#Fear the Deer
jessieisaninja · 4 months
Had A dream once where I was playing FE3H, and everything was the same except Petra had a sniper rifle and it turned into a 1st person shooter for 15 seconds every time it was her turn to attack.
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Hi guys! I'm back with another VA commission!
This time, Leonie commissioned by her lovely Voice Actress, Ratana!
I don't work with orange and yellow color palettes very often, so getting the chance to use those colors predominantly was very refreshing! :)
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sidneycaitlinart · 1 year
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“I don’t have time for this!”
Absolutely in love with the tarot card style, so I’ll probably be drawing more Three Houses characters like this :)
open to suggestions for who I should draw next hehe
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mishkinis · 8 months
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drew the deer to practice how I interpret their different faces :}
(click for better quality I think)
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longlivethedragons · 2 months
Five years ago, Fire Emblem: Three Houses released and it had a huge impact on my life at the time. It’s a very special game to me and it was one of the reasons I started to draw. I wanted to learn how to draw so I could draw fanart of the characters that I fell in love with.
I drew this 5 years ago after seeing Claude’s S-Support. This was back when I first wanted to learn how to draw. ( Yes I chose the Golden Deer route. Feer the Deer! )
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Now, although I’m a couple days late, I decided to redraw this same scene again in celebration of the Five year anniversary.
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It’s not perfect ( I still can’t draw hands apparently lol ) but just seeing how much I’ve improved over these past 5 years really inspires me to keep learning and growing in my art. These past few years have had ups and downs for me. It’s been really difficult in some aspects as well. But this game, peck, this franchise of games, has helped me get through it. And I’m thankful for that.
I love this game, and I love all the artwork and celebration I’ve seen for its anniversary. It had such a big impact on so many peoples lives, including mine.
“And the next time we see each other, it will be at the dawn of a new world. A peaceful, happy world.”
Happy Five Year Time-Skip everybody
( and remember to Fear the Deer! :] )
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bshrdxxl · 3 months
Here lies Claude von Riegan.
I feel like I should focus on other fandoms, too. I mean, I rarely see FE3H fans these days. As much as I like FE3H, it's time to move on, I guess.
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cosmicnovaflare · 1 year
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Claude von Riegan from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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achaemenidstar · 11 months
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"Ah, what a burden to be great at everything."
// hello, and welcome! this is a closed RP blog featuring Claude von Riegan of FE:3H, affiliated with The Officer's Academy RP group (a link to the TOA can be found here)! really excited to start RPing with everyone :D !!
mun info can be found under the cut!
// yo! i'm margo, and if you couldn't tell i really like FE!! i'm currently in school and i love any type of creative hobbies--drawing, writing, reading (does that fall into this category? oh well!), music, theater, painting, etc! i'm also an athlete and i love playing all kinds of sports :D + fun fact, i roller skate!
FE:3H was the first fire emblem game i got into, and now that i'm an avid enjoyer of the franchise, i'm starting to branch out and check out more games! however i am the most well-versed in 3H and i love all the characters with my whole heart <3 my favorite characters ever are claude (duh) dedue, ashe, and marianne!
also really quick: FRIENDLY REMINDER!! since i am in school and i have a lot of extracurriculars, i will not be extremely active all the time! i'll try to be whenever possible, but if i don't respond to an RP right away, it's most likely for this reason and i'll try to get back to you ASAP!
i am also new to tumblr RPing, so please don't hesitate to correct me if i don't approach something the right way :D
thank you for reading and have a wonderful day/night!
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Had a wonderful time working with New Dawn in their side zine: Fading Dawn!
Get your leftovers before they’re gone!  https://gdzine.bigcartel.com/
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jaybird144 · 2 months
Happy birthday Claude!!! #Fear The Deer!!!
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luccadwyre · 1 year
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Loved making this costume! Always a Golden Deer!
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vtolentinoart · 2 years
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🎄✨Happy Holidays from Byleth’s little reindeer✨🦌
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Claude time? It's Claude time.
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vellatra · 7 months
Fire Emblem - Three Houses - A Dumb Summary
I was challenged to summarize 3H. I know very little about the game. You've been warned!
Once upon a time there was this guy Billy. Or this girl Billie. Actually you get to pick so we’ll just pick one now… wait and there are also several stories to pick. Shoot. Well we’ll just have to have several summaries then, won’t we? Nyeh!
Story One - Azure… Something
Once upon a time there was this girl Billie who taught battle strategy or something at the Mach 10 Monastery. She was very confusing to everyone, ‘cause she was the same age as the students but also teaching them, but also not the same age and like a super old goddess or dragon or something and also might’ve been possessed by the demigod descendent of Sothe and Yune? Look I don’t know and neither do you. Anyway, so she’s teaching and they’ve got this system like Hogwarts where everybody picks a sports mascot to rally behind, and the teachers also get to pick favorites. She picks Gryffindor because she has a major crush on this dude in the house who wants to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Who are “them”, you ask? Yes. It’s a wonder anybody survived going to school with him okay? Super bloodthirsty dude. Dunno why either, something to do with working for the Holy Faerghan Empire and the Spanish Inquisition I think? And also he talks to ghosts? Yeah that sounds right. Eventually somebody got annoyed with his serial slaughtering because at some point he lost an eye, but we’ll get to that later.
Mr. Inquisitor’s classmates (who will probably never show their faces in this story again) consist of a bottle of Felix Felicis, Ash from Pokemon, Miklan’s Brother, a car, the mailwoman from Rune Factory Frontier, and a d-dude (people always stutter when they talk about him so his title is canonically “d-dude”).
There are also some other teachers, but most of them are boring. Except of course for Mole Lady, and the Phantom of the Opera who’s trained to become a ninja.
So Billie taught the Inquisitor and his cronies all there is to know about combat and strategy and whatnot, until one day when she decided to go on a years-long vacation to “find herself” or something. Everything blew up without Billie there to stop it! But you play as Billie so it all just kinda happens without you and she comes back like “Oh crud what’d I miss?” and she just joins in the war that’s started, on the side of her teacher’s pets of course because they’re her most favoritest and are absolutely in the right in this war, right? Turns out they’re fighting against the other two houses, who are also fighting each other. It’s just a total mess. Also there’s this group of sewer rats who come out of the gutter and say they’re the totally legit and super awesome FOURTH HOUSE DUN DUN DUN! Led by somebody named Japanese Lesbian even though he’s a dude? Whatever, anyway he says they want to join Billie’s side because… I dunno she’s cool I guess? So off they go to fight everybody else, and of course, to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! Especially the leader of Ravenclaw, Edelwiess, because she’s definitely a heretic who wants to be a normal Fire Emblem lord and fight the church and defeat god like everybody else. Ew! The horror! She’s definitely evil! So um… yeah that’s basically what they do I guess? Just whoop up on everybody and take over the continent? Oh and also they make a detour to Miklan’s Brother’s Brother’s house and smite him in particular because nobody likes him. He liked to be mean to his brother when they were little because his brother had a fancy hat or something that meant he’d get to be king after their father? I think? Or something? Anyway Miklan’s Brother’s Brother was super jealous of the fancy hat and made sure it was everybody’s problem so they all went to his house to smite him before continuing on their journey to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Which they did. Then if you play your cards right Billie marries the Inquisitor and they live murderously ever after! Yay!
Story Two - Crimson Flour (What the heck is that made of? Red 40? Ew!)
Billy decided to teach Ravenclaw because he thinks their albino leader Edelwiess is cute, but then he discovers that she has this menacing bodyguard who never eats, never sleeps, and follows her everywhere, and he thinks “ya know what, I should’ve picked another house”, but then it’s too late. Ravenclaw consists of Edelwiess, Scary Hubert, a nerd, a ghost, Sonic’s mom, a modern girl cameoing, and Cool Fiona.
So anyway, like Billie, he teaches the kiddos and then leaves for a well-undeserved vacation while the war starts. When he comes back, he’s like “well obviously my faves are the good guys” so he joins the Ravenclaws on their quest to defy the Holy Faerghan Empire and the Church of Kronos’ Wife and to slay god or something. This means they also run afoul of Mr. Inquisitor, but they slay him too and put an end to his bloodbath… while they go off and do basically the same thing I think? Starting to think there are no good guys actually. Oh dear. Anyway at one point things get so evil and wrong that Billy gets to choose whether to stick with Edelwiess or to backstab her. If he sticks with her, they smite their foes and probably live happily ever after (but they don’t get married because Hubert is too scary and Billy doesn’t want to get poisoned on a date). If he betrays her, I have no idea. All I know is that the story turns into Story Three - White… Fluffy Clouds… or something…. And he probably teams up with the aforementioned sewer rats, because they think he’s cool. I’m sure he wins but how in the world does he defeat Hubert? That man is an all-powerful menace. Somebody fill me in? Haha
Story Four - Fear the Deer
Billie joins Hufflepuff, mostly because she sees it’s led by fellow Star Wars enthusiast Claude von Beethoven. He’s so committed to the bit that he even has a little padawan braid and everything! So cool! Anyway so she teaches him and his buddies: a dude obsessed with roses, an artist self-insert, a Micaiah wannabe, Amy Rose with an axe, and some girl who’s obsessed with The Witcher. They’re all a bunch of nerds and we love them for it. I have no idea what these guys want when the war breaks out - they’re probably just excited to be in a Fire Emblem game honestly! - but obviously, since Billie’s with them in this version of the story, those crazy sewer rats join them and they mop the floor with everybody else and, uh, they live happily ever after I guess! Except for Miklan of course. ;P
There’s also Story Five - Whiskered Eggplant, but we’re not getting into that today ;) XD
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minzis1601 · 2 years
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So, I’m a big nintendo fan, and one of my favorites franchises is Fire emblem! And I just loved fire emblem three houses! I’ve played all of the routes, seen all the supports, and I’m gonna say, Blue lions is definitely my favorite!
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magnimoon · 11 months
I swear I thought I uploaded the other days here. I was so wrong djdjgndnsbs
Day 18. Your secondary character husbando
Claude von Riegan - Fire Emblem Three Houses
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I love Claude, besto lord... But let's be honest, Byleth is the only protagonist there. It saddens me that he can only be playable om his route.
Also I beg to whatever god that IntSys releases a game set in Almyra. They talked so much about it... Now I'm curious
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