newstattoos · 1 year
In a tragic turn of events amidst the ongoing Gaza-Israel conflict, a 30-year-old tattoo artist named Shani Louk, hailing from Germany, has lost her life in a horrifying incident that has left nearly 500 people dead and thousands injured. Shani's story is a heart-wrenching tale of an innocent life caught in the crossfire of violence. ...
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anything4any1 · 5 months
An app for families to manage chores
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You know, it’s pretty interesting how chores and allowances have been a thing in families for as long as anyone can remember. Some families see chores as just part of growing up and being part of the household, while others see them as something you get rewarded for doing. It’s like this age-old tradition that’s been around forever.
But what’s really cool is how things have evolved, especially with technology. Nowadays, there are tons of apps out there to help parents manage all this stuff. Instead of just giving your kid a few bucks and tossing it in a piggy bank, you can set up digital accounts for them. It’s like they have their own little bank right on their phone, with all these tools to help them understand money better.
And it’s not just about chores and money anymore. With FamHive, kids can learn about personal finance while they’re playing games or watching videos. It’s like sneaking in a little education while they’re having fun. It’s pretty neat to see how technology is changing the way we teach kids about money and responsibility.
What is FamHive?
FamHive is an app to help parents and kids to keep track of their chores/jobs and earnings.
How FamHive works
FamHive is a comprehensive family management app designed to streamline household chores, rewards, and meal planning. Here’s how it works:
Chore Planner: FamHive makes assigning and tracking chores a breeze. Parents can easily create a list of household tasks that need to be completed, such as cleaning, laundry, or taking out the trash. Each chore is assigned a point value.
Earn Points: When family members complete a chore, they earn points in the app. These points serve as a form of motivation and can be accumulated over time.
Reward System: FamHive offers a flexible reward system, allowing parents to choose between rewarding their children with stars or allowance. Parents can decide what works best for their family dynamics and adjust the reward system as needed.
Redeem Rewards: Once enough points have been earned, family members can redeem them for rewards. These rewards can be customized to suit each family’s preferences, whether it’s extra screen time, a special outing, or a monetary allowance.
Meal Planner: In addition to chore management, FamHive also includes a Meal Planner feature. Users can plan out their family’s meals for the week, create shopping lists, and access recipe suggestions all within the app. This helps streamline mealtime preparation and reduce stress associated with meal planning.
Honestly, FamHive has been a lifesaver for our family. It’s helped us stay organized, motivated, and connected — all while having fun along the way. If you’re looking for a way to streamline your family’s routine and make life a little easier, I highly recommend giving FamHive a try. Trust me, you won’t regret it!
Download FamHive on AppStore
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hillingdontoday · 7 months
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Adopt a Family App – Finding the Right Place for You
Finding the best place for you to raise a family is a critical question. It can be tough to decide what type of family you want, but there are a few things you can do to help make the decision easier. First, consider the size of your family. Second, consider where your kids will attend school. Finally, consider your lifestyle and needs. Once you have all of these factors in mind, it’s time to start exploring the available options.
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What is a Family App.
A Family App is an app that lets you connect with your family and friends online. The app consists of a web browser and phone application that you can use to communicate with one another. The app has a number of benefits for families, including:
1) It can provide a way to stay in touch with loved ones while on the go.
2) It can help to reduce the time spent talking on the phone or in person.
3) It can make it easier for parents to get together and plan family activities.
4) It can help to keep track of family finances and events.
5) It can make it easier foriblings to learn about each other's lives and grow up together.
6) It can helpto manage medical emergencies or diseases in the family.
7)Itcan provide a safe space for kids to share their news, experiences, and feelings without fear of judgement or retribution from their parents or siblings.
8)Itcan providea way for parents to connect with their children while they are away at school or work.
9)Itcan providea way for grandparents to connect with their grandchildren without having to leave home).
What are the Benefits of an App
The benefits of using an app as a family member include:
1) You’ll have more time freezers full of memories!
2) You’ll be able to stay in touch with your loved ones more easily than ever before - no more long conversations over the phone!
3) You’ll save money by not having to travel far apart when traveling out-of-town for vacation purposes!
4) Your kids will have more opportunities to get involved in organized activities (e.g., sports teams, clubs, etc.) - this could mean seeing new places or meeting new people!
5) You may find yourself spending less time talking on the phone because there will be less need for large chunks of conversation!
6) With an app like FamilyApp, you won't miss any important details about your loved ones - this could mean big savings on travel costs!
What to Look for in a Family App.
When thinking about what kind of app to adopt, it’s important to consider the size of the app. A family app that is designed for a smaller group of people may not be as comprehensive or reliable as an app designed for a larger group. For example, a parenting app might be more focused on tips and tricks for raising children than an educational app.
What is the Type of App
There are many types of family apps available, including interactive parenting apps (which allow parents to share photos and updates with their children), educational apps (designed to teach kids about different topics), and travel companionship apps (designed for parents who want to connect with their children while on vacation).
What are the Requirements for an App
Before signing up for a family app, you’ll need to meet some requirements like being a verified user or having at least one million active minutes on your account. The most common requirements are that the app be free, have no ads, and have at least five million users. Subsection 2.4 What are the Advantages of an App.
Some potential advantages of using a family app include making life easier when traveling with kids; providing social activities and connections outside of traditional school/work opportunities; and increasing communication between parents and kids while on vacation or away from home.
How to Find the Right Family App for You.
To find the right family app for you, start by checking out apps that are available in your country. If you’re looking for a mobile app that will connect with your loved ones on a personal level, consider an app like Family bonds or My family. These apps offer unique features and can be helpful when it comes time to keep track of all of your family members’ whereabouts and activities.
Compare the Prices of Apps
To find the best deal on an app, compare the prices of different apps. To do this, look at App store charts or use Google search to see which apps are cheapest in terms of price per day or week. Additionally, check out ratings and reviews to get an idea if an app is worth considering for your family.
Check the Ratings of Apps
When it comes time to buy an app, it’s important to check out ratings and reviews before making a purchase. This will help you determine whether or not the app is worth spending your money on and whether or not it meets your specific needs. By doing this, you can ensure that you’re getting an app that is high quality and will be compatible with your device- both now and in the future.
When choosing a family app, it's important to consider the size of the app, type of app, and ratings. In addition, it's also important to check that the apps are available in your country. By comparison, you can findapps at affordable prices and have an easy time rating them. With such a wide variety of family apps available, finding the right one for you is a breeze!
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elivio · 4 years
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zarrarraza · 3 years
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Let your own customized school app deliver notices, reminders, school alerts and more saving time and paper. Provide inclusive school communication and engage parents through Family App. Your school can reduce staff workloads and provide parents with the convenience of interaction with your school.
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chaitanyabharatnews · 4 years
'दृश्यम' फिल्म देख 13 साल के बच्चे ने की साथी की हत्या, विशेषज्ञों ने जाहिर की चिंता, बताया- इस ऐप के जरिए अपने बच्चों को काबू में करें
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज कोरोना वायरस के चलते बच्चों को ऑनलाइन ही पढ़ाई करवाई जा रही है। ऐसे में माता-पिता को उन्हें ना चाहते हुए भी मोबाइल फ़ोन देना ही पड़ता है। लेकिन कई बार ध्यान ना देने पर बच्चे पढ़ने के बहाने मोबाइल का कुछ और ही इस्तेमाल करने लग जाते हैं। ऐसा ही एक मामला महाराष्ट्र के पुणे से सामने आया है। यहां एक 13 साल के बच्चे ने जरा से झगड़े में अपने ही 11 साल के साथी की हत्या कर दी। जब पुलिस ने इस मामले की जांच की तो हैरान कर देने वाले परिणाम सामने आए। बच्चे ने पहले फिल्म 'दृश्यम' को मोबाइल पर डाउनलोड कर उसे बार-बार देखा और उसके बाद इस वारदात को अंजाम दिया। पुलिस के मुताबिक, सड़कों पर बेवजह वाहनों की तोड़फोड़ के मामले में भी कई नाबालिग बच्चे शामिल पाए गए। जब बच्चों की ऐसी हरकत को लेकर स्टडी की गई तो यह पता चला कि बच्चे स्मार्टफोन का बेतहाशा इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं और तत्काल मशहूर होने के लिए किसी भी हद को पार करने को तैयार है। पुणे के असिस्टेंट पुलिस कमिश्नर सुरेंद्र देशमुख ने कहा कि, ‘शहर में ज्यादातर पालक नौकरी के लिए घर से बाहर होते हैं। उन्हें पता ही नहीं रहता कि बच्चे मोबाइल में क्या देख रहे हैं, कैसा बर्ताव कर रहे हैं, उनके दोस्त कौन हैं। इसलिए माता-पिता का जागरूक होना बेहद जरूरी है।’ प्रसिद्ध साइबर साइकोलॉजिस्ट निराली भाटिया ने भी इस मामले में कहा कि, 'माता पिता का बच्चों की ऑनलाइन गतिविधियों पर नजर रखना बहुत जरूरी है। खासकर किशोरावस्था में। गूगल के फैमिली लिंक जैसे एप से आसानी से माॅनिटरिंग हो सकती है। माता-पिता काे यह पता हाेना चाहिए कि उनका बच्चा इंटरनेट पर कितना समय बिता रहा है, वह क्या देख रहा है, पढ़ाई के अलावा वह क���तनी देर चैटिंग और गेम खेलते है। लेकिन इस बात का भी ध्यान रखना हाेगा कि बच्चाें काे यह न लगे कि आप उनकी जासूसी कर रहे हैं। इसलिए, मोबाइल ऐसी जगह ही रखें जहां हर वक्त आपकी नजर हाे।' उन्होंने बताया कि माता-पिता बच्चों की हर ऑनलाइन एक्टिविटी में शाामिल हाें। उन्हें बताएं कि अच्छे और बुरे कंटेंट में क्या फर्क है। कुछ गलत करे तो समझाएं, क्योंकि एप तो तभी काम करेगा, जब मोबाइल ऑन रहेगा या बच्चे के साथ रहेगा। डांट-फटकार से बच्चा मोबाइल बंद कर सकता है या फिर उसे कहीं छोड़ कर आपको गुमराह भी कर सकता है।’ आप मोबाइल में गूगल फैमिली लिंक ऐप डाउनलोड करें। फिर उसकी सेटिंग्स पर जाएं। इसके बाद लोकेशन, टाइमिंग्स, रिपोर्ट पर क्लिक करें। ये आपकी मेल से लिंक अप रहेगा। इससे आप इन गतिविधियों को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं। इसके जरिए आप हर वक्त बच्चे की लोकेशन जान सकेंगे। इंटरनेट उपयोग की समय सीमा तय कर सकेंगे। उनकी इंटरनेट उपयोग की रिपोर्ट ले सकेंगे। मोबाइल में किसी भी एप को इजाजत दे सकते हैं या ब्लॉक भी कर सकते हैं। यानी बच्चा सिर्फ वही एप इस्तेमाल कर सकेगा, जिनकी आप इजाजत देंगे। बच्चों की मोबाइल की लत किडनी संबंधित बीमारियों को दे रही न्योता, जंक फूड भी है जिम्मेदार टीवी-मोबाइल की गिरफ्त में 80% बच्चों को मोटापा, हो रहे फैटी लिवर जैसी कई गंभीर बीमारियों के शिकार रिपोर्ट : 56% लोग बिना मोबाइल के नहीं करते जीवन की कल्पना, एक साल में 1800 घंटे फोन पर बिताते हैं भारतीय लोग Read the full article
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fabuloustorture · 5 years
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New year, here is one easy way to get a healthier start -- less screen time & more family time. All easily managed by Ourpact. Life has been more organized since we have been using @ourpact.app It allows parents to schedule screen time for recurring activities like school or bedtime and manually block & grant access to internet apps on your child's devices, anytime or anywhere! The app is very easy to use and install! Also with this app you can use the family locator. Each parent receives immediate alerts if the child goes outside of the geofenced area. If you are using on a mix of iPhones & Androids, that is also a great call out as it is a competitive advantage. Click the link in my bio and download the OurPact app! #hbtourpactjanuary2020 #hbtsp #parentingtips #screentime #techhealthyfamily #familyapp #familytime #bookreadingtime #anayanj #momliferules (at Destin, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B68c_k3AIO9/?igshid=12d8zvqcje2ae
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thclosethound · 5 years
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What is your family “app?” Looks like we have a Spotify family with a hint of the weather channel. . . . . . #makeityours #custom #customgifts #personalizedgifts #customtees #personalized #monogram #spotify #theweatherchannel #familyapp @officialcricut https://www.instagram.com/p/BzegTn_A5gm/?igshid=15davzu3qc8li
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mykidibank-blog · 7 years
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Giving a little independence towards their own goals completion and input goes a long way in self-esteem and self-competence boosting! 💚 Want your kids to acquire healthy financial habits? Boost their self-competence and self-esteem? Allow for screen-less childhood moments? 
Get more me-time? 
Get Kidibank™ today!
Now available in all stores with a FREE month trial
No ads, no in-app purchases, a cross-platforms family subscription which respect your family’s privacy. 
(Yearly count ross-platforms Family subscription of $12.99, no in-app purchases or additional charges for upcoming content & features – local stores charges may vary) #familyapp #familyapproved #winparenting #namasteathome #education #competence #independence #children #parents #mom #dad #son #daughter #familygoals #inspiration #grow #raisinglittlepeople #parenting #selfesteem (at Berlin, Germany)
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elivio · 5 years
As a regional New Year ushers in...may happiness comes in abundance to You & Your Family.
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zarrarraza · 3 years
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The FACTS Family App makes it easier than ever for parents to access the information of students, behavior, attendance, grades and push notification (alert) anytime, anywhere. 
Learn more: https://neoedtechnologies.com
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circlecareapp · 7 years
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Make sure your #parents are #walking enough daily with #CircleCare App! https://app.mycirclecare.com/rosz/dym5hndf0C  #FamilyApp #FamilyCare #Fitness#GoForAWalk #Pedometer #StepCounter
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goderlifestyle-blog · 7 years
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#Repost from @godermagazine with @regram.app ... #Repost @siliconvalleyglobalmedia ・・・ @mycloudedlife_app Check out one of our new app about to drop soon. Like and share us please. #photos#app#photosharing#tgif#networking#friends#family#familyapp#familyorganization#organization#meetings#teamwork#babies#babyphotos#notes#startup#marketing#iphone#iphonex#android#entrepreneur
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snowqueen27 · 6 years
Engaging Your Children's Brains With Fun And Educational Games | Lipa Land
Engaging Your Children's Brains With Fun And Educational Games @lipalearning #lipaland #familyapp
With the colder season here, we’ve been spending a lot of times indoor. You can just imagine how that’s going for someone like Jazzy that could pretty much live outside if she had the choice. While I have no qualms with screen time in our house, I like to opp for apps that are both fun and educational for her. Today I’m talking about an app that we’ve both been enjoying these last few weeks.
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elivio · 6 years
Happy Valentine’s Day
To all the Beautiful People out there, Happy Valentine’s Day.
No matter what, always love your family. We may not agree, but still show them your love.
For everything else in the family, you have...ELIVIO. Live informed, Live elevated.
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