#Fast vs. Level 2 Chargers
pressrealz · 10 months
Mega-Jolt: The Costs and Logistics of Plugging in EVs Are About to Become Supercharged
Looks like this wasn't thought all the way through.... Go figure.
By John Murawski November 27, 2023 Paul Sladen, Wikimedia Commons U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm gave Americans an unintended glimpse of the future during her road trip this summer touting the wonders of electric vehicles. Her public relations misadventure in Georgia involved one of her staff in a gasoline-powered vehicle blocking off a coveted charger in advance of her arrival,…
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dr-spectre · 3 months
Splatoon Fighting Game Ideas.
Y'all, hear me out on this.... I've had this idea for a while now...
A Splatoon fighting game based on the gameplay style of Marvel vs Capcom and other team based fighting games.... You swap between three characters and the roster includes the Idols, Agents, some of the villains and other characters. And there's a special meter with 3 levels and cinematic hyper combos inspired by Final Smashes from Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Like if Nintendo wants to expand the Splatoon franchise, they need to make spin offs dude and a fighting game would be incredible, that's all I'm saying. And you know what? I'm gonna go over the roster and talk what i would do if i was in charge in making a Splatoon fighting game and you can't stop me!!!!!!! If you don't get the fighting game terms that will be in this post then look them up. I also won't go into SUPER DUPER detail and just go over general things i would do.
Also also, i haven't played every single fighting game in existence and I'm just basing it off of the games I've played (Street Fighter, Capcom vs series, Smash Bros for reference.) Without further ado, let's get into it.
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I can imagine Callie's playstyle to be a powerhouse, someone who gets up close and just deals a ton of damage. but she has exploitable weaknesses like slow moves that have a lot of recovery time. She uses a themed Dynamo Roller based on her and can do air combos mixed in with Splat Bombs. Some of her moves also take inspiration from her dance moves found in her Amiibo performances and Bomb Rush Blush remix in Splatoon 2. Callie is a chaotic fighter who is unpredictable and moves pretty damn fast. Her max hyper combo could be her spamming every bomb from every game in the series at the opponent as Bomb Rush Blush plays. She then rushes to the opponent and swings her roller around at insane speeds, it then ends with her slamming the roller into the opponent like a baseball bat, sending them flying into the horizon and she does her "Stay Fresh!" pose to finish it off. Her main taunt is her facing the camera, doing her iconic pose and then giggling while her covering her mouth.
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Marie could be a zoner that uses her Hero Charger and her parasol when doing close courters attack. Heck it could be her shield too. I would imagine her combos to be very hard to pull off as her shots are slow and you need to time the attacks just right so that you can keep your opponent in the air and deal as much damage as you can. Her max hyper combo could be running you over with the Sheldon truck that appears in Splatoon 2 to start the combo, then she gets onto the truck and snipes you with a barrage of shots until finally jumping off the truck with Sheldon. And then the truck collides with you and explodes in a giant green explosion. Her main taunt is her facing the screen, giving a thumbs down while blowing a raspberry. She then chuckles while doing her classic grin.
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Pearl could be a rushdown like character where she is incredibly fast with her themed dualies and is just a general pain to deal with. She can also turn into her drone form when in the air to slow down her descent and trick opponents up. Imagine how fun it would be to play as her and just dash around and be an annoying little shit. Her max hyper combo would be of course her Princess Cannon, she slams it down on the ground and if you get hit, you'll be trapped in the combo and Pearl will scream her lungs off like she did in Octo Expansion and Side Order. Her main taunt is her pulling out a megaphone and screaming at the screen.
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Marina is a character who's all about machinery and hacking and i think she would fit the trapper archetype pretty well. While she wields a Splat Brella to deal close range damage, she mainly uses traps like ink mines, sprinklers, and machinery to get enemies and string together combos. She is a very hard character to master, but those who love the trapper archetype will LOVE playing her and find her incredibly fun. Maybe you can trap an opponent with Marina and then bring in Pearl to deal some quick damage. Her max hyper combo could be transforming into her Order outfit and floating in the air while holding her keytar. She locks onto you and then fires off a barrage of ink blobs, Super Chumps and her Hyperbombs while jamming out. The combo ends in a giant teal explosion and Marina returning to her normal self, awkwardly laughing off the chaos she just caused. Her main taunt is her giving an embarrassed smile and wave at the screen.
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Shiver would be a footsies/brawler type character and be good on the ground and moving around, however she doesn't have a good air game and crumbles in the air. She uses a modified version of her sensu fan that she uses in Splatfests to poke at enemies and slash at them like a blade. She also uses a Tri-Stringer to do anti air attacks to stop opponents from attempting an air attack on her. Shiver is all about reading opponents and punishing them for messing up. Her max hyper combo would be her doing a small performance like what she does in Splatfests which causes Fizzbangs to spawn around the opponent and do damage. Shiver then quickly becomes more wild eyed and summons Master Mega. She rides on him and collides with the enemy which causes a massive explosion. Shiver jumps away at the last possible second and stumbles into a backflip because she's both a girlboss and girlfailure. Her main taunt is her arching her back and laughing like a maniac before quickly snapping back and gaining back her composure.
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Frye would 100% be a glass cannon, someone who's amazing at damage but crumbles when getting hit. She uses a themed Splatana Stamper to whack enemies and it has pretty decent range for a sword. However it has a mechanic where it deals less damage if you hit opponents with the base of the Splatana, so you must be precise and hit opponents with the tip to deal the most amount of damage. Her max hyper combo is her calling her eels with her flute. Frye starts spinning around which creates a huge tornado of eels. The tornado flies at the opponent and sucks them into a barrage of eels, the tornado subsides and Frye looks down at the fallen opponent and laughs while striking a pose. Her main taunt is her sitting on the ground cross legged and looking very annoyed. This taunt lasts forever until Frye gets hit or you press a button.
Big Man
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Big Man would be the grappler archetype where he must get up close to his opponent and use command grabs and other moves to deal damage. He can also throw out Splat Bombs and bellyflop in the air. His max hyper combo is him covering himself in ink and spawning copies of himself, the copies surround the opponent in a circle and all charge towards them. It ends with Big Man jumping onto the clones until he reaches the top, and then he does a giant bellyflop onto the opponent which causes a huge wave of ink. His main taunt is him facing the screen and jumping up and down to get your attention.
DJ Octavio
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DJ Octavio would be a heavyweight and have incredible damage and decent speed, but his hitbox would be massive and he's easy to combo. However his mech is shrunken down from it's Splatoon 1 size for balancing reasons of course. Octavio would use a mix of his retractable fists, Octorpedos and send out Octotroopers of different variety that run on the ground. If you have played Marvel vs Capcom and played as the characters Sentinel and Tron Bonne then he's pretty similar to them. His max hyper combo is him sucking up the Great Zapfish into his mech which engulfs it in a huge electric glow. Several more retractable arms made out of electricity appear from the back of his mech and charge up. They attack the opponent in the melody of the Onward! jingle, with the last punch creating a giant electric blast, causing Octavio to laugh manically. The opponent flies into the air and the fists all gather in front of the mech to charge up a giant killer wail, blasting the opponent away. His main taunt would be him dancing to his theme song. He does some DJ hand poses with his mech arms alongside this.
Mr. Grizz
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Mr. Grizz is both a heavyweight and zoner, using his claws to send out waves of purple ink. He can also summon Fuzzy Octohoppers and Octocopters to throw out bombs and splashes of ink. His regular close courter attacks are slow but they deal a fair amount of damage too. He can even teleport away by sinking into the floor and reappearing on the other side of the enemy. His max hyper combo would be him standing above the opponent and laughing as he carries the rocket seen at the end of Splatoon 3 ROTM. He throws it down at the opponent and it explodes, causing a giant fluffy explosion that's seen from outer space. His main taunt is him playing around with some glass vials containing the fuzzy ooze.
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Overlorder would be a glass cannon character but they would need to be obviously shrunken down because well... they are fucking massive. They would play sort of like Venom in the Marvel vs Capcom games where they use black ink and tentacles to send enemies into the air and do devastating damage. It can even send out Reefsliders as powerful air launchers. Their max hyper combo would be them Grayscaling and glitching out everything, Overlorder then grabs the enemy and drags them across on the floor. They are then trapped in a Jelleton portal and spiraled upwards. The portal then explodes with glitchy effects, Overlorder then says "grayscaling completed..." Their main taunt is them facing the screen and glitching it out for a brief period to scare players.
Captain 3
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Captain 3 would be an all arounder and perfect for beginners, they don't have any real obvious strengths and weaknesses but they can get the job done in a lot of areas fairly decently. They would obviously wield their Hero Shot and pack some Autobombs for range. They also use a Hero Slosher, Roller and Blaster for specific moves and combos. Their max hyper combo would them standing on the UFO that appears in the Inner Agent 3 battle and they stare down at you. They dive down and do a Splashdown, launching the opponent into the air, they use the Bubble Blower special and causally chuck a Splat Bomb when the opponent lands on the ground. The opponent is sent crashing into a wall from the huge blast and is completely stunned, then Captain 3 stares them down and picks up the treasure they used in Splatoon 3 ROTM and cracks a small smile. They tear up the opponent and it cuts to white. Their main taunt is them facing the camera and doing the hand movements they do when posing with the Squid Sisters. A little booyah appears at the top of their head too.
Agent 4
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Agent 4 is a clone of Captain 3, but focuses more on being aggressive and their moves have a Splatoon 2 theme to them. So instead of Splatoon 1 Hero Mode weapons, it's Splatoon 2's. Agent 4 is like Ken and Captain 3 is Ryu if you understand what I'm trying to say. Their max hyper combo would be them grabbing a Rainmaker and charging towards the opponent, they fire off 4 Rainmaker shots that send the opponent flying into the air. Agent 4 leaps up high and then SLAMS the rainmaker onto the enemy, smashing them to the ground which causes a huge explosion. Their main taunt is them pulling out a mini zapfish plush and snuggling it for a second and then putting it back.
Agent 8
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Agent 8 is vastly different compared to Captain 3 and Agent 4 and focuses more on defense and mobility. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeve when it comes to weaponry and main the Octo Brush for most of their moves. They also wield an Octo Shot and E-Liter 4K for range. Agent 8 is a nimble fighter and highly technical which gives them a noticeable skill gap compared to the other agents. Their max hyper combo is them clasping their hands together and closing their eyes. Color chips circle them and Agent 8 floats into the air. The chips go inside them Super Sonic style and Agent 8 is engulfed in a rainbow aura. Agent 8 pulls out their Octo Shot, dash down to the opponent and uppercut them. They swarm the airborne opponent and do rapid fire shots with the Octo Shot. Just before the opponent reaches the ground, Agent 8 spins around and SMACKS them with the Octo Brush, sending them flying into the sky. A giant 8 firework appears in the sky and Agent 8 takes a selfie. Their main taunt is them taking a picture at the screen and giving a thumbs up.
Neo Agent 3
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Neo Agent 3 would be the most interesting out of the agents as they would be the puppet archetype with Smallfry being the puppet. During certain combos or inputting a certain command, Smallfry will be sent out and will copy some of your moves. If Neo Agent 3 does a series of punches and kicks for example, Smallfry will move their body in the air like they are a flying blade. (Think of Rosalina and Luma in Smash Bros.) Heck in some moves Neo Agent 3 will chuck Smallfry at enemies and it'll latch onto them and deal damage over time for a little while. Their max hyper combo would them being in space and holding out Smallfry in their hands. They crack a smile and Smallfry floats into the air, they glow a bright blue and transform into Hugefry. It then shoots itself towards the opponent while dragging a tsunami, the opponent is sent flying into space from the force of the wave from Hugefry. Their main taunt is them pulling out an ink bag and drinking it. They wipe their face and pat their belly after they guzzle down the ink.
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Harmony is a trapper character just like Marina where she has different gadgets to trick up opponents, she's also sort of a joke character as her moves are more comedic and is a character to use if you wanna mess around and have some fun. She can use her Ultra Hand to grab enemies from afar and reel them in for a command grab. She uses a Wii Remote and Nunchuk for air attacks, a GameCube console as a weapon because it has a handle on it, an N64 controller as a boomerang attack and she even chucks Game Boys at opponents that go in an arc. Her max hyper combo is her getting the band Chirpy Chips, going on stage and jamming out to a random song made by them. Sound waves and notes collide with the opponent, dealing damage. The sound waves and energy form into a giant Game Boy and the giant console collapses onto the opponent (think of that one Donkey Kong Land commercial. You know the one.) Her main taunt would be her sitting on the floor and playing with an Ultra Hand like how she does in Hotlantis. There's even a rare chance for her to play with a Game Boy instead.
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Figuring out a moveset for Acht was surprisingly difficult but i have thought of some ideas for them. Acht would be a martial artist and be the most standard character out of the roster. They don't wield any weapons but can do lots of different punches and rapid fire kicks that have ink effects to them to spice it up. They can also throw out vinyl records at opponents which act as air launchers. Their max hyper combo is them getting on stage and playing around with some turntables. They increase the volume and Acht gets covered in a blue and red aura. Acht leaps over the turntables and strikes through the opponent multiple times like a ricocheting bullet. Acht flies into the air and their right hand is covered in a blood red aura. They slam into the ground and punch the opponent with a ton of force. Their main taunt is them listening to music on their headphones and moving along with the music. Depending on the stage music, their head movements will match the speed of the song.
Stage Ideas
Inkopolis Plaza (day and night variants, if Callie or Marie aren't selected, they'll perform behind you on their trucks)
Inkopolis Square (day and nights variants, same thing with Pearl Marina)
Splatsville (day and night variants, Deep Cut will perform if they aren't picked)
Urchin Underpass
Moray Towers
Starfish Mainstage
Goby Arena
Marlin Airport
Undertow Spillway
Octo Valley
Enter the Octobot King!
Octo Canyon
The Crater
Alterna - Future Utopia Island
Ruins of Ark Polaris
Lost Outpost
Bonerattle Arena
Shifty Station (general Shifty Station area that combines different aspects of all of them)
MC. Princess Diaries (NILS Statue is in the background along with Commander Tartar as a cameo)
Floor 30 (Overlorder will be in the background watching the fight if not selected)
I also wanna quickly add that each fighter would have plenty of alt outfits too and some have different animations and effects.
Some examples are, Callie in her Octo outfit, Marie in her Alterna outfit, Pearl in her big ol' space jacket she has in Side Order, Marina in her Octo Expansion clothes, Shiver in her Splatoween attire, Frye wearing a school uniform, Big Man wearing his Ian BGM disguise, DJ Octavio in his Octobot King L3.Gs mech, Mr. Grizz with a wooden texture, Overlorder but a white color pallet that references Smollusk, Agent 4 with their Parallel Canon design, etc. Maybe some of the characters could also get looks from their concept art too.
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So that is it for my Splatoon fighting game ideas! If you have any ideas of your own like a moveset for Commander Tartar because jesus christ how the HELL do you make a moveset for a literal telephone, then let me know!
I'm curious to see what you guys think and what some of your own ideas are!
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omshinde5145 · 15 days
EV Charging Infrastructure Market Share, Sales Channels and Overview Till 2030
The EV Charging Infrastructure Market was valued at USD 25.3 billion in 2023-e and will surpass USD 96.6 billion by 2030; growing at a CAGR of 21.1% during 2024 - 2030. The report focuses on estimating the current market potential in terms of the total addressable market for all the segments, sub-segments, and regions.
In the process, all the high-growth and upcoming technologies were identified and analyzed to measure their impact on the current and future market. The report also identifies the key stakeholders, their business gaps, and their purchasing behavior. This information is essential for developing effective marketing strategies and creating products or services that meet the needs of the target market. 
Get a Sample Report: https://intentmarketresearch.com/request-sample/ev-charging-infrastructure-market-3317.html
Current Landscape
The EV charging infrastructure market has grown exponentially over the past decade. Several key factors are driving this growth:
Government Policies and Incentives: Many governments worldwide are implementing policies and incentives to promote the adoption of EVs. Subsidies, tax breaks, and stringent emission regulations are encouraging both consumers and manufacturers to embrace electric mobility.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in battery technology and charging solutions are making EVs more practical for everyday use. Faster charging times and increased energy efficiency are enhancing the user experience, making EVs a more attractive option.
Private Sector Investment: Major corporations and startups are investing heavily in charging infrastructure. Companies like Tesla, ChargePoint, and Electrify America are establishing extensive networks of charging stations, improving accessibility for EV owners.
Consumer Awareness and Demand: As awareness of climate change and environmental issues grows, more consumers are opting for eco-friendly transportation options. The increasing variety of EV models available in the market is also catering to diverse consumer needs.
Types of EV Charging Stations
EV charging stations can be broadly categorized into three types:
Level 1 Charging: Using a standard household outlet, Level 1 charging is the slowest but most accessible form of EV charging. It is suitable for overnight charging at home.
Level 2 Charging: These chargers use a 240-volt outlet and are commonly found in residential, commercial, and public locations. Level 2 charging is significantly faster than Level 1, making it ideal for routine daily charging needs.
DC Fast Charging: The fastest option, DC fast chargers can recharge an EV battery to 80% in 20-30 minutes. These are typically located along highways and major routes, facilitating long-distance travel.
Get an insights of Customization: https://intentmarketresearch.com/ask-for-customization/ev-charging-infrastructure-market-3317.html
Despite the promising growth, the EV charging infrastructure market faces several challenges:
Infrastructure Investment: Building a comprehensive and reliable network of charging stations requires significant investment. Public and private sector collaboration is essential to ensure adequate funding and resource allocation.
Grid Capacity: The increasing number of EVs places additional demands on the electricity grid. Upgrading grid infrastructure and incorporating renewable energy sources are crucial to support widespread EV adoption.
Standardization: The lack of standardized charging protocols and connectors can be a barrier to seamless charging experiences. Efforts to harmonize standards across manufacturers and regions are ongoing but require further progress.
Urban vs. Rural Deployment: While urban areas are seeing rapid growth in charging infrastructure, rural regions often lag behind. Ensuring equitable access to charging stations is necessary to avoid creating disparities in EV adoption.
Future Prospects
The future of the EV charging infrastructure market is bright, with several trends and developments on the horizon:
Ultra-Fast Charging: Technological advancements are paving the way for ultra-fast chargers that can recharge an EV in minutes. This will make EVs even more convenient for users, comparable to refueling a traditional gasoline vehicle.
Smart Charging Solutions: Integration of smart technologies will optimize charging based on grid demand, availability of renewable energy, and user preferences. This will enhance efficiency and reduce costs.
Wireless Charging: Wireless or inductive charging systems are being developed to eliminate the need for physical connectors. This technology could revolutionize the convenience of EV charging, particularly for urban environments.
Expansion of Charging Networks: Both public and private sectors are likely to continue expanding charging networks, with a focus on inter-city and rural connectivity. Partnerships and collaborations will play a crucial role in this expansion.
Sustainable Energy Integration: Increasing the use of renewable energy sources for charging stations will further reduce the carbon footprint of EVs. Solar-powered charging stations are already being deployed in various locations.
The EV charging infrastructure market is a cornerstone of the electric vehicle revolution. As technology advances and investment pours in, the accessibility, convenience, and sustainability of EV charging will continue to improve. Overcoming current challenges and capitalizing on future opportunities will be crucial for creating a world where electric mobility is the norm, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.
As we stand on the brink of a new era in transportation, the development of a comprehensive and efficient EV charging infrastructure will be pivotal in shaping the future of mobility. The road ahead is charged with promise, innovation, and the collective effort to drive towards a cleaner planet.
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sunnyenergysolar · 3 months
All you need to know about EV charger installation cost (2024) - Sunny Energy
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All you need to know about EV charger installation cost (2024) — Sunny Energy
As electric vehicles (EVs) become more popular, the need for convenient and efficient home charging solutions is growing. Installing an EV charger at home can greatly simplify your charging routine and save you time and money. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of EV chargers, discuss the factors that influence the EV charger installation cost, and provide tips on how to reduce your EV charging station installation cost.
Home EV chargers — What’s the difference?
There are three main types of EV chargers: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 (DC fast chargers). Each type offers different charging speeds and installation requirements:
Level 1 Charger
Speed: Slowest charging speed
Voltage: Uses a standard 120-volt household outlet
Ideal For: Overnight charging
Inclusion: Often included with the purchase of an EV
Level 2 Charger
Speed: Faster than Level 1
Voltage: Requires a 240-volt outlet, similar to those for large appliances
Suitability: Suitable for most home charging needs
Usage: Common choice for residential charging
Level 3 Charger (DC Fast Charger)
Speed: Much faster than Level 1 and Level 2
Voltage: Typically not suitable for home installation due to high power requirements
Usage: Found at public charging stations
Charging Time: Can charge an EV to 80% in about 30 minutes
Hardwired vs. Plug-In
When selecting an EV charger, you must also choose between a hardwired or plug-in unit:
Hardwired charger: Permanently wired into your electrical system, offering a more seamless appearance but requiring professional installation.
Plug-in charger: Plugs into a dedicated outlet, providing easier installation but with visible cords.
Choosing the right charger for your needs
The best charger for you depends on your charging habits, budget, and home setup. Level 1 chargers are ideal for overnight charging and are often included with EV purchases. Level 2 chargers are suitable for most home charging needs, providing faster charging speeds. Level 3 chargers are primarily found at public charging stations due to their high power requirements and fast charging capabilities. When choosing between a hardwired or plug-in unit, consider the installation process and your preferences for appearance and convenience.
Selecting the right EV charger involves considering several factors to ensure it meets your requirements and fits your budget. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Charging needs
Level 1 charger: Suitable for those with limited daily driving needs or who can charge their EV overnight. It provides a slow but steady charge, replenishing the battery overnight. — Level 2 charger: Ideal for individuals with longer daily commutes or who need to charge their EV more frequently. It offers faster charging speeds, allowing you to top up your battery more quickly.
Level 1 charger: Generally the most cost-effective option, as it often comes included with the purchase of an EV. EV charger Installation costs are minimal, as it uses a standard household outlet.
**Level 2 charger: **While more expensive than a Level 1 charger, a Level 2 charger offers faster charging speeds and can be more convenient for those with higher charging needs.
Availability of charging stations
Level 1 charger: If you have access to public charging stations or fast chargers along your regular routes, a Level 1 charger may be sufficient for home use, especially if you rarely need to charge at home.
Level 2 charger: If public charging stations are limited in your area or if you prefer the convenience of charging at home, a Level 2 charger may be a better choice, even if you have access to fast chargers elsewhere.
Other considerations
Future needs: Consider your future EV charging needs. If you plan to upgrade to a higher-capacity EV or if your driving habits change, a Level 2 charger may be more future-proof.
Convenience: Level 2 chargers offer faster charging times, which can be more convenient for those with busy schedules or who need to quickly top up their EV’s battery.
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Factors That Determine EV Charger Installation Cost at Home
Installing an EV charger at home involves several factors that can impact the overall cost. Understanding these factors can help you plan and budget for your EV charger installation cost. Here’s a detailed explanation of each factor:
Electrical capacity
Upgrading electrical panel: If your home’s electrical panel does not have enough capacity to support a higher-powered charger, you may need to upgrade the panel. This can add to the EV charger installation cost. Wiring upgrades: In some cases, you may need to upgrade the wiring in your home to accommodate a higher-powered charger. This can also increase the EV charger installation cost.
Distance and location
Distance to electrical panel: The farther your charging location is from your electrical panel, the more wiring will be required, increasing the EV charger installation cost. Accessibility: If the installation site is difficult to access or requires special equipment to reach, it can add to the EV charger installation cost.
Permits and regulations
Local building codes: You may need to obtain permits and adhere to local building codes when installing an EV charger. Permit fees and compliance costs can add to the overall EV charger installation cost.
Electrician Fees
Complexity of installation: The cost of hiring a licensed electrician to install the charger will depend on the complexity of the installation. Factors such as the need for electrical upgrades, wiring length, and site accessibility can all affect the cost.
**Mounting brackets: **Additional accessories such as mounting brackets or stands may be required depending on the charger’s installation location, adding to the cost.
Cable management systems: To ensure safety and convenience, you may need to install a cable management system, which can increase the overall EV charger installation cost.
Smart charging features: Chargers with smart charging features, such as Wi-Fi connectivity or scheduling capabilities, may cost more but can offer added convenience and energy savings.
By understanding impact on the EV charger installation cost, you can make decision when installing an EV charger at home.
Ongoing costs after installing your EV charger
Installing an EV charger at home comes with ongoing costs that you should be aware of. Understanding these costs can help you budget and plan for the long-term maintenance of your EV charging setup. Here’s a detailed explanation of the ongoing costs:
Electricity costs
Charging frequency: The cost of charging your EV will depend on how often you charge and the size of your EV’s battery. Charging more frequently or charging a larger battery will result in higher electricity costs.
Electricity rates: Your electricity rates will also impact the cost of charging your EV. Rates may vary depending on your location and time of use. Consider researching time-of-use plans or EV-specific electricity rates to potentially lower your charging costs.
Routine cleaning: While EV chargers are generally low maintenance, you may need to periodically clean the unit to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Inspections: Regular inspections of the charger and its components may be necessary to identify any potential issues early and prevent costly repairs.
EV technology evolution: As EV technology evolves, newer models may require different charging capabilities. You may need to upgrade your charger to accommodate these changes, especially if you plan to upgrade your EV in the future.
Faster charging speeds: Upgrading your charger to a faster model may be necessary as faster charging technologies become more common and affordable.
Other considerations
Energy efficiency: Consider investing in an energy-efficient charger to reduce your electricity costs over time.
Smart charging features: Chargers with smart charging features, such as scheduling and energy management capabilities, help you optimize your charging costs.
How can I reduce my EV charging station installation cost?
Installing an EV charging station at home can be a cost-effective and convenient way to charge your electric vehicle. Here are some tips to help you reduce the installation cost:
Optimize installation location
Select a location for your EV charger that minimizes the distance to your electrical panel. This can help reduce wiring costs. Choose a location that is easily accessible for installation and future maintenance. This can also help lower installation costs.
Take advantage of incentives
Some states and utility companies offer rebates, tax credits, or other incentives for installing EV chargers. Check with your local government or utility provider to see what incentives are available in your area. Some EV charger manufacturers offer rebates or discounts on their products. Be sure to check for any promotions or special offers.
Hire a professional
Hiring a professional electrician can ensure the installation is done safely and up to code. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure the longevity of your EV charger. When it comes to professional solar installers, Sunny Energy is the most trusted Arizona solar company. As one of the top rated solar companies in Arizona, Sunny Energy has a proven track record of providing high-quality solar installations that meet the needs of their customers. Their team of experienced Arizona solar contractors is dedicated to ensuring that your solar installation is done safely, efficiently, and up to code, helping you avoid costly mistakes and maximize the longevity of your solar system.
Consider smart charging features
Smart charging features help you manage your charging schedule to take advantage of off-peak electricity rates. Some chargers allow you to monitor and control your charging sessions remotely.
How much does it cost to install a Level 2 charger?
The cost of installing a Level 2 charger for your electric vehicle can vary based on several factors. On average, you can expect to pay between $500 and $2,000 for installation. This includes materials, labor, and any additional expenses related to the installation process. Additionally, the features of the charger, such as smart charging capabilities or Wi-Fi connectivity, affect the upfront cost.
What is the electric car charger installation cost?
The electric car charger installation cost can vary widely based on several factors, including the type of charger, the electrical capacity of your home, and the installation location. On average, electric car charger installation costs can range from $300 to $10,000 or more. Level 1 chargers, which use a standard 120-volt household outlet, are the cheapest to install, with costs typically ranging from $300 to $1,500. Level 2 chargers, which require a 240-volt outlet and offer faster charging speeds, generally cost between $500 and $2,000 to install. Level 3 chargers, also known as DC fast chargers, are the most expensive, with installation costs often exceeding $10,000 due to their high power requirements and specialized equipment.
The electrical capacity of your home and the distance from your electrical panel to the charging location can also impact the electric car charger installation cost. Upgrading your electrical panel or wiring to accommodate a higher-powered charger can increase the cost.
Other charging options
In addition to home charging, there are several other charging options available for EV owners:
Public charging stations:
These are located in various public places such as shopping centers, parking garages, and rest areas. They offer Level 2 chargers, providing faster charging speeds than home Level 1 chargers, and are convenient for EV owners while they are out and about.
Workplace charging:
Some employers offer workplace charging stations as a benefit. This allows employees to charge their EVs while at work, providing a convenient option for those who may not have access to home charging or need to charge during the workday.
Fast charging networks:
Also known as Level 3 or DC fast chargers, these stations provide rapid charging, allowing EVs to charge to 80% in about 30 minutes. They are often located along major highways and in urban areas. Providing EV owners with quick charging options during long trips or while on the go.
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Turn to Sunny Energy for complete home energy
As a leading Arizona solar company, Sunny Energy is dedicated to offering comprehensive home energy solutions, specializing in solar panel installation and EV charger installation. Our team of Arizona solar contractors is committed to providing exceptional service and ensuring that you have a seamless experience from start to finish.
Solar panel installation
Custom solutions: We tailor our solar panel systems to meet your specific energy needs and budget, ensuring maximum efficiency and savings.
**Professional installation: **Our experienced installers use high-quality materials and follow best practices to ensure that your solar panels are installed safely and efficiently.
Energy savings: By harnessing the power of the sun, you can reduce or even eliminate your reliance on traditional energy sources.
EV Charger Installation
Expert advice: Our team can help you choose the right EV charger for your needs, considering factors such as charging speed, compatibility, and convenience.
Professional installation: We ensure that your EV charger is installed correctly and safely, so you can enjoy reliable charging for your electric vehicle.
Convenience: With a home EV charger, you can enjoy the convenience of charging your electric vehicle overnight, ensuring that it’s always ready to go when you are.
Commitment to customer satisfaction
At one of the best solar company in Arizona, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Turn to Sunny Energy for all your home energy needs, and start enjoying the benefits of clean, renewable energy today.
Installing an EV charger at home can provide a convenient and cost-effective way to charge your electric vehicle. By understanding the different types of chargers, the factors that influence EV charger installation costs, and how to reduce your expenses, you can make an informed decision that meets your needs and budget. Turn to Sunny Energy for expert advice and professional installation services to make the switch to electric vehicles easier and more affordable.
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sarkengg · 4 months
Power Up Your Ride: Selecting the Right EV Charger for Your Needs
Congratulations on joining the electric vehicle (EV) revolution! Now that you've got your sleek, eco-friendly ride, it's time to consider the essential companion: the EV charger. But with various types and factors to consider, choosing the right charger can feel overwhelming. Fear not, fellow EV enthusiast! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to select the perfect charger for your needs.
Understanding Charger Levels:
EV chargers come in different "levels," each offering varying charging speeds and power outputs. Here's a breakdown of the main types:
Level 1 (Slow Charging):
Plugs into a standard household outlet (120V).
Offers the slowest charging speed (takes several hours for a full charge).
Ideal for overnight charging or topping off your battery for short trips.
Level 2 (Fast Charging):
Requires a 240V outlet (similar to your dryer outlet).
Offers significantly faster charging speeds (can fully charge your EV in a few hours).
Most common type of charger for home installations.
Level 3 (DC Fast Charging):
Also known as DCFC or public fast charging.
Uses direct current (DC) for very rapid charging (can add a significant range in under an hour).
Found at public charging stations, ideal for long road trips.
Choosing the Right Level for You:
When selecting a charger, consider these factors:
Your Daily Driving Needs: If you have a short commute, a Level 1 charger might suffice. For longer commutes, a Level 2 charger is recommended.
Your Budget: Level 1 chargers are the most affordable, while Level 3 chargers require specialized equipment and installation at public stations.
Charging Availability: Consider access to public charging stations, especially if you take frequent long trips.
Additional Charger Features:
Smart Chargers: These chargers offer features like scheduling charging times, monitoring energy usage, and integration with smartphone apps.
Portable Chargers: Ideal for occasional use or travel, these chargers plug into a standard outlet and offer slower charging speeds.
Tethered Chargers vs. Untethered Chargers: Tethered chargers have a permanently attached cable, while untethered chargers require you to use your own charging cable.
Beyond the Charger:
Electrical Panel Compatibility: Ensure your electrical panel can handle the additional load of a Level 2 charger. Consultation with a qualified electrician might be necessary.
Safety Features: Look for chargers with built-in safety features like overcurrent protection and ground fault protection.
Government Incentives: Many regions offer rebates or tax credits for installing EV chargers at home. Do your research to take advantage of these benefits.
By understanding the different types of chargers and considering your specific needs, you can make an informed decision that keeps your EV running smoothly and efficiently. Happy charging!
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levesquepaul · 4 months
Tesla vs. Non-Tesla EV Chargers: A Detailed Comparison
Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as more people recognize the environmental and economic benefits they offer. With the rise in EV ownership, the demand for reliable charging solutions has grown significantly. When it comes to selecting an EV charger, there are various factors to consider, including charging speed, compatibility, and cost. In this comprehensive guide, we'll compare different types of EV chargers to help you find the right charging solution for your needs.
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Understanding Different Types of EV Chargers
Before diving into the comparison, let's explore the three primary types of EV chargers:
Level 1 Chargers: Level 1 chargers are the most basic type of EV chargers and typically come included with the purchase of an electric vehicle. These chargers use a standard household outlet (120 volts) and provide the slowest charging speeds. Level 1 chargers are suitable for overnight charging and can add approximately 2 to 5 miles of range per hour of charging.
Level 2 Chargers: Level 2 chargers operate at 240 volts and offer faster charging speeds compared to Level 1 chargers. They are commonly installed in residential homes, workplaces, and public charging stations. Level 2 chargers can provide anywhere from 10 to 60 miles of range per hour of charging, depending on the vehicle and charger specifications.
Level 3 Chargers (DC Fast Chargers): Level 3 chargers, also known as DC fast chargers, are designed for rapid charging and are primarily used for public charging stations. These chargers operate at higher voltages (typically 480 volts or higher) and can provide up to 80% of a vehicle's battery capacity in as little as 20 to 30 minutes. Level 3 chargers are ideal for long-distance travel and quick top-ups while on the go.
Key Factors to Consider in EV Charger Comparison
Charging Speed: One of the most critical factors to consider when comparing EV chargers is charging speed. Level 1 chargers offer the slowest charging speeds, while Level 3 chargers provide the fastest charging rates. Consider your daily driving habits and charging needs to determine the appropriate charging speed for your lifestyle.
Compatibility: Ensure that the EV charger comparison choose is compatible with your vehicle's charging port. Most EVs in the market today are equipped with standard J1772 connectors for Level 1 and Level 2 charging, while some models also support DC fast charging with CHAdeMO or CCS connectors.
Cost: Evaluate the upfront cost of the EV charger, including installation fees and any additional equipment or accessories required. While Level 1 chargers are the most affordable option, Level 3 chargers tend to be more expensive due to their rapid charging capabilities and infrastructure requirements.
Convenience: Consider the convenience of charging at home versus using public charging stations. Level 1 chargers are convenient for overnight charging at home, while Level 2 chargers offer faster charging speeds for daily use. Level 3 chargers are ideal for long-distance travel and quick top-ups while on the road.
Accessibility: Assess the availability of charging infrastructure in your area, including the distribution of Level 2 and Level 3 chargers. Check for the presence of public charging stations along your regular routes and consider installing a home charging station for added convenience.
Comparing EV Charger Brands and Models
Several manufacturers produce EV chargers, each offering various features and specifications. Some popular EV charger brands include:
Tesla: Tesla offers a range of home charging solutions, including the Tesla Wall Connector and Tesla Mobile Connector. These chargers are designed specifically for Tesla vehicles and offer fast charging speeds and seamless integration with the Tesla ecosystem.
ChargePoint: ChargePoint is one of the largest EV charging networks globally, offering a wide range of Level 2 and Level 3 chargers for residential, commercial, and public use. ChargePoint chargers are known for their reliability, user-friendly interface, and extensive network of charging stations.
ClipperCreek: ClipperCreek specializes in Level 2 charging solutions for residential and commercial applications. Their chargers are known for their durability, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness, making them a popular choice among EV owners.
JuiceBox: JuiceBox offers a range of smart home charging stations with Wi-Fi connectivity and smartphone app integration. JuiceBox chargers are known for their advanced features, energy management capabilities, and user-friendly interface.
ABB: ABB is a global leader in EV charging infrastructure, offering a wide range of Level 2 and Level 3 chargers for residential, commercial, and public use. ABB chargers are known for their reliability, scalability, and compatibility with various EV models.
Selecting the right EV charger is essential for maximizing the convenience and efficiency of electric vehicle ownership. By comparing different types of chargers, evaluating key factors such as charging speed, compatibility, cost, and convenience, and exploring various brands and models, you can find the perfect charging solution to meet your needs. Whether you opt for a Level 1 charger for home use, a Level 2 charger for daily commuting, or a Level 3 charger for long-distance travel, investing in a reliable EV charger is a crucial step towards embracing sustainable transportation and reducing your carbon footprint.
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shopyvision01 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Apple Charger Cables: Everything You Need to Know
In the world of technology, few companies have made as significant an impact as Apple. Known for their sleek design, cutting-edge innovation, and seamless integration across devices, Apple products are a staple in many households and businesses around the globe.
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However, one essential accessory that often doesn't get the attention it deserves is the Apple charger cable. Despite its unassuming appearance, the Apple charger cable plays a crucial role in keeping our devices powered and connected. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about Apple charger cables – their evolution, types, functionality, care tips, and more.
The Evolution of Apple Charger Cables
Apple's journey with charger cables has seen significant changes over the years, reflecting the company's commitment to innovation and improvement in user experience.
1. The 30-Pin Dock Connector
Introduced in 2003, the 30-pin dock connector was a standard across Apple devices like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. This connector was versatile, allowing for charging, data transfer, and audio output. However, its large size and complexity eventually led to its replacement.
2. The Lightning Connector
In 2012, Apple introduced the Lightning connector alongside the iPhone 5. This 8-pin connector marked a significant improvement over its predecessor. It was smaller, more durable, and reversible, meaning users could plug it in without worrying about orientation. The Lightning connector quickly became the standard for all subsequent iPhones, iPads, and various accessories.
3. USB-C Integration
As technology continues to advance, USB-C has emerged as a new standard, offering faster data transfer speeds and higher power delivery capabilities. Apple has gradually integrated USB-C into its product lineup, starting with the MacBook in 2015 and more recently with the iPad Pro and some models of the iPad Air and iPad Mini. Although the iPhone continues to use the Lightning connector, the shift towards USB-C in other devices hints at a possible future transition instead of Jio keypad phone.
Types of Apple Charger Cables
Apple charger cables come in different types, each designed to cater to specific devices and use cases. Understanding the differences can help you choose the right cable for your needs.
1. Lightning to USB-A
This is the classic Apple charger cable, featuring a Lightning connector on one end and a USB-A connector on the other. It's compatible with a wide range of Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, and iPods. Despite newer standards, this cable remains widely used due to its compatibility with existing USB-A ports found in many computers, power adapters, and One plus buds pro 2.
2. Lightning to USB-C
The Lightning to USB-C cable is designed for faster charging and data transfer. When paired with a USB-C power adapter, it enables fast charging for compatible iPhones and iPads. This cable is particularly useful for users who have newer MacBooks or other devices with USB-C ports.
3. USB-C to USB-C
For devices that use USB-C, such as the latest iPad Pro models and MacBooks, the USB-C to USB-C cable is essential. It supports high-speed data transfer and can deliver higher power levels for charging larger devices. This cable is also compatible with many non-Apple devices, making it a versatile addition to your tech arsenal.
4. MagSafe and MagSafe 2
MagSafe technology, introduced with older MacBooks, featured a magnetic power connector that safely disconnected when under strain, preventing the device from being pulled off surfaces. MagSafe 2, a slimmer version, continued this tradition. Recently, Apple reintroduced MagSafe for the iPhone, using magnets to align the charging cable perfectly and enabling faster wireless charging.
The Importance of Quality: Genuine vs. Third-Party Cables
When it comes to charger cables, not all are created equal. Using genuine Apple cables or certified third-party alternatives can make a significant difference in performance and safety.
1. Genuine Apple Cables
Apple’s official charger cables are designed to meet strict quality standards, ensuring optimal performance and safety. They are built to last, with durable materials that resist wear and tear. While they may be more expensive, the reliability and peace of mind they offer are often worth the investment.
2. MFi-Certified Third-Party Cables
MFi (Made for iPhone/iPad) certification is Apple’s licensing program for third-party accessory manufacturers. Cables with this certification meet Apple’s performance standards, ensuring they work seamlessly with your devices. MFi-certified cables can be a cost-effective alternative to genuine Apple cables, providing similar quality and functionality.
3. Non-Certified Third-Party Cables
Using non-certified third-party cables can be risky. These cables often lack the quality control of their certified counterparts, leading to potential issues such as slower charging speeds, data transfer errors, or even damage to your device. In the worst cases, poorly made cables can pose safety hazards, including overheating and fire risks.
Maximizing the Lifespan of Your Apple Charger Cable
Even the highest-quality cables can wear out over time. However, with proper care, you can extend the lifespan of your Apple charger cable and ensure it continues to perform optimally.
1. Proper Handling
One of the most common causes of cable damage is improper handling. Avoid pulling on the cable itself when unplugging it from a device or power source. Instead, grasp the connector to remove it. Additionally, avoid bending the cable excessively, especially near the connectors, as this can weaken the internal wires.
2. Storage Tips
When not in use, store your charger cable in a cool, dry place. Avoid wrapping it tightly around objects, as this can cause stress on the cable. Instead, use gentle loops or a cable organizer to keep it tangle-free and prevent damage.
3. Regular Cleaning
Dirt and debris can accumulate on the connectors over time, affecting performance. Clean your charger cable regularly with a soft, dry cloth. For stubborn grime, use a mild cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth, ensuring the connectors are completely dry before use.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Even with proper care, you may encounter issues with your Apple charger cable. Here are some common problems and their solutions:
1. Slow Charging
If your device is charging slowly, it could be due to a variety of factors. First, ensure you're using the correct cable and power adapter for your device. Check the cable for visible damage and clean the connectors. If the issue persists, try using a different power source or cable to determine if the problem lies with the cable or another component.
2. Intermittent Charging
Intermittent charging can be frustrating and may indicate a loose connection or a damaged cable. Inspect the cable and connectors for wear and tear. Ensure the connectors are securely plugged into the device and power source. If the problem continues, consider replacing the cable with a new one.
3. No Charging
If your device isn't charging at all, first check for any visible damage to the cable and connectors. Test the cable with a different device to see if the issue is with the cable or the device. If the cable appears damaged or fails to work with multiple devices, it's time to replace it.
The Future of Apple Charger Cables
As technology continues to evolve, so too will Apple charger cables. With the growing adoption of USB-C and the potential for even more advanced charging technologies, the future looks promising.
1. Transition to USB-C
Apple’s gradual transition to USB-C suggests a future where this universal standard becomes the norm across all devices. USB-C offers numerous advantages, including faster data transfer speeds, higher power delivery, and a more versatile design. As more devices adopt USB-C, users will benefit from a more streamlined and efficient charging experience.
2. Wireless Charging Innovations
Wireless charging is becoming increasingly popular, and Apple is at the forefront of this trend with its MagSafe technology. As wireless charging continues to improve, we can expect faster charging speeds, greater efficiency, and more widespread adoption. This could eventually reduce our reliance on traditional wired chargers.
3. Environmental Considerations
Sustainability is an important consideration for Apple. The company has made significant strides in reducing its environmental impact, and this extends to its accessories. Future charger cables may incorporate more eco-friendly materials and designs, further aligning with Apple’s commitment to sustainability.
Conclusion: The Essential Role of Apple Charger Cables
In the world of technology, the humble charger cable plays an essential role in keeping our devices powered and connected. Apple charger cables, with their blend of innovation, quality, and reliability, set the standard for what users can expect from their charging accessories. Whether you're using a Lightning to USB-A cable, a Lightning to USB-C cable, or exploring the possibilities of wireless charging, understanding the nuances of these accessories can enhance your overall user experience.
By choosing genuine Apple cables or MFi-certified alternatives, practicing proper care and maintenance, and staying informed about the latest advancements, you can ensure your devices remain charged and ready to meet the demands of your digital lifestyle. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the tools that power it, and Apple charger cables will undoubtedly continue to play a pivotal role in shaping our connected world.
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armyofthetread · 4 months
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engineev · 9 months
Electrify Your Journey: Where to Buy the Best EV Chargers
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on electric vehicle (EV) chargers! As the world shifts towards sustainable transportation, the importance of choosing the right buy EV chargers Melbourne for an efficient and convenient charging experience cannot be overstated. 
Whether you're a proud owner of an electric car or in the process of making the switch, understanding the different types of chargers and where to buy them is crucial. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision when purchasing an EV charger.
Section 1: Understanding Your Charging Needs
When it comes to EV chargers, there are different types to consider: Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers. Each type offers varying charging speeds and installation requirements. Level 1 chargers are typically found in households and provide a standard 120-volt outlet for charging, while Level 2 chargers offer faster charging through a 240-volt outlet. DC fast chargers, on the other hand, are capable of providing a significant charge in a short amount of time and are often found at public charging stations Melbourne.
Factors to consider when choosing an EV charger include the charging speed, installation requirements, and compatibility with your vehicle. The charging speed is crucial, especially for those with a daily commute or frequent long-distance travel. Installation requirements vary based on the type of charger and your home's electrical setup. Compatibility with your vehicle is also essential to ensure seamless and efficient charging.
Section 2: Top Places to Buy EV Chargers
Online Retailers: The online market offers a plethora of options for purchasing EV chargers. Platforms such as Amazon, EV charging equipment manufacturers' websites, and dedicated EV charger retailers provide a wide selection of chargers. When evaluating product reviews and seller reputation, consider factors such as product durability, customer support, and warranty coverage to make an informed decision.
Specialty Stores: Visiting specialty stores can provide a personalized experience and hands-on product exploration. Stores specializing in EV chargers offer expert guidance, allowing customers to ask questions and receive tailored recommendations. 
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Section 3: Evaluating Charger Features and Brands
Charging Power: The charging power of an EV charger directly impacts the charging time and the overall range of your vehicle. It's essential to consider your battery capacity and daily driving needs when selecting a charger. 
Smart Charging Features: Smart chargers equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity, scheduling options, and energy management capabilities offer added convenience and efficiency. 
Section 4: Installation Support and Services
DIY vs. Professional Installation: When it comes to installation, weighing the advantages of DIY installation versus professional services is crucial. While a DIY approach offers cost-saving benefits, professional installation ensures compliance with safety standards and electrical codes. It's recommended to seek certified electricians for safe and reliable charger installation, ensuring peace of mind and long-term performance.
Warranty Coverage: Warranty coverage is a vital aspect of purchasing an EV charger. Understanding the warranty terms offered by prominent charger manufacturers helps safeguard your investment. Look for manufacturers with comprehensive warranty coverage and responsive customer support to address any potential issues that may arise.
Choosing the best buy EV chargers Melbourne for your needs involves understanding the different types of chargers, evaluating features and brands, and considering installation support and services. Making an informed decision when investing in an EV charging solution is essential for a seamless and reliable charging experience. 
We encourage you to share your experiences or reach out with any questions related to purchasing EV chargers. Let's electrify our journeys and contribute to a sustainable future with the right EV charger by our side!
Source by - https://bit.ly/3tEz0Ow 
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phonesprices · 9 months
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE: A Flagship Experience at a Friendly Price (With Caveats) The Galaxy S23 FE arrives as Samsung's answer to the "affordable flagship" market, offering a taste of the high-end experience without the sky-high price tag. But is it a worthy compromise, or a confusing mix of strengths and shortcomings? Let's dive in. Strengths: Premium Design and Display: The S23 FE inherits the sleek, modern design language of its flagship siblings, with a glass and aluminum build that feels luxurious and sturdy. The 6.4-inch AMOLED display is a stunner, boasting vibrant colors, sharp details, and a smooth 120Hz refresh rate for a buttery-smooth experience. Powerful Performance: Packing the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip, the S23 FE tackles demanding tasks with ease. Multitasking, gaming, and even heavy video editing are handled effortlessly. You won't be left waiting for apps to load or experience lag. Solid Camera System: While not quite on par with the true flagships, the S23 FE's camera system delivers good results. The 50MP main sensor captures sharp photos with accurate colors, and the ultrawide lens is great for capturing expansive landscapes. The telephoto lens is a nice addition for zoom, though not the most powerful. Long-lasting Battery: The S23 FE packs a decent 4,800mAh battery that can easily last a full day on moderate usage. Even heavy users will likely reach the charger before bedtime. Software and Updates: As expected from Samsung, the S23 FE ships with the latest One UI software, which is packed with useful features and customization options. Samsung's track record for consistent and timely updates is also a plus. Weaknesses: Camera Consistency: While the S23 FE's camera is good, it can struggle in low-light situations, producing noise and artifacts. The telephoto lens is also not as versatile as on higher-end models. Missing Features: Compared to the full-fledged S23 series, the FE model lacks some premium features like a true telephoto lens, wireless charging, and an in-display fingerprint sensor. Price vs. Competition: While more affordable than flagship models, the S23 FE still faces stiff competition from other excellent mid-range and even some flagship killers that offer similar performance and features at lower price points. Galaxy S23 FE Specs Feature Specification Display 6.4-inch, 2340 x 1080 AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 RAM 8GB Storage 128GB or 256GB (not expandable) Rear Camera 50MP main (wide), 12MP ultrawide, 10MP telephoto Front Camera 10MP Battery 4,800mAh Charging 25W fast charging Operating System Android 13, upgradeable to Android 14 Connectivity 5G, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, NFC Biometrics In-display fingerprint sensor Dimensions 159.4 x 74.9 x 7.9 mm Weight 183g Colors Graphite, White, Green, Lavender Release Date October 27, 2023 Additional Notes: The table only shows the key specifications. For a more comprehensive list, please refer to the official Samsung website or other tech review sites. Prices may vary depending on the region, storage capacity, and retailer. Galaxy S23 FE benchmark The Galaxy S23 FE has been benchmarked by various platforms, and its performance can be summarized as follows: Overall: AnTuTu score: 1,073,002 (75th percentile) This score indicates that the S23 FE is a flagship-level performer, capable of handling demanding tasks like gaming, video editing, and heavy multitasking with ease. Individual Scores: CPU: 315,906 (95th percentile) - Excellent single-core and multi-core performance. GPU: 373,247 (55th percentile) - Strong GPU performance for smooth visuals in games and graphically demanding applications. Memory: 164,351 (55th percentile) - Fast RAM ensures smooth multitasking and app loading times. UX: 220,558 (80th percentile) - The phone delivers a responsive and user-friendly experience. Comparisons: The S23 FE scores slightly
lower than the full-fledged S23 series in GPU and UX benchmarks, likely due to slightly less powerful components. However, it surpasses most mid-range and "flagship killer" phones in overall performance and individual scores. Important Notes: Benchmark scores are just one indicator of performance and may not reflect real-world usage. User experience can vary depending on factors like software updates, app optimization, and individual usage patterns. I hope this review helps you decide if the Galaxy S23 FE is the right phone for you. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask! [editorial-rating id="10609"]
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fiverevse · 11 months
How To Buy Your First EV Charger
So you’ve just bought your first electric vehicle? Congratulations! Electric Vehicles (EVs) are fun to drive, great for the environment and incredibly easy to operate. So what’s the next step?
The next step is usually figuring out how to charge the new car and most importantly, how to charge your electric car at home.  You will need to set-up your Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE). EVSE is infrastructure that supplies your EV with electric power. They work seamlessly with both BEV (Battery Electric Vehicles) and PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles).
Technically, EV chargers are built into the car. An EVSE supplies power from your home’s grid into your vehicle’s built in charger which in turn, chargers your vehicle, and keep both vehicle and home safe, and the EV charger communicates with the EV such as when it’s plugged in properly and safe to charge.
Depending on the make/model of their EV, most consumers either charge their vehicle using Level 1 charging or Level 2 charging. Level 1’s don’t require any special installation due to the fact that they work with standard household outlets. This is by far the cheapest option because most EVs come with a Level 1 charger.
However, Level 1 charging is by far the slowest most impractical method of charging your vehicle, sometimes taking up to a full day to completely charge your vehicle. Most people would like to have the option of a quicker charging solution. Since the majority of EV charging is done at home, owning good quality efficient EVSE is of utter importance. Which is why Level 2 charging is highly recommended. Level 2 EVSE has the ability to charge your vehicle at 240v, which can charge your most electric vehicles in under 4 hours VS, a full day or more with a level 1 charger.
Prior to purchasing an EVSE, it’s important to consider the layout of your house, garage and where your vehicle will be parked. The next step is choosing the right one that suites the make/model of your vehicle. The higher the charging amperage, generally the faster it will charge, and different EVs can charge at different speeds. As EVs and batteries get upgraded, getting an EV charging station with the most available amperage is a great choice as your EV charger will be ready to maximize the charging speed in the future. And don’t worry, the car will only take the power it can from a Level 2 charger, so even if it will charge slower than another vehicle may, it will still charge as fast as it’s able to based on maximum available amperage. Using a Level 1 for a PHEV may work for some, however if you’d prefer a Level 2, purchasing EVSE with lower amperage will do just fine, it may just charge the vehicle more slowly, depending on the EV.
Level 2 EVSEs can either be hardwired or plugged in via a 240v outlet. Our certified licensed electricians will install your EVSE in the location of your choosing and will help you with all details, including determining if your existing electrical panel has enough available power to handle your new EV charger. When deciding whether to hardwire you Level 2 charger or get a plug in model, it’s important to take the portability factor into consideration and to decide if this is something you need. The plug-in Level 2 EVSE is often connected to the grid via a NEMA 14-50 plug.
If you don’t already have something like this near or around your house or where you park your vehicle, it’s an essential part of the process for an electrician to install one. Depending on where you park your car, you may want to have an electrician install a few NEMA 14-50s so you can have flexibility on where you’re able to charge up. Depending on the layout of your home, having a few available outlets, say your driveway and garage could be an optimal option. This coupled with a portable Level 2 charger would allow for maximum flexibility. While Level 2s are more expensive and require installation they’re extremely practical, efficient and incredibly easy to use. Once installed, all you need to do is plug it every night or when your vehicle is not in use for a fully charged vehicle in the morning.
If you need a faster charge than Level 2, you may want to consider a Level 3 charger. A level 3 charger also known as “DC Fast Charging”. Level 3 EVSE supplies 480v, twice as many volts as Level 2, directly to the Electric Vehicle. DC Fast Charging is extremely quick and efficient. Depending on the model/make of your vehicle it can provide a full charge in about 30 minutes. Currently, Level 3s are impractical for consumers because they’re very expensive and many homes can’t support the extra amperage needed with their existing electrical panels. But if you own a business with a parking lot, you should consider Level 3 as a great amenity for customers.
Fiver New Energy Technology Co.,ltd Specializing in Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger and EVSE Infrastructure solution. It was established because of the growing popularity of EV, especially for the development of our future green city with the convenience of smart mobility. We share the vision of China Government to transition the town to smart city by building up the manageable, interoperable and sustainable smart charger infrastructure.
Founded in 2013 by enthusiasts in the Electric Vehicle Charger technology, FIVER has successfully developed its own total solution of EV Charging Infrastructure and is now providing full range of ac/dc chargers with different standards and output power up to 350kW, mobile apps, local controller, cloud based “management & control” & payment platform, power load management solution and etc.
The product has passed all of the type test requirements of IEC 61851-1 & IEC 62192.  The company provides services cover design, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and after-sales maintenance with various business models including equipment supply and install, system integration and service provision with various different service packages. Browse our website for more details https://www.fiverevse.com/product.html.
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gadgetsproworld · 11 months
Getting the Best Wireless Charger for an iPhone
Factors to Consider
In today’s fast-paced world, the convenience of wireless technology has become indispensable. From wireless earbuds to cordless vacuum cleaners, it seems like almost everything is going wireless. And when it comes to our beloved iPhones, wireless charging has taken center stage, offering a new level of convenience and freedom from tangled cables. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of iPhone wireless chargers and help you make an informed choice for your charging needs.
Embracing the Wireless Revolution in iPhone
Gone are the days of fumbling with charging cables in the dark. Since Apple introduced wireless charging with the iPhone 8, users have embraced the convenience of simply placing their iPhones on a charging pad or stand. But with the ever-evolving iPhone lineup and various wireless charging options available, choosing the right charger can be a bit overwhelming. Let’s break it down step by step.
How do you choose an iPhone wireless charger?
When selecting an iPhone wireless charger, several key factors should guide your decision. When it comes to choosing the best wireless charger for iphone, making an informed decision is crucial to ensure optimal performance and compatibility. Selecting the perfect iPhone wireless charger requires careful consideration to guarantee seamless functionality and the best user experience.
MagSafe vs. Standard Wireless Charger
One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to go for a MagSafe charger or a standard wireless charger. MagSafe chargers are compatible with specific iPhone models and offer fast charging capabilities. These include:
iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, and 15 Pro Max
iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, and 14 Pro Max
iPhone 13 Mini, 13, 13 Pro, and 13 Pro Max
iPhone 12 Mini, 12, 12 Pro, and 12 Pro Max
With MagSafe, you can attach the charger to your iPhone using magnets, ensuring a secure connection and faster charging. Charging your battery up to 50% takes just about an hour, making it a great choice for those on the go.
For MagSafe chargers, explore the versatile options offered by Ultraprolink: Vylis Auto, Vylis Curve, Vylis Fold, and Vylis GO.
Other iPhone Models
If you have an iPhone that doesn’t support MagSafe, fret not! You can still enjoy the convenience of wireless charging with a standard wireless charger. These iPhone models include:
iPhone SE 3 (from 2022) and iPhone SE 2 (from 2020)
iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max
iPhone X, Xr, Xs, and Xs Max
iPhone 8 and 8 Plus
These models work with all wireless chargers except MagSafe. You don’t need to stick to a specific brand, as almost all wireless chargers support 7.5W fast charging, which is faster than standard chargers.
For standard wireless charging, check out Vylis Fold UM1006FW and Vylis Plate UM1006DW
How to charge wirelessly:
Connect your charger to a power source using the recommended power adapte ( Min 18W Output)
Place the charger on a level surface.
Put your iPhone on the charger with the display facing up, ensuring it’s center-aligned against the charging coil at the back.
Your iPhone should begin charging within seconds, making it a hassle-free experience.
Important Tips for Wireless Charging
Wireless charging utilizes magnetic induction, so it’s essential to avoid placing anything between your iPhone and the charger. Objects like magnetic mounts, magnetic cases, or cards with RFID chips could hinder performance or cause damage.
If you’re experiencing slow charging or your iPhone isn’t charging at all, consider removing thick or metal cases, as they might interfere with the charging process. 
Additionally, keep in mind that wireless charging may generate some heat, which can trigger software limitations to protect your battery. Simply move your iPhone and charger to a cooler spot, and charging will resume when the temperature drops.
Lastly, remember that your iPhone won’t charge wirelessly while connected to USB. If you have your iPhone plugged into your computer or a USB power adapter, it will charge via the USB connection.
Conclusion: Elevating Your iPhone Charging Experience with Wireless Convenience
In the age of wireless technology, upgrading your iPhone charging setup is a no-brainer. Whether you have a MagSafe-compatible model or one of the older iPhone models, there’s a wireless charger out there to suit your needs. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this blog, you can ensure a seamless and efficient wireless charging experience that elevates the way you power up your iPhone. Say goodbye to tangled cords and hello to the future of charging convenience!
Original Source: Getting the Best Wireless Charger for an iPhone
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omshinde5145 · 23 days
EV Charging Infrastructure Market Detailed Analysis and Forecast 2024–2030
The EV Charging Infrastructure Market was valued at USD 25.3 billion in 2023-e and will surpass USD 96.6 billion by 2030; growing at a CAGR of 21.1% during 2024 - 2030. The report focuses on estimating the current market potential in terms of the total addressable market for all the segments, sub-segments, and regions.
In the process, all the high-growth and upcoming technologies were identified and analyzed to measure their impact on the current and future market. The report also identifies the key stakeholders, their business gaps, and their purchasing behavior. This information is essential for developing effective marketing strategies and creating products or services that meet the needs of the target market. 
Get a Sample Report: https://intentmarketresearch.com/request-sample/ev-charging-infrastructure-market-3317.html
Current Landscape
The EV charging infrastructure market has grown exponentially over the past decade. Several key factors are driving this growth:
Government Policies and Incentives: Many governments worldwide are implementing policies and incentives to promote the adoption of EVs. Subsidies, tax breaks, and stringent emission regulations are encouraging both consumers and manufacturers to embrace electric mobility.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in battery technology and charging solutions are making EVs more practical for everyday use. Faster charging times and increased energy efficiency are enhancing the user experience, making EVs a more attractive option.
Private Sector Investment: Major corporations and startups are investing heavily in charging infrastructure. Companies like Tesla, ChargePoint, and Electrify America are establishing extensive networks of charging stations, improving accessibility for EV owners.
Consumer Awareness and Demand: As awareness of climate change and environmental issues grows, more consumers are opting for eco-friendly transportation options. The increasing variety of EV models available in the market is also catering to diverse consumer needs.
Types of EV Charging Stations
EV charging stations can be broadly categorized into three types:
Level 1 Charging: Using a standard household outlet, Level 1 charging is the slowest but most accessible form of EV charging. It is suitable for overnight charging at home.
Level 2 Charging: These chargers use a 240-volt outlet and are commonly found in residential, commercial, and public locations. Level 2 charging is significantly faster than Level 1, making it ideal for routine daily charging needs.
DC Fast Charging: The fastest option, DC fast chargers can recharge an EV battery to 80% in 20-30 minutes. These are typically located along highways and major routes, facilitating long-distance travel.
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Despite the promising growth, the EV charging infrastructure market faces several challenges:
Infrastructure Investment: Building a comprehensive and reliable network of charging stations requires significant investment. Public and private sector collaboration is essential to ensure adequate funding and resource allocation.
Grid Capacity: The increasing number of EVs places additional demands on the electricity grid. Upgrading grid infrastructure and incorporating renewable energy sources are crucial to support widespread EV adoption.
Standardization: The lack of standardized charging protocols and connectors can be a barrier to seamless charging experiences. Efforts to harmonize standards across manufacturers and regions are ongoing but require further progress.
Urban vs. Rural Deployment: While urban areas are seeing rapid growth in charging infrastructure, rural regions often lag behind. Ensuring equitable access to charging stations is necessary to avoid creating disparities in EV adoption.
Future Prospects
The future of the EV charging infrastructure market is bright, with several trends and developments on the horizon:
Ultra-Fast Charging: Technological advancements are paving the way for ultra-fast chargers that can recharge an EV in minutes. This will make EVs even more convenient for users, comparable to refueling a traditional gasoline vehicle.
Smart Charging Solutions: Integration of smart technologies will optimize charging based on grid demand, availability of renewable energy, and user preferences. This will enhance efficiency and reduce costs.
Wireless Charging: Wireless or inductive charging systems are being developed to eliminate the need for physical connectors. This technology could revolutionize the convenience of EV charging, particularly for urban environments.
Expansion of Charging Networks: Both public and private sectors are likely to continue expanding charging networks, with a focus on inter-city and rural connectivity. Partnerships and collaborations will play a crucial role in this expansion.
Sustainable Energy Integration: Increasing the use of renewable energy sources for charging stations will further reduce the carbon footprint of EVs. Solar-powered charging stations are already being deployed in various locations.
The EV charging infrastructure market is a cornerstone of the electric vehicle revolution. As technology advances and investment pours in, the accessibility, convenience, and sustainability of EV charging will continue to improve. Overcoming current challenges and capitalizing on future opportunities will be crucial for creating a world where electric mobility is the norm, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.
As we stand on the brink of a new era in transportation, the development of a comprehensive and efficient EV charging infrastructure will be pivotal in shaping the future of mobility. The road ahead is charged with promise, innovation, and the collective effort to drive towards a cleaner planet.
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evchargerinstallers · 2 years
How to buy your first EV Charger
So you’ve just bought your first electric vehicle? Congratulations! Electric Vehicles (EVs) are fun to drive, great for the environment and incredibly easy to operate. So what’s the next step? The next step is usually figuring out how to charge the new car and most importantly, how to charge your electric car at home.  You will need to set-up your Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE). EVSE is infrastructure that supplies your EV with electric power. They work seamlessly with both BEV (Battery Electric Vehicles) and PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles). Technically, EV chargers are built into the car. An EVSE supplies power from your home’s grid into your vehicle’s built in charger which in turn, chargers your vehicle, and keep both vehicle and home safe, and the EV charger communicates with the EV such as when it’s plugged in properly and safe to charge. Depending on the make/model of their EV, most consumers either charge their vehicle using Level 1 charging or Level 2 charging. Level 1’s don’t require any special installation due to the fact that they work with standard household outlets. This is by far the cheapest option because most EVs come with a Level 1 charger. However, Level 1 charging is by far the slowest most impractical method of charging your vehicle, sometimes taking up to a full day to completely charge your vehicle. Most people would like to have the option of a quicker charging solution. Since the majority of EV charging is done at home, owning good quality efficient EVSE is of utter importance. Which is why Level 2 charging is highly recommended. Level 2 EVSE has the ability to charge your vehicle at 240v, which can charge your most electric vehicles in under 4 hours VS, a full day or more with a level 1 charger.   Prior to purchasing an EVSE, it’s important to consider the layout of your house, garage and where your vehicle will be parked. The next step is choosing the right one that suites the make/model of your vehicle. The higher the charging amperage, generally the faster it will charge, and different EVs can charge at different speeds. As EVs and batteries get upgraded, getting an EV charging station with the most available amperage is a great choice as your EV charger will be ready to maximize the charging speed in the future. And don’t worry, the car will only take the power it can from a Level 2 charger, so even if it will charge slower than another vehicle may, it will still charge as fast as it’s able to based on maximum available amperage. Using a Level 1 for a PHEV may work for some, however if you’d prefer a Level 2, purchasing EVSE with lower amperage will do just fine, it may just charge the vehicle more slowly, depending on the EV.   Level 2 EVSEs can either be hardwired or plugged in via a 240v outlet. Our certified licensed electricians will install your EVSE in the location of your choosing and will help you with all details, including determining if your existing electrical panel has enough available power to handle your new EV charger. When deciding whether to hardwire you Level 2 charger or get a plug in model, it’s important to take the portability factor into consideration and to decide if this is something you need. The plug-in Level 2 EVSE is often connected to the grid via a NEMA 14-50 plug. If you don’t already have something like this near or around your house or where you park your vehicle, it’s an essential part of the process for an electrician to install one. Depending on where you park your car, you may want to have an electrician install a few NEMA 14-50s so you can have flexibility on where you’re able to charge up. Depending on the layout of your home, having a few available outlets, say your driveway and garage could be an optimal option. This coupled with a portable Level 2 charger would allow for maximum flexibility. While Level 2s are more expensive and require installation they’re extremely practical, efficient and incredibly easy to use. Once installed, all you need to do is plug it every night or when your vehicle is not in use for a fully charged vehicle in the morning.   If you need a faster charge than Level 2, you may want to consider a Level 3 charger. A level 3 charger also known as “DC Fast Charging”. Level 3 EVSE supplies 480v, twice as many volts as Level 2, directly to the Electric Vehicle. DC Fast Charging is extremely quick and efficient. Depending on the model/make of your vehicle it can provide a full charge in about 30 minutes. Currently, Level 3s are impractical for consumers because they’re very expensive and many homes can’t support the extra amperage needed with their existing electrical panels. But if you own a business with a parking lot, you should consider Level 3 as a great amenity for customers. The post How to buy your first EV Charger appeared first on EV Safe Charge. https://evsafecharge.com/how-to-buy-your-first-ev-charger/
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neon-moon-beam · 2 years
Just going to say this about Splatoon (mostly Splatoon 3)
If your goal in Turf War is to make it so that the other team cannot even leave their base and effectively keep them from being able to play the game for 3 minutes, you’re a bully, you’re not fun to play with, and you really need to examine why you think it’s OK to go online and treat other people badly--after all, Turf War is an online mode, and there are seven other actual people playing with you.
There’s a difference between “the other team wasn’t that good and we ended up inking everything” and “we camped their spawn, went for splats more than the actual objective of inking as much turf as possible, and chased anyone, including multiple people chasing one person, any time they got out of the base around the entire map until we splatted them”. The first one just happens sometimes, the second is being a bully.
There’s also a difference between splatting someone who’s coming at you, or inking inside your base, or removing a charger or splatling from their position to allow your team to advance vs running around and splatting every person you see regardless of where they are and what they’re doing. In the second case, you aren’t even pushing the objective (inking as much turf as possible) because you’re focusing on taking out as many people as possible. I’ve seen teams lose or even been on teams that lost, because people focused on splatting and didn’t ink enough.
People playing like this is absolutely unfriendly to new or casual players, who are still learning how to play or just want to go in with a team and cover a map with ink.
Of my friends that play Splatoon, many of them don’t play often, or have put the game down for the time being because of this kind of behavior in Turf War, which apparently, was once the more “chill” mode, as Ranked (or Anarchy in Splatoon 3) is where splatting opponents is supposed to happen to push the objective.
People should not be putting a game down because other players have made it impossible for them to play.
There are plenty of other games out there for people who want to be over-aggressive and attack other players nonstop. Splatoon was not supposed to be one of them--it’s aimed at kids, after all.
And for anyone saying “Well just play with your friends!”, it’s not that easy for everyone. If you want a match where everyone is on board with completing the actual objective, you need to have seven other friends who all play Splatoon and will all be online at the same time (and not have the random disconnect issues that are still happening), or else you’ll go into matches with some randos who may be the kind who will bully everyone for three minutes. It’s not a solution for everyone.
It bothers me that the devs don’t do anything about this trend either--in both Splatoon 2 and 3 they’ve had the idols call out not inking/going for splats only, but that’s not enough. What would be nice would be a mode specifically for people who want to splat to either curtail it in Turf War, or a mode where splatting is disabled or penalized for people who would like to focus on inking. It’s also a pain that in order to earn money and level up (so you can do enjoyable things like buy clothes and decorate your locker), you have to play either Turf or Ranked/Anarchy--which in the case of new and casual players, means going through strings of losses no matter what they do, and that gets discouraging fast. If Salmon Run and Table Turf counted towards experience, that would be very helpful. To be honest, I feel like they’re kind of just letting Splatoon 3 go for a while--the connection problems are still there, there’s only a handful of music that plays during battles which gets old fast, the Tri-Color Battles have not worked out well so far, and they’re letting the community be unfriendly or downright toxic with no solutions offered by them.
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