afgevaardigde · 1 year
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Some cool things in Final Fantasy XIV   [1/?]
→ slutty pandaemonium top Asphodelos chiton of Healing
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fallenrazziel · 1 year
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Varda Elentàri #1
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linestyleartwork · 10 months
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"A Elbereth Gilthoniel"- personal art 2021 (available as print in my shops: https://linktr.ee/l )🧝‍♀️🌟
'A Elbereth Gilthoniel silivren penna míriel o menel aglar elenath! Na-chared palan-díriel o galadhremmin ennorath Fanuilos, le linnathon nef aear, si nef aeron!'
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doot-boi · 2 months
Varda, Lady of the Stars
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Varda, Lady of the Stars, by Jerrel Salvatierra (skinnyuann)
Varda Elentári, Elbereth Gilthoniel, Tintallë, Fanuilos, Avradî, Gimilnitîr, Airë Tári
This piece is featured on Tolkien Gateway under her page and it is a stunning rendition of the Queen of the Valar. My most treasured character among the Ainur
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aureentuluva70 · 5 months
Earendil/Elwing and Varda/Manwë parallels/associations:
Earendil/Varda are both associated with the stars and light, Earendil bearing the silmaril which itself and the other two jewels were hallowed by Varda and were said to have shone like 'the stars of Varda'.
Elwing is associated with birds and flight, having been transformed into a seabird at one point by Ulmo, and Manwë is, as most fans know, beloved by all birds, but is most associated with the great eagles. (Earendil is also associated with the eagles to an extent, at least in early versions when his name was connected with the elvish words for eagle.) Elwing lives in a tall tower where 'at times all the sea-birds of the earth repaired', and that to Manwë 'hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls' 'on the uttermost tower of Taniquetil'.
Elwing's title is the White, while Varda is known as Fanuilos, meaning Snow White.
Manwë and Earendil both have bright blue eyes. '...blue is the fire of his[Manwë's] eyes...' and in the book of lost tales Earendil's eyes are described as 'bluer than the sapphires of the raiment of Manwë;'.
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This took me daysss but here’s a condensed version of all Middle Earth books as
We Didn’t Start the Fire
Kanafinwë, Elenwë
Dorthonion, Manwë
Mordor, Númenor, Gondolin Falls
Barahir, Idril, Mîm
Rescue at Thangorodrim
Last Alliance, Valaquenta, Rohan’s Mighty Halls
Celegorm, Morgoth’s Wrath
The Fellowship of the Ring
Gil-galad is High King
Fëanor, Maedhros
Darkening of Valinor
We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it
But we tried to fight it
Maeglin captured, Durin’s Bane
Pippin is the Shire’s Thain
Arnor, Bilbo, Celebrimbor, Noldor, Túrin
Rivendell, Samwise
Underhill disguise
Mirkwood, Radagast, Smaug, Húrin
Red Book of Westmarch
Wizards sent as old men
There and Back Again
Thuringwethil, Théoden
Doriath, Nargothrond, Finrod Felagund
Mablung of the Heavy Hand
Down goes Beleriand
We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it
But we tried to fight it
Boromir, Bregolas, Nerdanel, Legolas
Aulë, Anduin, Misty Mountains, Bruinen
Beleg, Ancalagon
Galadriel, Ecthelion
Eärendil is a star, Children of Illúvatar
Frodo Baggins, Elwë, Beregond Eonwë
Carcharoth, Faramir, Aredhel poisoned spear
Turgon, Goldberry, Pelennor, Teleri
Grey Havens’ Shipwright
Bombadil Barrow-wight
We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it
But we tried to fight it
Lórien, Haleth
Indis, Minas Tirith
Elwing, Déagol, Silmarils, Sméagol
Nienor, Thorondor, Caranthir, Gildor
Treebeard, Fingon, Melian, Daeron
Arwen, Celeborn, Boromir, Gondor Horn
Trouble at Amon Hen
Glorfindel lives again
We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it
But we tried to fight it
Kalimac, Lúthien
Annatar’s back again
Dúnedain, Elros
Helm’s Deep, Rauros
Shelob, Tulkas, Vinyamar
Doomsman of the Valar
Sharkey in the Shire, Narya: Ring of Fire
Isildur, Erebor
Wormtongue, Durin’s door
Haradrim, Draughlin
Nazgûl, Éowyn
Elves departing from the shore
Beorn, Third Age Post-War
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
A tiro nin, Fanuilos!
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sotiriabellou · 23 days
fanuilos heryn aglar rîn athar annún-aearath, calad ammen i reniar mi ‘aladhremmin ennorath, a ebereth gilthoniel ichîn a thûl lin míriel fanuilos le linnathon ne ndor haer thar i aearon.a elin na gaim eglerib, ned în ben-anor trerennin si silivrin ne pherth ‘waewib cenim lyth thílyn thuiennin.a elbereth gilthoniel men echenim sí derthiel, ne chaered hen nu ‘aladhath ngilith or annún-aearath.........
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varda-delle-stelle · 1 year
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A Elbereth Gilthoniel
silivren penna míriel
O menel aglar elenath!
Na-chaered palan-díriel
o galadhremmin ennorath,
Fanuilos, le linnathon
nef aear, sí nef aearon!
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
o menel palan-diriel,
le nallon sí di'nguruthos!
A tiro nin, Fanuilos!
This is the Mother Mountain behind my Home and when I got out this afternoon I felt amazed watching the light and the mist around me and I truly felt like I had stepped into the mythical word (or maybe all of our planet looked like this) and I really wanted to take a picture, so here it it is alongside Varda's hymn because she is the best and I love her so much 💙
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satorisa · 3 months
i am.... speechless. i am SPEECHLESS *proceeds to say a lot* JFMDNDJSSH JHO :( JHOOOOOO. do have any idea how i had to take breaks while reading to note my favorite parts because there's no way i would leave it unsaid? man you are such an excellent writer. hell, To Infinity, Forevermore could be a story of its own rather than a mere fanfiction. it is that good. and let me tell you that not all fanfiction could do that. even i, as a fanfic writer, couldn't write something that could stand alone as a separate story from the series i am writing.
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i cANT STOP LAUGHING AT THIS DOSJFWJEJWJ i can hear them saying the "oh mama" and "my word" in their minds!! i can see it in a manga panel!! and oh hell i am gonna do that sooner or later <3
and my most favorite part is how you managed to depict satoshi's eventual spiraling depression ENTHRALLED me almost the way he was in love with risa.
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the anxiety, the messy home, the unhealthy coping mechanisms, even the subtleties of emotions such a small frown, a lingering stare, a look of trepidation—ALL OF IT was portrayed with such grace and realism. you know, even without the elements of dark being the forgotten one, every person who experienced having a relationship w/ someone who still has lingering feelings over their past would be able to resonate themselves in this story, in satoshi. that's why i want to reiterate, again and again, that this fic would be able to stand on its own even without the elements of DN angel. this brings me to ask, do you plan to create a story of your own? do you have original stories in your lawn? i bet they would be as wonderful as this one if not more.
i also want to express sheer appreciation over risa's eventual maturity. i remember the anime highlighted her maturity towards the end of the series, but it wasn't highlighted any further than dark's comment. this was cathartic for me, in a way, because you were able to show me how would that maturity manifest in post-canon. i think i've said this before, but i feel like it needs to be reiterated again: you always nail their characterization. it was like you had a meeting with sugisaki-sensei before writing them 😭
it is also rare for me to come across a fanfic of a stoic character being an emotional emotional mess that wouldn't give me an ick. i easily cringe whenever there's an out of place emotion to a character who was deemed to be too emotionless for their own good, but you just managed to hit the nail, as always, that satoshi's vulnerability and raw human-ness *if that's a word lmao* is something i hold with deep love.
honestly, i want to be greedy and recommend you all the classic anime series i've loved since i was a child, then make you love it as much as i did, then eventually convince you to make a fanfic for me 😭😭😭 HAHAHAHA. i'm really glad to meet u and read your work. you are and will always be the person that i wished to have when i was 10 years old and reeling with love for dn angel.
okay, i think i'm saying too much at this point. sorry for word dumping, but even after saying this much, i still don't think it's enough to portray my appreciation over this fic. to think that it was dedicated to me fills me with so much warmth. thank you so much. :)
Thank you for your patience!
I literally only remembered I had yet to respond to this because of that ask I saw of you answering that person about the difference between showing and telling...so many, many apologies for that hahahaha
Thank you so much again for your kind words! I think the canon leaves a lot of interpretation for both Satoshi and Risa, so the basis of how I write them is based on both Fanuilos' characterization of them in Interesting Developments and heavily mired by own personal life (oops). I wouldn't be surprised if that might be why this fic in particular can stand alone even without the canon inspiration just because it's something that, outside of the remnants of Dark, can read as just another short story because the heart of it is rooted in reality.
Most of my writing journey has also been me attempting to finish my original story ideas as well, so I'm more used to writing out of my ass (for lack of better words) than using canon as a crux.
I do have an original story that I'm currently attempting to tackle! It's a story about three sisters, told in four parts with very different inspirations per part, that focus on the theme of "home" (and belonging by extension) using an Asian-American lens. You're more than welcome to privately message me about it through if you're more interested!
Again, thank you for your kind words! Satoshi and Risa have always been two of my favorite characters to write, mostly because I'm most comfortable writing them, so I'm always glad to hear that people like how I've characterized them!
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officialjamesflint · 11 months
[Audio description: a recording of me singing outside. The tune is in a minor-like key and is reminiscent of medieval plainchant. The lyrics are as follows:
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
Silivren penna míriel
O menel aglar elenath
Na-chaered palan-díriel
O galadhremmin ennorath
Fanuilos, le linnathon
Nef aear, sí nef aearon!
End audio description.]
live to you from my back alley: a elbereth gilthoniel!
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afgevaardigde · 1 year
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bluehourskyeli · 2 years
Even as Sam himself crouched, looking at her, seeing his death in her eyes, a thought came to him, as if some remote voice had spoken, and he fumbled in his breast with his left hand, and found what he sought: cold and hard and solid it seemed to his touch in a phantom world of horror, the Phial of Galadriel. 'Galadriel!' he said faintly, and then he heard voices far off but clear: the crying of the Elves as they walked under the stars in the beloved shadows of the Shire, and the music of the Elves as it came through his sleep in the Hall of Fire in the house of Elrond. Gilthoniel A Elbereth! And then his tongue was loosed and his voice cried in a language which he did not know: A Elbereth Gilthoniel o menel palan-diriel, le nallon sí di'nguruthos! A tiro nin, Fanuilos! And with that he staggered to his feet and was Samwise the hobbit, Hamfast's son, again. 'Now come, you filth!' he cried. 'You've hurt my master, you brute, and you'll pay for it. We're going on; but we'll settle with you first. Come on, and taste it again!'
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human-antithesis · 1 year
The Strength to Dream
Lyrics: Lately I feel I'm going under, And sometimes I don't want to see tomorrow. All I need is to hold the dream, just to touch the dream, Can it ever happen? Oh, your true sincerity, your kindness, means so much to me; But sometimes it feels like nothing is real except this pain and dark uncertainty.
Lately I've been feeling more like giving it all away; There's been a black cloud over me and now I feel the rain. My dreams never seem to lead me to the open road; And cracks have slowly begun to show in the bridge from here to my only goal.
In the ebb of my mind I try to climb the tower of strength What can fill this cold empty void of what I fear will never be? I find that I follow pathways that lead me nowhere.
The truth is I am chained to my ideals, and I can't change it; But something in me yearns to win; I know real love is there to find us. If I ever stop believing I'll always find the strength to dream. But for now depression smiles down upon me; Oh, what I would give to know you.
A Elbereth Gilthoniel silivren penna míriel o menel aglar elenath! Na-chaered palan-díriel o galadhremmin ennorath, Fanuilos, le linnathon nef aear, sí nef aearon!
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A Elbereth Gilthoniel
o menel palan-dirial,
le nallon sí di'nguruthos!
A tiro nin, Fanuilos!
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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xomnus · 4 years
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my FC room on sargatanas, goblet ward 20, plot 3, #2! FEAT. @deafgevaardigde & my wol
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ainurmoodboards · 5 years
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Varda (Fanuilos Aesthetic) Varda is the Vala of stars and light, the wife of Manwë, one of the Aratar, Queen of the Valar, and the one most beloved by the elves. Her face radiated the light of Ilúvatar and she appeared in shining white fana in visions to the Elves of Middle-earth, and thus was called Fanuilos. Fanuilos is an epithet of Varda and means "bright (angelic) figure ever white (as snow)" When Melkor first began to create chaos, Varda saw his mind, and despised him. Melkor feared and hated Varda the most out of the Valar because he had been unable to control light, which Varda was most associated with. When Manwë contested with him for Arda, Varda came from the deeps of Eä to his side. During the Spring of Arda, she filled the Two Lamps with light. In Valinor she kept the dews of the Two Trees in the Wells of Varda. When Mandos foretold of the coming of the Elves and how they would always look to Varda in reverence, she took it upon herself to set new stars for the Elves to see when they awakened. For this, Varda is the Vala most loved and revered by the Elves. She also hallowed the Silmarils of Fëanor when he created them, so that any being or creature of evil could never handle them without being burned. After the death of the Two Trees, she took the remaining flower of Telperion and the fruit of Laurelin and placed them in vessels made by Aulë. Her handmaiden is Ilmarë, a Chief of the Maiar, who at an earlier stage of Tolkien's writings was her daughter. Olórin (Gandalf/Mithrandir) also served her in addition to Manwë, Nienna, and Irmo/Lorien. In Tolkien's earlier works, the characters Arien (Urwen/Urwendi), Ilinsor (steersman of the Moon), and Telimektar (the constellation Orion) are connected to her as well. In Middle-earth, she was revered by the Elves who called her name and sung hymns to her (such as the Elven Hymn to Elbereth) and perhaps answered to prayers, even to Samwise Gamgee. The very mention of her name was said to be deadly to evil spirits, such as when Frodo uttered the name in the presence of the Morgul Lord. The Valar, being divine beings below the ultimate Creator, Ilúvatar, are thought of as being the Middle-earth equivalent of saints and angels; it has therefore been suggested that Varda, in her role as the most loved and prayed-to Vala, may be an equivalent of the Virgin Mary in Tolkien's own Catholic faith.
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