#Facing him in any sort of combat in a forfeit of life
kakusu-shipping · 4 months
I think me and you might have two different pictures regarding the pig reader. I was picturing the most ever “Fuck it. we ball” bitch on the planet. That reader that I'm imagining couldn't win and then immediately went for The Silly To survive. 
Probably not realistic at all. It is a bit more of an OC character with a second personal narrative. Maybe a bit of a Mary Sue? I don't know, I just think it's interesting.
As Someone having a battle of wills against the Luca Blight over how much Miserable Non-sexual pet play that they would do without him even saying a damn word is the kind of dark comedy I can get behind. Are you determined enough? How much of a good actor are you to act like an obedient little piggy? How long can you last holding yourself together? How much can you take and still know that you are a human deep inside? How much do you have to bury to survive? How long can this act last before you get consumed? Or can you be clever enough to get yourself out without revealing yourself to be smarter than you should? All you know is that you should never stand up and absorb as much as you can and try to keep yourself as sane as possible. you will get through this. This Little Piggy has a life worth fighting for. (((What's got to be done to make this work? How are you going to appeal to him?)))) You're not going to come out of this unscathed but you're going to come out of this No Matter What. 
(((This thought probably came from How I Probably cuz I really can't comprehend somebody doing for any amount of time In this particular scenario involving Luca blight Without Either being absolute batshit insane or completely cracked out in deceit and determination.  (To be fair being pathetic is totally an option but man does anyone want to be that pathetic?)))
Am I honestly asking for an unconventional badass reader in this situation? Yes actually. Can we split this in two versions cuz I think both are very valid. Mind breaking with agony due to a great fear of death versus strong-willed piggy with no shame, willing to do anything. (((Not to say that the reader in the mind breaks the Submissive Pig thing can't be strong nor is incredibly valid, of course. any reader got to be to last this long but man is that such a nearly inconceivable dark spot to even think about let alone wright geez. I like to explore all angles still )))
I actually think we're very much on the same page with this reader's strength, anon. Where you are on the outside and seeing the inherent hilarity of the situation, I'm simply writing it from the perspective of Luca Blight projecting onto the reader.
To him you are lowly. To bow your head and eat whatever scraps he's willing to give you. To oink and squeal and stare with empty eyes. To do anything, even give up your pride, to survive. He sees what he wants to see with you, a pathetic thing desperate to live, like himself all those years ago captured by a city state. It is the way of being human, a way he's long sense abandoned. He finds humor in seeing it on full display.
But you're right, the reader is strong. They made a choice and they stick by it and they are strong for it. How long are they willing to bow their head, to be treated as an animal, to be looked down upon and shamed. They don't feel that shame but it is there, in the pitying eyes of Jowy Atreides, in the mocking laugh of Rowd, in the way the Windamiers refuse to acknowledge them. It's there, it is not felt but it is there and it is known.
The one thing I've yet to wrap my head around is the reader's feelings for Luca. You'd expect resentment, hatred, for the man who burned your village and murdered your friends and family and now owns you like a personal pet. Who laughs at you and yells at you and threatens you with a sword daily before once again collapsing into hysterics upon looking at your face.
Perhaps it's pity, to be so near Luca Blight, like no one has ever been before, is to see the little things, to hear the fear crack in his voice before he raises it louder while speaking to himself in his chamber. To see him loose sleep, to skip meals, to randomly burst into rage unfit for a king and destroy his chambers before collapsing into a fit of hysterical laughter amongst the destruction. You know something awful happened to him, that he may have lived like you are now once upon a time.
I think I've landed on indifference. Like how Luca cares naught for you, you care naught for Luca. You are his pig, a creature he keeps around for entertainment, and you stay for food and the warmth of his bed and safety so long as you stay as you are. This is the exchange. It is one of chance, of happen stance, anyone could have been here in his room resting on a pillow by his feet. But it's you. Oh so stubborn you.
This little piggy has a life worth fighting for.
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Matchup Requests: CLOSED
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Match up request for: @ imightsecretlybeadragon
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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I love your tag name, hun
I had to ship you with Sherlock himself 
I was originally considering Mycroft but he honestly can't handle spontaneity 
That's more Sherlock's thing
Although the number of hobbies you have tried your hand at, only to drop most of them, tells me that you grow bored easily and hence need things to occupy your time
So does Sherlock. Except his methods of quelling boredom are not nearly as tame as candle making. 
He'll keep you on your toes
I also considered Mary as a potential match but finding information on her online is incredibly scarce, for some reason. RIP
I believe that your ambition, drive, and willingly to throw reason to the wind and embark on thoughtless adventures is the perfect reason why you would mesh so well with Sherlock Holmes. You would totally be willing to jump out of windows or attempt crazy experiments with him instead of judgmentally staring as most would
As much as Sherlock enjoys John's company, he cannot handle people asking him questions all of the time
Either they need to be on the same level as him- or shut up and do as he says until he reveals his thought process in some theatrical way
While you may not be able to under exactly where that man's mind is at, you are definitely smart enough to understand the general gist and decide for yourself whether or not you want to follow through 
Because sometimes Sherlock really needs someone to look him in the eye and say "no". Instead of passively being yanked around like a dog on a leash.
Both of you have a habit of becoming so engrossed in your work that you forfeit biological functions like sleep. Sherlock really appreciates your understanding in regards to this because he knows that you will not disturb him. 
But when he is going on three days without sleeping or eating, your more nurturing side will step in, force him to rest and give that man some damn sustenance.
Which is why I feel like you would work very well with him. You know when to back off and give him the space he needs, but you aren't complaining like him because you also know when the is challenging the limits of what his human body can handle and will step in to make sure he actually takes care of himself
Like, dude. Take a freaking shower, you both look and smell like a writhing sack of horseshit 
Sherlock would probably find your tendency to be loud quite intrusive. He claims that "even your thoughts are loud. I can feel you thinking. Stop that." And promptly kick you out of the room
Try not to be too offended by him
He is like a toddler. He doesn't know any better
But feel free to give him a scalding tongue lashing afterwards
Sherlock would never admit it, but he does genuinely care for you. And it can sometimes be hard to tell. He constantly berates and criticizes you. But only because he is worrying over your well being and gets super mad if you do sometimes that puts your life in danger. Sherlock can't even bear the thought of losing you, and like everything else he doesn't like, he chooses to ignore or "delete" it. So when that fear becomes a reality,  he flips out, masquerading his concern as anger. Because he does not want to appear weak
His criticism comes from a well meaning place. He genuinely wants you to improve and do the best you can in life to become successful, he is just piss poor and phrasing. Instead his critiques come off as purely negative. You may have to remind him of this and he would be quick albeit awkward to correct. 
If you show him a painting:
"No, the lines are all wrong. The focal point should be here, but because you used 45° angles, the focal point ends up down here."
Cue an unamused look from you
"What? Oh... uh. Y-your use of colour palate is... adequate...."
He's trying
Knowing Sherlock, you did not really ever "meet"
At least not how most people would
The first time you met, Sherlock had you pinned beneath him on the ground, demanding that you take off your clothes.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. 
Let's start from the beginning 
You were near Hyde park, cloaked in a heavy woolen coat to combat the biting cold of the winter-scape around you
With your hands shoved deep in your pockets in an attempt to warm them, you continued at a brisk pace, wanting to get back to your flat before the scheduled snowfall 
That was when a dude on a motorcycle nearly careened into you. You jumped back and glared over your shoulder, fully prepared to tell him off. Instead, what you saw rendered you speechless
The guy who almost hit you was wearing a... bunny head mask. What the hell?
So distracted by this weirdo on the motorcycle, you did not notice another man in a black trench charging down the way. He actually did hit you from a full sprint.  
The force of the impact knocked the air from your lungs and caused you to fall over, he taking a tumble shorter thereafter 
The man, now having you stretched out beneath him, seemed entirely preoccupied. If he recognised the implications of your situation, he gave no indication to it. 
He spared you a single glance before looking back after the motorcycle bunny guy. 
"I need your jacket, now!" He demanded, not once looking at You
"Excuse me?" You asked.
"Jacket!" He demanded again. "Take it off!"
Were you being robbed?
If you were, this was one weird ass mugger. 
Another man came jogging up, his breath short and strained as she rested his hand on his knees. He looked horrified then apologetic  "Sherlock! Get off her!" 
The rude trench coat fella scrambled to his feet, as if just now realising he had been on top of you. He must be Sherlock.
The second man continued. "I'm sorry about him, we aren't mugging you. We would just like to borrow your jacket for a few minutes."
"Watson, he is getting away!" Sherlock complained
You removed your coat, and handed it over, completely confused. What else were you supposed to do?
The cold air bit your exposed skin, sending goose-flesh across your arms as you shivered from the chill
Sherlock and his big ass coat moved at a dead sprint towards an ice-crusted fountain 
Watson sighed and extended a hand to help you up. He shrugged off his own jacket, offering it to you.
You immediately refused his gesture, despite the sheer cold causing you to shiver. 
Watson frowned slightly at the rejection, his forehead creasing
You watched as this Sherlock character leapt onto the fountain,  nearly losing his footing as she scrambled across. The motorcycle man had almost reached the road, if he got there, he would be lost. 
Sherlock pursued him, jumping over gates and pushing past pedestrians to cut him off on the main trail.
You did not think he would make it, but remarkably, he did. He stood before the motorcycle your jacket extended in front of him
Bunny guy did not hesitate to charge at him, probably planning to run him down
Your breath hitched in your throat as you gazed at the scene. Like a matador facing off against a bull... except Sherlock had no sword. No back up. Just a jacket. How in the world was he going to stop a guy on a motorcycle with only a jacket???
You watched in anticipation, the cold you felt completely forgotten as the motorcycle drew nearer and nearer. 
Sherlock did not once hesitate nor flinch. He remained rooted in spot, his eyes steely with determination 
The bunny suit man got within a single metre of Sherlock.
You thought for sure that you were about to witness a collision. 
You were wrong
Sherlock threw your coat then rolled out of the way.
The coat hit the back wheel as it spun, getting snagged in the shifting gears and mechanisms. 
It wrapped itself around the back wheel, seizing it up and causing the motorcycle to skid out, slipping across the ice before colliding into a nearby tree.
Sherlock was quick to pounce, restraining the bunny suit guy. 
You were absolutely amazed. Both you and Watson seemed to have the same idea as you rushed over. Watson scolding Sherlock for pulling the stunt and you out of concern for your poor coat.
It wasn't long before the police arrived. Apparently bunny guy was some sort of expert thief turned murderer known for his iconic bunny suit. The cops have been after him for months and Sherlock had been the one to flush him out and trap him
You were mostly distraught over the loss of your jacket.  It was a good jacket, now completely lost to the motors and gears on the cycle
Watson promised that he would buy you a new one.  He even invited you back to his flat for some tea because he was worried you would catch cold if you walked all the way back to yours
You were going to refuse and just take a cab, then you learnt that Watson and Sherlock were flatmates. 
How could you say no?
You just met some of the most interesting people on the planet, how could anyone say no to tea with them?
Sherlock seemed adamantly against the idea, complaining loudly about Watson "taking home too many strays" because "they ruin my work."
"You should have thought of that before you ruined my favourite jacket." You retorted
They were both taken aback by your wit
Watson appeared rather smug. "Yeah. You could have just used your own."
Sherlock seemed positively offended that anyone would dare suggest such a thing. "Not my coat! The coat is iconic."
Watson just rolled his eyes 
Despite getting off on the wrong foot, you and Sherlock hit it off rather nicely 
You were amazed by his observational abilities, but shocked him by understanding how he came to his conclusions before he even explained.
This was when Sherlock began to like you
And Sherlock doesn't like anyone
It kinda baffles John, really
Sherlock, finding you rather entertaining, is fine with you popping in for tea every once in a while. 
He even let you assist on cases
This is where he really began to fall for you
He admires your intellect and thought process, considering it formidable albeit slower than his own
Let's be real, it's Sherlock 
But things kinda start out rough
At first, when Sherlock first realises that he has feelings for you, he "deletes" them
It's scary admitting when you fancy someone
And not just scary. Dangerous. Especially for Sherlock. 
He can't allow himself to be focused on anything except for work
Of course, the more time he spends with you, the more his feelings keep coming back, regardless of how often he deletes them
So he pushes you away
He lashes out
Becomes cold and distant, trying to make you give up
But you won't. You're having the time of your life with him and always comes back. No matter how many times he yells for you to go away. Its infuriating, actually 
There will come a point where Sherlock has to make peace with his own attractions but it will be very difficult for the both of you
You will have to work with him through this
Cause Sherlock is not going to be an easy catch. And an even harder one to keep
But I have faith in you.
I hope you enjoyed dear, let me know what you think :)
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Humans are Space Orcs “Rival in the Circle”
First, I want to apologize, I wanted to make this a single longer story, but I have been traveling the past few days, and haven't slept much. Plus the guy sitting next to me n the airport is taking a conference call and won’t stop talking, so I cant concentrate :). So I am going to have to do this in two parts. I hope you like it anyway. 
Forgive my writing when I am tired :) 
Sunny was worried, very, very worried, her stomach had been in a constant state of churning ever since the transmission had been intercepted from Anam (her home planet) bringing with it the news of their bicentennial war gathering, which consisted mostly of ritual combat and war games conducted among all the major military leaders across the whole of Drev society. These games were primarily conducted in order to prove their worth as a Drev citizen. During this time bets could be waged, land could be fought for, and tribes could be absorbed or dissolved. Not only that but subordinate Drev soldiers could publically challenge any rival leader for their position by way of combat. This ritually would generally happen only once or twice a lifetime for the average Drev, and participation was only possible if you were lucky enough for it to fall in the prime of your life. 
Neither of her parents had ever participated though they would have been alive as children the last time the gathering was held. Smaller trials of combat were held on a daily basis in Drev society, and though they did not lead to fame and fortune as fast as the gatherings could, they were also far less potentially lethal.
The ritual in itself wasn’t troubling to her exactly, it was the fact that, ALL Drev leaders MUST attend mandatory or lose their right as Drev citizens, lose their respect as warriors, and forfeit their command positions. Of course you could challenge someone to a fight simply to prove your superiority, but that wasn’t guaranteed to happen, and all other options were far worse.
As a Drev leader, she would be required to go, but of course she didn’t worry about that, what worried her was the fact that she had, without thinking, given up her position of command to Adam, and by Drev law, as an adopted member of her tribe, he would be required to participate.
Every time she closed her eyes, she imagined his small, squishy breakable human body collapsing under a Drev beating. Yeah the humans had won the Drev war, and dominated them in combat, but it had been at a terrible price proven by Adam’s missing leg…. The leg she herself had taken from him.
He was a warrior, but he had no idea what he was getting himself into.
Just as her thoughts were beginning to wander down that dark path, she felt a familiar weight settle itself onto her back feet standing lightly on the buddy-pegs that had been applied to her armor when she became part of the human crew.
Adam leaned against her shoulder peering at her with a bright casual smile, “Brooding isn’t a good look for you.”
As all Drev could, Sunny saw the world through a four rod spectrum consisting of the visible light spectrum, as called by humans, and the UV light spectrum, used as an auxiliary by the Drev. With their colorful carapace, UV light became an important aspect of beauty on their planet, a fact that many humans would never be able to see. Sunny saw the world in a multitudinous array of color and light.
And just like every other time in her life, Sunny was struck by the human’s unseen beauty. His bright eyes, in her perception, almost glowed with their green intensity shot through with turquoise. Strange patterns and swirls stood out on his skin, detailed stripes that only she could see, that appeared like a constellation across her skin, perceived in her brain as a glittering trail of blue green sparks across the human’s skin.
She frowned craning her neck around to get a better look at him. One gold eye met one green eye, “I just don’t think you understand what you are getting yourself into.”
When the human smiled his teeth glittered with highlights of delicate purple “Contraire my shiny friend.” He patted her arm, “I have actually been planning for this eventuality for a while now.”
Her brows scrunched in surprised confusion, “You have.” Inside her head she tried not to imagine what color his blood would be under the strength of their sun.
He raised an eyebrow, which just barely peeked out from under the edge of his eyepatch “What’s with the note of surprise. You act like I just spend most of my time flying by the seat of my pants.”
That made her laugh, which broke some of her nervous tension, “That’s because you do. You are the LEAST prepared person I know.”
He waved a hand, “Well this time I planned.” He grinned. I have been dying to show you the surprise for ages now.”
“Surprise, what surprise?” 
“Shhh, now MUSH, onwards! To the equipment room.” He gripped his arms firmly around her neck, as she trotted away towards the equipment room generally relishing the familiar weight of her first and only battle partner.
 Reaching the equipment room, she was surprised to find that the usual stacks of ammunition, and boxes of batteries had been cleared away leaving room for a large open space that was teaming with engineers, both Drev and human.
Commander Vir dropped from her back as they entered and scampered, with his quick human step, across the open floor and towards a glittering metallic behemoth at the center of the room attached to various diagnostic equipment by way of a myriad of spider-webbing cables and tubes. Sunny had to filter out the UV light in order to get a better look at the thing, and image which quickly resolved into the tall figure of a….. Drev? Well not exactly a Drev, but a pretty good approximation of one made entirely from the same materials used to make the Commander’s prosthetic. It had a light titanium skeleton barely seen through a thick, stretchy layer of material approximating skin. Over top of that steel plates had been fitted in to replace armor. Looking at its face, she could see it had a convincing set of false mechanical eyes.
Commander Vir turned a wide grin splitting his face, “What do you think.”
She stood frozen in place staring at the shell, “What is it?” She wondered distantly
Energetically, he leaped up to pat his creation on the elbow, it was pretty small for a Drev, maybe only eight feet tall, but still a good two feet taller than him, “This is tactical exo suit repurposed to look and move like a Drev, though as our lovely Drev tell me, your kin won’t exactly take me seriously if I cannot feel pain, so it’s been completely integrated with a neural link with touch, pressure, and pain sensors in all the appropriate concentrations. It can even see in Ultraviolet as I am told, though how that is going to look is beyond me.”
He motioned her closer, and she walked up to examine the thing, where it stood tall and soulless above her.
The human looked up, his wide, guileless eyes begging for her approval, but she didn’t know how she was supposed to feel just yet.
“See, take a look.” The sea of engineers and consultants parted as the man stepped onto the platform pressing a release sequence on the suit which split open at the midline and moved outwards. The torso, parts of the legs, parts of the upper arms, and the head cracked open to reveal a human shaped hole on the inside. With the help of a few levers, and some convenient handholds, he hoisted himself into the machine and stepped backwards.
His body fit comfortably into the opening, a strange gel like substance suctioning to his body even as the metal casing began closing around him with the soft rattling of multiple latches. The machine powered up with a short of mechanical hiss, and before she knew it, it wasn’t a shell that stood in front of her, but another drev.
It drew itself up against the leads, flexed its legs, and arms, and rotated its head.
“When its eyes opened, she found two very human eyes looking back at her, bright green and glittering. When the mouth opened, it spoke with a very human voice, “What do you think.
Softly, she stepped onto the platform and looked upwards towards the face, so strange, but somehow familiar.
He was taller than her now.
They stood staring at each other for a long time before, “There is one thing….”
 When they walked out into the Drev sun for the first time standing side by side, she was hit suddenly by the volcanic rush of air she hadn’t felt in over a year. Glancing over, she looked sidelong at her companion. He was a good foot taller than her, with unnaturally green eyes, and a glittering carapace of vibrant green. She wasn’t sure why she chose that color for him…. Perhaps because it had always been her favorite, or maybe it was because naturally it would have been such a rare color, maybe it was that she wanted him to be different.
She had spent the night before alone in the equipment bay gently applying the color to the cold steel. Her own little silent project.
It was a strange sort of feeing on her part, but she felt a melancholy watching him with this new armor. Things were so different when he was a human, their dynamic was different, but the addition of this….. well it changed things.
She found herself glad that this suit was not intended to last.
“Engaging UV operations.” He said from inside the suit.
The eyes flashed rebooted, and then he was back. His head turned in a wide circle confused and dazzled all at once, “Holy Shit! So many….. Colors.” Overwhelmed by the sight before him, he turned his head in a wide circle before stopping to land on her. There was a long pause as the head tilted to look at her more clearly, “Wow…. Sunny, you…. You’re beautiful.”
She was left standing in his tracks as he walked off along the landing strip and towards the distant moss-covered fields.
She caught up with him eventually, “And thanks to me you aren’t terribly hideous.”
An eye turned to look at her sidelong. No matter how much he looked like a Drev, he still moved like a human, lithe quick movements on the balls of his feet, with a grace that openly contrasted the brute force of the average Drev.
“Thanks for that.”
“I mean the suit is a great help, you know coverers up that ugly problem you have.” She motioned wildly with her arm.
“You just motioned to all of me.”
“Yeah, and your point is?”
He nudged her rather aggressively to the side just then knocking her off balance and nearly tripping herself onto the tarmac. He cackled and flexed his arms, “Oh yeah, I think I could get used to this.”
She rubbed her arm, “So now you can be big AND dumb.”
They were still laughing by the time they made it to the edge of the tarmac followed on either side by an entourage of Drev and marines. The Drev who were unwilling to pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity, and the humans who just wanted to see their commander get a righteous ass whooping.
All in good fun of course.
A group figures waited for them at the edge of the field. There was the Drev GA ambassador, with his distinguished silver carapace and towering height. Next to him stood, who sunny assumed to be his battle mate. Her armor glittered a pleasant orange peach, and a thickening about her trunk suggested she carried an unborn Kit within her. Behind them stood other members, of what she could only assume to be, the temporary Drev council. They weren’t exactly functional, or even useful in these particular situations, but they had found in prudent to at least create a figurehead council to demonstrate the illusion of control.
Most Drev tribes refused to work together on principal, and since the council members were a representative of the tribes, they tended to disagree so much that doing anything was out of the question.
Commander Vir stopped before the council. Even in his new armor, the average Drev towered a foot to half a foot over him.
With a sharp hiss, the carapace opened, and the man stepped off onto the stone for the second time in his life.
To the surprise of the council, he then preformed a traditional Drev greeting. Compared to most Drev his vocal range was quite high, but his human voice box managed the sounds well enough that the council understood and glanced between each other in shocked surprise.
“I am Commander Adam Vir of the U.N.S.S Harbinger, protector and envoy of the galactic Assembly and Battle commander to the wandering tribe. My command is loaned to me by Sunny Lumnousdaughter rightful battle commander of the wandering tribe, and we are here by tradition to take up your challenge as obligation demands.”
At the back of the group, one of the Drev gave a snort of derision. He was tall enough, but his carapace was nothing more than a muddied brown giving him a distinctly brutish cast. That had Sunny worried. With a carapace like that, he surely didn’t gain command for his beauty, but his fighting ability, “What right does an outsider have to our traditions.” He had o translation device and spoke only in the Drev native language.
Commander Vir responded, though his accent was poor, and his voice rather broken, “I was rightfully adopted.” He lifted the pant leg to show the Drev prosthetic to the watching crowd, “And if that is not enough, I have bested many of your brethren in battle during the war, and despite losing one of my limbs, I STILL live as a functional warrior, which is more than many of your soldiers can say…. I hear.” He grew quiet then, and Sunny waited with bated breath. It was a gamble, the Drev didn’t feel the same way about the crippled as humans did. What was inspiration to one was a hindrance to another, but eventually the Drev nodded.
“Very well human, you may participate, and you will be shown no mercy.”
At the head of the group, the GA representative stepped forward, “And what is this.” He prodded at the mechanical armor, “Tradition requires that no armor shall be used during the proceedings…. You would ignore our tradition/”
Commander Vir Stepped back into the carapace which closed around him, “To the contrary, Here I can see what you see and feel what you feel. It may look like armor, but as my Drev engineers can attest, I have full access to pain. In that case it is poor excuse for armor. Furthermore, it would hardly add to your honor to rip apart a human. If anything it would prove you a coward for fighting me in unfair combat.”
She had to give him credit, he knew what was important to the Drev, and that shut up their arguments for the time being. Together they walked side by side down a short, mossy trail to where a massive encampment had been made. Unlike humans they required no temporary dwellings, but rather contented themselves with sleeping under the stars their backs to rocks and cuddled into the moss. The important part came by way of a hundred or more circles of dirt and stone cleared completely of moss, which would in turn be used to feed the many mouths that had come to participate.
Even as they watched a good twenty or more duels were already in progress. From what she could tell they were relatively low ranking duels probably between subordinate members of the tribes looking to rise in status by way of combat. The humans watched with great interest as they were lead to their spot to wait, a few of them parked themselves where they could more easily see one of the closer duels, discreetly exchanging credits as they amused themselves with betting on the fights.
Sunny stood with Commander Vir, and together they waited for the real fighting to begin.
To her surprise, Sunny found herself first in the ring challenged openly by one of the younger Drev of, what was left, of her old home tribe. Though he was young, he was nearly a foot taller than her, but had a rather unattractive mustard yellow carapace. She felt bad for him, if he couldn’t find glory in combat, there wasn’t likely to be any other way for him to move upwards, but she wasn’t about to give up her hard earned respect for this runt, and quickly pounded him into the dirt. A few of the moves she used were unknown to the Drev, and a Reconciler had to be brought forward to determine if her action was legal. In the end they determined that new fighting styles were acceptable, and she was given the win.
Once upon a time, winning a duel would have been a big deal to her, and despite this being her first formal duel, she felt nothing more than pity for the young Drev carted away in shame.
It was all too easy now.
Fighting had never been easy for her.
As day moved into night, a few of the council members were challenged, but subsequently defeated their subordinates. Sunny fought in two more duels winning easily on the first and more slowly on the second.
After her second fight was when Adam was first challenged. It looked like some new and unchallenged juvenile assuming that the human would be easy to defeat. Sunny worried for the first few minutes that that might be true, a defeat at such a low level would be catastrophic for his reputation.
She shouldn’t have worried though.
Where the Drev had brute force and determination, the human had guile, refined tactics from greater experience, and a greater reason to win. Sunny had never assumed their species capable of such acrobatics, but, Commander Vir put the Drev body through its paces locking the young Drev into a crushing chokehold in under three minutes. If he had wanted, he could have snapped the younger creature’s neck, and was completely in his rights to do so, but it was generally frowned upon to kill a young Drev in a duel, especially if the terms of the duel did not contain a, to the death, clause.
More people were looking him over sizing him up as a true threat now.
Most of the time, he kept himself on the outside of the suit standing next to it and staring down anyone who dared look at him wrong. As a predator, his stare could be pretty intimidating, but she just found in sort of cute. Humans were adorable when they were trying to be intimidating.
There was a soft pad on the stone behind her, and she turned around to find a familiar face.
Moss, a member of the crew, and an old acquaintance of the tribe stood behind her. His handsome green carapace glowed in the sun above, and at over nine feet tall, he posed a strapping figure.
She found herself reminded suddenly of an ashen day, and the feeling of terrible humiliation.
Commander Vir had turned from his position watching the fights, his eyes falling on the conversation. He grew very still head tilted slightly to the side. The invisible constellation over his skin glittered softly.
“What do you need?” She wondered voice stiff but not unkind.
The Handsome head lifted itself high, “I am here to challenge you.”
Everything around her grew suddenly silent. Commander Vir had stood from his seat and watched with wide shining eyes. The other humans stood as well staring onwards at the two of them standing atop the hill, feet resting against the cool stone.
Moss lowered his head, “I challenge you as equals and offer myself as your partner in battle if you can match me in combat.”
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 3 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 34 – Lost and Found
‘Didn’t think I’d find her here.’
Helga previously heard from 3rd Elder that Lunark is after her.
He shared with her that he was required to provide the list of potential person or people shutting down Crombel’s facilities, from which her name was omitted.
Yet he took care to print her profile picture on the insert from another agent’s dossier, as well as mixing up her actual information with that of the agent she will get to impersonate.
Thanks to him, Helga was positive that Lunark would have no idea who she really is.
After all, not even the right-hand man of the 1st Elder recognized her upon their encounter, due to her faint presence and importance within the Union.
And she was positive that she can make Lunark forever unaware of her true identity.
The Union agent was positive in more than one way; however, there was one thing she was negative on – defeating Lunark in a combat.
‘Of all the werewolves, why did it have to be her...?!’
Though she was not classified as the top fighter within Crombel’s assassin team, she did come with qualifications to dub herself an assassin agent.
However, she knew very well that she is much beneath the elders, and she happened to be looking at a warrior who used to be a single-digited elder.
Hence there was only one thing she could do in her currently standing: run.
Knowing that a battle is more than just blood and gore, Helga purposefully pretended she was all bold and confident.
That was feigned, of course; she knew too well that being truly bold and confident to Lunark would only reserve herself a virtual tombstone in this place.
Helga had no intention, nevertheless, to let Lunark notice she was more than upper-handed in this situation. She thus retorted back with a sneer.
“My, if it isn’t the 5th Elder. It’s been such a long time.”
“Since you know my face, I guess you’re not some janitor on a business trip. But I take it that you have no wish for a peaceful death, calling me with that title.”
“Oh, dear. My mistake – you forfeited your elder’s chair and left the Union long time ago. But I’d like to make a small amendment to what you just said. I have no wish for death in the first place.”
“I’ve never asked for your opinion, you rat.”
“Now that’s not very pleasant to my ears. The codename is Kespar. I hope you’d remember it.”
Right after Helga offered the name with a glare, Lunark’s face lit up with invisible fire.
She read it from the list 3rd Elder handed to her; at last she could see how come her party’s face was sort of familiar.
A bit annoyed that she now owes the 3rd Elder a debt, which was a very unusual case these days, Lunark tightened the grip she had upon Helga’s arm.
At the same time, she raised her voices and addressed the young warriors, too nervous to approach or shy away from her.
“Stand by the perimeter. Make sure not a single life form can leave or enter this place while I beat this rat.”
Helga’s face stiffened, upon realizing that her prediction came true: though Lunark pulled a show with her tongue about an upcoming death, she planned on capturing her alive.
‘I’m no match for her whatsoever. Which means I should give my all for my escape.’
At least the three werewolves accompanying Lunark were still rookies, judging by the way they could barely hide their anxiety, for which Helga was grateful.
‘But first I should take this mutt’s paw off from me.’
Helga very cautiously lifted her other hand and placed it upon the arm held by Lunark.
The pink-eyed werewolf did not stop her; she could not detect any hostility or aggressiveness from the motion.
And with a noise very foul, Helga’s entire arm was crushed.
Lunark’s eyes oscillated furiously in alarm, and Helga did not miss her opportunity to shake off the werewolf’s hand and distance herself from the spot.
“...Why are you all still standing there?”
Lunark shaped her voice as serenely as possible and posed her irritated remark at the three werewolves, who had their torsos turned towards her in an awkward stance.
‘I can’t believe she took such vicious method to escape from my grip.’
Once the warriors tucked their senses back to their heads and disappeared, Lunark stared at how Helga’s arm was hanging from her shoulder. She was more than flabbergasted at what happened.
‘She sacrificed her own fighting capabilities. Which means there are two options at work here: either she can prove herself a fighter good enough despite lack of an arm, or her powers do not rely on her body. Or her arm, I should say. Whichever it is, I will not let her walk out of here in peace.’
Lunark grit her teeth before she ripped her cloak off from her shoulders, to yield a signature howl of a werewolf warrior, feeling her natural-born power rushing through her body.
Taking the hint that Lunark meant to go all out from the beginning, Helga tautly flexed her entire muscles.
And with a lashing sound, the werewolf warrior’s form stampeded towards Helga like a lightning.
The moment her fatally nailed fist was about to pummel Helga’s face, the Union agent somehow managed to evade the blow, earning a click of tongue from Lunark.
At the same time, Helga raised her leg with a forceful momentum to counter, which was so ridiculously and effortlessly blocked by her enemy with a light bump.
To top it off, Lunark merely employed her fingers for the job.
“So this is what you’ve been cocky about all this time?”
Lunark smirked; a single exchange was good enough to understand that the difference between their levels was as deep as the Grand Canyon.
Now assured that there is nothing more for her to mind, Lunark mercilessly fired an attack after an attack.
Although she was the conductor of the battle, her smirk did not last for long.
Because none of the attacks managed to turn effective.
‘Why...? Just how?!’
There was no denying that her opponent’s offensive skills or competence was nothing better than hers. Her physical qualities were not even on par with hers, either.
In spite of all the circumstances, she could not touch the blue-eyed assassin even once.
The only things she could leave on Helga were specks of dirt and tiny scratches on the latter’s face or attire, which were nothing but what used to consist their surroundings or aftermath of the impact from her punches or kicks.
In other words, none of her moves made a direct hit upon the orange-haired human.
‘Just what are her abilities? According to the profile 3rd Elder gave me, this one’s supposed to come with body transformation. And she did not even pull it out! How come that thing is dodging all of my attacks?!’
Lunark was no idiot; she had already figured chances are close to zero that the remnants of Union would have done nothing for all this time.
She has never ruled out the possibility that they might have committed themselves to researches and modifications, to provide their surviving forces with new abilities and powers.
‘That jerk did give me a warning not to rely too much on his list.’
Lunark recalled the face of a white-haired man probably continuing his life as an unwelcome guest on Frankenstein’s island; that was when she was hit by the image of him in a battle, which was tagged by a theory.
‘...Is she the type of modified human that exercises power with eyes or sight, like the 3rd Elder? Damn it, then that means in a large sense, she’s a ranged fighter, which gives me no advantage!’
Lunark did have a skill or two in a ranged melee, but she knew what would happen if she were to slap the air in a tiny, closed space, like she did when she first set her foot on Korea.
‘By doing that, I’ll turn every resource and file in this dispository into scrap. And there’s no way I’m doing that, after everything we’ve lost because of that rat.’
And more importantly, Union was the most probable one to be held responsible for the sabotage of the QuadraNet. Therefore, they were in dire need of something that will endow them with better comprehension of the said organization, no matter how big or small it is.
Notwithstanding, Lunark had no intention of letting Helga go.
‘Does this mean I have to give up on one of them?’
She started weighing the pros and cons of her choice, until a sound surged through the air to pierce her eardrums.
The voice definitely belonged to one of the warriors she had brought.
Lunark was baffled, for more than one reason.
This was no situation to hear one of the warriors screaming, and as if on a cue, Helga revealed her teeth in a grin.
Before Lunark could demand the Union agent to spill what she had done, the other warriors started screeching with not-at-all-charming noises as the background music.
“W-watch out!”
The thing was that there was no doubt such array of clamor was products of a battle, which did not seem to be reaching its end.
“Well? What are you gonna do? Continue this game of tag with me? Or take your chance to scurry for your warriors?”
Helga began to poke the air with her nose as she beamed in a sly manner, nothing like a person who could only dance in evasion and attempt attacks that were not even close to an attack.
Lunark could not stifle her offense, though it was no time to relish it.
‘I couldn’t even lay my claw on her, and that thing just dared to...!’
Howbeit, Lunark was experienced; she did not let her emotions take over her.
She knew she was tasked with more than the mission.
It was her duty to safely shepherd the young warriors back to home; the only ground they could stand on in the unknown world outside their safe zone happened to be her.
And now was the time to faithfully live up to the latter of her duties, which meant there was only one choice she could make.
“...You’d better scram before I change my mind. And believe me – next time we meet, you won’t get away like this.”
“No need to remind me the obvious. So why don’t you run along instead of wasting your time for a threat that won’t even work?”
Helga did not miss her chance to add the last thorn she could afford to Lunark’s temper. Nonetheless, she could not be swifter in making herself scarce from the scene.
Lunark did not even wait to witness the Union agent dashing away in a flash and rapidly waded through the atmosphere in pursuit of the uproar.
“What in the...?!”
And she rolled her eyes upon seeing Union’s biological weapons outside, grounds completely tattered.
They were awfully familiar to her, reminiscent of weapons against heads of noble clans, built based on the 8th Elder.
Wondering for a split second if the Union had resources left to nurture these creatures, Lunark got to work immediately.
And even though the weapons were more than a dozen in number, they were so very easily destroyed, enough to win a bicker or two that they should not wear Union’s mark for their certificate of origin.
However, Lunark did not identify them as weak.
‘I wouldn’t say they were well-made, but their strategy was something. Well-furnished enough to fluster inexperienced young warriors. But anyways, how did they know what was going on here? How could they interrupt at that moment? Did that Kespar or whatever-her-name-was set us up?’
Lunark soon discarded her assumption.
‘If that were the case, she would have made these weapons buy some time for her until she could blow up this dispository. But since she ran away as soon as she was given a chance, it’s more likely that someone else who has the actual control over the weapons sent them right on time.’
After checking on the companions for her mission, Lunark could finally explore the dispository.
She was more than chagrined; the opportunity was right there in her hands, but she lost it due to an unbelievable turnout.
Her mood was flipped like a switch, from displeasure to astonishment, upon scavenging through and identifying a myriad of files and objects stored in a corner of the dispository, classified under a certain shared condition.
“Wait... These must be...!”
(next chapter)
Some of you might be wondering if there is an error in the timeline of events, regarding 3rd Elder’s submission of the fake list to Lunark and his betrayal. Yes, 3rd Elder gave Lunark fabricated list before he decided to turn away from Frankenstein. And this is intentional; I will fill you in regarding such timeline in future chapters. Hope you’d stay tuned until then!
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luminashdawnwing · 5 years
Captive Audience
(continued from The Waiting)
The air reeked of death, still thick with fog, a cold and damp that permeated everything it touched, tendrils seeping into torn, burned, and bloodied tents, a shroud for the bodies of Reliquary diggers, fingers still wrapped around their makeshift weapons, bodies pincushions for Kaldorei arrows, Thalassian guardians, their armor torn to pieces by worgen claws, and the Alliance attackers themselves - a mingling graveyard of Gilneans, Kaldorei, fiery-haired Dark Iron dwarves, and a handful of the Ren’dorei traitors. The soil, too, reeked of blood. Already damp, it had become a frothing marsh of blood and filth, discarded weapons and mangled bodies peering from the torn earth.
How many had died here, Luminash wondered. Too many of his people, certainly, and not enough of those who had descended upon them in the night. It was dawn now, and the groans of those who had been left in the muck had finally ceased - the Alliance, it seemed, had no compunction against throat-cutters, at least out here, far from the watchful eyes of high command. Why, then, did Luminash remain?
There came a rustling from the tent-flap - his own tent-flap. The magister raised his head, dark-ringed eyes squinting in the new light. The blindingly illuminated fog from outside revealed his own robes and armor plating torn and shattered, and smeared with dirt from the ground he had been thrown onto. He struggled to sit upright, and turn his chin up proudly to greet whoever entered, although his arms bound tightly behind him, wrapped around the wooden post in the tent’s center, rather reducing the aura of dignity he tried to display.
The light from outside blinked out, the flap shutting behind the one who entered. Luminash could not make out a face or form, backlit as the figure had been, but now he saw clearly. His golden eyes grew wide, and face, already pale and haggard from exertion, grew paler still. Before him, one hand held behind his back, the other holding a broken bronze-cast mask with androgynous features, was one of the Ren’dorei. His clothing, midnight violet, black, and gold, was a mockery of the Thalassian phoenix, his pallid skin and hair tapering into tendrils of the Void a mockery of the Light that infused the rest of his people.
The void elf approached calmly, slowly, his stride and posture entirely in control. He passed by Luminash, bound as he was, tossing the broken mask onto the packed dirt floor as he did. Behind the magister, he stopped.
“It is a shame we could not meet under more pleasant circumstances, Magister Dawnwning. You may call me Lithendras, Rift Warden.”
Luminash grimaced to hear the Ren’dorei’s Thalassian echoing with the otherworldly presence of the Void saturating his form.
“Oh, of course…” Luminash coughed, his lips cracked, tongue parched, “More pleasant circumstances. Such as not, perhaps, slaughtering a camp full of civilians?” The magister spat out his last words, venom dripping from his lips.
The other elf responded only with a hollow laugh, “Is that what you think we did here? What sort of fool do you take me for, Magister? Civilians need not fear the Alliance, and between your guard, and your team of illusionists and arcanists, your camp was hardly civilian…” The Ren’dorei circled around the post, back into Luminash’s limited field of view, and crouched, nearly face-to-face with the magister, “Was it, really?”
Luminash set his jaw, and matched his golden gaze to the other’s pale, eerie blue, “This was a research expedition, filled with non-combatants and only enough guards to ward off the blood trolls. You saw our forces - you slaughtered them all, you no doubt swallowed them up in the Void. How many were there? Less than fifty in all? Or did you even waste your time to find out?” The magister’s voice grew lower, slower, more deliberate as he went on, his eyes narrowing defiantly.
The other only allowed a slight, secretive smile spread across his face, “Time was short.” The Rift Warden tilted his head, as if listening to something only he could hear, “Is short, I should say. Truthfully, we wanted to be long gone by now, Magister, but you set us back considerably.”
The Sin’dorei managed a laugh, even in the face of his captor, “Good! I can only hope the lot of you are swallowed up in this swamp on your way out.”
Raising a brow, the Void-drenched elf stood, turning his back to the magister and crossing his hands behind it, “You may wish to reconsider that statement. You will be counted among our number, after all. That said, however, it was quite the impressive display, both of magic and of tactics. We chose well.”
Luminash blanched at this, and shook his head, the realization falling into place. The attack’s first stages, weakening the defenders, the next intended to quickly remove remaining resistance - whatever was left - and now his captivity.
“Your work, your keen mind for theory, language, history… We have been watching you for some time, even since before more short-sighted kin cast us out of our homeland. How, we wondered, could someone so open to the world, the possibilities all around him, remain a blind follower of the cult of the Light and its absolutes? Then, driven away from our ancestral homes, we asked how even a single one of the Children of Blood could still slavishly follow the will of a Warchief so deeply in service to Death?”
“You are here for me, then. All of them, all of those people…” Luminash lowered his head, the strength - what little there was left after the battle - of his limbs draining away, “You killed them all… For what, exactly? A new trophy? Or a resource?” The magister’s gaze alone remained on his captor, “For whom, I wonder? Your boy king - a Thalassian magister, one of the elite, the pride of Quel’Thalas - or for your Windrunner, so deeply in service to that which swallows all things?”
The Rift Warden turned just enough to peer over his shoulder at the bound mage, a smirk on his lips, “For whom? For the people of Quel’Thalas. Your people, our people, and the endless possibilities your work could bring about. Do you not wish to see us - Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei - whole again, reunited in common purpose?”
“You are not my people any longer, Lithendras. You forfeit that right when you and your kind nearly snuffed out the Sunwell. Do you remember it, Rift Warden? The hunger, the need?” Luminash asked, voice growing firm, “The fear? And you would have brought it all back!”
“That is but one path. We have seen…” The Ren’dorei moved, now, striding towards Luminash’s desk, still covered in his expedition notes, “So many more. You speak of the Sunwell as an absolute, your precious, endless fount, but it is a single point in space, a cosmos so vast as to make the mind reel. How freeing it is, to lose yourself in that. It is how our people should be: bright, curious minds unfettered by the limits imposed upon them by our own hand.” He shifted some of the scrolls, picking up a loose page covered in diagrams of incomplete Titan mechanisms some of the diggers had found days before.
“And how many of those paths you saw showed you the Alliance crushing the life out of Quel’Thalas at last? Your own people, Child of the Void, your own, and you would hand them over to their enemies!”
“The Alliance need not be the enemies of Quel’Thalas, Magister, you know this. Or have you already forgotten how close you came to the Alliance when Warchief Hellscream threw your lives away on Pandaria? I was there, then, you know.” He rolled up the scroll and tucked it under his arm before shifting more, searching through the papers, “I saw your Horde for what it is: a force of destruction, callous and unrelenting.”
Luminash, still stunned, shook his head, face blank and voice resigned, “It is a force dedicated to our freedom, our survival. It must be, in a world that would see us wiped away, or have you forgotten Garithos? Or - speaking of the Pandaria campaign - Proudmoore and her Silver Covenant lackeys, the streets of Dalaran running red with our people’s blood?”
Lithendras rolled another paper into a scroll - this one covered in Luminash’s survey notes, outlining potential locations of Titan relics outside Uldir in the swamps - and scoffed, “The Sunreavers cast their lot in with Hellscream. Perhaps the response was too strong, too immediate, but its message was clear: serve destruction, and a price will be exacted.”
The magister let his chin fall to his chest, “What, then, is the price your traitorous lot must pay? The Void seeks to swallow us all. You may have seen what you think the Horde is, but I have seen what the Void is, on Argus.”
The Rift Warden turned, quirking a brief smile, “You will see so much more than that once we have returned to Telogrus. The power there, the knowledge you will uncover, the visions you will witness, they will show you possibilities undreamed of.” He gathered up another scroll; Luminash could not tell which any longer.
“But why? Why do this, why go through all the trouble of seeking me out here, of slaughtering my people, all to drag me back to your Void-blasted rock?”
“We believe in your value, Magister Dawnwing, to your people - your true people, those who are in service to knowledge unending, just as you are, not those in service to Death - and to the Alliance and its goals: peace and unity, above all else.”
“If you believe in my value so much, at least have the decency to grant me a simple request before we leave.” Luminash forced his head up again, golden gaze piercing as it met the blue of the Rift Warden, “Either leave me here to die, or muster the courage to kill me yourself. I will not serve you, your people, or your Void, and nothing you do or say here will change my mind.”
For a moment, just a short moment, Lithendras’ composure slipped, his affable smile giving way to the briefest suggestion of a grimace, before he regained control. He simply shook his head, “I am afraid I cannot grant that request, Magister. I am not the architect of this plan, and I have my orders. You are to-”
The Ren’dorei stopped abruptly as a shuffling at the tent-flap heralded a Dark Iron scout’s entrance, her black hair flecked with glowing coals, wreathed in the gentle glow of flame, “Warden, we’ve got ourselves a problem.” Her burning gaze flickered to Luminash for a moment, then to the void elf, and back outside - the fog, Luminash noticed, had lifted. Unnaturally quickly, in fact, “They must have reached the Scepter. We’re out o’ time, and we don’t move, th’ Horde’s gonna roll right over us. We’ve got an emergency mole machine prepped and ready for th’ officers, but th’ rest…” She trailed off, shaking her head, “Come on!”
Lithendras cursed under his breath - Luminash could not make it out, but it was not a tongue he knew, its sounds warped, twisted, unnatural. He looked back at his prisoner, then grasped at the table, dragging a few more papers with him as he swept out of the tent behind the scout.
From outside, as the magister’s chin fell to his chest, his robes soaked and cold from the swampy ground, his strength gone, his mind consumed by a simple question - did they die for me? - he heard the Rift Warden’s voice.
“Until we meet again.”
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kinitstuffblr · 5 years
I wanna talk about my OCs
The ones I used in my youngest RPs onward into my adulthood RPs with friends
in a brutally honest summary encompassing basically their entire careers as products of my imagination
ACHERON (pronounced: Ack-er-ahn) He/Him 
Character I compared his aesthetic to: Sephiroth
Do I still?: Hell naw the closest thing I think I’d ever compare him to now is that dude from the Witcher games 
Looks like: Ridiculously tall, ridiculously beefy.  Any crowd he’s in, he’s probably got a foot on.  His torso is dorito-shaped.  The muscles in his arms are about the size of your average watermelon.  He’s pale af, but naturally.  His eyes are yellow, pupils round.  His hair is straight and white, not even like what you’d think would be a platinum blonde, a straight up white with occasional silver.  Length probably started at what I guess his fucking ankles when I first imagined him? But sensibly he’d have kept it at mid-back at the longest in his younger days (out of laziness, grooming is not something he thinks about) and as he got older he wore it shorter.  His brow is stern, his jaw is hard, his nose has been broken multiple times.  Everything about him, even at his most put-together, is ROUGH.  His beard situation varied from beardless as a youngun, light stubble at mid-age, and full (not far enough to start trailing down from his chin but a decent scruff all around his face) in his later years.  He’s riddled with scars, but not showy ones.  More like ‘got shot with an arrow and it stuck in the skin for a while during battle; didn’t bother to remove it until at home having a bath and then just ripped it out and slapped some paste on it’ scars.  He generally doesn’t get scratched or slashed, long-distance attacks are the ones that get him because he doesn’t pay attention to much beyond whatever he’s directly attacking. 
His Tropes (by my definition): Evil-to-Good, War Hungry Brute but also Family Man, Overprotective Dad, Fantasy-Character meets Slice-of-Life
Original Conception to First Growth:
He was suppose to be a bad guy.  That’s it.  He was a demon warlord and the father of a character I was much more invested in and I wanted to throw in an abusive father that wanted to enslave his children for their powers.  Eventually he became more developed when I introduced the son’s mother (a concubine who’s sole purpose was breeding) and she died by another of his son’s hand while trying to protect the first son.  At this point Acheron reacted badly, revealing he had some sense of affection for the woman (she hadn’t been subservient and never let him intimidate her, which he later realized he was attracted to on a level beyond physical) and her death resulted in his abandonment of his post which resulted in his execution later on when he was captured again (in future iterations, he disappeared rather than died, but necromancy in this universe almost always exists so being returned to life was the way he initially returned.)  After his return, he met another woman who initially he mistook for a concubine based on her looks.  She also was not subservient, and actively challenged him and refused to let him intimidate her despite her being human, and eventually he fell in love with her.  To stay with her, he had to earn permission, so-to-speak, from the kingdom that had previously employed him which he’d abandoned, and it meant forfeiting a lot of power while also struggling not to endanger her, his new big glowing weak point.(She had her own mess of power, so her vulnerability can be challenged, but I’m focusing on buff daddy right now.)  Through his relationship with her he became a caregiver/father-figure to several underprivileged children of varying age ranges (mostly focused in, I think, the age range of 5 to 10, but not limited to that.)  He learned what it meant to watch a child grow in a non-militant environment for the first time, eventually becoming ashamed of the past he left behind and fiercely protective of his new family.
Plot points and Traits that came out later:
- As a King, asked newfound human lover to become his Queen in the underworld
- Semi-secretly is deeply emotionally invested in a couple very close male colleagues, whom he calls his brothers
- Orphaned amnesiac; Is a half-breed between opposing races; was excessively racist but learned later not to judge creatures based on their kind
- Fragile masculinity is one of his biggest flaws and makes him the butt of many jokes
- Terrified, utterly terrified, of spiders.  Later revealed as a result of being thrown into a spider pit as a child (Big spoods. Monster spoods)
- Has a power that allows him to kill almost effortlessly from a distance, but rarely uses it in favor of direct combat using his greatsword.  A glutton for battle and eager to one day be bested by a more powerful opponent.  
- Was literally bred to have his overwhelming power by his father as part of a sort of power-farming community; thinks his father is a coward because the few times they’ve met and fought each other, his father’s ended up running away 
- Acheron has lived his whole life as a demon warlord, and despite obviously sharing his father’s build, arrogance, and lust for battle, his father isn’t demonic (his mother was) and constantly praises himself for giving Acheron the traits that led him to be successful in life (making it all the more infuriating to Acheron when the man gives up and runs when he starts to lose in battle)
- Given name was Archer; had an older brother named Sabre
That’s all for now.  If anyone’s interested I can talk about him or the others more.  I’ll probably post something like this again when I’m feeling nostalgic!
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kusunogatari-a · 7 years
[ Recovered ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Suigin Reika, Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fugaku, Nohara Rin, Hatake Kakashi ] [ Gore mention, death mention, blood mention, vulgarity mention ] [ Verse: What Could Have Been ]
Battlefields are always host to an eerie silence once war leaves them in its wake.
As she has since the conflict’s beginning - as her line has done since its own - Reika traces along the wreckage, looking for any still left alive. Senses reaching, serpentine eyes take in the bloodstained, body-filled fields and tattered landscape, eventually finding a mound of crumbled stone.
And beneath it, barely flickering, is a trace of life.
Silvers widen, decorum forgotten as she runs to the rubble. She can’t begin to guess the tons of rock over the body, but a Suigin is nothing if not stubborn. Reaching the edge, she takes in the devastation as a whole, trying to find the shortest route to the body. Straight down seems best. Leaping to the crest, palms plant against a crack in the debris, white chakra bleeding down through as she concentrates. Once it reaches the trapped combatant, Reika ups the intensity to its second level.
“Senpō: Shōkyaku no Kabe!”
Slowly, with great grating sounds, the rock begins to fall inward, collapsing into dust as the chakra eats its way through the stone. Sweat beads along her forehead, breath rushing as she maintains the precious balance of energies, great measures of it pouring from her hands. For uncounted minutes the rubble continues to fall into itself, disintegrating into far smaller space until finally, she can see the body.
Waiting until the stone stops its shifting, Reika drops into the gap, coughing as dust swirls. There’s still a boulder atop the…boy? She’s yet to properly tell. But enough of the surrounding fragments have fallen so that it’s all that remains in her way. Panting, the healer takes a moment to catch her breath before kneeling and planting hands on the last obstacle. “…if you can hear me, young one…I need you to hold your breath as best you can. The dust may begin to suffocate you.”
There’s no reply, but without the means yet to move them, Reika has no choice. Summoning her chakra one last time, she begins to burn away the stone over the child’s - yes, they’re a child - body. Hopefully it will be enough to move them without collapsing it upon them, and without her running out of energy. Eyes trained on the rest of the boulder in case it shifts, perspiration isn’t solely out of exertion, now. As soon as she can sense the body’s edges are freed, she reaches a hand to their chest and begins assessing the damage.
…it’s not pretty.
Expression grave, Reika makes a judgement call. If she doesn’t move them now, they die regardless. It might result in more damage to repair later, but she’ll have nothing left to fix if she doesn’t act now. As gently as she can, she fishes the youth out from beneath the stone, her usually-stern expression heavy with sympathy before hardening with anger that boils just beneath the surface, chakra welling as it reacts to the emotion.
…calm. I have to be calm. We’ll sort the rest later. Still…the hitai-ate is telling enough: a Konoha shinobi. Barely out of puberty, and now…clinging for life by the thinnest of strings. The woman’s jaw clenches enough to make her teeth creak. She’ll have words for them later…but now is not the time.
Cradling the boy to her chest, she manages to leap back out of the wreckage, carefully laying him down in the grass before taking a few minutes to meditate. The summoning she wants to do will take a bit more than she has the strength for. All options weighed, it’s her best bet.
Once the chakra fills her system, she bloodies her fingertips. Walking a stone’s throw from her patient, she presses her hand to the ground.
Vapor billows, rushing outward and clearing to reveal a slew of silver scales. An orb of mercury opens to reveal a slivered pupil, which focuses on the woman. “…your first summoning of me. I will not waste words…what do you need?”
“I found a boy - he’s on the brink. I need you to carry us back. I have not the energy to treat him here, nor take him home.”
The dragon sage takes in their surroundings. “…very well. Allow me to breathe a bit of life into him for now. Else I fear he will not survive.” A taloned paw reaches to the boy’s body, bleeding white chakra through his skin.
Kneeling at his severed side, Reika sees an eye of red slide toward her. “…stay still, little one. We’re going to get you through this. For now…rest.” A palm lies upon his brow, and with an urging of chakra, he slips into unconsciousness.
Near the stones, an eye of amber watches before sinking into the earth.
The journey home is nerve-wracking. Cradling the boy in her lap, Reika tries to find the patience as they weave their way back to the valley. Only once they land beside the manor does she find any dredges of peace. Hauling him inside, she carefully lays him in one of the many spare rooms. Through the window, the sage watches with a solitary eye.
First thing is first…his organs need tending. One hand spares to assess the damage in his torso as the other guides her eyes along his damaged limbs. It’s been quite some time since she’s seen this level of damage in one still living…if only just.
Head bowing, she tries to make a judgement call. …between blood loss and closed circulation…most of this flesh is too far gone to be saved. His organs are already borderline shut down. At this rate… She looks to the boy’s face, slack in his coma. One eyelid sinks into his skull. She knows a bit of the Uchiha, recognizing the crimson eye. …so…someone helped themselves to his left. I wonder who…
Now, however, is not the time for such wonderings.
Glancing over, Reika manages a strained smile. “Ryū…hello. I’m back.”
Running to the bed’s hem, a little girl looks in awe at its occupant. “…is he alive?”
“Yes, but only just…it’s going to take me quite some time to fix him, but…I think I can do it.”
“Can I help?”
The woman chuckles. “You’re a bit young yet, but…we’ll see. For now, why don’t you go to the neighbors? I’m going to be very busy, and I need someone to keep an eye on you.”
“But shishō is outside!”
“Yes, she is - but I may need her help. Please listen, dearest.”
There’s a slight pout to the girl’s lips, but she gives a nod. “Okay…” Looking to her mother’s patient, Ryū gives his good hand a gentle hold. “Get better soon, ne?”
Watching her daughter take her leave, Reika sighs. “…we’d best get started.”
With her teacher’s guidance, the healer begins her work. Organs are delved into, cells either healed, or stripped and replaced if too far gone. The task is slow and steady, sweat wiped into her sleeves as she goes. Hours pass unnoticed, and by the witching hour of the night, she’s finally salvaged what he absolutely needs to stay alive.
“…I’ll have to replace all of this,” Reika mutters, gesturing to his right side. “…it will probably take me weeks, if not months.”
“I can provide you with extra chakra. But yes, the work will be long…” The sage blinks. “…I can sense your temper, student of mine. Are you truly so moved?”
The woman sighs curtly. “…I’ve watched this war for years, now. I saw how it began, before Ryū was born. I’ve slipped into the killing fields as often as I’ve been able, and just like all the rest before me…I can only drain droplets from this ocean. I know the tide is too much. But this…this…!” Her teeth grit, lip lifting and twitching in a snarl as a hand gestures angrily. “This boy is a child…left to die! Buried alive and forgotten! Not even yet a man, and already his life was forfeit. Damn those Konoha bastards…they’ve no right to the lives of the young for their wars. Jiraiya has obviously failed his attempts at teaching peace if this continues…I should march up to that Hokage’s office and roast the meat from his bones with my anger…!”
“Your temper is hardly hot enough to divert the world from war,” Suigin firmly counters. “Konoha may have been the founders’ attempts at peace...but it is clear they have failed...and have done so more than once in that time.” Her eye moves in question. “...you speak of the student of the toads...the one with whom you traveled...he sought this same peace?”
“...he did. When not preoccupied with his research,” Reika spits. “...I don’t know how I ever…” She sighs. “...at least something good came from our meeting.”
The dragon laughs. “Yes...Ryū is your blessing. But...the point remains, there will be no peace upon this road. You know this.”
“Then why do I bother?”
“Because any life saved is better than none. You cannot stop this tide, Reika...but you can soften it, no matter how slightly. Attend to the boy.” A pause. “...will you alert the village?”
“No...at least, not yet. I can’t yet know if he will live. No sense in getting their hopes up.” Silvers still flash angrily. “...though I’ve half a mind not to tell them at all...but surely he’ll wish to go home, eventually.”
“True...though we shall see what remains of his mind upon his waking.”
“...you’re right.”
From there, every spare moment the woman has is devoted to her patient. Within a few hours it seems, he’s known throughout the tiny mountain village, people climbing to the shrine to pray for his recovery. Overnight, though still nameless, he becomes quickly beloved. And with Reika’s chakra keeping him sleeping, he’s completely unaware as weeks slip by.
Until one day, it wears off.
With the healer gone into the woods for an herb sample, the youth’s eyelids twitch, dragging open to reveal one filled socket, and one yet empty. Mind in a fog of dull pain and exhaustion, he stares at the vaulted ceiling without a thought save one:
...where...am I…?
Body feeling like lead, he barely manages to turn his head to one side, taking note of the room. It almost reminds him of an inn - furnished, but otherwise empty...save for a diminuitive body in a chair beside him.
Little arms crossed atop the bed, their head rests atop it, cheek turned as they doze. Someone...fell asleep here? But where is here…? Who is that?
“...h...hello?” His voice is weak, raspy from lack of use. Swallowing, he finds his throat dry as Suna’s deserts.
With a start, the younger child jolts awake, looking up with shocking eyes of silver. Even their eyelashes are white...is he dead? Are they a ghost? “...oh! Onīchan, you’re awake!”
His brow furrows. “...where...where am I…?”
“This is my house, ne? Kāchan’s outside, but she’ll be right back, okay?” A tiny hand rests upon his own, and the...girl? - he thinks they’re a girl - gives him a smile. “You’re gonna be okay, ne? Kāchan will make you better!”
Better...wait, something’s wrong? Everything is so...distant. The room feels like he’s lying on air, and trying to think is like trudging through mud - slow and tiresome.
Before he can consider it much further, the door opens, and another woman walks in with the same features, though her aura is far more austere. Surprise pulls at her face. “...you’re awake…? I didn’t expect…”
He isn’t listening, trying to place where he’s seen her before…
“You should be resting...your recovery is far from over.” Standing next to what is undoubtedly her daughter, she rests a hand on the girl’s shoulder as they both look to him - one calculating, and one still smiling. “...I’d best put you back under.”
“Wait, w-wait...what happened? Where am I…?”
“Questions best left for another time. You’re still in critical condition, little one. And it will be easier for me to work with you unconscious.”
“No...where...where are the others?” He wasn’t alone...he was...with his team? What were they doing…? “Rin, and...and Kakashi...sensei…”
“I don’t know...when I found you, you were alone. But there were no Konoha bodies - only Iwa.”
...Iwa...they were in Kusa...something about a...a bridge? “You’re sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. As soon as you’re back on your feet, we can contact them. But for now...it’s best we focus on your recovery.”
He’s not stupid - he knows what that means. He might not make it. Trying to see to his right, the boy struggles to lift his head.
What he sees isn’t pretty.
His leg is gone. Half an arm remains. And all in a rush it comes back to him. Rin. Kakashi. Iwa nin. Rocks, collapsing...Kakashi wasn’t going to make it...and then…
Reika can see the horror in his eye. “...I know this looks abysmal, little one. But you’re going to make it through. My work is slow, but I’ve yet to encounter any problems. But if you want me to finish...I need to put you back under.”
“Wait!” Looking to her mother, the girl cuts in. “Ne, onīchan...what’s your name?”
“...my name?” He blinks. “...it’s Obito. Uchiha...Obito. And who...who are you? Where -?”
The woman stops him with a raised hand. “...you may call me Reika. This is my daughter, Ryū. And you are in our village...Kusunokizan. Within Hi no Kuni. Now...will you let me work?”
Obito, riled with panic, tries to slow his breathing. He’s alive...he’s crippled, but he’s alive. “...y-yeah, okay...fine.”
“Hopefully next you wake...you’ll find yourself in much better shape.” Reika manages a small smile. “...be patient, Obito. I won’t let you down.”
“Be brave, ne?” Ryū offers, patting his hand encouragingly. “You’ll be okay! Promise!”
Trying to put on a gallant face, he gives the girl a shaky grin. “Yeah...I will.”
A palm presses to his forehead, and in a matter of moments, Obito finds himself in dreamless sleep once more.
“Could you try to look less uninviting…?”
Reika stares straight ahead with narrowed, venomous silvers. “...I’m keeping my temper as well as I’m able. This is all I can manage for now. Consider that your only warning.”
The sage blows vapor with a sigh. “...very well.”
Down the path walk two men, both wary in their air. All around them, villagers stare and whisper, giving the pair suspicious looks. The word on everyone’s tongues is simply shinobi.
Standing upon the front steps of her manor home, Reika looks down her nose at them as they finally approach. “...so, you are the two mentioned in Sarutobi-san’s letter?”
“Yes...Namikaze Minato,” the blond offers, a hand at his chest. “Obito’s sensei. And his guardian, Uchiha Fugaku.”
“Guardian. Not father?”
“The boy’s parents were lost in the war previous,” Fugaku replies, tone low and flat. “As clan head, he’s my responsibility.”
“And mine, as his teacher,” Minato adds. “Is...is he really alive?”
“...he is. And I will be more than forthright with the pair of you...I called you here only out of respect for Obito’s ties to your village. Were it up to me, and me alone...he would never again see hide nor hair of Konoha again.” Her tone is biting, and her riled emotions narrow her pupils. “I cannot begin to express in words my fury for the fate this boy has suffered. You should both feel insurmountable shame for putting a child of thirteen years upon a battlefield...even moreso for letting him fall in combat when his life was in your hands!”
To her honest surprise, Minato flinches, but Fugaku’s eyes glint red. “...believe me, no one feels more regret than I, Suigin-san,” the blond cuts in. “You’re right - I was responsible.”
“Regret is not enough - it is a feeling thrown aimlessly into the past - it changes nothing,” she bites back. “Regret is not telling of a moved heart, only an afflicted one. I can scarcely believe the words you say when your actions have already spoken far louder. Neither of you, in my professional opinion, are of sound judgment to have a youth within your grasps.”
“You speak awfully boldly for a civilian in front of two shinobi,” Fugaku growls.
“And you make threats worryingly easily for being a guest in another’s home,” Reika spits in reply. “I would not underestimate me, if I were you.”
From the side of the manor, a deep rumble sounds, a serpentine head peering around the corner as the sage makes her presence known. “The boy lives because of my student’s interference. Her expertise. You have little room to make demands when the only reason you have gathered here is her will.” Steam billows from the dragon’s nostrils. “And I would advise you to hold your tongue if it will bear words of intended harm. Speak them again, and I will rip the muscle from your throat, human. This vale is under my protection...threaten the wellbeing of any within it, and I will bring you to ruin.”
“Everyone, please,” Minato implores, raising hands with a wilting, sheepish brow. “It’s true, we’re only here because you did what I had assumed was impossible. And you have my - our - unending gratitude for that. A life was spared when thought lost. That alone is reason enough for all of us to agree, isn’t it?”
Reika’s expression shifts, but only slightly. “...it is. It also stands as testament to all Konoha does that is wrong. Throwing children onto the battlefield as canon fodder in a last-ditch attempt to bolster your numbers. It is shameful.”
“...I can’t pretend to have any sway over the politics of our village, Suigin-san. I was given my team...and I did my best to protect them. And, quite obviously...I failed, at least in part. It’s not so easy to change what’s happened, or how shinobi organize themselves.” Minato sobers. “...but Obito is a shinobi...he knew what he was signing up for.”
“A child can scarcely be expected to fully understand war.”
“...perhaps you’re right. But for now, there’s nothing I nor you can do to change that. The war is drawing to a close...perhaps, at least for a time, it will be the last. May we hope this is the last disaster of this scale.”
“Hope is not enough,” Reika retorts. “What is needed is action.”
Suigin moves her gaze to her student. “...for now, we have reached an impasse. Let them see the boy. They have not traveled here to be left empty-handed.”
Staring the men down, Reika eventually acquiesces. “...come.” Leading them through the manor, she approaches Obito’s door, knocking. “Obito…? May I enter?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Giving her companions one last glance of warning, the healer opens the door. “I have visitors for you. Surely you recognize them.”
Sat up in bed with pillows at his back, Obito looks up only to brighten in shock. “...Minato-sensei…? F-Fugaku-sama…?”
“Obito…!” Minato stares in disbelief. “...you…?”
The young Uchiha gives a bright smile. “Hey!” He waves his left hand, the other lying along his side, immobile. “Are...are Kakashi and Rin not with you…?”
“No, they...they didn’t come.” The blond runs a hand through his hair. “...Suigin-san said it might be best to wait until we let them see you.”
“Oh...yeah, I still can’t move too much yet.”
“His right side has been regrown, but must rebuild its ability,” Reika explains. “Think of it as a newborn’s. He must relearn control, and strengthen the muscles - they are yet untested. He has been conscious now for only a week...and as I’m sure you know, it’s been three months since he was found.”
“You say regrown...what does that mean?” Fugaku asks.
“Both limbs and the rightmost side of his torso were completely crushed. Bones left in fragments, blood vessels blocked, and the flesh had decayed too much to be salvaged. I barely managed to keep his organs intact long enough to save him. I removed what could not be saved, and urged them to reform.”
“That’s beyond anything seen in Konoha,” Minato muses, tone airy with awe.
“...this is not Konoha. My line is raised and taught only the healing arts. Combined with our sage teachings, we often exceed limitations others know. It is costly...but possible.”
Peering in through the doorway behind the adults, Ryū catches Obito’s eye, brightening and skirting along to his bedside. “Obito-nīchan!”
“Hey there!”
“Ryū, I told you to remain with our neighbors!” Reika scolds. “Now is not the time for a visit!”
“...but -?”
“Is this your daughter?” Minato cuts in, giving the girl a smile.
“Mhm!” Ryū beams. “I’ve been helping Obito-nīchan! He’s almost all better now, see?”
Reika pinches at the bridge of her nose. “...apologies, I was trying to keep her out of the way.”
“Nonsense, she’s just fine. We’re glad you’ve been helping him, Ryū-chan” Minato replies.
“As you can see, he’s not yet ready to return to Konoha.” Reika quickly gets back to the matter at hand. “I estimate it will be several weeks of therapy until he has basic functionality again. And beyond that, I cannot project when he will reach his previous levels.”
“Well, there’s no time limit as far as I’m concerned,” the blond replies. “He’s been through enough already...we’re not about to rush his recovery.”
“And he’s just supposed to remain here?” Fugaku asks, tone gruff.
“It would be preferable,” is Reika’s terse reply. “...though before you go, I have a favor to ask of you.”
The clan head perks a brow.
“...I realize that Uchiha are proud wielders of a dōjutsu - the Sharingan. I wondered if you knew what had happened to Obito’s missing eye?”
The man blinks. “...as a matter of fact, I do. It was given to his teammate, Kakashi, after he lost his own eye, and Obito was deemed unsalvageable.” Something in his voice makes it clear it’s a tender subject.
“...I see. I merely wondered if you had the means to replace it, or if I should finish my work and simply recreate a new one.”
“...you can create a new Sharingan?”
It’s the medic’s turn to perk a brow. “...I’ve already told you I rebuilt his entire right side...and you question my ability to recreate an eyeball…?”
“The Sharingan is a closely-guarded aspect of our clan. Consider me concerned that a stranger can simply reproduce one.”
“Hence why I asked you first,” Reika retorts. “I realized it is a tender matter. I’m hardly about to abuse that knowledge. Or would you prefer I rip the gifted eyeball from another boy’s skull? It sounds to me they’ve both encountered enough trauma as it is, Uchiha-san.”
Obito and Ryū share a glance, feeling the tension.
“...that won’t be necessary,” Fugaku growls in reply. “...I appreciate your consideration of the matter.”
“Good. In that case...I feel we have little else to discuss. You both can attest to his condition. I will return Obito to Konoha as soon as I feel he is physically stable. Until then...he will remain, and he will continue to heal.”
The men exchange a look before both giving their agreements. Reika sees them out of the house, watching them go with a haughty expression.
Back in Obito’s room, Ryū peeks out the window. “...who were they, Obito-nīchan?”
“My teacher, and my...well, I guess you could call him my uncle…? I guess they came to see how I was doing.”
Something in her expression wilts. “...so...are you gonna go away…?”
“Someday, after I feel better.”
“But...can’t you stay?” She approaches his bedside, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. “I want you to stay…”
“I gotta go home, Ryū. Back to my friends!”
“I’m your friend, ne?”
He laughs. “Yeah, you’re my friend. I promise I’ll come back and visit, okay?”
“Promise promise?”
“Yup! But first I gotta get my strength back!” Biting at his lip, Obito grunts as he tries to lift his right hand. The limb raises a few inches, swaying before he relaxes with a sigh. “...gonna take a while, seems like.”
“I’ll help you!” Reaching little hands to Obito’s arm, Ryū summons a little bit of chakra. “You’ll be all better soon! It’s a promise promise!”
The next weeks are filled to the brim with struggle. Determined to get home, Obito pushes his limits every day, slowly regaining his strength and control. Though Reika praises his growth, part of her is loathe to get closer to his return to Konoha.
“Don’t worry ma’am - I’ll be fine! And I’ll have to come back every once in a while, see how everyone’s doing! And prove I’m okay, too.”
“...very well.”
A month and a half go by before she’s satisfied. Though he may yet be unable to function as a shinobi, Obito can walk, run, jump, and make use of his hand to satisfactory levels. “You’ll still need to work hard,” she warns, a hint of a smile breaking through her stern facade.
Obito salutes. “Yes ma’am!”
As he says his goodbyes, Ryū tearfully clings to him. “...you gotta come back, ne?”
“I will. I made you a promise, right? And I keep my promises!”
Reika makes the journey with him back to Konoha, meeting a particular trio at the gate. And though Minato only gives a tired smile, the other two look much like they’ve seen a ghost.
“...OBITO!” Rin wastes no time in crossing the distance, already crying as she envelopes the boy in a hug. “What...h-how…? I don’t…!”
Embracing her back, he laughs. “I’ll have to explain it all later...for now, I think maybe I’ll just take it easy, huh?”
“O-oh, yes, of course! I’m sorry!”
Kakashi approaches more slowly, looking his teammate over in disbelief. “...you’re alive…? And...your eye…?”
“Like I said...long story. Let a guy breathe first, will ya?”
Watching Obito fondly, Reika then looks to Minato. “Returned in one piece, as promised. See to it he stays that way, hm…?”
“We’ll do our best. Thank you again, Suigin-san. As you can see...his return means more than words can say.”
The medic bows her head in agreement. “...I’m sure his future visits to us will be just as eagerly-met.” Turning to the boy, Reika gives him a sly smile. “...take care of yourself, Obito. I’ll not have gone to all that hard work for nothing, hear me?”
“Y-yes ma’am!”
Before she can take her leave, however, Rin pulls herself off of Obito and gives her a determined look. “...thank you. For bringing Obito back to us. I…”
Reika gives her a thoughtful glance. “...there’s no need, my dear. I did as was necessary. Take care of him, hm…?”
“Of course!”
Taking a few steps, Reika looks over her shoulder before giving a bow, receiving four in return before heading on her way.
Following a scant-remembered trail, shinobi sandals trudge their way up the mountainside, pausing for a few minutes at the crest to take in the view. ...it’s been a long time. Too long. Sighing, the figure begins their way back down.
It all looks exactly as he remembers it.
Surprise alights faces aged by sixteen years, a few missing, and a few yet to be seen as he walks through the village. A bit self-conscious at the staring, he doesn’t stop until he nears the last house.
Outside, talking to an older couple, a woman has her back turned to him, hands gesturing as she speaks. Only once the conversations ceases, the elder pair looking past her curiously, does she turn to follow their gazes.
In spite of himself, the visitor balks slightly, not quite expecting the sight he sees. ...is that really…? She’s…!
Bright spheres of silver look to the stranger with open wonder in her eyes as she tilts her head. A brow then furrows, thinking. And when it hits her, Ryū’s face lights up in recognition, a wide smile blooming as she runs to close the distance.
     OKAY. I have stayed up far too late working on this, but I knew the idea wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it, so...meh xD I needed a break in request drabbles anyway, haha. Sleep is for the weak!      So, uh...this is the random AU idea I was talking about: where Reika once again ruins the entire canon timeline by saving Obito. But unlike the one where she teaches Rin to save the day (and its sequel), it’s just her this time. Basically swooping in before Zetsu has the chance, and stealing him away to do a BETTER JOB of actually HEALING him. And, y’know, not letting Madara get his hands on poor wee Obito.      It’s probably not anything that EXCITING - I’m willing to bet you liked the other one more, huehue - but I do this a lot, just...writing random drabbles of “what-ifs” because I think it’s fun =P      ...also just a hint of shippiness at the end because I CAN’T NOT DO THAT. I love that ship too much, no matter the verse, haha.      ...so...yeah. Now it’s late, and I better get to bed. Sorry if this one isn’t as “interesting” as the ObiRyū one, but I like writing branching paths too much. Hopefully it was at least somewhat neat to read, idk.      *skips off to bed*
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sinfully-romione · 7 years
Ten Seconds
Rating: M/18/E
Sins: Wrath
Summary: Ron is on a mission and confronts a nightmare.
Warning: Non domestic violence
“On the count of three,” Harry whispered as loudly as he could without warning the occupants in the flat, “I’ll blast the door in and you follow me.”
“I know. I made the bloody plan, Harry.” Harry gave Ron one really dirty look and Ron reciprocated gladly.
Harry took a last deep breath. His hands were shaking slightly, and so was Ron. The mix of adrenaline and crippling fear, charging into the unknown, always gave them the collywobbles.
They trained for this moment, countless times. They were Aurors, and damn fine ones. They signed on the magical line to do this, to capture those who had eluded them at the Battle. They signed on the line to bring about some normalcy to their world. And Ron signed on the line to quiet the screams at night, when he had nightmares of hearing Hermione be tortured or the fact he was never fast enough to save Lavender from a lifetime of pain.
But mostly he signed on the line for the git in front of him. Harry was his best mate and closer to anyone in his life, including Hermione. He loved him like he loved himself, and sometimes even more than he loved himself. The tosser didn’t know when to say quit, never backed down from any assignment, never shirked a duty to protect and never held back from rushing to protect and defend others who needed him. Ron promised one night, while completely pissed on whiskey, that he’d never let Harry rush into a situation again without him at his back. The night at the Ministry so many years ago still gnawed at his soul, where he’d been boggled and then in a moment of barmy stupidity, which he always blamed for getting a spell to the head during that fight, giving him the scars on his arms and almost up his neck. He’d let Harry down by getting hurt. It wasn’t completely his responsibility, but there was entirely enough to go around.
Ron erected the shield charm in front of Harry and Harry performed the spell and the door exploded inward. Harry went in first, avoiding spells blasting towards them. Ron hunkered down and followed, sliding into Harry with a grunt. “The bloody hell!”
Harry stood, behind Ron’s shield, and cast a gust of air, blowing away the smoke from the explosion. He ducked down again, dodging two green cast spells aimed at where he had been standing.  “I saw three MLS teams down and I think I saw our mole, too. There’s some bloke spread-eagle on the back wall and I don’t think his head tilts naturally the way it was. But there’s two others who were casting spells from the other side of the lorry.”
“Was it Avery?”
“I couldn’t tell. Mad blokes firing Unforgiveables my way aren’t how I envision my demise.”
“Yeah, my sister would crucify both of us if I let you kark it on a mission.”
“So that’s why you’re on my arse on every mission.”
Ron nodded while Harry peeked past the stack of boxes and ducked back. Two more red spells buzzed by the boxes they were hiding behind. “We have to get those wizards down otherwise they’ll burn the building down and with us in it.”
Ron pulled the mirror from his pocket, hiding down as far as he could go. “Jones! Jones, answer your damn mirror.”
“Jones here,” the dark face appeared in Ron’s mirror. “Report.”
“All MLS teams are down. Potter and I are pinned into position. Building is on fire. Two wizards at least. Advise.”
The mirror went dark for one second. Jones appeared back in it, her face grim. “Warrants receded. All Aurors are en route to scene. Hit Wizards are dispatched, eta 3 minutes.” Jones put her face up close to the mirror. “Kill or Capture Avery and whomever else is with him. Save those MLS teams at all cost. Authority granted from highest levels.”
“Sorted.” Ron put the mirror in his pocket. “Jones said warrant receded.”
“Damn. I’d hoped to capture the bastard.”
The barrels floated up in the air and Harry sprinted away, with Ron following closely. Ron turned while running and blew up the floating boxes in the air, showering them with burning wood. They slid into another stack of boxes 10 meters away, extinguishing the flames that were on the ends of their robes. “Got any ideas?”
Harry cast a bubblehead charm over both of them while Ron peeked up over the boxes and saw a lorry blocking their view. Two sets of boot clad feet rustled on the other side, towards the liftgate and Ron ducked back down. Ron scrubbed his nose while trying to get the smell of burning plastic out of his nostrils.
“Keep me shielded.”
“Are you mad?”
Ron grinned. “Quite possibly. Blame Hermione for it.”
“What are you going to do?”
Ron pointed his wand at his dragonskin jacket, adding more protection onto the scales.  He looked up and Harry gulped. “Knight to C7.”
Harry blanched in understanding. “Ron, no. I can’t allow it. There’s got to be another way.”
“The building is one fire and we’ve got 25 men down. Our lives are forfeit if they die in this fire. Now get my arse out of here before Hermione finds out I did this.”
“You’re barking!”
“Probably but I owe Hermione and Mr. Brown for this. Lavender too.” Ron smirked. “Save my arse when I pull this off.”
Harry nodded, obviously unhappy about what was going to happen. “If you don’t live through this, I’m going to kill you!”
“I figure you owe me for it.” Ron flashed Harry a grin before turning back to the combatants they were facing. “If I don’t – tell Hermione I love her.”
“I’ll save your arse just so I don’t have to tell her!”
“Fair enough!”
Ron gripped his wand and apparated away.
Ron gripped his wand, focusing on the spot between the other two on the other side of the lorry, and spun. Gah, he hated apparition. Hated it with a passion but it was the only way to achieve the objective.
He landed in a heap, covered in burnt plastic and ash from the fire immolating the building around them.  The bubblehead charm disappeared during the apparition and he fought down the urge to vomit from the stench in the warehouse. Ron wiped his mouth and stopped, seeing a face mere feet in front of him, making the nausea disappear instantly.
Knocked over from Ron’s landing was a swarthy wizard, with grey hair tied back from his face. He was older, much older than he remembered but then the Wizard looked up from the box at his feet and froze. Ron knew this bastard. He owed him a blood debt, for what happened to his family. He owed the fucker for what he did to Hermione. He owed this wankstain for every single sleepless night his mum ever had.
“You, you putrid soul, you worthless parasitic lump of dragon dung!“ Ron stalked forward, forcing the other wizard backwards. "You disgusting stain on humanity! Not even a Dementor would suck your soul out because you sold it for that piss stain Voldemort.” He banished the spell aimed at him with a simple flick of his wand. “I owe you!” Ron roared and threw himself at Antonin Dolohov, using his wand hand balled into a fist to beat Dolohov. He didn’t see the dead man’s switch fall from his left hand, rolling under the scattering of wooden crates.
They fell backwards into more boxes, with Dolohov groaning at hitting his back at an odd angle. The boxes scattered under the melee, with Ron grabbing Dolohov’s hair and bouncing it on the concrete under them. “You killed them,” he yelled bludgeoning Dolohov’s head into the concrete again and again.
Thunk “Fabian!”
Thunk “Gideon!”
Thunk “Hermione!”
Ron threaded his fingers together, into a mace, and beat Dolohov in the face. “You bastard,” he swung and hit Dolohov across the face like a hammer, “you killed them.” He hit him twice more across the nose, spraying blood everywhere. “This is for Mum,” he yelled. He balled up his fists and hit him across the jaw, using both hands to pulverize the older wizard beneath his swinging fists. “This is for Hermione, you cunt,” he screamed, beating him until the Death Eater’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. Blood pounded in Ron’s ears as he beat the wizard with his fists, ignoring the wands by his hands. She had been in the Hospital wing at Hogwarts a fortnight, taking so many grotty potions it made him sick to think about how close to dying she had come – all because of the sadistic bastard he was going to kill with his bare hands.
A red spell flew by his head and he rolled off of the unconscious wizard before him. He threw a spell at Avery, missing him. Ron ducked and saw Avery fire off a spell, probably trying to blow open Harry’s position behind the crates.
Ron grabbed his wand and pocketed Dolohov’s wand and apparated the five meters to Avery’s position. He had a second left to make it before he was blown to hell.
Ron landed behind Avery, inside the shadow of the lorry. He saw around the liftgate Harry pointing his wand at his position. Ron reached out and grabbed Avery by the collar of his robes.
Harry fired off the pre-determined spell at the second set of tires on the lorry. They blew, as planned, and threw the truck up into the air. The gas burst from tanks under the compartment of the truck, much to Ron’s chagrin. “Must apparate now, Fuck, outside now, outside now,” he thought as he focused on the parking lot outside of the building. Intense heat and pressure scorched his skin as he apparated away, with Avery struggling under his hand as they departed the blast. He lurched while being squeezed to oblivion and bounced hard off of something.
“Let go of me, you fucker,” Avery growled under Ron’s prone body.
“Shut the fuck up or I will beat you unconscious, just like I did with Dolohov.”
“He’s not dead.”
Ron elbowed the older death eater under him, then kneed him in the bollocks.  The sod under him rolled his head and puked. His ankle ached horribly but not enough to stop him from kneeing the wizard underneath him a second time. “Can’t apparated without a wand, not when I beat him half to death,” Ron growled and punched Avery in the jaw. His eyes rolled back up into his head too.
“Ron,” Harry yelled. “Ron!”
Ron turned his head and saw Harry running out of the building. The fire was out and Healers in green robes were running into the building.
“I got them,” Ron said. “I did it.
“Ron,” Harry skidded to a stop a few feet away.
“Harry,” Ron’s eyes rolled up into his head and crashed off of the unconscious wizard.
“Ron!” Harry ran over to push Ron off of the other wizard and saw his elbow lying across his body at a completely unnatural angle. “Healer! I need a healer now!”
28 notes · View notes
bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BHNA self insert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 5: Y’all Hear Sumthin?
The events of the Forest Camp Arc happened. This is what happened during those times but in my [self insert] perspective.
It’s nearing the end of the semester and everything is more focused on final exams. Iida and I are becoming better friends, most of 1-A ask me to help them with close combat and finishers, final project is coming along and I haven’t told anybody that I was actually Tboone. I don’t have to do the hero licensing or the camp due to my core study being secret service, so I opt’ed out of them to focus on my final project. Kirishima is turning around on me being a spy because of my good standing with everyone, but his guard is still up when I’m around.
-Tuesday, in homeroom-
“Yo Jin, I brought that egg beater we need for our project”
“Yeeesss! this baby is going come to life today!”
“Can’t believe we’ve been working on this project for like 2 weeks and its near completion” said Mimi, still sleepy.
“Right?! Jin coming in clutch with the robotics and my stupid idea.” I said looking at our project rough sketch of a robot dog.
“Nah B, Ita and Mimi coming in clutch with the spare parts and designing” Jin rebutted “also Mimi, you got the progress report ready to turn in today?”
“You know I do baby boi” she said taking out a packet of 6 papers from her binder.
“yee yee!” Jin and I holler.
We work more on our robo-dog in homeroom and then Diya sensei did his student check-ins. Time to time he does check-ins for the class to make sure we’re on track, mental health check, any personal conflict is addressed and advice is given to help us improve. He calls me over.
“Hello Miss Palma, how are you holding up since last time?”
“Hello sensei, I am doing so much better thank you.”
“Great! I have to say, you’d been really hanging in there and improving in your emotions and mental health. I am so glad you have that fighting spirit in you.”
“Thank you sensei, I really have to thank the friends I’ve been making here. They’ve held me together through the difficult firsts”
“Good good, now, is there any conflicts going on?”
“Just the same one, the whole spy thing but it’s starting to waver and the guy is less suspicious of me”
“Okay glad that’s going away, anything else?”
“Alright Miss Palma, my parting advice to you is; Even monkeys fall from trees, be the helpful bystander to help the fallen monkeys back up the tree. Another thing, don’t let go of those two, you three have the best team chemistry of the class and have full potential to be the Big 3 of the department.”
“Oh thank you sensei. I appreciate your advice and kind words.” I say as I bow.
Weapons class was just review on what we faltered in the licensing exam. It was just mostly us training Zippy how to use a parachute. I still don’t know how Diya sensei is letting us have this lizard and being chaotic by letting us commit fraud as a group to give this lizard a license to kill. Zippy can kill me and I’d ok with it.
-In the Hero course classroom, before I arrived-
“Why are your notes in green glitter pen Aoyama-san?” asked Hagakure peering over Aoyama’s shoulder.
“Palma-san gave me three of their glitter pens” said Aoyama scribbling the last of their notes “They had a bunch of extras in their bag and gave me some when I saw how sparkly her notes were.”
“She does have the prettiest stationary,” chimed in Asui “I wonder how her room looks like, kero.”
“Its clean, bright and fragrant” said Iida not thinking of the reactions of the others “she expresses herself through her clothes and work.”
“WAIT! Iida what did you say?” said Midoriya that suddenly was interested in the subject “clean, bright and fragrant? Di-did you go to her place?”
Everyone’s faces perked up and faced Iida, nobody was saying anything but they were all thinking the same thing.
Iida cleared his throat “yes I did go to her place but only to study english! Nothing else.”
“I can’t believe her parents let her bring a boy into their room!” exclaimed Mineta.
“Actually, I didn’t step into her room, we studied in the living room” Iida explained.
“You have to tell us how her family is like! Did they greet you nicely? Did you stay for dinner?” squabbled the girls.
“Um I didn’t see their family, Ita lives alone” Iida said bluntly “she told me that she couldn’t bring her family over and they can’t visit her because it’s too expensive to bring all 4 of them over from America.”
The room went silent, everyone couldn’t believe that Ita was truly alone this whole time. They sort of felt bad that they haven’t spent down time with them outside of class and only asked them for training practice for hours after school. I then walk in, loudly slurping down my coffee.
“Hello everyone!” I say with a tired smile.
“Palma-san! forgive me!” said Uraraka and Midoriya.
“Oh guys its alright! I wasn’t seriously hurt after yesterday’s training session, just a bit bruised” I said assuming that they’re apologizing for roughing me up a bit yesterday with the wrestling moves.
“Not for that!” said Uraraka “why didn’t you tell us that you’re alone here?”
“I’m not alone, I have friends here”
“That not what they meant” spoke up Todoroki “she meant why didn’t you mention that you came to Japan by yourself? And that you live alone this whole time.”
I turn red “who told you all this?”
“Iida-kun did” said Sato.
I turn my gaze to him, he fixed his glasses and I saw that he had a face of regret. Fuck he wasn’t thinking before speaking again.
“Well it’s true, I do live alone. And it’s pretty close by the school, by downtown but don’t see whats the big deal?”
“The big deal is that this whole time we haven’t been good people to you!” said Momo “all we do is ask you for training practice and not ask what are you doing after or if you need company.”
“It’s ok, really” I said in a disarming manner “I don’t really want that much company, I like this alone lifestyle! Back in America, I had to live with my parents and 2 siblings in one house and I hardly had a break or time to myself.”
I then take out my phone. “see, this is my family. I did all the chores, half of all the cooking, all the linen laundry, care for the dogs AND go to school and do all my things there! Do you understand how liberating it is to not wake up to chaos and dodge fire fits when the food isn’t cooked to their liking?!”
Everyone looked at my parents and siblings, there was a planter on fire in the background along with some scrap metal. They saw how short my mother is and the curly hair that runs in the family and how much stronger my siblings were in comparison because they were tossing me around like I was a ball as my father and mother were sitting in patio chairs, looking at us. 
“Don’t you miss them though?” said Asui “at least your mother, kero?”
“I do miss them but not the living conditions” I say as I walk to my seat “I talk to them on the phone and text daily, so it’s not like I’m completely separated from them.”
Class starts and sensei announces that the class will be used for extra practice for the upcoming exams. I have the option to practice with them or not and I choose yes but on alternating days because I want to work on my final project. I have special ground rules for practice combat with the hero class: 
No real ammo
Net gun ok
No lasers
No real blades
No explosives
Stun and Flash tools ok
Must forfeit all pocket items
  “Ok Miss Palma” said Aizawa sensei, holding out his hand “forfeit your pocket items and brief them for me.”
“Here’s my pocket sand” as I take a plastic baggie of sand out of the pocket of my costume “used for crude blindness technique, may cause permanent damage”
“Here’s my mini harmonica” as I take out an inch long, 6 hole harmonica “used for distraction, disabling and/or temporary deafness”
“Here’s the final item, a four piece chicken nugget from Mcdonalds” as I take out a box with said nuggets “used for bait, decoy, ration, projectile and/or distraction.”
Everyone looks at me like they want to know the connection between the 3 items and why are they used for combat? We head to the locker rooms and I have to use the 1-A girl’s locker room because reasons. So I’m in there and I ask if I could play music because it pumps me up for a good fight. The girl say yes thinking I was gonna play something pop, I play Let it Go by Higher Brothers ft BlocBoy JB. I was just getting lit, strapping on my weapons on my body and putting on my steel toe boots. The girls take a good look of my body, I didn’t care if they saw that I had two tattoos, the school knows I have them and they’re non affiliated with any gangs.
“why are most of ya’ll costumes skin tight?” I said as I cock one of my paint guns.
“Why do you have like 5 guns on you?” said Kirishima.
“Shut ya mouf nipple boy” I said with the roasting hand gesture “at least my chest will be covered if I get shot.”
I see the other boys and I get my roast on.
“Boi they did you dirty with that diaper, Why do you look like a literal robot, You still look like broccoli, that just looks like street clothes, did some of yall not get creative?”
The training slowly turned into ‘Don’t let Palma-san find you’ because I capture and counter anything they throw at me. Kirishima thought he could attack me from the sky, but made the mistake of announcing himself with a battle cry. As cool as I could, I just aimed my paint gun on his nipples and shot him while he was in the air. He cried “my nipples!” and then I hit him with the net gun to soften his fall. Momo thought a wall would stop me, she forgot I could levitate and she wasted all her energy in a pointless wall. When we had to pack up, I was the last one to get to the locker room because I dropped one of my weapons in the heat of my tussle with Tokoyami. I get there, not knowing there was some boys following me. 
“Yo! she’s the only one in there!” said Kaminari to Mineta
“Imagine what kind of frilly underwear she wears!” Mineta said peering into the cracked locker room door.
I start to take of my visor and utility belt, letting out a stressed out groan. It gets the attention of Iida that thinks I’m in pain and runs to the direction of the noise. He sees the two pervs peeking in,
“I can’t believe you two! Peeking on whoever is in there so non-discreetly!”
“Iida-san! We were just-” 
“Enough!” Iida said as Mineta tripped over and opened the door wide open.
I had my skirt, under shirt and hair re-done at that point, only my shoulders and neck were exposed. I hear the noise of somebody falling behind me and I just thought it was Uraraka because she left her uniform blazer on the bench.
“Ochako be more careful, you almost-” I stop and see that it was Iida, Mineta and Kaminari.
“Ok I expected Mineta and Kaminari” I say pointing at them with my pink lip balm “but Iida? What did he do?”
As the other two explained, Iida couldn’t stop staring at my two tattoos. I could tell he was overthinking the worst. He snaps out of it and drags the other two out without saying anything. I finish getting dressed and teleport out to the commons room, just in case Iida was waiting to confront me outside the gym. Lunch passes then Jin and I work on the robo-dog in our intelligence workrooms. Suddenly the P.A. activates
“Itati Palma to the principal’s office, Itati Palma to the principal’s office”
“What did you do?!” Jin said worriedly 
“ugh it’s glasses, he saw my tattoos while I was getting dressed to go to lunch”
“oh Neptune, good luck with that mess”
I teleport to the principal’s office, I know I wasn’t in any actual trouble, I was the one being peeked and walked in on. I slide the door open and see The Rat, Iida, Midnight and All Might. Great, now American Stereotype Man is going to know about my little body art incident.
“Oh Miss Palma that was fast, please sit down” said principal Nezu, a Powerful Rat.
“Thank you and hello to everyone else”
Iida doesn’t look at me or said hello back. Just when I thought we were friends but its not the worst thing to end a friendship.
“As you know, Miss Palma got peeked on after training with 1-A and Mr. Iida here caught a glimpse of her body art.”
“Her tattoos?” Midnight spoke up “did he see her breasts? anything below the belt?”
“NO I just saw her fully clothed with exposed neck and shoulders” Iida started “I got sight of her tattoos on both shoulders and needed to tell somebody in the staff.”
I sit uncomfortably because I know whats coming next.
“Tattoos!? On a young teen?! Are you involved in gang activity young lady?!” scolded All Might.
“No Yagi” spoke up the Rat “Miss Palma’s tattoo’s are ceremonial, non affiliated with any organized crime.”
“Itati, would you like to explain the stories behind the tattoos and placement?” coaxed Midnight “I love the way you say the story.”
I sit up and cleared my throat “I got my crossbones tattoo when I left the united states to signify leaving my old life behind. And I got my sugar skull tattoo when I completed basics in Austria before going to Japan, to signify my culture and roots. I got them on my shoulders so I can never forget who I am, where I came from and remind me why I should keep fighting to be the best I can be.”
Iida’s attitude changed after hearing me explain “Well that would mean you should cover them up that much more.”
“I do, you walked in on me” I said sassing him “besides, I don’t care who sees, its art I WANT people to look when I wear something that shows them off”
The meeting was dismissed and I head to the hallway to teleport out, then Iida grabs my shoulder.
“Wait Ita”
“Oh what is it?”
“I’m- I’m sorry, I’ve been such a bad friend, I just wanted to protect you”
“Tenya, I used a gun on you in training, like, I shot you right in the neck while you were trying to whirlwind me. I THINK I can protect myself.”
“Right BUT I really feel bad now, your secret is safe with me!”
“Yes but are you forgetting that Kaminari and Mineta saw too?”
Iida’s face went white “Oh no! you’re right!” he panicked “what now? They can’t keep this secret we-”
“I’m just going to ‘fess up” I said as I put my hand on his mouth “I don’t want to hide myself anymore now that I know people care about me being alone.”
Iida holds my hand that covered his mouth “you really are the bravest one of us all”. I feel the sweatiness of his hand and I politely pull my hand away to wipe it on my sleeve.
“Well see you later! I was in the middle of my project”
I teleport out as that lemon haired boy walked down the hall with his 2 friends.
“See Mirio! That was her!”
“Teleportation? Interesting but I feel like that isn’t her only quirk, her file said 2 quirks in the psychic and mimic categories.”
“I still feel we shouldn’t have read her file, it felt wrong plus it was incomplete.”
“In any case, we now have a face to the name so we can appropriately approach her later.”
Nobody really believed Mineta and Kaminari that they saw my tattoos and Iida denied it to further protect me. My final project is near completion and looking promising, meanwhile, the events of the shopping center happened. The day of forest camp training comes and I go to the school to see the class off.
“Good luck everyone!”
“Thanks Palma-san”
“Oh Sato-san!” I said as I took out a treat box out of my tote bag “here’s your order of cookies!”
“Oh yea thanks! Here’s the rest of the money I owe for them” Sato said taking out a few bills from his pocket.
“You sold Sato-san some of your cookies?” asked Todoroki
“I’ve been selling cookies to him since my 1st day with yall” I said putting the cash in my wallet “And also to the staff, some other students in my program and the people that work at my complex. Its nice to have some pocket money, I’m currently saving up to buy a fancy pantsuit for presentations.”
“I’D LIKE TO MAKE AN ORDER!” Iida said raising his hand, making a scene.
“Oh alright, you want to text me it and what day you want them by?” I said a bit startled.
“Oh right because I’m leaving for a while hehe” he said realizing his mistake “ well, um surprise me and I’ll go get them when we come back”
They board the bus and Iida gave me a tight hug “I promise we’ll be safe so we can spend the rest of the hot weather together” hugging me tighter.
“oof you’re squeezing the soul outta me Tenya” I say breathlessly “I’m looking forward to that, take care now.” He lets go and boards the bus. I wave them out and head home to work on my project. Some days pass and word gets out that there was a villain attack and Bakugo got taken. I get worried as did the rest of the school when it shut down until further notice. The Bakugo rescue unfolded and Mimi, Jin and I watched it on TV at Mimi’s place.
“Man fuck these kids” Jin said “because of their little stunt, we might get stricter rules on all departments.”
“They fucking would ruin everything because of their heroics” I groan out.
“What now bbys? I’m scared! I don’t want us to get hurt or separated.” Mimi said in near tears.
We hug Mimi and just hold each other because we feel the same way... What now?
-3 days later, at my apartment-
I get a visit from Midnight. And they lay the news on me that there’s going to be dorms for 1-A Hero and intelligence programs, due to the nature of our training and program structure.
“That’s good news, but what about my situation here?”
“we worked it out with your case manager and if there’s an occasion to not have the dorms, you can come back to the protected complex.”
“Ok good! I was worried for a bit there” I said relieved.
“but there is one thing the district messed up on and we kinda can’t fix”
“oh? what is it?”
“Since your file is incomplete with personal information like quirks, core program, photo ID, ethnicity and gender ID; they put your assigned dorm in the boys section of the hero section .” Midnight broke the news to me gently.
“That’s a big mix-up, oh boy” I said taking it surprisingly well.
“Yea, sorry sweetheart but Nezu and I are working hard to get you in the right dorms.” Midnight said as she gathered her files “if anything happens while you’re in the boys dorms, its on terms to get you moved where you belong.”
“Thank you Midnight, I’ll keep that in mind while I start packing up here.”
“You’re welcome, oh! and you’ll have a parking space as well so you can bring your car too.”
Oh jeez my car! I’m gonna get exposed real fast. I see Midnight off and start packing, as I only have 3 days until move in day. Morning of, I make some cookies and do a last quick clean of everything before loading up my car. I say my goodbye to the juicer and left a note for the next person ‘to the next tenant, this thing doesn’t fit in my luggage. Hope you make good use of it like I have!’ I have a good laugh and leave. The dorms are closer to the school, like less than 2 miles away, so I could just teleport to school. I drive up extra early so nobody would see me in my car. Midnight let me in early to move in and it wasn’t too bad, it was like the size of my room back home. I get a text while I was putting my clothes away, it was Mimi.
[BBYGRL! did you move in yet?]
[yee I’m in the middle of putting away my clothes]
[already? you work fast! you should come over to kickback!]
[:3 yee yee! will do when nobody notices]
[litty! see you l8er then!]
I hear the others walk up and down the hall and I just hope nobody notices my name plate. I then hear the following outside in the hall,
“Palma-san? what the?”
“Do you think they’re a trap?”
“No can’t be, maybe just a mistake!”
“SHHH! you don’t want Iida to hear you, he might get defensive again!”
“UGH! those two need to get together already!”
“Can’t believe neither of them have made a move”
“I saw them holding hands the other day”
“REALLY?! damn so sneaky”
“oh shit he’s coming shhh shhh shhh!”
I turn my lights to dim so nobody knows I’m here, that failed miserably. As I finished my decor and put my fresh flowers in a vase on my window ledge, Iida kicks the door open.
I turn around slowly with my ‘bitch are you foreal’ face. “hi, have you ever heard of knocking, you should try it sometime.”
“oh sorry but- why are you here? in the boys dorms?”
I explain the situation and how I got here with my car.
“Oh I see now” Iida said in deep thought “So you just are going to live with it until they move you to the intelligence dorms”
“yeah, thats the plan” I said as I fix my flowers “its going to be strange living with yall, but I love new and positive experiences.”
Iida looks at me fixing my flowers and to the rest of my room, tones of pink and orange candy colors with the fragrant flowers makes him associate them with her. He was falling deeper and it was hard deny it but it’s going to take a backseat to the issues at hand. The room contest starts and when everyone saw my room, they were floored with how different it was than they expected.
“Iida-kun was right! it does smell fragrant in here!” said Momo
“You have a makeup vanity?! Such pretty colors and sparkly things, you have to do my makeup someday!” squealed Hagakure.
“What’s that stand for?” asked Jiro.
“oh that? its my music stand, I play the saxophone and I’m really good at it so from time to time you’ll hear me play jazz music to upkeep my chops.”
“what can’t you do Palma-san?!” said Midoriya “you’re like the perfect student, daughter, sister, future wife to a certain person that won’t speak up-”
“I don’t know about all that but I’m terrible at math! If any of yall can help me with that, I’d love you forever!”
“aw shit I’m bad at math too!” Kaminari muttered under their breath.
We see the other rooms and I see that I’m only 5 doors away from Iida and I’m right across from Aoyama. I get ready to sneak to the intelligence dorms, but then remembered that I can’t use the bathrooms the same time as the boys and it’s inconvenient to use the girl’s the floor up. I wait until everyone gets in their dorms to take a shower, I go in the bathroom and see that theres open showers BUT there’s also bathtubs. The plan was to take a shallow bath (a bath with the water to waist level when sitting down in the tub), rinse and dry quickly to teleport back to the room, then sneak out. I take the bath and I dim the lights to a minimum just so anyone that enters won’t see me but give me enough time to dip into the tub to hide. I was about to rinse and I hear somebody walk in but didn’t turn the lights on. I hear them muttering and panting while they were pacing near the sinks, they start talking at normal level and I knew it was Tokoyami
“ok dark shadow I get it! She’s right next to my room but I shouldn’t”
“hehehehe you chicken of a man, that glasses wearing robot isn’t going to claim her”
“I wouldn’t dare, they belong together! She’s just being nice to me”
“STUPID! she wants the bird-”
Suddenly Aizawa busts in and scolds Tokoyami for still being up. Phew there’s my chance to finish up. I teleport to my room, shit Aizawa is on patrol, suddenly I get an idea: solo operation STEAL AND SNEAK, code name- Double S. The plan is to teleport in front of somebody’s dorm-room, knock and give them the sobbing and tears, say I sleep-teleported and I need to calm down a bit, copy their quirk then use said quirk to sneak to the intelligence dorms. Now whom do I go to? Hagakure! The plan was risky but she took the excuse and it worked better in my favor. I sneaked out invisible and naked to the intelligence dorms, teleported back to my dorm to change and teleported back to kickback until 4am. I took a 3 hour nap and said to myself ‘better teleport to my dorm before anybody gets concerned, its still early enough not to be sus’ problem is, when I drink and get tipsy or black out drunk, my teleportation isn’t as accurate. So when I teleported, I teleported 3 feet above the shared space in front of the dining area, in front of everyone.
I groan as I hit the floor hard, “oof, that’s not what I meant to do-” I look up to see everyone in 1-A trying to enjoy breakfast, fuck what do I say?!
“Oh hi yall~hehehe funny how we uhhh just uhhh-”
“Ita what happened?!” Iida said, running toward me “were you in danger? are you hurt?”
“oh what nooooo~” I said stumbling to stand up “I just dropped in to eat som fawkin’ food.”
“Palma-san you smell like flammables” said Todoroki “and you’re not wearing sleepwear.”
“oh that’s just my morning scent! hehehe~ and yall don’t wear crop tops and velvet shorts to bed? its like super-”
“Did you sneak out?” Uraraka confronted me “your makeup is smeared, your hair is messed up and you’re missing a sandal.”
I look down and saw that I was in fact, wearing one sandal. FUCK! they’re on to me.
“hahahaha well would you look at that!” I said as I did finger guns “better uhhh wash up before-”
Suddenly Jin portals in “Yo! found your sandal bitch! it was in the freezer” and proceeds to throw my cold sandal at me.
“You’re welcome, I love you baby girl~” he sassed me as he portaled out.
Turn to everybody and they had their eyes wide open, they could not believe that I pulled off such a thing.
“hehehe I’ll go and uh defrost my sandal” I say walking away to my room. I literally could’ve pulled it off if Jin didn’t portal in. I change, wipe off my makeup, contemplate if I should even leave my room for the day, then walked back to the dining area. Everyone is still there, including Aizawa, fuck me right in the pussy with a rake mom! Now I’m deep trouble.
“Good morning Miss Palma, rough night?” said Aizawa, sipping coffee.
“Oh good morning! I guess you could say that” I said going into the open kitchen to pour myself coffee.
“Hm, from the sound of your dorm-mates, sounds like you just came back from an adventure!” he said putting his cup down “mind telling me the details?”
I take a deep breath and a sip “Ok so what happened after you scolded Tokoyami for still being up, I was in the bathroom at the same time and cleaned up to go sneak into the intelligence dorms with my classmates to kickback and celebrate the move in. In order to sneak out, I had to bypass the security robots and others that might hear, so I teleported to Hagakure’s dorm and tricked them to let me touch their face to copy their quirk to get to the dorms invisible, teleport back to my dorm to change and teleport again to the kickback.”
“wow, that was quite the plan Miss Palma and well thought out” he said standing up “you aren’t in trouble, I just wanted to see if it was true because that’s quite a heist you pulled on everyone.” He turns to the others “Miss Palma here has different rules and regulations from the rest of you, if any of you sneak out, it won’t matter how you pull it off you will get in trouble.” He walks to the sink and rinses his cup and Iida speaks up.
“Sensei! what do you mean she’s not in trouble? She clearly violated many rules!”
“She’s technically not my student, she’s part of the Intelligence 1-A and they  basically have one rule, don’t damage school property.” He says as he turns off the water. “So she can violate curfew, drink alcohol, smoke, sneak out, etc. And I trust her, she has a good head on her shoulders to think things through.”
Aizawa walks away and I have everyone’s eyes on me, I suddenly became envied by the class. I don’t pay any mind to it and continued my day like I usually do when I lived alone. There was a knock on my door while I was working on the fur coat for robo-dog.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Ochako and Asui”
“oh come in!”
They walk in and see me with my sewing machine and the fur pelt I was working on.
“We need to talk, real girl talk”
“oh ummm alright” 
“You have a crush, don’t you Palma-chan, kero”
“ok 1) I do, 2) Just call me Ita, I hate being called chan”
“AHHH! I told you Asui! She does have a crush!”
“who is it Ita-san? kero”
“oh jeez, can you keep a secret?”
They do the mouth zipper motion.
“Ok so I don’t know his name but I’ve seen them a few times at school.”
“oooh! can you describe them?”
“yea, he’s tall, strong body, lemon-yellow hair, blue eyes, very nice and is always seen with 2 other people.”
“hmm, they might be an upper class man BUT what do you think of Iida-kun?”
“Iida, he’s nice but a bit over protective of me. I think of him as the parent-peer”
“But what about all that hugging and hand holding? and having lunch under the tree, kero?”
“He hugs me alot, but everyone that’s close to me does that. He holds my hand when it gets crowded and I’m falling behind him, sometimes when I injure them. He sometimes brings me food but we spend time alone so he can talk to me about his personal things. It’s not a huge deal, people do that to me because they care, I’m used to it.”
“Do you realize that he has an unbearable crush on you?”
“what? I don’t think he does”
“He does! He was going to confess that day when he downed that iced coffee, kero.”
“Yea! he had a note and everything but he got cold feet and didn’t give it to you.”
“I still don’t believe it! Look, the signs might point to that but I want him to tell me himself, when he’s ready. Iida seems like the type to love for the long run, and to be quite honest, I’m a wild and free soul and I know I’m too young to be settling like that. I already had my first kiss and boyfriend back when I was in middle school”
“But if he does confess, would you give him a chance?”
“I would actually, it’s not a far step for friends to become loves BUT he has to tell me or he’ll lose me to somebody else. I don’t wait around if everyone wants a piece of me.” 
They leave after a while and I sit and think, this whole dorming thing is going to be a living nightmare for me. Meanwhile, the girls go to Iida to tell him what I just said,
“Iida-kun, you have to tell her before its too late!”
“I KNOW but I short circuit whenever I want to tell her” said Iida with fast chops.
“She has a crush on an upper-classman, kero”
“yup, you have some competition BUT the good news is that she’ll give you a chance.”
“all you need to do is tell her, kero”
Iida starts to contemplate “OK! I’ll tell her when second term starts! No excuses!”
-End Chapter 5-
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nonudity-blog · 6 years
Uncover & Employ the service of Greatest Felony Regulation agency Execs
Make certain that you get lawful guidance to Employ the service of Excellent Lawful Attorney around my region ahead of the http://www.librarything.com/profile/BramptonLawyers http://profile.wowcity.com/hirebestcriminallawyer cops file a value sheet which would also integrate your statement. It is generally recommended the hire best criminal lawyers in mississauga minute you get accused of a felony offence, frequently uncover aid of a great lawful attorney. It is http://sgimpact.com/profiles/11576/internet pages/106931917-mississauga-prison-law firm-for-employ/evaluation http://sgimpact.com/profiles/11576/internet pages/106931915-mississauga-criminal-law firm-for-retain the services of/review truly crucial that you do not give any assertion to the law enforcement till you get assistance from your attorney. This is proposed just due to the fact any assertion from your conclude could land you in further troubles. Most inhabitants in really a few principal cities, who have interacted with lawyers in advance of, would say that Make use of the service of Extremely very best Bail Listening to Lawyer near to my place would be all set to assist you in a variety of methods to get the situation for you. A very good attorney would be ready to offer you with your scenario in a appropriate approach, taking into consideration that he will have the data of all the finer particulars of prison laws of your problem. Just in predicament you are not in a situation to deal with a superb law firm, you can certainly request for the courtroom docket to supply http://mandeepsaggisocial.wixsite.com/bramptoncriminal/law firm-for-bail-bond-surety you 1 particular who will fight on your behalf. A very good and educated Bail Listening to Canada legal professional would not only symbolize you in the court of http://look for.wi.gov/cpp/help/urlstatusgo.html?url=http://saggilawfirm.com/ http://www.minnesota.feb.gov/redirect.php?link=saggilawfirm.com/ laws, but also get there up with a strong security situation by undertaking a extensive research on your case. At the conclude even if you are proved to be liable, a great legal professional would always be ready to shorten the severity and phrase of the punishment. Several competent lawful attorneys can compile a sentence system for you in these kinds of a way that it can help conserve you from any possible charges. These lawful pros have details of the most latest amendments in the regulations and also modifications in a court's methods, which in change support them, combat for you a whole lot a lot more properly than any other gentleman or girl. https://www.zillow.com/profile/Bail-hearing-canada/ Law agency For Bail Bond Surety is one of the principal paperwork that you require to have to indicator and publish even though implementing for the bail. This doc evidently states that the personal signing this doc would be accountable for the actual physical look of the defendant in courtroom docket at all moments essential. This distinct particular person will also be accountable for paying all the costs in scenario the defendant does not display up in the https://www.feedsfloor.com/other/law firm-surety-bail-bond courtroom or forfeits the bond. All costs incurred by the forfeiture of the bond will also be taken treatment of by this specific. If you require fast aid for getting your cherished one out of jail, you can lookup by way of the planet broad internet and uncover out the bail companies in your Level out, and make contact with the bail agent. You would demand from customers giving some data about by your self these kinds of as the time period of your latest occupation, your recent take care of and how lengthy you have been keeping there, and so on. The firm also requirements to know how you are associated to the defendant. These specifics are essential for processing your software and
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probably forward for the bail. Even though the bail bond business is significantly managed there are a decide on handful of companies out there that do not have out firm in an moral trend. When choosing a bail bonds group it is also beneficial to appear into the qualifications of the organization as appropriately as assembly confront to experience with their bonds agent prior to agreeing to any preparations. A quantity of industrial bail firms have get there beneath scrutiny in the earlier a lengthy time for malpractice. Most of these circumstances concerned misconduct with the fugitive recovery brokers or bounty hunters making an endeavor to detain a bail jumper. In some conditions jail fees have been submitted and pursued in opposition to bounty hunters for illegal detainment strategies. Just as all other States bail bonds and riverside bail bonds also work for various situations. Legislation firm For Surety Bail Bond can be used to just consider out defendants in situations this form of as drug offense, wife or husband abuse, all sorts of felonies and misdemeanors. Some Lawyer For Bail Reduction Hearing Brampton may possibly probably need collaterals from the bond, which is dealt with as a balance. There multiple products which can be dealt with as collaterals these sorts of as bank accounts, life insurance policy policies methods, revenue, correct estate, shares and bonds, or even your signature. However, not all situations would get in touch with for collaterals. Payments of bail bonds can be manufactured with credit rating background playing playing cards, resources, examine out, income grams, swift accumulate, and so forth. Collectively with criminal defense, he also aids consumers with sexual abuse charges, drug expenditures, DUI costs, and person hurt fees. He is really knowledgeable and is mindful of the regulation and also methods to safeguard his clients' legal rights. If you are looking for an experienced jail regulation firm - There are some of the several towns in which citizens can retain the services of a reputed attorney. When you chat about felony regulation, you speak about experience. The Best Mississauga Laws Businesses are there to educate aspiring legal professionals but there is more to these colleges that any individual looking for a quite very good prison lawyer need to consider into account. Part of our democracy is the prospect provided to individuals suspected of criminal offense to be represented by prison attorneys in a circumstance. Nevertheless, not all felony legal professionals are designed equal. Some will boast of their education, other folks of their duration of apply. Even so, these are not adequate. It is correct that the laws university a felony regulation agency attended could problem when evaluating his experienced knowledge. Nonetheless, there are a whole lot of items the college will not most likely educate him and the only issues that really subject when you want the very ideal authorized attorney is to uncover a single who has substantial face in the courtroom. In other terms, if you want an specific who can signify you in a way that gives the most benefit to you, track down the a single who has skilled a superb amount of jury trials in his profession. Acquiring Wonderful criminal lawyers Is Vital To The Finish outcome Of Your Circumstance This is given that Employ Very best Prison Lawyers In Mississauga do not truly ideal their experience till they have skilled the opportunity to exercising them in a actual courtroom taking care of actual jail cases. If you go searching about for a felony attorney, request how a lot of cases they have taken care of in their profession. This amount will give you a quite excellent notion about no issue whether or not they are heading to make a quite good choice. A Exceptional Jail Lawyer Saves You the Headache of an Ineffective Advice of Demo Counsel When the attorney has it that signifies he has devoted his profession to prison regulation and this will make him a a lot significantly far better prospect than an personal who has generally "experimented" with this division of regulation workout. There are a good deal of locations of specialty for attorneys and if you want felony illustration, then you have to pick an individual who specializes on this. Apart from, only these who are board-accredited can legitimately declare to be felony regulation professionals and there is ample cause to picture they will be superb for you. Board certification is an additional factor to show up for when finding a prison lawyer. There is no outstanding regulation company who can even promise that he can obtain your situation. He can assure to give you the really ideal authorized advice for whatever circumstance you are in but that is as drastically as he can go. Mississauga Felony Legal professional For Employ can also assure to do his ideal even however representing you in the courtroom but he will by no means at any time say that you will get, specially if he hasn't reviewed your circumstance completely. A single particular level you are heading to want to stay absent from, even so, is obtaining a Good jail attorneys assure you victory. Hop more than to this web internet site for getting a good deal much more information connected to Employ Very best Bail Listening to Attorney.
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polishedpearls-blog · 6 years
Identify & Hire Best Prison Law firm Experts
Guarantee that you get legal advice to Make use of the service of Best Criminal Legislation organization about my area prior to the http://www.librarything.com/profile/BramptonLawyers http://profile.wowcity.com/hirebestcriminallawyer cops file a desire sheet which would also include your assertion. It is usually advised the second you get accused of a jail offence, typically locate help of a great authorized lawyer. It is http://sgimpact.com/profiles/11576/webpages/106931917-mississauga-criminal-lawyer-for-employ the service of/review http://sgimpact.com/profiles/11576/pages/106931915-mississauga-legal-law firm-for-retain the services of/assessment really essential that you do not provide any assertion to the law enforcement until lastly you get assistance from your lawful specialist. This is suggested basically because any assertion from your conclude may possibly possibly land you in even more troubles. Most citizens in several major towns, who have interacted with lawyers just ahead of, would say that Employ Perfect Bail Listening to Attorney in close proximity to my place would be ready to support you in a amount of ways to obtain the situation for you. A really excellent legislation agency would be completely ready to deal with your situation in a correct style, considering that he will have the comprehending of all the finer particulars of prison regulation of your problem. Just in state of affairs you are not in a situation to afford a really great authorized professional, you can surely inquire for the court docket docket to offer you http://mandeepsaggisocial.wixsite.com/bramptoncriminal/law firm-for-bail-bond-surety you a one who will combat on your behalf. A great and educated Bail Hearing Canada legislation organization would not only symbolize you in the court docket of http://look for.wi.gov/cpp/aid/urlstatusgo.html?url=http://saggilawfirm.com/ http://www.minnesota.feb.gov/redirect.php?website link=saggilawfirm.com/ best mississauga law firms law, but also happen up with a robust protection situation by carrying out a comprehensive investigation on your circumstance. At the finish even if you are proved to be accountable, a outstanding authorized skilled would constantly be in a place to shorten the severity and expression of the punishment. Several experienced legal attorneys can compile a sentence program for you in this type of a approach that it can protect you from any long time period expenditures. These legal professionals have understanding of the most recent amendments in the guidelines and also modifications in a court's methods, which in switch help them, battle for you far more proficiently than any other certain individual. https://www.zillow.com/profile/Bail-listening to-canada/ Law firm For Bail Bond Surety is 1 of the main paperwork that you require to signal and submit even however applying for the bail. This doc obviously states that the distinct particular person signing this doc would be accountable for the seem of the defendant in courtroom at all instances essential. This guy or woman will also be accountable for paying out out all the expenses in situation the defendant does not show up in the https://www.feedsfloor.com/other/lawyer-surety-bail-bond courtroom or forfeits the bond. All charges incurred by the forfeiture of the bond will also be taken remedy of by this man or female.
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If you need instant aid for buying your cherished 1 out of jail, you can appear through by way of the web and find out out the bail organizations in your Point out, and speak to the bail agent. You would call for providing some information about by yourself these varieties of as the period of your existing task, your existing tackle and how prolonged you have been staying there, and so forth. The company also demands to know how you are related to the defendant. These particulars are important for processing your application and likely in advance for the bail. Regardless of the truth that the bail bond industry is tremendously controlled there are a select quantity of organizations out there that do not perform group in an ethical vogue. When picking a bail bonds group it is also useful to seem into the historical past of the business as nicely as assembly confront to come across with their bonds agent just before agreeing to any arrangements. A range of industrial bail corporations have look beneath scrutiny in the before a prolonged time for malpractice. Most of these conditions concerned misconduct with the fugitive restoration brokers or bounty hunters trying to detain a bail jumper. In some conditions legal expenses have been filed and pursued in opposition to bounty hunters for illegal detainment processes. Just as all other States bail bonds and riverside bail bonds also operate for different situations. Law firm For Surety Bail Bond can be utilized to contemplate out defendants in instances these kinds of as drug offense, partner abuse, all varieties of felonies and misdemeanors. Some Lawyer For Bail Reduction Hearing Brampton may perhaps need to have collaterals towards the bond, which is handled as a safety. There numerous problems which can be taken treatment of as collaterals these sorts of as financial establishment accounts, daily life insurance policy coverage policies, money, real estate, shares and bonds, or even your signature. Even so, not all situations would require collaterals. Payments of bail bonds can be manufactured with credit score history enjoying cards, earnings, check out, cash grams, rapidly obtain, and so on. With every single other with felony protection, he also will help clientele with sexual abuse fees, drug expenses, DUI expenditures, and non-public harm bills. He is really expert and understands the legislation and also approaches to protect his clients' authorized rights. If you are searching for an experienced jail lawyer - There are some of the many metropolitan locations exactly the place folks can employ a reputed lawyer. When you talk about about jail law, you chat about face. The Ideal Mississauga Law Firms are there to educate aspiring legal professionals but there is more to these colleges that any individual looking for a fantastic jail legal professional require to just take into account. Element of our democracy is the opportunity introduced to folks suspected of crime to be represented by criminal legal professionals in a predicament. Even so, not all felony legal experts are developed equivalent. Some will boast of their instruction, other people of their period of adhere to. However, these are not adequate. It is true that the laws college a prison law firm attended could topic when evaluating his professional abilities. Nevertheless, there are many factors the college will not educate him and the only issues that truly make a big difference when you want the greatest felony lawyer is to discover 1 who has extensive knowledge in the courtroom. In other phrases, if you want any person who can represent you in a way that provides the most edge to you, discover the one particular who has had a really good quantity of jury trials in his career. Discovering Really excellent criminal legal professionals Is Important To The End result Of Your Circumstance This is given that Retain the providers of Best Prison Authorized experts In Mississauga do not genuinely ideal their experience unless they have had the likelihood to adhere to them in a authentic courtroom dealing with genuine criminal instances. If you go looking near to for a jail authorized specialist, inquire how numerous instances they have dealt with in their career. This quantity will give you a superb concept about regardless of whether or not they will make a quite great selection. A Quite good Prison Attorney Saves You the Trouble of an Ineffective Advice of Trial Counsel When the law firm has it that indicates he has devoted his work to felony regulation and this will make him a much significantly much better prospect than an person who has just "experimented" with this branch of law workout. There are many regions of specialty for lawyers and if you want authorized illustration, then you have to decide on someone who specializes on this. Apart from, only people who are board-certified can legitimately declare to be authorized regulation experts and there is adequate result in to think they will be outstanding for you. Board certification is however yet another element to look for for when discovering a jail law firm. There is no excellent regulation organization who can even guarantee that he can win your circumstance. He can assure to give you the very best lawful guidance for what ever circumstance you are in but that is as substantially as he can go. Mississauga Prison Attorney For Employ can also assure to do his very ideal while representing you in the courtroom but he will in no way at any time say that you will get, particularly if he has not reviewed your predicament totally. 1 particular aspect you are heading to want to stay away from, however, is getting a Very good authorized attorneys promise you victory. Hop above to this website for receiving far more information associated to Use the service of Biggest Bail Listening to Attorney.
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