#Feel free to ask me again about what I would do for an anthro AU specifically
bonefall · 2 years
Out of curiosity, what would a Warrior Cats human au be like?
I’ve seen many interpretations of it and the most common one seems to be set in the past with the clans having a bit of a tribe-like life style. So far these are the legible ones. I can think of.
1. They are set as tribe-like groups in the past. Evidence: their “clan” ways of life, naming ceremonies and religion. Also, hunting, group / clan importance and etc.
2. They are set as modern humans in 1900s England. Evidence: location of clans and timeline.
3. They are set in England, around the 1500s. Evidence: the extreme importance of religion, xenophobic beliefs, superiority complex, battles and the occasional attempt to force outsiders to accept their ways of life as “superior”. That and Pinestar’s crusade could be an attempt at colonialism.
My absolute favorite take on a Warrior Cats Anthro-type AU is the stuff done by FortunataFox over on Furaffinity/Twitter/DA. She's heavily inspired by Redwall (a series I have not read) and her style reminds me a lot of Don Bluth's work, particularly in Secret of NIMH.
I can't recommend checking that out enough; her work is very inspiring to all of my takes on Warrior Cats, even non-anthro types.
As a side note I also just... don't like looking at human faces very much? Nor do I like drawing them or thinking about them. So Anonnie, I gotta be honest with you, I probably would not make a "Human" AU fdgfsdgdf You're gonna get anthro from me
If I did an anthro AU, it would be soft fantasy. A couple of small magic powers, some unique animal species. It would also look a lot more like manoralism than decentralized 'tribal' societies... though I'm iffy on the idea of really calling them 'tribe-like' because the phrase gets my goat--
Lemmie comment point-by-point
Tribe-Like Society" is a phrase that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
The Zulu Kingdom and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy couldn't possibly be more different from a social perspective, yet they're both described as "tribal societies" because Colonialism... ANYWAY, not trying to get too into it, it's a really vague phrase that invokes stereotypes I don't hate the word Tribe itself but there is no 'tribe-like society', you get me? Indigenous societies are just as (if not more) varied than colonial ones but they tend to get boiled down to "tribe-like society". The term inherently crunches social groups down to an aesthetic-- something I try to avoid in worldbuilding. I heavily consider the territory and how that would shape their lives, then add a very strong cultural value for land stewardship, and work outwards from there, instead of starting with 'nature connection' and working backwards. Does that make any sense?
2. 1900s England Nah, I wouldn't be fond of that one. That would mean these cats have Capitalism, and I just can't imagine the Clans existing the way they currently do if they were under that economic system... at least, not the way that I really enjoy the Clans.
I like reading stuff where the fandom draws out their cultural practices, and the bonds and politics between the cats in the social groups. It would be a very different story if it was just post-industrial England, and there were like... factories, roads, work hours, employers, and... OH GOD what the HELL would the World Wars be for Warrior Humans??
3. 1500s England
I think this would also be a bit too far ahead. The absolute latest time period I'd look at for inspiration is Early Medieval England (5th to 11th centuries). The Clans are four/five distinct fiefdoms without a king that unites them, a city-state at the highest possible population.
When there isn't emphasis on the different groups, it stops feeling like Warriors to me, you know?
(side note; Crusade was the closest word I could find for Oakstar's campaigns, a pointless religious war of appeasement, they aren't exactly like the actual crusades which started in the late 11th century. After all-- I just look at history as inspiration, not to copy or make 1:1 recreations)
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
This is me trying to describe what Fluffy AU! Funtime Freddy looks like similar to the Mangle one;
Uncomfortable? Don't click-
Okay, first, let's talk about what Funtime Freddy looks like so you can imagine hom better or draw him if you wish. (I'm doing this as I am working on a Fluffy AU fic again rn, lol. Also someone asked a long time ago for fan art and I struggled what to say-)
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He's anthro, kinda like you see in furry art I guess.
In the AU he has both sets of paws however, so no Bon Bon on the hand. That's changed to something else. He keeps his purples, pinks, and white colors. His eyes are still blue but it's blood shot.
Now look at all the cracks/seams on the animatronic? Those are stitches on the fluffy AU version. (GORE WARNING, STOCK IMAGE STITCHES)
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Stuff like this ^^^
Funtime Freddy has a hollow stomach hatch in CTW, sort of like this;
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But inside are... organs. Disgusting, right? That's the point- So there's "seams" around his pink stomach and that opens up.
On another note, I personally see Funtime Freddy in the fluffy AU as a bit pudgy? Sort of like actual bears.
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See what I mean? Some of it is fluff not all of it is.
Lastly, Bon Bon. Bon Bon is a plush in the AU. One he... keeps in his stomach but, let's ignore that bit-
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He would be similar to a plush like this or...
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Something more akin to a hand puppet? Not sure-
Either way I hope this gives you all some ideas since I knew some people wondered what he looked like. Feel free to crank up the blood and gore if you want, I made him to be icky and sadistic.
Do with this info as you will :)
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leffee · 1 year
This stuff is long so I'm putting tl;dr here: I'm considering writing lps requests if anyone's interested and you can put them in my inbox, but before that what you really need to read is the second to last paragraph, rest you can skip if you don't feel like reading. Even shorter tl;dr: Fuck it, we ball.
Soo uhhhhhhhhh I've been thinking. About what? Actually writing some lps fanfics. Now, if you scroll down a bit, or maybe you just remember for whatever reason (seriously though, why would you), I did say before I won't write fanfics for lps, in a nutshell because I probably won't get any sort of reactions because of the sheer reason that this fandom is muniscule and even those who are here might simply not like what I write or how. And they have the right.
But fuck it, soon I will take all my tests and after that? Summer vacation, yipee! Well yeah, except that I know that after a while I will be bored to tears, it happened before, it will happen again. So I had a little diddly thought. Because of the sheer boredom and enjoyment of lps I might try writing something if anyone wants.
So if any of you have some requests, put them in the magical inbox (or dms if you for whatever reason prefer that :3). Sure, I might get nothing, but then again I never expected so many asks about lps either, so I'm willing to try, besides it's low risk high reward, so why not?
Just a few things, I will most likely write short fanfics, drabble-like, though if I am really inspired or something maybe I will randomly produce 5000 words, who knows? Preferably tell me if you want me to write about the pets, human au, or alternatively the sort of anthro universe (which in my case basically means they have animal ears and tails lol) unless you genuinely don't care. As for now I would like to only include the main 7 pets, but maybe that will change. And please for now only request fanfics with 2 maybe 3 pets whether a ship or not. Heck, you want me to write about Russell organizing his clothes? I'll do it. Basically I'm testing the grounds for now, everything here might change.
Don't expect much ehehe, but I'll try if someone actually requests. If you do, feel free to send as many asks with separated requests as you want. If you want to have at least an idea of how I write you can check out my Wattpad account (link is in bio), however be warned that there aren't any lps stuff there, just Undertale, but I guess it gives idea what you're potentially getting yourself into. This is open as long as this post's here I guess, we'll see.
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miekasa · 3 years
speaking of college boys, what do the college au aot babies study??
Okay, okay, I think I’ve talked about this in an ask before but I can’t find it 😭😭 but it’s okay, I love college aus, so I’ll talk about it again! Plus, now I’ve got more thoughts for more characters, so here we go
Levi — neuroscience and psychology of human behavior
He started out on track to do a bachelor of arts in psychology, but when they touched on the anatomy and biological parts of it during his first year lecture, he switched to a bachelor of science.
The focus is still psychology, but through a more clinical lens. Essentially, he gets the best of both worlds this way. He’s intuitive and analytical, so clinical and mental diagnosis is easy to dissect for him. He’s also canonically good at math, so the calculus and stats parts aren’t too bad, either.
This major also leaves him with a few options post-grad, which is a nice bonus for him. He’s likely going to medical school, but that’s not the only route open to him: law school, therapy, lab work, medicine and pharmacy, even teaching are all viable options without going to grad school.
Do not talk to him about Freud unless you wanna get punted off a building.
Be careful with him, because with a single glance he’s already got scarily accurate predictions about your parental and emotional attachment styles, your behavior in social settings, and the onset (or seemingly lack thereof) of your frontal lobe development.
He thinks he’s so smart making comments like, “I see those synaptic connections aren’t working so well for you today,” like mf come here let me lobotomize you and see how well your synaptic connects are working after that🙄
Eren — general health sciences
He’s interested in science and the discovery aspects of it, but picking a specific field of focus right now feels too final. He likes it this way, because his schedule and requirements are less restrictive, and he has more room to find out what really interests him.
He does best when he’s doing something he loves, so picking a major with a bunch of reqs that he couldn’t care less about would have sucked big time for him. It also would have affected his grades. There are still some classes he has to take that he’s not fond of (see: chemistry), but that’s to be expected. Science in general is cool to him and he hopes to make his own discovery some day, even if it’s microscopic.
He also plays a lot of sports, keeping his schedule flexible is important. The sports end up helping him excel academically, which is a nice bonus. Honestly, Eren uses his time at university to learn more about himself than anything, so having control and freedom to do what he likes the majority of the time was important to him. 
He uses his elective credits to take philosophy or history courses of his interest, or maybe even a course that you’re in just to spend time with you. He also uses you as a live model for his homework bye, congrats on being patient number one to him.
Armin — astronomy and physics
He’s still interested in marine biology, but unless he attended a school near a coast, or with a specialized integrated program for that, it’s unlikely he’d major in it during undergrad.
Space and ocean exploration aren’t all that different. Both are vast, largely unexplored domains that reel-in Armin’s interest for discovery. So, while studying astronomy, he still gets to study evolution and make his own predictions about what could be out there because there’s so much to know.
Physics comes with the territory of learning about planetary science, and he’s mathematically inclined, so it works out for him. Learning about the different physical properties of other planets and space masses is honestly pretty sick to him. Because math isn’t a struggle, he actually considered aeronautical engineering, but he didn’t want to be a part of the college to military pipeline; that is, he didn’t want any potential design of his to be weaponized. 
He still gets to study animal biology through his elective courses, and might even find a few focused on marine animals to satiate him. Plant and cell biology are also of interest to him, and are just further applications of his primary study anyway, so he’s got plenty of room to work with.
This boy is interning at NASA and still, with his whole chest out is like, “I don’t need to discover a new planet, you’re my whole world.” Armin, go check on the Mars rover or something please.
Mikasa — anthropology + minor in japanese language studies
Anthropology is virtually interdisciplinary in nature, and Mikasa is a pretty well rounded student, so she’s able to excel in a program like this. She gets to study history, science, cultural studies, and even a bit of art all at once.
She’s still debating between going to law school vs med school, so anthro this is a good in-betweener. She gets a taste of science through her anatomy and kin courses; and lots of practice with reading and dissecting texts through the historical and cultural lectures. So, when the time comes to decide, she’ll have some experience with both.
Don’t know whether it’s confirmed that she’s (part) Japanese or not, but either way I headcanon that she speaks/spoke some second language at home. She wanted to delve more into it, and courses were offered at the university so why not?
Cultural studies courses end up being her favorite. She likes learning about the history of people and their cultures, and it encourages her to learn more about her own family history and culture. It also propels her to apply for a study abroad opportunity, so she spends at least one semester doing an exchange program and absolutely loves it.
She would also encourage you to apply and go, too. You guys might not be in the same program, but if there’s an applicable program in the same country she’s going to, then she’d definitely want you to apply. Spending the semester away with you would be a dream come true.
Hange — bioengineering + minor in political philosophy and law
It’s almost self-sabotage to be in an engineering program and have a minor; the coursework for engineering alone is backbreaking, and bioengineering has the added weight of human intricacies, but of course Hange makes it possible. 
They’re nothing short of a genius, so of course they have time to work a completely unrelated minor into their schedule. It doesn’t surprise anyone that they go on to complete an MD-PhD after undergrad. Insane. 
Bioengineering is essentially the synthesis of chemical engineering and health sciences; Hange spends their time exploring biological sciences and applies the engineering aspects of their coursework to their understanding of (and interest in creating) medicine. Truly a one of a kind mind. 
They also have an interest in philosophy and justice, so when they found out they only needed a measly nine or ten courses to minor in, they went for it, of course. In honesty, they don’t find the studies all that opposing: both law making and medicine making both have some kind of philosophy or method to them in their eyes. 
Hange has... little to no free time pls. They don’t mind it, because they love their coursework, but this means you are essentially ducking into their labs or scrambling to find them in-between their classes during your time in undergrad. They appreciate every second spent with you tho, and will gladly rope you into long discussions about their work. 
Jean — biochemistry + minor in art sustainability
He was undeclared his first year, and took a little bit of everything: art, science, history, anthropology, english. Basically, anything that fit into his schedule. It was hard for him to pick one thing—he liked the science and lab applications of STEM courses, but not the math; and the obvious painting and creativity of art, but hated the pretentious air about art history.
What he wants to do is make a difference, which is how he ends up knowing that he wants to go to med school after, so he picks a science-heavy major, but uses his elective spaces to take art courses. When he mixes the two, he ends up on sustainability—and the complexities about it that are applicable to both science and art are what really reels him in.
Interdisciplinary studies end up being his forte. He can approach sustainability from a science perspective which impacts his art style and materials; and tuning into his creative side allows him to think about science not just from a purely clinical perspective, but from a human one, too—patients are people after all.
He believes that everything is connected somehow, even things as seemingly opposite as art and biochemistry. And he works towards finding the unique intersection where everything overlaps. His studies are pretty cool, and he’s very passionate about them, so ask him about it 😌
The art he makes is pretty sick, too, and often commentary about science; he’s proving they’re not so opposite. You also heavily influence his studies in both areas: caring about you so much inspires him to take the healthcare focus seriously, and your very nature is inspiration to his art. 
Sasha — nursing
She’s friendly and good at working with people, so nursing was an easy choice for her. She accredits most of her motivation to being around her younger family members, and learns that she finds a simple kind of joy in helping to take care of others.
She struggles a bit her first year when it’s mostly all grades and standardized testing, but when she starts getting clinical experience and working in the hospital on campus, things round out for her.
Patient care is her strongest point. A lot of people often forget that knowing everything isn’t everything; if you don’t know how to calm or even just talk to your patient, you’re not that great of a healthcare professional.
Pretty certain that she wants to work with kids in the future, but she’s open to public health and even being a travel nurse if she finds opportunity there!
Of course, she’s pretty doting when it comes to you and all her friends. She might want to go into pediatrics, but the basics of nursing and health care extend to everyone, so you’re guaranteed to be well taken care of with Sasha around. You might even have to switch roles and take care of her sometimes, because her coursework can get pretty out of hand.
Connie — computer engineering with a focus on game design
He might not look it, but Connie has a brain under that shaved head of his. Computer engineering is cool to him because he basically learns about how simple things he uses every day (ie: phone, computer, microwave) works.
Systems and coding are actually the easy part for him, especially when they get into the application of it and aren’t just stuck looking at examples. That’s how he gets into game design.
The part about math and electricity and magnetic fields… well let’s just say he needed to make friends with someone who likes math and hardware his first year to get through it. But the struggle was worth it, because by his junior year he’s found a professor willing to mentor/supervise him as he works on his game and other projects, so life is good.
His school work is definitely hard, which is why the lives by the mantra of “work hard, party harder.” It’s only fair. 
He makes you a little avatar so you can test out his games for him <33 best boyfriend things <33 He’d also… build a game about your relationship. Every level is a different date you guys went on, and he definitely includes something cheesy, like “There are unlimited lives because I love you forever babe <3”
Porco — kinesiology + maybe mechanical engineering
He’s pretty into athletics and working out, but didn’t wanna go down the sports psychology route; he wanted something that left him with a few more options, so he ended up in kinesiology.
He was surprisingly pretty good at biology in high school, so something stem-oriented works out in his favor, and it turns out he’s pretty damn good at anatomy, too. He’ll probably end up in physical therapy after graduation.
He’s also got a knack for cars, which is where the engineering comes in, but he doesn’t care so much for the math part of it (he doesn’t care for it at all actually, fuck that); he just wants the hands on experience of building/fixing things and working with his hands. So, if he can get a minor in it and not struggle through 4 years of math, then he’d do that. If not, he’d take a few workshop-like classes.
Because he wants to go into physical therapy, you are essentially his practice patient. Your back hurts? Not a problem, he’s basically a professional masseuse. Muscle aches? He’s got a remedy and understanding of why it’s happening. Don’t let him catch you hunting over your desk grinding away at your homework, because he will poke your neck and correct your posture (he’ll also massage your shoulders, but after the scolding).
Pieck — classics + minor in philosophy
Ancient studies interest her, but more than that, the language of ancient Greek and Roman culture fascinates her, so classics is the way to go.
Because her focus within Classics ends up being Greek and Latin language studies, she is essentially learning both languages at the same time. She gets farther with Latin that she does with Greek. For whatever reason, the former comes almost naturally to her, so her written and translated work is more complex in Latin.
However, she finds cultural studies relation to Greece more interesting than that of Rome, so it’s a give and take with both; better at languages for Roman studies, better at culture and history for Greek studies.
Her minor is a natural evolution from her primary coursework. Ancient Romans and Greeks set the foundation for a lot of modern day philosophy, so it comes up in her major classes, but she wanted to delve further into the philosophy, and not just look at it historically, so she takes more courses to fulfill the minor.
Can be found laying on a blanket in the quad on a hot day, with her books spread out all around her, highlighter in hand as she works through her reading. You’re always invited to sit with her, and more often than not, it ends up with Pieck’s head in your lap, a book in her hands, and your own schoolwork in yours as you both read in each other’s company.
Bertholdt — computer science and coding
He’s level headed, good at planning, and above all, patient, so he’s cut out for this. He doesn’t consider himself to be particularly creative, which is why he doesn’t pick a speciality with lots of design; but he’s good at streamlining and ideas to life.
The patience really comes in when his code doesn’t run. It’s frustrating to scroll for two hours just to find out that the issue is a missing semi-colon in line 273 that he overlooked, but Berty will sit there until he finds it.
He’s also good at fixing issues. That’s not limited to issues in the code itself; it can mean finding shorter ways to produce the same function or loop, or integrating new aspects into existing code.
Also, he’d just be so cute, coding away on his computer. Just imagine: Berty working on his homework in the library, he’s got his signature crewneck + collared shirt look going for him, his blue-light glasses, a cup of coffee nearly as tall as him sitting at the corner of his desk. Adorable.
He’d make little codes/programs for you, too, even if it’s silly. A simple code that helps you decide what to eat for dinner or where to go on a date, one that shuffles different reminders for you, hell he’ll even forgo the torture of design engineering just to build you a little robot that says “I love you” to you.
Reiner — english + minor in justice & political philosophy
Everyone expects Reiner, star quarterback of the university’s rugby team, to be a business student or communications student; but no, he’s an English major, and he loves it.
Just imagine a guy as huge as Reiner absolutely manhandling someone on the field, just to show up in his lectures with a tiny paperback of The Great Gatsby tucked between his fingers with his reading glasses on. It’s so precious.
He’s always running a bit late to class—either coming from the gym, or practice, or oversleeping from exhaustion—but he’s so sweet to his professors and genuinely interested in the literature that they don’t give him a hard time about it. They can tell that balancing school and sports is difficult, and they just appreciate that he takes his studies seriously.
Yeah he’s in a book club and he dog-ears his books. What about it. They’re doing poetry this month and Reiner actually likes Edgar Allen Poe. Who said jocks can’t be sentimental.
He also reads a lot outside of his classes, and has a soft spot for coming of age stories. He usually empathizes with the main character somehow. His ideal weekend plans after a week of grueling games and essays is taking a long, relaxing shower at your place, while you both share a bottle of wine, and maybe even get you to read a chapter or two of his current book out loud to him.
Annie — clinical psychology/neuroscience
Almost scarily analytical and methodic, so this major was calling her name. Localizing brain legions is… insanely intuitive to her it’s incredible. She’ll be an insanely impressive doctor someday, even if she doesn’t end up working with patients directly. 
She doesn’t care too much for the more philosophical/reading heavy parts of psychology. Even experiments and research closer to the social end of the spectrum aren’t all that interesting to her; but the brain science behind it it.
Nobody should be good at cellular biology. Nobody should be able to ace cell bio and neuro and calc and work towards their thesis proposal in the same semester, but Annie proves it’s possible.
Ends up working in one of her professor’s labs by her junior year. She was offered three TA positions working with first year students, but she swiftly turned them down. Teaching isn’t her thing.
She doesn’t bring up her studies to you unprompted, but if you ask her about them she’ll explain it to you. Her notes are color coded and it’s super neat, and very cute; coloring them is somewhat relaxing for her. She usually saves the coloring part for when you guys study together; there’s extra comfort in doing it with you around.
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physicalturian · 4 years
[18+] Words of pleasure - Law x F!Reader - Part 1
Summary : Being overwhelmed with work is exhausting. To release some of that stress, you make your way on a website to talk to strangers. One of them strike your interest and while the conversation flows you find yourself being dommed online. An unusual occurrence you might get a liking to. The thrill of letting someone take the control when too much weight is on your shoulders, no strings attached. Unless...
[No spoilers] [Modern AU - College AU] [She/her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] Words : 5034 Archive of our own
Warning : Consensual BDSM / Masturbation / Power play / Dom/sub Dynamics / Cybersex / Stranger / Vaginal fingering... If you feel like I should add more warnings, send me a dm or and ask
. . . . .
Boredom makes you do crazy things. Lack of free time too, mix them together and you end up stumbling on a website, talking to strangers from all across the world.
 With my work done, it was already pretty late, but I deserved some distraction for working so hard. I did not really care how late it was, I wanted to relax and have some fun, no matter the kind of fun.
Arriving on the home page, I stared at it “Clean chat or NSFW chat? Well…” I mumbled to myself, clicking on the NSFW tab, I had to find a name now. It had to be explicit enough so that the person would know what I want right? Yeah, but what do I want? Huffing, I typed down “Entertain me” Before entering and getting matched with a random person.
 They did not stay long, and their names were surprising to say the least. It took me a lot of time to match with someone that did not have a weird name, and did not leave the minute they got matched with me. I almost gave up too. Now, I was not one to kink shame, but neither was I into anthro dogs and role playing as people’s daughter.
 But funny enough, when they had a slightly normal name. They’d be the most boring person ever, I had to laugh every time people who had “dom” in their name, were the least charismatic people I’d ever met. I had to give it a thought and wonder, were they dom or did they just top their whole life?
 Huffing, I pressed the escape key on my keyboard once more to refresh the conversation and leaned back on my pillows. “At this point, I should just go to sleep.” I pondered out loud, my eyes riveted on the loading screen. I had probably skipped everybody on this website, and now they couldn’t give me anything. When I was about to leave, I was matched with someone named “A real doctor”.
 I couldn’t help the chuckled that escaped my lips as I leaned forward and wrote down.
 Entertain me: Now, are you really a doctor? Or do you want to get people to be horny over you?
Entertain me: ah, wait, also, how old are you? I’m 23, she/her.
A real doctor: There is no reason for me to lie, I don’t even need to tell them I’m a doctor to have them horny. People are always horny on this website.
A real doctor: 29, he/him. How long have you been looking to be entertained?
 Laughing I shook my head, I was surprised to meet someone who was 29 when most people I’d met until now were 18 or 19. I skipped them too. But I was definitely relieved, and it showed in my reply.
 Entertain me: thank god you’re 29, I was afraid I was going to catch a case! So many young people here, it’s frightening.
A real doctor: Are you telling me I’m old?
Entertain me: no no no, definitely not, no you’re the perfect age don’t worry. But since you’re asking so kindly, I’ve been here for about two hours and I have not had a single one good conversation.
A real doctor: Good, then I’m here to change that. What kind of entertainment are you looking for?
 I stared at my screen for a second, for some reason I was starting to feel excited. His question was a good one, and valid one too, and now I had to give him an adequate answer. Running my hands over my face, I was going to type back when he sent something.
 A real doctor: I guess, since we’re both on the NSFW chat the question is: what are your kinks? Your limits, perhaps?
 I don’t know why I answered so quickly, but my fingers did the talking.
 Entertain me: Hey maybe I should ask you that, maybe I want to dom you. How about that? You’d be surprised with how versatile I am.
A real doctor: You’re cute, but I don’t recall mentioning domming. Quite the lapsus you did there, I want to play a game with you but to do so you’ll have to tell me your kinks and your limits, dear.
 Why did I blush? A stranger called me dear, and I was feeling funny inside. For the first time tonight, someone was taking the reins and I kind of enjoyed it a lot. With my hands shaking slightly in excitment, I typed,
 Entertain me: I suppose you make a fair point…
A real doctor: Of course, I do, now do tell me.
Entertain me: right away, sir.
 I said half-jokingly, but that did not go through with the text. If anything, it fueled a certain fire, and perhaps I’ll admit I was testing the waters.
 A real doctor: Already catching on I see, good girl.
 Why was that so hot? My breath hitched and I simply looked at those words a few seconds, taking them in. Sighing, I leaned towards the left and open the drawer of my bed table, grabbing my toy. What am I doing… I thought. Putting the vibrator next to me, I took my time to reply.
 Entertain me: first of all, that’s kind of hot and you are definitely entertaining me.
A real doctor: I barely started, good to know you’re already hooked.
Entertain me: oh fuck off, it’s just the charisma. You got the pzazz, that’s all.
A real doctor: Check the attitude, and give me an answer.
 Gulping, I typed back, weighing my words this time.
 Entertain me: Well, avoid degradation because that’s not my cup of tea but… I suppose, while some of those might be hard through a screen… Body worship is cool, very cool… The entire idea of BDSM is lovely, I like praising, spanking, public stuff has some appeal and…
 I didn’t write the last one, feeling like it was too much. Should I say that? It sounds to fucking submissive. Which is my role right now, clearly, so I should just go for it. Sighing, I read his message and groaned, writing back.
 A real doctor: Go ahead. And? I want clear answers and you’re not done yet.
Entertain me: I like to please my partner, is that a kink?
A real doctor: A service sub? How cute. I’ll definitely make good use of that. Any limits?
Entertain me: I’m never showing my face, but pics are okay. I mean, if you’d like some of course. Consent and all that. I’m willing to try other stuff if we take things slow, too!
 Oh god, that sounded desperate. I don’t even know what he looks like and I’m telling him all of my deepest tastes. “Well, that’s the idea, right? I’ll never meet him, but I can have some fun, right? It’s all about having some fun, both of us. We both get off, and then never talk again.” I whispered to myself, looking up at the time. Noticing it was already 2 am, I was going to leave but I couldn’t find the strength to do so and waited for the man’s reply.
 A real doctor: Very well, I love the eagerness. I’ll be taking notes of those, now you’re curious about the game, aren’t you?
Entertain me: Don’t flatter yourself, if it’s some weird shit I’ll just leave. It really all depends on what’s your game. And please, don’t tell me it’s truth or dare.
A real doctor: Give me some credits, I’m not a teenage boy.
A real doctor: You’ll like it.
A real doctor: The game is this, I tell you what to do, and you do it.
Entertain me: okay…
A real doctor: Interested?
Entertain me: I’ll need more details, but I haven’t left, have I?
A real doctor: You haven’t indeed. Good girl, see you want to be ordered around. It’ll be my pleasure.
A real doctor: Your hands off your keyboard, I’ll be guiding you. All you’ll have to do, is read me. Is that alright?
 I took in his words for a moment. Was I really going to let him tell me what to do? My own voice resonated in my head, telling him that was the fun of it, it was hot. It was exciting, and different, nothing bad could happen.
 Entertain me: Would it be interesting to tell you I have a vibrator next to me right now, sir?
 I facepalmed behind my screen, maybe that wasn’t his shit. Maybe he just wanted me to finger myself or something, maybe I fucked it all up and now I was going to go to bed horny and sad. My self-depreciation dissipated when I saw his reply.
 A real doctor: It’s interesting, speeds?
Entertain me: Five, sir.
A real doctor: Hands off the keyboard, lay on your back, let’s start.
 And I did. With the laptop right next to me, I laid on back and waited for his words, following each of his instruction. Each in a separate message, fired like bullets.
 If you’re dressed, I want you to get completely naked. Undress slowly. Feel yourself. Your hands caressing each of your curves. Brushing over your breasts. Stop there. Pinch your nipples, hard and tug. Feel the sting. The warmth that follows. Spread your legs wide. Let one hand travel between them. Slowly start playing with yourself. Your fingers slowly spreading your folds. Rubbing yourself for me. You’re enjoying this, you like being ordered around. You want to be played with, you’re doing exactly as I’m telling you, like a good girl.
 I arched my back, a hand still on my breast while brushing my finger against my clit. I was burning up, my head digging inside the pillow, it felt strange. He was not wrong, and I could feel my arousing growing and growing.
 A real doctor: Want to continue? Are we still good, dear?
 Groaning I turned on the side and wrote with one hand.
 Entertain me: yes, sir.
A real doctor: Good. Back on your back, take your toy.
 Grabbing it, I waited for the next instruction, my hand having left my clit. It was pulsing, I never thought this would have so much effect but I was starting to get angsty.
 Brush it between your folds. Slowly. Get it wet for me. Good, like that. Keep at it a while. Your free hand, I want it caressing your body. Feel every sensation. Feel every touch, every brush.
 I let out a huff and wrote him, while still brushing the tip of my toy between my folds. I was starting to breathe heavily, feeling needy.
 Entertain me: it’s cold here, goosebumps.
A real doctor: Imagine my warm hands traveling your body.
Entertain me: fuck, can I fuck myself? Please sir
A real doctor: Already? No, no. Not just yet, let’s take our time.
 Groaning, I let my head hit the pillow and considered turning on the vibrator but thought against it. He had not told me to yet, I should wait, make it more fun. But fuck, I needed it.
 Let’s start slowly. You asked nicely, like a good girl. And since you’ve been listening until now… Put it in, speed one. But don’t fuck yourself. Leave it there. Legs spread wide. Now that your hands are free, bring them back to your chest. Give yourself firm, hard, gropes. Feel the vibrations inside you. Slide your hands down your torso, to your belly and gently brush your hands on your inner thighs. Feel the texture, your cold fingers on your burning skin. I want you to rub your clit, take a deep breath and start playing with it. Feel the electricity coursing.
 See yourself, enjoying the idea of being commanded. Look at yourself, look down at your hands. See yourself masturbating for me. Feel your toy stretching you, filling you up. Now start pumping in and out. But not too hard. That’s it, good girl. Slowly, very slowly. It’s painfully slow, isn’t it? Keep doing good, and we’ll speed things up.
 I whined and brought a hand to my mouth, muffling the noises escaping it. My roommates were probably sleeping, I had to keep it quiet. I hate how slow paced it was, but I loved how thrilling it was to do this. I bucked my hips to try to meet the toy as I pulled it out to pull it back in, slowly.
 Look at you. Shoving a dildo inside you. Just because I told you so. I blushed and let out a whimper. You’re actually enjoying yourself. You are being entertained, just as you asked. I can almost see the smile on your face. Tell me, is my good girl desperate yet?
 Bringing my hands to my hair, I got the wild strands of hair out of my face and wrote back. My face was on fire, but no one would know. What happened here was between this stranger and I, no one would know how I was being guided to fuck myself by a total stranger.
 Entertain me: sir… can I up the speed?
A real doctor: Very cute, you haven’t answered, dear.
Entertain me: please…
Entertain me: sir.
A real doctor: Alright, dear. You can put it at 2.
A real doctor: But you stop the thrusting, I want you to keep it deep inside you. Close your legs and feel the vibrations, when you think you’re close, you stop. Understood?
Entertain me: yes sir!!
A real doctor: How eager, lovely. Hands off now.
 Huffing, I did as he asked and upped the speed. A giggle escaped my lips before my breath caught in my throat and I could feel everything strongly, with how deep it was. I closed my eyes for a moment, missing some of the messages but opened them again, and read everything while feeling the sensations inside me.
 Angle it right. That’s right. Turn the speed one notch now. It should be at three, if you’ve been following right. See your face, you’re enjoying this. How cute, I can only imagine the sinful sounds leaving that pretty mouth of yours. It can probably do a lot more than moan. It can whimper. As it’s being fucked. As you’re being fucked. Bring your fingers inside your mouth and suck on it. That’s it, suck it. Push the toy deeper inside you. You can speed up the pace. Not too wild.
 “Fuck” I breathed out, my fingers hooked in my mouth as I met each of thrusts. I wanted to go faster, I wanted to do as I pleased and find a quick relief. I knew myself; I knew what to do but there was this thrill in giving the control to this stranger. My walls were clenched around the toy, I could feel it against my walls even more at each thrust. I desperately grabbed my blanket, almost making my laptop tumble off my bed and muffled my voice while biting down the fabric.
 I was surprised when a whine came out of my mouth, I put my hand over my muffled mouth to, hopefully, muffle it better.
 A real doctor: You’ve been good. Such a good girl, haven’t you?
 I sighed and leaned on my side, typing very slowly. My thrusts, slowing down as my focus was on the conversation.
 Entertain me: Yes sir, I’m so good
A real doctor: Good. Then I want you to grab the base of your toy and…
A real doctor: Fuck your brains out, go wild. While you’re at it, speed at 4.
 My arms were screaming for me to stop, it had been so long. But I felt the knot in my stomach grow in excitement and did exactly as he had asked. The pleasure was so good, it was so good. I had been waiting for this since we had started. One hand was gripping the base of the vibrator tight, while the other was rubbing my clit. My eyes rolled back a few times when it touched the right spot, but then I had to thrust more and lost it. I hated it but at the same time, I loved the mix of pain and pleasure of the fast and deep thrusts.
 Here we go. Hard, and fast. I want you to go wild. Let yourself go. Fuck your hole good. Groan, squirm, moan, plead for more. I’m sure you’re sore, but you’re doing so great. Such a good girl, doing exactly as you’re told. Keep going, don’t stop. Feel your toy stretching you out. You’re so wet, you can probably hear it, right? God, such a good girl. Spread your legs wide and keep going, good. Good. Now, read well, dear.
 I want you to go to the last speed, and keep your toy deep like last time. Don’t move it. Cross your legs and keep it there. I’ll count to 20, you’ll keep it there until I’m done. Are we good? Don’t answer, just follow my instruction. Come on, last speed. And here we go. That’s it dear. Good. Let’s start.
 Then he started sending a message for each number starting from 1. I watched the screen with half-lidded eyes, feeling the toy vibrating inside me, my hand starting to go numb from the said vibrations. My thighs were a bit sore, but I ignored it and moved the toy slightly to angle it only to find the right spot, I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation, only peeking to see the count was at 13. Fuck, fuck, fuck. My thighs were closed around my hand so hard, it hurt a bit but I was getting close.
 That’s it, what a view. Fucked out, exhausted. But you’re not done yet. Pick up the pace now, thrust and shove, hold it there. And again. And again. Hit that sweet spot. That’s it. Good girl, so obedient. Feel the soreness between your legs. Feel your clit throbbing. Feel yourself getting closer. Just from being told what to do? Pay attention to the throbbing. Fuck yourself hard a minute again. Then keep it there. That’s it, yes. I’m sure you must be quite the sight. I want you to be noisy. To be loud. Get wild. Buck your hips against the toy. That’s it. So obedient.
 My legs tensed the moment the knot inside my stomach reached its peak. I let out a high-pitched breath inside the blanket and let my head fall back on the pillow. I hadn’t realized I had contracted my whole body, and let out a chuckle at the realization. Slowly, I turned back to the screen, moving my tired arms to type back.
 Entertain me: I am good, exhausted, and I came, sir.
 I laid back on the pillow with another sigh. What time is it? How long did this take? I should probably get up and get cleaned but I’m too lazy right now.
 A real doctor: Good.
 I saw him type but typed my question faster.
 Entertain me: But it’s weird, you didn’t get to get off. Do you need anything? I could send you pictures if you want, I feel kind of bad that you just… helped me out and I did not do anything.
A real doctor: Oh, you did plenty. I get off on knowing you did as I instructed. And you did, didn’t you?
Entertain me: Yes, of course. Yeah, it was hot… And I enjoyed it, yes.
A real doctor: Is that so? Anything else you’d like to share? I’ve never had such obedient girl. You are very interesting.
Entertain me: Come on, it’s just in this setting that I’m like that. I’m very feisty in real life, I was just wondering what it’d feel like to let go of the control for once, I guess.
Entertain me: But if you need more feedbacks… I hated/loved how long you took to up the speed, and I am genuinely physically drained haha. But in a good way! A very good way.
A real doctor: Let’s talk more once you’ve hydrated. Get some water, and if you can, get cleaned up. I’ll be right here, alright?
Entertain me: right, right. Brb.
 Moving the laptop on my pillow while I sat up, I wrapped my toy with the towel that I had set under myself. When my feet met the ground and I balanced myself, I felt my legs wobbling a bit then made my way to the bathroom silently. I turned on the sink and let the water flow until it was warm and cleaned my toy before cleaning myself and getting changed.
 I made a detour by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and a sandwich before going back to my bed and sitting down, tailor-style, with my laptop in front of me. There were a few new messages from the doctor, so I put down my food and was ready to reply.
 A real doctor: If you’re willing, I would like to see a picture of your body to check if you’re good.
A real doctor: Now this website does not allow it, but if you have any media in mind, I’m all ears.
Entertain me: Yeah, sure, yep. I don’t have any bruises or anything, but if you’re that worried yeah! Maybe Discord? You’re a doctor, I feel like you don’t have discord.
A real doctor: I don’t know if you’re bratty, or if you are being an idiot on purpose.
Entertain me: omg none? I was voicing my train of thought!
A real doctor: Right. HandSurgeon#4766
Entertain me: Funny name, don’t judge mine. It’s my personal discord, so no sexy pic just, well you’ll see.
 Going to the friend list, I pasted the username in the search bar and added him. I was added back very fast and bided him good night on the website once I was sure it was him on discord. I made sure to save the conversation, just in case… Maybe for later use, if I felt bored.
 HandSurgeon: I don’t even know what’s your profile picture, but I’m not going to mention it again.
Edelweiss: It’s a tardigrade, come on. It’s fun, a bit, right?
Edelweiss: Anyway, let me take that nude for you sir 😉
HandSurgeon: Don’t call it that, it’s to check if you didn’t go too crazy.
Edelweiss: That’s what they say, then they ask for more
 I had to strip down naked once more to take the picture before getting dressed back up, it was getting late but I was still buzzing with energy. I probably won’t talk about this with my roommates, but if they asked why I was up so late I’d have to find an excuse. Telling them I was working would probably work, but then I’d get yelled at for not taking care of myself and having the worse sleep schedule.
 Edelweiss: [sent an attachment]
Edelweiss: Here we go. Sorry if I’m not your type, maybe we should have talked about that first. Now I’m self-conscious, but it’s too late haha…
HandSurgeon: You look gorgeous, don’t go thinking you’re not my type. You are very, very hot. I can see you have food next to you, that’s good. You are taking care, good girl.
HandSurgeon: I can also see from your clock that we’re on the same time zone.
HandSurgeon: Which is good and bad, it’s already 3 am and you are not asleep. Why is that?
Edelweiss: living the student life, only the best life. I was working on some project for my master degree, and I thought: hey I’m horny, let’s go on that funny website.
Edelweiss: And here we are.
Edelweiss: Why are you awake? Shouldn’t you be… getting some sleep to be saving lives in the morning or something?
HandSurgeon: I had just finished a 10 hours surgery, I needed something to distract my mind while working on some paperwork. You did very well in being distracting.
 It felt a lot more real when I read his message. It was now sinking in that he was really a doctor, not any kind, a surgeon. I was not going to ask more details, the less I knew the better. But it was slightly intimidating and at the same time interesting to know he was the real deal. My pride was swelling when I read I was able to distract him from his work, he had done his fair share of helping me out too.
 Edelweiss: I am sorry? Is it… important paperwork? I could let you be, if you want. We could talk another time, when you’re free? My sleeping schedule is fucked up, I don’t know about yours but I am going to be online many late nights haha.
Edelweiss: if you want to, of course. Maybe you don’t want to hear from me again. Actually, I thought I’d be the one to leave the website and not come back, but I kind of enjoyed our session… I wouldn’t mind doing this a bit more if we’re both in the mood of course.
HandSurgeon: You’re so nervous. Don’t be, I’m not going to let you go. What kind of dom would I be if I let such an obedient girl go? Go to sleep, we’ll talk later Edelweiss. Any reason for that name?
Edelweiss: god I didn’t want you to ask, it’s just. It’s a cool flower, it means strength and toughness you know? I’m a tough woman, I deal with shit. I can handle shit, you know?
 I read my message many times, thinking maybe I should have found something funny but thought not. It was just bonding, we were discussing, getting to know one another. It wasn’t half bad. I turned off my computer, and moved to Discord on my phone, to keep talking. When I looked at his picture, it was just a white bear, it looked cute. Funny how he had such a cute picture and he was domming someone on the side, two sides of the same coin I suppose. Come to think of it, maybe he could be an old man, maybe he wasn’t who he said he was…
 HandSurgeon: Interesting, I like it. It’s better than calling you ‘Entertain me’. Not very creative, if you ask me.
Edelweiss: Oh right, because ‘A real doctor’ is better? Maybe you’re not even a doctor. Maybe you’re catfishing me. And I sent you a nude. Oh my god…
HandSurgeon: I am not catfishing you, I can send you a picture. What do you need on it?
Edelweiss: Uh, I don’t know? Write down my name on a paper, and hold it against your chest, then take the picture? With the date! Yeah.
 There wasn’t any reply for a moment, I was starting to panic. Then I received the picture and gasped loudly. Surrounded by the darkness of the room, it was all that could drown my shock. I had to take a double take as I wrote back.
 HandSurgeon: [sent an attachment]
Edelweiss: I mean, … Thank you for... it’s uh. Very. You’re not catfishing me. Nope. I understand why HandSurgeon now, you uh. Yep. Nice gloved hands, very slender. Most people would have held a huge piece of paper between their index finger and their thumb.
Edelweiss: but you opted for middle finger and index. And a smaller paper. Almost as if you were posing really. I do not mind. It’s uh. Enjoyable. Not an old man, no. And the scrubs and all, love it.
HandSurgeon: The scrubs, yes. You believe me, good. You can rest easy now, go to sleep Edelweiss. You probably have work to do tomorrow, and so do I.
HandSurgeon: Sleep well.
Edelweiss: Sweet dreams doc!
 I stared at the screen a bit longer before leaving the app and turning my phone face down on my night stand. What a night. I was so tired, and yet buzzing with excitement. It was strange, it was a strange dynamic but I wanted to discover more. I wanted to know more about this world. What else could this man offer me?
 Closing my eyes, I thought, maybe I could buy a connected sex toy? Sure, they were for couples, but they could definitely be used for other people. It could be fitting if I wanted to give him the control…
 My hands met my face full force and I groaned, I had met this man at best 4 hours ago and I was already desperate to have another session. I was already desperate to let him have the control.
 But it felt nice, so nice to not be in control for once. Yes, I had to hold the toy and read, but he was the one guiding me, it was elating! God, what am I doing? No, it’s alright. I’m an adult, he’s an adult. We’re both consenting adults, having fun. Nothing bad there.
 I’m a sore adult though. Maybe I’d need a few days before letting him have his fun. My eyes closed; I was thinking back on how his undershirt was hugging his form. Was it legal to look like that? I mean, I did not know what he looked like, but the little I saw was enough to make someone dream. His long-sleeved grey shirt was showing off his muscles and it definitely made me weak.
 I scoffed into my pillow, a surgeon. I wonder what else his hands could do. Fortunately, I’ll never meet him in real life, if I met the man I did not know if I’d want to jump him or run away from how intimidating his entire being was.
 It only took me a lot of stupid questions and day dreaming, for my brain to finally shut down and let me sleep. I went to sleep a lot easier than I usually did, perhaps it was because of the nice fucking I gave myself. Or perhaps it was thanks to the energy I spent overthinking the situation. Whichever it was, I was passed out in no time.
 Tomorrow I’ll talk more to the hot doctor and have a bit more fun with him.
[Part 2]
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Hey all. I'm currently working on trying to save up some money so that I can get away from my abusive family. They’re extremely transphobic and conservative, and have abused me both emotionally and physically since I was outed to them a little over a year ago. Since coming to college I’ve been extremely stressed out and my mental health has been declining; I’ll be dropping out and moving away from my family as soon as I’m able to in order to take care of myself.
Which means, I'm going to be opening up commissions. More info below the cut:
Here are a few examples of what I can do:
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Simple Sketch - $5
-with monochrome coloring - 7$
Colored Lineart :
Head: 10$
Bust: 15$
Fullbody: 30$
Complicated designs (ex. armor) or backgrounds will cost extra; gradient or plain backgrounds are free. If you're interested in a specific style feel free to ask. I’m also willing to do short comics if anybody would be interested; dm me for prices on those.
Fandoms I do art for:
Sanders Sides
Among Us
Wings of Fire
Hazbin Hotel
This applies to both canon and OC characters, as well as AUs. As for the list: these are what I'm personally in, however if you'd be interested in art from something else feel free to send me a request with some references and information about the character.
As far as the art itself is concerned:
Will do:
Anthro characters
Most animals
Will not do:
NSFW or nudity
Sexual poses
Extreme gore
I will tell you if something makes me uncomfortable. If you have any questions about something I haven’t listed, please feel free to ask about it.
Also: I’m going to be opening up writing commissions as well. Again, I'll do pretty much anything as long as it's not NSFW/smut/anything sexual. If you would like to see some examples, here's my writing masterlist.
Most of my stuff will probably be in the $5-15 range, depending on how long it is. Dm me with what you'd like and we can talk over the price.
Even if you're not interested or can't pay, please please signal boost this to help a fellow queer kid out. You'll have my eternal gratitude and thanks.
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partnersatfazbear · 4 years
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More sketches! I actually have a lot to talk about with these lol First off, for anyone wondering about my back problems--those did finally clear up. I even fixed my sleep schedule, which only took a month. However, now my nightmares are coming back and that could mess up my sleep again... Sigh. I can’t win.
The first page is a series of completed, shaded illustrations I’m planning (based on the first 6 games and for each of the Fazbear Frights stories). I thumbnailed some ideas first. These could change, but I’m happy with most of them. I started on FNAF 1 already (see the second page where I added my current WIP of it). The only thing I love more than line art is composing a picture! I was suprised to hear that most artists (well, from what I’ve seen on YT) actually hate the line art phase. The coloring phase is actually the most boring for me. The tiny doodles are of Mike and Charlie. I really want to ship them, but I think because of my main ship I won’t. Although it would be an interesting thing to see them go through all this chick flick nonsense only to realize it never really mattered, but they could either turn out to be good friends or enemies... and I’m really intrigued by the concept. If I ever get back to my Sammy AU, maybe I’ll even have something for him to say about it =:V
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The second page! I’ve gotten to a point where I can sort of draw Springtrap from memory, so that makes me happy. SMH I don’t know why he looks so annoyed in the large drawing... The other is a cute uh, is it still technically Willry at this point? Hentrap? SpringHen? lol SpringHen sounds hillarious. I may use that. Whatever, the drawing is sad, there’s no time for jokes!
The little square on page 2 are random doodles from own novel series, which at some point you’ll hear more about, but... This is the last story in the timeline, a science fiction universe where 80% of the cast are anthros. I may actually add a rabbit character now. Arzma is a bird girl, the heroine. Mark is an astronaut who has a connection to what I’m calling the furry-planet because I can’t remember the complicated names I gave everything. He’s the unofficial kid to a character from a previous drama story. He also makes a brief appearance in WispHer, my paranormal story... WHICH. (omg I’m rambling) Well, as a side story or maybe even one of the new focuses of WispHer, I’ve added my William OC. He’s the easter bunny suit you’ll see more of in upcoming pages and I’m proud of his design. I don’t know 100% what I’m doing with him yet. I’ve got like 4 pages of game ideas, but it may just end up being a super choicy VN, since I’m best at making those over any other kind of game.
For reference, my novel series spans about 12 or 13 books including spin offs, last time I checked... I really would like to get back to writing them...
As always, would love to hear any opinions / questions from you guys =:3 Feel free to send asks!
I may post some more sketches later, if I have time to doodle before my wife wakes up. lol
No sketches, but I did make some pixel art Henry and William [based on my designs]. DO NOT use these, as I may be using them for a personal project. Share, but only if you link back to this blog post:
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My brand new tablet has a defect pen / stylus (doesn’t hold the nibs anymore) and so I’ve ordered an expensive replacement. It should be here Monday, but expect a LOT of sketchbook drawings until I can get this situation fixed. Worried my next one will break just as easily... so I may have to find another pen altogether.
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elarrendajoazul · 8 years
Just Hug It Out (A RS fic)
Based on this piece: http://adultnarwhalshinyeyes.tumblr.com/post/151130107462/ive-been-talking-to-a-friend-about-an-au-to-au
Sinopsis: The guys found themselves in trouble after Margo decides to hide away from the rest of the people, because he has to deal with his weight gain. Their friends will kepp nice about that but soon, Rigby will get in a lot of obstacles after she will try to get Margo back on track. Even he would face the posible antagonist of the history: Margo’s boyfriend, CJ. 
Atención: Anthro, r63, shipping, gay couple and chubby birds (possibly fetish, idk)
Fic right down below after “keep reading”
A quiet apartment in the middle of the city, lights were off and the interiors looked quite dark.
Even though it has pass midnight, fast and cold feet cross from the bedroom to the fridge, striking without mercy, because he was looking for a snack before going back to bed. Joyful, discovers samples of Chinese food he ordered with his boyfriend during last dinner, thanks to his memory which he recalled ordered too many for himself, even he could not finish it. But, his stomach was growling just like he did not get any tiny bit to his mouth.
He keeps the rest of noodles over their hand and stroll right to the comfort of his couch. It creaks, loudly, after he put his huge weight over it. Hearing that awful sound, he looked with surprise how his round belly overshadowed anything over his lap, it was big, and not even a shirt could fit all that, leaving his belly button exposed. For a moment, he felt with guilt.
“Oh, no! How much I gain this time?”
Being recently skinny, he had a harsh time conflicting over negative feelings and dealing with depression, he could not stop eating and he gained weight because of that. Having adopted such unhealthy practices from his sweet boyfriend, which he noticed since he kind of meet each other, but he followed his path, right until the point he was right now. He closed his eyes, to gain focus and loosely keeping his thoughts shut, and so, allowing to swallow some more noodles, which they were their favorites, by the way. Trying to calm his fierce hunger. Only after that, it came the need to open his eyes, because he felt somebody was lurking behind his back.
As you see, even though he tried to be silent, trying to not waking anybody up from the living room, his couple noticed and he woke up with curiosity over what was happening with all that noise, turning the lights on when he got there, he sigh with relief as recognizing a friendly face, worried that it could be someone strange trying to get inside their home.
“Margo? Honey… Are you awake?”
Cloudy James or how people know him, CJ, quickly noticed the food box of Chinese on the young bird’s hand which it makes him smirk a little bit, finding out it was alright.
“Margo, you are only eating… a midnight snack, before bed?”
Margo nodded, looking pretty bashful in front of him. Nervous, he kept eating until finally, he broke silence.
“CJ… I’m worried. You know, I’ve been gaining weight once again and it’s already faster, I’m getting hungry pretty fast too! I’m dealing if this will interfere our relationship, making me not attractive for you!”
“Oh, Margo. What are you talking about? I’m still in love will you and I’m keeping being like that. You will always be beautiful for me, does that counts for you?”
Getting close to the light as he walked, CJ’s figure revealed being as huge as Margo’s, even though he could not mind about his weight at all, he could handle that matter better than CJ as he was gifted by being a cloud and his metabolism could work faster as any anthropomorphic animal could ever think, ever! Margo, being a male robin, just passed to his adult age, he get to CJ’s weight real fast in a short period of two month, making him having a bad time trying to get some sleep. Shocked by all the weight he was getting on himself.
CJ got to his face, and leave a passional kiss, erasing any worries from Margo’s face, making his mind go white and letting himself go, concentrated on the lips of his caring lover. When they separate, CJ took a sit on his side, their hands were touching.
“Margo, please get some sleep. In the morning you will see how everything will fade away. Come with me and relax a little bit”. CJ said in a pretty convincing way, in such a warm voice.
“Alright… but first, let me end this! I don’t want this on the trash can, you know?”
“Do it pretty soon. After that, you will go to bed. Margo, you and me will work this out, together. Goodnight.”
CJ got up and took rest on bed; Margo kept eating, indulging noodles inside his mouth. But, Margo could not resist looking down there, as seeing himself falling to an empty pit, he knew as a shock under his shoulder felt shaking on the inside. He was already in rock bottom.
Next day, on the super market, Margo was using his cart, putting some articles it will give him something to eat for the rest of the month, trying very fast to accomplish his duty so he could get to his apartment.
Trying to achieve that, familiar voices were sounding on the other side of the hall, coming closer and closer….
“Dude, I’m telling you! And then, a giant shark jump to the boat and he tear his whole arm, my own grand uncle’s arm! And that’s how you lose an arm, with style!”
“What? Dude, there’s no way a normal shark could do that! Maybe he lose on a fabric or something, sometimes relatives prank once in a while when you are younger”.
“Hey, hey, Mordo. Quiet! That’s my family you are talking about, and this is the truth! When he comes to visit, oh, I will love the look of your face when you see the place his arm left after he vanished. You can see the mark of teeth that terrible beast lay on his arm forever!”
Margo worried a lot when he recognize them, fearing he would be seen as his condition were getting worse and worse. No one could not see Margo yet!
“Oh, no! The girls, what do I do? What do I do? I need to hide and soon!” he thought immediately, discovering a really and inexplicably huge lot of cookies which will work as an improvised hide out. Amazingly, he got away with it, as Mordecai and Rigby leave just right beside him without seeing him, at all.
He cleaned his forehead as cold sweat run through it, the girls keep chatting until they get to the cashier right far front on the hall, their voice still sound pretty clear until, it inevitably fade away on the distance:
“Dude, that’s crazy. I wish it was worth it that day of fishing, though…”
Margo keep on his way, running right on the other side the gals took a walk, so, he kept with his buy. Then, on the coffee shop, CJ was looking helpless and worried in his own reflex, made by her own coffee, allowing to see his sad face on the liquid.
“It’s not working out, right?” the young mole said, friend and worker of the Coffee Shop.
“No, Eugene. Not at all. He doesn’t even want to go to the coffee shop! I have invited him to drink coffee, something quiet, right? But, he got away and told me he was getting food sooner, because we don’t have any on the fridge anymore. He will to home after that”.
“That… doesn’t sound very optimistic, CJ. To be honest, you are the closest person to him right now, but I am his best friend. I made a promise, for when it could happen something like that, I will do everything in my power to make him feel better. Now that I’m telling you that, well, I wish you the best and I hope this works out! If you need help, don’t doubt to ask me anything!”
“Thanks, Eugene. I’m glad to hear that!”
A brief “yeah” come out of their mouth at the same time, they keep making the same thing they were doing, leaving themselves go under the depressive environment. Then, door open. Two familiar voices start sounding once again.
“Better we got to have some breakfast… I could die for some… ¡oh snap! ¿CJ? ¿How are you, dude?
“Hey, Mordecai! Hehe, nice to see you again!”
“It’s been so long, hey, do you know if Margo will be here?”
“I’m afraid not. This time I’ve come alone. I shouldn’t say this, but just earlier I speak with Eugene about was going on.”
“With Eugene, huh? And what do you talk about? Asked Rigby trying to get in conversation.
“Well, Rigby, now that you asked… we need to help Margo, now as ever. His condition has worsened and I don’t even know how to calm him” CJ speak in the name of both.
“That bad?”
“Yes, Mordo… serious. Like, I’m going to need help to be quiet about anything related to his weight, that’s what been keeping him awake on nights recently.”
“That’s a shame, I really miss him” said a very sad Mordecai.
Rigby watched silently, while the rest of three keep making his plan to don’t let Margo down, which he does not even wanted to assist to the reunions.
“Rigby, promise me you will keep the word.” CJ plead again, waiting for a confirmation.
Rigby’s eyes rolled with disgust. She decided to keep silent about her true feelings, for this one time only.
“Huh, yeah. I don’t promise anything, though.” Mordecai quickly interrupt her, trying to represent both before CJ.
“CJ, we’ll try out best to help you! You guys can go to the park anytime you want!”
“Hey, hear me out! We should do another movie night in your place, gals!” said Eugene very quickly. “It’s not that I’m free on Friday’s nights though’, haha”.
“Yeah, not bad! We could be us, like old times! Without making the effort of exposing him in public! I’m already excited! I’m completely sure; Margo will love to go out!”
Mood changed completely as he came home.
“What do you say you won’t come with us!?”
“CJ, look… I’m not in the mood for such stuff right now. I don’t think I’ll have to strength to face it yet”
Margo found herself, leaving shirtless, exposing his naked torso, CJ was looking from behind as his reflex of his face on the mirror expressed anger. Margo was observing explains with such a blue expression and even tired of what he was trying to do with himself.
“I will need more time”.
“More!? But, Margo, what else I can do!? I do everything possible to make you happy and you leave me dumped in the last minute of anything I want to share with you! Every time I invite you, you say no! C’mon, you promise me you will deal this to work it out but I only see that you are getting worst and worst! For heaven’s sake! How much longer do I need to wait until I heard you’ll be ready to see our friends again!?
The constant strength of his voice scale with such intensity, even his dialogue shock and increase constantly in every second. Failing to hide his wrath, his body started to dematerialize itself, turning into a scary and dark cloud running over the apartment, which spread sparks and thunder filled with such anger. Blind for his ugly temperament, CJ could not get down for himself.
Margo stare silently and walked closer to him, trying to block his path. Soon as CJ realize what he was doing to Margo, he saw he was doing wrong and then, he came back to his normal state, holding hands with his love couple. Both her foreheads rest in each other, holding together for a brief time, as sweet little bells sounding through the placid windy air of a fresh dusk, their minds turned white and they calm down. They truly show without telling a word, that love was still there and no one was searching to make any harm between each other.
“You don’t know how much I understand that, right now. It hurts when you looked so confused, because you are the only one who can help. Help me to help myself, now, more than and ever~”
CJ sigh after hearing those words and kept his eyes shut, hiding any emotion he dealt with, by only staying by his side.
“Of course, Margo. I will do it, more than ever.”
Walking over the sidewalk, Margo took the next day with much optimism than he could expect. Taking conscious and getting better again, he realized only a quiet stroll could sweet his mind without compromising to anything to anything hard for the moment.
Or that was he intented to, before Rigby found him in the same sidewalk-
“Oh, shit…” Margo said on his mind as quickly tried to hide in some block, sideways to the street. Unfortunately, that plan would not help him again.
“Margo? Margo! I see you, Margo! Don’t pretend to hide! Come out, man! Come on!”
Embarrassed till he got red, trying to hide back the trash dispenser, he walk in front of the young raccoon. Girl were using sunglasses and some little handkerchief over her head, he wear shirt dead open with a extra-large t-shirt which it helps to expose her huge knockers. Margo even felt scared for the hard attitude this raccoon could show.
“You don’t believe I couldn’t see you over the sidewalk, dude… it’s been so long since we have seen you in the Coffee Shop, how it’s been with you?”
“Huh…” Margo took his time, but clearly was trying to take a walk to keep on his way. The short space between the block and the trash dispenser made it impossible to cross by, leaving her completely defenseless. Rigby raise an eyebrow, watching him.
“Rigby! Huh… you see! It was very hard to go over there these day ¡I’ve been busy, I really am! ¡So, as soon as I can, I’ll tell Mordecai right away!” Margo smiled nervously, while cold sweat runs again over his face.
“Margo, you are still a horrible liar… dude, said it… Why are you embarrassed to hang out with us?”
“¡I don’t know what you are talking about! ¡No one is embarrassed! Who!? Me!? Hahahaha~!” Margo turned red as he blushed, staying between ropes as he put his body on the dispenser.
“Admit it. I see you’d change, but I don’t care about that. You are still being the same dude we appreciate. C’mon, why don’t we scrap all this crap and you can go and have a visit?”
“Huh… Rigby, I don’t think I can but maybe…”
“Mmph… it’s getting late, Margo. I have to go to the park… see ya!”
Rigby leave as soon as she said that. Meanwhile, Margo’s heart was beating faster as he could not have an easy time to breath, trying to hide his stomach holding his breathing, such concentration were broken as he sit, nervously beside the trash dispenser and after he started to breath heavily, victim of a panic attack.
With a quick jump, he started running on the other side Rigby took path and he run away straight to his apartment, which it was shared by CJ. When he get home, CJ received with surprise how Margo run away to his bed in a way to hide on his bedroom. He closed the door, very loudly.
CJ started to worry, because of the huge progress Margo was already making, that’s why she decide to take part and started to knock the door.
“Are you here that soon? Margo, are you right?”
“What!? Yes, CJ, I am fine! Better than ever!” his voice was higher and he truly exposed how uncomfortably nervous he really was.
CJ did not believe that as he heard how Margo was breathing very heavy, he put his face right to the door to listen, sadness come to his reaction as she was trying to figure out what was happening on that bedroom.
“What has come to you, out there?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all! I only… take a break! Tomorrow I’ll try again… promise! Maybe I could not met someone less familiar though.
That last part was mumbling that Margo tried to keep to herself but it was loud enough for CJ to catch it. He stood on the door, starting to ask himself the meaning of such strange wording. Only then, as soon as the strike of thunder, it all started to make sense, when she acknowledges creating a link which only follows to one suspect.
“Rigby!” she thought.
There was inactivity for the rest of the day, until then, the morning after, when the inevitable confront in the Coffee Shop happen. Early, Mordecai and Rigby were in the Coffee Shop, having breaking.
“You don’t think how awesome I could look if I had a robotic arm!?” asked Mordecai leaving such a jokingly grin.
“Huh, I really like to but, I would never play strong arms with you for the rest of my life.”
The door open and CJ came quickly at the table, recognizing someone which needed to hear something very important:
“Rigby! Where were you, yesterday?”
“Oh CJ, how’s it going? Any update with the Margo situation?” She slurp one sip of coffee as she wait for an answer.
“That’s exactly what I come to talk about! Everything was just fine until he came back and he locked himself on the bedroom… after seeing someone familiar!”
“What are you guys talking about? Did you see Margo, yesterday, dude?” Mordecai said pretty confused. Eugene leave the kitchen, holding a jar of coffee on his hand, hearing all the noise.
“Fuck’s sake! Yes, I did meet with Margo and yes, I talk to him. But what I said was that she needed to come with us! He was acting already weird since he recognized me on the street, even he tried to hide but after that, we talk a little until I leave”.
“What a way to do it, then! Can you explain? You make that one week of progress were thrown to the trash can, I told you, Rigby! Don’t be direct, you promised!”
“Dude, I didn’t do shiet! Even I said we miss him pretty lots and we needed him back! Are you trying to boss me for something you asked me to?”
CJ took a long sigh, leaving frustration: “Rigby, I’m not mad, but that’s the last time! I’ll go home with Margo, see you later” As that, CJ go away, waiting for a relaxing day, taking another day to not find with their friends, again.
“What the hell was that?” Eugene asked, finally taking enough courage to get close to his friends.
“I forgot to bring my raincoat. I didn’t know it could rain down here!” Rigby cynically joked and put her hands under the head, taking an exhausting break over the table.
“So… how was Margo, like?” asked Mordecai.
“Huge, Mordo, he was huge!” Rigby stopped after he looked face to face how sad was Mordecai about Margo, he could see how pain was rolling upon her blue eyes. “Seriously, they are making a huge deal about this. When they get ready, they need to come back, whenever they want, I don’t want to get in any trouble if that’s you want to believe.”
“Well, if it’s impossible for us to act and seeing CJ its mad with you, Rigby, what we can do?”
“I’ve no idea, Eugene. And that’s worrying me, right now! I could call CJ promising that everything shall be fine now but I don’t see possible for us to visit them on their home. It will be very awkward for everyone involved.” Say Mordecai.
“Fuck, you are making things worst! We’re making a huge deal about it! We need to see Margo, now!”
“Maybe you should calm down, dude! Maybe you are the one who are complicating this”
“What!? Now I am the trouble!?
“I’m not sure but Mordo it’s trying to tell that your reactions are making to misunderstood anything you try to say. If you were conscious about accepting what CJ propose instead of not promising anything, maybe we could not even had this problem with Margo in the first place”
“Now it’s my fault that Margo’s been ignoring me in the middle of the street and talk to me like I’ve never met her! It’s so easy to walk out of his home and come with us in the Coffee Shop! You guys were not even there! How do you think you can criticize my actions?
Mordecai tried to defend herself: “But… Rigby…”
“Stop with the buts, Rigby! I don’t like we have tried so hard to make Margo feel better and this guy does not had the sense to return these favors. I’m not the one to talk but you are your best friends, reason with him! Mordecai, Eugene?
Mordecai and Eugene looked each other, without knowing what to do, Mordecai looked back trying to show empathy as it failed miserably, her mouth couldn’t assure the words of support she needed to hear, as she only come a brief mumble.
This make Rigby insane and she took her hands over back of the neck and hide her face over the table. The talk turned quiet and dead cold for a few minutes.
It looked like CJ could have the same awkward evening until he opened the door and left his key over a bowl. Suddenly, as he turns on the lights, he found out Margo was sitting on the couch, he smile as soon as he noticed CJ was here.
“Margo… you’re outside.”
“I want to apologize for what I’ve done. I’ve thinking about it and I want to try it again.”
“Really? Um, look, it’s pretty early yet, why don’t you take a walk if you want to try that.”
“No, CJ, I’ve had another idea in mind…”
He jumped with so much energy that it shock CJ a little bit. He got closer and he gave him such a warm kiss in the cheek, making him blush, but it makes him wonder with such anxiety, what was the great news.
“Let’s go with the guys, let’s make the movie night!”
“At last! It was time!” one scream of jubilee came out of the cloud man, as they gave each other a little kiss in the mouth. They soon leave the apartment as they closed the door.
They soon remembered and they open it again, getting inside the apartment. CJ was the only one who recovered sense: ¡Wow, wow, wait! What are we doing? Margo, it’s 9 o’ clock! It’s not even night yet!
“Oh, yeah… hehe, you are right!”
Half an hour later and soon after Mordecai and Rigby ended breakfast and say goodbye to Eugene, a cellphone rang. The owner which was Mordecai, answer it.
“Mordecai, it’s me… CJ! Are you free tonight?”
“Huh… what’s the ask for?”
“You won’t believe this! Margo said yes! He wants to go to the movie night! Is it going to happen!”
“I said if it’s going to happen!”
“Yes, yes! Dude, we can make it!”
“Perfect. I’m in the supermarket right now, Margo took a walk, you will see him tonight. Hand me over Rigby!”
“Huh… I’m not sure if you will like what I’m going to do now.” Said Mordecai to Rigby as he blocked the speaker of the phone and immediately hand it over: “It’s CJ” Rigby closed her eyes and took a deep sigh before taking the phone.
“CJ, what’s going on?”
“Rigby! Margo’s out of the bedroom and tonight we’ll go to the movie night! You better don’t do what you did last time, okay!?”
“Yes, CJ, I won’t do anything. I promise”
“You better be, Rigby! I don’t want to see you making stupid things again! You are on my sight!”
Rigby got annoyed for that rude comment about herself, such an attack on her person.
“CJ, listen…” before she could make her statement, Cloudy James had already end the call.
“UGH!” Rigby yelled and rise her face up to the sky, giving the phone to her best friend.
“That was weird, right? I don’t know what the hell it’s going on in that house but at this point, dude… I don’t want to know anything.” Rigby looked down the ground with closed arms, being feed by her own weakness.
“Well… Everything’s even and all it’s good, right?” Mordecai smiled very optimistic and friendly, but Rigby face her, still with crossed arms.
Mordecai kept insisting, forcing her big smile and making a frown, forcing Rigby to make an answer: “Riiiiiiight?”
Rigby kept quiet for a few seconds and suddenly, she shakes her head like a tambourine, indicating what Mordecai did not wanted it to her: No. He up her hands in signal of disapproval. “Mmmph, mmph!”
“Wooow, what? No… Why!? Why!?” Mordecai yelled.
“Mordecai….!” Rigby tried to explain. But Mordecai raise her finger right to her.
“No, Rigby, no! Don’t screw this up! Rigby, we’re so close! Why do you keep going with this?” Mordecai beg with his hands.
“CJ don’t learn, dude! It seems like he will annoy me about Margo forever. He’s going to bury his old cauliflower looking head over my neck to make me not tell any word about it, tonight! And if I don’t stop him, he will go after you and Eugene too!”
Mordecai whined a little growl and bury her hands over his face. “Okay… but don’t tell I did not warn you. Margo it’s too sensitive over that stuff, and see Rigby, people like him sometimes need that protection. Eugene and I used to deal more with him and we love him oh so much, that sometimes we need to protect him. But, I’ve never get that far with him. Good luck with the result!”
“I’m not the problem. If they’re looking for it, they will get it! Besides, nothing will happen until CJ will decide to keep his hands over me. I mean~ the problem, that’s it!
“Yeah, right… just help with the junk food and renting the films”
“Oh yeayuh~ I’ll follow you if you bring food~!” Rigby followed her path.
It was night at Pops’s house, movie night was happening.
Five individuals were seated on the floor as they served the first box of pizza they order. Around them, you could see popcorn, table games and even some beer cans and bottle of alcohol already consumed.
“Oh hell yeah, pizza!” Eugene yelled as pizza came by.
Margo was seated on the floor, tasting some of the pieces of pizza that they were so hot, they could steam, making them see much tastier. On his side, in a backwards sense of a clock, you could find: Eugene, Mordecai, Rigby and on his other side, CJ.
“Damn, where do you get these, girls?” said Margo.
“Villa Giulia, that’s one of the few local 100& Italian pizzerias. They’re homemade and they’re made by firewood” said Mordecai.
“You know, CJ? I guess you and I should ask for some, later.” Said Margo.
“Oh… you know we’ll get them” Margo and CJ smile at each other.
“Heh. We should recommend more places like that. We know a lot of local of every kind, because when we need to plan events for the park, we need a little helping hand sometimes, few experts on feasts.” Rigby said.
“Oh, oh~ could you give some contact cards? I think it could be awesome to ask for homemade food once in a while, don’t you think, CJ?” Margo looked with jubilee and excited as his feet were flying trying to talk and imagine one of those plates, above all, the taste of Italian cuisine and noodles of any kind and nationality, they were their favorites. Cloudy James looked surprised and answered immediately.
“Yeah, Margo… we’ll do it. We should change the subject, though; I want to see the movies already. I’ll tell Mordo about information, later.”
“Of course, CJ. Whatever’s up to you, guys, I’ll be always helping!” said Mordecai as he handle a whole slice of pizza to her beak. Her mouth were splat with sauce and cheese that couldn’t stick out of her face: “Huhuhuh I love pizza”
“Rigby, can I talk to you for a moment?”
“Sure, dude”
Before CJ could got up, Margo looked at him with happiness. CJ only gave him a pat on his back and walk to the kitchen, leaving Mordecai, Eugene and Margo together at the living room.
“Um, I will put the movie if you both don’t mind.” Eugene jumped directly to the screen.
“Mordo… now that we’re alone, I…”
“Ha, you will ask me something important or you will talk about that neat slice of pizza down here? ‘Cause I won’t let you take it!”
“Hahaha, no! I want to apologize personally for what I’ve been through the last couple of days” he then take a sip of his bottle of bear “I’ve abandon you all many time, but that will not happen again”.
“That’s cool, Margo! Tell me if that happens again, I wish that you would not bear with the same again.”
“I wish not, it was too hard though. Now, raise that can for me!”
“What, this one? But, that was Rigby’s been drinking.”
“Hahaha! Doesn’t matter… I’ll tell Eugene to give you a new one, a full one, I mean. I can’t take it for myself. Let’s do a toast for my curation!”
“Oh… yeah.”
Mordecai take that can and raise it to the air and the, Margo did the same with his bottle.
“For my good friend, Margo! For a healthy and happy relationship!”
“My friend Mordecai. Wish he will be… always, extraordinary!”
They clash their “glasses” and laugh about the impact. Mordecai’s hand was soaked in alcohol and proceed to clean it over his jeans. Margo kept drinking the whole bottle in one sip, until it was over.
“Huh… I’ll go see what’s going on with CJ” said Margo, before he took up.
On the side of the eating table, CJ was talking with Rigby:
What do you think you’re doing? Talking about food so casually now, Rigby?”
“Of course, I’m the Pizza Queen! Besides, CJ, what’s the matter?”
“Shut it! Margo didn’t get it in the beginning, but I see what you want to say! I won’t let you critize her way of eating!”
“Look, CJ… I swear it’s not what I wished for, ok? It’s a beautiful movie night, why don’t relax and eat some pizza before it gets cold? I only took part of serving the pizza, it was Mordecai’s idea to buy it!”
Of course, deliberately bringing the topic on the table by yourself, isn’t it?” Rigby took a long pause.
“I don’t know what you’ve been drinking the same as I do, but I hope it won’t harm your head, permanently!” she raised her finger, keeping her space, keeping him away  “I want the same happiness for both of you, such as we respect what Margo wants to do”
“Doesn’t look like it”
“Ha! Holy shit! Eugene warned me about this crap”
“You never did. I had to come to the Coffee Shop to force you to do it. It took you too long to follow me and then, you make everything possible to hurt Margo!”
“Oh, it’s so good you bring the topic again, because it doesn’t look like I haven’t make clear exactly how it happen”
“I don’t care, Rigby! I don’t care what you need to say if you hurt him with such rude comments! Be a good friend and leave that crap, okay? Or maybe you have something against him.”
“Me!? Please, I don’t have a problem. Maybe you should think if you don’t have something with me!”
Margo entered to the kitchen, looking for CJ.
“Oh, CJ~! The movie’s starting!”
“I’ve had enough problems to deal with beside you, you little rat! I won’t get tired telling you what because you don’t even listen in the first place!” CJ yelled at Rigby, without finding out Margo was already listening, pretty confused.
“Oh yeah? Like what? You haven’t do anything else to breath over my neck! Completely busy to worry about any other stuff! Crying like a baby every time I speak to Margo about he can eat more than a familiar size pizza!”
“Huh, guys?” Margo, heartbroken, only could hush, failing again in keeping the guys’ attention.
“Better shut your mouth, Rigby! See, that’s the bullshit behavior it makes act like you say!”
“Dude, why won’t you leave Margo to be honest to himself for one time? Accept what he’s doing instead of shutting up and swallow his guilt? Do we need to make the same crap every day? For what? Repeat it again when he fails and so we need to bear how he lock up to his bedroom once he gains weight again?
“Rigby! Stop!” Rigby could see him, but she did not care. CJ’s body was turning dark again.
“CJ!” Hearing that voice, they both immediately look. Margo was calling CJ to calm him down.
“It’s… it’s that what you think?” said Margo to CJ. James preferred to not answer, as she swallow saliva and then, he looked to Rigby.
“I hope you are happy!”
“CJ… look at me!” Margo tried to get closer, acting as a moderator: “Why you didn’t tell me that? You have a problem with Rigby?”
“Wow! What’s been taking so long!?” Suddenly, Mordecai entered, at the same time as Eugene. “Oh no” Mordecai whimpered right when he saw what he thought was going on.
“Well, dude… We’re fucked” Eugene said.
“I’m done, CJ. That’s enough! Listen, Margo, I apologize for the last time we met on the street the other day. If you believe I’ve been a drag all this time, that’s okay for me, I respect that. But you need to listen to me: this path of denial and false optimism you are taking, it will only make to swallow that guilt. You’ve been too depressed lately because you don’t find another way to face your weight gain! And that’s okay, but you should face the problem and accept it, you must talk about that with us! We worry about you and we want you to be happy, we do it for you, fuck’s sake! Mordecai and Eugene are too nice to tell you but we all think the same!”
“Is that true, Mordecai? Eugene?”
Mordecai nodded, felt with such shame. Eugene hide his hand behind his neck, constantly scratching as anxiety.
“And I won’t let CJ, even if he is the one you love, to silence me about it, because I know, this is important for you!”
Margo only looked down and cleaned his wetted eyes. He was almost on the verge of crying.
“Are you done, Rigby? Are you done ruining the night and hurting the person I love?” CJ said.
“I can’t tell if it’s the best, CJ. But sometimes you need to shake things up, facing them. That’s what I need to tell you!”
“I don’t care what you need to say! I don’t care if it’s “right”! I don’t give a damn what you think, Rigby! You don’t only bother to annoy him but even you manage to ruin this beautiful night! Do you have any fucking idea how selfish and hypocritical you act like when you talk about someone’s health!? Eating junk food as you fucking want, huh!? All this time you pretended being a friend, when really, you’re not most than a nasty annoying piece of garbage! It’s over; I won’t let Margo to suffer because a whore piece of shit will tell him how to live his life!”
A gasp of surprise came out of Mordecai mouth.
“Stop talking!” Rigby yelled at CJ, as he run with sadness to the stairs, trying to hide.
“Rigby, Rigby!” Mordecai tried to channel his best friend, to console her.
One arm stood to stop her, making Mordecai to not follow Rigby. “Mordecai, I’ll go see her.”
Mordecai look him at his eyes, with bare tears flowing over his round cheek. His look expresses calm, liberated at last, with conscious back on track and with such a voice it transmits security. Instantly, the blue jay, stop trying.
Following this, Margo took upstairs.
CJ and Mordecai watch how he took every step, cautiously.
“Wow, Rigby has really did it, this time! I told her, again and again and she never listened!”
“Could you please stop?”
“Why? You know, Mordecai, that I’m right!”
“Even if you are, I won’t be your trash can to receive all your complaints, CJ. All this time, Rigby tried to make something good and you did not do nothing else than reduce her and humiliate her. I promise to respect Margo as many times you’ve asked for it, but I will tell you something you are failing to do and I need to remind you again. This is my house and my friend’s as well! And you’re none than guests! So, from now, you will respect her, because if you mess with her, you will mess with me! Leave. Rigby. Alone!”
Words made their effect, CJ gaze for a moment on the ground as he recall what he had done, look back to Mordecai, taking his time and bringing him, the right.
“You are right… I apologize for that, Mordecai. I, didn’t want to say all that, but, it hurts seeing Margo like that.”
“Like everybody here, dude. Do you forget that Rigby was part of this too? You won’t even remember that you compromise their best friends with this conflict, it will only matter for them to make their paces, like It should be done since the beginning.”
In the roof, Rigby stare at the green grass, how it fades away in the dark, loosely attached to the weak horizon was painted by electric light. Remembered with sadness, anything what happen just a few moments ago and sigh as anything shameful come to her head, aching herself for what she has done.
Suddenly, a few steps and a very large figure interrupt his thinking, making her look quick: “Rigby?” Rigby started looking back to the ground.
“Rigby, I’m so sorry. You need to forgive CJ when she acts like that. He doesn’t really mean it when he said those things.”
“Still fucking hurts, man.” Rigby answered very weakly, as she tries to gain composure making a nervous laugh when she confesses it. “That guy roasted my ass in front of everybody” she said, to the point she even shakes in anger when she said it: “It’s not a big deal, but… I guess in some point I should deserve it”.
“Don’t say that, you know it’s not true!” Margo tried to get close to her, keeping him away from the window: “Rigby, you defend your point till the end. Even, you make me change my mind about it, because I know, very deeply, that you’re right. So many days alone in my apartment without seeing my friends, that is wasted time, you know! Rigby, I needed that last talk we had! But, I don’t think you are 100% honest with me. You won’t even had said everything you have in mind, yet!”
Rigby said to Margo: “I can’t simply apologize to you and CJ. I can’t believe how Mordecai and Eugene accept so easily this stuff but when it’s about me, I can’t even shake the comments I receive, every day. I’m not being honest, Margo, I’m jealous! I’m furious because I need to accept everyday how people can call me a fat whore or that I am a sexy bitch! That I could look if I lose weight or that I already see better looking so dumb thick! I’m not going to accept anything from that guy, Margo! I can’t let him to talk about my body like that!”
He cross his arms over his bust and his tail twirl over her legs and her hips, looking shameful to the sky, being embarrassed of her figure.
Margo sighed: “Well, at least we are talking about it. I don’t anyone who is trying to act tough or superior making me convince about something, but now, I can see each other like two equal persons, speaking honestly and with respect, one fear after another.”
“I also think you have been a pretty huge asshole for hiding under your bed because you’ve gained weight”
“Alright, touché. Finally I listen the truth. Rigby, the world it’s already complicated to deal with this, we don’t need that kind of crap between us, even I want to share that I too receive those comments all the time and it hurts so much that what people expect from me, it’s never the same they see with both of their eyes. I get around people, frequently, and I see with pity how as days turns by and I notice how always they force themselves to feel bad about me, how they spend their time as a tragedy and how they must keep in that way to feel sympathy about it, pretending everything’s okay and that my weight it’s not such a matter. Even I know they knew but they simply don’t want to tell me that! They want me to grow up and that I need to spend the rest of the day smiling and that I swallow my own sadness! Why the hell, Mordecai, Eugene and CJ had to lie to me in such way, why do they have to be like this!?
Margo couldn’t help to weep and finally, as flesh, wound recently exposed, pain was flowing from the core of his pain, it run through his face, in the form of a trail of tears. Rigby looked with shame as she was astonished by the intensity of his speech, through the emotion she felt as she saw Margo breaking in tears after finally revealing his anger, her eyes started to way after see him.
Quickly look to the floor to try and connect with his friend, broken in tears.
“Because they love you, Margo! They want to protect you and to be happy with yourself! Even they wish that much more than I could even do it!”
Margo looked at Rigby, a shady figure which was fading because the constant wetting of his pupils. Margo then gasped an ache of angst and pain.
“I’ve never liked you! I hated you since you met Mordecai and I hated you as you gain his trust and friendship! And now I can’t even bear CJ as since you are together! But I know you like Mordecai and Eugene it’s your best friend! I won’t let this friendship to die because I’m only mad and that I am such a piece of garbage and that I am such a fat crybaby!
“Rigby…” Margo covered her in his arms giving him a strong hug, reducing her pain and calming her by his conflicted conscious, Rigby was shaken by the quick and warm affect which she means a lot to her “you’ve gained my respect as someone I can completely trust! Just like any of us! Sometimes, if words don’t work, we must just hug it out to calm such violence”.
Rigby looked at Margo and closed her eyes, without helping to say something: “So? Is this what we are doing, now? This hug is really happening?”
“Yes. This hug it’s already happening and I won’t stop until you get proud to be yourself” Tears flowed finally through Rigby’s face, in a little range. Rigby then, quickly clean her eyes with her hand.
“Stop it~ you can leave now. Keep your hands out me! Don’t be gay!”
“Perfect, Rigby. Come on down, we need to end the night”.
“Sure, with all this noise? You won’t think we need to be cautious”
“When does that stops you anyway, Rigby?” Margo smiled at him, very witty, as Rigby couldn’t help return it him leaving a little laugh.
“Ha! Look at yourself! I won’t ever apologize for what I’ve done!” Rigby raised her finger.
“I know. That’s why you are my friend.” Margo get inside the house by the window and Rigby quickly followed her.
Meanwhile, down there, Mordecai, CJ y Eugene walk silently waiting for the consequences of the talk, when suddenly, they listened right from the stairs how Margo walk down to there.
Margo runs to hug CJ, as he sighs with relief how great the young robin looked since he came upstairs:
“Margo!” his wording was interrupted as Margo run to hug him very passionate.
“Don’t worry CJ; I’m happy as I’ll ever be, we should keep with the movie night!”
“Sure, Margo, as you want” Margo then took his place in front of the screen.
But then, Rigby’s feet were seen for the guest downstairs, she silently stared at his friends reunited without looking to gaze upon CJ’s eyes, which he looked with fear waiting for the next reaction. Rigby looked at his eyes and CJ couldn’t help to start breaking in tears:
“Rigby… I… I’m sorry for what I tell you. I was very bad to you for offending you like that and-”
“Ugh! CJ, stop crying! We had enough tears to resolve the third world crisis!
Margo explode in laughter as CJ looked in confusion to his couple, Mordecai only smiled with pride for what was happening, CJ could not help to look at her as well. Only then, he could understand that the only think she could do, was to get closer and give her a strong hug.
“Thank you, Rigby” he confessed by hushing on her ear.
“There, there. You are forgiven.” Rigby make a hand sign; give a pat over his back. “Well… there’s more pizza left?”
“Like three boxes!” said Eugene pointing at the table.
“Go for them, young Roberts! Mister Smith, anything for the lady?”
“Bring soda”
“Make it two glasses. In the rocks.” CJ answered. They looked at each other and they smiled, as they both keep hugging each other.
“I’ll help with the drinks, dude, before we start to the screening” said Mordecai.
“Oh, yeayuh! Of course, pal!” said Rigby.
Eugene put the pizza in place and Rigby’s and Mordecai’s feet move right to the drinks and the cups, ¼ of the plastic content were filled with ice, just right before to start.
The sound of transmission starts to be heard over the TV after the snap of a button from the remote control. When the movie started, only the force of sound editing and the movie soundtrack was silenced by the strength and strike of the sizzle of a recent opened 3 liters bottle of soda.
“Fzzzzzzzz” was the sound it made, as the private screening of five friends was starting, inside the house, without knowing any problem from the exterior world, in a pretty tasty movie night.
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