#Federal minister
enigmasandepiphanies · 2 months
what happened with vinesh phogat is so tragic
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 months
i'm not at ALL asking that we model our political campaigns any further on US politics than we do already... but there are incredibly pivotal elections in Saxony in a MONTH and the only sign of it is election posters - and the extreme right has clearly spent way more money on those than all the other parties. For every lamp post with a Green party or SPD poster, there's another lamp post with FIVE AfD posters in my neighbourhood, or one for a tiny extreme-right splinter party full of batshit insane claims like "Free State (official term for the state of Saxony) instead of caliphate". The AfD paid for huge posters all along the university campus, which is so concerning to me. Also, every month or so there's some bizarre AfD party newspaper or flyer in my mailbox. Only AfD.
On state news, it's CRICKETS. On the mdr website, there's one big header, and it's about the summer holidays.
I got my voting papers in the mail yesterday. I live in the state capital. Where are the reports? Where are the politicians? Where are the public events? Am I *that* out of touch with public life here and they're happening and I just haven't heard about it?
I honestly feel insane. Polls are saying we might get a majority for the AfD and uh. Where is everyone? Elections are in THIRTY-ONE days and nobody seems to be having a conversation about it what the fuck
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Billy Graham uses the steps of Federal Hall as a pulpit from which to lecture the sinners of Wall Street, July 10, 1957. The congregation was estimated at 7,000 to 10,000.
Photo: Associated Press via the Dallas Morning News
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partybarty · 2 months
Albo has defended Raygun.
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gardengnosticator · 1 year
the only thing australia cares about maintaining is the wellbeing of like 50 corporations and their ceos
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t-jfh · 1 year
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What makes Zelenskyy an exceptional leader, according to four experts who’ve seen him up close and personal.
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It’s Not Enough for Ukraine to Win. Russia Has to Lose.
Anything less will encourage Russian imperialism and embolden autocrats around the world.
The Atlantic
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Approval of Vladimir Putin's candidacy for the post of head of Government in 1999
Photo: Sergey Subbotin / RIA Novosti
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xtruss · 1 year
70 Years After WWII, Japan Brings New Disaster To The World
— Chen Yang | August 24, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Japan kick starts discharging the Nuclear-Contaminated Water Stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear ☢️ Power Plant into the sea on Thursday afternoon. This move, prioritizing Japanese government's own interests over the common interests of all humanity, will ultimately lead to Japan's isolation and leave another indelible permanent stain on human history.
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake struck off the coast of northeastern Japan, triggering a towering tsunami that caused a nuclear leak at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear ☢️ Power Plant. As of now, the amount of nuclear-contaminated wastewater stored in Japan has exceeded 1.3 million tons, and it is increasing by 100 tons per day. In April 2021, the Japanese government decided to dump the nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean, choosing the most convenient and irresponsible method among various methods of treating the contaminated water. Since the Japanese government plans to discharge the nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean over a period of 30 years, the impact on the global marine ecosystem and human health and well-being is not temporary, but long-term and enduring.
Since deciding to dump nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean, Japan has consistently faced strong opposition from domestic and international public opinion. On Tuesday, the chairman of the National Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations in Japan, Masanobu Sakamoto, reiterated during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, "Nothing will change in our opposition to the release of water into the ocean without the understanding of fishermen and the public."
On July 1, South Korea's main opposition Democratic Party, held a rally in Seoul condemning the Japanese government's plan to dump nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean, urging the South Korean government to clearly oppose it.
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Cooperation Needed to Minimize Economic Risk Brought by Fukushima Nuclear ☢️ Contaminated Water Dumping — Hu Weijia! August 23, 2023. Japan's reckless dumping of nuclear wastewater poses a grave danger to Earth. Cartoon: Carlos Latuff
Despite the continuous doubts and opposition to the discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean from Japan domestically and internationally, the Japanese government has turned a deaf ear and insisted on pushing forward with the discharge process. This fundamentally reflects that discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean is a selfish act that sacrifices the public health and well-being of its own country and neighboring countries and regions in exchange for short-term benefits.
In fact, one of the main reasons why Japan has insisted on dumping nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean is the tacit approval and tolerance of the US, which has long claimed to be a "defender of human rights."
The US is Japan's ally and has had a wide range of influence on Japanese politics, diplomacy, culture and other aspects. It can even influence Japan's domestic and foreign policies to some extent. In theory, the US should exert its influence to prevent Japan from adopting irresponsible practices in dumping nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean. However, unfortunately, regarding this public issue that poses a threat to the global marine ecosystem and human health and well-being, the US did not criticize or condemn it, worse, it praised the Japanese government for its "transparent efforts" in dealing with the issue and considered Japan's dumpingplan to be "safe."
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Fishers Against Fukushima Nuclear ☢️ Contaminated Water Dumping! Fishers of the South Korea's National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives hold a rally on August 16, 2023, in the coastal area of in Goheung county in South Jeolla Province, to protest against the dumping of nuclear-contaminated wastewater from Japan as Japanese government reportedly is eyeing dumping the contaminated water in late August. Photo: VCG
Perhaps it is precisely because of the support and "double standards" from the US that Japan has the confidence to push forward with the process of discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean without any scruples until a specific date is determined and the discharge is implemented.
During World War II, Japan launched aggressive wars against neighboring countries, bringing great disasters to neighboring countries and regions. Today, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater can be said to be a new disaster that Japan, which has gone through defeat and surrender for more than 70 years, has brought to neighboring countries and regions.
The ocean is the common property of all humanity, not a dumping ground for Japan's arbitrary disposal. Regarding the issue of nuclear-contaminated wastewater, Japan should recognize its own responsibility, adopt a scientific attitude, fulfill its international obligations, and respond to the serious concerns of its own citizens, neighboring countries and the international community. If it simply ignores these concerns, it will ultimately leave an indelible permanent stain on Japan in human history.
— The Author is a Guest Research Fellow at the Centre for Japanese Studies, Liaoning University.
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vulcanservepinch · 2 years
inflation on bajor. dominion war affecting the price of fuel. pah wraiths raking in record profits. call that a kosst amojan living crisis.
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rhoddys · 2 years
bro this assignment is gonna be extra garbage
ughhhhh I wish i'd be able to do it before the illness ahhhhh
doing it for whatever marks I can get tho
just gotta remind myself lol
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thisisbjoeblog · 2 years
General Elections 2022: GE15 - Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
General Elections 2022: GE15 – Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
GE15 results were predictable but the end showed how racial and religious the country has been with the North & East of the Peninsular going to the radial Perikatan Nasional (PN) whilst the West & South to Pakatan Harapan (PH) with Barisan Nasional (BN) picking the middle. East Malaysia squarely went to the dominant GRS & GPS coalition. Image source: Wikipedia (more…)
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jayessentialsblog · 11 days
Minister of the FCT Nyesom Wike, has admitted the government cannot force landlords in the city to reduce rent
The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Minister, Nyesom Wike, has stated that the government cannot force landlords to reduce rent in the city, as the cost of rent is market-driven. He stated that no government puts a cap on rent costs, and that everything has increased due to costs. Wike disagreed with complaints about rent increases and suggested that rent should not be singled out. He also asked…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"Kingston Penitentiary Row Prevents Prorogation," Winnipeg Tribune. July 2, 1934. Page 1 & 2. ---- MORE TIME IS DEMANDED FOR PRISON DEBATE ---- Gen. Ross, Woodsworth and Miss Macphail Want More Information ---- GOVERNOR-GENERAL IS KEPT WAITING ---- Hectic Day In Parliament Ends by Adjournment Over Holidays === By CHARLES BISHOP (From The Tribune's Ottawa Bureau- Copyright by Southam Publishing Co. Ltd.) OTTAWA, July 2 - The situation at Kingston penitentiary, where the records show trouble has been recurrent for 60 years, was the final factor in preventing the prorogation of parliament Saturday night.
Everything was set for the end of this extraordinary session. The governor-general and staff had arrived. But Miss Agnes Macphail, J. S. Woodsworth and General Ross, Conservative, demanded opportunity for further discussion of the penitentiary question,
Although there were plain evidences of disappointment over the turn of affairs, the opportunity will be afforded Tuesday for saying all that is desired to be said.
Is Hectic Day Meanwhile, the national holiday will be availed of to quiet the frayed and intolerant tempers, so much in evidence at the weekend. It was a hectic day throughout.
In the Senate, the government side succeeded easily in voting down the amendment inserted by its banking committee calling for bilingual notes for the Bank of Canada.
In the Commons, the discussions covered a wide range-the Franchise Act, the Election Act and, with the production of much fireworks, the Public Works Act.
Then came the final flare-up over the penitentiary affair and the reluctant abandonment of the hope of getting through before Dominion Day. Helping, as he thought, in the plan of prorogation, Mr. Mackenzie King did his part in abandoning the motion of want of confidence which he had intended to launch against the ministry.
The opposition leader has always been, and still is, persuaded that this is the last session before an election, but if by any chance he was wrong, he gave notice that want of confidence would be the first thing proposed when the House meets again.
He declared it to be "obvious that the government had lost the confidence of the people and strongly advised the prime minister to dissolve this House and allow the will of the people to express itself."
Will Fight Supply He went further. He warned that if, at the next session, supply for another year were sought by the government, the opposition would "do everything in its power to prevent such supply being granted.
While expressing appreciation of the Liberal leader's self-sacrifice in forgoing the opportunity of making a speech on a favorite topic, the shortcomings of the ministry. Mr. Bennett doubted if Mr. King were well advised in resorting to threats, and Mr. King said they were not threats, but the op position's "duty, under the circumstances." At any rate, the premier was grateful for the gesture to make prorogation possible.
String of Amendments A string of amendments came from the Liberal benches to the public works bill and the discussion, though moderate, consumed much time. There were heated altercations over proposed outlays in the prime minister's riding, at Calgary and Banff. Mr. King calculated them at 88 percent of the Alberta appropriation. He charged "favoritism" saw in it a symptom of Mr. Bennett's Intent to retire from political life; of his "desire to leave a legacy with his electors at the public expense."
Thereat, the premier was "amazed and astounded" at one of such standing speaking in such a fashion. Mr. King also has been "astounded" when he saw these expenditures.
When the premier thought the opposition leader's speech did "not reflect credit upon him," Mr. King retorted that "the proposals do not reflect credit on the prime minister."
Thereupon, Mr. Bennett explained the items individually - the need of an administration building and post office at Banff, the most widely visited point in Southern Alberta; a retaining wall on the Bow river, attributed to Liberal administrative neglect, and barracks at Calgary, desired as a ten-year-old pledge.
Causes Flare-up This exchange had the effect of so much oil poured on smouldering embers, with Mr. King and the militants, Motherwell and Donnell, advocating, as preferable, reservoirs in Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan to permit irrigation of drought-affected areas.
Upon the Franchise and Election acts, the greater part of the day was spent. Colonel John Thompson, head of the pensions commission, was appointed franchise commissioner under the new act.
A judge will temporarily replace him on the pensions commission.
Mr. Justice Taylor, of Winnipeg. will come here, probably for a year, to clear up an accumulation of cases which have been provocative of high controversy.
In the Franchise act, the subject of greatest contention was the one which deprives British Columbia Doukhobors of their right to vote. Mr. Woodsworth wanted this struck out. S. W. Jacobs called it a "step towards Hitlerism."
Sam Gobeil, Compton Conservative, interposed to defend the measure and drew upon himself a sharp attack by Mr. Jacobs for remarks allegedly derogatory to the Jewish race. He wondered why Kobeil is so often asked to act as deputy speaker. Mr. La Pointe and Mr. McIntosh joined in the vigorous denunciation.
No Religious Issue But for the government, Mr. Bennett emphasized that the new w is not directed either against a race or a religion. These Doukhobors would not recognize constituted authority come citizens.
"People would not be who refuse to become citizens of Canada should not be allowed to to vote as citizens of Canada," and so the amendment against exclusion was defeated by 56 to 28.
The final battle over the Fran- chise act concerned an amendment by Angus MacInnis, Vancouver Laborite, which would give people In unemployed camps the same right to vote as absentee sailors, fishermen, lumbermen and miners. Mr. King saw no reason for this, but when informed that his representatives on the committee had agreed that only the four classes specified should enjoy the absentee voting privilege, did not wish to dishonor an agree an agreement.
He repeated his declaration that there will be an action this fall regarding the motion that it will take six months to get the new election machinery in operation as a "bluff" designed to lull the opposition into a false sense of security.
For Sweep Winnings The Criminal Code amendments assented to, include one which does away with the "common informer," but directs that winnings of sweeps and lotteries shall go to the government.
Other enactments sanctioned in the day were the pensions bill altered in such a way as to leave to the juridical temporary head of the commission the question of validity of the Customs Act to provide that certain taxes in foreign countries need not be added to the value for customs purposes and the bill which renews for a year, the status of the radio commission.
Mr. King King indicating apprehension on the subject, Mr. Bennett agreed that at election time all parties should have fair play in the use of the radio transmission facilities.
In the further discussion of the penitentiary question, Miss McPhail had expressed the view that there is too much militarism and found, in the fact that 21 percent of the convicts are second offenders and 22 percent fourth offenders, evidence that the system is not a crime deterrent.
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dozenhost · 1 month
FCT Minister Declares 'Park and Pay' Scheme Illegal, Vows to Take Action
Abuja, Nigeria – In a shocking revelation, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Minister, Nyesom Wike, has declared the ‘Park and Pay’ scheme operating in the nation’s capital as illegal. The minister made this declaration during a live media parley with select journalists in Abuja, marking his one year in office. According to Wike, the scheme was brought to his attention by a senior advocate, who…
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rightnewshindi · 1 month
मुख्यमंत्री सुक्खू को आला अधिकारी कर रहे गुमराह, कर्मचारी महासंघ बोला, डीए और एरियर का करें तुरंत भुगतान
Himachal Pradesh News: हिमाचल प्रदेश के देहरा में स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर आयोजित राज्य स्तरीय समारोह में डीए और एरियर की घोषणा न होने से कर्मचारी नाराज हैं. इसे लेकर शनिवार को हिमाचल प्रदेश सचिवालय सेवाएं कर्मचारी संघ की पांच एसोसिएशन ने शिमला में बैठक हुई. इस बैठक में डीए और एरियर भुगतान के साथ कर्मचारियों के अन्य ज्वलंत मुद्दों को लेकर चर्चा हुई. सचिवालय कर्मचारी संघ ने राज्य सरकार से लंबित भुगतान…
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townpostin · 2 months
NITI Aayog Meeting Sees Mixed Attendance, Jharkhand CM too Boycotts
Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren Absent as Some INDI Alliance Leaders Skip Event Prime Minister chairs crucial policy forum while several opposition-led states opt out. RANCHI – The NITI Aayog gathering in Delhi proceeds with notable absences from opposition-ruled states. The NITI Aayog meeting, a key policy discussion forum, commenced in Delhi on Saturday under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s…
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