken Ozempic or had WLS. Or telling people who want to try not to bother, rather than supporting them if they try and have a tough time.)
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bluebayard · 2 months
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fox-poke-fanatic · 1 year
[bad Unovan accent] Ay! I'm walkin here! Fuggedaboudit!
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mino2aur · 1 year
my nonno got hammered at my parents wedding and started yelling "FUGGEDABOUDIT!!!! THATS WHAT THE MAFIA SAYS!!!!!!" at passers-by. never let anyone tell you italians dont talk like that
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nyadversary · 2 years
(thick noo yawk accent) ey you gotta pay $53.50 to renew ya license plates? ehhhh fuggedaboudit
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aftout · 11 months
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This is how i choose to drop acc watricia and myster . Dont worryyyyy. Fuggedaboudit. Old man yaoi.
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swolesanctum · 1 year
after several experimental attempts i have settled w a pass on sculpting the cracks on the pillar. wanted it to look organic but still stylized. I just really wanna move on from this. the process of how I did this was pretty much using a combo of the custom alpha brush to scatter indents across the sides and from those indents I sculpted cracks with the trim orb brush. that's it but it took so long for me to feel comfortable to do it that way. I debated if i wanted to also sculpt in cracks on the top, but I feel that's smth better left for when I add additional cracks via substance painter. gotta stop focusing too much on tiny details that don't matter.
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before I move onto it though I wanna see if i can add some more very soft bumps across it. similar to how this one just had very light dips and so when you generate the maps it looks more organic
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arkhambird · 1 year
"Hey, hey! Hey pally you still alive in that coke can? You had better be, i ain't catching jail time because your toy broke, now get up!" there's a knock knock on the red helmet, and thump thump thump on the chest armor. Harley Quinn, notorious semi-retired anti-hero, had heard the grapple line snap, and the heavy noise of a body hitting a building, then bouncing off a dumpster to land on the pavement, and when she came round to look (because you can't hear all of that and NOT look) she found this weird completely faceless vigilante. "Ah hell look at ya leg - or, actually, don't. Yeah don't look at ya leg right now that's a terrible idea I shouldn't have said anything fuggedaboudit, how in the hell does this stupid helmet open I can't even tell if yer breathing!" @mamaaaauwu
the said injured one whimpers like a hurt puppy "b-buton... left side q-quinn..." he instructed croakly his voice sounded strained
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crinosg · 2 years
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brakken-spideyverse · 3 years
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peter’s Queens accent slips out,
MJ experiences every emotion at once.
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