#Fawn | Mei - Famine
van1llam1lkk · 8 months
Bitter Cravings
[ sfw | TW ; Manipulation, Feederism, Implied Sexual Content, Dubcon, Mentions of Terrorism and Homicide, Coercion As well as some General Yandere content but it's very subtle, Smoking, There's a scene where smoke is blown into your mouth]
Female Yandere x GN Reader
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Mei hums a oddly familiar tune to herself, her gentle smile never wavering from her face as you hesitantly ate the dessert she had prepared for you.
"Do you have to watch me eat?" You ask, ending the silence that was only punctuated by the clinking of your silverware and Mei's humming.
"But of course, I have to make sure my Darling eats their fill." She remarks, propping her chin up with her hand. "And you are entertaining me, no? In turn I..." She trails off, clearly already forgetting what the original deal was.
"You give me information about this place in return," You remind her, irritated at her short-term forgetfulness.
"Oh yeah! Yeah, so hurry up and eat- you want that information don't ya'?" She pauses before adding "Pretty please?"
You stare at her for a moment before turning back to your plate of chocolate cake. Gingerly, you cut the rich velvet cake with your fork, somewhat embarrassed that Mei is watching your every move. When you take the first bite, it is an explosion of flavor - dark chocolate, ganache and vanilla cake melting together in your mouth. And with each little bite of yours her gaze bears down on you harder.
The dessert was delicious, but the fact that you were being watched so intently made the experience rather off-putting and Intimate in a uncomfortable way.
"This is way better than what they have around here," you say, in an attempt to avoid an awkward silence.
"Yes, there are several farms in my faction. So, unlike the subpar products we sell to you, we just keep the high-quality items for ourselves or outside vendors." She waved her hand nonchalantly before continuing. "It's really nothing complicated."
You hummed in acknowledgment as you tried to think of your next question. "So... Whole water incident." She let out a loud groan and threw her head back in annoyance as she mumbled a colorful vocabulary or curses. Digging through her pockets, she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and removed one small one from it—odd since she said she could make any product she wanted— and put it into a golden cigarette holder.
"It happened before I was born, so truth be told I can't give you many details. But in short, a large number of members bought large amounts of highly concentrated forms of Soman and released it in the subway stations The leaders behind the act were executed and the followers were probably just sentenced to life in prison." She hesitates for a second, trying to recall any other crucial details.
"There were several homicides that followed, targeting anyone in positions of power or people who leaked information about the incident afterwards. Their bodies were dismembered and strewn about. And after those two events, the government kept us under surveillance for a while— seventy decades if I'm right." It was strange how nonchalantly she spoke of such a heinous act of terrorism.
"We still are, now that I think about it, but they're less strict now; just have to get their permission when purchasing certain drugs."
"That's a little fucked up... You're talking as if it was no big deal and like there weren't hundreds of people that might have been killed because of it," you say, a hint of irritation creeping into your voice.
Mei scoffs in response, throwing an arm around your waist and pulling you close. She takes a deep drag from her cigarette Cabriole before blowing the smoke right in your face. As you blink away the cloud, she finally responds.
"Honey, this place is probably less corrupt than your own government, and that's saying a lot. Just because we had a couple of accidents doesn't make us all bad." Her hand tightens around your mid-drift as she continues speaking. "Besides, I'm more interesting than any of this rusty old place's history. And I can give you so much more than anyone else ever could."
She lays her head on your shoulder briefly before sitting on your lap and wrapping her arm around your neck.
"I don't get why you can't join up here; I give you so much already and all you do for me is come by a few times a week." An annoyed scowl appears on her features. "You'd be able to get so much out of being a member here."
“Would you ever want to try smoking?” Her eyes shifted, obviously interested in the topic. “Just inhale, alright?” Before you could ask for further detail, she leaned closer and blew smoke directly into your mouth, catching you off guard. You reflexively swallowed, triggering a coughing fit that made her laugh softly. “Ahh, so I take it you have no experience with this.” She twirled the golden Cabriole around her fingers as she examined your reaction. She paused for a few seconds, studying your face before leaning closer and pushing you back against the pillows.
"You're a pretty little thing aren't cha'? And such a willing participant, letting me use you for my own amusement" She teases, her voice clearly mocking you're willingness to do in exchange for a little information.
"But, I'm not done using you." She adds on in a whisper, those words being the only warning you get before her lips soft and warm pressed against yours, the taste of Tobacco lingering on her tongue.
her hand lightly tracing your chest as her hand wanders downwards. Stopping just above your waist where she lingered for a moment longer before giving you a light squeeze.
Mei pulled away from the kiss, her breath coming out in hot puffs against your neck. "You know," she began, "there is more to be gained by joining us than just access to high-quality goods." Her fingers traced circles on your waist, lightly messing with the waistband of your pants. "And I'm sure you know where I'm getting at, don't you?"
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