#Fateh Doe
babbulicious · 2 years
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heaven444child · 9 days
What does your future spouse like most about you🫶♥️
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which pile drawn your attention choose it and please take what resonates with you and leave the rest ✨🍀🫶💜
AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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pile 1 Your future partner likes your nose the most 💕 He wants to touch your nose and pull your nose the way they pull the cheeks of small children 😅 Because he likes your nose so much, he wants to say something which I know you will be laughing, right? I know you must be thinking I am crazy but what can I do, I am crazy in love with you 😜🤪 I know I used a really cheesy line 🤣😂 But what can I do, I felt the same 🥰 And your partner also likes your hair, smile or your lips, your height and your legs. Maybe it's because you are shorter than him 🤪And I heard this 😅 Maybe your future partner wants to say this to you 😁 I love you baby ❤️
Song channeled 🎧: O O Jaane Jaana - Kamal Khan and Night Changes - One Direction
Pile 2
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pile 2 Your future life partner loves everything about you 😍 Your partner finds you perfect in every way, from head to toe ♥️🫶 Your future life partner considers you his or her most precious treasure 🏆💜💕🍀 He or she is scared of the thought of losing you or someone stealing you 🥺 Your partner doesn't need anyone, 💜💕you are everything to them 🌎
Channel Song 🎧 Chahat - Rahat Fateh Ali Khan & Willow - Taylor Swift
Pile 3
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pile 3 Your future spouse loves your hair 🧝‍♀️ And it's possible that you have long hair And if not, he still likes your hair ❤️ And your partner loves your neck and hands ✨💕 it's possible that you have long fingers 💜🍀 And your future spouse is feeling very shy You and I heard him telling you darling Maybe your partner wants to lovingly call you darling 😅
Channeled Song 🎧 I need you - BTS And Caught in a Blue - Stephen Sanchez
(I hope this reading resonates with you)
Stay blessed ✨🍀AND thankyou for your support 🫶❤️
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his-heart-hymns · 6 months
The last words of Vincent Van Gogh before committing suicide were:
The sadness will last forever.
And nusrat fateh ali khan sang a masterpiece that resonates with these words:
shab-e-gham ki sahar nahi hoti
ho bhi tou mere ghar nahi hoti
zindagi tu hi mukhtasar ho ja
shab-e-gham mukhtasar nahi hoti
The dawn of a night of sorrow does not exist. Even if it does, it's not for me.O life, become concise.. Because a sorrowful night is never short.
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blachernaepalace · 8 months
The CPME statement also cautioned the Palestinians that no matter what al-Fateh might be accomplishing through its violent actions, it was actually serving the interests of imperialism and the Arab ruling classes, not the Palestinian masses. It was ridiculous for anyone to think that the Arabs were fighting a national liberation struggle in the usual sense. Revolutionary Arab nationalism merely diverted the Arab world’s attention away from American imperialism. The statement called on al-Fateh to halt guerrilla warfare against Israel and instead focus on “redirecting that struggle internally in Arab lands.”
A few months later, the CPME issued a statement inviting students to attend a meeting on the evening of May 15, 1969, titled “Does Israel Have the Right to Exist?” The statement echoed some of the CPME’s positions, particularly in affirming Israel’s nationhood and urging the Left not to be a partisan of either side but instead work for the reconciliation of both Israeli and Palestinian rights, not support the defeat of one side or the other. Turning to campus events, the CPME statement then scored the Radical Student Union for endorsing Palestine Week without demanding that Arab students recognize Israel. The statement ended by noting that the Middle East situation was complex and required “study and thought,” not “cute” resolutions issued so that students could prove “they’re really ‘with third worlders.’”
The Movement and the Middle East: How the Arab-Israeli Conflict Divided the American Left by Michael R. Fischbach
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hi-avathisside · 4 months
Song Of The Day
(Kyonki humse koi khafa hai)
I think this song should be sung or sent to our fav person who is currently angry with us due to our arguement/stupidity... it does makes things better idk
Kahe khafa aise chulbul se bulbul
Kahe na tu maanenge baatiyaan re
If someone sent it to me when i am angry i would literally melt...
All i wanna say is am sorry
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thedailyexcelsior · 4 months
Singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan thrashes 'student' with slippers
Khan, 49, termed the viral video an “internal matter” between a master and his disciple. “Whatever you have seen in these videos is about an internal matter between an ustaad (master) and a shagird (protege). When a protégé does a good job, we shower a lot of them and when they make a mistake, we punish them as well… I had apologized to him at the same time…” the popular singer said in the video,…
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onlinesikhstore · 5 months
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Sarbloh Chakar Mool Mantar Dumala Dastar Ring Pure Iron Kara Khalsa Sikh Chakram Sarbloh Pure Steel Sikh Singh Khalsa Dumala Mool Mantar engraved in Gurmukhi Punjabi Chakari chakkar Dastar Ring Chakar
Size of Chakars varies in between approx. 18cm - 23cm
These Chakars are for Dumala or for decoration in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji The mool mantra is engraved on one side and there's Ashtbhuja legend/Symbol as well ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ ॥ ਜਪੁ ॥ ਆਦਿ ਸਚੁ ਜੁਗਾਦਿ ਸਚੁ ॥ ਹੈ ਭੀ ਸਚੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਹੋਸੀ ਭੀ ਸਚੁ ॥1॥ Transliteration: Ik oa(n)kaar sath naam karathaa purakh nirabho niravair akaal moorath ajoonee saibha(n) gur prasaadh ॥ ॥ jap ॥ aadh sach jugaadh sach ॥ hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach ॥1॥ These chakars are proper warrior throwing chakars. Edges can be sharpened. These are the Chakkars that are used to play Gatka/Sikh Martial Arts. Pure Sarbloh Singh Chakkars. Can also be used for offerings or displaying in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurudwara Sahibs. BRILLIANT DESIGN AND FINISH. It throws shadow on the Chakkars used by Singhs in the battlefield in ancient Sikh Misals days. Very Reasonable price for these authentic Gatka playing chakars. Suitable to wear on Dumala, Turbans, Pug or Pagari. Only a Limited stock available. Please buy in time to stop disappointment. Please note we have same design chakars available with Gurbani engravings. FIRST PAURI OF japji Sahib Ji and Sarbloh Protection Shabads. Will list these all shortly. Guru fateh Ji! Please note we have advertised these on other channels as well and may finish listing before time - subject to availability. These Chakkars are hand made in the Holy City of Amritsar (Golden Temple/Darbar Sahib Ji). Internal Diameter is approx 20 cm A Chakkar is a steel ring which from about the 16th century onwards was a weapon exclusively used by the Sikhs. It is commonly placed on the Dastar. When used in battle, it usually has a sharp outer edge, but for ceremonial purposes it often has its outer edge left blunt, as does this one. It is classified as a quoit-type weapon which is thrown or hurled, either by being released after being twirled around the smooth inside edge by the forefinger (a favourite Sikh method) or released frisbee-like or discus style. It is said to have an effective range of 40 to 50 metres. These items are hand made and therefore every one is unique and measurements may vary slightly. There may be slight scruff marks commonly seen in all the chakars/karas coming from Amritsar as these are handmade and kept in jumble. However, we will polish these before dispatch. Brilliant finish and very decorative. Ideal gift item for loved ones on all occasions. For more information please message us. We will try our best to reply all messages on the same day. Postage discounts for multi-buys. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
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drmaqazi · 5 months
Khudi kaa sirre nihaan | Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
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shape · 6 months
Wide public support for Hamas’ offensive on October the 7th, but the vast majority denies that Hamas has committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. The war increases Hamas’ popularity and greatly weakens the standing of the PA and its leadership; nonetheless, the majority of the Palestinians remains unsupportive of Hamas. Support for armed struggle rises, particularly in the West Bank and in response to settlers’ violence, but support for the two-state solution rises somewhat. The overwhelming majority condemns the positions taken by the US and the main European powers during the war and express the belief that they have lost their moral compass 
22 November-2 December 2023
This poll has been conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah
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Findings indicate that the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip has had a significant impact on a range of internal Palestinian issues and on Palestinian-Israeli relations. The most important of these effects can be summarized in the following changes:
Support for Hamas has more than tripled in the West Bank compared to three months ago. In the Gaza Strip, support for Hamas increased but not significantly. Despite the increase in its popularity, the majority in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip does not support Hamas. It is worth noting that support for Hamas usually rises temporarily during or immediately after a war and then returns to the previous level several months after the end of the war.
Support for President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fateh party drops significantly. The same is true for the trust in the PA as a whole, as demand for its dissolution rises to nearly 60%, the highest percentage ever recorded in PSR polls. Demand for Abbas's resignation is rising to around 90 percent, and even higher in the West Bank. Despite the decline in support for Fatah and Abbas, the most popular Palestinian figure remains Marwan Barghouti, a Fatah leader. Barghouti is still able to beat Hamas’ candidate Ismail Haniyeh or any other.
Support for armed struggle rises ten percentage points compared to three months ago, with more than 60% saying it is the best means of ending the Israeli occupation; in the West Bank, the percentage rises further to close to 70%. Moreover, a majority in the West Bank believes that the formation of armed groups in communities subject to settler attacks is the most effective means of combating settler terrorism against towns and villages in the West Bank.
Despite the above-mentioned reference to the lack of confidence in the seriousness of US and European talk about reviving the two-state solution and despite the increase in support for armed struggle, support for the two-state solution has not dropped in this poll. To the contrary, support for this solution has increased slightly in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This increase seems to come especially from those who believe that the US and European talk about the two-state solution is indeed serious.
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eaukraine-eu · 7 months
The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has all the necessary capabilities to develop the production of ballistic missiles, which will subsequently be sold to the Russian Federation. This sensational statement was made by the representative of the American White House, John Kirby. According to him, Tehran has developed a new plan for military cooperation with the Russian Federation, which could “radically” change the course of the war in Ukraine. Despite the fact that Iranian authorities categorically deny this information, some experts are inclined to admit that Kirby is right. It should be especially noted that the author of the aforementioned maxim was forced to admit that he was expressing exclusively his own point of view. “There is information from our intelligence about Iran’s desire to sell ballistics to Moscow,” Kirby noted in particular. “There is no doubt that this desire will sooner or later be realized.” So, what is this all about? Washington itself does not give any intelligible answer to this question. Yes, this is not necessary. Previously, the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) had already published a report according to which Iran will transfer several ballistic missiles to the Kremlin free of charge, after testing which it will be possible to talk about the serial sale of these Iranian products to the Russian Federation. But here’s the thing - the corresponding forecast talked about two types of missiles: Zolfagar and Fateh, which have already become a kind of “calling card” of the Iranian defense industry. Moreover, both models are only undergoing factory tests and, by definition, cannot have an export certificate. And that is not all. On October 18 of this year, the UN Security Council lifted restrictions on Iran's transfer of military technology. Against this background, Iran immediately presented an upgraded version of its Shaheed-238 combat drone. Rumor has it that this model is already actively used by Russians in Ukraine. It would seem that Tehran’s next logical step would be to send weapons of mass destruction to Russia However, in the United States, it seems that the opinion of Kirby and his colleagues is not very popular. According to Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, Iran has left Washington no choice - President Biden's team will seek the introduction of new sanctions against Iran. In turn, the Pentagon intends to “play the Iranian card” and receive additional funds to strengthen the US army. There is no doubt that in such conditions the question of Iran providing a shipment of weapons remains open.
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inner--islands · 8 months
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Interview with Channelers on Isles Beyond (September 2020)
Steve Targo of the Inner Travels project interviewed Sean Conrad, the artist behind Channelers, about his latest album on Inner Islands. The interview was conducted in a Q&A format over email.
How important is folk music to your work as Channelers?
Well, if we’re talking about folk music as a popular or traditional music that’s been passed down (often orally), then I feel like the Channelers work has definitely benefited greatly from working with other musicians and learning about the tools of the trade from them. My friends and various people in the underground and house show music scene have taught me a lot about both gear and musical approaches. There was a point when I didn’t know that I could loop in a DAW. I just always thought people recorded themselves playing with loopers, until my friend explained it to me. And seeing friends use the SP-404, EH 2880, Microkorg, and other things has inspired me to use those same pieces. I do think the kneeling droner with pedals splayed is a sort of modern folk tradition.
Do you recall your first experiences with folk music? When & where did you first hear it? How did you react to it?
I definitely don’t recall my first experiences with folk music. It was probably from my parents. They listen to all kinds of music. My dad has a small collection of Indian Classical and Qawwali music. It could have been that. Those musics have always been really really special to me. The kind of feeling that I’ve felt from those musics is incredible: stillness, grounding, yearning, ecstatic joy. I’ve been listening to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan since I first was cognizant that those sounds were an option to put on. I think “Maki Madni” is one of the greatest pieces I’ve ever heard.
How long have you been playing the dulcimer? How did you learn to play it?
I’ve been playing since the beginning of 2014, but I wouldn’t say I “know” or ever “learned” how to play. I just kind of freestyle it and use my intuition. And I don’t play it in the standard tuning either because it just has too many key modulations for me.
Isles Beyond started with the title track, which you recorded while making Faces of Love. Why did the song sit on the shelf, as you stated on your Bandcamp page?
Well, I recorded a handful of longform tracks for Faces of Love, but felt like the two that ended up on there were the strongest. But since then I’ve still been listening to “Isles Beyond” and have felt like there’s possibly something good in there. Actually, sharing the piece with you, Steve, and hearing your positive feedback made me think that it might actually be worth putting out there. So over the last couple of years I have been editing it so that it’s as strong of a piece as I can make it by editing out sections I don’t like and working with the overall texture with the help of this Lexicon reverb/FX rack unit I have.
Were the other songs of Isles Beyond written to complement the title track? It seems to me there is a strong cohesion throughout the album.
I wasn’t explicitly thinking about “Isles Beyond” while working on the other tracks, but I do think there is a cohesion in the palette of the album. It’s pretty much all acoustic instruments. When I record on tape I almost always gravitate towards using acoustic instruments, because the texture is so rich. The tape handles the high end frequencies of those instruments in such a satisfying way for me. And when I play acoustic instruments, I have a sort of style or approach that I seem to gravitate towards, kind of a mixture between composition and improvisation, and often playing slowly or minimally. If you heard all of the tracks that didn’t make it onto the album, but were recorded during the same period, you would probably notice some cohesion with those as well.
What does the title of the song & album mean to you?
It doesn’t really have a specific meaning. It was the first thing that popped into my head when writing down the piece title in my journal of tape notes. Mostly it just feels like the right jumping off point for listening to those sounds.
How so? To me, the title meant that maybe you reached some place or state of being with the music — “isles beyond” where you usually go, for example.
Haha! Although that’s very flattering of you to say, that’s not at all what I was thinking. The title probably more makes me think of a place like Avalon or something, some idyllic and mythic island that nobody has ever plotted on a map, but still persists in our cultural memory.
Do you feel your music fits under the tag “sound healing?” Why? How do you feel about the tag in general?
I went through a phase of resonating with the term “healing music”, maybe about 9 or 10 years ago. But soon after that I felt like it’s not really my call to make. Even if at one point that was my intention, I don’t want to guarantee any results. I think for healing to work, one has to be open to receiving healing. So in my mind it’s more of a tag a listener might apply to albums in their collection, rather than a tag supplied by the artist. At this point I can’t say that sound healing or making healing music is a goal of mine.
Name a song or album that has become indispensable to you these days & explain why.
An album that I’ve really been resonating with lately is Close to the Edge by Yes. I know a lot of people balk at Yes, and I get it, especially post CTTE Yes where Steve Howe seemingly forgets that he’s playing with other people/being recorded and just noodles over everything. But that album is quite remarkable. It’s incredibly dynamic and composed in such an unusual, fluid, and intuitive way. The pieces have a lot of sections, but never lose sight of the overall theme or mood. I could wax on and on about it, but most importantly I just resonate with what they’re expressing, not specifically lyrically, but musically.
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heaven444child · 12 days
Current Energy of Your Future Spouse ✨🍀
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which pile drawn your attention choose it and please take what resonates with you and leave the rest ✨🍀🫶💜
AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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pile 1 Your future life partner is very frustrated or stressed right now. 🤦/🤦‍♀️Your person is very angry about his current situation. 😩This person is feeling very stressed and sad about his financial situation 🥺and it seems as if this person will cry any moment because his heart is feeling a lot of pressure or sadness, 🥹but he wants to tell you very eagerly that he will soon get out of this situation, 😌but till then you have to wait for him ✨💕 Whenever this person thinks about you, a smile comes on his face. 🥰This person forgets all his sorrows and problems♥️ because this person finds you very magical 🧚‍♀️/🧚‍♂️
Song -
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 2
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pile 2 First of all, I feel that whatever your future spouse does in his life, he does it with great intensity🧗‍♀️ and your person always faces every situation with a smile💕 and even if this person has any financial problem in his life, this person does not let his life stop or become boring😌 This person is currently not focusing on any of his problems🙌 This person wants to be happy in his current situation🥰 and wants to keep the people around him happy too😍 This person is really a good person at heart🍀 His energy is very comfortable, relaxed and full of peace✨♥️
Song -
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Stay blessed ✨🍀AND thankyou for your support 🫶♥️
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back-and-totheleft · 10 months
"Bollywood doesn't need Hollywood"
Oliver Stone will be honored with a lifetime achievement award at the Mumbai Film Festival. In addition to conducting a master class, two films by the Oscar-winning director are being screened at the festival, including his 2009 documentary South of the Border and Alexander Revisited, his final cut of the 2004 original historical drama that was partly filmed in India. Stone spoke with THR India correspondent Nyay Bhushan in Mumbai.
THR: You have been to India on several occasions and are aware of the film industry here. How would you like to see the two big film industries of India and the U.S. working together?
Oliver Stone: I think the Indian film industry has existed without Hollywood for a long time and it turns out tremendous volume and does well. So the marriage between the two is rare as they have different styles. But of course the best example of the two industries coming together was with Danny Boyle‘s Slumdog Millionaire but that doesn’t happen often and I don’t think that [a meeting of the two industries] can always be structured that way. Then there’ll be movies like My Name Is Khan in which the main character goes to America. I love the style of Indian movies – they’ve always excited me because of how they shift moods between various genres. I mean now we are doing that kind of musical comedy in the U.S. with Glee. So I think (the two industries) do help each other in a way.
THR: In Natural Born Killers you used a song by (the late Pakistani maestro) Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan in the background of a violent scene. How did you come up with that concept of using a sacred song in such a movie?
Stone: It was whirling dervish music and I wanted that madness. I used it over the prison riot scene and other sequences. We got the permission to use that song and put it in and he (Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan) was shocked. I think he was shocked because that movie really came out of the blue. But the movie was really a statement of anger, a protest against the media that had become perverted and more and more superficial. It was spiritual in a way, a breakout against the system. And the anger that (central characters) Mickey and Mallory felt was, to me, against the system which was oppressive. When they break away, that becomes a religious celebration of freedom. That’s why the music was sacred to me.
THR: Your recent Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps had an interesting India connection where Frank Langella‘s character — who plays a banker whose world is collapsing — says that these days he is getting calls “from people in Mumbai, Dumbai.” He seems flustered at this new world that he is facing. Is that a statement about someone whose powers are eroding against a rising power?
Stone: Yes, he is definitely a man whose time has passed by. The money markets have become very confusing and much more computerized and of course, India is a big source of that computerization and outsourcing. Also the deal-making has become much more complex and its true that these big banks lost control of what they were doing, buying and selling securities that they didn’t understand completely. So the idea (behind that scene) was to show the globalization of the economy and also that people are dealing with people they don’t know anymore. You pick up the phone and you don’t know the other guy.
THR: In terms of future projects, would you like to do more documentaries or are you working on a feature?
Stone: I am currently working on a documentary called The Untold History of the United States which is 12 hours long and that’s my big thing to finish as I am on my third year on that.  I can’t tell you about the features because I keep that quiet until I start on them.
THR: Would you do another JFK?
Stone: That cost me a lot too, you know. Every film is different. I think the W movie was very significant and it had a lot to say if you look at it again.
THR: U.S. President Barack Obama is visiting India for the first time when he arrives here next week. What is your take on him and the current political mood in the U.S.?
Stone: Well I don’t want to influence his visit to India in any way. I think that he is taking a moderate stand overall with his policies but the fact is that currently in the U.S., the right wing is getting destructive. The Supreme Court has just freed up rights of corporations to invest in elections. That is very dangerous and changes all the rules. I think we will be more and more in decline in the U.S.
THR: India and the U.S. are both large democracies which allow freedom of expression. But sometimes that can be challenging in India in the sense that it can be difficult for filmmakers here to push the envelope and explore certain subjects such as religion or politics. How would you like to see this creative expression nurtured further in the world’s largest democracy that is India?
Stone: I can’t tell you because I don’t know the issues here but to me India is one of the sterling examples of the world of a real amazing amount of change and freedom. You allow for different points of view, you are very tolerant and the religious freedom is famous here. Most countries are closed to that and don’t allow various (religious) concepts like Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and others to exist side by side. I don’t see the closures that you talk about. I think you are one of the great old traditions of the world which allows for such freedom of worship.
-Oliver Stone Q&A with The Hollywood Reporter, Oct 27 2010
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siriuslynephilim · 10 months
does anyone else also listen to this song and just cry
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lyricszon · 11 months
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paragliging · 1 year
Are You Ready To Take On The Adventure Activities In Udaipur ?
Udaipur, the City of Lakes, is a paradise for adventure seekers. Paragliding in Udaipur offers an unforgettable experience to those who want to explore the city from a different perspective.
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Paragliding in Udaipur is one of the most popular activities among tourists and locals alike. The activity takes place at various locations around the city such as Fateh Sagar Lake, Pichola Lake and Kumbhalgarh Fort. It gives you an opportunity to witness some breathtaking views of Udaipur’s lakes and monuments from high up in the sky!
Adventure in Udaipur
Udaipur Adventure Park is a one-stop destination for all your adventure needs. Located in the heart of Udaipur, this park offers an array of thrilling activities and experiences that are sure to get your adrenaline pumping.
From zip lines and rope courses to rock climbing walls and bungee jumping, there’s something here for everyone! The park also features a variety of water sports such as kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding and more.
With its lush green surroundings and stunning views of the lake city, Adventure Park in Udaipur  is an ideal spot for those looking to have some fun while taking in the beauty that Udaipur has to offer.
Q1. What is the best time to go paragliding in Udaipur?
Ans. The best time to go paragliding in Udaipur is from October to March when the weather conditions are ideal and there are fewer chances of strong winds that can disrupt your flight. 
Q2. How much does it cost for a paragliding session in Udaipur? 
Ans. The cost of a single session of paragliding in Udaipur ranges from Rs 1500-2500 depending on the duration and type of package you choose, as well as any additional services such as photography or video recording during your flight experience.
Q3. Is there an age limit for participating in Paragliding activities at Udaipur? 
Ans. Yes, participants must be at least 12 years old and should weigh between 35-90 kgs (77 - 198 lbs)to participate safely without any risk factors involved while flying with experienced pilots who will guide them through their journey up high into the sky!
   Q4. Are there safety measures taken before starting a Paraglider ride ?
 Ans. Yes, all safety measures are taken before starting a paraglider ride including briefing about do's & don'ts by experienced pilots , checking equipment thoroughly , ensuring proper harnessing etc . All these steps ensure that you have a safe & enjoyable experience while flying over beautiful landscapes around Udaipur city .  
   Q5. Do I need prior training or experience before going on my first paraglider ride ?
  Ans. No prior training or experience is required but it would be beneficial if one has some knowledge about basic aerodynamics which helps understand how air currents affect our flights better .
Udaipur is a great destination for adventure activities. From hot air ballooning to parasailing, there are plenty of thrilling experiences to be had in the city. The beautiful lakes and hills provide an ideal backdrop for these activities, making them even more enjoyable. With its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes, adventure activities in udaipur offer something special for those looking for an unforgettable adventure experience.
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